ChristinaChapter 4 free porn video

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The accursed alarm clock went off as expected at six-thirty. We got up and dressed and because of her appointment for testing, we hit a local diner for breakfast of pancakes and coffee.

At eight fifteen she was walking in the door of the school board offices. There was a lady expecting her, and I left my business card for her to call me if she needed me.

"Oh, don't worry," said the lady. "These tests are timed, but she's the only one taking them today, so she'll be finished at eleven-thirty."

"Good luck, Tina," I said.

She smiled. And kissed me on the cheek. I was still standing there semi-stunned when she followed the lady up the hall.

I left, a thousand thoughts going through my head, and drove to the new jobsite, checked in the front gate and introduced myself to the people already on site. A few faces and names were familiar to me, including the engineering manager who'd asked for me by name and reputation. I looked at my new office, bare, with a desk and a large table to spread out prints and drawings, and a few chairs for the inevitable meetings and conferences. We talked about the progress so far, and the target dates for my equipment to begin arriving, and I looked at the schedule of construction, and we laughed at a few old tales, and I saw it was ten-thirty, and my cell phone rang.

I looked at the display. Unfamiliar number. I answered. Familiar voice. Tina.

"Hi, Alan," she said. "I'm finished."

"I thought the lady said eleven-thirty."

"Yeah, I know. But that's if there were others who need the whole time ... but I just did what I could and then stopped and we went to the next one. So I'm finished."

"Okay, sweetie," I said. "I'm out at the plant. I'm leaving now."

"Okay. Uh ... I see Mister Dan. I'm gonna go see if he has time to talk. See ya in a bit."

"I gotta go," I told the crew. "Had a kid taking a test this morning. She's finished. I'll be here bright and early Monday." And I left. Thirty minutes later I walked into the school board offices. The receptionist spotted me immediately.

"She's in Mr. Jenkins' office. Go right in."

I walked in, spotting Tina sitting in a chair smiling. Mr. Jenkins... "Hi, Dan," I said.

"Hi, Alan. I'm being surprised today."

I looked at Tina. She was smiling. "How so?"

"She took the placement tests. They're timed tests, Alan. Usually nobody finishes."

And I looked at Tina. She was smiling. And it was a self-assured little smirk of a smile.

Dan said, "Tina finished. I, uh, we, the lady who gives the tests is scoring them right now. If you want to grab lunch, she'll be finished by the time we get back."

"Sure," I said. "Come on, punkin," I told Tina. I looked at Dan. "We're gonna need directions. You up for another meal?"

"Oh, why not," He said. "I can always run it off..." He got up from his desk.

We all walked out to the truck and got in, Tina taking the center seat again. I know Dan noticed that she had to move the console out of the way. But she buckled in rather more to my side than his, and she was STILL smiling.

This time Dan directed us to a barbecue joint. "I don't go here often during work," he said, "because they laugh when I come back with sauce on my tie."

We could see why. The barbecue was good, but eating ribs was not for the fastidious. They had GOOD ribs. We ate happily and cleaned up as best we could. Dan was laughing. "They'll know where we've been."

Back at the office, Dan walked in to see a score sheet on his desk. "Wow," he said. One word. "Wow."

He looked at us. "Just a sec," he said, punching the phone. "Uh, hey, Louise. Yeah. I got'em. Thanks for doing it this fast. I know. I was curious too. Yeah. I'll tell 'er. Thanks!" He turned his attention to us. Tina was sitting next to me.

"Well," I said, "Back in the eleventh grade?"

"Yeah, right." His tone was happy sarcasm.

Tina was still smiling. I wasn't. I was trying to interpret Dan's demeanor. "So what's the deal?" I looked at Tina. "You did your best, didn't you? You didn't just quit?"

"No, Alan. I did my very best."

Dan said, "Uh, Alan, she's twelfth grade. And I'm recommending advanced placement in all her subjects. That way she gets college credits before she graduates high school."

"You're kidding!"

"I'm NOT kidding. These scores are the best I've ever seen. Or Mrs. Conner, too, for that matter. She does our testing for us for years. Oh, and I got a faxed draft of your guardianship this morning. So we're operating like you can sign her papers."

"That's good," I said. "When do we have to give you a decision about the advanced placement stuff? And when can she start classes? Monday?"

