Christina Ch. 04 free porn video

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The next morning I was awakened by what to me had become a strange sound: the ringing of the telephone. As I went to answer it I realized with a start to what extent Paul and I had isolated ourselves from the world around us. We had, in effect, completely cut ourselves off from friends and social life, at first out of happiness with the self-sustaining contentment of our relationship (god, how I hate that word), but later out of some perverse desire to nurture our misery in private.

Now, as I heard Xavier’s clear voice on the other end of the line, I sighed with gratitude. There was no one I would rather have talked to that morning. In fact, had he not called me I would probably have called him, as a natural place to begin looking for information about this ‘ contract ‘ of Paul’s.

‘Well, ‘ he said in an uncharacteristically jovial tone. ‘ I hear you’ve been given the chance to climb back out from between your lovely buns.’

I didn’t even bother to wonder how he had found out, and found out so quickly. Somehow Xavier had always known instantly what was happening. It was positively uncanny. Had he not been born filthy rich, he would have made a superb gossip columnist.

‘Delicately put, as usual, ‘ I said, ‘ but it’s good to hear your voice.’

‘What’s even better, ‘ he counted, ‘ is to hear that your Marcel Marceau has finally taken a walk. ‘

‘It’s a bit more complicated than that, ‘ I shot back.

‘Well, don’t snap at me, ‘ He said. ‘ I’m only trying to provide you with a little information.’

‘What are you talking about?’

I heard him sigh on the other end. ‘ There’s a screening tonight, ‘ he said. ‘ I want you to come with me. ‘

‘Xavier, will you stop being so dammed oblique?’ I said. ‘ What is going on tonight?’

‘I’ll pick you up at seven thirty, ‘ was his only answer. ‘ wear your black dress.’

My protest was interrupted by a click as he hung up the phone. I started to dial him back, but gave up in midnumber. It was useless trying to pry information out of Xavier when he was being mysterious, and I knew that I would only frustrate myself by trying. There was absolutely nothing I could do but wait until that evening and hope that he would be a little more lose tongued.

He arrived at seven thirty on the dot — another shock, I had never known Xavier to arrive even within an hour of the allotted time — wearing a bill blasé jumper suit and a heartening smile. He handed me a bouquet of American beauty roses, and took my hand.

‘You see?’ he said. ‘ I still love you, even in your terrible foolishness.’

‘The flowers are lovely, ‘ I said. ‘ but I’d prefer an explanation.’

‘All in due time,’ he said, comically stroking a nonexistent mustache. ‘ All in due time.’

Xavier was full of surprises that evening. When we went downstairs, the car that was waiting for us was not his Lamborghini Countach, but a studio limousine with black tinted windows.

‘So that’s it,’ I said when I saw the car. ‘ You’ve finally decided to go to work for a living. You’ve become a producer.’

‘Close, darling,’ he said, opening the door for me, ‘ but no tiparillo. Besides, there’s no such animal as a producer who works for a living.’

‘True enough,’ I said. It felt wonderful to be bantering with Paul. We carried on a verbal fencing match punctuated with laughter all the way to the borders of bel-air, parrying and thrusting and giggling just as we had in the old days, so that the short ride with Xavier turned out to be better than a dozen hours with some somnolent psychiatrist.

The screening was a private affair in the home of Reese Jacklin, who, like Xavier, was one of those mysterious figures who never seem to do anything much but are always at the very center of movie land affairs. Reese’s function was to be trusted friend, confidant, and harbinger of fresh news to the power elite of Hollywood, a job he performed with great relish and obvious natural ability. On the side he sold the juiciest tidbits about his friends romantic failures to the American reader, that scurrilous little rag that maintains the largest readership in the country by picking at the bones of the rich and famous.

Jacklin’s home was magnificent, a twelve-bedroom Old Spanish mansion designed by George Washington smith, with fresh flowers in the courtyard fountain and an observatory with what Xavier described as ‘ the world’s only horizontal telescope.’ Jacklin was one of the few remaining bel-airians who maintained uniformed servants, and his kitchen, which occupied what must have been a full acre in the basement, was famous on both sides of the oceans.

Reese met us at the door, dressed as usual in a kimono and loafers with no soaks. At his side was Wanda pearl, the country singer whose popularity was much more a function of her elephantine breasts than her thin and rather irritating voice.

