Moving In free porn video

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Calvin stepped carefully amongst the boxes scattered all over the apartment floor as he talked on his cell-phone. "Okay, Robert. Thanks! I'll catch you later."

"Love you Robbie!" A happy female voice called out from the bedroom adding, "Thanks for all of your help!"

Calvin shook his head and smiled. "He already hung up. Your brother sounds fed up."

Jamie stuck her head out through the bedroom door and cheerfully said, “Whatever. He's served his purpose today."

"Mercenary. So mercenary," Calvin scolded.

"But oh so sweet!” Jamie replied stepping out into the living room. Gleefully she announced, "Finally! My own place!"

She spun with her hands in the air, her lengths of brunette hair flying around, and knocked over a bunch of boxes. She laughed. "Oops!"

"Uh-huh. Very good," the tall black man chided her and stooped over to pick up the fallen boxes. "With your luck these are probably your glasses."

Jamie waved her hands dismissively and said, "Leave it! Leave it! Let's just relax!"

She fell back into her sofa and then sank into the cushions with a sigh; she really couldn't contain that soda-pop smile of hers. "My own place! I can't believe it."

Calvin sat down beside her, rubbing his smooth shaven head. He blew out a breath of air then said, "Yeah, well, you almost didn't make it."

She rolled her eyes knowingly. It had been a long, stressful day; moving from her family home to her condo apartment had been an endurance marathon. The original plan of six of her friends showing up in the morning to help her out turned out to be two: her brother and Calvin. Amongst the AWOL was a guy who was supposed to bring along his van. She was left with only Robert's busted minivan to move all of her things in multiple trips.

She was fortunate she had Calvin helping. She would have had a devil of a time moving things like her sofa if it was just her and her brother. As it was, the three of them had finally finished by around the early evening, the late-summer sun setting an hour ago.

"And it was damn hot today," Calvin exclaimed. They worked through a wall of humidity all day long.

"Can't blame me for that!" Jamie waved her hand. She looked at the thermostat and said, "A/C is cranked now. Besides, you looked pretty hot working in that wife-beater." She grinned and flicked his shoulder strap.

Calvin smiled. Truthfully, he thought Jamie looked pretty fine in a simple white t-shirt and denim cut-off shorts as well.

"So tired! And hungry!" She exclaimed, rolling her head back against the sofa. "Let's get the pizza party started?"

"Right there with you," he replied, "But you think it'd be alright if I took a shower first? Even with the air-con, I'm feeling grungy."

Jamie nodded sympathetically. "Yeah, me too. Sure go ahead! Initiate my shower! I'll order the pizza and try to find where I packed the beer in these boxes!"

Calvin went into the bathroom while Jamie dialled the pizza place. After placing the order for a large with everything, she hung up, turned around, and gasped.

"Sorry Jamie!" Calvin held up his hands. "Didn't mean to shock you!"

He stood over her only in his over-sized boxer shorts and socks, his deep-ebony athletic frame bare from the waist up.

Jamie just stood there blinking.

"Uh, do you have a towel and some soap?" he asked.

She knew she was blushing as she blurted, “Yes, I have soap. Get back into the bathroom, Cal! Geez!”

Calvin grinned. “What's up? Not as if you haven't seen me in just my shorts or swim trunks.”

Jamie shook her head and pointed to the window. “My drapes aren't even up, yet! The neighbours in the apartment across the street could be watching.”

“Oh really?” Calvin cocked his brow. He turned toward the window and struck a couple of muscle-man poses. “We should charge'em a fee!”

Jamie laughed and slapped him on the back and pushed him towards the bathroom. “Get your big ass in there!”

Calvin smiled and headed back to the bathroom. He paused at the door and shook his butt. "Don't get any ideas."

"Hah!" she snapped back. "Such a sick little mind!"


Calvin liked the shower hot. He leaned forward, his hands pressed up against the wall, and his head down, allowing the shower to spray over his clean-shaven scalp and down his back. The warm water soothed his muscles and felt good on his skin. The constant patter of the water relaxed him, allowed him to clear his thoughts of the little details of the day and focus.

"Jamie," he muttered.

It seemed he had known her for so long. They had met in one of their first year college study groups. Except for the two of them, everyone seemed to know someone else. While Calvin was fine with not having to socialize with any of the other students, across the table a female student, her narrow dark eyes and lips shifting to the side uneasily, looked a bit isolated. When the students had to partner up for assignments, it was an easy choice.

They got along pretty easily, both having the same sense of humour and taking several of the same classes together. As they started to get to know each other, Calvin felt a little protective of Jamie. He knew college could be a lonely experience for many people. As it turned out he didn't have to bother worrying about that. Jamie had a very active social life outside of school. In fact, it was Calvin who was integrated into her network of friends.

He kind of stood out. While she did have a wide mix of friends, as a tall athletically built black man, he was still easy to spot during their gatherings.

He probably would have felt self-conscious if Jamie had ever gave him the opportunity to do so. Always keeping him involved, always ensuring everyone knew who he was, Calvin had quickly become a fixture in her social circle. In fact, over time, her other friends became comfortable just to call him up on their own to go out.

Still, Jamie was always the constant. Her consideration and spirit was always there for him. And what had started as a sense of need to protect became a mutually giving friendship.

Just as the warm water continued to pour down, his thoughts continued to flow; he dug deeper. Calvin often wondered what would have happened if he had come across Jamie at a club rather than at school. A glowing, cream-skinned beauty with a bubbly and fun personality all wrapped up in a that yoga-fit body of hers, it would have been easy to add her to a list of women to “hook up” with.

He never could get past the notion of being friends. But there were days and times, when she'd be wearing a tight shirt or short skirt, or she'd be all hot and sweaty from playing or working hard, or when she'd laugh and touch him, that those notions began to fade. Like today, during the move. He couldn't explain why his senses had become so attuned to her on this day but once they were, he couldn't shake her from his head.

Calvin gently touched his forehead against the bathroom tile. His mind searched the deepest recesses of his feelings for Jamie. An unexpected sense of need swelled within him.

"Jamie," he muttered again.

"Cal?" Jamie called through a crack in the door.

Calvin shook his head and looked through the shower door. "Yeah?" he replied.

"Got you a towel." She flipped it onto the sink counter. "And I have some soap."

"Thanks," he said. He slid the bath door open. "Can you pass it to me?"

"Um," Jamie paused at the door, then she closed her eyes and stepped slowly into the bathroom. "Not looking!"

Calvin chuckled as she blindly waved her outstretched arm, holding out the soap. She touched his hand.

"Here you go! Not looking!" She laughed.

Calvin pulled his hand back. The soap fell to the floor outside the tub.

"Whoops," he said.

Reacting instantly, Jamie opened her eyes. She caught a glimpse of her friend in the shower, his large dark brown frame barely obscured by the frosted glass of the shower door. She gasped and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Shit! Shoot! Sorry! Still not looking!" she said anxiously. "Crap! Where's the soap?!"

"S'okay! Calm down!" Calvin laughed. "It's on the floor beneath the toilet."

"Uh," Jamie bent down slightly, one hand covering her eyes, the other searching frantically for the soap. "Uh, can you just find it yourself?"

She stood up and, with her eyes still closed, scrambled for the exit.

Calvin chuckled as she bumped into the towel rack. With a helpless whimper, Jamie finally made it out and pulled the door shut behind her.


Jamie leaned up against the door, her brows knitted tight, her eyes still shut. It didn't help. In the darkness, she had a clear image of him. The shower steam, the light-frosted shower door, couldn't hide Calvin's handsome body sufficiently. It certainly gave enough of a view for her imagination to run wild with.

"Wow," she mumbled softly, rubbing her forehead. Finally she moved away from the door.

As she cleared the coffee table of boxes and moving materials, Jamie couldn't help but think about Calvin. He was her friend. They had both been in and out of relationships in the four years they had know each other. Their friendship was always constant and unwavering. It seemed to be what made it easier for each other to tease one another. She could openly, playfully flirt with him because they were friends, just friends, and everyone else knew it.

Calvin would always be her friend.

The sound of the water turning off brought her back from her ruminations.

Calvin came out of the bathroom buttoning up his shirt.

