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PANDORA By Dee Dee Perri Chapter 1 The slender young man had a bookish presence that was amplified by the glasses which he was attempting to keep perched on his nose by frequent jabs with his left index finger. His right hand clutched convulsively for whatever support it could find as the need arose. It seemed that the old WW II style jeep was attempting to buck him off its back like some wild, unbroken horse. His jet black hair, which contrasted sharply with his alabaster skin, attempted to reflect back the intense rays of the bloated sun which hung heavily in the Mojave Desert sky, but mere hair was not up to such an enormous task. His scalp, like the rest of him, was being broiled like a steak on a charcoal grill. His eyes, made owlish by the magnification of the thick lens, projected distress and growing discomfort. "HOW DO YOU STAND IT OUT HERE IN THIS ...HELL?" He attempted to yell over the noise of engine and wind that roared about the open cockpit of the vehicle. His companion's long blond hair whipped wildly in the air currents generated by the jeep's passing across the super-heated desert floor. Grimly the driver hung on to the steering wheel as he swerved again and again around pot holes that had formed on the rough, gravel track that pretended to be a road. Finally, through clenched teeth, he hissed out, "We're almost there." He jerked his eyes away from the road ahead for a brief moment to look at his passenger. A broad grin grew as he observed the young man's discomfort. "VE SHOULD HAVE LEFT EARLIER." He shouted. "THIS TIME OF YEAR THE DESERT'S DEADLY VEN THE SUN'S UP. YA!" Jabbing with his thumb toward the wasteland behind them, "IT'LL HIT 130 OR MORE BEFORE NOON!" The young man shaded his eyes with his right hand and squinted into the wilderness ahead. We are almost there but exactly where is there? He wondered. Nothing! He saw absolutely nothing that signaled civilization or at least relief from this oppressive heat! Sand and rocks and sun and sun and sun... and then more and more of the same. Everything's so incredibly HOT! This was no place for a good Jewish boy, he concluded. For Dr. Solomon Bein, born and raised in Manhattan, the big Apple... roughing it was... well like going to Cleveland Ohio or something. He returned his gaze toward the driver. The big, blond Dutchman, Dr. Wolfgang Reinholt, still had that damn superior smile on his face but his attention had obviously returned once again to the road and its pot holes. Why would anyone want to live HERE, even for an hour, Solomon wondered with growing horror. Sometimes just when you think that you really know someone... His thoughts were once again interrupted by another violent motion of the vehicle. ***************************** Dr. Wolfgang Reinholt spayed his arms out wide, "Six foot thick at the base. Dried mud or vhat the locals call adobe. Stays tolerably cool in the day time and comfortably varm at night." Seeing the still less than enthusiastic look on his young co-worker's face he continued. "All that ve need: vater, food and... no interruptions. No phone and no one likely to drop in unexpected, ya? The solar panels I showed you generate enough power..." "Wolf?" "Huh?" "Where's the rest room?" Dr. Reinholt's mouth snapped shut for a moment. "Oh yes, and no running vater, did I say that?" The consternation on the younger man's face brought a twinkle to Reinholt's eyes. Jerking a thumb over his shoulder he indicated the door behind him, "Around the back and stay on the brick path." "Huh?" "Snakes. You got to be careful, especially after dark. Sidevinders mostly. Anyhow, stay on the path and keep your eyes open, ya?" Solomon Bein was obviously not a happy camper, "Hey!" Called out Dr. Reinholt as Saul opened the door to the all-too-bright outside, "The smells not too bad, ya, if you try breathing through your mouth." He concluded with an amused chuckle. A few minutes later Saul burst back in, slamming the heavy door behind him. "You weren't kidding were you." "About the smell..." "Snakes!" The younger man shuddered and his pale face, even blotched with sun burn was paler than before. "I hate... snakes." Disgust lay heavily on his face. "Why in the hell are we here Wolf and not back in LA?" "To talk, my friend and to deal with a serious problem." Dr. Wolfgang Reinholt's face matched the tone of his voice. He was deadly serious. "The results of our last experimental run..." The younger man interrupted Wolf, "Were amazing I agree. Those data have Nature or Science written all over them. And the potential follow up research... " He stuttered to a brief halt. "Federal funding..." The young man's face now glowed with excitement. "Those neural peptides should NOT have worked in those mice! The condition of successive hermaphoditism in mammals... IMPOSSIBLE!" "How can you say that Wolf? You did the histology's yourself. Arginine vasotocin... stimulated frontal hypothalamic development just as you showed in Trimma okinawae... " "Its not the results that we need to talk about my young friend, but their implications. Beyond the immediate gratification of recognition from our peers..." Dr. Reinholt paused. "Federal funding be damned, consider the implications YA?" Poor Dr. Reinholt tended to lose his carefully nurtured American English when he became emotional. "YA, it ist vell ve should think about vat ist vat... Sorry." He wiped his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand and drew in a big breath before continuing. "Fine host I am. I'm sure you're dying for a drink." He turned and headed for what he affectionately referred to as his kitchen. "I'm surprised at you Wolf," Saul called out to the retreating back of his colleague. "I fail to see any heretofore unknown issue that we haven't discussed. That entrepreneur, ah what's his name..." Dr. Reinholt's voice carried from the next room, "Calvin Thorne." "Yes. Thorne. Bovine production could be increased 300-500 percent. Gads, efficient reproduction of cattle, swine and God only knows whatever other animals..." Dr. Reinholt entered the room carrying two tall glasses of iced lemonade at that moment. "Precisely! It's those other animals I'm most vorried about. Once we publish these initial results, others vill follow. Look Saul, I'm not one to be an alarmist but have you considered the full implications of successive hermaphoditism say on human, ya?" The young Jewish biochemist's jaw dropped for clearly he hadn't imagined his and Wolf's work being extended to human populations. "It never occurred to me." He replied in a whisper as he lowered his chin on to his clenched fist. Wolf stood up as if he were speaking before a large audience, his voice somewhat louder than necessary he began a monologue: "Herds of humans, ya- herds! Dozens, even hundreds... all female but one, the dominate male. Eliminate ninety-nine percent of the male population and you eliminate most sources of crime, war, petty acts of aggression. And those males... Why... they will be the best-of-the-best. Superior genes, superior intelligence...or at least that's the vay they'll vant the rest to believe..." "Why would anyone support such a plan? My God Wolf, the human race hardly needs a more efficient breeding program. At almost six billion now," He paused. "Six billion females with a few million males, it would be an ecological disaster." "But for the males, the chosen males, don't you see my friend, it would be some kind of Utopia." "People aren't that stupid..." "I beg to differ with you Saul. How ironic. You the grandson of a Yew that escaped Germany's death camps and me... Look at me Pfft!" His face had colored to a bright red as his emotions took over. "Sieg Heil, YA! Vat everyvun vants, vell? If twenty million wictims vasn't enough... Vell change the Yews to vemen... ya that's an improvement over gas ovens... make babies not var- YA!" "Enough Wolf!" Now Saul cradled his head in his hands and his voice trembled as he continued. "So you don't want to publish these results, I understand." "Ya." Intoned Wolf as he looked down at his friend. Nodding his head sadly he returned to the kitchen to make more lemonade. But did he really understand, hum? By the time Wolfgang had returned from the kitchen he had regained his composure. Handing Saul his refreshed drink, he sat down beside his friend. "Now comes the hard part Saul. Robert Boone..." "Yes?" The face of the red hair man, hardly more than a boy, who was Dr. Reinholt's doctoral student flashed into Saul's mind. "What about him?" "We talked, ya. Early last veek. Bobbie's a bright one, I must confess it was he who first saw the potential of our research." Wolf paused to stare off into space. "And?" Saul prodded. "I don't trust him Mien Gott!! I could see it in his eyes. His mouth agreed, ya, but his eyes..." "Then you suspect that he'll try..." "Ya. He already created a batch of the arginine vasotocin for his own purposes..." "And the enzyme?" "Not yet. I brought what remained with me." "But he can make more!" "Not without your help... or your notes. If I'm right, he'll find an excuse to drop by sometime in the next few hours. And I made sure he knew we were here, YA." "And?" "If he does, vhen he does, I vant your help in stopping him... no matter vhat the cost." Saul jumped to his feet and stared down at Wolf's face in alarm. "You mean to kill him?" "If necessary." "This is crazy! Your own student?" "YA! My friend, can I count on you? Are you in or out?" Saul laughed, a sound which bordered on the hysterical. "In or out! Or out or in! My God man, you bring me out to the middle of Hell and then invite me to participate in the murder of one of your students. NEITHER DAMN IT! NEITHER!" "Easy, easy ya." Wolf put his arm around his friend's shoulder. "You spilled your drink, maybe you vant I should get you another?" ***************************** The sun had dropped below the mountains to the West and the two men stepped from the shelter of the house onto the flat area in front. "Damn!" Whined Saul. "What's wrong?" "The heat. Its weird, coming up off the ground and..." "Sush!" Ordered Wolf as he cocked his head and listened. "What?" "He's here. Stopped below the rise I think. Quarter of a mile. There! He's shut off the motor." Saul's eyes widened. "You got a plan, don't you?" Wolf shrugged his shoulders. "What?" "I suspect Bobbie and maybe Ian vill be along in about 20-30 minutes. Ve got to keep them here for a few days, ya." "And?" Saul face was incredulous as he began to understand. "You mean to expose them to the enzyme!" "Ya. And the arginine vasotocin, the whole verks." "Wolf? Why?" Wolf was obviously agitated. "Vas else? Maybe I hope they yust forget about vat ve have discovered, I don't think so. You like maybe that I should kill them instead." The older man cocked his head as he looked at his companion. "Maybe I vill but I'm not a wiolent man Saul, this yust seems a better choice now, ya? No more time for talking." He looked up as if he expected to see Bobbie coming over the rise. He motioned for Saul to follow him. "Wolf!" Saul called out as the other man began to scurry away, bent almost double. Saul began to follow, kicking up hot sand with his thongs until he reached the edge of the clearing. Several things slithered near by. Disgust mixed with loathing and fear flared and then Saul started to retreated toward the house. Wolf stopped and glared at the younger man. "Saul? Damn!" He muttered to himself as Saul went into the house. There was no time to persuade his young friend the folly of his actions. No time to warn him of the arginine vasotocin that was now in the water. No time, no time! He turned and fled over the hill and into the thickening shadows. ***************************** What to do? Obviously Wolf should have tried to reason with Robert. The graduate student had always seemed like such a nice person: quiet, obedient. Surely Wolf had miss-understood Robert. But what if Wolf was correct. What if Robert intended... Saul kept thinking as he paced back and forth across the large common room. The walls were thick and the doors heavy, he could lock Robert out. Pretend that no one was home? Saul continued to pace back and forth...what to do. And then suddenly the knob turned and the door opened. "Hi." The red head said. Saul just nodded. Now was the time to say something, to take charge but nothing came out of his mouth. "Hope I'm not intruding or anything? Need to talk to the old man." Saul croaked, "Not here." He flailed his arms for emphasis. "The sun went down and he just... went for a walk..." Robert Boone spun on his heels. "Ian, get in here." The undergraduate was a big fellow but that wasn't what took the wind out of Saul's sails. It was obvious