Christina Ch. 06 free porn video

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There were no commercial flights to San Cristobal. Xavier offered to fly me down in his Lear jet, but when I checked on it I was told that the runways there were too short even for executive sized jets. So I took a Mexicana flight to Tuxtla Gutierrez — a horrible industrial town in the middle of a raspy desert — and from there hired a local pilot to fly me up to san Cristobal in his prewar Cessna.

The flight itself turned out to be just as beautiful as Tuxtla was ugly. It took us sailing up the sides of the magnificent range of mountains that starts there in southern Mexico and runs all the way down to panama. From our altitude, which seemed to be no more than treetop level plus a hundred feet or so, I could see long, elegant ribbons of waterfalls winding through mountain forests, and a thin mist that laced its way through the trees so that the whole scene was somehow reminiscent of a Japanese paradise. Occasionally my eyes were tantalized by marvelous little foot trails that ran mysteriously off into the woods, and once or twice I thought I saw Indians trotting along the trails, carrying loads of firewood at least as big as they were, using nothing more than a strap attached to their foreheads.

By the time the pilot landed in a little alpine meadow at the top of the mountain, I was enthralled. Everything around me was brilliant green and dotted with yellow flowers, and a creek ran peacefully through the little meadow that had been dignified with the name of an airport. By the side of the creek a gaggle of Indian women dressed entirely in white laughed and talked as they washed clothes and beat them dry on the blue rocks that also served as their chairs. It was the sort of wonderfully primitive place that under less pressured circumstances I might have chosen for a private retreat, or a romantic holiday with a special lover.

But I had business. The pilot very graciously drove me from the airport into town, a magnificent old colonial pueblo with a weather beaten seventeenth century cathedral facing the village square. I took a hotel on the other side of the plaza, a charming old place with fresh flowers in the courtyard fountain and wildly colored tropical birds cawing madly from their wrought iron cages.

I drank a manzanita in the courtyard, and for the first time began to wonder what I was actually going to do now that I was there. I hadn’t the faintest idea who to talk to — even Xavier’s almost universal network of contacts did not reach into this remote little spot — and very little notion of where to start. Now I found myself regretting that years ago I had turned my schoolgirl nose up at Spanish and concentrated on learning French.

Luckily, the hotel manager spoke English and was able to find me an interpreter, a winsome young mestizo boy with the improbable name of Tolerante dos Rios. A part quiche Indian, Tolerante was sixteen and had one of those angelic Mexican faces with the Walter Keene eyes. I immediately took him to my room so as to avoid being overheard, but when I boldly told him that I wanted to meet whoever might be in charge of the local drug traffic, and would pay for that information, he was so startled that he forgot his English.

‘Quieres conocer al cubano?’ he said in surprise.

I didn’t need Spanish to understand that last word, and now I was just as surprised as he. ‘You mean there’s a Cuban in charge of the drug trade here?’ I asked.

‘Si, senorita,’ he said. ‘ Back in the mountains, where they grow the mota and the opio, the Cuban runs everything.’

‘I want to meet him,’ I said.

‘This is not easy,’ he replied.

‘I didn’t expect it to be easy. If you can arrange a meeting, I can fix it so you never have to work again.’

He gave me a wary look — I suppose he was entirely unused to having women speak to him that way. But when I opened my wallet and gave him a hundred dollar bill — ‘ for your trouble,’ I said — he brightened immediately.

‘I come for you tonight,’ he said. ‘I take you to the Cuban.’

‘Perfect,’ I said. ‘And thank you, darling.’ I leaned over and planted a motherly kiss on his forehead, whereupon his face lit up in a tremendous blush and he literally sprinted from the room.

I spent the rest of the day seeing the sights, strolling through the Indian market, picking among the baskets of green chilies, mangoes, and the bright red pepper called aji, buying several pairs of the crude, massive golden earrings that the women haul down from the secret mountains in cardboard boxes, then a short trip outside town to a series of caverns that were even more spectacular (although somewhat smaller) than the famous ones at Carlsbad, new Mexico. By the time I returned it was after dark, and I found myself running from my rented car to the hotel in fear that I had missed Tolerante.