"So much for the wife-beater?" Jamie asked.

"The wife-beater is done," he remarked. "Why would I put on that rank thing now that I smell like a rose?" He gave his under arm a mock whiff.

"Hah! You...!" She jumped up and rubbed his bald head briskly. "Pizza should be here soon."

"In the meantime," Calvin remarked scanning the clutter of boxes, "You want to unpack a bit?"

She fluttered her lips. “Pfft! I'm wiped. But I guess I should, huh?”

Calvin nodded. “It's easy to end up living out of boxes for a few months.”

"So first things first," she said, "What's the most important thing to unpack when you move into a new place?"

They hesitated then pointed at one another. In unison they answered, "The TV."


The pizza arrived just as Calvin finished setting up her entertainment unit.

"My hero," Jamie said, as she brought over the pizza.

"I do it for the slices," he replied.

For all the work he had just done, they didn't bother to turn on the television and just talked as they ate.

"So this is a nice place," he said looking around the one-bedroom apartment. "Cozy."

"It's looks small because I have so much stuff," she conceded. "That's the price for a bit of freedom."

Calvin took a swig from his bottle of beer then asked, "Is that what prompted the move? More freedom?"

She shrugged. As she picked the mushrooms off of her pizza she said, "I guess. I can come and go as I want. I can see who I want, when I want."

"Was that a problem at home?"

Jamie tilted her head side-to-side still staring at her pizza slice. "Mmm. Sort of. I couldn't have just anyone coming through at anytime."

Calvin wondered what she meant about 'anyone'. He had been to her house before, met her parents before, but always with a group of friends. Her parents always seemed more comfortable with her other friends.

"So it must have been hard for your parents to let you move out on your own," he remarked.

Again she nodded and said, "Well, not so bad. My parents are traditionalists for the most part. But they promised me that once I graduated and found a stable job, I could buy a place of my own. They can still dote on Robert. My new job looks solid and I can prove to them that I'm capable and responsible."

"They don't know the party-girl side of you," Calvin noted.

"And we'll make sure that they never know, right?" she said raising a telling brow.

"So," Calvin thought aloud, "I guess I can come here anytime I want?"

"Um excuse me!" Jamie corrected, "Anytime I want you to!"

Calvin drank from his bottle again then said, "Well, I guess I'll have to make you want me to come over."

"Ah yes! Entry into Jamie's private club!" She laughed, "Give it your best shot."

Once they polished off the pizza, Jamie cleaned up the plates and empty beer bottles while Calvin flipped through the television channels.

"Hey. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is on" he said.

"Ohh! I love that movie," Jamie exclaimed as she joined him back on the sofa.

Calvin eyed her. "Really?"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing," he said with a shrug. "It's no chick flick."

"Oh and I'm sure your black bruthas all gather around every Saturday night and watch cowboy movies?”

Calvin grinned. “Point for the lady.”

Jamie laughed. "Yeah, and Newman and Redford are pretty hot."

He nodded. “You're right, though. It's a good movie." He winked at her. “Just don't tell the bruthas I said that.”

They laughed. Jamie shook as she giggle and had to brush away her long dark hair that had drooped across her face. Calvin noted that she had a nice light pink colour in her cheeks. Seeing her like this, her hair dropping down, the blush in her features, reminded him of something. He calmed himself down a bit.

"Hey," he remarked pointing to the television, “They're about to show my favourite part.”

Jamie sat up. “The 'Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head' part?"

"No. Before that," he said.

The two watched as the scene unfolded: the young school teacher coming home to her small cabin to find the outlaw Sundance kid waiting for her in her darkened bedroom.

Jamie grimaced and turned to Calvin, casting a suspicious eye. "This," she exclaimed, "Is you favourite part of the movie?"

Calvin didn't turn his eyes from the television. He shifted forward in his seat a bit and said, "Yeah. Quiet. Just watch."

With a sigh and shake of her head, Jamie looked at the television again.

The scene continued: The teacher has already removed her top garments. The grizzled outlaw, his jaw set, his eyes unmoving, points his gun at the teacher and commands her to continue to undressing.

Again Jamie rolled her eyes. She turned to Calvin. There wasn't a juvenile smirk on his face as she had been expecting. His large lips were drawn to a line and his brown eyes were fixed with intent on the screen. He was leaning forward, his fingers casually folded through one another. He was absorbed in this scene. Jamie glanced at the screen then back at him, then finally back at the movie again.

“Don't mind me. Keep going,” Sundance says and the woman obediently undoes the bun in her hair and lets her long, wavy brown locks cascade past her bare shoulders. The cowboy makes her shake it around.

Jamie shifted uneasily in her seat. She didn't know why she was feeling restless; she'd seen this scene before. Yet now it was unnerving her. It was shot so silently, only the sounds of the material -- a ribbon being pulled, buttons softly popping open-- could be heard, yet it seemed so pronounced. Calvin was so focused on the scene. She'd seen the intense side of Calvin before, when they were playing softball with friends, or when he talked about his work, but this was different. This sort of intensity that she felt seated beside him vied for her attention with the carnal explicitness unfolding in the movie.

Now the humiliation begins to set in on the teacher's face. Her hair covering her face in shadow, her icy pupils spitting resentment, she stands waiting for his next order. Sundance clears his throat, raises his brow and nods his gun at her. She should already know what he's expecting next.

Jamie swallowed. Clearing her throat slightly, she shifted in her seat. Without looking at her, Calvin placed a hand on her lap. He did so gently, but there was a firm pressure behind his warm touch. Jamie froze. His action stopped her squirming but it didn't do anything to put her at ease.

The camera zooms in close on the teacher's fingers as she undoes the bows of ribbon at the collar of her undergarment and follows them with a scandalous eye as they undo the buttons one by one down past her belly. With the last button released, she drops her hands to her sides, the garment parting down the middle, shadows highlighting the groove between her breasts and flat of her tummy. The shot of her bare bosom between the gaping garment is gratuitous and indulgent. By the time Sundance approaches her and their familiarity with each other is revealed, the sexual tension is like a sliver of ice in the gut.

Calvin turned off the television.

Jamie stared at the blank screen in silence. After a long moment, she blinked and said softly, "The 'Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head' scene is next."

It sounded silly as she said it, but any sound was better than the stark silence in the air. His heavy hand was still on her lap as he turned to her. Jamie hesitated before looking at him, unsure of how she would react if she saw that intense look on his face. She saw a wide grin, white teeth twinkling behind his dark skin.

Calvin winked and said, "Now wasn't that hot?"

Jamie blinked and cocked her head. Hearing Calvin's easy voice and seeing his teasing look flushed a wave of relief through her. She smiled and chided him, "Oh come on! We've seen worse stuff in porn movies at our parties!"

"You can't compare this to porn!" he said, shaking his head. "You cannot call porn sexy! This scene was sexy!"

Rolling her eyes, she waved her hands at the TV and said "We didn't even see anything! They didn't show anything! There wasn't even a sex scene!"

"You poor girl!" he mocked her. He settled down and gave her a knowing look and said, "Use your imagination."

"My imagination..." she sighed.

"Trust me," he said rather seriously, "I can fill in the blanks about what happens next."

Jamie could too. She had done so the numerous times she'd watched the movie. She would never admit it, but that particular scene in the film was always vivid in her mind as well, and she could just as clearly fantasize how it could have unfolded had they continued. What surprised her was how turned on Calvin was just watching an undressing scene.

There was a long pause between them again. It amazed her how quickly the tension was building so quickly this night whenever there was silence. Jamie rubbed her forehead, exasperated, and scoffed, "You had me so worked up there..."

"I had you worked up?" Calvin quickly slid in. “Did it turn you on?”

Jamie's mouth fluttered open without saying anything. In her haste to fill the silence with conversation, she had just spat that comment out. She cleared her throat then said, "I mean it was weird watching this with you."

"As opposed to porn films?" he asked.

"That was always with other people," she remarked, "And those films were so stupid."

He continued to watch her, allowing her to work through her thoughts.

"And you were so absorbed in it," Jamie continued, "Were you actually aroused by that?"

She was hoping for a coy, reactionary reply. Instead he said, "Yeah. I was." He shrugged and added, "Weren't you?"