that Wolf's worst fears were on target. Cradled in Ian's arm was a rifle and he held it like he knew how to use it. He gave a sharp nod to Saul before turning toward the graduate student. "Yeah?" "Check around this dump. The Kraut's out there some place. I'll keep the Jew boy company." He grinned an impish smile but there was no humor behind that act. Although Saul's heart was all but in his throat, he resented the boy's tone and language. "Jew boy, Kraut? Mr. Boone, what's got into you?" Boone was about Saul's height but that is where the equality ended. More thickset and in far better shape he probably out weighted the young Professor by thirty pounds. His hands flashed out as if to strike Saul but stopped just short of doing so. Instead his open palm lightly brushed Saul's face. The ensuing caress, palm drawn gently across Saul's face was ever so much more frightening than a mere blow would have been. Saul started to back away but Boone's other hand grabbed him by the shoulder and held him in place. "I always wanted me a raven hair Jewess." Words wouldn't come as Saul gaped in horror. Wolf had been right! The smell of Boone's breath wafted across his face as the other man continued to caress him. Again he tried to pull away and again he was stopped. Finally he blurted out, "What do you want?" That set off Robert Boone into spasms of mirth. "Want?" He chortled. "You!" And then the mirth vanished from his face. A snarl tugged at his lips, "The enzyme, the formula!" Robert's hand tightened around Saul's shoulder while his other hand curled into a fist. Saul saw the blow coming but that was all as he was suddenly engulfed in darkness. ***************************** The first thing Saul heard was Boone. "Damn it! The old man must have hidden it outside somewhere." Against his best intentions Saul jerked when the cupboard in the kitchen was yanked off the walls and the sound of dishes crashing to the floor slammed into his ears.. "Welcome back to the living- ass hole." Robert Boone smirked and then spun on his heels. "Ian, before you bust up everything see what's there to drink." After some clattering around Ian called, "Just some yellow shit." "Lemonade." Saul volunteered as he wet his dry lips. "Right! You wouldn't mind if you was to try it first then?" Boone was looking suspiciously at the pitcher Ian held. "No problem." "Yea, easy for you to say." It had suddenly dawned on Boone that it could be a long night. Two could play that game. There is no way to tell what the old man might have left for them to drink. "Ian, lets get back to the truck." "Huh? I thought we were going to wait for Dr. Reinholt." "We'll save him for later. Besides we got what was most important." "You found the enzyme?" "No you lug." He nodded his head toward Saul. "Com'on lets blow this dump. Oh, wreck that old jeep on the way out. I'll take the Professor." ***************************** Even with flashlights, the walk across the desert floor had been a personal nightmare to Saul. Not more than five minutes from the house Boone had already discovered Saul's powerful aversion to snakes. After that, with Saul locked in his tormentor's grasp, he had been forced, to walk up to one of the deadly sidewinders. The beast made a quick swipe at Saul's naked legs before retreating from the artificial light. The demonstration had had its intended effect. By the time they had arrived at the truck, Saul was hysterical. "Get me one of them critters." Boone order Ian. "Here you can put it in this burlap bag." "Why?" "Give me a break Ian, the twerp is terrified of them right? Hey Saul old buddy, I'll give you a choice. Tonight: the formula or the snake, which do you choose? Hum? Now get into that cab!" Ian snickered as he swung out into the darkness. From the relative safety of the truck Saul looked out into the darkness. Where was Wolf? When would he strike? He had to do something, didn't he? He wouldn't just let Boone kidnap him? Would he? Saul realized and then reject the idea of leaping from the truck and running back to... In the darkness with all those snakes... He would give the bastard the formula, of that there was no mistake as he saw Ian carrying a wiggly bag back to the truck. For a horrifying instant Saul was convinced that the boy Ian was going to throw that thing in the cab. "Where to?" Ian said as he slid behind the wheel. As Boone climbed in on the passenger side, shoving Saul tightly between them he said, "Well its up to Saul baby. You going to go easy or hard?" "I'll give you the formula." Tears were streaming down his eyes. "You can do better than that, you can show me in the lab. Ian, back to LA.!" ***************************** Bob's curses filled the night. Wolf, laying quietly in the darkest shadows not more that four hundred feet away, felt a small, involuntary smile form on his lips. All was going as planned. They couldn't walk out without water and the water back at the cabin was loaded with arginine vasotocin and the enzyme. Twelve miles to the county road and another five to the interstate where they could get help. It would take them all night and more to get there and by that time... Wolf crawled over the rise and began to run back to his vantage point above the cabin. The distributor cap from Robert's truck resting in his pocket thumped against his leg as he ran. Yes! He had them! Later he'd just collect Mr. Boone and Mr. Ian Holtz with Bobbies' own truck. Assuming, of course, that the probable effects of the treatment would make them sufficiently malleable. Admittedly there was no way of knowing exactly what the transformation would do to them mentally. It was only fair, Wolf mused, that they experience exactly what they'd planned to do to others. Too bad about Saul though. The young man was the key to this whole thing. Damn he should have not allowed himself to get taken! Chapter 2 "Ian, give me your knife." Bob Boone leaned across the radiator and sawed through the hose. The sound and smell of the coolant as it gushed across the hot metal and fell to the hot dry earth filled the air. "There. If we can't use it neither can Wolf." "But... but..." Sputtered Ian. "The jerk wants us here, right? You wrecked that jeep of his, right? And you didn't see any other vehicle back at that dump, right? So, Wolf stays and we go." "Huh?" "The old man thinks he suckered us out here, sans communication." Boone reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a cellular phone. "My brother can be here in two hours, maybe less. Com'on we'll meet him on the way." He reached over and grabbed Saul by the arm. "You lead." **************************** "What was the expression, hung by my own petard?" Wolf muttered to the empty air around the deserted truck. He'd waited almost an hour for them to return to the cabin and when they hadn't come... "DAMN!" He snapped in frustration when he saw the source of the spilled coolant. He could probably rig up something. Hum, a piece of hose from the jeep and water... "Damn!" He growled. They would died out there, come morning. Assuming they lived that long. Why hadn't they returned for water? For the first time, Wolf realized that Boone might very well get away from the trap that had been so carefully set. Frustrated, Wolf headed back to the wrecked jeep. Boone wasn't a fool so he must have had a backup! This would be the last time he'd underestimate the opposition! ****************************** In spite of himself, Saul had been as relieved as Ian and Robert when the light of an approaching vehicle had first appeared. With little fan fair, Ian had shoved him into the rear seat and slid in beside him. Minutes later, Saul, exhausted both physically and emotionally fell asleep. "Will you look at this?" Ian chortled. Saul's head had fallen onto Ian's shoulder. "Charming." Muttered Bob. "You'll make a great couple." Bob Boone turned back to his brother. "I've been thinking. Dr. Reinholt is still back there Duke. And I don't want any loose ends, if you know what I mean." "So?" "So nothing! Take Ian's gun and shoot the bastard if that's what it takes. Me and Ian will drive into LA and..." "Why me?" His older brother glared. He wasn't used to taking orders from Bobbie. "You wanted me here and I'm here. But you didn't say nothing about dragging my ass across the middle of the desert at night on foot!" If looks could kill, then Duke would have been dead and long gone. "OK!" Bob threw up his hand as if he were surrendering. Stop the damn car. Ian! Take care of the Kraut!" "Shit Bob!" "I'll have Duke here pick you up tomorrow night. Right Duke?" "So who in the fuck made you the big cheese all of a sudden." Grumbled Bob's brother. "Yeah, what the fuck! But you owe me little brother! You owe me." ***************************** The phrase "dying of thirst" wasn't a metaphor, not here in the middle of the Mojave Desert. Even in the relative cool night air just prior to dawn, the super dry air had sucked out all the available moisture from Ian's body. By the time he'd gotten back to the truck, his walk had become almost mechanical. The rifle, which had grown heavier with each passing mile, was now slung over his shoulder. He didn't notice the man shaped shadow which had darted from beside the truck to the still darker shadows that lined the primitive road. Fifteen minutes later, he stumbled into the cabin. And it wasn't Wolf for whom his eyes searched. Never had lemonade tasted so good. Ever! Somewhere between the second and the fourth cup, somewhere at the back of Ian's mind a thought formed. What if Bob had been right? He looked dolefully at the now empty tin cup. A drop of the life giving fluid still clung to the lip... Arginine vasotocin! Ian's testicles tightened in reaction. "My God! What have I done!" The late night air carried the distant grumble of a truck engine turning over. "Oh SHIT!" He yelled in the growing light as he ran to the door. Wolf was free and he... only God knew what might happen to him. Ian closed the door against the growing brightness and then flopped onto the cot. Damn little he could do until Duke came for him tonight. Ian fell asleep almost as soon as his head touched the pillow. ***************************** The two Boone brothers had taken turns hitting and kicking Saul. Both seemed to enjoy the work but especially Bob. The return to civilization had renewed some of Dr. Bein's self confidence and certainly, for a moment, he'd hoped to renege on his promise regarding the formula. Maybe it was when he felt his rib crack or when one of the two, everything was a bit of a blur now, attempted to kick his testicles into his body cavity. He was in no shape to work out the formula at that moment as he lay on the ground with his body contorted into a fetal position. "In my wallet!" He sobbed. "Fuck!" Muttered Bob as he shook out the contents. "I was just starting to have fun." His lips formed into an "O". "Yeah! This is it all right! Lets get over to the lab." "What do we do with this piece of shit?" It was obvious Duke was ready to continue the fun. "Take him back to the house." "Why?" "Damn it Duke. Unless you want to take some of this stuff..." "Huh!" "As I said, Professor Bein will be the first." He leaned over the prostrate body. "Hey Saul? Know your Greek myths?" He giggled. "Pressing his forefinger to his chest he said: "Me Prometheus, the unselfish champion of mankind. It is I who will re-fashion mankind from its original clay. Prometheus created the first woman, did you know that? Her name you ask? PANDORA! Pandora, the dutiful but seductive bride. How fitting. I am Prometheus then you must be Pandora." He burst into uncontrolled laughter. "The first of the new woman; you will have the honor of being the ancestress of modern womankind! This is an historic event!" ***************************** By the time Wolf arrived back at the laboratory it was almost noon and much too late to catch Bobbie at his labors. The place was a wreck, Wolf noted with pain. The S.O.B. had pretty much taken every item that he would need and had needlessly destroyed the rest of the equipment. And Wolf was exhausted. Some thirty plus hours without sleep and his hopes of containing the monster all but vanished. And then there was Bein. The poor boy! He settled down on to the cot at the back of the room to think. What to do next? Who could he trust to help him stop Boone? Sitting on the cot had been a mistake. As he leaned back he consoled himself. He'd just rest his eyes for a few moments. Seconds later he was quietly snoring. ***************************** "Trussed up like a stuck pig." Duke said as he admired his handy work. "Thanks." His younger brother mumbled. His eyes were drooping. "Its been a long night." He said as he plunged the needle into Saul's buttock. The figure