MC-125 Ch. 13 free porn video

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John put away the last of the beakers and stood back to admire the day’s work. He had finished moving into the new next-door facility. The newly delivered PCR machines and electrophoresis scanners were set in their respective stations, the autoclave was humming away on a set of dishes and pipettes, and the CRAY computer in his lab was humming by the far wall. Samantha had spared very little expense in giving him what he needed to run his experiments by himself. There would be no lab assistants, understandable considering the delicacy of the research.

Done with the days work, John’s mind was now free to wander. Naturally, he thought of Samantha and their time together the night before last. The sex was intense, more that he had ever experienced. She was a force of nature in bed. Even now, the thought of it made his heart hammer. But there were two things that he took away from that night that stuck to him besides the experience. First, the effect she had on him was different from anything that he had ever counted with other women. It almost seemed like she was using his own abilities in her favor, a sort of feedback loop. Where the other women that he bedded gave themselves generously Samantha took. She took until he was drained and couldn’t help falling asleep for an hour before he left. He wasn’t sure about what she did to him. That was a scientific observation that he would have to study. Perhaps it was linked to the reason why she wouldn’t let him run any tests on her.

It was the second point that disappointed him. It was great sex, but that was all it seemed to be. John had had plenty of sex in the past couple of years. And for a while he thought it was the best thing in the world, to have access to women at his fingertips. But then he met Cassandra and everything changed. Love was so much more. John saw the potential for that with Samantha. She was a strong and brilliant woman. She was witty, smart, and sexy. She had a hidden untapped sensuality about her that she kept closely guarded. Granted, that made getting close to her more difficult but it certainly made being with her more worthwhile. He’d planned on their first time in bed as something intimate and romantic but instead she made it clear that night that that wasn’t what she was looking for. Even afterwards, when he tried holding her and cuddling, she shuffled away from him under the sheets.

John didn’t know what to make of the situation. Perhaps he should talk to her about it.

Speaking of whom, the door opened and Samantha strode in. She looked at the laboratory, inspecting the placement of equipment and the streamlined design of the room. Her eyes finally rested on John himself and the corners of her mouth curled up. ‘Hello, John. Enjoying your new toys?’

‘You flatter me with the facilities you’ve granted me.’

‘Does it get me anywhere?’

John returned her smile. ‘Maybe.’

Samantha stepped boldly up to him and teased his lips with her own. John moved his hands along her ribs until they gently cupped the sides of her breasts. He felt her murmur in approval before he pulled away. There was a time and place for courtship and the worksite definitely shouldn’t be one of them. Samantha’s eyes silently agreed in his tact and he sensed that he had earned another nugget of her respect.

‘So, any idea when we can go out again?’ he asked. ‘You owe me, after all.’

‘How about tomorrow evening?’ she offered. ‘We could go out for dinner then come back to my place, put Brianna to bed early, and…’ Her sentence trailed off but the sensual twinkle in her eyes spoke volumes of what they could do to conclude the evening.

‘I have a better idea,’ John counter-offered. ‘How about I pick you up tomorrow night and surprise you with whatever I’ve cooked up.’

Samantha’s eyes sparkled in curiosity as she circled him, measuring him. ‘Surprises, John? Very well. Pick me up tomorrow night at seven.’

John watched her statuesque figure as she exited and his mind whirled with possibilities. He had come to the conclusion that a woman as proud as her would not appreciate direct criticism about their previous tryst. He would just have to show her what their first time should have been like. He went home and planned for the next evening.


John showed up on Samantha’s front doorstep promptly at six. He smiled at the bewildered look on her face when she opened the door. ‘John. What are you doing here?’

‘Why, to take you out tonight.’

‘I said seven, you’re an hour early. The babysitter isn’t even here.’

‘Cancel,’ John stated simply.


‘Cancel,’ John reiterated. ‘Brianna’s coming with us.’


‘No ‘buts’. I told you I’d surprise you so, ‘Surprise!”

Samantha stepped back as a bouquet of handpicked carnations attacked her face. A single bloom bent over as a stem broke from the violent introduction and she couldn’t help but laugh at the charming simplicity of it all. ‘All right. Come in and you can explain yourself.’

