Christina Ch. 02 free porn video

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I was in love with Paul, of course. I say ‘of course’ because that’s how it felt to me, natural, honest, and so inevitable that it hardly seemed worth talking about. But my friends were nowhere near so matter of fact about it. They behaved as if some tiny, previously undetected flaw in my makeup had suddenly opened up to become an emotional chasm as deep and as dangerous as the san Andrea’s fault.

‘I can’t believe it,’ was Xavier’s first comment when I told him. ‘ Have you gone batty?’

‘No battier than usual, ‘ I said. Besides, darling, everyone should fall in love once in a while.’

‘You’ve confused love with multiple orgasm,’ he said, shaking his head with bitterness that I found quite surprising. ‘ If three means love, then I suppose at five you get married and move to the suburbs.’

‘I have no such plans, and I haven’t bothered to count the orgasms,’ I said, and walked out without another word.

Xavier’s attitude — which was mirrored by that of the great majority of my friends — disturbed me at first, but only momentarily. I was quite simply too happy with my newborn love to have my bubble burst by something as trivial as other people’s opinion.

And we were happy. I underline it now because it was a happiness so short lived as to make one wonder if it had every existed at all. But it was real enough then, in those first few months, as we explored one another’s spirits and minds and found them just as delightfully suited to each other as our bodies proved to be.

I left my apartment on Park Avenue in New York (this alone flabbergasted Xavier, who had been used to my complaints about the slack jawed mindlessness of the typical southern Californian) and moved into a crow’s nest apartment that had once belonged to Isadora Duncan. Paul continued to maintain his studio, but we in effect lived together in the little white perch of an apartment with its serene view of the Lonnie canal bridges.

I painted a great deal during those months, the first time I had been able to discipline myself along these lines since I had ended my girlhood in Vermont. The results were encouraging enough to make me think I could make a career of my art if everything else in my life suddenly evaporated. In the meantime Paul continued to develop his own art, which I always saw — and still do see — as the most difficult, time consuming, and individual in the world.

His dedication was astounding. He would spend hours, even days, perfecting the simplest of mime movements — running his hands along an invisible wall, for example, or descending a set of imaginary stairs into an imaginary cellar. He had an intensity and an ability to concentrate that positively unnerved me at times, as if he could turn his senses of sight and sound on and off at will, and simply plunge into the heart of himself where he could be neither disturbed nor distracted. There were times when I swore he had stopped breathing entirely, so still could he stand and so great a control could he exert over what are supposed to be involuntary functions. It even seemed that he could say ‘yes ‘ or ‘no’ to the messages sent from brain to muscle, could, in effect, hibernate on his feet.

But as impressive as Paul’s raw talent and his mental discipline were to me, I was even more impressed by his unswerving integrity. Talent is not specialized, it’s a crude, undifferentiated force that can be channeled in almost any direction. Paul could have been a wonderful actor, or dancer, or comedian, all potentially more lucrative than mime, which most people (most Americans, at any rate) saw as a curiosity, a sort of circus-y activity that belonged in the same category with tightrope walking — at which Paul also excelled — and pink touted ladies doing toe dances on horseback.

Paul knew all this, of course. He knew that had he chosen an easier, broader route he could easily have been a major star — on television, if nothing else. (God forbid that this should have come to pass.) But he was convinced that he could educate the public, could show them through his own performance that mime was the deepest, most universal form of drama that the world of the stage had to offer.

‘I know it,’ he would say suddenly, as we lay in each other’s arms after a sweet afternoon’s lovemaking.’ I know I can do it.’

‘Do what, darling?’ I would murmur, rolling my spent body against the hard muscles of his chest.

‘Take mime with me,’ he would say. ‘Right to the top.’

‘Of course you can, darling.’

‘What?’ he would say, startled out of his reverie. At such times I think he truly forgot my existence, so feverish was he in his devotion to what he saw as his life’s goal.

‘Never mind,’ I would say, and slide my lips down the length of his gorgeous torso until I enveloped his freshly stirring cock in my soft lips.