But he was there, dressed in white peasant pants and white serape, his hair combed and slicked back, his face shining clean. He looked so adorably innocent that I had the urge to take him in my arms and cuddle him half to death, but I remembered his reaction when I kissed him that afternoon and managed to stifle myself.

‘We must hurry, senorita,’ he said when he saw me. ‘The fight is already started.’

‘What fight?’ I said. He had mentioned nothing of this in the afternoon.

‘Los Gatos del Monte,’ he said. ‘You’ll see. But please, we must hurry. Apurese, senorita.’

‘Wait a minute,’ I said when we were outside. ‘What does this fight, whatever it is, have to do with the Cuban?’

‘His cat is fighting tonight,’ he said. ‘He will be there, I know.’

Without another word of explanation he started off across the square, and there was nothing I could do but shrug and follow him as best I could. He led me past the church, and then through a maze of impossibly narrow alleyways, finally stopping in front of a silent, darkened tire shop to wait for me to catch up. When I reached him, Tolerante drummed his fingers on the corrugated metal door, and within a few seconds I heard a muffled voice say something in Spanish. Tolerante answered, then took my hand and led me around to the back of the shop.

There a door creaked open and Tolerante ushered me into a large, brightly lit room that must have served as the shop’s garage during the daytime. Once my eyes adjusted to the sudden glare, I could see that the room was ringed with people, an amazingly mixed crowd that included Mexicans in fancy dress guayaberas, solemn Indians in their white cotton clothing, a few Caribbean looking blacks, and one woman who I could have sworn was German, although she was dressed in the bright wools of the Indians of Guatemala. The room was surprisingly quiet, as people talked in matter of fact tones, and only an occasional laugh rose above the conversational hum.

Then I noticed a stack of cages standing apart in one corner of the garage. Inside the cages were various felines, but in versions I had never seen before, not even in the pages of national geographic. The animals had long, low bodies reminiscent of weasels, with triangular heads, sharp, pointed noses, and faces that reminded me of raccoon, but without the mask. Some walked restlessly around their cages while others appeared to be almost somnambulant, but they all exuded a mysterious sort of tension, like athletes before an event or, perhaps more aptly, like coiled snakes.

‘Los Gatos del Monte,’ Tolerante said when he saw me staring at them. ‘Soon they will fight.’

‘What about the Cuban?’ I said.

‘I don’t see him now. But he will come. I am sure.’

Before I could open my mouth to ask another question, a hush fell over the room as two Indians walked across to the cages, opened them, and dragged out two of the mountain cats by the scruffs of their necks. The cats remained quiescent in the restraining grasps of their masters, who now walked over to the center of the room and stood on opposite sides of a large wooden box with side rails just high e
nough to keep the cats in while still low enough to allow the audience a good view.

The tone of conversation in the room rose perceptibly now, an anxious, excited buzz that foretold of the violence to come. I saw bottles being raised to lips and money passing from hand to hand as bets were placed. The air was growing thick with the sweet smell of fresh marijuana. Tolerante passed me a cigar-sized joint and a mason jar filled with an ominous looking clear liquid of some sort. I took a hit on the joint, feeling the fragrant, skunky mota go instantly to the back of my brain, which immediately lit up in grateful response. I then took a healthy gulp of the stuff in the mason jar, which had the furious punch of airplane fuel mixed with an aftereffect that whispered of the secrets of the Mayans.

The scene was beginning to have a decidedly sexual effect on me. The tension and suppressed violence of the exotic mountain cats, the tableau of the excited crowd and the two solemn Indians presenting their animals, and stimulation of the weed and the liquor (which I knew to be the notorious mescal), were combining in me to send erotic little messages beaming through my body and out to the surface of my breasts and inner thighs, which themselves acted as antennae, picking up the unmistakably sexual overtones being emitted by the crowd. Even before the action started I could feel the excited little tremors running through my belly, and I wondered how I would get through the evening without a man to pour myself over. I found myself now hoping fervently that the Cuban would show up, for more reasons than one.

Suddenly the room erupted in an explosion of noise. The two Indians simultaneously flung their cats into the box in front of them, and in a flash the vicious little animals were at each other, rolling and spitting, howling and clutching as they went for each other’s throats. At the same time, all the stored tension and excited anticipation of the crowd was released, and in the din that followed it was hard to distinguish one animals cry from another’s.

