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Introduction: Joe and Doria decide they need a black baby Joe Murphy and Ron Albertson were part of a recon squad when they left for their second tour in Afghanistan. Joe was close to all his squad members but he had forged a particularly close relationship with Ron after the man had lost his wife and 2 year old son in a traffic accident while on his first tour. Ron was devastated by the news. He seemed to walk around in a daze as they arranged his transport home. His son Ron Jr. was his world. His family was what kept him going in the roughest times and now they were gone. It pulled at Joes heart to see this brute of a man, 6 foot 5 inches tall and a good 240 lean pounds of the toughest fighting man he knew, crying, sobbing like a baby uncontrollably.

This was the man that no matter how fierce the fire fight would be heard saying, Im gonna kick me some Taliban ass, and then went and did it. He was personally responsible for saving their asses quite a few times and afterwards would always say with a big grin on his face, Thats what they pay me for gents. If he said that once hed said it a dozen times after turning back Taliban attacks in almost single handed displays of courage and determination. To see him like that just showed his deep love of everything he held dear, his family, his country and his fellow squad members. And now while serving his country, protecting his fellow squad members he had lost the ones dearest to him. The whole squad felt his pain and tears formed in all of their eyes as they cried with him. Knowing this man had saved all their lives more than once so that they could return to their own families had them all distressed that they could do nothing to ease his pain. He left almost immediately on a transport plane to fly home in order to arrange their funeral arrangements as neither he nor his wife had family.

Joe had asked his wife Doria to look in on him while on skype with her the next day. The whole base was alive with the news. Rons wife was one of those women that seemed always happy, smiling and bubbling enthusiasm for life. Everyone that knew her loved her. She had met Ron and his family before at base functions like family day and other times such as when they would have barbecues for his squad members. The members of his squad were a pretty close knit group as they depended on each other so much on their missions. He was afraid Ron might even take his own life. Without his family all he had was his service friends. Doria was waiting at Rons door when he arrived home and began immediately consoling him. She stayed at his side and helped Ron with the funeral and pretty much everything that needed to be done. He would never have eaten if not for Dorians insistence and the squad wives bringing him food.

Doria kept her husband informed of everything that happened and especially Rons mental state. She also badgered Ron until he would talk through Skype with his fellow squad members, the only family he had left. She spent so much time with him that people began to talk. After all her husband was away and here she was a white wife spending time with a black man recently left single. Of course all the wives of his fellow squad members came to help out but she was the Sergeants wife and she felt a responsibility to see that he was ok as her husband had asked. More than one gossipy woman had herself tongue lashed by wives of the squad for suggesting that there was something amiss in her and Rons relationship. Recon squad members and their familys stood by each other as many nosey, would-be gossip starters were quick to find out.
Ron returned to the squad less than a month after the funeral. He seemed even more protective of his squad members now and seemed to take unnecessary risks to do so. When Jake had been hit in the thigh he ran out under a hail of enemy fire to grab him by his collar and pull him to safety against Joes orders. It was a miracle they both werent killed. If not for Rons action Jake undoubtedly would have been. When Joe had asked him why he disobeyed orders he simply said, Its what they pay me for. Seeing Joes displeasure etched on his face he then said in a lower voice with tears forming in his eyes, Theyre the only family I got left Joe and Ill be damned if I let these bastards kill them.
When their Company was finally relieved to return home the entire squad was intact. Jake was even back to duty with nothing but a pair of scars where the bullet passed through his thigh. A couple months of physical therapy and he was good as new. As soon as the transports wheels touched the runway and stopped, Ron was promptly whisked away on another military transport to Washington D.C. where he was awarded the Medal of Honor, The Navy Cross and a Silver Star with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters. Joe had written up every act of bravery Ron had performed and submitted them along with supporting statements to his Commanding Officer with signatures of every squad member plus members of other units that had been saved by or observed Rons actions under fire. The list contained 87 witnessing statements and signatures. Ron had no idea why he was being taken to Washington upon his return, if he had he undoubtedly would have tried to get out of it.

Upon his return MPs escorted him to the base Recreation Center where the whole Company welcomed him home. When he saw Joe he just stood and stared at him shaking his head until he said, I was just doing&hellip,.

Joe cut him off as he put his arm around his shoulders saying, Yeah, yeah, I know you were doing what they pay you to do. Well I get paid to do what I did too, not just me but 86 other guys in this mans Marine Core.

You know Joe, I dont need any of this, but I sure wish my son could have seen the President pinning those medals on his daddy. I know Shavone would have been proud too, he said as tears welled in his eyes.

They saw it Ron, dont ever think they didnt. Theyre here right now with us

Joe and Doria spent a lot of time together with Ron. He tried dating other women but he just couldnt let go of Shavone yet and didnt think he ever could. It became common to see the three of them together everywhere.

Then they got the news that they were being sent back to Afghanistan for another tour. That is where this story really began. They had been in country for a couple of months when their Company commander called Joe to the base HQ. He introduced him to an Air Force Lieutenant and told him of a three man mission he had for him. They had located an Al-Qaeda lieutenant in a hut located in a predominantly Taliban controlled area and needed to drop the lieutenant with a laser to paint the hut once they ascertained it was their man. His commander wanted Joe and one other man to drop into the area with the Lieutenant and observe while under cover. Once the mission was over they would be air-lifted out under covering fire from Apache Attack helos. Naturally Joe took Ron with them.

The insertion came off without a hitch and they had found a place of concealment before daylight that afforded a good view of everyone coming and going from the hut. The Lieutenant had identified the man for sure before 10:00 AM as he stood outside the hut talking. He also identified another high ranked Taliban leader. When they both went inside the hut he radioed for an air-strike. There was supposed to be a drone attack to destroy the hut followed by an extraction helo while the Apaches kept the Talibans heads down and took out any remnants of the camp. The drone attack came off as planned and the laser painted the target perfectly allowing the drones missiles to completely destroy the hut and its occupants. What didnt happen was the extraction helo showing up. Its engine had been hit by small arms fire breaking a hydraulic line and forcing it to return to base.

