- 4 years ago
- 43
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I walked back to my house with slow, unwilling steps, wondering — not for the first time — what made me go back, knowing that pain would be the only result of my interactions with my husband. Edward’s questions were still echoing through my mind. I realized that what he was saying was the truth, my friends wouldn’t want me to protect them, if it meant that I was hurt. But I had been loving them and protecting them this way for so very long. I knew it was a stubbornness that bordered on madness that kept me going, but I wasn’t sure I would ever be able to stop. Stopping meant that all those years of gritting my teeth behind a pleasurable smile were all in vain. Stopping meant breaking down the foundation of my beliefs, tearing apart the only thing that kept me going. And I wasn’t going to live through these next few hours without believing I was doing the right thing, I just wasn’t.
I opened the door and walked into a silent house, the echoing silence a sign in itself. No people around could only mean one thing, my husband had made sure that the household staff was nowhere to be seen, he had made sure that we had the house to ourselves. Cold shivers ran down my back, and the familiar feeling of deepest dread made me want to turn around and run as fast as I could. I took one deep breath and started walking up the stairs aiming for my bedroom. I sat down on my bed and waited for what was to come, the waiting game that was like a sick, twisted version of foreplay to my husband, who knew that dreading what was to come was almost as bad as the main event.
The sound of my door opening and closing softly made me look up, surprised that I wasn’t kept waiting for much, much longer. My husband walked in, gripping his phone with tense, white fingers, talking angrily with someone who was yelling back at him. He ended the phone call with an annoyed ‘I’ll be right there’, and then looked at me with hate shining from his eyes.
‘It seems we’ll have to postpone our little chat,’ he said, his voice tight and angry ‘but I wanted you to know that I’ve made special plans for you. And that I’ll make sure we have a long, nice talk tomorrow, ok?’
He walked away with quick steps, his whole body radiating anger, leaving me sitting there, breath stuck in my throat. I listened to his footsteps and wondered who the person on the phone had been and what was important enough for him run off before he was done with me.
Temporarily left off the hook, I let myself fall back onto my bed. A whole day to contemplate my life, doubt every decision I had ever made and ultimately regret my sins and maybe pray for forgiveness?
I stood up, walked into the bath room, removed my clothes, turned the water on and sat down on the floor of the shower. I pulled myself into a small ball, tightening my arms around my legs, letting my head rest on my knees. The warm water flowed over me as I sat, trying to hold myself together.
It was just another day, but still so different from all the other days. In the last few weeks I had seen kindness and I had felt hope. I had filled my frozen heart with precious feelings and I had come alive in a way that made me believe in, made me long for, a brighter future. I had thought I would be able to grow stronger, but by letting myself love and hope, I had instead somehow become softer, and a soft Rose was a very, very frightened Rose.
I sat in that shower until the shivers that were running through my mind and through my body stilled. I sat until I was able to focus my thoughts on the one thing that mattered, to keep going. I would divide my day into small, livable chunks, and just… keep… going.
I rose from the floor, shut the water off, dried off and got dressed. I had my usual salad for lunch and then took a long walk in the garden. I didn’t stop to sit down, but kept moving. I looked at Edward’s house, not sure if I wanted him to still be in there, so he could see I was alright or if I wanted him to have gone away, that he and Alfred were safely removed to some unknown place, far, far away.
That evening and night spent in that cold, silent house created another lasting memory that would be difficult to forget.
I woke up, tired after a few hours of restless sleep, but went about my morning as I usually did, my regular workout, a shower, some breakfast. Then I found myself sitting in the large kitchen, staring at the luxurious interior, wishing for the lived-in feeling of Edward’s kitchen, a bit shabby, but absolutely packed with wonderful memories. I sat there for quite some time, until I was interrupted by my phone signaling that it was time to go beautify myself, reminding me that it was Thursday.