‘Hello, my love, ‘ he said when he saw me, leaning over and giving me a peck on the check. ‘ wonderful to see you back in the pool.’

We all exchanged greetings and stood at the door chatting for a moment, until Wanda said, ‘ Reese, honey, don’tcha think we oughta get back? Mah throat’s so dry.’

‘Cottonmouth,’ Reese explained to us with a wink. ‘ Poor Wanda just can’t smoke that afghan boo without a bottle of Boone’s farm to wash it down.’

‘Now Reese honey, you apologize,’ she drawled, her voice raising half an octave in irritation. ‘ You know I don’t drink no Boone’s farm no more. Only mutton cadet.’

‘Mouton cadet,’ Reese corrected, throwing us a weary look over his shoulder as he guided us down the first leg of his labyrinthine system of hallways.

After what seemed an endless trek through art-bedecked passageways, we finally arrived at the screening room. Nowadays most private screening rooms in bel-air are simple affairs, comfortable and relaxing, Jacklin, however, was not a simple man. He had disguised his screening room so that it looked like the book-lined study of an oxford don (even though everyone knew that Reese never read anything but variety and pornographic fotonovelas imported from Acapulco). Full of leather easy chairs and crystal brandy decanters but with no screen or projection equipment in sight. When Jacklin pressed a button — usually with no warning whatsoever to the assembled guests — the entire floor descended, chairs, guests, and all, into a room one story down where all the screening equipment was kept. It was a dramatic enough experience the first time one underwent it, but by the second time it already seemed like nothing more than a boring and childish piece of ostentation.

Still, one was expected to ooh and aah, so I oohed and aahed dutifully as the floor carried us down to the screening room itself. The other guests — among them bill and Dorothy page of roman a clef, perhaps the best restaurant in America, perennial squash champion haroun ahmed, with an Egyptian boyfriend who I did not know, and neurosurgeon miles O’Rourke with his wife rhea — were all apparently making the descent for the first time, and neither Xavier nor I had the heart to make the withering comments that were so obviously appropriate.

Once the floor settled and the lights went dim, I completely forgot my surroundings and my companions. I have always been a pushover for the movies — as a little girl, they were my basic means of escape from my mundane Vermont childhood. I’ve been such a pushover, in fact, that I remain one of the most unreliable critics I know. I can find something I like in any film, even the cheapest and most grotesque, if nothing more than the saturated brightness of color itself or a single expression on the face of one ham actor. In addition, the dimming of the lights was also like a time machine to me, speeding me back to those careless Sundays at my father’s side in a darkened theater.

Just before the screen came alive with the titles, Reese Jacklin’s voice cut through the darkness. ‘ T
his film is going to be the biggest grosser since star wars. They’re pulling out all the stops on this one.’

‘Why?’ I heard Xavier say.

‘The male lead,’ Jacklin replied. ‘ I talked with George d’antonio over at regal studios, and he said this guy’s going to be the hottest thing since free pussy. They’re already billing him as the next Paul Newman.’

‘Hmmm, ‘ I thought to myself, and promptly forgot everything Reese had said as the magic of the titles closed everything else out of my mind. The movie was called ‘ quicklime ‘, and it starred Randall Stearns — who I assumed was the new heartthrob Reese had mentioned — Cindy Paxman, and Gloria Richards, an old favorite of mine. It was apparently one of those grand prix movies, which for me always manage to capture the glandular appeal and sheer speed of the sport while blithely ignoring the precision and unglamorous hard work that go into the making of even an average race driver, to say nothing of the freaks who rule the world of formula one.

I knew that world well, and now the first roar of the sound track thrilled me as if I were one of the drivers once again. When the picture got to the point of putting me in the cockpit of an ice blue elf-Tyrell special, I forgot the calm maturity that had caused me to leave racing in the first place and wished that I could be plummeting once again down the long straight at hockenheim, gearing the car to take that breathless leap over the flugplatz.

I followed with pounding heart as the car in the movie finished its practice lap at what looked like the short course at Sebring, then I let out a long and probably audible sigh as it pulled into the pits. I smiled nostalgically as the driver stepped out of the car, remembering the unutterable and beautiful fatigue one felt after muscling a formula one car around a circuit for two hours.