It seemed I could never quite get enough of the man. As lush and as powerful and as ultimately satisfying as our lovemaking was, there was something about his body, about the essence of his maleness, that stirred my own sexuality as no other had before. We would screw each other until we nearly dissolved in a pool of sweat and cum, and still I could not keep my hands to myself — I had to be touching him, fondling him, fanning the flame in him until his proud cock stood ready once more to plunder my almost insatiable pussy.

There were times when something as simple and as seemingly innocent as a kiss, or even a slight brushing of the hands, would lead to a session of roaring sex that could last hours, days, in some instances. Some button had been pushed deep inside each of us, some central force had been activated, and it sometimes seemed that we were truly alive only when he was inside of me, when our bodies were melded in a fusion of the flesh, when we were screaming out our climaxes as inauguration to a deep new morning of love.

During those first few ecstatic months there was only this, only the lovemaking and the labor of love, the Siamese twins of art and romance joined at the belly. What little time remained was for the mandatory, eating, sleeping, and dealing with the nagging demands of the world at large. We saw friends (my friends, it seemed, had, for the moment, deserted me entirely, while Paul was quite content to live almost entirely without friends of his own), went to few shows, took absolutely no vacations, and wrote no letters home. We were an island, glad of our isolation, knowing it only served to increase the intensity of our feelings for one another. The rest of the world now seemed pallid, colorless, as if we were draining it of its sap to feed the hungry fibers of our love.

But in fact the world was still there, and Paul especially was forced to continue to deal with it. For me, of course, money from ownership of the world magazine continued to pile up automatically in my bank account, gathering dust and interest as I continued to simplify my economic needs. The truth was Paul still went out to auditions several times a week, concentrating purposely on the sort of small, arty club whose audience could never appreciate his astounding skill in mime, he avoided agents, the screen actors guild, anything that smacked of equity.

He got a few jobs that way, by answering small, self-conscious ads in grammalogue and the casting news, and occasionally by riding the coat tails of some better-established acquaintance of his. These jobs — to Paul’s everlasting credit, he never once called them ‘gigs’ — were generally cameo appearances where a mime was needed for some idealistic little play in some struggling little playhouse, or for instructional showcases at one of the more arcane classes in the local drama schools. Paul was always genuinely happy to get these parts, and always touchingly earnest in his belief that each one was going to launch him on the path to stardom.

‘Richard Lyon’s going to be there,’ he would say, referring to the famous drama critic who had somehow been lassoed into
attending a class called ‘ the unspoken theatre ‘ at U.C.L.A. and when Richard Lyon was observed nodding off during the middle of Paul’s performance, my lover would simply shrug it off as extremely bad taste on the critic’s part and go buoyantly off to another audition.

I rarely went with him. Although I shared his unquenchable hope and his charming optimism, I had had too much close hand experience of show business to want to expose myself to its heartlessness, especially when that heartlessness was directed at the man I loved. Rick Dempsey had been a lover of mine when I was eighteen, and through his eyes I had seen enough of the sordid cynicism of the star-making machine to last several lifetimes. Jason Larue, the producer who still holds the record for money spent on an independent film — $45 million dollars on ‘ the war of the roses ‘ — was another of my paramours, and although he was extremely kind to me, I could see his personality take on a razor’s edge as he slashed his way through the competition. Even simonescu, the Rumanian ballet dancer who everyone hails as the new Nikiski, had a hard and vicious streak that appeared simultaneously with each new promising understudy. So now I chose not to subject myself to the crushing indifference of a buying public that did not and could not understand the fierce power of Paul’s art. I did not want to hear the ‘ leave your phone number with Lydia’s ‘ and the ‘ we’ll get back to you’s ‘ that to Paul were hopeful signs of continued interest but to me were the kiss of death.

