Keeper Ch. 02 free porn video

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December 24

International Network of Defense and Intelligence Operations
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


‘You’re back.’

John looked up from the file folder laid open on his desk, raising a brow at the man leaning casually in his office doorway. ‘So are you.’

‘Ive been back.’ David ‘Blackie’ De Haven sauntered with a fluid grace into the room. ‘Got in a couple nights ago.’ White teeth flashed in an easy, familiar grin. ‘Where were you?’

‘Home for a funeral. Neighbor passed.’

Blackie paused halfway down into the corner chair, his smirk fading. ‘Neighbor? Which one?’

‘Jean.’ John sighed. ‘She’d been seriously ill, so it wasn’t totally unexpected, but still…’ He shook his head.

‘Aw, sorry, Keep. That’s rough, man.’

Subdued, Blackie settled into the chair and let the silence stretch respectfully. He, out of all the the people John worked with, was the only one that knew anything about John’s life outside of INDIGO. Just as it was frowned upon, for safety concerns, to reveal the nature of their work to ‘outsiders’, family included, John also took it a step further and normally did not discuss his personal life with co-workers.

Blackie was the exception, and John knew the reverse was true with him too. Over time they had discovered that not only did they work together well as a team, but gradually a deep, mutual respect had turned into friendship. Add in being stuck together for a few long, boring stake-outs during assignments and they were bound to get to know one another at least a little bit.

‘Jean was a nice lady.’ Blackie reminisced. ‘Made a mean pie.’

John leaned back in his chair, making it creak, and eyed his friend. ‘That’s right. When you needed to stay at my place a couple years ago. You said you had to have some time for yourself and you were hell bent against meeting Jean or Orley… next thing I know there you are sitting on Jean’s porch and she’s stuffing you with lemonade and pie.’ Pie.

Apple pie…

Blue Waters…

Sitting bolt upright and clearing his throat, John began shuffling the papers strewn before him with renewed importance, ignoring De Haven’s curious expression.

‘I’ve got nothing but piles and piles of paperwork to finish out the Michigan project, and then I’ll be done with that.’

‘Sol wanted that yesterday.’ Blackie interrupted, playing along with the lightening quick change of subject. ‘He told me to tell you.’ His classically handsome face lit up with it’s usual grin. ‘And he said ‘Merry Christmas’.’

John huffed out a quick breath as his only response. Both he and Blackie knew that working over holidays was par for the course for them, each being bachelors with no family ties. Still, it would have been nice for once. A nice quiet Christmas Eve in front of a cozy fire with a pretty woman. But not just any woman.

What is she doing right now? Is she spending the evening with Orley? By herself? She shouldn’t be alone on Christmas, especially this one. Alone and lonely…

He flipped one folder closed and shoved it to the side, and opened another one stuffed full of documents.

‘With Michigan out of the way and I’ll start in more closely with Sophia this week, getting her prepped.’ John glanced up while he talked, knowing the mere mention of Sophia McKinney always made Blackie sit up and take notice. David De Haven had the biggest school-boy crush on the woman. Not that he would admit it. ‘We’ve got Dimitri Belicoff out of prison. Thank you for that.’ Blackie’s nod was the only acknowledgment of the many strings he had pulled to get Belicoff released from the Russian hell-hole he’d been stuck in. ‘And he is showing all signs of co-operating.’

‘He’d damn well better co-operate.’ Blackie snorted. ‘Or he’s going right back where he was. I’ll see to that personally.’

‘He will.’ John glanced up when there was no response. ‘You don’t trust Belicoff.’

Blackie shrugged one shoulder. ‘Do you? You’ve had more to do with recruiting him than I have.’

John considered his answer for a long moment. ‘I believe he was set up by someone that wanted him out of the way, and I believe that before he was set up he was being looked at as an important asset by more than one impressive organization. I believe four years locked away and forgotten in a Russian prison has been more than enough to ensure his loyalty to whoever gets him out- that being us.’ It was John’s turn to grin, a quickly fleeting expression. ‘He’ll be watched closely, of course. But the fact is, because of Dimitri Belicoff’s family ties he’s our best bet right now for getting Sophia in where we need her. This is the plan and I’ve gone too far with it already to back out and start at square one. So, trust him or not… and for the moment I do… Belicoff is ‘it’.’

