My First Job interview
- 3 years ago
- 45
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Debbie's job interview. Part (1/?) (F, bond, light)
By Molly S
Copyright (c) Molly S. This story may be distributed
so long as no charge is made and the text remains
unaltered. For any other use contact
Comments welcome, let me know if you want more!
F, bond, light
It contains material that some people may find
This work is a piece of fiction. The author
does not condone any of the actions herein.
Debbie came in IRC one day trolling. I decided to
find out a bit more and got this fantasy. I'm not sure
if Debbie was genuine or not but whatever the case I
thought it would make a story.
Debbie, sorry for nicking your idea without asking you
(don't you just feel so used!). I don't know how to
contact you. If you e-mail me, I'm sure I can think
of some way to make it up to you ;)
*debbie* My fantasy--->
*debbie* I go to a job interview as a "products tester"
and it turns out to be testing bondage gear including
punishment devices like exercise equipment etc.
*debbie* What makes me heaps excited is that I don't
get forced but bribed and tricked with things like
fake pics of my friends doing it and pics of it in a
classy magazine (faked)
*debbie* I have to "test" things like
*debbie* -clamps in all different places
*debbie* -latex suits
*debbie* -long patent leather boots and gloves
*debbie* -breast bondage devices including suction
*debbie* -gags
*debbie* -anal items
*debbie* -vagina items
*debbie* -forced feeding through a gag
*debbie* but it all has to be done like a proper
interview not "now I have you" sort of thing, I am
naive. And I always have choices, like 1.gag 2.
breast suction or 3.butt plug testing.
*debbie* I am excited about latex suits with
removable panels and devices placed on my body,
but always with a good reason to do it, testing
*debbie* I am 18 years old 5'8" slim 62kg long
blonde hair green eyes dd cup bra
"Hold all my calls Ann. Thank you."
Sean poured himself a fresh cup of coffee took off his
jacket and loosened his tie. He rotated round in his
executive leather chair and put his feet up on the
window still of his corner office. It had been a busy
morning of staff meetings, meetings with customers
and meetings about meetings. He relaxed a bit and
mulled over a CV. He picked up the phone and called
"Hi Sara, just wanted to touch base with you about the
Debbie Larson CV. Yes. I just read it. No. Sure.
I thought that experience was especially relevant. I'd
definatly agree with you there. We should get her in
for an interview. Great. Tuesday morning sound good?
Excellent, I'll get Amy to arrange it. Laters."
"Amy, get Debbie Larson in Tuesday A.M. and tell Frank
to find out everything we can about her. Cheers."
The KSD Enterprises building in London's docklands was
very impressive. Debbie looked up at the high rise
glass fronted building with a sense of awe. She
watched some people leaving the building and wondered
what they did. She realized that she didn't actually
know very much about KSD. She didn't know what
services they provided or what products they
manufactured, except that they needed a products
tester and that was her dream career.
She had been given the lead by her best friend Claire
who worked at KSD as a office administrator and Claire
had always been strangly cagey about what they did.
However, she always seemed strangly eager to go to work
so that was a very good sign.
Debbie entered the building and went through to
"Hi, I'm Debbie Larson. I'm here for an interview at
"Ah yes Miss Larson, we've been expecting you. I'll
let Mr Adams know you're here. If you could sign in
here and I'll print your visitors pass."
Debbie signed her name the book while the receiptionst
printed out a pass. The receptionist handed her a
strange looking item of clothing. It looked like a
corset. Debbie gave the receptionst a strange look.
"It's just a piece of saftey clothing."
"Why do I have to wear it?"
"You'll be visiting the products testing area during
your interview and that is needed to comply with health
and saftey regulations. Don't worry the area is quite
safe, it's just a precaution. There is a changing
booth in the ladies room, just go down the hall and
it's on the left."
Debbie stood for a minute looking at the rather unusual
corset thinking it must be some kind of joke but the
receptionist looked like she didn't think anything out
of the ordinary about it so it must have been OK.
Debbie headed for the ladies room.
Debbie slipped out of her smart business suit and spun
the saftey corset round working out which way it should
go. She had never touched, much less put on a corset
before. It seemed to be made of a very thin material
like latex. She realized that it wouldn't show
through her business suit except for some strange
attachments sewn in. She wondered what sort of dangers
it would be protecting her from.
She slipped the corset on snapped on the catches. She
noticed the devices sewn in lined up with her crotch
and nipples. Debbie started to worry and thought
about taking the thing off. It was then she realized
that there was no obvious way to undo the catches.
Thinking that they'd tell her how to undo them later
she got dressed and went back to reception. The
receptionist was grinning inanely at her.
"Good, Miss Larson." Debbie sensed the receptionist
had taken a more superior tone with her. "Mr. Adams is
delayed in a meeting for ten minutes. The hospitality
area is on the 30th floor, you can go there to keep
yourself entertained while you wait. Your saftey suit
contains a pager. It will vibrate when Mr. Adams is
ready for you, his office is on the top floor. Lifts
are down the hall."
Debbie smiled at the receptionist and headed for the
lifts. After a rather long wait the lift door opened.
Debbie was suprised to find KSD Enterprises had lift
"Which floor would you like maam?"
"I'm going to the hospitality area on the 30th floor."
"Right you are maam. Lifts are running a bit slow
today maam but don't worry." The doors closed.
"Maam, I've noticed your saftey suit is not quite on
right. Let me help you adjust it."
Debbie took a step back and felt a sense of panic as
the lift attendant put out his hands towards here.
"It's OK maam, don't worry I'm trained to do this. The
saftey suit must be adjusted to give you proper
Well, it sounded like a plausible explanation so she
let the attendant turn her around and he stood behind
her back and reached around. He started picking at
the top of the corset just above her breasts adjusting
the way it sat. Debbie noticed the elevator was indeed
quite slow and after what seemed like a half a minute
they were still only passing the 5th floor.
Debbie was about to stop the attendant after he'd been
fiddling for what must have been over a minute.