squirmed but the tape across his mouth attenuated the complaint. "You better hope that the formula you gave was correct Professor, 'cause its in you now. "Duke, why don't you get some sleep. It's a long drive back to the Kraut's place." He stretched. "I'll stay here and keep an eye on Pandora." "Sure you will." His brother muttered as he examined his brother. "For about five seconds." "So? Saul, I mean Pandora, isn't going any where this instant, is she?" He laughed. "Just don't forget Ian. He's probably going nuts out there in that heat." "Bobbie? What if this doesn't work?" He nodded toward Saul. We're going to be in a lot of trouble and for nothing... I mean rats aren't people you know." "Mice, Duke not rats. Anyhow, humans are a lot more like mice than mice are like the golby." "The what?" "The golby, it's a small, salt water fish." "Your kidding." He stared at his brother and then shook his head concluding that Bobbie wasn't kidding. "You mean he's going to grow gills or something." "Hardly. Look Duke, a rocket scientist your not. Trust me. Pandora here will just be another dame." Duke wrinkled his forehead in disgust. "That piece of shit?" "Oh I think you're underestimating Pandora's potential. And if she responds like the mice..." Duke was all ears now. "Well all of them that made the change were in heat from the go-get." Bob nodded significantly, "But of course, given the complexity of the human mind... it might be like taming a wild bronco." Bob grinned, he liked the image. Saul was listening to the two brothers. Not that he had much choice. It was like being a piece of meat on the butcher block. Right now the enzyme was modifying his testosterone into estrogen. It was an enzyme, so it wasn't going to get "used up" or anything. It would go on and on until there wasn't a trace of any androgens in his body. Snip-snip there goes a carbon bond and wham, male chemistry becomes female chemistry. But that was just a temporary measure. If the mouse data were right, and they must be, he concluded miserably, a "new" nucleus was forming in the anterior hypothalamus. New pathways would be formed to the limbic system, pituitary... Saul closed his eyes and tried to not think about what was happening inside of him. It wasn't his body that he was worried about but his brain. How much could you change the fundamental structure of the brain and still retain your identity? How long he laid there between sleep and consciousness he did not know but when he opened his eyes he could see Mr. Boone asleep in the chair. Saul began to twist his hands back and forth. Maybe the tape would stretch. Maybe, maybe... "WHAT-THE-FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" Bob was now leaning over the prostrate body. With his hands on his hips, he glared down at Saul. "Nothing yet." He observed. "We'll, com'on. Time to move on." He cut the tape that bound Saul's feet together and then yanked the man to his feet. "Walk damn it!" He snapped when Saul threatened to pitch over. A few minutes later, Saul had been transferred to the car. "Suppose your wondering where in the fuck we're going, huh? Far, far away my cunt-to-be. Somewhere where too many wives ain't such a big thing." He grinned. "It's almost as bad as the Mojave." The groan brought a smile to Bob's face as he slammed the door on the passenger side shut. Bob Boone didn't say another word until the two of them were on interstate 10 heading East. "No telling how long the change-over might take. Unless you know something I don't." And with that he reached over and ripped the tape off Saul's lips. "DAMN YOU!" The pain brought tears to the man's eyes. "As I was saying." Bob gave a significant look filled with menace before continuing. "Treat this like any other experiment, 'cept you're the subject." He laughed. "What happens next?" Saul's first thought was to tell the ass hole to buzz off. With the removal of the tape, however, aside from the relative luxury of being able to wet his lips, in the right situation, one good yell might end this nightmare. He decided to co-operate. "Behavioral changes in the male mouse were observed in the first 20 hours, of course you remember that Mr. Boone." "Yeah, I remember that. But translate Doc. In human terms." Saul shrugged. "Loss of status. Mice have a tight hierarchy, a pecking order. There is only one number one, one number two, and so on. Com'on Mr. Boone, have I said anything you didn't know?" "Hey! You're in no position to talk down to me, Miss-in-the-oven." He realized that he had never liked the prick from Yale. "What else?" "Well the translation to the human condition, well even you could figure that one out." "It's obvious that the juice hasn't changed your view point- yet." "Yes Mr. Boone, humans are complex." Saul closed his eyes deliberately as if to say I could care less about continuing this discussion. Nervously he waited for some kind of retaliation from this thug but nothing came. Finally Saul fell into a fretful sleep with the bright late afternoon sunlight streaming into the car. ***************************** The short nap had made Wolf as grumpy as a bear. His whole strategy had been based upon keeping Boone and Holtz at the cabin. Now, with the enzyme in that student's hand, it was improbable that he would return to the lab. The police were out, for obvious reasons. And poor Saul. No he couldn't just give up. Saul had become his responsibility. The problem was he had absolutely no idea where they might have taken the young man. He'd get some sleep and think about his options later. If only he knew where they might have gone. Damn! ***************************** Except for the times he awoke to get a drink, and that was almost hourly, Ian slept like a baby that day. Heat or no heat, he had been exhausted. The sound of a motorcycle off in the distance, like an angry hornet, had finally brought him to full wakefulness. He'd almost forgotten about the Arginine vasotocin scare and a quick check of the family jewels assured him that his fears were groundless. A quick brush of his palm across his cheek was also re- assuring. He was just finishing a plate of corned beef hash when the sound of Duke's truck greeted his ears. He picked up the rifle and went outside to wait. "Well?" Called out Bob's brother. Ian shrugged. "Never saw the bastard. Must have fixed Bob's truck and split." It was obvious that Dr. Reinholt's escape was no big deal to Duke. He shrugged in turn. "We're meeting back at my sister's ranch. 'Bout eight hours north of Vegas." Duke walked around his truck and climbed into the passenger's side. "You drive to Vegas." And then without another word he pushed back the seat and closed his eyes. ***************************** "Bout time you woke up." The voice, which seemed to bloom from an unseen source, caught Saul by surprise. For the moment, completely disoriented in world grown blurry, he reached to adjust non-existent glasses and then stopped to examine the unfettered hand that loomed before his near sighted eyes. It took a few more seconds for his mind to identify exactly where he was and even longer to remember the horror of the last forty odd hours. But before he could fully come up to speed, his thoughts were interrupted by the dark form looming over the steering wheel. "Slept last night, this afternoon and now..." There was envy in Bob Boone's voice. Aside from a brief hour long nap he'd not slept for the better part of two days. Saul didn't reply at first. He was enjoying the luxury of kneading first his left and then his right wrist. Suddenly the car swerved. Saul's heart raced uncontrollably for an instant and he blurted out, "You're going to get us killed." "Not to worry." Bob yawned loudly. "The Boones' are tough. 'Sides, as soon as we get to Sis', I'm going to sleep for a week." Another yawn followed. Finally Bob admitted that he needed help. "Talk, damn it." "About what?" "Gees, anything!" "Thanks for untying my hands." When Bob remained quiet, Saul continued. "Could I have my glasses back?" "Fat chance." "Where are we?" "Middle of no where. A few hours north of Salt Lake City. Surrounded by wacko Mormons..." "Is there anyone you like?" Saul asked. "What do you mean?" "It obvious you have little use for Jews or Germans or Mormons..." "Krauts are OK, you know, if they stay where they belong. Spics, niggers..." Saul winced as Bob went into a rather lengthy list of racist, ethnocentric, sexist slams. It was mind numbing. He let Bob go on until he had run out of slurs. "I take it you're one of those neo-nazis." "Neo what? Look Kike, the Huns had their chance and they blew it. Nazi! Shit, I'm one-hundred percent pure American!" Saul couldn't help himself, "Native American?" "You dumb twit!" Bob exclaimed without realizing that Saul was just putting him on. "Injins! They didn't deserve this country and they lost it, fair and square. Don't you recognize a real American name when you hear it? BOONE!" "So that's what this is all about." Saul could hold back the sarcasm in his voice, "You want the process to save America for Americans." It was obvious that Bob failed to catch the tone of Saul's voice or else, in his righteousness, failed to comprehend that there might be a failure to agree. "For a Jew boy you're pretty smart." He waved his hands expansively, "We'll start here with these heathen Mormons. Real Americans will flock to my standard when they realize what we have accomplished here. Utah! And then the world!" A cold chill worked its way up and then down Saul's spine. This was far worse than even Wolf had imagined. A world remade with a huge female underclass and a handful of dominant males. Even Hitler hadn't dreamed such horror. Saul stared at the dark blob that was Robert Boone. This was one Jew that wasn't going to go quietly into the ovens. He vowed to himself: I'll die before I'll let this sick idea form a new reality! Chapter 3 High mountains loomed all around the car as the dawn broke. The road, which had turned to gravel twenty minutes earlier, twisted and turned almost on- to-itself and climbed. With ever turn of the wheel they went higher and higher. Off to the right, just outside Saul's window, the land fell away abruptly. Far below snaked a ribbon of water between rough, rocky hills and nothing more. No sign of humanity! And then with a final effort, the auto reached the crest and dove down into a lush, green meadow. An ugly slab of concrete, a world war II block house with slits instead of windows, loomed briefly on the right. And as they passed, Saul saw what had to be their final destination, a rambling, nineteen-fifties ranch style house that must have been transported from some ancient suburbia in Orange county. Even before they'd stopped, a huge figure of a woman stepped out the front door and waved. Dressed in combat gear, like a returnee from Desert Storm, legs apart, arms now folded across her massive chest... "That's my sister!" Bob said, grinning from ear to ear. "Ain't she something?" "Can I please have my glasses?" "Sure. It's not like you have anywhere to go now." As Saul put on the glasses he realized that Bob's sister was every bit as frightening as he'd first suspected. Not that the two of them paid him any attention for the moment. While Bob and Sis? Hugged and carried on a lively chatter, Saul took this opportunity to check out his situation. The frowning mountain directly behind the house suggested that the only way down was on the same path they'd just climbed. A half dozen very, very large canines lazed about the compound. None of which Saul had the least desire to meet. His further assessment of the landscape was interrupted by "Sis". "So you're the Jew boy that Bobbie told me about! So get out and let me have a chance to see what he brought me." Although the woman was smiling, Saul sensed that her attitude was probably as mercurial as her brother's. He hurriedly got out of the car and stood for inspection. "Kind-of skinny." She called out to Bob who was just coming back with a beer clutched in his hand. She curled her lip, "Ain't never going to work. You really think this... this egghead... whatever..." "Hey Sis. Hours- a few more hours and... and you'll see. You'll be amazed at what this "juice" can do. 