ChristinaChapter 14 free porn video

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Oh, the horrors of Monday after vacation. When you like your job, Mondays aren't as dreadful. I liked my job. But I liked spending time with Tina more. She was about as excited about school as I was about work. I was positively reluctant to go out the door, even absent the freezing temperatures.

Still, we did what we must. I arrived, finding that my boss was snowbound up north, half the crews didn't show up for similar reasons, and as the "responsible senior engineer" on site, I presided over a rather miserable meeting. We looked at where we were on the project for all the different disciplines, who among us actually had enough workers on site to do anything useful. I put my fractional crew to work, having many tasks that needed one or two knowledgeable technicians.

Only one of the crane operators made it back, and the steelworkers were not the least bit disappointed to be relegated to inventory duties instead of hanging off I-beams in twenty mile an hour north winds and freezing temperatures.

An extra coffee pot in my main substation and passing the word around to the work crews that hot coffee was available made my techs a little set of heroes. They needed credit. I didn't.

Home was a drive through gray dusk and when I turned the corner into the park I saw Tina's little car parked at the trailer. I walked in to something that smelled good.

"Soup," she said. "I dumped stuff into the pot an' added a little of this and a little of that, and cut up some of your precious Cajun sausage in it. I hope you like it."

"It's a soup kind of day, little one," I said, collecting a kiss from a girl in a sweatshirt with a spoon in her hand. "How was your day?"

"Nobody wanted to be there. Lots of giggling and story-telling and the teachers just sort of went along with most of it. "Mr. Barnes told us in math to just go ahead and get it out of our systems because tomorrow was 'buckle down and get it' day." She grinned. "So I guess it wasn't bad. Yours?"

I related my sad tales. The coffee pot deal made her smile.

"It'll get better. I know we built time into the schedule for this stuff."

Bleak January passed us. There was a bit of flying, a destination on a weekend, or not, as in Alan, can we just go buzz around the state? I mean, there's SNOW on the ground. Us Louisiana kids never see snow."

There were a couple of evenings with Susan and her parents. Susan was an only child and actually quite attached, despite my initial assessment of her from Tina's party episode. Having dinner with them meant five of us socializing, Tina handling the transition between being Susan's contemporary and best school friend and being my wife and friend of her parents. Of course, Susan was a case herself, funny, sometimes sounding a bit flighty, but quite intelligent and the absolute apple of her dad's eye.

Five of us playing some silly board game as an excuse to laugh and be sociable made for pleasant evenings.

Of course, relating such forays into a wild life of debauchery to some of my co-workers was always interesting, as in, "Man, if I had a seventeen year old that looked like that, I DAMNED sure wouldn't be visiting people an' playin' board games!"

"There's more to life and love than continuous sex," I laughed.

"But that'll do until that other stuff comes along," my buddy answered.


Life rumbled along as life does. On bright sunny days we got out to do SOMETHING, if only a walk, and a young girl with a pilot license and yearning to fly, well, that was a frequent goal too. I considered selling her little trainer, but we just hadn't gotten around to pushing it hard. I left word with the other flyers, Charlie and a couple of other active pilots, that we'd entertain offers on it.

Tina's school business stayed good. She brought home an application to take her ACT, preparatory to college aspirations. I found humor in that. The Tina I knew was not going to have a problem getting into college. I only wished she'd have had more time in Tennessee, just to benefit from some of the scholarships.

It wasn't a matter of needing the money. I had that covered. It was just the idea that I thought that Tina was outstanding enough that she should be recognized.

One day I came in from work to find another car next to the trailer. I walked in the door and saw Tina and Susan sitting on opposite sides of the little booth that served as our dining room table, a laptop open, papers spread around.

"What's up, ladies?" I asked.

"Navy bean soup and a social studies paper," Tina said.

"Hi, Mister Alan," chirped Susan.

"Hi, Susan," I said. "You stayin' for dinner?"

"If you don't mind. I helped Tina cook it."