As I was met by a first smiling, then worried-looking Gabriella, I thought that perhaps it would have been better if I had cancelled all of my appointments, and I almost turned and walked out of there. Gabriella quickly grabbed my hand, pulled me into her room, and then started scanning me for injuries.
‘What has he done?’ she asked angrily ‘You look like a ghost!’
‘He hasn’t done anything,’ I answered slowly ‘I haven’t been able to sleep, that’s all.’
Gabriella walked away to the far corner where she proceeded in waving her hands around and swearing, in several different languages. It took her a while to work all of that anger out of her system, but she came back, a decided look on her face.
‘You need to get away, now! Please, please let me help you get away!’ she said, begging me to listen.
I shook my head and looked down at the floor, not wanting to see the pain in her eyes.
‘You poor, stubborn woman!’ she said, and guided me to the chair.
It seemed that her hands were even softer and gentler that day, as if she was trying to take all of my pain and all of my worries away. She brushed my hair back from my face and let her hands linger on the top of my head, as if trying to push some sense in there, or perhaps it was just love? She cleaned and massaged my face, using long, slow strokes, as if trying to smooth away all my troubles. And when she sent me off to my class, she hugged me close and kissed my cheek before turning away quickly to hide the tears that I still managed to see.
I went to class, but didn’t look up at Josh or shake his hand as I entered. I tried to participate as much as possible, but a breathing exercise where you were supposed to find your ‘happy place’ and from that place try to face your fears, felt hilariously unfitting. I looked up quickly at the end of class and saw Josh throwing questioning looks my way, but I didn’t want to face another worried person and more questions, so I walked out of there as quickly as possible.
I heard him call out to me, but just kept walking, hoping he would be stopped by one or more of the women in my class, since they usually stayed to ask him a lot of follow-up questions. I made it out of the building before I heard Josh calling my name again and felt his gentle hand on my shoulder. I spent half a second on the surprised thought that his soft touch didn’t scare me before I turned around to face him.
‘I just wanted to make sure that you were all right?’ he said with that same magically soothing voice that had me thinking about him again and again, was it only a few days ago?
‘I’m fine,’ I answered ‘I’m just a bit tired.’
‘Please let me know if I can help you in any way!’ he said before he pushed my hair back from my face and let his hand linger for a short moment on my cheek. He leaned in, seemingly intent on pressing a kiss to my other cheek, when he was interrupted by an angry bark.
I turned around quickly and saw Alfred running up to us with wild eyes, growling and barking. Josh took several steps backwards and Alfred pushed himself between us and continued to bark at my very surprised-looking teacher. I think it was the first time I had ever seen him not carrying his signature smile.
‘I’m so sorry,’ I heard Edward’s familiar
voice call out ‘he’s not really dangerous, but he is a bit protective around Rose here. I think you better go indoors and I’ll make sure we’re on our way in just a few minutes!’
Just seconds after Josh had disappeared, Alfred began waving his tail and pushed his head under my hand, his favorite way of soothing me, and perhaps soothing himself as well. Edward came up to me and put his hand on my arm, and I looked up into his warm, calm eyes.
‘I’ve never seen him do anything even remotely like that before,’ he said ‘I’m beginning to suspect that you’re in his pack now. I just didn’t know he felt that strongly about protecting his own, but you live and you learn.’
I shook my head and smiled weakly down at the now happy dog. I could see the need for him to protect me against my husband, but the always friendly Josh? I thought about it for a few seconds, wondering if there was something Alfred could sense about the two men, that I was unable to see. I shook that ridiculous thought off and figured that my furry friend probably didn’t want me hanging around anyone outside of the pack. Silly dog!
‘Why are you still here,’ I asked Edward softly as I ran my hands over Alfred’s back ‘I told you to go as far away from here as it was possible.’
‘And we did go away, actually!’ Edward answered ‘We went all the way to the other side of town, to my nephew’s house. But today when we went for a walk, Edward kept dragging me back this way and well, the result was this… confrontation.’