Then the driver pulled off his helmet, and I got the shock of a lifetime that had already had more than its share of shocks. I drew in my breath with a loud gasp and stared open mouthed at the screen, hardly daring to believe what I was seeing.

For the driver, this ‘ Randall Stearns ‘ that Reese and the studios had been crowing about so loudly, was none other than my recently departed lover, Paul Bayard!

There is no way I can convey the paralyzing effect that the sight of Paul on the screen had on me. The impact of it was so stunning as to numb my senses almost entirely, and the only reason I now know what I did next was that Xavier recited it to me later in great and embarrassing detail.

The only thing I actually remember is running like a loon down the dark bel-air drive that led away from Reese Jacklin’s house, running and sobbing and yelling, ‘ no, no!’ into the serpentine main line of sunset boulevard, and the cars were honking and swerving to avoid me.

When Xavier finally found me I had run almost to doheny, a distance, I’m now told, of about five miles from Jacklin’s mansion. He leaped out of the limo and grabbed me around the waist, dragging me kicking and screaming into the waiting car. I thrashed wildly in his captive embrace, and I was later mortified to learn that I accidentally broke one of his teeth with my failing elbow.

‘Now calm down, Christina,’ he said in an even tone but through clenched teeth as he held me in a grip that was surprisingly strong. ‘ Just calm down. Jesus, if I had known you were going to react this way I would never have done it. Please, Christina, come to your senses, will you?’

I finally stopped thrashing and fell limp in his grip, my heart pounding and my chest heaving with exertion. He put his arm around me, and my head fell against his shoulder like a rag dolls. I broke down entirely, and for the second time in two days I found myself weeping and bawling like some cuckolded schoolgirl, wailing out my heartbreak in the comforting shelter of Xavier’s arms.

I heard him order the driver to move on, and when we hit the bright lights of the strip I was grateful to have the tinted glass to keep out the inquiring stares of the tourists in front of the Roxy. By the time we reached Schwab’s, I had calmed down considerably and was finally able to ask the question that had been ringing in my brain since the moment I had seen Paul’s face on the screen.

‘Xavier,’ I said, my voice breaking as I spoke, ‘ what happened?’

‘I don’t know much more than you do, ‘ he said in a low, soothing voice. ‘ I found out entirely by accident. I ran into his agent, who’s a friend of mine, and we just got to talk. When she told me, I called the studio immediately and they told me Reese had a print of the film. So I asked him to set up a screening for you. Believe me, I had no idea it would do this to you. You must really love this boy, bozo though he appears to be.’

‘Paul has an agent?’ I asked. I could hardly believe it. He had always avoided agents like the plague, complaining that they were parasites and bloodsuckers who had no inkling whatsoever of what it went to be an artist. He absolutely refused to put his career in one of their hands, even though he knew that without one he would probably remain an known outsider.

‘Katy Gleason,’ Xavier said. ‘ The hottest talent pusher in town. ‘ he gave me an even look. ‘ What Reese said was no joke, lover. Your boy is going to be an enormous star. They’ve already paid him more for this picture than any other newcomer has ever gotten, and they gave him top billing over Cindy and Gloria, who are no small potatoes. The studio is hyping him like they haven’t hyped anyone since Brooke shields. He’s going to be enormous, Christina. More than you ever imagined.’

Although it was very difficult for me to make sense of all this — my high-minded, classical Paul, selling out to the movies, peddling his flesh in the meat market like all the other ambitious pretty boys — I had to admit that explained a number of the mysteries that had been troubling me so. His long absences, for example, must have coincided with the shooting of the films, with story conferences, publicity engagements, principal photography and the hundred other steps that go into the making of a movie. And his tight lipped depression, it must have been caused by shame, shame that he had sold out his ideals in the crassest way possible, shame over his inability to admit to me that he had forsaken his own art — and possibly his soul as well — for the questionable glory of temporary stardom. It also, of course, explained the nature — if not the source — of his mysterious contract.

