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by Rajah Dodger {[email protected]} (c) 2018

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License (by-nc-sa). In jurisdictions where the Creative Commons license is not recognized, United States copyright and Berne Convention provisions apply; all rights reserved to Rajah Dodger except that electronic not-for-profit reproduction rights are explicitly granted with the stipulation that this authorship and permission note must remain attached.

I needed to find a date for my fraternity brother.

No, it's nothing like that. College was a long time ago, but George and I were pledge brothers, and we kept in occasional touch over the years. The last time I'd seen or heard from him was at the chapter's 25th anniversary gathering some time back. Naturally my eyebrows were raised when I saw his name on an incoming email.

"Hey Dave! Long time, huh? Look, I've got this thing for the company - it's a networking mixer, but they really like to see couples. I know how you're the magnet for the ladies, so... could you see your way to rounding up someone to make me look civilized for an evening?"

Who was he working for, some 1950s company? The ad agency from Mad Men? Grrr... but a brother is a brother. Now, where was I going to find him a date, or arm candy, or whatever you call a woman in that kind of situation?

It was funny about George calling me a chick magnet in college. What he never knew is that I met all those women in non-fraternity activities - the campus newspaper, the committee for academic freedom, and various fundraisers. It just turned out that the really smart, energetic and active women were also steaming hot! So, when there was a play or a concert I wanted to see, I generally had someone I could ask who made my fraternity brothers drool.

I figured they liked me for my mind. What can I say, I was young and foolish then. Now I'm old and foolish, and there aren't any more hot coeds around me.

Anyway, I emailed George back for more details. He said he wanted a woman by his side so that it would be clear to his colleagues that his conversations with women were strictly business. In today's environment, that made sense. I asked him about his current hobbies and interests, so I'd know that he and whoever I found could converse about something. What with cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, and mingling, he'd need someone compatible for two hours. That seemed a reasonable length of time.

I recalled George as being interested in basketball, breasts, beer, and betting - and not necessarily in that order. In his response he said he follows football and golf, reads books by James Patterson, listens to jazz groups, and seeks out the occasional French restaurant. It was a good thing that I asked!

Now that I was committed, where was I going to get George a date? I sure wasn't going to tell him that I hadn't been out with a woman in ten years. Eight hours of coding and database work, chasing after late client payments, driving to one of the good takeout places for dinner, two hours of online side job, two hours of online poker and two hours in the online roleplay world didn't leave me with much time for random socializing.

I went to the local newspaper - whoops, no personals at all on their web site. Let's see - Backpage? Shut down by the FBI. Now what? Oh yeah, Craigslist. Hooray, they're still in business! But they don't offer personals now either, thanks to some new government law, so what section am I going to put the advertisement into?

Maybe Jobs. Gigs - that's for short-term jobs. Sounds reasonable. Domestic - no, labor - no, event... yes, event. Grumble, grumble, grumble, place, time, pay, contact method... Okay, let's see what I've got.

"Social Associate for Business", location is West Side, zip code - got it. "Female accompanist needed for a gender-balanced company event. Dressy casual but not formal. Weekday evening, ending no later than 10 PM. Single occurrence only." Enter my email address, show only the Craigslist email relay on the ad for safety, no contacts from recruiters, no contacts from other users to offer me anything. Show the pay as one hundred eighty dollars for a two-hour event, travel negotiable.

All right. Pay the lady, Patsy.

In three days, I got eleven responses - two of them obviously unsuitable and one criticizing my choice of the word "accompanist". English teachers... they're everywhere. I narrowed the list down to four possible candidates and scheduled each of them for a personal meeting at my office. I didn't invite them to my home - I'm not stupid.

I was pleasantly surprised. All four of them would have looked suitable on the arm of a CEO but had the down-to-earth quality of the girl next door. They were all good-looking, but not dangerously sexy. None of them gave off any kind of "hooker vibe" to me. With each one I asked about what she did with her time, her interests, and why she thought the ad was worth answering. I also gave a general description of George and the networking mixer, emphasizing that this was a one-and-done kind of arrangement.

In the end I chose Dorothy, a tall brunette who was a former Mary Kay partner but now ran a party planning service. There was something about her that relaxed me - an extra bit of centered self-assurance that the other three didn't have, or maybe the way her outfit flattered her without forcing my eyes to one place or another. I gave her a picture of George and we arranged for her to meet him at the mixer, then agreed that if asked she would claim to have met me through one of my online gaming groups. I gave her half up front and she gave me her Paypal information for the rest when I heard back from George.

See how helpful I am! I did my good deed. George sent me a nice email afterward, saying how impressed he was with my friend. I sent the balance to Dorothy's Paypal account. And that was that – or so I thought.

** ** **

I continued to get responses to that same ad, and I sent each of them a brief note explaining that it had been a one-time deal. One of them sent a really cute letter. I thought what the hell, and called her in for an interview. She was cute as a button in person - blonde, freckled, trim but curvy, funny, and very easy on the eyes. Still, she approached the interview like a professional. She gave me her resume both in hard copy and on a flash drive. I copied it onto my hard drive, then gave her the same interview I'd given the others. Only then did I break the news that the original event had passed but I thought it possible another one might come up. She seemed to take it well.