'Sides, if it don't work on this one, we'll just get our selves some more subjects. I got everything we need to make more juice, Sis." "Hump!" She grunted. She pointed to a shed to the right of the house. "You- Jew boy. We'll see if we can scrub some of that stink off you. Com'on." ***************************** "Sow's ear to sow's ear if you ask me." The woman muttered as she stared at the naked, skinny man. She'd scrubbed and scrubbed as if to take the skin off of him, but still he was as hairy as a monkey. The black and blue marks which covered his body had not stayed her brisk efforts. And when he began to cry, that had encouraged her to even greater efforts. Still she wasn't pleased. "Here!" She ordered as she handed him one of her old dresses. A thin cotton thing that had obviously seen better days. Saul just stood there for a moment as if he might defy her demand and then thought better of it. There was enough material to go around him almost twice. "Like a mouse in a tent." She snapped as if it was his fault that it didn't fit better. "Take it off." Working quickly she cut and stitched and cut some more. Her instincts were obviously based upon substantial experience for when she order him to put it on again, it fit reasonably well. The V front was still much too large running as it did almost down to his belly. She wrinkled her forehead, "Com'on, ah- Miss what did Bobbie call you?" Saul clenched his teeth before replying. "Pandora." He said, in a faint voice. "Yeah! Panty- dorah! Well Com'on Panty-dorah, you can start cleaning the kitchen. Lands sake, there're pots in there that ain't been clean since Christmas!" ***************************** Sis was busy lighting a thick, black cigar. The match flared repeatedly as she drew in great gulps of air. Finally, a brilliant red cone glowed at the end of the cigar. Leaning back into the executive swivel chair she swung her feet up and across the polished desk top. Thick, muscular thighs were revealed as her skirt slid down and puddled in her lap. Bob squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. It wasn't a pretty sight looking at his sister's crotch. Besides, he was exhausted. His eye lids felt like sandpaper against his corneas. "Now? Geese Sis, I'm tired." She pointed the lit end of the cigar toward her baby brother. "This Arginine vasotocin, don't jerk me around, will it really work on humans?" "Yes. But it needs a precursor, an enzyme that Bein developed. Once in place..." She cut him off with a wave of her hand. Behind her was a diploma from Harvard Medical School. The dumb hillbilly act was but a scam. He knew better than to set off on a lecture about Arginine vasotocin. "Please, can I get some sleep now, Sis?" "How much do you have with you?" He chewed that one over for a few seconds. "Used most of the enzyme on the Jew boy." His sister could spot a lie from here to Sunday and from where she sat, little brother was full of it. She grimaced. "Too bad. Half inclined to try some of that juice myself." Bob responded as if he was appalled, as well he might have been. "SIS?" She slammed her ham like fist down on the desk causing Bob to jerk. "Christ-all-mighty, I got more balls than you and Duke combined- Hell why shouldn't I have a chance at trying the other side of the street." She waved the cigar at her little brother like a wand. "Make me some..." "Sis?" "Damn you! This is a chance of a life time! How soon?" Bob squirmed. "Have to get materials. Awhile." She wasn't buying any of this. Fact was, she was half sure Bobbie was afraid she'd kick his ass out of the driver's seat, which was precisely what she intended to do eventually. "The keys!" She ordered as she held out her hand. When he didn't respond immediately she continued, "Your God Damned car keys!" Bob knew he was dead. "Ok, ok. Behind the seat. The enzyme is in the plastic bottle with the yellow cap and the Arginine vasotocin... its in a big jug marked..." "Yeah. Arginine vasotocin, I'm sure." She glared at her brother and then jabbed the hot end of the cigar in his direction. "Don't you ever hold out on me baby brother... again." And with that she stomped out. "Don't like this a-tall." Muttered Bob. "Ain't right for Sis to do this! Nope!" His gut twisted into a knot. It ain't supposed to happen this way he realized. Damn Fem-libber! For the first time he realized that Sis, family or not, was the enemy, the ultimate enemy! ***************************** Sis had just finished reading the lab notes that she found in her brother's car. It wasn't like Arginine vasotocin was a new idea, she'd tested the shit years ago and the research had bombed. The enzyme was the key. For the Arginine vasotocin to modify central neural organization in mammals, all traces of androgens had to be removed, at least temporarily. She slammed the notebook shut. The formula for the enzyme wasn't here! Bobbie was too smart to just give the formula to her now. Damn, she should have thought it through before she let him know her real plans. Sure he was scared of her and for good reason. All this tripe about America for Americans- crap. This wasn't just another chance for a few men to dominate the majority. It was time for women, strong women like herself, to be set free of the biological chains to which they had been unwittingly fettered. To rule as God had intended! Downstairs in the kitchen, in Dr. Saul Bein's brain, that's where the key was! A sense of urgency grew inside the woman. Bobbie was a fool but he wasn't stupid. As long as this Dr. Bein was alive, the secret of the formula wasn't safe! She leaped from the chair and ran from her study. ***************************** Saul was confused and frightened. Some of the general disorientation he was experiencing was probably due to the metamorphosis that was undoubtedly taking place in his brain. A level of passivity he'd never known before had taken hold. It seemed to come to a focus when he'd meekly accepted that outrageous costume from Bob's sister. And now this. The old car rattled down the same road that they had just climbed a few hours earlier. And Bob, he looked like death warmed-over. Eyes all puffy and red, he clung to the steering wheel like a drowning man to a life preserver. Saul wanted to know what was going on, but he was too terrified to risk Bob's wrath. The car lurched and almost tipped over when Bob made a hairpin turn to the right. Water flew to the right and left as the vehicle plowed down a creek for a good two hundred feet and then turned to the right again. With an ugly screech of metal on metal, the car came to an abrupt halt. "Get out." Snarled Bob. A clap board shack huddled there under the tall pines. It looked as if no one had been living there for years. Bob took Saul by the arm and shoved him toward the primitive structure. "Get in." He ordered. The place was a filthy wreck. Trash and dirt littered the floor. And the stink... Saul's thoughts were interrupted when Bob tied his wrists together with a piece of oily rag. A second rag was used to tie him to a chair. "It'll have to do." Muttered Bob as he shoved the door close and sprawled out on the floor. He stared at Saul through swollen eyelids. "I'll kill you if you make me any trouble ass hole!" He held his gaze on Saul for no more than ten seconds before his eye lids fluttered shut. Almost instantly he began to snore. For at least five minutes Saul just sat there without moving. His eyes glazed over as if he was falling asleep, but that wasn't the case at all. His attention was focused elsewhere. The knot! His fingers were working the greasy rag... Saul's eyes were suddenly focused on the outside again, specifically at the sleeping form that groaned and thrashed in response to what? For one horrible second it seemed as if Bob was awake. Saul held his breath as the semiconscious, bleary eyed man sat up and glared uncomprehendingly at him and then, Bob collapsed like a fallen tree and resumed snoring. I can't stop what is happening to me, thought Saul, but I sure as hell don't want to be with this monster when it is done. Saul had never really thought about rape before, anymore than most men, it was, well... something women had to be concerned with but... The concept had become a lot more than mere theory now! He sat there for a while longer and stared at the brute that had done all of this to him. I am more than an interesting experiment, how dare he! Saul clenched his jaw. There was much more to this now than his personal safety. He must stop BOONE and the others. It didn't matter what happened to him but THEY MUST BE STOPPED! At last Saul finally understood what Wolf had been saying that day in the desert. This was a horror that could not be allowed to exist! Saul continued to work the knot with his numb fingers, he could feel his flesh literally crawl. Ligaments were realigning, his bones grumbled. The change was beginning? He fought to push the thought away. Finally he was free! The oily rag was but a rag again. He stood up but his balance was all out of whack. Grabbing the wall for support he looked around to find some thing deadly. With the heavy mass of a tire iron gripped in his hands he stood over the sleeping figure. Bare foot, knobby, hairy legs that jutted out below the hem of the skirt, every aspect of him was ridiculous... all because of this man. Saul lifted the tire iron above his head and prepared for the fatal downward blow. But it did not come! He held the pose so long that his arms ached but he could not deliver the stroke. Tears of anger and frustration flowed freely, yet still he could not strike! Anger twisted into rage and held him for an instant ready and then, it... passed! Saul backed away from his intended victim and with shaking hands laid the heavy weapon down. He was not a murder. Moments later, Saul climb out a broken window and fled. At first Saul just ran, well whatever constituted "running" in bare feet. The soft under flesh of his feet screamed at every new encounter with a sharp rock or twig. At first he followed the stream but there were just too many rocks there. The road with its hot asphalt was impossible even if he was willing to take a chance on encountering Bob's frightening sister. Finally there was an old barn at the edge of a clearing. The smell of hay greeted his nose as he slipped into a small door opposite the farm house which was now visible. He climbed a ladder to the loft and dove into the yielding mass of sweet hay. For the first time in over three days, Saul felt safe. Thirsty yes, hungry, yes, but safe! As he stretched out his legs and wiggled his toes he had the luxury of assessing his option. Too early, he thought. Twenty-four maybe twenty-five hours had passed since... He grimaced at the memory, the sting of the needle in the butt. But he still had to see if any changes had taken place in his body. Sitting up, he wiggled out of the dress. His eyes said nothing, nothing at all had happened. Looking down between his legs, all seemed normal. Knobby knees, a great abundance of hair and... nothing to worry about. He began to knead his temples with his fingers. Yeah. It was in there, in his head, that the change would probably begin. Unexpectedly a tear began to well up at the corner of his right eye and then in the left. Within seconds, a veritable flood of tears bloomed. In the distance he could hear someone sobbing and it was only later, much later, that he realized that he was listening to himself crying. Chapter 4 Duke was in a rage. "Just a dang old fuel pump! Hell's bells! You'd think I just bought me a new truck!" He yelled at the retreating back of the mechanic waddling to the repair shop with a fresh wad of cash in one grimy fist. Duke opened the door to the passenger's side. "You Drive." He snapped at Ian." "Could have been worse." Volunteered Ian. "Might have sat out there waiting for a tow all night." Duke snarled, "You college ass dope! We were there all friggin night!" Ian grimaced. "At least they towed us back to Vegas. Could have been stuck in a one cow town you know." He looked at the exhausted, distorted face of his companion and concluded that Duke was in no mood for further conversation. "Yeah, OK! I'll drive." Ian had only swung the truck onto the freeway heading north when his ears were greeted by Duke's loud snores. It was just as well that Duke was asleep. Ian needed to be alone with his thoughts or rather fears. There was no way to really know if the big, blond Dutchman, Dr. Wolfgang Reinholt, had spiked the water back at the cabin. Right now there could be 'chick juice' circulating through his body. He shuddered at the thought as his hand slid across his chest looking for incipient breasts or something equally sinister and found nothing out of the ordinary. It had been what? Almost dawn that night then when he'd stupidly swilled that water in the cabin and now was about noon, two days later... about thirty, thirty-one hours ago he estimated. That thought caused him to relax slightly. Surely if the water had contained Arginine vasotocin he would have begun showing some reaction by now. He eased back in the seat and tried to concentrate on anything but that possibility. But what if he started to turn into some kind of mindless bimbo in heat? He jerked his eyes away from the road