Orbital AcademyChapter 16 free porn video

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****Part 1 - A Change in the Orbit ****

General Hunter stared off through the wall of the elevator, lost in his thoughts. When the doors opened he stepped through on autopilot, flanked by two of his security force. Anger and worry warred in his stomach, but he kept his face calm as he reached the door to the Academy rookies' cell. They didn't cause this mess. He reminded himself. They may've been the catalyst, but it's Auspus who is the root. This is Auspus' disaster. For whatever reason. He entered the cell barely thinking about the rookies within.

"General Auspus is coming to Orbital Pivot to retrieve you." Hunter spoke even as he entered. The rookies sprank to their feet, but he didn't wait for them to get comfortable. "Is there anything you two think I should know before I meet with your General?" Of course there was nothing they could tell him. These were the lowest level of Academy, it was doubtful they'd even met General Auspus after their initiation; his true purpose was to see if they would give up the crystal that Errisa had seen them with. His eyes moved to the streak of blue in the girl's hair. Dorson, the files had told him.

"He has a crystal that he uses when alone." She seems eager enough to give up the information. "We think that's why he wants us killed, because we saw him using one. It's like this." The girl held out the blue crystal he had seen in the video recordings, and Hunter nodded to his guard to take it from her. "We got that one from the Terrans." She eyed the guard with worry as he carefully took the crystal in a protective glove, depositing it into the containment unit gingerly. Hunter nodded once, half to himself. Of course, they would probably know the cells have security cameras, he mused, so them giving up the crystal is no proof they're on my side, but it's enough. My gut doesn't lie, they won't cause trouble.

"You'll be brought to the hangar as soon as General Auspus lands." He spoke tersely."I'll have guards escort you."

"You're not going to turn us over-" Dorson began to protest, but her boyfriend put a gentle hand on her arm, interrupting.

"Yes sir, we'll be ready." he said quietly. Hunter nodded again, and then spun on his heel, already lost in thought again before he had even reached the door.

"Sir, I'm not sure I should have my entire security compliment present when the General boards." Hunter didn't have to look up from his screen to hear the note of concern in his Chief of Security's voice.

"You don't think they can handle themselves?" He asked, rerouting flightpath traffic to clear a hangar's schedule for later in the day.

"They'll carry out almost any command you give them to sir. Almost. But if the situation goes as bad as possible, I can't guarantee they'll open fire on General Auspus."

"I wasn't aware your security compliment had such loyalty to Orbital Academy, Kathryn."

"It's not Academy sir, and you know it." Despite the tension in his stomach, Hunter smiled. Promoting a select few trusted soldiers into Chiefs of staff was an unpopular idea, but he found it comforting to surround himself with men and women who would call him out when they had to. "My men are used to dealing with criminals and thugs, General Hunter. Even then, most of them haven't had to deal with anyone more dangerous than Tech-Major Skivens when he's had a few too many drinks. An order to break one of the covenants? I'm just saying that some of them won't follow that order, and I'd like to ensure that I'm surrounded by only the people who will."

"Kathryn, do you really think I'm going to order you to shoot General Auspus?" General Hunter allowed himself a smile, which turned to a frown when he saw that Kathryn wasn't returning it.

"Can't you promise me you won't?" she asked.

Hunter opened his mouth to answer, but paused, and Kathryn nodded as if it was all the answer she needed. He passed a hand over his forehead, trying to mentally prepare for the ordeal that was starting. A few days ago, I wouldn't've thought I'd be opposing Auspus. How do I know how far things will escalate?

"Gather the security who won't hesitate." He finally said. "I'm not preparing for a war, Kathryn." He added after a pause.

"Don't see why sir. It could be that Auspus is."

"You can't expect us to just wait out here while our daughter is handed over to guards, Hunter," Barnes was angry enough that he left the General's title off of his name, but Hunter didn't mind. I'd be in just as bad a shape, if my daughter was at the center of all this nonsense. His fierce gaze must've made the man in front of him pause regardless.

"General Hunter," Barnes corrected himself, "we'll stay out of your way, we won't make any noise, my wife and I just want to see our little girl."

"I understand that Barnes, I do." General Hunter worked hard to keep the scowl from his face. I'm doing you a favor. You won't be doing your girl any favors, complicating a situation that's already too complicated. Hunter didn't bother trying to articulate his thoughts. Instead he said "I'm keeping all civilians out of the hangar. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is. Tensions are going to be high enough as it is. I'll try to give you the opportunity to see Samantha as soon as it's possible."

"Hunter, listen, you know me. You know my family-" Barnes began, but at a nod from General Hunter, one of his guards put a gentle but firm hand on the man's arm, leading him away. He turned back to the hangar door and stepped into the wide open space.

It wasn't one of Pivot's larger hangars, and Hunter appreciated the finer control the size gave him over the situation. His gaze traveled across the room as he put a small earbud into his ear.

"Chief of Information, talk to me."

"Good afternoon dear husband." Errisa's voice was clear in his ear, and even the sound of it did wonders to ease a small bit of the tension that had knotted up his stomach.

"Not sure if I can handle something this big." He muttered.

"Don't talk like that, especially not where your men can hear you." Errisa admonished, but her voice softened. "You didn't think you could handle a lot of things, my mighty Hunter. The mineral trade dispute, the Terran invasion, that horrible chef who tried to force those 'natural food' laws through. You've made it this far, haven't you?"

"Thanks to you." Hunter smiled. I would never thought I'd make it this far. Maybe I can make it through this as well.

"Thanks to the both of us. We make a good team, you and I, and don't you forget it. What does the child General think he can accomplish, going up against us?"

Hunter grinned, knowing the cameras would pick up the motion. Kathryn stepped up to his side as he gave the hangar a once over again.

"How's the setup?" He asked.