About a month after George's company event, he emailed me again. A couple of the people he'd approached at the mixer turned into lucrative new clients for his company, so his boss was thrilled with him. In addition, the woman I paired him with introduced him to a friend of hers, and they started dating! The way George talked, you'd think I'd single handedly turned his whole life around!

I was happy to hear about George’s good fortune. Strangely, he kept sending me emails. For a guy I hadn't spoken with more than a handful of times since college, you'd think we had been best buddies. He talked mostly about Barbara - the friend of his mixer date - and the kind of things they did together. He also sent these odd couple-selfies of the two of them. The focus on his camera was a little off, so I had to squint sometimes, and the sound was peculiar - there was an annoying electrical hum that I couldn't mask out.

The videos quickly went from cute-couple to heavy petting. Obviously, George had become totally obsessed with Barbara. I could have asked him to quit sending them, but that would have been rude. Besides, there was something weirdly sweet about the two of them oversharing their makeout sessions, and the way she cooed "Good Boy" into his ear when he was obviously excited. Some nights, I even skipped my online game sessions to peer at George and Barbara's latest video and just shake my head in equal parts astonishment and envy. Well, maybe a bit more on the envy side.

Eventually, George's emails dropped off and I could get back to my usual evening schedule of online poker and roleplay sites. I was in the middle of a tricky negotiation one night, trying to get into the bar where a high stakes deal was supposed to go down. I'd successfully bribed one guard, hypnotized the other, and showed my open briefcase at the banker's cage, when my real-world phone suddenly rang. It was George. In the brief moment it took for me to shift my attention to the phone, I got the following update from the roleplay site:

"The Glorious Amarna, Hell-Bitch owner of the Frangible Overlook, confis**tes and spurns your inadequate offer, deeming you not worth even the effort of sending her staff to kill you. Instead, her Amazon guards strip you of all valuables and hurl your naked body out into the slimy horse-fouled gutter to serve as entertainment for the street whores!" The status bar at the bottom of my screen flared a vivid pulsing red to inform me of the loss of all my gold, 25 percent of my life force, and just to add insult to injury, 50 percent of my virility. The street whores spat in my general direction and went elsewhere.

Thanks, George. Five weeks of hard-earned in-game currency and style points down the drain. I got a bit short with him on the phone, and he apologized and said he'd email me instead.

By the time I got George's next email, I'd forgiven him for the phone call. He offered me dinner and drinks the next Friday night, and promised to make up for whatever funds I'd lost online the night he phoned me. How can you stay mad at a guy who makes that kind of offer? I told him yes, then took a second look at his email. He'd somehow crossed it with something else he'd been reading, and there was an oddly-constructed website link at the very tail end of the message.

I checked it out, of course. You can't expect a computer geek to ignore that sort of thing.

Well, well, well. The link was a free-access key into an adult roleplay site I'd never seen before. I wondered if George had actually tried it - it didn't seem his kind of thing, especially when I logged in and checked it out. There were some weirdly perverse and creative people on this site! I spent all night defining a character with enough edge and style to get me noticed, fooled around half-seriously with a three-breasted elf, and tried with no luck to get invited into some rooms that made my chesty elf partner seem like a 50's housewife.

I was a wreck the next day, due to the lack of sleep, but it had been a pleasant change from my usual routine. In fact, I spent the next two nights skipping sleep and working my way into the party rooms and inside many of the female (if not always fully human) occupants. The action in there was so intense, I could practically smell the residue on me when I finally logged off and cleaned up. It was a good thing I'd have the weekend to catch up on my sleep. But first, there was that thank-you promise from George to redeem.

He picked me up from my house Friday after work, and took me to one of those Hooters-style restaurants - Double Peaks, Grand Canyon, I don't recall the exact name. The place was a madhouse inside - the conference finals were on, and every table and bar seat was packed. So was the top of our waitress! I managed to keep my eyes focused on the menu long enough to make my choices. I ordered a buffalo burger with one of their special craft beers, and George had a double order of wings with habanero sauce. I told him he'd be regretting that by the morning, but he just laughed.

We rehashed college escapades, and George filled me in about his subsequent years and how he wound up in sales. Our waitress had vanished, but George volunteered to brave the crush at the bar and get me refills on my beer. Around the third mug I relaxed enough to open up about my late wife, my ten years of widowhood, and the bland routine of my life. George patted me on the shoulder sympathetically, and chose that moment to tell me that he knew I'd paid Dorothy to go to his company mixer. I was sort of annoyed that she'd broken our arrangement, but George seemed totally cool with it. Of course, he had all of those hot selfies with Barbara as a lovely side benefit. I babbled about that too, and he just laughed.

At that point I felt the beers catching up with me, so I excused myself to hit the men's room. When I got back, George had already settled the bill. He looked at me and said something, but I couldn't decipher his words over the noise of the bar and TV screens. He leaned over the table next and murmured into my ear, "______". My brain couldn't quite recognize the word, and I must have looked as blank as I felt, standing stupidly with my mouth hanging open. George just sighed and held out his hand saying "Keys." I was on a nice buzz, and didn't think that I was that far gone, but I stuck my hand in my pocket, pulled out my house keys, and put them into his open palm. We went out to the parking lot, bouncing against the crowd along the way, and got into his car.

