The Interview free porn video

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The Interview

“Steve, are you going to be long?” Victoria shouted up the stairs. “You know it’s my first interview since I stopped working – and damn, am I nervous!” Her husband trotted down the stairs, an overbearingly silly grin on his face. “Hey babe – don’t get your knickers in a twist! You’ll be fine!” “Who says I’m wearing knickers!” pouted Vicky, as he headed toward her, his hands making groping motions. Steve stopped, looking his wife up and down, taking in the fitted suit, the black sheer stockings and the towering high heels. “Pheeew,” he whistled, as she blushed at his obvious delight in her appearance. “Wow hun, you’re really going all out for this job aren’t you?!” She grimaced at him, “Of course,” she said, “I want to get out earning my own money again.”

Leaving the house, they got into Steve’s car for the short journey into the town. He glanced sideways at his wife, noting the bump of a suspender under her skirt and the slight flush on her perfectly made up cheek. “So, remind me again, what is this job you’re going for?” he asked. “Administration manager for the LBGT Foundation,” she replied. “I never did get what that was,” he grumbled, “Is it some sort of charity for Scrabble addicts?” Vicky laughed, a deep throaty chuckle. “Idiot,” she muttered, “It’s a foundation to help Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgendered people in the town and county.” “Well don’t get grabbed by some dyke,” he growled. “I should be so lucky!” she snapped back. He dropped her off in the Foundation car park and arranged with Vicky to collect her later.

Vicky entered the reception area of the foundation and told the receptionist she was attending an interview. The receptionist told her they were running a little late, so Vicky took the opportunity to use the toilet. Checking her make up in the mirror, Vicky made sure that there was no lipstick on her teeth and that her mascara hadn’t smudged. She was also concerned with another problem; the dampness in her pussy! Why had Steve made that comment about a dyke! She’d never told him about the lust she felt towards her university friend Rebecca, though anyone less like an archetypal dyke you wouldn’t believe. Vicky shook herself. “Snap out of it!” she whispered to the mirror and quickly entered the toilet cubicle where she quickly dropped her panties and blotted her dampness. “Mrs Masterson,” she heard a voice call. She jerked to her feet and to her horror, realised the heel from her shoe was in her knickers and, with a sad little ripping sound, they had torn apart.

“Bugger,” she grunted, picking up the offending item and looking carefully at the scrap of torn nylon and lace. “Well, I can’t wear these,” she muttered and, balling them tightly in her hand, walked back to reception to await her interview. “Mrs Masterson?” A tall, beautifully made up older lady approached Victoria and held out her hand. “Yes, that’s me!” squeaked Victoria. “Er – I mean yes, I’m Vicky,” she managed in a more normal voice holding her hand out, “Sorry, I’m a bit nervous!” “Ah, I would never have guessed!” chuckled the woman, “Bearing in mind, you’ve just offered me your panties! Is it some sort of welcome gift?” Vicky looked at her outstretched hand in horror, remembering that she had meant to put them in her handbag.

“Oh, ah, er – my goodness, I’m so sorry, what can I say” stuttered Victoria, “I had a little accident and tore them. I was going to put them in my handbag but…” “Ah, well, these things happen. Shame, they seem so delicate…” the older lady’s voice tailed off. “I’m Ashley,” said the woman “Would you like to accompany me?” Vicky followed the older woman down the corridor, noting the shapely legs sheathed in seamed tan tights – or were they stockings she mused? Ashley looked over her shoulder and smiled. “Cervin – fully fashioned!” She winked at Victoria who blushed even more at getting caught staring. “A bit expensive, but well worth it – they certainly do draw attention to the legs don’t they!” Vicky nodded, unsure what she should say. “Would you like to come into my office?” asked Ashley, opening a door into a very modern looking room.

Victoria entered, the room and noted two other people sitting there behind a dark desk. The first was a stunning looking guy, dark haired and blue eyed, with cheekbones you could cut paper on and a chiselled jawbone, wearing a sharply tailored suit, white shirt and dark navy silk tie. She met his eyes and he held her gaze longer than expected before gazing down at the paperwork in front of him. She felt a surge of wetness in her pussy and felt the palms of her hands grow damp. “This is James,” said Ashley, “He’s my HR manager.” Vicky quickly wiped the palm of her hand on her skirt and held it out. James took her hand in a firm, dry grip and shook it gently. A waft of expensive aftershave tickled her nostrils and made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. She was sure he could feel the pounding of her heart and gave a quick nod and smile. Glancing to his right, she caught her breath, taking in the stunningly beautiful woman sitting there.

