Surprise Melody FlintkoteChapter 9
- 4 years ago
- 25
- 0
I was in trouble and didn't know it. The guys I talked to, they were like me, from various locales around the country, brought together for this job, so news of my happy circumstance with seventeen year old Tina was a matter of interest, and with my obvious happiness, a bit of good-natured ribbing, and I was rocking away happy in my ignorance. How ignorant? You'll see...
Tuesday I got Tina out of school to meet me at the doctor's office. You see, student pilots need physicals, too. We walked out of the doctor's office, me with a valid physical, Tina with a combination physical AND a brand new student pilot license. I called Brad's office.
"Hey, Brad," I said after I'd gotten past his office manager. "D'you get my check?"
"Sure did," he said. "Ya'll come by tomorrow afternoon and I'll have the paperwork for you to sign."
It didn't dawn on me that he wanted both of us there, but hey, a moment is a moment, so I made plans to meet Tina there immediately after school. That put me leaving work a little early, but I didn't see a problem. Tina and I had a perfectly wonderful Monday with not a care in the world.
The next morning I and several other people were looking in the excavated hole at cracked concrete. I shook my head. My electrical foreman shook HIS head. The project manager strung together some expletives in an innovative and extraordinary manner. There wasn't much engineering to the problem, though. It was pretty straight forward, and crews went right to work to fix it. The rest of the day? Routine. At three I took off and met Tina at Brad's office an hour away.
We're in the office, signing a bill of sale and a title transfer and Brad asks the question: "D'you want both of you to sign this?"
"No," I answered.
"Normally, a man and wife..." he started.
Tina gave the answer. "Mister Brad, we're not officially married. In a year we will be."
"Oh," he said. "I never asked. I just saw the rings and assumed..." His brow wrinkled. "Uh, Alan, Tina ... We have a problem."
"Problem?" I asked.
"Alan. Tina. I thought ya'll were married. Tina, you said you were seventeen. In Tennessee, the age of consent is eighteen. Alan, you know what that means."
Tina's eyes widened. But we thought it was seventeen, Mister Brad."
"It is," he said, "in every state around us, even sixteen in some of 'em. But it's eighteen here in Tennessee."
"Dammit!" I paused. "Sorry, Brad. I'm an engineer. I know I lot of things about a lot of stuff. I guess it's the wrong stuff. I can't believe that. I mean, seriously, Brad ... where'd you and Sandra first meet me and Tina?"
"At that chamber orchestra concert."
"Yeah. Common haunt for us child molesters, right? And what was she wearing?"
"That darned little black dress. Sandra commented to me about it."
"Uh-huh ... Brad..." I started.
"It's not a big deal, is it, for you two to get married? You need a parent or guardian's signature, is all." He sat back.
Tina's face was ashen. I hadn't seen that look since the first day I met her. "Mister Brad, you don't understand. Alan is my legal guardian."
That statement caused Brad's look to change.
"It's not like THAT, Brad. Can we tell you the story?"
He leaned back in his chair, bridging his fingers together. "Go ahead. I've heard lots of stories."
I said, "It all started at a little restaurant in the middle of Louisiana..."
He did ask questions. We answered. Tina's tears probably aided our case.
"Dammit, Alan," he said, "Sandra just thinks the world of Miss Tina. And you. Said ya'll were different, but in a happy way. And the rings. That threw us both off. We just assumed..."
"And I assumed that every state was seventeen or less..."
Tina asked the obvious next question. "B-but Mister Brad, you mean that they could put Alan in jail?"
Brad nodded his head. "Theoretically, if some prosecutor wanted to make a case ... It makes me scratch my head, just thinking about it, you know ... I think of all the crap that goes on today, pregnancies with no daddy, no job, no nothing ... and then this ... But it's the law."
Tina folded her arms and got that little crinkle above her nose, her "I've decided" look. "I don't want to do without Alan. He's more husband to me than you can begin to imagine."
"Oh, no, Miss Tina. I can imagine a lot. I've seen you two together. But if you're in Tennessee, you're taking a risk. A BIG risk. Unless you get married."
