Jade McQueen free porn video

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Jade McQueen sat alone in the her blue tour bus. There was peach colored teddy bear underneath the seat. She had picked up at FAO Schwarz a few weeks ago. It was a present for her Casper, her lover. Actually, it was a peace offering. Casper was upset by the rumor that was going around about Jade. Apparently, Jade was being unfaithful on the road. Also, there was an allegation of drug abuse. That allegation struck a chord with Casper. Before Jade hit the road, her and Casper had come to an agreement. Casper was going to leave Jade if she didn’t stop using drugs.

The bus stopped and started. It stutter stepped through the rush hour traffic and it tried to make as headway as it could. The movie marquees glittered and they were colored like popcorn. A red suited soldier with a butterfly vest was handing out Wonka bars to a bunch of bland speaking kids.

Jade watched the kids as they stumbled into FAO Schwartz and then she went into her jacket pocket. She counted the money that was in her wallet. There was a twenty dollar bill that was stained with purple lip gloss and there was one five dollar bill. It’s ink was faded along the left hand corner. Jade pulled out a rubber vile and unscrewed the black cap. She put the dropper to her left nostril. Jade’s head snapped back and her nostrils burned. The sounds and the sights slowed to a stop. They moved in a hazy, silver looking form of slow motion.

The phone rang. Jade’s lover was watching the Acme Hour. She was rather enjoying the saga of ‘Tom And Jerry.’ Tom was the cat and the cat got smashed into tiny pieces by a perfectly thrown brick. The brick was thrown by Jerry. Jerry was the mouse.

Jade sniffed her nose. She tried to steady her mind. It was whirling and spinning. Casper’s number rang four times, Jade watched the traffic as it crawled to a stop along the sun soaked Mag Mile.

‘Yello,’ said Casper, jumping from foot to foot. She was as bubbly as ever. She greeted every caller warmly.

‘Cas, it’s me. It’s Jade.’

‘Jade, oh my god! Where are you?’

Jade paused. She tried to think of a decent lie. She wasn’t proud of her unemployment status. That is, her record contract was terminated. Terminated for insubordination. In other words, Jade missed a promotional tour.

‘I’m back in Chicago. I’m um. I’m on a break from the tour.’

‘That’s, that’s wonderful. You bein back in town and all.’

Casper was conflicted. She loved Jade, she loved being with her. However, her life was a lot more quieter when Jade wasn’t around. Casper liked the down time. Besides, Jade was a high maintenance type of gal.

‘Do you love me?’ asked Jade, sniffing her nose.

‘Of course I love you,’ Casper purred, as she shuffled from foot to foot.

‘Say it again,’ Jade whispered methodically. Her voice was almost inaudible. Jade leaned her head against the seat. She juggled the vile that was in her palm. Jade saw the wings of the Hancock building.

‘Tell me something first, ‘ laughed Casper. She tried to keep her voice from fading away. She had a nasty habit of not always speaking into the phone. Casper cleared her throat and looked at the cigarettes on the kitchen counter. Jade was such a bad influence on her.

‘What do you wanna know?’ asked Jade. Her head spun rather lazily from side to side and her eyes sparkled and her mouth opened slightly. It opened and then it closed. She wondered if someone else was controlling her mouth.

‘Did you take my ring?’ Casper asked.


Casper heard the beeping of a car horn and she heard the whistle of a traffic cop on Michigan Avenue.


Silence again. Casper heard her lover’s breathing. She heard the sniffing of Jade’s nose.

‘Yah, Cas?’

‘Did you take my ring?’

‘What ring?’ Jade asked, taking a breath.

‘The ring you brought me for Valentine’s Day,’ Casper said softly, trying to find the truth without pointing a finger at anyone.

‘No, no. I, I. I didn’t take it,’ said Jade, putting her hand over her eyes. Jade looked out the window. She felt guilty, not working and all.

‘You sure?’

‘Yah, I’m sure Cas,’ sniffed Jade. Her voice rose just a bit. Casper was so fucking uptight.

‘Ok Jade?’

‘What the fuck does that mean?’

‘It means that I believe you Jade.’

‘Do you really believe me, Cas?’ Her voice was barely above a whisper.

‘I believe you,’ breathed Casper. She tried not to laugh when Droopy cracked someone in the head with an oversized Acme mallet.

‘I bought you a present, Cas.’

‘You bought me a present?’ asked Casper. She tried to sound surprised. She wasn’t though. Jade was a different person she wasn’t using coke.