John entered her home and gave her a friendly peck on the lips. So far so good, he thought. She seemed to be off balance, and he planned on keeping it that way tonight. He followed her into the kitchen as he explained himself. ‘I heard that a circus and carnival was in town so I thought it would be nice to take you and Brianna.’

‘I don’t know…’

‘Come on, it’ll be fun. When was the last time you took Brianna out? You know she’ll enjoy herself. I’ll buy you cotton candy.’

‘Alright. Fine,’ she huffed. ‘But I’m only in it for the cotton candy.’ The wings of her lips tilted upwards in a gentle smile.

‘Great. Go get dressed and I’ll break the news to Brianna.’

Samantha sprinted for the stairs and John couldn’t help but smile. He had done the impossible. He was able to touch a part of her that wasn’t as serious as the rest of her. Tonight she was going to have fun.

John found Brianna in her room coloring a book. ‘Hey there.’

Brianna looked up and stepped into a hug. John pulled back and looked at her as he handed her another carnation he had tucked away. Her smile was the very image of her mothers. ‘Tonight you and I have a mission. It’s very important so listen up.’ Brianna’s eyes sharpened in attention. John was beginning to wonder just how precocious the little girl was. ‘Your mom doesn’t have all that much fun, does she?’ Brianna shook her head. ‘Well, I’m sure she used to know but she’s forgotten. So tonight we are going to the carnival and the circus to see if we can jog her memory. How does that sound?’

Brianna’s eyes said it all as her cupid’s mouth broadened into a grin. ‘That’s what I though,’ he said. ‘So, tonight I want you to have as much fun as you can so you can show her how it’s done. Think you can do that?’

Brianna’s grin turned sly, a peculiar thing to see on a five year old. She winked.

‘That’s what I thought. I’ll go get your mom to help you get dressed.’ He mussed her hair on his way out, earning him a scowl.

John slipped into Samantha’s bedroom without knocking and took his gloves off as he went in. The sight that greeted him took his breath away. Her back was turned to him so she didn’t notice his admiring gaze as she slipped into a comfortable pair of jeans that hugged her hips deliciously. Her graceful neck was tantalizingly exposed with her hair pinned up and John could just make out the firm swell of the sides of her breasts cradled in a black bra. Quietly, he crept up to her until he could feel the heat of her body on his face. He noticed her stiffen in shock as he inhaled the womanly scent of jasmine shampoo and apricot lotion. He raised his hands and left them poised inches from her skin. They hovered down her bare shoulders and arms, the electric heat tantalizing them both.

‘What are you doing?’ she asked, hints of curiosity and nervousness threaded her voice.

John hummed in approval. ‘Admiring a work of art.
You’ve probably heard it a million times but you are a beautiful woman.’ He noticed how the back of her neck flushed and wondered if it reached the front. He caught another delicious whiff of her and stepped back, the creases in his palms regretting the departure. John took a seat on the edge of her bed and waited.

Samantha stood still for another moment before fishing into her large closet for a shirt and sweater. She made her way to her make-up table and began to touch-up her face.

John sat and watched her during her feminine ritual. ‘Wait,’ he called out as she reached for a slender bottle of perfume. ‘There’s no need for that. I like the way you smell.’ He saw her eyebrow arch in intrigue in the mirror before she set the bottle down.

‘You’re a very peculiar man sometimes, John,’ she said as she turned around.

‘I like to keep you guessing,’ he answered. ‘Keeps you interested in me.’

‘Oh, I find you interesting enough.’

John stood up and walked toward his date. He stood in front of her with some witty retort on the cusp of his lips but lost them as he looked deeply in her eyes. God, she had beautiful eyes. ‘You know…’

‘I should go help Brianna get dressed,’ Samantha blurted out as she stepped back and rushed out the door.

John smirked. That was his fault. He should have stuck to his plan. If he had then he wouldn’t have let himself get lost in those warm emerald orbs. John slipped his gloves back on and went after his dates.

John could tell that if Brianna could talk she would be all atwitter. The mute girl was simply bubbling with enough excitement to pop. Her attitude was infectious and soon Samantha and himself were smiling broadly as they hopped into his car and sped off for the carnival.