"Monday will be fine. And we can set her schedule if you decide. I'll call the guidance counselor at the high school, but she can start Monday." He smiled back at Tina. "You're a pleasant surprise." To me he said, "Did you know any of this?"

"Uh ... You know I've known her since Saturday. I knew she was bright, just talking with her, and she told me about the 3.8 GPA, but ... how was I supposed to know?"

"Well now we know. Can you go to the school Friday and get with them about the schedule and stuff? Since she's a new admit, you need to go with her, Alan."

"Okay. Not a problem."

Tina was still smiling. "Mister Dan," she said. "Thank you for taking care of us."

"We're the ones who are getting lucky, young lady, if YOU work to your potential. Just one question. What kept you from getting a 4.0?"

"I missed some tests when my grandma got sick. Mom pulled me from that school and moved me and I couldn't make them up."

"Oh, okay. Uh, Alan, can you sign this release so we can get her transcripts from her old school?"

I signed. We left, headed to the RV park. She got in the truck giggling.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"That lady! Mrs. Conner. I took the first test and finished and she told me to check my work, that I must've missed some pages. And I showed her the answer sheet. And she asked me if I understood the questions. It was funny. She just didn't believe that I did the work."

"You've surprised a bunch of people today. I'm one of them."


"I mean, I knew you were smart. It shows in the way you talk about things. But now ... it's like your swimming. Another surprise."

"I'm glad I surprise you in good ways."

"Me too," I said. "And I thought of something while I was out. Let's go get you a cellphone. I don't want you without a way to get hold of me or whoever..."

"My own phone?" Squeal!

"Yeah. I think it's a necessity, with you in school and me at work and schedules change and things happen. And I don't have to tell you how you need to take care of it."

"Nobody will touch it, Alan," she said seriously.

That was a minor stop. And the day ended in what would become routine: a walk, a swim, a dinner, TV, games, and bed. Her at her end. Me at mine.

The Friday meeting at the high school with the guidance counselor was interesting. These things were a lot more fun when you walked in with a winning hand, and Tina was an academic winning hand. "Yessir," she said. "I DO want the advanced placement classes."

"Which ones?" he asked. "Physics? Trig? English? Social studies?"

"All of 'em," she smiled.

I smiled too.

Our last weekend before we both started acceding to fixed schedules. We abandoned the trailer and drove a hundred and fifty miles to take in a concert and spend Friday and Saturday nights in a hotel with a full-sized shower and two queen-sized beds. The concert was a very workmanlike performance of Mozart chamber pieces by the local university's strings and several times during the performance I stole glances at Tina, a young perfection in an austere little black dress, tastefully simple pumps and tiny gemmed studs in her ears. Her hair was auburn perfection. And her eyes were closed and she was smiling as the notes soared over our heads.

It was with reluctance that we headed home, talking about the museums and the concert and the sights and the food.

Monday morning came. We did a bit more hurried breakfast of grits and eggs and bacon and I headed out to the project and she cleaned up then went to wait for the bus.

My day went just as chaotically as I expected for Day One. By four-thirty I was ready to leave and I did so. I stopped by the front office and found Tina and Lillian talking. Tina had a book and notebook open on the counter.

Lillian handed me the Fed-Ex package that contained the final versions of the documents that gave me legal place in Tina's life, the power normally attributed to parent.

"She's been talking and working since she got off the bus," Lillian said. "It's nice to have young company."

"You don't mind her chatter?"

"Hah!" Lillian answered. "Half her schoolwork I don't even begin to understand, but she talks about everything. It's mighty nice."

Tina poked at her trig book. "You might have to give me a hand on some of this. I think I understand, but I want to be sure."

"Okay, little girl," I said. "Swim. Food. Homework?"

"A plan," she laughed.

We bid Lillian goodbye and went to change. Our swim was abbreviated, and we hit a local eatery for supper, and then homework and showers.

Somewhere during the evening I asked about her bus ride.

"Not exactly my favorite thing. Rowdy kids. Long. Bumpy. I wish I could do schoolwork, but that's pretty much impossible," she said.

"Then let me ask you this," I said. "I think I know how you'll answer, but I want YOU to say it. Can I trust you with a car? I mean, school and home on school days, and I know exactly where you go and who you're with at all times?"

