Orbital AcademyChapter 17
- 3 years ago
- 35
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After four of the most intensive and exhausting months of his life, Preston had come to love his day off more than anything else in the world. He loved his morning shot of caffeine, he loved his weekly allotment of alcohol. Though he hadn't yet used the word, he loved his girlfriend Missy, and he would readily admit that he loved screwing her as long and as frequently as possible. Even with all of that, on some days, while drenched in sweat and still pushing himself on the training courses, or while biting his lip in frustration trying to outmatch the drone simulator, he would keep himself going by fantasizing about his next Sunday. This Sunday Preston had decided he would stay in bed until lunchtime ... first sleeping in far later than he should, and then playing or reading on his personal screen until the buzzer intoned the lunch tone. The thought kept him going throughout the week, and he spent his entire free hour on Saturday making up his remedial reflex training just so that he wouldn't have anything to do on his beloved free day.
Thus, when a pair of cold feet against his legs shocked him awake in the early hours of the morning, he was incredibly upset.
"Freezing fucking bitch!" he mumbled reflexively, gazing through blurry eyes at the red lights that indicated it was 0407 hours. He turned to find Missy next to him, scooting between the sheets and snuggling down into the blankets, "your feet are frozen!" His plans had not included being woken up so early, and now that he was awake he knew it would take him forever to fall back asleep. He gazed down at his girlfriend crankily.
"It's cold," Missy agreed, scooting next to him and nestling beneath his arm. She was already half asleep, and Preston frowned at the unfairness of it.
"Hey, nuhuh, you woke me up, you don't get to just cuddle as if you're not sucking the heat out of my bed," he growled.
"But I brought another blanket," Missy yawned, "and you're so warm and it's so cold."
"You'd feel different if you had as hard a time getting to sleep as I do," Preston grumbled, and Missy opened an eye and observed him for a moment.
"I'm sorry I woke you up, and for sucking the heat of your bed," she mumbled, "later today I'll suck something else to make up for it," she reached up and flicked him across the nose, hard enough that it hurt, "and don't call me a bitch."
"You can't just use sex to get your way with everything," Preston began to protest, but a quiet snore told him Missy had already fallen back to sleep. Lucky bitch. The thought was angry, but as he looked down at her peaceful face he couldn't help but also feel affectionately amused.
All things considered, his early wakeup wasn't as bad as it might've been. He slipped his personal screen from its pocket by his head and browsed the network for a few hours, reading a few guides on formation flight tips, despite his promise to avoid all things training. As rough as the lessons had been, Preston enjoyed flying, a carryover from being raised by a pair of mechanics. When he was a child he would "help" his father by handing him his tools to
repair shuttles, or occasionally sit with his mother in her study as she worked on designs. Of his classes at the Academy, the ones that came easiest to Preston were the ones that had to do with ships.
Although it was perpetually cold in the barracks, the extra blanket and the warmth of his girlfriend pressed up beside him left Preston quite warm. The heat was almost too much; in her sleep Missy shifted, pushing the blankets down to her waist. Preston finished reading and shut down his screen and, knowing he wouldn't fall back asleep, leaned back and enjoying the warmth and silence. Missy's shirt had ridden up her ribcage in her sleep, exposing a strip of pale skin up to just beneath her breasts. Resting his head on one hand, Preston began tracing a finger back and forth across her exposed skin, letting his mind wander. Despite his plans for laziness, he would probably wander to the shooting range or the firing simulator later in the day, perhaps try to beat Alex's shot record...
His musings were interrupted by Julia leaning over the edge of the bunk above him. She had the sunny smile of a girl who knew she didn't have to work all day, and her gold-blonde hair was so long it fell almost halfway down to his bunk. Preston was reminded of some surreal fairytale character.
"Morning Preston," she whispered.
"Hey Leftie," he whispered back, and Julia made a face. Her right arm was still in its rigid plasticine case, so she extended the middle finger of her left, but she smiled.
"You're up early."
"Got an early wakeup call. A cold one," Preston nodded down, continuing to move his fingers across Missy's stomach.
"Oh jeez," Julia gave the sleeping girl a look somewhere between amusement and pity, "she's got a little bit of 'clingy' in her doesn't she."
"Yea," Preston halfshrugged, "a bit. I don't really mind. I've never had that in a girlfriend."
