Iridani Kitten Academy, 2 free porn video

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Iridani Kitten Academy, 2 By: Malissa Madison As more young kittens began to arrive the school grounds came alive with their chatter and the gossiping that always occurs after long separation from friends. Mistress Jinnee had gotten up early and the Academy's shuttle was just leaving to pick up local Cougars and Kittens for the first week of school and I wanted to be there to meet it when it returned. I slipped out of bed. "Come along Kitten, time to shower and get ready," I caressed Chantilly's happy face. "Yes Mom, Mistress," she corrected herself as she slipped from my bed. "Chantilly," the backs of my fingers brushed gently over her pretty cheek. "Her or in my personal office, if there is not another full Cougar present you may call me Momma. Remember?" "Y, yes Momma," she threw her arms around my neck. "Chichi," I called out. "Yes Mistress?" she answered from small kitchen of my cottage. "Come shower with us Sweetie." "Yes Mistress," she answered rushing in to join us as we were stepping into the shower. Chichi had spent the night here after she'd received her Spanking for accumulated demerits. I was careful to be sure and balance my attentions between her and Chantilly who was slowly getting past her insecurities. Yesterday I'd noticed that Chichi was careful to only misbehave in front of me. Nothing terrible just little slips using titles and such. And then she practically thrown herself at me, her body language begging for attention in front of Chantilly. In the shower I asked gently, "Kitten Chichi, how is your bottom this morning?" "It, its sore Mistress." "Then you will remember your manners as well as your place?" I asked. "Y, yes Mistress," though she was turned away from me I caught the flash of her grin in the mirror. "Hurry both of you, we will go to breakfast with the First Juniors this morning." Chichi promptly picked up the phone and spoke, "First Juniors, Mistress." It was one of her duties each morning to tell the staff which group was to be seated near the Head Mistress' table. We quickly dressed and then I inspected my Kittens, yes I was beginning to think of Chichi as my Kitten too. I was just getting ready to step out the door when the realization struck me. "Chichi, Kitten I want you to run to my office and fetch me the rosewood box from the corner of my desk please," I directed. "We will be at the Dining hall waiting." There was a little rosewood box that set on the right hand corner of my desk. The lock would only open to my touch though, and I was sure that all the Kittens who had been in my office were curious about its contents. It had been from that box that I had taken the little tag that now hung from Chantilly's collar loop. Only that tag had been one that I had carried with me every day, thinking of my only Kitten Daughter to make me a Grandma. It helped me to feel close to Bianca, Fiona and Carlota. There were still three Kitten Daughter tags, and four Straight Kitten Tags in the box. I had wondered at first when Tyrea had said she would have a new tag made for Chantilly Lace. But then I had looked at and smiled. The first Kitten Daughter tag I'd ever commissioned was still worn by Fillandra dangling from the silver chain she wore around her neck. The second was in the box, placed there after being removed from Tyrea's collar upon her completion at the Demonian University where she earned her degree in Psychology. The second was for Nissa, but I couldn't think about Nissa right now. Or maybe I should think of her, she had been lost in the same bus crash that had claimed my first Grandkitten Brittany. Could that be why I had been carrying Bianca's Daughter Kitten tag? It had been a subconscious act, clipping the tag to Chantilly's collar without thinking first. The Third was the one Tyrea had made for me to give to her littlest Sister Kitten before she left for Earth. As Chichi set the box on the table in front of me the dining hall fell silent realizing something was about to happen. Pressing my thumb to the lock I lifted the lid, the little Ballerina Kitten began turning on her toes as the music began to play. First I lifted out the new tag with Chantilly Lace engraved in the face. Mistress Gwendolyn on the back. I showed it to her first, seeing the tears welling up in her big eyes as I clipped it to the loop before removing Bianca's tag and replacing it in the box. From the corner of my eye I watched Fillandra expression change as I fingered through the four remaining Tags. House Kitten 2, House Kitten 7, and House Kitten 13, the fourth tag only read Mistress Gwendolyn. "Chichi, please kneel," I said as I turned sideways in my chair. Holding the unused tag I asked, "Kitten, will you pledge your love to me, trust in me to guide you through the remainder of these years most troubling to Kittens so young?" "Y, y, yes Mistress," her tears were rolling down her cheeks now. Her lower lip trembling with excitement as I first clipped on the new tag, then quickly removed the House Kitten tag. Leaning forward I kissed her on the forehead. "Now kitten you don't need to seek demerits to get my attention," I caressed her chin, cupping it in my hand. "Now please take a seat and eat your breakfast before it gets cold." I patted the chair on my right side. Older kittens were always to the right side, younger to the left. "Mistress?" questioned Fillandra as I placed the 'House Kitten 74' tag in with the others. I sat there between my two youngest kittens eating, my thoughts wandering to that day so long ago. Nissa hadn't been a House Kitten, I'd rescued her from the streets one evening as I was driving through Kansas City. I'd enrolled her in the academy as my very own Kitten. She and Brittany were almost like sisters, both in the same class, excited to be going to the Space Launch. It was after everything was over that we found her collar. No one had seen what had happened to her, but she had made it off the bus. I'd thought perhaps she had run off from grief, I still didn't tell my other daughters what had happened to her. But I hadn't found that out until after Bianca had taken her place as Head Mistress of the Cougar Town House of Corrections. Another reason why I would not set foot inside those walls, was because Crystal was incarcerated there. I'd sworn Bianca to secrecy after she'd sent me a copy of Crystals gloating confession, I didn't want her sisters going there to seek vengeance. "Momma?" Chantilly's worried voice and her hand in mine snapped me back to the present. "It's alright Kitten," I assured her as I dabbed away my tears with a hanky. I quickly finished my breakfast, "Chichi, I'm going to walk Chantilly to her Dorm. Please have the reports from Mistress Ramona ready for me when I return, Kitten." "Yes Mistress," she said with enthusiasm. "Kitten?" I tapped my cheek and she giggled as she kissed me before rushing off carrying the box back to my office. As we walked along the sidewalk the sounds of excited giggling kittens brought an even bigger smile to face. A soft beeping in my ear got my attention. "Yes Sabrina?" I asked the second year Dorm Mistress. "Kitten 69 is missing," she said. "She isn't in the Dorm, and she didn't sign in for breakfast." Of course the I-5 designations hadn't started for the House Kittens until we'd come here so I knew that Kitten 69 had come with us from Earth. And she had been one of Tyrea's favorites. She was also still a second year Kitten having failed in her Academic grades the first year, but it hadn't been by much. I also knew that it was because she'd not had any proper schooling before coming to the Academy, this would actually be her third year. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kitten Academy: Earth Sadie felt her presence long before she appeared in my bed. Mika, House Kitten 69, was one of my favorites, I'd played with her a lot. Often thinking how I wished that I could just take the plunge and take her for my own. But as the Mistress of Bondage and Domination I didn't want a kitten that might become jealous of others. The fact that she was still asleep when she materialized in my bed could only mean one thing, she was a late bloomer. My heart actually skipped a few beats at the thought that this Kitten must be dreaming about me. I'd been about to get out of bed to try and find out what had alerted Sadie, and then she'd just appeared here beside me. I carefully wrapped my arms around her, pulling her in tight. "Mmmmmm, Mistress," she mumbled in her sleep. Slipping my hand up her arm seeking her own hand I first encountered the soft leather restraints. I didn't need any light to know that they were soft pink leather with sheep skin lining. They were also loose around her wrists meaning this kitten had put them on herself. I felt my heart begin to race as she mumbled, "I love you Mistress Mommy," as she rolled over in my arms. Her pouty lips automatically sought my breasts as she began to suckle at my bare nipple. "Mika its ok, you're safe here," I told her as I petted her long flowing black hair still in pigtails. I remembered what had first attracted me to her. She had come to the Earth Academy by way of the Thai House. She'd run away from some children's home. Her mother had been Thai, her father some random GI and she had sought to become a House Kitten there, only the Thai House didn't accept House Kittens. She was also what Asians referred to as a Futanari. She had both male and female parts, or if you prefer, the best of both worlds down below. Slowly she began to stir in my arms as I started unbuckling the wrist restraints. Yes these were my own that I had left at home when I came here. But how had she gotten them? "Shhh, Shhh, you're safe here Kitten," I told her as she started in shock. Sadie reached her nose forward to nuzzle the back of her neck then lick the side of her face. "Oh no," she began near tears. "You are not in trouble Kitten," I promised her. "But tell me, how long have you been able to jump?" I reach across to pet Sadie for reassurance. "I, I don't know Mistress," she answered me. "Is that how I got here?" "Do you know where you are Little One?" "In, in your room?" "Yes Kitten, you are in my room, on Earth," I answered her then began unbuckling the other wrist. She was blushing deep crimson now. "I, I only jumped once before, I, it was after you left." She looked into my eyes and I could see the fear there. "I was thinking about you and how much I missed being in your room with you." I kissed her cheek, "Its ok Lovey Kitten." "I, I took my favorite toys that we played with," she blushed. "Were you dreaming about me Mika?" "Yes Mistress. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to jump, or to steal the toys," she had tears trickling down her cheeks now. But before I could kiss them away, Sadie did something I'd never seen her do before. She started licking them away. "Are you sure about this Sadie?" I asked my Chow. As if to answer Sadie snuggled closer, her head resting atop Mika's young breasts. I quickly calculated the time difference, realizing that by now Mika's absence would have been discovered. Suddenly I heard her tummy rumbling with hunger. I was about to tell her that we should go to breakfast when my phone began to ring. "Yes Momma?" I answered knowing who it was by the ringtone. "Tyrea, did you take House Kitten 69 with you?" she asked. "No Momma I did not bring her with me. But she's here, and will no longer be a House Kitten," I informed my Momma. "If you didn't take her how did she get there?" "Momma, she was dreaming about me and jumped in her sleep," I said. "I will be there after we've had breakfast to get that tag I've never used." Suddenly Momma was there at the foot of my bed, the little tag that had set in my jewelry box outstretched to me. "I was hoping that this was the case. Well, that you were both together," Momma grinned. "Was this the tag you were wanting?" I carefully took it from her fingers, my own trembling just a bit. This was a huge step, one I'd been afraid to take without knowing why. But then as stood up fully I understood when it was that I had become frightened of being committed to a Kitten as my daughter. I'd remembered my Momma's devastation after losing Nissa and never knowing what had become of her. "I'm sorry Mistress, really I am it just happened," began Mika thinking that she was about to be in trouble with Momma. Momma just sat on the edge of the bed, then patted her lap. "Come here Kitten," she said gently. When Mika started to lay across her lap though she became confused because Momma guided her into a sitting position, her arms going around her protectively. "This I believe is what you have wanted for the last two years," I could see the tears in Momma's eyes. Then the shock as I knelt in front of them. "Kitten Mika, will you give over your will and trust to me, to love and guide you, to teach you and to pamper you, to educate you as my Daughter Kitten in these most difficult years for one so young. To wear my tag that all may know that you are more than just my Kitten, you are my Daughter." I asked, my own tears streaming from my eyes, I felt my bottom lip quiver a bit as I waited for her answer. Suddenly her arms were around my neck hugging me harder than I'd ever been hugged by a Kitten before. "Yes Mistress Mommy." The hug drew out as I spread my hands out across her small back. The breakfast chimes interrupted us, and finally I remembered I needed to change her tags. Momma took pictures of me changing the Tags to share with my sisters. Then reminded me as the last chimes sounded that I needed to get her breakfast. I had a definite dilemma, if I took time take her home to get a school uniform we would miss breakfast here. On Iridani, breakfast was already over. Now I dialed my own phone. "Head Mistress, I was wondering if it would be inappropriate if I were to bring my new Daughter Kitten to breakfast in her nightie since she arrived without any uniforms or anything else?" I asked. "Tyrea, why would you bring a kitten without bringing her clothes," asked Mistress Gina. "Ma'am, it wasn't planned. She jumped without knowing that she was doing so," I explained. "But I will get her the appropriate school uniforms after breakfast is over," I promised. "Just so long as you both eat at the Head table," I was told. I knew the startled reception I would get when the other Mistress' and Kittens saw her. At sixteen, Mika was only half the size of the other Kittens her own age. I quickly dressed and we did our hair and light makeup. Then since she didn't have any shoes I lifted her sixty four pounds to my hip, and carried her the short distance from the Faculty Housing to the Dining Hall. Sadie following at my side. "Mistress Gina, my Daughter Kitten, Mika Hart," I introduced them. Now a broad grin spread across Gina's face. "I remember you Kitten, welcome back. Tyrea, she may sit with me while you go get breakfast for you both." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Academy shuttle was just landing when I returned and Fillandra rushed over to my side. "Momma there still isn't any sign of Kitten Mika," she told me. "She's just fine Kitten," I told her as I handed her my phone with the picture file opened for her. "Oh my gods, did, did Tyrea come and take her without telling anyone?" gasped Fillandra. "No, it seems your Niece, Mika was unaware that she was a Jumper until this morning," I told her. "My niece? You mean Tyrea," she stopped as she recognized the tag her sister was attaching to the loop of Mika's collar. "Would you see to it that this one finds its way to your sisters jewelry box?" I handed her the 'Kitten 69' tag. "It is being retired." It was a tradition that I had adopted from the Demonian Kitten Academy, to retire the House Kitten tags that had belonged to an adopted House Kitten of the Headmistress or one of the staff. While the other House numbers would be recycled to the next kitten, those would not be used again. I quickly stepped to the opening doors of the shuttle as young kittens began stepping off to curtsey. "Good Morning Head Mistress." "Good Morning, Kitten," I responded to each one. Then Samantha, Hope, Colleen and Kairi Tyler filed off together followed by Erika and Tuti. "Good Morning Kitten's." "Good morning Headmistress," they each curtseyed except for Tuti who at least tried. But her pregnancy wouldn't allow her to do it properly. Still I smiled my approval at her attempt. "Kitten Kairi, are you excited to be here this year?" I asked. "Yes Ma'am," she beamed happily. Then came Marissa leading those Kittenettes old enough to begin here as Junior Kittens. "Ma'am?" I turned to Jinnee. "I didn't see any sign of that Missing House Kitten, but I'll keep looking." She promised. "Jinnee, she's been found. But is no longer here. She is attending the Earth Academy until Tyrea returns," I told her happily. "A House Kitten ran away?" gasped Erika. "Not exactly, and not intentionally. But she has found her Cougar Mother," I said. "Erika, did Momma tell you about Tyrea and Kitten Mika?" asked Fillandra as she joined us. "I just heard. But how did all this happen?" I was leading the way to the Junior Kitten's Dorm where they would be checked in and assigned rooms before getting needed uniforms if they didn't already have them. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tuti was excited getting to talk to the few Centaur Kittens that were here, as well as getting to see the school that she would soon be going to herself after her foal was weaned. She would prance along excitedly continually having to be reminded that Kittens did not just rush off ahead of their Cougars. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Izzy couldn't believe how excited she was, even though she would be fifteen in two months she was being enrolled as a first year Kitten along with Roamy. And then she spotted both Teensi and Fanta, First and Second Junior year Avian Kittens. It had been explained that there was a difference between Daughter Kittens and Pleasure Kittens, (straight kittens). 'Pleasure Kittens' were to use Ma'am or Mistress at all times. 'Daughter' Kittens were permitted to use Ma'am or Momma when addressing their Cougar Mother. But all Kittens were required to use proper etiquette at all times. A non-Cougar was always Ma'am or Miss. Both Izzy and Roamy had felt sad for Nochi because he was going to the reservation school. But now they realized that he probably had it easier than they would. "Roamy," Karla got her attention. "Remember what Grammy said?" "Yes Momma," she stopped and waited to have her leash clipped to her collar. Izzy looked as if she was about to plead to have her leash attached when Jojo clipped it to the loop. "Remember Roamy, not to tight not too slack," prompted Izzy as they began following Jojo and Karla. Both girls had their wigs slightly open as they let the bottoms wiggle, their skirts swishing at mid-thigh as their heels clacked on the side walk. I noticed how their perky breasts had that slight bounce. These two Kittens had spent a good deal of time practicing both their walk as well as the lead and follow. "Jojo, Karla," I stepped out to meet them. "Kittens I am very impressed," I complimented them. "Thank you Mistress Gwendolyn," they both curtseyed and giggled, blushing. "They have spent the last week begging to practice every day when they weren't practicing their ballet," grinned Jojo. Reaching out I caressed both their cheeks, "You do your Momma's proud Kittens." "Our Mommas taught us how to keep just the right amount of slack, Mistress," stated Roamy. "And did they teach you what happens to little kittens who flaunt their bottoms and breasts in public?" I asked knowing that being in front neither Karla nor Jojo had seen the way they were strutting. "We're sorry Head Mistress," they dropped their eyes. "Well it's the first day so we can pretend it didn't happen this time since you've not been to orientation to receive the rules of proper behavior," I winked. "Mistress, have the rules changed since I graduated?" asked Jojo. "No they are still the same regarding public behavior," I answered. "Kittens," prompted Jojo. "You both studied the Kitten Handbook." She and Karla led the way to a nearby bench. "Jojo, Karla only three apiece, it is the first day after all," I said. "Yes Mistress," they answered. The swats were both firm yet gentle, delivered with such a depth of love. I knew that neither kitten had really been hurt. But I also knew that every other kitten had witnessed it. The love that each one was shown was heartwarming. In the admin office I saw that everyone was getting checked in ok, so I decided to by the Dorm and check on Chantilly. I was about to tap on the door frame when I heard four pairs of heels rushing to foot of their beds. I stepped inside and found Chantilly, Izzy, Roamy and Cherrie. Chantilly and Cherrie had been helping them set up their personal spaces. "Chantilly Lace, do you like your new roommates?" I asked. "Yes Momma," she answered. "Chantilly is your Kitten?" asked Jojo as she stepped out from between two of the wardrobe lockers. "Yes but before you ask, no I had nothing to do with the room assignments," she stated with a grin. "I suspect Chantilly's Kitten Sister may have had something to do with it though." I heard a pair of heals clicking on the hardwood floor a moment before Chichi stepped through the door. "Chantilly Momma's," she stopped seeing me there already. "On her way?" I finished. "Y, yes Mistress," she gulped. "Well what were you planning to do once you got here?" I prompted. Without a word Chichi crossed to the bed and began smoothing it out, making sure there were no wrinkles. Then began helping the rest to do the same. "Chichi?" Chantilly asked, "Are you going to come and make my bed every morning?" "W, what?" "Please, I appreciate your help really I do. But I need to learn to do this for myself." Then she hugged her and said, "Thank you." "Kittens, I'm happy to see you getting along so well," I told them. "Mistress?" I turned to Jojo. "Yes Jojo?" "Have you heard anything from Mistress Ramona lately?" she asked me. "Yes she and her Daughter Kitten, Cloe will be here at the end of the week," I told her. "They actually made it to the Demonian Academy and have been joined by an Independent Kitten Auditor from there as well." "I'm happy to know they are doing alright. Spider Silk told me how long she and Abe had been together. And how much Abe dotes on Cloe as a daughter. But I hadn't heard anything for a while," stated Jojo. "Well one of the reasons they are coming here is to change Cloe's status. But if you come to the office I can show you the pictures so you aren?t shocked when you see them,? I told her. Cloe had become so in love with both Ramona and Abe, and enjoying the life they lived that she had often been included when the couple made love. Of course Cloe was about to give the couple their first child, as well as become second ever Kitten Wife. She wouldn?t be the first Kitten to share a child with her Cougar and her Common Law Husband. But she was first declared Kitten Wife to do so. The couples ?John Deere? riding mower, JD, had become sentient after coming into contact with a slave cable used to convert one of the Earth Trucks. Since then it had continued to grow as well as evolve to provide comfort for its passenger companions. I?d been keeping track of the couple, as well as getting reports about Ramona?s recovering mental health. She?d been in a really bad way when I?d met her, and she and Jojo were both survivors after a group known as Cougar Hunters had taken them captive at different times. Ramona had lost her Kitten, and Jojo had lost her Cougar Momma, so I knew why Jojo was anxious to see her again. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I knew why so many were looking at me and Mika as I carried her toward the Uniform Supply office. She was more the size of a nine or ten year old girl, than the sixteen year old Kitten that she was. But of course once you saw her up close her breast development gave away her approximate age. The first thing Mika did when she got her uniforms was ask me if she could jump to my room to shower and change. There were a lot of gasps as we jumped there together and I realized that very few people had known that I was a jumper. And then as I stepped toward the door, Sadie appeared at my side earning even more gasps. But now that her classmates had seen Sadie, as well as knew that I was her Cougar Mother she would not be picked on by them for her size. The really big challenge had been finding heels and everything in her sizes. But at least now I understood a bit more about how Momma could love us each so much. Only one person knew that each time I?d stepped into the supply room, I?d jumped home to Iridani to Iridani to bring more of her things here. The only thing I had trouble with were her blouses which had to have the Earth Kitten Academy Logo?s. I ended up jumping to a local supplier for the Kitten Prep-School to get the blouses and to get her new three inch high heels. With her new heels on she now stood four foot three inches. I walked her to her Dorm room helping her to carry everything, but then as I was leaving I saw her three Roommates were asking her for advice on how to set up everything to standards. ?You want to develop a system, do everything in the same order every day so that you aren?t skipping back and forth,? she explained. ?Like make your bed first then organize your drawers, then your vanity, then your desk.? She?d done each item in turn as she spoke, and I smiled knowing that she had learned that from me. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The first few days seemed to go by all too quickly as the school began getting into our routines. Kittens rushing about between classes during the day. Slowly catching up on the gossip and getting to know the new arrivals. ?Momma, Is Mika my niece now?? asked Fillandra. ?Yes Kitten, are you sure you haven?t found one special yourself?? I asked her, and was rewarded by a flash of a shy young Demonian Kitten that Precious had gotten from Digger the moment I?d asked the question causing her to think of her. But the face and name didn?t ring any bells, I couldn?t remember any Demonian kittens here named Skitter. ?Precious, do you know her?? I asked silently. ?No, I?ve not seen her before,? she fed me more images of the girl and Fillandra together. Then I recognized something in the background. There was no mistaking the black granite walls of the Demonian Kitten Academy Dorms. Fillandra had gone there for two months during the summer vacation to visit an old classmate who was one of the Teaching Mistresses. ?Mistress,? Chichi called over my earring. ?Yes Kitten?? I answered as we sat sipping our evening tea on the patio behind the cottage. ?Talon is on approach to the gates, they called ahead to say that they have a special delivery for us,? she informed me. ?Talon? Did they say anything about what type of,? I never got to finish before Fillandra was out of her seat rushing toward the steps in front of Admin. ?Kitten, please inform the gate that they are to be granted entrance,? I said as I rose to follow. Fiona was following holding Carlotta?s hand just before the two disappeared. It was the first time I?d actually seen my Grandkitten jump, and I jumped to follow. Talon was just entering the gates when Fillandra appeared next to me, an anxious Digger heeling at her side. The first person off was Commander Derrell followed by a very shy as well as frightened Kitten that I now recognized. ?Skitter!? squealed Fillandra like a delighted schoolgirl as she rushed forward. Her wings bursting out through the wing slits in her blouse to wrap around the young Kittenette. No wonder, the name hadn?t rang any bells. She was a Kittenette from the Demonian Kitten Shelter. But this Kittenette wasn?t old enough to attend the Junior Kitten classes. Suddenly I realized why Fillandra had been so edgy, she was waiting on the formal Adoption to go through. ?And to think both you and Tyrea were worried about Grandma after she adopted Chantilly,? giggled Fiona. ?M, Momma, this is Skitter, my Kitten Daughter,? she began introducing her to everyone. After the introductions I asked, ?Fillandra, Kitten where are you planning to send her for school until she is old enough?? ?She?s going to Miss Malissa?s. Everything has already been arranged.? She was blushing now. ?Well you both have the entire weekend before she has to be there, right?? I asked. ?Yes Momma,? she answered never taking her eyes off the girl as if she was afraid she would disappear. I placed my hand on her arm gently. ?Relax Kitten, she knows that you love her and won?t let any harm come to her. She needs to see how strongly her new family will protect her.? Already I was dialing Tyrea?s number and leading the way toward the first year dorm to collect Chantilly Lace for the weekend now that it was officially after school hours. ?Momma, brace yourself. Both Aunt Tyrea and Fillandra have adopted kittens,? I heard Fiona say before Tyrea answered. ?Momma we?re doing fine. Mika is already making lots of new friends in the dorm,? she started. ?That?s wonderful Kitten. Did you know about Skitter?? ?What? She actually got her? I mean the adoption went through finally?? asked Tyrea. ?Kitten, you knew and didn?t think your Momma might need to know?? I let it hang there as if I was angry or hurt. But of course I knew full well why they hadn?t said anything to me. I also knew why Precious hadn?t told me. The other chows being asked to keep it confidential had not shared it with their mother either. I sat that night after a long session of playing with my two youngest kittens and called Titus Four. It only took them half an hour to find the specifications for my own cottage. ?I need two more with the same exact Specs. How long will it take to have them delivered?? I waited for the answer. ?Thank you. I will contact Demure Intergalactic myself.? ?Kittens,? I got both Chichi and Chantilly?s attention. ?This is to be a surprise for your sisters, understand?? Chantilly made a locked lips motion with her hand in front of her lips. Chichi gulped and nodded. ?Good, let?s see who can make herself cream first,? I giggled. It was a sort of contest to see who got to snuggle my front and who got my back. I suspected that they were taking turns though since it always worked out that way.

