Moving free porn video

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I was just fifteen when we moved into this neighborhood and not very happy about moving. I'd left all my friends, especially Janie. I'd been working on getting into her pants for about two years and was getting really close when we moved. Well I'd prepared her for someone.

Now here I was, in a new house, in a new neighborhood and I hadn't seen anyone my own age. I was walking around our new backyard when I heard splashing coming from over the high fence that surrounded the yard. There was a table near the fence so I climbed on it and looked over the fence.

A girl about fourteen was swimming in a nice large pool in their backyard. She had long dark hair, a cute face with large brown eyes and a nicely developing figure. The swimsuit she wore wasn't a bikini but it showed off her perky little breasts. Her stomach was gently rounded and her ass was nice and tight. She was on the diving board getting ready to dive when I called to her.

"Hi, anybody home?", She stopped in mid motion and looked over at me.

"Oh, hi. I didn't see you there. Are you our new neighbor?"

"Yeah, we're just moving in. Are there any kids our age around here?"

"Nope," she answered, "there's some about ten or eleven and some twenty or so but none our age."

Shit, I thought, just my luck to move into a neighborhood with no one to hang with. Well I'll just have to do the best I can. She got down from the diving board and came over to the fence. There was a short ladder on the ground that she put to the fence and in a moment she was looking over at me.

"I'm Judy, what's your name?", she asked.

"Dave," I said, "What do you do for fun around here?"

"Oh swim and go shopping with my Mom. There's a theater a few blocks away and when schools going there's dances and things."

"Well," I said, "The only thing that looks like fun here is the treehouse in that big maple. Have you ever been in it?"

"Yeah, when Janie lived here, we used to play house in it all the time. It's got some cushions and things in it and we used to sleep up there sometimes."

Maybe I can play house with you, I thought, you're cuter than hell. "That pool does look like fun," I hinted.

"Would you like to come over and swim," she asked, then continued without letting me answer, "Let me go ask Mom if its ok? I'll just be a minute." She ran into her house and in a moment was back. "Mom says its ok. Come on over."

"Ok, I'll go get into my swimsuit and come right over. Is there a gate anywhere?"

"No, but there's a couple of boards loose right down there," she said, pointing to a spot in the fence just a few yards away.

"Fine, I'll be right over as soon as I change," I said and went into our house to change.

In a few moments I was back, slipped through the fence and went over to the pool. Judy was floating on a tube, just kind of paddling around. The way she was hanging over the tube almost had her tits popping out of her suit. She looked up, smiled, and waved for me to join her. I dove in and swam to the tube. I pulled myself up on one side of the tube. She was on the other. We paddled around like that for a while just talking and getting to know each other. We had a lot in common, sports, music, cars and a lot of other things.

"Do you have a girl friend?", she asked.

"No, but I'm looking around for one," I kidded, "You know of any available girls around here?"

"Just me," she said, "and I'm too skinny and ugly for a guy like you."

"No, you're not," I protested, "you're not skinny or ugly. I'd like to have a girl friend like you. You're cute as hell and have a great body too."

"You really think I've got a nice body," she asked, "my boobs aren't near as big as my moms and I don't have nearly as much hair on my pussy as she has."

I looked at her in disbelief. We'd only been talking to each other for half an hour and here she was telling me how much hair she had on her pussy. I just smiled and didn't say anything.

"You'll see," she continued, "she's coming out in a little while and if she's wearing her two-piece suit you'll see what I mean. My mom's really pretty and she has a great body. Her boobs are big as melons and she has beautiful long legs."

We talked for a while and then got into a water fight. She splashed me and swam for the edge of the pool. I caught her just as she was trying to get out and grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her back into the pool. I had a hand on each shoulder and was getting ready to duck her when I felt her hand grab my cock. We just stood there looking at each other as her hand massaged my cock through my suit. It started to get hard in a hurry. Her hand went down between my legs and caressed my balls. The bulge in my suit was getting very obvious. She looked down and gave me a big smile.

"You like that," she asked.

"Oh, my God, yes," I stammered, "but if you don't stop I'm going to cum all over the place."

"Do you want me to stop?", she asked.

"No, you can keep it up forever. I want to touch you to."

"We've got to stop. Here comes my mother. We'll finish this later." Our breath was coming a little rapidly. I looked over my shoulder and her mom was coming toward the pool. And she was wearing the two-piece suit.