and stared as his sleeping companion. Red stubble ran across the sun redden pale skin, cruel lips fluttered in spasms with each snore. He returned his gaze back to the road. If THAT ever starts to look good to me... I'll kill myself! Bob Boone's idea of a new world order sounded too good to be true to Ian. But that would all change if HE, Ian, was going to be part of the bimbo herd. His stomach fluttered. No way he'd let a man use him. No way! He clenched his teeth and stared are the highway unfolding before him. Self-consciously he grabbed the rear view mirror and twisted it so that he could see his own face. Did his nose look smaller, his lips fuller? Were the changes progressing so slowly that he wouldn't be able to tell until it was too late? Until... Again he looked at his companion as the disgust he felt grew evident on his face. There was no way he'd be led back to the kennel at Bob's place in Utah and turned into a virtual sex slave! His hand fluttered up to his forehead and flicked back the light brown hair. Imagination was dangerous he realized. One could see just about anything if one wasn't careful he realized too late. His lips did look all too full, pouting and his beard wasn't nearly as evident as it should be and... no that way was madness! Minutes slipped away into an hour. Five-six more hours, max, and they'd be at Bob's sister's place in Utah. Ian twisted uncomfortably in his seat and his eyes flicked across the face of Duke. There was a 'boyishness' in those relaxed features that hinted of a gentler man inside. Ian's eyes swept across the sleeping figure and lingered at Duke's hands: strong, capable hands, good hands. As Ian pulled his eyes back to the unfolding road and the bland nothingness of the arid moonlike landscape he let out a sigh. Things were going to work out just AOK after all. No sign of impending change, no tits, no girlish urges, just him and Duke heading down the road of destiny! And with a partner like Duke, Hell! Watch out world! He grinned as he stole one more glance at the man. He was powerfully built, confident. Even in sleep his superior qualities were evident. A future prince of the new world. A twitter of excitement leaped in Ian's breast. Gone was the mundane gray drudgery of school, the future was now and he'd be a part of it: he and Duke. Ian slipped into a daydream of that future. The musky odor of the man beside him was oddly pleasant and re-assuring at the same time. ***************************** "Sheriff look at wot I found walking down county route 37." The short, fat man in the tight deputy's uniform laughed as he shoved his victim toward the desk in the center of the office. The slender man in the shabby dress looked around wildly before returning the gaze of the older man behind the desk. "I... I... can explain." Stuttered Dr. Solomon Bein as one hand yanked down the hem of the skirt that had flared revealing his nakedness underneath. "Dr. Solomon Bein, I'm Dr. Solomon Bein." His exceptionally pale complexion brightened as a blush started. "I was kidnapped and put into to these clothes and..." The Sheriff raised one eye brow. "Kidnapped? Go on, I'm ah listen'." Saul began what he'd hoped would be a clear, concise description of what had happened and was happen to him now. It was the latter that found the limits of the Sheriff's attention span. "Dr. Bein if that is who yer really are?" He interrupted the obviously agitated young man as he held up his hand signaling Saul to stop. "I ain't here to listen to no wild ass yarns about fish that can change sex and whatever." He eyed his visitor suspiciously. "Fact is your gitty-up," he pointed at the dress, "is enough to cause me ta think maybe you done slipped out'a some bobby hatch someplace. Anyhow, you jus give me a phone number I can call and I'll have whoever is responsible for you come and pick you up. That fair enough? As far as I'm concerned, you ain't broken no laws except those of common sense and good taste." He turned away from Saul. "Now Homer why don't you take this nice man's disposition and then put him somewhere's he'll be safe until his keepers come." "But Sheriff." Whined the fat deputy. "Where am I gonna keep..." "Room in the drunk tank I suspect. Tommy's harmless enough." The Sheriff shrugged as he got up. "Going ta get me some dinner. Be back it a jif." He jabbed a thick finger in Saul's direction, "Now you be a good boy and co-operate with old Homer here and you'll get home right quick." He winked. ***************************** There was an odd thrill that zapped down Ian's spine when Duke's eyes opened and their gaze met. "Where we at." Growled Duke as he pulled himself up and looked around. "About five mile from Troy." Responded Ian, his eyes still riveted on Duke's eyes. "Good." Duke rubbed his sleep swollen eyes. "I'm hungry. We'll stop there." His gaze returned to Ian and then Duke's look turned into a glare, "What?" "Huh?" "What are you staring at?" Ian blushed as he jerked his eyes back to the road ahead. "Nothing." He mumbled but his heart was hammering in his chest. Duke's green eyes had reached right into his heart like they'd touched his very soul. "Just tired, I guess and all this driving..." An electric shock coursed through his body when unexpected Duke's hand descended heavily upon his shoulder. He felt giddy from the euphoria that bloomed in his chest. "You're all right Ian." Duke said gruffly before removing his hand from Ian's shoulder. "I'll take over the driving after we eat. OK?" The praise caused Ian to smile uncontrollably. An involuntary giggle slipped out of his swollen lips. Huh? The giggle surprised Duke. He looked more closely at Ian. Holy-shit! There had been some kind of 'sea change' in Ian, that was for sure. Was it just the 'giggle' or was there something more: in his posture or the way he held the steering wheel? It was just at the limits of delectability that was for sure. A girlish 'something'. An odd, almost frightening chill worked it's way down his spine. So the Doc HAD spiked the water back at the cabin after all. This was what little brother had been talking about. Wonder filled Duke's eyes. Does he even know? "Ian?" "Yes Duke." "Any, you know, problems? It's been what, almost two days..." "Nope!" Ian stroked his chest and then patted it. "I'm cool. Guess the water was OK." He squared his shoulders and settled back against the seat. A trill of anxiety flared unexpectedly, "You... you see anything... unusual?" "Naw!" Duke lied. So he doesn't know. Interesting. A few minutes later they pulled into a truck stop. Duke waited and watched as Ian climbed out of the truck. There was indeed something decidedly girlish about the way the boy carried himself now he noted. Ian stopped in mid stride when he realized Duke wasn't following. Ian turned and placed his hand on one out thrust hip as he cocked his head. His other hand was stroking his throat. "Duke?" "Yeah, I'm coming." It was odd seeing the bloom of a wispy smile on Ian's face as he approached. There was a look of... adoration? In Ian's eyes. Naw, that's just too creepy. Deliberately he reached out and took Ian by the shoulder as he passed and pulled him close. "Com'on pal. I figure we got no more than two hours to Sis's place. We'll be there before dark." Together they turned and entered the restaurant. They probably think we're fags, or something, mused Duke as the waitress quickly glanced away. So what, he thought, in time they'll see a lot more of this, of that Duke was becoming certain. Maybe little brother had really stumbled into something this time. Imagine, billions and billions of chicks and just a few males. Hummm. Of course, Ian wasn't much to look at- yet! Maybe this science shit was ok after all. "Com'on pal." He said as he patted the seat beside him. "Why don't you sit next to me. I'm too tired to yell across the table." Ian's smile brightened even further as he gingerly took his place beside Duke. "This looks kind'a silly don't it Duke?" "Huh? Look buddy, anyone says anything and I'll rearrange their face." He patted Ian's shoulder. "Yeah. Nobody messes with Duke or his friends, OK?" Ian blinked. He likes me he realized in a rush. Why he should find that so... wonderful he couldn't explain, it just was! ***************************** The man on the cot who stank of brew and vomit suddenly sat up, head cradled in his hands and moaned. "Christ! Must have died and gone to Hell!" He groaned again before seeing Saul nervously sitting on the one and only chair in the 'tank'. He blinked rapidly as he continued to stare at the man-in-a-dress. His speech still slurred by drink, "Gees, it sure enough is Hell!" Saul shrank back but there was nowhere to run. The man was a huge, lumbering beast that was made all the more frightening by his flaming red eyes that crossed and re-crossed. He pulled his legs together into a protective posture and tried to look elsewhere. "I'm talking to you!" Slurred the drunk. "Holy Saints either you're the ugliest whore I ever did see or a God damn fag, which is it, huh?" Saul was scared shitless. "Neither." He croaked. "Son-of-a-bitch!" Growled the drunk as he tried to stand up. "Put me in with a fucking queer! Damn it!" He yelled. "Homer, I ain't staying in here with no fag. You hear? Homer!" "Ah Shut up!" A voice ordered from the next room. "Ain't got but one friggin' cell anyway Tommy. Sides, you're old lady will be here by and by. You 'fraid of him or something Tommy?" The drunk puffed out his chest, "Naw!" He yelled back and then glared over at Saul. "You just stay on your side and we'll be all right." He fell back and started to snore immediately. Saul shuddered. As the drunk has said, this was hell. Here he was transforming into... a female while locked in with this drunken brute. Underneath the smell of beer and the sour odor of vomit was something... pleasant. Saul's nose flared. The odor of man! Now he was certain that the change was actually happening. Hardly a surprise, if it worked on mice... Saul let that last thought hang in midair. He was becoming someone new, someone who had never existed before. He wouldn't just look female, not if the mouse data held, he'd be... He brushed his hand across his hairy leg half expecting to see the follicles fall out. Of course that wouldn't happen. Hair growth would shift to a feminine pattern but what was there would have to be shaved... probably. He frowned. Com'on this wasn't such a big thing he tried to make himself believe. Besides there were plenty of female scientists, he'd just have too make some adjustments... But he knew it was a lie. There was something horribly frightening about the behavior of those 'changed' mice. They weren't just 'female' where they? ***************************** "Duke why are we stopping here?" Ian said nervously as he examined the desert landscape. The interstate was the other way and the paved road had come to an abrupt end. "Huh!" He yelped as Duke grabbed him by the back of the neck in a hurtful manner. "There are two kinds of people in this world old buddy, men and those that aren't!" Ian squealed as he tried to escape from Duke's grip. "What... what are you talking about Duke!" He shrilled with fear and helplessness. "You know, you just don't want to believe... sweetheart." "Duke." He started to plead but unexpectedly tears began to gush forth from his eyes and his pleas turned to sobs. His head was spinning with the realization that the last hour with Duke, those odd, pleasant feelings were... "Eeeeea." He shrieked through the cascading sobs that wracked his body uncontrollably. His hands clasp his chest and they found NOTHING that had changed but it didn't matter. Arginine vasotocin... frontal hypothalamic development... and images of the mice and more disturbing thoughts flashed through Ian's mind. All this time he'd waited for some sign of change in his body and all the while it was his brain that was changing. "Duke, let me go. I won't tell nobody about arginine vasotocin... I'll just go back to LA and..." His plea was interrupted by Duke's laughter, "Com'on ease up, let go Ian. What's done is done." Ian's intensified his struggle but either his body was betraying him now or Duke was even stronger than he'd realized. Finally he collapsed and let Duke pull him into an embrace. Quivering with uncontrollable sobs he buried his face in Duke's chest. "Now, now. " cooed Duke as he began to stroke Ian's back with one hand while holding him close with the other. It was irrational but Ian felt... safe, comforted by Duke's attentions. His sobs stopped as unexpectedly as they had started. He relaxed and let himself drink in the rich odor of the man that held him. The first fluttering sense of... belonging to, closeness with Duke grew stronger.