About ten minutes into the drive, I realized we weren't heading toward my part of town. I would have said something to George about it, but I was still enjoying the beer buzz so I just leaned back and enjoyed the ride. I assume he was taking me to crash at his house. I must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew, George had my door open and was shaking my shoulder. "Come on, Dave, let's get you fixed up properly." Those must have been potent beers, because I was a little wobbly as he got me out of the car.

I looked around as he escorted me up the walk, approaching the portico of an expensive-looking house. This couldn't possibly be George's neighborhood. Something didn't make sense, but I couldn't put my finger on it. The big front door opened and we walked into a party in full swing - men in business casual, women in various degrees of party styles or even less. I watched a couple at the far end of the room doing the Chuck Berry dance scene from Pulp Fiction, then a stout redhead in a rainbow muumuu came over our direction and gave me a full-body welcome hug and kiss. That got my attention! I started to think the fabric of her muumuu might be the only thing between me and an exciting night, but George gave her a kiss and slapped her bottom, pushing her out into the crowd.

"Let's get you cleaned up," George rumbled in my ear, and managed to get the two of us to the stairs without quite bumping into too many people along the way. My balance was off, so it was a good thing he was holding my arm.

Once we got to the landing and down the hall to an empty room, George got serious. In no time he had us both undressed and into a hot shower, scrubbing me with a scented body wash front and back, his cock brushing disturbingly against my ass. While I was still too confused to understand what was happening, much less protest, he pushed me onto my knees and shampooed and rinsed my hair, his fingers doing a tingling massage all over my scalp that felt – really good.

Finally, he turned off the shower, took a thick heavy towel, and dried me vigorously all over - down my chest, under my balls, across my back, arms, legs, you name it. Then he put on a bathrobe, slipped a short kimono over me, and marched me out of the room. My cock and balls swung heavily between my thighs - it was too late to point out that George had forgotten to get my boxers.

We went up the next flight of stairs into an expensively decorated home office, where the room held at least a half dozen women in various stages of dress and undress. I only noticed the one sitting behind the wide hardwood desk, though. Dorothy.

Dorothy, who I'd set up with George. Dorothy, whose friend Barbara was now George's hot girlfriend of the revealing videos. Dorothy, who revealed to George that I'd paid her to be his dinner companion. All of a sudden, my head felt very clear - but much more confused.

George settled me into the chair facing the desk, and quietly left the room along with the other women. Dorothy and I sat there, regarding each other as the silence built up uncomfortably. Finally, I straightened up and leaned forward.

"Why am I here?"

She chuckled. "Haven't you figured it out, Dave? You're a successful guy who knows how to make computers do what you tell them, you have a lot of contacts, you know well-off people... I want you in my team. You'll be a good fit with my girls."

I said the first thing that came into my mind, which was "Huh. I really didn't figure you for a hooker." My brain caught up with my mouth just a little too late. Dorothy reached across the table and slapped the side of my face, just once, but WOW. The room swung, and I think my left lower molar came loose. She sounded a little disappointed when she commented, "I thought you had better manners than that."

My brain was still offline, and I adjusted the inadequate kimono while telling her, "I don't mind if you don't like my manners. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter nights." Okay, my brain was knocked into the old movie department. Dorothy just laughed, though, and came around from the desk to bend into my face. I got a glimpse of more chest than I remembered before her eyes claimed mine and her lips pronounced "Good Boys Apologize".

I could actually hear the capital letters, and automatically said "Sorry, Dorothy."

She slid her fingers through my hair and her voice turned back to honey as her face got closer to mine. "Your friend is sweet, but you're the treat. That's why I really want you underneath my - wings. I'm going to make you a big offer, and I want you to give it serious consideration before you say yes."

Her eyes were so big. I didn't recall them being so deep.

"Every now and then I'm going to send a side gig your way, probably nothing you haven't done before, fixing a network issue or cleaning out someone's hacking attempt. I know you'll do a professional job, and you'll also do a few extra things in their system. You'll be *very* well compensated, Dave."

I hadn't heard the door open behind me, but there was a breath of air and I pulled my eyes out of Dorothy's gaze to see the blonde who'd come to my office with her resume. She was fully nude, her pink nipples extended out at least a half inch, and the freckles I'd liked on her face stood out all over her fair skin. Chastity wasn't the name on her resume, and it was the last thing on my mind looking at her body.

"You've met Chastity already. She'll give you an idea about your compensation for a good job."

Dorothy stepped back, and Chastity took her place facing me. She lifted her left leg, drawing my gaze into the shadowed gap between her engorged labia. Deftly, her foot swept my kimono open and lifted my cock into the air, toes squeezing around the head. Blood rushed in. She slid forward, straddled my lap, and wetly rubbed the head of my cock with her slippery self. Her breasts jiggled hypnotically, and I was having problems thinking and breathing. Without once using her hands on me, Chastity managed to mount herself on my erection. What she did with her inner muscles did made me arch and stiffen all over and it felt like ten mouths sucking at once. All I could hear was my desperate panting echoing in my ears and my heartbeat pounding as if it was about to burst.