Titian haired, with a silk blouse showing a very impressive décolletage, Vicky noted the amazing violet eyes with perfectly applied smoky eyeshadow, the pouting scarlet lips slightly parted to show brilliant white teeth – my god, she was so gorgeous! Vicky felt light headed with desire and hoped it wouldn’t show. She felt like the very first day she had realised that a beautiful woman could be as sexually attractive to her as any handsome hunk. “And this is Isabella,” husked Ashley, “She’s my, er, very personal assistant!” Victoria held out her hand, but Isabella came around the side of the desk and gave Vicky a kiss on each cheek. “A handshake is so formal, don’t you find?” she queried. “Erm, yes I guess so,” muttered Vicky slightly confused by the approach but also taken aback by the very short pleated skirt Isabella was wearing. “Please take a seat,” said Isabella.

Ashly moved to the far side of the desk and sat down, crossing her legs with a swish of nylon. “Right,” she said, “I’ll explain how the interview will progress – we are a little unconventional in our approach!” The other two shared secret smiles at this and Victoria felt a little pensive. “As you are aware,” she continued, “Our Foundation is in place to give support to the LBGT community in both the town and the surrounding county.” Vicky nodded, as Ashley continued, “We are aware of your ‘normal’ skills; computer, spreadsheets and managing systems – your references were quite excellent! However, we need to make sure you can fit in with our little family.” Ashley glanced to her right to the other two sitting there, catching the little nods James and Isabella gave.

Vicky noticed the unspoken agreement and awaited developments. “One of the most important things we need is for you to be observant,” continued Ashley, “You need to pick up the signs given off, not just by our clients, but also other staff members.” She smiled, “It’s surprising the signals and unsaid things that can mean the difference between good support and poor support!” Victoria nodded, “I think I am quite observant,” she said, “For instance; I noted the picture of your twin brother on the wall when we entered the office.” James and Isabella shared wry grins, as Ashley shook her head. “Umm, not true I’m afraid!” she said, “Take a closer look…” Vicky got up from her chair and stepped over to the picture. It had to be a twin; all of the features were identical, the eyes, the shape of the mouth. How could it not be a twin?

“I’m confused,” whispered Vicky almost to herself, “It has to be your twin!” “Ah, that’s where you’re wrong!” laughed Ashley. “I see you are observant, but you also seem to jump to conclusions….” The older woman stared across the desk at the clearly agitated Vicky. “You may be aware that Ashley can be a boy’s name as well as a girl’s?” she queried. Vicky nodded. “Well my dear – first lesson. Under this feminine façade, is, or rather was, a man at birth.” Vicky gasped and reddened. So that was why the picture looked identical – it was Ashley in her/his (what pronoun did she use?) male persona!

“So, you’ve had the operation then?” asked Victoria, looking Ashley in the eye. “What operation would that be Mrs Masterson?” queried Ashley. “You know; sex change or, what do they call it now? Gender re-assignment?” “Why on earth would I do that?” enquired Ashley. “Next important skill; don’t jump to conclusions. I happen to like my penis, cock, dick, call it what you will. I just happen to prefer dressing as a woman.” Vicky stammered a response, “So, you’re er, gay then?” “Next rule,” stated Ashley firmly, “Don’t label people! I may or may not enjoy relationships with those of my same birth sex, but that is up to me.”

Victoria looked glum. “I’m not doing too good a job, am I?” she inquired. Ashley and the other two laughed. “You’re doing fine,” James said. “Ash always tries to catch people out in their beliefs, most of which come from their parents. With someone like you, we may be able to ‘deprogamme’ some of these silly ideas.” Vicky felt like a little girl again, trying to understand what the grown-ups were talking about. “Now,” said James, “How attracted are you to Isabella?” Vicky blushed to the roots of her hair. “Er, well, um, I don’t know if I can answer that,” she spluttered, “Is it relevant?” “Of course,” purred Isabella, “You must always understand your feelings; they control everything you say, do and feel. Part of what we do here is to allow LBGT clients to understand that what they feel and what they are is natural and that they shouldn’t be ashamed or put limits on themselves.”

