Junior Golf
- 2 years ago
- 48
- 0
This story is fiction and all characters are over 18.
Lucy and I went to a smaller state university located in a medium sized Texas town. Everyone knew Lucy and I was no exception. We had several classes together during our first two years in school. The first year she pledged a sorority and dated one of the stud athletes on the baseball team. The second year she didn’t date any one person regularly but went out with different people.
I didn’t date much my first year as I was trying to adapt to college life and keep my grades up. The second year, I started dating a girl named Nancy that I liked a lot and we had a lot of fun together including fairly regular sex. At the end of the year, she told me that she was transferring to another college and we broke up.
One of the things Nancy and I always did during our year together was go to the sporting events especially the women’s sports. Nancy liked to support the girls since most people didn’t pay much attention to them. I came to admire the grace and beauty of women’s sports because they had to depend more on skill and hard work whereas the men relied on strength, size and brute force to compete. As a result, we quickly became very aware of Lucy. She played volleyball in the fall, basketball in the winter, and softball in the spring. At 5’4′, she wasn’t the biggest girl on any team but she earned her place by being the most competitive and hardest working member of the group. She was one of those that people called the ‘spark plug’ of the team. In volleyball, she was the one who went to the floor to dig out saves. In basketball, she was stealing passes and feeding others so they could score. In softball, her play around second base was superb. The result was that more often than not she left the floor in the fall and winter with bloody knees and in the spring, she usually left with a dirty uniform and a limp.
I came to admire her for her leadership skills and her competitiveness. I admired her because she was many things that I wasn’t. I was tall enough at 6′ but I only weighed in at 160 lbs. I also had grown up with limited strength and motor skills. I played sports when I was young but my body wasn’t developed enough to be any good. So I began playing golf with my father and focused on school. It wasn’t until I was a senior in high school that I started to develop strength and coordination. As a result, I had missed the opportunity to participate in high school athletics as well as many of the social skills that come with being part of the social center of school life, I was more of a loner and quiet type. I really started to develop in college. I was well liked and participated in many school activities but I was still outside the major social center of the sorority and fraternity crowd. I didn’t mind because I had found my place and I was comfortable with where I was.
I was 20 and after my second year in college, I decided to stay for the summer and take additional classes hoping that I might graduate early and start working in my father’s business. As I matured physically, my golf game improved to the point where I was a consistent player who shot in the low 80’s. I was playing with a couple of the teachers in late May and mentioned that I was staying for summer school. One of them asked me if I would like to assist him with the golf class he was going to teach that summer. We talked about what he needed me to do and I agreed. I would get to the course early and get the teaching clubs out for the day and mark off an area of the practice range for the class and then help with individual students during class. He gave me a schedule for the summer and what the subjects would be for the eight week class. The class met three days a week and for the first couple of weeks, everything was on the practice range. After that, two days were classroom and range and the third was set aside to play a couple of holes on the course. The final exam was a full 18 hole round. I thought that it was a good program and didn’t foresee any conflicts with my schedule.
On the first day of class, I arrived early to get things set up and was drinking a cup of coffee when Lucy arrived. ‘Hi Rick, it’s nice to see you again. We haven’t had a class together in awhile.’
‘Hi Lucy, that’s true but I have been following you from the stands. I really like the way you play all of your sports.’
‘Thanks. I always noticed you when you were there. Is Nancy here this summer?’
‘No, we broke up because she is transferring to another school in the fall.’
‘I’m sorry Rick, you two made a nice looking couple.’
‘Thanks. So you decided to take up golf to go with all of your other sports?’
‘Actually, I am taking it up because of them. I love to play and compete, but it is really taking a toll on my body. Besides, once I’m through with college, I’m through with sports unless I can find something to replace them with. So I am taking both golf and tennis this summer along with an English class I missed last year.’
‘I can’t imagine you not being good or not enjoying either sport. They are individual sports rather than team efforts.’ She nodded in agreement.
