Orbital AcademyChapter 14 free porn video

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"Jackson, why'd you bring us to Pivot? What about Orbital Academy?" Preston reached across Missy and flicked the cruiser's autopilot off, beginning to manually pilot their cruiser in line with the other squadmates'.

"Rookie Preston, please cut the comm chatter, we wouldn't want to crowd Orbital Pivot's comm channels," Jackson's voice crackled into the small space. The message was clear; We're being listened to. I can either trust Jackson or come up with my own plan. Preston and Missy exchanged looks, and she nodded, her brown ringlets bouncing with the motion. Preston shrugged. He probably would've trusted Jackson on his own, but he trusted Missy at his core. Pulling up the fine-navigation controls, he prepared to land the craft.

Although he had seen it before a handful of times, this was the first time he was actually landing a ship in the hangar bay. Orbital Pivot's hangar was much larger that Orbital Academy's, containing expanded bays to allow Pivot to supply ships to every Orbital in the orbit. Although it was easier for Preston to move the ship in, the smooth and practiced action was unsettling. It feels wrong somehow. The ship settled down behind Alex's heavy cruiser, and Preston did his checks of the gauges without thinking about it. It wasn't until the canopy swung upward that Preston realized how many people crowded the large hangar bay. The normal scrub teams were moving in to hook up fueling lines and coolant cells, but there were more small groups scattered throughout the hangar. Jackson was already climbing down from his cruiser at the front of the line of ships, and the largest of the groups were waiting for him. Preston helped Missy down and they walked forward to join their squadmate, just as the man in front of the group spoke.

"Good evening Rookies. I'm General Hunter, and I'm in charge of this orbital. I checked over the flight logs before I came down, and I wasn't informed of any ships scheduled to dock today." The General was tall and muscled, with salt-and-pepper hair in a short buzzcut. Despite his slightly suspicious tone, his stare seemed focused and attentive rather than aggressive. He's a military type, Preston decided, hoping Jackson had also picked up on the vibe, strict protocol, law and order type.

"We're unscheduled sir," Jackson answered for the group as Li, Aimee, Marcus and Alex joined them, "we've just returned from the surface. From a rescue mission, in fact, to retrieve our squaddies that were left behind on a planetary. We managed to save all but two." The General raised an eyebrow, while behind him two of his men immediately began typing into their screens.

"I haven't ever heard of a rescue mission being undertaken, much less successfully," he commented, holding out a hand, "nor was I aware Academy was sending rookies down to the surface these days." One of the men behind him placed his screen into the General's waiting hand, which he glanced at briefly before returning it, "I see the Planetary authorized, but not the rescue mission."

"It was ... unauthorized," Jackson admitted, "but we have reason to believe there are members of Academy who didn't want us to live through the Planetary. That's also why we landed on Pivot rather than Academy"

The General looked back and forth between the faces of the squadmates, his face neutral. The silence stretched, and Preston noticed suddenly how many of the people around the General were carrying heavy assault rifles and non-lethal riot pistols. His view on the scene suddenly shifted. Fuck ... we aren't a group of rookies facing a slap on the wrist here ... we could be in as much trouble here as on the planetary. He took another, more specific headcount now, noting the composition of the group in front of them. Flanking General Hunter were his two henchmen with the screens, but the four men and women surrounding them were heavily armed and armored. Preston hadn't ever been in a situation where someone might view him as an adult threat, not just a mischievous child. His hands were at his sides, and he moved his thumb subtly to make sure the pistol Missy had given him was still stuck in the waistband of his loose pants.

"Why don't you keep your hand away from that weapon, son," the General said quietly, without turning his head, "it'll make this conversation a little easier I think." The guards with weapons shifted at his words, raising weapons carefully but quickly, and Preston put his hands up slowly.

"General," the man on Hunter's left handed him the screen, "it's General Auspus from Orbital Academy for you sir." Preston's stomach clenched.

"Yes," General Hunder murmured, "I thought he might want to talk to me."

"General Auspus," Hunter held the screen in front of his face with his left hand. Missy's fingers dug into Preston's arm as their General's calm voice came from the screen.

"Hello General Hunter. I understand some of my rookies landed in your hangar bay a few minutes ago."