The Apaches tried to keep them protected but the hill they were on was crawling with Taliban fighters. It was inevitable that they were found and an intense fire fight broke out. They managed to keep them at bay with the help of the Apaches but soon the Lieutenant was hit in his right calve forcing Ron to apply a tourniquet to it. There were three Taliban dug in beneath a large boulder at the crest of the hill that was strafing their position continuously. They heard the replacement helo in the distance and knew it would arrive in moments. Being pinned down as they were they would never be able to reach it though. Ron glanced around and took in the situation and with his usual aplomb muttered, Guess its time to earn my pay. He loaded a new clip of ammo and then said, Cover me, and rose and took off running straight at the enemys emplacement while firing. Joe stood and began firing and was immediately hit in the groin crumpling in pain.

By now Ron was within feet of the Taliban fighters and killed two of them with a long burst of fire before he suffered a through and through in his left shoulder. He seemed to shrug as he realized he was out of ammo and threw his M4 at the remaining man before lunging at him and stabbing him dead. He reloaded his rifle and went to motion for them to go to the helo when he saw Joe curled in a knot groaning in pain. He raced under fire back to them and picked Joe up and placed him across his shoulders and asked the Lieutenant, Think you can make the helo?

Hell yeah, Ill cover as much as I can, the Lieutenant replied as he loaded a new clip and began racing towards the helicopter dragging his bad leg as he ran. He managed to draw some of the fire as Ron carried Joe to the helo and dumped him unceremoniously into the side opening. The Apaches began strafing the area the fire was coming from and just as Ron saw a Taliban with an RPG to his shoulder the lieutenant unleashed a burst that hit the man in the face dropping him as the rocket shot skyward. With the three of them aboard, the helo lifted and swung around towards home. Nice shot guy, Ron said to the Lieutenant.

First time in my life I ever hit what I shot at with one of these things, he replied dryly.

Well you couldnt have picked a better time to do it, wed have been toast if he got that rocket off, Ron assured him.

The medics were looking at Rons shoulder and said, Nice clean hole, through and through, you were lucky, youll be fine. Then he glanced at the Lieutenants leg and said, Thatll leave a big chunk missing I imagine but youll live. Loosen that every now and then and let some blood get to it. Your buddy here took one in the groin and we wont know for sure how bad it is until they go in and take a look see. By where it went through and came out I think hell just need some stitching up inside and hell make it but you never know till you look. He hung a bottle of glucose as he commented, Not a lot of bleeding so it probably missed the artery unless its internal. Then he patted Joe on the shoulder and said, You can thank your buddy here that youll be going home Sarge. Then he turned to the pilot and said, They all three need the aid station so just take us there. Tell them we got one with a through and through to the groin that will need surgery and eta is 30 minutes so have a table ready.

Joe looked at Ron and then at the medic and grinned weakly as he said, Hes just wanting another trip to Washington to get another Medal of Honor.

Another one, the medic asked incredulously?

Yeah he got one with the Navy Cross and Silver Star. Hes trying to start a collection, Joe said as he grimaced from the pain as he laughed.

The medic stuck out his hand and said, names Sid Wallace and Im very proud to meet you. Aint often I get to meet a Medal of Honor winner and see why and how he earned it.

Ron grabbed the mans hand saying, Ron Albertson, I was just doing what they pay me to do son and besides hes family

The medic looked confused as he glanced at Joes white face and then at Rons black one. The Lieutenant smiled as he said, Theyre Recon son.

Back at the aid station they patched Ron and George up and bandaged them. Joe had exploratory surgery and they found the bullet had nicked his intestine and scraped his pelvic bone sending bone fragments into his kidney. They taped him up and put the three of them on a plane to the states headed for the base hospital at Mobile, Alabama. Damn, why couldnt they send us to LeJeune Joe bitched, hell Doria cant come to Mobile

Who is Doria, George asked?

His wife, Ron said in a low tone of voice. Then Ron told George how Doria had taken care of him when he lost his wife and son. He said, Shes a good woman and shell be worried the whole time hes in Mobile. George got up and walked to the front of the plane and went out of sight for a few minutes.

When he reappeared he said to Ron, Aint that a bitch, a multimillion dollar airplane and all kinds of alarm lights coming on in the cockpit. The pilot says he is going to have to set down at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina and get it checked out. They are going to have to keep Joe in the hospital there and Im betting they just leave him there. Oh yeah I was telling the crew about having a Medal of Honor recipient aboard and theyd love to meet you. I might have mentioned how you saved my ass too. It was right about then the alarm lights began beeping. Did I mention how nice the engineers are on this plane Ron?

Ron stuck his hand out and shook Georges hand tightly as he said, Whatever you might have thought you owed me for back there on that hillside George were even now. Besides, you saved all our asses taking down that RPG. Lets go meet the crew, he said.

Just as George said, they left Joe at Lejeune for his surgery and recuperation. Doria insisted on meeting George and the crew of the C-5 to thank them personally before they left. They never did find the problem with the plane, George said, acting concerned, then smiling.

Joe was released after a few weeks in the hospital but had to take it easy at home for a while. The doctors assured him he would make a complete recovery, EXCEPT, he would never have kids. A piece of bullet shrapnel had injured his testicles. They had repaired them, best they could in the initial surgery at LeJeune and they had healed but after tests they confirmed that he was left sterile. They said it was a one in a million chance that the shrapnel could take that precise path and injure both testicles but as fate would have it, it had. Joe and Doria were devastated but at least he was alive.
Ron was back with the squad six weeks later. He didnt have to go back so quickly but he said his family needed him. Without either of them there to take care of them he knew theyd all be killed which was very unlikely but Ron saw them as his family.

Joe knew Ron was hoping to be killed there. He knew hed do everything he could to protect the squad even if he was killed doing it just as he did when he charged that Taliban emplacement to save him and George. Doria wanted to do something for Ron. She saw the changes in him since his family was killed, his recklessness. How do you repay someone that saved the life of the person you loved and by doing so saved your own life and happiness?

Joe talked frequently with the guys in his squad through Skype and just as he thought, Ron was becoming even more reckless in protecting them. Everyone was surprised he wasnt dead already saying his wife and son must be watching over him. They said enemy guns jammed, they tripped, keeping them from killing Ron. RPGs exploded houses he had just vacated, he was always one step away from death, cheating it every time.

Joe felt bad knowing there was nothing he could do for his friend and brother in arms. Plus the fact he had to come to terms with not being able to have kids. He and Doria talked about adopting but he knew her heart wasnt really in it. She had always looked forward to carrying her child, feeling him growing inside her and experiencing childbirth.