Just then, the other students started to arrive and the teacher drove up. We gathered under a big tree around a picnic table as the instructor began the class. He introduced himself and briefly talked about the game of golf and then handed out the class schedules. As he began to describe how the class was going to work, he motioned me over and said, ‘I have asked Rick Phelps to assist the class. He is a pretty good golfer and a patient teacher and partner. During class, I will probably do most of the talking but Rick will demonstrate a lot of the things we talk about. Then he and I will work with you individually to refine your skills. We aren’t trying to turn you into pros but to give you a feel for the game. It is one that you can play and enjoy for the rest of your life. So let’s go over to the practice area and warm up.’ I felt proud of the introduction he had given me and was also proud of the fact that Lucy looked at me with a smile when she heard that I was to assist the class.
As we walked to the practice area, she said, ‘Why didn’t you tell me that you were teaching the class?’
‘Because I’m not, he is. I’m just assisting and I’m not real sure how I would teach golf anyways. I just play it.’
‘Well, plan on helping me a lot. I don’t plan on leaving this class as a girl duffer. I want to be a golfer who happens to be a girl.’
‘I don’t think that anyone will miss the fact that you are a girl.’ As soon as I said it, I blushed. I never said flirty things like that to someone I didn’t know well.
She laughed, ‘I’m thrilled that you finally noticed I was a girl and not just a jock.’ If anything, I got redder.
The teacher began talking about warming up routine and had me show how I prepared for a round. I went through my stretches and things while he continued talking. I was keenly aware that Lucy was watching me closely. Then he talked about gripping the club and I took my grip and walked along to show everyone how I took it in my hand and interlocked my fingers. Lucy wanted to watch again as I did it and then tried it with the club in her hand. I could tell that she really wanted to start properly and made a note to show her everything I knew as she picked things up.
Then the teacher talked about the stance and had me demonstrate both a proper stance and a couple of improper ones. With each, I hit a couple of balls to show the results of an improper stance. Once again Lucy was setting her feet and moving her body to get the feel of how different stances affected her balance. Then we got to the swing. I demonstrated a smooth and several choppy ones. Lucy was already practicing a smooth swing without a club in her hands. There was only thirty minutes left in the class by then, so he told the class to get a bucket of balls and hit them for the rest of the time.
He then told me to work with them as he had to go back early to attend a faculty meeting.
It was no surprise that most of the students had forgotten most of what we had talked about and I spent several minutes refreshing their memories. Lucy was the exception as she tried to put everything together. She hit a number of balls poorly, but she hit many solidly. Each one she hit like that brought out her winning smile. As a result, I spent little time with her during class. She just needed to get comfortable with what she was already doing.
When the class was over the other students left quickly and I began to gather the clubs together. She came up to me and said, ‘I thought you were going help me. You helped everyone else but didn’t even notice me once.’
‘Trust me, I noticed you on almost every swing.’ Her face brightened into a big smile. ‘And besides, you don’t need much help. You studied what we talked about and put it into practice. That and with your natural athleticism, you picked it up quickly. All you need is practice and confidence in what you are doing. After you get that down, there are some things that I can show you, but it is too early for that yet. In case you didn’t notice, everyone else forgot everything we talked about and I had to go over it again with them but I still kept a close eye on you.’
‘Well then I guess I did two things right today. I’ve got to go to my English class. I’ll see whenever.’
I smiled and waved goodbye. I finished putting things away and got ready to go to my class. I felt good about the first day of class and was surprised but pleased to watch how well Lucy did.
It was raining during the next class and we met in one of the private dining rooms in the clubhouse. The instructor talked about clubs and how to choose the proper one to use. Lucy was the only one taking notes. I carried each club around as he talked about them and pointed out the features that he was talking about. Then he talked about putting and I demonstrated several putting stances including a couple that no one would ever use. He then had the class go to the indoor putting green and try out different putters and try their hand on the practice green. Soon the others were slapping balls around like they were billiard balls. Lucy was trying different putters and different strokes. I helped a couple of others and then went to her.
‘How are you doing, Lucy?’
‘Be still my heart, then man paid attention to me.’