It was selfish of me, I suppose. I could have warned him, could have tried to make him realize how heartbreakingly difficult was the task he had taken on. I could even have used my influence, accomplished for him with a few quick phone calls (and perhaps a casual screw in some Malibu swimming pool) what he himself would never accomplish in two lifetimes of trying. But the reward would have been nothing more than a bit part for him in some yawning sitcom or perhaps some work as a mime model in a service piece for world mag. and my help would have been particularly pointless because Paul would have refused the jobs anyway, and if he ever found out I raised even a finger on his behalf he would have been beside himself with fury.

So I held my peace, and tried to make up ever more creative excuses when he asked me to go with him to this audition or that showcase. I don’t think he ever fully understood my reluctance — I made it a point never to tell him about my ‘ exalted ‘ past — but he seemed to explain it to himself as my wanting to stay out of his way, which was fine with me as long as it didn’t trouble him too much.

One night, though, I simply ran out of excuses. He insisted, in his calm but steely way, that I go with him to a showcase at a famous improvisational club, the whipping boy. A number of unusually good, intelligent comedians had gotten a start there, and Paul was sure he had found a place where both the management and the audience would appreciate and understand him. He was so excited in his touchingly childlike way, so sure that his big break was staring him in the face, that I swallowed my well-founded reservations and went with him.

The room was too small, too dark, and too smoky, as such rooms tend to be, but I was glad of anything that would obscure my identity. I was mildly concerned about running into someone I knew (god, Christina what are you doing here?), but I was much more worried that Paul would seek out my face at some unguarded moment during his performance and see the perhaps heartbreaking concern that I might well be unable to hide.

Luckily, neither of those things happened. Paul introduced me to the manager of the club, a thin, fey looking man who had once taught at the royal academy of drama. Despite myself, I was somewhat encouraged by his apparent devotion to classic art forms and by his air of rumpled pedagogy, and even found myself thinking, ‘ well, maybe this time there’s really something to it.’

Paul’s performance was little short of magnificent. For once the audience seemed to sympathize with what he was doing, and it even appeared as if they understood what heroic effort it had taken Paul to perfect his routine. ‘ Raise the level of your game,’ they say in tennis, and that’s exactly what Paul did that night, he raised the level of his art until mime itself became something transcendent, and, with the urging of an appreciative audience, he nearly soared across the stage.

I was thrilled, not only with Paul himself and his performance, but with what seemed to be the genuine opportunity that was being afforded him. When I saw the manager beaming in my direction as Paul absorbed what must have been the first standing ovation of his career, I let my fears and my tempered cynicism slide away from me and exulted in Paul’s momentary glory. ‘ This just might be it,’ I kept thinking as I blew my lover little kisses from the darkness.

The illusion did not last long. I went to Paul’s side as soon as he left the stage, and stood silently behind him as he accepted the congratulations of the crowd. Finally, the manager came over, his face split in an ear-to-ear grin.

‘Well done, young man,’ he said in a gravelly voice as he took up a position next to me. ‘ We should talk.’

‘I’d be glad to,’ Paul said. I could see he was trying, without much success, to control his joy over what he had done.

It was just then, with the manager beaming and Paul nearly blushing with pride, that I realized it was all a sham. I felt the barest rustling at the top of my thigh, then the unmistakable sensation of a bony hand tentatively massaging my buttocks. Not wanting to embarrass Paul in his moment of apparent triumph, I looked surreptitiously behind me and traced the course of the hand up to its owner, the manager, of course.

So much for pedagogy. I brushed the hand lightly away and turned slightly, just in time to see him toss me a curious glance.

‘When should we get together?’ Paul asked him politely.

‘Oh, soon, soon, ‘ the manager said. ‘ yes indeed. Very promising. ‘ All this time he was doing his best to knead the buttery flesh of my ass checks with a hand that was surprisingly strong, as I continued to brush the hand away as quietly as I could. ‘ we must have dinner some time. And bring the young lady.’ this last was said in an entirely different tone of voice, so that even Paul now understood what was going on.

I was amazed at his control. He simply said, ‘ I understand, ‘ took my hand, and led me through the room and out of the club. He said absolutely nothing on the way home, although I knew he was burning with shame and indignation. But that night was a very quiet one in our bed, as Paul turned his face to the wall and tried to erase my existence. I understood, but at the same time I could not help feeling rather hurt. It had not been my fault, after all, yet here we were going through the first loveless night we had spent since the day we met.

