Loving FamilyChapter 3 free porn video

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Tom and Jean Stevenson called their children in Texas the moment the plane landed in Miami. To save time and speed the reunion, it was decided that the children would fly to Colorado as soon as Tom and Jean had settled in at the ranch and taken care of all the numerous last minute details. The couple hardly stopped to take a breath for the three days it took to get moved in and at last the long-awaited day arrived.

Jean awoke feeling relaxed and happy after the frantic week of travel and preparation. It was a beautiful morning! She already loved the peaceful serenity of their mountain home and the thought of her son and new daughter being here to share it with her and Tom seemed too wonderful to be true. It was like a wonderful dream, and this was the day it would all happen! This was the day Paul and Linda would arrive! She turned over to glance at her husband who was still sleeping beside her. Jean couldn't resist the urge to lean over and kiss him softly on the cheeks. Tom stirred and then his eyes opened and he smiled at his beautiful wife. "Hi," he said tenderly, pulling her to him to kiss her good morning.

"It's the big day, darling," she reminded her husband. "Are you as excited as I am?"

He began to stroke her long dark hair, still incredulous of her striking beauty and the fact that she was his wife. "Probably more excited," he replied, grinning at his reference to his enormous erection.

Jean smiled tenderly at him. "You're so marvelous, darling. This is all I've ever wanted from life... everything!" She glanced out the window and commented happily, "even the weather is perfect. What a beautiful day to welcome out children to their new home!" "It really is," he agreed. "I hope the kids like it here as much as we do... "

"Oh darling, I know they will! How could they help it?" She kissed the palm of his hand as he idly stroked her hair. "Tom, how can I ever let you know how much I love you? How much your love means to me?"

"We have the rest of our lives, baby... " he said, smiling gently. "Now, we'd better get ourselves in gear to be ready to meet the kids!"

Jean's face clouded for an instant. "You know, honey," she said in a subdued tone, "they really aren't kids any more." Jean was thinking of Tom's daughter, Linda. The dark-haired mother felt certain her son would love it here, but although she had always loved Linda like a daughter, she had her doubts about the girl. Linda had always been a bit wild, even as a small child. She was always more difficult to control than Paul. Jean was sure that by now, Linda would be interested in boys, and from the looks of the small town a few miles away the chances looked slim for Linda to find a place to meet the young people around their new home. Once school started, there would be no problem, but Jean did want Linda to enjoy the summer as much as she knew the rest of the family would.

"They'll always be kids, honey," Tom said confidently, "just like us... There's so much for them to do around here, sailing on the lake, hiking... camping. But I do have to admit, from the sound of Linda's letters she's a lot more interested in people than things... especially young male people!"

Jean laughed. "Well, I'm sure if there are any of those in the area, they'll find our Linda! I did see a few young boys when we were in the town yesterday... hopefully some of them are nice!"

Jean felt secure for the first time in her life. Everything was perfect... she had the finest man in the world who loved her dearly, and now, two wonderful children. She had to learn sex her husband's way, she vowed, to show in a small way how much she loved him. He had been so patient and understanding with her since their marriage, and she had come to accept the fullness of his sexual love. She was even looking forward to new pleasures, for he had awakened something inside her she had never known existed. He adored her naked body, so obviously that she had almost ceased to be ashamed or embarrassed with him. She had come to love the feel of her nakedness next to his and neither wore anything to bed.

She was still repressed in some ways, she realized, for it had been difficult for her to suck Tom's cock. But, like always, he had been right, and she had come to enjoy it because of the delight it gave him and the arousal it stirred within her. Tom had stopped stroking her hair and was caressing the curves and hollows of her body, bringing her to quick arousal. His hand moved to her soft inner thighs, and she shivered with pleasure. His middle finger moved farther, entering her pussy lips where it found her clitoris, and she moaned softly with desire. The hairs on her husband's chest tickled her hardening nipples as he bent to kiss her again, and she spread her legs wide to allow his fingers to play delightful games with her clitoris. Now, she ran her fingernails along his muscular back and shoved her tongue deep into his mouth, feeling wanton and wild and, at the same time, loved and desired.

