The Interview free porn video

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The following story was written with help from a friendwho wishes to remain anonymous. If there is enough interest shown, part 2 willgiven every consideration. All comments and feedback will be much appreciated.We hope you enjoy!

The Interview

This glossy, monthly magazine's ratings must be falling,I thought to myself. The editor had asked me to be interviewed for an articlethey were considering, entitled, 'Doms and subs, the Whys and Wherefores!" Ihad nothing planned for that day and it could turn out to be an amusing interlude,to say nothing of the exorbitant fee they were offering to pay for my services,so I agreed to the meeting.

Anonymity being required on both sides, I was to meet alady whom I was to address as Spicey. In return, tongue in cheek, I told themthat she would address me as Master! I could not help laughing at how seriouslythese people took themselves. They are primarily a magazine for the bored andpampered housewives of Canada. What's in, what's out, what to be seen in andwhat not, a sort of rulebook for the female wannabe.

I carefully dressed in my favourite colour, which is Black.Black slacks, open necked shirt, everything, even down to my socks. Freshlyshowered and shaved, I headed out for our meeting and intentionally, I arriveda few minute late so I could get a good look at 'Spicey.' I recognised her,almost immediately. She was sitting in a secluded area of the restaurant, nervouslyplaying with a drink. She was dressed in a smart business type suit, whichtry as it might, could not contain her ample charms. Her legs encased in darkhosiery, were crossed at the knee and swinging, again showing signs of hertension. I approached the table and introduced myself,

"Hello, you must be Spicey" I said in my deep baritone voice.She almost jumped out of her chair,

"Ummmmm Yes. You must be, Master?" She asked, blushing,at having to use this term, alien, as it is, to her lifestyle, "I am 'Spicey'and have been sent to interview you" This only heightened the embarrassment,at having to call herself Spicey.

"Then Spicey, you can order me a beer and we can begin" Isaid, with a grin on my face. I wanted to judge her reaction to me tellingher what to do and not to be disappointed, she said,

"Look Master, or whatever you call yourself, if you wanta drink? Then get your own bloody drink! I am here, purely to obtain an interview,not to dance to your every command!" This was almost spat out, probably todisguise her embarrassment and to show that she was in charge of this interviewand not me. I laughed at her over reaction and said,

"Ah! A feisty lady! I like that in a woman. It can be moreof a challenge, so to speak." I ordered a drink from a passing waiter, lookedinto her angry blue eyes and quietly said,

"Can we begin now Spicey, my lady?"

"Yes" I responded nervously. He seemed to havemade me a little uncomfortable and I tried not to let that show. I hada list of questions which I pulled out from my briefcase and glancing atit quickly, I made a quick decision to just start asking him them, thereand then and see where it led us,

"So how long have you felt that you have had tobe the more dominant in a relationship? Does it give you a sense of powerto call all the shots? Are you a full time Dom, like out in public, oris it more a closed door Dom? Are you Master of more than one slave andif you are, do they know about one another? What kind of things do youcommand of your slave? And what form of punishment do you give them, ifyou are not obeyed?"

I threw out all these questions at him, my eyeswatching his face for any signs that he didn't like my line of questioning.He had a funny kind of smirk on his face and I was left trying to figureout what those smouldering eyes were telling me. It was leaving a tinglingfeeling in my belly, a sense of excitement that I couldn't quite explain.,so I sat back in my chair, took a small sip of my water and waited forhim to respond.

I sensed her unease at having to ask me these questionsand I could see the nervousness at being in my presence was causing her someconcern. She was trying so hard to remain professional, but I knew, that evenjust asking me these questions, was getting her interested in my lifestyle.

"Well Spicey, So many questions? And there are so many differentanswers." I replied, not making it any easier for her. "Where do I begin? Inanswer to your first question, I have always felt that I would like to be dominantin a relationship. To have the lady of my choice accept me for what I am. Toenjoy me taking charge when we make Love, to let me do anything I want withher, but, be happy doing it. Knowing, that what she does, is giving me pleasureand ultimately, giving her pleasure also. Does that make any sense to you,a career woman, who is used to equality in her work?" I watched as her eyesnarrowed and she was about to answer me.

"Wait Spicey! I will continue with my answers to your questions.A sense of power, you ask? In a way, yes it is. In the house, behind closeddoors, then, yes again, but not in public. If I require my sub to be nakedat all times, then, she will be. If I require that she pleasures me, when Idemand it, then, she will do. In saying that however, we also will have a room,the kitchen perhaps? Where, we are equals and can discuss things. She willhave every right to complain about my treatment of her and we will discusseveryday things, like any normal couple would. In my personal role as her Dom,it is on an equal footing, except when we adopt the lifestyle. I do not wanta slave, a doormat or a tramp and I am also there to protect her natural desireto be submissive. She has to trust that I will do that, know that I will lookafter her. She will, of course, show her gratitude to me, by obeying me inthe sexual side of things.

That is bringing us onto your next question, that of punishment.Sometimes a sub will deliberately do something to upset her Dom, just to experiencehis displeasure, because she craves pain, or to show Him that she trusts Himnot to hurt her, too much. I do not like punishing my sub; I will do this bywithholding her pleasure, I will tease her mercilessly and not allow her toclimax and that is as much a punishment to her, as a flogging might be to another.Occasionally, I will administer pegs to her breasts, but, she knows that Iwill not leave them on for long. When I finally remove them and suck on hertender flesh, she almost cumms immediately"

I laughed evilly at the reaction to my answers. I couldtell that, to her own discomfort, she was becoming aroused by my answers, wonderingif she could be a sub. Wondering, what could make her trust someone, so much,that she would willingly do his bidding? I looked deeply into her eyes andawaited her next move in this game we were playing.

I found myself getting, both excited and uneasyin this interview. Not sure whether to just jump in or to continue probingfor answers to questions that I didn't know how to ask. He looked likea normal average guy, but he was turning me on and I sensed an inner excitement.I could feel my nipples getting hard against my bra and could feel a moistnessforming between my legs. Wondering if this was how all women felt in hispresence, wondering if I were someone that he would want to dominate. Iwasn't sure what to ask next or how to continue, so I asked for a freshglass of water to try to calm myself down, to collect my thoughts and tostop my rampant mind. He left the room to get it and I stood up and rearrangedmy clothes. On hearing him coming back, I sat down quickly which causedmy skirt to ride up and expose the upper portion of my thighs. Damn I thought,what will he think, that I am trying to come on to him? He handed me theglass and had a twinkle in his roving eyes.