It was something of a relief to have all that explained, but it didn’t make me feel any better. For one thing, it neither brought Paul back nor gave me much of an opening to try to get him back — if, in fact, that was what I wanted. And I still hadn’t the faintest idea as to the most important question of all, why? Why had he done it? Why after all those years of proud struggling, after all the discipline and the mind breaking labor of perfecting his mime routines, did he suddenly give it all up to go in a direction that he seemed never even to have considered before? Why had he sacrificed everything he knew and loved — me included — for probably nothing more than a little fame?

Xavier, of course, had none of these answers, and I didn’t want to involve him any more than he already was in an affair that was so obviously distasteful to him. It was enough that he cared about me sufficiently to want to inform me despite the fact that he thought Paul useless and decidedly beneath me.

I asked him to drive me home and he did so, dispatching me at my door with a kind embrace. I spent an hour or so at home on the phone, trying every place I thought Paul might be staying, but I turned up nothing but complete blanks. No one had seen him, no one had heard from him. It was as if he had already gone into hiding in anticipation of his impending stardom. Finally I gave up — for that evening, at least — and fell into an exhausted sleep on the couch without even bot
hering to remove my black dress.

The next morning I called Katy Gleason. Apparently she knew me by reputation (or perhaps knew of me through Paul), for she took the call immediately.

‘I want to talk to you about Paul,’ I said. I was in no mood for niceties.

‘Not on the phone,’ Katy said. Her voice was rich, and had an almost honest quality to it that encouraged me. ‘ Come to my office in two hours. ‘

‘I’m coming right now.’ I said, and hung up the phone without giving her a chance to protest.

Within half an hour I was walking through the door of Katy’s office, which was in the prestigious artists and writers building in the heart of Beverly Hills. The outer office was sumptuous in an understated way, a muted sort of high tech decor that looked as if it had been lifted whole from the pages of the architectural digest. When I told the receptionist who I was, she announced me immediately and I was told with no further ado that I could go right in.

Katy’s office was a glass and metal wonderland, positively agleam with those shiny alloys that are so admired by American industry. It had a hard edged look to it that put me off a bit, but my critique of her taste in interior design was forgotten the second I laid eyes on Katy herself.

I am used to the company of beautiful women. My mother spent half her life turning down the photographers and agents who were constantly begging her to enter this beauty contest or pose for that magazine. Beauty, in fact, is taken almost entirely for granted among my friends and acquaintances — it’s one of the first prerequisites for permanent membership (as opposed to the temporary variety, which can be obtained with mere wit, brains, or achievement) in what the world’s journalists are so fond of calling the haut monde.

But I had never seen a beauty like this Katy Gleason. She had one of those triangular, Siamese cat faces, with the hollowed cheeks and oversized eyes that make one think immediately of a high fashion model. But where a model’s beauty often has a porcelain, hand’s off quality to it (one imagines her splitting up the middle if asked to spread her legs too far), Katy’s was substantial and firm without being overly athletic. Her hair was deep black and her eyes brilliant green, and when she stood up I saw that she had the kind of body that makes men moan in the dark — full, yet somehow lithe at the same time, and positively rippling with sexual energy.

I could not help but wonder if the explanation for Paul’s mysterious behavior lay right here in this office. Certainly she looked to be woman enough to turn any man’s head, and I could rather easily imagine her seducing Paul right out of his art and right into the movies. But there was something about her that made me think this unlikely, and it wasn’t long before I discovered that my hunch was right.

‘Hello,’ she said in that melodious voice. ‘ Paul certainly wasn’t exaggerating when he told me how beautiful you are.’

‘You have me at a distinct disadvantage,’ I said. ‘ You see, Paul never told me about you at all.’

‘I know that,’ Katy said. ‘ And he swore to me that he never would.’

‘I’m not surprised.’

There was a brief, awkward silence which under the circumstances made me extremely uncomfortable. So I simply blurted out, ‘ I want to know who’s responsible for what happened to Paul.’

‘You don’t waste time, do you?’ Katy said.

‘Not when something’s as important to me as this is.’

She nodded. ‘ I understand.’ there was another long pause, at the end of which she looked me squarely in the eyes, holding mine with her’s in a steady gaze that very quickly turned into a sort of caress. ‘ I don’t know very much,’ she said, ‘ and before I tell you what I do know, I’d like to get to know you a little better.’