Somehow it did not seem fair.

Happily, though Paul’s mood didn’t last long. The next day he set to work on some secret project, banging away on a typewriter in the office he had made of poor Isadora’s dining room, and when he stopped for the afternoon and came to me, it was with the same ardor and spirit as always. In fact, we had such a monumental screw that I completely forgot to ask him what the piece of work was that had inspired him so.

Whatever it was, he kept working at it for the next six weeks or so, slaving away in fervor of intensity by day and letting off the excess emotion at night, with me. Finally he emerged from the dining room one afternoon, wiped his sweat-streaked face, smiled, and said, ‘ it’s done.’

‘What’s done?’ I asked innocently, knowing that six weeks of curiosity was about to be satisfied.

‘My play,’ he said. ‘ My vehicle. ‘

So that was it. Apparently Paul had decided that his singular lack of success to that point had been due to the absence
of a ‘ vehicle ‘, some piece of theater art that was custom made for him and him alone, something that had value in itself, but that would also serve to spotlight his wonderful work in mime. The play, as he explained it to me, was set in New Orleans in the thirties, and involved a young mime who was obviously Paul himself.

‘Would you like to help me with it?’ he asked innocently.

In fact, I had done a bit of acting for fun (though modesty forbids me from going into too much detail here, the director I had worked with let me know in no uncertain terms that I had a star’s career waiting for me if I chose to follow the profession, which I did not), and now I thought it might be a diversion to perform again in private, especially since I had my real life lover as a leading man.

‘All right,’ I said. ‘ I’d love to, as a matter of fact.’

‘Good,’ Paul said. ‘ Now, if you’re going to help me, you must give me one hundred percent. You’ll have to let your own personality just slide out of your body, and when you’re completely empty let your body fill back up with the personality of Louisa.’

He looked at me. His eyes were shining with the nearly vicious intensity that had attracted me to him in the first place. I felt that I could see behind his eyes, see his mind knotting up into a snarl. A feathery stirring began in my loins.

‘Complete concentration, ‘ he said. ‘ you ready?’

I nodded, closing my eyes as he began to speak, eager for this opportunity to take a psychic vacation, to become — even for a few moments — an entirely new person. Paul, I suspect, was feeling very much the same way.

‘Think new Orleans, ‘ he began, his voice almost imperceptibly taking on the oily accent of that city. ‘ the Vieux Carre. A little house on St Peter Street. ‘

Instantly the scene began to project itself on the screen of my mind. I saw the low, flat-topped buildings of the French quarter, and the lacy wrought iron grillwork and the softening willow trees. I even imagined I could hear water lapping against the embankment along the quiet Mississippi.

‘You’re in the room on the second floor,’ Paul went on. ‘ The shutters are open, but the curtains lie completely still. You feel the heat — it surrounds your body like an insistent lover. It presses on you, it’s sultry and torpid and it touches you everywhere at once.’

His voice now became the heat itself, and I could feel it wrapping itself around me, caressing me, encouraging me by its sticky soft moistness. I began to rub my thighs together, smearing the insides of them with perspiration that I knew was only a prelude to the flowing of my sex juices. I could feel the cartilage in my knees turning mushy with the power of my need. Unconsciously, I let out a low moan.

‘That’s it, ‘ Paul said, nodding his head gently, approvingly. ‘ you feel the heat. It’s beautiful, and it’s unbearable. Your dress is a prison, but you know you can’t escape it, at least not now.’

‘Why not?’ I said playfully.

Paul frowned. ‘ Because Lawrence is coming,’ he said.

I shifted restlessly in my dress, feeling the soft cotton jersey rub enticingly against my hardening nipples. Paul had done his job of scene setting well — I did want to escape the confining garment. I wanted to let the heat come at me unimpeded, wanted to let it find the secret damp places of my desire. Most of all, I wanted Paul. I wanted to feel his hands roam over me, feel them defining the contours of my breasts, feel the soft palms sliding down over my sides to ride out along my hips. I wanted him to touch me, to probe and squeeze my aching body until it opened like a flower to the welcome invasion of his magnificent cock.