"They certainly did Auspus, we have them in the brig right now," General Hunter fixed them with a stare as if challenging any of them to say a word, "anything I should know about them?"

"I'm glad you took that action. Keeping them isolated is certainly the best option to keep Orbital Pivot safe.They're quite a dangerous bunch."

"Are they now?" General Hunter's expression didn't change, but Preston noted with concern that his right hand moved casually to the butt of his pistol.

"We aren't quite sure what their end goal is, but we suspect they intend to form a rebellion against the Orbit." Preston ground his teeth at the smooth calm with which Auspus mangled the truth, "they dipped into the fog after they left, and we tracked their progress to Pivot, so whatever their story, it will involve the deception that they visited the planet."

"But that's a lie, of course?" General Hunter moved as he asked, his eyes sweeping across the group of rookies as he stepped in among them, "they came straight from Academy to Pivot?"

"Of course," Auspus' voice contained just the right amount of annoyance to sell the story. Out of the corner of his eye Preston saw Missy open her mouth, and he grabbed her hand and squeezed. She stayed silent, with a look of barely concealed rage on her face, as the General stopped directly in front of Preston.

"Hmm." General Hunter said noncommittally, and Preston had to force himself not to move as the aged man reached out and grabbed him by the arm. "You've given me a lot to think about General Auspus," General Hunter mused aloud, rubbing the material of Preston's shirt between calloused fingers.

The Terrans' prison clothes! Preston realized with a start, looking down at the rough and coarse clothes he was wearing, the Orbitals don't have material like this, and Auspus doesn't know the Terrans captured us!

Although General Hunter's expression never changed, his hand moved off of his sidearm as he made his way back to the front of the rookies, speaking into the screen.

"Aren't your rookie squads usually made up of nine rookies and a Captain? There are only four rookies here."

Preston glanced at his squadmates. Missy and I, Jackson, Alex, Marcus, Li, Aimee... he counted before the realization hit him, it's a test. He's only counting the ones in Academy flightsuits ... the ones Auspus knows made it.

"Yes General Hunter, that's correct," Auspus didn't hesitate for a moment, "their Captain wasn't involved in their little rebellion, thankfully, and we were able to safely capture the remaining five of their group before they took off. They're safely detained here in Academy."

"I'm glad to hear it," a hint of expression had finally appeared on General Hunter's face as he surveyed the seven squaddies, an unforgiving hardness. Preston found it encouraging.

"When will you be able to ship them back to the Academy for processing?" Auspus' question was casual.

"I'll have to square things away here first," General Hunter answered noncommittally, "but I'll get back to you." He closed the screen and passed it back to his henchman.

"So..." the General seemed to be mulling things over in his head, "I'm assuming when you said "someone in power, you were referring to your captain and your general?"

"Just the General, sir," Jackson replied, "I'm pretty sure the Captain wasn't involved."

"Well now, isn't this problematic?" The General ran a hand through the stubble on his head and blew out a breath. "If I'm following the letter of the Orbit's law I'd ship you all back in a containment cell before the end of the day." Preston felt the urge to reach for his gun again, but he restrained himself. Shooting people won't help our case.

"On the other hand, it's clear that there's more going on here than it seems," General Hunter growled, "your story might be a lie, might now, but it's clear that General Auspus' certainly is." Hunter stroked his chin for a few more moments.

"I'm not throwing you back to Auspus before I've had the chance to think about this," he said finally, "But I'm not about to give you full run of the orbital either. I'm confining you to cells, and then I'm going to give a long hard think, then I'll talk to a few of you. Does that seem fair?"

"Very fair, sir," Jackson said respectfully. Preston let the guards remove the gun from his waistband before he spoke.

"General, some of us have been separated from loved ones for quite some time. If you would be so kind, if we could be locked in cells together..."

"I don't like the idea of you all in the same place, able to plot and scheme," the General shook his head, "three of you to a cell, max." He made a motion, and Preston found himself being escorted down the long hangarbay. Missy clung to his arm, and he put a hand around her waist protectively, even though he knew the guards wouldn't be rough. He had grown up on Orbital Pivot; roughness wasn't their way.