They arrived none too soon or else Brianna would have combusted in John’s backseat from anticipation. John was simply enjoying himself. Samantha seemed at ease, knowing that her daughter was enjoying herself, and John couldn’t have asked for more. They made their rounds going on carnival rides and had unhealthy levels of junk food. As promised, John bought each of them fat pink clouds of cotton candy. Brianna even shared some of hers. Samantha didn’t. The circus was a brightly lighted affair that was humid with animals and hay. Brianna enjoyed the trick horse riders while Samantha watched the trained bears. After the performance, John spent nearly fifty dollars trying to win a large stuffed pony and bear in a balloon from various stalls. The look on Brianna and Samantha’s faces made it all worth it.

Later in the evening they came around to a competitive water aiming game where you aimed a small hose at a target to send a monkey climbing to the top. Brianna wanted to play and John and Samantha joined her. Within seconds of the starting alarm John was taking two solid streams of water in the face. He whipped his hose on the two girls to retaliate but was outgunned. Growling, he resorted to other tactics and charged Samantha, hose in hand. He wrapped an arm about her narrow waist and pointed the hose straight down her sweater. She fought back bravely as cold water sluiced through the layers of clothing, her laughter and screams filling his ears. Samantha squirmed delightfully in his arms as John enjoyed the moment. It was short lived when he found a little hand sticking a hose down the front of his pants. He howled in surprise and abandoned the woman in his arms only to get doused again by twin hoses. Thankfully someone else won the game and the water was turned off.

Samantha picked up her daughter and gave her a peck on the cheek. ‘You get something nice for helping out Mom.’ Brianna grinned broadly while John stuck his tongue out at her. Samantha turned on her date. ‘And you have to buy me something dry to wear until we get back.’

‘What about me? You two started it.’

‘I’ll let you buy something dry for yourself.’

Flabbergasted, John stood amazed at the whole situation while his date and her daughter walked off into the crowd. ‘Something’s not right about this picture,’ he grumbled.

They found a small gift stall and soon John and Samantha were sporting a pair of matching circus t-shirts after changing in the port-o-potties. They had time for one last ride on the carousel before Samantha decided it was close to Brianna’s bedtime. John remembered that last time on the merry-go-round as Samantha rode on a white mare with flowery reins while he bobbed up and down beside her on his own black destrier. She was carefree and happy, the former an expression that he’d never seen on her face. She was breathtaking.

The trip back to Samantha’s house was uneventful as she and John talked quietly about the laboratory work John was just starting. By the time they got back Brianna was dozing in the back seat. John scooped her up and helped her to bed. Samantha helped her into pajamas and her daughter was asleep before her head hit the pillow, a stuffed pony tucked neatly in her arms.

John encircled his arm about Samantha’s waist and she pulled in closer. The house was quiet and John was suddenly very aware of the gentle sound of Samantha’s breath as she rested her head on his collarbone. They watched Brianna sleep for a moment before heading down the stairs for some tea and conversation.

‘Have a good time tonight?’

‘Mmm, wonderful,’ Samantha replied as she sipped from the delicate cup. ‘I haven’t had that much fun in a long time. And I think that was the best time Brianna’s ever had.’ A stretch of silence opened between them but John sensed she had more to say. ‘I’m a busy woman and when I find the time to spend with my daughter I don’t know what to do with her. My parents were separate from my life. I was sent to boarding school since as early as I could remember. When I was home they didn’t pay much attention to me, busy with their own lives. Truth be told, I was more of a guest in their house than what people usually consider as a part of a family. And now that I have a daughter of my own I just don’t know how to be a parent.’

‘You’re doing all right.’

‘Am I? Sometimes I’m not so sure.’

‘You try. Brianna knows that.’ John drank from his cup. ‘She’s very precocious, like you mentioned. I can tell she knows that you love her and that’s all that really counts.’ Samantha sighed as John absent-mindedly stroked her hair. He loved the rich red curls as they tangled in his fingers.

‘What was your family like?’

‘Mine?’ John thought about that one. ‘Well, for starters I have two brothers, Aron and Danny. I’m the youngest. My mom was a homemaker and my dad a lawyer. Both my brothers followed my father’s footsteps and became lawyers themselves. I was sort of the black sheep of the family. My brothers were sporty and I was kind of bookish. I know Mom really wanted a girl but since she never got one she sort of raised me to be a little more sensitive than my brothers. Oh, they’re good guys. They just like being boneheads every once in a while, though. They really knew how to pick on me. I’ll never forgive them for putting the garden snakes in my bed and tape recording when I screamed.’