The bright side was he could still have sex and enjoy it with his wife. And they did. They were laying in each others arms after an especially draining evening of lovemaking when his wife asked him if he could raise another mans child as his own. Thinking she was talking about adoption he replied, I guess so if thats the only way we can have kids.

Could you raise a black kid, well a half black kid, she ventured?

Now he was curious as to what his beautiful wife had in her head as he asked her, What are you thinking honey, what kind of scheme is floating around in your mind?

Well, you know when we used to talk about becoming swingers and I asked what youd do if somehow I became pregnant because I knew I could never kill the baby? You said you wouldnt have a problem raising it if I wanted to keep it. You also said you wouldnt have a problem watching me screw somebody else if it was just sex and I really wanted it. You know Ive always wanted to carry my baby and birth it. Well, I was thinking, Ron needs a reason to want to live again, I want to carry my baby and we both think the world of him so when he gets back I think we should have a threesome and let him knock me up.

Whoa girl. I meant I could watch you have sex with strangers not people that know us and how will we explain you having a black baby?

Uh we could say they mixed the donor sperm up at the sperm bank we used to fertilize me because of our problem, she says happily.

Youd really fuck Ron in front of me, he asked her, obviously concerned that she was just wanting to fuck him. He was a good looking guy and had a terrific body.

Yeah I bet hed be good, you know what they say about black guys and their big cocks. You getting jealous Joe, you afraid he might addict me to his big black dick, you know, once you go black you dont go back and all that?

Joe grabbed her and threw her down laughing and said, Maybe I should hope he does take my little slut wife if shes wanting his big black dick. Maybe she doesnt love me as much as I thought, maybe she just loves dick.

Hmmmm especially big black dick baby, dont you want to see me cumming my ass off on Rons cock honey, she teased him?

Joe didnt want to admit it but it did turn him on thinking of her fucking Ron. He thought of it often but never dreamed she would consider it and now shes saying shed have his baby. He liked to think it was her maternal instinct that had her feeling that way but he was inclined to believe she really wanted to feel his dick in her. It had always turned her on thinking of him watching her fuck other guys and it turned him on thinking of it also. It did seem to be a rather simplistic answer to their problems except for the fact of Ron being in their lives all the time. Joe just didnt see how it could work with them both in the same unit and both taking the same chances of being killed.

They had just about decided that it could never work when Ron dropped a bombshell on them as they Skyped with him. The Pentagon was pushing for Medal winners such as Ron to become recruiting specialists that traveled to college campuses and other places to lift the number of recruits. He had decided to do it saying he knew Shavone would have wanted him too. He would still be based at Lejeune but would travel the country speaking and recruiting and would barrack in different quarters off post. That meant he would be gone quite a lot. He said he had realized that if he stayed with the squad he would die in Afghanistan after having a dream where Shavone chastised him for being so reckless and not going on with his life.

Joe was ready to get back to his unit and was taking a final round of tests and diagnostic MRIs to clear him when the doctors discovered another bone shard had lodged in his spine and actually grown to his spine. It was close enough to the spinal nerves to render him unfit for combat but not for service in another capacity. This meant he could undergo the knife and possibly be paralyzed for life, take a desk job or retire on a medical. After talking to Doria they decided he should take the desk job at 2nd Division HQ in the intelligence section. He already had a Secret clearance and needed little more to gain the necessary Top Secret approval. The new job also put him in a better slot with an immediate promotion and at least three more as soon as he gained the necessary time in grade.

The three of them celebrated together when Ron arrived back at Lejeune. They went out clubbing and all three had too much to drink. The last club they were at was just a short walk from Rons new Billets off post. It was actually an off base apartment. They decided since neither of them had work the following day that they would all crash at Rons rather than risk the MPs catching them driving intoxicated. They staggered there in less than ten minutes. It was a nice place but it only had one bedroom. They had stopped and picked up a bottle of Crown Royal, Dorias favorite drink mixed with coke. They had forgotten to get the coke though and so they sipped it straight as they sat talking about both their new jobs and how they missed the Recon squad and the guys in it. Joe told him about his injury that kept them from having kids and almost told him of Dorias suggestion but something in his mind said not to, not yet anyway.

Joe said he was feeling a mite dizzy and needed to lie down and Ron said they could have the bed and hed grab the couch. Joe put his arm around his wifes waist and walked her to the bedroom whispering what he was going to do to her once they were there. I heard that, put a towel on the bed or youll be washing the sheets in the morning, Ron said laughing. They reached the bedroom and began undressing and were soon nude in each others arms on the bed.

Doria was sucking her husbands cock when her gaze fell on the open bedroom door and she saw Ron watching them intently, his face highlighted in a stream of light passing through a crack in the blinds. It was then she noticed how light it was in the bedroom and realized he could see everything. She felt a heat permeate her body and her excitement soared knowing he was seeing her completely nude sucking Joes dick. It excited her knowing he was seeing her body and she stood on the bed and stretched as she allowed him to see all of her. She hoped he would rise and enter the bedroom and ask to join them. The alcohol she had imbibed and the arousement she felt at the thought of sexing them both had her pussy clenching and relaxing, her breathing rapid, clit throbbing with the beat of her pounding heart. Her pussy flowed her excitement in wet rivulets down her opened inner thighs. They felt cool in the air of the bedroom as they streamed down her inflamed body.

She straddled Joes body facing the door and lowered her pussy to his upright cock and spent an inordinate amount of time rubbing his swollen glans over her clit and through her wet opening before inserting him into the swamp her pussy had become. Knowing Ron was watching her, seeing her actions, had fueled an inferno of need within her. Her hips rolled as she slowly pressed her husband deeper inside her desperate need. Her gaze locked with Rons as she fucked her husband and his eyes displayed the need he felt in his body. They gazed into each others eyes and the desire for each other became so intense they both had to close their eyes as loud moans rolled from their lips. She could barely see him but she saw his hips lift and she knew he was removing his underwear. She watched his face as it became etched with need and knew he was stroking his dick thinking of fucking her.

Knowing Ron wanted her, wanted to be inside of her had her thighs spreading widely and her hips hunching rapidly as in her mind she was fucking Ron as they stared into each others eyes. Her emotions were distraught, she felt guilt at fucking Joe pretending he was Ron, she felt an elation at knowing Ron wanted her pussy. Her hips began rising and falling forcefully as she punished her pussy for the infidelity she was experiencing in her mind as the pain in her pussy was caused by Rons black cock. She cum fitfully as their gazes remained locked, communicating their need for each other. She knew Rons hands were mimicking her pussy as he watched her.

