Orbital AcademyChapter 19 free porn video

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**** Part 1 ****

New Neighbors The air should've been filled with the sounds of diamond-hard claws on metal. Tes could feel the vibrations of the huge Dracori rending the metal beneath her feet, but the sound never reached her ears. It was a strange and different feeling, but she had had her share of strange and different feelings lately.

"ALIA(nearly there, almost through, prepare)." The charged word didn't need the air to propagate, it burrowed into her mind regardless. Tes stood and gazed around her. The flat metal surface of the Exiles' moon stretched out to the horizon on all sides, smooth apart from the hole which the Dracori was digging deeper and deeper into the guts of the metal moon. The blank expanse was broken only by the three Drya and their riders around her. In the alien surroundings, the riders at least, provided a comfortable familiarity; their varying shades of green hair marked them out as members of her tribe, as her figurative friends and family.

And some literal family, she corrected herself with a smile, watching her brother Krin step off of his beast. Krin reached for a bridle out of reflex, and the Drya leaned back and snorted, its mental occupant looking down with derision. Tes grinned as Krin blushed and turned away, and catching sight of her grin, he made a face at his sister.

"NOAH(is now finally the time after such waiting)? CHIA(my sister's voice heard)?" His question comprised of charged words in the silence echoed in her mind, and Tes shook her head. After a long period of frustration, she had decided not to speak at all rather than to endure the annoying rasp of magic that charged words required. Her family had taken it in stride, perhaps willing to overlook it given how well-behaved she was in other areas. She had never, for example, tried to escape.

"RUM(Gossip and tales fly among us) DRKS(you take Drya between your legs as lovers). FAL(will you not raise your voice to deny it)?" Krin asked.

Tes grinned and gave her brother the finger, and he chuckled silently.

What an immature child. She thought affectionately. She was glad that he was here with her, and even more glad that he had made it past the fighting in the stars. Her friend Poa was there as well, and she had interacted with Ipt and Loo before too, but she shared a greater bond with her brother than anyone else in her life. It was Krin who had helped her adapt to every aspect of Terran life, it was Krin who had patiently walked her through understanding the power of magic that coursed through her veins.

He teased and joked and was irreverent, but he was always careful to avoid joking about things that mattered. He had never brought up the humiliating incident when she had used her Coricia at the table not knowing how private it was. He never poked fun at the fact that it had taken days for her hair to shift from the hideous black color to its natural beautiful green. He didn't make fun of her for not always being a Terran, or that she only had one eye. If he knew where she had come from before, he thankfully kept it to himself. She didn't want to know.

I suppose it's here. Tes realized belatedly. It would explain why she knew so much about the moon, despite it being the first time she could remember being there. They had landed on the southern tip, which meant that the Dracori would be digging through the moon's metal crust right into the sleeping rooms. She had wondered at the Duke's decision to send a rookie Terran like her out on such an important mission, but it made sense now; she would have instinctive knowledge of the interior of the moon.

If I came from the Exiles' moon, that means I'm an Exile. I was an Exile. Tes turned the thought over in her head, half-expecting to suddenly feel nostalgia or horror or pain. There was no emotion connected to the words, and Tes breathed a sigh of relief. The thought of betraying her adoptive mother and father was enough to almost break her heart, and imagining the look on Krin's face if she turned against them was unthinkable. Whatever life she'd had before, she loved her life now.

Her parents had been shocked the first time she had come to them, indicating by signs that the magic that held her mind safely intact was beginning to unravel. She had let them know the second she felt stirrings of homesickness, some memory had begun pressing against the new life she knew.

"I am glad you warned us Tes, but ... Why did you tell us this DAO(dearest daughter, little one)? Why not ESE(run away from us, leave us behind, try to escape)?" Her father had asked in his booming voice, his charged word jovial even though his face had been concerned. Even if she had spoke, Tes wouldn't have known how to put her thoughts into worlds, and she had simply shrugged and put her hands in the shape of a heart. She loved her family, and they took care of her. She was forming friendships with her tribemates, and they were starting to accept her as one of her own. She was well fed and happy, and could see a wonderful future there in the village. There was even an adorable fruit merchant down the path who Tes fancied, and she was sure the girl showed off her cleavage on purpose whenever Tes came by to buy ingredients for dinner. What could that other life offer that compared, whatever life she'd had before Meo the mind-soother had worked his craft on her.

The vibrations in the ground beneath her changed, and after a few moments the Dracori's head emerged, its eyes glinting with human intelligence.

It could've been worse for me, Tes mused as the Dracori emerged from the tunnel it had dug, I could've been gifted to Blue tribe like her. She had heard rumors that the blue tribe mind-soothers were so inept that they didn't even bother trying for an elegant solution as Meo had, instead simply shackling the other gift-girl with something akin to amnesia. Barbarians. Tes frowned. She still didn't quite see why the tribes worked together, as stupid as blue tribe and weak as purple tribe were. Her mother had tried to tell her how bad things had been even a few months ago, the constant skirmishes and turf wars, but Tes didn't quite follow it all. She thought they should easily be able to crush the others, but that decision wasn't up to her, it was the Duke's call.

The blue prince who led them gestured with the claw of the Drya he was inhabiting, and the group slowly entered the tunnel, finding handholds in the claw gouges the Dracori had left behind her. Up so close, Tes could at least appreciate the power that the blue tribe held. The creatures were magnificent and powerful, and when their minds were bound to the mages, they had the cleverness of a human behind them. The Drya and Dracori, with the human passengers in their minds, were the blue tribes contribution to this mission, much as Tes and her fellow riders were the green tribes'. The purple tribe had expended perilous amounts of magic to send the entire team up through the green clouds, and it had left every man and woman of them drained, sluggish, and debilitated.