‘You know that’s not really far enough…’ I told him.
‘Well, be that as it may… How are you, are you ok?’ he asked, one more person scanning me for possible injuries.
‘I’m fine,’ I said, keeping my voice low ‘my husband got called away from home yesterday and he hasn’t come back home yet.’
‘So you’re not hurt… yet?’ Edward asked, lowering his voice slightly.
‘I’m fine, I’m just tired, that’s all.’ I answered.
‘I can’t help being worried you know,’ Edward whispered ‘and I still say you should let me help you.’
‘And I love you for wanting to help, but I will live through this crisis, I will find a way to protect my friends and then I will do my best to get away!’ I whispered back ‘And now I have to get back there, being late will not precisely improve my situation…’
I left Edward and Alfred on the sidewalk, walked quickly back to Gabriella, and then half-ran back to the house, if I hurried I would be on time.
– – – – –
A handful of days later, I was running again, this time away from the house. I now knew with absolute certainty that I wouldn’t survive if I didn’t go as far away from there as I could, without ever turning back. I knew, because I had seen my death in picture after picture, film after film. I had seen one blonde girl after another being used, abused and killed in one vicious, colorful statement after the other. And I had heard my husband’s accompanying words describing every little thing he had done, every little thing he would soon be doing to me.
I ran to the first person I could think of, that I knew where to find, Gabriella would help me, I was sure of it. I slowed to a walk just before I entered the beauty parlor, but probably still had a wild and hurried quality to my movements, because the girl at the front desk gave me an odd look when walked in and then another when I asked if Gabriella was there. According to her Gabriella had the day off on Wednesdays and when I asked if there was any way to contact her, she just shook her head and told me to come back the next day, then she turned away and started fiddling with her phone.
I could feel myself deflating, that famous balloon-feeling, where all your breath and all your strength just disappears at the same time. I had no way of contacting her or Edward, I had made sure of it, to protect them as much as I could.
But perhaps there was one other person that might be willing to help me, at least he had said so on several occasions. Perhaps I could at least ask Josh for a place to hide and think for a while? With any luck I should be able to find him at work, if he worked the same hours every day?
I walked over there slowly, hoping that my decision to ask for help was the right one. Josh didn’t know about my life, but perhaps he had been able to deduce what was going on, as the others had. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to talk about it, and I hoped he wouldn’t ask questions that I didn’t have the strength to answer.
I walked into the empty reception area, then slowly continued towards the classroom where Josh usually resided, hoping I would be able to find him, even though the place seemed absolutely deserted. The room was as empty as the rest of the place, and I let out an exhausted sigh and sat down on one of the hard chairs. What now?
Before I was able to come up with a new plan I heard footsteps approaching, and someone whistling a cheerful tune on his way. There was so much joy in those few out of tune notes, that I instantly knew it had to be Josh. I turned towards the door and saw him entering, the way he started when he saw me and the wide smile that spread quickly as he realized who it was. His smile still made my heart beat a little unsteadily, and I could feel a blush spread across my previously pale and tired face.
‘Rose,’ he said, still smiling ‘you’re lucky you found me here, we’re usually closed on Wednesdays, but I had some things I wanted to prepare before your class tomorrow. What brings you here?’
‘I… I came to ask for help.’ I whispered, my face quickly turning back to its original color.
‘Oh, Rose… of course I will help you,’ he said, his smile slightly smaller and accompanied by a worried frown ‘I said I would help you, didn’t I?’
I nodded, but didn’t say anything. I just sat there and looked at him, wondering where to start and how to tell him what needed to be said.
‘Here,’ he said and reached for my hand ‘let’s go to the lunch room, there are more comfortable chairs in there.’