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Kittens Theater Kitten

Kittens _ Theater Kitten By Sarah Owens Based on the Stories of Malissa Madison Chapter 2 - The Kitten Ballet Theater Troupe "Violet, kitten, bring up the stage lights, and let's see what we have to work with." "Yes, momma." Violet adjusted the controls, and brought up the lights on the stage. In the week since Sarah had found her, she had begun to learn just as Sarah had, the intricate details of running a theater. And she also...

3 years ago
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Kittens Theater Kitten

Kittens _ Theater Kitten By Sarah Owens Based on the Stories of Malissa Madison "Erika, hi, this is Sarah. I am going to be coming back to town today. My momma left me her theater, and I think I would like to reopen it. Those years she let me study dance and theater were the best opportunity she gave me after she adopted me and made me her kitten all those years ago, and I want to give something back to the town that took me in and accepted me, in her memory." Sarah had called...

4 years ago
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The Academy

The Academy I always felt like I had something within me, something strong and powerful that yearned to escape its confinement. I'd been intrigued by it and frightened by it at the same time. At times I wondered if everyone felt the same thing, but no one ever hinted that they had something lurking inside them. I would have liked to talk to my mom about it, but she was a thousand miles away and never spent any time with me. My father was long gone, supposedly leaving my mom before I...

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The Academy

The Academy By Morpheus When I woke up in the morning I climbed out of bed, feeling nervous and excited at the same time. I immediately looked at the calendar which hung beside my bed, even though there was no reason to do so. There was no doubt that today was the day. After all I'd been looking forward to it for weeks. "I can't believe I'm so excited about going to school," I muttered to myself with a faint shake of my head. "Of course this isn't any normal school..." My...

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Lust Academy

Lust Academy, by Bear in the Night Games, is arguably one of the most highly regarded porn games out right now. While most adult video games are thrown together by some lone pervert with a stray fan or two before being given away on the free porn game archives, Bear in the Night has managed to build up a sizable following who are willing to pay for their games. They've got around a thousand Patrons right now. And given how many cheapskate weeaboos live in their mom's basement and spend their...

Free Sex Games
1 year ago
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Tales From The Academy

Tales from the Academy by Robin Cardinal The Caribbean is home to several small, remote, privately owned islands which appear to the uninitiated to be uninhabited and desolate. One such island is owned by a private corporation whose shares are controlled by a discrete group of aristocratic women who believe in absolute female supremacy and have inherited or acquired enough wealth to put their beliefs into practice. Through clever landscaping, this island conceals a number of...

1 year ago
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Waifu Academy

How many times have you played an XXX game that had the name ‘Waifu’ in it? Probably more than you can fucking count. Most of the time, these games task you with fucking these women. Typically, they are the kind of women that you would want to fuck for the rest of your life.Marry? Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Fuck on repeat? Now you’re getting the idea. The shining example of a fuck buddy that will let you do whatever the hell you desire without saying no, a guy would be lucky to have a...

Free Sex Games
1 year ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 52 The Academy

January 2008 - March 2008 When I went back to work, I let Captain Carson know about meeting the Gorsky family, and that I was sure that a lawsuit was on the way. Both he and Lieutenant Brownell quizzed me on what I had told the Gorskys and I swore six ways from Sunday that I hadn’t said anything that could be construed as an admission of guilt. Their general feeling was that we would be named in the suit, but we could dump any responsibility onto the Sheriff’s office, since they ran the jail...

2 years ago
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Trisha And The Academy

TRISHA AND THE ACADEMYPart 1 – Introduction     Trisha was so worried.  Semester report cards were coming out today, and she knew that she was going to be in trouble.  She just didn’t know to what extent. In the past, she had always been able to talk her way out of any trouble with her dad.  After all, she was ?Daddy’s Little Princess?.  And, although daddy would get pissed off at her at times, all she had to do was pout, cry a few tears, give daddy a big hug while telling him how sorry she...

3 years ago
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She Male Academy

She-Male Academy ? by: Christina Shelly Chapter One As the van moves slowly and anonymously through dense city traffic, its carefully and very tightly restrained cargo struggles angrily and squeals with increasing desperation into his soft but highly effective panty gag. Alan, soon to be Alice, lies face down on a leather bench bolted to the floor of the van. His slender, always girlish frame is sealed from neck to toe in a tight, skin hugging cocoon of pink rubber and thick...

2 years ago
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Dark Shadow Grantham Academy

Grantham Academy was proving a good fit for Juris Kristaps. It was located in upstate New York and was a four year high school. Plus, a portion of it was set aside as a preparatory school for college. Juris was teaching in the preparatory portion of the academy. Grantham was set in the countryside on one hundred acres of land that had been donated by the wealthy Grantham family. They had long contributed to the school, which easily explained the name of the academy. Juris had a small bungalow...