‘I’ll give you your present when I get home.’

Casper was silent. Jade heard the circus like music of a cartoon. She wondered about Casper and she wondered about their relationship. Jade looked at the vile and it reminded her of an hourglass. She wondered why she was so tired and she wondered why here eyes were so heavy. It was hard to keep them open.

‘Jade? Are you ok?’

‘I’m fine,’ she said, looking down at the floor. Jade felt a weightlessness in her head.

‘I love you,’ whispered Casper.

‘I love ya, Cas.’

Jade clicked off. The phone dropped from her hand and she closed her eyes. Jade leaned her head against the window. She traced the glass with her index finger. Jade reached into her pocket. Jade removed a piece of yellow paper from her pocket. She smoothed the wrinkles and smiled at the small, disjointed handwriting on the envelope. It was Quinn Hemmingway’s handwriting. He was old an friend that she dropped in on from time to time. They had been attracted to each other once. Eventually, their relationship turned platonic. At some point, Jade discovered something. She was attracted to women. Needless to say, the romantic spark was forever extinguished.

Jade skimmed the letter and she talked while she read. The word, ‘successful writer,’ caught her eye.

She stuffed the crinkled yellow paper back in the envelope and turned it over. Jade silently recorded Quinn’s address. She repeated it a few times until it stuck in her mind.

‘I’m going to have to pay him a visit,’ laughed Jade, stuffing the letter back in her pocket, seeing no reason to preserve it.

Casper looked at the receiver and then she placed it back in its cradle.

‘All is not well with Jade McQueen,’ said Casper, shaking her head. She wondered if she was being paranoid. Jade was a big girl and Jade could take care of herself. Casper wondered if she was just nitpicking. Maybe Jade had finally cleaned up her act. Maybe. Casper had her doubts. She certainly had her suspicions.

While Casper was wrestling with her thoughts, Jade was inhaling a line of coke through her right nostril.


Quinn Hemmingway stood at the podium. He felt a lump in his throat. He looked out at his fellow AA members. His lips were dry. A guy with mutton chops was watching him. Mutton chops was sitting in the last seat. He was sitting in the last seat in the last row. There were four rows in all and there were five chairs in each row.

Mutton chops was wearing a San Francisco 49ERS cap. He was sharing a square with some lady. Her hair was tied in a ponytail. The tendrils slithered out of a purple scrunchie.

Quinn saw her and he saw the orange light of her cigarette and he felt the smoke in the back of his throat. It lingered in the air and everything looked smoky and everything looked like a silhouetted version of heaven and everyone looked like an angel and everyone had a surreal sort of glow. The spotlight hung from a long metal pole. It was tacked on to a dingy red curtain. Quinn looked left. He saw his sponsor. She gave him a smile and an enthusiastic thumbs up. Quinn smiled back. He wondered if it was appropriate to be funny and or, self-deprecati
ng. Afterall, he coped with his problems by laughing at them. That was his nature. Then again, he didn’t want to alienate anyone. Some people weren’t into humor.

Quinn Hemmingway put his mouth to the mic and as he spoke wondered if his words were going to come out. Quinn wondered why a bunch of strangers were interested in his sob story. Quinn’s mouth opened and he felt a tingle in his stomach and he watched his hands as they settled down on either side of the podium.

‘My name is Quinn, and I’m, an alcoholic.’

The crowd greeted him in stereo. Quinn tried his best to make eye contact with everyone in the crowd. An old timer crossed and uncrossed his legs. He licked his lips and then he leaned in. He waited for the young hotshot to begin.

‘I’m an alcoholic,’ he said again. Quinn looked at the blue book that was resting beside his arm. It was so thick and it was so fucking pristine. It had blue spine and it had small, golden lettering. Quinn looked at the small round chip that was in his hand and he felt the smoothness of the plastic and he felt the smoothness of the hand stitched letters that said ‘AA.’ Quinn bounced the chip in his hand and then he cradled it in his palm. He snuck a glance at his sponsor. She was sipping decaf from a Dixie cup.

‘My um… My low was um… My low was sixty days ago.’ The addicts nodded in recognition. They knew where he was coming from. Quinn twisted and turned and he lunged at the mic and he sighed alot and he looked up and he wondered where was Jesus was. and he wondered why public speaking had been invented. Quinn’s mouth made a sucking sound whenever he paused and he wondered about his audience. He wondered if he was losing them and he wondered if anyone cared about his speech.