Now I understood at least this much, Paul had definitely not left me for Katy. She was unmistakably on the gay side of the sexual fence, and now she was unmistakably trying to seduce me. I didn’t mind. I go to bed with whom I please in this world, and if a lovely woman happens to catch my fancy I have no qualms whatsoever about indulging a sexual appetite that is decidedly bipartisan. In fact, some of the lushest of my erotic adventures have been with women — I am reminded of the island of Antigua, of the wonderful month I spent holed up there in the admiral’s inn (where lord nelson once trysted with lady Hamilton) with the sculptor Eloise Bryant, and of an absolutely sensational night with a lady politician (who shall remain forever nameless) after a party for the president at Sardis’s.

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A Winters WarmthChapter 12

I waved at the Barkers' retreating car before pulling the last bag into the house. I was exhausted. It was almost midnight, and it seemed like six days had passed since we were last standing on Arizona's sandy soil, not six hours. I took two trips to drag the bags to our respective rooms while Mom listened to the answering machine messages and sorted through mail. She was still going strong when I was done, so since I was feeling grimy, I decided to take a shower. A few minutes later, Mom...

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After the WarChapter 14 Breakfast

Next morning Lady Johnson awoke feeling disoriented, then it all came flooding back to her, the dinner, the orgasms, the cries of pain from the next bedroom. 'It sounded as though the Countess was having a very hard time with General von Buelow last night, ' she thought, remembering that the Countess's dress had been torn off her even before the pair reached the top of the stairs. She slipped out of bed and stood naked looking round the room. 'No shortage of fuel here, ' she thought...

2 years ago
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Complaint Karne Jaane Se Leke Chudai Ki Class Tak 8211 Part 11

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Mercedes Carrera Mercedes Ready To Fuck

Mercedes is ready for a fun night showing off her killer body in her silk robe and strappy black lingerie. Her tan lines really show off those tits well and she can not wait to fuck! Jay Smooth pulls out his moves using his tongue to make her moan out as he sucks on those pussy lips and tongue fucks that pussy! She wants that cock now so Jay gives her it all watching as she sucks it all down. The fun really begins watching her ride him in reverse cowgirl really taking control until Jay gives...

2 years ago
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Malachars CurseChapter 25 Louvre at First Sight

Wednesday, August 30th, 2006, Paris, France I awoke slowly, feeling slightly disorientated again. As my eyes focused on my surroundings and saw the sleek modern furniture that adequately filled the room—yet still left it feeling quite spacious—I realized at once that I was in one of Melanie’s guest rooms. I hated wondering where in the Hell I was when I woke up, but it was a side effect of sleeping in so many different spots and not being used to my environment. What I was used to was being...

3 years ago
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Cooking With Mom Part V

The anticipation of her gangbang was driving my mom Jennie into a frenzy. She was going to have me, Greg, his dad Bill, and our friends Pete and Ben this weekend. 5 cocks to pleasure her. We decided to have the guys over for a movie night Saturday and then turn it into a sex marathon for Mom. Of course, the only ones that weren't in on it were Pete and Ben but we figured they wouldn't mind the change in plans. Mom and I had a quick dinner and I cleaned up while Mom showered and got dressed...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Khloe Kapri 69 Squirt Fuck Cum Swallow

Blonde temptress Khloe Kapri breathes heavily as stud Bill Bailey sucks her toes in some titillating foot play. He sticks his tongue in her asshole, giving her a wet rim job as she spasms in delight. She offers him a drooling blowjob, and he eats her twat in a sexy 69. Khloe climbs on top and spreads her legs for Bill to penetrate her pink gash. He teases her cunt with the tip of his cock and she rides him until she squirts pussy juice everywhere! Hot muff stuffing climaxes with a creamy...

2 years ago
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SExual perversion has its benefits

After an afternoon shopping spree at the mall one Friday, Terri and I planned to go to my house with our newly purchased sexy lingerie as usual. We often modeled sexy attire together to see what would we wanted to wear on a night out on the town with our men. Hell after all, they are the ones who got us enjoying dressing like little sluts for their sexual amusement. We  liked to play around as we flaunted our stuff while sampling the newly purchased merchandise. Pulling into the driveway, I...