4 years ago
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St Judes Shemale Academy

My name is Amanda Johnson and I am a 38 year old post operative transsexual and owner and headmistress of a rather unique school, a school that turns troublesome and reluctant boys into shemales. This is the story of St Judes academy for shemales. My own transformation happened over 10 years ago when in my mid twenties I decided to transition from male to female. Being the son of a world famous actress, my gender change was largely kept secret and only a select few of my parents...

2 years ago
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The Academy

Chapter One: The Sex SchoolJasper Coleman, who was still adjusting to consciousness, stood with an absent stare just a few feet from the front door of his apartment. His surroundings were dark, only the light of the outside city illuminated the dull setting; and even then, a minuscule amount reached where he stood. The clock that hung behind him ticked at an unsettling pace, violating the silence of the early morning. Each tick pinged against his brain, which was currently fragile with ache.If...

Group Sex
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Black Slut Academy

Jean felt a little scared. It had been two years since she had started dating black men exclusively. Now her boyfriend had talked her to into taking it one step further. She was going to a school to learn about as he said "the culture." "This will complete you," Bill, her boyfriend, said. Jean's lover was a six-foot, four-inch black stud that Jean had been living with. She left her white wimp husband two years ago. What Jean especially did not miss was her ex's four-inch pecker. She blinked and...

2 years ago
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My Name is Kitten

My Name is Kitten by RH Music Colin gets ensnared by an executive dating service to fill the very particular needs of a wealthy, high-end client. Soon, Colin is giving the client the full "Girlfriend Experience"... Chapter 1: My name is Colin I was new in town and was starting my first job out of University and had met Amy and Todd in a local pub. We fell into conversation about Man United and I discovered they were relatively new in town as well. Amy was a bright and...

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The Academy

Chapter 1: The AcademyJasper Coleman, who was still adjusting to consciousness, stood with an absent stare just a few feet from the front door of his apartment. The apartment was dark, only the light of the outside city illuminated the dull setting, and even then a minuscule amount reached where he was standing. Jasper's clock ticked at an unsettling steady pace, violating the silence of the early morning. Each tick pinged against his brain, which was currently fragile with ache. If a person...

2 years ago
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The Academy

(Note: There is a lot of mention of different technologies in this story. I have entered them in bold, and there is a glossary at the end of the story to help you through anything you can't figure out through context. I didn't want to spend too much time extrapolating on things that the characters in the story would take for granted) Chapter 1 I stared out the window as the green English countryside swept past. Raindrops glittered on the window, the pale sunlight sparkling. It...

3 years ago
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Kitten's By: Malissa Madison Driving along behind the Maroon Chevy Lumina, I had time to think about things how far I'd come in my own life since everything turned upside down. That too was odd in itself, I hadn't thought about that in years. "I wonder why that popped into my head," I asked myself out loud. Noticing the Lumina was losing speed. I was about to pass it when a large puff of smoke belched out from under its hood, and it rapidly swerved trying to pull off onto...

3 years ago
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The Kitten The Domme The Wall

Warning:The following fictional post contains scenes of some rather shocking sexual torture. All fictional characters involved are over the age of 18 and have fictionally consented to everything that fictionally occurs.Proceed ahead with a kinky mind, for the most enjoyment! :P------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Kitten, The Domme, & The Wall"Welcome to the Pleasure Palace", read the bright pink...

1 year ago
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Kitten part 9

Kitten, part 9 By: Malissa Madison Justine quickly disappeared into the room with the other kittens, and I heard excited squeals and laughter. Momma Gina looked seriously at Grace. "Kittens can be very expensive to keep, especially those accustomed to finer things, or those who have been deprived," she told her. "Those who've grown up spoiled only want more. Where those who have been deprived grow a desire to want more," She explained. "It will be hard for you not to want to...

4 years ago
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Kitten part 5

Kitten, part 5 By: Malissa Madison I woke up around seven AM feeling a pair of soft young breasts pressed against the front of my hips. Long soft, hair flowed over my right breast as warm shallow breath flowed in even light puffs across my left nipple. As I opened my eyes, running my fingers through soft hair I realized it was on top of the head propped up on Hopes shoulder. With a smile on her face Samantha said, "I thought I was dreaming Miss Erika." She blushed a bit, "I'm so...

1 year ago
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Kitten part 8

Kitten, part 8 By: Malissa Madison My kittens sat listening to Momma Gina telling them about what a wonderful Kitten I had been. Then I would look at them and say, funny how I remember the same things a bit differently. "Like what?" they asked. "Like when I had to go to the dentist because I slipped on the stairs and cracked a tooth." It was just after Thanksgiving, and we were in a hurry coming from the dining hall. My legs were freezing from...

3 years ago
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Kitten part 6

Kitten, part 6 Back in our room I said, "Kitten's that was our last change of clothes, why don't you get ready for bed now." "Yes Ma'am," they answered in unison. Then started pulling out nighties. I picked up the room phone and dialed for an outside line, then called Momma Gina. "Momma, We're all fine. I wanted to tell you we're a bit ahead of schedule. And I need to get my Kittens in to see Judge Ferris as soon as we get home." "Now I know everything isn't ok if you're...

3 years ago
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Stray Kitten

   The rain-slick roads were lined with with parked cars as I walked towards the club entrance.  My overcoat shielded me from the light drizzle, but more importantly it hid my clothing from view.  I was nervous enough about tonight without having to worry about getting ogled by random passersby, though as I got closer to the club that became less of an issue.  As soon as I was within a block of the place it seemed every third person had on something revealing, restraining, and/or made of latex,...

3 years ago
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Kitten Theater I5 Jojos New Beginning

Kitten Theater, I-5, Jojo's New Beginning By: Malissa Madison Jojo stood in the middle of the theater stage, sweat soaking into her leotard as she bowed to the empty audience seats. As the stage lighting dimmed out and the house lights came back up she was startled to hear the clapping and lifted her eyes to see a throng of people watching her. At the front were not Karla and Myrrh, but Miss Gwendolyn, Miss Malissa and her friend Erika Tyler. Fanned out behind them were a group of...