Tom deftly manipulated the tiny bud of her clitoris until he brought moans of pleasure from her lips. He was pleased at the way her attitudes towards sex were changing, and he looked forward with eagerness to the day when she would shed her last inhibition. She was fast becoming the most perfect wife in the world! Tom's rigid cock was demanding attention, but he wanted to try something new with her and felt he should work up to it gradually. He let his finger brush up against her puckered, sensitive anus, and she shuddered, wondering how it would feel if Tom suddenly shoved his finger up her anus, or even his cock! The thought stunned her, yet she was fascinated by the idea.

She groaned with delight as his fingers probed deep into her pussy, going deeper into the moist, hot flesh of her inner cunt. She had come to accept the hunger to have her cuntal passage filled with his hard cock, and as she spread her legs out wide, almost begging him to put his throbbing penis into her and ram it inside over and over until she could cum. But Tom took his time, seeming to enjoy making her squirm with passion, knowing that it would be that much better when he finally fucked her later on. Now, he moistened his middle finger with her cunt fluid, then ran it slowly down into the crevice between her buttocks. Finding her tight anus, he ran his extended finger over it, moistening the rubbery ring of puckered flesh with her own succulent juices.

At first, Jean was disappointed that Tom hadn't replaced his finger in her cunt with his hard cock, but now she felt an electric shock between her loins as his finger began to slowly penetrate her anus. She was quivering with anticipation, and she wondered if she would be able to stand this new sensation. Her pussy contracted involuntarily as his finger pushed inside her anus, slowly but insistently, aided by the moisture from her own pussy. A gasp burst from her lips as she felt his finger relentlessly going deeper and deeper. Finally she blurted out, "Tom... what are you... what are you doing?"

"Don't worry, sweetheart... I'd never do anything that I didn't know you'd enjoy... you know that." He could feel her anal muscles tightening as if to prohibit the intrusion of his probing finger, and he plunged it more insistently. He liked the hazy look that had come into her eyes and was excited by the sight of her tongue darting out to lick her soft dry lips. He realized that when he finally did force his cock into her anus, she would learn to enjoy it as much as he enjoyed doing it. At last he felt she was ready... this was the moment! "Jean, I want you to roll over on your stomach," he urged. She started to protest, but Tom rolled her over and she lay there in fear. She knew what he was going to do...

"It might hurt a little at first, honey, but then it will become a wonderful new sensation... I promise you'll love it... trust me?" he said gently.

Jean could only nod her head, cringing with fear and revulsion. Pain... how obscene, she thought, yet she was willing to do whatever her husband said. Tom moved behind her on his knees and raised her luscious buttocks so that she was close to his long, hard shaft. She was helplessly exposed and a faint tinge of shame crossed her mind. But she was determined to trust her husband as he had asked, and she let him position her body as he chose. She even moved her buttocks sensuously as he inserted his finger into her anus again, moving it about to lubricate the passage. She turned her head and stared down at his massive rod of hardness, wondering how it would ever fit into her small little rectal mouth, and she felt a strange thrill imagining what it would be like.

Tom held his throbbing member in his hand in order to keep it from bending as he tried to worm it up into her asshole, and as he stared down lustfully at the puckered, brownish-pink opening, the pressure of his balls began to build painfully. He pulled his finger from her anus and moved in closer, rubbing the spongy head of his cock into the slit of her wet pussy. Jean jumped involuntarily as she felt it, and for a moment, she thought he was going to fuck her from the rear. But Tom let his cock-head slide upward, guiding it with his hand, until it touched the helplessly exposed rectal lips of his wife. He was already gasping, and his eyes were glazed with lust. He spread her ass-cheeks with one hand and pushed the tip of his throbbing cock up against the tight, rubbery opening.