She tried to bide time to come up with a convincing reply but she sensed him waiting on her. She finally relented, sighing, "Okay! Fine! It was a good scene."

Again, not exactly a direct response, but she hoped it was sufficient. Seconds of silence ticked by. Finally, Calvin chuckled deeply. His familiar laughter immediately brought her back down a bit.

"Male fantasies," she grumbled.

He laughed. She beat him with a throw cushion.

Calvin checked his watch. He was thinking maybe he should go, though he really didn't want to.

Jamie groaned as she flopped back against the couch. "I am so tired! And my back is killing me!"

"I'll give you back rub," Calvin said, “Turn around.”

Jamie smiled. "That's okay. You must be tired too."

"Nah, it's cool," he said. He pulled her up. "Come on. Let Calvin work his magic."

She sighed, turned to her side, and brushed her hair to her front over her shoulder. Calvin slowly rubbed his hands together, warming them.

Jamie stared out across to the boxes on the floor. When she felt his warm hands on the back of her neck, she closed her eyes and breathed deeply. He started with gentle but firm presses of his finger tips against the skin exposed just above the collar of her shirt. When he wrapped his hands around the back of her neck, he worked his thumbs into her trapezius muscles. Jamie's chin drifted downward.

The feeling was familiar to her. Calvin had offered her his neck rub services several times before. He always managed to find the right spot that was nagging her and to work out all the knots along her neck.

She couldn't see the concentration in his face but his hands spoke volumes. He would massage a particularly strained spot and she would coo a long, breathy sigh. A satisfied smile shaped onto her red lips.

"Mmm. Feels good," she whispered. "Consider this your housewarming gift to me."

Calvin said nothing; he continued his diligent, silent massage. Jamie felt warm under her collar despite the air-conditioning. As her body gently rocked back and forth as he kneaded her muscles, the smile faded from her lips, and her brows slowly began to knit. This particular massage felt different from the others.

He was leaning close to her. She inhaled the sweet aroma of the soap mingling with his body's own natural scent. His hand worked with a continuous resolve, the heat and pressure intensifying. Jamie's breathing swelled. His efforts were reaching deep into her muscles. Her mouth slipped open. Despite herself, she loosed a soft moan.

She licked her drying lips and softly chewed on them. His hands drifted lower, down her back. It felt so good but deep in her gut, she was beginning to tremble. She tried to open her eyes, but somehow, her heavy lids lifted only slightly before dreamily falling shut again. Her body tingled as he massaged her more deeply.

"Ca-Cal..." she whispered.

Calvin remained mute. His brow was angled downward over his narrowed brown eyes. His fingers probed along her back, and he eased his knuckles against her body.

Jamie felt like her skin was trembling at his touch. But it was tender, passionate, and undeniably arousing. Gasping. she finally strained her eyes open and she craned her neck around. She barely caught a glimpse of Calvin's intensely focused gaze just as he pressed his palm hard and deep against her back.

A surging wave shot through her, like a fire burning from her very core. Her eyes widened and looked up at the ceiling. Her back arched into a bow as her mouth gaped open as she gasped unexpectedly, “Ahh!”

The electricity bolted through her whole body: a sudden quick pulse of energy chased by a wave of soothing relief, every fibre within tingling. The release was amazing. Her body suddenly and completely relaxed, Jamie slumped backwards, lying across Calvin's lap.

She looked up at him glassy-eyed, a quivering smile on her lips. He met her gaze with dark seductive eyes. She didn't move as he gently brushed his fingertips across her cheek.

"Calvin," her voice was soft but strained as she spoke. Even as he lowered his dark handsome face towards her, she was unable to process her confused thoughts and feelings at the moment. Her body was still recovering from the deep massage.

"Shh," Calvin hushed. His wide pinkish-brown lips came closer. They parted slightly as he pressed them against the Jamie's mouth.

His hand held fast at her cheek. It was an impossibly tender kiss, his lips enveloping hers. Calvin had been waiting for a long time for this moment, he felt no urge to rush it.

Jamie seemed to have no urge to stop it.

Like his hands moments before, his strong, warm lips massaged hers, working them apart, wide enough to slip his long slick tongue into her moist mouth. It was silent in the room, silent enough to hear their long breaths and the pleasant wet kisses of their lips and entwining tongues.

"Calvin," Jamie groaned softly as they parted momentarily. He quickly plunged his nimble tongue back down into her mouth silencing her.

While her hand held onto his tight bicep, his hand slid down from her face, caressed her soft neck and then went down further and cupped her breast through her shirt and bra. Jamie moaned into his mouth. He continued to linger indulgently at her breast for a few moments longer before continuing his downward. He felt her belly tremble at his touch from beneath her shirt as he raised it above her stomach and ran his thumb along the rim of her belly button. His fingers slid back and forth across her sift flesh.

Jamie wrapped arms around the back of Calvin's neck. She swallowed and gasped as their tongues danced. Now she was also fully aware of what his hand was doing. Her head was filled with the vivid images of the moment and of what was yet to come.

That's when she heard the soft pop of the button on her shorts.

"Cal," she gasped. She listened to another pop, frowned and repeated, "Calvin!"

"Shh," he repeated trying to soothe her, kissing her neck.

"Calvin...wait. Stop." She was breathless but firm.

His had just undid the last button when he lifted his head and looked at her.

"Please, stop," she said softly.

He gazed at her, looking at her earnest expression.

Jamie managed to pull herself up from his lap. She stared at the floor as she adjusted her shirt and did up her shorts. Her hair fell across the side of her face, blinding her to the man seated beside her. She wasn't sure if she could face him.

"I-I'm sorry, Calvin," she said, her cheeks flushed red. She rubbed her fingertips across her mouth, the sensation of his lips on her still burning in her mind.

“Hey. Don't be Jamie,” he replied, calmly, gently.

She felt him pull the hair away from the side of her face. Finally she looked at him apologetically. She didn't see any frustration or anger in the dark features of his face. It was just Calvin as he always was.

He smiled, shook his head and said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to pressure you."

Feeling slightly relieved, she managed a crooked smile and sighed, "It's been a long day, I think."

He added, "Not thinking straight, huh?"

"Definitely," she said with an accentuated nod.

They gazed at each other for a long moment. "I'll get going then,” he finally said.

"Oh well," she said as she watched him stand up, "Thanks again so much for your help today. I couldn't have done this without you."

He nodded and walked toward the door. He said, "Let me know when the first party is."

"For sure. We'll blow the top off of this place!" She spoke cheerfully but her voice was laced with touches of anxiety.

She held the door open as he stepped into the hallway. He turned around and said, "Have a good first sleep in your new digs."

Jamie smiled.

Calvin motioned to leave. Pausing he said, "Jamie, I really am sorry about that just now."

Her smile softened a touch but she shook her head quickly. "It's not a problem, Cal. Good night."

He waved then turned and walked away, disappearing around the hallway corner.

Jamie closed the door and shuffled back into the living room. She stood amongst the maze of boxes but didn't really pay much attention to them. She saw the ghost images of the two people who had been on the sofa a few minutes ago; their intensifying passion abruptly cut off. She started to wonder how the moment would have played out if she hadn't stopped it. Before that indelible image was imprinted on her mind though, she sighed and shook her head clear of it.

She needed to take a shower.


Calvin stared blankly at the changing floor numbers as the elevator descended from the eighth floor to the underground parking. He was mulling over in his head how calmly things had ended tonight. Usually when the brakes were hit on something moving so fast, there was usually some damage, some fall out.

But then again, the way it ended was kind of strange. It wasn't like Jamie stopped him in a fit of protest. He sensed a longing in her voice, a struggle in her head.

He continued to think hard about this as he reached into his pocket for his car keys. Instead of his car keys though, he pulled out a single door key. Jamie had given him a duplicate key for the day as they moved in and out of the apartment.

The elevator stopped and the doors slid open to the parking lot. Calvin stared intently at the key. After a second he pushed the button for floor eight.


Jamie's shower was quick. She preferred to do her thinking as she blow dried her hair in the bathroom mirror. Her thoughts were preoccupied with one person.