Samantha laughed at that. ‘Aw, poor little John.’

‘I was seven,’ he shrugged, ‘they were fourteen and twelve.’

‘I always got them back, though.’


‘I pulled the same snake bit on them except I did it when Aron had a girl over. As for Danny, he never saw it coming when I slipped it in his underwear drawer.’

‘Oh, dear.’

John smiled at the fond memories. ‘Yeah, we had a good time.’

‘Do you talk to them much?’

‘My family? On occasion. I hear from my mother quite often. By the way, she’s dying to meet you.’

‘You talked to her about me?’

‘Definitely. I go to her for advice sometimes when you’re being particularly stubborn.’

‘I recall someone once saying that my strong-headedness was attractive,’ she jibed.

‘He must be some sort of fool,’ John shot back.< br>
John felt Samantha’s laugh down to his bones. ‘Must be,’ she whispered before pulling him into a soft kiss. John felt her hand caressing his cheek as she brought him in closer. Her tongue searched for his hungrily and he was more than happy to oblige. Slowly, they parted and looked at one another, their eyes searching for that elusive unknown not found anywhere else. But it was there, between them.

Abruptly, Samantha backed away. ‘I…I need to get to work early tomorrow,’ said in a panicked voice as she stood up from the couch. ‘And Brianna needs my help with some things before school.’

John’s hand snapped out and tightened around her wrist. ‘Samantha, I’m going to wait for you whether you like it or not.’ His eyes locked with hers until he felt her falter beneath his gaze.

‘You’ve already had me, John,’ she replied in an uncharacteristically small voice, a forced smile pasted to her face. ‘Or had you forgotten what happened two nights ago.’

John got up, his eyes never leaving Samantha’s. ‘Let’s be honest. You had me. I have yet to have you.’ He kissed her forehead and let her go. ‘Goodnight, Samantha.’

Samantha stood in the empty shadow of her house as she watched John leave through the front door.

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It's been a year since my last visit to my favorite beach location. The bank holiday weekend with it's fine sunny weather was too much to resist. I'd packed everything in my new back pack, towel, sun lotion, k-gel, condoms, drinks, an ice cooler pack and some sandwiches.There was no one else in sight apart from a couple walking their dog. I pulled my back pack from the car and swung it onto my shoulders, locked the car and headed for the path that led through the woods and down to the beach.My...

Gay Male
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Letter from Chicago

LETTER FROM CHICAGODear Shoeblossom:My name’s Noelle. I was just reading ?LETTER FROM BOSTON??That dopey rich boy Franz the Fool wrote you about how I was his Candy Striper, when he was in the hospital in four cast traction?and how I teased his cock and balls, and beat the crap out of him?and made him suck off my gay cousin! God, it brings it all back!Truth be told, I was only on the Candy Striper volunteer bit because I had to do three hundred hours of volunteer work as punishment for selling...

3 years ago
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My Asian Girlfriend Gangbanged by Rednecks1

As we drove farther and farther out, we saw less and less buildings until it was purely the woods. Eventually a few small houses popped up, along with some small local businesses surrounded by trees and hills. Finally, we made it the “Bubbas BBQ” in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. As we got out of the car, I kind of started to feel nervous because everyone in the parking lot that I saw was white and looked like the stereotypical "redneck". I was certain they were not used to seeing...

1 year ago
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PornPics Interracial

If you think that there is no place for porn pictures in this day and age, well, I want to call you a fucking idiot, but I cannot really blame you for thinking that. With so many on-demand streaming services and a wealth of free tube sites that offer so much pornography that it’s fucking impossible for one person to see everything, I can see why so many people may think that porn pictures are dead. But let me tell you something, you basic son of a bitch: they’re not!It’s just as satisfying to...