“So how do I fit in?” asked Vicky. “I’m not sure I now understand what you are looking for….” “What we want,” replied Ashley, “is someone with a certain… flexibility of outlook, able to ignore what they have been brought up to see as ‘normal’. I would hazard a guess that you are quite ‘vanilla’ in your approach to sex?” “What do you mean?” queried Victoria, a puzzled look on her face. “Well, how often have you had sex with more than one person? How many times have you had sex in places other than your bedroom?” asked Isabella. “I don’t think that’s any of your business!” retorted Victoria angrily. “You see,” explained Ashley, “That’s exactly what we mean. You need an open outlook to deal with our clients, some of whom have been physically and verbally abused for their preferences.” Vicky looked thoughtful. “I think I understand,” she said quietly. “Well, are you going to answer the question?” asked Isabella. Victoria bit her bottom lip smiled at Isabella and started to speak, quietly at first but then slightly louder as she gained in confidence.

“Perhaps this might answer your question in a roundabout way. I guess one of the episodes I had at Uni will give you a clue as to how attracted I might be to a stunningly attractive woman dressed sexily,” her eyes focussing inward. “Please carry on,” said Isabella, her eyes narrowing as she took in Vicky’s obvious signs of arousal. “I was a freshman and it was the first time I’d lived away from home,” Victoria started, “And I was one of a group of girls that was taken under the wing of one of the older students. Rebecca was her name, Rebecca Kingston.” She sighed. “After a few weeks, we settled into a routine; lectures, library lunch and lust! I was a ‘normal’ girl, I fancied guys especially guys that looked like James,” she mumbled. “But I started to have fantasies about Rebecca, how her skin would feel, how her mouth would taste as I kissed her, how her body would feel against mine….”, Vicky shivered. “And then….”

“And then what?” Ashley asked, her gaze boring into Vicky’s soul. “And then, there was the party. Just the normal bring a bottle party at some guys flat,” she murmured lost in her memories. “I’d had a few vodkas, not that many, but enough to make me feel warm and relaxed when Rebecca appeared….” Her eyes closed. “She was wearing this gorgeous dress, blue silk, tightly fitted, showing her narrow waist and pert breasts. Skysc****r heels and what I thought were glossy tights; fashion tights, (I thought), with a Cuban heel and seams in a tanned skin tone. Wow, she was so beautiful, I couldn’t catch my breath!” Vicky paused, licking her lips and James passed across a glass of water.

“She came straight across to me and leant down to me, her lips brushing my cheek, a waft of Chanel making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I was so confused! This was a woman; I shouldn’t be feeling turned on by her!” Vicky closed her eyes, remembering that night. “Please continue,” said Ashley, “Everything you say will be treated as confidential.” “I’m not sure that this is relevant to an interview?” queried Victoria. Ashley smiled. “Mrs Masterson, for our needs, we must have no secrets from one another. As you have ascertained, I am what could be classed a cross-dresser or perhaps the pejorative term ‘shemale’. I have breasts; implants I’m afraid, and also a very large functioning penis. James is what you would probably call ‘gay’ – he has a long term male partner and is hoping to get married later this year. As for Isabella… well, I’ll let her explain later! Now, please continue.”

Vicky swallowed and took a sip of water. “Well, where was I?” she whispered. “Oh yes, Rebecca… I wasn’t sure who suggested that we try a few Jägerbombs, but I was already slightly intoxicated, so I said why not? The music got louder and things got a bit…..messy.” “In what way…messy?” asked Isabella. “I started to feel a little dizzy, so I went into one of the bedrooms for a lie down,” continued Vicky, “I then felt some firm lips kissing mine so passionately. I couldn’t help but respond; my nipples got so hard and I could feel my pussy juicing up. I opened my eyes, expecting to see one of the guys taking advantage, not that I would have complained at that moment in time!” Victoria smiled, slightly embarrassed by the recollection of her lustful feelings at the time.

“However, when my eyes were open I was looking deep into Rebecca’s eyes, which were sparkling in excitement. I was confused; I had no real understanding of lesbian sex at the time. You have to understand, I came from a small village where this sort of thing wasn’t discussed. Oh, I knew about it I guess from sex ed in school, but I guess I must have just not paid attention to that part.” She paused, gathering her thoughts. “Anyway, Rebecca whispered that we should go back to her flat so that I could recover, but I think we both knew what was in her mind!” Vicky trembled at the thought. “We left the flat and took a cab back to her place; a lovely little house not too far from campus. She let us in and, taking my coat, guided me to a large leather sofa. I fell back on to the sofa, my head swimming both with the alcohol and the feelings coursing through my body.” “Go on,” urged James, “What happened next?”