Returning to our table with her glass of water, I spottedthat she had hastily adjusted her clothes and sat down again. I smiled inwardlyand wondered if she was deliberately showing me more of her thighs, or if itwas a pure accident. I also took in quickly that she was wearing stockings,as I could now see the tops, but mostly, however, the tablecloth hid her fromthe view of the other customers. I could see her blush as my eyes absorbedall of this while passing her the glass and I swear she almost dropped it inher confusion.

"Well Spicey, does that explain a little about me and theDom/sub relationship? Or should I proceed further?" I asked, still with a gleamin my eye.

"Master, if you would care to continue, I am finding thismost fascinating" She replied, obviously still uneasy at having to call meMaster and trying to hide her embarrassment at, dare I believe it, becominga little aroused? She kept her eyes averted and fiddled with her notebook.

"Spicey!" I almost barked and she instantly looked up intomy eyes,

"When we chat, please pay attention and look at me at alltimes." I said more quietly, but I could see a look of fright pass brieflyover her face, as she realised that she had almost answered me with a, 'YesSir!'

"That is better Spicey; I like to know that I have yourattention" I continued chatting and telling her about my theory that certainwomen, in positions of responsibility, liked to give up their every day dominanceand become submissive to the right man and I could see her blush deepen further.Had I found an Achilles Heel in this Spicey lady? Was she beginning to paymore than a passing interest in this interview? I thought that I would testher out and leaning forward, I placed a hand on her very hot knee and whispered,

"Spicey, I want you to do something for me. Go to the ladiesrestroom and remove your panties, come back here and give them to me. Feelwhat is like to be a submissive; it will maybe help with your article? Willyou do that for me?"

Would I do this? Could I do this? I slowly gotup, almost in a daze and headed for the ladies room. When I got there,I looked into the mirror, my face was flushed and my eyes had a glaze overthem. Walking into an empty cubicle, I proceeded to take off my black satinpanties. I noticed they were damp and I wondered how I could dry them beforeI gave them to him. There was moistness between my legs and my clit wastingling. I touched myself and my mind drifted back to him sitting at thetable, wondering what was going through his mind and I finally decidedthat I should head back and see where we went from here.

There was a musky odour from my arousal that Icould smell and silently I prayed that he wouldn't notice. I placed mypanties in my purse and headed back to the table and as I approached, Iwatched his eyes staring at me, wondering if I had done what he bade meto do. I sat in my chair, my eyes cast down, opened my purse, handed himmy panties and said,

"Master, these are what you asked for." I satback and as his hand reached across and took them, he lifted them to hisnose and sniffed deeply. A smile crossed his face and he welcomed me back.

"Welcome back Spicey, from the smell of your panties andfrom the flushed expression you are wearing, I am guessing that this interviewhas got your attention at last?" My eyes never left hers as I said this; Ieven smelt a faint odour emanating from her, which had to be arousal, I putthe panties into my pocket and continued,

"I have some literature and videos on the subject of Dom/subrelationships in my apartment Spicey, if you would care to pursue this further?" Isaid, still looking into her eyes intensely. This stunned her for a moment,I could tell! Would she be doing anything other than following up on an article,she asked herself? Or, would she be accompanying a man, who she barely knew,to explore more than a mere article? Her face was telling me a lot, the hesitanceand therefore not a refusal, the glazed eyes, maybe of arousal; but the dampcrotch of her panties, told me even more.

I agreed to go with him to his apartment, feelingthat I wanted to know more but also aware of how turned on he had mademe. Watching him as I agreed to his offer, I saw his eyes smile at me andI wondered, to myself, what he had in store for me next. Was he invitingme just to show me his things or did he have an ulterior motive. Somehow,it didn't seem to matter anymore, I wanted to go with him and to learnmore.

By giving him my panties, I felt that I had givenover a small bit of control already and it seemed okay and as I staredat his crotch, I realized that he wasn't totally unaffected either. Westood up to leave and I felt his hand on my bottom. Could he feel me, feelmy muscles tensing? We walked out and got into his car and his hand onmy buttocks was strangely comforting.

The leather seats were cool on my warm skin andas I sat staring out the window, not sure where to look, I felt his handon my knee. It was slowly sliding up under my dress and I felt my legsbegin to spread open, allowing this intrusion of my privacy. My body startedto shake, he spoke no words when he touched me, he felt my clit, then downto my pussy lips, feeling the moistness there and then he withdrew hishand and a small moan of protest came from deep in my throat. Vaguely Iheard him speaking.

"Spicey, I see you still like to adorn your pussy with pubichair. You do know that most subs shave for their Doms or, their Doms shavethem?" I asked her, whilst sniffing my finger and causing her to shiver asshe watched me.

"Ummmmm smells delicious, I wonder if you taste as goodas you smell Spicey? Touch yourself, wet your fingers and let me taste yoursweet juices" Her blush deepened, even redder than before and I could see thatshe was fighting between keeping this interview on a professional level andgiving in to her primal urge to be submissive. Looking out of the corner ofmy eye, I saw her hand slowly slide under her skirt and her knees part again.She caught her breath as her finger delved between the soft folds of her heatedsex and she barely stifled a moan of pleasure.

"I am waiting Spicey, let me taste you." Still blushingfuriously, that she would do such a thing with a stranger that she had notlong met, she put the glistening tip of her finger to my lips and I suckedit into my mouth, savouring her nectar I didn't give her time to consider thesituation she was getting into and said,

"Raise your skirt, feel the cool leather against your skin,keep your legs parted and feel the air conditioning blowing across your pussyand Spicey, on no accounts will you cum, unless I give my permission!" I laughedwhen I said this and saw the look of confusion cross her face. She had no intentionof cumming for me, she was here to conduct an interview, or was she? All thesequestions and thoughts, I could see etched across her pretty face, even asshe was slowly hitching up her skirt, to feel the whispering coolness of theblower against her hot flesh.

I felt the coolness ofthe seat against the heat of my bottom, my heart was beating faster, mybreath coming in short gasps and my mind reeled with the feelings thathe had invoked. I was scared, mainly because I was enjoying this; Iwanted to please him and didn't understand why.   My hand remainedbetween my thighs, slowly stroking and I could feel my juices.  Iinserted one finger while my eyes watched to see what kind of reactionI would get; after all, he had just told me I was not allowed to cumm.Not that I was going to let that stop me, I wanted to see how far he wouldgo and what he would do. 

