The Jade Box - Part 5 free porn video

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Nothing was about to upset Amy that night. She was out with a guy she liked, she looked hot, and best of all, her days as a girl were numbered. She and her mother would fly out the day after the play and then it's bye bye to skirts, heels, hose, periods and sitting down to pee. One more week and it would all be over. 'Do you want to dance?' Danny asked after they entered the high school gym and saw the set up for the night. 'Is this a dance?' Amy asked with a smile on her face. 'I would never have agreed if I knew it was a dance.' 'Okay, let's go home then,' the boy said holding her hand and heading for the door. 'Well you did pay for the tickets.' 'Yeah and we both look pretty good.' 'Well one of us does,' Amy giggled. 'I just have know.' 'Good, I need know, too. Meet you back here when you're done.' Amy headed for the girl's locker rooms and once again found herself on the end of a long line. She didn't mind that so much, after almost 2 months as a girl it was almost the norm, it was the fact that she found Belinda French standing behind her. As Stuart, Amy had pretty well ignored Belinda even though she had told a friend of a friend that she kind of liked him. Belinda was bad news. Sure, she was pretty but she was the biggest gossipmonger in the school and had a reputation more for making up stories than just spreading stuff she had heard. Belinda was just starting to get the claws out when Amy heard her. 'Did you see what Kylie Jensen was wearing?' She asked another girl who was waiting in line. 'My god, you'd think a red head with more freckles than face would know better than to wear a green dress. She looks like a blood nose.' Some other girls around laughed but Amy knew they did so only to make sure they weren't the next victims of her cattiness. 'And what about Angela Dobson? You'd think she'd realise you need boobs to try and carry a strapless dress.' Then her eyes fell on Amy and she was not happy about the lack of response she was getting. 'Nice petticoat Amy, did you forget the dress?' 'Did you hear that?' Amy asked. 'Must have been my sides splitting. Look Belinda, I'd love to stand here and have a battle of wits, or in your case half wits, with you but I never take on an unarmed person.' 'Who's your date tonight Amy?' 'Danny Simpson.' Belinda's eye brows rose and Amy could tell she was trying for the knock out punch. 'I should have known. I have heard you two are close. Very close.' 'Are you here with your cousin again or did you Dad pay some one else to ask you?' Amy shot back as she got closer to the stalls. 'Is what I heard about the wedding true?' 'I don't know, what have you heard?' 'I heard you fucked Danny in a broom cupboard.' Amy wanted to smash her lying face in but with the joy of the impending trip running through her she decided to have a little fun. 'You must have really liked last week Belinda.' 'Oh, why is that?' 'Because you are begging to be slapped back into it.' Amy grimaced, or at least what passed for a grimace. 'If I even get a sniff of you spreading that story around school I will hit you so hard your grandchildren will hurt.' The look in Amy's eyes left the girl in no doubt she meant it. 'Do you understand what I am saying?' 'Jeez, I was just repeating what I heard Amy.' Belinda backed down as gracefully as she could manage. 'Well you heard wrong,' Amy snapped as she reached a vacant stall. 'Broom cupboard indeed. It was in the back of the bridal limo and he was fan-fucking- tastic.' She tried not to laugh as she went about her business. 'You took a while,' Danny said when Amy walked back across the gym to where he was standing. 'There was a queue as usual,' she smiled hoping she wouldn't have to worry about it soon. 'Can I ask a question?' 'Sure. Ask away.' 'Do you have any idea why all the girls are looking at me strangely?' Amy giggled; the grapevine was working well. She could easily see the story had spread through out the whole gym. 'Let's just say you owe me one.' 'Okay, now what do you say about a dance?' 'Let's rock this place.' -oOOo- It hadn't been a bad night as far as school formal dances go. Of course the decorations of the gym were pretty cheesy and most of the music the so-called D.J. played had been recorded before any of the kids were born, but all in all Amy was enjoying herself. Until she looked over and saw Katie. She had seen her earlier in the night dancing with quite a few guys and felt a small stab of jealousy with each one but the guy she was dancing with now made Amy's blood boil. She was clinging on to Steve, any closer and she'd be sharing his clothes. Although by the look of the pair that was probably what they were aiming for. 