"Oh dear maam. They seem to have given you the wrong
size. That will never to. It won't be right
Debbie was kinda disheartened at having to go spend
another few minutes in the lift getting back down to
reception, getting redressed and going up with the
sleazy lift attendant again.
"Listen it's OK, I know how I can solve this without
you getting another suit. I can just jiggle you a bit
and make the suit fit."
Debbie's eyes with wide with astonishment. He was
going to do _what_ ? She was about to slap the lift
attendant when he pulled out a his wallet and showed
her a card. It said 'licensed saftey suit adjustor'.
She was rather astoninshed and in her bewilderment just
stood there while the lift attendant took her full
breasts in his hands and bounced them up and down for
the rest of the ride.
"Thirtieth floor maam."
The doors opened and the lift person just stood there
in his lift person uniform looking just like everything
was normal. Debbie walked slowly to the hospitaility
area trying to comprehend what was happening.
Debbie entered the hospitality room. The girl at the
hospitality reception jumped up to intercept her.
"Hi there, are you a visitor? You don't have your
visitors pass on."
"Oh yes." The saftey suit had distracted Debbie and
she forget that the girl at the main reception hadn't
given her a pass. "I forget to take one."
"Don't worry," chirped the girl, "I can give you one
The receptionist girl hapilly skipped back to her
desk and brought out a studded leather collar. She
skipped back to where Debbie stood and started to put
the collar on her.
"What the hell is that!" she exclaimed.
"It's a visitors pass. It just a security device that
lets you in parts of the building with the security
guards being alerted."
"But, but, but it's a dogs collar!"
"Oh we're just trying these out. They're more
fashionable then the boring old security tags and
easier to see."
"That just doesn't seem right."
The receptionist pointed over to another couple of
people across the room who clearly looked like visitors
coming for a business meeting and they too were wearing
the same visitors passes.
Debbie thought about leaving but figured she needed the
job and the collar wasn't that freaky. She nodded 'OK'
and let the hospitality girl put the collar around her
"Make yourself at home here, we've tried to create a
pleasant environment where our guests can relax.
There are plenty of things to keep you entertained
while you wait. I'm your hostess for today. If there
is _anything you need please don't hesitate to ask."
Debbie frowned at the way the girl had said 'anything'
wondering if she had put some hidden meaning behind it.
The hospitality room was a large area in the corner
of the tall skyscraper. The walls were made of glass
and it was possible to see out over the city. A few
half cubicles were placed around the outside and a
number of activity tables. There was a bar and snack
shop on one side and tables and chairs in the center.
Debbie went over to the bar to get a drink to calm her
"I'll have a large gin and tonic, please."
The waiter quickly mixed her drink and poured it into
a funny looking device before placing it in front of
"What's that strange thing?" asked Debbie.
"It's a new type of cup. We'll all be using them one
day. There's no spillage and it leaves both your hands
free to have other things done to th... err to do
other things."
Debbie frowned at the barman.
"Here I'll show you." The barman took another 'cup'
and filled it with water. "Musn't be drinking on the
job eh?" he winked. The device consisted of a
cylindrical canister which held the drink. A tube
extended from the lid and ended in a rubber ball with
straps on.
The barman put the rubber ball in his mouth and tied
the straps behind his head. He pushed a button on the
canister and stood there smiling at Debbie drinking his
water. He waved his hands around showing that indeed
he had use of both of his hands.
Debbie looked at the barman and although he looked
kinda ridiculous she could see some advantage in the
new type of cup. She remembered all those times she
when she was studying at university and she could have
been writing notes instead of having to pick her mug
up for a drink. She remembered all those times when
she wanted some liquid refreshment while having sex.
The barman had drunk all the water and started going
about his business still with the cup attached.
Debbie inserted the rubber ball into her mouth and
did the straps up. She nervously pressed the button
on the canister. As the button pressed down she heard
a click on the straps behind her head and the locked
shut. Next the rubber ball started to inflate sealing
it into her mouth.
Then the liquid started pumping into her mouth. At
first Debbie didn't want to drink. It felt so weird.
She realized there was nothing she could do about it so
she swallowed the liquid. The gin and tonic was being
pumped into her mouth at a managable slow, but firm
rate. She couldn't do anything to stop the liquid or
speed it up.
After half the canister had emptied Debbie felt she
had enough, but the canister kept pumping. Debbie
fought to contol her gag reflex as the liquid was
pumped down her throat. Her face turned red and she
caught the barmans attention pleading with her eyes for
help. The barman just smiled.
When Debbie had drunk all her drink the rubber ball
deflated and the straps unclipped. She was glad to
get the 'cup' off her. She looked for the barman to
complain to him, but he was gone.
Debbie sat down at one of the tables for a minute to
recover from the drink. Just as she had regianed her
composure Debbies's pager went off. The pager was
built into the saftey suit. The device was sewn into
the gusset of the corset and pressed up against her
Debbie jumped up in fright at her crotch being
violated and entertained the hospitality staff by
dancing round while trying to bat away the pager. The
first girl came back and explained that it was the
pager and it was time for her interview. Debbie
felt more relaxed now that she there was a proper
explanation of what was happening. The pager had
stopped anyway.
Debbie sat down to catch her breath. The hospitality
girl went back to her desk. Debbie headed for the
She was alone again with the lift attendant but this
time he ignored her. She stood away at the back of
the lift and he stood at the front, facing the door.
The pager went off again.
Debbie tried to stand still but the vibrations with
working their magic on her clit and she started to
squirm around. She noticed the lift was going up far
too slowly. They had only gone up 2 floors and there
were 25 more to go.
She squirmed to try and get away from the vibrating
pager but it was no use. She wondered if the lift
attendant had noticed. After another couple of floors
Debbie decided to stand still incase the lift man
noticed her fidgeting.
After a few more floors Debbie noticed she was getting
very wet and she was sure the lift man could smell
something was up. Her face was becoming flushed and
she desperatly needed to get out of the lift.
Fortunatly the lift only took 3 minutes to reach the
top floor and by then Debbie was only slightly a mess.
