Orbital AcademyChapter 11 free porn video

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Inside of Jackson's head, a small reminder alert pinged, and he took a breath. The ping was vaguely musical, and for the nanosecond it lasted Jackson enjoyed and appreciated the fact that he had a snapshot of music that only he could enjoy. The breath ended and he returned his focus to the problem at hand.

Very occasionally Jackson would wonder what it would be like to have a normal human brain. He would probably be lazy, perhaps absentminded, maybe talkative. Perhaps he might've even had a say in how his personality developed. His mother had taken that choice away from him with her extensive use of cocaine and critz and alcohol. When he was born his mind was so malformed there were only two options; augmentation or no augmentation. Without a CPU he would be a ward of Orbital Minera, his brain running a single function where a normal human could handle several, barely classifiable as alive much less intelligent. So really, the social worker hadn't had a choice either, giving the techs and medics permission to use him as a test case for their latest augmentations.

The alert pinged, and Jackson took a breath. There were a lot of items stored in his long-term harddrive, but the currently focused goal was to get food. In theory he could switch goals, thumbing through the items in his mental to-do list, but choosing a different goal wouldn't help him obtain food, so he dismissed the thought. If he ever bothered to inform them, the techs would probably be embarrassed about that serious flaw in their design. A chip designed to force his single-function-brain into achieving a goal wouldn't ever allow him to willingly choose a different one. The only time a goal changed was due to outside factors, like someone talking, or a change in the environment.

Jackson stepped down from the pod's ramp, absentmindedly helping Missy and Aimee off as well. The crowd parted for him as he made his way towards the doorway leading to the mess hall. They think I'm mourning my fallen comrades, the information registered to him, but he couldn't empathize with it. What possible use could moaning and wailing have in accomplishing any of his goals? Of course, they're important, Jackson admitted, mentally scrolling through his tasks to make sure goal 11125 still had a high priority, but who can spend so much time not doing something?

He had reached the mess and was filling a plate when the goal priorities shifted with a click, goal 87546 stashing away like a satisfying piece in his mind's puzzle as soon as he successfully acquired food. While he looked for a table, he enjoyed the leisurely process of flipping through his tasks to select his next goal. Goal 11125 was one of the highest priorities at the moment, since the sooner he mounted a rescue attempt the more likely it would be to succeed. That one will have to be divided into several subgoals though... He set his tray down and browsed through for smaller goals that he could quickly complete before tackling that one, pausing only to breath when the alert ping reminded him.

"Jackson!" Even in the crowded and bustling mess hall Jackson recognized Cynthia's voice; it was one of the most attractive things about her. It was silvery and light, almost musical. Like the breathing alert, he realized, I wonder if that's why I like it so much. Her voice was concerned now, and he liked the thought that she worried about him. Deeper, more instinctual feelings stirred in him at the sound of her voice, and goal 71609 slid upward in priority by several places. Part of him was slightly ashamed as he selected it, that he was prioritizing such a animalistic goal over saving his squadmates, but it had been a few weeks since he'd last satisfied those urges, and he always planned better when they were satisfied.

He almost winced when he turned. Just behind Cynthia, Samantha was also approaching, glancing at the other girl with confusion. A guy just can't catch a break around here, Jackson mentally sighed, as the CPU in his head whirred with the incoming data. His goal split into subgoals in a picosecond, and he immediately felt disoriented until he could translate them into words. Seeing the two girls next to each other highlighted their differences and brought them into sharp contrast. Cynthia had clearly just come from the hangars, since her face was still smudged with carbon stains and engine grease. Her red hair was tied back with a piece of black ribbon, and Jackson spared a moment to appreciate the single strand that had fallen out of the tie. Samantha had also clearly come from the hangars as well, but her work was far more clerical. Smooth unblemished skin and soft hands set her about as far apart from Cynthia as she could be, but with the proximity Jackson realized that the ringlets around her face were almost the exact same shade of red. I guess I have a type after all, he pondered, cute red-haired scrubs. The alert ping reminded him to breath, and refocused him on the task at hand. Right. Don't want to end things with Cynthia. Don't want to end things with Sam. Don't want to lie to either. You can never give me a simple goal, can you? Jackson scolded the chip. On the next ping, he took an extra deep breath.