It was that knowledge that gave her the courage to lay back on her husband till her face was near his ear and whisper, We forgot to shut the door and Ron has been watching me suck your dick and fuck you, I think we should include him in our fun dont you honey? You always say you want to watch me be fucked by another guy and I think Id like to have Rons black dick be the one, she stated unequivocally. Normally Joe would have questioned his wifes motives but being drunk his only thoughts were of her sucking his friends black dick with him watching. At that moment it seemed entirely plausible that she would want to fuck the man that had saved his life and that he should allow it so he said, If you can look me in the eyes and tell me you want Ron in your pussy and me in your ass at the same time then go get him, can you do that Doria?
Oh god Joe, youre making me so wet! If I do that, tell you I want it and then do it, will you still love me like you do now baby? Dorias arousement has her pussy clenching his dick strongly as he slowly pumps his cock up into her. His cock pistoning within her soaked pussy as she squeezes him tightly has her excitement pumping from her to run wetly down her ass crack and over his balls at her husbands words. Even drunk though, she still feels apprehension at actually revealing her craving for Rons cock to the man she loves.
As long as youre woman enough to admit you really want it theres nothing you can do that will make me stop loving you honey, Joe reassures his wife.
Her arousement along with the alcohol she had consumed bolstered her courage till she blurts out, Oh fuck Joe, YES! Yes I do need that baby, that and a lot more. I want Ron to do everything to me, I want you to watch me do everything to him too. She rolled off his stiff dick and kissed him fervently. Her hand found his cock and excitedly stroked it, pulling at him as she asked, Will you ask him to join us Joe? Doria was beside herself with excitement knowing soon Ron would be fucking her, doing everything she had ever dreamed of him doing to her and more. She began avidly sucking her husbands dick in appreciation of his assent to her and Rons coupling.

I think you should go tell him you want him to fuck you baby. Go in there and tell him you need to be his slut tonight. Tell him I want to watch you slut yourself to him and ask him to join us.

A shudder passed through her entire body when her husband told her to tell his best friend she needed his dick, needed to be his slut. It was then that she realized Joe really wanted her to fuck Ron, to have him inside her. The hard throbbing of her clit and the demanding need in her pussy had her in a heightened state of arousal that caused any inhibition to her husband seeing her need of Rons dick to be lost to the excitement of her impending impalement by a black cock. Doria released Joes cock and rolled to the edge of the bed and sat there gathering her courage for a few seconds. Again hers and Rons gazes met and the resulting hunger she felt to feel him in her made her rise and slowly walk towards the door, her nudeness exciting her knowing Ron was seeing her. She wanted Joe to be able to see her plainly so she opened the door wider as she passed through it. She felt so slutty walking nude to fuck another man as her husband watched. She could feel Rons gaze on her body and wondered if he liked what he saw? For the first time she wondered if he might reject her as he did the women he dated because of Shavone.

As her eyesight adjusted to the darkened room she realized her assumption of him removing his underwear was right. Ron was lying there nude and it was readily apparent he had no thoughts of rejecting her. His large hand held his dick upright as he slowly stroked it. Her pussy clenched so hard her thighs squeezed tightly and a gasp escaped her. She couldnt believe how big his dick was. Seeing it standing stiffly erect it appeared to be a foot long and massively thick. She watched as he placed both hands on his engorged dick and his fingers failed to encircle his massive girth. Her heart was pounding like it was going to burst from her chest. Her clit pulsed so vehemently she had to touch it to try and still its profound need! His dick jerked strongly, stiffening as it swelled even larger as his gaze dwelled on her pussy while asking her, Is Joe ok with this Doria, is he awake?

Doria was entranced by his coal black dick as she lowered her body to her knees beside the couch while watching his cock jerk strongly with his desire for her pussy. It seemed like each beat of his heart caused his cock to grow and lengthen as his gaze roamed her body. He said he wants to watch us Ron, look at him, she said as her gaze was held mesmerized by his huge black dick. It was impossible for her to think of her husband while confronted with such a magnificent dick.

Ron glances through the bedroom door to see Joe sitting up watching them while leaning back against the headboard stroking his cock smiling. You know I cant say no Doria are you sure you want this baby?

She didnt speak, her pussy was craving him in her. Her clit throbbed like it had a bass drum deep inside it. She felt an anxious anxiety knowing her husband was watching her. She had never dreamed Ron had such a magnificent cock. He was so long and thick as to appear menacing in the pain he could cause a woman. The thought of him fucking her aroused something primitive in her, instilled a craving for his cock unlike any she had ever felt before. She felt a trepidation at his stretching her till Joe could no longer enjoy her, but she knew she could never turn back now no matter the consequences. Her mouth seemed drawn to him, her tongue running slickly over her lips as an inferno burned within her body. She craved his taste as the fire within her demanded she fuel it by sucking at the precum oozing from his tip. Her head lowered to his oozing glans and engulfed it as her tongue gathered his slick emissions and tasted of them. Her pussy clenched tightly as her clit throbbed, then as she relaxed she felt her vagina gaping, opening with its craving need of his huge dick.

Sensing her arousement by the way she sucked feverishly at his black dick Ron reached out and felt of her ass cheeks, squeezing them before sliding his hand between her thighs and feeling of her wetness. His fingers were engulfed in her wet excitement as he pressed them into her pussy. Dorias hips rolled as she hunched back into his thick probing fingers. Her moans vibrated upon his glans and her hips undulated wildly as he pressed four of his fat fingers inside her and roughly rubbed her slick flesh until she had to stop and lay her head on his stomach as her hand pumped his stiff cock. Feeling her pussy stretched, hurt by his rough handling of it, instilled an even greater urgency to have his blackness buried deep inside her. Her pussy flooded his hand with her arousement causing streams of her fluids to run slickly down her inner thighs.

Rons hand found her head and held her to his dick as his hips began lifting his cock to her avidly sucking mouth saying, Oh fuck Doria, suck it baby. God you dont know how long Ive wanted this.