Slowly I took my hand awayand gently sucked my honey from my own finger and then I put my hand back,I had to, I wanted that feeling to continue. Stroking myself withmy left hand, I let my right hand wander down to my breasts and start rubbingthem through my blouse, I felt my nipples harden, God I was hornyand I wanted him. He kept his eyes on the road and he did not seemaffected at all.   I began to wonder what he was thinking, howhe was feeling and I could feel the pressure building inside me. I turnedto him and asked,

"Master, how longis it before we stop?"

"Before we stop Spicey? Wehaven't started yet!" I smiled as I saw the frustration on her face,

"As you have decided to playwith your nipples, without my telling you, or, you even asking for my permission,you will unbutton your blouse and undo your bra, release your breasts andtease your nipples. Roll them between thumbs and fingers and get them hardleave your legs spread and keep your skirt raised Spicey!"

Again she looked horrifiedat the thought of obeying the orders of a relative stranger. But, I couldalso see that she was enjoying this submission, even though she still triedto convince herself that it was research for a magazine article. Slowly herhands lifted, she began to loosen the buttons on her blouse and her softfrilly bra came into view. The vivid red flush was gradually spreading fromher face, over her ivory smooth neck and across the soft swelling of herbreasts. When her blouse was fully undone, she managed to undo the claspand lower her bra, enough to expose them to my view. What lovely soft moundsthey were too, large and firm, tipped by bullet hard nipples. Obviously,our earlier play had got them to this state of arousal.

"I am waiting Spicey!" I saidin a menacing voice. I watched as she slowly did as I had asked. Her eyesclosed with the sensuous feelings she was getting and I let my hand slideup her left thigh, my fingers gently stroking the soft inner flesh. I couldfeel the heat from her pussy and let my middle finger run along her spreadlips. As I touched her already erect clit, I could hear her gasp and knewthat she was about to climax.

"Ok Spicey," I said, withdrawingmy hand and putting it back on the wheel, "Cover yourself up; we are almostat my apartment."

If looks could kill, I wouldhave been a dead man at that very moment! She glared at me, her frustrationat being on the very edge of a climax very obvious, as she adjusted her clothingand made herself, once again, into the professional reporter. I am not sureif she had realised it yet, but gradually, she was coming under my control.I wondered, how far would she allow herself to be dominated by a man? MaybeI will find out when we are in the confines of my apartment.

As we pulled into the parkinglot I tried to get myself back under control. This was a very hard thingto do, as I was extremely excited and suddenly I realized that I wantedto finish this interview very quickly. I was scared at how he had mademe feel, but I was never one to let a challenge get the better of me, orso I thought.

We got out of the car andwalked sedately up to his flat, he opened the door and we went inside.He took me through to the kitchen and asked if I would like a glass ofwine. I said yes, he poured us each a glass and then we went to the livingroom and sat down. I took my pad and pen and tried to look serious, myheart was still pounding and my body still excited. I looked at him andtried to form the next question in my mind, but when I spoke, it was toask,

"How else can I pleaseyou" I was appalled at what I had said and when he looked at me, he hada faint smile on his face and said,

"How can you please me,you said? Well, let me ask you something. Did you enjoy the car ride overhere Spicey?" I replied that, yes I had and then he asked me if I wouldcome and stand in front of him, which I did. He told me to lift my skirt,he wanted to see how much I had enjoyed myself and I felt my hands startto sweat. I did as I was told and exposed myself to him. I held my breathand waited anxiously for his next move.

With her standing in frontof me with her skirt raised to the waist, still with no panties on and soobviously willing to please me, I felt myself becoming erect. I was amazedat how quickly she had slipped into this submissive role and at how muchshe appeared to be enjoying it.

Never taking my eyes fromhers, I reached forward and placed my hands on either side of her naked thighsand slowly let them slide upwards, watching for her reaction. As I got tothe top I let them encircle her tight buttocks, I squeezed gently and pulledher closer to me,

"Part your legs Spicey; Iwant your pussy open and vulnerable to my every whim." With some slight hesitation,she gradually moved her feet apart and I could gaze upon those floweringopen petals. As I suspected, there was a drop of juice, glistening on herfolds, so I pulled her a bit closer and let my tongue run over her moistslit,

"Ummmm Spicey, you taste divine,I very much look forward to tasting your sweet cum, when I finally allowyou to climax." As I was doing this and saying this, her face took on a deepcrimson colour and I could feel a slight tremble go through her entire body,

"Remove the rest of your clothesif you please? I want to inspect all of you without hindrance" Slowly, shebegan to remove her blouse and bra again, which she had not long ago, justreplaced. I kept my hands firmly on her tensed buttocks, kneading them, strokingthem and watching her face as she allowed the skirt to join the rest of herdiscarded clothes.

"Keep your shoes and stockingson Spicey and in future, you will wear them at all times when we meet. Iwill want to see your pussy, which will be shaved bare of all pubic hair,framed by them, is that understood?" She nodded her agreement and I got upand walked around her, which she found to be a little disconcerting. My handscupped her breasts from behind, my fingers and thumbs took her hard nipplesbetween them and slowly, I increased the pressure on them until she was wincingfrom the unaccustomed pain. I quickly released them and moved down to herbushy mons and let my fingers graze over her clit,

"Bend forward Spicey, holdyour ankles and keep your legs spread wide!" Again, she obeyed; and whenshe bent forward, her ass and slit became uncovered and I thrust my handbetween her legs, roughly inserting two fingers into her lava hot pussy andI placed my thumb onto her anal ring. I gradually increased the pressureon my thumb, rubbing it round in circles against her tight sphincter andwaited to see her reaction.

She gasped and said,

"Master, please don't do that, nobody has ever entered melike that before!" But as she said that, I felt her pussy muscles grippingmy fingers even tighter and her juices flowed quite freely. I let my thumbgather some of that hot honey and replaced it onto her virgin hole and replied,

"Spicey, your body is mine and I will do with it whateverI like, when I like and wherever I choose. Is that understood my little sub?" AsI was replying to her I pressed harder, her sphincter opened reluctantly andmy thumb entered her most private of places. Her reaction to this statementsurprised me, because instead of telling me that there was no way she wouldbe my sub and that she wouldn't take any more of this from me, her body wentinto spasm and I felt her orgasmic release flood my fingers and hand and shecried out,

"Oh My God! Take me Master, use me, I want to feel yourhard cock inside me!" She collapsed onto the floor, onto her hands and kneesand I saw her sex, open and glistening before me. I joined her on the floorand licked my way along her thighs, tasting her nectar until I reached thatopen flower and gave it a deep kiss. As my tongue delved deeper and my chinpressed against her sensitive clit, I felt her fingers toying with it and Iimmediately stopped my oral examination of her fragrant pussy and sternly said,

"Spicey! Did I give you permission to play with yourself?You must learn that your body and your subsequent pleasure, is now mine andI will decide when you can or cannot have pleasure. Is that understood? Stayin that position, I will return soon." I stood up and left the room to gathera few toys, not forgetting my digital camera of course, I wanted some evidenceof her total submission and I laughed to myself, as I thought of her includingthe pictures in her article.