I caught my breath. Judy was right. She was beautiful. Her breasts strained at the halter top she was wearing, the full round globes bulged at the side of her top and her nipples made pointy tents in the small patch of fabric that covered each tit. The bottom was cut high on the sides and low in front and back. Dark tufts of curly hair peeked over the waistline and from around the edges between her legs. She surely wasn't bashful. She came to the edge of the pool and dangled her legs in the water. She smiled at us and splashed water in our direction.

"Hi kids, having fun," she asked, "don't stay in the sun so long that you get sunburned." She slipped into the water and swam the length of the pool a couple of times. After a few minutes she got out of the pool and started for the house, "I've got some chores to do," she said as she walked toward the house, "come on up to the house in a little while and I'll fix a sandwich or something."

Judy and I floated around the pool on the tube, looking across at each other. "See didn't I tell you. Did you see the hair poking out of her suit? And I thought her boobs were going to pop out." I agreed with her and after a moment she continued, "Have you ever seen anyone having sex," she asked.

If I hadn't been hanging onto the tube I'd probably drowned, I was that surprised.

"No," I blurted out, "have you?"

"Oh sure, lots of times," she said matter-of-factly. I didn't know whether to believe her or not.

"Well tell me all about it. I want all the details. Have you really seen people having sex?"

"Sure," she answered, "well, mostly it was just mom and dad. I've seen a few others naked but not actually having sex."

We were on the inside of the tube now with our arms hanging over the sides. It was very close and I could feel her legs brushing mine as we paddled around the pool.

"Well tell me," I demanded, "I want all the details."

"Well," she began, "I guess the first time I really remember anything was when I was about ten. One night I could hear funny moaning sounds coming from mom and dad's room. I could hear their bed squeaking and I could hear mom's voice saying something but I couldn't hear what she was saying. After a while the squeaking stopped and I heard dad get up and go to the bathroom. I had to go too so I got out of bed and started down the hall toward the bathroom. I'd just about reached it when dad came out of the bathroom. He was naked and had a throbbing hardon. It was all red and juicy like he had just pulled it out of something. We just stood there for a minute and looked at each other, then he turned and went into their bedroom. I finished going to the bathroom and went back to my room.

I discovered that if I stood in my closet I could hear what they were saying. I heard dad telling mom what had happened in the hall. Mom just laughed and said, "well now she knows what a cock looks like".

Then she told him to get into bed and fuck her again. I heard the bed squeak as he got in and then I heard mom let out a low moan. The bed started squeaking and mom's moaning got louder. All of a sudden I heard her telling him to fuck her harder and faster. Then I heard him gasp and grunt and she said Oh God I'm coming again. Then everything quieted down. That was the first time."

We had paddled into the shallow end of the pool so we could touch bottom. Her story had given me a throbbing hardon and I wanted to put it where it belonged. I slide my arms around her waist and let my hand travel to the waistband of her suit. I slipped my fingers inside the suit and pushed it down over her ass. She just looked at me and smiled. I had a cheek in each hand and pulled her close to me. Her arms circled my neck and she pressed against me. I pushed my suit down and felt my cock press against her bare belly. Just then her mother called from the doorway. Sandwiches were ready. We hurriedly adjusted our suits and after a minute or two went to get the food. Judy asked if we could eat the sandwiches on the picnic table by the pool and her mother said sure. We took the food to the table and sat down across from each other.

"Tell me more about your watching your mom and dad," I coaxed.

"Well I decided if I could hear that well from the closet I could probably see if I had a small hole in the wall. So I drilled a small hole clear through the wall. It was just little on their side but was as big as a cup on mine, that way I could see almost the whole room. As long as there was light in the room I could see really well. I've had close up shots of his cock sinking into her cunt. I've seen her suck his cock clear to the balls. I've seen them fuck in about every position you can imagine."

I looked at her in amazement. This gal was something else. She sat there talking about her mom and dad fucking with almost a clinical detachment. Like it was just a learning demonstration or something. Well maybe it was. It was fun listening too anyway.