Doria had never known of Rons desire to fuck her, he had never shown it for a second. Shavone on the other hand had commented more than once as she had gazed at Joe how she had always wanted to be with a white guy and asked her how he was in bed. When she had responded how he had always satisfied her, Shavone had asked her if she had ever been with a black guy. She had replied no, but that she had always wanted to and asked her Why? Shavone had smiled her magnetic smile and replied, Well, you never know what might happen when good friends drink too much, and winked at her as she turned and walked off. Then the Squad was sent to Afghanistan and her and their son had been killed. She felt sure she had wanted the four of them to get together sexually. She orgasmed more than once with that scenario playing out in her head before the accident. Even afterwards she couldnt stop imagining Ron between her thighs. Knowing what she knows now about his size she is sure those orgasms would have been much more intense thinking of him inside her as she masturbated.

Joe saw his wifes excited sucking of Rons cock. He could tell how excited she was by the way her hands and lips ran up and down his long thick dick. It was so erotic watching her white head bob on his ebony cock as the slurping sounds of her mouthing his dick told of her arousement. Her wedding rings shining on the hand stroking rapidly up and down his thick black cock reminded him that it was his wifes lips suctioning him, her tongue licking her saliva off his thick glans as if craving his black baby juice. He couldnt stop his dick from jerking excitedly as he watched his wife licking up and down his fat long dick, sucking at his huge balls, licking them excitedly as she saw him watching her. Her gaze was directly on him as her tongue slid out and licked Rons oozing precum from his tip while moaning her enjoyment at its taste. Joe wondered why seeing his wifes lips pursed upon Rons urethra sucking his ball juices from him caused his cock to jerk so strongly. He found it extremely arousing knowing how she craved his friends dick.

Ron saw Joe rise from the bed and come join them in the living room. He was glad when Joe flipped the lights on allowing him to see Dorias beautiful form more clearly. He heard and felt Dorias deep moan as her husband knelt behind her and entered her, began fucking her roughly as she continued adoring his black dick with her mouth. He reached out and began rubbing her clit as Joe fucked her and she suckled his glans with her head rolling, bobbing, tongue gathering his slick precum from his urethra and swallowing it greedily. Her thighs were wet, her emissions running in streams down them as her moans became louder, her hips hunching roughly as his massaging of her clit became harder while Joe pounded her deeply. Ron could hardly believe his friend was allowing him to enjoy sexing his wife. Him and Shavone had spoken often of swapping with Joe and Doria but never felt Joe would approve of it. It seemed Doria could become a slut in the bedroom just as his own wife could. He couldnt wait to feel her pussy gripping his black dick tightly.

Do you want Ron in your pussy honey? Are you ready to fuck his black cock, Joe asked his wife as he knew she was about to cum.

Dorias mind was consumed by the fires raging within her as she sucked Rons dick with her husband watching her become his slut. Hearing Joe ask her for real if she wanted to fuck another mans dick, a black cock at that, was even more thrilling than when they fantasized about it. She needed to cum so badly but the thought of Rons huge dick inside her had her moaning, Oh god yes Joe, I need it so badly baby. God do you see his dick Joe? Do you care honey, can I do it now, she begged.

Joe withdrew his dick from her and said, Put it in your pussy baby and fuck him like I know youve wanted to all this time, cum on his black dick and make him fill you with his babys sweetie. Show me how bad youve wanted to fuck him honey.

Doria quickly began to climb astraddle Rons hips and placed him at her pussy and began pressing onto his upright dick. Oh god hes too big baby, it dont fit&hellip,..oh god I need it so bad&hellip,..oh god Ron make it go&hellip,.please make it go, she pleaded as her hips rolled and hunched as she tried to open herself to his fat girth.

Ron placed his large hands on her hips and held her as he began a pressured upward thrust of his cock. Her hands reached under her and pulled at her ass cheeks as she tried to spread her inner labia to accept him. Then her head threw back and a loud Ohhhhgoddd yes, yes oh my god its so big&hellip,so good, escaped her mouth and her hips began a slow undulation as her feet were flat on the couch, hands on her knees as she moaned her love of the hot mass forcing into her soaked pussy. Oh god Joe hes so much bigger than you baby&hellip,&hellip,..argghhh&hellip,&hellip,.yeah&hellip,..so thick&hellip,aarrgghhh&hellip,&hellip,oh shit it hurts so fuckin good&hellip,aiieeeeeyes&hellip,yes!…….fuck I feel so full&hellip,arrgghhhh&hellip,.oh god fuck me&hellip,&hellip,oh&hellip,oh&hellip,.oh god hes&hellip,argghhhhhh&hellip,c..c..cum..cumming baby&hellip,.arrghhhhhhhhhgoddd&hellip,..doit Ron&hellip,fuck me baby&hellip,.hard oh god fuck me hard&hellip,.need it deep&hellip,..aaiieeeeEEEEEEEE&hellip,&hellip,..ohgod&hellip,&hellip,argghhhhhHHHHHHH YES!

Ron placed his large hand at Dorias back and held her to his chest as he swung his legs sideways and stood straight up with Doria impaled cumming on his cock. He looked at Joe and said, Lets take this to the bed buddy, and he began walking with her bouncing on his cock to the bed. Doria was screaming in pain as her bodys weight forced her pussy down forcefully onto his huge cock, her hands pulling at his shoulders as she tried to lift herself from his long impaling black dick. Ron held her by her hips and began lifting and then pulling her back down onto his cock as Joe watched his black cock disappearing deeper and deeper into his wifes body with each up thrust of his muscular black cock. Her head flailed, body writhing uncontrollably as her hips continued undulating roughly onto his steel-like dick.

Joe saw Rons dick gleaming in the light, soaked with his wifes wet expression of her pleasure as he fucked her. Her cum literally streamed down over his large nutsack as she begged him not to stop&hellip,ever! He couldnt explain it but he found pleasure in his wife losing control as Ron fucked his big black dick into her deeply. Seeing her being overwhelmed, subjugated wholly by his monster cock had Joes dick jerking, throbbing with his own need to cum. He knew he could never give her the intense pleasure she was finding on his friends dick but he didnt care, he wanted her to become his slut, to need his dick fucking her daily. It was as if he was addicting Joe as well as her to the pleasure he gave her. He watched as Ron lay her on the bed and began pistoning in her pussy, forcing his dick into her deeply, hurtfully as she begged for him to fuck her harder, to cum in her. He had never seen his wife so consumed by the waves of orgasm coursing through every cell of her body as her ankles locked his thrusting hips to her as she cum repeatedly while he battered her roughly. Her face was etched with pain as her hips ground her pussy roughly against his fat swollen glans, hunching up forcefully into his deepest, most hurtful thrusts. She loved it, loved his dick and told her husband of that love as she screamed and cum over and over.