2 years ago
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Kitten part 4

Kitten, part 4 "Yes it is," I said. "You see unclaimed Kittens don't get pampered the way the rest of us did. The way you will." I continued my story, "Those two had been sneaking around for weeks, hiding out in the unused out buildings, raiding the dining hall when they thought it was safe. They met up on the streets and hung together, Hooking whenever necessary to make money as they hitch hiked cross country. Tammy heard about the school from one of her Jane's....

3 years ago
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A Kitten and Her Master

Megan struggled to make it to the end of the hallway while balancing the full breakfast tray. Not only had adding her captor’s desired amount of creamer brought the coffee’s level to the brim of the mug, the chain linking the leather cuffs on her ankles only allowed for about 18 inches of movement. It also would have been easier to hold the tray by the edges, but the chain binding her wrists was even shorter, forcing her to carry the whole thing palm-up in the middle. She stopped and took a...

2 years ago
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The Kitten Club Part One

It was my girlfriend's birthday and she wanted to go to this place called the "Kitten Club". My name is Frank and my girlfriend is Joanne. I'd never even heard of the place, but it was her birthday, so her choice. When I found out what went on there, I wouldn't have gone anywhere near it for a very good reason I'll tell you about in a minute. You wouldn't have even known the club was there. It was down this dark alley, lit by a weak streetlight, and just a green door with...

1 year ago
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Kitten part 3

Kitten, part 3 By: Malissa Madison Sitting beside her in the passenger seat I watched as she went through a careful routine, that could only be described as well practiced. She adjusted first the seat to make sure her feet were properly able to maneuver the pedals. Then the center rear view mirror, and finally both side mirrors. She smiled sheepishly, "Sorry Miss Erika if I'm messing up your mirror positions. But I hate having to move around to see them clearly."...

1 year ago
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Kitten Club

My name is Frank and my girlfriend is Joanne. I'd never even heard ofthe place, but it was her birthday, so her choice. When I found outwhat went on there, I wouldn't have gone anywhere near it for a verygood reason I'll tell you about in a minute.You wouldn't have even known the club was there. It was down this darkalley, lit by a weak streetlight, and just a green door with "TheKitten Club" above in a faulty old neon light. A couple of bouncerslooked twice at us but let us in.Once we were...

3 years ago
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Kitten – Part I Welcome HomeHer day had been good one, but her night would be even better. JP would be home from work soon. There were only a few things that she had left to do to be ready for his arrival. Today, Kitten had chosen to wear pink to welcome him home. He loved to see her in pink lace. She was rolling her second thigh high stocking onto her leg as she thought about what the oncoming evening would be like. She was always very excited at this time of day. It took every effort for her...

4 years ago
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Lost Kitten

I was walking home when I heard someone call out, “Help a lost kitten?”I looked over and it was a young woman I have passed on the street many times before, standing there in the shade of what I assumed to be her appartment building.  Most of the time we would just smile as I pass, or say something about the weather or the traffic. I wouldn’t engage in more conversation because she would be smoking every time, a real turn off for me.  She didn’t have a cigarette now though, and was looking...

1 year ago
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A Merry Kitten Christmas

A Merry Kitten Christmas Aunt Bev came rushing into the diner filled with excitement. "Darla, Priss, Kittens what would you say if I told you we were going on a special trip for Christmas?" "You found Transportation?" asked our afternoon cook as she walked into the 'Milk Saucer' Diner that Aunt Beverly had taken over in Cougar Town after we'd been rescued from Azalia by the Alpha Alliance almost a year ago. "Momma?" we both asked curiously. We had no idea she was planning...

4 years ago
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Lost Kitten Part 2

I woke up to a hand stroking my cock.  It felt so good that I laid still, letting it happen.  It was replaced by something warm and wet enveloping my cock.  I didn’t remember who was in my bed, but they were doing a good job.  I murmured sleepy encouragement for it to continue.I rolled on my back and the warm and wet feeling went away to be replaced by the sense of someone straddling my hips.  Someone had moved over me and was bumping against my cock.  Before I could think about what was...

2 years ago
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NTR Quest Academy

The Royal Magic Academy had been a pillar of the Kingdom's authority for hundreds of years. The Academy's willingness to teach people from all walks of life and treat them equally, so long as they have an aptitude for magic, was a point of pride for the Kingdom and a drawing factor for the masses. The Academy would pull in foreigners and was known as the focal point of magical knowledge and training in the west. If one could achieve high rank in the academy and graduate, they would never find...

3 years ago
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A Merry Kitten Christmas 5

A Merry Kitten Christmas, 5 The second storm predicted, was going to hit harder and longer than the first, but thankfully there was a long enough lull between the two that the tribes were able to get hay and feed to the stranded livestock and herd guards. To everyone's delight Tomcat Lightfeather had arrived before the first storm leading two of his friends from school driving their own trucks. And while he hadn't told anyone what he was bringing, something we found out had caused...

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When the phone rang, I nearly jumped out of my chair. The anticipation I had felt all day had been exhilarating. I made sure the kids got a lot of exercise so that they would zonk out immediately upon going to bed and sleep soundly. I couldn’t take any chances of them awakening with Kitten coming over later this evening. I reached over to the end table, picked up the phone and greeted the caller. “Mr. Grey?” a young girl’s voice inquired. “Yes.” “Hi. This is Charesse Dole – Mike and...

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Kitten Theater Chapter 3 and 4

Kittens - Theater Kitten Chapter 3 - Setting Up Shop Sarah and Violet spent the next two weeks dressing the store in the lobby, for the expected shoppers. They took their time, making sure the racks were properly organized by sizes, and also separated by colors. Being how Sarah was more traditional, black short and long sleeved leotards dotted the racks, hung up on hangers, and dressing some of the display mannequins. Violet took extra time, helping to setup practice tutus, bags,...

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Kitten II

Kitten sat on her bed and used the remote control to adjust the volume of the CD playing in her boom box. Her best friend Charesse, who lived a few doors down, was next to her leafing through a teen fashion magazine. Charesse was similar in stature to Kitten, although her breasts were fuller and she had curly blond hair that fell just below her ears. Although it had been sixteen hours since she had left Mr. Grey’s bed, Kitten still felt tingly from mating with him. She squirmed once in a...