Her hair was sweaty and she worried about making a
damp patch when she sat down.
Debbie was relieved to get out when Ann, Mr Adams
personal assisstant came out to meet her.
"Hello Mr Larson, welcome. I'm Ann, Mr Adamas
assistant. Mr Adams is ready to see you. Please
take your shoes off. We are just like the Japanese
here and wear indoor shoes inside."
Debbie removed her shoes and Ann handed her a pair of
rubber slippers. She put them on and buckled them
up. She noticed the catches on them were the same as
the ones on her saftey corset and she couldn't remove
them either.
Debbie was shown through to Sean's office.
To be continued ...
(in order of appearance)
Sean JOE
Ann Carol
Receptionist SARA
Lift attendant LOU
Hospitality girl CANDICE
(c) 2002 MOLLY S
*debbie* I go to a job interview as a "products tester"
and it turns out to be testing bondage gear including
punishment devices like exercise equipment etc.
*debbie* What makes me heaps excited is that I don't
get forced but bribed and tricked with things like
fake pics of my friends doing it and pics of it in a
classy magazine (faked)
*debbie* I have to "test" things like
*debbie* -clamps in all different places
*debbie* -latex suits
*debbie* -long patent leather boots and gloves
*debbie* -breast bondage devices including suction
*debbie* -gags
*debbie* -anal items
*debbie* -vagina items
*debbie* -forced feeding through a gag
*debbie* but it all has to be done like a proper
interview not "now I have you" sort of thing, I am
naive. And I always have choices, like 1.gag 2.
breast suction or 3.butt plug testing.
*debbie* I am excited about latex suits with
removable panels and devices placed on my body,
but always with a good reason to do it, testing
*debbie* I am 18 years old 5'8" slim 62kg long
blonde hair green eyes dd cup bra
"Hold all my calls Ann. Thank you."
Sean poured himself a fresh cup of coffee took off his
jacket and loosened his tie. He rotated round in his
executive leather chair and put his feet up on the
window still of his corner office. It had been a busy
morning of staff meetings, meetings with customers
and meetings about meetings. He relaxed a bit and
mulled over a CV. He picked up the phone and called
"Hi Sara, just wanted to touch base with you about the
Debbie Larson CV. Yes. I just read it. No. Sure.
I thought that experience was especially relevant. I'd
definatly agree with you there. We should get her in
for an interview. Great. Tuesday morning sound good?
Excellent, I'll get Amy to arrange it. Laters."
"Amy, get Debbie Larson in Tuesday A.M. and tell Frank
to find out everything we can about her. Cheers."
The KSD Enterprises building in London's docklands was
very impressive. Debbie looked up at the high rise
glass fronted building with a sense of awe. She
watched some people leaving the building and wondered
what they did. She realized that she didn't actually
know very much about KSD. She didn't know what
services they provided or what products they
manufactured, except that they needed a products
tester and that was her dream career.
She had been given the lead by her best friend Claire
who worked at KSD as a office administrator and Claire
had always been strangly cagey about what they did.
However, she always seemed strangly eager to go to work
so that was a very good sign.
Debbie entered the building and went through to
"Hi, I'm Debbie Larson. I'm here for an interview at
"Ah yes Miss Larson, we've been expecting you. I'll
let Mr Adams know you're here. If you could sign in
here and I'll print your visitors pass."
Debbie signed her name the book while the receiptionst
printed out a pass. The receptionist handed her a
strange looking item of clothing. It looked like a
corset. Debbie gave the receptionst a strange look.
"It's just a piece of saftey clothing."
"Why do I have to wear it?"
"You'll be visiting the products testing area during
your interview and that is needed to comply with health
and saftey regulations. Don't worry the area is quite
safe, it's just a precaution. There is a changing
booth in the ladies room, just go down the hall and
it's on the left."
Debbie stood for a minute looking at the rather unusual
corset thinking it must be some kind of joke but the
receptionist looked like she didn't think anything out
of the ordinary about it so it must have been OK.
Debbie headed for the ladies room.
Debbie slipped out of her smart business suit and spun
the saftey corset round working out which way it should
go. She had never touched, much less put on a corset
before. It seemed to be made of a very thin material
like latex. She realized that it wouldn't show
through her business suit except for some strange
attachments sewn in. She wondered what sort of dangers
it would be protecting her from.
She slipped the corset on snapped on the catches. She
noticed the devices sewn in lined up with her crotch
and nipples. Debbie started to worry and thought
about taking the thing off. It was then she realized
that there was no obvious way to undo the catches.
Thinking that they'd tell her how to undo them later
she got dressed and went back to reception. The
receptionist was grinning inanely at her.
"Good, Miss Larson." Debbie sensed the receptionist
had taken a more superior tone with her. "Mr. Adams is
delayed in a meeting for ten minutes. The hospitality
area is on the 30th floor, you can go there to keep
yourself entertained while you wait. Your saftey suit
contains a pager. It will vibrate when Mr. Adams is
ready for you, his office is on the top floor. Lifts
are down the hall."
Debbie smiled at the receptionist and headed for the
lifts. After a rather long wait the lift door opened.
Debbie was suprised to find KSD Enterprises had lift
"Which floor would you like maam?"
"I'm going to the hospitality area on the 30th floor."
"Right you are maam. Lifts are running a bit slow
today maam but don't worry." The doors closed.
"Maam, I've noticed your saftey suit is not quite on
right. Let me help you adjust it."
Debbie took a step back and felt a sense of panic as
the lift attendant put out his hands towards here.
"It's OK maam, don't worry I'm trained to do this. The
saftey suit must be adjusted to give you proper
Well, it sounded like a plausible explanation so she
let the attendant turn her around and he stood behind
her back and reached around. He started picking at
the top of the corset just above her breasts adjusting
the way it sat. Debbie noticed the elevator was indeed
quite slow and after what seemed like a half a minute
they were still only passing the 5th floor.
Debbie was about to stop the attendant after he'd been
fiddling for what must have been over a minute.
