Kylan Academy - Chapter 1: Grace free porn video

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Chapter One - Grace

"You know that you deserve this, correct?" A stern male voice admonished from beyond the closed door.
"...Your k**ding me, right?! Like, there's no way you can do this! It was my first time!" A haughty, insolent young girl replied.
That comment elicited a smirk from the administrative assistant sitting to the left of Grace. Grace brushed a loose lock of luxurious purple hair from her visage as she wondered why the lady behind the computer was finding the conversation beyond the door amusing. But then again, lower-born people always had their peculiarities; they couldn't help it. It was in their genes. Grace of course had no such issues. Her father, Grant, was the CEO of Asagiri Inc., a the****utic company that specialized in alternative procedures. He graduated from the most prestigious academy in Kylan Island, like his father and his father's father did before him. The Sawa family was among the top five affluent clans in Kylan. Her mother was as beautiful as she was creative, and was descended from such. Grace had came from good stock, and her body and mind displayed this.
Grace herself had her mother's looks, and her father's intellect. While she was still just a couple of weeks shy of turning nineteen years old, her body had already blossomed into dimensions that most women were envious of. Her purple hair was brilliantly conditioned, with not a curl to be found. It was split flawlessly down the middle, and it cascaded down below her shoulder blades. Her face was almost perfectly symmetrical. Her almond-shaped eyes were sharp and delicate at the same time, and colored the same as her hair. Her nose had no unsightly angles or bulges, and behind her full lips hid perfectly aligned teeth. She wore a black dress that hugged to her generous curves, and showed a moderate amount of pale, well proportioned cleavage. While she may have not been endowed as much as other girls, she was proud of her naturally perky C cups, and the nice shape they had grown to be. The dress descended to right above her knees; a respectable length, but not too conservative. Her legs had not a blemish on them, and were pale as well. She re-crossed them as she resumed listening to the dialogue emanating from beyond the Headmaster's door, delicately readjusting her dress and sitting with perfect posture.
"Yes, Jenine, I can, and will administer your punishment. Your parents registered you here at this school for a specific reason: They wanted the best for you. We have a long and prestigious history of students moving on to be incredibly successful in their field of study. And in order for us to ascertain the best possible values and education, we had them sign this piece of paper here. Ms. Jenine Brodin, can you read this paragraph aloud? It's only a couple of sentences." Grace then heard the faint sound of paper being slid across a surface.
The form crinkled in the student's had as her voice returned after a moment's pause. "In order for the academy to assure that they are allowed every facet available for the best education possible, we, the undersigned, grant this institution the right to discipline the student in a variety of ways, including the controversial techniques of corporal punishment and public shame. We also understand that we will not be notified of the student's transgression or resulting punishment until after the punishment has been carried out..." Her sweet voice lowered in volume as she continued to read the prose on paper, until Grace couldn't hear anything but a murmur. She would have leaned closer to the door if the crone typing away at her keyboard wasn't six feet to her left. This was Grace's first day at the Kylan Academy, and she was only slightly shocked at the news that this school uses corporal punishment and shame. "Why the hell wouldn't my retard of a Father tell me this?" she thought to herself. While she was far from being a perfect angel, no one that knows her would think there was a bad hair on her body. But that's because she wanted it that way. She did what she wanted, regardless if society deemed it reprehensible. What separated her from other free-spirited girls was that she was smart enough to avoid the consequences.
The purple-haired teen started to question why she was summoned here to abstractly witness this session. "Is this supposed to scare me straight or
something? This farce is bloody ridiculous. I bet this happens to all new students on their first day..." she said to herself softly.
The assistant looked her way and asked, "Did you say something, Ms. Sawa? I didn't hear you."
Without a flinch or twitch, Grace responded, "No ma'am. I was just singing to myself." Her voice coated in sugar.
"Well, I know you have been waiting a while Ms. Sawa. Headmaster Dravin should be available shortly. I apologize for the wait." and with that she resumed typing away on her keyboard, her attention no longer on Grace.
The 16 year old lost track of what was going on beyond the door, and the next thing she heard was a chair scooting back.
"So Jenine," the Headmaster resumed, "if you are done wasting both of our time, I'd like to get this done." Heavy footsteps can now be heard. "I need you to bend over my desk. Yes that's right, like that. Grab the other end of the desk... good. Now I'm warning you now: If your hands move from that spot during your paddling, I will start over. If you let go again... well, I'm sure you know what will happen then. Do I make myself clear young lady?"
"Yes." a defeated voice replied.
"'Yes' what?" he calmly, but firmly replied.
"Yes, Headmaster."
More footsteps followed, followed by Jenine yelling, "Please Headmaster, leave my skirt down! No. No!" Grace heard sounds of soft struggling from within.
"Miss Foster, you have just earned an additional three Hard swats to be combined with your initial punishment of six Average swats. I suggest you place your hands back on the desk, and take your punishment with some dignity. You should be glad I didn't decide to have you punished during Assembly. However, keep this up, and I will add you to the schedule." The distressed screams immediately died down.
"Yes sir, please... please I'll be good. I'm sorry that I reacted like that, please don't punish me during Assembly."
Then there was a small pause. Grace imagined that the girl finally resolved herself to her fate, and that the Headmaster was lifting up her skirt. Grace was finding herself amused by the punishment session. Maybe even slightly aroused.
"Jenine, count these out."
A pause was cut short by the sound of wood being laid across buttocks with force. WHACK.
Immediately a piercing scream followed, but Jenine recovered and counted, "One!"
After one and a half seconds, the second swat announced itself. This time the scream was louder, and her voice cracked when she counted "Two!"