And vulnerable to attack. Tes thought, feeling around in the dark for a foothold in the dim tunnel. But I suppose the Duke knows best who we should attack. Her stomach suddenly lurched as the tunnel wall turned into the tunnel floor beneath her without moving. The feeling was disorienting, and Tes had no idea how it had happened, but from her lack of surprise she assumed it was something she knew in her past life. Gravitas? Tes shrugged it off as unimportant, carefully standing and testing her weight.

She made her way deeper inside, and it only took a few more moments before she reached the room. A thin membrane was stretched across the huge opening the Dracori had made; the metal healing itself from the wound the Dracori had given it. Tes swept her hand to one side, creating a sharp dagger of green magic to tear a rip, letting her pass through. Air hissed past her face, air that smelled too-clean. Fake air.

The Drya and riders entered the room without an issue as Tes looked around her. Although she kept bracing herself for some memory to strike her, she was blessedly detached at the sights. The sleeping room was gigantic, with more than enough room for the twelve large beds that lay in two rows. The Dracori was able to fit in one end of the room without being cramped, and though she was small for a Dracori, she was still as large as three men. Her small size was probably why they brought a Dracori-of-the-Wave, Tes realized, instead of a Dracori-of-the-Flame or a Dracori-of-the-Stone.

"How is there air here?" Ipt ran a hand through his dark green curls, and Tes noted that she could faintly hear his uncharged words.

"I don't know." The words seemed strange coming from the mouth of a Drya, but their mission's leader, a blue Prince, had no other way of communicating, inhabiting the mind of the creature. "Not PRIL(of so much importance that we must focus on it). We will move STH(very quickly and very decisively) from here. One blue, one green, and take down any Exile you see. Tes, you and Jia will go COH(both in concert with each other, supporting and defending each other) to the heart of the moon. Stop the heart, then come back here."

The Drya and riders left the room quickly by its single door, into the darkened hallways. Tes couldn't be sure what was lurking in the darkness beyond, but she knew that the Exiles wouldn't hesitate to kill and destroy those that she held dear.

"Krin!" Tes called out, and her brother turned at the doorway, eyebrows raised. Her heart ached at the thought of anything happening to him, and though it was the first time she had spoken since the day after she awoke, she couldn't bear the thought of anything hurting him without her knowing how grateful she was. "Please..." she said quietly, "please be KIA(take caution and care, come to no harm and return to me)." She almost gagged on the magic that surged in her throat, but the look on her brother's face was worth it. He grinned at her and gave a quick nod, and then he was gone.

Tes turned to observe the Dracori. She was looking around her with narrowed reptilian eyes, but she jerked her large head up and down once at Tes when she saw the girl looking.

"If you're the other gift, they must've caught both of us at the same time." Tes commented, letting herself lapse into the barbaric magicless speech that came naturally to her. "We were probably both attacking the Terrans at once. Probably even knew each other." She didn't feel any particular emotion about that fact beyond vague interest, but it was something to think about, that she and the mind inside the Dracori might've been friends, or sisters, or enemies. The large creature was looking at her with tilted head, obviously confused.

Purple tribe can't do mind-soothing for shit. Tes snorted in derision, but she softened as the Dracori shook its head as if trying to clear an insect from its face. Poor girl probably doesn't know up from down right now.

"It's okay." She reassured, reaching out a hand and patting the large creature on the flank. "Don't try to remember. Just go with your gut and stick with me, and we'll give the Exiles hell together, does that sound good?" The Dracori shifted, looking uncertain, but it nodded again, one giant nod. Tes didn't know if the girl couldn't speak through the Dracori's mouth, or if she simply chose not to, but she was strangely comfortable as a companion.

She closed her eyes and tried to picture the Exiles' moon in wide and general terms, nothing specific, just a gut feeling of where everything lay.

"It won't have just one heart, there will be four of them." She finally said. "That's the impression I have. We would have to rip them all out to kill the moon, but I get the feeling that wouldn't be good for us." She opened her eyes to look up at her large companion, and the beast nodded and held up two claws.

"Two? Alright, if you say so. The closest one feels like it will be ... there?" She pointed at one wall, and the Dracori nodded again. "Okay then. The Exiles are pretty rude, making these doors all too small for you to pass through them. Why don't you help them out a bit?" It was strange to see a sly smile creep across the massive reptile's face, but Tes grinned in response. The Dracori coiled up, then launched itself at the metal wall, and Tes laughed delightedly over the shrieking sound of metal tearing.

They were covered in engine lubricant and smears of thick black oil, and Tes sported an electrical burn on one shoulder, but both the woman and the Dracori were in good spirits as they moved from room to room. The two alternated forging pathways through the moon, the Dracori rending giant holes in the walls and Tes blowing them away with short bursts of magic. After they left each room they tore down the ceiling and ripped up the floor, leaving a gaping space three times its previous size before moving on. Behind them, the entire floor was open and wide, much more inviting than the claustrophobic little rooms had been before. There was no bright sun or warm breeze, but at least the ceilings were much higher. They had yet to encounter a lit room or any sign of an Exile.

It took them a few hours to make a full revolution of the moon, carving the once-many-rooms into one huge doughnut-shape in the process. By the time they reached the wreckage of the sleeping room where they had started, the Drya and riders were already back and waiting for them. They too were unharmed, and a small knot in Tes' stomach unwound.

"Did you tear out its heart?" Their leader asked. Tes held up two fingers at the same time the Dracori did, and they looked at each other and grinned.

"Do you think this time for JOK(children's games, playing about)?" The Drya snapped with the voice of their leader. "I did not know the moon had two hearts. You did well."

Tes didn't correct him. Leaving two of the moon's four hearts would let air and light fill the moon, and more importantly it would keep the food-makers working. The Drya continued.

"We met no Exiles. Take the DRA(dracori) to the SPHEC(very core of the moon, it's center) and deal what harm you may to the Exiles. Come back here when through." Tes didn't question the order, she just started moving, not bothering to see if the Dracori was following. A more prideful Terran might've questioned the blue Prince, asking why it was that she alone would make the first forray, but Tes showed her pride in the green tribe by obeying orders. Besides, this way she didn't have to speak.