As for me, the sight of those two slinky animals tearing at each other acted like an electric prod to my already overcharged insides. The part of me that managed to remain detached wondered at this sudden eroticism in the face of violence, for I have never been the type to derive any sort of pleasure at all from the pain of animals, although there are many in my circle of acquaintances who do. But the mezcal and the sweet weed were evidently tapping something inside me that had remained hidden up till then, something primitive and bestial, an ancient sexuality that was tied to life and death in a way we moderns can scarcely understand.

But this is intellectualism. The plain fact of the matter is this, I was incredibly excited by the fight between the two mountain cats, excited in a way that was all the more stronger for being entirely new to me. As the animals continued to have at each other, launching themselves full force at one another’s faces, parrying for balance, looking for that mortal opening at the soft underside of the throat, I found my breasts tingling and heaving, my heart pounding, and my tongue unconsciously flicking over the surface of my own lips.

‘How long does this go on?’ I said to Tolerante.

‘Hasta la muerte,’ he replied. ‘To the death.’

‘And where is the Cuban?’

‘I do not know, senorita.’

He must have noticed the heaviness of my breathing, the glazed look in my eye, the faint line of perspiration that had begun to form on my upper lip. I may even have taken the initiative myself — I no longer remember. What I do remember is the sensation that charged through me as I felt his delicate, slender fingers at the back of my neck, massaging the muscles gently, with an astonishingly knowing touch. Under other circumstances I undoubtedly would have reacted, would have removed his hand with a gentle smile, perhaps, or even have scolded him. But no such thought crossed my mind at that moment. The delightful, insistent massage was exactly what I needed, and almost immediately I found myself backing up so that the rounded crests of my buttocks brushed lightly against his groin.

‘Si, senorita,’ he murmured, and I could feel his breath on my neck. He was timing the pulses of his massage so that they coincided with what was happening in the box — each time one of the elegant little cats lunged at one another, Tolerante’s marvelous fingers closed on my tender neck muscles. Each time one of the cats let out a mighty yowl, he would press his groin that much more tightly against my trembling buttocks. Each time one of the cats made a desperate plunge for the other’s throat, he would flex his long, slender pole against me, laying it against the crevice of my asschecks and penetrating that vulnerable spot ever so slightly.

As I tore my eyes from the cats and looked about the room, I could see signs that many of the spectators were being affected the same way I was. There was a group of obviously wealthy Mexicans who had probably come from the capital just for this spectacle, and I saw now that a number of men had hiked up their ladies’ skirts above their waists and were running their hands along the insides of their cinnamon colored thighs as the women writhed and wriggled in transported ecstasy. In another corner a group of Europeans — the men dressed rather comically in safari suits, the women resplendent in silk evening gowns — were nuzzling passionately at one another, and here and there I saw the flash of a bared breast, the glimmer of an exposed thigh. The German woman, who was evidently some kind of veteran of these shindigs, was rubbing her breast with one hand and massaging her pussy with the other, while a gorgeous and regal Latino sank to his knees in front of her and began to clutch wildly at her churning hips. Of all the people in the room, only the Indians remained unmoved, their taciturn eyes still glued on the struggling cats.

In the meantime, Tolerante was gluing himself to me. His hand was rubbing even more insistently at my neck, and I could feel his chest against my shoulder blades, his thighs against the backs of my own, and most of all his marvelous little prick rubbing up and down along the crack in my ass checks. I pressed back against him with greater and greater fervor, my buttocks beginning a slow, grinding rotation as I groaned aloud at the delightful contact.

‘Mmmm,’ I purred as I ground into him. ‘You feel marvelous, darling.’

‘Senorita,’ he sighed, and despite my yearning I was touched by the sweetness of it. ‘You are so beautiful. I want you so much.’

I closed my eyes and leaned back against him even harder, feeling his rigid cock throb as it tried to bury itself in my buttocks. With my eyes closed the hissing and growling of the animals mingled with the screams and sighs of the overwrought crowd to become an erotic symphony in my brain, a symphony that even now was beginning to rise to an inevitable crescendo. When I opened them again I saw that the audience had now reached more advanced stages of erotic involvement, saw, in fact, that what few inhibitions remained were being shed one by one.