Wow, this is blowing my mind. What have I letmyself in for? I was so horny, that even though he had left the room andhad ordered me to stay as I was, I couldn't help myself. My hands seemedto have a mind of their own, I needed release and soon. He would neverknow, I thought to myself, so I continued to stroke my swollen clit andfelt the imminent release. My body started to spasm and shake, my breathingbecame laboured, but oh, it felt so good and my nectar flowed over my fingers.I knew that I was defying him; perhaps this was how I could keep my sanity,still unsure whether or not, if it was what I wanted?

I heard his footsteps returning and I quicklyput myself back into the position he had left me in. My mind was in turmoil,wondering if he would be able to tell and what he would do if he knew howwantonly I had brought myself to orgasm. I waited, as calmly as I could,for him to come back into the room. I looked over my shoulder to see hisreaction and also to see what he had brought back with him. His face wasexpressionless and he said,

"Spicey what have you been doing?" My mind wentblank and I started to shake, both in fear and in anticipation.

As soon as I returned, I knew that she had been masturbating.The room smelt of her sex, an erotic, musky smell and one which I knew I wouldbecome very familiar with, in the days and weeks to come. She was in the sameposition as she was when I left, but I could see the juices coating the insidesof her thighs were fresh from her recent climax.

Her eyes were like that of a deer, trapped in the headlightsof an oncoming car and when I finally said,

"Spicey what have you been doing?" She visibly trembled.It was not just in fear though, I could see in her eyes, an awakening of lustand a lust that she hadn't known she was capable of before today. I had awakenedher subconscious and she couldn't help herself, she wanted to explore morefully the feelings that were developing deep within her soul. I smiled at her,which instantly brought a look of confusion across her upturned face and Isaid,

"Were you my real sub and not just a reporter on an assignment,you would have earned yourself, a taste of my flogger Spicey! When I tell mysub to remain where she is, until I return, she does it. When I tell her sheis not to cumm, until I give her permission, she doesn't! She obeys and ifshe fails, she knows what to expect. This is the flogger, by the way"

I showed her my favourite means of punishment. It was madefrom very soft black leather, the numerous strands, hand stitched into a tooledhandle and one that I was especially proud of. The handle could also be usedas a dildo, the hardness and shape was perfect to bring a sub, near to climaxafter receiving her punishment. I would not allow her to climax, of course,that, she could only do with her pussy milking my cock.

Spicey looked longingly at the flogger, her face showingthe conflict of emotions flowing through her body. In one way, she was denyingherself the fact that she wanted to submit to me and on the other; her bodycraved the feel of the flogger and the subsequent release that she knew I wouldgive her. She was still hanging on to her illusion that this was an evil, butnecessary part of her forthcoming article and she said,

"Master, I wish to experience what your 'real' sub wouldexperience. Give me the punishment that you would give her; it is the onlyway that I could possibly understand the relationship between a sub and herDom"

"Very well Spicey, but first, you will kiss the lash, beforeit kisses your tender flesh" I held the flogger in front of her and she dulykissed the handle and the leather strands. I told her she would receive fivestripes and to count each one aloud.

Gently I let the tails run across her flawless back, ontoher buttocks and down to her thighs; and I could see her body quivering inanticipation.

"Thwack!" Her body tensed as the flogger left its mark onher soft globes and she cried out,

"One, Master" I caressed her reddening cheeks and felt thedampness between her thighs. By the time she called out, "Five, Master" herjuices were running freely and she was quietly sobbing. I gave her the floggerto kiss again and this time I told her to suck the handle and get it wet withher saliva. Once she had achieved this, I slowly inserted it between her soakinglabia and into her clasping pussy. Before long her hips were responding, hersobs were replaced by moans and she cried out,

"Fuck me Master, use me and please, let me cummmm!"

Wow, was that really me begging? The feelingsthat he had unleashed were like none I had ever experienced. My whole bodywas wanting release, I was so tight, so tense. I wanted to feel his cockinside of me, filling me and bringing me over the edge. I took a momentto look at him and I saw in his eyes, pleasure at what he had made me become.This was what he wanted, me begging him for my release. But I also notedthat his cock was in full erection, pre cum oozing from its tip. I lickedmy lips in the hope that he would allow me to cum first and then, let memake him cum. But then, suddenly he withdrew the handle from my pussy andstopped. My god, I thought I would die. He turned away and walked to theother side of the room, picked something up and then came towards me again.I was still down on the floor on all fours looking up at him, my eyes glazedwith unfulfilled passion.

In his hand he carried a collar and as he approachedme I backed up, not sure that I still trusted him. He took the collar andwrapped it around my neck, doing it up and making sure it was not too tight.He then attached a leash to it and holding it in his hand he moved backacross the room and sat in a chair. Not saying a word to me, he pulledon the leash and I moved toward him. My teeth were biting into my bottomlip, my heart beating fiercely, knowing what I wanted to do to him butnot sure if that was what he expected of me. The closer I got, the moreintense his expression and I was now right in front of him.

No words were spoken and I slowly starting runningmy hands over his legs, feeling the downy softness of the hair on them.I moved my hands up his inner thighs to his massive erect cock and my lipsfollowed my hands. My eyes were on his face, watching for a reaction tosee if this was what he wanted from me. When my lips approached his cock,my hands holding it and I was about to slide it into my mouth, I felt ahard tug on the leash and it brought my head up and away from him and beforeI had a chance to taste him, he spoke in a very quiet voice and said

"Spicey when did I give you permission to touchme, or to taste me? I can see that perhaps you might need another lesson,in waiting for permission"

I felt my insides tighten up, oh no, what hadI done? I really thought that this was what he wanted, but maybe I wasonly being selfish, because I knew that it was what I wanted to happen.I still thought that I had control over this situation, but maybe I reallydidn't. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as I looked at him andwaited, for what was next to come.