I willingly let myself be pulled from the chair I was sitting on. Those chairs really were uncomfortable, perhaps they had to be to make sure people didn’t fall asleep through all of the relaxation and meditation classes? We walked down a short passageway into a small but colorful and inviting room, Josh still holding my hand securely in his. His hand was warm and strong, sort of like his personality, my mind mused. He guided me to the corner seat of a soft and comfortable sofa, made sure I had a big, soft pillow behind my back, sat down beside me and took my hands in his.
‘Now, do you want to tell me what’s happened?’ he said with that soft, calm voice that I liked so much.
‘I’m not really sure what to say or how,’ I whispered ‘but in short… I’m afraid of my husband and I have to get away.’
I started crying, not able to stop the flow of tears. I had no strength left to put on a show, to wear the happily smiling face, my stubborn ‘everything’s going to be ok’ attitude was nowhere to be seen. I pulled my hands away to cover my face, and Josh let go of my hands, but then scooted closer and pulled me into a tender hug.
‘I can’t say I haven’t seen the signs,’ he told me with a softer than usual voice ‘and I’ve been hoping that you would give me a chance to help you!’
I kept crying and he continued talking to me calmly, telling me the different ways he could help me, if I needed to hide, he’d find a place, if I needed to go away, he’d drive me. And he continued telling me about the many different ways of going about everything from the first escape to a possible future as I cried myself dry on his shoulder.
‘This is not the time or the place,’ he whispered ‘but I felt I needed to tell you, just to come clean about it, that I like you very much. In fact, I’m very attracted to you. I’m not really sorry, because it’s a wonderful feeling, but I wasn’t sure if the knowledge would make you feel awkward or happy..
. or angry…’
I didn’t know how to answer that statement, which seemed a bit out of place somehow. His declaration made my heart take a few extra dance steps, but the feelings that lingered were a complicated mix of disbelief and astonishment.
‘I’m not angry… but perhaps… surprised?’ I finally answered, looking down at my hands.
‘Ok, so a little awkward then…’ he answered and I could hear the smile he was wearing by the way his voice sounded.
I nodded, still staring at my hands. I didn’t feel the strong surge of passion for him that I had felt before, mostly when I had been thinking about him when I was on my own, but I suspected it was probably due to my great levels of exhaustion.
‘This is what I think we should do,’ he started saying ‘we should take a flight to a sweet island that I know of, where the days are warm and sunny and the nights are comfortably cool, where everyone lives a carefree and stress-free life and where you’ll have plenty of space and time to heal and think about what to do with your future.’
I nodded again, liking the idea of being able to get away, far away, but wondering about the cost of it all. Flying somewhere far away wasn’t cheap, living on a tropical island wasn’t free? As if he could read my thoughts the answer came flying with Josh’s regular cheerful enthusiasm.
‘All you have to do is break out one of your credit cards, and I’ll set it up for you! In a few hours we’ll be on our way!’ he said with a short laugh ‘It’ll be wonderful, you’ll see!’
I straightened up, turned my eyes up to meet his and looked at his boyishly happy, smiling face.
‘I don’t have any credit cards and I don’t have any money,’ I said, my voice louder than before ‘I have nothing except the clothes I’m wearing and the bag I’m carrying.’
‘You don’t have a credit card?’ he asked, his smile slipping a few degrees ‘Nothing?’
I shook my head and scanned his face, surprised by the changes I was seeing.
‘So what you’re saying is that you don’t have access to any funds whatsoever?’ he asked, his voice growing louder.
Once again I shook my head, and saw him turn away. When he turned back to face me, I almost didn’t recognize the man in front of me. He wasn’t smiling and his eyes were hard and cold, his friendly attitude obviously blown away by what I had revealed.
‘So you mean I have wasted all this time on a woman that’s completely without means? That I have worked this hard to win your trust, that I have approached you slower than I’ve ever had to with another woman in my entire life, that I have finally gained your trust and your affection, but that it’s all in vain?’