"Oh dear maam. They seem to have given you the wrong
size. That will never to. It won't be right
Debbie was kinda disheartened at having to go spend
another few minutes in the lift getting back down to
reception, getting redressed and going up with the
sleazy lift attendant again.
"Listen it's OK, I know how I can solve this without
you getting another suit. I can just jiggle you a bit
and make the suit fit."
Debbie's eyes with wide with astonishment. He was
going to do _what_ ? She was about to slap the lift
attendant when he pulled out a his wallet and showed
her a card. It said 'licensed saftey suit adjustor'.
She was rather astoninshed and in her bewilderment just
stood there while the lift attendant took her full
breasts in his hands and bounced them up and down for
the rest of the ride.
"Thirtieth floor maam."
The doors opened and the lift person just stood there
in his lift person uniform looking just like everything
was normal. Debbie walked slowly to the hospitaility
area trying to comprehend what was happening.
Debbie entered the hospitality room. The girl at the
hospitality reception jumped up to intercept her.
"Hi there, are you a visitor? You don't have your
visitors pass on."
"Oh yes." The saftey suit had distracted Debbie and
she forget that the girl at the main reception hadn't
given her a pass. "I forget to take one."
"Don't worry," chirped the girl, "I can give you one
The receptionist girl hapilly skipped back to her
desk and brought out a studded leather collar. She
skipped back to where Debbie stood and started to put
the collar on her.
"What the hell is that!" she exclaimed.
"It's a visitors pass. It just a security device that
lets you in parts of the building with the security
guards being alerted."
"But, but, but it's a dogs collar!"
"Oh we're just trying these out. They're more
fashionable then the boring old security tags and
easier to see."
"That just doesn't seem right."
The receptionist pointed over to another couple of
people across the room who clearly looked like visitors
coming for a business meeting and they too were wearing
the same visitors passes.
Debbie thought about leaving but figured she needed the
job and the collar wasn't that freaky. She nodded 'OK'
and let the hospitality girl put the collar around her
"Make yourself at home here, we've tried to create a
pleasant environment where our guests can relax.
There are plenty of things to keep you entertained
while you wait. I'm your hostess for today. If there
is _anything you need please don't hesitate to ask."
Debbie frowned at the way the girl had said 'anything'
wondering if she had put some hidden meaning behind it.
The hospitality room was a large area in the corner
of the tall skyscraper. The walls were made of glass
and it was possible to see out over the city. A few
half cubicles were placed around the outside and a
number of activity tables. There was a bar and snack
shop on one side and tables and chairs in the center.
Debbie went over to the bar to get a drink to calm her
"I'll have a large gin and tonic, please."
The waiter quickly mixed her drink and poured it into
a funny looking device before placing it in front of
"What's that strange thing?" asked Debbie.
"It's a new type of cup. We'll all be using them one
day. There's no spillage and it leaves both your hands
free to have other things done to th... err to do
other things."
Debbie frowned at the barman.
"Here I'll show you." The barman took another 'cup'
and filled it with water. "Musn't be drinking on the
job eh?" he winked. The device consisted of a
cylindrical canister which held the drink. A tube
extended from the lid and ended in a rubber ball with
straps on.
The barman put the rubber ball in his mouth and tied
the straps behind his head. He pushed a button on the
canister and stood there smiling at Debbie drinking his
water. He waved his hands around showing that indeed
he had use of both of his hands.
Debbie looked at the barman and although he looked
kinda ridiculous she could see some advantage in the
new type of cup. She remembered all those times she
when she was studying at university and she could have
been writing notes instead of having to pick her mug
up for a drink. She remembered all those times when
she wanted some liquid refreshment while having sex.
The barman had drunk all the water and started going
about his business still with the cup attached.
Debbie inserted the rubber ball into her mouth and
did the straps up. She nervously pressed the button
on the canister. As the button pressed down she heard
a click on the straps behind her head and the locked
shut. Next the rubber ball started to inflate sealing
it into her mouth.
Then the liquid started pumping into her mouth. At
first Debbie didn't want to drink. It felt so weird.
She realized there was nothing she could do about it so
she swallowed the liquid. The gin and tonic was being
pumped into her mouth at a managable slow, but firm
rate. She couldn't do anything to stop the liquid or
speed it up.
After half the canister had emptied Debbie felt she
had enough, but the canister kept pumping. Debbie
fought to contol her gag reflex as the liquid was
pumped down her throat. Her face turned red and she
caught the barmans attention pleading with her eyes for
help. The barman just smiled.
When Debbie had drunk all her drink the rubber ball
deflated and the straps unclipped. She was glad to
get the 'cup' off her. She looked for the barman to
complain to him, but he was gone.
Debbie sat down at one of the tables for a minute to
recover from the drink. Just as she had regianed her
composure Debbies's pager went off. The pager was
built into the saftey suit. The device was sewn into
the gusset of the corset and pressed up against her
Debbie jumped up in fright at her crotch being
violated and entertained the hospitality staff by
dancing round while trying to bat away the pager. The
first girl came back and explained that it was the
pager and it was time for her interview. Debbie
felt more relaxed now that she there was a proper
explanation of what was happening. The pager had
stopped anyway.
Debbie sat down to catch her breath. The hospitality
girl went back to her desk. Debbie headed for the
She was alone again with the lift attendant but this
time he ignored her. She stood away at the back of
the lift and he stood at the front, facing the door.
The pager went off again.
Debbie tried to stand still but the vibrations with
working their magic on her clit and she started to
squirm around. She noticed the lift was going up far
too slowly. They had only gone up 2 floors and there
were 25 more to go.
She squirmed to try and get away from the vibrating
pager but it was no use. She wondered if the lift
attendant had noticed. After another couple of floors
Debbie decided to stand still incase the lift man
noticed her fidgeting.
After a few more floors Debbie noticed she was getting
very wet and she was sure the lift man could smell
something was up. Her face was becoming flushed and
she desperatly needed to get out of the lift.