Grace silently chuckled at the female student's chastisement. Jenine's voice sounded much more attractive when it was in distress. She was never a witness to corporal punishment before, and never had she herself been struck. "The dumb bitch probably deserved it." Grace thought to herself. She redoubled her efforts to maintain a serene countenance before the typing crone next to her.
Again, the scream increased in volume and pitch, and this time she sobbed and sniffled, "Three! Please sir not so hard!"
"Oh my god ow!! Ow ow OW! Four! Please, I'm so sorry, please..."
This time her piercing scream was longer, and ended with her crying in earnest. Between her sobs, she pleaded, "Oh my god, it hurts so bad. I'm so sorry! Waah! No! No... please"
However, the Headmaster would not give her time to recover. "What number was that young lady?"
"... please..." she began as she sniffled. "...five sir."
This time she didn't stop screaming until nearly half a minute after the impact. She was now choking with sobs. "Please! I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, god damn it I'm sorry!" she squeaked as she was balling her eyes out.
"Jenine, you know I don't abide cursing in my office. The last of the three Hard strokes will now be Severe."
Jenine then screamed in what could only be interpreted as terror. "Noooooo!! Please!"
"What the hell makes Severe so much worse than Hard?" Grace wondered to herself. "Whatever it was, it was enough to scare the wits out of out of the dumb girl." Grace was anxiously awaiting how the girl would react to the Hard and Severe swats. Judging from her earlier reactions and cries, Grace was certain that there was no way the swats could increase in impact. "How could it get worse?" She noticed that she was now moist. "I like this school already..." she thought to herself.
SPLAT! This swat had a noticeably sharper sounds to it than the previous six.
"EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Aaaaaah haah haah haaaaaah! Waaaaaah! Waaaah!" She continued to cry hard with no break besides her gasping for air, just to scream
some more.
"Oh..." Grace thought to herself. "The sharper sound must be because the Headmaster removed her panties. So that's how he can increase the impact of the swats. Nice. Real nice... But if this is Hard, what the hell is Severe?"
The Headmaster didn't bother to give her the chance or time allow her to count. At this point he would be waiting for ever, as the girl Jenine could barely catch her breath between crying like a five-year-old.
The Headmaster spoke up, barely audible over the screams of immense pain escaping from Jenine's agape mouth. "This last one will be Severe, miss Foster.
You know what you need to do."
"Young lady, I'm only going to say this once. If you do not spread your legs, I will repeat today's session at tomorrow evening's Assembly! And the final three will all be Severe!"
Grace's heartbeat sped up at the sound of the Headmaster commanding the bawling girl to spread her legs. "But if she does that, he will have an unobstructed view of her pussy! Can they really do this at school? He is a male after all. So perhaps that is what makes it Severe; the embarrassment of displaying your most private region."
Though Jenine's crying never stopped, Grace heard two foot steps. It must have been Jenine spreading her legs for him. Grace now found herself desperately wishing she knew what the Headmaster and the screaming student looked like so she could get a better mental image.
The resulting sound was almost inhuman, almost a****l like in nature. Jenine's scream was so loud that Grace had to put her hands on her ears. The typing crone casually continued typing as if nothing was happening.
In between her a****l screams, Grace could have sworn that she heard liquid hitting the floor. Did she knock over a glass as she was flailing about?
After a couple of minutes, words were finally mixed in with screams. "AAAaaaah! Waaaaah! My pussy!! Owwww! Waaah! Waaaaaaahahaaha!!"
Grace could barely believe what she just heard. "No way! There's no way he would have hit her pussy with the paddle! Oh my god, it's... awesome!" Her ethical thoughts melted away as she could tell that her panties were now saturated with her excitement.
The screams and crying resumed for a legitimate five minutes. Then it finally tapered off. Grace heard the shuffling of feet again within the Headmaster's
"Don't mind the mess c***d. Take another minute to compose yourself, and then return to class. Jenine, you are better than what your recent behavior
displays. I punish you like this because I will not abide you selling yourself, your family, and society short. I take no joy in this."
"Yeah right. I know I did, and I wasn't even in the room." Grace quipped to herself as she adjusted her dress across her lap again.
"I don't want to see you in my office again. You know how much I loathe repeat offenders."
"Yes, Headmaster." She choked back some late tears.
"Good miss Foster. Now return to class."
The door opened and out stepped a girl who looked to be in her late teens, like Grace. She was wearing the school's uniform, consisting of a green and blue plaid skirt that hung similar to Grace's; just above her knees... maybe a little shorter. Grace wasn't happy with the fact that she couldn't see the results of the beating she took at the hands of the Headmaster. However she did find the girl attractive. Jenine's wavy red hair framed a cute face punctuated with green eyes. Tears were still leaking from her emerald eyes, though they were finally shoring up. The areas surrounding her eyes were nearly as red as her hair. Her bust was smaller than average, perhaps a large A or small B cup, but it did fit her well, Grace agreed. Jenine looked at Grace briefly in the eyes before she exited office.
"Janet, please alert the custodian that one of our students had an accident again during punishment. And tell him to be quick about it, as I have an appointment with Mr. Sawa's daughter. I fear I'm already late as it is." The Headmaster's voice blared from the phone on the assistant's desk. Grace couldn't help but lift an eyebrow in response to the proclamation that Jenine had actually urinated herself when the Headmaster paddled her purse. That was all she betrayed the whole time she sat there. She was damn good. A smug smile crept to her full lips as she watched the custodian enter with a mop bucket and some cleaner. Within a couple of minutes the custodian left. "Yes..." Grace thought to herself. "I'm going to have fun with these dumb little girls at this place. I'd almost be terrified if I wasn't so smart about displacing blame."
At the end of her self-satisfied thought, she heard the speaker on the crone's desk project the Headmaster's voice.
"I'm now ready to see Ms. Sawa. Show her in please."
With all of her self-assured notions, Grace fumed that her throat betrayed her by nervously gulping.
"I have nothing to worry about." the teen with the long purple hair told herself. "Not a fucking thing."
Her lithe form gracefully rose from her chair to open the door that deprived her eyes of her first experience with corporal punishment.