She had known Calvin for so long now. Even with their friendly flirting and teasing throughout the years they never got themselves in a situation like that one on her sofa. It was remarkably intense and she wondered where that kind of passion had actually come from.

Jamie frowned. Was it actually a mystery? Calvin was kind, smart, and funny; she told her friends this often enough. What she never confessed to them was how attractive she really found him. Not just his handsome, dark looks, but his focus and determination when it came to things that were important to him was very alluring.

But there was always something there between them, she thought. A friendship so strong that things like hooking up or sleeping with each other would seem to belittle it.

The frown on Jamie's face didn't fade. She switched off her hair drier. She thought intently about their friendship being bigger than sex. Now she wasn't sure about that.

Just why did they never get together?

Left with this question, Jamie buttoned up her oversized night shirt. Then she opened the bathroom door and stepped out.

The moment she turned off the bathroom light, she knew something was strange. It was pitch dark in her condo. She thought she had left the bedroom light on. There was also a noticeable change in the air. It was warmer and thicker; the air-conditioning was off. A soft "whooshing" sound filled the apartment; a window had been opened.

Suddenly, a bright light came on from the living room. As she cautiously entered the room, she squinted. At the other end of the room, a shadeless lamp had been switched on, a bright white light flooding towards her.

Her heart raced as she glimpsed a silhouette of a man seated on a folded chair in front of the light.

"Cal?" she gasped as her heart raced.

The big man leaned back in his chair, the lamp casting light on his face. Calvin sat easily in his chair, a subtle smile on his face.

Jamie was relieved that it was him but shifted uneasily on her spot, her bare legs shining. She cleared her throat and said, "Cal, what..."

She saw him shake his head and raise a finger to his lips. Jamie froze. She felt nervous and exposed; her gut twisted and ached.

Calvin watched the woman stand quietly before him. Her dark auburn hair shone against the light. Even from across the room, he saw the anxious look on her face.

"Anytime you're ready, Jamie," he said in his deep baritone voice.

She tilted her head slightly, unsure of what he meant.

He breathed deeply, "Shake out your hair."

She rolled her eyes. "Calvin..."

The man crossed his arms. Jamie knew if she asked him to do so, he would leave.

If she asked him.

Her eyes stayed fixed on him. Finally, only somewhat reluctantly, she tossed her hair left and right. Strands of black hair fell to the side and across her face, shadowing her eyes. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks.

Again she stood there silently, motionless. He remained planted in his chair, hands folded together, waiting for her.

Jamie raised her hands to her shirt collar and slowly pushed a button through the hole. As each button was undone, making a soft 'pop' as it was released, thoughts of the moment on the sofa instantly rushed to her mind again. His smell and taste, the touch of his strong, large hands all returned with vivid, urgent clarity. She fought through thought.

The last button gave way. The light material of her night shirt parted exposing a smooth unbroken line of peach flesh from her neck down between her breasts, past her belly to the lip of her panties. Her hands dropped to her sides.

All the while Calvin just watched. Even though he looked calm and focused, inside his blood was raging. As she had undone each button, his passion for her intensified tenfold.

His burgeoning arousal didn't go by Jamie unnoticed. It was palpable, intense, and undeniable.

Only the sound of her deep unsteady breaths filled the air as she watched him stand up and make his way towards her. His dark shadow loomed over her. He watched her chest rise and fall between the part in her shirt. He slipped his hands beneath, wrapping them around her smooth waist. Her tender body was quivering beneath his touch.

They set their gazes upon each other. Silently, they knew their friendship was about to be put through a most rigorous test.

His face came close to hers. This time as their lips met, he didn't have to work to get her mouth to open for him. They folded open and closed on one another quickly moistening them with a shiny gloss of saliva. His nimble tongue collided with hers. The room was quickly filled with the sounds of their heavy sighs and the crackle of their wet kisses. Jamie inhaled deeply as she suckled on his tongue. The heat in her apartment intensified.

The muscular man pulled the smaller woman close to him. He yanked at her shirt, exposing a bare shoulder and shimmering breast. He fondled her roughly and gave the stiffening nipple a firm pinch eliciting a sharp gasp from her lips. His crotch pressed up against her. Through his pants his swelling cock rubbed against her belly, announcing his intentions to her.

Calvin bent down. He held Jamie's soft curves in his palms as he sucked and licked at her nipples, making loud and greedy slurping noises. He covered one breast with his glistening saliva before moving over to do the same to the other.

Groaning, she raised her eyes to the ceiling, running a hand through her hair. Jamie grew unsteady on her feet. Everything was moving at a rapid pace, as quickly as his tongue whirled across her skin. It felt so good.

With a flip of his wrist, Calvin nudged her shirt off of her other shoulder. After it slid down her arms and fell to the floor, he quickly undid the buttons of his shirt.

Jamie watched him as he took it off, the dark edges of his rippling body shifting in the glare of the bare light. As each moment passed, her heart raced faster and faster. She leaned forward. It was her turn to savour his bare chest and broad nipples. She desperately used her teeth to nip at his tight flesh and she ran her tongue up and down his body as Calvin stood tall before her.

He brushed her soft hair with his hand, listening to her lustful gasps and feeling her soft lips caress his dark skin.

Jamie couldn't get enough. Her attraction to him seemed to have been built up for so long, denied and ignored, and now it was like a burst dam, relentless and uncontrollable. Gone was her long-time friend, left hanging on the precipice as she leaped with insatiable abandon into the arms of a dark lover.

She was at his belly when she felt him pull her up by the arm. They continued their lustful exchange of kisses, pressing their bodies against one another. Her round milky breasts mashed up against his hard dark brown body. Her hands moved down and rubbed along the crotch of his pants, she had no trouble finding the pronounced outline of his cock behind the material.

Two strong hands slipped under her bum and lifted her up. Easily supporting her lithe frame, he carried her to the bedroom. Both of their hands slapped for the light switch. A small night-table lamp flicked on casting a dim glow through the small room. Her bed frame hadn't been assembled yet and the mattress was leaning up against the wall. With an unceremonious shove the mattress flopped to the floor with a dull thump. Calvin lowered Jamie onto it. As he did so, he held onto her panties and, as she dropped onto the bare mattress, he raised her hips and slid them off of her legs.

Calvin knelt on the mattress between her calves. She looked at him with longing in her eyes, the anticipation coursing through her body like a brush fire. Calvin meanwhile savoured every second. He leaned forward and they embraced in another long and intimate kiss. Again she felt his ever hardening cock press up against her through his pants.

Calvin slid down her body, caressing every inch of her with his lips. When he got to her belly he rolled back up onto his knees. Gripping an ankle in each hand, he raised Jamie's legs up, spread them apart, and draped them over his shoulders around his neck, hoisting her hips upward.

Jamie gasped, her body hung over his offering him a close up view of her tender snatch. Rapid breaths slipped from her lips as she felt him kiss around her inner thighs.

Calvin had often thought about what it would be like to sample the young woman like this. She smelled sweet. He smiled knowing she would taste even sweeter. He nuzzled his nose against the soft tangle of short hairs. Then his long tongue licked slowly, languidly up the line of her slit. He tasted the moisture along her petals.

"Mmm," Jamie moaned. Her eyes rolled up into her head as she blinked.

Up and down he dragged his tongue upon her, applying slightly more and more pressure until her tender folds parted. He flicked his tongue on her clit before sliding into her.

Jamie strained and arched her back and groaned, raising her smooth belly upwards as she felt him move and wriggle his long tongue inside of her. All she saw was the top of his bald head bobbing as his savoured her.

Calvin slipped a hand underneath. His index finger joined his tongue plunging into her tight, moist hole.

Jamie writhed uncontrollably on the bed, her face twitching and distorting in ecstasy. Her soft, damp thighs brushed and pushed against the side of his head.

"Uhh, Ca-Cal," she groaned breathlessly.

Relentlessly his tongue and fingers worked her pink, tender folds. His wide lips made love to her petals with endless nips and kisses.

Jamie angled and bucked her hips up sharply. Anchoring her legs over her shoulders, her body suddenly stiffened. Calvin drove his tongue into her as far as he could.

"Ahh! Nnn!" Jamie groaned.