"She's a good cook," I said.

"Dump soup," Tina snorted. "Grandma called it 'dump soup'. Open cans, dump it in a pot. Stir."

"You chopped up onions and ham," Susan said, "an' cooked 'em first."

"It's quick, and sometimes it's nice to sit at home with a bowl of hot soup instead of driving up the road to a restaurant."

"I know," chirped Susan, "I love it when Mom cooks a whole meal. But she had to work late today."

"You're always welcome," I said. "It's little, but it's home."

"I think it's CUTE!" Susan giggled. "Kinda like camping!"

Tina snorted, "Uh, Susan, that's why they call it a 'camper'..."

"Oh, yeah!" Another giggle.

Life. As it is supposed to be lived. I always heard about it, and now, for once the joy was there every day.

I didn't mind seeing Tina and Susan hanging out together. It gave Tina the ties I thought she needed between her life as wife of an older man and life as a high school girl. Like when Susan took a battering from the comings and goings of teenaged love, and Tina was the shoulder to cry on.

"I don't know that it's something I miss at all," Tina told me. "Susan's devastated."

"She'll go okay," I said. "She's cute and smart and her family loves her and that's ground that you can build on. She knows what relationships are supposed to look like."

"That's what she said about us, baby," Tina replied. "That it works when you find the right one."

"But the guy she split up with, what's the deal?"

"He liked the way Susan looked. But her mind..."

"Oh." I scooped Tina up in my arms. "The best part of you. And that's saying something, because the other bits are pretty damned good."

Her arms went around my neck and the tip of her nose touched mine. "I'm glad you don't mind her hangin' around. She feels like she has to dumb down with a lot of other kids."

"Ah," I said. "I understand that."

"You've been there," Tina purred. Little kiss. "Me too. And if Grandma was still alive and I was in the world I left with her, I'd probably be in the same boat. I had a taste of it. It's tough being the 'smart kid'."

And other serious discussions.

And quiet times.

"Look what I found," she said on one evening when we were lounging in the trailer after dinner.

"What's that?" I asked.

"This chamber orchestra from Germany is doing a tour in the USA. They have a date in Charlotte, North Carolina in February. That's in range, you know."

"What's the menu?" I asked.

"Oh, gosh! Brandenburg Concerto. The third one! You love that one! And so do I. Live! D'you think..."

"Get us tickets, then ... When is it?"

"Saturday evening, like most of 'em."

"Well," I said, "We can shoot for me getting you out of school early on Friday and flying in on Friday afternoon, huh?"

"Weather permitting. Should I make hotel reservations?"

"Some place nice, okay?" I said.

"Always," she said. "But remember that you promised we'd go camping when the weather warms up."

"Oh, yes, I remember," I said. "Wonder what warm weather feels like?"

"Oh, you remember all too well," she smiled. "We both do. Louisiana, you know..."

"Sure, you pick a day when it's fifteen degrees outside to remind me."

"So when is this thing?" I asked.

"Oh, it's like perfect," she giggled. "It'll be my reward for not coming unglued when I take the ACT's. It's the Saturday after the tests."

"Buy the tickets. Make the reservations. Worst thing that'll happen is things go off track and we have to eat the tickets. And I've never had an excuse to go to Charlotte, so we'll have fun exploring on Saturday before the concert."

"We need to spend an extra session at the gym, too, baby. You know how we tend to pig out on those little adventures. You don't need a plump little wife, you know..."

"And you don't need a fat old husband either. And forty year old guys can put on weight really easy. Especially when one of their great joys is sitting across the table with a laughing cutie, enjoying good food."

She smiled. "Monday Wednesday Friday at the gym, then, hon. And walk around the park every day it's not raining. Gotta keep your strength up." And she stuck her tongue at me.

"Hold that thought!" I laughed.

She giggled. "Why should I HOLD that thought? Are you lacking in a sense of adventure, guy?"

"I do believe I'm up for a bit of adventure..."