The Dracori had crouched down low at her side; now that they had a goal besides generalized chaos, she only used her claws when they came to doorways, prying the locked doors from their frames and widening openings just enough to pass through.

"Hold on a second." Tes paused when they reached the room; gigantic and filled with tables. The Dracori sat down by the door obligingly, as Tes walked over to the line of alcoves on one side of the wall. There were glyphs in shining silver above each alcove, but she didn't bother trying to read them, instead trying to not think about her actions. She let habit take her, and picked up a tray without really knowing what it was for. Moving from alcove to alcove, Tes set the tray down, moving her fingers across the glyphs experimentally and observing the results. Small cubes of unknown materials dropped onto the tray in each alcove, and Tes smiled as she scooped up a handful, shoving them in her pocket.

"You hungry?" She asked as they continued on, and tossed one of the cubes to the Dracori next to her. The beast snatched the snack from the air and munched contentedly as they walked, and Tes followed suit. They moved in silence through the hallways, every so often the Dracori would huff and Tes would toss her another cube. It took them another half-hour before they reached the wall.

It was lucky that they were moving as slowly as they were, or the wall might've caused some damage. One moment there was just another hallway with a door at the other end, and the next moment a long silver barrier had sprang up from the bottom of the room to the top, moving so quickly that the metallic snap made Tes jump as it closed together. Had the Dracori been halfway across the line, it might've actually hurt or killed the creature, and that would've been horrible.

"Would you have felt that, felt the pain? I mean the real you on the planet, the girl behind the Dracori?" Tes asked, curious. The Dracori nodded solemnly, its eyes wide, and Tes turned an angry eye toward the silver wall. They hadn't encountered any resistance at all up until that point; even when they had torn through the heart rooms and ripped the Exiles' moon's hearts from their casings there had been nothing to stop them, nothing to fight them. If there was a wall in front of them now, it meant that the Exiles hid behind it.

"You think your silver wall will keep you safe from us?" Tes called, although it was more for show than because she actually thought the Exiles could hear her. No matter, they would hear her soon enough. She raised a hand and let magic course through arm, spiralling out in a streak of lightning at the silver wall. It arced and burst, the beautiful light reflecting and refracting in a hundred hues of green, but the wall remained unscratched.

Tes' eyes narrowed, and she nodded her head to the Dracori. The beautiful creature coiled again and sprung, its heavy muscles flinging it forward, claws outstretched. With a crash and a small cry, the Dracori hit the wall so hard that the ground around its base buckled, but the wall itself stood firm. It hadn't even been marked.

As the Dracori rose to its four feet, a snarl on its snout, Tes walked closer, investigating the floor where it had buckled.

Perhaps we can burrow under it... Her brief-lived hopes were dashed when she saw that the wall extended past the buckling, no doubt into the floor beneath, and beneath that even. So, the Exiles hide themselves in a pretty silver shell?

"We should tell the Prince of their silver wall." Tes remarked briefly to her companion. "Are you badly injured?" The Dracori shook her head, but it was staring murderously at the pristine gleaming surface. She breathed in deep, and Tes realized what she was about to do just in time to stop her.

"No no!" She shouted hastily. "Don't breathe a wave, not in here! You'll fill the room with water, and we don't know how to deal with that yet! Just let us report to the Prince, he'll tell us what he wants us to do." The Dracori stared daggers at the wall, but she begrudgingly let herself be led away.

"Um, excuse me." The voice was incredibly polite and rather quiet, but both Tes and the Dracori spun on the spot as if it had been an explosion.

"Where are you?" Tes' fingers buzzed with a lance of lightning waiting to be unleashed.

"Ah, this is hard to explain, but I'm not anywhere you can reach. You're just hearing my voice right now, so you don't have to worry about trying to kill me, we can just chat."

"We can chat face to face if you pull down your wall."

"Well, technically we can't ever chat face to face, but that's not important, because we heard your little baby dragon tell you to kill a bunch of us, so the shield is staying up I'm afraid."

The Exiles can hear every word within their moon. Tes nodded to herself. That was good information to know.

"Are you their queen then?" She asked. "Why do you speak to us if you won't bring down the wall?"

"The queen? Hmm I like the sound of that, but no, I'm afraid not. It's a long story, but you can think of me as the mind inside of the Orbital. You can call me Blue."

"What is an Orbital? The Exiles' moon?"

"Probably. But anyways, enough chit-chat, I've got some impatient people on my side of the shield that would like me to tell you something they find very important."

Tes folded her arms in front of her chest, and for lack of a better target, faced the wall. She didn't know if the Prince would want her talking to the Exiles, but she had already learned valuable information, it couldn't hurt to potentially learn more.

"I'm listening, mind-of-the-moon. When you are done speaking we will talk about you lowering your wall. Perhaps we can come to an agreement."

"Not likely. Alright, so the first thing I'm being told to tell you is this: your real name is Tess."

Tes blinked her good eye, tilting her head to one side.

"Yes." She said. "I know. What of it?"

"Really? Wow I thought that would garner more of a reaction. Umm, alright, we're all really confused over here now. We assumed that you had been brainwashed or something. Why are you helping the Terrans?"

"I am a Terran." Tes lifted her chin, half in defiance, half in pride. "I help because I can, because I have power to help my tribe. Do I need a better reason?"

"Well that is a definite answer on the whole 'brainwashed' question, I suppose. Alright, Tess, I want you to think back carefully. Your squadmates love you, and they would really appreciate it if you snapped out of it and stop tearing Pivot to shreds. Do you remember your squadmates Tess? Aimee and Missy, Li and Jackson, Marcus and Alex and Preston? Do you remember your Captain, Jane Appet?"

"I don't know them." Tes shrugged. Behind her, a soft whimper caught her attention. The Dracori was backed into a corner, it's eyes wide, shaking its head as if trying to dislodge a water droplet from its ear.

