The Roommate Pt. 03 free porn video

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sissification – sissy – feminization – transformation – transgender – slow transformation – domination – blackmail – prostitution – blowjob

Normally the walk to the subway is boring. Cars go past, people walk by, and on the subway I sit and read a book or listen to music quietly. I avoid eye contact, and everyone else does the same. Not this morning though.

The second I walk out the door, it feels like eyes are on me. Not in a creepy way though, more like I'm a celebrity. I can see passengers in cars turn their heads to look at me more as they drive by, and men turning around to give my ass a look when they walk past me, Normally I feel like a shadow, but today I feel like an angel. I notice that without trying, I've started to accentuate my walk so that my ass sways. I try to stop myself, but once I stop paying attention I start doing it again. Only five minutes out the door and I think I've been catcalled or honked at probably six times. I can't explain it though, my mind is telling me I should be embarrassed by this attention, but I just can't seem to get myself to feel anything but pride. "You're just still horny, that's all it is. You're just not thinking clearly, y'know, so the attention is nice...or something." I whisper to myself, but eventually I just give up. I like the attention, that's all there is to it, I like the attention I'm garnering as a sexy woman.

It's 9:30 in the morning as I walk to the subway. I'm a bit later than usual, and I'm forced to simply walk past the Starbuck's I normally go into so I can make it to class on time. I really want a Vanilla Latte though, and compromise with myself that I'll go in after class. After a few minutes I get to the station, but have to walk up a flight of stairs to get to the other side of the subway tracks. I hesitate at the bottom of the stairs, the station is full of people and I know that I won't be able to hide my butt if I'm going up stairs. I realize there's someone waiting behind me to go up the stairs as well, and I quickly build up the courage to just go up the stairs and get it over with.

My face goes bright red as I walk up the stairs, there's probably eight or nine people walking right behind me, just staring right up my skirt. My ass is in full view, and all I hope is that they don't see my clit, but it's so small now that I'm sure it doesn't show. After I get to the top of the stairs, some of the guys wink as they walk past me. I'm also fairly confident one guy grabbed my butt, but he tried to make it seem accidental. It sent shivers up my spine to feel a strong hand on my big, dainty ass. "That was humiliating. You're a man, you didn't like showing your butt like that, and you should have hit that guy right in the face for groping you like that." I whisper to myself, somewhat unconvincingly. The guy who grabbed me looks back and winks, and without hesitation, without thought, I wave to him cutely. "What the fuck are you doing?" I mutter angrily as I start walking towards the subway.

I put my card in the reader to get on the subway, but it gets spit back out. "Shit" It doesn't have any money left on it. I look down at the card, exacerbated that this would happen today. To put more money on it I'll have to walk up stairs again.

"Something wrong?" Someone to my right says. I look up, it's a man who's going through the turnstile next to me. He's probably in his early 30's, has brown hair, a strong jaw with some stubble, and is wearing a suit. I'm sure he probably works as an executive somewhere based on how well kempt he is. I realize I've accidentally stared at him for a moment without saying anything.

"Oh, it's just that my card is out of money." I say, looking up at him with my head slightly lowered.

"You can use mine, cutie." He says, holding out his card to me. I don't want to be rude, so I gently take it from him. I swipe it, the light turns green, and the turnstile lets me through. Did he just call me cutie?

"Thank you" I pause, again not wanting to be rude and follow up with, "Sir". I smile at him, hand the card back, and walk towards the tracks. As I'm waiting for the train to arrive, he walks up next to me. He looks down at me and smiles, so I look back at him and smile back. He's easily seven inches taller than me, so I'm forced to look up at him to make any eye contact. Even through his suit I can tell he's strong.

"So, where are you headed?" He asks, looking forward again.

"I'm just off to class a couple stops from here." My voice has gotten so damn feminine, it reminds me that to everyone else I really do look like a woman, even if I don't feel like one yet. No, wait, not yet. I'm not a woman. "What about you?" I ask, again trying to be polite.

"I'm giving a lecture, so I guess we're going the same way." He says, giving an innocent chuckle.

"You're a teacher? What course do you teach?" I ask him, looking up at his strong jaw.

"Well right now I'm teaching BioChemistry 130 and supervising the lab work on floor three. I'm not a teacher though, I'm still a grad student." He says, looking at me slightly without moving his head.

"Did he say he's a biochem grad student? Fuck, this is definitely him. Holy shit, I wonder if he knows it's me." I think to myself. This is my opportunity, I can get the antidote from him, and turn back into a man and everything will be back to normal. This is perfect! I need to keep my cool though. I need to get into his office somehow.