A surge of languid fire burned through her and spread along his tongue. It dribbled over his fingers, covering his hand with her juices. His lips were also quickly slicked to a glossy sheen. She was so sweet and warm.

Twitching and trembling her body finally relaxed, her hips easing down.

Calvin smiled as he dragged one last, long, satisfied lick of his tongue up the length of her snatch before lowering her tasty body down to the bed, her legs sliding limply off of his shoulders.

Jamie breathed deeply, but Calvin wasn't going to give her much time to recover.

With a firm grip, he grabbed her forearms and pulled her up from the mattress. They knelt facing one another. Calvin embraced her tightly as he planted his mouth over hers.

Jamie tasted herself on his lips and tongue; she had never done that before. The thought of doing so was enthralling.

He broke this kiss and leaned back. His round brown eyes were set on her as he undid the button of his fly then unzipped it. Jamie looked down at his crotch, mindlessly brushing aside her hair. With dreamy eyes, she wet her lips with a subtle lick of her tongue.

Their lips met again. Calvin didn't know why, but he couldn't stop kissing her.

Jamie held her hands against his ripped stomach as he pushed his pants down to his knees. Their lips parted and Calvin looked into her eyes tellingly. Again her gaze shifted downward and she looked at the bulge propping up his boxer shorts from underneath. As she watched him push down his underwear, she breathed deeply. His piece slipped out. It was just as she imagined from her stolen glimpse in the shower and the feel of it against her belly. Her eyes trained on it, she bent down towards his crotch.

Jamie wrapped her soft hand around his cock as best she could. It was dark and black, the long thick-veined shaft ending at a large bulbous mushroom-shaped head.

Calvin watched as her shimmering lips parted as she prepared to take him in. His fingers tangled sith her silky strands raven hair.

As she raised his tip up to her lips, he guided her head down. She opened her mouth and inhaled a deep breath of air. His cock followed immediately.

"Yeah, Jamie," he breathed. "That a girl."

Her eyes were closed but her brows frowned and raised in reaction to the feel of his thick, hot shaft pushing into her mouth. Her teeth dragged along the soft foreskin and her tongue pushed up from underneath.

"Mmm. Umm!" She hummed, her mouth full.

She lifted her head back then sank it back down with a wet squelch. Up and down her mouth went over him, trying to find a rhythm. She pulled off of him completely and whipped her hair to one side before pressing and swirling her tongue against his tip. Then she dragged it down his length.

Calvin's hand slid from the back of her head, massaging down the smooth flesh of her back and reached over the firm rounds of her ass. His rough digits dragged between the sweaty crack of her buttocks and fingered her anus. Jamie gasped at his touch before hungrily sucking down on his cock again. She dribbled saliva all over it, her hand shining his cock from the tip to the base.

"Mmm, yeah." Calvin leaned back, raising his head up, his breathing intensifying. He sucked oxygen through his pursed lips as he continued to rub her back.

As she felt him harden against her tongue and lips, her head bobbed quickly up and down. She gasped and gulped, leaving a damp wet mess over his length and on her hands and mouth. With lusty effort she stretched her lips wide and jammed his tip against the back of her throat.

His cock was fully alive now, the skin stretched tight, the muscle hard and achingly erect. It hungered for more.

Jamie's mouth slid off of him as he pulled her up. Her jaw ached and hung open as she gasped sharply for air.

Calvin gazed at her with an edge in his dark eyes.

"Come on Jamie. Come on baby," he breathed, "You want this now, don't you?"

Jamie was overwhelmed with anticipation. Without a word she simply nodded her head.

"Okay." He kissed her hard on the lips then repeated, "Okay."

He spun her body around then pushed her forward. Kicking off his pants and underwear he moved in and knelt behind her.

Jamie bent down on her knees and elbows. Her hand swept back her hair. Her eyes widened when she felt him slap his stiff rod against the crack of her butt then drag it back and forth over her round shapely moons.

Jamie's eager body tensed when she felt him wrap his hands around her waist and pull her in. The pronounced length of his shaft dragged along her slit from underneath, the tip nudging against her belly.

As he swayed his hips, continuing to tease her, rubbing his length along her opening, the large head of his tip, pressing at her petals but not pushing past, Calvin grinned. He had wanted this for so long, wanted Jamie for so long. He had so often fantasized about this moment. Their relationship as friends always seemed to cool those desires before they became anything significant.

Not anymore. Not now.

With one, pointed thrust of his hips and a satisfied grunt, those desires were instantly satiated.

"Ah-uhn!" Jamie groaned aloud.

His large dome pushed into her. His thick shaft pulled in the folds of her petals as if they were sucking him in. He pushed deep and smoothly into her wet tight snatch. Her tenderness clenched around his hard cock with exhilarating effect and he closed his eyes and listed his head back, a stream of warm air blowing through a sharp grin.

Jamie's mouth hung open as he pushed into her. "Ohh!" she moaned as Calvin entered her from behind. He filled her completely. She felt his hardness deep down inside of her, his hot cock warming her from inside out.

Calvin held onto her smooth waist as he threw his hips forward with rigid thrusts. Within a minute he had worked up a rhythm, inches of hard, sinewy flesh slipping in and out of Jamie with quick, turgid strokes.

"Yeah! Ooh, yeah, Jamie baby!" he called to her, "You feel so sweet!"

Calvin could think of few things more satisfying than watching his pulsating length sink into her, feeling her willing body take him in.

Jamie craned her head back to look up toward Calvin as he jostled her from behind. The strain and ecstasy showed in her crossed brow and her gasping mouth.

Calvin threw her a cheeky wink. Then he reached forward and wrapped his hand around the back of her neck. Thrusting even harder he pushed her face down against the mattress.

Jamie pressed the side of her pink flushed face against the mattress. Her hips still raised high, her back sloped at a painful angle. She ignored the discomfort, focusing on the hot, repeated penetrations within. He worked her like a large dark beast in heat taking all he could from her with deep, voracious strokes of his cock.

It was so hot in the condo, the two lovers dripping in pungent perspiration. Both tried desperately to slake the thirst in their increasingly dry throats. But they were no where near done.

Calvin grabbed her wrists and pulled on her arms like reigns. He jiggled his hips rapidly, watched her whole body quiver rapidly. Jamie, her face still flat against the mattress, grit her teeth then cried out a long, rattling groan.

Still deep within her, his large strong hands slid back around her waist, Calvin stood up. He kept Jamie bent over, but lifted her face off the mattress. She was on her hands and feet now, her arms and legs outstretched in a downward dog position. Her damp hair fell across her glistening face.

Calvin grunted as he tossed back his head. He paced his motions, sliding out his cock as far as he could then throwing his hips forward with one hard, singular thrust. He stayed deep inside of her like this for a few seconds before sliding out of her again, then repeated these lustful machinations. Jamie felt his cock swell inside of her each time he did this. Just when she thought she couldn't take anymore of it, Calvin resumed his rapid, stiff thrusts, pulling her against him.

"Ah! Ahn! Ohmygod! Cal!" Her strained cries filled the room and spilled out the open windows into the night. He shook her body roughly, her breaks shaking and circling. She was lifted onto her toes with each of his thrusts, almost stumbling forward at times. But he held her tight and she balanced herself as long as she could.

The feeling of her tenderness yielding wantonly to his surging cock was incredible. As he felt the blood and fire pulse in his crotch, Calvin longed to see her face, to see her aching expressions.

He finally stopped his motions, pulled Jamie upright, and slipped out of her. She was unsteady on her legs as was he. She turned around and they looked into each others' eyes. In the time that he knew Jamie, he never saw her as attractive or as arousing as she was now. Her fully blushed cheeks, shiny, narrow and dark eyes, plush lips, and her long dark strands of silky hair tossed seductively around her face confirmed to him that this was right. This should have happened long ago.

Jamie was not about to debate that fact either. She reached up with both hands to Calvin's dark handsome face and pulled him down for an impassioned kiss, her tongue aggressively probing past his lips. It was like she was discovering a new man.

Whatever they meant to each other in the past, they were both committed to this moment now.