"I think we've got a good system in place here sir. Two groups, one on either side of the shuttle, ensure nothing comes out that we don't see. There are an additional squad in the hallway just outside, observing through the cameras. If you need them for intimidation or protection, lift a closed fist and they'll come through and line the back walls, flanking you. I'm not sure what we've got for tech security."

"I've taken care of it." Hunter said shortly.

"By which, of course, you mean you hope I've taken care of it." Errisa laughed in his ear. "Lucky for you, I have. The second the General's shuttle is in the dock I've got lockers and scramblers in place, it'll be cut off from all communication, so if we decide Auspus won't be returning, we can control exactly what Academy hears about the encounter." Hunter frowned, and his wife seemed to read his mind. "Don't give me that look dear husband. You need to come to grips with the idea that this meeting might go very, very poorly. You're not planning on giving into Auspus' demands, and Auspus is the type to take that personally."

"Nothing moves forward without my say so." Hunter gave the command half to Kathryn and half to his hidden wife. "When does the General land?"

"Flight control says he left Academy a few minutes ago." Kathryn confirmed after a short pause.

"Bring the Academy rookies." When Kathryn stepped away to relay his command, Hunter muttered into the earpiece. "Will there be any trouble with them, do you think?"

"I don't think so." His wife sounded confident, and Hunter knew she had been watching them. "The one who seems to be in charge, Jackson Rade, doesn't trust you. The blue-haired and her boyfriend talked him into it though. They seem to think you're a standup guy."

"How do you know Rade is in charge?"

"He's augmented, so he's as close to artificial intelligence as humans can get. Stands to reason he'd be the smartest of them." Hunter smiled at her teasing, grateful for the minor respite from his worrying.

He had been in the General position for seven years, interacting with the Generals of other Orbitals on a near continuous basis, but it never ceased to startle Hunter how young Auspus looked. It made Hunter instantly suspicious of every action he made, since he could never be sure how to read the man's facial expressions. The turbulence that the transport ship kicked up as its engines slowly powered down caught Auspus' black hair and tumbled it, and he looked almost regal brushing it aside as he descended the ramp. Hunter worked to keep a scowl of disdain from his lip.

"Focus, Hunter." He had clearly not been completely successful, since Errisa's voice was sharp in his ear. "Don't look down on him, don't underestimate him. He doesn't just use those looks to win the hearts of young fools, he also uses them to disarm old fools." She was right, of course. Once Hunter calmed himself at his wife's words, he noticed several things that he'd missed on his first contemptuous once-over. For one, Auspus was wearing a pistol at his belt, and his thumb casually rested on his waistband, within inches of it. Auspus' eyes also flicked across the hangar, in an even, measuring way that made Hunter uneasy. Even warning myself not to underestimate him, that's precisely what I did. He realized. He mentally thanked Errisa and stepped forward, extending a rough hand to shake. Auspus glanced down, pausing for a split second in what might've been disdain, before taking it in his own.

Hunter was glad he had kept civilians out, the hangar was quieter now that Auspus' transport ship was powering down. The normal hustle and bustle of the scrub teams who sprang into action checking and refueling the large boxy ship were muted, clearly cowed by the importance of the two Generals. Two squads of Pivot soldiers stood at the edges of the room, far enough away not to intrude, but within the proper angles if they needed to intervene. There were clearly more than were needed for a simple prisoner exchange, but Hunter noted that there were just as many Academy soldiers making their way out of the transport ship to fall into informal formations behind General Auspus.

"Aren't you glad the room has cameras now?" Errisa whispered in Hunter's ear. "Don't those backup soldiers in the hallway seem a little less paranoid?"

"General Auspus. I'd like to extend a hearty welcome aboard from all of us here on Orbital Pivot." Hunter's voice was flat.

"It is always quite the pleasure to be aboard," Auspus replied smoothly. Hunter didn't betray his annoyance; by this time he was used to the niceties and formalities. They came with the job. "I think we have much to discuss, but I felt this matter was important enough to see it through in person." Auspus motioned to a pair of soldiers near the back of the group, and they dutifully moved to the rear of the transport as he continued speaking. "As a matter of pure officiality, Orbital Academy has carried out a preliminary trial of the scrub and admin level engineers, Cynthia Cormorant and Samantha Barnes. Just in case you found yourself too busy for a trial on Orbital Pivot, we thought we would save you time by giving an official recommendation."

This was the part that General Hunter hated about running an Orbital; when formality and law moved toward a purpose. I'm a damned engineer, not a politician. When they start talking fancy it feels like adults speaking around a child's head, making decisions without consulting him. He knew without a doubt that without help in the political sphere, the other General's would've woven him a noose made of words and hung him with it years ago. Thankfully for him, he had found the perfect help in the woman who now translated into his ear.

"He's saying that he has a justification to say the engineers are guilty, but without offending you by officially trying them." Errisa clarified. "I don't know why though. Maybe he's going to press you on that, try to make the case that since your engineers fucked things up, you're liable for the damage to Academy."

"I'm quite grateful to you for that." General Hunter replied to Auspus. He couldn't bring himself to plaster a fake smile on his face, so he instead nodded. "We'll certainly keep your result in mind when we give the matter our attention."

"I'm glad to be of service." Auspus did smile, one with friendly warmth that reached his eyes. The only reason Hunter knew it was fake was because he'd never known Auspus to genuinely smile.

"Now about that talk-" Hunter began, but Auspus cut him off with an imperious gesture. Hunter internally cursed, but he had already stopped talking in spite of himself, and Auspus talked on.

"We can discuss those topics in a more private location, I think." He said. The Academy guards returned from the back of the transport, escorting two young women. Even with his back to the rookies he could hear a few sharp intakes of breath, and his brow furrowed.