"The most fun, though," she continued, "was when I could walk in on them and they knew they were caught and couldn't do anything about it. My dad travels a lot and just before he goes on a trip him and mom goes into the den, set before the fireplace, drink a little wine and make out. Then they go into their bedroom and fuck. Well this one time I walked in on them in the den. They were sitting on the couch her blouse was unbuttoned and one tit was hanging clear out. Her nipple was all red and wet as if he had been sucking on it. I don't know whether he took of the bra or she just wasn't wearing one but anyway his fly was open and her hand was inside his pants. I just walked in and sat on the arm of the couch and talked to them as if nothing was happening. You should have seen the look on their faces. Another time I walked in on them, he had her bent over a chair. Her blouse was open and her tits were hanging out. Her skirt was up over her back and dad was standing behind her. I watched them for a few minutes before they knew I was there and he was pumping his long hard cock deep into her cunt. She was moaning and groaning with every thrust. I stepped into the room and he just shoved it clear in and pulled her skirt back against his belly. He had his hands on her hips and just held her tight against him. There wasn't much they could do to cover her tits. I just walked clear around them. When I got behind him I giggled because his pants and shorts were right around his ankles. I just walked around sat on a chair across from them and talked to them for a minute or two. When I left, they went to their room so I slipped into my closet to watch them. They no more got inside their room before they started stripping. They were naked in record time. What followed then was the biggest fuckfest I've ever seen. They fucked, sucked and everything else you can think of. The funny thing is neither of them have ever mentioned any of these incidents to me."

"Well," I said, "your story's given me another hardon. What are you going to do about it?"

"Not much I can do about it right now," she said, "but I've got an idea that if we meet in your treehouse tonight I might be able to. Dad's going on another trip tomorrow so if I guess right there's going to be a fucking good time at our house tonight. If things go well, we can watch from your tree house."

"Sounds good to me," I said, "what time should we meet?"

"Probably by seven. It'll be dark by then and I know they won't waste any time."

"I'll meet you at seven in the tree house then," I waved and went home.

Seven o'clock found me waiting in the treehouse. I had showered and was dressed in only a pair of boxer shorts. I didn't know what was going to happen but I was going to be prepared. A few minutes after seven Judy stuck her head through the trap door in the treehouse. It was dark inside and she couldn't see me.

"Anyone home," she whispered?

"Just us horny toads," I whispered back.

She climbed on in and sat on the cushion beside me. She had on a long nightgown that almost touched the floor when she was standing.

"Sorry about the nightgown," she said, "but if I'd worn anything else they would have been suspicious."

"No sweat," I told her, "you'd look good in anything or nothing. What's the story anyway?"

"They were in the den when I left. He had his hand up her skirt and his tongue down her throat, so I don't think it will be much longer."

Just then a light flipped on in a room at her house.

"That's their room," she said softly, "I opened the curtains a little this afternoon so we should have a very good view if they leave the lights on."

Her mother walked into the room, her blouse was already open and I could see she wasn't wearing a bra. She slipped the blouse off and threw it on a chair, her tits swaying to and fro as she moved. Next she undid her skirt and let it drop to the floor. They must have already removed her panties because she was nude. Her cunt was wet and red, by either finger fucking or they couldn't wait to get in the bedroom. She leaned over to pick up her skirt and we could plainly see the lips of her cunt gaping before us.

Then her dad walked into the room. He was already naked and his cock was stiff and hard. It was red and juicy too. That answered the question about the wet red pussy. They'd already been fucking. He had her kneel on the bed with her ass in the air and stepping behind her shoved his cock deep into her cunt. He started pumping, using long hard thrusts that bounced her tits every time he shoved it home. They fucked like that for ten or fifteen minutes then he pulled his cock out and lay on the bed on his back. She smiled at him and straddled him. We could see her hand reach down and guide his cock into her waiting pussy. Then she began to fuck him like nothing I'd ever seen. She'd rise up until it was almost out then sink back onto it in a rolling twisting motion that was driving them both nuts. Suddenly he just rolled her over, got her knees on his shoulders and started to fuck in ernest. He was taking long hard thrusts and then a sudden burst of short fast ones. All of a sudden she locked her legs around his back and they just lay there jerking and quivering. After laying on top of each other for a few minutes he reached over and shut off the lights.

We'd been laying side by side on our bellies watching the performance that had been staged just for us, even though they didn't know they were putting on a show. During the show I'd unsnapped my shorts and slipped them off so I was laying next to Judy completely naked. My cock was hard and throbbing again. Judy sat up and put her hand on my shoulder, "Shows over I guess," she whispered, "I told you it got really wild."

"Yeah," I agreed, "it was wild all right. But not as wild as we could get." I raised to one elbow and run my hand down her leg to the bottom of the nightgown. She let her hand slide down my side to my hip. When she got to where there should have been shorts and there wasn't any I heard her suck in her breath sharply. I drew my hand up her leg bringing the nightgown with it. When I got it to her waist I told her, "You're going to have to help me a little, you're setting on the gown."