Blackie said nothing, and John took his silence as reluctant agreement. John knew that his partner’s real issues with this assignment wasn’t working with Dimitri Belicoff. It was using the Russian to get to his cousin Udre- a known weapons dealer- but not to take Udre down. No, this assignment, contracted through the CIA, was only using Udre as a stepping stone. A necessary evil. An evil that, for whatever reasons (politics… undoubtedly), the CIA had forbidden anyone to touch.

This ‘hands off’ directive set John’s teeth on edge, and he knew that Blackie felt the same way. So much so that he’d had thoughts of defying orders and going after the bad bad Russian anyway… to hell with the fall-out… but the straw that was stopping him was the fact that there was no way Dimitri would cooperate if he thought Udre would be harmed in any way. And John knew that as close as he would be watching Dimitri, Dimitri would be watching right back for any breach of promise.

He just had to keep telling himself that nailing much bigger fish than Udre Belicoff would be worth it in the end. Besides that, it was orders. And if there was one thing John was known for, it was following orders. John ‘By The Book’ Keeper, always reliably sticking to the Plan.

So he’d do what he had to do, get done, and then he’d be through with the back-to-back assignments that had landed in his lap and then he could go home for a much needed break. And maybe, just maybe, Blue would have made up her mind to ditch her California life and move home… where she belonged… and then he could…

What? He could what?


‘What?’ John jerked his head up to find Blackie watching him, not even trying to hide his amusement and curiosity.

‘What the hell are you thinking about so hard?’

Apple pie

‘Dinner. You hungry?’ He was. Damn straight.

‘Thought you’d never ask.’ De Haven stood and stretched. ‘Now if we can find a good place that stays open Christmas Eve…’ he ambled out the door.

John grabbed his coat and followed. ‘As long as they have dessert.’


Blue’s feet slid on the ice at the end of Orley Green’s drive, her free arm flailing to help her keep balance. Laughing, she turned and waved at the old man silhouetted in his doorway. When he lifted his cane in salute she hoisted the foil covered pan of half-eaten lasagna to show that there had been no casualties.

Orley had made a fairly edible lasagna for their Christmas Eve dinner together, and though she’d insisted that she was fuller than a tick, he’d pushed the leftovers into her hands as she was on her way out the door.

She would come by tomorrow to see about de-icing Orley’s driveway and porch steps, she decided. She wouldn’t take no for an answer. Orley had said that he’d been meaning to spread a layer of kitty litter from a stash he kept for that purpose, but he hadn’t ‘gotten to it’ yet. Though the old man didn’t say it out loud, Blue deduced that John was the one who normally did this small but important chore for their neighbor. When he could. When he wa
s around.

Head down against the sharp wind as she and Abe walked home, Blue wondered what John was doing. If he was getting something to eat. If he was by himself. If he had someone to keep him company. When he was coming back.

Abe ‘wuffed’ and Blue looked up from her musings. They had just rounded the bend in the road that allowed her to see her own driveway and the SUV with it’s Fire Marshall logo parked there. As she neared, a lean man with sandy blond hair opened the driver’s side door and climbed out, an expectant look on his face.

‘Lee! Hi.’ Blue greeted. Always happy to see her longtime friend, she was nevertheless wondering why he had stopped by. The closest city, Chaplin, where he lived and worked was twenty minutes away, and she had already agreed to have dinner with him on the 27th.

Lee Henry pursed his lips for a moment as Blue neared, his brows raised in question. ‘Where were you? I’ve been calling.’ He stopped at that, but the look in his eyes said ‘I’ve been calling and there was no answer so I decided to drive all the way over to see if you were all right.’

Blue shrugged off any feeling of irritation, little as it was. Lee was a good friend, had been since high school. They had kept in touch since then, and she always got together with him whenever she was in the area.

‘I spent the day with Orley.’ She looked down the road in the direction she had come. ‘I thought he was probably lonely… you know, Christmas Eve and all, living all by himself.’ Her heart skipped a beat as the light went out of Lee’s eyes. She didn’t think he knew his thoughts showed but she suddenly felt guilty, irrationally or not.