"Oh no. Hunter." Errisa sounded worried, and the emotion made the knot in his stomach jump into his throat. "Elevated heartrate, dilated pupils. The Academy rookie leader Jackson Rade, the augment? He's in love with one of those engineers, I'm sure of it. That's why Auspus is making such a show of it, he's hoping some or all of the rookies will turn themselves over to him in exchange for the girls. Auspus is playing on their loyalty to Rade, and playing Rade's heart like a synharp."

Hunter glanced behind him sharply. He didn't need to measure pupils or sense a pulse; the large brown-skinned boy was clearly stricken.

"Hunter, watch your expression." Errisa warned in his ear, but the General didn't care. He wore his glare outright, and the lack of reaction on Auspus' face just made him that much angrier. Auspus' soldiers escorted the two girls next to him, and Hunter glanced at them each in turn. The Barnes girl looked enough like her father that she was easy to identify, but the other he didn't recognize. Not that he would know every scrub who graduated from Pivot. They were both redheads, both clearly terrified, and both were staring across the hangar at the augmented rookie. They both care about him, miss him, are worried about him. A lover and a relative then? Hunter shook his head, lip curled in disgust.

"Be careful, husband, easy there." He barely heard his wife, but Hunter tried to push his building rage down a bit.

"I think our discussion is best served here, Auspus." Hunter's voice came out a little harsher than he'd intended. "I'd just as soon get this whole 'misunderstanding' over with, and I'd hate for our discussion behind closed doors lead to nasty rumors running around."

"Wow, that was actually a nice little threat." Errisa said in his ear, surprised. "A little bit heavy-handed, but for you it was practically subtle."

"I suppose it would be best to get this over with," Auspus frowned, "and it is fairly straightforward. I've returned the engineers via the proper legal channels, and there is enough room in the prisoner transport for the Rookies on our return trip."

"They're not going back with you, Auspus." Hunter snapped. Auspus didn't seem surprised, but he raised an eyebrow as Hunter continued. "You didn't even know the number of rookies in your so-called rebellion, and you didn't do anything to explain the clothes they were wearing."

"Clothes?" For the first time, Auspus looked confused, and Hunter knew with certainty that he was making the right call.

"The rookies are staying Auspus."

"You're declaring war then?" The ease with which General Auspus asked made Hunter pause. He asks it as if that's normal, as if Orbitals have ever gone to war before. Dear god what has happened to this man?

"He wants you to say yes." Errisa whispered. "I don't know why he wants it, but I can tell."

Don't need an AI system to read that from his face. Hunter was off-balance, his rage confused by the eagerness of the calm face in front of him.

"I'm not declaring war and I'm keeping the Rooks. Make of that what you will. If you feel the need to escalate things further, that's on your head, not mine." Hunter locked eyes with Auspus as he spoke, still slightly unnerved by the other General. Was that humor, in those frighteningly ancient eyes? Was Auspus laughing at him? He certainly wasn't surprised, and he heaved a regretful sigh.

"I must say I'm dissapointed, General Hunter. I had hoped we would keep to our standard legal tradition, but I understand that times change. If justice is to be served on an Orbital-by-Orbital basis, then Academy judgement has already been passed."

"Hunter bring the soldiers in. Now." Errisa spoke urgently, but Hunter hesitated, confused by the other man's confidence. What are you doing Auspus, you crazy old man?

"As these engineers have been found guilty by Orbital Academy, it is Orbital Academy's job to dispense that verdict."

Cynthia suddenly broke into a run as Auspus continued talking in an easy, friendly manner, drawing the pistol from his waistband and firing a shot into her back. There was screaming, from behind him, in his ear, but Hunter couldn't focus on it. He didn't remember deciding to move forward, stepping over the scrub, his scrub, as Auspus lowered his arm to line up another shot. He couldn't recall the exact instant he chose to draw his own weapon. All he knew was that suddenly his left hand crushed General Auspus' gun wrist, and his right held the pistol to the man's young looking temple. Very slowly, reason returned to General Hunter, and he blinked. He could hear his backup troops pouring through the door behind him to move into position, and out of the corner of his eye he could see Auspus' troops raising weapons to the ready, most trained on him as he held their General at gunpoint. The Academy rookies were just behind him, working to take care of the scrub. The girl I'm responsible for, who Auspus just tried to murdered. All of these impressions were muted in Hunter's attention compared to the face of General Auspus, inches away. Auspus was smiling at him. A tight lipped, triumphant smile. Hunter grit his teeth, trying to think of what to do next in the sudden tense quiet. Someone was crying behind him, and it made it harder to think.

"Go ahead." Errisa said sadly. Hunter couldn't tell if she was sad for the girl who just died, or the entire scenario. "Make it grand and official, everyone in the orbit is going to be seeing this."

"General Auspus." Hunter cleared his throat. "Due to your actions of violence against workers of Orbital Pivot, as well as your steadfast stubbornness in continuing your conspiracy against these Rookies, I am forced to declare..." He paused for a moment, searching Auspus' face. It's not just triumph, it's greed there. He'd go so far for me to declare war on him, wouldn't it be easier for him to make up some excuse? " ... forced to declare an embargo on Orbital Academy."

"An embargo?" Auspus looked stunned, and Hunter felt a fierce pride in stunning him.

"An embargo?" Errisa repeated in his ear. "He just shot one of our mechanics Hunter!"

"Orbital Pivot will no longer provide ships, engineers, manufacturing coordinators, or mechanics of any kind to Orbital Academy." Hunter continued flatly. "All repair missions to Academy will cease, and no further parts or blueprints will be sold to any Academy-based clients."

He hated going against Errisa without explaining himself to her, but Hunter was sure he was on the right track. For the first time since he had boarded, Auspus looked off-balance, angry. Whatever he had planned, it had led perfectly up to this moment, but this was clearly not how he had imagined it playing out. Maybe that would work out well for them, maybe it wouldn't, but right now Hunter was getting enjoyment from the other General's narrowed eyes.