It was good to be back on Pivot. It felt like a lifetime ago since he had last walked the long hallways, and the tiny luxuries he had grown up with seemed so much more vivid now that he was back. The guards and squaddies' footfalls were muffled by carpeting, and the walls were rich colors instead of the bare metal of the Academy. Where the cold was an ever-constant hardship on Orbital Academy, here the air was warm and pleasant. Preston may have been worried about his future and the fate of his squadmates, but in the meantime it didn't hurt to enjoy the little things he had left behind.

"First cell," one of the guards thumbed a keypad to open the door and stood to one side, "you heard the General, three max."

"Will you two be alright on your own?" Jackson asked quietly. Preston nodded,

"Orbital Pivot treats their prisoners alright," he said, "we'll all be fine until the General makes a decision. And even then, General Hunter isn't the type to surprise you. We'll know what will happen to us as soon as he comes to a decision."

Preston and Missy stepped inside of the dark cell, and the door closed behind them, hissing as the room was hermetically sealed.

"Now all we have to do is wait," Preston let go of Missy and leaned against the door, "hopefully we won't have to wait for more than a day or two, the General probably has a lot that he needs to take care of- what's wrong?" For the first time he noticed the dumbfounded expression on Missy's face, as the soft lights in the room slowly rose.

"THIS is Pivot's prison?" she asked. Preston glanced around the room. It was about the size of the entire Academy barracks that housed his nine-man squad, although there was only one bed in the corner. Queen-sized, Preston noted, although the cells are probably only set up for one prisoner, so that's not intended as a hardship. A fire crackled in the fireplace on one wall, and on another a huge window gave a picturesque view of the moon that lazily followed the Orbital's progress around the planet. His eyes moved from the high ceiling to the plush carpet on the floor, and he finally shrugged,

"Well, yea I suppose it's a little comfy compared to the Academy-"

"A little comfy?" Missy hesitantly stepped into the room, as if she would break something simply by moving, "this is the most luxurious room I've ever been in. Ever. In my entire life. how is this ... what?" She spluttered.

"Okay, sure it's alright," Preston was starting to grow uncomfortable, "but we've been on Orbital Academy for five months Missy, anything would seem luxurious to us..." he trailed off at the look Missy was giving him.

"Just how comfortable was your life before coming to the Academy Preston? If this," she made a sweeping motion around her, "is Pivot's definition of the barest necessities."

"It was ... fine. It was okay," Preston mumbled. He didn't like the direction this conversation was going, "I mean it was better than this but..." Defensiveness gave his words more of an edge than he meant them to have, "why is it such a big deal? We're all squaddies no matter where we came from, aren't we? And you and I, we're partners who love each other, aren't we? Who cares about what our childhood was like? What does it matter?"

"It matters when I find out my boyfriend was a spoiled rich kid," Missy muttered, looking around her. Preston reddened, but he didn't respond. We don't need to be arguing right now, especially not about something as trivial as this. Instead he turned to the wide window and stared at the moon that drifted in the distance. After a few moments Missy joined him, wrapping slender arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry," she said, "you're right, it doesn't change anything about you. Or us."

"Look at it this way," Preston said dryly, "whatever comforts I might've had as a child, they make it that much harder to adjust to life at the Academy."

"Oh you poor thing!" Missy gasped, and Preston grinned at her tone. He couldn't see her face, but he could tell she was about to tease him. "You mean you're forced to sleep in a bed with only one pillow?"

"Now that's not fair-" Preston began, but Missy turned his head to look at the prison bed in the corner. There were four plump pillows on the heavy coverlet. Preston scowled as Missy burst into peals of laughter.

"Well at the very least we'll be able to enjoy ourselves while the General is thinking about what to do with us," Preston stepped over to the bed and threw himself backward on it. The coverlet enveloped him as he stared at the ceiling. Missy settled next to him and laying her head on his chest.

"Do you think he'll believe us?" Missy asked. Preston played with her brown curls as he considered the question.

"I've always heard Hunter was cool and levelheaded," he said finally, "and Auspus dug himself a pretty big hole with his lies. We've got the crystal, so if he believes us in the slightest we can have his help in deciphering what he's trying to hide."

"I hate him." Missy spoke quietly, but her voice was venomous. "We weren't hurting anyone, we weren't doing anything, and he tried to break us apart, tried to kill you." The anger in her voice was unlike her, and Preston frowned to hear it. He tried his standard tactic of switching her attention; telling a dirty joke.