Squeal! "A car?"

"It makes sense to me. That way you get a little more time before and after school. You're carrying a heavy load. You need the time. And you can run errands for us when I have to work. Makes my job easier."

"You're gonna give me a car?"

I got serious. After all, I'd known her a week. I knew her to be a serious and unusual specimen of teenaged girl, but... "No, the car will be in my name. You're still a minor. And I have title. So if it disappears from my control ... Like if you were to take off for parts unknown..." I left that unspoken.

"Alan! I would NEVER do that! I don't have ANYTHING without YOU!"

"Baby," I said, using the term as if she were my child, "I believe you. But I also know that strange ideas come across people's minds. Just saying."

"You needn't worry. Really."

She was unusually chipper when she whipped my butt at cards before we went to bed that night.

Another day. This time I left work a tad early and picked Tina up at the park and headed to a used car dealer. I'd driven by earlier and saw what I had in mind, a little Japanese sub-compact, reliable, safe, and with good resale value. Practical, that's me. Tina looked good behind the wheel. With stars in her eyes. I'd already warned my insurance agent and the car dealer faxed him the information.

That activity cost us the day's swim. I wasn't sure that I could ever wipe the grin off Tina's face. I gave her a gas card, planning on calling the gas card people for a second card on the account to replace it. Sitting in a restaurant for supper, as in "I'm driving us to supper, Alan!" she looked at me.

"I know you're just dying to give me the speech, huh?"

"What speech? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yeah, right," she grinned. "Let's see. Obey traffic laws. Don't speed. Don't take risks. Pay attention to the road. Nobody else drives this car but me and you. No illegal substances. No alcohol. Don't leave it unlocked. Keep my keys with me."

"Okay, just do all that."

She smiled. "Alan, this is something Grandma would've done if she was still alive. It's wonderful. I never expected..."

"Just trying to make our lives better, babe," I said.

We got home. Did the homework thing. The shower thing. A round of rummy, 510 to 480, my favor. And to bed. Her at her end. Me at mine. The six o'clock alarm ruled the morning. Wednesday.

Thursday. We started our swim. She was unusually quiet. "What's up, Tina," I asked. "Trouble?"

"Well," she said, "not really. But I don't know how to ask this."

"Ask what?"

"It's a new school, Alan. And I'm making friends. And they want to get together Friday evening. They ASKED me if I'd come with them."

This was a day I knew would come. At this point, for all intents and purposes, she was like a daughter. And I was a dad whose teen daughter wanted to go out. She was seventeen, and when it came right down to it, I had only the most tenuous of holds on her. "So what 's the plan?"

"It's not a big deal," she said. "One of the girls is getting some movies, and we're gonna meet at her house and watch 'em."

"Are her parents going to be there?"

"Yes. She seems like a nice girl. She's in my AP English class."

"Then I guess I should let you go. You're seventeen. You know the ropes."

"Thank you, Alan," she said.

We swam our laps and then showered and went to supper. A part of me was crying inside and I couldn't tell if it was the "daddy's little girl" part or the "there goes your heart" part or if those were both the same or what. I did my best to keep conversation light.

We did homework, and I noticed that she didn't need quite the help of two days before. She beat me by a hundred and fifty points in rummy. Friday. I got tied up over a botched shipment and was still arguing on the phone as four o'clock passed. I pulled into the park at five and saw Tina's car at the trailer. Knowing she was likely doing date prep, I knocked before entering.

"Come in, silly," she said, giggling.

I wanted that to be MY giggle. I really did. "I thought you were getting ready for the big date," I said.

"It's NOT a date," she said. "There's a bunch of us."

"No special boy?" I really didn't want to hear "yes".

"Well, there's this guy. He's in my AP science. Cute. Smart. And my friend Susan says he likes me..."

Inside I died a little. Perfunctorily I mouthed, "Just go and have a good time. I'd like you to be home at a responsible hour. Say, before midnight. And if you have any trouble, call me. I mean it. That's what I'm here for."

"I'll be careful, Alan. And I planned on being home by eleven. She was standing in the door, ready to leave. "Bye! I'll see you later!"