"Then- you- then in that case, Orbital Academy will no longer provide you with pilots, or intraspatial security!" Auspus spat. Hunter applied a small amount of pressure on the man's wrist and Auspus dropped the pistol into Hunter's hand.

"Well done, you've grasped the concept of how trade works." Hunter growled. "I believe we've concluded our business here General, I would like you to get off of my Orbital." It was chilling to watch Auspus' eyes dart around the hangar, knowing that the other man was mentally calculating if he could order his small amount of soldiers to attack.

Auspus jerked his head towards the transport, and the soldiers began loading in. As they moved Hunter never broke their gaze, and Auspus stared back, calculating.

"I wonder if you'll look back on this day and realize what a mistake it was." Auspus said, so quietly that Hunter doubted even Errisa heard it.

"What does your purple crystal do, Auspus?" He asked bluntly. Might as well ask, now. He mentally shrugged.

The reaction was explosive. Auspus recoiled as if he had been hit, his lips curling into a snarl. He scanned behind Hunter, directing his gaze at the rookies who were gathered around the fallen girl. Hunter noticed with some relief that they were using a soldier's kit to administer first-aid; the scrub must not be dead. The only one that wasn't helping was Dorson. She was just sitting there, eyes locked onto General Auspus. The ferocity of her glare was almost as intense as his. They held the gaze for a few long seconds, then Auspus turned and followed his soldiers into the waiting transport.

"That could've gone better." Errisa sounded tired. "But you handled yourself well."

"Except for the fact that we're all but at war." Hunter snarled. Errisa didn't answer as he opened the door to his command center, activating lights and screens with a motion of his fist. "Computer, open a transmission to-" Hunter broke off as he saw the green light that flashed on his terminal. Word travels fast. "Computer answer call."

On the screen in front of him, General Poulay crossed her arms. Her jet black hair was pulled back into a severe bun that went with the severe expression on her face.

"General Poulay, I assume you've heard the news." Hunter sat heavily and turned to face the screen.

"I have, and I must say that officially, Orbital Techrider cannot condone your actions General Hunter. To cut off trade routes between Orbitals will leave us crippled and at the mercy of any Terran action, surely you must see this. Officially, Techrider is entirely opposed to Orbital Pivot's declaration."

"And unofficially?" Hunter didn't let any hope inflect his voice.

"Unofficially, I think you're being a damned child, endangering everyone in the Orbit for your stupid, stubborn pride." Poulay's expression grew darker as she spoke with finality. "As long as this embargo continues, Orbital Techrider sides with Orbital Academy. We will provide no further intelligence or logistics, and Techrider research and development will not be shared with Pivot officers."

"If that's what you feel you need to do, I can't stop you." Hunter leaned forward. "Is that all General Poulay?"

"Perhaps you don't understand the ramifications General." Poulay was glaring, leaning forward on her desk. "The combined resources of Academy and Techrider are against you, and I doubt Minera will be willing to stand up to us over the flimsy reasoning you offer. You are alone Hunter. How long do you think Orbital Pivot can survive, alone in the orbit?"

"I suppose that question will be answered before long." Hunter didn't wait for a reply before he cut the connection. He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he stretched a crick in his neck.

"How are you holding up love?" Errisa asked cautiously.

"Doesn't matter, I have to see this through. Computer, establish connection with Orbital Minera."

"Holy shit, you sure fucked up this time didn'cha?" General Buramis asked cheerfully before the visual connection had even been made. When the video stream went live, Hunter was surprised that he wasn't looking at an office. Instead, he was patched through to one of Minera's refining rooms, his view looking down on the room from above. Buramis herself apparently didn't have a feed of him, and she was leaning over a desk, thin metal rods in her hand.

"I suppose you could say that. It wouldn't be very kind, but you could say that." Hunter rubbed his eyes, grateful that he didn't have to act since there was no video.

"You pitted Pivot against the combined strengths of Techrider and Academy, and for all you know Basura and Minera as well. I'd say that was the nicest phrase I could use." Buramis grinned as she flicked on a red light set in the desk, illuminating what she was working with. A small chunk of translucent material lay on the desk in front of her, wrapped in a thousand tiny strands of what looked like spider's silk. Buramis was carefully peeling away at the silk with the clawed ends of her metal rods, manipulating the chunk of senstone without directly touching it. Hunter watched her for a while, knowing from experience not to rush her. He hadn't missed the fact that she hadn't specifically said she was with Auspus, and at this point he was clinging to whatever hope of help he could.

"So what's Techrider know that I don't, General Hunter?" Buramis sounded casual, but Hunter sensed something in her words.

"I couldn't say in the slightest."

"Poulay was awfully fast to align with Auspus. He wouldn't even have had time to get back to Academy before you started talking to her. I want to know what she knew, that she'd already made up her mind before she heard your side of the story."

"I'd like to know the same. I'd also like to know how you learned all that."

"Your Chief of Information contacted me, filled me in on the details just before you called."

"Sorry," Errisa whispered, "Buramis likes being in the know, I thought it would soften her up for you to give her info."

"You and me, we're really the same, Hunter." The red light above her made Buramis' brown skin seem purple as she paused from her work, looking up into the camera. "We work with our hands. We work side-by-side with our people. I don't think the others really understand what that's like." Hunter stayed silent, hoping in spite of himself. "If you made this decision, I believe it's for your people. I believe it's what I would've done in your situation. I don't think I could say the same about a decision Poulay or Auspus or..." she didn't mention the Marshal, leaving the sentence dangling. "I think Orbital Minera is on your side in this."