The girl in the Dracori was an Exile too. Tes realized. "The names must mean something to her, and the blue tribe mind-soother's shitty soothing is falling apart.*

"Go back to the Prince." She snapped, and the Dracori looked up at her, confusion in its eyes. "Go!"

"That's not super helpful to the Drake, because I have speakers left in most of the rooms between here and there." The voice said smugly. "But as a show of good faith, I'll leave your pet Drake alone."

"I don't know these names." Tess repeated with finality.

"Think, Tess, really think. Do you remember Julia? You two loved each other, true love, a love so deep that you were willing-"

"I should clarify, so that you understand me fully." Tes held up a hand to interrupt the voice. She spoke calmly and evenly, staring into the wall since she didn't know where else to look. "I believe you when you say these things. I know I had a life before. I am sure that it's difficult for these squid-mates to see someone wearing the face of their friend, with the power and bearing of the green tribe. But I do not know those names. I do not wish to know those names. My name is Tes, and one day it will be charged with power and spoken throughout my tribe. Today is not that day, but it will be one day. Today, I will find a way through your silver wall. I will find you Exiles where you hide, and I will kill you all."

Tes had never been more proud of Meo the mind-soother's work. If there was anything that would test his improvements to her mind, it was this. And here she was, sound and whole, without the faintest trace of doubt in her head. She may have loved Julia in her past life, but the girl was nothing but a pleasant-sounding name to her now.

"The enemy of the green tribe is an enemy to me, and I am not the woman whose face you know. I will have no mercy on those who know think they know me, so it is only fair to warn you so that you expect none." The silence stretched on for some time, and Tes suspected they were talking on the other side of the wall.

"You should hear the ruckus that caused over here." The disembodied voice finally chuckled. "We've got people saying you should die, people saying we should let you in to see their faces, it's a madhouse. The things humans do 'cause of emotion, I swear."

"You aren't human?"

"Thankfully not. If I were human I'd have some modicum of guilt about doing this."

Tes had already braced herself for a fight based on the words alone, and judging by the hissing coming from the dark corners of the room, the voice had released snakes.

"That's a really fine reaction time you have there." The voice complimented. "I wouldn't bother though."

It took longer than she would've liked to admit for Tes to realize that there were no snakes in the room. The hiss was the sound of air being released into surroundings. It puzzled Tes until she remembered the rumors; Exiles died without air.

"If you've poisoned the air, know that you waste your magic." She smirked.

"Well I don't know about poison, it's more of a knockout- ... I'm sorry, did you say magic?"

"And now I will return to the Prince, and we will begin taking your silver wall apart."

"Walls, plural." The voice chuckled as Tes turned to leave. "And good luck with that."

Tes had entered through the mangled doorway ripped open by the Dracori, but now on the other side of that doorway, in the middle of the room beyond, lay another silver wall.

No. No no no. Tes shot an experimental blast of magic at the wall that lay behind her, but just like the other, her lightning left no mark. She glanced at the walls to her left and right.

"You're welcome to give them a try," the smug voice of Blue seemed to read her thoughts, "but there's another shield on either side. It's more of a grid of shields than a line of them. The General saw you coming a mile away."

"You're lying." Tes hazarded, but her gut was telling her that the mind of the moon was too smug to be lying. "If the walls form a grid, why wouldn't you raise them all the second we entered?"

"Well first of all, silver-plated senstone is expensive, and we just didn't have enough at such short notice. Secondly, the walls are hard to install. Really we barely had time to set them up in the center of the Orbital, and- ... I'm being told to stop sharing info with you now."

"Gods' blessings." Tes muttered, spinning slowly in a circle, trying to think of some method of escape.

"Oh but I don't have to stop talking. I have some more messages to pass on from your teammates. You know, the ones you're stabbing in the back? Let's see, this first one is from Alex. She says-" Tes finally located the source of the voice, a tiny metal box in the corner of the room. It wasn't made of the indestructible silver, and a lance of lightning was enough to shear it in half, plunging the room into silence.

Tes sat in the middle of the floor, surrounded by rubble, and waited for her Terran brethren to rescue her.

Part 2 - Life in the Pearl An alarm pinged Jackson's head, and he took a breath.

It was something he rarely thought about in his life, but he suspected that the familiarity was comforting to him on a subconscious level. Perhaps that's why he seemed to be taking his move to Pivot and the corresponding changes better than his squadmates. Who knew, perhaps it wasn't the ping, maybe it was just that the chip in his head kept him able to focus. Maybe he was just that inhuman, that the invasion of his second home by alien attackers didn't seem to bother him quite as much as the rest.

I wonder if normal humans wonder about this stuff.

"You've left us again Jackson." Samantha raised an eyebrow from where she sat at the console, looking at the doorway where Jackson stood. He shook himself and smiled at her. Samantha would probably be excellent for a normal man with attention issues, and although he was a lost cause he appreciated that she continued to try, even with how well she knew him.

>>Task 1432 shifted to short-term priority 1: Optimize Sam's emotional state. Jackson used to feel resentment as a teen towards the chip implanted in his head, constantly categorizing the details of his day-to-day life. Nowadays he saw it less as an overbearing taskmaster, and more as an advanced to-do list. Without it he would be useless, his attention drifting through a million actions every second. With it he tended to be able to do what he had to get done. At the very least, it forced him to concentrate on the task at hand.

"I'm sorry lovely." Jackson said genuinely. "I came by to give you some attention, but for me that's a tall order."

"It's okay, I'll take some company. Even your kind of attention is better than sitting here all by myself." Samantha gave him a smile, but it was clear from every motion how exhausted she was. A few feet away at another console a girl in a scrub uniform, the room's other occupant, gave her a dirty look.

"How long have you been manning the throughput station Sam?" Jackson stepped over to her console, glancing at the monitor behind her. Normally this room would only be manned during standard hours, but with half the station closed off to protect from the invading Terrans, every control room was manned no matter how late.