Julia didn't reply, she just looked back and forth between Preston and the sleeping brunette, an amused expression on her upside-down face.
"What?" Preston finally asked, defensively.
"Nothing, nothing," Julia put her left hand up, still smiling, "I just really never would've guessed you two would get together you know?"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I don't know, she's just all innocent and cute and annoyingly sugar-sweet, and you're ... well ... you."
Preston grinned, although he wasn't quite sure if his friend meant the sentiment as a compliment or an insult. Either way, he knew she had his best interests at heart. Julia was the only one of his squadmates with the same irreverent sense of humor and cynical outlook on life, and they had been fast friends since their first few weeks. Looking up at her frank but questioning (and upside-down) face, he reassured himself that she wouldn't mock him if he answered her statement honestly.
"She's different from me, that's a good thing," he said slowly. Julia tilted her head questioningly, and Preston struggled to communicate his meaning, "if you spend all your time with someone who's the same as you, well how are you gonna change as a person?"
"Why do you have to change for her?" Julia challenged.
"I'm not changing for her, I'm just ... I'm with her because I already want to change, you know? I don't want to go through my whole life being the same person, no one should. You gotta grow into a different person." It always sounded so much better when Mom said it, he thought,
frustrated. He wished he had inherited her grasp of words instead of her green eyes.
"I liked you just the way you were," Julia pronounced, putting finality into her whisper, "If you were that hard up for some action I would've thrown you a pity fuck or two if you had just asked," she was grinning, and Preston couldn't tell from the expression whether she was joking or not.
Either way his frustration was growing. Why is it always so fuckin' hard for people to understand what I'm trying to say?
"I'm not with her to fuck her. Not just to fuck her," he amended for the sake of honesty, "is it so hard to believe I actually think she's a cool girl?" He realized he had raised his voice beyond a whisper as his squadmates began to stir, and he dropped his volume "Is it really so difficult to imagine I might want to grow as a person?"
"Alright alright, calm down, jeez," Julia whispered, "Date who the hell you want, it's your call. I guess I just always pictured you with a girl who could satisfy you."
"I'm plenty satisfied," Preston whispered back, "Missy takes care of me."
"Okay, then a girl you could satisfy without you changing yourself to do it. And really?" Julia raised an eyebrow, "she's just the perfect little minx who is dynamite in bed? Missy is?"
Preston stayed silent, knowing his face was sullen and wishing he could hide his feelings better as Julia continued.
"She's just the complete package huh? Totaly trying out one kink after another, bedroom so new and spicy it's like you've got a new girl every night? Not a single kink you have left untried? You've done that 'conference room' thing you told me about?" Preston internally cursed himself for ever telling Julia about his little fantasy.
"I'm not just a talking penis you know, there's more to our relationship than just the sex," Preston knew that Julia would take it as an admission. The fact frustrated him, and her smirking face wreathed in blonde locks seemed a lot less cherubic. He tried to think of blonde fairytale villains.
"I know you're not. I'm sorry, I didn't meant to say you were." The girl's apology surprised him? he couldn't remember Julia ever apologizing for as long as he knew her. She even looked apologetic, "I'm not trying to be bitchy Preston, really. Well, I kinda am, but I always get bitchy when I'm trying to talk about important things. You know what I mean. Missy's a nice girl, but she just doesn't seem right for you. You're more adventurous and less reverent, and it seems like you're doing a lot more changing for her than she is for you. I just don't want you to get hurt when things... if things goes south."
"Fuck you Julia."
"Look can you honestly say you're happy with how you've changed?"
"Can you look me in the eye and tell me you're satisfied? Both sexually and all that other emotional bullshit too?"
"Y ... yes," Preston had to think about it for a moment, but he realized the answer was true. He was unused to thinking of himself emotionally, but the fact was despite the flaws, Missy made him happy.
"Can you say things couldn't possibly be better?"
Without waiting for an answer Julia swung back up to her bed, and Preston laid on his back, staring at the bunk above.
"What kind of bullshit question is that?" He asked. The response floated down softly,
"Just a question. If it makes you pissy maybe you already know the answer."
"Of course things could be better, everything could always be better," Preston replied hotly, "we could have two days off like the other rookies. She could be a little more daring, a little less mousy. I could have double luxury credits and servants to wash my fuckin' feet every day. Just because something isn't the absolute peak of utter perfection doesn't mean you should give up on it."