And I let her leave. I rewarded my restraint by treating myself to a tasteless TV dinner and then I showered and stretched out to watch TV, a book in my lap. I didn't want to close my eyes for fear of seeing images I didn't want to see. Time crept. It was Friday, and I doubt that I ever felt that lonely on a Friday in my life, at least not since my divorce.

And that's why I was surprised when I heard the crunch of a car pulling into the gravel parking space at a bit past eight. And the door opened and a Tina walked in with a hugely exasperated expression plastered on her face.

Silently she stalked to the sofa and plopped down. Her face turned to me and I saw tears marring her complexion. "SHIT!!!" she said. "Fresh start, my butt!!!"

"What's wrong, Tina?"

"People LIE! That's what!"

"Uh ... how?"

"Oh, just peachy. No parents at home. And a cooler full of beer. And Mister "I think he likes you" is like, "Uh, let's go someplace in your car. I got some weed..." and he's also got enough hands for a roomful of clocks and he thinks he's all IT an' everything. Wouldn't take "NO" for an answer. He's gonna walk funny tomorrow."

"I'm sorry, babe," I said.

She was on the verge of tears. "I expected different. I hoped it would be different. But I'm the new girl and therefore I'm lucky that anybody pays attention to me an' I live in a trailer park an' ... I'm pissed."


"Okay, sorry ... I am seriously upset."


Her eyes turned shyly in my direction and the barest beginning of a smile appeared. "Okay. So what does Alan say about crap for friends?"

"Move on. People can be depended on to be people. And the behavior you describe is, unfortunately, pretty common among your age group. I won't say 'your peers', because apparently you don't have very many peers."


"So life goes on. Even when things don't go your way. You get to keep being you. Uh ... why's the guy gonna walk funny?"

"I tried "NO". I tried pushing hands away. And he wrapped me up in his arms and tried to kiss me and he had his hands all over, so I reached down and grabbed. Hard. And yanked. He was on the floor crying when I left. And Susan was looking at me funny. And I came home."

"You had a rough evening. How about hot chocolate for a change." I paused. "On the floor crying?!?! Whatta girl!"

"I'm NOT going to be a slut, Alan. NOT. My first time is going to be with WHO I want, WHEN I want." She paused. "Hot chocolate?" Pause. "Okay."

Now that bunch of gears in my mind was really clattering. Her first time? She hadn't HAD a first time yet? "Sorry, babe," I said. "Hot chocolate is instant tonight. Remind me to buy some cocoa next time we do grocery shopping."

She accepted the steaming mug and sipped loudly. "Mmmmmm" she said, then "Dammit!"

Her cellphone rang. She looked at the display. "That's Susan," she said. "Shhhh!" She answered the call. "Uh, hi, Susan. Yes, I AM mad. I expected a nice evening of watching movies and talking and stuff, with new friends." Pause. "No, I DON'T drink." Pause. "No, I have NEVER tried pot." Pause. "Uh ... No, I'm NOT a prude. I know stuff about SEX that will curl YOUR hair. And I think LOVE is better." Pause. "Oh. How is he? Walks funny? Good!!! He should. He needs to learn the meaning of NO!" Pause. "No, Susan, I don't HATE you. I don't HATE him. But HE'S not getting within six feet of me. EVER. And if you want to be my friend, then YOU need to be straight with me." Pause. "No. I don't like being blind-sided." Pause. "No. If you want us to do something together, tell me what's going down, up front. And give ME the chance to say no." Pause. "Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I'll still talk to you." Pause. "Reputation? If I get a reputation, it's NOT gonna be because I let Jeff Jamison put his hands on my tits. Or anything else." Pause. "Yeah. Okay. See you Monday." Pause. "Yeah, you can call. I'll talk."

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Bhabhi Ki Chudai 8211 Part I

Hi friends….. I am sallant (name changed) aaj me aapko apni ek story bayan kar ne jar aha auro ki tarah faltu bakwas nahi karunga to directly story pe ate hai. Mera naam Sallant hai aur me ek 26 years good looking banda hu.. Muje logo ki tarah ye to nahi pata ki mere lund ki size kya hai par ha sabhi ladkiyo aur aurton ko ye aaram se khus kar deta hai…… To friends, baat kuch 2 saal purani hai….mere saamnevale ghar me ek piyushbhai rahete hai jinki us samay nayi nayi sadi hui thi….aur...