‘Don’t be a turd, I told you that I notice you. So what is the problem?’
‘He thinks I’m a turd, but then I think his is a shit, so we make a good team.’ She smiled her winning smile at me and I blushed again. ‘I’m having trouble picking a putter. Some are too long and some too heavy or light. How do you pick one?’
‘That’s one of the tricky things in golf. There isn’t a right one for everyone. It is a lot about your personal preference. Some people change putters weekly and the manufacturers get rich off of those people. Others find one and play with it for years. Don’t worry about the length, they can be shortened. Choke down on the grip to find a comfortable position and then focus on the way the club feels in your hands. Do you feel like you can line it up every time and does it feel comfortable when you swing it? Ultimately, you want one that feels good in your hands and that when you line it up, you can see the line and swing it to hit that line.’
‘Oh, well I sort of feel that way with this one but I don’t like the grip and length. This one feels good in my hands but I don’t feel confident in how it lines up. This is frustrating.’
‘The more you learn about golf, there are a lot of things that will frustrate you until you find the right mix that works best for you. The ball you choose to use, the grips on all of your clubs, which putter and wedges you like, all of those things will come up as you get better and figure out how much you are willing to spend on equipment.’
‘Well, right now, I want to buy my own putter. Will you take me and help me find one?’
‘Sure. When are you available?’
‘After this class on Friday, I am free until my 2:00 class.’
‘I’m free then too. We can go to the golf store and try out a lot more types. They have a big selection.’
‘Let’s plan on it and I will buy you lunch for going with me.’
‘Um, if you don’t mind, let me buy lunch. I’m kind of one of those guys who likes to pick up the check.’
She eyed me closely and then said, ‘Alright, but you aren’t going to pick up all of the checks for lunch if we do that again.’
‘Ok, that’s a deal.’
Just then I heard my name being called as one of the other students had bounced a putter blade off of one of the girls and she felt like her ankle was broken. It wasn’t of course but she might get a bruise from it. I then had to remind them that putting was about finesse not strength. When the class was over, Lucy was already gone and I put things up. Then I went to class.
On Friday she was again early and we warmed up together. I noticed that today she was wearing shorts and a polo shirt. Previously, she had worn slacks to class. When I looked at her legs, I saw why. There were a number of bruises that were about to go away. When I asked her about them, she replied that they were bruises from a sorority softball game the previous week, she blushed when I asked about them.
When class was over, she waited for me to put the clubs away and then asked, ‘Do we go in your car or mine?’
‘I guess it will have to be yours. I put my truck in the shop for the day to get new brakes. I had my roommate drop me off this morning.’ She brightened at that and took my hand and led me to her car. It was a fairly new Japanese model but not a luxury one. But it was sporty and fit her personality to a tee.
I gave her directions to the golf store where she quickly got lost in the clothes and clubs and things. Then we went to look at the putters. She quickly dismissed most of the ones designed for women and focused on several other models, all of which were fairly high end putters that I could dream about but couldn’t afford. After an hour, she had narrowed the choice down to two. She really liked the design and feel of one club but liked the grip on the other. I suggested that she get the one which she liked the design and walked her over to the grip counter and found the grip that she liked. I told her that I would fit the putter for length and put the new grip on it. She beamed with excitement. I used the store tools and checked out her grip size and the proper length for her and she bought it along with a pair of golf shorts and a skirt.
We went to a Chinese buffet for lunch and she seemed thrilled with the choice, saying that she hadn’t had a lot of Chinese food but what she had tried she liked. As a result, she sampled a wide variety of things and discovered a number of items that she really enjoyed. We talked throughout lunch about ourselves and our backgrounds.
I learned that she grew up in a mid-sized town 150 miles to the west and that her parents had died in a car wreck when she was a freshman in high school. She spent the rest of her high school living with her grandparents. Her dad had left her with a college trust fund that covered her costs and a spending allowance. She had enjoyed sports in high school and then college and had decided that she was going to be high school teacher and hopefully coach girl’s sports.