"Just think about Chastity, Dave. Think about all the things you watch on your computer when you think nobody's looking. You *do* want to come, and join us, don't you, Dave."

It wasn't a question. I didn't want to think about *those* websites. I didn't even care how Dorothy knew about them. I just needed to come. All I could focus on was Chastity's body sucking and milking me, and how I needed to give her everything backed up inside my aching balls. I moaned and grunted - I don't even know if what I babbled was coherent. All I knew was that Dorothy said something to Chastity and I exploded in a torrent of wet heat. My groin thrust upward and my white knuckles latched onto the chair arms, my fingernails indenting the wood. Some impossible feedback loop was on fire between my balls and Chastity's clasping muscles, pumping and repeating until I basically passed out.

When I came to again, I was lying on the floor. Both Dorothy and Chastity were cleaning me with damp washcloths. Chastity gently lifted my head while Dorothy placed a glass of liquid at my lips and ordered me to drink it to stay hydrated. Afterwards, the two of them escorted me down the stairs. I arrived at the party floor naked, dazed, and carefree, to the sound of applause for their newest member. Everyone greeted me with smiles and lots of hugs, handing me dizzily from one set of hands to the next. The last person to congratulate me was the big redhead from earlier. George wasn't around this time to separate us. She picked my shaky body up and physically carried me to a bedroom, then ditched the muumuu and buried me beneath her ample physical charms.

** ** **

I woke up in my own bed, in my own house, sleeping in my boxers, just as usual. I looked over at my clock alarm - it was 7:00 in the morning on Saturday. Everything was normal.

But it wasn't normal at all. Parties like that didn't happen, not to people like me. I had vague memories of drowning underneath a heavy slippery redhead whose breasts were like sweet soft pillows filling my mouth with cream. And I clearly recalled every single sensation of blonde Chastity drawing whimpers out of my body. That memory, whether real or imaginary, gave me a sudden and needy erection and my breathing grew ragged.

Whatever kind of beer I'd had last night, I definitely needed to avoid it. I called George, but the call went directly to voice mail. I gave up and went to take a long cold shower.

When I got out of the shower, some of what Dorothy had said came back to me. I didn't believe any of it was possible, but then I didn't know what to believe. If I'd dreamed the party, it was the most insanely real dream I'd ever had. I tried calling George again, but the calls were still rolling to voice mail so I left him a "What the hell?" message and gave up. I spent the next four hours on my computer, scanning every nook and corner, and practically ripping the operating system and hard drive down to bare metal. If there had been spyware on it, there wasn't any evidence I could find.

I must have had one whale of an alcohol-fueled hallucination of a wet dream.

What could I do? I rebooted my computer, got online, lost a hundred and twenty dollars at poker, and went on with my life. After all, I had an 8-to-5 job to keep me busy, and bills to pay. I put email from George, Dorothy, and anyone who had answered the original ad onto auto-ignore, and I blocked George from following me on Facebook.

Two weeks later, the phone rang and I picked it up. It was Dorothy.

"Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?" She didn't sound happy.

I told her that I had more than enough work at my day job, that my evenings were for decompressing, and that we'd obviously had a bit of a misunderstanding due to my having had too much to drink.

"I can't take that as an answer, Dave. I hope you'll understand."

I was going to ask her what she wanted me to understand, when she continued.

"Good Boys Heel."

I was squatting on the floor, my clothes ripped away, knees wide open, and masturbating with a single-minded focus.

"Now what are you doing, Dave?"

I grunted. I wasn't going to let her win this contest of wills. Unfortunately, my will was willing but my flesh was weaker. After three more minutes of squeezing and stroking my cock, hearing her breathing in my ear, and getting no closer to where I wanted - no, needed to be...

"I'm - uhhh - jacking off!" I was sweating, trying to get over the hump and come, and it wasn't happening.

"Are you going to be a Good Boy and take my calls and emails now? I've made commitments, you know."

I bit my lip and shook my head - not that Dorothy could possibly see that. My sweaty hand made lewd sounds as I pumped my cock frantically. My cock was hurting from the rubbing, but I couldn't stop.

"Dave, I really think I'm entitled to an answer to that question."

I tried. I really tried. It was just too much in the end. "Yes, Dorothy. I'll do what you say." When she said "Good Boys Cum", I spurted all over the carpet and barely missed shorting out the nearby electrical outlet.

Nowadays, I'll get an occasional email or phone call, a referral from one of Dorothy's friends, where someone needs work done in their office system or on their home computer. It's the sort of thing just made for an after-hours side gig. And if I happen to do a little more work than the client knows about... As the lady said, I'm being well compensated.

/ END /

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The Head of State did not sleep in his bedroom, to be sure. His mind still dazed with weariness, he carefully chose some clean underwear from his drawer and clean fatigued from his closet and slowly dressed. One thing he might do, he thought to himself as he pulled on his socks, was ride around the estates again. It never hurt to keep constant check on how the gardens were being managed. What he usually did at such inspections was hop out of his jeep and help the men for a while so they-...