His words were coming out stronger and stronger, until he was yelling quite loud. And I sat there trembling, until he stood up and walked a few steps, his agitation clearly visible in all of his movements. I stood up and tried to sneak away, to get away from that room, to get away from him, but he saw me moving and came pouncing. He threw me down on the floor and sat down on top of me, his knees on my arms. And he continued yelling at me, angry words that shocked and scared me, and turned my stomach.
‘I had to put in a real effort to make you see me, to make sure that you wouldn’t be afraid of me and to make you care for me. And when I saw that look in your eyes, when I could tell that I had woken some sort of passion in your cold upper-class body, I knew there was just a matter of time before you came to me. I had you in the palm of my hand. And then it turns out that you don’t have any money. And I have spent so many completely wasted weeks on you!’
He stared me straight in the eyes and spat me in the face before he continued.
‘And that means I now have just a few weeks to hook another wealthy fish, so I can finally get away from this godforsaken town. And if I don’t manage to do that, it’s all your fault. And since it’s your fault you should be punished, and I know you know all about that, don’t you? That’s what all of this was about from the beginning, wasn’t it? You wouldn’t stay for your husband’s punishment, but I guarantee you’ll stay for mine. And perhaps you will even enjoy it a little. I’ll thaw your frozen rich bitch cunt, you’ll see!’
Author’s note: This story is inspired by rachlou’s wonderful story series, ‘Show Me Heaven.’ There is nothing much similar about these stories, except the basic premise of a shy girl who is lured from her shell by a caring girlfriend and a patient man. ^ ^ ^ ^ Jane Smith finished filing the last of that day’s work, and neatly stacked the leftover documents in her In box for when she returned to work on Monday. She was particular about leaving work with a clean desk, a trait that extended to...
Jane Smith finished filing the last of that day's work, and neatly stacked the leftover documents in her In box for when she returned to work on Monday. She was particular about leaving work with a clean desk, a trait that extended to her private life as well. She lived by the motto, "a place for everything, and everything in its place." Her little house was neat as a pin, without a bit of clutter anywhere. Nothing was out of place, and you eat off the floor in her kitchen; that's how...
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I met Jeanette when I was in my late twenties, working at the port of a mining company in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. She worked for the same company. In that area at that time men outnumbered women by a few hundred to one, so I considered myself very lucky to have formed a great relationship with one of the minority. Typically single men and women were housed in separate accommodation. The female accommodation was in blocks of ten single rooms with a centre corridor, a kitchen at...
My Descent Into Subliminals – Chapter 13 – The New Dawn - Part 1I awoke early the next morning, Beth was beside me in bed still wearing her lucid dreaming mask and headphones. I got up and put on my robe and went to the bathroom. I then went to the kitchen to get some orange juice and swallow a Viagra. The only person up was Laurie, she was dressed in sweats and getting a bottle of water out of the refrigerator.“Good morning Master! I thought I would go for a power walk, it’s so nice with the...
This is for a female friend on X-Hamster who wanted me to write a story about her. This is what she wanted....The U.S.S. Frontier was just three days from reaching a newly discovered planet called Alpha IV. The World Space Center's interstellar's telescope, the Star Searcher, had discovered this planet 12 years ago. 5 years after, the WSC, launched space probes to investigate this new planet. The data that came back from these probes, was a promising sign that life could, and may possibly exist...
Monday, April 3, 1848 Ed: Day 15 of the Boston to St Joseph trip The area we were traveling through had some hills, but the traveling was easy. It was also easy for us to talk. "Ed, how did you end up with four wives, with one of them being a black woman?" Tina asked. "Cassie looked at me and asked, "Can I tell it, Ed?" "Go ahead, love." "Ed and Sam were together first. They were just traveling around, exploring the country. I had been having trouble with my father's second...
Zari's husband being stationed in Germany, Stuttgart area and on leave from Afghanistan took her to an adult Recreation Center. This was actually their second trip there. The first they actually went site seeing. This time Gang Bang! LOL Keaton made reservations at the Abrams Hotel, A very nice hotel, not the best for couples, as they book mainly single GI's there. And the place isn't as fancy as say the General Patton Hotel. A lot of the rooms in the Abrams Hotel are setup for several guys...