"Cynthia! Sam!" he gave a small smile and stepped forward, putting one arm around Sam's waist and using the other hand to pull Cynthia forward. He kissed Cynthia on the forehead, Sam on the cheek, and then turned back to the table, "Fuck have I missed you! Come on and join me, please!" He indicated the empty seats at his table, smoothly sitting and hoping the ice in his stomach wouldn't show on his face. To his relief, both girls sat, though both now looked unsure of themselves.

"I heard about your planetary," Samantha said cautiously, breaking the slightly awkward silence, "Jackson I'm so sorry."

"They're not dead yet," Jackson began eating as he spoke, "their beacons are still lit."

"Jackson..." Cynthia reached across the table to place a comforting hand on his, an action that Jackson noticed made Samantha frown.

"It's okay, I'm not in denial or anything," Jackson chewed thoughtfully, trying to decide how he would handle his current goal, "if their beacons go out I'll deal with it at that point, but until then there's still hope."

Samantha opened her mouth, and the highest priority goal demanded that he interrupt her. If he could stop them from addressing the elephant in the room, there was a chance that he could simply keep them both by pure inertia. Both girls were a little off-balance, and the chip was telling him to keep them that way. Instead he kept quiet, letting her speak. He knew it was his imagination, but he sometimes felt like he could hear his CPU screaming and grinding as he ignored the route that would technically work the best, but he would much rather opt for open communication than for manipulating his way to his goals.

"Jackson, I know this probably isn't the best time," Samantha said, unaware of the conflict in Jackson's CPU, "but ... who is this?"

"I'm sorry, that's rude of me," Jackson apologized, "Sam, this is Cynthia, she works in fuel processing. Cyn, Samantha, she's in ship transfer admin." He took another bite as he waited for the inevitable follow-up questions. Cynthia's hand was still on his, which was a good sign, and he idly ran a thumb back and forth over it as the girls exchanged glances.

"Pleased to meet you," Cynthia murmured, looking at Jackson instead of Samantha with narrowed eyes, but a half smile playing around the corner of her lips.

"Likewise," Samantha sounded unsure of herself, and Jackson's CPU informed him that his chances of goal completion would increase vastly if he simply played to her unsureness.

"You two are my two best friends on the entire orbital..." Jackson continued. The techs told him the chip couldn't actually form commands, that it simply allowed him to focus better, but he could swear he heard it talking to him; "Confuse her! You're so close if you can just keep her on her toes! Lie!"

" ... and in answer to the question neither of you are asking, yes, I'm sleeping with both of you." Jackson powered through the chip's instructions.

Samantha's mouth dropped open in surprise. Cynthia folded her arms and leaned back, but she was grinning.

"The balls on this one," she chuckled.

"You ... you're just going to say that? Just admit it to both of us?" Samantha spluttered.

"Course, why not?" Jackson took another bite, "it wouldn't be very nice to hide that information would it?"

"But it's 'nice' to sleep with both of us at the same time?" Samantha almost exploded. Jackson shrugged,

"I suppose I didn't assume we were exclusive," he said, "that's why I didn't mind you banging your co-worker on the side." Samantha blushed bright red, and Cynthia threw her head back and laughed aloud. She not only didn't realize I knew ... But she also thought we were exclusive at the time? Jackson considered whether or not to be offended, and finally shrugged it off.

"I didn't ... I wasn't..." Samantha stammered. She turned to Cynthia, no doubt hoping to find someone to back her up, "and you're okay with this? With him just going back and forth between the two of us?"

"I never made an assumption about what we were," Cynthia raised both hands, "Jackson's fun to talk to and he's a good lay, we never put expectations on each other beyond that. Although," she reached forward and grabbed Jackson's spoon, pointing it menacingly at Jackson, "last month when I needed help cleaning the capacity core on your cruiser, and you said 'oh I've got physical training to catch up on', I swear to god if you blew me off to get some action from her..."