She raised up a little and I pulled the gown from under her. Her breath was coming in short jerky little gasps. I rolled over onto my back and asked, "What's wrong baby, don't you want to fuck me?"

"Oh yes I do, but I'm scared a little. I've never done this before."

"I know, me too. But you've watched enough that you should know what to do." My hand was under her gown rubbing her hip and trailing across her belly. I reached around and squeezed a cheek of her ass. I'd been right guessing she didn't have anything on under the gown. I reached up and pulled her head down and kissed her softly and tenderly on her lips, slowly letting my tongue slip into her mouth, probing for her tongue. We lay there kissing for several minutes then her hand slides down over my belly and grasped my cock. It was throbbing and pulsating in her hand. She started kissing my chest then my belly and then I felt her tongue flick across the head of my cock. I shivered and she opened her mouth and took my cock inside. I could feel her tongue doing a little dance around the head as she began to slide my cock in and out. I couldn't help it. My balls just tightened up and I shot a load of hot creamy cum into her mouth. She gasped and jerked back and the second squirt went all over her face. I started to apologize, then realized she was giggling. I pulled her down beside me and asked, "What's so funny." She quieted down and told me that she guessed she'd taken care of my hardon. I told her I didn't think so because it was still hard. She reached down and took hold of it and agreed that it was still hard but that now it was wet and gooey. I laughed and pulled her nightgown up to wipe her face. We got most of the cum off and I just pulled the nightgown on over her head. She lay down beside me and we began kissing again. I started to lick her face and she asked what I was doing. I told her I was just cleaning the cum off her face. She smiled at me and held my head in her hands as I finished licking her clean. My hand went down to cup one of her breasts and she kind of turned away from me.

"What wrong baby," I asked, "don't you want me to play with your tits?"

"Oh I just wish they were bigger. They're so small compared to moms. And my pussy isn't nearly as hairy as hers either."

"Don't worry about it hon, you're just right for me," I kneeled up and positioned myself between her legs, "spread'em wide for me babe cause I'm coming in." She giggled but her legs spread wide for me. I knelt and rubbed my cock up and down her cunt. Her breath was coming in little gasps as I placed my cock between her pussy lips and gently pushed. She sucked her breath in as my cock slide in a couple of inches. I started working it slowly in and out, each time pushing it in a little farther. Soon I had all but a couple of inches in her. She was making little meowing sounds as I started to fuck her with long strong thrusts. Her legs came up across my back and her ass was rising to meet each thrust. Suddenly her arms tightened around my neck and her legs locked around my back and with a loud cry she came. I raised up a little and looked around to see if anyone had heard but couldn't see anyone. She had calmed down a little and I began the thrusts again. She was right there with me, meeting each thrust with a twist of her own. After ten minutes or so of good hard fucking we collapsed in each others arms as I shot a load of cum deep into her hot juicy pussy. We lay there locked together for quite a while then I raised up and pulled my cock out of her sopping wet cunt. Using the bottom of her gown we wiped the cum from her cunt then got dressed and climbed out of the tree. I walked with her back to the hole in the fence and we made plans to meet the next day to swim.

I slept late the next morning but when I woke I jumped right up full of vim and vigor. I felt good. It does a world of good to get a good load off your balls. I got dressed and went down stairs. Mom had breakfast ready and warming in the microwave. As I sat down to eat, I looked at Mom with new eyes. She wasn't all that old. Maybe thirty-five or thirty-six. It was kind of hard to tell but it looked like she may have a figure under that old robe. Any way she told me that Dad and she were going back to our old house to pick up the last of our stuff. They would be gone for three or four days and did I think I could take care of myself and not get into trouble. I said sure, I'd met the neighbors next door and if there was a problem I could go there for help. It assured her that I would be okay so she and Dad left. I was alone in the house. I was making plans right and left but hadn't talked to Judy. I slipped on my swimming suit and went over to Judy's. I could hear her splashing as I crawled through the fence. I dove into the pool and came up right in front of Judy. I shook the water from my eyes and pulled her to me and kissed her soundly. She responded at first then pushed me away. I looked up and there was her mother at the edge of the pool.

"Well," she said, "that's and interesting way of saying hello. Did you ever think of just shaking hands?"

"Oops, sorry Mrs. B I didn't see you standing there."

"Obviously," she said dryly.

Judy was thinking fast, trying to figure a way out without getting grounded.

"Mom," she said, "we need your help. Would you help us?"

"Why sure baby, what is it."