1 year ago
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Slutty Young Girl

Hi all, this is Vinay again. Thanks for the comments and likes for my previous story Sister-in-law fucked with cucumber. I’ll really try to enjoy you all this time too. Well, this is also a kinky but sweet, romantic story. Reading this story once is worth. This story is completely fictional and based on my imaginations. So the story goes like this. I was in class 10th when I first saw her. It was the first day of her at the school. She was 5.4 inches, well-shaped body, brownish hair, and milky...

1 year ago
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First Time Fucked

At the end of my teen years I was into getting high and drunk like most teenagers. I had done some 'innocent' playing with friends, kind of experimenting, I guess. One friend tricked me into taking a face full of jizz once. He was jacking off and got me to do it for him, promising he wouldn't shoot on me. He lied, but that is not what this is about.We were at his house partying one night. His mother was a little progressive, I guess. She would rather we got messed up there where it was safe...

4 years ago
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How Far Would I Go For Love 9

Jerry woke and saw that his right leg was in a cast along with his left arm. He was hooked to an IV and the standard monitors. His right hand rubbed his chin. Feels like three days of growth. I’m not bound, and it does look like a regular hospital.Jerry drifted back to sleep. oOo Hanna had been home for three days and told Julie everything she remembered about what had happened. They’d cried about being back together and that they’d heard nothing about Jerry. Their lives resumed as the pause...

3 years ago
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Asian wife

Introduction: A school mom Its my first time writing a life stories, so please bare with me if my spelling or grammer is little strange. A little about my self, I am very mixed, Persian, italian and greek background, very tall 6 foot 5 inches, olive skin and hazel eyes, i have great body and i used to model when i was in my 20s I am also blessed with a 8 to 9 inch cock that is very thick , now i am in my late 30s ,I live in New york city and run my own firm. I am married and have 2 kids. This...

2 years ago
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A short tale II

I DON'T BELIEVE IN THAT CRAP "I am Colleen Finn. I am Colleen Finn. How did this happen?" Randy Irish is talking to himself. Looking at his overdressed wife, informing him he needs to stay in disguise. Interpol inspector Roule had taken a keen interest in Colleen Finn. The handsy inspector had made him uncomfortable. As it became clear that Inspector Roule has no inclination, he is Randy Irish; he understood that the inspector had designs on him. Standing in the foyer, he looks into...

2 years ago
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Star Wars 3 Pt 1

Star Wars 3, Part. 1 ? by: Hrithik Roshan Senator Padme had her lips wrapped around Anakin Skywalker's big fat cock. They had just gotten married the day before, and the first night had been something less than perfect. For the last ten years, aside from occasional tortured nightmares of his mother's enslavement, Anakin had been dreaming of nothing else than the beautiful queen of Naboo. So to have her naked on his bed, legs spread apart to show her beautiful shaved pussy, was...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Cock Slut Craving for Dog Meat conclusion

I liked Paul and Rachel just fine, don’t get me wrong, but I longed to fuck their dog-- the big, beautiful male German Shepherd named Bowser. As I left their house with the sexy vision of Rachel knotted to the beast imprinted on my mind, my pussy throbbed with the excitement of fucking their dog. My thoughts became consumed by the desire of fucking it. I had to tell my husband Tom of my true feelings as well as the invite from our sexy neighbors’ to spend the weekend with them. Not...

3 years ago
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My Perfect Life Part Five

I couldn't eat at the restaurant, suddenly my appetite had vanished. I didn't want food in my mouth, I wanted Phillip's monster cock!I ordered a chicken salad but only pecked at it. My mind was preoccupied with illicit thoughts about this incredible black man sitting next to me.The angel on my right shoulder kept telling me to eat and forget what was happening between us but, the devil on my left shoulder was stronger and in control of my mind more than I expected.Kevin tucked into a nice pork...

3 years ago
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Twincest Sabrina and Katrinas Story Part 4

Bree looked at Trina as she lay on her shoulder. Trina looked to be fighting sleep as well. Bree could feel the shyness creep back into her as she thought about what to say so she could have her turn handing out pleasure to her sister. She finally mustered up some courage and went with the direct approach. "So my turn now?" She said looking down at Trina. All thoughts of sleepiness seemed to fade from Trina's face at Bree's words. Her eyes seemed to light up and a smile worked its...