"You..." Hunter fought to keep his voice steady at the relief that poured into him, " ... you agree that Orbital Minera shall impose no embargo against-"

"Shut up with all the political jargon." Buramis waved one of the rods impatiently. "We don't need all that. There's fuckers that want you to back down, and I'm with you if you want to shove it in their face. That's all you need to know."

"It's enough." Hunter sighed and leaned back in his chair, watching Buramis leaning over her hunk of senstone. "It's enough to fuckin' start with." He growled, and Buramis grinned as he broke the connection.

He sat in the dark of his command center, emotionally drained and dreading the final task he had to complete.

"You can do this, my love. It's almost over for the night, and you can come up to join me." His wife's voice crooned in his ear, but it barely reduced the tension. "I'm wearing the little silk nothings you bought me." She added. Hunter smiled sadly, but they both knew sex wouldn't help ease his worries tonight. He muttered aloud, knowing the microphones in his command center would carry his words to her,

"Would you think less of me if I said that all I wanted was-"

"General Hunter." The screens in front of him flicked on, all at once, all filled with the same face. The Marshal didn't bother with communication requests. He communicated, and his Generals listened.

"Good evening Marshal." Hunter straightened in his chair respectfully. In contrast, the Marshal barely paid attention to him, his eyes flicking back and forth across multiple screens. The Marshal had stubble on his chin and matching black stubble on his typically bald head, and the dark rings beneath his eyes made them seem grim.

"I hear that General Hunter and General Auspus had an altercation today. The Marshal appreciates that no blood was shed in that altercation." The Marshal's voice sounded hollow.

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Orbital AcademyChapter 10

"We can't leave them Captain, please, we can't leave them behind!" Jane didn't trust herself to respond to Missy's pleading. She continued her task, working calculations to determine the planet's rotation since they'd landed. Jackson sat next to her, doing similar calculations to determine the vectors of the orbitals around the planet. The work was going slowly since the rest of the ground team was refusing to help. "You know that Missy is right Captain," Aimee backed up her...

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Orbital AcademyChapter 8

It should've been boring, watching the roiling green fog break against the windows, but it had captivated Li since they had entered it hours ago. Even with the impending danger of the planetary mission, the mesmerizing patterns on the window combined with the low rumble of breaking atmosphere was almost soothing. His squadmates were on their screens or restlessly trying to sit still; the atmosphere in the room was too tense for the normal chattering. Not sure what all the fuss is about, Li...

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Orbital AcademyChapter 9

Tess wished she hadn't woken up the second did. She was surrounded by pitch black, and there was so much pain she had trouble for a moment identifying where it was coming from. Blinking, she shook her head a few times, trying to remember where she was. The satflyer ... we were on a planetary... She sat up at the memory, and the sudden motion caused a wave of further pain to wash through her, making her almost vomit. Leg ... the pain is definitely coming from the leg. After the Drake attack...

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Orbit A Personalia storyChapter 2

“Mister editor, does the colony accept teachers and their family as colonists?” “Most definitely! They are always looking for teachers, particularly for primary schools in villages.” “I thought that might be the case. The fact that my husband is in the military shouldn’t affect that option, should it?” “Madam, we don’t care a damn what a spouse’s former occupation was. If you are a teacher, he comes with you and your children, if any. He can look after the kids while you are at work; that...

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Cassandras Destiny The Ball

As Cassandra felt the delights of Alfonse’s cock for the first time and drank of his blood to fulfill her destiny more than her body was changed. Yes, she became a vampire as was he, but somehow the desires to know everything flooded her mind and body both. This is the continuation of the short story written originally for a contest. Without the word count limitation now in place, see just how far our little vamp slut will go to find the answers to her fantasies. Cassie grinned from ear to ear...

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Brakeing in my wife

When it came to sex she had all the right parts and they were all in great shape for use. She found religion many years ago and she became very vary conservative in bed. For her it was straight sex only. She never wanted to try anything or anyone new. To her sex any other way was dirty and disgusting. It took 10 years for her to become comfortable giving me a blow job. After 15 years of being married to her I was quickly becoming bored with our sex life. Some times when she would have a few...

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I am often asked to describe my first bi experience so here goes! Since my early years I questioned sexuality. My family and friends are comprised of various appetites (as near as I could tell) and growing up in the 70's and 80's was very confusing for me. Some people were into various self help groups while others were simply confused about there sexual identity, women's Lib, etc... As a result, I too, became confused. I certainly was attracted to guys but could also appreciate the...

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News Station

You wakes up and currently works at a news station. This is a very special news stations where most behind the scenes are just about all female with all of the news cast day and night are females from twenty three to thirty five. This news station is very special each girl is forced to work here from mistakes they made from there past coupled with the fact they are nymphomaniacs will do anything that any man wants. So the men employed there are merely toys to be played with sexually. Each...

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My obscene organ of brute pleasure1

Ever since I can remember I've had an unusually large clitoris. My clit is about 1 and a half inches long when not excited but when aroused it can be as large as 2 and a half inches in length. It can actually rub against my underwear when walking around. I used to be very insecure about it. When I get really turned on, my little pink rosebud gets really swollen and thrusts itself out past my clitoral hood, until the whole thing is sticking out nearly two inches from my body, just begging...

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Country Club Lifestyle CH 3

I was standing at the large garage door entrance of the rental company waiting for Karen to arrive. She was running late and she didn't answer her cell. I really hoped she was coming because I had arranged a special warehouse tour. You see, my friend Tina owns this company and while she was out of town on business, I have been working from her office and managing her company.It's a small rental firm and being midweek, there were no scheduled employees, just me and a warehouse full of banquet...

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Pool HustledChapter 8

Joyce I'm laying in David's bed, half asleep, reminiscing about last night. God the sex was great. I turned over toward David to cuddle a little bit. I reached for him and he isn't there. I quickly sat up. Then I heard some noise coming from downstairs. I put on the tee shirt and robe and went downstairs. I walked down the steps as softly as I could and stopped in the kitchen doorway. There is David fixing breakfast for my two kids. They were talking back and forth about what they...