‘You hear footsteps coming down the hall toward your room, ‘ Paul intoned. ‘ Lawrence is here. You’re glad he’s come, but you’re also terribly anxious about what will happen here this afternoon. After all, he has been behaving quite strange lately, and you no longer feel as sure of him as you did before.’

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The Retirees Club 04

Tom, medium build, with the shortish but very fat uncut cock that I'd sucked off. Bill, a little chubby but not fat, with a thin little 3-4 incher, cut, perfectly proportioned, kinda dwarfed by his big balls. And Frank, the tall runner I'd met on my run, with his 8+ inch skinny cut cock – and balls that hung way down, swaying with his motion. Short and thin, short and fat, long and thin. I guess my longish, thickish meat filled out the company. I pondered that for a second, then...

3 years ago
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Kingdom of LoveChapter 8

"Why not stop by Myrna's trailer on the way to the dogs?" Amanda suggested as they stepped out of the railroad car. "All right." Joan skipped down with her hands clasped behind her back. Like a youngster she pretended there was a hopscotch figure and jumped a leggy dance through all nine squares in the imaginary pattern. Will she never stop being a child? Amanda wondered as she watched the girl hop. For her sake, I hope not too abruptly, she thought. Myrna's trailer was next to the...

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NubileFilms Aubree Valentine Minxx Marii Dont Mind If I Do

Minxx Marii and her boyfriend Robby Echo have been together for long enough that the sex is comfortable and fun, but not necessarily new and exciting any longer. They’re just getting hot and heavy with one another when Minxx’s new roommate, Aubree Valentine, decides to both help them spice things up and get a piece of the action for herself. She waits for Robby to finish eating Minxx out and get on his back with Minxx blowing him, then she makes her move. Putting a finger to her...

2 years ago
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Fucking In The Family 8211 Part 1

Hey, guys, I am Mick and I am back again. I have received a lot of review and suggestions for my previous stories. Thank you for showing your love and reading my story. For first time readers, I am Mick, 20 years from Pune, studying in Mumbai. This is my imagination of fucking my aunt and cousin. This is a partially fiction story about my cousin sister. Let me tell about her. She is 18 years old. Her name is Arpita. Her stats are 30-24-30. She is my cousin uncle’s daughter. They live in our...

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Gallus Nigrum Ch01

It was four in the afternoon. Jane sat in her corner office, listening to her assistant Lisa. “Mr. Wilkes has invited you over for dinner this weekend, I think he wanted to congratulate you personally.” Lisa looked up at her boss who had just won a big lawsuit, that had brought in millions to the law firm. Jane stood up and adjusted her designer business dress. She looked confident, powerful yet sexy. She stayed fit by running five miles every day and working out every other day. She was...

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Tasting pussy for the First Time

I was living in North Wales at the time, we'd moved down from Scotland as my father had had a change in career.I''d settled in well enough although I did find the locals a bit difficult at first but I made some friends and college was OK.I was with my two friends one day and as is often the case talk got around to sex. Peter (not his real name) had a sister and was saying how he'd seen her in the bathroom washing and how it got his prick so stiff he had to go to his bedroom and wank. I had to...

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The Ring of ControlChapter 1

Anyway, during that summer, I noticed that my father and a certain young law clerk, Veronica Sheldon, would leave about one o'clock every Tuesday and Thursday and be gone for about three hours. When Dad returned, he would take me home and then go back to work for another couple of hours. I mentioned this to Mom and said I thought it was a little strange, that it happened every week. Mom said not to worry about it, that she would look into it. A week later my mom asked me to see if I could...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Khloe Kapri Kiarra Kai Behind The Bosss Back

Ryan Mclane, the boss of a local massage parlor, is getting prettysuspicious of his star masseuses, Kiarra Kai and Khloe Kapri. He’s been getting complaints from clients about the women being distracted and absent for long periods of time. When he arrives at the parlor to confront them, he sees that the complaints ring true because Kiarra and Khloe are huddled close, just sitting around doing nothing! Kiarra and Khloe quicklyteam up, playing innocent as theytryto convince Ryan that...