"Dave and I were talking about sex yesterday and we wondered if you would explain some things to us. Maybe show us how some things work. Generally just show us how things are done."

My mouth dropped open when she said that. But then I realized it was a really good idea. At least we'd be talking about something we all liked and enjoyed. Although she didn't know that yet.

"I guess I could do that, though Dave probably should be told by his parents."

"I don't think they'd mind," I said, "in fact they would probably be grateful."

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Charlies Pain and Healing No 2 Life With Amanda

This story will make a little more sense if you read CHARLIE'S PAIN AND HEALING first as this is a continuation of that short story. The wedding went off without a hitch and throughout the reception Charlie and Amanda were constantly together. They were always touching, giving each other gentle kisses and staring soulfully into each other's eyes. Every time he looked at Amanda Charlie felt his heart swell with love. At times he wondered just how he could have been so lucky to win her for his...

2 years ago
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More Than Just A Womanless Pageant Chapter 9

More Than Just A Womanless Pageant (Chapter 9) by: crossvestite Players: Amy 18 Andy-(Amy's twin brother) 18 Lucas-(Amy's boyfriend) 18 Cheryl-(Lucas's Sister) 15 What's up: Amy has a confession regarding Cheryl. And Cheryl will become involved with both Andy and Lucas. (Note: The next few chapters will not be focused on Amy's dad Steve. That storyline was geting a little too intense and it would be difficult to go much further with it. So that part of the story is probably...

3 years ago
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A Happy Coincidence

This the story of my first time (although the names have been changed)He was an arrogant egotistical male but she loved him, she would argue probably more than life itself and although she fully believed he just saw their relationship as a close friendship every part of her yearned for more. When she closed her eyes she could imagine the feeling of his lips upon hers, his hands exploring her body...desiring her as much as she desired him.It came together in a happy coincidence....her; Bethan...

First Time
2 years ago
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The Girl Next Door

The Girl Next Door By: DonnerTie He caught himself looking at her profile for the thousandth time. Adam couldn’t help himself he just had to check. It was almost as if he wanted to make sure she was still there, that she wasn't gone. Each time left him feeling guilty and childish. The girl was Ashley Walker his next door neighbour. Adam leaned back in his chair, he sighed with frustration. He had known Ashley since they were little kids. They used to be the terror of the neighbourhood when...

3 years ago
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Halloween for Life Chapter 25 Timeline 1

Halloween For Life (A Fan Fiction Continuation) Chapter 25 Lunch Dates? "Nicole." The voice was soft and musical. Who was 'Nicole' ? And why was someone calling for her? "Ni-ico-ole." "Ohhhmmmm, nice," Jordan responded as he felt soft lips on his. He opened his eyes to see his wife, Anna, smiling down at him. "Oh, Anna..." Jordan sighed, "I love you." "I love you too, Nicole," Anna said. 'Nicole, who's that?' Jordan wondered. But then he remembered. Am...

1 year ago
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Part 28 Time Apart

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 28: Time Apart Holly had the chance to study abroad, and she took it. She was going to be gone for a month in Europe. This was our last night together before she left early in the morning. We were sitting at the table, having just finished dinner. “I have to go a whole month without you?” I asked her, still coming to terms with her impending absence. “I know baby, I’ll miss you so much” Holly said. “I don’t want you moping around wishing I was...

3 years ago
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The Bet

"You're on," Deborah said. "Unfortunately we won't be able to watch it live," Chris responded, "So I'll Tivo it. We'll just avoid any news on the way home." Chris and Deb had a reoccurring bet since they started dating. Chris was from Washington D.C. and a Redskins fan while Deb grew up in New York, and rooted for the Giants. "I told Patty that it wouldn't make a difference if Timmy got christened next month, but she didn't agree. It starts at one thirty. And then there is lunch...

1 year ago
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Sex with mami at Pune

Hi ISS fans, I having been reading ISS from many a months and now I am posting my first real incident which happened two months back. It was first week of July, I had to go out of station to attend wedding of our relative’s son. I had planned to go there a couple of days early, so decided to stay in a hotel have some good times by having drinks and movie. A day before I was to leave my mama asked me who’s going to attend the wedding from our house. I replied “Me.” As he has shop, he asked me to...

4 years ago
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My favorite slut Rachel part 1

I met Rachel one night at a bar. She was there alone so I decided to talk to her. We ended up talking for quite some time, and my cock grew harder and harder in my pants. She saw that, and started to rub my painfully hard cock through my jeans. She looked at me, leaned in and whispered "follow me into the bathroom". I did as I was told, she was so hot in a low cut dress and skirt, my cock was so hard at this point it was about to rip out of my pants. When we got there, we went into the biggest...