2 years ago
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NFBusty Lena Paul For The Night

Alex Legend is a high roller who has called in an expensive call girl. Lena Paul is everything Alex was hoping for as she struts in wearing a trench coat over her stunning lingerie. Her bra and thong are for looking but not for touching, as Alex soon learns when Lena teaches him to follow the rules with a slap to his hand. She strips before him, unveiling huge tits and a plump ass before turning around. Sinking down into Alex’s lap, Lena starts grinding her hips in a lap dance that leaves...

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Summer Cabin Voyeur

My best friend had invited my wife Sarah and myself up to their f****y’s cabin in the mountains of western NC for the long weekend. We were pretty excited about going up and I had not been there since we were married. I explained to Sarah this is just a small 2 bedroom cabin that was furnished with a lot of f****y hand-me-downs, I didn’t want her to think she was going to stay at the Ponderosa. Our week had been hectic to say the least, plus Sarah was getting over a bad cold, so the thought of...

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richard goes to fat camp part 2

'so dick what would you like for supper ?''i'm so hungry maam whats on offer ?'i show him the supper menu 'please can i have fish chips and beans maam'i hand him 3 shot glasses'any pudding ?''uh could i have choclate cake maam''of course ' i hand him another shot glass'you can start filling the glasses when you like , would you like to watch some tv ?''yes please'i take the remote and flick through the channels until i find football'there you are all men like football make sure you keep...

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Casey Calvert 800 319000

Casey Calvert was born as Sarah Goldberger in Baltimore, Maryland, on March 17th, 1990, to an Orthodox Jewish family. Let's take a short moment to give thanks to extremist religions.If it weren't for motherfuckers still living in the stone age, we'd have a lot fewer porn stars on planet earth. I'd rather have more porn stars than the world peace cutting religion out could bring. As long as I can jerk off, I don't mind if the world is burning down around me.From Orthodox to Fucking CocksThough...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Peter Susie Ch 2

Susie looked over Peter’s shoulder, her legs still round his waist his cock still buried inside her. Her grip on him tightened as she saw Harry descending into the pool. Her eyes were fixed on his cock, it looked just like some of the ones she’d seen on the porn sites, it was bigger than Peter’s, not much longer but definitely thicker, the shaft curving upwards to a bulbous head that looked almost the size of her tiny fist. The thing that startled her more however was that Harry was completely...

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THE SMITH brother PART 2

The Smith brother 2It had been two months since the Smith brothers had seen each other. By now, both Paul and Bob were up for a little fun. Bob put in a call to his brother Paul one day asking if he and his baby girl Emily would like to get together with him and Kate at their cabin for a weekend of family fun. Paul thought it was a lovely idea. The thought of spending time with his brother delighted him; however, the thought of having his niece’s young naked body in his arms again could surly...

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DistanceChapter 2

Next Friday! Zoe planned for me to come next Friday. That was a long time to wait. The wait was killing me, but it was also a chance to sort things out mentally and to plan and prepare. I started by doing some basic research online. Eh, that’s a coded way of saying I searched porn sites for girls that looked like the new-look Zoe. From my investigation, I think Zoe’s new look was what they call ‘emo’, but even after googling that I can’t quite work out what that involves exactly. It...

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My Search For A Satisfying Dick Part 5

Hello all, please read the previous parts of my story. This will be the final episode of my story. I checked in the hotel and had a hot shower. I ordered wine for both of us and breakfast too. It’s just 30 minutes away to meet Chaitu. I was ready with my first night saree, wine, ice, and breakfast. To make it interesting and memorial one, I broke Viagra into two pieces. But it’s broken into a 70:30% ratio. I make 30% tablet as powder and mixed with wine and rest I threw it away in the washroom....

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My sister was always on my mindpart 3

final chapterMy wife and I had two grown c***dren, while her brother and my sister each had one. With the families being so close (living only a couple of miles apart), it became routine for us to get together as groups, as well as the four of us to have our foursome sex, whenever we could sneak away.During one of the regular gatherings for a barbecue, everyone had been drinking, and the four of us decided to sneak into the house undetected for a little fun. The booze and the anticipation was...

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Lisa Moves in With Sarah and Greg

Previously in the Saga of Sarah and Greg: Greg is a normal heterosexual guy, and Sarah is a normal pre-op transgender woman. They met, fell in love ("Sarah and Greg"), moved in together ("Sarah and Greg Start a Life Together"), and got married ("Sarah and Greg Get Married"). During the time they lived together, they spent a day running through various sexual fantasies ("Sarah and Greg's Day of Exploration"). What they learned about themselves is that they enjoyed public sex. This led...

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The World Of Eros The Journey Begins

I am currently rewriting this story with lessons learned from the first go round. I plan to release the story into volumes if it goes well with the first volume taking place in the human kingdom. I was originally putting this rewrite under the original but decided it's better to create it's on separate story entry. You can find the original story Here. A smile crossed my lips as I came over the hill to show the valley below. I could see the endless fields that seemed to go on forever. Merchants...

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Good Clean Fun

Copyright© 030805 Hot water from the shower cascaded over her body, washing away the week's worries and stress. She soaped up her skin, touching and caressing herself in the privacy of the shower stall. She loved this time she had to herself, allowing the sensual side of her being to peak out, the intimacy of washing herself was something she treasured and waited for. Her shyness did not permit her to overtly show her desires, even to her husband. Her hands caressed her breasts, dark full...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 62

Since it wasn't too awfully late, I got on the phone to Gwen. "I'm going to the Cop Out for a beer. If you want to spend another boring night, meet me there." I quickly got in the cruiser and took off for the club. I found Jerry first thing and cornered him. "Let's dance big boy," I said pulling him onto the dance floor. I held him close, then whispered into his ear. "I'm wired, so listen carefully. I think I am being setup, but I'm not sure. I need you to do a cop thing for...