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The Lake 2

The Lake Part 2 The relaxation part was well deserved after all we, the three of us, Pat her husband Paul and myself had just fucked and sucked our way through a very busy day. I was wondering how Paul would take it after all I was under the assumption that this was his first guy on guy experience or at least the first he would admit too. So I was unsure how he was going to behave. I guess I should not have worried so much because he felt totally relaxed with it. As a matter of fact, he had...

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Poolhall Gangbang

"There is no way you're going in there dressed like that!" I proclaimed, drinking in the sight of my new wife, all 5'3, 110 pounds of her. Her body was curved beautifully - sometimes I still couldn't believe I'd ended up with her. Long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a nice set of measurements topped it off: 38,27,37. She was dressed in some very sexy cut-off shorts that deliciously hugged the line of her shapely ass, wonderfully set off her legs, and framed her virgin cunt with red...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission London River Earning the Cane

Blonde busty masochistic MILF London River has been bad. She came without permission and now she’s in strict rope bondage awaiting her punishment. The sight of her tied and helpless, with her luscious tits all but falling out of her bra and her ass wiggling in the air gets Charles Dera hot and horny. He berates London for her failure, spanking her round ass. He takes off his belt and delivers firm hits to London’s ass. London knows she deserves to be punished. More so, she yearns to...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess5e16 Annalise Tsaro 31

Series 5, Episode 13: Annalise Tsaro (31) – Dover – builder’s wife, loads of kids, ultra-protected, wants to do something crazy and independent We open with our beautiful shot of the United Kingdom – from space ... Pause for a moment – then fall toward the planet at hyper-sonic speed, dropping from a low-Earth orbit to sea level in front of the White Cliffs of Dover in just a few seconds – and we’re already into live-action. From here we race toward the cliffs, but just as we expect to rise...

4 years ago
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My First With My Girlfriend

Hi, I was new in Mumbai. It was year 2006. I had just completed my Graduations and was looking out for a job. Finally got a job in a PR firm. It was my first corporate job experience. being from a small city in MP, I was really enjoying the open culture of Mumbai. The openness in office, calling seniors by name, having parties almost every weekend, girls hugging team members, and use of words which are still taboo in my city. Words like Fuck, Chutiya, Shit were like the most common thing in the...

2 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 19

I asked Mr. Kendall to fix us two sandwiches - with mayonnaise, a slice of bologna and a slice of cheese on both of them. I grabbed two small bags of potato chips and placed them on the counter. He had the sandwiches wrapped in waxed paper and stuffed down inside a brown paper bag with the potato chips on top when Erica stepped up with two large Cokes in bottles. “Is this together?” he asked. “Yes Sir... “Mr. Kendall, have you met Nurse Erica Steiner, from the County Health...

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How i found out that i love cock

ive always liked dressing in women's clothing and pretending to be one since i was a small boy. i could only get hold of thights/pantyhose for many years, so had to wear those when i was feeling gurly, i really wanted to wear stockings and suspender/garter belts, so i started buying pairs of stockings from new agents, and ended up with about six pairs of them. i tried holding them up with elastic bands and other things, but they just would not stay up, and i knew that i had to buy a...

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FatherInlaw fucked his won sons sexy wife in jun

Story of Baumacha Choda - Rumar looked at her father-in-law's lungi and realized that the goods were screwed in her form. Which is called a wild form He understood that my life was full of youth. Still, he said a little claw, why did you go to make me tea, why did you call me to make tea.Shyamol did not say whether the husband can not serve the bride? I am sorry to understand that the mother has left her house and she is going to leave you today and she feels so bad for you. You can open your...

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1 March 2008Chapter 1

The Belleville Falcons are participating in a charity hockey game to benefit the children’s ward at Belleville and Trenton Hospitals. The team was split into two squads, the first and fourth lines playing against the second and third line. The goalies, Jason Bennett and Sam Philips would play against the other. Their home and away sweaters would differentiate the teams and ten non-players made up the remaining line for each team. What would make this game most interesting is the extra...

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Part 4 Country Western FUN in Vegas Saturday w

Saturday we woke up about 1:30 pm to a knock on the door again. We told Angel to answer it (naked again) while Billy & me got quickly dressed. This time it was the maid wanting to clean our room. Billy told her to go ahead & clean it & Angel stayed naked as well. Billy then told Angel to go in & take another quick shower so we could clean her out again. She had to leave the door open too so the maid could see her taking a shower & then as we also gave Angel a douche & an...