"It says there's been a throughput operator here since breakfast ... when did you start this shift Sam? Who'd you take over from?" Samantha avoided Jackson's gaze as she flipped a switch.

"This is Samantha, I'm back." Her voice lilted as she slipped back into what Jackson called her 'official mode'.

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Orbital AcademyChapter 10

"We can't leave them Captain, please, we can't leave them behind!" Jane didn't trust herself to respond to Missy's pleading. She continued her task, working calculations to determine the planet's rotation since they'd landed. Jackson sat next to her, doing similar calculations to determine the vectors of the orbitals around the planet. The work was going slowly since the rest of the ground team was refusing to help. "You know that Missy is right Captain," Aimee backed up her...

3 years ago
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Orbital AcademyChapter 8

It should've been boring, watching the roiling green fog break against the windows, but it had captivated Li since they had entered it hours ago. Even with the impending danger of the planetary mission, the mesmerizing patterns on the window combined with the low rumble of breaking atmosphere was almost soothing. His squadmates were on their screens or restlessly trying to sit still; the atmosphere in the room was too tense for the normal chattering. Not sure what all the fuss is about, Li...

4 years ago
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Orbital AcademyChapter 9

Tess wished she hadn't woken up the second did. She was surrounded by pitch black, and there was so much pain she had trouble for a moment identifying where it was coming from. Blinking, she shook her head a few times, trying to remember where she was. The satflyer ... we were on a planetary... She sat up at the memory, and the sudden motion caused a wave of further pain to wash through her, making her almost vomit. Leg ... the pain is definitely coming from the leg. After the Drake attack...

1 year ago
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Orbit A Personalia storyChapter 2

“Mister editor, does the colony accept teachers and their family as colonists?” “Most definitely! They are always looking for teachers, particularly for primary schools in villages.” “I thought that might be the case. The fact that my husband is in the military shouldn’t affect that option, should it?” “Madam, we don’t care a damn what a spouse’s former occupation was. If you are a teacher, he comes with you and your children, if any. He can look after the kids while you are at work; that...

4 years ago
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She Likes to Pee

We stood outside the bathroom. When the first girl came out, the other girl I'd been eyeing up looked at me with a devilish grin, signalling for me to follow her. Once inside, she turned the key in the lock and offered her lips for me to kiss her. We put our arms around each while we embraced, rolling our tongues together. I slipped my hand under her skirt, feeling the firmness of her ass through her panties.“Wait a second,” she said, drawing away from me and stepping in the bathtub.She faced...

1 year ago
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Kari and The Neighbors

A guy I work with is fond of saying "If you want your marriage to last, never go home early!" Of course we all laughed at that, I mean it's not like he's talking about our wives, right? A guy I work with is fond of saying "If you want your marriage to last, never go home early!" Of course we all laughed at that, I mean it's not like he's talking about our wives, right?As it turned out I did come home a day early from a business trip recently. Usually I'll call my wife and tell her I'm coming...

1 year ago
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At The Car Wash Reposted

Note: This story, written by me last month under a different name, is being transferred to my new identity due to technical problems with the old identity and to keep all my stories together. The Wednesday following Christmas was to be a busy day for me; after wrapping-up the remainder of the gifts for my forty-nine year-old sister and my nieces. I was to drive some one hundred and fifty miles or so into the countryside to visit them. We enjoyed ourselves immensely throughout the day and when...

3 years ago
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BiomancerChapter 2

I returned home in a sweat. Not from the two mile bike ride either. Tossing my new textbooks on the landing, I went back to the florist to get some peat, mulch and look over Bordo’s rose selection. Oh, and I needed to get grass seed and fertilizer. Two more trips were needed since my car’s trunk wasn’t very big and I didn’t want to mess up the interior with poorly bagged dirt. Upon returning home, I sadly buried Dusty. He was a dumb, but good dog. Dad got him for me right after mom died and...

2 years ago
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Kinky Twisted College Sex

(episode 31) Prelude to the Party: After finding out about Mary Beth’s kinky tryst at the lesbian club and also allowing myself to participate in Jennifer’s twisted drug-fueled gang bang, I found myself in a very strange mood. In fact it was like being apathetic, ashamed, strangely aroused and creeped out all at once. Despite all the bizarre events of the past weekend, I thought I’d try to maintain my relationship with Mary Beth. I figured my participation in Jennifer’s twisted orgy and Mary...

College Sex
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Playful Wrestling

Wouldn’t it be fun if we were wrestling on the floor. I’d pin you down, hold both your wrists with one hand and use my other to start tickling you. Once you were squirming and giggling I would bury my face in your neck and growl, tickling you further with my facial hair. Then I would start nibbling on your neck and work my way up to just below your ear. I would switch to kissing and kiss from below your ear, down your jawline and then right next to your beautiful lips. After that I would kiss...

3 years ago
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Daily Life of Smut

Saturday, May 6 My name is Jane Doe, and I am an English teacher at the local public school here in Plainville. That shouldn't really be anything beyond normal, but unfortunately, or I guess sometimes fortunately, my life is anything but normal. Because, well... my whole life is just one smutty adventure after another. Day in, day out, I'm gonna be doing some sort of fucking. Or getting fucked, as it may (usually) be. Thankfully for my legal record, I've never had to deal with anyone underage,...

2 years ago
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By What Right 2 Caught or Not

They arose in unison, the true pair. He immediately ran to the restroom. She looked at me groggily with the same contemptuous look she always gave me. And yet I wondered; how much did she feel? Did she think it was her boyfriend making the normal nightly advance? Questions truly loomed and yet, if it were true, I would be completely free despite my actions. I told her I was heading home and she met me in embrace. Absentmindedly, as she hugged me, my hands found their way to the curve of her...