Trisha had made arrangements with Mark to spend the weekend at her house the weekend after seeing her attorney. Her boys were at their dad's so she would have time to talk with Mark, alone. "Hey, Sweet, what do you want to do for dinner? We could go out or order take out?" "I don't care; whatever you want to do." "Are you sure you want to do anything? Would you rather I leave you alone tonight?" "Oh, no; I'm sorry. My mind is still stuck on this battle with Jeff. I'll try not...
The rest of Meghan Kelley's special report started to depress me, so I changed the channel. Everything except the obscure channels that I never watch - no matter what - were covering the assassination twenty-four seven. CNN was airing a special on the "Life and Times of President John Gray," and speculating on how well or poorly Dryden would perform now that he was President. TNT was showing clips of my speeches, along with commentary from some people who claimed to be 'intimates' of...
Hello friends this is Vikram a.k.a. Vicky main ek average guy hun jo masti karna pasand karta hai main 6 feet 2 inch ka hun aur maine auro ki tarah apna penis measure nai kiya hai par woh itna bada hai ki saari females ko satisfy kar sake aur i m a rich guy and have a personal car and a bike and I can satisfy any girl or woman of any age with privacy aur main ek establish dj hun jo freelancing karta hai aur abhi tak maine kai ladki ko satisfy kia hain aur aaj bhi woh log mujhse chudne ke liye...
It was one of those boring days whilst i was surfing and browsing through some adult dating sites. I was chatting with multiple guys but they were either not my type ,fat or living far..Then i clicked on a local guy's profile, he didn't seem bad looking, not at all! He was in his mid-20s', very athletic and fit with dark complexion. Normally i am not really into dark guys but he was really funny and making me laugh and that's always a big plus! After a bit of chit chat, he asked me if '' i had...
They drove back to town at a high rate of speed. Nearing the outskirts they passed through the skid row section of the city. Earl slowed and began to look at the surrounding area. Suddenly he stopped the van and got out. Walking down a dark and narrow alley, Ted could see him approach what appeared to be an old wino sitting on the ground with his brown paper bag of booze. Earl spoke with the wino for a minute and then returned to the van. "Debbie, you have a customer." Debbie stared...
Edited by: oldfart and 2muchdiggity ‘Let her in, Kal,’ came the thought from Kuto. “Why the hell would I do that?” said Kal aloud. The last few minutes he had been talking the frozen harpy through the more panic-inducing parts of her stasis, such as no longer breathing or having a heartbeat. The bird-girl’s hysteria faded quickly as the mage shared images and feelings from his own experience. Knowing that she would be okay once the gorgon’s petrification ran its course did a lot to dispel...
Sara did not hear the door open downstairs. She was completely engrossed in her “alone time” as Mark entered the house undetected. She sat on the bed nude with her legs open, totally preoccupied and was working her fingers lightly on the outside of her pussy teasing her self. The wetness she felt excited her as the arousal intensified. Mark did not call out as if instinctively he knew what he would find. Her laptop was open and she was involved in a chat that had evolved into a mutual...
Aileen walked in to the tiny shop on the corner. It was her 18th birthday and her virgin skin had begun to shudder in anticipation. The shop was simply named Tattoo, and inside there stood ‘the Creeper’ a seemingly filthy man covered in Indian black ink that, with time fades to a forest green. Scraggily brown grey beard streaked with left over lunch and hair to match it, the Creeper was dressed in faded black. Aileen had seen demons dressed better, but she wasn’t interested in his dress, it was...
The American trucks arrived three days later, four driven by the drivers of the patrols. Titch was over the moon about them. “They’re brilliant, Boss,” he enthused, “we were doing 50mph on the road back without any effort and the four-wheel drive climbed sand dunes with no problem at all.” Shaun looked at the little trucks painted in American olive green. It could seat four. The windscreen would have to go, he realised, the glass could reflect light. The patrol gathered around it whilst...