“Rebecca sat down on the sofa next to me, her arm coming round my shoulders and her other hand taking my chin and turning my face to hers. I looked into those eyes, drowning in the lust shown in their depths. She leaned forward and I closed my eyes as her lips pressed firmly on mine, her hot tongue slipping into my mouth exploring, tasting me and I felt her hand squeezing my breast. I can remember pushing her away in confusion, her panting with desire and me asking her what she was doing – ‘Rebecca, please… I’m not sure you should be….’ ‘Becky, darling, call me Becky!’ she had whispered in my ear as she eased me back on to the seat.”

The three sitting the other side of the table leaned forward, entranced. Vicky smiled as she resumed her narrative. “Her hands were exploring everywhere, stroking my hair, caressing my neck and finally, slipping along my thigh… It was at this point that I stopped resisting. I knew I wanted her to take this further. I can remember gasping as her hand slipped under my skirt and above my stocking top. ‘Snap’, she giggled and I remember wondering what she meant? Her hand continued upwards, finally stroking the front of my very wet panties. ‘Darling, you’re soaked’, she hissed in my ear, ‘you dirty slut you want this don’t you!’ You can’t believe the sensations I felt as I groaned into her neck; ‘Yes, yes, just use me!’

Vicky paused again her chest rising and falling and, clearly aroused, she carried on describing the events of the recent past. “She took my hand and, rising from the sofa, we made our way to her bedroom. I felt like I should stop her, but the pulse throbbing deep in my pussy said to carry on. We reached the bedroom and she lay back on the bed, patting the quilt beside her. I lay next to her as she continued the exploration of my unresisting body. I felt that I should participate; it was definitely one-way traffic at that moment, so I placed my hand on her nylon clad knee and felt the hot flesh underneath.” Victoria’s voice shook as she went on, “I found out what she meant by ‘snap’ as, sliding my hand up the smoothly sheathed thigh, I came to the top of the stocking and felt one of the suspenders holding it up! I had gone that far, so I slipped my hand further upwards until, shocked, my fingers felt the slick wetness of a smooth pussy. Rebecca was not only wearing stockings like me, but was also pantieless and clearly as excited as I was!”

“I can still hear the intake of breath she took, see her bite her bottom lip as I stroked the outside of her wet sex, then, becoming more bold, slipped first one finger , then two into the hotness of her cunt, feeling the spongy slippery walls grip me tight.” Vicky stopped and looked across the desk to the trio, “I hope you don’t mind my use of the ‘C’ word?” she queried, “But at that stage we had become two lusting, sex crazed women with tits and cunts and asses, who just wanted to slake our desires and needs!” Ashley looked deep into her eyes. “This is the sort of intimate detail we need to know,” she said quietly, “We need the emotional content, the empathy that you can show towards those we help. The boring technical stuff is simple to check. This is where we find out if you can fit in with us, and for you to see if you think you can be part of our ‘family’. Now, carry on Vicky, this is getting really interesting!” Vicky swallowed and then persevered with her tale.

“I had never done this before, never explored a woman. Hell, I had never even felt my own pussy – I left that to the guys I had sex with. It always seemed…dirty I suppose. Yet here I was with my fingers exploring an older woman’s intimate recesses…..” Vicky looked a bit downcast, but carried on. “Becky’s hand came down and grasped my wrist. ‘Slow down babe’ Becky’ had murmured, ‘you’re acting just like a useless guy!’ I was embarrassed of course. I’d taken my lead from memories of how guys had got me ready for sex. She laid me back on the bed and, kissing my eyes closed, told me just to relax and that she was in charge. I felt her hands undoing the buttons on my blouse, opening it up to reveal my breasts, enclosed in their lacy bra. I could hear other sounds; a zip being unfastened, the soft sigh of material falling to the floor, the mattress creaking as her weight came back on it.”