3 years ago
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The Auditorium Adventure With My Athletic Girl

Hey guys, Vivek Here. Coming back with the story of my encounter with my Bangalore friend during our college studies. This story reveals that it’s not the 7-inch cock that satisfies a girl, but it’s your flirty and naughty moves on her that will turn her on more and make it a more enjoyable ride. I enjoyed writing this story as soon as I began. And I’m sure you’ll love it too. It all started long back when we were in our college. We studied in a popular college in Bangalore. She was an easy...

2 years ago
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Educating Dustin Rhodes Ch 03

Holly and I had only a few opportunities during the remainder of the week where we had enough time and privacy for sex. I was more than willing but Holly was having none of it. ‘I’m not the least bit sore from Monday night, but I’m saving myself for this weekend,’ she declared. ‘You’ll just have to take matters into your own hands if you can’t wait,’ she added with an impish grin. When we weren’t together, I had plenty of time to think. I suffered under no illusions. Even though Holly was...

3 years ago
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Cuckolded by her son

My girlfriend, Akiko, is 51 and has a son in his young twenties.One day, we thought we were alone and were in her bedroom. As she got down on her knees to give me head I thought I saw her son outside the room looking at us. I tried to move her around so he could see her better. After we finished sex suddenly we could hear him in the kitchen. We got up and dressed quickly to act normal."I didn't know you were here," she said to her son."I just arrived," was his reply.When she was out of the room...

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Ive Got The Trains To Keep Me Company

The most depressing thing about my grandmother’s death was that she had outlived all of her children and three of her grandchildren. I guess that’s the price you pay for living to one hundred and eight.My mother was a very late-in-life baby. She was born when grandma was forty-four. She said it was hard growing up because grandpa – her dad – had died in a farm accident just before she was born and all her siblings were grown up with families of their own by then. So, it was just her and grandma...

4 years ago
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My Sisters and MeChapter 2

We wuz headed toward south central Alabama cuz we heard that the land wuz right fertile around there, an' there wuz plenty of land fer folks what wanted it. We didn't make real good time on our trip cuz of the lousy roads an' not really knowin' where we wuz goin'. I figured that we wuz only inta Alabama 'bout 60 miles, though we must have traveled over a hundred miles on these windin' halfassed roads. We'd seen a few Creek Injuns, though they preferred ta be called Muscogee, an'...

2 years ago
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Pyx 2 Training DaysChapter 5 Aftermath

Three days later, in the afternoon, I returned to Tulsa. From the taxiing jet, I used my cell phone. Pyx answered. "I've just landed," I said softly. I hung up before I got a reply. When I entered my suite, both were waiting by the front door, kneeling. I almost hit Pyx when I swung the door open. "Welcome home, Master," they chorused, bowing until their heads touched the floor. I stepped over them, with my carry-on bags. "Thanks," I said. "Both of you stay on your...

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Something in the WaterChapter 8 Natures Solution

I put down the fax message with the first glimmer of satisfaction I had felt all day. There had been a number of glimmers of satisfaction last night, but that was a different kettle of fish entirely, if Louise will forgive me the perhaps unfortunate metaphor. My thoughts were interrupted by a hesitant knock on the back door. Who can that be? I wondered. Nobody ever came to Louise's back door. The women were out, still trying, apparently, to find a bra that fitted Jessica. I went to the door...

2 years ago
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A Love from the Past Ch 1213

There are fictional locations near real locations mentioned in this post, any similarity to a real location is a coincidence. Thanks for reading! Ashira CHAPTER TWELVE ‘Marie, it’s Shella. Again. I know I’m probably the last person you want to hear from right now, but I wanted to remind you that I had the baby, a boy and I thought you would want to see your grandson. I named him Paul Samuel after his father and he looks just like him. You know my cell number, please call me,’ Shella said,...

1 year ago
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Making Love With My Hot Gf Pooja

Hi friends i m Vishal..M 27 year old living in Mumbai…It is my first story on this site ….My gf name is Pooja…She is 24 year old….First i will tell about her…She is 5 ft 5 inch tall….She has nice body more than that she is v cute looking but hot girl….She has one of d best figure u can imagine….She is v fair with pink juicy lips…Her boobs r soft big n round with perky milky light brown nipple…She has thin n flat waist with deep navel…Her figure is 34-26-34… It was my bday as i decided to...

2 years ago
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My first anal experience Part Six

Mike began fucking me in earnest, so hard that he was shoving me along on the carpet. After a couple of minutes, I could feel the skin on my ass beginning to burn, but then he slowed and whispered to Ade “I’m getting carpet burn!” Ade told him to get off me, Mikes cock slid out of my pussy and he stood, I just lay there legs akimbo, eyes shut. I heard some rustling, and then through my eyelids, a bright flash, followed by a whirring sound? I knew the sound, it was Ade’s polaroid camera, he or...

4 years ago
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A great night with Bec

I open my eyes. I’ am greeted by a pleasant surprise. A smile crosses my face as I look down and see Bec’s face imbedded in my stomach. “Morning” I smile. “Morning sexy” Bec replies. I lay back and shut my eyes as Bec moves her lips down my stomach. My mind is flooded again, reliving the visions of the previous night. What a night! Is all I can really say? I have thought about her for such a long time and last night I acted on it. It started with a night out as most do. I hit the dance floor...

2 years ago
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A dirty weekend away Part 2

[Trip to Melbourne with Amy- Part 2. All my stories are true experiences. After a long wild night the night before Amy and I have a lazy day by the pool and bar at the hotel till, at 7 o’clock we go to Crown Casino to meet whoever Amy had been chatting with online. We go to the sports bar get drinks and wait, about 10 minutes later Amy nudges me saying there she is. She? I reply thinking we are meeting a couple and I look up, standing there is a stunning Asian with long dark hair and a tiny...