‘I, um… Shit.’ Quinn looked down and then he pounded the podium lightly. He was reluctant to pick his head back up and he was reluctant to make eye contact with anyone. A guy in the third row took a puff of his cigarette and then he looked over his shoulder towards the doorway and then he watched the clock. It was eight P.M exactly.

‘I was a writer once. Did you know that?’ The room went silent. A few people coughed and a few chairs squeaked and an addict with a Parkinson’s tremor fidgeted in her chair.

Quinn approached the mic from the left. He turned into it rather awkwardly. Quinn licked his lips. He thought that someone was falling asleep in the second row.

‘Yah, I was a writer once. I um…’ Quinn stopped and he put his hand on his chin and he ran his fingers through his hair and he laughed nervously and he felt the chip in his hand and he wondered about the validity of the chip and he wondered about the success rate of the program. One thing was for certain. Quinn still hated public speaking. ‘AA’ hadn’t changed that fact.

‘I um… I pissed my talent away. Well, I was ah… I was never published. I thought that I was ah… I thought that I was a great writer. I thought that I was a great writer when I was drunk.’ Quinn scanned the crowd and he saw the lady with the Parkinson’s tremor. She was dabbing at her eye with a Kleenex.

‘I’ve been sober for sixty days…’ Quinn pointed to his chip, the one that was in his palm. He slid the chip into his pocket. Quinn wondered if he was being sacrilegious.

‘It’s been the toughest sixty days of my life. You know, I lied to my best friend. I told her that I was a big shot writer.’

He took a deep breath and laughed nervously. Quinn watched his hands. They rested on the podium for a moment and then they flew off. He wondered where they were going. Quinn looked at his sponsor. A tear rolled down her cheek but she still managed a smile. She tried to instill some confidence in her latest reclamation project. His name was Quinn Hemmingway.

A few weeks later…

Quinn’s neighborhood featured a taco shop with a rather large Puerto Rican flag on its roof. The neighborhood High School sat empty. It waited for fall. The students returned in the fall. The local food mart had a computer printout tacked on its window. It said: ‘WE DO NOT ACCEPT FOOD STAMPS!’ A leaf crunched beneath her feet Jade’s feet. She looked at the scrap of paper that she had written Quinn’s address on.

Jade pushed open a rusty iron gate and in the process, she managed to avoid a pigeon. She looked up. A mulatto child looked down at her from the third floor window. Jade reached her in pocket but she didn’t feel anything but lint. At some point, she was going to have to make a drug run. She knew a guy on Broadway that was carrying. Then again, maybe Quinn was still carrying. For all she knew, Quinn was still a party boy. Of course, that was ages ago. Jade approached the front door. She was appalled at the cracked pane of glass and she was appalled at the sight of the door knob. It was hanging on for dear life. Jade scanned each name. Hemmingway’s buzzer was the third one from the bottom. Jade rang the buzzer. She rang it again. She wondered why Quinn was living there. This neighborhood was beneath him. Quinn was a big time writer for goodness sake.

The Meet And Greet

‘Can I ask you a personal question?’

Quinn smiled. He watched her as she played with her curls.

‘Go ahead.’ Quinn eyed Jade’s bottle beer, the one that was on the cocktail table. He could never refuse Jade. If she said she needed beer, then she needed beer.

Jade grabbed her beer bottle by the neck and took a swig. Quinn followed her with his eyes. He watched her swallowing organs and he tasted the liquid as it traveled down her throat.

‘What are you doing here? This neighborhood is shit. I thought you were a hotshot writer.’

Quinn watched Jade. She placed her beer bottle on the table. She missed the coaster by a few feet. Quinn’s legs went numb and he couldn’t feel his fingers and his forehead was drenched with sweat. Quinn crossed and uncrossed his legs. He clasped and unclasped his hands. Quinn put his hands on his lap and then, he took them off just as quickly. Jade smiled and then she put her hand on her cheek and then she sighed rather seductively.

‘I’m in AA Jade.’

‘Get the fuck out!’ she laughed, playful smacking Quinn in the shoulder.

Quinn nodded and flashed her a smile. The smile was reassuring. It said, ‘this is a good thing.’

‘Jade, I’m not a writer. Shit. I’m broke and I’m disillusioned. I don’t even have a home. This is my friends place, he’s just letting me crash here. In other words, I’m full of…’


Jade nodded. She finished her sentence with a flair that was all her own.