Squeal! She was shoving me back towards the bed at the far end of the trailer.

We loved each other enthusiastically, happily, eagerly, joyously. In the afterglow, she purred in my ear, my arm holding her soft form next to me.

"Only bad thing is that NOW we have to get up and shower, sweetie," she said.

"Oh, I know," I admitted. "Just a little while longer..."

She rolled halfway on top of me and kissed me. "Now, babe! We can get back to bed when we finish."

"Oh, you're right, but this sure feels good."

"Uh-huh. It's s'posed to."

Showers. One for each of us. One shave, one dried and brushed short auburn head of hair, and back to bed for cuddling and giggling and laughing. And sleep.

Thursday and Friday went well. It should have. We, the team at work, were professionals, and we were up to speed, looking down the road to head off difficulties. Sure, that's not going to stop all the tight-jaw moments, but it lessens their number.

Home. We called it home. We knew how to keep from bumping into each other when were were trying to get things done. I knew how she was when it was THAT time of the month now, six months into living together, and I determined that it wasn't worth the battle to try to get my own way.

On and on. Dozens of little vignettes reside in my head about how two people meet and commit and begin the process of fitting together. Some people never get through this process. Some get through it and end up with resentments and hurts that color their lives forever. And some find that the whole process is too difficult and not worth the benefit.

We laughed and frowned and giggled and fretted. And grew closer.

The period thing? I wasn't sure how manage it, if indeed it could even be managed. She got moody. She was on her period when we first met, but I figured that the emotional roller-coaster of her evacuating with mom and mom's loser boyfriend, the incident in the diner where we met, and the whole 'new life' thing sort of shoved any mood swings off the table.

Since then, though, sometimes she got really giggly, sometimes something would turn her somber, but we both recognized the hormonal change as the cause and as for me, I just backed off and let things go for a day or two. Usually, if she was a bit brusque to me, she'd come back later and apologize.

I found out that SHE got grossed out when I trimmed my toenails, something I used to do while sitting cross-legged in bed. The first time I attempted that after we'd committed to one another, I thought she was going to lose it.

"No, I don't CARE when I cut MINE! I can't stand to watch you cut YOURS!" she yelled.

"But, baby, that makes no SENSE!" I tried reason. Logic. And decided it wasn't worth the fight. I mean, she was very careful about her own conduct. I was too many years a bachelor. And DAMNED sure didn't want to go back to being one just so I could trim my toenails at my own leisure.

"So exactly WHERE does a guy have to go to trim his toenails, Tina?" I looked at her.

"He DOESN'T have to go anywhere. All he has to do is trust the person who loves him most..." She wasn't smiling.

"Wai-wai-wait! You mean to tell me that you can't STAND to watch me sit in the bed and trim my own toenails, but YOU will do it for me?"

"Yes," she said. "Grandma had arthritis. I used to do hers for her."

"You know how to do it right? Straight across?"

"I THINK I can trim your toenails, Alan. Give me a foot." And for the first time in my adult life, somebody else trimmed my toenails. And kissed me after it was over, saying, "Now, was it THAT bad?"

It wasn't.

Make-up sex. Sometimes it's REALLY good, even if you didn't REALLY fight.

On a rare mall trip, I was patiently waiting as she perused the perfume counter for another bottle of scent. I loved the tiny hints of fragrance she used, catching a sweet aroma wafting in the currents as she walked near me.

She motioned me over, extending a sample of a MAN's cologne. "What'd'ya think?" she asked.

"I've been wearing the same one for ten years, baby. What's wrong with it?" I asked. I should know better.

"I think this one's nice," she said. Her blue eyes twinkled to accompany her little smile.

Hooked. Now I smell different. I was in my office signing off purchase orders when the project administrator bent over to swap stacks with me. "You smell different," she said. "Tina?"

"Yep," I admitted.

"She's got good taste," she said.

"Yeah," I admitted. "I think she does."