4 years ago
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Busted Chapter 2

Allie and I both wanted to wash Eve in the worst way, but it was going to be a few minutes before we could, so shot were we from that monster cum. My cock was a limp wiener on my thigh, my balls like a couple of almonds in an empty bag. Allie was no better off. Her eyes were dilated full out, and she wouldn’t stop kissing me. It had been a while since she had broken up with her last lover, and apparently there was some need there. Fine with me. Eve understood. She really wasn’t all that steady...

Group Sex
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The Sound of Thunder

As a young child I remember being sick. I suffered from a severe fever that simply wouldn’t go away. One morning I woke outside on a hilltop, watching the sky bolts dance above me as the rain and mist came down, cooling and calming me. When the torrential rains came down they seemed to fall all around me but left me comfortable where I lay. My mother found me after dawn and, in a panic, gathered me up to her chest. She felt that I was sickly-hot. I felt the fever rising once more. So did she....

3 years ago
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Goddess of Light

I sat on the uncomfortable reception room chair, idly flipping through a magazine. I was nervous about what was going to happen. I was waiting for my first interview with a publisher. They had had my manuscript for what seemed like forever, until they had finally called me in for an interview. So I was waiting to find out if they were going to publish my first novel. I noticed her immediately she entered the room. Tall, long blonde wavy hair, about my age, and very pretty. After speaking to...

4 years ago
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Fairy Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland "Why is it so cold!" Rose wailed. "It's like this when winter hits up here." "Winter!" Winter is long rains and some snow, but not meters of it!" she protested. "Just be glad we cut west. I had originally decided we could go to Alaska. It's like this more than half the year." She wailed again. They had been lucky near Joliet when they had found a clan that had dealt with the local rat problem by converting the pests into food and furs. In return for aiding...

2 years ago
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The Book Walker

* I just wanted to say that this is my first CHYOA story and it may take a bit to get to the erotica, so sorry. But if you want you can DM me if you have any tips for my writing. Also if you have any questions, leave them in the comments, I will try to reply to them. I will also try my best to update often, but that may be difficult because of work and my writer's block. I'm also working on other things, so sorry if I don't Update for a bit. But enough of me talking let's get into the...

1 year ago
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A CD Tale

About 4 years ago, I was to attend a friend's wedding in the city I grew up in. I was in my mid-20's and still in school and had no wish to spend all of my money on a hotel, so I started asking around to see if I could stay with a friend. I finally settled on Ron. Ron was a former employer and recently divorced, in his late 40's and could have used to company. I packed up and made the 4 hour drive about a week before the wedding. Ron was very nice and let me stay in a guest bedroom. He departed...

1 year ago
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Do Miracles Happen Ch 03

She brushed out her clothes, straightened her hair and tried to put on a pleasant face. ‘Want me to come?’ I asked. She looked around and caught sight of the other two, tugging on some toy by the closet. Then looked at Andrew in my arms, cooing loudly. ‘I don’t know what you can do.’ She stifled a cry. She stood tall, and walked towards the door and outside, I followed behind with Andrew. The officer was waiting and standing beside the suburban. We walked over and he introduced himself,...

3 years ago
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How A Whore Hound Became A Monogamist

This is the short version how I started my life of monogamy. I was a real whore hound that was totally sexually uninhibited. I even let a guy give me a blow job while I ate a girl out in a three way. But I had only one very close friend, Liam. Liam was the opposite of me he was completely heterosexual but very shy around girls. Liam was still a virgin at 22. He was a nice looking guy, actually better looking than me. But when he would try to talk to girls he never seem to have...

1 year ago
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The Integrated Family

Note: This story is completely fictional! This story happened in a Yorkshire(England) village in the 1970s, where most girls & boys used to stay virgin until marriage then : I was young & naive when I saw a sex act for the . Dave (my father's best friend) came to our house in the afternoon & said that he is tired and wanted to sleep. My mother took him to the bedroom & closed the door. Out of curiosity, my brother Tim (who was one year younger than me) looked from a slit in the door and then...