Quinn stroked her cheek and his fingers lingered on her skin for a moment or two. His little gesture hadn’t changed anything.

Quinn’s relationship with Jade was still ‘platonic.’

‘When is your album coming out?’

Jade thought about the question. She didn’t want to lie to Quinn. Quinn Hemmingway was her best friend. She put her hand on Quinn’s knee and patted the fleshy part of his leg. She wondered if she was leading him on.

‘Well Quinn, the fucking record label dropped me.’

‘Why did they drop you?’

She threw her head back and pouted slightly. She gave Quinn that famous grin of hers. Jade didn’t want Quinn to worry about her. The illusion of control was all she had left.

‘I wrote all my songs about Casper, my lover. The record company went ape-shit. They gave me this bullshit about pronouns, which ones I couldn’t use. I stuck to my guns, and they canned me. The motherfuckers won’t release my album. They said that I was a god-damn primadonna.’

Jade swigged from the bottle. She made an orgasmic sound as she swallowed. She was blissfully unaware of Quinn’s tongue. It was on the floor. At that moment, Quinn had an epiphany. He understood why some addicts couldn’t be in the same room with an alcoholic beverage. Yes, the temptation was to much to bear. Quinn Hemmingway understood this idea all to well.

‘Who’s Casper?’

e’s the woman I’m dating.’

He couldn’t imagine Jade McQueen as a lesbian. The whole idea was rather bizarre. They had flirted with each other in High School and they had even lost their virginity to each other. He wondered if he was good in bed. Perhaps bad heterosexual fornication had turned Jade McQueen into a lesbian. Although, Jade was always different. She always thought of herself as an ‘omni-sexual’ being. In other words, she didn’t love anyone but herself.

‘Are you happy?’ Quinn asked.

‘I’m glorious.’

At that moment, she thought of Casper. In truth, Jade was tired of Casper. Yes, their relationship wasn’t going anywhere. Casper wanted sainthood and total monogamy. Jade McQueen was incapable of both.

She looked at the cabinet and she saw the Alcoholics Anonymous book that was sitting on top of the television. Jade shook her head. All that blue book dogma freaked her out.

‘You’re glorious, huh?’

‘Well, I could use some blow.’

Quinn coughed. He felt the gears clicking in his mind. He wanted desperately to change the subject. Cocaine was the last thing that he wanted to talk about.

‘Are you free for dinner?’

‘Why Quinn, are you flirting with me?’

‘No, I just wanna have dinner with you.’

‘It’s a date,’ she laughed.

‘N-O, D-R-U-G-S!’

‘I promise,’ she cooed. Jade placed her hand over her heart and she batted her eyes at Quinn.

‘I mean it, Jade.’

‘I know, I know,’ she said, drifting into the kitchen.

In a few days, she was going to be bouncing off the walls. You know, withdrawal and all. Jade needed a hit in the worst way. She had doubts about this promise she had made. Jade wasn’t strong enough to keep it.


The chandeliers sparkled and the ceiling fans rotated rather quietly.

Jade ordered the Ravioli dinner with extra meat sauce. There were three margarita glasses on Jade’s side of the table. Two of the margarita glasses were empty. The third one was almost empty.

There was a plate of Spaghetti on Quinn’s side of the table. It was smothered in Romano cheese. It sat opposite the wicker basket. The breadsticks hadn’t been touched. He sipped his Pepsi and grimaced. The ice cubes had melted and Quinn couldn’t taste the sugar anymore. He felt himself slipping. For some reason, he had a hankering for Scotch. Scotch on the rocks.

‘Another Margarita!’ barked Jade, snapping her fingers at the waiter. The waiter with the blue vest. The waiter with the perfectly creased dress pants. The waiter dismissed Jade with a sigh. His glance said it all. ‘She’s just another drunk. Seen one, you’ve seen em’ all.’

‘You promised,’ whispered Quinn. He leaned in and then he glanced over at the patrons that were sitting across from him and Jade. Quinn wondered if he was talking to loud.

‘Lighten up,’ she slobbered. Jade leaned her elbows on the table and then she dismissed Quinn with a wave of her hand. She was unaware of the drool that was on her chin. Quinn saw the drool though. In fact, he thought about wiping her face. But then he remembered the molar that Jade had knocked out on New Years Eve. Yes, Jade wasn’t the most pleasant person to be around when she was drinking. Besides, Quinn didn’t want to lose anymore teeth.

‘I’m on the wagon, Jade.’