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Eric has a Redhaired Conundrum

(Not quite) the beginning...“Ooh! Oh, fuck, baby! Like that! Yeah! Harder! Uhr! Oh, god! Oh, god! C’mon, baby! Fuck me! Like that! Yeah! Uhr-uhn! Huhrr! Oh, shit! Fuck!”Eric sat quietly on the sofa across from the television, unable to find a comfortable position on the beaten cushions. With his fingers interlocked on his lap, he melted against the cushy, round arm of the old sofa, keeping a wide gap between him and Millie seated by the opposite arm.Every few minutes, he shifted his eyes to the...

Straight Sex
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My first Sex a whore

It was year 2003,i was in class 10th at that time,aged 18 yrs.I often used to masturbate in bathrooms thinking of the sexual positions of girls of my class,whenever I see girls playing sports,I waited there for as long as possible just to get a chance to peek throught their skirts,but never succeeded.firstly because I was a bit more shy to look that shamelessly in front of them,i never dared to talk any girl directly,even not for casual talkings.but i have seen hardcore photos and often use to...

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Valeries first hardcore porn session

*** REPRISE STORY WITH EXTRA BITS ***For the last ten years Valerie was working as a glamour model. She initially started as a pinup for Britain's tabloid papers but the popularity of other models meant she struggled for work. So reluctantly she branched out into other fields like explicit nude photos. After a couple of years her popularity grew, not only in her native UK but across Europe where she was always in demand for work especially across Europe. Such was the demand for her, she...

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Upsetting the apple cart Part 6

"Hi hun, you sound a lot better than you did this morning", Mark replied, adding, "did you manage to get a good couple of hours in bed ?". Lynn felt herself blushing as she recalled getting fucked in the arse as she spoke to him earlier. "Yes my love, it was a great few hours. I feel so much better for it". Lynn told him, dreamily thinking of the way Steve's magical cock had fucked her stupid for most of the day. "How are you darling, is it all going well? ". Lynn asked,...

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His Sisters EyesChapter 8

It's all a bit blurred now, as I said we were both quite drunk, but I do remember us getting into bed and me pulling the black lacy panties down over her hips, I also remember that she was hot, pushing her hips up to my face even as I pulled the panties off over her ankles. I vaguely remember her telling me to turn round and the feel of her lips as they surrounded my penis, the aroma of her cunt assailing my nostrils, the way she clung to me as I turned round and slid into her wet, clinging...

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TandraChapter 80

She smiled at me then hung her head and whispered, "Please put it in my bum now." Ingrid was just as sensitive in her back passage as she was in her front. After a half hour I had to quit again as she twitched and throbbed as if an electrical current was going through her. When she recovered she found my cock still hard. She worked her way down my body and took me into her mouth. It was good that I had cleaned both of us first. With both hands on me she was able to get a large portion into...

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Miss Goody Two Shoes

As I was hanging out my washing, Mary, my elderly neighbour called me over. “Victoria, I don’t really know how to tell you this, but my son is coming to stay with us, on Wednesday.” she muttered. “That’ll be nice for you. I didn’t know that you had a son,” I replied, somewhat in shock. We’d lived next to Mary and Ron for over two years and they’d never mentioned a son. “He’s been away,” she continued, “in jail.” The last two words were whispered. “Oh!” I put my hand over my mouth, “You never...

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Friday Night Maid Part 4

Friday Night Maid Part 4 (It was 8:15 and I left and walked down to the kitchen and finished the tray. 2 cups of coffee, 2 glasses of juice, 4 pieces of toast. Creamer, sugar, jam, silverware. OH.. and with that I went to the garden, got a red rose from our bushes and came back, put it in a glass and with that, walked to the master bedroom door. I watched the hall clock and at exactly 8:30, I knocked, softly. "Mistress? Are you awake?") As I stood at the door, I could hear noises...

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Son of the Minotaur Ch 01

Some things are just so weird that they have to be written down. Normally I wouldn’t bother, but this is too weird. We actually call this a ‘true lie’ in my circle of friends, something that while true it sounds like a lie anyway. Well, here’s my true lie. Guessing from the fact that this is an erotic story archive you are reading this from, yes this is about sex. First, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Joe, simple and easy. I am a very hairy man, always have been from the...

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my roomate pt 1

I was in my 1st year of college when my room mate quit school. At the semester I got a new room mate he was 6' 1" 200 former high school athlete named Kris. We hit off great. Later I learned he had a girl friend named Kate they were hot and heavy, I could hear them in the next room fucking every night she was very vocal talking about his big cock how she loved it suck it and fuck it. I lay in bed beating my meat listening to there sex. My girl friend had broken up with me and I was horny as...

2 years ago
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TeamSkeetExtras Eva Elfie My Favorite Freaky Pastime

I am not sure if I ever mentioned this, but I am a huge basketball fan. Watching those athletic guys bounce balls up and down the court gets me all wet in my panties. Today, I am wearing a cute Chicago Bulls jersey when I get the hankering to suck on some big dick. I lick a sweet lollipop first, then I swap it out for the real thing, wrapping my lips around a thick cock and letting it fill my mouth. I love the taste as I let it slide all the way down my throat. And the warm cum on my tits feels...

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Awakening My Trans Nature My Eigth Experience

I got the message to meet Elise at the top floor of an art department on campus one early evening. The corridors were empty and the lights out except for a meeting room with blinds over the windows and light inside. I knocked and went in. Elise was standing at next to a projector whiteboard at the head of a long conference table. Notes and overhead acetates were beside her and she was dressed in what was described as “ executive tart,” that is shoulder pads, a suit and blouse, but still...