"That's cool. I wanted to take biochem this semester, but it's so popular that I got stuck doing an anatomy course." I'm trying to sound casual, but in reality I'm feeling confused and angry at this man for helping Claire do this to me.

"I took a couple anatomy courses when I was an undergrad, it was actually my initial major before I switch to bio. What're you studying right now?" He says to me, looking at my face. He's giving me a genuine smile, which catches me off guard.

"Well- uhm, right now we're learning about cock. Oop, er- I mean sexual reproduction. The organs and stuff." I'm getting nervous and it's showing. I can't believe I said we're learning about cock. "It's the class I have right now actually." I say, shifting my eyes back and forth from him to the approaching train.

"That's always a fun unit. Do you have a lot of people constantly snickering, or is your class generally mature?" He says, as we both simultaneously walk towards the train that's now stopped in front of us.

"No, our class is generally mature. Although there are a couple guys who can't seem to handle it, but they're not in class much anyway." I say, as I step behind him into the train. Without thinking about it I sit beside him on the train. I hope he doesn't think I'm being pushy, I don't want to raise suspicion. "What kind of work are you doing in the labs on floor three?" I ask, trying to sound casually interested.

"Oh just some basic genetic engineering, the lab itself is somewhat antiquated. It's good for undergrads though because they get to say they're doing "genetic engineering" and feel cool." He replies with a chuckle. "Some of the professors do their own projects on the same floor though, although I don't know much about what they're working on." He continues, with a slight smirk on his face. He looks down at his knees and gives a slight laugh. I start wondering even more if he knows who I am.

Suddenly I'm struck with a bad idea. Maybe I could get into his office if I seduce him. "No, this is a terrible idea" I think to myself, but increasingly it feels like the only option. I can't think of any better ways to get inside his office, and I know that's where he would keep the antidote.

"Genetic engineering does have a cool ring to it though." I say. Simultaneously, I stretch and yawn, making sure that I push my chest out to show my nice perky C-cups. This is a bad idea, yet here I am, trying anyway. I know he's looking too, who wouldn't look at a nice pair of tits like these? Especially since my nipples are visible through my shirt, they're still hard, although now it's probably because I'm so horny.

I end my stretching (showing off) and sit normally again. "So what kind of things are you engineering?" I ask, looking up at him trying to give cute and sexy eyes.

"Well it's mostly just genetically modifying fish, which was first done years ago so the lab itself is basic compared to what I do as an undergrad." He says trailing off a bit, still glancing at my boobs. "But the professors are working on mammals I believe."

"Mammals?" I ask, a bit startled. He definitely means humans, people like me!

"Yeah, you know, mice and rodents." He says, looking at me somewhat quizzically. I feel a bit embarrassed, I feel like he's caught me. I'm just paranoid I guess.

"Ohh, well that sounds cool." I say. Here's my chance. "I would love to go see some of the labs there, I've never been to the genetic engineering wing." I try to sound casual, although I think I just sound absent minded.

"Yeah, maybe I'll take you over there sometime. My lecture ends at 1 if you want to come up to see my lab afterwards." He says, looking me in the eyes. He looks a little lustful actually, which worries and excites me. Maybe this will work after all. "Oh yeah, what's your name by the way?" He asks.

"Oh yeah, I'm Nellie." I chirp excitedly. "And you are?"

"I'm Charlie, but in front of any of my students, call me Mr. Gibbs." He says, reaching out his hand for a handshake. When I take his hand, he instead kisses mine, and looking up at me.

The train stops, it's one stop away from mine. Charles stands up, "I like to grab a coffee just up here. I hope to see you later." He pauses. "Nellie." He says, smiling and giving me a wink before he gets off the train. Once he's off, I breath a deep sigh of relief. I felt so tense when he was here, I felt as though I would give something away. Soon though, fear starts to build, I need to be careful and smart if I'm to get the antidote from him. I dread having to see him again, but in the back of my mind, something about seeing him again excites me. I suppress this feeling and get off the train at my stop and head to class.

The lecture hall I have class in is across campus, and so I'm forced to walk past a lot of people before I can cover myself up a bit. As I walk across campus, I notice that I'm getting quite a few looks from guys. Most of them stare at my ass a lot as I walk past. Again, I start walking in a way that makes my ass sway, I try not to, but I can't help showing it off. "Maybe it's the formula" I say to myself. Somehow saying that allows me to relax a bit. "It's just the formula" allows me to show my ass off without guilt, and so I keep doing it, justifying my new slutty tendency with the mantra, "It's just the formula".

As I get close to the door to the lecture hall I hear one guy on a bench say, "Daamn" as I walk past. I open the door, and start to walk through when I hear, "Hey baby, wait a sec." I stop and turn around to see a cute guy behind me, looking at me lustfully. He's black, about 5"9, he has black dreads, and is wearing a cute blue beanie. He eyes me up and down, I'm doing the same and wait for him to speak first. "What're your name?" He asks, finally bringing his eyes up to my face after letting his view linger at my perky boobs.