'Will you excuse me for a tick?' She asked Danny politely. 'Sure,' he shrugged. 'Toilet again?' 'Nope but it does involve a huge shit.' She replied heading off across the dance floor. She reached her best friend in record time, grabbed her arm and kept right on going, dragging a bemused Katie along with her. 'Either you are dancing with Steve or you think he's on fire and you're trying to put out the flames by smothering them with your breasts,' she snapped. Katie looked around, down and up, anywhere but at Amy's eyes. 'We...we talked. He's really, really sorry about that abortion thing.' 'Oh that's all right then. We'll just go down to the clinic on Monday and see if they can put the kid back in then shall we?' 'Don't be like that Amy,' Katie sniffed. 'Like what? I am your best friend and friends are supposed to warn each other if they are about to make a mistake.' Amy stopped and pointed at Steve. 'He has a neon sign above him with the word mistake 10 feet high.' 'He's not that bad,' Katie said, sounding like she was trying to convince herself more than Amy. 'Not that bad. Yeah, in the same way Syphilis is not that bad. Just like mad cow disease is not that bad.' 'He's all I have Amy. It's all right for you; you've always been popular with the boys. I am not as pretty or as smart as you are.' 'Bull shit.' Amy yelled. 'There are plenty of guys who would love to go out with you and they'd treat you a shit load better than Steven fucking Ellis.' 'Yeah? Who?' Amy wanted to say that she wanted to go out with Katie but the time and the gender were all wrong. For the first time in a long time Amy was lost for words. 'I thought so,' Katie said. 'No one. Well I am going back to dance with Steve.' 'Don't do it Katie.' 'Or what?' The girl challenged. 'Or you can forget our friendship.' It came out of her mouth so fast that she didn't even see it coming, let alone have time to stop it. But it was out now and there was little she could do about it. Katie had been walking away but when she heard that she turned and looked at Amy with a mixture of sadness and defiance. 'If that's what you want' She said quietly as she continued to walk back to Steve. Amy wanted to follow her and say it wasn't what she wanted; it wasn't what she wanted at all. She wanted to hug her and let her know who she really was but there was no way that was going to happen. She'd just come across as a crackpot claiming to be a guy that no one but herself, her mother and her sister ever knew existed. 'Are you okay?' Danny asked from behind her. 'Nope.' She replied with tears in her eyes. 'Hey, what's up?' The boy asked as she fell into his arms and cried. 'I think I just lost my best friend.' Danny did what any guy his age would do; he hugged the girl tight. -oOOo- 'Go and talk to her,' the boy suggested later that night as the pair danced to a slow song. 'No.' Amy said firmly. 'She's made her bedfellow, now she can lie with him.' 'Look, I haven't been at this school this long but I know Steve is an arse hole. I may not be a girl but I do have eyes. I saw him kissing Cindy what's her name earlier.' 'Cindy Acton?' Amy asked, looking up into Danny's eyes. 'I don't know, blonde chick, big boobs. In our maths class.' 'That's her.' 'Well,' Danny continued, 'he was all over her like a rash.' 'Tonight?' 'Yep.' 'Shit.' Amy said looking back at Katie. 'We have to do something.' 'You want me to beat him up?' Danny grinned. 'I'd do it for you if you asked.' Amy thought about it seriously for three or four seconds. 'No, I think this is one situation where testosterone won't help.' She paused to look back at the boy. 'You'd really beat him up for me?' 'I'd take on Mike Tyson for you Amy.' He mumbled as he nibbled her ear. 'You old romantic, you.' Amy said, starting to get turned on. 'Next thing you'll be saying you love me.' All of a sudden it was as if the music stopped. Danny took a step back, let go of her small hands and looked at her intently. 'Whoa. Hold on a tick there.' 'Did I say something wrong?' Amy asked. She knew exactly what she said and kicked herself for saying it. She would have run a mile if some girl had said the "L" word to Stuart. 'I am fifteen years old Amy. Love is a word I use when I am talking about my playstation, my collection of playboys and my skateboard.' 'But not me?' Amy asked, feeling a little hurt and not knowing why. 