Jackson grinned, "Actual PT, I swear," he said, truthfully, "I like to think I'm a little more respectful than ditching one of you for the other." Cynthia used the spoon to steal a bite of chocolate paste from his plate, and he didn't stop her. Samantha seemed completely out of her element and bewildered, but she wasn't leaving. His CPU stopped screaming at him, and he felt his shoulders imperceptibly relax.

"I guess it's just ... different ... to me," Samantha finally mumbled, "I'm not used to this kind of situation. It seems weird."

"Weirder than when you thought you were both cheating on each other?" Cynthia asked brightly around a mouthful of chocolate. Samantha blushed again.

"You'll have your hands full if you get with these admin types Jackson," Cynthia grinned, "full of strange expectations."

"No call for that kind of talk Cyn," Jackson broke in before Samantha could respond, "Sam's a fine lady, and alongside you she's one of the people I care about most on this station."

"You're right, that was uncalled for," Cynthia agreed, "I'm sorry Samantha."

"I'm not a prude or anything," Samantha said defensively, "I just don't like the thought of sharing Jackson back and forth."

"Well..." Jackson said thoughtfully, carefully, "if that's the way you feel, we don't have to do this back and forth."

Samantha looked at him uncomprehending, but Cynthia clearly saw what he was implying almost instantly.

"Jackson Carter Rade," she leaned back in her chair, fixing Jackson with a stare that was halfway between incredulous and impressed, "let me get this straight. Your two girlfriends meet each other, and even though you managed to stretch your luck enough to avoid a major blowout, you now think you're smooth enough to turn the situation into a threesome?"

Jackson carefully finished his last bite, considering how to answer. In the end, he opted for honesty.

"Yep," he said. Cynthia and Samantha looked back and forth between him and each other. Jackson had to admit that the stunned looks on their faces was amusing enough to be worth whatever answer he got.

"Well, say what you will about him, the boy's got stones," Cynthia finally said. Samantha was opening and closing her mouth like a fish, but she finally managed to stutter,

"What ... what ... what?"

Jackson tried to gather his thoughts for a whole several alert pings. His head was beginning to hurt from the strain of the CPU, and he was painfully aware that several goals were slowly creeping higher in his priority list. He looked up to meet the eyes of the two girls.

"Look, I've had ... the most hellish few days I can ever remember," he admitted, "I've just about fried my brain by keeping it running too hot for the past few days, because there's just too many tasks to get done. I've got another rough patch coming up, so right now, in this brief bit of quiet before the storm, I'd really like to do something that will let me relax and forget about all the shit that has come before and is coming up." He shrugged, "I meant what I said earlier. You two are my closest and best friends here, and I'm really glad we still have that," he raised his eyebrows to make it a question, and was relieved when both girls nodded. "I like having you for friends, that would be true even if you both weren't as good in bed as you are. I mean ... damnit I'm normally smoother than this..." The sound of gears grinding in his head was makinh it ache. The chip doesn't even have fucking gears, he mentally grumbled, rubbing his temples.

"Aw, honey," Cynthia said sympathetically, standing and rounding the table to give him a hug. She took his hand and pulled him up from his seat, turning and moving toward the door.

"Come on," she said over her shoulder, and Samantha rose with a confused look.

"Where ... what are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm gonna help this fuckin' idiot relax," Cynthia replied with a smirk, "and you're going to help me."

Cynthia's room wasn't far from the mess hall, within easy access of the hangar. As a "scrub", one of the valuable mechanics on the Orbital, she had the luxury of a private room. Jackson smiled wearily as he stepped inside. Though it was slightly cramped, a single large room and adjoining bathroom, Cynthia had made it her own. Small gears and wires, twisted into pieces of art, decorated the walls, and hand-made blankets and quilts lined anything that could be used as a bed or seat. The entire effect was one of instant comfort and coziness, an effect that Cynthia herself had on Jackson. Samantha looked around the room curiously as Cynthia pulled Jackson towards her strange bed that sat in the corner, made up of a pile of layered blankets and pillows as high as her waist.

"This place is ... really nice," Samantha sounded surprised, "comfortable."

"What better place to comfort someone?" Cynthia untied the fastenings on her rough mechanics jacket, shrugging it off and tossing it in a corner. She always seemed at ease, but Jackson noticed she was a little more herself when she was in her room.