1 year ago
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Kitten part 7

Kitten; part 7 By: Malissa Madison I found myself laying on my back my legs spread yet warmed by the three young body's that lay alongside them. I feigned sleep as I moaned and moved my head, stretching my arms up under the pillows to grip the rungs of the headboard. I'd let my eyes crack open the tiniest bit and saw Hope was between my thighs, with Samantha and Colene on each side. They had my cock out of my panties kissing and licking softly. Samantha giggled so softly, "Just...

4 years ago
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Kitten part 2

Kitten, 2 By Malissa Madison I started off slow, gently kissing her cheek, letting my hand caress her back until she was relaxed. Then worked my way to her lips. The first seduction of a new Kitten is delicate work, you have to use all your patience. I spent an hour, relaxing her. Kissing her softly, petting gently until I was sure she had no resistance left. Before I let my hand slide under her skirt to caress her stiff throbbing Girl Cock. I licked...

1 year ago
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kitten and the rubber band

As always, I would appreciate hearing your feedback on this story. Please leave a review or email me at [email protected] sat naked at the computer, fingering her clit with slow circular motions. Beside the keyboard lay an opened envelope which contained a note, from her Master, telling her to be waiting for his IM and to have her pussy freshly shaved and warmed up. The letter also contained and rubber band, about 3 inches long and ? inch wide. She didn’t know the purpose of the rubber...

3 years ago
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A Merry Kitten Christmas 2

A Merry Kitten Christmas, 2 Priscilla and I stood just inside the door to our room, arms crossed and bound behind our backs. Our leashes fastened to our collar loops. We wore our matching ruffled pink pantys, and both knew full well that our bottoms were about to be bared and spanked in front of the entire diner. What we didn't know was that the moment the event had been entered into Road Runners Event Log it was announced to the Kitten Academy Network. Which had been started to...

2 years ago
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kitten part 10

Kitten, part 10 By: Malissa Madison The plan was to catch the plane fly home and get Driver/Darla, and be home in time to welcome the kittens back from their first day of school. Well she hadn't counted on Danielle throwing a tantrum. A very kittenish tantrum that required a firm five swat spanking. Afterward she decided it would be best to take the earlier flight and be back in time to drop Danielle off on Monday morning for orientation. Hope stood there with Erika beside...

3 years ago
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Daddys little kitten

Introduction: kitten lust after her daddy When I was a kid I would sneak peeks at my daddy from the time I was 4 till I reached my early teen years. I always wondering about our differences and why I wasnt built the same way. Now its my birthday today and all I can think about is my daddy and he makes me tingle in places I am just learning about. I would wake up with my panties soaked and a stickiness that would coat my virgin pussy. I laid in bed and stroked between my legs amazed about the...

2 years ago
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Kitten Takes Daddy

Kitten Takes Daddy!Jul 10 at 9:30 PM A ceiling fan rotates in the dimly lit room, lit candles positioned in various locations, as Daddy lies nude on a couch. His Kitten stands over him, a 6 inch dildo strapped to her waist. She smirks as, inwardly, she savors this momentous opportunity afforded her by her Dom, her loving boyfriend, her Daddy. Tonight, he offers her his virgin ass. Daddy licks his lips as he flicks his nipples, watching his Kitten as she strokes her plastic cock. He stares at...

3 years ago
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Daddys little kitten

Now its my birthday today and all I can think about is my daddy and he makes me tingle in places I am just learning about. I would wake up with my panties soaked and a stickiness that would coat my virgin pussy. I laid in bed and stroked between my legs amazed about the building of pleasure I was experiencing. Something was happening and just when something was about to happen someone knocked on my door. With a groan I answered and told them to come in. It was daddy and mommy, they came in...

1 year ago
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His Kitten

His Kittenby Lewis Chappelle (As related to him by a dear friend)Kitten’s heart beat pounded in her ears as her Master took his time inspecting her,. He slowly walked around her naked body as she trembled. He had just returned from work and was not in particularly good mood. Her whole body shook with each step he took. He circled her slowly,  becoming reacquainted with her every curve and sinew. Once, twice, three times he circled her, examining her. It took all the willpower her body possessed...

4 years ago
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Lusty Magical Academy

Open for contributions. See the Chyoa Forums Discussion Thread for details and Q&A: There comes a time when young people of special gifts come together under the guidance of dedicated teachers to advance their skills, learning, and character so they can use their powers for maximum benefit. This is a story of the students of one such academy. Follow the storyline of one student, describing the scenes and characters in their life,...

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The Agnes Mckenzie Academy

Margaret McKenzie inherited the academy from her late mother - Agnes. Agnes McKenzie had established the boarding school for the daughters of the middle classes in the late 1940’s. The academy was run on the traditional values of the Scottish educational system. It was very popular in its time and places had been hard to come by. But by the 1970’s people were no longer interested in what were seen as old-fashioned teaching methods. The school was gradually run down and Agnes retired, finally...

4 years ago
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Kitten 12

Kittens, 12 By; Malissa Madison Their faces freshly scrubbed clean, hair semi brushed out and their clothes as neat as possible as they timidly approached the set up picnic tables. "Umm, uhh hello Miss," they all said, together in a very shy manner, and preform a low curtsey in a manner to show a little respect sense they knew they were in the wrong to begin with. "May we join you for this meal?" The one that seems to have the most amount of clothing on asks for the six younger...

3 years ago
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Shh Quiet Kitten

"Sh-h ...Quiet, Kitten"! Daddy stands over you, watching the rise and fall of your impressive bosom, pressed to your body with nylon restraints. A blindfold impares your vision as you are susceptible to whatever comes to my extraordinary mind. Dressed in all black, a wave cap covering my bald head, a bowl of ice cubes sets on a coffee table. I light a candle, staring at the flickering flame, waving it over your naked form in rhythmn with the erotic, Bondage Music playing in the background....

2 years ago
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Sea KittenChapter 2

Becca went home and laid on her bed, sniffling. She took off her skirt and underwear and pulled up her shirt. Her tanned belly twitched and wobbled as the creature moved inside. "I can't believe you did that to me!" Becca shouted at her tummy. "You probably cost me my job!" Becca felt a sliding sensation and the kitten's head popped out from between her vaginal lips. It squirmed out of her and crawled up on her belly. The little animal stared up at Becca with its big sad eyes. Its...

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