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Emma learns sex from the farm helper and his friends

We also had a farmhand named Rico and his wife Amanda, on my dad’s payroll. Rico was a tall, dark handsome guy with big hands, helping with outside work, and his wife Amanda was helping with taking care of the cows, chickens and house work. I didn’t have sex, neither had any experience, and at the time there was no Internet to see and learn things, and I was homeschooled so didn’t have friends to ask about it. Every night, I was hearing voices and thumping noises from my parent’s bedroom....

2 years ago
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You Sure Got A Pretty Mouth 4

The next day, I couldn’t think about much more than Jenny’s wonderful mouth. She loved sucking cock and she got off on being naughty and treated like a slut so I couldn’t help but think of what to do with her next. The Glory Holes website really turned her on, despite her saying it didn’t. The way she wiggled on my hand and came, told me she would really enjoy the experience. I thought about when we could go and the weekend was the best time. Jenny wasn’t allowed out during the week because of...

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Daddys Lessonsl

Note : This story is completely fictional! "That boy treats you well, doesn't he?" My stepfather asked as I walked in the door. I had been outside in my boyfriend's car for the past hour, letting him kiss me and fondle my breasts. I liked how he touched me, and my nipples got hard in the palms of his hands. His breathing was hot on my neck and I loved the way he groaned when he kissed me. He grabbed my hand and pressed it to his crotch. I felt something hard under his jeans and this excited me...

1 year ago
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Familly Lessons 7 by Darklord

Her dark hair was cut short, and flared to fit her face, accenting her high cheekbones and pouty, full lips. She looked a lot like their mother, he thought, the same firm small tits, though he hadn't seen Julia's bare one for a real comparison, the same dark hair, both cut short, hazel eyes, and long, slim legs that they loved to show off. He couldn't decide who was sexier, his mom or his sister. He really wanted to see Julia's naked tit, and the flash of her bare thighs was sending...

2 years ago
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The First Time

My best friends and roommates, Savanna and Jaiden, know a lot about my sex life, which is a very small amount of information. They know I masturbate and I've never used any sex toys of any kind. I'm an innocent young eighteen year old college girl, with no boyfriend. I've also never kissed a dude; sad, I know. Savanna and Jaiden are both very experienced when it comes to sex, which is why this night happened.I was laying in bed, wearing a long sleeve shirt and black lace panties, when they...

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Love in the Lake

I finally booked the rustic little cabin in the Gunflint wilderness in northern Minnesota. It had been seven years since I had taken a vacation, and I was looking forward to the peace and quiet of complete isolation. The only sounds I wanted to hear for the next week were the cries of the loons and the distant howls of the wolves that inhabited this piece of heaven. I packed a couple of knapsacks and loaded up my car. I headed north up I-35 out of Minneapolis to one of the last little pieces of...

Love Stories
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Captain David Humatha ran down the corridor toward the high speed gravity tube that would take him down the fourteen levels to the bridge. He shouted into his comlink to be heard over the loud alarms and the sound of running spaceboots which was echoing all around him in the hallway. Between loud squawks, the alarm was repeatedly shouting in a mechanically calm, and yet very urgent voice, “Level Three Intruder Alert. Level Three Intruder Alert. All crew to battle stations. All families to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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He Raped His Lovely Mom

Mack Margo could hardly believe the letter he was reading. It was a notification that a story he had written and had submitted to a publishing company had been accepted for publication, and that he would be sent five hundred dollars upon publication of the story that would happen within the next month. He reread the letter a couple of times. It was simply hard to believe, but there it was in print. Mack was only sixteen, but he had been writing for a couple of years, and he had concentrated...

1 year ago
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Moon Prt 1

Introduction: My first story Chapter 1 I was out in the woods, just walking around, hiking kind of. It was spring break at the college and I was all ready for it. I couldnt wait for people to be out of the classroom and out in the nature that the school was surrounded in practically. Honestly, I didnt mind getting out of the school and just walking around, especially at night when I could walk around without any problem. You see, Im Luna and I happen to be a college student at the University...

3 years ago
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Mixed up strip show for my mom

For over a year I have been working as a male stripper for a party company. It is all right work, good pay, great tips, and not to mention all the tail I could ever ask for. Most nights I work at the club, but about every week there is some party I get called out to and those women are crazy. At the club a girl will get pretty wild, but when I do a private show at someone’s house or a hotel room they get especially crazy. I don’t know what it is but they will start taking their clothes off...