"Well, I wasn't hurting anything, but I was definitely doing someone," he said, giving a lock of her hair an affectionate tug. He expected a gentle smack on the stomach, but instead Missy just sighed and ran her hand up and down his leg.

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I was just pulling my car into the trailer park. The dust from the gravel came up over the top of my hood. I looked around. There were quite a few trailers as I pulled around to the last one on the left. It had pink siding going down the double wide. I can't believe I spent 6 years going to college, just to make house calls or should I say trailer park calls. I had no degree. The money ran out before I got kicked out. I had a few jobs ever since. I just happen to stumble upon this one. You...

3 years ago
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The holiday that changed our lives Chapter 6 Afterwards that night

Introduction: Afterwards that night As I saw John out after his pleasurable evening with his latest conquest, and then took Cara out for her final ablutions, I wondered how my wife Margaret would be feeling and how I would be greeted when I returned to the bedroom. Hi, my loving Cucky she greeted me how is the most loving hubby feeling now that he knows his naughty wife has fulfilled one of her life-long desires?. At this a thought crossed my mind – is she admitting to other life-long desires?...

4 years ago
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Just another day in the office

"what the fuck are you doing?!?" he asked harshly but still not putting away his massive cock. "umm...nothing...i was just leaving" i said trying to zip up and get out of there before he could start to kick my ass. As i turned and tried to leave he said in thei rough voice "wait a minute" and he pulled me back to him. I noticed that his dick was still hanging out of his fly and was starting to harden itself. "well it didnt look...

1 year ago
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Melissa and Me

"Like that would ever happen!" I exclaimed as I reached for the remote to turn off the television. I'd been forced by my girlfriend to sit through the whole of 'My Fake Fiancé' staring Melissa Joan Hart and some guy. At last, it had ended. The story basically involved MJH and the guy faking a wedding so that they would get gifts and money so replace the stuff that she had stolen and to pay off his gambling debts. Obviously they hate each other at first but end up falling in love. "What...

1 year ago
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The Bet

“There. Drain your balls in my big, tight butt.” She ordered. I lost it. A few more strokes and then it happened. What felt like a continuous stream of spunk loosed from the tip of my dick and I drove in all the way and deposited it deep in her bowels. Then spray after spray continued. I was dizzy with euphoria and still holding her tight. Eve was always talking shit. We met when she was dating a friend of mine, and from the first time we hung out she was always making stupid jokes at my...

1 year ago
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Broken Little Thing Chapter 2

DarksX for sexstories.com Ava's words were still ringing inside my brain, "I'm all yours." After a while, she didn't shake anymore. She was still hugging me, her face snuggling comfortably on my neck while I remained lying on top of her. With my weight pressing her against the sofa, I could feel every single movement of her little body. For the first time in a long, long time, I felt like staying that way for as long as she wanted to. I kissed the top of her head once, and she snuggled...

3 years ago
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Warehouse nights and happy days Part II

Three weeks after we started dating, as we enjoyed calling it, Lacie told me Rick would be out of town for a week. We made a date for me to come over Wednesday morning. I followed her suggestion and sneaked in from the park about 5:30; she took me to bed and we slept three more hours. When we woke up I was fully hard. We got into a leisurely 69, and soon she took me fully into her throat and expertly drained me. She came soon after. We relaxed and played with each other for a few minutes. She...

Love Stories
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The Favor

"Jamesy Amstel Light." I said as I sat down in the bar stool. As the bottle appear before me I take a look around the bar. Normal Thursday after work crowd. Usually I don't go to the bar right after work but Mel had said she needed a big favor during lunch and that she would tell it to me here. As an executive assistant she usually worked an hour or so later than the rest of us. Most times I'd stick around and distract her for a little while but she shooed me out of the office right at the end...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 592 Beti Ne Jaana Apni Maa Ka Chupa Roop

Narrated by Author Sarika ghutno pe chalti hui Rahul ke chehre ke paas gayi aur boli: Kya khana hai tumhe pahle? Rahul: Matlab? Sarika: Kya khaoge meri? Aage ya peeche? Rahul muskurata hua bola: Dono kyu nahi mom? Neeche Kavita inki baate sun uthi aur wapas Rahul ke lund ko apne muh mein lekar choosne lagi. Ab Bharti ko saaf dikh rahi thi ki uski maa kaise Rahul ke lund ko choos rahi thi. Tabhi aage dekhi to Sarika Rahul ke muh par chahad kar baith gayi aur apni choot aur gand uske muh par...