The party of Mexicans had lost all pretense of continued interest in the cats (who, by the way, had reached some sort of impasse in their struggle and acted much like exhausted boxers who spend the late rounds of a fight simply clenching and clinging to one another). One of the women was on her knees, lapping gently at the underside of her lover’s cock with long, smooth strokes of her velvety tongue while another women who was stripped to the waist and whose breasts were jiggling enticingly was just beginning to lick the same man’s ball’s. Staccato ‘ahh’s ‘ and whispery ‘mi amor’s’ emanated from the group, sounding for all the world like the movements of small animals in a fern choked jungle.

The Europeans were now prancing about in various stages of undress, and it seemed that in their group no genital was left expos
ed without some hand to cover it, or some mouth to engulf it in its warm, moist tunnel. I particularly remember the sight of one reed thin French woman, standing alone a bit apart from the group, her dress torn to tatters by her own fierce clutching, swaying to some invisible wind as she clawed at her pussy with her whole hand.

The German woman now seemed to be bent on out doing everybody. Her dress was hiked up almost to her neck, and she was being held in a horizontal position by two reluctant looking Indians who must have been her servants, while her elegant lover buried himself between her legs, sucking madly at her vagina as she threw her knees over his shoulders and began to kick him wildly in the back.

‘Ja!’ she screamed as she kicked him, her voice cutting like a knife through the general commotion. ‘Ja! Ja! Ja!’

By now even the stoic, silent Indians were beginning to shift their interest from the animals in the center of the room to the wild goings on along the peripheries. Two of them were casting hungry glances at the solitary French woman, and over near the cat cages I saw one elderly man unveil an astonishingly virile cock and start to stroke the hardened rod in easy, measured rhythm, his eyes glued on the Mexican woman with the bared breasts. He must have been sending her some kind of urgently sexual telepathic message, because just as she grew bored with playing with her companion’s ample butt, her eyes locked with those of the old man across the room. Without hesitation she strode over to where he still stood stroking his proud cock, and with an ecstatic groan she knelt in front of him and buried his dark pole in the warm valley between her heaving breasts, which she then pressed tightly together to form a sheath around the Indians cock.

‘My god!’ I moaned as my senses registered the sights and sounds of the sensual banquet taking place all around me. I pressed back still harder against my wonderful little lover’s loins, panting out my desperation as my buttocks rotated wildly in a frenzy that was rapidly growing out of control. I had to have satisfaction! The massive orgy going on in that room was stripping me of my sense of judgment was turning me wild with desire! I had to feel this man-child’s luscious cock inside me, pushing at the resisting walls of my tight cunt! I had to have him, and to hell with the consequences!

‘Tolerante!’ I gasped. ‘Please! Touch me! Touch me all over! Touch my breasts, my ass! Make love to me!’

‘Si, senorita,’ he said in a husky whisper. ‘Asi, mi amor! Asi!’

As he spoke I felt one of his hands snake around my waist and drift up my chest to gently cup the underside of one breast in his palm. At the same time the hand that had been rubbing my neck so dreamily now sought out my other breast, so that soon both hands were clasped over my heaving mounds, the fingers alive on me, pressing the cloth of my dress against my nipples until the little berries stood out proud and firm against the restraining garment.

‘Yes,’ I sighed. ‘Yes, my little lover! Touch me like that! Oh, yes, you feel so good!’

He went on massaging my firm breasts, brushing and pressing at the nipples through my dress until I could stand the heavenly teasing no longer. I took both his hands in mine and literally stuffed them into the bodice of my dress, the touch of his fingertips on my bare skin igniting me still further. In another moment he drew both my breasts up and out of the restraining garment, exposing them to the night air and at the same time providing unimpeded access for his amazingly practiced fingers, which now tweaked and rolled and pressed at my nipples with an urgency that was making me positively weak with desire.

‘That’s it.’ I moaned in passion, wriggling my buttocks in tight little circles against the hardness of his prick. How I wanted that cock inside me! How I wanted to open my legs to admit him, swallow him, wring the pungent juices from that lovely penis of his! I knew in that moment that I had passed the point of no return, that if it was fated to be I would gladly make love to him then and there, with the growls of the cats and the sequels of the ladies ringing in my ears! The feel of his fingers on my sensitive nipples, the wonderful surge of his cock as it parted the cleavage between my pumping buttocks, the delightful sensation of his hot breath along my shoulders and neck… I was absolutely alive with passion, and my moistened quim was begging for satisfaction, for the release I knew this lovely little Mexican boy could provide me!