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Minister his wife are encourgaed by Jonnie t

Well to be accurate it was wife that was encouraged and Jonnie gave her the task of pursuading her husband the minister. She knew the consequence of failing would be too bad to face - so she had better succeed.The night after Jonnie had made the suggestion when they were in bed. She said "you know it is too bad that not everyone of your flock enjoy the gift of sex. Don't you think we should do something to help them?" "Oh I don't know about that. We are not qualified." "Not qualified? Do we not...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Sheena Ryder Glam Gonzo

Sheena Ryder is a true XXX veteran who knows how to suck, ride and stroke with the best of them. She uses her juicy round ass and big perky breasts to take this lucky cock to a place of pure pleasure. Her beautiful brown eyes and long dark hair have her looking like the sex queen that she is. Enjoy this glamorous gonzo experience with this hot, mature, fuck machine. She throats down a cock with no regard for breathing air. She simply want to get the cock as rock hard as possible before...

1 year ago
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Grad Night Party Part 1

Hi My name is Andrea, and I am here to tell you about the grad night party that I went to with my boyfriend about 3 weeks ago. Keep in mind this story isn’t true and didn’t happen. Please post your reviews I appreciate it thanks.  My name is Katie Ann, I am 17 and a Junior in high school, I am 5’7 140 lbs with brown hair and Br eyes. I am not the very popular type at school, I am always in the books studying. I don’t have very many friends, I wasn’t interested in guys til my boyfriend the one I...

First Time
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Wife and brother work out

Introduction: Usually my husband writes the stories but Im telling this one. My husband usually writes about my previous escapades but I thought that this one would be best told by me. After all, it was all about me. In the summer months my husband travels a lot so Im left with a lot of time by myself. On this particular trip that he had I decided to go to the reservation and visit with my mom. I hadnt seen her in quite a while and besides, my younger brother had moved in with her and it would...

1 year ago
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Damn the AristocracyChapter 3

Over the next six months, Master Eli cut quite a swath through the female serfs and slaves. He was always rough with them, and he managed to cause the death of two of his youngest victims. Nothing was ever said about this to us, but I assumed that he was reprimanded by his father for wasting valuable resources. The strangest thing that happened to me during this time was that Mistress Ella came to me and demanded that I fuck her. “Mistress Ella, I can’t do that. What will your father say...

2 years ago
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How Did We Even Get Here Chapter 3

“Give Scott my gamer tag.”Frankie lay prone while playing her new gaming console, and swept the carpet in a scissors motion with her legs. All that covered her was a snug white tee that was barely a few inches past her bum. Whenever her legs came together, the tee fell into her crack, highlighting two freshly baked buns ready for a proper stuffing.“What is that again?” Bill went to sit on his favourite couch to watch her play since nothing else was on. “And will you please, put on some clothes?...

1 year ago
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Diary of a Sex Addict Mr Texas

There was a knock on my door early that morning. I had just moved to the States a few days ago and I didn’t know anybody, so the visitor came as a surprise. I glanced up from my bed and moved my fingers away from my glistening, begging pussy, waiting for another knock. Maybe they had the wrong address. The knock came again and I rose to my feet, letting my t-shirt d**** down and partially cover my nakedness. I went to the door and opened it a crack. “Yes?” “Is this Ms. Em’s residence?” a voice...

4 years ago
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Dont Talk Back to Your Mother0

His belt was undone; a sign that she recognized. He nodded toward the doorway to her room. “No,” she protested, “You can’t make me, anymore.” There was no question of the sternness of Don’s voice when he said, “I said get up here… now.” Her pleading eyes and frown had no effect on his emotion. He was pissed off that she had talked back to her mother, and she would receive her punishment. She hung her head as she climbed the stairs and never looked up at him until they were inside the...

2 years ago
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The PresentChapter 2

Dinner was a loud, boisterous, and a happy occasion. The working crew joined us. Five guys and what surprised me, a lady. She was about 26 or 27 and was physically able to do the job. Agnes told me later that she, Lois, had a hard time convincing everybody she could handle the job. But she had held her end up even when she was handed the shitty jobs that a cattle ranch can offer. Both Suzy and I were introduced, and a couple of the old hands remembered me. Most of the evening was spent...