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Uncle Mike 3 Sarahs Fantasy

It was their third day together and it had been another hot sultry day. They had awoken and immediately Sarah had climbed into Uncle Mike’s bed and swallowed his cock, sucking him to intense hardness, until he pushed her onto her back, pushed her legs back and slid his cock deep into her willing wet cunt. He immediately pounded down into her, unable to control his lust on her warm yielding young body. His huge balls had slapped against her and her beautiful big young breasts had bounced and...

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Forest preserve rendezvous

updated editIts Friday, I'm nervous but I am headed out anyway. It has been a while since I have had contact with a woman I wanted so badly. Even if we said we were just going to talk and hold hands...I still want, no need this.I glance at the clock, 1045 am, plenty of time to get to our rendezvous. I debate jerking off to your photos just to take the edge off, but decide against it. I pull out of my driveway and head towards the statue.The statue commemorates Lewis and Clarke and blah, blah......

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Gateway o heaven

I started my journey home. Just out of college I got a job, in the city, and was in my probation period. It was not wise to go on leave, but I received a call from my father saying that my mother became mad and my presence there was essential. On the way home, along the hilly road, our bus was stopped, at a hamlet, for tea. Getting down, I walked a bit away, went behind a bush and started emptying my bladder. As I was doing so, I was not aware, then, that a woman nearby was looking at my...

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Have FaithChapter 13

Faith was having second thoughts and was once again regretting her promise to remain a slavegirl for the rest of the summer in exchange for the promise of being released at the end of it. She could tell that she was changing and she was not at all sure that was a good thing. Activities or events that would have shocked her before were starting to seem more normal now. Things that she would have found repulsive were becoming part of everyday life. What was worse was that there seemed to be a...

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Caught But By Who Part 1

Hi, I'm Ryan. I'm a twenty-six-year-old male who lives at home with his step mum, dad and his sister. I stand at 6'6" tall, I have brown hair and green eyes. I have an athletic build, not the worst looking in the world. But, I am very shy. I've only been with one girl and since that ended, it’s just been me and my hand. I noticed a male sex toy advertised on the internet not long ago and decided to get one out of curiosity. One Saturday morning, I woke with my usual morning erection crying for...

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A Way With Words Part 2 Chris in Confusion

Chris found himself in the middle of a beautiful green wilderness. There were beautiful trees and shrubs, luscious green meadows visible through a clearing in the forest. Beyond that, rolling hills. It was beautiful alright, but Chris didn’t know what was happening. A second ago he was in the dark hallway of his friend’s creepy old house and now he was in a tropical wilderness?! He was thinking that he was going crazy, or that it must be a dream. A voice filled his head. “Chris”, it was...

2 years ago
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blackmail at uncle money bags

abby is 17 and going to be a senior in HS, i'm going to be a freshman at the same school. i know all about who she hooks up with, i've even spied on her when she has differnt guys over.....i get a step latter and peek in through th second floor window in back of the house. no neighbore can see me there. i watch her take control of the guys she is with, it makes me so hard. She's 5'10 130 brown hr green eyes, hair goes a little past her shoulders. she has a very thick full curvy body...

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DunrossiterChapter 7 Irish Revenge

“ ... and you John Tynsdall, your sister is at Dunrossiter, and we all know what she had done to her! She was buggered by the Earl and his sons until she damn near bled to death!” argued Rory Shaughnessy. Across the table a red-haired man hung his head in shame, saying nothing. None of the other occupants of the tavern responded, though a murmur of indignation swept the room. Rory turned on another man. “You, Seamus, your oldest daughter is an English bastard, and you, Andy, your sister is...

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The Adventures of Celia

The adventures of Celia By Robin Y. Getting all dressed up with heels and jewelry.....glamorous makeup and hair....delicate perfume announcing your presence. These are some of my favorite times (as I'm sure it is for some readers).....when there is cause to get so all dolled up, now that is another excitement altogether. I have been interested in such things for as long as I can remember. My first recollection of an attraction to the feminine world was when I was around 9 years...

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Whiskey JackChapter 9 New Healing

An hour later the four of them gathered in the living room. Zelda, Gordy and Melissa cleaned up the cluttered mess created by the pair of Creel's men. They had a garbage bag full of broken trash. Gordon waved his bottle of beer in the air. "Okay, now I've seen the DVD of your ambush. God, what a mess. What I don't understand is why Creel thinks you have that mini disc as well. You never were in contact with anyone who would have access to kind of material that clown said was on the...

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Runt of the Litter

(This story involves a lot of humiliation of the main character, futa on male action, incest, and other fringe fetishes. If these aren't your thing turn back now. I also wanted to give credit to the artist Mafen for the above picture which inspired this story. To the best of my knowledge that is the artist's name, though I could be wrong.) The hall is quiet. You were pretty sure nobody was at home. You creep carefully down the hallway, a floorboard creaks under your wait. You stop. Did you hear...

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Honey BareChapter 4

The following morning I'd been awake for about a half hour before Sarah stirred and broke out of the web of sleep. I'd been listening to a couple of cars going by on the street outside. The way the tires were hissing on the pavement and the water running off the eaves proved it was still raining. For a full second Sarah stared at me wide-eyed as though trying to remember the night before. Suddenly she sat up, her glance going to the clock radio. My glance went to her lovely jutting pink...

1 year ago
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Brandi Gets A Lot More Than Counseling Chapter 3

Brandi was really getting caught up in our sexual activities. She wanted sex all the time. We watched all the movies that we had made. We talked about Dave and what they did at the movie constantly. After about two months, I noticed a change in Brandi. Brandi was spending a lot of time with her friend Ellen. Now at this point is where I have to explain how Ellen and Brandi became friends. Brandi and Ellen had met in college. I had met Ellen once while Brandi and I where together during that...


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