I told her that I grew up fifty miles east and that my dad had a garden center there. I was on a partial academic scholarship majoring in small business development and intended to return to help run the business end of his garden center. I told her about learning to play golf with my father and that I hadn’t been much of an athlete or socialite in high school.
We lost track of time and had to hurry back to the campus in order to get to our classes on time. I promised that I would have her putter ready for c
lass on Monday when we would be working on putting and chipping. The smiles on our faces never left during lunch or the drive home.
On Monday, I handed her the new putter with the grip she liked and she went immediately to the green and found out that she was deadly with the putter in her hand. She also picked up the subtlety of chipping and around the green play. After the class, she thanked me with a hug and kiss on the cheek before she went to class. On Friday, she stayed after class and practiced with me for an hour and we went to lunch and then to class again.
The next week we started playing three holes each class. We started with three easy par 3s the first week and then moved to par 4s the next week and then par 5s. Then we tried out some of the trickier holes until the end of the class. After the first day on the par 3s, she asked if I would take her to the golf store again as she had decided that she wanted to buy her own clubs rather than use the class clubs. I agreed and we went on Friday. She had been studying various clubs and pretty well knew what she wanted to get. She wisely chose to not buy a complete set but bought a driver and fairway clubs, and then bought a set of irons, and finally two wedges along with a bag and another set of golf clothing. She picked out the grips she wanted and I measured her for each club and had them ready for her on the following Monday. We continued our habit of practicing after class on Fridays and then going to lunch.
During the last class before the final exam, the teacher announced that the final was optional and that he already had grades for everyone. If they came for the final, I would be there to work with them during the round and he hoped that everyone had enjoyed the class and would continue playing in the future.
I showed up on Friday not knowing who would show up but I expected that Lucy would be there and she did show up with one other pair. I explained that we would play as a foursome so I could help everyone. The other two looked at Lucy and smiled.
‘Um, Rick I think the two of us are just going to play a casual round and stop after nine holes. You and Lucy go on and play. I think that you two will enjoy it more without us chasing balls in the rough all day.’ I turned to Lucy who had a Cheshire cat grin on her face.
‘OK, Lucy, what is going on?’
‘Nothing much. I just want to play you because I am going to whip your ass.’ She grinned.
‘That’s a pretty bold statement for a little girl.’
‘Just for that, I am going to whip your ass after I whip your ass on the course. Bring your A-game because you are in for a tough day.’
‘We’ll see about that. So what are the stakes for this challenge match?’
‘If I win, you take me out for dinner tonight. If you just happen to get lucky and win, I will take you out to dinner tonight.’
‘You’re on. But don’t expect me to show you any mercy.’
‘If I even think that you are easing up on me, I will whip your ass for that too. I want you to play your best so I can see just how good I am.’
We agreed that she would use the ladies tees and I would use the middle tees to even out the differences in the length of my drives versus hers. We warmed up and were called to the first tee at 10:00. When we made the turn after nine holes we stopped for burgers and I looked at the score card and found that I was two shots ahead. I had missed three twenty foot putts while she had not missed from inside fifteen feet. On the tougher back nine, we played fairly evenly until the 17th hole when she left her tee shot short and it landed in the water. I won by five but was really impressed with how far she can come in only eight weeks. She shot an 89 even with the water ball. I hadn’t broken 90 until I had been playing for three years. I told her how impressed I was with her game.
We stopped in the clubhouse for a beer. When we sat down, I asked, ‘Did you really expect to win?’
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Bruce recognized Jackson as one of the wealthy fathers who had been at the miniature horse breeders booths. Jackson introduced himself and invited Bruce to stop in for a night cap. The man poured a couple of drinks on ice and seated himself at the suite's bar counter. Bruce toasted him and sat down to chat. The man was a successful investor in new stock issues and had been having a run of luck in the IPO markets. Bruce knew nothing of Carla's recent involvement in the Japanese funded stock...