Fortunatly the lift only took 3 minutes to reach the
top floor and by then Debbie was only slightly a mess.
Her hair was sweaty and she worried about making a
damp patch when she sat down.
Debbie was relieved to get out when Ann, Mr Adams
personal assisstant came out to meet her.
"Hello Mr Larson, welcome. I'm Ann, Mr Adamas
assistant. Mr Adams is ready to see you. Please
take your shoes off. We are just like the Japanese
here and wear indoor shoes inside."
Debbie removed her shoes and Ann handed her a pair of
rubber slippers. She put them on and buckled them
up. She noticed the catches on them were the same as
the ones on her saftey corset and she couldn't remove
them either.
Debbie was shown through to Sean's office.
To be continued ...
(in order of appearance)
Sean JOE
Ann Carol
Receptionist SARA
Lift attendant LOU
Hospitality girl CANDICE
(c) 2002 MOLLY S
-->It was 9:25 on Thursday morning. I was in an elevator with eight other people on my way to the eleventh floor for a job interview. I’d been looking for a job ever since graduating third in my class with a bachelor of business, and even six months prior to that. I was hoping for an entry-level position with any sort of professional firm. All my professors had told me that I shouldn't have any difficulty in finding a job. Since I’d received that advice, however, the economy in Jamesville had...
Office SexI'm not sure how or why but somehow I met and married the woman of my dreams. Not only is my wife Joyce hot but she also loves to try new things. Even though I married one of the sexiest women that I have ever known, lately I've been having these fantasies about my wife with other men.Now Joyce works in professional offices and has to wear skirts with hosiery. Every time that I watch her dress I think about how kinky it would be if she got some at work. On this day, Joyce was getting ready for...
The Job InterviewHelene finished breakfast, then went back to the bedroom. Discarding her robe, she sat at the vanity and put on her make-up. As she did, she recalled the phone conversation the day before. Mr. Hargreaves of Construction Connection had sounded perfectly professional, but one or two things gave Helene reason to think carefully about how to prepare for her job interview. Hargreaves had asked about her experience, computer skills, wpm, and all that, but he’d also been very careful...
Straight SexSarah was returning home from another failed job interview. It was a hard time for her, as it was for many people her age. As a twenty year old girl, she was looking for an entry job in her field, but wasn't being successful in the interviews she attended to. Arriving home, she dropped off the purse on her bed and just laid down. She needed time to think about what was it that she was doing wrong during the interviews. She knew she was capable, but her being nervous to answer the questions was...
ExhibitionismBy : Beast Of The Fall Hi all, This is my first story here and I’d really appreciate some feedback. First up, some introductions – I’m Rahul X and I’m from, well, India (let’s not stereotype ourselves, shall we?). The following story is a true account, but the names of the characters have been fictionalized to protect their identities. This was narrated to me by a very special friend and I’m going to tell it in her own words. Now, let’s get on with the story. My name is Rashmi. I am from a...
The job interview had been a minor catastrophe; Marie knew that she was not really qualified for holding that job, but she had went anyway. She had sat in front of a woman and two men in a stylish conference room and had made a fool of herself, had made it certain for all that she had been a bit too ambitious. She had also been trying too hard to be funny and she had dressed a bit too sexy. She knew that the men had liked her and that the woman didn´t. She had been close to desperate. Being on...
Job Interview By [email protected] had just completed college and was looking for my first job. I submitted my resume at a large company and was called in for my first interview. I met with the female department head and everything seemed to go well.I received a call the next day to come in for a second interview. I was told that I would meet my co-workers and there may be physical exam. If everything went well, I would be offered the job at the end of the interview. When I was called...
SpankingHi, I am here to tell a story about a village girl named Ranjitha. She was 23 and was very attractive. She had a good sexy body. By seeing her itself the guys will lick their tongue thinking of fucking her. But she was very calm and shy person. She didn’t want to expose her body to any other, that was clearly understood by the way she wears. In her home her brother and her grandma was there, parents died in an accident. She finished degree course, but unfortunately she failed in two...
When these events took place, my wife was 28 and I just passed thirtie. Like many others, I've fantasized about my wife being used by other men but I was too much of a pussy to actually tell her about it. I finally decided to try to make something happen after reading a fantasy cuckold story online. In the story, a guy put an ad online directing men to his girlfriend's resume and some erotic photos of her. He then asked the men to invite his girlfriend to an interview where they could ask her...
Job Interview by Richard-to-Rachel I was interviewing for a new secretary and it had nearly reached the end of the day with no likely successful candidates. There was just one to go, a Tracy Class, whose CV certainly looked impressive and seemed as if she would do pretty well for the job, but I had to wait and see. The company's receptionist, Paula, put her head around the office door to tell me that Miss Class was waiting and asked if she should show her in. I agreed and sat back to...
Job Interview Don Abdul (c) Waiting her turn in the reception area of the office, Veronica’s smiles belied her internal turmoil and self-doubt. ‘What am I even doing here?’ she asked herself, as she sized up the other girls that had turned up for the same job interview. They were every bit as pretty as she was, and she suspected some even much prettier. If ever Veronica had on redeeming virtue, it is borne of her street-smart realization that she is not the ‘smartest of blonds’, she chuckled at...
Job Interview Don Abdul (c) Waiting her turn in the reception area of the office, Veronica's smiles belied her internal turmoil and self-doubt. "What am I even doing here?' she asked herself, as she sized up the other girls that had turned up for the same job interview. They were every bit as pretty as she was, and she suspected some even much prettier. If ever Veronica had on redeeming virtue, it is borne of her street-smart realization that she is not the ‘smartest of blonds'; she chuckled...
Straight SexI was interviewing for a new secretary and it had nearly reached the end of the day with no likely successful candidates. There was just one to go, a Keliana Kotey, whose CV certainly looked impressive and seemed as if she would do pretty well for the job, but I had to wait and see. The company’s receptionist, Paula, put her head around the office door to tell me that Miss Kotey was waiting and asked if she should show her in. I agreed and sat back to watch the view of Paula’s nice arse as she...