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Living the Dream Malissas academy 7

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 7 By: Malissa Madison With the departure of my sister and her command group I began to feel as if I needed to know more about the things I hadn't ever considered before. Like the parallel universes like Earta Prime. I knew that Calista was from one, called the Kaidran Quadrant. Her husband while being a Cheetah Furry was a Kaidran rather than a Terrellian like those in this Universe. So I began looking into those, then I realized that both...

3 years ago
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She Male Academy

She-Male Academy ? by: Christina Shelly Chapter One As the van moves slowly and anonymously through dense city traffic, its carefully and very tightly restrained cargo struggles angrily and squeals with increasing desperation into his soft but highly effective panty gag. Alan, soon to be Alice, lies face down on a leather bench bolted to the floor of the van. His slender, always girlish frame is sealed from neck to toe in a tight, skin hugging cocoon of pink rubber and thick...

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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 1

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 1 By Malissa Madison Walking around the campus, I spoke to as many students and faculty as possible. Whenever I spotted a good secluded place I would go to it, take out my notebook and jot it down before setting the next location in the time saver setting. I toured the Dorms, making sure that everyone was getting settled in. Then I spotted someone backed into a corner, and hurried to find out what was going on. "Look you shouldn't be here,...

2 years ago
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Dark Shadow Grantham Academy

Grantham Academy was proving a good fit for Juris Kristaps. It was located in upstate New York and was a four year high school. Plus, a portion of it was set aside as a preparatory school for college. Juris was teaching in the preparatory portion of the academy. Grantham was set in the countryside on one hundred acres of land that had been donated by the wealthy Grantham family. They had long contributed to the school, which easily explained the name of the academy. Juris had a small bungalow...