3 years ago
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The Old Man Down the Road Chapter 1

The big day had finally arrived. My braces were coming off. At 16 I was an extremely shy, awkward young girl with few friends. My hair was a rich red, long and wavy and my eyes were a vibrant green. It was the pale skin and smattering of freckles across my nose and cheeks that I hated, plus the glasses and braces on my teeth. I lived a very sheltered life, attending an all girls’ school and being an only child. Struggling to make friends and being introverted by nature, my parents had finally...

First Time
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Meri Maa Ki Uncontrol Jawani

Eh story tab ki hai jab mai 10sal ka tha meri maa 30 ki papa 38 ke aur mare uncle 22ke mare uncle bahut chote thae mare papa se mare papa uncle ko apna bhai nahi apna beta mante thae mare papa ki transferable job thi jab mai 10sal ka hua to papa ka transfer ho gaya to ghar me mai aur meri maa alone ho gaye to papa ne uncle ko hamare ghar pe bula liya papa mujhe aur mummy ko sath nahi le gaye meri study ke chalte.Ab mai meri maa aur mare uncle sath me rehane lage. Meri mummy 30sal ki ek sexy...

1 year ago
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Naughty America

NaughtyAmerica! If you are well-versed in the world of porn (which I know that you are, you fucking pervert!), chances are you’ve either heard of or seen a video clip from the behemoth porn studio known as Naughty America. They have built quite a name for themselves and are often applauded for their classic brand of topnotch pornography—classic scenarios and classic girls, all shot with a classic style.NaughtyAmerica.com was founded in 2001 under the name of SoCal Cash. They did not adopt the...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Victoria Per ScientiamChapter 6

One. More. Day. One more day and the ship would be completed and ready. When I woke up, still wrapped in Susan’s arms I had a hard choice to make about charging into the day, or taking advantage of the gorgeous, naked creature laying half on top of me that I loved so much. All I had planned on for most of that morning was some sleep training anyways, so I kissed her awake and gave into my baser instincts for a while. I think it was the right call. I made the mistake of checking my data pad...

4 years ago
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The time my cousin asked me to fuck her

I woke up around 5 am. I had been tossing and turning, not able to sleep all night, just thinking about what I was about to do today. Finally I decided to get up and go to the gym.I got there and shad just about finished my midweek routine when a very hot young thing came up to me and asked if I could spot her. She had long dark hair and a perfectly toned body with an ass like you only see in rap videos. As she laid down on the bench, I passed her the bar and she started her reps, I noticed how...

2 years ago
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Alice and the Looking Glass Ch 16

The car finally pulled over the crest Looking Glass Hill and Alice, eyes fixed on the valley below, breathed deeply. The school looked exactly the same. Some things never change short of destruction and such a stroke of good fortune for adolescent girls and humanity in general was still forthcoming. ‘You went to the Peirce Academy Ma’am?’ Alice shuddered just a touch. It was common practice now for servants to address their employees without permission, something that in her youth would have...

3 years ago
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Corporal Mortification

Hi, all welcome to JJ’s erotic world. As the news broke out on the TV a few days back saying Prabhakaran dead. I smiled how many times a person can be killed thrice or maybe four times. Only later to agree that this time around it’s real “May His Soul Rest in Peace” “Let the dead bury the dead” The Bible Today there are but two things in the minds of the elite Chennai citizens, though it’s quite old to the western culture & it’s none other than fitness mania. The second one is 3some. A married...

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Characters Steve student and John Teacher

This fantasy begins in the suburbs at a high school. Steve attends this highschool. Steve was a senior.Yes, another weekend has gone by. Another boring Monday has arrived. Today myclass gets a new Math teacher. I don't know what the hell happened to our oldteacher. I am glad she is gone.Well on this Monday, I was late for class as usual. When I walked in the roomboy was I shocked. There sitting in the front of the room was this man. Thisman was not no ordinary man. He was...

2 years ago
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The Deal Erin And Sherri Sweeten The Deal

I pulled her to me and kissed her. "I love you, Sherri. Are you sure you're okay with this?""Yes, she did give us one hell of a date night, but it feels weird to be naked out here, though.""My dad is gone, and no one else is here, woman, so don't fret.""Are you sure she's masturbating thinking about us in the shower?""I'm positive, put your ear on the door if you don't believe me."So, we both pressed our ears against the door."Oh, fuck yes, eat that pussy again, Sherri," we...

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Switchworld The Moment of Impact

The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. SWITCHWORLD: THE MOMENT OF IMPACT By Wyrdey 'I remember blinking as I activated the machine. When I opened my eyes, a fraction of a second later, I was here in this locked ward, I was 12 years old, and the world was completely transformed.' -'Switch World: Genesis' 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... The change blossoms. Billy is playing in the sun. Making little explosion...

2 years ago
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The first girl i had sex with was my sister, Tara. She was drop-dead beautiful, with 38C breasts, plus she was about 5'6" and 120 pounds. She also had green eyes, and dark red hair.I can remember the day like it was yesterday. I was 13, she was 16. Our parents were visiting friends, and they left us by ourselves for most of the day. Tara had been acting weird towards me all day, so i wondered what was up."Tara," i asked, "why are you avoiding me?"She wouldn't answer, she just sat there and...

4 years ago
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Alicia Shelly 03 the Club

ALICIA & SHELLY, 03, the Club * An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. * This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is  purely coincidental. * All characters are eighteen or older. ****** I was soaking in a tub of bath salts and hot water, trying to calm my excited  feelings about the coming night. I have never been to an all female sex party so  big, and was both eager and apprehensive about it. Brea’s mother, Madeline,  had invited her friends, Jaquline...

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The Time I Accidentally Paid for Sex0

___________________________________________ Know that this is a true story, at least to the best of my memory and understanding of it. I was in my early twenties, twenty-two, maybe twenty-three. I was on a four day trip to Vegas for a bachelor party. This was the night of day two and we decided to hit up a strip club. Its one of the more popular clubs in Vegas but I will leave the name out. I had only been to one other club in my life and hadn’t been with anyone in almost six months so...