There was silence for a moment, and Preston silently swore. The squadmates all had a level of closeness, but Julia was his best friend on the orbital. Why does she have to do this now?
"Doesn't mean you should give up on making it better," Julia said quietly, "if you stay with her, don't give up on making it better. For you or her."
"You really are trying to help out aren't you."
"Of course," she sounded surprised, "why else would I be saying it?"
"Dunno," Preston admitted, "you felt your bitch skill rusting and needed some practice?"
He grinned as her hand dropped over the side of the bed, middle finger extended again.
His hand was still resting on Missy's bare stomach, and he noticed that her breaths weren't as deep or steady as they had been in the night. When he glanced up at her face, the slightest flicker of Missy's
closed long lashes confirmed the seed of doubt in his stomach. Fuck, Preston's idyllic and stressfree plans for the day seemed to melt away as he became more and more certain, she's been awake this whole time.
Preston wanted nothing more than to be alone. Breakfast had been hideously awkward, as Missy had been more upbeat and cheerful than she had any right to be, even on a day off. Preston brooded, angry at Julia for making him question things, and angry at Missy for pretending she hadn't heard. As soon as he could make an excuse to leave the table he stormed off, wandering down the hallway with no particular destination in mind. Promise or no promise, he found himself in the firing sim soon afterwards. The room was huge and quiet, and it was easy to lose ones' self in its expanse.
Preston moved to the weapons locker by the door, flicking the double doors open and scanning the array of nonlethal training weapons within. Though his gaze moved across the double row of weaponry, but his focus elsewhere. Were his squadmates really commenting about his changed persona behind his back? Did it matter if they were? Julia's words were weighing him down, and Missy's chipper and cheerful demeanor made him frustrated whenever he thought of it. She was awake. I'm sure of it. She heard us talking. If what Julia said wasn't true, if she really thinks we're both good for each other, why hasn't she said anything? And why hasn't Julia said any of these things before? Fuck, why is she saying them at all?
"Fuck women," he snarled, yanking a railpistol from the rack and slamming the doors closed.
"Reaffirming your mission statement Preston?" Preston almost jumped at the voice that echoed from further down in the room. He peered at the end of the dimly lit expanse, only now seeing the shadowy figure at the other end, fiddling with a row of target orbs. As his eyes grew accustomed to the distance and light, he faintly made out olive skin and black hair tied in a loose long braid.
"Alex. The fuck are- I mean, what are you doing here?" Preston grumbled, making his way down the long room to join her by the orbs. Though he still swore in his head and around Julia, he was trying to cut down on it when around other squadmates. Missy said it made him sound rough ... the thought of changing for Missy made him mentally curse again.
"I like it here, 's quiet," Alex said, not seeming to mind his language, "plus it's pretty clear no one's gonna beat my accuracy scores in a cruiser, so I thought I'd give y'all a challenge for your firing sim scores too."
Preston, the current second in cruiser accuracy, repressed a scowl, pulling another set of four mechanical training orbs from the wall. Come on Preston, gotta make an effort, gotta try.
"Um, same here," his voice sounded awkward even to himself as he input his name and password to each orb, "since we're both here anyways, you want to do some coop doubles training?"
"You sure? It'll average our scores if we fight coop, pull ya down an' me up."
"Yea it's fine," Preston cleared his throat, "you'll probably beat my score eventually anyways."
"True," Alex joked, as the small spheres hummed to life, lifting from the table in front of them.
The orbs floated motionless for a moment, taking readings of the room and their human targets, then shot off in different directions. They were only about as big as Preston's head, and the hoverjets installed in each were enough to propel them at a startlingly fast pace.
Alex lifted her rifle and fired as they flew by, but her shot went wide, the EM bullet shattering on the far wall with a small electronic sounding "ping".
"Soo," Alex said, as the two of them moved forward, "... 'fuck women' huh?"
How about mind your own fucking business, Preston kept himself from snapping out the first response that had come to his mind.
"Um ... yea, ignore that," he said instead, as they crept along the wall cautiously. The orbs were using the columns and walls scattered around the giant room to keep out of sight, waiting for the opportunity to strike.
"M'kay," Alex responded, keeping her rifle raised and sweeping the room
"It's just, I'm having issues with your gender today is all."