"Um ... about that..." Samantha was blushing, looking down at her feet.

"You don't have to do this, Sam," Jackson watched her face carefully, looking for signs of hesitation. It didn't matter how helpful his CPU could've been in convincing her; if she wasn't willing to do this, he had no desire to force her.

"No," Samantha seemed startled, "no, that's not it at all, I really do, it's just I ... I don't know how."

Jackson shot a look at Cynthia, hoping she wouldn't make fun of Samantha's embarrassment, but the mechanic was looking at her kindly, almost affectionately.

"It's not so hard," Cynthia smiled, reaching out and hooking a hand around Samantha's neck. Samantha blushed harder, but Cynthia gently steered her towards the bed where Jackson was sitting, "do you like kissing our jerk of a boy here?"

"Yes," Samantha answered hesitantly, and Cynthia gently pushed Samantha's head forward to meet Jackson's lips. Jackson held the moment in his mind as the kiss deepened. It felt like so long since he had touched her, touched either of them, and he wanted to savor the sensation of every moment. Samantha's kiss tasted like strawberries, and her tongue darted playfully across his lips. He ran his fingers through her bright red curls as he lay back on the bed, pulling her with him.

"Good," he heard Cynthia say approvingly. As if encouraged by the other girl's approval, Samantha straddled Jackson, sitting on his upper stomach and bending down to keep on kissing him.

"Now," Cynthia murmured, and Jackson vaguely registered the sound of clothing hitting the floor, "we'll see if you're a good enough kisser to keep his attention during what I'm about to do."

She is a very good kisser, Jackson mused, as Samantha gently tugged at his lower lip with her teeth, but I have an idea about what Cynthia is going to do... As if on cue Cynthia's fingers deftly unfastened his pants with a practiced ease. Samantha broke the kiss, panting, to turn and watch as Cynthia pulled his pants off and threw them into the growing stack of clothes by the bed.

"You're wearing too much," Cynthia said. Samantha was blocking Jackson's view of her face, but whatever expression Cynthia was wearing must've been enough to allay Samantha's reservations.

Samantha slowly slipped her shirt over her head just as Cynthia wrapped warm nimble fingers around Jackson's shaft. The combination of Cynthia's fingers and the sight of Samantha's breasts dropping free was enough to make Jackson's hips involuntarily buck, and Samantha giggled she almost fell off of him. He couldn't see what Cynthia was doing, which made each touch unexpected. Instead he was treated to Samantha's large boobs hanging over his face as she leaned down again to pull his shirt off. He didn't mind in the slightest. Her strawberry-flavored kisses resumed again, keeping his attention as she made complicated motions to remove her own pants.

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"Here we are," said Fred, turning the moving van on to Washington Avenue.Amber reached over to grab his arm. "I hope this is a good idea.""Everything will be fine," replied her husband."This is all my fault. If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't need to do this.""Honey, it's alright. Things will work themselves out.""As far as I could tell. Quit worrying. It's an older neighborhood. No gangs or d**gs. I've checked it all out. The crime rate is low. It's fine. We'll get ourselves back on our feet and...

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(Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf) Submitted to Sexstories: May 5, 2022 Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, mystery ***** Hi there! Thanks for checking out this story! This series is written like a novel, so be sure to start at Chapter 1 if you want to avoid any confusion. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy! ***** - CHAPTER 10: Disclosure - “What was that about?” Gabriella finally asked, once we’d driven in silence for a few minutes. I sighed heavily. “He thinks it’s...

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Me And The Lady Auto Driver

This is my first attempt at lesbian erotica. Constructive feedback is welcomed. My name is Vanaja Menon. I’m a 28 year old woman from the Malabar region of Kerala. I am married to a handsome young businessman and we have a beautiful one year old baby girl. One night, i got into a ladies auto from the railway station after getting back from a boring training in Mumbai. It was raining and almost close to midnight. I had phoned home and told my husband that i would be reaching in the morning as...