‘Like I give a fuck,’ she said. Jade pounded the table and then she put her hand on her temple. The guy from across the way shot her a look. He said something to the lady in the pearls, the one that was sitting across from him. He dug into his pasta primavera and shook his head in disgust.

‘This is not fun anymore,’ Quinn said, leaning back in the chair. He dabbed the side of his mouth with a napkin and then he looked at Jade. He watched her as she picked at her dinner. Quinn grabbed his soda glass and when he took a sip he only tasted water. He understood why people drank soda pop without ice. Ice cubes were so annoying.

‘Where’s my fucking drink?’ Jade hollered. She throwing the fork against the plate and then the whole place stopped. Heads turned and forks were suspended in mid air. Everyone looked at Jade, the troublemaker. She slid her chair away from the table. The owner looked at Jade and then he looked at his reservation book and when he lifted his head up he repeated the name Jade’s name. He wasn’t going to allow this belligerent bitch in his restaurant again.

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Jade Box Mums the Word Part 6

Jade Box ; Mums the Word part 6 By Genni Smith Cassie was dressing the next morning when her cell phone rang, well she wasn?t quite sure what was ringing as it was tucked away in the handbag she had used to day before. Tracking down the annoying electric beeping sound she answered the phone a little unsure of herself. It was something that bothered her, she had always been so confident of herself as Rick, well until she shot Jamie Sunderland and found that he wasn?t holding a...

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The night was quiet. Even the wind made no sound. No cars drove by, no people on the sidewalks. It was as if they were waiting, anticipating something big. Inside the house with the white picket fence, and the perfectly trimmed green grass, on the second floor, behind a locked bathroom door, the sounds of light humming could heard. She stood there naked, in all her glory. Not a care in the world as she looked herself over in the mirror over the white, porcelain sink. Bare feet placed firmly...

4 years ago
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Jade Ch 1

His eyes shone a green fire, like jade held up to the light, she had seen this only once before and remembered feeling sore all over the next day. A chill ran up and down her spine as she imagined how he would be with her. His face also displayed a no-nonsense attitude which told the world he knew what he wanted and wanted it now. She walked up to him and kissed him gently on the lips, ‘hello’ she whispered. ‘I’m happy you are here, Silk.’ The use of his pet name for her further convinced her...

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Jade Box Mums the Word Part 5

Talk about a pregnant pause, the one that hung heavily between the new mother and her daughter was more than that. With this pause there would have been time for conception, pregnancy, delivery and the baby's first birthday party. The more time that ticked by the more tears trickled down Ally?s cheeks and the more Cassie willed herself to deny it, but deep down she knew she couldn?t. This was way too important to try and fob the little girl off with lies and untruths but how...

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Jade Ki Wo Raat

Sabhi ISS reader ko mera namaskar. Doston mera naam rajeev hai main 31 saal ka hoon aur good physic hoon doston meri ye ghatna abhi kuchh dinon pahle ki hai jab main apne gaon gaya tha baat isi jade ki hai mera gaon bahut bada hai wahan jyadatar meri bhabhi lagti hain unhi me se ek hain suman bhabhi bhaiya military main hain aur combine family main rahti hain Wo bahut sundar hain unki choochi badi aur chtar to bahut hi akarshak hain doston main jab apne gaon jata hoon to bahar sarkari handpump...

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Jades first odysessy

   ??????????? I always knew what I wanted. and that was all good and fine. I could yearn, but never feel. I bled with the need to endure what never left the back of my mind.  I worked at a local used bookstore, and drove the old powdered blue mercedes that my well beloved aunt passed down to me. I didn't much like the colour, but not only did it have sentiment, It made me feel accomplished. I always enjoyed riding with her in it.? My car was decorated with empty cardboard coffee cups...

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Jades mother day gift two

Bailey up in her room collapsed to the floor as her self gratification brought her to a satisfying orgasm of her own. May enterd the room as Bailey lay there upon the floor smiling. May helped her sister to her feet and could instantly smell the scent of sex.She smiled at her sister and gave her a long lingering tongue filled kiss. Bailey was surprised but offered no resistance to Mays intruding kiss. Bailey welcomed the softness of Mays lips as they mashed aginst her own and the velvety tongue...