When I saw the tears forming in her eyes, I knew that shehad crossed the boundary. She was no longer a reporter, just doing her assignment;she had allowed her submissive subconscious to come to the forefront and tobehave in a manner that was totally alien to her usual lifestyle. She was notused to being in this situation, giving up control to someone she hardly knewand not being allowed to have her own way. It was the fear of the unknown thatwas bringing on these tears. Oh yes, she was correct in her assumption thatI wanted her mouth around my cock, but, she had to discover how to gain mypermission and not just use me for her self gratification.

"It would appear Spicey that you think you still own yourown body? If my 'real' sub thought like you and pleasured herself every timeshe felt like it, she would live a very painful existence and she would soon,cease to be my sub. I will make allowances in your instance, because, afterall said and done, this is only research, isn't it?" I said, still using myquiet, but menacing tone.

I watched as a multitude of conflicting emotions crossedher face. She was struggling to come to terms with her innermost feelings,feelings that had lain dormant for years, until our fateful meeting and thosethat she was scared to admit to herself.

I sat in my chair, making no sound and waited. She was notlong in giving in to her true nature and her soft voice trembled as she said,

"I want to be your 'real' sub, if you will allow me Master?I want you to teach me, lead me on the path of submission and allow me to serveyour every need above mine"

I took her face in my hands, stared into her eyes and Isaw that she had not come to this decision lightly. She was a very intelligentyoung lady, well respected in the field of journalism and known to be verymuch in control over her own destiny. I was honored to be selected as her firstMaster, but of course, I could not allow her to know that and I said,

"Spicey, I wanted to hear you say those words, not underduress, but of your own free will and from this day on, you are mine and onlymine. I will not share you, as some other Masters do with their subs, I willnot abuse your trust in me or punish you without due cause and now you canhave what you desired a few short minutes ago" I pulled her face towards myblood engorged penis and she lovingly engulfed me completely. She needed noinstruction on this and soon she was swallowing my hot sperm as if she didit every day of her life, which she would do, from now and forever onwards.

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The Interview

Introduction: Abi has the interview from hell to land her perfect job The Interview The alarm barely had time to sound before Abis hand darted at the off button. She was so used to waking up at 6.30 every morning that she no longer needed an alarm in truth. She preferred to start the working day abruptly however and so she used an alarm. As usual, Jason didnt even stir at the interruption to his slumber. She swung her bare legs out of bed and stretched silently. The sun was just starting to...

4 years ago
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Promotion Interview

Introduction: A year after being sandwiched by her partner and boss in hopes of a raise, Abby applies for a promotion, for which shell have raise the bar even higher. Things had been progressing pretty quickly all day, and they certainly werent slowing down once Abby came up to the side of the bed and undid the last button on her collared blouse, revealing her bra. That innocent white smile spread across her face as the equally white top slipped off the young girls arms and fell out of my sight...

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Promotion Interview

Things had been progressing pretty quickly all day, and they certainly weren't slowing down once Abby came up to the side of the bed and undid the last button on her collared blouse, revealing her bra. That innocent white smile spread across her face as the equally white top slipped off the young girl's arms and fell out of my sight to the hardwood floor of my bedroom. Next, Abby climbed onto the bed with me, one knee at a time, and shuffled toward me, having already left her shoes behind. I,...

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Promotion Interview

Disclaimer: I have posted this story on another site, but it truly is mine. Things had been progressing pretty quickly all day, and they certainly weren't slowing down once Abby came up to the side of the bed and undid the last button on her collared blouse, revealing her bra. That innocent white smile spread across her face as the equally white top slipped off the young girl's arms and fell out of my sight to the hardwood floor of my bedroom. Next, Abby climbed onto the bed with me, one knee...

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The Interview

When I answer the knock at the door, you are a bit startled. You had come for an interview, and my casual attire seems somewhat informal. It was odd enough I invited you to interview for the position in my hotel room. Now my appearance seems somewhat unprofessional. But you need the job, so you figure, why not… I show you in, direct you to one of two chairs facing each other. You sit and I ask if you’d like some tea. You respond that it would be lovely, and I leave to prepare it. As I do you...

3 years ago
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The Interview

When I answer the knock at the door, you are a bit startled. You had come for an interview, and my casual attire seems somewhat informal. It was odd enough I invited you to interview for the position in my hotel room. Now my appearance seems somewhat unprofessional. But you need the job, so you figure, why not…I show you in, direct you to one of two chairs facing each other. You sit and I ask if you’d like some tea. You respond that it would be lovely, and I leave to prepare it. As I...

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CHAPTER 1: THE JOB INTERVIEW “How is it you are applying for this position?” He had identified himself as Dan, the Human Resources Director for the Executive staff floor. “The position wasn’t listed in any open position publication, website or generally available to job recruiters. We generally expect these positions to take some time to generate a candidate or two.” I knew full well why he was asking. The position was definitely unique for an entry level Personal Assistant position. ...

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Job Interview

It was 9:25 on Thursday morning. I was in an elevator with eight other people on my way to the eleventh floor for a job interview. I’d been looking for a job ever since graduating third in my class with a bachelor of business, and even six months prior to that. I was hoping for an entry-level position with any sort of professional firm. All my professors had told me that I shouldn't have any difficulty in finding a job. Since I’d received that advice, however, the economy in Jamesville had...

Office Sex
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It was the day of sonali’s interview.She was a btech graduate who was desperate to get a job.She knew it was tough to get a job especially after doing just btech.She had already tried in many companies and she was not succesful.She had given up hope.But her friends advised her that its not that difficult for a girl,that too a luscious girl like her to get a job.They told her that its a reality that beautiful girls get jobs easily if they knew the way to get it.She was a real sexy hotty in her...

3 years ago
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Meagans Journey Into Business The Interview

Meagan was a brand-new graduate from business school. She struck out to find a job to put her new degree to work in the real world. She went to job interview after interview and was always offered jobs that weren’t too far from being a glorified secretary. She always said, “Thank you”, but in the end firmly said, “No thank you!” She was living on the last of her savings during the job hunt and was quickly reaching the end of her funds. She knew she might eventually have to take one of those...

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The Worlds First Futa 05 Futas Public Delight 3 Futas First Naughty Live Interview

Chapter Three: Futa's First Naughty Live Interview By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So I have a question for you, Becky,” Adelia said, her hand stroking my thigh with such a familiar fashion, “and I am sure all our viewers and in-studio audience are wondering the same thing.” “Shoot,” I said, my clit-dick aching beneath my skirt. I felt the eyes of the world on me at this exact moment even though Adelia leaned her caramel-hued face closer to me, invoking an intimacy...