DigitalPlayground. That has to be one of the most creative names for a porn production company I’ve ever come across. It’s the perfect description of what a good porn site should feel like: an online place to play, a well-deserved break from all of the other bullshit in day-to-day life. After a long day at work or another fight with the wife, come to Digital Playground to let loose a little. Don’t mind if I do.DigitalPlayground.com is one of the oldest porn studios that is still active today....
Top Premium Porn SitesBisexualPlayground! Are you the kind of horny dude that swings both ways? Do you enjoy both dick and pussy? Do you wish that you could meet other people who are like you? Well, if you answered yes to these questions, holy fucking shit, do I have the social network for you! Oh yeah, you know where I’m getting at!Bisexual Playground is a platform where you can discover bisexual men, women, and couples that want to get their freak on just like you do. Here, you will find all kinds of people in...
Hookup Siteswe have a spot where we park a camper and use it when we have time. My wife loves Halloween and so do I. We usually dress sexy and she wears nothing under her costume and she gets fucked often and fucked dripping wet. I love to follow her around and will often hook her up with other guys throughout the night.this one party was on a weekend that was a day before the local college costume parties for the frat houses. there were many younger people there that night, and my wife was horny as all...
Campground Showers (mmf Bi)A slinky long haired Asian woman walks up to me outside the campground showers, and asks,”Don’t I know you? Where do I know you from?”I smiled and shrugged, “I don’t know, what is your name?”“Annie”“Mine is Max”We went through place of work, schools, neighborhoods, it turned out we live 10 miles apart, yet we meet by chance 150 miles from home at a coastal campground. Her husband, a fit dusty blonde man, then arrived ready for a shower. He smiled as he approached us,...
I remember going camping up at Mammoth Lakes about 1962 or so. The campground was gorgeous and there were lots of k**s my age there so I didn't have to spend the whole weekend with my Mom and dad. There was this one girl, Janine, who I met at the swimming hole which was just a bend in the river where someone had hung a tire swing. Janine was wearing a two piece bathing suit...pretty racy for back then and I managed to strike up a conversation with her. While we were talking I looked into...
My wife, Julie in her early thirties with long brown hair, brown eyes and the type of body and looks that makes eyes turns when she enters a room. She behaves very conservatively around our friends but when we are alone, usually anything goes. Sometimes our lovemaking will involve fantasies with her being taken by 3 or more “strangers”. I have become very adept at manipulating dildoes while I am also fucking her and she really gets off when I talk to her like a slut being ravaged mercilessly....
BisexualRoundaboutInhaling deeply and sharply, I could feel you behind me before you even touched me, like you were giving off some sort of electrical charge. I held that breath in anticipation of your touch, my whole body tingling, blood rushing straight to my nipples and pussy. As I turn to look at you, you gently but firmly put one hand to the back of my head to hold it straight, and one to the small of my back. Slowly you run your fingers down my long, wavy hair till you reach my waist. A shiver of...
Quickie SexLane looked down in wonder. They strummed the tip of the dildo, making it bounce. “Whoa. I just felt that!†Lane heard their own thoughts coming out of Dahlia’s mouth. She was running a finger curiously up and down the length of her pink and purple dragon-dick. She didn’t close her mouth, which was hanging open in surprise, when she looked over to Lane. [This story is part 1 of 3 the Playground 51 miniseries, but each can be read in any order. The three stories overlap, so be sure to check out...
GroupEver since I was a little k** every summer I would go stay with my grandparents. And almost everyday I would go with granddad to "make the rounds." Granddad was a handyman. He had a little pickup truck with some tools in it and he carried a toolbox with a few tools and people would call him to come by and fix stuff or do some odd job. As I got older I noticed that sometimes granddad would take his tool box inside some houses and other times he went in without it. Most of the time that he did...
It was just another lifeless day at the office as I rummage through piles of paperwork the size of mountains and working on a computer that is so antiquated, sometimes I think that cave dwellers used this computer. It seems like my stress level is at an ‘all time high’, my nerves are almost to the point of being ‘comfortably numb’ and my mental status is at the brink of making Von Gogh look fairly sane. Suddenly, my phone rings and at the other end of the line was my boss requesting me to...