"Nellie. Yours?" I reply, trying to sound cool and uninterested, hoping it will catch his attention. Guys like when you play hard to get, right?

"I'm Jamal. I've never seen you around campus before. I would have remembered." He says, giving me a wink.

I giggle, I'm totally flirting without even trying. "Hmm, well I guess you just weren't looking hard enough." I wink at him and bite my lip. "Although I guess I have skipped quite a few classes." I look up and meet my view with his deep brown eyes.

"Well, maybe to make up for lost time you'd like to come to a party I'm going to tonight? My friend Jason" he says, pointing to the other guy who had been sitting with him on the bench, "is hosting a party at his dope apartment a couple miles from here."

"Hmm." I say, letting my eyes wander as though I'm trying to decide. "I dunno, I am kinda busy tonight." I look down at his crotch and notice that he's hard. He has to be hard, or have a foot long sausage in his pocket, because through his jeans I can definitely see a thick, long, outline of a cock going right across his thigh. I look up at him quickly, "But I'll probably be able to make it!" I say with a smile.

"My phone number is 658-244-9357, text me your address and I'll pick you up cutie. I'll be there around 9." He says, sounding strong and decided. I've noticed I'm receptive to that type of command.

"Sounds great" I say, giving him a cute smile and then biting my lip as I turn around to go back into the building. As I'm turning around I drop a binder that was in my hand, and without thinking I bend over to pick it up. I know Jamal and Jason are getting a full view of my round ass, and I can feel their eyes on me. It's absolutely exhilerating. I pick up my binder, turn around, and say, "I'm just so clumsy! See you at 9!" before I close the door and go into the lecture hall. With the last glimpse I catch of them I can see that they're staring at me open mouthed.

I start to think about what just happened as I walk towards the back of the large open hall. I want to sit in the back to avoid attention. "Did I drop my binder on purpose?" I whisper to myself. Whenever I'm around men I just can't stop flirting, it's like there's two of me and when men are around the other me wins. "Oh she has some damn cute shoes" I mutter as I see another girl finding her seat. Hm, maybe the other me takes over even when men aren't around as well.

After a few minutes, more people begin filing into the room and finding their seats. The guy who commented on my hair a few days ago looks at me somewhat quizzically before he takes a seat in front of me. I sit there rigid, worried that he's recognized me. Nobody else seems to have realized that it's me, the same guy who's been coming to this class for months. A few seconds pass and he turns around. He's kinda cute actually, in a dorky sorta way. He has short wavy black hair, a bit of a wide face, but he looks strong. He's wearing a dark blue button up shirt and grinning slightly. He looks at my face for a couple seconds before he opens his mouth to speak.

"Hey, I've never seen you before, have you skipped all the other lectures before? ...'Cause I would have noticed you." He says, looking down at his feet briefly before he turns to me again with a look of surprise. "Wait a minute..." he smells the air, "Yo you smell exactly like strawberries and cream." Suddenly he gives a devilish grin. Oh shit.

"Uh, yeah it's the shampoo I use. What about it?" I say, giving a sassy look before turning away. Maybe if I blow him off he'll ignore me. Instead he keeps looking me up and down hungrily. Not a good sign.

"Be honest with me" he whispers, "I won't tell anyone else if you're honest with me right now. You're that dude right, are you transgender? Or like, a sissy or something?"

Fuck, he's got me pegged. A sissy though? Claire sometimes calls me that, and I've seen the word online here and there when I've been looking up gender transformation. I'm not a sissy though, sissies are like, slutty transgender girls. I'm just a guy who's accidentally been turned into a girl with a formula that makes me...horny.

"What? No, creep, I don't know what you're talking about. I've just been skipping this class." Maybe that will keep him at bay, I need to look out for him, he may be dangerous.

He turns around, calling him a creep seems to have worked, and another girl nearby seems to have noticed so he wants to play it cool. Today is the lecture I've been looking forward to. No, I mean, waiting for. Er-studying for. It's the lecture on male anatomy. Cocks. In the slideshows, the teacher only shows the best dicks. The ones that were picked for being the most visually pleasing, because no matter what the context, who wants to see a gross cock? I keep getting entranced by the images on the slideshow, often trailing off in my notes to draw cocks in my notebook. I keep catching myself, but I can't help it. "Just the formula" I say to myself.