4 years ago
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Shalini ke sath

Hi dosto, mera nam rahul he aur me 19 sal ka hu. Ye meri pehli story he aur, mera pehla experience bhi, mere ghar par ek maid aati thi, uska naam shalini tha, aur uska figure lagbhag 38-28-38 tha. Uske boobs mast the. Me unhe ghurta tha, par vo kabhi mana nahi karti thi. Me us samay sex ke bare me jada kuch janta nahi tha, par mujhe use dekh kar kuch acha feel hota tha. Me roj uske samne kapde change karne ki koshish karta tha, nahne ke bad bathroom se tabhi bahar aata tha jab vo aas pas ho,...

1 year ago
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David sees my wife

We had been married for about 7 years and had a great relationship. The sex life had been kind of dropping off over the past couple of years though. We were trying to spice it up a bit and I suggested we make a home movie. To my surprise my shy conservative church going wife said ok. We set everything up and it was some of the best sex I had ever had. She did anything I wanted the entire time. When we had finished I asked if she wanted to see it and she just said no get rid of it. So we put...

3 years ago
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Office Texting 8 The shower

I never turned back to see if you were following. Whether you threw your clothes on and ran or followed me to the bathroom, either way I was going to need a shower. As I turn the water on to heat up though I happily feel your hands sliding over my skin and wrapping around me. Your strength pulls me back against you as you cup my breasts and slide your hand between my legs. I can feel one hand smearing your sticky cum all over my tits, while the other sends shivers through my body as it touches...

Office Sex
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Cousin Sister Ki Chudai 8211 Part II

Hi friends Mera naam sonu hai aur meri umar 23yr hai .main iss ka bahut bada fan hoon .main ek middle class family se belong karta hoon.aur aaj main apke samne apni ek sachi story pais karney ja raha hoon .yehe meri pehli story hai asha karta hoon ki apko pasand aayege. Yeh story aaj se teen saal purani hai .hamari family main mere mammy -papa,hum bhai behen aur merey dadi rehti hai.ush samay mere exam chal rahey tey.aur ghar ke sabhi logo ko mere mama ke ladke ki shadi main jana tha.ishliye...

2 years ago
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Hotel is homefor hot sex

This all started when I first looked at my friend Lynn in a sexual way. The first time it was hard to picture us fucking, seeing it was on our table in our 3rd period. Nobody knows how good I am when it comes to picturing and feeling sex even though I'm not really doing it. Most sex fantasies I have tried having of her didn't work out so well seeing she always wore clothing that hid her beautiful curves. Let me describe Lynn for ya. She has very beautiful blonde hair that goes past her...

4 years ago
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The Edge Of IncestChapter 4

"Well, it's looking good. Except for your amnesia, your symptoms went away after forty-eight hours, and they stayed away, which is very good indeed. You also seem to have no trouble with your cognitive functions, so there's no reason you can't go back to school on Monday," Alan said, tucking away his flashlight. Dave felt Iris' hand squeeze his as the good news was delivered, causing his heart to quicken even more. In the three and a half days since his discharge from hospital, she had...

3 years ago
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Teenage Adventures Chapter 1

Timothy reached over and rung the doorbell again. He'd been standing in front of Ms. Alsover's front door for almost five minutes now, and just decided not to wait any longer when he heard a faint call from within the house. It sounded like Ms. Alsover, but he was unable to make out any words, so he leaned his head down, opened the letterbox and called: "Ms. Alsover?"Now he could hear her voice clearly. It sounded weak but urgent. "Please come around the back, Timothy".Quickly, he walked to the...

4 years ago
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Aliens and CowboysTreatment

Waking up at his usual time, Mark threw on his robe, exited the room, grabbed a cup of coffee at the bar and went out to the walkway to take the stairs down one level to the bridge where he and Cricket went over his daily reports. The only item during his daily reports that caught his interest wasn’t actually part of his daily report. He had received a message from Captain Derek Jones stating that he had recruited enough people for his mission, and another message from Kaleb confirming...

2 years ago
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Adventures of a Greenie Vol 1Chapter 14 Green Hell Claims Two More

The two Mercenaries had left Desolate a few hours ago and arrived via shuttle on Green Hell. They both were Pertharian. They had accompanied Ms. Yeager to the prison colony and now their mutual employers wanted them to make an initial survey of this world. Neither of the Pertharians believed there was a planet in the universe they could not survive, especially with the nice equipment their employers got them. All these stories about Green Hell were made by weak and fragile humans of course...

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