I took a deep breath. "Brad, let me sign these papers. And then Tina and I have some thinking and talking to do.
"God dammit, you two, please forgive me. I never wanted to mess ya'll up." Brad's expression looked sincere. "I mean, as far as I'm concerned, ya'll ARE married. But the state..."
I signed the papers. I, that is, me and my not quite wife, were owners of an airplane. I wish I could say we were happy when we left. We drove back in separate vehicles. I had a million lines of thought going at once. Somewhere on the hour drive I lost sight of Tina. I was about ten miles form the RV park when my phone rang. I retrieved it from my pocket thinking it was my little girl.
"Hello, Alan Addison! Sounds like YOU have a problem." the voice was that of Deputy Bill Hurley.
"Bill..." I started.
"Don't get started, Alan. I told you I didn't want you draggin' Miss Tina to Tennessee and turning her into a sex toy."
"It's ... I..." Words weren't coming.
"Tina just called me cryin' her eyes out, Alan. In her words, she thinks she's losin' her best friend in the whole world, and her husband. And she explained to me some things."
"Bill, I didn't start out to do this..."
"And I believe her. And I guess that means I have to believe you, too. So she called me because I helped ya'll the first time, getting' her set up in school."
"And now?" I asked. "What can you do? Really..."
"I can call my uncle, the judge, and talk with him and see. But you probably need to get out of Tennessee for a few days. Go to Mississippi. Heaven knows, they won't care..."
"Bill, if you can help..." I started.
"Oh, hell, Alan. Miss Tina asked me. Lemme see what happens. I'll call you back."
I pulled up next to our trailer a few moments ahead of Tina. She got out of her car, shaking, tears in her eyes. I pulled her inside the trailer.
"Alan," she sobbed. "I just CAN'T lose you..."
I wrapped her in my arms, cradling her against me. "I can't lose you either, dearest one."
"What're we gonna do?" she wept.
"If push comes to shove," I said, "I'll leave the state. I can find us a place where we can be together. Hell, this is the ONLY one like it that I know of."
"What about your job, Alan?" she asked through tears.
"I can get another job with a phone call." I was truthful. I could play that card once or twice, but part of my reputation was built on dependability. "I can't get another you. Never. You're an anomaly in my universe, sweetness."
"Oh, Alan..." I was being ripped apart, seeing those blue eyes with tears in them.
I called the project manager. He answered. "Carl, I hate to tell you this, but I've got an emergency situation to take care of. I'm gonna come in for an hour in the morning, and then it's liable to be a few days..."
"Oh, shit, Alan," he said. "Is there anything we can do to help?"
"No," I said. "Jeff's gonna be fixing that duct bank, and I'm in good shape on the rest of the project, so I won't put you in a bind. Not yet, anyway."
"Is it that bad?" Carl asked.
"Yeah. It might be. It's kind of personal, Carl. I'll explain when I get some things straight."
"You're a big boy, Alan. You haven't let me down yet. Do what you gotta do."
Tina looked at me. "I love you," I said.
Next phone call was to Charlie. "Charlie," I said, "I hate to bother you this late, but d'you think you could do me a flight review in the morning. Like about ninish?"
"Sure," he said. "You in a hurry?"
"Yessir," I answered. "I might have to go somewhere in the next day or two."
"Just bring your logbook in the morning, Alan. I'll have your plane gased up and waiting for you."
"Thanks, guy," I said.
I turned to Tina. "In case we need to go somewhere."
Her eyes were still wet. "You don't think somebody'll, like, turn us in? Do you?"
"Mizz Lil knows about us, and some of the guys at work. But I told Mister Carl that I was going to be married to you in a year. So I don't know who he might've told.
Neither of us had any appetite that evening. Or any joy. We sat together on the sofa, clinging to one another, my mind still running through one scenario after another.
And the phone rang. Deputy Hurley.
"Alan, I talked to my uncle," he said.
I was hoping. "And..." I asked
"I told him what was going on. He said it was an easy fix. When can you come down here and present yourself and Miss Tina? Can you do Thursday?"