After about half an hour, I feel a hand groping up my leg. I look down and see that it's the guy in front of me, he's reaching down and letting his hand trail up towards my clit. I slap his hand away, but a few minutes later he's at it again. He gets more and more ferocious each time, and I'm just trying to be quiet to avoid arousing attention. After a few more tries, he leans back and puts his hand right up my microskirt, groping at my clit. I let out a very soft, very quiet moan, but he hears it. God damn it. Now he knows, and now I look like a slut, or an idiot, or both. My heart rate speeds up, and now that he's confirmed my identity he stops bothering touching me. He just keeps winking at me, or casually making fingering gestures when nobody else is looking.

"Fuck off, pig." I whisper to him, but now nothing will deter him. He knows who I am, and now he's determined to humiliate me. He seems to get bored with tormenting me, and eventually stops groping me and winking.

I relax again and start paying attention to the class. It's actually a really good lecture, and there's a powerpoint with it showing different cocks. It's mouthwatering to see all of them, all slightly different, but equally...Nevermind. Gross is what I mean to say. Still though, there's just something about them that keeps me entranced. Their delectable pink heads, and oh my god the veins. The veins are so sexy, and when they throb as the guy cums, it sends shivers down my spine. I can't stop staring at the cocks on the wall, often catching myself ignoring the actual lecture.

Time goes by pretty fast, and the guy in front of me is one of the first to leave. "Wow, I guess I'm just lucky." I whisper to myself as I grab my bag and head out the door. I give a quick scan around in the lobby of the building, and don't see the guy anywhere. I breath a sigh of relief and begin walk towards the door to the campus courtyard. Suddenly, I realize I need to go to the bathroom really badly. I walk towards the men's door, but then remember, I'm not a man. Er, well I don't look like a man. So, humiliating as it is, I go into the women's bathroom. Funny enough, it looks and smells way better than the men's does, and it's way cleaner. "I could get used to this." I mutter.

I go into one of the stalls, sit down, and start to pee. Sitting down is more comfortable, since now my clit is so small anyway it just makes sense. As I'm standing back up and pulling my thong back on, I hear another person enter the bathroom. I look under the stall a little and see two big black's boots though. I hesitate to step out. The boots start to walk towards the stall, and I stay standing there, frozen. The boots keep going, and then they stop in front of my stall. Oh shit, god damn it do I wish someone else were in here right now.

"Hello?" I say, accidentally letting my feminine voice quiver a bit with fear. That's when I realize it, I know those boots, the guy was wearing them.

"Hey baby, open the door." He says, yeah, it's him.

"Fuck no, get out of here." I say, trying to sound fierce.

"Okay, well I guess I can just go tell everyone who you are." He says, starting to walk towards the door.

"Wait!" I say as I open the door. It was impulsive, but rationally I can't let him do that. It could ruin my opportunity to switch to my guy body, or to ever be accepted again once I do. I step out of the stall and he looks at me with a big grin on his face.

"Well alright." He says, walking towards me. I don't have a good feeling about this. "I'll tell you how this is going to go. You're going to suck my dick right now, in that stall, and I won't tell anyone about you. Deal?" He says, grabbing my boob without even asking. He winks at me. I guess I have to.

"...Deal" I say, looking at the ground as he gropes my chest without mercy.

"Good, now get in there." He says, before slapping my butt. I almost immediately go into full slut mode after that. He keeps tenderly gripping my ass as we get into the stall and close the door.

I turn around and his pants are already by his ankles and his cock half hard. I'm in awe as I look at it. It's pretty damn big, even for only being half hard, and veiny. Mmf, the veins throb as he gets harder. His cock is probably 9 times bigger than my clit. I get on my knees, look up at him with big innocent eyes, open my mouth wide, stick my tongue out, and then mercilessly plunge his throbbing dick into my wet mouth. He gives a deep groan, he didn't know that I'm an awesome cocksucker. It's all that practice on dildos, and in my dreams.

I cup his balls in my hand, I can feel they're heavy, full of cum. I keep sucking, bobbing my head up and down on his long, thick, delicious cock. I give soft moans as I feel his cockhead poke deeper into my mouth, getting close to my throat. After getting him warmed up, I start to deepthroat him, ignoring my gag reflex and taking his cock all the way in. I shiver at the feeling of his balls on my chin. When I deepthroat him, he gives a deep moan and sigh. He's not ready to cum already is he? I only just got started! He grabs my hair and starts pounding my throat.

I'm in bliss when he does this, skullfucking me as though my mouth were a warm, wet, tight pussy. I let him fuck my face, getting split all over his cock, and getting his big balls wet too. I can feel his dick on my tongue, it's starting to pulse more and more. I'm so horny I can't stand it. My clit is rock hard, and my ass is burning with lust. Maybe that's like, my new cock? It feels as though my ass is puckering thinking about the cock in my mouth, almost like how a pussy gets wet. He continues fucking my face, and soon he pulls me all the way down on his cock and gives a deep, satisfied groan.