“Do you have any questions about the role?” I asked Lucy, smiling. Lucy smiled back, and I wondered what it would be like to have her sensual lips sucking on my clit. I was interviewing Lucy for a store manager position in one of the company’s retail stores. We were sitting face to face on two of the available chairs in a small meeting room. Since it was a formal job interview, both of us were dressed for the meeting in a blouse, and a short business skirt. I had deliberately ensured that the...
Lesbian“What is the most outrageous thing you’d to get a job?” It was a simple question on the application. I thought for a second, Who would ask this type of question and how they would answer a crude remark like ‘fuck’. I smiled and scribbled in the dirty word, just to see what would happen. About two days later, I got a call from the modeling agency where I had applied and written in the crude word on the job application. “Please come to our candidate interview at eleven o'clock on May 23rd....
HardcoreIt was maybe six months later there was a work party for employees only. Sharon came home very drunk. Obviously she had enjoyed the night although she wasn’t sure what had happened towards the end. One of her fellow workers poured her into a taxi. I am glad that she remembered where she lived and the taxi driver didn’t try anything. The next day, Saturday, she had a monster headache and after tip toeing around the house all morning I left and went for a long walk. Of course she apologised and...
I had such mixed feelings about the job interview I was going to attend.I so wanted the job - I researched the position, my potential new boss and the company as much as I could. It was my dream job! The company had a good reputation. The boss - well, there was something about him........he was also dynamic and was not one to suffer fools gladly. I had gleaned from a friend of a friend that he was into BDSM! Well, I did not understand much about this at all - I had only heard of the pain bit...
I’ve been friends with Debbie for almost fifteen years and have always had the hots for her. She’s a petite, 5’2”, hard bodied, small figured woman. She is in her mid 40’s, but has a body that most teenagers would kill for. Though I don’t consider myself any particular body part kind of guy, I gotta say she has an ass that would cause me to just blatantly stare like some kind of school kid. I consider myself respectful of women, but occasionally I lose large amounts of blood to my brain, and...
“Well if you can make it here by eleven then I’ll see you, otherwise don’t bother.”“No problem Ms. Duro, I’ll be there. Goodbye” I told her with more confidence then I felt.To say I’d be cutting it close would be an understatement. Without a second to spare I hurried to get ready. After a quick shower and shave I splashed on some cologne before getting dressed and rushing out the door. Luck favored me and I caught the train after only a five minute wait. The club was four blocks away from the...
As Ashley Mendes sashayed into the paralegal office known as Bagwell and Associates, she spoke to an older lady, who was the secretary in front of her who was on the phone. “Excuse me, can you point me to Mr. Bagwell’s office? I have a job interview,” She said in her most cordial voice.“Hold on,” The older lady said. “Mr. Bagwell’s office is all the way to the back, slightly to the right, honey.”“Thank you, ma’am.”“You’re welcome,” The secretary said, smiling at her. Ashley promptly left. The...
ReluctanceI had been working as a top executive for a start up Internet Company. When the market fell, we were unable to raise capital. We found ourselves having to dissolve our enterprise. We were deep in debt and without jobs. Though holding an MBA from the University of Chicago, I found myself in the lines of the unemployed, over qualified and not marketable. After a year of resume rejection and with my unemployment benefits running out, I became desperate. I needed work.It was when I was at my lowest...
BDSMMarshal Investments is an investment-banking house located in New York City, just off of Times Square. Rob Marshall and his brothers, John and Mike, own the business and maintain their offices on the sixth floor along with their Executive Assistant, Julie Bixby. Julie, a tall blond with dynamite legs and tits, has a pleasant personality and is always ready to give any of the partners a helping hand … if you know what I mean. She had been complaining that due to some of the services required by...
Office SexWalking back to the office for the first time in three weeks, Claire headed directly to the floor she has never been to. She took a last look at her own reflection from the elevator's door, making sure that she hasn't missed anything. Her straight shoulder-length blonde hair down, long eye lashes over her bright and big blue eyes, light make up on her beautiful sweet face, gray lady suit with tight pencil skirt over a white collar shirt showing off her 36D breasts and perfect body curve, dark...
Cheating WifesPlease be gentle as I have never written anything like this in my life…..this story is a fantasy of mine and has been inspired by someone who I think is an amazing writer and someone I hold as special to me…you know who you are xoxo After leaving high school at 18 I decided I wanted to become a writer and after researching different colleges and specialised schools I stumbled upon the L & C school of writing, the fees were within my budget so I thought …why not I need to learn from someone...
dominate masc executive looking for 'fun' interview - 38 Looking for a come hungry slut to suck me off and then take my hard cock in the office. I am conducting interviews all day Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for a position within my company. Looking for a break, and to live out a fantasy of mine... Come in professionally dressed with a resume in hand. The interview will be at the end of the day, so few people in the office. I have one open interview spot for Tuesday at 4 PM....
I am 23 years old and a fresh college graduated that has been looking for a job for almost 2 years. I have been on a couple of interviews but still nothing. I recieved a call from a marketing company I had submitted a resume to over a month ago and they wanted me to come in for an interview. I eagerly said yes and set up the time. Finally the day was here I went downtown to the address I was giving it was a the largest building in town atleast 60 stories and they were located on the top...
My dream comes true at last. I haven't posted a story for some time and this will probably be my last one. It's part fantasy, part reality which is what I have wished for all my life but did nothing about it. This is my ultimate wish and please tell me what you think. I live in Perth Western Australia, and my favourite place to visit is Steamworks in Northbridge. Its very discreet, clean and quiet. I don't get to go there as much as I would like, which would be at least 5...
I sat across from the blonde, beautiful, older woman trying to make sense of what I had just heard. No doubt about it, so far this had been the most unusual job interview I had ever had. Not that I'd had too many; I was interviewing for my first real job out of grad school, which I had entered right after college. However, even with my limited experience, I knew this was out of the ordinary. "Could you repeat that, please, Ms. Wilson?" "Certainly, my dear. I am about to offer you a...