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Hartstein Ch 02

Illustrated version of this chapter available on request Paul was deep in thought as he reread the last two pages over again. It was ten after eleven on a Tuesday morning. He had been writing since six, and had two pages that were almost right to his way of thinking, when he heard the mailman approaching his front door, and then saw the letter drop from the mail slot onto the wooden floor. A letter not a bill? I don’t usually get letters … and it’s too thin to be another rejection slip. He...

4 years ago
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Fun With Married Girl

Hi readers, it’s been long time I am reading and I had many experiences among which this is the first one as it happened. I am Kittu, a well built guy with 5’9” height and from Hyderabad. She is Chetana, very beautiful with sexy measures of 34-30-36. I am very active sexually and always tried to find women around to have fun. In my attempts, this was the first incident happened. I am a regular visitor to dating websites in which I used to find for girls and that day I saw a profile with Telugu...

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The Ring AOChapter 47 Garage Space

After breakfast Helena and Fred took the keys for rooms 2002, 3 and 4 to the lockup garage area. Lucky Helena took the old key for 2004 as the new keys would not fit. Inside 2 and 3 were more boxes like in 2001. These they moved to room 2003 to investigate. In 2004 they found a pile of suitcases. They opened a case and found it full of new clothes without labels. Helena held up some of the clothes and felt they fitted the old lady who had the unit. They check 4 other cases and found he same....

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Master In Training Chapter 3 of 4

Master In Training by Murry Davis Chapter Three At first the four guys stand there unsure of what they should do. Jennifer walks over to Bob and grabs his crotch through his pants. She rubs her naked breasts against his chest. "What are you guys waiting for? Show me what you've got," Jennifer tells them. Gradually they begin to get a little bolder and start unbuckling their belts. Poor Ted, though, still seems to be in a daze. Jack and Fred are soon pantless. Their cocks stand at attention...

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Its Just Sex

My phone alarm woke me and I looked at the bedside clock. Seven-thirty; time to shower and get home before I'm too late. I get up, quickly shower the sex smell off me, and in passing as I get dressed, say, "Call me next month when you need to get royally fucked again, Cathy. I'll be Johnny on the spot. See ya." I walked out the bedroom door, down the hall, and out of her house. I got in my car and drove home, knowing what was waiting for me at home. I drove into the driveway, hit the...

1 year ago
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Lonely in LA

 I don't do this. I simply don't. But I was emboldened by theloneliness of being in a strange city without any friends around. I was taking my first trip to Los Angeles for an appearance on a game show. I'd be getting up bright and early the next morning and was spending the evening alone in a hotel restaurant. A group of what I could only guess were "regulars" were circled around the bar watching a basketball game and nursing their drinks.It was a pretty sad group of people with the exception...

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Sensations Escort ServiceChapter 19 In Flagrante Delicto

Crystal was walking around the other girls’ condo with her cell phone to her ear. Occasionally, she’d ask whomever was on the phone a short question. The four other girls tuned in out of curiosity: ‘How many? How much? When? Where? No movies or pictures! Who else? I’m supposed to know that name? Another girl about my age? How many? Maybe! I’ll have to ask my friends; if we could all do it there are five of us.’ The conversation went on for a couple more minutes, and then she ended the...

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Favorite Fucking Fantasies Walking In Rain

I feel so lucky to live where I do, five minutes after leaving my house and I’m in the countryside, fields, woods and the hills, I love to spend an hour or two just wandering about, I don’t usually see many people, the occasional dog walker or ramblers,that’s about it, and in the winter, like now, very few of either. It had been cold for what seemed like months, if it wasn’t cold it would be raining,so when i looked out the window this morning and saw a patch of blue sky it seemed perfect...

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My first apartment

Right after I graduated high school, I moved out into my first apartment. It was a one bedroom basement apartment located in a very large old house. The rent included utilities and was cheap…mainly because it had only one egress window (which was the only source of natural light in the entire apartment). I only had a queen size mattress (no box or frame) and a fold table with four chairs for furniture. I had two jobs one at a pizza cook ( just weekends) and working third shift at a foundry. I...

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Must Try Harder

There’s a magic in the way that women concentrate, closing out the noise around them, delicate and determined at the same time. Alex was no different, tapping the end of her red biro against her teeth then crossing through a mistake with a swift slash. She was able to shut out the sound of Mike and Dennis discussing football across the common room. They were displaying their ignorance, typical PE teachers, but they were harmless, good family men. I could forgive them, even though they were...