1 year ago
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My Dominant Sissy

With the news that one of our largest customers, a clothing company that specialized in apparel for the black urban hip hop scene, was considering going with a marketing firm that was more in touch with there target market, Anthony and I were chosen to go and try to save the account. I had worked my way up the ladder (Director of Marketing) with the company over the last couple of years, while Anthony was a relatively new to the company. Anthony was hired for his uncanny since of style and had...

She Males
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Meeting James Ch 02

‘We have a lot we need to do before this evening, and we need to get started,’ James said in a commanding tone. He paid the check and we walked out of the café, his arm securely around me. It was the first time he had touched me since we woke up naked together that afternoon. We walked outside to the valet station and he handed his ticket to the attendant. It was a beautiful sunny day, maybe mid 80’s I guessed, typical spring weather for Las Vegas. There were several couples ahead of us, so...

3 years ago
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Fucking Your Wife Ch11

Jeff and Katrina left the pub and began walking towards the wharf when they stopped dead in their tracks. Passengers were leaving the ship in droves and at least eight emergency vehicles were parked near the vessel. Red flashing lights from the vehicles reflected from the ship’s hull. Three were ambulances two were fire trucks and the rest, police cars. The passengers did not appear panicked but they did seem worried and anxious. Many carried suitcases or bags. Some carried belongings in...

1 year ago
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Call Me Beth Version AChapter 2

Beth read the instructions and put a rubber on my steel hard dick. I knelt between her legs. She spread her slender thighs as wide as they would go. She guided the head of my cock between her pussy lips and into her dripping wet hole. I pushed gently against her opening, and before I knew it, my cock head was stretching the muscles and her hymen. “Shove your dick in me. Don’t drag it out. Just push your cock in me and pop my cherry,” Beth said. I did what Beth told me. It wasn’t a struggle...

2 years ago
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Sunday Afternoon

On Monday I bet my boyfriend John that if my football team lost on Sunday I would be his sex slave for the day. And if my team won ,I could do the same. We teased each other mercilessly all week long on what we were going to make the other do. Now what he wanted to do more than anything was to tie me up and fuck me. If he said that once he said it a hundred times that week. The thought scared me a little but at the same time turned me on. Everyday I would hear “ Come Sunday I am going to tie...

2 years ago
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March of the Southern BellesChapter Five

"March of the Southern Belles--Chapter Five" by Heidi-Jo McGillicuddy Brunch was delightful, although I nibbled at my avocado and sprouts sandwich more out of distaste rather than any manifest desire to display appropriately dainty table manners. It was such a pleasure to eat in such exquisite surroundings--the sterling silverware absolutely gleamed, and I'd never eaten off of such beautiful china. Lisa giggled and pointed to the lipstick I'd left on the rim...

1 year ago
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Wife seduced a black man We both fucked her in a hotel room

My wife and I are in our 40's we never swapped shared or watched the other have sex with someone else so when my wife received two drinks from two men at the same time she was surprised and excited not sure what to do she nodded thank you to him and hurried up to ask me what should she do or say to him so I told her to talk with me for awhile before approaching him talking with him and I told her to ask him to dance with her she had an ear to ear smile on her face when I suggested she do that I...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Another naughty neighbour wank

 A couple of months ago I was talking to my neighbour, Jean, and she told me that the previous weekend  she had seen me wanking. Evidently I hadn't closed the blinds properly. She admitted that after the initial shock she had watched until I finished. We smiled about it and I jokingly said next time I'll make sure to wave at you. Well the next time happened the following weekend when I stood naked in front of the patio door and let Jean watch me wanking. Anyway, I was talking to Jean the other...