5 years ago
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jades fantasy

The day had finally come. All the planning, and dreaming, playing and practice had led to today. The day had d**g by slowly, only amplified by the growing sense of nervous excitement inside him. He knew something was going to happen tonight, and the suspense was driving him crazy. Almost 4 o'clock now, so close. His mind wandered back to years ago, back to him telling her that he’d love to watch her with another woman. She had countered with “Well, I think it’d be hot to watch you with another...

2 years ago
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Jaden Submits

Jaden maintained strict disciplinary control over her step-mum and two sisters, enforcing all of the rules and boundaries set for them. It was now pretty much constant that twenty-year-old Alexis was spanked twice a week, twenty-three-year-old Velvet was spanked three times each two weeks, while Valentine, her step-mum, was spanked once a week.The offences were varied, but Jaden, who was the youngest at sixteen-years-old, operated a strict no second chance rule, which everyone agreed was the...

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Jaden In Charge

Jaden looked at the three bare bottoms facing her, as her two sisters and step-mum had their noses pressed against the wall with their hands on their heads and were fully naked as they spent time on their naughty spots thinking about why they were going to be spanked.The three bottoms belonged to Jaden’s step-mum, Valentine, and her two sisters, twenty-three-year-old Velvet, and twenty-year-old Alexis. Jaden smiled as she looked at each of the three bare bottoms which she was going to turn red...

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Jaded by Eric The jaded Body Hopper was tired of being a high born lady or gentleman. He thought it might be amusing to be an East End Prostitute for a time. He drank bad gin in smoke filled rooms and thought it delicious to mix with the lowest of the low of the London slums. He went out looking for his first client. A tall smiling man approached him. They settled on a price and walked towards the girl's squalid room. He started to undress. "My your a...

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Jades To Go Request

Jade was a beautiful young lady who lived on the outskirts of London, England. At nineteen-years-of-age she stood five feet seven inches tall and weighed approximately eight stone, or one hundred twelve pounds. Her slender body and long legs made her look taller than she actually was, especially when she wore heels. Her long shapely legs added to the allure of Jades tempting looks. Heels added a tantalizing wiggle when she walked. A pair of 32C-cup breasts and a cute bubble of a butt...

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Jade Ch 3

She came to the room and found him sitting on the sofa, one leg on the floor the other laid across the cushions. In his hands he held a flute of champagne from which he was sipping. ‘Come here’ he asked. She came to him filled with anticipation as to what he was thinking. ‘Take off the shirt.’ She slowly unbuttoned the shirt taking her time wanting to excite him with her body. The shirt slid down her shoulders and she was naked before him. He motioned for her to sit on the sofa with him. When...

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Jade Ch 2

The effects of her orgasm had subsided when he moved over her body. He straddled her, his hard cock resting between her breasts. She reached up and pushed them together engulfing his cock in soft skin. He began rocking his hips sliding his cock between her breasts. Each time his cock made an up thrust she let it enter her mouth using her tongue to add to his pleasure. She looked up at him, his eyes were closed his face showing signs of pleasure and desire. He continued to slide his cock...

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Jade Ki Raat Mein Papa Mummy Ki Masti

Hey iss readers meri pehli kahani mummy papa ka sambhog padhne ke liye thanks. Mai vish ek baar phir aap sab ke samne apne mummy papa ki ek nayi story lekar hazir ho gaya hoon.Mujhe yakin hai ki aap logo ko meri ye kahani bhi pasand ayegi. Mere papa ki ek shop hai aur unhe apni shop ka maal lene bahar jana padta hai.Ye kahani us raat ki hai jab mere papa shop ka saman le kar wapas aaye. Raat ke 2 baje the papa ko mummy ne khana nikal kar diya. Mai tab so raha tha par darwaja ki khulne ki awaaj...

4 years ago
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Jades to Go Order

Jade was a beautiful young lady who lived on the outskirts of London, England. At nineteen-years-of-age she stood five feet seven inches tall and weighed approximately eight stone, or one hundred twelve pounds. Her slender body and long legs made her look taller than she actually was, especially when she wore heels. Her long shapely legs added to the allure of Jades tempting looks. High heels added a tantalizing wiggle when she walked. A pair of 32C breasts and a cute bubble of a butt...

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‘You’re a special woman, Rachel,’ James said gently. ‘I love you. I never thought I could feel this strongly about anyone…’ Rachel smiled and held out her hand. ‘I love you, too…’ Tonight was their two month anniversary. It was a deeply romantic occasion, set in candlelight at a small local Italian restaurant. Frank Sinatra sang about New York in the background. Rachel, innocent and pretty, was in heaven. She tried and failed to protect her face from the indignity of running makeup. She was...