2 years ago
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Animal FarmChapter 5

Fishing a handkerchief out of his pocket, Phil withdrew his limp cock from Stacy's overflowing cunt, wiped, then pressed the handkerchief between her legs. He pulled his pants and shorts up, and then climbed over into the front behind the wheel. Clamping her legs together, Stacy quickly slipped her dress over her head and had it on, with a little help from Al, by the time Phil had gotten rid of the speaker and started the car. On the big screen, the good guy and the bad guy seemed to be...

1 year ago
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The Tree the Badge and the Box

Hey, folks, my name’s Frank Gordon. My buddy, Dave Jacobs told me I should write this story up and post in on here. I’ve read some stuff he’s posted. Difference is, his is something he cooked up while sitting back with a glass of Mr. Daniel’s Gentleman Jack Tennessee whiskey. (That is some good stuff. Dave has shared several with me.) Anyway, I’m a neighbor of Dave’s here in Peachtree Corners, GA. A few months ago, we had this little storm blow through. Luckily old Irma was not a bad as Harvey....

3 years ago
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HypnoSubmission Pt 04

Part 4: Katie Katie woke in her bed, feeling happy and refreshed.God, I feel good. I haven't slept that well in ages. With all this stuff with Master Boratus, I …How did I get in bed? Wasn't I in the bar with him? Or was I? It's hard to focus. Did I dream it? I must've. How could he know I was going to be in the bar? And I don't remember what happened after. I must've dreamt it. Yeah. Lost track of time last night, gone to bed, and dreamt of meeting him.Jesus, that man is doing a number on my...

Mind Control
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Christmas Eve

I met Brain K. at the local Walmart, I bumped into him by accident in the grocery section...we struck up a conversation casually about being alone for Christmas. Some how I invited him to my apartment for a drink. Once we arrived he saw that my desk top was on and while I was in the kitchen Brain managed to turn the screen on. One of my short comings is that I leave my desk top on when I go out for a short time, I had no ideal I was going to bring company back. After a few drinks Brain asked if...

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The Date Ch 01

Beep… beep… beep… beep… beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep Lisa reached over and after just a seconds hesitation, and turned the alarm clock off, instead of hitting the snooze button. The extra nine minutes just wouldn’t be worth the rush later. Jeff and the dogs still snored, not even fazed by that annoying alarm going off at the ungodly hour of 5 AM. Pulling the covers back, the cold air hits her with it’s instant wake up effect. The master bath is only six steps from her side of the bed. Groping...

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Jack And Diane

This is a little story about love discovered between Jack and Diane. They grew up as neighbors; only a few houses separated them from each other. Jack was the typical neighborhood boy, all rough, tumbled, and getting in trouble with his friends. Diane, on the other hand, wasn't your typical girl. She was right out there with the boys getting in trouble with the boys, much to her mom's chagrin.As they matured, Jack grew into a high school sports star. All hard-bodied and handsome, attracting the...

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The Handyman

Soraia and Amy usually got together about three times a week, ever since they both moved to France to "follow their dream." They would update each other's love lives, catch up with the local news and gossip, and eventually, admit that neither one of them was any closer to tracking down the cunning Jean Val Jean. This meeting took place on an unusually warm mid-July afternoon. Amy showed up a bit late at Soraia's secluded villa, but she made up for it by bringing an extra bottle of...

3 years ago
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Whatever It TakesChapter 20

Make-up sex (if that's what Josie and I were having that night) turned out to be just exceptional. Well, maybe not. How can I describe it as "exceptional" when every night I've ever spent in bed with Josie was exceptional (at least for me). That old saw about "even when it's bad, it's good" just wasn't applicable, 'cause it was never bad. But anyway, it wasn't make-up sex, really, because by the time we got to bed that night, Josie's negative reaction to my earlier harangue...

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Giving my permission to fuck

Luckily for me, I had come home early from my office.At three o’clock I was waiting for my wife to come home from work; but I kept waiting for her until six and then I started to feel worry…No phone calls from Anita… it was something very strange.I sent her some messages, but she did not reply…Past seven I finally rang her office and the security guard said that all the staff had left, including my wife. He was sure Ana had left four hours ago…I was thinking to whom I could call to ask where to...

1 year ago
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Blood Lust

The crack of the disinfectant sponge applicator being opened, the anticipation of the cool burning fire fluid being applied to her spread outer lips, was like a dinner bell.  Her dark pink sex, on full display due to her hips being lifted by two thick down and foam fill pillows and a pile of innocent--for now--white hotel linens, started to leak with the drooling desire of what was to come at that particular sound.Or rather, at what that particular sound heralded.She was blindfolded, doubly so,...

2 years ago
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My Dad8217s Affair With A Girl

My friend and me ,we both are 19 years old boys.As we are so close that we discuss every small moment together ,we both are bisexual .As I am very interested in watch sex in real ,i come in front of me.The next day my friend said that there is a abandoned garden of more than 5 acres of land on outskirts of city,he said that there many people comes there and have sex .So we planned to go there. That day evening 6:30 pm we reached there.That garden was full of trees with some walk and two wheeler...