Interracial Porn Sites
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Good Advice Is Fatal

Aphrodite’s mother was a psychic who legally changed her surname to Tyche (the name of the Greek God of fate) after she dreamt about him, she was always a bit delusional, always doing strange things on impulse, a lot of the time she struggled to understand her mother’s weird affinities. Even now she didn’t know why she had named her Aphrodite; she was no Goddess of Love, or Beauty of even Sexuality, she was none of the things her Goddess namesake was. How her mother could think of effectively...

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sex in gymxxx

GYM FUCKING XXX.....Se eblepa kathe meras to gymnasthrio pou erxosoyn......mmmmm...panta forages poly kollhta kolan gymnastikhs...afhnontas ra andrika blemmata na kanoun prostyses skepseis me ton kayto soy kormi..mmmm......................Htan deytera.....kai nkaname thn gumnastikh mas apenanti o allos apo ton mi stigmh synanththikan ta htan...moy xamogelases me nohma...kai katalaba oti ayth h mera tha eixe....kaytoo...

2 years ago
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Best Friends14

Brady Harrison and Liam Chandler met each other in the sixth grade and became best friends. They played on the same football team in junior high school and high school. Brady and Cassie, Liam's younger sister, first met at her brother Liam’s 16th birthday party. It was love at first sight but neither revealed their feelings toward the other because of Brady's and Liam's friendship. Cassie was 12 years old at the time of Liam’s 16th birthday party and was just beginning to develop an...

3 years ago
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A New Moon the Happy Couple Settles In

Craig's reflections... I think the first time it really hit me that I was now a married man was the night Julie and I returned from our Honeymoon. Slipping into bed that night, I had such a pleasant, contented feeling—as I felt Julie's warm naked body melting softly against my own in the comforting darkness. There are no words to describe how I felt—just knowing she was now mine—that she belonged to me. Julie was the Sweet Someone I had always yearned for—the sweet gentle girl of my...

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The Dirty Old Couple

The Dirty Old CoupleThis is the story of an event that happened when I was about 21, at University, and exploring my sexuality. This event was a quantum leap in that exploration, like Columbus discovering the new world. I had a regular boyfriend at the time, his name was Chris. We had been dating for about eight months and had been having sex for about six of those. We had been getting more and more adventurous in our sex life and two weeks prior Chris had fucked my virgin asshole. While it...

1 year ago
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BellesaFilms Alina Lopez Messy Roommates

Alina, a bit of a hot mess, could tell that her new roommate Mike was a bit of a neat freak. She was super respectful at first, but once they became more comfortable with each other, she’d often forget to put her dirty dishes away, or pick her clothes up off the floor. He’d been patient with her, but after finding his own clothes crumpled all over the floor, Mike snaps. He storms into her room, only to find Alina lying down, pressing her Aurora vibrator between her legs. About to lace into him...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Polly Pons Pair of Stud Gynecologists DP Slutty Patient Polly Pons at the Clinic

Polly Pons is at her gynecologist for her annual check-up when she starts getting turned on by how he’s “examining” her. With her pussy dripping wet, it doesn’t take long for the doctor’s cock to be going in and out of all of her holes. Minutes later, when the doctor’s cock is balls deep in Polly’s butt, the other doctor working at the clinic walks in to discover what’s going on. Recognizing the opportunity that he’s just walked into, he quickly pulls his cock out, and the two doctors DP Polly...

2 years ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 45 Then There Were Four

Wednesday Week 19 Continued As soon as Dave parked the 4WD, Jill got out and ran down to the jetty, as she could see Peter's yacht sailing in. Dave waited in the car, giving Jill a few moments alone with Peter. "Hi Dave. Gee it's great to see you again. Jill tells me you have been taking good care of her while I've been at sea. Thanks" Peter said as he and Jill got to the car. "Peter, it's good to see you too, but I assure you that you don't have to thank me for looking after Jill....

4 years ago
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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 16 Violent Gifts

Even with the shock and daring of The Blade, Rebecca considered her first gathering with the full circle on Lughnasad to have been a high point of her life. There were more celebrations, dancing, and even couples slipping into the shadows of the huge stones to make love. After the circle had dispersed, Rebecca and Mrs. Weed made their way back to the Bed and Breakfast in Keswick. Breakfast Sunday morning was a typical English affair with boiled sausages, beans, soft boiled eggs, and dry...