Of course, Lee would be lonely too, at this time of year especially. With his wife having passed away close to Christmas several years ago, and as far as Blue knew he hadn’t found anyone who was more than just a fling since then, it had to be difficult for him still.

‘Come on in.’ She chattered and burst into motion to hide the sympathy she didn’t think he would want. ‘I have lasagna. I’ve already eaten, but there is plenty left and I’ll warm it up for you if you like.’ She turned after unlocking the front door to find he had stopped short of her porch steps, examining the lights twined around the length of the wooden rail.

‘Blue…’ He looked up at her with a frown, and she felt like she was being scolded. She knew this tone of voice from him. ‘Jesus, how old are these lights anyway? Are they even up to code?’ He touched a burned out bulb with the tip of his finger. Yep… she was being scolded all right.

‘I doubt there was a code when these were made.’ She quipped back with her tongue firmly poking against her cheek. She tried not to laugh when he looked so alarmed before realizing she was teasing. ‘Come on in, Lee.’ She urged softly, holding the door open. ‘I’ve got a real live Christmas tree in there that is dying for a good watering before it dries up and poofs into flames, and you’re just the man to do it.’



John felt his gut tighten at the sound of her voice. It sounded like she was smiling as she spoke, holding back some laughter even. He let out the breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding as he’d waited for her to answer her phone.

‘Blue. John Keeper here.’ He leaned back in his desk chair, the familiar creak giving sound to his relaxation. He also hadn’t realized how stiff he’d kept himself until she had picked up. Really, he needed to stop this…

‘Oh, John! Merry Christmas! I was just thinking about you.’

Oh good lord, there was no stopping now, not after hearing her soft, feminine voice in his ear. So what if it was coming through his cell phone, and she wasn’t actually here… not here, where she would be snuggled on his lap, her hair down loose and brushing his hands as she nuzzled his neck before tickling his ear with her lips with a whispered ‘Ohhhh, John… I was just thinking about you.’

Sitting bolt upright in a hurry gave the chair a raucous squeak rather than it’s comfortable creak. What the hell was he thinking?

‘John? Are you there?’

John resisted the urge to clear his throat. Clearing his mind was enough.

‘Still here. Sorry, bad connection I think. Sounds fine now, I think it’s cleared.’ John rolled his eyes.

‘Oh good. How are you? Traveling went well?’

He could still hear a slight smile in her voice. Comfortable. That’s what it made him feel. Warm and comfortable. ‘I’m fine, thank you. Got here in record time. Looks like everyone is staying home for the holiday instead of traveling.’

She made a small puff of noise. ‘I can’t believe you have to work on Christmas. It must be some pretty important business you do.’

‘It is… believe me.’ Not exactly what you think it is, but it’s damned important. ‘How are the lights holding up?’ How are you? Are you thinking about me as much as I am about you even though you barely know me from Adam? Will you go out to dinner with me when I get home? Will you be there when I get home?

‘There was a couple burned out bulbs this evening, but my friend Lee helped me change them out. He held the ladder for me for the high up one, anyway. He’s a little bit leery of heights, I’m afraid.’

Her laughter tinkled softly through the cell phone. He wished he could think of something witty to say so she would laugh like that again… wait… her friend Lee?

‘Hey, Blue?’ A masculine voice came over the line, sounding like it was coming from another room, but strong enough to hear. ‘Got any rum? Eggnog is supposed to have rum in it, right?’

A shuffling sound, and then Blue responded to the voice, her own muffled as if she had put her hand over the receiver. ‘Sorry Lee. All I’ve got is beer.’ Another shuffle and she came back on the line. ‘I’m sorry, John.’ She sighed a little. ‘Where were we?’

I’m here and you are there. Way too far away. That’s where we are. John shook his head and looked down at his file strewn desk. Well, what did he really expect? That Blue would be sitting beside her Christmas tree, twiddling her thumbs and waiting for his call with no one but Abe to keep her company?

‘No problem. I won’t keep you away from your company, but I called about Abe, actually.’ That wasn’t a lie. Just not the total truth. ‘It occurred to me… Abe was mighty attached to Jean, and now that she’s gone I was wondering if you have noticed anything in his behavior? How is he?’