4 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 29

Present – Liz – In the tunnels What the hell! We hear what sounds like machine gun fire, but it's far away. Bernie says, "Liz, it sounds like it's coming from the air vent." I wonder aloud, "I guess they are still having a hell of a battle with the fake Marines." It stops for a short time and then we hear another short burst. Bernie suggests, "It might be a good thing that we're trapped down here since it's probably safer than being outside." Ivan whispers, "You two not good...

2 years ago
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The Red Tipi

Among his people, the womenfolk lived in a red tipi. It was a single canvas woven of the hides of countless buffalo, and in the tribe's better years, it had housed as many as twenty women. But as Diving Hawk parted the flap, he was greeted by the sight of only four. There were no children, either. Normally, he wouldn't have been allowed to see this. No initiated men were allowed passage. If they trespassed, violators were shunned?most never allowed to touch a bow again for...

4 years ago
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Cleavage Lover

Hi this is Bobby from Delhi, India. Just to give a quick intro I am 37 married. I have been reading the storied from Iss.. I just thought to share my experiences in past. I was virgin till my engineering and after that certain incidents happened in my life which changed the entire scenario of my personality. It all started when I came back to Delhi after my B Tech. And was looking for a job. We have one bhabhi in our neighborhood by the name Sunita. A real charming, sexy, tall and proper flesh...

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On The Prowl

After June's exploration into public sex and exhibitionism, she told me that being a voyeur peaked her interest. She'd found it exciting when we were having sex in public that people had actually seen us. Now, she wanted to watch strangers have sex."I think we can kill two birds with one stone," I told her. "I know a swinger's club that has a public viewing room. It would be like attending a sexual football game with people on both sides watching the action in the middle."Before you get to...

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OSL Pledge Initiation

-- DECEMBER 2003, SOPHOMORE YEAR -- I was told to be ready at 8:30pm sharp, dressed informally despite the supposed formality of the event. I was told to expect the unexpected. And I was told to have eaten and hydrated beforehand. It was all very mysterious and cloak and dagger. But even so warned, I was still surprised to find three people standing outside my door at the appointed time. I was even more surprised to find that they were all cloaked in black robes with ominous hoods, Venetian...

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Talk Show Three and Four

Talk Show - Three and Four A Fictional Transcript By Maryanne Peters TRANSRIPT ONE Joe: Hello, hello, and good evening. Welcome to "Tonight with Tanner". I am Joe Tanner and tonight my guest is veteran actor, Gerry Dunford. Welcome Gerry. Gerry: Thank you for inviting me on, Joe. Great to be here. Joe: Now I know that you want to talk about your upcoming movie, and we will, but first I think we have to talk a little about the hit show "Crossover", which you will be leaving...

2 years ago
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Black Widow in 2099

Black Widow In 2099ADBy Sonya Esperanto [email protected]:New York 2008The New Avengers were fighting for their lives. As for who were the New Avengers, they were America?s mightiest superhero team.  Right now, they were fighting the robot army known as The Sentinels. The Sentinels stood over twenty feet and beams kept on coming out from their eyes and palms. Captain America shouted to his men, ?We thought this was never going to happen but looks like it is?. As for what he...

1 year ago
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Owned TeacherChapter 12

When they arrived home Mary carried all of Lisa's things into the large guest room and unpacked for her. She was a real mess with cum dried on her face and in her hair. Her breasts were very sore from the abuse of Lisa's mother and her pussy was crying for the release she had been denied. "Shower and wash your hair Mrs. C. you look disgusting. I will lay out your outfit to greet your daughter. And Mrs. C. don't you dare play with yourself." A thoroughly dominated teacher moved to the...

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Deborah buys a Maren everyone loves raymond

Deborah found the mall exciting only when she had the chance to be alone. With Raymond and the k**s it was more like trying to shop with a circus at your heels. But today Raymond was watching the k**s and she had a few hours to browse and window shop in peace. As she entered one of the many mall hallways she noticed a peculiar store she had never seen before and saw the sign above the entrance read: Carol's Curiosities.She looked through the window and saw plenty of unique items that would look...