Tina was leaning her head against mine, sharing the phone. "Yesyesyes, Mister Bill. We'll be there."
"Can we get a rental car at your airport? We're flyin' in tomorrow afternoon," I said.
"Uh, Alan, we don't have commercial flights..."
"I know, Bill. Me an' Tina just bought an airplane today. That's when all this crap came out."
"You just get you two here, and I'll make sure you have transportation. There's a motel in town..."
"Yessir, I got that much." I paused. "Bill..."
"Yes! Thank you, Mister Bill," Tina said, finally getting a little of the lilt back in her voice.
"We'll call you when we're getting close, okay?" I said.
"Ya'll do that," Bill said. "And if you're up to it, plan on dinner with me an' my bunch. If you can stand a couple of rug rats."
"That would be wonderful," Tina said.
"There's you an answer, buddy!" I added. "We'll talk to you later!"
"'Kay, Alan. Tina. See ya tomorrow!" He hung up.
I fell back against the sofa and Tina fell into my arms.
"Baby," she asked, "What do you think all this means?"
"It means, little one, that you probably need to make very very sure that you want to be married to me. Because if I'm working in Tennessee, that's the only way we can do it and stay together."
Squeal! And a kiss. A long, hot, hungry kiss. "You'd've left this job to stay with me, Alan? Really?"
"Oh, little princess, I'd've got me a bag and started collecting cans off the side of the road to stay with you. This job? You? Oh, come on ... no choice at all." And I meant it.
I looked at my watch. "D'you have an appetite now?"
she smiled. "I could eat something."
"Get your shoes on. Let's go." Fried catfish soothes the stomach quite well. Back at our little home, we packed bags for the next adventure.
We got up the next morning. "Don't bother to go to school today, sweetie," I said. "I'll be back here in an hour and a half.
"No, Alan. I'm going to go and get my assignments and tell 'em I might be out for a couple of days, okay?" Her eyes had life in them again.
"Okay, baby. You know best." I kissed her and headed out the door.
I was still knotted up from the day before, though, despite the idea that there was a way out. I wouldn't be happy until we crossed the state line. I guess I would've made a horrible criminal. Paranoia? I had buckets of it.
My dash through the job site was mainly to talk with Jeff about his repair job and to make sure that they didn't fall behind any further.
I knocked on Carl's door. He looked up. "Alan! Come in. Close the door!"
I did. "Carl, sorry to jerk you around, buddy..."
"Look," he said. "You an' me's been on too many of these things together to not trust each other. Do what you gotta do, okay?"
"Thanks, buddy. Just so you know, I've gotta fly back to Louisiana with Tina. I didn't know that us livin' together was illegal in this state."
"She's seventeen, ain't she? Old enough? I mean, it's your business. You're what, forty?"
"Close enough. But in this state, eighteen's the magic number."
"Oh, crap ... Can you fix things?" Carl asked.
"I'm thinking so. Back in Louisiana, though. We should be back Friday. I'm on my cellphone if you need something. Everybody's got my number."
Carl stood and offered his hand. I shook it. "Take care of yourself an' Miss Tina, 'kay?"
"You got it! Thanks, buddy!" And out the door I went. I picked up Tina at the RV park and told Mizz Lil that we'd be gone a couple of days.
And hour later we were at the airport.
Charlie looked through my logbook. "How many hours in this thing?" he asked.
"Eight hundred total, at least forty in a 182," I said. "Was in a club in Arizona."
"Oooooh," he said. "I saw you handle this the other day. That takes care of the flyin'. Now let's review some rules an' stuff."
Tina sat in the office as I was questioned about a variety of procedures and regulations. Charlie opened my logbook to the last page I'd used and signed me off.
"You're good to go," he smiled. "Since Miss Tina's sitting there, I assume you two are flyin' off?"
"Yeah. Louisiana. Should be back either late tomorrow or early Friday."
"Be careful," Charlie grinned.
"Come on, baby," I said to Tina. "Let's go teach you something."