With explosive clarity guiding each of them, they eagerly resumed their passionate lovemaking. Again his strong hands and arms scooped her up under her fine bottom. She embraced him closely as he lifted her up and positioned his swollen cock against her hole. Carrying her on the mattress, he lowered her down slightly, just barely burying the dome of his cock past her raw petals. His strength and resilience held her aloft like that, his piece just inside of her. Jamie panted, squeezing the brow over her eyes and wriggling her hips trying to absorb him into her.

"Ca-Calvin," she gasped.

With a slight grin he lowered her body and his steel hard shaft sank upwards into her tenderness once more.

"Ahnn," she moaned again.

On the center of the mattress he moved his hips like a stripper, his tight stomach rolled with each upward gyration. He watched as her head tossed back and her breasts shook with each of his upward strokes. His thick length worked with steady precision and pace. Calvin was good. The fact that he had wanted to do this with Jamie for so long made him better.

"Ahn! Ahn! Uhn! Mmmm!" Jamie groaned and moaned her approval as she held his face and pressed her lips hard against his. Her hair covered both their faces. He savoured the damp and sweet smell of her long soft locks.

Calvin stepped forward on the mattress until Jamie felt the cool wall against her back. He took her hands in his and, with her legs around his waist and his crotch pinning her against the wall, stretched them up and out against the wall. They continued to kiss and breath into one another as his hips thrust forward hard and steady. Repeatedly he withdrew, drawing her butt away from the wall and then drove in quickly pushing her back against it. The drywall rattled against their burgeoning passion as he slammed his crotch against hers.

Calvin sensed the grip of Jamie's legs around his hips weakening. She wouldn't be able to hold on much longer. He brought his hands back down her bum and behind her back, then dropped down to his knees on the mattress.

Jamie knelt upon him, her legs spread wide over his thighs, her body still engulfing his throbbing piece down below.

Reaching back with one hand to support himself as he leaned back, he brushed the hair from her face with the other. He saw the strained but so satisfied look in her attarctive eyes and even a hint of a weary smile on her lips. He continued to roll his hips and stomach.

"So good," he whispered to her with his smoky, sultry voice, "You feel so good."

Her smile grew but she lowered her head against his shoulder. As he worked her with a smooth rhythm of his hips and crotch, she teethed his tight, hard flesh, barely scratching his dark brown skin.

Hard and fast. Slow and steady. Rhythmic or eclectic. He was doing it all to her. It all felt good. She never imagined how good he could actually feel. Everything he did hit the perfect chord within her.

Suddenly Calvin bucked his hips hard. Jamie's head tossed back and she gasped. Again and again he pushed into her with hard, upward strokes of his cock. Both of them leaned back using their arms to support themselves, coupling in the a seductive V-position.

Calvin was at bursting point. He had savoured her and guided her towards this moment for as long as it could last. But everything was building now to a crescendo within and the pressure was excruciating. All of his muscles were almost spent and he was dripping sweat. With one last surge of energy he slid his legs out from under her and leaned her back onto the bed. Still inside of her, he kneeled between her legs, then he lifted them up and held them upright to one side against his shoulders.

Jamie's eyes were shut but she felt him do all this without ever withdrawing, without stopping his steady strokes into her. He held her ankles, always rocking her hard.

Finally he lowered her legs to one side and he lay down behind her. Both on their sides, their bodies melded and curved perfectly into one another. One hand slid under her and clutched at her breasts, holding her close to his body. The other slipped down to her crotch, feeling his staff as it glided freely into her.

Jamie trembled, her body in a state of over-stimulation and ecstasy. Every thrust was hitting its mark. His hands and fingers played her body to perfection. She was so hot and exhausted. As she turned her head upwards and back, her mouth was met by his lips and tongue.

"Mmm! Uhn!" she gasped, her throat raw and sore. She gulped his saliva. "Oh God! Calvin!"

Calvin's face strained, as well. He pressed his head against hers as he clutched her tightly. His thrusts were rough and unsteady now. He ground his cock into her. She took all of him. He was almost in shock. Her nubile body was taking all of him in.

"Ah-hn! Jamie!" he groaned into her ear.

He shook his hips as rapidly like a jack rabbit. He felt quick small spurts from his cock.

"Ah! Ah!" Jamie's groaned as he shook her. She held her breath, grit her teeth then cried out, "AH-uhn!"

She came uncontrollably over his cock as he continued to push and pull in and out of her. She trembled and eked out high pitched gasps. Her liquids flowed out of her in a wave of warm ecstasy, covering his cock, and they ran clear down her butt and onto the mattress.

Calvin was also holding his breath now. He grunted painfully, uncontrollably.

He squeezed her breasts tightly and buried his face against her shoulder. He growled then rasped aloud, "Huh! Unn!"

Rich liquid fire shot out of him like a cork blowing out from a bottle of champagne. It streamed out of him relentlessly, a wave of satisfaction jettisoned as he released everything into Jamie, filling her. It was both a painful and an unbelievably gratifying surge.

Jamie trembled, eyes blinking, mouth still gaping open. She savoured his overheated and swollen cock throbbing inside of her, knew that it was spewing forth its hot lustful spunk deep within. As he bucked against her ass, she closed her eyes, tried to steady her breaths, chewing her lower lip.

Calvin pulled out, a mix of fluids spilling out along with him onto the mattress, He took up his shaft, sticky and glossy in his palm as he handled it.

Jamie rolled onto her back and looked up at Calvin as he knelt over her slender, glowing body. She watched him work his large staff, thinking of how it had been probing deep within her just a moment before. She flinched only slightly as he grunted and shot his final string of milky, sticky cum between her breasts and onto her neck.

Calvin filled his lungs with a deep breath a smile curling onto his broad lips.

Jamie watched with odd satisfaction as he dragged his hands back across his sweaty bald scalp, showing off his athletic ebony figure again. "So fucking good!" he exclaimed loudly.

Again, no argument from her. Her body ached and was covered in a sheen of sweat, but she felt so very good.

He leaned forward and looked at her as she grinned back at him. She was incredibly beautiful. He winked and said, "You were pretty fine too."

It took all of her strength but she mustered a laugh from deep inside. She reached up and yanked him down. Once again they kissed, holding their warm, nude bodies close to one another.

He rolled off of her and they nuzzled up to one another. Jamie looked up at him with her narrow and gentle eyes. She finally asked what had been on her mind for the entire night, "Why did we never do this before?"

Despite all their teasing and flirtations in the past, this night could probably be considered going from 0 to 100 in a second. They had never come even close to doing anything like this before.

Calvin shrugged, his dark eyes gently focused on her. He brushed her black hair back over her shoulder.
"I guess we're just gonna to have to make up for all that time," he said.

Her cheeks glowed as she flashed a sparkling smile. "I knew I bought this place for a reason!"

Calvin nodded. "Okay now that was my house warming present!"

Jamie giggled. Calvin leaned close and once again enjoyed the tender feel and sweet taste of her lips.

As they kissed, she smiled and hummed "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head".

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I opened my eyes. They hurt, my eyeballs, stinging. I closed them again. 'Where am I?' is such a cliche, but sometimes it fit the situation. Let's review. I was in bed, but it wasn't my bed. It didn't feel right. Besides, the ceiling was green. Puke green. Who would paint their ceiling puke green? It was hard to concentrate. My shoulder itched. I decided that was more important than where I was. I lifted my hand. It felt funny and I couldn't wiggle my fingers. I reached up to...

1 year ago
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Am I Bi

Chapter 1To most people, they seemed like an average, conservative couple, albeit very good looking, and that's probably why they both got plum jobs at the exclusive private school near the city of Melbourne, Australia. When they saw two jobs they were interested in at the same school they decided that they should both apply for the convenience of traveling together. Kelly was a qualified clinical psychologist who was, until then, working for a large counseling practice and David had quit his...

2 years ago
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Rugby Bus

Heres a second one to make up for the short one. Still a fantasyLou could hardly remember what had started the fight. But it had gone from bad to worse and now Malc had gone off and left her.They were out of town at a club. It was their first time here. They had been arguing in the car on the way. Then it got heated, things were said and he left. Lou was alone now. At first she thought he would come back any minute; but when an hour went by and there was no sign she went out to look for him....