'Lets just say I am deeply in like with you.' Danny said sincerely. He took her in his arms again and kissed her. Slowly dancing with her as their lips locked. It was enough for Amy. She felt wonderful in his embrace. -oOOo- Amy didn't realise how wet she was down there until she went to the bathroom at her house. After the heavy duty kissing the pair had done on the front porch she was so bad that she needed a lot of toilet paper to wipe herself. It was a strange feeling, not in the least unpleasant, but very different from her normal erection. 'Nice night?' Susan asked. 'Not too bad.' Amy said. 'Katie is back with Steve.' 'Well, you have Danny,' Jade smiled. 'You can't be too greedy dear.' 'Well what happens when we find the old bag in Hong Kong and I get turned back to normal? I have to deal with Danny as a guy and I don't know if I can.' 'Sure you can love. Speaking of the trip though, you'd better come up with a good excuse for going away.' 'Why? Surely if I get changed back no one will even know I was away.' 'How do you work that out?' Jade asked. 'By the way, your lipstick is all worn off, what have you been doing?' Amy blushed but decided to ignore the last part of the question. 'Well if the only reason for going there is to change me back, once I am back there is no reason to be away.' 'Makes sense to me...Not.' Susan put her hand on Amy's shoulder. 'We have to be realistic honey. We haven't heard from Mei Ling or Wang since this started and I may not be able to find the old woman again. Even if we do find her there is no guarantee she will turn you back simply because you want her to.' 'You mean I might be stuck like this?' Amy asked motioning to her body. 'No way, that was never part of the deal.' 'The deal,' Susan told the girl, 'was to go to Hong Kong to find Mamma Chow. What happens from there is anybody's guess. Look, don't worry about it too much, we'll be there this time next week and then we will do everything we can to find her. Put it this way Amy, it might take her awhile to make another Jade Box and you'll have to stay that way until she can do it. Just make an excuse for a week off school and I'll let your principal know.' 'Okay,' Amy replied rather glumly. 'Can I talk to you for a second Jade?' The two girls' went to Amy's bedroom where Jade unzipped her sister and they chatted while the younger girl got undressed. 'I think I made a big mistake tonight, well two mistakes really.' 'Like what?' Jade asked. 'I asked Danny if he loved me.' 'What brand of shoe does he wear?' Amy looked at her sister quizzically. 'What the hell does that have to do with anything?' 'I just thought you might have been able to see the brand name written on the soles of his shoes as he ran away from you.' 'He didn't.' 'Well that's a good start. What happened?' Amy unknowingly took a deep breath just like her sister and mother. 'I have no idea,' she admitted. 'We were on the dance floor and he was nibbing my ear.' 'Oh,' Jade said grinning like a Cheshire cat. 'Forget it,' Amy said defensively. 'I am going to bed now.' 'Sorry. Go on.' 'Well I just sort of asked him but I have no idea why.' 'Don't worry about it.' Jade told her. 'It's often been said that men play at love to get sex while women play at sex to get love.' 'Huh? I didn't fuck him or anything.' 'No, but I bet you thought about it tonight.' Amy hated it when her sister was right. 'No I did not.' She stated as forcefully as she could. 'Whatever. Like I said, don't worry about it Amy. Like it or not you are thinking like a girl.' 'That's the problem. I have been thinking more and more like a girl ever since I opened that damn box. I was reading my diary earlier and I can't see where that girl stops and I start. What happens if I can't change back? When will I lose Stuart completely?' 'If that was the case, wouldn't it be easier if you could lose him?' 'No. I lived 15 years as Stuart and 2 months as Amy but Stuart is fading into the background. Even if I can never be him again I don't want to forget him.' 'I don't think either mum, you or myself will forget him.' 'You never liked him did you?' Amy asked. 'I couldn't stand the little prick.' Jade smiled. 'He was okay, as brothers go I guess.' 'You're talking like he is already dead. What am I saying? He is me, we are the same person just with different packaging.' 'Do you really believe that?' Jade asked. 'Yep. Sure I might know more about girls than I ever thought I would and I might even think like a girl at times but I am a guy and I miss being a guy.' 