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Misha becomes part of her elderly neighbour's life.Part 5Misha, having regained her composure as she sat on the sofa looking over at Bob as he sat watching the TV in his usual pose, imagined his late wife fussing over him. She imagined Bob's wife bringing him cups of tea (His favourite, white with one sugar) with a sandwich and a treat; the treat being a loving blowjob from her.Two things struck her; first was a mixed sense of jealousy and fear. Jealousy that another woman belonged to him, and...

Mind Control
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Red ndash Part VIII ndash The girls meet up with Marcus

Sara flipped off the radio when she turned into her Tinderwood Apartment complex. It was late and she was exhausted. Her younger sister, Lauren, was asleep on the sofa with her chemistry book open on her chest, when she walked in. Sara looked frazzled and worn out for a 19 year sophomore in college. Her hair was windblown and her makeup was a mess. Her new flowered sundress was wrinkled and only held closed by three buttons. When she plopped down in the chair, Lauren could see her bare breasts...

1 year ago
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The Dildo

Marie cursed for the umpteenth time that day quietly to herself as she dragged the mop bucket in the bedroom of her mother."On a Saturday morning to clean the apartment instead of times really good sleep is anyway already a silly idea, but with such a big head like me it just makes it even more not fun"She cursed again that they still had two more cocktails last night of the cute guy in the bar can invite, even though they had actually already at 11 clock go want to be fit for their mother's...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 236

Characters in this chapter. Jeff – The Prime. Diana – Wife and Clan Queen. Art – Young FBI agent who was in a shootout in Atlanta. Bobby – Nurse from Atlanta who is Art's wife and Sandra's sister. Sandra – Nurse from Atlanta who is Art's wife and Bobby's sister. Jill – Bill's wife who was kidnapped and abused by Doctor Ingles. Matt – Alpha – new FBI SAC who has just reported to the Denver office. Courtney – Matt's wife who believes that Jeff and his family might be aliens. Hope...

3 years ago
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The Neighbor Part 3

I swallowed hard and froze. My internal dialogue processed that my motherwas in the room. She knew what I had agreed to; she had to know it all."Mommy?" I asked softly, on the verge of tears. "Here I am, baby" she wassuddenly at my bedside consoling me, rubbing my forehead. A sweet kiss wasplaced right above the bridge of my nose."I can explain, mommy..." I started, but she stopped me. "It's ok,honey. Gary has explained everything to your father and I. It's sowonderful what you're...

1 year ago
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Daksha Aunty Ne Muje Apna Pati Banya

Hi to all iss readers mera name wish name changed and he me Gujarat ke rajkot ka rehne wala hu height 5’11 he or athletic body. He agar koi girl unsatisfied bhabhi ya aunty satisfy hona chate he to mail kare sab kuch secret rahega sidhe point pe aate he ye ghatna 15 days purani he ye ghatna kuch is trah se he ki kaise maine apni padosi aunty ko physically and mentally satisfy kia padosi aunty ki family me 4 members he uska husband 40 years ka aunty Daksha name changed 37 yrs ki uska beta 23...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Sex In Life

Dear readers,i am suma from kerala.To be very frank it is not my real name.Iam not a regular reader of this site even,but i would like to submit an incident which happend in my life some 4 years back.i was born and brought up in kerla,later had my studies in Bangalore.I got married at the age of 24,to a handsome guy named Rajeev,who is a management professional.Our married life was really a happy one and we enjoyed every moment of it.Because of his hard work,he used to get promotions one by one...

2 years ago
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Mira Ke Saath First Experience

Hi mera name he Sujit abhi mera age 33 years, unmarried, 6 feet hight or lund ka size 7” Raipur me job kar rahahun or rehrahahun. Mera mail ID he Mera native place he orissa. ISS me bohat se story padhne ke baad mujhe laga me v apni sex experiences share karu. Mera sex ka safar suru hua karib 8 saal pehle or abhi tak me karib 10 lady ko chod chukka hun 18 saal ki umar se hi mujhe sex karne ko bohat ichha hoti thi. Me abhi tak har type ki lady ke saath sex kiya he. Ek ek karke me apni sabhi...