I feel his cock pulsing hard in my mouth, shooting cum deep into my throat and straight into my stomach. I hardly get to taste any except the little bit of cum that keeps coming out of his dick as he pulls out of my mouth. I savor that cum, swishing it around on my tongue before swallowing it. I look up at him and gives a satisfied "Ahh" as though I just drank lemonade on a hot day.

He looks down at me and smiles. He pulls his pants back up, tucking his spit soaked cock into his boxers. "You're a good fucktoy. You'll be sucking me off again soon." As he says that, he reaches into his wallet, pulls out $10 and tosses it onto the ground in front of me.

"Th-thank you." I stutter as he exits the stall and then leaves the bathroom. I feel like such a cheap whore, getting paid to suck cock. Although, I'd do it without money...Y'know, I mean, because he blackmailed me. That's it.

I grab the money, wipe off my face, and open the door to the stall. I burp a little and taste the cum on my breath. It makes my knees weak. "Hmph, cock is pretty good." I say to myself shamelessly. I wash my hands and walk out of the bathroom before starting my walk across the courtyard.

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My Girlfriends Roommate

Back in college I was dating this girl Shannon. She was on the school volleyball team so she was in incredible shape. The only problem was that, during the season, she was often busy, and when she wasn’t busy she was tired. This often left me lacking when it came to sex, and I would often be left to take care of myself. When she wasn’t in season, though, she could and would screw me until I couldn’t take it anymore. I think it was part of her off season training plan to stay in shape. After a...

College Sex
4 years ago
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My Sons Roommate

Something happened to me not long ago that altered my life. I am not a gayman. I have never liked gay men. I could never imagine how a man could besexually attracted to another man. It's unnatural. I always believed thatit surely must be against God's will.When my son, Mike, moved into his dorm room at college during his Freshmanyear, his mother and I visited him to make sure he was comfortable and thatall arrangements were satisfactory. We met his roommate, Tom. He seemedvery nice, and...

3 years ago
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Mind control of roommate

As I approached the dormitories at the beginning of my sophomore year, I have to admit I wasn’t entirely happy. I’d had such a great roommate my freshman year that I wasn’t looking forward to a new one. No, it wasn’t what you’re probably thinking. My previous contentment had nothing to do with sex, since Gerry had been totally straight and not at all physically my type; but he was smart, funny, neat, and tolerant, and, in short, perfect to live with. When he decided, over the summer, to get an...

4 years ago
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My Sissy Roommate

“Relax, Andrew. It’s just a party. Yeah, sure there will be girls there, but it’s not like they’re serial killers or something,” I tell my best friend as we make our way to the party. I swear he’s always like this. So worried about everything. I don’t know how the kid has survived this long. Probably because I’m always here to calm him down. It’s kind of funny, not many people can see Andrew and me as being friends. Him being a meek, petite, nerd who’s often confused as a girl and me a...

4 years ago
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My Best Roommate

You hate your job. You hate the long hours you have to work. You hate your fat, sweaty, incompetent boss. You hate the work you do and your clients' demands which are equal parts incessant and annoying. You hate that your job pays too well for you to quit. However, despite all the bullshit you put up with, your week is finally over. And working there has paid off in at least two ways. The first comes in the form an apartment that qualifies as more than just "okay." The huge living room packed...

2 years ago
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Raped by drunken roommate

This incident happened when I was staying with my bachelor friends. It was a 2 BHK flat where there were 5 boys staying together including me. We used to have drinks almost on a daily basis and were enjoying our lives as roommates, but none of us were involved in sex with each other as there were no gays in the group.We had 3 spare keys for the main door and any of the 2 roommates would keep each of them, and last key, we normally keep in the nearby bakery to avoid any last minute confusion...

3 years ago
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My College Roommate

I arrived at my university in Colorado in late August for my freshmen year of college. Orientation and classes were starting and I was eager to meet my roommate. Lee had been on campus all summer prior to me arriving. He was a Linebacker on the football team and was also a true freshman like me. Lee was up early each morning and very busy each day but had time to help me with orientation, building locations, and introducing me to other guys on the football team. He seemed like a great roommate....

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My Sons Black Roommate

I was a forty-six year old trophy wife, even if I do say so myself. I work out three to five days a week to stay fit. I am five-feet-four inches tall and I have a 36D 28 34 body shape. My husband is a senior vice-president for a Fortune 500 company and he travels a lot.Recently he left on one of his week long trips. I decided to visit my son, Mike, at his college where he is a senior. I took a hotel room near his apartment. He and his roommate talked me into going drinking with them.His...