2 years ago
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Something BetterChapter 5 Thursday to Tuesday

Thursday morning dawned wet and windy. The christening went ahead as planned but the weather was so bad Gladys was unable to see what was happening in the Manse and took no pictures of birds, feathered or fleshy. That morning Mary endured another couple of Pip's "doubles". The first was when the rapists forced both of their cocks into her vagina at the same time. The youths made a game of it. There was no foreplay. Mary was stretched on the kitchen floor on her back with Pip on her left...

3 years ago
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Randal the Magnificent Part 4

Working the car's gas and break pedals proved to be a tricky proposition in high heels. It took me more than a little effort to get the hang of tipping my right foot back on that spindly 5-inch shaft, and applying pressure with the pointed toes. After a bit, I began to get the hang of maneuvering the little patent nightmares. "You said you live alone Bob, I thought you had a wife and kids?" Randal asked. Distracted by everything that I was experiencing, it took me a moment before I...

4 years ago
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The Cabin

The snow falls melodiously outside the cabins window as she looks out. The blaze of the fire warms her, the cabin is snug and cozy, but she still wraps her arms around her self. and looks out at the frozen beauty... the crackling sounds of the fire and his soft breath is all that she can hear. The Forrest is a mix of pine and deciduous trees, the plump dark green of the snow covered pines and naked skeleton, standing strong as there branches are line with snow... it's quite, nothing stirs...

3 years ago
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Taming a Wildcat

© Big Billie 2005 My name is Bill Doyle. I am an academic, aged 26, specialising in Shakespearean studies. I was recently appointed as a lecturer at a Teacher Training College attached to one of our big redbrick universities here in England. I have just been awarded my doctorate, and I am currently preparing my thesis for publication, some of it in book form, and the rest in two or three academic articles that I am hoping will be accepted by refereed journals. While I was a graduate...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 74

Dec. 23, 2022 Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope this entry finds you and your loved ones well and happy. What’s happened with Darian the last few months? Damned if I know. Actually, I know a few things. My wife changed jobs and I lost my gym privileges due to it. That bummed me out as I enjoyed being a metal head. I’m hoping after the first of the year to find another gym. I was working out 1-1/2 up to two hours a day four to six days a week. While I was sore and a bit tired it helped my...

2 years ago
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I Lost My Wife In A Card Game

As you know, I live in a modest neighborhood and have very nice people on all sides of my house. The lot sizes are generally around an acre each, so no one is looking in your windows. One of my neighbors is a couple in their mid-thirties (Pam and Mike) and I’ve found out from a mutual friend that they have been experimenting with “swinging” with other couples. From what I was told, they’re usually hetero-swaps… but I believe when the lights are low… every one...

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Their Waxed Pussies

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a normal friday afternoon James was walking home from college just thinking about what lie ahead for the weekend. As he opened his front door he saw his mum in nothing but a , it wasnt the first time so he didnt take any notice except for the fact that his 8 incher was growing in his trousers. Just as he turned around from closing the door his mum saw the buldge in his trousers, she knew that she was an attractive woman but hadnt thought that...

3 years ago
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Die Sexinsel

Bevor dein Urlaub seinen Lauf nimmt, kannst du in den Einstellungen oben rechts (3 Balken) die Namen ändern. first_name = Jungenname last_name = Mädchenname Die 8 Inselgesetze von Eros Mindestalter: Das Betreten der Insel ist nur Personen mit einem Mindestalter von 18 Jahren gestattet. Kleidung: Bekleidung jeglicher Art ist verboten! Eine Ausnahme bildet das Bedecken von Kopf und Augen. (s.h. Punkt 5) Technische Geräte: Technische Geräte wie Smartphones, Musikplayer und Radios sind nicht...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Part Time Job

Hi friends I thank you for the overwhelming response to my previous stories, my mailbox is flooded with your love and that motivates me so please keep them coming here I am posting one more story I hope you will love it too, mail me your comments and requests on and add me on yahoo kapoor.ksh I once again want to tell you all that all my stories are fictitious so please do not mail me asking the contact info of the girl, just read enjoy and appreciate, this time a babe is narrating this...

1 year ago
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HotwifeXXX Caitlin Bell Caitlin Was Promised Creampies All Weekend

Sexy milf Caitlin stopped her weekend stud Michael in his tracks as he was about to leave the house and reminded him she was promised to have hard cock all weekend by her husband. Michael quickly obliges and asks Caitlin where would she like to get fucked this time, back in the bedroom, in the kitchen or on the couch as they roll onto it. Michael wasted no time slipping her wet panties to the side and licking up her sweet married pussy juices before Caitlin face fucked his hard cock down her...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a token nigger

Ten years ago I happen to find myself at one of those uncomfortable pseudo liberal parties in the hills of Hollywood where people usually went to get not-so-quietly d***k, abuse prescription meds and talk about endless unfiltered politics .. I was there but for the good graces of my clique, a ragtag group of pirate Nixon’s if i ever saw one .. It was a view into a world I had little use for but could not pull away from .. I had somehow come to take up the ‘token Black guy’ position in this...

4 years ago
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Mine Part 2

Ally watched him closely as he smirked. "Oh it isn't?" Danny just laughed at her question. He stood up and reached down holding out his hand for hers. She sat on the couch, her legs spread, her pussy wet and needy from their previous actions. She slowly, finally, took his hand and he pulled her up so she was standing.She gasped softly, a more shy side of her that he was used to seeing coming out again after she was realizing how much they actually did together. He could see his cum coating the...

3 years ago
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The Path Of Exhibitionist Whore

Hi guys, this is Jyothi again to continue where I left last week. Thanks for the responses and comments. Slowly, I started to become restless. It was heated boiling in between my thighs. With all the kneading and caressing my body received along with horny porn, I could just say that a thermometer is inserted in my pussy now would burst in the heat generated. I slowly got up from their laps and sat over the empty dinner table as if inviting everyone for the dinner of sex feast. Kumar and...

1 year ago
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FamiliesTied Daisy Stone Avi Love Family Assets

Avi Love is a gorgeous corporate bitch who has her step-brother Seth Gamble wrapped around her little finger. Seth has been lusting after her perfect body and brilliant mind for years, but all lesbian Avi wants is pussy and big money. She’s happy to string Seth along, keeping him coding the latest hot app under brutal working conditions to make back her Daddy’s investments. When it seems like Seth might finally be at a breaking point, she seduces him into a frenzy and then orders...

2 years ago
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Big Little SisterChapter 8 Hello Again

My daughter Victoria's third birthday party has just ended. Why a child of three should *need* a party, I'm not sure, but she seemed to enjoy it. Little Pansy, I can say, hasn't expressed an opinion one way or the other, but she's only nine months old. I am having a rest. It gets tiring, keeping an eye on a bunch of kids, and my back aches when I stand up too long. I have never really become used to having such big breasts, especially when you compare them to the rest of me. The girls...

3 years ago
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My hairy aunt Annette

I remember a summer in my early teens when my hormones where making me constantly horny. I had just discovered the pleasure of masturbation. One day my f****y where going to the beach and my aunt Annette was going with us. We picked her up and went. It was nothing special about the situation whatsoever. When we came to the beach we all went for a swin in the ocean, before it was time for sunbathing. When we where lying there I couldn’t help noticing pubic hair sticking out from my aunts bikini....

3 years ago
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The Accidental GigoloChapter 5 The Accidental Dominant Part Two

I figured that it would take me a little less than an hour to wash and wax my dad's car to my mom's satisfaction. That would still give me five hours or so to get online and learn everything I could about Mrs. Stone's unusual, er, preferences before she arrived. That was the theory, anyway. Subtracting the time that my mother insisted I spend mowing our lawn so that it looked nice when Mrs. Stone was going to arrive — arrive after dark, mind you — left me with three and a half hours....

4 years ago
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The Office Party

Sex, it never happens in the photocopy room; does it?....The office party never got beyond the boring stage. They never do when senior management pretend they are just part of the team like the rest of us wage salary slaves. No share bonuses in the company for us. I think we were celebrating ten years of the international business in Sydney, so some bright spark decided it should be on the tenth floor. My heels were killing me. I wanted a relaxing spa bath. I needed some quiet personal down...