‘Well, now that you mention it, he did seem a little sulky today. I do think he’s missing Aunt Jean. But he ate well. I think he’s mostly okay, but I’ll keep an eye on him and let you know if he gets worse. I don’t want you to worry.’ Her voice was kind, and John let that warmth wash over him again.

‘Thank you, Blue. I’ll let you get back to your friend. Have a good Christmas.’

‘You too, John.’ She said softly.

John pushed the ‘end’ button to disconnect.

‘Merry Christmas.’ he said to his empty office.

December 25

Blue stood at the small, paned window, looking out at the night. From her third story vantage point she could see the front yard with it’s holiday lights, the seldom used road that wound past the house, and because of the lay of the land, the way the road dropped downhill, she could even see John Keeper’s house through the trees.

Because he wasn’t home, there were no lights on at his place, and so she couldn’t see much beyond a vague moonlit outline, but she knew the house was there. She had looked out this window so many times she knew the view by heart. It was a familiar spot to look out from for her, from the time she was a scared, angry young girl, on through her teenage years, and up to adulthood for each time she came back for a visit.

She sat listening to the total silence until the faint melody of the grandfather clock on the first floor carried to the third as it played it’s midnight tune.

Blue turne
d from the solitary window to say something about the time to Abe, but the dog was sound asleep, curled up in a corner on his blanket. Looking around the large loft room, she tried to let the ambiance of her favorite, unique corner of the world wash over and comfort her. Usually it worked to settle whatever mood she was in. This time it didn’t.

She was restless. That wasn’t so unusual. It was the loneliness that was unfamiliar. Without even a glance at her easel- something also unusual for her- Blue climbed onto her bed and slid under the heavy blankets. Burrowing to chase away the chill of the room she stared up at one of the skylights overhead. Aunt Jean had them put in several years ago, much to Blue’s pleasure. With only the one little window at the end of the room there hadn’t been much light let in. But with the skylights set into the steeply slanted roof, it had made for a much nicer place for Blue to do her painting, the reason Aunt Jean had had it done. The glass was covered in falling snow now, but as Blue lay in bed she looked up as if she could see the winter night sky through the white.

Lee had left for home an hour earlier. She enjoyed his company, but he had stayed long enough. She had found herself wishing that she’d had more time with John on the phone, even that Lee hadn’t come over at all, but that felt like an awful, ungrateful thing to think. Lee was her friend. Someone who had always been there for her despite the distance, and she certainly didn’t want to lose that. If she did move back here they would most likely see a lot of each other. As just friends, of course. Nothing more. Besides, this feeling of loneliness was more a result of missing Aunt Jean, she mused. Blue turned over onto her side and came nose to nose with Abe, who was resting his head on the edge of the bed. Staring. Pitifully.

‘You sneak.’ Blue chided, but smiled. ‘Oh, fine. Come on up. Keep me company.’ She shifted across the bed enough to make room for the big dog, and Abe jumped up and settled with what could only be described as a dog-like sigh. ‘Just don’t tell John. I don’t know if he lets you get away with stuff like this.’

Closing her eyes, she tried not to think, tried to settle her mind enough to fall asleep, but the mention of John had his image popping up, not necessarily unwanted, into her head. Tall… so tall… and handsome, really. Maybe not so much the type she usually was attracted to, although she couldn’t pinpoint what about him wasn’t something that she found attractive. Maybe it was his hair, the way it was cut short and no-nonsense. Blue preferred a little ‘nonsense’ in a man’s hair. She chuckled softly at the thought, making Abe’s ears twitch.

But he was definitely good looking. And big. My oh my, he was big. Not overweight big, but… manly big. Solid. Yes, that’s it. John is solid. She wondered what he looked like without his shirt. Was all that ‘solid’ a result of bulky, bumpy muscle? Too much muscle wasn’t something Blue was attracted to either, but somehow she didn’t think that was the case with John. Why are you thinking about John half naked? Blue rolled over, found that wasn’t comfortable, rolled back again. Why not? Why not think about John totally naked?

‘Oh, lord.’

Abe’s ears twitched again in the darkness.

‘Go to sleep, Abe.’