I learned that Tina did not like her hair touching her neck when she was sweaty. That meant that when we went to the gym for a serious bit of exercise, she put her hair up in a couple of tiny, short ponytails, one at each ear. That just drove me wild. I told her so.

"You know I love you, Alan, but that's just STRANGE!" Giggle. And then we got finished and went home to shower. When I got finished shaving, I stepped out of the tiny bathroom and looked at the sofa, Tina's usual destination after she dried her hair. She wasn't there. She was kneeling in the middle of the bed naked, hair in two little ponytails. And grinning.

As I rolled onto my back with this sweet thing in my arms, she was giggling. "Just thought I'd humor you ... Looks like it works, huh?"

"You could wear a burka, baby doll," I laughed, "but you KNOW I appreciate you paying attention."

"I can tell," she tittered, eyeing a very obvious sign of my appreciation.

I think that somewhere in the ensuing forty-five minutes I had multiple out-of-body experiences.

I walked into the trailer one day to an unusual smell from the stove.

"What IS that?" I asked.

She said, "Hamburger Helper. I had a craving." And I collected my usual 'welcome home' kiss.

"Baby, ' I said. "I understand cravings. But Hamburger Helper?"

"Hamburger Stroganoff, to be exact," she said. "Call it a weakness."

"Most people get a little more, oh, I dunno, 'exotic'," I said.

"Grandma made it when she didn't feel good enough to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, you know, when she was sick."

"Okay. I'll buy that," I said. "Just surprising."

"Oh, I know," she admitted. "But it IS fast, too. I stopped by the grocery store on the way home and got the stuff."

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The School Field Trip

I don't care what anybody says, deep down, there's a voyeur in all of us. If any of us were given the chance to secretly watch the intimate secrets and the dirty deeds of others, I think we'd all take that chance.My first experience of voyeurism takes me back to when I was a school girl, and about thirty pupils, including myself, and four teachers went to North Wales on a school field trip. I remember waking up in the middle of the night, desperately needing the toilet.On my way back from the...

2 years ago
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Prem Paradise Season 2 Episode 8 Taming Desires

Then: Eighteen-year-old run-away village girl, Seema and her twenty-year-old boyfriend Irfan (son of Junaid and brother of Aamir) took a bold decision and lost their virginities in a hotel room during college hours. Meanwhile, Gautam Chatterjee was struggling to cope with his imaginative thoughts about Kiran making out with her employer Junaid (while in reality, she fucked his father Mr. Khan!), so he sought Baba Sadachari’s help. Now: Seema was late for work and had already heard an earful...

3 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 10

Steve Breakfast had the usual menagerie of people. I did miss Tiny and Henry, along with Ruth and Nancy. There's something about having your family and close friends around in the morning to get your day started off good. When I spied Wanda and John, I went over to them, "Hey, Wanda, have you heard from Chuck?" Almost sadly, she said, "No, but I did hear that he had some kind of run in with some FBI guys but was instrumental in apprehending some homegrown U.S. terrorists and for...

4 years ago
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Prem with Prem

After my husband went abroad I was getting bored. I am 35 year young housewife with one daughter. I stay in Andheri(W) Mumbai in same locality where Prem stays. So to pass my time I started going through ISS. I contacted Prem on email after he posted HOT MOM – TINA KAPOOR. I went through his new story SONALI BHAGAT – MATURE SEXY DIVA. And just contacted him on his mobile which he gave me earlier. And asked him is he available? As his wife went to Delhi for few days he readily accepted the...

2 years ago
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20012016 Ko Padosi Aunty Ko Choda

Hello Dosto main firse vishal ek satay ghatna par adharit kahani lekar aaya hu mujhe mere pehele post se bauth mail aaye thankyu par kolkata ki auntiyo mail karo I m waiting.My mail add Chalo story par aata hu Ye story mere pados mein rehene wali aunty sima ki hain age 45 to 46.Boobs 38 gaand 40 se 42 hoga chut mein baal nhn sundar ban ka jungle ke koi bhi jayega tho gum ho jayega rang gora marwari Tho dosto hua yu ki main aksar subha apne roof par tehelta tha sima aunty ka ghar hamare ghar...