South Carolina coed ? MJ Fre$h makes her long awaited return to the porn biz today, and since she’s been gone for so long, we just had to pair her up with big dick 18-year-old Damion Dayski for this Hussie?Pass update. After our esteemed director Johnny ?? Robins helps us get reacquainted with MJ ??? she shows off her body and gets her motor running by fucking herself with a big pink rubber dong. In steps Damion with some lube ?? for MJ’s lovely tits ?? and awesome backside ? which...
xmoviesforyouMy life was not exactly where I wanted it. I am at the financial peak of my life, but my sex life is sadly starved. My name is Elaine and I have a problem, no one wants me sexually. Some men do say they would love to, but they back out when they find out how strong I am. I am a twenty eight year old woman with red hair and blue eyes. I take pride in my body and work out five days a week and do yoga everyday. My 38CC cups can draw a man's attention, as does the curve of my hips. But when the...
Near our house a new couple (Mr & Ms Khanna) had rented a house , being in the same floor my parents invited them for dinner. When they arrived I could hardly remove my eyes off Ms Khanna she was a real beauty too hot and sexy. She was about 5’4” tall , fair color, beautiful big jet black color eyes , rosy lips , stright long hair below her shoulder. Very firm breast and ass. She wore a silk saree with deep neck cut blouse givin me a full view of her assets. I was trying to make out her figure...
Hello readers! I am not a usual reader of iss but used to read whenever I am so free and also used to enjoy some real stories shared by some authors here. Let me tell about myself am Paul from Kerala. Single with average built. And fair in complexion. The incident happened on my way to Bangalore on a Volvo bus. Usually I used to go to Bangalore by my own vehicle as am running business here in Kerala and I usually have to buy lot of things from whole sale shop at Bangalore and will take it in my...
Please give me the support of your vote. * Ginny takes Jerry home to Boston At 7:45 pm Ginny proceeded to walk down Clarendon Street from the YWCA to Newbury Street in the heart of the Back Bay of Boston. Even though Boston was a big city, the city felt small. She walked half the length of Clarendon Street nearly from the South End to three blocks within the Charles River. Within sight of the Western Hotel and the Copley Square library on her left, she walked by the Copley Square Hotel and...
There was a clamor for a pirate pool before we even left the New Orleans dock. Such was the reputation of the Lovely Louise that not one of our passengers feared pirates, they just wanted a pirate attack so that they would have something novel to bet on. With so much demand for betting pools, Logan showed some creativity and set up two pools, one for the date and time of the next attack and one for where the attack would take place. The prizes were increased to $100 each, and the ticket price...
…Hush! She whispered. Don’t move. I won’t hurt you… “Here you are, Mr Leon," I said. “Your prescription meds. Remember to take them once a day before you go to bed.” “Thanks, doc," the hunched elderly gentleman said softly, adjusting his black trench coat, voice husky. He wore a well-weathered grey hat over a thin mat of greying hair that was neatly swept back. Gentle grey eyes glanced knowingly across the room and met mine before his smile wrinkles deepened. “Fret not, Mr Leon. We’ll do a...
SpankingThe parties at Hailey’s always went the same, I would hype it up in my mind imaging the boys and how they would make me feel but I would always just be disapointed. These boys did not understand that sex was a mutual feeling, it wasn’t about personal satisfaction, it was about love. Against all odds I finally have been experiencing the highs of sex, not with a drunk selfish guy at Hailey’s parties but, with my younger brother. Tonight has been the best night of my life. I loved every second...
Our game of dares was becoming more and more daring and I had decided to kick it up another notch.One evening I instructed you to wear your garter belt and stockings, a black bra, a short skirt and a button up blouse, but specifically said no panties. You asked what I was up to but I did not answer. I grabbed a couple of Mexico blankets and we headed out to the car and started driving.You didn't have to wait long as I started to fill you in on my plan. Knowing your love of exhibitionism and...