3 years ago
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Iridani Kitten Academy

Iridani Kitten Academy, 1 By: Bernice 14 Standing in her office Mistress Gwendolyn peered out her window over the courtyard in front of her School. The kittens had begun to arrive for the new school year, and she had three IGP Transports due to arrive, two in the next two hours, the third in another three days. Plus on top of it all she was embarking on yet another first, she was opening two lower grades to Kittenettes in the last two years before...

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St Judes Shemale Academy

My name is Amanda Johnson and I am a 38 year old post operative transsexual and owner and headmistress of a rather unique school, a school that turns troublesome and reluctant boys into shemales. This is the story of St Judes academy for shemales. My own transformation happened over 10 years ago when in my mid twenties I decided to transition from male to female. Being the son of a world famous actress, my gender change was largely kept secret and only a select few of my parents...

3 years ago
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Total Woman Academy 03

Ned opened the car door and Brooke alighted in the driveway of a standard structural design Academy facility. He escorted her through the entrance into the hallway. Mrs. Frank approached them. ‘Brooke, my dear, you look so lovely and so grown up since we last saw you two years ago. Our teaching suits you. Your ride to the event will arrive at 6 PM. You will be returned tomorrow by noon. You can use your old room to prepare yourself. Just ask any student for help if you need anything.’ Mrs....

3 years ago
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The Academy

Chapter One: The Sex SchoolJasper Coleman, who was still adjusting to consciousness, stood with an absent stare just a few feet from the front door of his apartment. His surroundings were dark, only the light of the outside city illuminated the dull setting; and even then, a minuscule amount reached where he stood. The clock that hung behind him ticked at an unsettling pace, violating the silence of the early morning. Each tick pinged against his brain, which was currently fragile with ache.If...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Iridani Kitten Academy 2

Iridani Kitten Academy, 2 By: Malissa Madison As more young kittens began to arrive the school grounds came alive with their chatter and the gossiping that always occurs after long separation from friends. Mistress Jinnee had gotten up early and the Academy's shuttle was just leaving to pick up local Cougars and Kittens for the first week of school and I wanted to be there to meet it when it returned. I slipped out of bed. "Come along Kitten, time to shower and...

1 year ago
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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 382

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 38.2 To our fans; We are sorry that this story didn't get put in at the middle of LTD, MA 38 where it was intended. This short piece belongs between the Academy Star's return and the outbreak of Dragon Fever. I was thinking back to the first time that I had met the Arachnid Drider Queen, Tilliani. She was going to be our guest speaker for the upcoming graduation this year. It was nearly four AM when someone knocked on the front door of...

2 years ago
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IGP Academy Terrellia 2

IGP Academy, Terrellia 2 By: Malissa Madison It had been a long grueling first week, both morning and evening conditioning exercises. And long classroom hours spent studying both regular College level classes as well as Intergalactic Law. Most the Delphinian Cadets had never used a Vershang however and sought out those who would become the leadership Cadre. Each night after they were released for the day they found themselves in the practice yard...

2 years ago
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Black Slut Academy

Jean felt a little scared. It had been two years since she had started dating black men exclusively. Now her boyfriend had talked her to into taking it one step further. She was going to a school to learn about as he said "the culture." "This will complete you," Bill, her boyfriend, said. Jean's lover was a six-foot, four-inch black stud that Jean had been living with. She left her white wimp husband two years ago. What Jean especially did not miss was her ex's four-inch pecker. She blinked and...

2 years ago
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Orbital AcademyChapter 4

I wonder if this is an abuse of power, Jane idly mused, dragging her carbon scraper across the nose of her cruiser. She had been pondering the question for the past few hours, as the rookies complained and joked and chatted around her. The problem is that on the one hand, I can't resist a man who knows his way around a cruiser and can keep it clean ... but on the other, any pilot worth anything will have that knowhow... Jane finally decided that these mechanic exercises were for the...

2 years ago
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Orbital AcademyChapter 5

"I spy with my little eye, something devoid of all light, sound, and life." Jackson's joke wasn't all that funny, but Julia and her squaddies all chuckled nervously. As if the vast expanse of space in front of them could be ignored, when in only a few minutes they would all be careening out into it on the most dangerous flight of their lives. Julia was shaking her leg up and down, venting nervous energy while her fingers drummed across the armrest of her cruiser. The hangar was filled...