I talked her through the pre-flight inspection and then saw that she was strapped in, big headphones on for the intercom. It was going to be her first flight. Ever. Her hands were folded nervously in her lap. I knew a sure-fire way to get rid of the nerves.
"No, Tina. We do this together. Put your hands on the yoke and your feet on the pedals and follow me through this."
"B-but, Alan! I've never..." she stammered.
"You've never been bashful with me, little one," I said. "This is easy."
We went through the run-up with me explaining every step. I checked the frequency on the radio and made a call to any aircraft that might be interested in what was going on at this little field, and we taxied onto the runway and I pushed the throttle forward. And we were in the air. As I banked us onto a course headed southwest, her grin was huge.
"You like?" I asked.
"I like." So our four hour flight was instructional. Tina was a quick study, and for somebody who found no problem with high school physics, the general principles of flying light aircraft were no trouble at all. Eighty-five hundred feet over the countryside, the miles slid away at a decent clip.
By early afternoon we were close. I opened my cellphone and called Hurley up.
"Where are you at?" he asked.
"Eighty-five hundred feet over a cotton field, about twenty minutes out."
"I'll be there waiting for you."
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Thank you for the feedback and votes, especially an anonymous commenter who bought the novel previously before I took it off ‘for sale’ sites. My last chapter got 1-bombed twice! How great is that? It must be good stuff for the trolls to give it such a thrashing. ***** The clean spring sunlight fell through the branches and budding young green leaves. Round yellow and green splashes of light lay like translucent sweets on the mulched old leaves, nearly become earth, through which the...
********************************************************** Here we go again! Popular culture has given me yet another inspiration for a story with a TG twist. Enjoy. I must thank Bashful and Paul1954 for helping me - I got stuck in the middle, and their suggestions were good. Please, please, please take a moment to add a comment. The feedback helps me choose story lines and improve my writing. ********************************************************* Curse of the Mummy --...
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Hii friends mera nam mast Ram h….Aaj main apni zindagi ki phli kahani likhne jar ha hu.Agar koi glti ho to maf kr dena. Meri kahani ki heroine ka nam Piya h.Jo ki meri English teacher ki beti haur uski umr 18 sal h. Aur jaisa ki aap jante hain is umr me ldkian apni yovan ki bulandio ko chuti h t Piya vi kali se phul banne ke lie bechain thi. Main jis colony me rhta hu Piya uski sbse mast maal h.Uska figure dekh ke ache ache logo ki niyat dol jati thi.Jb vi koi uspe comment krta tha to ek pyari...
"Are you ready for me to make love to you, Aubery?" she asked, getting on top of me."Yes, Erin," I muttered, failing to make eye contact."I love you," she stated, sticking the dildo into my twat."I love you too," I groaned, placing my hands on her lower back. 'Just fuck me, and get it over with, woman.'I didn't look at her, but I was sure she glared right at me as she let the dildo thrust in and out of my slit. She stayed close enough, so our boobs stayed in contact, but it didn't...
TabooThe door bell rang in the afternoon and after taking a last look at myself in the mirror I walked out to greet my husband’s boss Rana Rudapratap Singh. My name is Prema and I am a 38 year old married woman having 2 teenage sons. Recently my husband was feeling that he was not doing well in his job so he had changed to another company run by Rana as he was called. Rana gave him good promotion and Ajit was very happy. However to our surprise one day Rana told me and Ajit that he wanted to have...
1875 Annabelle breathed deeply as her eyes opened. With a level of vigor she never thought she would ever feel again, she sat up in bed. Impulsively, she began to laugh. She felt ... strong. Revived. Alive. The fever that had ailed her for days, that had already claimed the rest of her family, was gone. She was herself again. No, that wasn't quite right. She felt better, stronger now, but not necessarily like herself. It was more like she felt like someone else. It didn't matter. By all...
Hello reader My name is Mohit (22 years), Punjabi guy with good physics toned body and approx 8 inch tool(a bit less than 8 inch) This is my first story. (Actually I want to clear this is not a story it’s a true incidence of my life happened just 6 months back) I am from Indore. if you like to comment or contact me you can write on (u can also contact me for phone sex, only girls). Main social networks regularly use karta hu aur internet meri life ka hissa hai ek din mujhe ek unknown profile...