Blue let the door slam behind her, almost catching Abe’s tail. ‘Sorry.’ she muttered breathlessly. She thought of shaking off the snow that covered both she and the dog from their romp outdoors, but her cell phone was trilling from the kitchen table and she didn’t know how long it had been ringing, and besides, it might be…


‘We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas…’ Lee’s voice sang over the airwaves, charmingly off key.

Blue laughed and worked on pulling off her hat and coat with the phone to her ear. ‘We wish you the same. What’s up?’

‘Come to my place today.’ Lee insisted without preamble. ‘I’ve got a turkey for dinner, you can bring the sides. We’ll stuff our bellies and sing more bad carols.’

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Tiffani was sexy, if a bit over the top to my way of thinking. Then again, I was a virgin with no girlfriend and not much prospect for one. I was nerdy, short, and slender with androgynous features. I was kind of shy and never exactly popular. I had a couple of friends, but they had both already headed off on nice vacations before starting college at big schools a few hundred miles away. At any rate, I was chilling by myself, not that I really had any other options. I was sitting in my...

4 years ago
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College days

I had met Melanie a few years previously in my home town when she was just sixteen, i was five years older than her and now here i was round her bedroom in my Uni town. I had just graduated, she was a fresher and 18. She was a very slightly built blonde, very petite features and a very sexy voice. Needless to say I'd wanted to fuck her for some time, her telling me she considered me like a brother had just made things worse! So we'd had a few drinks, and were sitting on her floor listening to...

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Young girl in the supermarket

This happened about 8 years ago.Donna and I were doing our weekly shop at one of the big supermarkets in our town, as she was looking at some stuff I was on the end of an aisle just waiting and looking around, there was a young blonde girl kept staring at me, when I looked at her she'd look away. As we moved round the store we'd bump into this girl who was with her friend, and she'd be watching me.As we neared the end of our shop, Donna went to the toilet and this girl was waiting at the...

4 years ago
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The Fitting Ch 04

It turned out the children were laughing at the double rainbow. Rachelle marveled at the beauty of natures work. She was soaked to the bone, dripping, feeling so much emotions. This was such an odd occurrence for her. Looking at Robert side ways she saw a man with strength of steel. Handsome and very sensual. The cause of him having to sit a little longer was easing up. He finally stood up and stretched his long legs. ‘Rachelle, double rainbow means its stopped. What do you want to do now?’ He...

2 years ago
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A Wilderness OrdealChapter 16

(Day 70 — October 28, Foothills of the Brooks Range) Ricky awoke shivering in a wet sleeping bag bordering on hypothermia. He finally realized that the thermal suits his father and uncle promoted were not for sleeping in, even in really cold weather. They having been with his belongings when he was arrested were given back to him when he was released. He had to make a choice between continuing on, and heading back. It was probably another hard day's ride to Walker Lake, and he didn't know...

3 years ago
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Roommates Part 4 Missys Magic Wand

It came as a big surprise the following Friday when my girlfriend Jane and I came in late and heard some moaning from both Missy and her date when we came home the following Friday night. Missy was our roommate. She was a petite little redhead, with a cute round face, small, lovely breasts and a bottom which set a standard for female backsides everywhere. Cute as button, and hot as a firecracker Missy had a date anytime she wanted. But for all her dating she hadn’t ever brought a guy home...

3 years ago
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BSC06 the Jennifer EffectChapter 4 My Fingers Have Eyes

It was now 10:00am and Jennifer was lying spread eagled on a table, in a classroom, in the middle of Blanke Schande while a naked man was quietly tracing the folds of her pussy lips and vagina with his fingers. Jennifer had not been expecting anything like this on her first day of attendance to ART and the HUMAN FORM. The art instructor was a well proportioned middle aged woman with an ample bosom and a neatly trimmed ‘landing strip’ above her vagina. Everyone that met her liked her...

4 years ago
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Internet Love

I sometimes do get lonely and go to adult website to look for friendship. I could quite relate to those who started online relationship which developed into reality of meeting up and discovered period of enjoyment. I for a period was inactive sexually and had few opportunity for all my pent up sexual energy. Well, I finally found a younger man on an adult website who love mature women, especially with my figure type: hourglass with buxom breasts and hips – he just loves all my curves! What...