4 years ago
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The Interview

Calvin was a junior reporter at one of the local newspapers in the city. He had only worked there for four months, and it was his first job after completing his college degree. Naturally, most of his assignments had been boring up to this point, but he knew that he had to cut his teeth and therefore, that was to be expected.After an arduous Wednesday, as he was finishing up his work at six p.m., his boss walked over to his desk and informed him that he would have to interview at seven o’clock...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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My Zoom Interview

So due to Covid-19, I’m unable to attend interviews in person. Therefore, I had a scheduled Zoom Interview. Usually I dress fairly revealing for interviews as that’s both fun and also helps me get the job and sometimes a little extra. This year I had all my interviews online via Zoom, 16 in total. I did dress fairly revealing for all of them so far. However, I was always distracted during them. For my last interview, I dressed up as usual. I wore a deep V-neck Lingerie slightly see through top...

2 years ago
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The Interview

The Interview: I've never had one, but I think I'm about to have a panic attack. I'm sitting at my computer in my disheveled bedroom, dresses and lingerie strewn across my bed, every pair of shoes that I own scattered on the floor, there is even one of my bras hanging from my dresser mirror. If I think hard, I may remember how my favorite piece of red lacy lingerie got there, but for now, that was the least of my concerns. In ten minutes, I am going to join a Zoom meeting and...

4 years ago
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The Interview

The Interview“Steve, are you going to be long?” Victoria shouted up the stairs. “You know it’s my first interview since I stopped working – and damn, am I nervous!” Her husband trotted down the stairs, an overbearingly silly grin on his face. “Hey babe – don’t get your knickers in a twist! You’ll be fine!” “Who says I’m wearing knickers!” pouted Vicky, as he headed toward her, his hands making groping motions. Steve stopped, looking his wife up and down, taking in the fitted suit, the black...

3 years ago
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The Interview

The Interview“Steve, are you going to be long?” Victoria shouted up the stairs. “You know it’s my first interview since I stopped working – and damn, am I nervous!” Her husband trotted down the stairs, an overbearingly silly grin on his face. “Hey babe – don’t get your knickers in a twist! You’ll be fine!” “Who says I’m wearing knickers!” pouted Vicky, as he headed toward her, his hands making groping motions. Steve stopped, looking his wife up and down, taking in the fitted suit, the black...

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The Interview

My wife, Lisa, and I met at the same workplace and, whilst it was years after, she told me about how she was hired. Lisa was 27 when she applied for the job and didn't think for one second she stood any chance of getting it. She was under qualified, at the time out of work and had no references but really wanted the job and saw it as a great opportunity to get other jobs of the same ilk once she got her foot in the door. The job in question was a call center operator for a large company based...

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Dione looked over enviously at the table of five girls at the top of the dining hall. It was her first week at this college - her parents had moved across the country and she had to go with them - and she was already missing the popularity she was used to. "That's the cheerleaders," said Mandy, her first, and currently only, friend. "The black girl, that's Lucille Marshall," she continued. "She's in charge." "Oh," replied Dione. "Are they popular then?" "Popular," exclaimed...

3 years ago
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Cyreelrsquos JOB Interview

I just want to make some clarifying statements, first this is a work of fiction and fantasy. All individuals are over the age of eighteen and all aspects is of consensual sex. As this is my first story I have written all constructive criticism is welcome please direct all comments to [email protected]’s JOB InterviewI am married to Cyreel my name is Jim Edwards my wife and I are 28, we met when I was working in the Philippines for a construction company. She was in college working on a...

4 years ago
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Sarahs Submission Ch 11 The Interview

--- Sarah put the Lush vibrator in her purse in a baggie in the morning on her way to school, despite misgivings over having to use the vibrator and worried about it going off in front of other people. Finding Jenny at school before class, she verified Jenny had hers as well. Sarah stressed to Jenny again the importance of following instructions to avoid even tougher punishments. Not having to wait long, she got her first instructional text from Mr. Michaels, ‘Lush in’, between the second...

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My Wifes Interview

The InterviewThe night had been quite a success. My wife, Wan, and I had come to a major hotel in the centre of Bangkok for a job interview. Why did my wife come when it is me when it is I who is the candidate for the job? Well the company has the policy of interviewing both the candidate and their spouse to make sure they fit the company culture.We met the HR Manager in the lobby and we went through to the bar come coffee shop. We ordered a meal and chatted as we waited for it to be delivered...

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The Interview

The night had been quite a success. My wife, Wan, and I had come to a major hotel in the centre of Bangkok for a job interview. Why did my wife come when it is me when it is I who is the candidate for the job? Well the company has the policy of interviewing both the candidate and their spouse to make sure they fit the company culture.We met the HR Manager in the lobby and we went through to the bar come coffee shop. We ordered a meal and chatted as we waited for it to be delivered to us. This...

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What Happened at the Interview

Sasha walked inside the office, dressed in only a few pieces of lace. Bright red was the color they had dressed her in, a push up bra and thong panties. A sheer red blouse covering her, down to her upper thighs ... hiding her secret for now ... from those who watched. That's what he wanted her to wear for him during her interview for the position. She had felt the dampness in her panties begin as soon as she'd slipped them on and waited to be taken to the bedroom. He wouldn't ever guess by...

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Sindhi Girl In Mechanical Engineering Interview

Tensions were sky-high as it was the placement season! Every person on the campus was in the library, talking to themselves answering made up interview questions, in the computer lab researching the companies, putting up a bold face when inside they were scared. Quite the opposite for me, I wasn’t scared of things like these, ever. I just thought, what is going to happen will happen and therefore no point in worrying about it. I anyway, was not a very bright student, nor was I particularly good...

2 years ago
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Part 1 The Interview

One word to describe Elodie Boutella: caramel! A soft candy made with sugar and cream heated until brown in color.Elodie is five-foot-five and has never weighed more than 121 pounds since she was eighteen. She has an incredibly athletic, slender build that curves in all the right places. Her natural 34DDD tits, wide hips, and thick thighs give her an astonishing 36-26-37 figure.Her eyes are bright green, like two perfectly polished emeralds. With a single glance, her dazzling eyes can hypnotize...

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Sarahs Job Interview

Sarah was returning home from another failed job interview. It was a hard time for her, as it was for many people her age. As a twenty year old girl, she was looking for an entry job in her field, but wasn't being successful in the interviews she attended to. Arriving home, she dropped off the purse on her bed and just laid down. She needed time to think about what was it that she was doing wrong during the interviews. She knew she was capable, but her being nervous to answer the questions was...