4 years ago
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Family Friend Outing

A few years ago I went back home to Greece for Easter to see my folks and enjoy a bit of the sun. My folks live in a small town where it’s impossible to get any cock if you are not out. As any typical small town where everyone knows everyone, coming out to a few people becomes coming out to the entire town after a few days. So naturally I spent most of my time gagging for cock in silence. Every day soon after waking up I would jump in the shower, clean up deep and proper, shave all over and...

3 years ago
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Rich Woman Desire Fulfilled By Me

Hi friends how are you all? Friends I have posted a story before in the desi stories dost ki mom chudai now I am going to tell other story of my life this story is about me and a rich lady who is got in touch with me at a pub. Now something about me I am Ashish 23 years old and I am from indore (M.P) I have normal physique I am 5 feet 7 inch tall and I am doing my Mba from some collage and I am a big fan of ISS and I really like the stories of ISS if you like my story then mail me your feedback...

1 year ago
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AEBN Lesbian

I fucking love lesbians! I know that these chicks are not into dicks, but there is something about cunt slurping that makes my blood boil. A dirty confession I had to make! All dudes dig lesbians, right? Lesbians dig lesbians, straight chicks like them, and men love them. Double standards at their best. Gays are noooo, but lesbians are ok. You know me, I don't care for that all equality shit. Lesbians are hot, gays are not! At least in my world. Deal with it!I don't know why I brought all of...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Blacked Gym

My name is Donavan. I am 5’9”, curly brown hair, and about 165 pounds soooing wet. I wish I could tell you there was anything specula about me, but to be real, I’m just a average. In every sense of the word. Today was like any other day. I woke up at 6 am in order to go the hellhole I call a job. Just a giant hellhole designed to suck your soul out. The worst part is whenever you tell someone you work for a mega corporation the only thing they can do is gush about how it’s such a great...

3 years ago
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Working Too Hard Missing Part3

The taxi arrived and lady P was very cold as her panties were now stuffed in my trouser pocket. London looks nice at the dead of night, no one rushing just a few people and loads of lights and smells from fast food vendors dotted around central. The company allowed employees to work late and stay over night at a public hotel if your travel exceeded over an hour which Lady P did. She lived in Surrey apparently with a young chap and they have stables near by and quite a normalised life? She had...

2 years ago
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Helping Sylvia part 4

Standing up before her stepsons with no clothing would have been completely humiliating to Sylvia only a short few weeks ago. She had been living in a loveless marriage, with two grown stepsons whom she had never really became acquainted with. It was a sorry affair when a stepmother didn't even know her own stepsons. Fully grown stepsons, who were essentially strangers, because she had been so cold and full of despair that she had never bothered to learn how much they could really mean to her....

4 years ago
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A Days Work

The night before, I woke up at 1 a.m. Sara was still sleeping by my side, getting up I found a notebook and continued to searched for a pen. Upon finding it, he wrote a note, folded it into a bird using origami and placed the paper crane next to the sleeping young woman. I started to get dress and putting on my shoes, walking back to the bedroom I smiled gazing at the sleeping Sara. Silently I made my way towards her and kissed her lips. With the same silence and panther like stealth, I exited...

3 years ago
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Truth Or Dare Chapter One

Corey, Fred, Gary, Lucy and Samantha are sitting in a circle on the floor in Corey’s lounge room. His parents are out for the weekend but had told Corey he was allowed a friend or two over to keep him company. Having turned 18 recently, his parents deemed him responsible enough to make good choices while they were gone. A few bottles of scotch sit in the middle of the circle with about five bottles of Coca-Cola. The members of the circle each have a cup in front of them, already looking a...