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Blessed Evans

By: AWC Evans was bored as he doodled sitting at the computer. He had surfed most of the xxx rated sites he knew but nothing was adequate or filling his needs. Then he decided to check his e-mails. Opening the e-mail, he was shown nine messages. Some of the fucking ads by the credit card companies and other bull shit. Right in the middle of those 9 messages, one was sent to him by a buddy, who knew all the secrets about Evans. The message simply hoped that Evans would find that message of...

4 years ago
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wife fucked by shemale

Wife fucked by shemaleThis is the story of me Rittu married to a guy named Harvinder in 1996. We had 2 k**s from our marriage .Harvinder was very fond of girls and even before my marriage he use to fuck prostitutes right from young girls to middle aged women. He used to get his cock sucked and even used to fuck these prostitutes in their ass. After getting married to him he used to apply all the tricks on me. He made me watch blue films and he get his cock sucked as women in bluefilm. He even...

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Purely pleasure

You walk into the bar, glancing nervously around the room. You spot me sitting in a secluded corner. Straight away you notice my dark hair, tied into pigtails, slowly moving your eyes over my body you notice the black lipstick, my cleavage, almost bursting out of the black leather corset. Panic runs through your veins, have you made a mistake? Your head is reeling with so many thoughts, but deep down an inner voice is telling you that you need this, you want this. You walk over, I stand to...

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Screwed Randi's excitement grew as she walked outside to her car. She'd been preparing for this all day and dreaming it up for weeks. She began the day by showering and shaving her legs, followed by putting on a nice red nail polish on her fingers and toes. She went to her dresser and picked out a black pushup bra and some jet black pantyhose. After strapping on the bra, she sat on the end of her bed and drew the pantyhose up her long legs one at a time. At 6'3" with long skinny...

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Josies Visit to the Salon

Josie's Visit to the Salon ? by: Josie Girlyc This was bringing tears to my eyes, as I saw what Holly had done to me. Holly was smiling from ear to ear. But before I finish telling you what I looked like let me start from the beginning of this humiliating day. I knew that I had my normal Tuesday salon visit; every Tuesday and Friday I have a standing appointment with my wife's girlfriend Holly. Holly owns a salon called the 'Big Teeze'. Part of my wife's revenge is that I have...

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Adrian Shared Love

I had seen Adrian many times before. It wasn’t like you could miss her. We lived in the same apartment complex and her husband was stationed at the same base with me, even though we weren’t in the same unit. She had a little girl about three years old and the two of them were frequent visitors to both the apartment pool and the beach across the street. Even though she didn’t flaunt it and actually appeared very shy, every swimsuit she wore accented her beauty. She had marvelous breast that...

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Aunt Kates fuckbuddies

It was breakfast time when mom told me I would be going to aunty Kate’s house, that evening, I had plans with my school friends but she said I had to cancel them. Kate had moved to California shortly after I was born, and after fifteen years had only just moved back to New York, the first time I had ever met her was last week when mom and I met her for a coffee. I could quickly see the family resemblance, Kate, a year younger than mom, is the same size, at about five foot two, her petite body...

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Fucking in hawar island

By: Fathima I am a great fan of this erotic site, ISS; I am a mother of 2 children, they studying in Canada I came to know about this site recently from my friend. I am going to tell you an story, it’s not a story but it is a fact which happened and still continuing. We are living and settled in Qatar even though we were Indians from slut Bombay. Telling about me and my hus , my hus got a little more belly but got a huge white bluish cock about 8 and I got a huge body of figure about 40-30-42....

2 years ago
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The Gathering Book 2Chapter 4 The Seduction of Ann Stinson

It's early AM Friday. Dutch moved stealthy under the covers until he reached Rosa's cunt. As he began to lick her she angrily shoved his head away. "Maybe later, Dutch, not now. My clit is so sore, so tender and sensitive that I'll go right through the roof if you try to eat me right now. I promise you can suck your come out of me later. Now go back to sleep. Dream about Ann for a while." "Well I can't help it, baby, I'm too fucking horny to sleep and I've got this hardon that...

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Wife Touches Buddy 8

We all jumped in, swam around and enjoyed the refreshing water. After about 30 minutes of playing around, I decided to go and mix more drinks for us. When I returned, Anthony and my wife were sitting close to each other on the steps of the pool submerged about waist deep. I passed the drinks around and joined them. It was an incredible night. The stars were out and the moon was full. The moonlight shined down on us and created a sparkle over the top of the pool water. We were all so relaxed...

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Market ForcesChapter 38 All Bar None

It didn't take Tricia and I long to get our lives back on track. She didn't seem to be bothered by Clegg's attitude. "It's the game" she said. "At the end of the day it's dog eat dog. You have to accept that. Loyalty is only as good as the use you are. They came to get me because it suited them." I was surprised by her casual acceptance of the risks not only of something going wrong but of being left to swing if it didn't suit the organisation. In the end she decided to leave...