God will you give it a rest............................Wearin my black lacy french pantie's, with matching bra, tight fitted black jeans and a lacy cream top and all your doing is twitching. I'm at a job interview for christ sake, ya can't have it now. No matter which way i sit your there tormenting me making me blush as the Manager of the company is trying to interview me. I've opted to stand, of all the days you choose to torment me you choose this one and of all the days i choose to wear my...
“It’s really easy, you shouldn’t have any problems,” Andy assured me.“Alright, if you say so. How do I know whether to hire her or not?” I asked.“To be honest Joey, as long as she’s hot and not mentally deranged, she’s got the job. It doesn’t require that much skill. In fact, a monkey could probably do this job, but I have no desire to fuck a monkey, so I would prefer a human female if possible,” Andy joked.“Wow Andy, how have you not been fired for sexual harassment yet?” I wondered out...
Oral SexIt was a wonderful sunny day and I was extremely excited to be getting ready to attend a new job interview as a personal assistant for a local law firm. I gulped down my coffee and quickly adjusted my tie before rushing out to the door to the impatient taxi honking out the front. All the way to the interview I become more excited at the prospect of a new career and was fantasising about all the new female employees I could fool around with in the office. Secretly I hoped my new employer would...
GayIt had been a few months since my epic hairbrush spanking from Debbie. At the end of which I had said, “This punishment routine cuts both ways…expect me to return the favor when you next step out of line.” We learned that corporal punishment was an effective way to get the point across that certain behavior was not acceptable and would not be condoned. Behavior actually improved for a period of time after a serious discipline session. However, to ensure that discipline was administered with...
Hi all, it's been a while since my first story, this is another fantasy I have. If any of you young ones out think like this, do it cos if you dont you will spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been. Here I am about to tell you how I came to be what I am. I am a Shemale, 18 years old, 5' 8", blonde, blue eyes, slim body with 38DD 26 36 and 8" figure. I am very feminine thanks to all the hormones and surgery I have had since I was 13. I started well before puberty set in...
"I nearly ran the last company I worked for! I've never been so insulted in my life! You'll hear from my lawyer!" The woman slammed the office door behind her, and glared at the others waiting in the foyer. "He's a sexist pervert! Get away while you still can!" She slammed the outside door and was gone. Everybody looked at each other. Three got up and left. Only four remained. Ms. Roberts didn't even think about leaving. She was desperate for a job, any job. This was her first...
Shabnam was in lounge of a reputed software firm in Bangalore for her job interview as a Data Analyst. She never had the need to search for a job after her BE graduation as her husband Raman Mathur was earning quite well. Since his accident three months back, he had lost his job and the rent his medical bills were mounting up day by day, and Raman’s family nor her family come to their help because of the inter caste marriage, and they had deserted them two years back when they got married...
****************************************** The computer screen flickered to life with the image of a blazing sun. A small caption appeared in the lower left corner of the screen: “The Wrecker (EXPLICIT) / Artist: Black Phallus / Label: E&I Records”. There is no music at first, just the occasional pluck of a lonely guitar string. The picture whites-out then refocuses on a road in the desert. A car drives down the road, smoke wafting from under its hood. Finally, the car’s engine...
Hi guys i am reena 27 years old i would like to share my true sex story with you guys…it is truly hot. When i was 23 i was hunting for jobs and i was still virgin. One day i got an email for interview and it was a walking interview in a hotel. Then i got dressed up in the morning and went by auto to hotel while getting down from auto i noticed that auto driver was seeing my boobs very interestingly then i realized i have dressed up very hot, i was in low neck top n short skirt. I took the...
The Job Interview Helene finished breakfast, then went back to the bedroom. Discarding her robe, she sat at the vanity and put on her make-up. As she did, she recalled the phone conversation the day before. Mr. Hargreaves of Construction Connection had sounded perfectly professional, but one or two things gave Helene reason to think carefully about how to prepare for her job interview. Hargreaves had asked about her experience, computer skills, wpm, and all that, but he’d also been very...
Introduction: A year after being sandwiched by her partner and boss in hopes of a raise, Abby applies for a promotion, for which shell have raise the bar even higher. Things had been progressing pretty quickly all day, and they certainly werent slowing down once Abby came up to the side of the bed and undid the last button on her collared blouse, revealing her bra. That innocent white smile spread across her face as the equally white top slipped off the young girls arms and fell out of my sight...
Things had been progressing pretty quickly all day, and they certainly weren't slowing down once Abby came up to the side of the bed and undid the last button on her collared blouse, revealing her bra. That innocent white smile spread across her face as the equally white top slipped off the young girl's arms and fell out of my sight to the hardwood floor of my bedroom. Next, Abby climbed onto the bed with me, one knee at a time, and shuffled toward me, having already left her shoes behind. I,...
Disclaimer: I have posted this story on another site, but it truly is mine. Things had been progressing pretty quickly all day, and they certainly weren't slowing down once Abby came up to the side of the bed and undid the last button on her collared blouse, revealing her bra. That innocent white smile spread across her face as the equally white top slipped off the young girl's arms and fell out of my sight to the hardwood floor of my bedroom. Next, Abby climbed onto the bed with me, one knee...
Introduction: Abi has the interview from hell to land her perfect job The Interview The alarm barely had time to sound before Abis hand darted at the off button. She was so used to waking up at 6.30 every morning that she no longer needed an alarm in truth. She preferred to start the working day abruptly however and so she used an alarm. As usual, Jason didnt even stir at the interruption to his slumber. She swung her bare legs out of bed and stretched silently. The sun was just starting to...
CHAPTER 1: THE JOB INTERVIEW “How is it you are applying for this position?” He had identified himself as Dan, the Human Resources Director for the Executive staff floor. “The position wasn’t listed in any open position publication, website or generally available to job recruiters. We generally expect these positions to take some time to generate a candidate or two.” I knew full well why he was asking. The position was definitely unique for an entry level Personal Assistant position. ...