Group Sex
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Hot Encounters Parts 17 and 18

I am my own editor so please forgive me for any typos. ******************************************************************* Part 17 My parents relocated while I was in junior high to develop the resort community I was traveling to. Now, after all these years, all of the tracts were sold and developed. They also opened a large marina. They decided to sell their home and the marina and move back east to be near my siblings. I was expected home Friday but my last night with Becca changed that....

1 year ago
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Journey Into Darkness 2

The Training of KristyMy journey has been a whirlwind of tribulation. It started over two months ago when I had anonymous sex with a guy in a darkened room of a frat house at the big southern college I go to. I’m a freshman there. The problem was that this “anonymous” guy turned out to be a black guy. I found out the next day when he sent me a text picture of his giant cock. Instead of embracing the idea of being with a black guy, I felt overwhelmed and didn’t answer him back right away. But...

1 year ago
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Path Of Pleasure

In the not to distance future the world has changed. People are struggling to survive outlaw gameshow like organizations are setup offering people a better life. Food, comfortable living an easy life. The catch you must make your way through one of their elaborate mazes. Hayley Jones is one of these people hopefully and desperate enough to try gain herself a better life. 27, a red head with a slim body she tried her best with what she had to stay healthy, but eventually she could not sustain it...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Bar Tales

Okay, since you asked, and you're paying for this round I'll tell you. I wanna be clear though if anyone ever asks I will hunt you down and lay you low like a dog. Yeah, see there was this girl, and I want to tell you she was hotter than a biscuit out of the oven, but she wasn't. Naw was a matter of fact she was a bit tall, square shouldered, and somewhat boyish. Had one of them, short boy cuts, an was this side of being cute. Didn't last long, didn't want it to, but damn if it wasn't...

2 years ago
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My Fantasy To Fuck My Sexy Sisters

Hi my name is Rocky, I am 28 years of age with medium athletic body. This Story revolves around my 3 cousin sisters – Neha , Angelina and Ritu. Eldest amongst the three is Neha, she is smart and tall with a sexy figure of 38d-28-32. Her asset is her large boobs which are very hard to resist even her ass is perfectly shaped. Second one Angelina, she is sexiest amongst the three with small and perfect boobs, long legs and a perfect ass. She has also been a part time model and a smiling and...

1 year ago
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Nurse and Orderly in Horny Old Manrsquos Room Gi

Trina was the on duty nurse for the evening at Aged Oaks Nursing Home. She looked at her watch, noting with a sigh it was only 1 a.m. She had six more hours before her shift was finished. At least she had her eye candy orderly, Ben, working with her tonight. She was over him in seniority and he was there to do the heavy lifting, an easy accomplishment for Ben, since he was a regular at the gym. Since it was the night shift and the residents were all in bed sleeping it was just the two of them...

3 years ago
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Mrs Robinson

Jean Robinson was the first contact I ever had on a Dateline computer date.  Her name and phone number was on a list of six names I was sent and I phoned up and had a chat.. We made a date and a few days later I picked her up outside her house in Norwich and we went in my car to a nearby pub for a drink and a chat.   Jean was a dark haired lady in her late 30's, slim about 5 ft 6 ins tall, of average looks, dressed in a white blouse and black pleated skirt.  We spent a couple of hours in quite...

2 years ago
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The Librarian

    The company I work for had just landed a big job with a small rural library. An old lady had passed and left a pile of money to the library so it could join the twenty-first century. I was sent in to wire a small main frame, a half dozen terminals, and wireless access. The job was going to take a about a week, so the company put me up in a little rural motel. It was a sweet gig for me.    The library was a nice turn of the century brick building with a nice big and dry basement to run my...

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House Sitting

One week I was house sitting for my mother who went out of town for a while and I thought this would be a great week of jerking off. This one particular day started with me just being naked around the house all day, then after a while I decided to insert my butt plug and keep it in me as long ass possible. Throughout the day I would wander out in the yard naked and just enjoy the sun on my skin and the thrill of being exposed outside (avatar picture). I would sometimes just lay out in the yard...