Jean gasped fearfully, but braced herself for the full penetration of his massive cock, tingling all over from the new sensations she was experiencing.

"Trust me, Jean, and relax," the lust-driven husband grunted, barely able to contain himself as he saw the head of his cock spread the tiny opening and partially disappear. He didn't want to hurt or frighten her, so he removed it and started over again. Each time he shoved the knob-like head of his cock into her anus, he used a little more pressure and at last he was rewarded by seeing the whole swollen head of it disappear up into her nether passage. His cock was hard enough now and he used both hands to spread her firm white buttocks wide apart.

Jean fought back the sudden fright as she felt the huge head of his cock enter her, but she was surprised to discover that it didn't hurt. It was uncomfortable, but there was no real pain. As he began to penetrate deeper and deeper with each thrust, she became more receptive. It was an entirely new and exciting sensation, making her feel as though she were completely filled by her husband's cock. Then, Tom became so excited and aroused that he lost all control and forcefully fucked his cock deep up into his wife's tightly resisting asshole. "Aaaaahhhhhh... " Jean cried out in shock and pain. "Please! It's too big... it will never fit!"

Even as the words spilled from her mouth the beautiful wife knew that she wanted him to continue. In a strange, never before experienced masochistic way, she was enjoying his invasion. The pleasure pain was incredible and she couldn't tell which was the most exciting!

Now, the dark-haired woman clenched her teeth, but the moans came from deep inside her throat, and as Tom drove his cock up to the hilt into her, she squirmed forward, trying to escape the hard, burning rod of pulsing flesh.

Tom was staring with lust-glazed eyes at her anus, watching in fascination as his cock slowly disappeared entirely up into the dark, virgin channel. The rubbery ring of the opening was like an elastic band, and the tight inner walls of the anal passage provided almost total friction for his sensitive cock as it slid in. The muscles seemed to close around his throbbing cock, clutching it eagerly, and he felt that this was going to be one of the most gigantic orgasms he had ever experienced. Yet, he didn't want to hurt his wife and he was able to exercise some control.

"It's so huge, darling... so big... " Jean mumbled, yet she wriggled her hips sensuously to accommodate his pulsating cock, and he sensed she was gaining satisfaction from the act. Jean wondered insanely if it were possible to be split in two. She felt she couldn't take anymore without being torn apart inside, and yet, she didn't want him to stop!

She moved backward slightly, in hopes that he could enjoy it even more, and she could hear and feel his balls slapping against the slit of her buttocks each time he thrust his cock into her. For one fleeting instant, she wondered if she would faint when he speeded up his strokes. How could she allow this... this animal act! It seemed so depraved... yet; Tom's words floated about her brain... "Nothing is wrong between two people that love each other." Was he right? Tom had been surprised at the ease with which her tight little asshole had absorbed his huge cock, and he stared down in awe at her resilient opening, expanding and contracting as he shoved his impaling cock in and out of her.

She seemed to be getting with it, he realized as she set up a counter-motion with his plunging cock, pushing back hard to take still more of it into her anus. He knew that she would enjoy it and he was glad that he had chosen this time to try it. Jean's hand snaked between her legs and grasped his balls. She massaged them gently, squeezing slightly as they bounced about in rhythm with his deeply plunging cock. It was crazy, she thought, but she felt the same way about being fucked in the ass as she had by the regular way. She wanted more of him inside her, even his balls! She could tell by the lustful moans that were coming from his throat that he was enjoying it this way, and she wanted it to be perfect for him when he shot his cum far up into her waiting rectal depths.

The lust-driven man was almost ready to cum and he had to slow his rampaging movements to hold back. He wanted to prolong this delicious sensation as long as possible while his wife got used to it, all in one session.

She was beginning to enjoy the feeling of being filled to overflowing, and she played with his testicles joyfully, reveling in the fact that she was able to accept her husband's sexual ways and fully gratify his every desire.