4 years ago
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My Watchman8217s Daughter

Hello everyone, This is the real sex story how I fucked my watchman’s teen daughter and gave her a baby girl. As I completed my education I was working in MNC here in Bangalore,this is the time when my parents decides to find a bride for me,as they were looking for proposals my parents found a girl and I got married to her, as my father-in law had gifted me and my wife a piece of land here in Bangalore of 2400 sq ft, me and my wife thought we could build up an apartment where we stay one floor...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Rachael Cavalli Jessica Ryan Madi Collins Charli Phoenix One Extra Step

If having two stepmoms isn’t different enough, what happens when a THIRD gets added into the mix? Well, that’s exactly what Rachael Cavalli and Charli Phoenix, a married couple, are thinking about doing. The only problem is… their stepdaughter Madi Collins isn’t taking the news quite well. Madi’s afraid of change, so it might take a bit of getting used to, but hopefully she’ll come around. A few days after, Rachael and Charli introduce Madi to their new...

1 year ago
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The Breakfast 8211 Part 2

‘Wake up! You can’t sleep for the whole day.’ ‘Mom !! I guess I can. It’s holidays. Don’t bother me. ‘ ‘I’m calling your dad. ‘ ‘Don’t. Please don’t. I’m getting up. ‘ ‘At least come and close the door. We’re leaving. You can sleep afterwards. ‘ ‘ I’ll be definitely doing that. You go enjoy your picnic.‘ ‘It’s you who decided not to go. You turned down the offer.’ ‘Yeah. I just love my bed too much.’ ‘ Well, there’s something I forgot to tell you. Mrs. Sharma might visit you for lunch. Since...

1 year ago
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Its a Mans WorldPart 3

Before I proceed any further with my story, let me tell you about marriages in our society. We have different types of marriages. Child marriage (though banned but it is still prevalent), forced marriage, run away marriage (elopement), love marriage, shotgun marriage, inter caste/inter religion marriage and arranged marriage. It is said that the marriages are made in heaven but in our society, it is the responsibility of the parents to marry off their children. Maybe, this is because we are...

3 years ago
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RevolutionChapter 9

When we moved into Georgia beyond Savannah, we started running into real opposition from the military. At first, it was hard to tell who the other side was fighting for. It didn't seem likely that the grunts felt any loyalty to the bosses or the unions, so it had to be loyalty to the now nonexistent USA or loyalty to their commander. We talked it over and decided that it had to be loyalty to their commander. It could be the local commander or the overall commander, but General Williams...

2 years ago
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The Stock Take

I was working my way through college in a sandwich shop at a shopping centre. One Sunday morning the manager asked me to go into the stock room in the basement and to count the non-perishables. Having spent about an hour in there I heard the voice of one of my female colleagues, Gemma. She was calling my name and came in to offer some help with the counting. I had done majority of the things on the list when she came in. Gemma was the most attractive of my colleagues always well turned out,...

1 year ago
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The Invitation

YOU ARE INVITED I am hosting a Married Couples SEX Party and you are Invited. There are a few requirements that you must meet. 1. Must be Married 2. Must be willing to get naked 3. Must be willing to play adult games 4. Must be willing to share your partner If you can meet this requirements send back the R.S.V.P. as soon as possible. The first 8 couples to meet these requirements will be sent a New Invitation with the Time, Date and Place. Hope you can cum! DATE: May 20th TIME: 7:00pm PLACE:...

3 years ago
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Until Next Time Part Four

Whenever John comes to town on business, Paula and I always like to get together with him for a little naughty fun. This time was no exception. Unfortunately, this trip had come up at the last minute, so we all had very little time to prepare. Regardless, we were committed to making the most of it. John would be in town for one night only, a Thursday. All three of us had to work that day, which wasn't ideal, and his flight was going to be getting in late. Paula and I decided to make the most...

Wife Lovers
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Spring BlossomsChapter 3

The woman was in a state of amazement. Never had she seen such a public showing of lesbianism, and between such young and attractive girls! She had been to Provincetown, Massachusetts once with her ex-husband, and seen many women walking hand in hand, or arm in arm there openly, even kissing briefly. But never this. As she rounded the curve of the footpath ending at the parking lot, she saw the two girls get in their car. Pretending not to notice, she pulled her dog along hastily to her...

2 years ago
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Teacher blackmailed by a students father par

After Mr. Walker finished emptying his balls in my ass and the shock of his wife was in the closet recording the whole thing, I picked myself up off the bed as they sat on the other side watching my manhood being destroyed. I walked out of the room and down the stairs feeling like I was having an out of body experience. Who was this man with another man’s cum leaking out of his ass, yeah right, me the bitch. I put on my clothes and got in my car. For the rest of the weekend I drunk myself to...

2 years ago
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I lost my job What will I do Part Four

I just wondered what other kinds of things my stepfather would want me to do. I’ve already had a threesome with two men. He had me sleep with a woman. What could he possibly want me to do next? But, I couldn't really complain. He's been paying me well to do all these fantasies with him. Knock, Knock “It’s your stepfather. Let me in.” “The door is open.” “Ellen, how are you today?” “I’m good, Peter.” “Princess, I have a new fantasy for you. This one is really interesting. I have a friend...