4 years ago
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Paying For College Prologue Ch 01 The Interview

PrologueMr. James was a private person. Few people knew his name or his wealth. He was also lonely, he had few friends and no sexual partners. He felt ashamed of his sexual proclivities, which were somewhat unusual. When he did allow himself to be intimate with a woman, he always regretted it. His desires were rarely fulfilled leaving his feeling empty and out of sorts.One day he was meeting with the CEO of a software company he recently acquired, and he met Maria. Maria was a college senior...

3 years ago
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Sky High Interview

It was early morning in New York City, everyone was running here and there on their way to work except Matt. Matt was 34 years old and on his way to a job interview after quitting his previous job die to some human resource issues. Hopefully he wouldn’t have any problems in this job.Reaching the building he looked up in awe. The building just kept on going as if it was climbing inti the sky, he had never been in such a tall building but after all this was new York! Approaching the receptionist...

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Mistress Dyvias The Interview

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of the following dot coms: lockedinlace, fictionmania, bdsmlibrary, literotica and mistressdyvia. An alternate version will most likely be available at mcstories in the near future. Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me. Contact me if you...

4 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias The Interview

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of,,, and  An alternate version will most likely be available at in the near future.  Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me.  Contact me if you wish...

3 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa Futas Public DelightsChapter 3 Futarsquos First Naughty Live Interview

April 17th, 2047 “So I have a question for you, Becky,” Adelia said, her hand stroking my thigh with such a familiar fashion, “and I am sure all our viewers and in-studio audience are wondering the same thing.” “Shoot,” I said, my clit-dick aching beneath my skirt. I felt the eyes of the world on me at this exact moment even though Adelia leaned her caramel-hued face closer to me, invoking an intimacy reinforced by our recent fucking during the commercial break. “Given your effect on women...

3 years ago
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Ritual Offerings The Interview

September 22nd, 1:30 p.m. I arrived at the Rosemary Psychiatric Institution, where I’ve been promised an interview with a patient who was admitted over two years ago, and whose mental condition remains unchanged. It’s my hope to learn more about the conditions of her admittance, as the media would only say it was of an ‘occult nature’. Those words were what first got my attention. I was a man with a dream of one day becoming a recognised paranormal investigator, but thus far, had only ever...

2 years ago
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Wifes job interview

I'm not sure how or why but somehow I met and married the woman of my dreams. Not only is my wife Joyce hot but she also loves to try new things. Even though I married one of the sexiest women that I have ever known, lately I've been having these fantasies about my wife with other men.Now Joyce works in professional offices and has to wear skirts with hosiery. Every time that I watch her dress I think about how kinky it would be if she got some at work. On this day, Joyce was getting ready for...

1 year ago
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My nursing interview

I had to attend the interview straight after my shift, upstairs in the hospital boardroom with 4 senior consultants. I had brought a spare uniform to change into, freshly ironed with a little starch to keep it looking crisp and neat. I walked into the room, at the end was a large table and behind it sat the 4 consultants - 1 woman, 3 men - 1 of the men was a very senior Pakistani and the other 2 were probably 60+ and had been eminent surgeons, the lady was around 45, well dressed and obviously...

Cheating Wifes
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The Interview

The one thing I have found about being married these past two years is, staying at home all day is just down right boring. I never in a million years would have thought this in my wildest dreams I would get bored doing nothing, day after day after day, yet here I am doing just that. In the mornings when I read the paper from front to back, I never, ever looked in the want ads section of the paper. But like I said I am just bored. I am curious to see what kind of jobs are available, maybe if...

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Craigslist Chronicles Ch 08 Job Interview

dominate masc executive looking for 'fun' interview - 38 Looking for a come hungry slut to suck me off and then take my hard cock in the office. I am conducting interviews all day Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for a position within my company. Looking for a break, and to live out a fantasy of mine... Come in professionally dressed with a resume in hand. The interview will be at the end of the day, so few people in the office. I have one open interview spot for Tuesday at 4 PM....

3 years ago
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Sky High Interview

It was early morning in New York City, everyone was running here and there on their way to work except Matt. Matt was 34 years old and on his way to a job interview after quitting his previous job die to some human resource issues. Hopefully he wouldn’t have any problems in this job. Reaching the building he looked up in awe. The building just kept on going as if it was climbing inti the sky, he had never been in such a tall building but after all this was new York! Approaching the receptionist...

4 years ago
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Job interview

When these events took place, my wife was 28 and I just passed thirtie. Like many others, I've fantasized about my wife being used by other men but I was too much of a pussy to actually tell her about it. I finally decided to try to make something happen after reading a fantasy cuckold story online. In the story, a guy put an ad online directing men to his girlfriend's resume and some erotic photos of her. He then asked the men to invite his girlfriend to an interview where they could ask her...

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A Job Interview

Hi, I am here to tell a story about a village girl named Ranjitha. She was 23 and was very attractive. She had a good sexy body. By seeing her itself the guys will lick their tongue thinking of fucking her. But she was very calm and shy person. She didn’t want to expose her body to any other, that was clearly understood by the way she wears. In her home her brother and her grandma was there, parents died in an accident. She finished degree course, but unfortunately she failed in two...

2 years ago
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The Job Interview

The Job InterviewHelene finished breakfast, then went back to the bedroom. Discarding her robe, she sat at the vanity and put on her make-up. As she did, she recalled the phone conversation the day before. Mr. Hargreaves of Construction Connection had sounded perfectly professional, but one or two things gave Helene reason to think carefully about how to prepare for her job interview. Hargreaves had asked about her experience, computer skills, wpm, and all that, but he’d also been very careful...

Straight Sex
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Baseball Player To Baseball Wife Chapter 5 The Interview

Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter 5 The Interview The week between her transformation and her job interview was like a vacation for Gina. She enjoyed trying on all of her new clothes, changing clothes several times a day. An unexpected thrill for Gina was shopping in the stores at UTC and Del MarHighlands and going to the women's departments and trying on clothes.She loved picking out several articles of clothing and going into the dressing room and trying on outfit after outfit....

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Support Interview

I was using an online dating site to appease my hidden desire to be another man's sex slave. I won't mention which site. It matters little. At any rate I began conversing with a man who had sent me an email on the site with a photo of his cock and balls. The subject line was 'Hi Slut!" and the body of the message was equally blunt."I am in need of a slave to serve my needs. You may apply for the position."It got my heart racing and my cock swelling. I am sure the bluntness of the message was...