1 year ago
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The Office prt 2

“Man, those postal guys really beat up these packages,” Sonya said, sorting through the mail that had somehow piled up on her “outgoing” table. Sonya, a tall brunette, had worked in the mailroom of Hartford & Cox for the last year and a half. “Yea, look at this one,” said Sandy, Sonya’s blonde co-worker, holding up a partially open box. “I wonder what’s in it.” Sandy shook it for emphasis of the poor delivery job. “Well, go ahead and open it. Someone already started it for you,” Sonya said,...

1 year ago
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After Hours

They snake through the silent corridors in the maze of the 18th floor, and he unlocks the door to his workplace. All is dark and he leads her by the hand through the outer office to his room. She flicks her lighter so he can see the keyhole to unlock the door. With mounting anticipation, they slip into his office and it is transformed into their own private space...just the two of them play and enjoy the moment. He switches on the light under the counter, which adds a soft glow. He...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Mandy Muse One Good Fuck

Mandy Muse is begging for some sex and can not wait to mess up the bed with Logan Long. She gets his hard cock in her mouth and teases his shaft as she licks up and down the entire length. She knows just how badly he wants that tight shaved pussy of hers but she is not ready to give it up yet. She strokes his cock with her tiny hands and spreads her legs giving him full access to that dripping wet pussy! Logan pounds her hard taking his cock all the way to the base with each hard thrust. Mandy...

3 years ago
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Private Heroes The Devils Breath Part 7

No place like home. While me and Jodi hang up our jackets, Jake and Ashley come down from their rooms. I dropped Holly and Daniel off at their hotel so that they could pick up their stuff. I wanted to go with them through fear of them not coming back but I have to remember that they are my guests not my prisoners. Me and Jodi announce a family meeting and everyone sits in the living room. "Kids we're gonna be having some guests for a while. My nephew Daniel has come over from London."...

2 years ago
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French MaidChapter 3

The following day I didn't need to start work until the evening. So for most of the day I spent with one of my close friends, not actually letting on what was happening at the hotel, but hinting to her. She seemed shocked. I didn't let on that I had taken an active role in any of the goings-on. When I arrived I was waiting at the dinner tables for the first couple of hours. Apart from one of the guests, who put his hand up the back of my short dress everytime I served him, the dinner was...

3 years ago
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The Neighbour Part V

Frank spotted her from a mile away and used this as an advantage. Without thinking it twice, he instantly dropped to his knees and hid behind his car. Those pale grey eyes and that chalky complexion were unforgettable and they still triggered something in him, something wicked. Everything he loathed could be found in those weary eyes, those eyes he had once loved dearly and he had a heart throbbing feeling he was close to meeting with them face to face after such a long time. Frank peered...

1 year ago
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Whah Dew Ah

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since I have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies, if you are old enough to know who they were, and you will catch on. If you can’t appreciate this then exit right now, please. Melba Mae Takem addressed a question to the boy pumping between her thighs, “Billy Bob, whah dew Ah need tew fukk sew much?” Her fourteen-year-old-brother paused his...

2 years ago
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AdriftChapter 12

Eventually, we succumbed to boredom. Life is not always exciting ... money isn't everything. Pentwater and its winters insured a stable population of what my friend Mark calls, little breeders. There were NO student-less grades in the consolidated school. Mom ... Mrs. Phillips ... always had children in story hour and I had to work every Saturday. Mr. Phillips expended his braincells contending with recalcitrant math students ... boring ... boring ... boring. He loved it. "Junie Moonie,...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Shay Sights Busty MILF Shay Sights Seduces

Shay Sights is one hot and horny MILF that loves hitting on younger men as she does in this premium Penthouse massage porn. Handsome masseur Mike Mancini tries to stay professional, but the busty beauty is clearly in charge and gets him to start kneading her big tits and rubbing between her legs. The nympho seductress obviously always gets what she wants – her juicy pussy licked, to suck on his thick dick, and get fucked deep and hard in doggy until her scrumptous titties are covered in...