I awoke to a gentle insistence, a slow nudging flooding me with warmth. A minor friction dissipating with wetness. I entered the realm of consciousness with the realization that I didn’t have to get up and go to work, which meant it was the weekend. The general haze formed into distinct clouds I could identify. The weekend meant that there was a finger toying with my gate, that I wasn’t simply in the lingering mist of an erotic dream. Stephen loved to wake me in this manner,...
Day in the life of a SLUTPart 1Work of a slut. I sit there, thinking about my day. 6 hours behind the desk, pussy full of vibrations as I fulfill my instructions for this evenings meeting.I have to be ready, stimulated, and orgasmic when I arrive. It is the duty of a true slut to be prepared and I strive to perfection.The vibrator has buzzed inside me all day, the belt firmly secured around my waist and between my legs, ensured that it stayed in place, and once he set the control on it, my...
There was about a dozen of us in the bar. The usual Friday night crowd, straight from work. I loved these evenings. There were only two other men the rest were gorgeous young woman. At 50 I was twice the average age of the rest and therefore enjoyed it twice as much too. As usual the subject got round to sex. Karen, our project manager, was always the leader, forever trying to embarrass the others, especially me being male and older. Karen was tall well-built girl, 5'9" with all the right...
Ever since posting my 2 stories about my cousin Doris, I've had on-again, off-again thoughts of her and our c***dhood escapades. I hadn't done anything about her (contact, et al) up until recently. Actually, I take that back - I have wanked more than once while reading my own stories. Unlike you readers, I have the bonus of memory recall - including mental video.Anyway, about a week or so ago, I decided to see if I could find her. After some serious web searching, and contact with a relative or...
That same evening... ... in fact, just at the moment when Shoran was starting to relax, a statuesque black woman was kneeling on a bed, introducing a youth to the pleasures of anal sex, in a large, brightly decorated detached house near the centre of the city, “Why must I put it in there Lettie?” Rob asked with a grimace and fiddling with his hard five inch cock. “Don’t you want to try something different baby?” she answered pleasantly, pulling her arse cheeks wide. Rob gazed at the...
Snake, Part 6 ? by: Beverly Taff Jacqueline Bentley cruised slowly up and down the strip that comprised the main drag of her small town. She knew all the clubs and watering holes intimately, from the prestigious country and golf club right down to the most menial dockside bar. In her previous persona as Jack Bentley, she had frequented them all. That was as a man, now she was a woman. From the high vantage of Jack Bentley's 4X4 she studied each nightclub and squirmed sensuously...
It was early in morning when 12 year old Abdul went on the roof of the block of flats he lived in, it was normally deserted this time of morning but today he saw a girl there, he knew her and knew she was trouble, he went down the opposite end of the block but after a few minutes the girl 16 year old Mandy came down and asked him if he had a light, Abdul told her no and saw her blouse was open quite a way showing her yellow bra that covered her ample boobs, Mandy said ” what you looking at”...
This is the second part of a completely fictional story. I encourage you to read the first part, but the short version of the first part is as follows. Dan, the main character, is in the process of breaking up with his ex. Lisa a well endowed Hispanic woman hits on Dan. This ends with Dan and Lisa playing a sex game where Dan can ask anything of Lisa for 15 minutes. He decides to spend this time teasing Lisa.Last night was amazing, after ‘the game’ Lisa pounced on me and fucked my brains out....
"We're halfway there," Ashley said. "This process must always be thorough. Now stay on your knees.""What else do you want from me?"Ashley gave the most naughty grin. "You were always good with your mouth, so we'll see what else you can do with it."With her slender dress still hiked up, pussy and ass showing, Principal Myers casually walked to the drawer where she had hidden a small box. She placed the box on the desk and opened it.The Principle picked up the content, which had a long strap...