4 years ago
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Awesome fuckkkkkkk

Hey Guys and Girls,1 more true story. This happened to me long time back when I was staying with a family who knew my dad as a paying guest as I was studying in the Engineering College about 75 kms from home and so it was not possible to travel everyday as it was full day college.The landlady’s husband was abroad and she had one daughter who was at that time 16 years and I was 19.The house was big with three bedrooms. I was staying in one room and in one room was her daughter and the 3rd room...

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Nylon Fem Doms

Nylon Fem Doms Sisters Deal with David's Stocking Fetish by BlkNYLONS ©BlkNYLONS 2006 This took place in 1964... A time when the fashion called for women too wear girdles, garters, and shiny ultra sheer reinforced heel and toe stockings, spike heel pumps/mules daily! A time when my fetish for nylons was young and in full bloom! A FANTASY...

2 years ago
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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 6 Facing the truth

I took a chance and called Scott and told him I couldn’t see him for the rest of the summer for now. He told me he was sorry I had gotten that drunk and that he didn’t realize I had drank that much. For some reason that felt not like the truth but I couldn’t remember anything so how could I argue. He didn’t seem to upset about me not being able to see me and told me we would work it out. So I was pretty disappointed and got very little new information from him. The rest of the day passed...

3 years ago
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Nanban Amma Mulaiyai Sappinom

Hello friends, en nanbanin amma udan eer pata kaama uravai indru tamil kama kathaigyil ungalidam pagirugirom. En peyar Ramesh vayathu 19 aagugirathu, nanbanin peyar suresh iruvarum ondraaga than vilaiyaadi kondu irupom. Ondraaga vilaiyaadi kondu irukum pozhuthu naangal veetil thanimaiyil kaama padangal paarpom. Engal iruvarin veetil yaarum illai endraal kama cd vaangi vanthu palana padam paarthu suya inbam kanbom. Suresh sunni ennai vida 2” perithaaga irukum, avan siru vayathil irunthe kama...

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Eager Horny CousinCHAPTER TWO“Hey sleepyhead, wake up! Come on, Pam — up!”Racing into the bedroom all flushed and surging with energy after her recent experience, Susie pounced on her cousin’s big double bed and tumbled over the sleeping shape snuggled there, shaking Pam awake.“Whuh?”A thick mane of glossy dark brown hair cascaded across the pillow as she jerked back the single sheet wrapped about her cousin’s shape, and uncovered Pam Harmon’s attractive face.“Susan, don’t!”Pam tried to pull...

2 years ago
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Aapki Preeto Bhabhi

Namstey sab readers nu . Mera naam preeto hai te mein punjab wich jalandhar de kol ik pind di rehn wali haan. Meri umar 30 saal di hai . Te mere ik munda hai jis di umar 6 saal di hai. Mein apni eeh story punjabi wich hi likh rahi aa kio ki menu punjabi bolna te likha hi pasand hai . Hun mein apni story wal jandi aa . Mein ik housewife haan te mere gharwala farmer hai . Menu shuru toh hi fuddi maran da bhut shonk hai , is leyi mera gharwale de naal sarda nahi te mein hor lun bhi labhdi rehdi...

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Nursing David

The true story of the time my wife wore her naughty nurse outfitNURSING DAVID Our regular visitor, David was due that weekend. Hazel always looked forward to his visits as he was a good friend as well as a very sexy partner for her. Although she always made a special effort to look sexy for his visits, this time she had something special planned. Earlier that week, while we had been shopping in a nearby supermarket, and surprisingly, we'd found some sexy outfits. One was a sexy nurse...

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Grandpa Teaches Young Granddaughter

Tom was in a deep sleep when his phone rudely woke him up. He glanced at his clock as he reached for the phone and wondered who in their right mind was calling him at 2:13 am. Lifting the phone to his ear, he heard the voice of his youngest daughter, Renee. As his sleepy mind began to function, he asked her what was wrong. She told him that she was at the emergency room and they were getting ready to admit her. He continued to listen as she said they were going to do surgery to remove her gall...

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Wrong NumberChapter 10

That fateful wrong number John dialed. That horrible night with Peter. John’s caring and love when I needed it most. The phone sex. All culminating in last night’s mutual masturbation. A night I will never forget, and no matter how hard I tried, I could not bring myself to find fault. It was 9:00 pm when I took his hand, and we walked up the stairs. When we got to the top of the stairs, I stopped, put my hand on his cheek, and kissed him. “Give me ten minutes, Honey. Then call me.” John...

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Bridgets Nights Ch 09

Mike’s deep voice smothered everyone else’s hurried questions. ‘What is it Bridget?’ ‘Vampires feed from blood. But Thorfinn has been taking an enormous amount, more than he needs, more actually than he can drink. He’s accumulating the blood, and the power it gives him, for a sacrifice. For a summoning.’ ‘Summoning what?’ Sue inquired. ‘I don’t know for sure, but you can bet its not going to anything we are going to like.’ I thought about it for a moment. ‘Probably one of the Norse gods, or...

4 years ago
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Unattainable Love

Have you ever been in love with the perfect person, just not at the right time? That is most definitely my situation right now, and it is the hardest problem to cope with.My name is Mark Vincent. I'm 19, a Freshman in city college. I'd say that I'm handsome, being 5'11", athletic build from basketball and track and field, light brown skin, and brown eyes. What most people don't expect from me is the fact that I am brilliant. I had graduated from High School with a 4.0 GPA. I was accepted to...

Love Stories
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Making Of A Cheating Girlfriend Into Slut 8211 Part 3

Hey guys thanks a lot for your tons of feedback. Sorry that I was busy in some other work so little late for the third part. Those who are reading for first time please read first two parts. The links are given above. Now coming towards the third part, We came back to pune after our fun in lonavla. We slept that night. When I woke up in morning Mona was already awake, I went to hall then she excitedly come to me and gave morning kiss. Mona: Baby thank you for the amazing holidays in lonavla....

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A Haunting LoveChapter 17

Robby's birthday present was the outfit Debbie was wearing. It was a mixture of marina blue and sky blue, with gold threads in it that sparkled in the light. It had originally consisted of five items, though Debbie was wearing only four of them. Her legs were encased in black sheer silk stockings, held up by a garter belt that was sky blue and lacy. Over that was a pair of panties that were so brief as to cover only her mound itself, with thin straps that rose across each hip and went to the...

2 years ago
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MomsTight Madison Brite Stepmoms Hot Body Energizes Me

Madison Brite and her stepson Johnny are having a good time getting to know one another. There’s just one problem: Johnny thinks Madison is really, really hot and he finds it distracting. It’s making it difficult for him to do things like yoga with Madison since there’s no way to hide the constant boner he has when she’s around. When Madison notices Johnny’s boner, he does his best to hide and deny. She makes it clear that it’s okay and she’s into it....

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What she cant get at home 4

The doorbell rang at just the right time, and i knew immediately who it was.It was young Tilly again.The petite, short black haired, glasses wearing, innocent looking married woman who had visited me about a month or more ago, was back for more, as she said in a message to me earlier, and eagerly, i opened the door to meet her.However to my surprise, a tall gaunt looking guy, in glasses, with short brown hair and wearing a blue shirt and trousers stood with her, and quickly she introduced him...

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Grace and the Longest TieChapter 18

Grace had stopped her narrative and refreshments were served. Then she was asked which scene of her paintings she wanted to enact out. With some trepidation she pointed to the scene of the woman being double penetrated and the third man peeing into her open mouth. She had visualized doing this with her own sons but if the pee was so awful to the taste and she threw up she didn’t want to do that with them. She wanted it to be an enjoyable experience for all participants. So this was a...

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London calling

The commute from Heathrow to London was an everyday occurrence for some onthe subway. For others, like Kristin, it was their first. Kristin had landed at Heathrow a few hours earlier and had steadily made her way to the underground. She had a hotel booked before her trip to Europe and she would be staying for just a single evening before her adventure began. At first, the train was relatively empty. A couple seats were taken with business men who had just arrived from abroad, and other seats...

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Life of Christopher Schwartz Part Two

A Visit with Karen After the incident with the gorgeous Kate, Christopher’s school day continued without any other incident But he walked off the grounds and headed to his new home something he didn’t expect happened. His ambling footsteps were often interrupted by the sounds of passing cars, that he was used to. Then he heard the sound of a car pulling in behind him, he looked behind him, Karen, the woman from the Administrative Office, was pulling up behind him in a yellow 2007 California...

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Older Neighbor

This story was sent to me by a fan who asked me to post it on my website blog after seeing a particular photo of me which he said "gave him the 'inspiration' to write the following story". I've decided to post it here as well for your entertainment, enjoy!My name is Jake and I am thirty years old. I am a moderately successful business accountant with a nice house in a nice neighborhood. My neighbor, Barbara, is absolutely beautiful. She's tall, leggy, busty and very sensual. She's in her...

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His Lordship

------------------------- The messenger's horn rings out across the feudal plains. "Hear ye, hear ye, serfs! Lord James will soon be upon thee to seek out his annual gift from his people. Prepare your women for his review." Robert spits upon the ground as the messenger passes and hurries to his shoddy excuse for shelter. His lordship has made it a yearly habit to ride amongst his serfs to choose the prettiest of the women for his own personal pleasure. Robert's daughter, Isabelle,...

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Maidens Curse

Maiden's Curse by: Prudence Walker Bob was pissed; his date had failed to show. She had arranged to meet him at the opening of the refurbished museum. They had first met at a bar, only two days prior to the opening. They had seemed to hit it off and Bob had been confident that, this time, he would make a go of it. Now it seemed that his luck with women was running true to form. Wandering alone in the museum, refusing to fall into his usual despondency, he lost himself in the...

1 year ago
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The voice cut through me Horror Horror Horror

I'd kicked down a gear and accelerated hard justs creaming in to the ferry port. Landed a job looking for locations for filming and photo shoots. Working for a friend in media I'd been sent to Greece and the Greel islands to check our locations. one of our local contacts suggested I tried one of the islands as I had four days between jobs and I fired my bike towards the port and just grabbed the ferry and called my wife back home. Greece has some boheman venues and I fund a room at my...