Suddenly and without warning, the words came flooding from her mouth... words she never thought she was capable of saying. "Oh, fuck me darling... fuck my asshole... fuck me deep and hard... yes, there, Tom, there... fuck me... fuck me, Tom!" She felt waves of wild excitement sweeping over her as the words aroused her to her fullest sexual capacity. "I want to feel your cum shooting up into my ass!" she cried. "Do it, darling... do it!" she begged. She couldn't understand why the lewd words aroused her so, nor did she know how much they aroused her husband. Tom knew at that instant that he had found what he had always dreamed of, the perfect wife! Jean was the essence of beauty and discretion in public, but in bed she became a tigress. She was raging wild, and could never be satisfied! She would make his life complete... he would be giving his daughter a mother and would become a father to her son... it was the total fulfillment of a dream!

He began to concentrate on his orgasm, knowing that she had almost reached her peak of excitement. He saw her hand steal between her legs and her fingers begin to work at the folds of her hot, wet cunt-flesh. She began to breathe differently, drawing in huge gulps of air with a groaning sound that told him she would be able to cum using her fingers as he shot out his hotly burgeoning cum deep up inside her asshole. It thrilled him to know that he had led her to this point of being able to sexually fulfill both their needs in whatever form of sexual intercourse he chose. He began to fuck harder up into her wide-split little anal passage. His pelvis thudded against her moon-shaped buttocks, so deep was he fucking her rectum, and she worked away at her clitoris with her fingers.

Jean could feel his huge cock fucking in and out of her through the thin walls of her cunt and she was deliriously happy at the sensation of being totally used... totally filled.

"Oh Tom... fuck it that way! Fuck it harder! Just cum, darling, I don't care if it hurts... I want you to! Please!" she cried in a delicious torment. She was afraid that he would stop suddenly thinking she was in pain, but she needn't have worried. Her sensitive husband had noted the slight tones of pain in her moaning and her words, and it added a sadistic thrill to his fucking. He watched his salacious fucking in and out of the tiny brownish hole, sliding in and out easily now. His sperm-swollen balls seemed about to burst, and the sweat stood out on his face from his efforts. He knew it was only a matter of seconds before he shot his white-hot sperm deep up into her virginal little rectum, and he hoped that she was almost to the point of orgasm too. Jean's body was bouncing and screwing back with each thrust of his cock, and she seemed totally rapt in the thrills she was receiving. "Oh Tom! Oh Baby!" she moaned, pushing back hard against his cock. "Keep on fucking it, darling... fuck it harder! I've got to cum... fuck my ass... " At her words, Tom abandoned all thought of control. He began to ram his cock in and out with piston-like strokes, knowing he was close to cumming, and that his wife was on the brink. As one hand ripped at her clitoris, Jean grabbed the pillow with the other, and she shoved the corner of it into her mouth as if to stifle a scream. Tom couldn't understand what she was saying, but it didn't matter. They were both in an animalistic stage where words meant nothing... only the wild, raging thrills that coursed through their bodies. Tom felt like a king... she was every woman... all he could possible want. She had made him love himself for being her teacher... for teaching her to respond! Jean's hand pawed madly at her soaking cunt, and she took the pillow from her mouth and begged... "Don't stop Tom... give me more... give me everything!"

His wife's cries brought the lust-maddened husband to a new peak of frenzy, and he rammed his cock as hard and fast as he could up into her anal channel. He didn't want it to go soft on him, he could go on like this forever with his wild, insatiable wife. He knew from the way her legs were jerking and her buttocks were quivering that Jean was already experiencing her orgasm, but as he rammed his penis harder into her, she seemed to launch into a second and more shattering orgasm. Her body shook violently as her face contorted with exquisite pleasure of sexual fulfillment... more than she had ever dreamed possible.