I’ve always been the quiet shy kid. That and having to move 3 times during high school crippled my social life. I’m 6 feet tall, short brown hair that curls when it gets long, brown eyes and broad shoulders. I’m straight and homophobic to be quite honest. I had a girlfriend back in California in 8th grade but it was really nothing serious, just someone to walk with during classes. In my high school in Arizona, I did manage to meet a few friends in a job club which offered school...
As it turned out, the female postal inspector was a recent widow and her getting humped from behind experience in the back room of my one-man operation Post Office was the only orgasm she had gotten in the last several years. Her first name was Mercedes, just like the German-made foreign car. At first, I thought she was joking but she told me, “My mama had a boyfriend that had an old beat-up one and she told me I was conceived in the back seat in the best fuck session she ever had the...
“They’ve got her sedated now and on an IV drip.” Rennie glanced up from the small stack of admission and insurance forms previously handed to him on a clipboard to fill out, to see his sister-in-law, Heidi, standing in the doorway. “They said they should be moving her up to a room in a couple hours. I’ve got to go call the folks and pass along the update. Let me know when the doctor comes to talk to you, okay?” He nodded in agreement but evidently the expression on his face was far from...
It was a Friday evening and the couple that I had met in a lifestyle room a few weeks earlier. We had talked everyday since we met, started talking about meeting, so we decided to meet at a park in there town. I traveled there to meet them and was extremely nervous about the meeting. Since I am new to the lifestyle and especially have never done a threesome. when they arrived ,we walked through the part and talked for awhile and made sure there was a comfort zone for both parties. Since we did...
It was Monday afternoon, a little over two weeks since Mary had been raped. This was her first time out since she'd come home last Thursday. John was driving, I was in the front passenger seat. Mom and Jill were on either side of my sister. We were going to see Dr. Bartlett, the doctor who examined Jill and prescribed the pill for her. The reason Mom was in the back seat instead of me was simple. Mary would freak out if a male was near her for any period of time. She would talk to me if I...
Kyle's family was not quite as devout in their worship of The Lord as the Isaacson family, and did not actually attend church every single Sunday. They had pretty much degenerated to the point where they only attended on special days such as Easter and Christmas (and, truth be told, they had been prone to missing one or the other of those in recent years). What this meant was that Kyle was still sound asleep at 8:30 the next morning, the only day of the week he could linger in bed as long as...
The next morning, Peter set off carrying his surfboard. He only had to walk about 500 metres to the surf beach. Dave and Jill went in the opposite direction to the shore of the lake. "Are we going to get worms today, or what are you using for bait?" asked Jill. "I'm using squidgies" he replied. "What are they? How do you catch them?" she asked. Dave showed her his rod that he had rigged with the soft plastic wriggler and jig head on a short piece of normal fishing line attached to...
When my wife wants something, I can sometimes find it impossible to refuse her. We'd just got back from a weekend away where we'd met some friends and swapped partners. I'd always suspected that my wife, and mother of two children, was a whole lot hornier than most women. She was kneeling on the bed wearing nothing but a smile and casually stroking my cock to hardness when she asked me the question. "Do you know Lisa from work?" I had never met Lisa but had heard all about her break up...
sissification – sissy – feminization – transformation – transgender – slow transformation – domination – blackmail – prostitution – blowjobNormally the walk to the subway is boring. Cars go past, people walk by, and on the subway I sit and read a book or listen to music quietly. I avoid eye contact, and everyone else does the same. Not this morning though.The second I walk out the door, it feels like eyes are on me. Not in a creepy way though, more like I'm a celebrity. I can see passengers in...
Remember when I referenced Megan previously? In my two years in choir, the altos were my favorite section to talk to because you heard so many beautiful voices in so many different personalities. For example, the aforementioned Kiki was somewhat quiet but still sociable.“Oh, Chad. You like her, do you?” Kiki said, after I greeted Megan.“Can’t a brother be friendly?” I retorted.“Nah, you can. I just know the truth. I see it in your eyes.” I looked at Megan socializing with various people, while...