1 year ago
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A Gift From His Father Ch 07

Surfing through numerous websites and downloading data became so much easier after he modified his computer, John thought as contemplated his new life and new abilities. In the past few days, he was not only able to control people but make physical changes to their bodies and make them do and think what he wanted them to. The only catch was that if his motives were selfish he’d have to make sure that he did more to help people than bad. Maintaining a good balance was important, or he might...

3 years ago
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my best friend

You are about to read is a real sexual experience my wife (Jeannie) and I (Rick) had. We hope you enjoy it as we did doing it. Comments appreciated, thank Rick n Jeannie. ~MY BEST MALE FRIEND~ (#4of 29) I knew my wife (Jeannie) would/wanted to fuck my best male friend. I knew my best male friend (Scott) wanted to/would fuck my wife. Back then a few months ago and I had a good feeling he still would be up for fucking my wife now today. I ask him if he had ever fucked my...

4 years ago
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Master and us part 1

I wake up and look at my clock, surprised by the fact it’s almost lunch time. Normally even on a day off I never sleep this late. I lay there and stretch, thinking about what I’m going to do for the rest of the day when my phone beeps, letting me know that I have a new message."Good morning My slut, I trust you are well. You will meet me tonight at 7pm - the normal place. Tonight you will also meet your new sister." Master.I read the text about four times, a big smile spreads across my face,...

2 years ago
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Janice and Jason Visit a Massage Parlor

Janice and Jason Visit a Massage Parlor“Janice, are you up for a little adventure today?” my boyfriend Jason asked me.“Of course,” I replied, lifting my head from Jason’s beautiful penis. “What did you have in mind?”“I was thinking about taking you to a massage parlor.”“A massage parlor, Jason? Those are for guys. Why would I want to go to one?”“Well, to begin with, you would get a chance to be naked in front of a bunch of very horny guys.”“Yes, that would be fun for me,” I said.“And you would...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Serena Skye Serena Knows How To Clean Dick

Serena Skye was hired to clean Tyler’s house. Strangely he was filming her while she was cleaning. He claimed it was for the owner. And the owner would also offer her $100 if she would clean naked. Serena first declined but $100 was a lot of money these days. Cleaning is cleaning. So she took the money, took off the top and started to scrub the kitchen. Her tits were bouncing back and forth with her movements. He offered her $200 more if she would clean naked. She declined. She would not do...

4 years ago
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The Futa Fairy Futas Forbidden Wish Chapter 2 Keilys Futa Menage

Chapter Two: Keily's Futa Menage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “I am a futa!” My exuberant scream echoed through the halls of Washington College, my school. My shoes smacked on the linoleum as my new futa-dick bounced before me. The fleshy shaft thrust from below my skirt, bunched around my waist, and my above tights, bunched around my upper thighs. Precum flicked from the tip as I raced forward, my heart beating with such excitement. “The futa-fairy gave me a gift!” I howled....

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The Bus Ride

She was riding on the bus when the man across from her kept staring at her. He seemed to be eyeing her from top to bottom and staring at her tits a lot. As they rode further on the bus and he kept staring she decided to give him a look. She slowly undid buttons on her shirt and opened it. He tits were bulging out of her tight bra. As the man stared she then unclipped the front hook and exposed her tits to him. He kept staring unable to believe what she was doing. The bus was almost empty but...

2 years ago
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Fertile FlockChapter 16 Relative Reactions

"Tell me Mr. Carson, how much trouble am I in?" "Well Deacon, I can't tell you that everything's going to go away but we'll talk about it and maybe you'll give me some ideas." Kevin Carson and Deacon Robert Ramsay had just heard the prosecution's case against him or at least what they were required to reveal. "I'll go through things in order. First, did Rita Gonzales work in your factory?" "Yes, for a while." "Did you supply her with clients for her prostitution...

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