4 years ago
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Mene Meri Girlfriend Ko Chudvaya 8211 Part 1

Namaskar mai akash patel hu ….Vaise to mene bahot jyada nahi par 2 ya 3 ladkiyo ko choda hai …Jisme se ek bhabhi thi. Mai vadodara ka rahene vala hu .But abhi mai pune mai padh raha hu . Mere umar 25 saal ki hai n mere ht 6 ft hai mera lund 5 inch mota aur kuvara he hai abhi itna kasa nahi hai. Kise bhi ladki ya bhabhi ko me free service ke liye muje mail kare Chaleye abbb apko ,me apni kahani sunata hu ye karib ek saal purani hai ,,,, Jab mai job karta tha mere gf thi uska nam noopur tha vo...

4 years ago
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I used my wife as a poker chip and lost

Larry, who I worked with had been on me for the last month about doing a poker game at my place. I finally agreed to hold it at my place after thinking about it over several days. I hadn’t played in a poker game in many years. Larry had lined up myself plus him and a buddy of his. His buddy also brought along a younger gentleman named Rob with him so we now had had a table of four playing. I didn’t know this other younger gentleman, but he was only in his 20’s and had a very cocky attitude. ...

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Steamboat Willy Ch 03

Sally and I were still sound asleep in the morning when the phone rang. I reached over and picked it up. I answered, ‘Hello!’ ‘It’s me, Jeb, Mr. Murphy. Are we gonna work today?’ ‘Good morning Jeb. No we are not working this morning. Are you at home if I need you for something?’ ‘Yes Sir, I’m not plannin’ on goin’ anywhere.’ ‘Good, stay home until four and we will count it as a paid day even if we don’t call you, OK?’ ‘Yes Sir. I’ll be here if ya need me.’ I looked over at Sally, she was...

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Girls With Glasses

Reddit Girls With Glasses, aka r/GirlsWithGlasses! There’s just something so hot about a girl wearing glasses - it may sound like a cliche to say that people who wear glasses are nerds, but I personally have never encountered a dumb girl wearing glasses. And let me tell you, these glasses-wearing girls can be a real handful in a positive sense. Nowadays, you have your fishnet-wearing, hair-dying e-thots running around everywhere ruining men’s lives and getting them hooked on drugs, and...

Reddit NSFW List
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Trapped by Three2

My anal sphincter muscle ring acted like a cheap whores cunt and relaxed allowing that gigantic huge cock head to enter my anal canal. My eyes bulked at the thought of what could happen as this huge monster worked slowly in and out of my butt. All I could do was to open and close my fist with each stroke of his mammoth cock head. The brute reached through my legs and gripped me by the waist holding me firmly as he worked his cock back and forth. His massive shoulders pushing apart my feet, I...

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VeronicaChapter 6

The lunch hour time was well advanced by now and the bar was beginning to fill with the usual mixture of sober suited City men and women. The women were all smartly and decorously dressed, in stark contrast to the brazenly and scantily attired Veronica with her striped sleeveless blouse, bare abdomen, voluptuous cleavage and scarlet slit skirt. Many glances were directed in her direction. Thank Heaven none of the other drinkers were people she knew! With the fumes of her brandy doing their...

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My fantasies

I am 24 years old, a student of class ix in a renounced english medium high school. I am from kolkata, the dream city of india. I’m smart, attractive & 5’8” tall, have fit body & fair complexion. I’m very good in my studies but at the same time very shy in nature. Instead of being a friendly, naughty and fun loving boy, normally i can’t even look straight at my girl school friends, not to talk about developing a hot friendship & relationship with them. But from the core of my heart, i always...

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A Woman with her Head ScrewedOn Right Part III

Now, the race was on. We watched intently while the actors in the video did their carnal thing. Once we got focused, our hands began to wander. Since I was wearing "guy loungers," there was an opening in the front for my dick. Chris found it, and broke the ice. I returned the favor by pulling the elastic waist band outward and slipped my hand down the front. Sliding my hand over a roll of her tummy, I felt the hair and knew I'd find her cunt soon. When I did, she was already wet. I dipped my...

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The House of Sex

The House of Sex Prologue This story started as a description of an up-market, select sex shop. Like most of my stories, the original theme has expanded into something much more. What I describe here is a fantasy, but one that could, so easily be reality - a veritable Pandora's Box of delight. Of course, this story concentrates on my personal sexual tastes. I hope they are your tastes too and that I turn you on. I love feedback on my stories. Please email...