Vicky noticed Isabella looking at her with a fierce intensity, her pupils wide and nostrils flaring. “Go on, go on!” Isabella hissed, her hands dropping beneath the table. Vicky heard the rustle of material and it was clear from the sideways glance and knowing smile that Ashley gave Isabella, that the woman had pulled the hem of her tiny skirt up to allow her free access into her knickers. “I suppose it was old stuff to Rebecca,” Victoria said, “But when her almost naked body lay on top of mine, I almost cried out. I could feel that she had just kept her stockings on as she rasped a nylon covered thigh between mine. I couldn’t help but let out a groan of desire, as the stockinged leg dragged up and down over my soaked panties. She put a finger to my lips and I felt her hands reach behind my back to get to my bra. I arched my back and with a quick flick, my bra catch was undone and she eased my bra off over my arms, dropping it to the floor.”

James rocked back in his chair. “And would you say that you were aware of the fact you were going to indulge in full on lesbian sex?” he drawled, sounding almost bored. “I don’t believe I was even thinking,” responded Victoria quickly, “I was just ‘in the moment’, just allowing the sensations to rule me.” He made a couple of notes on his pad. “Please continue Mrs Masterson,” he said. Vicky closed her eyes so she could remember that evening more intensely. “She started to kiss me; gentle butterfly kisses on my eyelids, the corners of my mouth. I opened my mouth, hoping for a deep kiss, but she just placed her finger on my lips, whispering that there was ‘no rush’. I felt the warmth of her breath move down my throat, more kisses moving on down to my chest. My nipples were so hard I could almost scream, but the teasing bitch kissed all round them leaving lipstick marks all over my breasts. My god, I was quivering like a bowstring, the juices flooding out of me and the smell of sex hanging in the air.”

Isabella stood up, smoothing her skirt down. “Do you mind holding that thought?” she asked, “I just have to pop to the loo!” and rushed out of the office. “No self-control that woman!” growled James, “I give her about five minutes to come.” A tremulous wail came through the door. “Ah, I was wrong, only three minutes!” he chuckled looking at his watch. “I think you have affected our Isabella,” laughed Ashley, “So that’s good to know!” Isabella slinked back into the room looking sheepishly at the other occupants. “Better Izzy?” smirked James. “Get stuffed Jimmy!” snapped back the woman. In a more restrained voice she said to Victoria, “If you can remember where you were, please could you continue?” Vicky took another sip of water. “I remember her moving down my stomach, her tongue lapping gently, her teeth nipping at my skin. I could feel it as she blew gently across the skin, goose bumps appearing everywhere. I could sense her moving further down and, helping her by lifting my hips, she pulled my sodden pants down and off, a tiny scrap of soaking wet nylon and lace. She had breathed, ‘How sweet, a little runway!’ clearly looking at my naked cunt. I’d shaved most of my pubes off but couldn’t take the final step of relinquishing them all, so I’d retained a little strip, just like I’d seen in a couple of porn films.” Victoria seemed a little embarrassed by this confession, but ploughed on.

“I could almost feel her just looking from a short distance at my exposed sex. Her breath just moved the remaining hairs very gently, and then, like the feeling of shock as you plunge into an icy pool, she kissed my clit….. I exploded off the bed, my pubis mashing into her mouth, the shriek from my mouth as the unexpected orgasm shook me. I could feel her move back slightly as she waited for the spasms to wind down, then she leant forward again and started to nip the inside of my thighs, moving up my legs to the join between leg and hip, then over to the smooth area at the side of my pussy. I felt her lips on my mound and gently brushing either side. The torment was exquisite, as she took one of my labia into her mouth, sucking and chewing gently on it, followed by the other, her fingers stroking up and down the inside of my thighs.” She quivered in recollection.

“It was so unlike sex with the guys I’d had. Yes, some had taken a bit of time to finger my pussy or squeeze my tits, but that was just to get me wet enough to slide their cocks in and dump their cum. Here there was no rush, no hurry, just building me up slowly, inexorably to higher and higher peaks of ecstasy. I wanted to reciprocate, but every time I moved to start on Becky, she pushed me back whispering endearments. Well, that night I came and came; she turned me into a quivering mess, before letting me relax. Then, eventually, it was my turn…. She taught me how hard you can squeeze a nipple, her pain/pleasure threshold clearly higher than mine! She told me how to tease, how to keep a woman on the edge of cumming and how to draw back until they beg for release.”