5 years ago
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The Truck Ride

She asked, "Are we gonna get out of this house today baby?"Replying, he said, "We're gonna go somewhere but, we can't take the bike in this storm?"She smiled and said, "The truck will do fine."While he finished up his morning routine, she dabbed some makeup on and brushed her hair. The storm had darkened the sky completely. Low rumbles of thunder echoed as they made it to the truck. She placed the drinks she had brought in their perspective places and continued to arrange the cab. Removing...

3 years ago
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A lil adventure

I feel the bark biting into my hands, as I lean into the tree. With each stoke delivered, he leaves fiery streaks across my thighs and ass. In this stance, I know he sees my skin quivering, hears the deep breaths I take as they pass my lips, and senses the true meaning of my pleading. I look behind me every now and again, but will knowing what to expect help ease the pain of every slap? It never does, but it gives me the chance to catch a glimpse of his desires, burning brightly in his eyes. I...

Straight Sex
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Wife gets a job at hooters

Please feel free to send me a comment on the story. For those of you who have emailed me thanks for sharing your kind words. I have enjoyed reading the emails about the stories and ideas on what should happen with some of the characters. Thanks for the kind emails. It's nice to know that people enjoy reading them. Since they take a long time to write. If you find an error, I highly encourage telling me (as I have few mistakes!). Please Vote! __________ “Mike is on his way over honey to watch...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 29

They left from the porch. For a couple of days, Jean wondered who the man in her house had been. She certainly didn't know why she had a complete Intensive Care Unit and bed ... complete with monitors she'd never seen and pumps that didn't exist ... on her newly enclosed back porch ... in the addition she had no idea was there. There was plenty of evidence that the bed was recently used. "Christ! I get enough of that at work ... why would I do it at home?" But, everybody at the Shelby...

2 years ago
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A Golden Dream

My wife of some years and I were sitting in a coffee shop the other day, right across the street from the main campus of the world-famous university. Naturally, it was crammed full of students and people of all sizes, shapes, ethnicities, and future world leaders.  In walked the most beautiful creature I have ever seen in real life. She was about eighteen, six feet tall, had long straight tanned legs, a perfect face with tiny features, and a peaches and cream complexion. Her shoulder length,...

4 years ago
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Cindy part two

Part two   Pamela felt like she must be looking like a hayseed as Cindy lead her to the back yard. Double glass doors opened out to a pool surrounded by a tall stonewall. A huge hot tube sat beside the pool, pool furniture for at least a dozen people sat on the smooth stone patio surrounding the pool, Cindy was beside her self with excitement, Cindy took both Pamela’s hands in her’s and faced her. “Pamela, lets go up stairs, I have some things to show you and we can come back down after...

2 years ago
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Uncle Charlie and Me Niece Part 5

Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 5Continued from.. Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 1 Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 2 Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 3 Uncle Charlie and Me (Niece) Part 4Grabbing the food tray, I head out to serve my uncle and his friends.. 4 hot men (Steve, John,...

5 years ago
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a show at the show

We were winding down our set when I spied her, looking long and lean, a stone foxy machine. The air was permeated with a haze of sweet reefer smoke wafting above the crowd as our instrumental rumbled to a climax, our lead singer hollering ''thank you!!'' to the throng and yelling out the count to our last tune, a hot little blues number about a cat caught playing in the wrong kittens bed. As our bass player Lance thumped out the opening notes I heard a audible squeal of ecstasy escape her...

1 year ago
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Paradise lust on the beach

The day has been beautiful and hot, it was a perfect day to go to the beach and unwind for awhile. No kids, a lovely sandy beach, palm trees all around and no one in sight for as far as the eye can see. You have been able to relax and enjoy the sun in peace and quiet. Laying on your beach blanket for most of the day and soaking in the rays while listening to the walkman and feeling the sea breeze blow gently across your skin. The feeling of the hot sun on your skin and then the breeze giving...

4 years ago
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The Deeper The Love

Note: This is one of my earliest stories. I wrote this, probably 20 years ago. I was experimenting with story ideas, and seeing where it would lead, and was the continuation of my growth as a writer. It is also loosely based on real events, in fact, the real story is much wilder than what you will read here. But, basically this is an abridged version of those events. * "What makes love between two people so right, but so wrong?" - part 1 - My name is Kay and I've been having sex with my son...