'What's to miss?' 'A lot.' Amy sighed. 'I miss being able to stand up and piss, I miss not having to plan a piss three weeks in advance in case there's a queue, I miss being able to throw on a pair of short and be considered dressed. I hate the way these hormones seem to control me, my emotions, how much I eat, what I want to eat, every damn thing. Periods I will gladly forgo. I miss just hanging out with my friends and I miss being strong enough to beat the hell out of some one when I want to beat the hell out of them.' 'Okay,' Jade said trying a different question. 'Is being a girl so bad you can't do it if you have to?' 'I can do it.' Amy said. 'I may not want to do it but the past two months have proved that I can do it.' 'So either way you will be okay?' 'I guess I don't have much choice do I?' 'Whatever happens, I am here for you. You know that don't you?' 'Yeah, I know.' Amy said hugging her elder sister. 'But as far as I am concerned I am going to do Romeo and Juliet and then go find Mamma Chow and be turned back into Stuart.' 'I guess you go back to murdering chords on that guitar of yours?' 'I expect so.' Amy nodded 'And your idiot mates will keep on coming to the house?' 'Yep.' 'Gee, it's a tough choice for me,' Jade said. 'I have my so called normal little brother back or I have some one whose clothes I can borrow.' 'Well luckily for me you don't have the final choice. I have a feeling that I'd be menstruating for the rest of my life if you did.' 'Not for the rest of your Life Amy. Just until menopause.' -oOOo- 'No rehearsals tonight?' Jade asked as she entered Amy's room. Amy who was in the middle of changing out of her school uniform bridled a little at the lack of privacy she now had. 'Did you happen to notice that my door was shut?' She asked as she grabbed a pair of denim shorts and slid them on. 'Ah ha. Do you know what a shut door means?' 'I might be naive here but I was kind of hoping it meant that the person on the other side should at least knock and wait to be invited in.' Amy grumbled. 'Yeah? Interesting concept.' Jade nodded. 'So, no rehearsals tonight?' 'Hello?' Amy pretended she was speaking into a microphone. 'Is this thing on? I was talking about my door Jade and how you should be on the other side of it.' Jade watched as her sister pulled on an old white sleeveless top. 'As much as I am enthralled by your door I have other things to worry about. Anyway, I have seen anything you might be hiding.' 'Is there a point to this visit Jade or are you just enjoying pestering me.' 'Both.' Jade smiled. 'Are you busy tonight?' 'Nope. For the first time since the start of the term I don't have homework or rehearsals or work or acting lessons. I plan on hitting the chocolate and the television.' 'Good. I need you to do me a small favour.' Amy looked at her older sister suspiciously. 'I know your small favours Jade. The last time you asked that I ended up fixing your car for four hours' 'Okay then, can you do me a big favour?' 'That's more like it. No.' 'Oh come on Amy. Look at all the stuff I do for you?' Jade whined. 'I have been asked on a date tonight and I was supposed to do something else.' 'What?' Jade mumbled something very quietly and added, 'so if you could do that for me I could go out with Rob to see a movie.' 'And people say you're not funny,' Amy said. 'I could have sworn you mumbled babysitting then.' 'I did.' 'You want to put me in charge of a small child?' 'Ah...Two small children actually.' Jade admitted reluctantly. 'The Ford kids from up the street.' 'I hate children.' Amy said. 'And Beth and Jerry Ford are little pains in the butt.' 'You were a kid once. Come on Amy, do it for me.' 'Oh well if it's for you that's different. Nope.' Jade rolled her eyes. 'Amy.' 'I hate kids.' Amy said again 'You used to like kids, you hung around with them all the time.' 'I used to pick my nose and eat it too but you grow out of these things.' 'You've grown out of that in a week?' Jade asked. 'I like your strategy Jade. Insulting me will really make me want to do it.' 'I'll be your best friend.' 'Jade, as scary as it is, you are close to being my best friend at the moment.' 'Look, you do this for me and I will drive you anywhere you want to go.' 'I will do it for money, and I mean a lot of it.' 'Five dollars?' Jade asked hopefully. 'Enjoy your babysitting.' Amy said, walking to the door. 'Ten?' 'You must love kids.' 'Alright,' Jade sighed. 'Twenty.' 'Plus what ever the Fords are paying.' 'Okay.' Jade said. 'They're expecting you at seven o'clock.' -oOOo-