1 year ago
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First Time Sex In Life

Hello friends I am Rahul from Agra and this is my first story is ISS waise to maine ISS par kahi story read ki h but aaj apna bhi ek experience share kar rha hu. Dosto baat us time ki jab mere pass job nhi thi or main job search kar rha tha 2month ho gye the or main ghar par khali baitha tha daily job search karne par convence bhi jyada kharch ho rha tha tab aise hi sham to mere Dosto k sath baith k baat kar rha ki or use apne sari baate share ki usne suna bhi or meri help karne ki kahi, uske...

3 years ago
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Curiosity Cursed the Cal

Here's a little something that just sort of came to me - almost as fast as I could type. I guess the idea / dream had been sitting in the back of my mind for quite a while, waiting for a chance to come out. Anyway, enjoy. Curiosity Cursed the Cal By Elrod W The swaying hips, so perfectly rounding the rear of the short red skirt, with long tanned sexy legs stepping in the high heels had a hypnotic effect. Cal sat, a dreamy look in his eyes as the young lady sauntered around the...

1 year ago
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Home Alone My Sweet Neighbor

Hi ISS readers: thanks to your support, I’m back, with another interesting episode of my sex exciting experience. Your valuable comments (and criticism?) are most welcome, ok?  Soon after the summer vacation, I was again shifted to a new school near my Dad’s workplace(Hospital & Health care) to be greeted by new faces and back to square no.!. But It was my luck, I felt that the frustration & vacuum created due to previous mates’ absence melted slowly, by our new neighbor’s (another VIP like my...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Kiki Me Chapter 1

Chapter OneI Found Her1.1“I met this girl name Kiki, I guess u can say she was a sex fiend…I saw her in the online chat room masturbating with a magazine….”Inspired By: PrinceTitle: From the song “Darling Nikki” It was the heat in her loins that drove her to look for pleasure and contentment on AFF. She perused the ads looking for someone to vanquish the year-long flames that consumed her. In her search through the online catalog of men, she found her. There were many men of different...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 22 Assembling

Zechariah, Linor, Rockwell, Riv, Giant Havreim, Varinka, Xiao Kirin, Gadgel. Of the twelve Gid Chu sent, he made sure all those members of the chain Zax got along with, even a little bit, and had no misgivings toward him, were present. Bonjier, Kloky, Soybam Peter and Lili were the remaining four, while Figed Esgad and Donkey – apparently a fixed nickname – were the members stationed in Selivereb and New Earth. In terms of cultivation, Bonjier and Kloky were the strongest, third level...

4 years ago
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First Sex Heavenly Experience

By: Rockhard4u Hello my dear ISS readers this is my first story submission and its all true I hope you all must like it. May 2005 summer vacation in my college I went to home for about one month. I was too much excited because I was going home after around 6 months. When I reached the bus stand of my home town and stepped out of the bus, suddenly my eyes fell on an angel, I was shocked. What a beauty! I had never seen such a beautiful girl in my whole life. Most probably such a pair of huge...

4 years ago
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Losing VirginityWeek 1

On a warm morning on May 18th of 2004, Aaron drove to school for the first day of the new semester. His only class of the semester was American Sign Language II. The class was every Tuesday and Thursday. He surprisingly passed the first course the semester before. Aaron was 26 and couldn't wait to graduate with his Bachelor degree. He is 5' 11", with brown eyes, black curly hair, and a skinny 145lbs. He met up with one of the students from the previous semester and sat outside class 'til...

3 years ago
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The Chaperone BluesChapter 2

Claire tensed the muscles in her abdomen, and took a breath, preparing to sit up and stop them. But she froze when her hand got caught in her pajama bottoms. She was astonished to find that she had continued to rub her clit as the scene unfolded beside her. Then she thought about the uproar that would happen when she yelled. Chuck would surely wake up, and then she'd have to explain to him what was going on. She relaxed and pulled her hand out of her pajamas, her mind racing. What should...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Anna Claire Clouds Nicole Aria Sexy Ladies Anna Claire Clouds and Nicole Aria Teach You How To Please A Woman LIVE

Anna Claire Clouds and Nicole Aria are a true treat to have in the studio and nothing is better than getting the two of them together for some true fucking fun! The girls are looking fabulous in their yellow bra and panty sets but we all know lingerie looks much better on the floor. Anna shows us the proper way to touch a womans pussy telling us exactly what to do as she does it on Nicoles beautiful little pussy. It is so hot watching Anna bury her face in that wet snatch and soon Nicole is...