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Kristas Bad Mistake

Mike was always taking photos of Krista as a prelude to having sex. Having done so for a couple of years Mike thought they might post some photo's to the web just to see what Kind of response they might get. At first Krista didn’t want to share her photo with just anybody but Mike would bring up the subject ever now and then. One night Krista was very horny and Mike thought it might be the right time to ask again. To his surprise Krista agreed to put up a few seminude photos one’s just...

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You Wont Believe What I DidChapter 2

Tony had already left to catch his plane when Alex came out of his bedroom for breakfast. Cheryl thought this would be a good time to talk. Although Tony slept at her apartment when he was in town, he was not the authority figure. This was her responsibility. After all, Alex was her son, not his. Alex was in his pajamas, looking sleepy-eyed with a bad case of bedhead. Cheryl greeted him in her usual upbeat manner, “Good morning, my little man. How did you sleep?” “Pretty good, I guess,”...

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MC125 Ch 13

John put away the last of the beakers and stood back to admire the day’s work. He had finished moving into the new next-door facility. The newly delivered PCR machines and electrophoresis scanners were set in their respective stations, the autoclave was humming away on a set of dishes and pipettes, and the CRAY computer in his lab was humming by the far wall. Samantha had spared very little expense in giving him what he needed to run his experiments by himself. There would be no lab assistants,...

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My Wife Karen Part 1

My x-wife was an extremely sexy woman. She loved all hetero-sexual activities and with several men at a time. We enjoyed about a ten year career of sharing her with other men. I was really into it as much as she, and it was a major turn on for me to see her act like a slut. It all started with our lawyer. My wife at the time was 29, blond, 5'5" and about 110lbs. She had small but very pert breasts, a slim waist, a great ass and legs right up to it. She generally dressed preppy, but seldom wore...

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JapanHDV Mio Ozora Mio Ozora has her man do whatever she wants sexually

Mio Ozora is a spoiled teen. She is over eighteen but she is still a teen. She is the kind of girl who gets exactly what she wants. She is a sexy hot babe and she loves to tell people what to do. A hot and sexy girl who commands everyone she is around. And today she is going to get what she likes and her lover is going to tie her up and service her pussy. This is a real hot video and so much of it is about pleasing Mio Ozora and her hot teen pussy. The girl has a sweet body and a sexy piece of...

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The OutsiderChapter 29 June in Davenport

Parking Officer #036's life at work returned to normal as soon as the summer semester started. There were not quite as many students crowding the campus during the summer, but there were more visitors, which meant meter payments continued unabated. Mike kept himself very busy, trying to keep up with the pace of meter collections, replacing defective meters, doing the paperwork needed for repairs, and issuing tickets to chase the freeloaders away from his source of income. Once he moved off...

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A Ride Through The Back Hills

I’ve been out for a ride through the back hills - enjoying the cool fresh air. But the bike has been making some strange noises and suddenly the engine just stops - like I’d run out of fuel but I’d only just filled it earlier in the morning.I pull to a stop and toss up - who do I call? Hub's is away, the usual gang are on shift at work. And then I remember I met you at a truck stop a few weeks back and we’d exchanged numbers after a cheeky little chat. I never had any intention of calling, but...

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The Currency of TimeChapter 4

JULY 23, 2014 I flew into Jacksonville International Airport for the first time in ten years. The sun was shining and the ground temperature was 92 degrees. As we circled the airport I could see black thunderclouds building in the distance. I'd forgotten how clockwork the summers were in Jacksonville. Hot as hell during the day, summer heat like a thick cotton blanket lying across your face, followed most days by the rumble of afternoon thunder and violent, refreshing storms that were...

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MonstersOfCock Riley Star Loves Monster Cock

Riley Star loves to suck and fuck. Most importantly she has a constant craving for monster cock. We set out to satisfy said craving. so we contacted our boy Slim Poke to show her a good time. When he arrived, she couldn’t believe just how huge his cock was. After admiring it for some time, she opened her mouth as wide as possible to be able to fit such an enormous cock. After chocking on his dick for awhile, She decided to try and see if his cock was even able to fit in her tight little hole....

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It was raining heavily outside. My aunt roopa visited us. She was serious and upset her eyes were swoolen. Dad and brothers went to U.S. on business trip. I asked mum why aunt is upset, she said don’t ask her anything I will tell u tomorrow. We had dinner , mum and aunt went to my parents room. My bhabhis to their respective room . I went to my room and was taking bath then there was a knock on he door.When I opened I saw both my bhabhi’s standing there they pushed me into the room and locked...

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A spanking for a naughty girl

Sammy was a slut and proud of it. She could often be seen flouncing around her high school in a revealing miniskirt or a pair of short shorts so small the seam was often soaked with pussy juice by the end of classes. She always wore skintight shirts that showed off her perky, round breasts. The only trouble was if her mind wandered to sex, as it often did, her arousal was immediately obvious to everyone in the room by the sight of her erect nipples. Sammy was the wet dream for every school boy...

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Mera Pehla Aur Aakhari Pyaar 8211 Part 8

Kuch der tak hum dono aise nange leate baten karte rhe. Fir jane kab hum dono ko nind aa gyi. Hum dono ek dusre ki bahon me aise hi so gye. Subah fir meri 5 baje karib ankh khuli. Maine apne phone me time dekha toh main ek dar gyi. Kyoki ye hi time mummy ke uthne ka hota hai. Main jaldi se Sanju ko uthaya aur use uske kapade dalne ko diye. Maine uske sath use jaldi jaldi kapade dalwaye, fir jese wo aaya tha. Apne hath me chapal le kar, wese hi use uske hatho me uski chappal de kar maine use...

4 years ago
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We always knew we got along too well you could say. Always by each other's sides. We used to call it playing mommy and daddy. We'd take turns playing daddy. The rough one. We still joke to this day by saying hi daddy when we want to kiss at night. Most nights she crawls into my bed unless she wants a big solo sesh in her bed where she'll spread across the bed legs bent up and spread wide as she plays loudly with herself. I'll hear the wet smacking of her pussy being pounded over and over until...

3 years ago
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In View

The text messages had been getting hotter throughout the afternoon. It had started innocently enough, texts exchanged by two people who occasionally came into contact with one another through work. Then one day, as he was sat in his car with his daughters in the back, a text came through that was different in tone, the references to liking what she saw, to feeling hot, to meeting up, were out of character with all that had gone before. He responded in kind and waited for the reaction. It was...

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Boarding School Encounter 02 Henrietta Possessed by the Lesbian Alien

Chapter Two: Henrietta Possessed by the Lesbian Alien By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “...henrietta...” The faint voice called to me as I floated through darkness. It was feminine, familiar. “...henrietta...” The voice grew a little louder, whispering across the void. I tried to move my body, but I didn't have one. That should frighten me, but it didn't. I imagined I frowned as I struggled to understand what was happening. “...henrietta...” I was at Kensington Boarding...

2 years ago
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Family Amber Ivy Ivy Lebelle Teach Me Your Masturbating Techniques Sis

Amber Ivy is always hearing her step sister masturbate in the other room at night. How does she manage to make herself moan so loud all by herself?!? Amber must get down to this mystery and soon she is finding herself going down on Ivy LeBelle! Her step sister knows exactly how to stimulate that clit with her vibrator. Once things start heating up; one thing leads to another and soon each sister is using their tongues pleasuring every inch of each others hot, horny bodies. I don’t think...

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Charity At Work 4 Learning the Hard Way

It’s Charity time! As you know I had finally found a fulfilling summertime job which would end up being a part-time job through my last year of school. I was the Assistant Manger at the Love Hut Lingerie Store with my ¾ lesbian new friend Patti. But mostly important, that’s where I met George. Ah George. The first white guy I had ever met that could satisfy all my needs. He was tall, muscular, athletic, handsome, rich and hung like a fucking horse. Dominant, masterful, able to melt...

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My xmas 2014

My xmas 2014Disclaimer: This really happened on December 25 and 26 in 2014 to me, Myra Foil.I was ordered by my Master to show up at 1400 hours at his farm house. I got this message from him on my phone:"filthy slut: be at my house at 1400 hours on first xmas day. I'll send cab. bring nothing, only wearing coat, no shoes no nothing else. walk through front door. instructions are on the table next to the front door." I had nothing planned for both xmas days (in the Netherlands we have two xmas...

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The Interview

The following story was written with help from a friendwho wishes to remain anonymous. If there is enough interest shown, part 2 willgiven every consideration. All comments and feedback will be much appreciated.We hope you enjoy! The Interview This glossy, monthly magazine's ratings must be falling,I thought to myself. The editor had asked me to be interviewed for an articlethey were considering, entitled, 'Doms and subs, the Whys and Wherefores!" Ihad nothing planned for that day and it...

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Awakening My Trans Nature My Fifth Experience Br

The next day I was a bit worried how I would have taken last night’s developments. It had been a shock how deep the feelings ran and the effect on my psyche. However all I felt was slightly euphoric and happy so clearly it was feeding some part of me. Had thought I was the same person as before and was keeping the new me under wraps but the experience a couple of days later made me realise it was not the case. I was in the library looking at the journals when a guy came up and asked where a...

5 years ago
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She Made My Dream Cum True

I had been seeing Ellie for a few months before I told her about my little secret.  We enjoyed straight sex, but something was always missing for me.  After I told her about Vanessa, and my desires to dress up and be treated like a woman, I was really scared she was going to cut and run, but she actually was interested in knowing more.  I confessed some of my innermost desires to her.  I told her about how I loved being with her, but that I really wanted to know what it was like to be with a...

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The Fishing Trip

My husband Greg and I have been married but a few years yet it seems sometimes as if much of the fire has gone from our relationship. For instance, recently he went on a weeklong fishing trip to Canada with his buddies. He is an avid fisherman, and he and his buddies take at least one such trip a year. This year he was consumed with work and preparations the week before the trip; it didn’t much help matters that the middle of week brought the onset of my period. Owing to my strict upbringing,...

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