2 years ago
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CR Park Villa 8211 Chapter 3 Bhabhis Lust For A Young Cock

In the last part, Ritu gets her regular fuck session with Kishore. Neelam almost gets fucked but decides to go to her room at the last minute. Someone was calling me from the second floor. Is it Ritu bhabhi? I had butterflies in my stomach. Would I get a chance to sleep with the hazel-eyed sex goddess? I’m kidding myself. It’s not her sweet girly voice. It was sexier. Neelam was calling me from her room. It was on the second floor. As I entered the corridor, I saw a door open and her sexy head...

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The ArrangementChapter 3

Denise stood in the small photographic studio with three men. Max made the introductions. Gene Bentley, managing editor of Ladies Man magazine smiled warmly as he shook Denise's hand. She had to admit he was not the scum ball greaser she had expected. Middle aged, he was well mannered, immaculately groomed and stylish in a three piece suit. "Mrs. Robbins, I'm so very pleased that you decided to take me up on my offer." She grimaced slightly. "I have to tell you Mr. Bentley, I still...

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Laylah and DavidChapter 6

David did not make a comment as he unlocked the door to his townhouse. He quickly made his way into the hallway, allowed for Laylah to enter, and quickly shut the door again. "You know, "Laylah started, "I usually don't take two showers in one night, but it was quite chilly out. Do you mind?" "Not at all, go get warmed up." David motioned for Laylah to go upstairs. "I will warm us up some spiced wine. It should be ready when you are done." Laylah smiled as she went into the guest...

2 years ago
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Fucked by college mate

Hi indian sex story readers. This is gokila back again with my another true incident. This happened two weeks back when i was alone in home. For some reason my previous sex experience story has not yet approved by this site. I hope this story will be approved by them. The previous group encounter gave me courage to force my college mate to fuck me. After my last encounter i had more courage to invite to someone to fuck me hard. On one sunday when i was alone in my home, with my parents out to...

4 years ago
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Learning a Few Home Truths

The Beginning. Pete and Jan had been married for only five years, and to be honest the novelty was already wearing very thin, as most couples they had their ups and downs but as Pete was soon to find out not everything in the garden was rosy. He arrived home almost as usual from work to find his 5 foot six wife taking a bath, now this was unusual in as much that normally she preferred to take a shower first thing in the morning as she had done this morning. Despite this unusual behaviour he...

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Futanari Fantasy Adevnture

Chapter one: The Walk It was a typical Sunday you were alone your husband and your son were out to have some father son time. You finished the work at home earlier today so you thought you could do a walk through the forest. You change your clothes to a summer dress you look in the mirror. You have long brown hair huge F cup breasts brown eyes and you are 160 cm height. You look at your new blue summer dress and you put some white shoes on your feet. After you are finished you go outside in the...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Angelika Grays Dirty Nurse On Duty

Naughty Nurse Angelika Grays and Dr. Feelgood, Erik Everhard, are on shift together at the DDF Clinic for a Hands On Hardcore premium porn shoot that you really shouldn’t miss out on seeing. After the glamorous blonde Nurse gets a call from her ex she’s feeling stressed, and her associate seems to have just the right touch with his female patients who are always seen leaving the exam room looking flushed and satisfied. The kinky colleagues dive into some real inappropriate work...

2 years ago
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Aunty Took My Virginity

Hi ISS readers I’m saran from trichy here I’m going to write my story which happen in my life this is my first story so forgive me any mistakes this is the story how I lose my virginity to aunty (mom friend) let tell about here she is mom friend from childhood .her husband is drunker he drink more daily. Let describe her 34 32 30 fair in colour her age is 45 but she look 32 if any comments are any mistakes mail me She is my mom friend soo she come to our daily when I child I studied in my...

3 years ago
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My Aunt the Slut

I was almost there, just a few more strokes. I thought I was safe and alone. Then my Aunt Kay walked into the room and there I stood completely naked with my hard cock in my hand. I froze. "Hey Ben, don't mind me I just had a few things to put away. Keep doing your thing it is perfectly normal for a young man to be doing what you are doing." She said as she put some of my jeans in a drawer and left the room.I felt a little weird and was not interested in finishing. I live with my aunt and...

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Dirty Fun With Elder Sister

A fictional story of a brother perving on his sister while she goes about some dirty business. Not a personal story, just one I thought up over dinner last night. A completely fictional story. Not an ounce of truth to it but I was feeling dirty so decided to write a dirty story…don and and and ‘t think it and and and ‘s too good though. Hopefully the next one should be better. A brother and sister home alone. The sister is in the bathroom, getting ready for a shower. the brother, a pervert,...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Candice Dare You To Fuck Her

Sexy hot Candice Dare is excited to play with you and tease in her lingerie. She loves how her perfect little tits look in her bra and can not wait for Small Hands to peel off those panties and eat out her wet pussy! That tongue feels so good flicking on her sensitive clit and she wants that large hard cock of his deep in her throat. Small Hands and Candice are ready to break the bed fucking hard from all your favorite positions until Candice wants all that built up cum splattering all over her...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Meeting

When I dressed that morning, I thought carefully about what I would wear; I wanted to be prepared for whatever may lay ahead. I slipped on the silky black thong and bra I had bought especially. As soon as I pulled the stockings up I felt the wetness between my legs. There is something about dressing for a man that turns me on and I knew this would be a treat for him. I put my tightest skirt on that I knew showed off my arse but was still respectable office wear. A blouse and heels completed the...

Straight Sex
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Unwanted HouseguestChapter 6 Whos that Knockin at My Back Door

Beth could see the single headlight on Steve's motorcycle following her the whole way home. Duane had taken her panties and there was nothing holding his semen inside her pussy. His large load constantly oozed out of her body staining the car seats and soaking her thighs. Beth had never been so scared in her life as she was at that moment. She had given into lust and let a giant dicked black man fuck her. He had apparently chosen to mark her as his property by cumming inside her and giving...

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