Dear ISS readers, This is Rajesh () from Chennai…This is my first post in ISS so please bear my mistakes Here’s a true story of mine, somewhere in the year of 2011, when I was pursuing my engineering. Our college was located in the outskirt of Chennai, and the final year students had to do an engineering project, and to prepare the project for every little thing we had to visit Chennai around 100 Kms from our college location. So normally we used to go early morning and come back late in the...
Rory’s heart, however, may have skipped a beat. She stepped over to an unclaimed ottoman and lightly sat down, still watching the tattooed man in the corner. She assumed a more demure posture, putting off a “sub†vibe, in hopes of attracting a more dominant man. In previous Playground encounters, Rory had found that some men were either too intimidated by her or by her needs, and couldn’t live up to her expectations. Tonight, she really needed to find someone who could. [This story is part 3 of...
ExhibitionismFinally, construction was complete, and just about every tried it out... for the first few months. Then gradually, kids became bored with it. The track started to grow over in places, and me and my friends found a great spot half way around the track to build a secret hide out. It offered a perfect, discreet view of the uneven bars. My mates and I used to hide out there and watch the girls swing upside down. Unless we made a sound, teachers and students didn't even know we were there. ...
He had been wanting to fuck her for three years. She was hot in the way Moms are hot. That sounds dismissive, but it wasn't, not to him. It was celebratory. She wasn't a twenty-something waif-thin hottie, she wasn’t a MILF, she wasn’t a model, she wasn’t a cartoonish divorcee on the prowl. She was just a single Mom, maybe a little prettier than the others, at least in his eyes. She had dark, alluringly unkempt hair and sea green eyes. Her ample hips curved deliciously into a trim torso before...
Straight SexThe person in front of them appeared to wave at someone behind him, and at least two others appeared at his side in a moment. Cade felt three bodies pressing in toward him, and a hand, from somewhere, extended to stroke his growing dick. Another reached from behind to caress his lower abdomen. With a thrill, he felt someone’s erection press against his right buttock. Why did he find that so hot? [This story is part 2 of 3 the Playground 51 miniseries, but each can be read in any order.] The...
Group“Ssssaaahhh..Mmmaahh!!!” Sanju moaned in ecstasy when Madhu sucked his penis for the first time. She was running her tongue along her twenty-year-old son’s uncircumcised penis as he caressed her long black hair. Madhu licked her son’s balls and foreskin and flicked his orifice with her tongue which made him gasp. His ball-sacks were hairy and had a musky odor. Madhu was only wearing a bra and was completely naked beneath. Her son’s peepee was so wet from her drool that it made wet plops for...
IncestFriends baat kuch ek week pahle ki hai.Meri fb par gurgaon ki ek widow bhabhi ki request aayi mujhe laga koi boy hai,so maine usko pahle massage karne ki sochi to dekha ki usne already mujhe hi likh kar msg kiya tha but wo massage request mein aaya hua tha isliye mujhe malum nhi chala tha. Maine usko reply msg kiya are you girl or boy tell me truly to usne kaha I am widow 34.Maine kaha sure to usne kaha yes but mujhe add mat krna yahi baat kro.Maine ok bola.Hum dono mein baat suru hue to usne...
A Simple Plan It had started out as a simple plan. My business meeting had ended early allowing me time to stop at the lounge for a couple of drinks providing the courage I knew would be needed later. I had planned this painstakingly in all details. I had requested a room at the end of the hall adjacent to the exit door allowing me easy access to the parking area. Prior to going to the lounge to unwind I had waited for just the right parking space to become available. Everything...
Hey its kk again, with the continuation and the final part of this story. After that day, aunty and me, both were just craving for each other. Both of our sexual desires were on the peak. So after that day’s mind boggling sexual encounter, when i reached my home, my mom said, what took you so long. I was smiling in my mind and my face looked red as if i were blushing. I said aunty wanted to talk to me as she was feeling so alone and bored with uncle always working. Aunty’s husband was in the...