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Jade stood in the ladies room mirror freshening up her lipstick. Her lips were so full and soft, very kissable. She stood there imagining her boss Giam, kissing her lips passionately. She moved back to check the entire view of herself ... she looked great. She was a sexy Latina with nice tits and ass. Her long black, tousled hair hung down her back as she turned to check her rear view out. She looked down at her watch and saw that she was almost late getting to work. She unlocked the...

3 years ago
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Episode 63 Jade and Grace

IntroductionThis pure fantasy story has been written for two xhamster friends julialover (Mark) and mackeral (Uncle Mack) and their real or imaginary little girls Jade and Grace.None are related, but Jade always calls Mark 'Daddy' when she hasn't got a mouthful of cock and Grace calls her pervert 'Uncle', especially when he is eating her out.Jade and Daddy have been relocated from the US to Plymouth England to make the story work.Jade and Grace attend the Marine Academy in Plymouth; this takes...

2 years ago
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Jadersquos First Shoot

Jade’s eyes fluttered open as she awoke to the world around her. Her head ached a little and her legs were sore. “A little too much drinking and dancing last night” she thought to herself. She pulled herself out of bed and went about her morning rituals. Soon she was fed, dressed, and ready for the day. Today Jade was heading out to Eastman Video for her first video shot. It was really more of a demo that would be used to find her more work in the industry. She was nervous and more then a...

4 years ago
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Jadersquos New Experience

Jade was six months in the business, she had performed nearly as many titles and in almost three times as many scenes. In that time she made as much as she did working full time at her normal job. Jade was enjoying herself in the adult industry but she always thought back to her first shoot and how fun and exciting it was. A part of her really wanted to recapture that feeling. Sitting down at her computer Jade logged into her e-mail to check her messages. She browsed through a few messages from...

5 years ago
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This is the continuation of the Jewel Series of Stories. Joseph and Jewel Josephson, brother and sister, realized they were in love with one another, and they proceeded to do something about it — They moved from where they were born, and went to College and had three children along the way; Jet, a girl, was the oldest; Next came Jade, and finally the youngest, and only boy, Kit! Here's our remarkable story. I'm KIT - 19, Jade's 21 and Jet's almost 23. We all have dark brown hair and...

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Jade Sandwich

Jade was so sad after Prom. She had been humiliated in front of the whole school by Tori calling her names. Jade just wanted to put on a play she wrote. She spent days working on it and when she finally got to perform it Tori ruined it. To top it off Beck was still away so she was alone.She was crying in the parking lot after pushing diaper Doug off her. He had tried to cop a feel and she made it clear that she would kill him if he tried.Robbie was walking out of the Prom area after Cat...

4 years ago
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Jade Box Mums the Word Part 5

Talk about a pregnant pause, the one that hung heavily between the new mother and her daughter was more than that. With this pause there would have been time for conception, pregnancy, delivery and the baby's first birthday party. The more time that ticked by the more tears trickled down Ally?s cheeks and the more Cassie willed herself to deny it, but deep down she knew she couldn?t. This was way too important to try and fob the little girl off with lies and untruths but how...

3 years ago
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My Obsession with Jade

The Acura Integra ahead of me was off kilter, leaning to the right. Sure enough, the right rear tire was almost flat. The car’s brake lights and turn signal came on as it moved over into the breakdown lane. As I began to pass by, I saw that the driver was a young woman. I like to think I would have stopped had it been someone older, but I really don’t know. Even at first glance she was good-looking and in need of a man’s help. So I pulled ahead of her into the breakdown lane and stopped. It...