3 years ago
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When Life Gets Dull Spice It Up

(Dear Readers, many of you sent me feed back that my last story, Adorable Woman Part I was too long. This story is equally long, if not longer. But for your benefit I have divided this into three parts and you can enjoy each part individually. I hope you enjoy the story. Please vote after you read so that I know how I have fared. You valuable feedback is very much welcome.) PART I My wife Shelly & I are married for fifteen years. She is now 35 and I am 39. Both of us have successful careers....

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High School CD Part 2

High School CD Part 2 By Vicki Anne Stevens I struggled mightily for awhile, hoping against hope that I might find a way out of the ropes that held me, imprisoned as a girl. But I had been tied very well, and the ropes were not getting looser, if anything they held me tighter. It had happened so quickly, and at first I was furious with them, but with nothing to do but reflect on my situation, I was soon back to the way i had been feeling only minutes ago, when I was being...

2 years ago
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Uncle Mike Returns

"Mickey, this is not under discussion. You live in my house you do as I say. I'm still your mother. I don't care what age you are." She snapped. I stood from the couch and went to leave the room. Bed is better than sitting by and get yelled at. I'll just stay awake in there for a bit. "Actually. You're not my mother." I mean legally she is my mother. But I am adopted. My "mom's" husband passed when I was 10. Three years later she adopted me. She got a large settlement check for...

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DorableChapter 12

Josh’s turn: It didn’t take me very long to realize what we needed to do when we returned to Dorable after leaving Gee’s dad and mom. She’s got live parents. I don’t. I have regrets. I don’t want her to have those. I was busy having a career, engineering my butt off on one project after another, across the country, a few overseas. Dad was proud. I called when I could, visited between jobs, but Dad’s last years coincided with some of my peak efforts to build a name and reputation. I got back...

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TuneUp A Principals Lesson

The error was unforgivable, especially for someone who prided herself on being so careful. I told myself it was the carelessness itself that was bothering me, and not my bruised ego.I was, I told myself, above having my feelings hurt when I read what she’d said about me in an email to a different playmate. As far as she knew, her email meant for the “kinky M&A man” had not accidentally gone to me instead. The bulk of the email was mundane, but she did mention that she’d be seeing me today, and...

2 years ago
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The Wedding PhotographerChapter 8

Lester Martin ... the wedding photographer Deacon Burke ... the retired cop Janice the waitress at the downtown diner Juan handy man Lynne Simmons madam Cathy Lynne’s employee George Wells dead highway patrolman. Roger Heart internal affairs lieutenant Leslie Wells Ruth Simpson and Marion Davidson brides Janice Allen mgr of magnolia manor guest house Jodie the fifteen year old daughter Emily the ex-wife. Deputy Miles Thompson the officer in charge of the drug bust Simone one of Lynne’s...

3 years ago
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The Gunsmith and the Police Officer

Gunsmith Robert Barnes is on his way to work when he hits traffic heavy traffic. For the next 45 minutes Robert sits in the traffic until it finally clears and he is able to get to his destination his gun store, once he is at his gun store Robert parks his car in his usual parking place. After shutting the car's engine he takes off his seat belt gets out of the vehicle. Then he unlocks the front door of his business and goes inside. Once he is inside he turns on the open sign and gets ready...

4 years ago
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Recluse and GhostChapter 19

The rest of that week and the next were pretty much the same, except that the bears decided to abandon the mountain, at least the part that I worked over, for the upper and lower orchards and vineyards. Mom was taking a rifle with her every day as they worked the two sets of vineyards and orchards on the other side. The new road made it easy to take Millie's truck up and down the mountain and around the side. The ladies had been left alone enough that they picked nearly twenty gallons of...

2 years ago
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The Tantric WayChapter 4

Dr. Cregan reviewed the medical reports while Ami watched her. Ami was anxious, like a small child wanting to please her mother. Cregan took her time, then looked at Ami, a smile breaking out on her face. "I'm impressed with your progress. Cholesterol and blood pressure are near normal, plus your 25 pound weight loss is excellent. No recurrence of the headaches?" "None," replied Ami. "In fact, I'm sleeping better and have much more energy! It's amazing!" "That's what's supposed...

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Elementary My Dear WatsonChapter 1 Emma Watsons First Day

Emma Watson had just turned 11, and was going into Grade Six at Alexander Graham Bell Elementary. She'd reached the age where boys were beginning to interest her — especially that eternal question that no preteen girl can ask her parents, why were the boys her age such witless blunders? Being an only child, she had no older sister to ask. Her crush, mystery, and occasional crusher of her ego, was one Billy Thames. Their families lived on the same block in this city located in year-round...