Seeing his wife so utterly subjugated, her hands clawing at his black ass as she cum fitfully, wedding vows lost to the feeling of her pussy stretched, hurtfully impaled by the blackness filling her left him feeling helpless and inadequate now. Hearing her crying her love of him with him standing with his own dick in his hand as Ron enjoyed his wifes warm wet pussy filled him with humiliation. He knew that her pleas for him to impregnate her pussy, to leave his sperm deep inside her and give her his baby were emotional responses surfacing from the intense pleasure he drove deep in her pussy. She knew that Ron would always come around if his child was with her and her desire for his black dick required his presence. A baby would give him a reason to return to her pussy repeatedly.

Ron knew Doria was loving his fat black dick. She wasnt even acknowledging that Joe was present as she held her pussy to his deepest thrusts. He knew she had never experienced a black man or as big a cock as he presented her. Her pussy flooded his dick with her pleasure until he was fully embedded deep inside her as she pulled his lips to her own and kissed him passionately while her pussy undulated around his fat dick as he ground against her clit roughly. Ron felt sorry for his friend as his wife moaned, Oh god Ive never been fucked so good, never loved a dick like I love your black dick baby. Cum in me Ron, give it to me honey, god Ive never needed a man to cum as bad as I want to feel you cum. Oh god I just keep cumming and cumming&hellip,.aarrgghhHHHHHH&hellip,&hellip,&hellip,.arrgghhhhhhhh&hellip,&hellip,.fuck me&hellip,&hellip,..oh damn I dont ever want you to stop fuckin me&hellip,..oh shit so fucking huge&hellip,.I love black dick&hellip,.big long thick black cock fucking my pussy&hellip,&hellip,..squirt it in me Ron&hellip,please give me your babies&hellip,.CUM IN ME PLEASE! Then in desperation she cries, God Joe tell him to cum in me baby, I need him to fill my pussy baby, tell him, please make him cum in me, tell him its ok baby. And then her hips began pressing her pussy up into his dick forcefully in a flurry of rough hunching as her need expresses itself by making her crave to make his cock give up his hot ball juice.

Fuck her Ron, give my wife what she craves buddy. Pound your cum in her as deeply as possible. Knock her up pal, squirt your black babies all up inside her womb. She needs it so bad Ron, look at her, she needs you to cum in her, I need you to fill my wife up with your cum. Its ok that she loves your dick buddy, now make her scream and give it to her hard and as deep as possible. Dont hold back buddy, we aint going anywhere you can fuck her all night and unload your nuts as often as you want. Shell suck you hard again wont you babe?

Oh god yes, Ill suck the cum out of it if you want Ron, just not this time. I need it in my pussy, need to know you like my pussy. We want your baby Ron, ask Joe, he wants you to knock me up because he cant&hellip,..oh god Im cumming again&hellip,..aaiieeeeEEEEEEEEEE&hellip,.doit&hellip,cum with me&hellip,oh god I need it so bad&hellip,aarrgghhHHHHHHHHH&hellip,god I love this&hellip,love your big dick.

Ron gives her what she needs, pounds it into her pussy as deeply as possible as she screams, AIEEEEEEYES&hellip,YES&hellip,OH GOD JOE HES CUMMING&hellip,.so hot&hellip,oh god its like a fucking firehose&hellip,.dont stop&hellip,&hellip,AARRGGHHHHHHHH&hellip,&hellip,..oh god I love you so much&hellip,&hellip,..aarrgghhhhHHHH&hellip,&hellip,..oh god hes killin my pussy&hellip,.soooo damn big&hellip,swellin&hellip,aaaiieeEEEEEEEEEE&hellip,&hellip,&hellip,DOIT&hellip,DONT STOP&hellip,aiieeeEEEEEaarrghhH fuckit in me&hellip,oh fuck Joe youve never filled my pussy with so damn much burning hot cum. Rons dick makes horrible squishing sounds as he fucks his cock deep inside her flooded pussy. His cum squirts out from alongside his dick and flows wetly down her asscrack as he continues to piston within her, his dick still stiff from the arousement his friends have instilled in him.

Oh god Joe, his dicks still hard. Hes still fucking me, oh god yes baby. Then as she kisses Ron again he rolls her over atop his body and holds her ass cheeks apart while motioning for his friend to fuck his wifes squirming asshole.

Joe sees his buddy motioning for him to place his hard cock up Dorias ass. She has never liked him ass fucking her much but he thought, hell shes drinking and under the influence of Ron fucking her so he began pressing his dick into her asshole. She immediately began moaning and he expected her to try and stop him but instead she arched her back and begged him, Doit Joe, fuck my ass while I fuck his black dick&hellip,oh god baby&hellip,..Im such a slut&hellip,..I want it honey&hellip,want you to fuck my ass while Ron fucks your wifes pussy. Did you like seeing him cum in me baby, cum in your wifes pussy. I loved knowing you watched him empty his black balls in my pussy&hellip,god it felt so nasty knowing a black man was knocking my white pussy up&hellip,knocking your wife up while you stroked your dick. Oh god yes, fuck it Joe, yeah like that, put it all in me baby&hellip,oh my god I feel your dick rubbing his inside me honey&hellip,you feel how full I am of his black cock&hellip,..do you like feeling his dick in your wifes pussy baby&hellip,.god his dick just keeps me so hot&hellip,.want it all deep inside me&hellip,want you to cum in my asshole while he fucks me&hellip,tell me you like seeing me cum on his dick&hellip,..oh fuck I wish I had another black dick to suck while you two fuck me&hellip,&hellip,.shit shit shit&hellip,..I feel so slutty with two dicks fucking me&hellip,aarrgghhHHHHHh&hellip,.fuck me!…..oh god I keep cummin and cummin&hellip,.aaiieEEEEEEEEEE&hellip,..oh fuck youre killin me&hellip,..hurts so bad&hellip,..dont stop&hellip,fuckit..fuckithard&hellip,.oh god Im cummin so good&hellip,.aahhhhhhhshitttt&hellip,..god I love this&hellip,love bein your slut Ron

Doria was crazed with lust as her husband fucked her asshole deep and fast using long strokes that sent continuous thrills racing from her ass muscle in a steady stream to combine with the thrills instilled by Rons thick long dick punishing her slut pussy deeply. Her body moved of its own volition as it responded to both their pummeling cocks until tensing she was left immobilized as violent waves of pleasure wracked her, permeating her thoroughly with an addicting pleasure she knew she wanted more of every day of her life.