When at last the burning passion smoldered into embers, Jean collapsed forward onto her stomach while her husband fell with his full weight on top of her, still breathing heavily. Although she felt near perfect happiness from the joy her husband had given her, she couldn't help feeling somehow debased and shamed by the anal fucking she had received. Yet, how could she have enjoyed it so? And how could she love a man who wanted to perform such immoral acts? Jean thought she may grow to accept it, but she would never really understand it...

Tom and Jean had a drink at the airport to calm their nerves while they waited for the children's flight to arrive. The plane had been late and both parents grew anxious, but once the flight arrived, Paul and Linda were the first ones off the ramp. They were all delirious with joy, and amid tearful hugs and kisses, it had taken another hour to collect themselves enough to start the trip back into the mountains.

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Loving Life Is The Best Thing You Can Do

Loving life is the best thing you can do,by doing so you share your passion with others carefully of course.Every year that goes by I other learn something new...or I remember the downfalls that I've had & we don't turn back around........................I am the more 'n' more deeply enlove with man who has been by my side through thick 'n' thin & he also the bestfriend you could ever have!!ROUND-1***When he looks into my eyes my pussy start's to throb slowly especially when a guy like...

2 years ago
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Loving Brotherinlaw On Holi

Hi. This is a story of my relationship with my devar (brother in law). I don’t know if I am right or wrong, but I am finally enjoying life to the fullest and not guilty of sharing it. I have a very loving hubby and a beautiful daughter. We have been married for about seven years now and my hubby is what I dreamt of. But while we love each other deeply, I always felt a void when it came to our sex life. He is a very soft and tender man – almost feminine. He is very caring and loving husband and...

1 year ago
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Loving Burqa

Loving Burqa Loving Burqa?  ??????????? It was very late but I walked into the apartment with a spring in my step. Why not? I just had a great day. My college professor had just gave me my best grades thus far and hopefully this means that I am finally getting the hang of college life.  ??????????? The apartment looked empty, which was kind of strange as I expected Lisa to be back already. Lisa Andrews is my roommate. A 5?7 blond hair, blue eyes former high school cheerleader, we hooked...

3 years ago
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Loving Carol Part I The Beginning

They met in early September, on their first day in college. The year was 1968. Her name was Carol, and his name was Charlie. Charlie had always been shy with girls; he had hardly dated before college. He was still a virgin, though he did know what a girl's breast felt like and how to feel her pussy to give her pleasure and make her come. He even knew that he was very good at that. He had never wanted to date a lot of girls, anyway. He only wanted one, a girl whom he could love and who would...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Loving Carol part I the beginning

Her name was Carol, and his name was Charlie. Charlie had always been shy with girls; he had hardly dated before college. He was still a virgin, though he did know what a girl's breast felt like and how to feel her pussy to give her pleasure and make her come. He even knew that he was very good at that. He had never wanted to date a lot of girls, anyway. He only wanted one, a girl whom he could love and who would love him, and who would be his soulmate forever. Just one. And when...

2 years ago
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Loving More

After a hard day’s work, I wanted to be home with my true love. He was smart, funny, caring and full of love for me. (No, he’s not a dog or a cat.) I’ve been married to Gerald for two years and I must say, he treated me like a queen. He never complaint about the hours of my job, nor the traveling or what I did. He was always there to support me, to cheer me on and to get me through the rough patches of my career. If he knew when I’ll be home, he would always have a hot bath and a wonderful meal...

2 years ago
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Loving Alan And Greg Jr Beyond Belief

I didn't know what to expect, but they sat with me down and kissed my cheeks. I wasn't even sure if Greg had any clue what Alan had in mind, but I just sat back and waited.Although, he didn't make me wait long, he got up and went back towards my dresser. "Mom, you are going to need to stock up on condoms, unless you want one of us to get you pregnant.""Okay, son," I replied before glancing at his hands. "Do you have two there?""Yes," he answered, closing the gap. "Would you enjoy the honors of...