2 years ago
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Impregnating Jade

As I took Jade's hand and led her up the steps out of the indoor pool, she giggled. I smile and said, " If you want another child, I would be honored to be the father of your second child. I don't want anyone to suspect I'm the one who got her pregnant. Now I'm going to do it with you!" I said, opening the door to my bedroom and shimmying out of my trunks. " Get up on that bed, Jade, and spread those beautiful legs!" As she did so, she said, " I bet you say that to all the girls!" I...

4 years ago
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House in the Woods Jade and Jasmine

I caressed the long, silken tresses of the exquisitely nude young Asian who knelt proudly before me, then turned to her equally exquisite sister - a three-dimensional photocopy of the one I had just petted. "Lovely," I proclaimed softly. They were, but I had an ulterior motive for letting them hear me say so. These two were obviously proud of their beauty and used it to great advantage in their lives and in their enterprise. The twins ran a business in San Francisco catering to the needs...

4 years ago
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Ray And Jade Have A Romantic Day Together

  Ray and Jade had been talking over the Internet for about six months. They had started off talking about things that they liked, they found out that although Ray was older by fifteen years, it did not seem to matter though. Gradually the conversation turned towards the subject of sex. How did they like it, what did and didn't they like, what positions did they like best, were they just after a quick fuck or did they like to build up to the lovemaking?They both found that they were turned on...

3 years ago
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Shayla and Jade

Introduction: Two young sisters My wife and I had moved to our new chalet bungalow six months ago. We had downsized, having never being blessed with kids, my wife had taken a job at a local hospital which specialised in child care, to compensate. The move involved me giving up my job, to keep her happy, so I managed to get a job, from home, which mainly involved spending a lot of time on the computer, boring but it brought in an income. After sixteen years of marriage our sex life had dwindled...

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Shayla and Jade

After sixteen years of marriage our sex life had dwindled to infrequent, “What was the point if we can’t have children?” she would moan, giving up her body occasionally for me to satisfy my lust. We had met and made friends with a local couple who ran a restaurant in town. They were mixed race, her being Malaysian, him being Danish. They had two daughters, one 12 year old and a 16 year old. The eldest helped in the restaurant, the younger not able to, due to employment laws. Summer...

1 year ago
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Katrina Jade 4600 799000

Katrina Jade was born in Southern California on May 30th, 1991. Her cosmopolitan look stems from Dutch, German, Irish, Italian, Hawaiian, Native American, and Mexican roots. This bitch looks like a little bit of everybody.She's Every WomanThrow on thinner eyes and a sprinkle of black or Indian skin tone, and you have what every human will look like in a couple of hundred years. Alright, they probably won't all be as sexy. That is unless we take the genetic engineering route.Jade kept pretty...

Twitter Porn Accounts
2 years ago
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Dickgirls of Faeruhn 02 Jade at Rest

"Based on the 'Dickgirls of Faeruhn' series, by lightswitch." Jade whimpered softly as Healer Dusty adjusted the weights cords and pulleys attached to her ankles. "Why now, of all times?" the lovely Golden complained. "It just isn't fair!" "Hush now, child. The older Faeruhnite smiled. "Some would say life isn't fair, my dear Jade." The Golden Healer made a final adjustment and rose to her full five foot two inches of supple slender height. "Just be grateful that a member of...

4 years ago
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Jade you misbehaved

Jade is a beautiful woman inside and out—very intelligent, playful with a colorful sense of humor, and very pretty. Just being in public with her makes me feel powerful and important. Keeping Jade interested in one man or any man is a very challenging task. She is 22 years old, in college, and most of the guys that show her interest are too immature for her liking, too serious for her witty personality or just total clowns. Getting Jade’s attention is not a very hard thing to do, but to keep...

2 years ago
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Jade Part 1

Strip clubs were common in this town but sex clubs were not. I’d been sneaking out to strip clubs for some time now but I was getting kind of bored with them so I decided to step it up and check out a live sex show. This was supposed to be my weekend with my little girl but she asked if she could go to some party with her friends and as she was getting to that age where she’d really rather hang out with them, I figured it was my chance to head downtown. She would still get dropped off after...