3 years ago
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Sex Adventures Of HR Trainer 8211 Interview

Hi everyone myself Maddy currently working in Chennai as hr . I’m a person who love sex always I never forced a girl for sex also never missed a chance to enjoy. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories enjoying stories posted here. This is my third story and more to come. Thanks for your comments on my previous stories boys please don’t think they are sluts and asking contacts , girls if you interested lets chat ping me in hangouts kindly pardon my mistakes send your feedback Let’s come to...

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Lisas Interview

Lisa's InterviewThe evening was pleasant. A warm breeze cooled the deck, and dinner was served to the 6 couples aboard the yacht. Light chatter and laughter could be heard by the four men in the smaller boat anchored 100 yards off the starboard bow, unseen in the dark. After observing the yacht for an hour, the leader, Albert, noted that there were only three crew aboard, one a woman. Albert and his men thought of themselves as pirates, but they were slavers. As the dinner drew to a close with...

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Debbies Job Interview

Debbie's job interview.  Part (1/?) (F, bond, light)By Molly SCopyright (c) Molly S.  This story may be distributedso long as no charge is made and the text remainsunaltered.  For any other use [email protected] welcome, let me know if you want more!=======================================================    F, bond, light    It contains material that some people may find    offensive.    This work is a piece of fiction.  The author    does not condone any of the actions...

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Slut wife the interview

Please read the first 2 "slut wife" stories before this 1.As Sarah shut down the laptop she felt another glib of cum trickle down her face, she knew she must look a cum covered mess so she stood up to check herself out in the dining room mirror. What she saw amazed her. Her once clean and beautiful wedding dress was now crumpled and had obvious stains where cum had been sprayed over it, mainly over the chest area. Her makeup was smeared and as cum trickled through it made it stain her face even...

2 years ago
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Slut wife The interview

Please read the first 2 "slut wife" stories before this 1. As Sarah shut down the laptop she felt another glob of cum trickle down her face, she knew she must look a cum covered mess so she stood up to check herself out in the dining room mirror. What she saw amazed her. Her once clean and beautiful wedding dress was now crumpled and had obvious stains where cum had been sprayed over it, mainly over the chest area. Her makeup was smeared and as cum trickled through it made it stain her face...

3 years ago
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The Interview

He sat bored at his desk, damn being in early for interviews. He hated having to wear a tie, especially so early in the morning.He picked up the resume and scanned it. This candidate was meeting most of what he needed and the phone interview was great, in fact the memory of her voice made him twinge a little in his suit pants, it had taken all of his concentration to keep that interview on track and the HR officer not being able to see his massive hard on.Standing and putting on his jacket he...

4 years ago
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My First Job 8211 The Interview

By : Beast Of The Fall Hi all, This is my first story here and I’d really appreciate some feedback. First up, some introductions – I’m Rahul X and I’m from, well, India (let’s not stereotype ourselves, shall we?). The following story is a true account, but the names of the characters have been fictionalized to protect their identities. This was narrated to me by a very special friend and I’m going to tell it in her own words. Now, let’s get on with the story. My name is Rashmi. I am from a...

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The Chauffeur1the Interview

BY: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2018 CHAPTER 1 I never thought that at 40 I would be divorced. I have a great son, that I don’t get much time to see. I have the usual bills like mortgage, car payment, and now, child support. Somehow, it just doesn’t seem fair that the innocent party in a divorce gets raked over the coals by family court. I have no objection paying child support. However, in my state men almost always lose. To keep up my bills, I was forced to look for a part time job. I work...

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The Interview

The interview was going well.The questions had all been handled very well. The interview panel had nodded in all the right places, all her right answers.Apart from a few glances down to her extremely short skirt (Jo did feel like maybe her stocking tops were maybe just visible beneath the hemline of that skirt…) everything was just fine."So, all that leaves me to ask is… er, can we see those tits?” The interviewer calmly stated.She was slightly taken aback. Did she hear that correctly?“Yes. We...

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The Interview

Liza sat in a leather chair in the reception area. There was no one else in the room so she looked around at the small cozy spot. There were large comfortable chairs on two sides of the room with large greenery in the corners. She knew it would be a matter of minutes before she began her call-back interview.She was slightly more nervous than when she had her first interview. When she had arrived the first time for the personal assistant position there had been several other women also waiting...

Office Sex
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A New JobPart 1 The Interview

I had been working as a top executive for a start up Internet Company. When the market fell, we were unable to raise capital. We found ourselves having to dissolve our enterprise. We were deep in debt and without jobs. Though holding an MBA from the University of Chicago, I found myself in the lines of the unemployed, over qualified and not marketable. After a year of resume rejection and with my unemployment benefits running out, I became desperate. I needed work.It was when I was at my lowest...

4 years ago
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The Interview

Leah was desperate for a job and had been applying all over for everything from sales to PA. After countless rejections, she opened her email to find an invite to an interview for a PA to a Director vacancy, one she had applied for but a week earlier. She opened it and took the details then replied to confirm her attendance. On the day of the interview and keen to impress, Leah dressed powerfully in her best suit which accentuated her ample bosom from the silky smooth lines of her long slender...

4 years ago
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The Interview

Leah was desperate for a job and had been applying all over for everything from sales to PA. After countless rejections, she opened her email to find an invite to an interview for a PA to a Director vacancy; one she had applied for but a week earlier.She opened it and took the details then replied to confirm her attendance. On the day of the interview and keen to impress, Leah dressed powerfully in her best suit which accentuated her ample bosom from the silky smooth lines of her long slender...

2 years ago
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The Interview

The Interview I was a bit of a geek in High School. Sure, I was a cheerleader, but I loved my classes too. Especially math. When it was time to go to college, I decided I wanted to teach math. In spite of my roommate and her turning me into a slut in college, I still graduated with decent grades. Now it was time to put my college life as a slut behind me. The problem was, in Texas funding for schools had been cut the month before I graduated. Teachers were being laid off all across the state. I...

4 years ago
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The Interview

The Interview I was a bit of a geek in High School. Sure, I was a cheerleader, but I loved my classes too. Especially math. When it was time to go to college, I decided I wanted to teach math. In spite of my roommate and her turning me into a slut in college, I still graduated with decent grades. Now it was time to put my college life as a slut behind me. The problem was, in Texas funding for schools had been cut the month before I graduated. Teachers were being laid off all across the state. I...

2 years ago
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The Interview

There was a job for a personal assistant that sounded like an ideal opportunity to get back into work. Our kids were old enough to look after themselves for a couple hours after school until I got home and the job was less than a mile from home in Overland Park, Kansas City. Wanting to look my best for the interview, I changed three times before I was satisfied. My best skirt suit was very professional in my opinion. But after the way Greg stared every time I wore it I began to think it might...


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