2 years ago
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Warriors RefugeChapter 2

Jack invited his friends inside for lunch. While they were eating sandwiches and chips, washed down with Colorado Cool-Ade (Coors Beer) Jack discussed his thoughts about a place for the two men to live. He said, “I hate to see all the empty houses here in town. I know there are several for sale and some for rent. You could buy a house and if it needed it we could fix it up for you to live in. These are almost all older houses so shouldn’t cost much as houses go. You could probably rent a...

1 year ago
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Exposure manifesto at work

Like most guys who get into this sort of thing, I led my wife into posing for some porno pics, then having got them, I showed my friends at work. It was through my own fault that my wife Margie found out what I'd done. She had several times asked me, quite casually it seemed to me, whether I'd shown the pics to anyone. At first I told her that I hadn't, but then after she asked again on a couple of further occasions, and as I say, sounding so casual about it, I thought that she in fact wanted...

4 years ago
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Video TapeChapter 6

"She's dead!" he announced. "Teach her to hang around with a slime-ball like this. Get her the fuck out of here," another voice said. I didn't believe what I had just seen happen. I think I went to move or say something, but Kathy who apparently had been watching me closely, grabbed my arm and stopped me in my tracks. I really hadn't expected anyone would actually get seriously hurt, let alone killed, especially a woman. "You've killed her!" Peter Garfield exclaimed. The man's...

3 years ago
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A new drug 3

My name is Cassandra, call me Cass, I am what’s called a Traveler, apparently. I have used a new drug to travel faster than light to a planet and a spaceship. On my second trip I brought back an advanced mini super computer that has a self aware A.I. that calls itself mainframe. The cable guy was taking his time setting up my new high speed internet, wishing he would hurry I need to get to my crappy day job. The man seamed annoyed that I didn’t have a television or a computer in sight....

2 years ago
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I Need To Go

‘I better go,’ I said, ‘I don’t want to be late.’ He gave me a forlorn look but I knew he had accepted that I could never stay past midnight. I hoisted myself off the couch, knowing he wouldn’t make his move. He never makes me late and it drives me just a little insane. I reached for my sweater, accepting that putting my large tits on display wasn’t going to work this time. I gathered my coat and purse, shoving my hands into my gloves, trying to fight off the cold in the little ways I can. ...

4 years ago
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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 25 Second Helping

The next morning the same formal process of punishment was followed. Martha started by saying to Jacqui, "You were sentenced to thirty strokes of the cane and you had three yesterday. Today's count, therefore, will start at four. If I think you can take more than three a day I'll carry on, so don't move until I say so." 'Christ on a bicycle, ' thought Jacqui as she lay over the whipping bench, 'She really knows how to torture someone. I still don't know how many I'm getting today....

2 years ago
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                                                  2988 words                            Viking!                     By Abe     Aeffe was intently hoeing the little field, preparing for planting.  Too late, she heard the hooves of a galloping horse, turned, and saw the Dane almost upon her.  She raised the hoe before her, but the huge, mail‑clad warrior snatched it from her grasp, wheeled his mount, and, with the strength of one mighty arm, lifted her off her feet.  For an instant, she hung by...

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The TravellerChapter 10 Sarha

I was able to get off my bed, although the hour was late I wasn't tired — to me this was still the morning that I left with Chris ... Chris? Where was he? I tried to contact him but he wasn't there! My sister Sop'ha came back to me and began hugging me closely, "Oh Sar'ha I'm glad you're safe. I'm sorry that I caused this to happen." She said but there was something in her eyes that told me there was more to this. "Sop'ha, what happened during the training? The spell you tried...

1 year ago
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Little sisters feet

"Alright, thanks again for staying in on such short notice, we owe you." your Dad pats you on the shoulder as he and your stepmother step out the door. "Have fun!" you call to them, closing the door and turning to face your little sister, Billie. Billie's around 4'8" with long blonde hair and blue eyes. Her nose is petite and she plays delicately with her manicured nails. "Alright Billie, what do you want to do?" you put on your most entertaining voice and sit down on the couch with her. On a...


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