2 years ago
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Loving Alan And Greg Jr Beyond Belief

I didn't know what to expect, but they sat with me down and kissed my cheeks. I wasn't even sure if Greg had any clue what Alan had in mind, but I just sat back and waited.Although, he didn't make me wait long, he got up and went back towards my dresser. "Mom, you are going to need to stock up on condoms, unless you want one of us to get you pregnant.""Okay, son," I replied before glancing at his hands. "Do you have two there?""Yes," he answered, closing the gap. "Would you enjoy the honors of...

2 years ago
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Loving Courtneyrevised

Part One The first time I saw Courtney she was walking up to my car in mid summer. She politely asked me which direction I was headed and when I told her she asked for a ride. Since her destination was not far from mine, I agreed. I admit I was a bit hesitant because she appeared so young, but I saw no harm in giving a kid a lift so off we went. She was not going far so we had little chance to talk, but she did tell me that she was sixteen and working part time cleaning houses. I thought...

2 years ago
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Loving Courtney 3

While we haven't been too bold, we have gone out to dinner and movies and other recreational activities, but we generally stay close to home. Neither of us wants to take the chance of her getting caught or me being arrested. (Remember...Courtney is underaged and a runaway) I purchased several textbooks in hopes of learning just where Courtney's education level was and found her almost where she should be at her age. Now seventeen, Courtney would most likely be a high school junior...

3 years ago
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Loving Husbands Ultimate Sacrifice

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional story. Ashley and Arnold Metcalfe are a happily married couple in their mid thirties. Ashley, a housewife and Arnold in mid-management with a well known firm. Their lives have have been stable and they were happy sexually. Arnold knew his wife was suppressing her libido by being conservative when they made love. He wanted his wife happy and shed...

3 years ago
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Loving Erica Mf teen fatdau rom PART TWO

Loving Erica By SpectreOfHell Part 2 When I came out of the bathroom, all traces of my daughter’s vaginal fluids washed from my guilty prick, my wife Helen was home and she was talking to Erica in the kitchen. I entered and they greeted me warmly, both of them. Erica was leaning against the counter, still barefoot, still in her denim skirt and pink halter top, and I couldn’t read her expression. My wife kissed me and we sat down at the table to discuss dinner plans. I kept glancing at Erica,...

2 years ago
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Loving Erica Mf teen fatdau rom PART TWO

Loving EricaBy SpectreOfHellPart 2When I came out of the bathroom, all traces of my daughter's vaginal fluids washed from my guilty prick, my wife Helen was home and she was talking to Erica in the kitchen. I entered and they greeted me warmly, both of them. Erica was leaning against the counter, still barefoot, still in her denim skirt and pink halter top, and I couldn't read her expression. My wife kissed me and we sat down at the table to discuss dinner plans. I kept glancing at Erica,...

1 year ago
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Loving Mother

Helen knew that her son was at the age where he would start to take interest in girls and she found the thought of him with girls disturbing to her. She loved him very much and couldn't bare the thought of loosing him to another girl. He was approaching his f******nth birthday and Helen felt it was only a matter of time before he started dating girls, and looking for a good time.Helen watched her son intensely as he rubbed his young penis, bringing himself closer and closer to orgasm. She...

2 years ago
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Loving Yelitza

Yelitza had a tiny beauty salon right by the water in the yacht marina. Her customers were a combination of shaggy-haired yachties who had been out in the sun too much and expats who lived in condos in this affluent part of the island.That included me, an itinerant English teacher, rubbing shoulders with people who had fuel bills for their boats bigger than my rent on a studio apartment.Yelitza was Colombian and of African descent, with golden-dark skin and ripe, happy lips. Her eyes were full...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Loving Wife 1

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and fantasy and not intended to represent any situation or living person. If you're under 18 please don't read. LOVING WIFE - 1 By Libnos Introduction: This is the first of four parts to a story dealing with love, compassion and sexual need. Hope you enjoy it. My wife and I met in college and I was attracted by her slim body, her intelligence and the aura of control she had. She wasn't the prettiest girl but she was reasonably attractive and...