4 years ago
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Bhabhi Made Me Her Slave

Hey .. Toh kaise hai ap sab? Main kaafi time se iss pr stories padhta aara hu toh maine socha ku na main bhi apna recent and first experience share karu.. I hope ki ap sabko story acchi lage aur for any suggestions/comments u can mail me at (any girls or womens who wants to talk and have fun can also contact me.. ;-))   Let me introduce myself..I am a year old guy in 3rd year of my college in delhi ncr,5’9″ and a tool of 6 inches have a athletic body. So story pr aate hai, ye karib 2 mahine...

2 years ago
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The Lost Notebook of Doctor EChapter 22 Riki is taken in full view

Inviting Riki in, Alex took her by her mane of blonde hair using it to guide her wanting mouth, onto his hard cock while his sisters looked on. Izzy was frigging herself like mad as she watched. Abby was rolling her hips against Gwen’s mouth but she was glued to the erotic sight and even Gwen who was eating her younger sister out, was taking breaks to peer over at her very cock hungry mother. Riki, in turn, was giving quite a show as she devoured Alex’s dick like she was in heat. A dam had...

3 years ago
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First Experience With Married Sister 8211 Part 1

Let me introduce myself, I am Rahul age 23 from Raipur CG. 5’10 medium body with an 7″ long thick penis. I love fucking especially admire women between 25-40 as they are mature having a good experience and fucking body. This is my first sex story so pls ignore the mistakes and give your feedbacks and suggestions at if you like it. It’s about my first encounter with my real sister, how it all started, and how I first try to seduce her but failed then how she erotically seduces me after her...

1 year ago
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Private Natali Ruby Anal Secret

Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to Natali Ruby, a curvaceous brunette with a juicy ass and great tits to match and she has come to Private Specials, Irresistible Beauties for a debut she’ll never forget! Nataly wastes no time getting hot and horny with her man Andrew Marshall as she gives an amazing deepthroat blowjob just to warm up! Then enjoy this curvaceous wonder in action as she offers up her pussy for a taste and fuck before opening her ass and enjoying some hard anal...

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Carmens NYC Trip

I had met up with my black lover Jerry and we headed down to New York City to visit his old neighborhood and his black friend for a few days. Arriving at his friends home, she let us in and I watched as Jerry kissed her long and hard, then braking off, he introduced me and she came up to me and we kissed a long and passionate kiss. When we stopped she led us into her living room and we settled down for some talk and drinks. After a bit Jerry looked over at Jasmine (her name) and told her to...

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Daytime Dogging

We agree to meet for lunch in a bar in is fresh, but bright and the sun feels good after a period of gloomy weather.I arrive first and find a bench style table in one of the bay windows of the bar.You arrive slowly after looking fantastic in your office outfit of black above the knee dress, jacket, tan hosiery and black calve length boots. Very nice indeed!!I get up to great you and we smile as our eyes meet. I buy you a drink and we return to our table making small talk.I cannot take...

1 year ago
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Sodom Eyes Part 2 Trucker Trade Off

That big, black cock hit my tonsils, as it sought the entrance to my gullet. My eyes grew big as saucers as I took six, seven, eight inches into my mouth and still was looking at least three more extending from my lips. The man paused, letting my throat get used to the girth, as tears welled up in my eyes. I grabbed his butt cheeks with both hands and pulled him closer; I figured if I was going to choke to death, it might as well be worth it. My nose was buried in his stiff and wiry pubes, my...

Gay Male
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BangBros18 Lana Sharpova Lana Fucks Her Roommate

Upon receiving her new sex toy in the mail, Lana Sharpova was too excited to wait. So she went straight to her room to take it for a spin. However, her roommate, Pressure, had something else in mind. He texted her while she was in the middle of riding her new toy and made her go open the door for him. As she was doing this, he replaced the toy with himself. When she returned to her room, she went right back to it and got back on her toy. But little did she know, this toy was now her very own...

2 years ago
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My Perfect Life Part Three

"One more minute?" he pleaded."One more minute!" I replied.He lay on his back and said, "You can have this last minute to do anything that you'd like to me."This is where my "Perfect life" took another turn.I pushed him onto his back and kneeled next to him. I returned the kiss that he had just given me. I loved tasting his saliva; I loved licking his tongue. His hand was on my cheek as I pulled his tee-shirt up and caressed his chest. His chest was smooth and muscular. The light reflected off...

3 years ago
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A Come BackChapter 34 The Stage is Set

"What? Huh? Eddie?" I tried to pull my thoughts together. Blinking I saw Scott slip out of the front door, closing it behind him. Eddie was ushering Cleo towards the stairs. "Come on Baby, get moving." Eddie pulled me all the way to my feet and followed me up the stairs, he was slapping me playfully on the ass as I followed Cleo up. "Sure wish I'd had more time to play with that dress." Memory flooded back to me as I grew more wake-full. That dress, the club, Earl ... oh Earl. I...

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Tagged Teamed by Cousins

It was on a Saturday as I was walking from town, as I passed by the government projects, Bruce called out to me. I tried to act like I did not hear. Bruce ran through the complex and headed me off at the next corner. Popping from between two buildings, Bruce caught my elbow and asked '...where you going, I called you...' I tried to pull my arm free only to have Bruce grab hold to my hand also. I defiantly growled '...I didn't hear you, I need to get home now...' Bruce twisted my wrist slightly...

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