1 year ago
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How I Became A Sissy Roommate

Hi this is Jeet from Mumbai. It was the end of my 12th boards and I had gotten admission in an engineering college in Pune. It was always my fantasy to be a sissy slut for a guy and so I began to find people online who were looking for roommates on planet Romeo a gay social website. I found a guy named Paras who had a flat in Pune which was near my college and he wanted a roommate to split the rent. He was a 23 year old dominant top and wanted a bottom as a roommate. We discussed the rent and...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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My College Roommate

I arrived at my university in Colorado in late August for my freshmen year of college. Orientation and classes were starting and I was eager to meet my roommate. Lee had been on campus all summer prior to me arriving. He was a Linebacker on the football team and was also a true freshman like me. Lee was up early each morning and very busy each day but had time to help me with orientation, building locations, and introducing me to other guys on the football team. He seemed like a great roommate....

Gay Male
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The Cuck and the Roommate

Kevin and Jenny were high-school sweethearts. They'd met in their small town in the suburbs, becoming friends at 12 before they started dating at 15. They had stayed a strong couple through all of high school, growing as people and developing together - they had stuck with each other through thick and thin. They were each other's firsts in everything - both had only ever slept with the other. College was the next big adventure - they'd made a point to apply and enroll at the same state...

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Fucking my roommate

When I returned to the states, in 1967, I spent a few years bouncing around in a few jobs; nothing that I would make a career out of but they supported me pretty well. I made new friends and had set up camp in the big city of Pittsburgh. I won’t go into all of the details but one of the friends and I wound up sharing an apartment for a while. Tom was a nice enough guy but straight; I was trying to get laid every chance I had and, if he wasn’t so straight, he would have made a nice fuck buddy.We...

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Beginning Of Sexual Relationship With Roommate

This is a gay story about how I got in a sexual relationship with my roommate. I was studying in a college in Bangalore. As it was a long way from home, I stayed at the college hostel. I had a roommate. He and I were like buddies and we were in the same class. I never had a gay experience in college or hostel before. One day, after class, we went to our hostel. After getting into my room, we placed all bags and stuffs on the table on the side and he said he will go out and buy some snacks for...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Vidhi8217s Diary 8211 Chapter 1 8211 Hot Lesbian Experience With Roommate

Hi, this is Vike back with another story. Theh heroine of this story is a 19 year old girl named Vidhi coming from a very conservative family belonging to a small town of India. Since her childhood, she has been studying in a girls’ school. And belonging to a conservative family, she was never allowed to talk to any guy apart from her younger brother. Vidhi was a studious girl, always scoring above 90% in every exam. She completed her 12th and now she had no choice but to move outside her city...

1 year ago
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Naughty Roommate

I been living with the same roommate for the past 4 years and were best friends, well now he got married and I have this townhome all to myself but I need a roommate to cover the cost of it. It’s a big place and I can’t afford it by myself, so I start asking around. A friend says her girlfriend is looking for a place since she just moved to the city. I didn’t hesitate and told her to come by.The following day she came over to see the place. Her name was Carmen, she was the sexiest girl I ever...

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I just had graduated college with a 4.0 GPA and a degree in history, applied to the Smithsonian in D.C and got offered a job. I'm a twenty two year old virgin, but not because of my looks, I'm told I am a good looker, with a decent rack, 34 C, but because I have been programmed since childhood to excel in school. I did just that, all through my school life, studies came first, which left little or no time to party and here I was in Washington D.C. Apartment hunting, preferably with a roommate...

3 years ago
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The Roommate

I’ve had half a dozen roommates in the last 15 years, some for months, some for years. Sean stayed with me for about 4 years. All my roommates were in recovery, and staying here provided a chance to start rebuilding their lives when they had to start from square one again (cheap rent and all utilities included). He was a good looking guy, 6’1”, good physique, beautiful blue eyes and the sexiest smile. He was friendly, courteous and gregarious. Because so many of the roommates had next to...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Swapping Girlfriend For Her Horny Roommate

Introduction: Coeds Swap Boyfriends as Graduation Present This is a true story. I met my wife, Mary, in college. She was a gorgeous, shoulder-length brunette with long, slender, curvy thighs and calves, 32-C tits just big enough to flap delightfully when she humped, and a very pretty, slightly freckled, pale Map of Ireland face. Although we didnt fuck on the first date, we did have a long and enthusiastic make-out session in which I got all the way to third base. It wasnt long before I raced...

3 years ago
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The Wayward Roommate

THE WAYWARD ROOMMATE by Skip Part 1 By all rights Lisa McGrath should have been one oversexed 19-year-old slut.But to the contrary her propensities were such as to make her repulsive toher peers' of both sexes and especially to her 28-year-old roommate JeanineApplegate. Lisa and Jeanine were roommates in a single family home in a Delaware Countysuburb of Philadelphia each having their own bedroom but sharing the rest ofthe house. It was owned by Jeanine's elderly Grandmother who resided at a...