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Last Months in BrisbaneChapter 3

Friday morning brought a long-awaited missive: a letter from Kevin at Black Mountain, ACT. I dashed off a note expressing my interest and tried to read. Orlando was impossible. I returned to Wilson. I was gripped by his writing of how the youthful fascination with things that then leads to the productive scientist. Laura called somewhat after two. We arranged for me to call for her “around eight” on Saturday morning. We’d be at the parking lot at the Tyagarah Nature Reserve by ten. I stopped...

4 years ago
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Baniyan mein ki kahaniya

Mujhe pata nahi kyu par banian aur banian pehne hue aadmiyon ke liye ek akarshan raha hai. Chahe woh Varun Dhawan ki ad ho ya Tiger shroff ki. Kafi baar jab mein ghar mein akela hota fu to sirf banian mein hi hota hu. Mujhe safed wale banian to pasand hai hi. Par alag colour wale banian ka bhi alag maza hota hai. Iss kahani ki kuch baato ko maine badal ke likha hai. Ye kahani woh hai jo main chahata tha ki ho, na ki woh jo sach mein hua. Ye kahani ek-do saal purani hai. Main tab 22 ka tha....

4 years ago
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No Hands

No Hands Day 1 Mark sat down on the couch with his Aunt Tracy. His mother's sister was the younger of the two siblings somewhere in her mid thirties, Mark could probably work out her exact age based one what he knew of his Mom, but it really didn't matter, twice his age at least. She still looked young though, flawless skin, long dark hair that tumbled down her head in naturally curly waves. His Mom and her sister shared the same coloring but his Mom had long since cut her hair to...

3 years ago
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Brothers Incestuous BetChapter 2 Sisterrsquos Teasing Delight

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Maria Reenburg I woke up with energy the next day, eager for the bet with my brother before I realized I had to wait a week. A week before I could start seducing dad. I just had to give my brother a head start. I was being charitable. After all, I was a cute, sexy sixteen-year-old temptress. When I went to work for my daddy’s political office over this summer break, I would get his dick in me in a flash. How could he deny me? My brother,...

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The Exclusive Club

Part Eight of Pam and Ethan's sexual exploitsPam was panting hard. Her lungs burned. She bent over with her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. Debbie was bent over beside her, panting just as hard. She collapsed on her back in the grass by the track, covering her face with her hands. None of the other k**s was around. The rest of the class had already gone into the locker rooms."That... bitch... I'll kill... her," Debbie said between heavy breaths.Pam just nodded.The bell rang and...

5 years ago
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Shadows of a Love

It’s late at night and I’m in my bed, tossing and turning. I know that I will never be able to sleep to night, but the question is will I ever be able to sleep again. If I had any tears left then I would be crying right now, but no, I have cried too much over the last two weeks already. So tonight I will just lie here in my bed, a bed so empty now that you are gone. I will lie here and wait for the sun to rise, I will wait for tomorrow, all the while wishing that tomorrow will never come. I...

2 years ago
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The Challenges

The Challenges by AtomicWriter Everything in this story is fictional, do not read if you are under the legal age for reading adult fiction in your place of residence. "I don't know, that seems kind of unfair," Kyle said skeptically. "You don't think you can win, do you?" his sister, Jessica asked back. She smiled that annoying smug smile, the same one she always had when she teased him. "I didn't say that, it just seems like the bet makes it very easy for you to get what...

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Jessies Journey The Private Club Chapter 4

Following his directions, she continued to scan the room. Watching the crowd of people – both men and women – as he started to work her cunt again in earnest. Everyone’s attention fixed directly on her. Everyone watching as her cunt was fucked and stretched wide open. Derek now used two hands on her. Three fingers plunging in and out of her, faster and faster, while the fingers of his other hand flew back and forth across her clit. His eyes went from her dripping pussy to the glass on the floor...