"Hmm," was all Alex said in response. They remained silent for a few minutes as they moved forward, so Preston heard the hum of the sphere behind him. He spun around and squeezed off three shots in fast succession ... the first and third went wide, but the second clipped its edge. With a small mechanical wheeze the orb lowered to the ground, neutralized. Before he could even turn back around Preston heard Alex's rifle go off twice, the pause in between letting him know that she had aimed more carefully. The two she had targetted gently drifted to the ground, and Preston gratefully noted that Alex said nothing about their relative accuracy scores.
He was feeling much better. The exercise, running and twisting, combined with the visceral satisfaction of firing the heavy railpistol and feeling the kickback, had a calming effect on him.
Another of the targets hit the ground with a small click, taken down in a single shot, and he began feeling truly at ease.
"Thanks, by the way," Preston grunted, stepping behind a column for cover.
"For what?"
"Not pushing me on the whole thing. Letting me just get it out of my system."
"You clearly don't want to talk about it."
"Yea well, it was nice of you not to try to make me."
"Hmm," Alex said again, thoughtfully, and then with a friendly smile she brought the rifle up, took careful aim, and shot Preston in the shoulder. The bullet was nonlethal, but it slammed into him with such force that it knocked him backwards, toppling against the column behind him.
"FUCK," Preston yelled, as pain blossomed along his arm, "what the FUCK did you do that for?"
"Well, you don't get along well with people who are too nice," Alex said calmly "I needed to even out my good deeds."
"What do you mean I don't get along with nice people?" Preston flexed his arm as he stood to his feet, "in case you hadn't noticed, Alexandria, I'm dating Missy," he stressed her full name, knowing she hated it.
"Yea, and then slamming things around and screaming 'fuck women' to yourself," Alex pointed out. Preston stared at her for a moment, and she casually fired off three rounds in quick succession, taking out an orb that had been cautiously moving forward. Much as he wanted to be angry for the sting in his arm ... she sort of had a point. Even now, looking at the matter-of-fact face of the girl who had just shot him, he had to supress a grin. It was kind of funny.
"So you shot me to be my friend?" He asked sarcastically.
"Well, yea. It seemed the thing to do. Did it work?"
"Kinda. That's pretty fucked up, isn't it."
Alex laughed, and after a moment Preston laughed too. Two spheres swung out from behind a pillar, one to the left and one to the right. They both fired at the left one, but Preston's gun was light enough that he managed to squeeze off a second to send the rightmost careening off-kilter
into a wall.
"Okay since you're being all friendly, tell me this, why would a friend try to imply that your relationship is shit?"
"If your friend thinks your relationship is shit, it makes sense to tell you."
"Oh, so you think my relationship is shit too?" A target peeked out from behind a column, and Preston angrily squeezed off a few rounds that landed where it had been.
"I'm just answering your question. I warn my friends when they're in a relationship that seems unhealthy."
"Do you think mine is unhealthy?"
"Hey Preston," Alex had been motionless, staring down her sight at the column, and when the orb peaked out again she took it down with a single shot, "it seems like you're dancing around a few questions you want advice on. We can continue doing that if you like, but if you want my advice, why don't you just ask?"
Preston was surprised at the straightforwardness. He mulled it over for a few seconds, and after a moment's consideration, he shrugged.
"Julia thinks Missy is changing me."
"She is changing you. You already knew that, that's not your question."
"Well yea okay she's changing me, but she's not perfect either! There are some things that she could change."
"Like what?"
"She could be more adventurous. She could be more sexual. A little less clingy maybe?"
"M'kay. So what was her reaction when you told her this?"
Preston scowled, pumping off four shots in quick succession at a sphere that floated near the floor. He was the only one of the rookies who had gotten the hang of using the heavy rail pistol; the delicate mechanics within would often lock up if the user didn't time the shots well. To Preston the machinery was fairly straightforward once it had been explained to him, but the rest hadn't been able to get the hang of it. Too bad I can't figure women out that easily...
"Okay, fine, no I didn't talk to her about it," Preston snapped. He glanced over and saw Alex looking down her sights, but she was grinning. "Yea, okay I shouldn't judge her on things I haven't brought up, I get your point." Alex didn't say a word, but she continued to grin.
"Okay, then explain this; this morning I was talking about it with Julia, and I'm pretty sure she was awake the whole time! So she does know, why wouldn't she bring it up at breakfast?"