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The Worst Roommate

“This might be a bad idea.” The words were spoken by Fred Turner, attending the 27th birthday party of his friend, Kate. Sitting on the couch in her apartment, surrounded by their friends, he was answering the offer of someone suggesting they use her newly opened gift: a Ouija board. “No, no, no, no! Do not mess around with that thing!” Kate’s older brother, Dave, warned. “Will you relax?” Tim, Kate’s boyfriend, asked. “It’s harmless, mostly a conversation piece.” As he pulled the board from...

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The Roommate

Here I m desiboy, back again with another story after fucked my teenage love. Thank you all for showing your support and I will work on the other aspects also to improve. Suggestions are welcome at [email protected] this story is about one of my encounters with a roommate. It happened when I was doing an internship in a Gurgaon firm. Commuting to Gurgaon from home was the hell of a task as most of my time was spent in traveling. So I decided to take a flat in Gurgaon. I did all the...

1 year ago
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The Roommate

Here I m abhi, back again with another story after fucked my teenage love. Thank you all for showing your support and I will work on the other aspects also to improve. Suggestions are welcome at So this story is about one of my encounters with a roommate. It happened when I was doing an internship in a gurgaon firm. Commuting to gurgaon from home was the hell of a task as most of my time was spent in traveling. So I decided to take a flat in gurgaon. I did all the formalities with the owner...

4 years ago
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The Roommate

Jamike and Buchi had been friends since they were k**s. Once they got into college they decided to get this house out by the university so they wouldn't have to live in the dorms. Only problem was they wanted one more roommate so they could lower the cost of bills. After looking up other people needing a place to stay Jamike came across Zoba in an online search. She was moving to the university on a dance scholarship. From her picture he could tell she was pretty with brown hair to her...

2 years ago
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The Nudist and the New Roommate

My name is Bob and I'm an avid nudist. I have a great, three day a week job, which pays well. I go to the local gym regularly, I enjoy bicycling and going out with my friends. Since I broke up with my girlfriend Sue, I've been living alone in a large two bedroom apartment. I was at the local supermarket shopping when the rent ads on the bulletin board caught my eye. Reading them, I didn't find any that seemed promising, so I placed one of my own. Looking for roommate 21y to 35y, non...

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The Roommate

This is not necessarily fiction. I hope my friend girl never sees this story lol.The Roommate-I had recently moved to North Carolina by way of Atlanta GA. I had just got laid off of my job in Atlanta and one of my best friends Dametra was telling me of a place that was hiring and that if I got hired I could live with her and pay her a small amount for room and board until I get on my own.So I decided to drive there and visit for a weekend since its only a 4 hour drive. So when I arrived I...

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Janices Roommate

 J got up. “I’m going to take a shower, I won’t be long, stay here,” she said, wrapping a towel around herself and walking out of the door. The door didn’t latch when she shut it. Instead, it opened just enough so that I could see into the hallway. Not long after the shower started, J’s roommate walked down the hall. She was wearing a different shirt, it was shorter. She had a thong on, and now I could see all of her ass. She had the most perfect ass I’d seen in a long time.I laid in J’s bed,...

Quickie Sex
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College Dorm Roommate

When I was a young teenager, I had several experiences with an older man. I'm not necessary gay and am not sexually attracted to men, but this guy got me into cock and cum. Let me tell you, that no woman can suck a cock like a man. Men are simply better at it. But there is something about a nice hard cock with a big mushroom head that makes me hard. Hearing a man moan and feeling his cock pulse in your mouth as he's getting ready to shoot a nice creamy load into your mouth is incredible. The...

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My College Roommate

You’ve heard the saying, everyone experiments in college. Well my first year away at college was no different. I spent it exploring my roommate.His name was Brandon – my new college roommate from Boston. Going back east to college was my first time away from L.A., and I was still surprisingly shy when meeting people considering I was pretty popular and adventurous in high school. Maybe it was because, disappointingly, I was still a virgin. I mean I’ve received blowjobs and the usual make out...

1 year ago
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My last roommate name was Adelphia. She was a nympho by the book. We had sex every day. One day I built a sybian out of a mailbox, a sander, and a vibrator. I also created an orgasm indicator, that could be placed on a nipple and when the nipple swells, a light came on. Last June I had Adelphia sit on the sybian blindfolded, knowing her expecting a big orgasm. Every time her nipples swell up, I turned the sybian off. She was craving for an orgasm, and my goal was to have it when I decided. The...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriends Bet with My Roommate

It started as an average Friday night with my girlfriend Jennifer, and I relaxing in my dorm room. We sat on my bed pretending to play video games and making out. More accurately, Jennifer played the video games while I, far too distracted by her slim figure to play myself, interrupted her with kisses.At only 9pm my roommate Mitchell came back. As Mitchell took partying pretty seriously I was quite surprised by his early return on a Friday night. As soon as Mitchell sat down I was reminded of...