4 years ago
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Running to Sunset Hot Springs

Maggie parks her car at the trailhead. She loves trail running and today has decided to run the 5 miles into Sunset Hot Springs. She's been there once a while ago when she was a freshman in college. Went with some girlfriends. They hiked in and spent the night. All of them got naked and had a soak. There would be some good lesbian fantasy material from that trip if she really wanted to get into it, but she'd rather think about Will. The hot springs are situated on the edge of a beautiful valley...

1 year ago
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New accounting standards

Nirmala was not a very good Accountant, but she was the best we could get. More than her accounting practices, we enjoyed watching her because she had wonderful assets – she always dressed in a sari – a low slung hipster, showing oodles of waist and tummy and occasionally a nice fleshy “bembi”. When she walked, her hips swayed from side-to-side and one could not help but stare at her shapely buttocks. She was well-endowed on top and one occasionally got a peek of well rounded boobs. I waylaid...

3 years ago
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Her Husband8217s Friend 8211 Part 3 Full Moon Night In The Jungle

Welcome back, dear readers. I think I’m not gonna write series anymore. But don’t worry, if you wanna read a certain set of my stories as a series, I’ll do something for that too. You’ll not be disappointed to see that. Special thanks to Amit for asking me to write this story and the two that are gonna follow this story. I especially hope you and your wife will enjoy them all to the fullest. Now let’s get to the story. Story starts Amit and his wife Rachana ‘Rachu’ had known Sandeep, from Sri...

3 years ago
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Quest For KnowledgeChapter 20

"I was hoping I'd get to see more of you," Demeter said one day as he and Nilsen sat in the shade under a tree in the palace gardens. "I heard about this trip you're going on. What's that all about? Nobody will say much about it other than it's far away. Why so secret?" "It's a trade mission," Nil told his friend. He didn't like misleading Demeter but he understood why the real reason behind it had to be kept as quiet as possible. Besides, he was going on a trade mission; it's...

2 years ago
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It Might Be Like This

This is what I picture...We only have a few minutes left to wait, if he's on time, and my nerves are singing with anticipation, fear, and desire. For the last half hour at least I've been entertaining visions of what's about to happen that create surges of jealousy—it can't be called anything else—in my body at the thought of sharing you. Why didn't this occur to me before? I start to have an inkling of what the swirl of your emotions mostly feels like, and that only makes me more...

2 years ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 11

We were pushed. Stretched beyond ourselves. Ellora Patil was exactly the right person for two 13 year old kids who already had Bachelors and Masters degrees in English Literature ... and we'd done it in less than a year. We turned 14 in May. It was Tuesday. We took the day off from engineering math. "Ellora?" we said like the twins we are. She looked up from her desk ... we had our heads in the door. "Happy Birthday!" she said. We both looked crestfallen ... we wanted to surprise her...

1 year ago
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Road TripChapter 24

Lest we forget ... besides the band, besides the Keene Dredge, besides the AT-11’s, besides the 1932 three window engine swap, besides, the 1948 Ford Pickup, I was still taking Instrument flying lessons. Am I forgetting something? The house ... the house ... the new house! I knew I was forgetting something. I beg your pardon. I didn’t forget ... I didn’t do it!

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Pyas Ko Pura Kiya

Hii mera naam h armaan shing.Main jaipur, rajasthan se hu. Main ek sudol or handsome ladka hu meri age 24 saal h. I like sex with aunty nd bhabhi. Jaipur main koi bhi bhabhi or aunty mujhe se sex ya phone chat kerna cahe to mujhe msg kare mail id h( ) maine iss ka diwana raha hu ab jyada bore na kerte hue story batata hu ye meri pehle sex ki sachi story h Mere padose main ek family rehti h usme husband wife or unke do bache h husband ka naam kamal h or unki wife ka naam h kalpana( name changed)...

3 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 121 Children All Sorts

1996 - 1997 Well, I survived the ‘96 election. As close fought elections went, this was cleaner than most, simply because neither of us gave the other any dirt to throw. I’m not talking about our records as public servants, but about the personal stuff. By now my life was an open book. What was Steve Rymark going to accuse me of, killing my brother? Please! Old news! As for him, believe me we looked! His zipper seemed tighter than mine. Donna Rymark simply glowed as she grew bigger during...