Quickie SexHi friends, myself rohit from raipur chhatissgarh. Age 27 good looking guy with 9″ size. I have been iss fan for last 5 years so finally decided to write my own experience. Any girls aur bhabhis in c. G can contact me at Privacy guaranteed. Coming to the story my gf name is riya a bomb white as milk height 5.4″ figure 34 26 30. Long black hairs till waist always in tight jeans. It have been 3 months to our relationship we have done kiss and fun in movies and in drive but till now I haven’t...
Andrea and I are total opposites. I'm tall with barely wavy blonde hair and blue eyes with a slim build. Andrea, on the other hand, is short with wild curly brown hair and deep brown eyes and a curvy figure. she started developing breasts when we were in the third grade. while I was jealous of her, I also couldn't help but notice how beautiful her body was. being raised Catholic, I knew these thoughts were wrong and that I should bury them. I mean they would go away eventually,...
For the first time, as Master released his sperm inside of me, I heard him moan. He moaned my name again as he continued to pump into me relieving him of his orgasm fluids. He moaned my name again and again, and with pleasure I had never heard from him before. His body soon fell on to mine, but as I was about to get up for I knew our ‘session’ today was over, he grabbed my waist and held me up against him. His cock softened inside of me, and yet he still did not let me leave. ‘Master? Master,...
It was the start of my third year in college. This year, I was finally moving out of the dorms and living in a house. I really procrastinated the year before when it came to housing and I ended up asking Diana, my best friend, if she was able to accommodate one more at her place. She had already found someone to occupy each room at the house that she rented, but luckily for me, she offered to let me room with her. The two of us have known each other since middle school and have always had each...
Victor loved owning a casino in Vegas….he especially loved that he got to fuck just about every female employee he hired whenever the mood struck him. In Part 1, Victor interviewed two waitresses, getting a blowjob under his desk from one, while he interviewed the other in front of his desk. In Part 2, Victor checked on the kitchen staff and found time to fuck the sous-chef before the dinner rush started, and later got a massage and a handjob from one of the masseuses he hired. In Part 3,...
The added thrust had them within sight of the Innis port Lighthouse three hours after dark. They still had three hours at the current speed before they would reach Innis. Knowing they were close the captain had decided to push the Lady harder than he normally did, and ran at seventy-five percent thrusters after dark. She couldn’t run that fast all night, but he knew they’d make Innis well before daybreak. With Lt. Stevens on board he would be making port at the Military docks not the Lady’s...
This is Part 4 of "No limits Aaliya"Read part 1 called "No limit Aaliya - 1st time Hijabi Whore"Read part 2 called "No limit Aaliya - 1st time Pussy and Threesome"Read part 3 called "No limit Aaliya - Mini Gangbang in Warehouse"Aaliya's father stared at the screen, eyes wide open in shock. Her mother had passed out. Her brother, who was 2 years younger, looked on in disbelief, unable to process what he was seeing in front of him. The loud noises of sex coming from the screen filled the silent...
Hello friends. This is my 3rd story. I hope you like and please put your feedback and comments on my email ID: This is the story of a girl who lives in Ghana, Africa. Hello readers, I am Nidhi. Yeh tab ki kahani hai jab main 19 saal ki thi aur 1st-year mein thi. Let me introduce you all to my family. Meri family mein mere dad, mom aur main the. Mere dad chemical engineer hai. Bachpan mein, jab main 4 saal ki thi, mere dad ko Jubilee oilfield(Ghana) mein job offer hua. We left Delhi(our...
Laura had gotten angry that her parents had hidden the truth for so long. "You should have told us when you found out", she yelled and stormed out the front door. Moments later, the sound of the truck starting and peeling out of the dirt driveway could be heard. Lucy, upon hearing that she was going to lose her father, completely broke down. She was the youngest and most fragile of the girls, often feeling overwhelmed by life. And this was the worst thing that had ever happened to their...