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All Things Considered

And all through the house, Not a creature was stirring……. As you can probably tell, not a whole lot was going on! So yeah, it’s not exactly the Little House on the Prairie but our home sitting squarely on the Nebraskan high plains in a small mid-western township, is if nothing - congenial living. OK, so it was constructed in 1926. Interesting year that. Calvin Coolidge was in the White House, Eddie Cantor was running hot with “Bye Bye Blackbird,” A.A. Milne...

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I Love College TownsChapter 6

"Mr. Jacobs?" He said with a derrogatory tone. "Yes, Sir?" "Would you care to explain why you an hour and a half late, this afternoon?" Kevin asked me. The time was now 7:30 p.m., and as the man said, I'd slept in. As the closing manager of the store, he obviously wasn't very pleased with me showing up at 4 o'clock, when I was due in at 2:30. He was a slightly overweight man, with a receding hairline and a thick beard. He was the kind of guy that if you met him in a bar, you'd...

3 years ago
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Hire I

HIREI leaned forward over the bar and motioned for the bartender as I saw her ex approaching.  "Single malt ice-water on the side," I said as he sat down beside me, ordering a beer."So, is it done?" he askedI looked at him he was a large guy, not as big as me, but maybe two hundred and 6'.  Not in as good a shape as me, about 48 - 50 years old.  I figured he was ex-military, as he carried himself like that.  I handed him a mailer envelope stuffed with what he had paid for and for what I had...

2 years ago
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The drive

I’m driving… you are at my side, in the passenger’s seat. You are laying back listening to the music, and the sun is setting in the west. It is warm so you only wear a nice summer dress, and your flip flops are on the floor with your feet up on the dashboard. We are very close to our destination. We have to go to a dinner with friends, and it is gonna be a long dinner with drinks and dancing. You start thinking about us dancing, close together, sweating, moving… and you start getting horny. I...

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Church Camp Part One

There's a certain innocence about them that lends itself to certain fantasies. Ok, so maybe it's a bit creepy. But, I would never do anything to hurt those girls. They mean too much to me. Especially Katey.. I worry about her a lot. Katey is a beautiful young vixen. Her 'boyfriend', one of the youth at our church, lives just a couple of blocks away from her. She and he have posted pictures of themselves kissing in bed... Shes a beauty but she needs to be careful or she'll end up...

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BDSM Games

BDSM GamesSynopsis- There is several BDSM games which can be played by the Masters with their slaves.Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity.? If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.Author- This is my first attempt of story writing so please forgive me if there is any mistake in the story.Please e-mail comments to...

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The Conservative and the Liberal

The cowgirlI’m a retail consultant, traveling the country monitoring store inventories. I attend vendor meetings, trade shows, and conferences across the country. My mission is to identify industry and consumer trends, and make decisions about what products companies should sell. I’m based in Chicago but my job takes me to cities large and small.Late last year, I traveled to a trade show in Oklahoma City. It’s an area that went heavily for the 45th president. Since I’m a Chicagoan, I support...

Straight Sex
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Married coworker part 2

I will be honest, part of me was a little nervous. I had had plenty of sex by that point in my life, including married women, but the whole "hubby is ok with it" thing was still kind of new to me. I did not realize I was so old fashioned in the sense that, up to that point, if I was fucking a married woman, the hubby was going to find out about it the old fashioned way..coming home from work early, or noticing his wife is full of cum. I got over that quickly since I knew those huge titties...

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Eternal Sex writen by Bryce193 and ChrisBrown

Welcome to Eternal Sex a collaboration story that is written by me and Chris_Brown. This story is about two succubus women have fun and taking souls. Also their mother and daughter biologically when they where human. You have Lilith the mother and now queen of Hell , and her daughter Yuri. As succubus are they enjoy fucking and corrupting others. In this story Lilith and Yuri will be corrupting almost anyone they run across slowly creation a succubus, incubus, and sincubus filled world. Those...

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Lose One Find AnotherChapter 17

Sunday was quiet. I went to church in the morning came home, did some laundry, cleaned up the kitchen and just sort of chilled out and thought about my bucket list. I read it over. It was pretty big. Not sure if it was complete or not. I added a few more things. -Do something over the top nice for someone else -Buy a meal for a complete stranger without meeting them first -Buy a drink for a soldier -Volunteer to serve the poor I put the list away and looked out my back door looking over...

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