4 years ago
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My boy friends roommate

Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here"You should put on a condom," I whispered. "No," Mike said firmly. "I want to feel you." I didn't say anything as Mike slid inside me easily in one quick stroke. I was wet and ready and wanted it just as bad as he did. Mike and I had been dating for almost a year and up until a couple months before I had been on the pill. Due to some bad side...

4 years ago
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My gay Roommate

Hi all, my name is Zohan. I am a mechanical engineer and working as a production engineer in a company in Delhi. This story is about me and my roommate when i was in college. His name is Gaurav. I have done my graduation from Jaipur. I am a normal guy with average features. I have the same keenness and knowledge as anybody would have at my age. My age is 23 and i had taken admission 6 years back. At that time i was not that much open-minded but now i have so many experiences in my...

Gay Male
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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moms roommate

Mom's RoommateDoug gave his wife a final kiss before boarding the military aircraft."I don't want you to go." She whimpered."Honey, I have to...I'm sorry."Kristen gazed up at him, her big green eyes full of tears. "What if you get hurt...or get killed?""Babe, that's not gonna happen...I promise you." Doug said confidently.As he boarded the plane with the rest his battalion Doug gave a final wave back at his family. Kristen forced a smile and waved back, her 6 year old daughter Cassie stood by...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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The Roommate

THE ROOMMATE CHAPTER 1 Lynn and Tiffany were roommates in college. Lynn just turned 21 years oldlast month. She didn't go to college right away she wanted to explore the worldand visit some countries. Lynn was a freshman and just moved in with Tiffanyover the summer. Lynn has not been initiated to the college as of yet. Butby nature she will be initiated all year by the senior girls. Tiffany has beenShannon slave for last three years, but Lynn didn't know that she was her slave.One day...

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My Daughters Roommate

It was well after midnight, and I tossed and turned, tormented by her presence in the next room. I was agitated, my mind racing with delicious yet agonizing images in my head - "sleep" not only seemed hopeless, there was a part of me that didn't want to fall asleep at all, as it would put an end to any possibilities, no matter how silly or remote. And in that state of mind, you can understand why I thought perhaps I *was* asleep, that I was dreaming, when the door slowly opened, and there...

2 years ago
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StrapOn Roommate

About six years ago I was in university and living on campus during the summer along with a few other guys, including a guy I roomed with off campus during the school year. Jeff and I were in the same program and we were taking summer classes while working for our department. He and I were fairly big geeks and only occasionally would we do social things like going to the bars to drink and socialize with friends. There were several women also living in residence then, including one attractive...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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The New Roommate

I was beginning my junior year at college when it happened. I had a 2 bedroom dorm all to myself for the first 2 weeks of the semester. I loved the privacy and had my girlfriend, Cindy, over whenever I wanted.I was kicking back one late afternoon, when I got a call from Pam Clarkson at the office of university housing. She told me that another student needed a room change and that I would have share with him. She finished the call by telling me they would be over in 5 minutes.I heard the...

1 year ago
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The Roommate

Teal thanked the fates that her parents were rich. If they weren't, she might've had to share a room with four or five girls, but thankfully, she would only have to deal with one. Teal unlocked the door to her new dorm room, and surveyed the living conditions with some distaste. The furniture consisted of a long table with two chairs (most likely for studying), two chests of drawers, and a wardrobe. There were two beds, (full sized, not , but still not as large as her queen at home) one on the...

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The Roommate

Winter time in the Midwest could be a real drag. The weather was cold, often, accompanied by an certain dampness that scored right down to your very bones. Finding ways to entertain yourself could be just as difficult and vexing. My roommate and I sat silently in our living room of our simple apartment. Mina sat at the end of the couch staring out the window, her chin resting upon her palm. We had been discussing ideas of what to do this evening for entertainment. By the look of the roads we...

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A New Roommate

I know I often wear a strap-on and there are indeed moments when I wished I had a cock, an actual cock with sensory nerve endings attached to my brain so I could feel their soft squishy pussy’s wrapping around me, but that didn’t mean I wanted to be a man. In fact being a woman has it’s clear advantages, look at my latest roommate for example, twenty two year old, terribly naive, she even brought her parents to the roommate interview. I’m pretty sure her dad wouldn’t be paying her rent...

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