"Cover me?" Alex asked, and she ran forward toward the middle of the room, taking shots at orbs that had been hiding behind columns as she went. The movement caused the training spheres to reposition, navigating to remain hidden from Alex but exposing themselves to Preston in the process.
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-Flashback! Zoom!- Alan (Fatty) Hayashi. Despite being of Japanese descent, he was born and raised in America where he lived his whole life a virgin of simple means. Having a stable build (fat), he was employed as a trade assistant to a mining corporation and later worked his way through an apprenticeship to become a qualified tradesman that could proudly sell himself as a Fitter Mechanic. After an accident involving the coincidental collision of a truck hauling soap, a lorry filled with...
Dinner at the Cooper's was a real treat. Her family obviously knew that I was screwing Jessica, and didn't mind. Her younger sisters were out at a friend's and so I was able to sleep with her in her own bed that night. We sixty-nined for a while then just made slow, dreamy love. When I woke up the next morning Jessica was rubbing my erection and kissing my shoulder. "Is someone still horny this morning dear?" "You had better believe it Robert. How do people who have sex for the first...
.... Julie settled back into the business class seat and kicked off her shoes and wiggled her toes. Picking up her bag, she opened it and took out a crumpled and tear stained piece of paper. Carefully unfolding it she began to read ...." Dear Julie, I have never asked you to choose between our marriage and your work as I know how much both mean to you. I don't think it's fair to put you in a position of having to choose so I have decided to make the choice for you. I love you now and always...
Donna seemed like any other everyday person. She had an rather large build. She was 5'9 and quite stocky with long blonde hair. She was a teacher at an all girl's school and seemed to favor particular students openly; all but one whom she favored in a different way. She was a sophomore and her name was Angelica. Donna particularly admired Angelica's beauty. She had long brown curly hair, green eyes, full lips, and stood at a petite height of 5'2 with a slim figure. Every time Angelica walked...
Frank was reading; sitting in the large front room of the near empty lodge in front of a cold, dark fireplace. The morning sun glistened brilliantly through the East windows, a few branches swaying in the outside breeze causing long-fingered shadows to move back and forth across the floor. He looked up as the double-wide front doors opened. Two couples entered, the bright sunlight shining on the hardwood floor and dancing amid the shadows of the people entering, then vanishing again, limited...
"We may have an opportunity to finally eliminate the insurgents," Henderson told the CEO. "Explain." "We believe that another supply truck has just been hijacked." "Can we no longer protect our internal commerce?" he sighed. "We've not been trying that hard. They've been picking off deliveries every week and it was only a matter of time before it happened again." "How does this help us?" Simmonds asked. "The cargo is littered with homing beacons." "How did you know...
Dinner was finished and the men, minus Cletus and Harry, who were taking care of the animals, sat out on the porch for our evening ritual of iced tea and talk. Pap had gotten a new pipe and the sweet smell of his tobacco drifted in the still air. The second crew of security had eaten dinner and the women were just about finished cleaning inside when Tammy came out the door. She was in my lap in a flash, and I got a kiss that let me know that I was still alive, very alive. She stood back up...
She talked to him on line and was anxious to meet him. She had checked into a hotel in his city. He would be there soon. The night would be theirs. She undressed and got in the shower. When she got out she put on a skimpy thong and her sheerest bra. She had large but firm tits. Big round nipples. Her pussy was waxed and very smooth. Her ass was round and firm and great for being massaged. She then put on a thin silky short dress cut low in front to accent her cleavage. She was going to look...
Standing at 5'7 with long legs, and a curvy figure, one might see how she could stand confidently. Her ass was pert and round, just right for squeezing during a particularly rough session- something she encouraged. Her eyes were a deep forest green with circles of gold surrounding the pupils and her hair was a rich shade of brown and always hanging straight down, hitting right below her shoulders. At the age of twenty-one, she had six men on her list. Five were at her beck-and-call and one that...
Straight SexAllie and Jill wake up especially horny this morning. They planned to be especially horny this morning. They haven't had sex the past two nights, and only once this week. They've been letting their desire build inside them, on purpose. They want to be as horny as they can be, because today is Saturday, and tonight is 'Ladies' Night' at the Club. Jill remembers a month ago, waking up in this same bed tormenting herself, not sure if she even wanted to go down this path. But once she made her...