So I am, KK from Mumbai, with the second part of my earlier story, simple yet seductive aunty. Sorry I forgot to state my email id in my earlier story. So my email id is So coming to the story, she caught my t-shirt at the neck area, pulled me downwards close to her face and whispered, o you young 19 year old kid. You have how desperate I have been to have sex with you. The only thing that has been stopping me is my relation with your mother. She’s my best friend. And also you were less than...
I have always loved camping! Ever since I was a young boy, I loved to go camping. One summer while I was in college, a few of my guy friends and I were going to a nearby lake to go fishing and camping. Since the campgrounds tended to book up on the weekends, I went up on Thursdqy to make sure we got a campsite. My friends were coming up after work on Friday.I got to the campground around 5 pm that Thursday. I quickly went about setting up tents and getting our campsite all set up and ready to...
As you already know I love outdoor nudity but combine that with our other outdoor hobbies and you have a real winning combination. Not too long ago we decided to spend a 5 day get away camping. We packed our camping and fishing gear but I did not pack one stitch of clothing. In fact I was naked when we left home until we returned home. It would be 5 full days of wearing nothing at all with whatever exposure that brought me.We arrived at the campground early the first day. The campground was...
The CampgroundMy wife and I love to go to the mountains camping and hiking, specially since our k**s are grown up and we had more time for us, we both are older and settled, she is 47 while I am 49 and live had left some scars in form of some padding on the both of us, I carry my belly while my wife has only few belly but a nice big ass, and some great big breast.It was getting late when we pulled into the campground, so the only spot available for our camper was beside a small older tent,the...
I was chatting with a friend about this awesome experience I had at a campground a few years back and thought, hey, why not share it with everyone. I was between jobs and decided to get out of dodge for a week and go camping. It was during a heat wave so I wasn’t too concerned about tenting. I drove to this RV and tent campground near a lake and a wooded area. After a couple of nights alone, I met this older couple who were sitting on lawn chairs down by the lake. We got to talking and it...
The tent was up, sleeping bags rolled out.The campsite was arranged...tables, grill, food, ice chests...and the rest of our stuff was ready. Our camping week ends are always exciting and fun. The campground wasn't even half full. Maybe I should have listened to DJ that the weather would be too bad to go camping this early in the spring. But so far, it was glorious. The other campers had spaced themselves out quite well. There were two sites between ours and our neighbors. Which was a good...
MatureOne summer a few years ago I was managing a campground in the rocky mountains.Many people visited because of the close proximity to hiking in the scenic mountains.I had a peep hole hidden in the women's restroom where I would frequently watch them as they peed or changed into they're swimsuits for a dip in the small lake that was situated on the campground. This particular day a group of college students from a women's parochial college were passing through the area.They were signed up for...
And this is my life. Only a couple more weeks and I’ll neverhave to do rounds again! Alas, it is my job for now, so I’m going to do it. It’s same old same old. No banging co-eds. No extra tasks from my boss. This should go smoothly, if not boring. There is only one hitch for me to consider this time around: the laundry room door. Every week, we report that damn door to maintenance and it has yet to be fixed. The lock is faulty and if you are inside and the door is closed, you are not getting...
College SexCollege. The best time of our lives is here and now. I am an RA which stands for Resident Assistant. I am just supposed to guide students, keep them involved in school activities, and be there if I am needed. Also, I have one more responsibility, I have to do rounds. Basically, I walk around the building and report anything suspicious or even maintenance issues on my rounds sheet. This is tedious work and I absolutely cannot stand it, no RA likes the chore. So, I usually do it quickly and...
College SexMy fiancée and I always have been a bit more adventurous than the average couple when it comes to sex. While we both enjoy the sensual feeling of pure, romantic love-making, we also tend to get a bit rough and voracious when the moment calls. In the past, we had experimented with some anal play, with me initiating most of the contact on her. Fortunately for me, her hands also had wandered a few times in the shower together. Nevertheless, this was the extent of our pushing the boundaries from...