3 years ago
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Complaint Karne Jaane Se Leke Chudai Ki Class Tak 8211 Part 27

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

3 years ago
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Loose Morals

I opened my eyes that day and the first thought that crossed my mind was not a comforting one. My bills were unpaid. Rent was due for the second time two weeks ago. My car insurance, cell phone, garbage bill, mechanic repairs, speeding ticket... all unpaid. I opened up my laptop and checked my credit union balance, but I already knew what I was going to see. I felt a sense of dread as I looked: $4.33. Twenty-six years old, and I still spend my money like it's an allowance from my father. I...

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Tammy I

I had always had a close relationship with my older sister Tammy. She was 15 months older than me, and a total knockout. She has brown hair down to her shoulders, green eyes, tanned, with a very toned body from years of gymnastics. She is about 5'6" 125#. Her breasts are pert and perky at 34C, a nice slender waist a tight, apple-shaped ass, long muscular legs. She used to make me a bit uncomfortable though, she would let her kisses linger a bit too long, rub herself against me when we'd hug,...

3 years ago
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My Niece Farah

The trouble began when my wife’s niece Farah moved in with us for a few weeks, while her parents were having a second honey moon. I watched her as she moved around the house wondering where the little angel gone from just a few years ago. Most days she’d sit at the kitchen table studying for her finals, and I found myself walking past her for no reason, stealing glimpses at her long pale legs so well proportioned. I imagined my tongue climbing her thighs, reaching for the naked...

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Fifth Anniversary

The morning did not start well.

Kevin and Susan Greyson rose on a working day. It was a sunny morning and Kevin felt great. So far so good. How had it managed to go so steeply downhill from there? Well, he would later have to admit that he had nothing and nobody else to blame but himself – and her of course! He always accepted that he had a stubborn streak, and when it bit, he could not help but dig his heels in. 
He was eating his muesli and drinking his coffee, and Susan was doing the...

4 years ago
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another hot one for fans

Life's a Hot Bitch (M/b**st)by Mind Yob ([email protected]) ***The usual note to let the thieves know they can't steal what is freely given. (I *love* to piss them off by making these stories public domain.) Rewrite it. Change it. It's damn certain you aren't creative enough to be able to write one on your own. Another public domain piece of shit by MindYOB...***So we like to fuck. What's the big fucking deal about that?Do you think the fact I have two legs and no fur makes a damn bit of...

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BlackMeatWhiteFeet Brandi Love 02152019

Brandi Love and her hubby have been working the floor at a convention over at the Civic Center, and poor Brandi just can’t take it anymore. Specifically, her feet ache. You see, Brandi loves wearing her red, high-heeled “come-fuck-me pumps” on the convention floor! They’re super slutty, and that helps Brandi make sales! But she’s had enough. Brandi tells “the Hubs” something like, “I’m going home to get my feet rubbed by my fuck buddy...

3 years ago
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Outpost 2 Snowed in Hetero EditionChapter 6 Clear Skies

Riya stood at the door of the outpost, looking out through the porthole at the mountains of snow that the storm had deposited the previous night, the air was clear now and she could see one wing of her shuttle protruding from the powder as the vessel lay almost on its side. Schaffer arrived from the corridor behind her, already pulling on his environment suit, fastening the seal on one of his gloves as he marched towards her. He came to a stop beside her, tapping the suit monitor on his wrist...

3 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 19

~~Antoinette~~ Her Black Hall had more faces than she’d expected. Wonderful, that meant tensions had lessened between covenants and individuals alike. There would be lasting peace in her city, even if it meant she had to drag the idiots into the peace like kicking, screaming children. She took a moment to look around. Garry, Jacob, Maria, Michael, and Julias up on the balcony. Delightful, all the primogen were there. It was the first time in a long time the primogen had come to a ball of...

4 years ago
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Jayti Singh Part 4

Jayti Singh Part 4 By Aardvark Jayti returns, but can Jim handle it? Return to Udaipur and the Maharana. Jayti takes a big chance. Stirrings of Jihad. Jihad! The Second battle of Haldighati Pass. Battle for Udaipur. Defeat! A new beginning for India. Jayti returns to the harem. Good-byes to old friends. A distant legacy. New adventures? Warning: Some subject matter and explicit language may offend. Don't read unless you are over 18. Chapter 23: Jayti Meets Jim ["Are we...

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