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A mothers discovery part 2

So there i was looking in the mirror having just cried my eyes out i started putting on my eyeliner and mascera i love putting it on dark it really blends with my pale skin and black hair. I started getting dressed i knew i had the whole day to myself so i decided to go shopping i figured id buy something sexy to wear to start winning my husband back i didnt have a plan but i had a good idea to start. It was a nice day so i decided to wear a tank top and shorts i called my friend malin and...

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Daddy ke sazaa

For 20 years I have always been the apple of his eye, and he, my night in shining armor who always kept me safe. Whenever he wrapped his arms around me, I’d melt into him and become the sweet little girl I once was, but what else would you expect, he is my daddy after all, and we share a very special relationship. Most people notice it right away, how close we are, if only they knew how close we get, I wonder what they would think then? One of our favorite things to do together is to go see a...

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Stepdaughter Laura

Let me start by saying this is all true. My wife and I have/had been married for ten years, that is until a year ago. This was the second marriage for the both of us. My wife was married thirteen years before she divorced. She has a son thirty-nine and a daughter thirty-five (eleven and seven at the time of her divorce). My ex and I divorced after a twenty-seven year hitch and I have no kids of my own; there are a lot of stories connected to my ex (more on that later). My wife and I had...

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My first date with an 18 yo boy TRUE STORY

I had been chatting to C. for almost 2 months until we decided to take one step further and meet in person, he turned his cam on several times,(Otherwise i wouldn't date him, as i'm very picky when it comes to men) so it was not a blind date, i already knew how good looking he was but frankly speaking, i didn't expect him to be that hot when i first saw him in front of McDonald's!C. was quite tall and athletic with muscular biceps, dark brown hair and eyes complexion..I noticed his voice was...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 34 Return to Land of the Rising Sun

December 13, 1994, Narita Airport, Japan “Reason for your visit to Japan?” the immigration officer asked. “Two days of business meetings, then a visit to see my Shōtōkan master in Oguni, in Yamagata Prefecture. I was here during the summer to train with him.” I handed him a letter from SPSS, written in Japanese. He read it, stamped my passport and forms, and handed them back. “Thank you, Mr. Adams. Welcome back to Japan!” “Dō itashimashite“, I replied. He smiled, nodded and indicated...

4 years ago
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Mistress of Gor pt 13

Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter 13: I enter the House of Abdul-Hamid and learn the truth of what is required of me. The House of the celebrated Taharian slaver, Abdul-Hamid, lies on Muqtadir street, not far from the Inn of Rashid off the square of Muntasir, on the street of Sariyah. It is one of the better and more respectable of the slave houses in Patashqar, and is one of the Seven ruling Slaver Houses within the city,...

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slutty whore looking for a MOMMY to punish my ass

I'm a single 49 yr old woman who has been fantasizing about being punished by another woman for a long time now. I hope that you plan on beginning my punishments right away. I loved the idea of you taking me into the bathroom…I give you the large buttplug that I have carved ahead of time out of some ginger root  you tell  me to bend over and pull my panties down and to spread my ass apart for you…then you stick the ginger root up my ass, maybe work it in and out a little before shoving it all...

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The Older Woman Part 4

After a few minutes of her grinding me into the bed, we stopped we repositioned ourselves. This time she was on the bottom and I wanted to pound-her-hard. Just before we resumed she went into the nightstand and handed me another condom. I was too sweaty to open it with my hands so I tore it open with my teeth as she had done. Yuck, it tasted awful. When I re-entered, I felt like every man on the planet who has ever had to wear a condom, I appreciated the protection but hated that sort of...

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Cocksucker Part 2

It had been about fifteen minutes since I had finished sucking Harry’s cock, and I could still taste his cum as I paced the small bathroom waiting for my last client. The sensation of my fully erect cock rubbing against the soft material of my dress as I paced sent shivers down my spine. Suddenly I heard loud, forceful knocking on the door. Before opening the door, I turned to examine myself in the mirror, smoothing out the wrinkles in my dress and making sure my wig was on properly. Next I...