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Dr Cooks Sissy Clinic The Begining Jade and Deans Experience

Dr. Cook's Sissy Clinic: The Beginning and Jade and Dean's Experience. By dirteesissy I gazed at Jade's bottom, as she raped her husband's ass with a 10" strap on cock. Her pounding of her sissy maid's hole, bordered on the extreme, somewhere between love and hate, she punished that sissy ass with long powerful strokes. Jade, dressed in just red thigh high P.V.C. boots and gauntlets of the same material, was making mincemeat of her hubby's derriere and I looked on with pride at my...

3 years ago
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Bailey and Jade part 2

Introduction: Mom comes home, and a special surprise for little sister The two woke up from their nap, and heard the door open. SHIT! they threw on some clothes, and ran down to greet their mother. What are you doing home early? Jane asked. Your father is on this business trip, and I didnt want to go for the whole thing. Alright she said smiling. A few hours passed. Mom was in her room, and locked the door. She got out her strap on for some play time, but it felt wet. Weird. She went into...

3 years ago
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How Beautiful a Jade can be

Chapter 1 “All right Mark, its your first day of work…only too damn many before the end of the school year.” Mark Banderbuilt muttered to himself through clenched teeth as he stepped onto the wet pavement of Tammy L. Wright High School. “A Ford Prius, ” he thought. “38 years old and I’m driving a Ford fucking Prius.” Any man knows the Prius is the queen of all chick cars. Any dude caught dead in one, metaphorically had his dick cut off and granted the stamp of a Grade-A bitch. Due to...

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Jade and the probono lawyer

Jade was recently incarcerated for shop lifting. With no time to prepare to getting a lawyer and the public defender failing her miserably, she received a sentence for sixty days. Due to overpopulation she was sent to a maximum security women prison. Within the first week she was already feeling about to break inside the prison cells and then it happened. An officer called her out of her cell, cuffing her hands behind her back as standard procedure. Jade was scared asking the guard, "what's...

4 years ago
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Traffic Copter For the Lovely Jade 38H An Adul

It was a warm morning as I drove into work. It was going to get hotter as the day progressed. The first day of spring was going to be very nice. I tied my shoe lace as I buckled my safety belt inside the helicopter. I was riding with screaming Dave Osbourne. He was the pilot for the Channel 6 News helicopter this morning. I do local traffic on the morning drive for a local radio station. I also help out the local news for there morning traffic on channel 6. I report wrecks, heavy traffic,...

4 years ago
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Taking It Jade and Maria

All night my hands had been clumsy. I had spilled two drinks as I tried to hand them to a man across the bar. I dropped a twelve-pack of Budweiser as I was attempting to restock the beer coolers. I had long ago run out of allotted and understandable spills and I was losing money from my pocket with all the alcohol loss. Still, I couldn’t help it. My hands would not stop shaking and I could barely see anything but Jade. She had returned to the U.S. a couple of days ago and this was her...

4 years ago
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First Time I Finger Fucked JadeMy Brothers Fianceacute

Thing's continued to be hot and heavy,between Jade & I,we would constantly feel each other,grope each other,latch on to each other,when the chance presented its self,we would be constantly feeling each other's body's,even if we went out into public places.Jade & I,would grope each other,which would mean i would always be walking around with a semi half the time because I was constantly feeling felt up by her.So to carry on with the story,I was starting to spend a bit more time over...

5 years ago
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SiobhanChapter 6 Jade

At the next evening’s briefing, Monica took on the task of explaining to BEM the family’s need for a purpose. “BEM, how many species do your people know? Are humans the only victims of malfeasance or catastrophe? How do others bring justice? How is succor provided?” BEM stopped chewing on his chicken and dumplings, sat back, and thought. Then he started replying to their questions, “We know that hundreds, maybe thousands, of species exist in the galaxy you call the Milky Way, but we have not...