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Jaded part 1"Will there be anything else Madam?" the pretty blonde shop assistant asked with a smile from behind her glass fronted counter.Jayne put her bag and shopping basket down, "Ah, no, ah, thank you," she replied nervously, "Just these." she indicated the slim silver vibrator and the chrome play hand-cuffs in the basket and rummaged in her bag for her credit card."We have an extensive range of restraints Madam," the girl continued, as she checked the items, "The metal does get rather...

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Jaded Janice

JADED JANICE. Chapter 1 ?A change in the Wind? Meet Janice:Twenty nine; a good lookin' tom boy; black hair; red streaks; nose and lip rings; a goth chick; favorite colour: black; a little overweight since her eating binge over the last few months, due to her last boyfriend dumping her. She'd walked in on him and some wench in the middle of screwing, and it all ended up with him throwing her out of the apartment. Their apartment! He changed the locks, and she had found her stuff in a heap...

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Jades Holiday

Jade grinned as the heat overwhelmed her. It was so hot! She loved it. She gave a little skip of delight as she made her way across the concrete apron of the runway towards the terminal building. I am free... Free... FREEE! She felt like screeching in delight. The first time in her life she was having a holiday on her own. Paid for by her parents as a present for 4 grade A passes in her A levels. In three weeks she would start university at Oxford. But for now study was the last thing on her...

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Jades ToGo Request

Jade was a beautiful young lady who lived on the outskirts of London, England. At nineteen years of age, she stood five feet seven inches tall and weighed approximately eight stone, or one hundred and twelve pounds. Her slender body and long legs made her look taller than she actually was, especially when she wore heels. Her long shapely legs added to the allure of Jade's tempting looks. High heels added a tantalizing wiggle when she walked. A pair of 32C breasts and a cute bubble of a butt...

Love Stories
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Jades new life

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jade was lying down on the floor on her stomach when she woke up. Her limbs were numb. She just could not move any part of her body. She stayed like that for a really long time, as the numbness slowly faded away. As she started to feel the blood flow through her veins once again...

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Jaded pt 3

Jayne tentatively eased her tongue among the folds of Miss Cathcart's sex, it was Thursday evening, she had work to do, a presentation to finish, and yet somehow she had gone from returning a set of play handcuffs to the sex shop for a refund to licking the owner's sex in less than forty five minutes. The sex was pungent, acidic, she wondered if this was normal, presumably different girls had different tastes, different odours, yet as she licked a certain sweetness developed and the...

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Jaded pt 2

"Shelly please!" Jayne protested, but it was a half hearted protest, as she awkwardly took the first few steps from the changing room through the door to the Club, tottering on her unfamiliar high heels, her simple black rubber dress folded down to show her breasts with the nipple camps and chains sweeping up to her collar and unsighted in her blindfold, she sensed rather than saw the door way, felt the change from concrete to boarded floor and stopped obediently as Shelly yanked on her...

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"Will there be anything else Madam?" the pretty blonde shop assistant asked with a smile from behind her glass fronted counter. Jayne put her bag and shopping basket down, "Ah, no, ah, thank you," she replied nervously, "Just these." she indicated the slim silver vibrator and the chrome play hand-cuffs in the basket and rummaged in her bag for her credit card. "We have an extensive range of restraints Madam," the girl continued, as she checked the items, "The metal does get...

2 years ago
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"My God, you're not an easy one to break," he said. thud "Ow, fuck. No, I'm not. So what? Fuck. Fuck you, fucker." "Fuck? Is that an invitation? To a fucker like me, that is?" thud "Ow. No. No. Not at all. Look, let me down." "Why should I? You ready to suck my dick like I asked, you're saying?" thud "No, ow, fuck. No, asshole. I mean, it's not safe. My arms up like this, for this long. Use your head. The ugly one, on your neck, I mean." thud "Ow, jeezus fuck. That...

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Jades Cadaver

After a few moments, Bob realized that the atmosphere was a bit too quiet, even for a mortuary. "Wonderful," he grumbled to himself. "These sentimental relatives and in-laws of mine fuss up a storm to get me down here, then the fuckers can't even show up on time themselves!" What with his rising blood pressure, the heat which had only a minute before seemed comforting now began to feel stifling. Bob removed his overcoat and hung it on a nearby, heavy wooden coat rack. Paying 'respects'...