1 year ago
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Orbital AcademyChapter 7

"Sir, can I speak freely?" Captain Jane Appet spoke through clenched teeth, staring across the desk at the commander of Orbital Academy. "Permission denied," General Auspus replied cooly. His fingers flicked across the screen he held, comparing it to a page of notes on his desk, the picture of distracted business. "Yes sir," Jane turned and walked toward the door, fuming, mind spinning. "This is why I like you Captain Appet," the General's voice stopped her at the door, "any...

2 years ago
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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 16 Jade Academy

Ki Jung wakes up refreshed after two hours of actual sleep. She heads outside to the outhouse to take care of business, with the help of TP she brought with her. Then she returns and finds both mother and son up. Auntie is getting ready to go out and do business while Min Joon makes breakfast. He attends a school that teaches reading and writing, math, spellwork, and martial arts. This is his final year. Next, he will have to decide on whether he will continue to learn spellwork, martial...

1 year ago
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Terraforce AcademyChapter 3

Hyperjumps could only occur outside the four inner planets, so the shuttle took two and a half Earth days to arrive at Terraforce Academy on the moon Deimos around the planet Mars. It was interesting for the ten selected students to finally meet face-to-face. The students were greeted at the space dock by a man and a woman. "Welcome cadets," Sirrah said. Novia liked hearing that word. Cadet. She was a Terraforce cadet! "All girls follow me," Sirrah said. Novia, Lyra, Ouranie, Cassio,...

3 years ago
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White Slut Training Academy The Arrival

My Wife's First Day at the Academy My wife Julie when in her 20s had been obsessed with the internet, and all the possibilities of kinky sexual encounters that this new wonderful medium presented. She, at the time was a very attractive dark headed girl that looked much like a young Liz Taylor. She had 36”DD breasts, a 23” waist and an over indulged full 37” and very ripe round ass, the kind exactly like J'Lo's that would be just perfect to abuse. But her real...

2 years ago
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The Academy

Chapter 1: The AcademyJasper Coleman, who was still adjusting to consciousness, stood with an absent stare just a few feet from the front door of his apartment. The apartment was dark, only the light of the outside city illuminated the dull setting, and even then a minuscule amount reached where he was standing. Jasper's clock ticked at an unsettling steady pace, violating the silence of the early morning. Each tick pinged against his brain, which was currently fragile with ache. If a person...

2 years ago
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The Academy

(Note: There is a lot of mention of different technologies in this story. I have entered them in bold, and there is a glossary at the end of the story to help you through anything you can't figure out through context. I didn't want to spend too much time extrapolating on things that the characters in the story would take for granted) Chapter 1 I stared out the window as the green English countryside swept past. Raindrops glittered on the window, the pale sunlight sparkling. It...

4 years ago
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LTD Malissas Academy 32a

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 32a Two days later they were beginning to put things back together now in the aftermath of the attack. Sure there had been casualties elsewhere, but the Military Academy had been the primary focus. There were so many leaders of the Free Quadrants in attendance. It was everyone's best guess that they hadn't counted on being detected before the ships had reached the planet and begun the attack. Or that those here would be able to react so quickly. Of course...

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Lovebright Academy The Real Story

Some of you may remember a wonderfully funny story by Downing Street a while back called "LOVEBRIGHT ACADEMY." Now Downing Street is one of my favorite authors, but he has his squiks and this made him to pull a few punches in his tale. I happen to be Chairman of the Board of Governors of Lovebright Academy, so I know the whole story. I don't want to call too much attention to Downing's omissions, so with his permission, I've decided just to re-post his story, inserting the needed additions...

4 years ago
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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 36

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 36 Things were running smoothly, the FJ's and Nexies were mixing in and getting along with everyone else. And our later than usual Spring Break was just a few days away. I decided to drop in on Miss Tandy's fifth grade class just to observe. Then I remembered this was also Skitter Hearts classroom. I'd slipped Tandy a note at lunch so she wouldn't be surprised when I slipped into the back of the room. Sapphire lay curled up under Skitters desk in plain...

4 years ago
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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 5

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 5 By: Malissa Madison Millday dawned bright and early, the sounds of over four hundred young girls squealing, laughing and giggling filled my ears as I stepped into the Eleventh and Twelfth grade dining hall. The girls from the visiting Academies were eating here as well. Here and there I spotted groups of the Cheerleaders as they visited amongst each other. The Chopsticks were all out on the quad doing their morning routines, Col...

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