When I answer the knock at the door, you are a bit startled. You had come for an interview, and my casual attire seems somewhat informal. It was odd enough I invited you to interview for the position in my hotel room. Now my appearance seems somewhat unprofessional. But you need the job, so you figure, why not… I show you in, direct you to one of two chairs facing each other. You sit and I ask if you’d like some tea. You respond that it would be lovely, and I leave to prepare it. As I do you...
When I answer the knock at the door, you are a bit startled. You had come for an interview, and my casual attire seems somewhat informal. It was odd enough I invited you to interview for the position in my hotel room. Now my appearance seems somewhat unprofessional. But you need the job, so you figure, why not…I show you in, direct you to one of two chairs facing each other. You sit and I ask if you’d like some tea. You respond that it would be lovely, and I leave to prepare it. As I...
It was the day of sonali’s interview.She was a btech graduate who was desperate to get a job.She knew it was tough to get a job especially after doing just btech.She had already tried in many companies and she was not succesful.She had given up hope.But her friends advised her that its not that difficult for a girl,that too a luscious girl like her to get a job.They told her that its a reality that beautiful girls get jobs easily if they knew the way to get it.She was a real sexy hotty in her...
Meagan was a brand-new graduate from business school. She struck out to find a job to put her new degree to work in the real world. She went to job interview after interview and was always offered jobs that weren’t too far from being a glorified secretary. She always said, “Thank you”, but in the end firmly said, “No thank you!” She was living on the last of her savings during the job hunt and was quickly reaching the end of her funds. She knew she might eventually have to take one of those...
NovelsSo due to Covid-19, I’m unable to attend interviews in person. Therefore, I had a scheduled Zoom Interview. Usually I dress fairly revealing for interviews as that’s both fun and also helps me get the job and sometimes a little extra. This year I had all my interviews online via Zoom, 16 in total. I did dress fairly revealing for all of them so far. However, I was always distracted during them. For my last interview, I dressed up as usual. I wore a deep V-neck Lingerie slightly see through top...
The place was in the city and in a part of town she wasn’t familar with. In fact she was a little nervous as she walked along the streets towards the Wild Orchird. Regardless she put all that behind her and carried on. She had been told by her friend to use the back entrance which she thought was a little strange but didn’t want to hamper her opportunity so when she arrived she found her way into a dark and dingy alley with a single red door. She knocked at the door and was greeted by...
It had been a boring week, but conducting interview for a new secretary was at least some relief. More than I imagined as it turned out.Several ladies of all ages, shapes and sizes had been through my office. Some good candidates too. Some not so good, but very sexy. Then she walked in; Jessica.I stood for a second, wide-eyed, gazing at the beautiful face with those deep blue/green eyes, her hair swept up into a dark bun. Her glasses gleamed in the white strip lighting in the office and her...
Chapter Three: Futa's First Naughty Live Interview By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So I have a question for you, Becky,” Adelia said, her hand stroking my thigh with such a familiar fashion, “and I am sure all our viewers and in-studio audience are wondering the same thing.” “Shoot,” I said, my clit-dick aching beneath my skirt. I felt the eyes of the world on me at this exact moment even though Adelia leaned her caramel-hued face closer to me, invoking an intimacy...
Calvin was a junior reporter at one of the local newspapers in the city. He had only worked there for four months, and it was his first job after completing his college degree. Naturally, most of his assignments had been boring up to this point, but he knew that he had to cut his teeth and therefore, that was to be expected.After an arduous Wednesday, as he was finishing up his work at six p.m., his boss walked over to his desk and informed him that he would have to interview at seven o’clock...
Gay MaleDione looked over enviously at the table of five girls at the top of the dining hall. It was her first week at this college - her parents had moved across the country and she had to go with them - and she was already missing the popularity she was used to. "That's the cheerleaders," said Mandy, her first, and currently only, friend. "The black girl, that's Lucille Marshall," she continued. "She's in charge." "Oh," replied Dione. "Are they popular then?" "Popular," exclaimed...
The Interview: I've never had one, but I think I'm about to have a panic attack. I'm sitting at my computer in my disheveled bedroom, dresses and lingerie strewn across my bed, every pair of shoes that I own scattered on the floor, there is even one of my bras hanging from my dresser mirror. If I think hard, I may remember how my favorite piece of red lacy lingerie got there, but for now, that was the least of my concerns. In ten minutes, I am going to join a Zoom meeting and...
The Interview“Steve, are you going to be long?” Victoria shouted up the stairs. “You know it’s my first interview since I stopped working – and damn, am I nervous!” Her husband trotted down the stairs, an overbearingly silly grin on his face. “Hey babe – don’t get your knickers in a twist! You’ll be fine!” “Who says I’m wearing knickers!” pouted Vicky, as he headed toward her, his hands making groping motions. Steve stopped, looking his wife up and down, taking in the fitted suit, the black...
The Interview“Steve, are you going to be long?” Victoria shouted up the stairs. “You know it’s my first interview since I stopped working – and damn, am I nervous!” Her husband trotted down the stairs, an overbearingly silly grin on his face. “Hey babe – don’t get your knickers in a twist! You’ll be fine!” “Who says I’m wearing knickers!” pouted Vicky, as he headed toward her, his hands making groping motions. Steve stopped, looking his wife up and down, taking in the fitted suit, the black...
My wife, Lisa, and I met at the same workplace and, whilst it was years after, she told me about how she was hired. Lisa was 27 when she applied for the job and didn't think for one second she stood any chance of getting it. She was under qualified, at the time out of work and had no references but really wanted the job and saw it as a great opportunity to get other jobs of the same ilk once she got her foot in the door. The job in question was a call center operator for a large company based...
--- Sarah put the Lush vibrator in her purse in a baggie in the morning on her way to school, despite misgivings over having to use the vibrator and worried about it going off in front of other people. Finding Jenny at school before class, she verified Jenny had hers as well. Sarah stressed to Jenny again the importance of following instructions to avoid even tougher punishments. Not having to wait long, she got her first instructional text from Mr. Michaels, ‘Lush in’, between the second...