3 years ago
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Loving Wife 3

Disclaimer: This is a story of fantasy and fiction. It is not about any known situation or person. You should be 18 or older to read it. Introduction: Bob goes deeper into a loving relationship of submission and femininity as his wife gains more dominance. LOVING WIFE - 3 By Libnos After our shower she had me put on a pair of her panties to wear under my male clothes. It felt so good that my cock peeped out of the waistband all day. The rest of that Sunday we relaxed and went for...

3 years ago
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Loving my Daddy Part 1

There's something about calling a man Daddy, and a lot of men know what I'm talking about. For myself, sincerely and lovingly calling a man "Daddy" (especially in bed) sends waves of affectionate love and warmth because I mean it when I say it. For him, it gives him a feeling of authoritative power because he's sort of viewed as a king in the other man's eyes, and especially in his heart. This story is a true story, about a man I feel deeply in love with and who professed his love to me too. We...

1 year ago
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Loving Ronnie

She reached up to touch his face, lightly running her fingertips over his jaw line before pulling him closer to kiss his soft lips. She sighed gently, loving the taste of his mouth, and the feel of his lips sliding over hers. His kisses always take her breath away; each and every time. When he kisses her, it is like a balm to her soul. She bites down gently on his bottom lip, simultaneously running her tongue across it. The sound of his quiet moan goes straight to her pussy, and makes her...

3 years ago
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Loving Hina Chachi

It is about my sexual encounter with my aunt (chachi) who is almost 9 years older to me. I was 25 in age then and she was around 34 years old with a 4 year old school going boy named Karan. Her name was Hina. My chachi was a beautiful looking women and I had her fantasy since the time I saw her first time when my chacha brought her home after marriage. Although from a village background she has studied reasonably well with a graduate degree which she completed after getting married. She is...

1 year ago
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Loving Wives My Obsession

I've discovered a new genre that I've been reading on the internet: Loving Wives. At first, being married, I thought that the stories would deal with the love and respect that a wife has for her husband and the romance that was involved in their equal union. The stories were hit and miss. A few were romantic, others were on swinging, okay that's not my thing, and then I started to see a trend that disturbed me. Cheating. Cheating wives. Cuckolded husbands. Humiliation. The more I read,...

3 years ago
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Loving Luna

It's hard to know who was more nervous, especially after their last little get together with Anna when Nic's intensely vivid dream more or less came true. Either way, here they were standing at the door of Bliss on Crown, one of "classier" establishments in which singles or couples could go and be pampered by a girl of their choosing.They had never done this before, and to say that there was a little trepidation surrounding the adventure would be an understatement, but that trepidation also...

Group Sex
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Loving For Money The Hinata Hyuga Story

‘Thought “Sorry Hinata, but if you can’t pay your rent soon you’re gonna be evicted.” This was turning out to be a very bad day. First she woke up to find that the power was off because she hadn’t paid her bill, then she found out that her water was turned off because she hadn’t paid that either, and finally her landlord came to her door to give her an eviction notice. “Oh c’mon, couldn’t you give me some more time to come up with something? I’ll do anything… anything you...

1 year ago
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Loving Milk

"You really didn't have to get dressed up," I told this beautiful woman, holding her hands in mine on the table. I had told her about this little Italian restaurant in the city where I lived, which was only about half-full, as it was past nine o'clock on a Monday night, with only a few days before Christmas. I loved that you came to me to visit me, you looked beautiful, and I was adoring her. She took me here, to give us time to just talk, to explore what we had started online. "I've...

2 years ago
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Loving Wife Becomes a Slut Ch 01

Often in the throes of passion I had suggested to my wife that I wanted to see her naked on a beach, legs open, people gazing at her wet glistening cunt but had given up all hope until that fateful year. It all began with bedroom sex talk, the sort couples have where one is serious and the other gets turned on by the chat but has no intention of ever actually taking it further than chat. Then one chance set of events set things moving. We were on a holiday with friends in Spain who had hired a...