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Jade Part 2

The rest of the weekend was like any other weekend that my daughter spent with me. She didn’t behave differently, she didn’t look at me differently and her mother came to get her at 7 sharp. The same routine we’d been doing for years since her mother and I split up. The only thing that was a little different was that she spent most of the weekend in very little clothing, mostly panties and t-shirts, and managed to do a lot of bending over. Other than that things were pretty normal and that...

4 years ago
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Old man Hanson and Jade

She turned around and placed her headset on, she ran down the steps and did some small stretches before she began her run. Not wanting to scare her with his van, he climbed out and adjusted his cap, making sure he had everything, he to started to jog. He watched as she jogged around the street. Waving at people she knew, stopping to talk to friends she bumped into. He ran on the opposite side of the road, keeping close to her but not to close that it would ring the bells in her pretty...

3 years ago
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Nikki bent over the glass topped table, her eyes shining with anticipation as she prepared her first line of cocaine of the day. She felt a hand reach under her short satin dressing gown. 'Hi mum, ' she giggled as the hand started stroking her juciy slit. 'Do me a line darling, and I'll get us our first drink of the day, ' purred Gloria as she reluctantly removed her hand, licking her fingers as she went over to the drinks cabinet. 'What time is it?' asked Gloria. 'Nine o'clock,...

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The Jade Monkey

This is the third story in my Monkey Gods trilogy. The Jade Monkey By Morpheus "Not bad," I grinned as I looked at the pictures of naked women that one of my friends had E-mailed me. However, I quickly glanced behind me and then closed the window. It wouldn't do to have my mom or younger sister Cassie coming in and catching me looking at dirty pictures. With that, I looked around my bedroom, knowing that I was alone at the moment but you could never tell when either my mom or...

3 years ago
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The Bondage of Jade Lee

The Bondage of Jade LeeChapter IJade Lee was a beautiful Asian 14 year old girl in middle school. She had those dark, almost hauntingly almond shaped eyes peeking out from under dark bangs that were typical among Asians. The rest of her black silky hair splash across her head like a cascading waterfall down to the middle of her back. Her 5'4" frame hosted a curvaceous body that was slim but not gaunt. She was wearing her typical white schoolgirl blouse with a short greenish-blue plaid skirt,...

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Bailey and Jade part 3

Introduction: A couple of quick scenes, mom gets frisky, and daddy CUMS home The next day their mom had off of work. Bailey invited her boyfriend over, her mom had told her she didnt care what they did, but the new rule was no clothes in the house for the three of them, unless its lingerie (not sure if spelled right sorry) they all decided against it for the day, nude felt better. Drake arrived, but Bailey and her sister were busy grinding on each other in her room. He smiled and let her do...

3 years ago
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My sisters friend Jade part 2

Being the summer holidays, it wasn't strange for me to be sleeping late and having the place to myself. It was maybe 11am when I'd got out of bed and showered, planning to meet a friend and go shopping - but this was to change.I'd literally just finished drying, dressing and putting my make up on when there was a knock at the door. I quickly got downstairs expecting there to be a parcel or something. Opening the door, my heart skipped a beat: those beautiful lips, that sleeve of tattoos, even...

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JadeChapter 2

At first, Kirsty didn't know where to look as Jade got to her knees in front of me, her eyes sparkling into mine before they fixed on the throbbing staff in front of them. Kirsty's spluttering to get Jade's attention died in her throat when Jade took me in hers. I wasn't joking when I warned her I was close but she still seemed surprised at my sudden spurts that just wouldn't quit: despite coming only a few minutes earlier, the unique eroticism of the situation had me jerking seven or...

3 years ago
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The Beautiful Visitor from the Jade Inn

The Beautiful Visitor from the Jade Inn Michael, it's your wife Anne," the Receptionist informed him. "You'll never guess who's here in the Bay Area," Anne explained, her dulcet sexy voice purring into his ear. "Hon - I'm due in Court in less than an hour, so you'd better tell me," Michael laughed. "Garrett and Su Lin... They really did come. I didn't think they would." Anne's voice sounded excited, as if she couldn't quite believe it herself. "Well, Maybe they'll want to...

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