4 years ago
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Mamta And Neelu Part I

By : Aditya The Taurian In last few days Aditya had observed that Neelu used to get extremely aroused if, while making sex with her, he talked her being fucked with anyone else. He was using this way regularly to make their sexual life full of pleasure. But today Neelu told him something which left him completely astonished. She told him that today afternoon her best friend Mamta kissed on her cheeks. So what is the harm? Friends often do it with each other”, was the reaction of Aditya. But...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Part 2

This is the sequel to ‘Happy Birthday.’ The next morning I was up early preparing breakfast for us and another special treat for you. Fortunately, I finished before you got up allowing me to bring it to you. As I enter the bedroom I stop and take in the the stunning sight before me. You have propped yourself up with pillows and are looking out the window. The bed sheet slowly slips from your body exposing your full firm breasts and I see that your nipples are very prominent. As you pull up...

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Working for the man A Cuckold Story

Working for the Man My wife and I were both accountants working for different companies. Weboth made good money and were living the high life. We had all our creditcards maxed out; we both had new cars leased and a new condo full of newfurniture bought on credit. Now as accountants, you would think we wouldknow better but we weren't worried because our combined income was a goodsix figures.Then as they say, the shit hit the fan. My company was involved in abig scandal and I ended up losing my...

2 years ago
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14 Days on the Mountain Pt 10

Before you read this work, please note that it is adult oriented and very sexually explicit. Also, it is very lengthy and broken into 10 ‘parts’ that should be read in order. Most of them will stand on their own, but certain nuances of the story will be better understood if each part is read in succession. PART X (day 13) I awoke as I had the past two mornings, with the young and sexy blonde sleeping next to me. As I watched her sleeping form I thought ‘I could get used to this’, but then...

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Making my son happy

My step-son’s grades had dropped drastically and it was all due to bullying. I would often see boys laughing at him when I picked him up and it had gotten so bad that he no longer wanted to attend school. I wanted him to get away from everything, so I had left him at his grandma’s home for the weekend. It would give me a chance to search his room for any clues as to what exactly was going on with him. I cared about his grades but I cared more about his well-being and happiness.I cleaned his...

1 year ago
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An Incest Birthday Chapter 20 Part 1

I woke up at 8:07 to an empty bed, which was unusual for two reasons these last few weeks; one, I don’t get up that early normally, and two, due to all the stuff we’ve done in one day the last few weeks, getting up early was the last thing on either of our lists, mine or Rita’s. I sat up and wiped the sleep out of my eyes as I prepared to get ready for another “play date” with the Ashley's. Three weeks have passed since we found out we had to hang out with Ashley, and what a three weeks they...

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UnforgettableChapter 2 The Return of Winston

I've waited months before calling on Winston again. I tried purging my mind, my latest thoughts, my daydreams, and my soul. I replayed that night over and over again in my head. Why would I leave with a total stranger, was I crazy? Then the breakdown occurred, what if he was a killer, a rapist, then what? But the things he did to my body. I thought Winston would have forgotten me by now. I was almost too embarrassed to call him. Suppose I had to explain who and where he knew me from, how...

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“We don’t share our men!” Sharon said to Willy. Willy had just made a joke, saying that Sharon and her sister Rose looked so much alike, if he were to come over to their house in the dark he would have to kiss both of them to figure out who was who. “We don’t share our men!” Rose said, when Willy told her about the joke. They both were right, they never shared their men. Until they did. ---- Willy and Utah had met while in college at a university in Virginia. They were both assigned to...