The three of them fucked for hours that night as Ron drenched her pussy with his black ball juice repeatedly. Doria and Joe hoped she was pregnant but if not they knew Ron would gladly help them try as often as possible. In any event he had promised to have another well hung black male with him the next time they visited his apartment. Hopefully she was knocked up and the new man wouldnt have to wear a condom but if not it was a small price for any man to pay in order to fuck a hot ass woman like Joes wife Doria.

Joe was amazed at the extent of his own arousement at watching his friend fuck his wife. The two of them teamed up to keep Doria cumming most of the following day. Doria embraced her newfound role of slut and looked forward to fucking other men with her husbands approval and help. Rons huge cock had awakened primal cravings within her, cravings unlike any she had known before. The mere thought of a black man sexing her filled her with a wet need that ached to be fulfilled. The arousement she felt as she pressed her pussy up into a spewing black cock as Joe watched her was overwhelming in its intensity, addicting not only to her but also to her husband Joe. Before Ron her orgasm was her enjoyment but with Ron every second he was inside her was an excitement like shed never felt before, each stroke of his cock was addicting and demanded more, she knew she could never get enough of his black dick. She actually felt guilt at her need of his thick long cock, ashamed that Joe repeatedly saw her overwhelmed, out of control as he fucked her. A part of herself felt the shame but another more powerful emotion filled her with exhilaration as she knew Joe heard her begging for Rons cum while exhorting her love of his black dick.

The three of them had been close before, but allowing Ron to please his wife had taken their relationship to a new level. They talked about Ron knocking Doria up and them raising the child with him in the picture. Joe joked with his wife that her newfound thirst for black ball cum may prevent her ever getting knocked up if she didnt stop sucking Ron dry. Joe had to confess though that he enjoyed his wife deep throating his dick as his buddy fucked her deeply. Before Ron she would never have allowed him to cum with his dick fully embedded in her throat. Now she loved having his dick forced into her throat by Rons relentless pounding of her pussy and even loved having them both shooting into her from both ends even more ravenously. Doria would only smile when Joe asked her how many black men she would like to have fucking her at the same time. She really didnt need to answer because Joe knew she would never tell a black man no even if there were a hundred before him

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**[Sorry for publishing the story without an ending, but I will try to do a chapter every day :)]- - - - - - ** Im a young boy, im 22 years old, i start living by myself and because of that im feeling lonely :( Im new in this town, and i have no friends here, my job suck (it's a callcenter) i need to meet new people fast because im going crazy. I found this dating site MarryYourFuta, i will register here, and maybe il meet a nice and kind woman or maybe the love of my dreams, who know :) This...

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Voyourism 101

I received an education when my husband and I began dating that has taken me and our sexual relationship to a different level and knocked out some old myths for me. I enjoyed watching X-rated movies with him and thoroughly enjoyed the rewards afterwards and I have a few toys in my collection that get occasional use, but had no idea of the adventure I was about to encounter. I had always thought of myself as being a little on the wild side, but I have since figured out my idea of wild was really...

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Date Coach from sissifyourself

Chapter 1“So what brings you here today?”Daniel looked at the date coach. He wasn’t sure of his height, taller than himself for sure, who stood at a paltry 5’ 4”, even though he was already 23 years old. He’d been made fun of his whole life for his height, but he still had a good bit of muscle, and some fat on him, as he weighed about 150 pounds, with nary a hair on his body. The doctor on the other hand, still looked athletic and muscular through his button down shirt, and didn’t look a day...

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Groundhog Day from sissifyourself blog

The alarm went off at 6 AM, like it always did. I stirred groggily andlooked over at my fiancée Leah. She looked so scrumptious lying therethat I had half a mind to blow off work and make passionate love to her,but instead I gave her a little shake on the shoulder. She moaned thatshe was awake, and she padded off to the shower. Only having onebathroom in the apartment meant I was shaving while she was showering. Itwas hard to see in the steamed-up mirror, and sure enough, I nickedmyself.We...

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Your Amateur Porn is one of the OG's! Amateurs have always been one of the best categories around. One of the reasons for this is the fact that amateurs are so damn sexy with their inexperience. They also tend to be a lot more personal and intimate, unlike professional porn stars. And of course, there’s the fact that there are just so many fucking amateur porn videos out there that it’s an unlimited source of sexual pleasure. And where can you find all those videos? Well, I’m glad you asked...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Submit Your Flicks! Got it? The world of professional porn is always perfect and all that crap, which can get boring after a while… believe me. This is why, from time to time I prefer to browse the homemade section instead since we all know that the amateur community tends to post some of the weirdest yet most satisfying porn shit out there. If you share my opinion, and I am fucking sure you do, then you will enjoy what submityourflicks.com has to offer.There is no need for me to discuss the...

Amateur Porn Sites
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YourFreePorn.tv is a domain that sounds like yet another free porn tube. It’s such a perfect fit that I’d bet money was their original plan. It’s actually an amateur site, and it’s not entirely free. (Spoiler alert: you get a few free views per day before you’re suddenly cut off.)The logo at the top calls Your Free Porn “the Best Amateur Site of the Year!” It doesn’t say who gave them the honor, but I’m not too worried about it. I’m less concerned about awards and more about what’s on the menu....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Your Daily Porn Videos is a website that looks quite promising, right off the bat. I mean, there are tons of movies right there on the home page, and they are surely videos that you'd love to see, judging by the thumbnails. Not just you, or me, but I firmly believe that these are appealing to all men all around the world. Oh well, there also seems to be a lot of unnecessary info on the home page for some reason. First off, there's the tab where all the information about the twitter account of...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Sexy Porn, aka YourPorn.sexy (not youporn.sexy) is quite the name for a page, huh? You really had to let the people know that you've got the hottest movies up on your website with that domain name, did you? That's fine. I like how bold the person who came up with the name of the page was. However, this raises a single question. Are the movies here that great? Well, there's only one way to find this out, so, we will make our way inside Your Porn Sexy and see what kind of content hides within!The...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Bitch Your Famous! If I was writing this review for any other website, I’d probably start off by saying I’m about to ruin your day. The thing is, I know you sick fucks all too well. Bitchyourfamous.com definitely ain’t a website for everybody, but you’re going to love it if you’re the kind of freak who likes the seedier side of the Internet.Let me give you a word of caution before we dive right in. If you’ve got a weak stomach, a weak heart or a noble one, go watch something else....