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Jades Extraordinary Sufferning

M/f M/FF F/M  Blackmail/ f-self/ bondage/ humiliation/ Serious/ Slavery/ Exhibition/ Spanking/ Toys/ Real/ Chastity Belt/ TeenJade’s Extraordinary SufferingI am a wealthy man with a basement in my mansion.  The basement has been fitted with hooks in the ceiling, a pegboard along the walls to hold my black leather whips, a large plastic X-shaped cross, a lightly padded sawhorse, and a display table on which I have a number of brilliantly colored candles: tangerine, blue, gold, black, white, and...

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(AN: This story is entirely a fantasy. If you agree with any amount of this story or that women deserve to be corrected or that they are unequal to all other genders in society, then please seek the help of a therapist. If, though, you understand this is fantasy and can separate your fantasies from reality in your actual life, then please continue and enjoy this absolute filth.) (AN2: More girls/scenarios coming!) “Welcome to the Female Adjustment Protocol,” the voice from the computer began,...

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Revenge a mothers love part 3

He was sweating beneath me. His cock, hard, thrust up, and into me. Pumping, thrusting. All the way in, then all the way out, almost. He was careful not to slip out of my wet cunt. He was coming. He gripped my hips, trying to go even deeper inside me, pulling me down, pushing up. I felt his hard cock throb. As I felt it, so I forced the knife deep into him, it was harder than I‘d expected, and it took all my strength. I held him with my thighs, with my arms. His back arched, a mixture of...

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Runway 30

Chapter 30 Wednesday came and went with not much interaction between Brenda and Tiffany. It was Thanksgiving day and each girl went their own separate ways. Brenda went to Mario's mother's home and Tiffany joined Paul for a celebration. Paul was a very different kind of person than Tiffany thought he would be. He arrived in the limo and knocked on her door. "Paul?" she shouted. "Yes it's me." "I'll be right there," she answered. Tiffany opened the door and Paul walked...

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Betting on Green in Vegas

Dr. Bruce Banner/The Hulk are copyright to Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. The She-Hulk is copyright to Stan Lee and John Buscema. Both characters are property of Marvel Comics, the Walt Disney Corporation and their associated partners and license holders. Characters depicted here are the property of the author, and are fan creations. Betting on Green in Vegas Of all cities in the world who live a steady reputation, be that great or not, the United States can confidently boast of many...

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For Beth

Beth is happily married to Allan. They often fantasize about various sex scenarios and sometimes they act out these fantasies. What follows is one of those fantasies. The plan is for Beth to enter a club alone. Allan will be at the bar, watching. Allan chooses to take a stool next to and Adonis, just the type that Beth often fantasizes about. Beth takes a seat alone at a small table in the corner. She orders a virgin Pina Colada. She can later pretend to loosen up as if under the influence of...

5 years ago
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Carribean Surprise

After thirty years of ups and downs as a married couple, my wife Anne and I had decided that we deserved a special vacation to celebrate our anniversary. After weeks of talk and research we finally settled on the Dominican Republic as our destination and we found the perfect resort on the eastern shore of the island. The hotel we picked was the flagship of a four hotel complex that offered a wide array of restaurants and night life, all available for our use at an all inclusive price. Best yet,...

Wife Lovers
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Warm Fuzzy Socks

It’s a rainy Sunday, the rain creating our own multi-media show on our window. The drum solo on the glass, mixed with the refracted light show is quit mesmerizing on a lazy day. We’ve just finished breakfast, I made Norwegian pancakes for you. I think the rest of the world knows them as Swedish pancakes, but since I learned them from my Norwegian grandmother, Norwegian pancakes they are. You love that I cook for you. You sit and watch with that smile that melts me. You watch the economy of...

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Auctioned Wives

Cindy had butterflies in her stomach as she waited for her ride that would take her away from her husband and her home for the Cindy had butterflies in her stomach as she waited for her ride that would take her away from her husband and her home for the next several weeks. She stood in front of the living room window wishing that she had never agreed to doing this silly thing in the first place. Gary walked inside from the backyard and walked up behind his wife and said. "Honey. Are you...

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The Blindfold

Sorry that it’s short but it’s my first story and I wasn’t sure about how to go about writing and everything. I hope you like it but if you don’t please comment and tell me what I could do without and what I need to add. Thanks for reading   She was sitting at her computer typing away when she felt his eyes. She tried to turn around but he would not let her move her chair. She tried to tilt her head back and that was when he put on the blindfold.  She wanted to scream but she knew that no...

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