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Cougar Breeding The Agony and Ecstasy

So it was a year ago to the day when I had finally made that life changing decision to register an account with Xhamster. Before I signed up I found myself drawn repeatedly to a blog by a woman named Lisa. She would detail her exploits of teasing, indulging, deflowering, and defiling young inexperienced boys. She had this cute little street sign as her avatar that said "Cougar Xing" (though cute would be the wrong word to describe her sensual appetite), and I usually would feel my pulse quicken...

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On the Sunday one of the first questions she asked on the way from the airport was, “Do you still like being licked and teased?” “Yes I do, more than ever. Though I did promise my man I wouldn’t fuck any men while I was away this time. That still leaves some scope though,” I teased with a big smile. “He wants me to email him every few days to update him and tell him about you.” “Tell me about your current man and I will tell you about mine. I have arranged for you to meet him on Saturday,”...

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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 23

I followed Valerie down the hall, trying to concentrate as I watched her cute little butt wiggle as she ran. Man, I had seriously underestimated how pretty she and her sister were. It wasn't going to take much work at all to convince me that I needed to awaken their powers. Of course, I would resist, just so I didn't ruin my girls' fun in convincing me. The only problem was, for some reason I could sense it was going to take several sessions to accomplish the task. Yep, I was going to have...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 14

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 14 Thomas Might Not Have Advice But The Sorority Has Lots! Upon entering the Chi O house Beth quickly realized that she was kidding herself if she thought that no one had noticed her disappearance. Some of the comments: "What happened with you and that tall handsome guy?" "You thought that we didn't notice you putting on make-up and walking away with him, and not returning?" Beth tried to end the interrogation by saying, "It was...

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Der Nachhilfelehrer

HI ich bin Stefan, ein 28 jähriger Student der neben dem Studium ein wenig Geld verdient in dem er Nachhilfe in den Verschiedensten Fächern gibt. Die Mädels die meine Hilfe in Anspruch nehmen sind ab Klasse 8 aufwärts und der Job macht mir aus vielerlei Gründen richtig viel Spaß. Kurz noch über mich ich bin 185cm groß habe kurzes dunkles Haar, blaue Augen, bin sehr Sportlich, solariengebräunt und immer auf einen guten Fick aus. Naja mal sehen Wo ich Heute hinmuß um mal wider jemanden richtig...

2 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 14 Interviews

“Can you do it?” Dexter asked the candidate. Malcolm Engels answered, “Of course, I can. You’re talking about a single cup coffee maker.” “I’m talking about a single cup coffee maker, that will last for at least twenty years,” Dexter said. Malcolm Engels was in his mid-thirties and had been working as an engineer in a large company that produced coffee pots as one of its product lines. He had been there for over fifteen years working on a variety of coffee makers. His resume looked...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 3

Two days later, and Cheryl and Joe sat around in Joanne’s living room, the house otherwise deserted. Both Ella and Charlie were in school. Joanne was at work, still supporting local artists. The couple were doing what they had done ten years before. Both working on their writing. Cheryl somehow responding to Joe’s questions while finishing a memorial article honoring Nigella for Rolling Stone. Still staff, but with an ideal contract and better pay. Complete rights of refusal. When an editor...

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The AuraChapter 4

Carmen unlocked her door and they stepped inside. “I’d suggest a nightcap but I have nothing to offer,” she said. “That is no problem at all.” Chris said as he slipped out of his blazer, undid his necktie and unbuttoned his collar. Then, he grasped the brim of her hat, lifted from her and set it on a side table. They embraced and kissed. He held her tightly and she rested her face on his shoulder. He pressed his lips to the top of her head. “What are you doing?” she asked. “Are you trying...

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tit tag

Tit Tag by Donna DuggsThis is my first attempt at a BDSM story so let me introduce my main character Donna Duggs who is female, 5’ 7? tall, 150 pound, measurements 38G-28-37 her Tits are huge and weight at least 10 pounds each. She is brunette, with a cute face, single,  a little bit on the chunky side, very curvy and is 32 years old. I will write the story from Donna’ view going forward.So let me begin in the office where I work this guy named Jeff is always hitting on me to go out with him....