TransShawna settled into the black leather seat with a little trepidation, crossing her legs at the ankle as a woman leant over her shoulder to clip a microphone on to her lapel. "Is that alright there?" she asked, and Shawna nodded distractedly, reaching for the glass of water at her side. "Thirty seconds, people!" someone shouted from the studio floor, and the audience began to settle as the host jogged back out to his seat, settling comfortably into place as the clock ticked...
As the sun rose at the east, a new day presented itself with new opportunities. At 7 am, people were busy starting their day, all over the country. At Prem Nivas too, people were slowly rising to a new morning. At the fourth floor, Mrs. Nair was already up, and she had also done with her daily morning masturbation, and was now busy in regular chores. In another room, Aarushi was still asleep. She had returned late from the college yesterday. Professor Agnihotri had held her back till late....
Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure was quite adept at slipping in and out of stores to drop off its mind-controlling panties. It stepped out of its mist, appearing in the mortal world, and entered the department store. It was one of those big block stores, the sort of place that families would go shopping together. It knew that its next target would be here. She would come across these panties. The figure was excited, holding its latest creation, a pair of girlish-looking...
Susan, Sandra, Alex, and Jessica stopped by the Haywards on their way for a long weekend getaway. They brought along Jessica’s pet Papillion, Jessie, to stay with them. The women had met Lisa before but not her girls, Hanna and Jennifer who were out walking Sarg and Major. Dan came from his bedroom wearing his lounger pants and hoodie. He smiled at his girls paying a visit. Susan mentioned they were going away for a few days together. “Have I been replaced by a woman?” he joked. “Never!”...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith I finished dressing after fucking Lasla at the bow of the Treasure Box. The ship was coming into the dock. Thick mooring...
Two months later ... MY Birthday! Kate Beckinsale’s residence “So, what will you wish, Master?” Kate asked me as she began stroking my dick without any semblance of embarrassment. “Afraid that my wishes will come true, too?” I teased the English actress while pushing her bangs away from her face. “Why would I fear the father of my child?” Kate winked at me as she showed me the home pregnancy test results. “What Mum failed to mention is that you’re also the proud papa of her grandchild....
The drive to work was a mundane one, the same 32 miles, the majority on a dual carriageway and insufferably dull. I made the journey 5 days a week and had done so since April when I had started my new job as a manager of a team in Birmingham. It was a good job, perhaps not the most exciting but a good job nevertheless. I tended to try to beat the morning traffic, I knew that if I left before 7am I could be in around 8am. If I left it much later, everything seemed to back up and I could struggle...
Introduction: Ryan visits his widowed mother for Valentines Day. All holidays are tough but none of them hit quite as hard as Valentines Day. Thats when it really hits me that Im alone. I couldnt get those words from my mom out of my head. It had been three years since my father died and, while it was certainly tough on me and my siblings, I believe that it was hardest on my mom. My parents had a great relationship. Of course, they fought with each other from time to time but it was always...
What goes around comes around, a true story . . .In my early years after high school I had met the girl named Debbie and her girlfriend named Diane at a drive-in restaurant. It was a place where guys in their hot rods would cruse through and try to get the girls interested in us. Somehow, I was able to get a conversation going with them and I thought Debbie was hot! Diane was nice too but Debbie was the classic blonde babe that I just had to get to know better. After a few weeks of trying I...
then my hand slid down the inside of ur tight denim pants and my fingers found their way 2 ur wet hot tight hairless pussy....remember u were so wet with excitement?...my 2 fingers slid into while my thumb diddled ur excited pinkish clitty while ur hot hole bathed my fingers with ur hot creamy cunt cream while u moaned and ur breaths became heavier veach time my fingers went deep inside of u and u asked me to slide my other 2 fingers into ur asshole and how hot, tight and sticky ur butthole...
I decide to go out on my own one night because none of my friends are in the mood to drink, and I’m hoping that being there without them will give me the chance to try things I would not normally do. I’m not old enough to order myself a drink yet (I’m 18), but I can’t dance without a little alcohol, so I have a seat at the bar. I’m 5’9, with long brown hair and C cup tits, which would be showing in my tiny dress. The dress also emphasizes my longs legs. After only a minute, you notice me.
So Shelly leaves me a priority message at work, saying I need to be home by 1PM to get a delivery - figuring she'd ordered the boards for the porch that need replacing I thought little of it. There was indeed wood delivered to the house, but it was not what I was expecting.I pulled into the drive and there was a champagne colored Escalade parked, and as I parked and got out, a series of large black men exited the Escalade. I recognized Mitch, and said "Do I have to ask?" to which he replied,...