2 years ago
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Jessa The Sequel

"Claude, I'm trusting you to watch her like a hawk," he told me, strolling to me. "I've warned her so many times to watch it. She has a mouth and pushes the limits at every turn. I know she is just your younger step sister, but I'm sure you have some instincts to protect her. I can't blame you for that, but I'm asking you to keep her in this house for the weekend," he explained before he leaned towards me. "I'll do my best, Brian." He turned to her. "I love you to death, Jessa, but I've had it....

3 years ago
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Caught by Neighbor

Caught by Neighbor- 1 -It was a beautiful warm day, and I had it to myself. My wife Sam was interstate on business for the week, and not due back for another five days. For me that meant housework to be done, but plenty of time to enjoy my own space, and entertain one particular hobby. I smiled to myself, and not for the first time, I stopped in front of a mirror and pulled my tracksuit pants down, admiring the bright pink, silky panties that I'd been walking around in all day.I'd been...

3 years ago
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Holiday Away From The Care Home Part 1

Dale and Sandra, both sixty-eight-years-old, were enjoying a few days out from the care home. They booked into a hotel by the seaside and were spending the first day by the pool. They were both enjoying watching several teenage girls who were dressed in skimpy bikinis with their hair tied back in ponytails as they splashed about in the pool or lazed on sunbeds by the side. The girls were from a boarding school and were also spending a few days at the hotel, and, this afternoon, there was a...

4 years ago
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Ainsely 7

Jack parked the car in front of the house. He gave me that curious little smile again and asked me, asked me, his wife, for another kiss. Now he had me smiling, so I kissed him. He turned and got out of the car. I started to do the same but he was right there opening my door for me. It's not like he's never done that before, but we did date for six years before we got married, so we'd both gotten pretty comfortable with me opening my own door. It was unusual enough to keep me smiling inside all...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Off the Interstate Volume One

Being denied my most basic of instincts for the better part of three years leaves a man yearning for the pleasures that have guided men’s hands for millennia, re-writing not only history but the face of the earth as well with battles over the supremacy of a woman’s heart. Being denied this left me in such a sinful rage I could not but help but let my mind wander toward the more enticing members of her family… Cousins, aunts, sisters, all of them well-endowed and all of them with a passion for...

4 years ago
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Part 5 Sue becomes a star0

Her head hung in shame, her tit throbbed and ached and was now almost black, then to her horror the guy said. Well if you didn't keep it down, the balls go back in. He put all of the balls in the bag and then began to swing it like a pendulum. Sue let out a gutterall scream and said no stop, please them off. Can we fuck you in the ass the guy said, 'Yes, Yes just get it off. 'Are you sure’. ‘Yes get it off.’ Slowly he removed the bag and the rope around her right tit and undid the...

3 years ago
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Contaminating thoughts disturbing associations

She stopped half way through to make him conscious for staring at her so intensely. "Why did you stop..." She continued to just sit on the bed awkwardly with panties below her knees. "Honey, I think we should talk." He glanced along her legs before their eyes met. It was a strange thing for them to acknowledge, but they actually had been trying to delay this conversation. "Um... Okay, but... aren't you gonna..." Clarissa looked at him carefuly. Alan lowered his eyes once again. She was...

2 years ago
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Business Pleasure Pt 01

Chapter 1 ‘Kevin, Mrs. Giuliani is here to see you,’ Leah, the pretty blonde secretary, said, shielding her headset microphone with her hand. Kevin stood up, brushing out the wrinkles in his suit, and took a deep breath. ‘Good luck,’ the petite woman said as he passed, pushing her black-rimmed glasses up on her nose. He grew even more nervous. Things had been changing quickly at DWW. The advertising firm had undergone a massive restructuring campaign. Most of the changes occurred on the...

1 year ago
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White Water Rafting

Well, when I turned 25 I decided I wanted to go white water rafting. I was living in D.C. at the time and West Virginia was only a few hours away. So I called my friend Chris and off we went. I had made a reservation at a small bed and breakfast near the rafting launch site. Well, low and behold when we get to the place they have giving our room away. “What the fuck” came right out of my mouth. Chris who always sees the glass half full, rather then half empty said. Look is there any rooms...


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