1 year ago
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Loving Aunt Part1 reposted

I am Zeeshan here. I wanted to share with you friends a real story of mine. I am from Karachi, Pakistan. I am 22 year old.6ft tall & good loking boy, with an watch porn movies but act like this that i am a very innocent boy and know nothing about these things. When I read these stories I used to think does it possible in Karachi, until I experienced it my self. My mother has a widowed step sister Ramla(honey), 36 year of age, having a breast specially boobs bigger twice as her age, having a...

1 year ago
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Loving Aunt

I am zeeshan here. I wanted to share with you friends a real story of mine. I am from Karachi, Pakistan. I am 22 year old.6ft tall & good loking boy, with an good shaped body, with an 11inches long 2.5inches thick tool. I used to watch porn movies but act like this that i am a very innocent boy and know nothing about these things. When I read these stories I used to think does it possible in Karachi, until I experienced it my self. My mother has a widowed step sister, 36 year of age, having a...

2 years ago
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Loving Anal Sex

Loving Anal SexBy: Londebaaz Chohan “Baby, call it a kink or whatever else you like. I am the butt lover far more than the pussy. Either I shall fuck you in the ass or not at all. I shall not force you but if you do not want me to fuck your ass honey, I am out of here.” Alfred was very calm when he said all that.The words were like the bomb-shells. “Raise your legs and the hips. I do not want your cunt, I want your asshole”. Caroline’s jaw dropped in shock of these words. No man had ever spoken...

3 years ago
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Loving Carol Part II The Dark and the Dawn

Charlie finally transferred to a college far away, as far from Carol and his memories as he could manage. He began again there, trying to find a way to find something to live for without her. He wrote her from time to time. If she answered at all, it was a polite two-line note. A few times he called her, and she spoke to him; with warmth and even a hint of concern, especially if he was crying. She didn't like it when he cried, but sometimes...She offered him no hope, but at least she didn't...

Love Stories
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Loving My Moms My Girlfriend And Her Mom

POV: Joy"So, you're not the only one that likes to fuck her mom?" I pondered, closing the gap."Yes, perv, how long have you been watching?" Kaylee asked, leaning up to me"Just a few minutes," I answered, before kissing her. "If you did leave me for a woman, I'd want it to be your mom," I pointed out, prior to checking her body. "Shit on a stick, Darcie, you have somebody.""Thank you, Joy," she responded, rising to me too. "May I kiss your girlfriend, Kaylee?""Sure, Mom."Darcie...

1 year ago
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Loving Courtney

Part One The first time I saw Courtney she was walking up to my car in mid summer. She politely asked me which direction I was headed and when I told her she asked for a ride. Since her destination was not far from mine, I agreed. I admit I was a bit hesitant because she appeared so young, but I saw no harm in giving a kid a lift so off we went. She was not going far so we had little chance to talk, but she did tell me that she was sixteen and working part time cleaning houses. I thought...

3 years ago
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Loving Carol Part II the dark and the dawn

He wrote her from time to time. If she answered at all, it was a polite two-line note. A few times he called her, and she spoke to him; with warmth and even a hint of concern, especially if he was crying. She didn't like it when he cried, but sometimes... She offered him no hope, but at least she didn't hang up. He remembered bits and pieces of some of those calls for years: "Charlie, I promise you'll get over me. Someday you're going to find someone really special." She...

3 years ago
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Loving Lovely The First Encounter

Again, it had been some time since my last sex-adventure. Recently, I received a PM, requesting my first encounter with my pinay, Lovely. If anyone had follow my stories, Lovely is a domestic helper with my mom, staying with my mom. I had been dating her for almost close to a year now.Of the many things, I would love to write and share about my hot, beautiful, loving Lovely. My first hit-on Lovely was actually a proposition from her. Many of you might remember that Philippines was hit by the...

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