----- A Little Crossdressing Fantasy Tale ----- It was an ordinary Saturday lunchtime for Edward, he was having lunch at a restaurant with his female friend Lisa. He was a young 24 and she a young 25, their relative closeness in age a result of both meeting at first year of Uni. Their conversation was halted somewhat when Lisa spotted two of her friends, Sarah who was a juvenile 18, and Ellie a more mature 22 year old. "Hey you two!" The two came over to the table where Ed and...
The Young Amazons Part 2Recap of Part 1: James and Edward were Fitters in the Albion Army. They had been deployed fixing a cart, on returning to their compound, they found their two colleagues brutally murdered, both had been castrated and savagely tortured. They had fled in total fear and panic and were stalked by mysterious pursuers through the forest. Their pursuers trapped them and were revealed as two stunning, beautiful Amazon girls. The Amazons had engaged the men in combat and easily...
This is a 100% true story (as I remember it) so it is not a flashy as a made up one. The names of people and places are changed so no one I went to school will know it is about me. (I hope)1) First Meeting It was 1988, my freshmen year of high school and thought I was smart enough to goof off most of the time. It was now march after a year off pissing off teachers and the like around the school. I wasn?t a bad kid, just bad enough to be a nuisance. This day I was sent to the vice...
I was living with my soon to be ex husband. We were sharing the house as a matter of economic convenience but we stopped having a physical relationship, which was his choice not mine. He was seeing someone else in another town and making a half-assed attempt to be faithful. I, on the other hand , was still married to him and wasn't looking to be with someone else. I had tried a couple times to convince him to have a little fun but he was resisting. I would call him into the bathroom to talk to...
My twin sister Sandy and I grew up in a rural town, population about a thousand or so, and most of the time the only playmates we had were each other. For that and other reasons we were really close. Our parents were pretty liberal too, and it was common to see another family member with little or nothing on, especially in the summers when it was hot. So nudity was no big deal. Well, not until Sandy started growing these really nice breasts. She had always had nipples, like me, but now they...
My Daughter (and I Sucked my Black Neighbor) Now he wants my Wife-True Story part 1 I live in a Condo Complex with my wife and daughter- I have a black neighbor in the complex who i always chat with . He is about 40 yrs old but solid. The kind of Black stud i always fantasized my wife fucking! He always points out white women in our complex that he'd love to fuck and even showed me pics of one sucking his dick! I got so turned on that he told me he had more and took me inside his apt to show...
Hello Readers, Thanks for all your lovely responses to the Bhumi (maid) incident. I got 29 emails on my direct email ID from girls, boys, men and middle-aged women. Surprising me was an email from a 15 year old girl from a small town in UP. She wanted to know a lot about sex and related issues. When I found out after some persuasion that she is only 15, I told her to stop writing to me! Thank for your patience and here is the final incident with Bhumi that all of you have been waiting for;...
Karlee is an all natural babe with all of the curves in all of the right places. Her big natural tits are what dreams are made of, and when she is getting pounded by our machines they are mesmerizing to watch. Her ass is big and firm, just the way anyone would like it when they look down and are fucking her from behind. We put her in multiple positions to show off her sexy all natural body and fuck her as hard as she will let us with the machines. Every girl has a plevel of orgasms that they...
xmoviesforyouI’d like to say that it wasn’t my fault. It was a bad fitting door catch that started it all! But, I know I can’t, I didn’t have to go and look; I could have just walked away.------It was just past eleven o’clock and I had been in my room reading. My computer was on and as for a standard sixteen year old boy I was horny. I looked at the screen and once again thought of by-passing the parental locks my mother had installed with the intention of stopping me ‘surfing’ for porn. She was quite...
IncestMy mobile vibrated. I stopped pedalling and pulled off the road. Reached in to the pouch on the back of my cycling shirt and opened the message form mom. A small pic came on the screen I clicked on it and it showed a woman's butthole being fucked by a dildo. Underneath a message " Unfortunately nothing beats the real thing! Where are you?" It was Mel. I replied " On Hobsonville Road by the lights home in twenty minutes". Instantly came reply "Meet me at Hobsonville Point walkway Please" I...