1 year ago
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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 27 Acceptance

October 13, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “I’d like you each to fill out this worksheet,” Father Nicholas said. “Please do not collaborate on the answers. It’s important for me to understand our starting point. Please don’t overthink this, or write down what you think I want to hear or what you think the other person wants to hear.” I scanned the worksheet before I began, something I did for every exam, quiz, or worksheet, then began with the first questions which mostly had to do with how well I...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 28 Remodeling

2026 Riley’s incarceration proved to be as much of a pain in the ass for us as it was for her. One of us had to be her jailer at all times. I told Kelly that I should have taken the Basic Jail Officer course at Athens back when I was taking the Basic Law Enforcement Officer course. On the days I was home I drove her to school and back home. Sometimes it was Kelly who did the duty. When I was away teaching or consulting, and Kelly had classes, either her mother or mine had to take the detail....

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The Apartment Part 3

“We need to talk,” I said to my wife, Carol.  We were in the back yard of our Texas home on a bright, early fall day. We owned twelve acres in the Texas Hill Country. Our little slice of heaven. We spent every minute we could outdoors, caring for our land and enjoying our place. “About what?” Carol asked.  She was in her usual outdoor garb; running shorts, an old tee shirt, and hiking boots. I was in my usual outdoor garb; nothing at all. I was sitting on a chaise lounge, a bottle of water, my...

Straight Sex
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Waking Up to Susan

Early in the first week, with my aunts and father still there, my two cousins and I secluded ourselves in the back bedroom, while the rest of the family gathered in the front family room. As often happens while visiting relatives, the stay had become tedious for the youngest of the group, thus we set about in idle cousin chat. Further bored though enjoying the company between the three of us, my cousin Susan reached behind her and stealthy swung a pillow momentarily stunning me. After the...

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Til Death Us Do Part1

We’d been close ever since we met. It wasn't long after that I knew we’d spend the rest of our lives together. His name is Luke. My name is Yasmin. I could feel his cock still inside of me. Not deeply inside, that wasn’t possible in the position we were in, but I could feel him. I tensed my pelvic muscles around his shaft and pushed myself a little further onto him, albeit weakly, not to try to get off again - I knew I wouldn't cum again - no, just to let him know I was still with...

1 year ago
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The Resort

"You’re in 434 B.” The concierge smiled. “Are you part of the group visiting from Boston University?”Jolene smiled but did not speak. Yes, she was from Boston. But would she admit that to the older woman dressed in the hotel uniform? “Thank you, ma’am.” She took the room key without saying another word. It really was none of the woman’s business. She didn’t want to be rude and figured no answer was the best response.“Enjoy your stay at The Getaway Lodge.” The woman handed Jolene the keys, “My...

College Sex
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Unexpected encounter with wildest PoliceSP Ramya 8211 Part 2

Hi all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here with a story of a curvy hot Bangalore girl. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for my stories. I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore...

3 years ago
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Slutty Sarahrsquos stripper audition

Slutty Sarah is back guys - and she's getting worse."I was talking to Sarah in a cafe one day. We weren’t dating and to be honest, I didn’t admire her slutty ways, which seemed to be getting worse. I’d just come back from working in London (UK) for a month and she asked me what was the best part about being there. I told her it was in the evening, after I’d finished work, going to a strip club, well really a strip bar, near the Old Street area. I won’t give the name of the place, but anyone who...

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The first few days were kind of novel. Not surprisingly, after all, we were dealing with novel coronavirus. I slept in, ate leisurely and caught up on my box sets.All the things you dream of doing when work beckons every day.I lived alone, my requirements were relatively simple, and I had stocked up at the market on my way home from work that last day.It must have been around day three or maybe four that I started to get a little frustrated. There is only so much you can binge on box sets...

2 years ago
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Chaos and Confusion

Denae lay curled in a tight ball. (S)he’d sold her body for food. (S)he had dreams of being free when (s)he left home. But all of that had crashed against the rocks of reality. Cold and hungry (s)he’d tried to sleep on the street, only to awake in a locked room. It was there (s)he’d met Jack though he’d introduced himself as The Hammer, and had been carrying a heavy hammer when he came through the door to the room. He’d had an anonymous go bag in his other hand that had smelled wonderful....

4 years ago
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Crash for a Night Part 1

Here is a little about myself: I am a 30+ year old closeted bisexual. I have had a few encounters with other men (all of them are documented in other stories). But in reality 99% of my sexual encounters have been with women. I live alone in an apt with 1 bed room in NYC. The story starts online...on Facebook. A friend from undergrad reached out to me saying that he had an interview for a job in the city and that he wanted a place to crash. Initially I really didn't want to because I am kind of...

2 years ago
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Wolf 1 the BeginningChapter 5

We showed up before anything interesting happened. The ogres looked into the darkness, trying to see if we were around, I supposed. Of course, by standing in the light and looking into the dark, we were completely invisible as long as we were still. Movement might have given us away, but we were smart enough not to do that. After a few minutes, one of the ogres gave an order, and the workers began to move to different places in the work area. Naturally, before long, one of them tripped a...

1 year ago
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Twice LuckyChapter 15

Jake was standing at his locker, still ruminating about his purpose in life when Erika pressed up against him. A large breast was deliciously pushing into his back when she licked his ear. “My mother acted goofy all night last night. Although you may be an evil man, you are hereby invited to supper, Thursday,”she said. Jake let her ramble on. He took her books and her hand and dragged her towards chemistry. Erika congratulated Scott on making the football team and they got to work. The...

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Pushing The Envelope

The night before we met for coffee, I dreamed about Gil. I woke up with my heart clattering against my ribs. The dream was vivid but it faded quickly. I tried to hold onto it, but all I had was impressions: cold porcelain and slick metal, breathing ragged as torn silk, the taste of Kahlua, the sweet smell of sweat and exertion. I couldn't hold onto it, and lay there in bed, looking at the ceiling and listening to Paul's soft snoring. It was nearly six anyway so I got up, and when I swung my...

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Tim And Abbie 59 Finishing Off The Weekends For The Rest In Attendance Friday Night

Luke and Mary have been together the longest of the four couples, first meeting when six years old when their families moved next door to each other.  All through school, they were inseparable, walking to school together, playing in the afternoon, and in and out of each other’s houses all the time.By secondary school and now sixteen, they were exploring more and more of each other.  It did not take long after they blew out the candles on their sweet sixteen cakes that Mary was blowing some...

1 year ago
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Office Slave Chapter 7 Important Meetings

"Hey Dad." he said. "Tobias! I just heard that Rachel is sick. What's happening about the presentation?" Toby’s Dad’s voice was concerned. "Don't worry Dad I've got it" Toby reassured him. "I think you should let them know she's ill and try and rearrange." His Dad clearly wasn’t convinced, concern at losing the deal etched in his voice. "Dad don't worry. I'm on my way there. I'll be fine. Just trust me. I’ve got this." Toby repeated. "Well if your sure son. Good luck"...

3 years ago
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A long wet afternoon for 2

Your sitting in my big leather office chair, outfitted in top bustie', high boots and nothing else.? Your man slut before you only wearing a tight white shirt and a black man thong.....ready to do as you say, anything you say no matter how twisted or perverted....he is yours.? your legs opening, you tell me to kneel before you. Taking a marker from the desk you write slut on the chest of my he is ready. Without a word you move ur butt up to edge of the chair and put your...

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OstafrikaChapter 8 Retreat

Gerda and the first aid party try an erect some canvas shelters over the wounded lying on the ground. In the middle of the camp, the Captain remains standing, as the sun gets higher in the sky. A man takes him some water; he doesn't acknowledge or attempt to take the bottle. The man leaves it on the ground next to him. It is about mid-morning before they see movement along the road from Rungwa, a party of riders and some wagons. The first-aiders watch nervously as the distant procession...

1 year ago
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Did I Just Do That

The water was hot against my skin and I lathered and lathered my body more times than I wanted to remember. Did I just do that, I thought. My pussy wasn’t dirty but I kept cleaning it as if I had done something wrong, something bad. I even cried a little at remembering the last three or four hours. But I knew, deep down that, they were tears of joy.My thoughts kept concentrating on what we had done and not on whether we should have. My mind kept going over the same things. Why did I go through...


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