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My Luck In Massage Parlour

Hi, I am Rahul 25 year old and this is my first story please read it and let me know your views on my Email id That day I reached Dadar station at around 11:00 am and my flight was around 4:30 pm, giving me a plenty of time to spend in Mumbai. Somewhere deep down in my mind, I had always fantasised myself being massaged by some extremely hot chic allowing me to play with her and I had full theoretical idea about how to go about it as I had read enough on internet. First step was off course to...

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Fucking my friends wife

So for the past few months I wasn’t sure what the hell was going on with my friend, his wife, and me.I’d been dragged into their sex life, much to my enjoyment, but I still didn’t really know what was going on.It turns out the answer was pretty simple; my friend’s wife has an almost insatiable sex drive, my friend not so much. He loves her and wanted her to be happy, so he agreed she could pursue sex outside of their relationship. This is where I came in, as a person they were both comfortable...

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Virgin For HorsesChapter 9

The dog sprang up, launching himself by his powerful hindquarters and wrapping his front legs around the girl's hips. Rachel gave a little cry of alarm when she felt the dog's weight pressing her down. As her ass went down, her head came up, her lips slurping as they left Marylou's cunt. A creamy trickle of cunt juice ran down her chin and flecks of the stuff glistened on her lips. She looked back over her shoulder and saw that the big brute was clinging to her haunches tightly, his paws...

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Ten Rounds with Jose Cuervo

Then some stranger asked me dance And I revealed to her my two left feet. Said, Don’t get me wrong I’m glad you asked But tonight’s about me and an old memory. Ten Rounds with Jose Cuervo (Tracy Byrd) I had quite enough of it, of course. Jane had done her number on me one time too many. I was fucking finished with that girl now. It wasn’t that she cheated on me so much as her attitude when I caught her. I told her that I was willing to forgive her and I admitted my own infidelity at that...

1 year ago
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I Creampied a Stranger

Last night I went out with my friends in the city. We all me at a bar around 10pm. It was my friend Jacks birthday. We had been drinking for a while, making Jack do shots. At around 1 am he got really sick. I had been talking with this really cute girl. My friends were leaving to take Jack home. I felt bad staying behind but I was trying to score.The girl's name was Samantha. she was pretty drunk and kept calling me Jake. I didn't care I just wanted to get some action. I had given her all the...

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Loving my MotherinLaw

We found ourselves alone together on the couch after a morning and most of an afternoon of laboring in the yard. I was still sitting in the sweaty clothes I'd been working in all day, but Lisa had taken a shower. She was now in a loose-fitting pair of aged khaki shorts and a peach tank top. My mother-in-law had never been one to care much about fashion. Now in her early 50's, she was still in decent shape. She never exercised, just kept a light diet. Her skin was always fair and never really...

4 years ago
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My Summer Boss chapter 3

She was about to pass me when I reached out and grabbed her leg, pulling her back. I heard her yelp from underwater before I even breached the surface. She flailed around for a second before she realized it was me. The water was about chin height on me on the tips of my toes and quite a bit over her own head. I reached down and grabbed the only thing that presented itself to me to keep her above, her gorgeous ass. “Whoa, hold your horse’s mister.” She looked up at me with her...

1 year ago
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InterracialPickups Coco Lovelock 12082022

Ray loves going to resorts in Mexico and finding girls to film on his phone. Take today for example. He finds a wayward lamb away from the flock lounging out by the pools at the hotel. He walks up with his phone filming her as he finds it to be a quick way to break the ice. After all – every gen z loves being filmed. We are in a world of narcissism and self celebrity – just a million clicks away from going viral. Is anybody under 30 not a podcaster or influencer? Now when Ray starts...

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The Rask RebellionChapter 19 Countdown

Ben stirred, opening his eyes to see that Lozka was sitting up, her ears swiveling. He trusted her Araxie senses enough to know that something was coming, struggling out of their shared sleeping bag, making his way into the cab. “What have you got, Lozka?” he asked as he began to tap at his console. It was still very early, the sun hadn’t started to rise yet, his breath misting in the cold. “The crawler draws near,” she replied, Mizi rubbing her eyes groggily as the Araxie crawled out from...

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