Extreme Porn Websites
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Your Daily Porn Movies! Looking for a new source of full-length porn movies? Don’t know where to look for all of the most amazing pornos that the industry has to offer for free? Well, I wish I could help you if there was a place like that but… Oh wait, there’s a place that fits that description perfectly and it’s called YourDailyPornMovies.net. Now, I don’t think you need to wonder too much about what you’re about to find on YourDailyPornMovies.net since they have everything that you need for...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Your Doll! Today, we’ve gathered here to talk about why you should go over to YourDoll.Com and buy a sex doll today. But first, the humor!Back in the early 2000s, I used to think sex dolls were cringy as fuck; then I tried fucking one. I still remember the first sex doll I ever touched. I damn near blew my lungs out, blowing her up. I didn’t have one of those air pumps, because I bought the damn thing out of the back of a dude’s truck. Long story short, I ran her through the wash to make sure...

Sex Doll Shops
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What Youre Missing Part Three

Introduction: Lila sets a trap for her rapist. Will he take the bait? Lila felt numb. In place of a burning rage there was now a cold, icy hatred. Adam had dropped her off at her house and schmoozed her parents like nothing had happened! Then again, she had done the same. She was already planning again, and she didnt want them to know about it. She persuaded Adam to pick her up a morning after pill. After telling him how much more fun their honeymoon would be if she wasnt pregnant in a sultry...

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The Cumshots

Are you a cum lover like me? Sure you are. That’s why you’re reading this now. I’ve taken a thousand loads. But how many have I watched on video? A hell of a lot more, and they’re pretty easy to categorise. Here they are, in no particular order. Some are great, some aren’t. But hey, cum is cum. So keep on posting! Which category do YOU fall into?The Hood FillerThis is the simultaneously messy and contained cumshot that can only be achieved by an uncut guy. His cum usually doesn’t go very far...

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Premature Cumshots

Premature Cumshots Reddit, aka r/PrematureCumshots! I know that every man has experienced at least one premature-ejaculation situation… whether you were a teen who just got to bang his first girlfriend, or you tried to fap to some very good porn content. It does not matter, to be fair, but those who are interested in such content are more than welcome to check out what r/prematurecumshots/ has to offer.It is all there in the name. You have loads of content featuring dudes premature ejaculating...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Hitchhiker Chapter 6 Cumtopia

I patted Mary Ann on her ass and said, “Good morning little girl, time for me to get up. Unfortunately duty calls.” They all started to stir and opened their eyes in confusion until they realized where they were. Mary Ann said, “Do you really have to go? Wouldn’t you rather spend the day fucking us all again?” They all eagerly waited and I said, “Unfortunately I can’t and remember we agreed to come up with a schedule for me to have one on one time with all of you the rest of the week. ...

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Cumlord Stories A Morning With the Cumlord

--- I awoke to the playful teasing of a tongue on my balls. It traced all around the outline of my scrotum, momentarily cradling each testicle in a careful embrace. Each ball was briefly sucked into the inviting mouth, and rolled around lovingly between her tongue and soft inner cheek. I slowly pried open my eyes to see which if my girls had won the chance to wake me this morning. Propping myself up on my elbows I glanced down to see my naked body, uncovered by sheets, and a small head...

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Tanyas Homecumming

by BrettJ © 2010 Timothy Tate was waiting impatiently at the airport for his daughter’s plane to arrive. He was feeling mixed emotions about seeing her again. Eagerness to see Tanya, happiness about her moving back home and anger over the circumstances that had led to her return. Tanya had moved to California with her fianc? years ago, over her parent’s strenuous objections. Neither Timothy nor his wife Aneta had liked Carlos very much. Their daughter Paris put it succinctly. “He’s...

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There is something about that striped blouse and dark skirt together that makes me want to do things to you. Bad things. Real bad things. You come home from work in that combo and I can’t believe how fast I’ve gotten hard. Now it’s your turn to submit. No mercy! You walk toward me with a slightly tired looking smile of greeting and I say ‘Stop. Get down on all fours. NOW!’ You look a little taken aback but you obey immediately. A deal is a deal and you always keep your word. ‘Crawl to me –...

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Ashley unlocked the door to her apartment, and reached for the light switch as she stepped through. Before her hand made contact with the switch, her arm was grabbed and she was roughly pulled inside and she felt her other arm being wrapped behind her. Before she could scream out an alarm, her mouth was taped, her eyes blindfolded and she was half dragged, half walked forward…but by who…and why…what did they want? She felt herself struggle, but realized it was useless. With trepidation Ashley...

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Starting our cumeekend

It is Friday night and we are in your car going home after having dinner and a walk in our favorite park holding hands in the dark. All the way home we are talking and laughing, it has been a rough week with work and not having enough time for each other but now we are finally free and we know what awaits this weekend. It is a weekend for just the two of us, our retreat, our time alone, our cumeekend. We look at each other, our lust permeating the air as we eat at each other with our gaze....

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Luke walked out of the university gym with his roommate Simon. "That was probably the hardest exam I have ever had to write in my life. It's good it's only worth 40% of my grade..." said Luke "Yeah, I think that everyone struggled with it though; they can't fail us all, right?" Said Simon Luke's silence dismayed Simon. "Well it's all over now, at least we don't have to worry about school for the next three months." "Yeah I suppose there is a silver lining" "Do you want to go to the party at the...

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Crazed College Cumtacular

You wipe the sweat off your forehead, and your parents give you a kiss goodbye. Finally after a couple hours of hard work, you're settled in your dorm room. You made it before your roommate, before anybody really, and the hustle and bustle of people hasn't stopped.

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Rise of the Cumpires

Long ago, an ancient curse took hold in the far corners of the Greek empire. Women of marriageable age were driven into sex filled frenzies, with an unquenchable desire to pleasure men for their seed. Nobody knew what was the cause. The priests spoke of great disasters to befall mankind, but the locals of that city saw it as blessings from Aphrodite and indulged in their now infertile but extremely beautiful women's semen obsessed antics. They drew strength and vitality from the sperm of their...


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