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What one cant have

To give you some backstory I had a sister that was younger then me, though I never much paid attention to her for years finding my own girlfriends and never being into any kind of relations like that. So we grew up grew apart I became a doctor but she was 7 years younger so right as I was finishing up school she was just starting college. I always thought she was young naive stupid kid and really never paid much attention to her but in the summer after her first year of college our family...

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My Secret

All you guys out there who like to watch your women with other guys - do you know why? I have no idea why I like watching mine, I only know that I do and that I'm going to keep doing it as long as I can. Heather was a twenty-two year old virgin when I married her, but it didn't take her long to learn that she loved sex or take her very long to get very good at it. We had a very good marriage for about six years, but then two things happened that put a lot of pressure on us. First, the...

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Every Woman Has a Price11 Insider Trading

The twins were pissed off and quiet when Jewel threw her coins into the MacKay bridge toll basket. She ignored them. It cost nothing but long term hearing loss to turn the music up. She danced her shoulders and swayed left and right as she limped through traffic and onto Barrington Street. “We’ve got a room for tonight. Goddammit...” Barbara bitched. “Whatever you need to do we can drive to Montreal tomorrow.” “A wasted day and an extra fourteen hours in the car? Whee...” Brandy sighed. “We...

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A Touch of DeathChapter 10

The desk clerk at the Inn directed me to the dock when I asked about Dora. The beach next to it was filled with tourists and there were even a few on boats tied up to the dock. Dora stood beside the bloody piling while an older man dressed in denim coveralls knelt to examine it. They had their backs to me so I took that as a sign from God to sneak up and listen. "It's down into the fibers of the wood," the man said. "There's nothing I can do to get it out." "I can't leave it like...

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The sissy trick

They knew i would never call the cops or stop them once i had been trickedThey are known as the sissyhunter crew on pornhub and am one of these bitch they tricked to be filmed worshipping superior black cocks until its all iam at night some of them are just here to unload while the gf os not doing it but other are straight dominating guy who get hard sissying little cock white boysI should have never downloaded grndr but i did and they found mei txted with him for a while before accepting a...

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I love the way you lick me

I love the way you lick me You know I can’t get enough of it. I have never met anyone who makes me cum the way you make me cum. The first time you kissed me, I knew from the way you held me to you, the way I could feel the heat of your body against mine and the way that your hot tongue parted my lips and explored my hungry mouth, that if there was ever an opportunity for you to go down on me, it would be amazing. Kissing you makes my whole body feel as though it is on fire. The first...

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A Wheel of Time Collection

This story will cover a number of different time periods within the story, and perhaps beyond with different characters and interactions. Feel free to add to this story from whoever's point of view and whatever time period you like. I will provide a list of characters that you can use if you're not familiar with the lore.

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Blacked Abella Danger Keisha Grey Karlee Grey Squad Goals

The summer is almost over and Karlee is still upset about the recent split from her boyfriend. What makes it worse is that she will be having classes with him when she returns to school. It’s a good thing her crazy friends Abella and Keisha are going to will make sure this summer goes out on a high note. While they are chilling at a skate park, two hot guys show up and start to show off their moves. The girls day out soon changes to something a lot more fun when Abella decides to take this...

4 years ago
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The Spread Part 2

“I thought this area was closed after the impact?”, she heard one man whisper to the other. “It was”. “Then how did...”? The two men pondered the thought as Rose felt an already familiar pressure between her legs. Her new “suit” was reacting to the men somehow, spreading and filling her. The strange thought tickled the back of her mind again. Spread. Suddenly she was overcome with a burning desire, deep in the core of her. She needed these men to fuck her. Now. “Should we call it...

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Seduced by chebby maid

Hi, dear friends and this is Mohsin once again with a beautiful encounter with my lovely and sexy maid Lakshmi. I am thankful to for the replies you had given to my previous story. This is all happened in the last month. I am 30 years horny guy living with wife and a k**.I am good looking and somewhat friendly man. So everybody in our locality loves me very much. As I am a self owned business man I have lot of time to spend at home. I am very much horny guy who loves to attract the females for...

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