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Cousin Got Tricked And Fucked By A Stranger 8211 Part 1

Hi, people, it’s a long time since I wrote my last story. Life has been full of ups downs. I am not associated with my cousin as we broke up. But this story is about my another cousin whom with now I am fulfilling my lust filled thrilling fantasies. She is super sexy and curvy. She has brought the right spicy flavors in our bed. This story is all about how I fucked my cousin and let some stranger fuck her as well. I value your views and comments so please write to me if you find it exciting....

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Masked Girl PART II

Sophia's lips went dry. She instinctively used the tip of her tongue to help ease them apart. Shutting her eyes, she listened closely to try and hear it again.She'd overheard stories before, from her father, how he'd caught one couple here before - young lovers seeking a quiet place. Hearing these stories always made her feel a little excited. The first time she overheard her father telling her uncle she quickly ran up to her room above the stacks where she imagined for hours the two lovers...

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Good Girl Turned Bred

100% fiction! My name is Kim. I'm 18 and small in size. 105lbs and 5.1 tall. I have had a couple of boyfriends but never really got into anything to heavy. My story is true and it was on my part completely un-planned. My evening started by going out with a couple of girlfriends. Jenny who I have known for a few years and Jo. I haven't known Jo for long. Just met her a few weeks ago. I had heard about her before mostly bad I have to say. She has a reputation so to speak for being a real flirt...

Drunk sex
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Matt Jessica and Me

Having just recently gotten off the plane from my return trip to California, I am reminded of the first time Matt and I had sex. We were College freshman roommates; it was late October close to Halloween. It was Friday night and he was out supposedly for the night with his girlfriend Jessica. I, having recently broken up with my girlfriend, was in our dorm alone. After spending one teenage summer with my aunt in South Carolina and sneaking into her room while she was at work I...

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All In The Family

Note : This story is completely fictional! Angelina logged onto the computer and Yahoo Messenger opened up. Reading the offline message, she couldn't believe what she was reading. Her husband of 24 years was cheating on her. “Hey Roger its Marcela....just wanted to remind you..tomorrow, noon, the Hilton. This is really going to be something special. Can’t wait to see you. Until then, Marcela...” Angelina began to cry - not believing this was possible. How could he? The bastard!! No wonder he...

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My Boss a true Slave Driver

I've worked in the same office for about 5 years. Last year, my boss was fired and I had hoped to be promoted to his position. I was the most qualified within the company, however they decided to hire from outside the company...They hired a 40 year old, blond hair, blue eyed woman. She was very attractive. 5'5, 120lbs, 34-D breasts. Nice long legs. From the day she started, she was a bitch. She fired half of my team members and didnt find replacements. My 40 hour work week turned into a 60 hour...

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My Maid Renukas Defloration

Hi friends this is akash with my first story.it’s also my own experience with my made hope you all enjoy my story and gals, aunties, unsatisfied wife’s in Karnataka want any relationship and to be get satisfied I’m always ready to feed you please male me at [email protected] all about me having sex with my made she is just 18 now and her name is Renuka she is a outer delhi girl staying in our home from last five years she live with her mom. She looks very active all the time. she...

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KissMeFuckMe Maddy May House Rules

On a calm morning, Maddy May and Seth Gamble lie in bed and exchange a tender kiss. They’ve finally moved into their new house, and it’s their first morning together. As they hold each other, they reflect on how nice it’ll be to not live with roommates anymore and finally have a bit of privacy. Maddy won’t have to worry about walking around the house naked anymore for one, or bothering the other tenants with the sounds of her orgasms. They playfully list a few house...

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shemale surprise

Hello there stranger, I am glad you have taken the time to read my story of the morning I first got my cherry busted open, it was a typical beautiful southern caalifornia morning, nothing out of the ordinary. I clean pools up in the palisades above the Santa Monica moutian range, high dollar properties abound. I usually smoke some weed in my clients back yards to mellow out and just enjoy the sunshine. As usual I went into my clients pool house, shit its as big as a regular house if you ask me....

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