3 years ago
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Roof Chatt Per Mazey

Yeh unn dinno ki baat hai jub humarey city mein TV nahin aaya tha…iss waqt mere Dad ne London se TV laya tha…aur unnhi dinno mein TV station bhi lug gaya tha….usswaqt sirf English films ya baher key dramey waghera dikhte thay…..abb mere mahelle mein mallom hoogaya ke mere gher per TV aagaya hai….tau humarey paroos ke larke…mujhey akser kehte ke hunain bhi TV per koi English film dikhana…..Uss waqt zamane ki mashoor film lagi huwi thi…..mahale ke larkoon ne kaha “Musaveer Bhai tum kooch arrange...

3 years ago
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An Epic Desire

Ewan stood, still and mesmerized, beneath the castle window. It was the darkening hour, around midnight, when his longing was greatest. Not the longing to feed, no. He had satisfied that some hours before, from his stash of blood red vials he kept in the cellar beneath the expansive orchards of this vast abode. The hunger and longing which brought him to this very window each night at the same hour was caused by Elysia, a princess in Sir Douglas’s castle, and the fairest maid ever to set foot...

First Time
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Two Fridays Part 3 Mothers Unwitting Example

Once again, Saturday morning came, and for a second time, I awoke to memories of what my sister Tina and I had done the night before. Had we really fucked each other like that, and taken each other’s cherries? I felt that roller coaster feeling, and then the hardening of my cock, as I lay there, contemplating what Tina and I had got up to, and then after a few moments, I heard a knock, even though my bedroom door was already open. I looked over at the door, and saw Tina standing there,...

3 years ago
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Sex with old classmate

My name is gagan and m 21 years old n single , living Based in abu dhabi, uae. This is about my first experience with my old classmate, Which is still going on. I did my bachelors here in abu dhabi as my parents were here, and we had a Fantastic time during our college days. Ours was an institute consisting of a Small group of students in each batch. There were only 4 boys including me in Our class of 20 students. All of us were friendly and open to each other & we used to talk about...

1 year ago
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Welcome to The NeighborhoodPart 2

Waking up with a hangover has never been pleasant, but the memories of last night definitely made it worthwhile. So, I made up some mimosas to go with the scrambled eggs, to take upstairs to Syd. Watching her and Bobbi last night in the hot tub had made me as horny as she was, and the resulting quickie was most satisfying for both of us. We talked over breakfast about us, our wants and needs and came to the conclusion that we should expand our sexual boundaries, promising to communicate our...

1 year ago
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Asmodeus Demon of Lust Part 7

Introduction: Will she choose to stay with the demon? A/N My dear readers! Thank you to everyone who has emailed me with your praise, encouragement and ideas! I love you all dearly and you keep me writing whenever I feel like throwing my laptop away. It is because of you that I present in all its ten thousand word glory, PART SEVEN!! As always PLEASE rate, comment and email me! I love hearing from you guys and I will reply to every email. Happy New Year! Cheers, Steelkat Part 7 My bed is...

1 year ago
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Road Trips for Peter Chapter Six

When last you were following my story I had been on a road trip visiting fine ladies I had found on my writing site. We were all good friends, and they had all invited me to visit. I didn’t surprise anyone. My trip was fully planned and it had been very successful in the sexuality and sensuality departments. I had made out like a bandit when it came to getting all the lustful pleasure I could handle, and more. The trip had ended with me and a lady named Wendy professing that we both felt our...

2 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 13 Gary and Ellie

Gary, my husband and Ellie were laughing as I lay there. "OK, time for food." Gary announced. "Come on slut." Ellie and I were sent to the kitchen to make some dinner while our husbands drank beer and watched what had been filmed. After dinner we returned to the bedroom. I was told to get on all fours. Gary and my husband rearranged the cameras. Ellie was behind me. I could hear her opening and closing a drawer. The cameras were switched on. Ellie walked around and stood in front of me....

3 years ago
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My Night With My Cyber Neighbor

My wife, Krista, recently got a secretarial job with her girlfriend.  She was gone most of the week during the day till about 4 pm.  I can’t say I wasn’t happy about it.  I was ecstatic. I knew my wife had lost interest in our marriage years ago.  Krista stayed because she had gotten used to the money.  That was when I started surfing the internet and found my cyber neighbor, Lana. I got lucky in a business opportunity and once it hit big, I got out with enough money that I didn’t need to...


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