Vicky smiled shyly. “It was the first time I felt the rubbery, spongy feel of a nipple in my mouth. It was also the first time I tasted the syrupy nectar of a woman’s pussy,” she shuddered, “I was shocked at how she tasted; it was sweet but slightly musky and dry – like a nice Chardonnay!” Ashley laughed, “Ah, so you’re a pussy connoisseur?” “Er – not really,” retorted Vicky, “Becky was my first, and so far, my last foray into girl sex.” “So; never again?” asked Isabella. “I didn’t say that!” snapped Victoria. “I said ‘so far’, though I guess getting married may have put paid to it happening again.” “Hmmm; only may?” queried James with a quiet smile. Ashley, noticing Vicky’s embarrassed look, asked her to continue from where she’d left off.

“I guess I was greedy,” continued Victoria, “I just couldn’t get enough; burying my face deep into her cunt, plunging my tongue deep inside her, using my fingers to find her G-spot. I’d read about it in women’s magazines and when Becky had been using her fingers on me, I realised what I had been missing! I used the memory of what she had done to me to find it, and I guess from the explosive way she orgasmed, I’d got the right spot! She dragged me up her body, kissing my face and tasting all her juices that were smeared over my lips and chin. I can remember her stroking my hair and humming quietly as I snuggled into her, both of us totally spent. Eventually I slept, cradled safely in her arms feeling so loved.”

The three people sitting opposite let out a sigh and Ashley mopped a perspiring brow. “Well,” said Ashley, “I think we should take a break for lunch then continue with discussions and your practical test this afternoon.” “Practical test?” questioned Vicky. “Yes of course,” said Ashley, “Just a final test to see how you fit in!” As Ashley stood, Vicky gasped at the bulge in the front of Ashley’s skirt. “Blasted thing!” growled Ashley, “I always forget to wear my control panties for interviews like these!” Turning, Ash rearranged the offending item and facing Vicky again, asked her to follow the team to the staffroom. Victoria followed, wondering what was in store for her later that day……

To be continued

Vicky was a bit confused; she thought this was going to be a normal job interview. She’d prepared for the normal ‘why do you want this job; what are your weaknesses; and what has been your greatest achievement’ type of questions and, with the way the interview had gone so far, she was trembling in a combination of shock, misapprehension and arousal. Ashley strode ahead of her, her nylon sheathed legs glistening under the lighting, leading Vicky down a corridor interspersed with doorways. Ashley opened a door and gestured Victoria within.

Vicky gasped. She had expected a fairly standard staff rest area, with perhaps coffee machines etc. This looked like the dining room of a very expensive club. Polished mahogany tables, crystal glassware and silver cutlery glistened in the soft light of the candelabra. Waiters and waitresses moved quietly about, serving the beautifully dressed diners. “How can the Foundation afford this?” asked Victoria, “It must cost a fortune!” Isabella chuckled, “Of course it does,” she replied, “but our Ashley is independently wealthy, so subsidises the staff.” “And why not!” snapped Ashley, “I have the money and see no reason why I shouldn’t use it to make other people’s lives a bit more comfortable. I don’t hear you complain at your underwear and ‘accessory’ allowance!” Isabella reddened and lowered her eyes.

“Now my dear; take a seat,” gestured Ashley to Victoria. Vicky sat in the high backed leather chair and James, standing behind, helped seat her. “I think you’ll find we have a good selection,” declared James, “though if I may suggest, have a light lunch on this occasion!” He winked at her, showing a sense of fun she had not picked up on earlier. Victoria chose a Caesar salad and decided that she needed a glass of wine to calm her nerves. Lunch was a relaxed affair with the conversation going back and forth on a range of subjects, none of them too contentious, but Vicky could feel an undercurrent of tension. Or was it her personal foreboding of what could be in store for this afternoon? “Well; this isn’t getting the job done!” remarked Ashley, “Lets retire to the play room for the practical test.” Led deeper into the building, Victoria noted the corridor lighting becoming more subdued, the decoration darker and the pictures on the wall…. She stopped in shock at the nearest picture showing an erotic coupling between a woman and three men. It was clear from the photograph that the woman was Isabella, but the men were all masked and, from the sheen on their bodies, had been exerting themselves. Isabella must have been looking directly at the photographer, her eyes wide with lust and a huge cock between her lips, impaled on the other similarly endowed men.

“Guess which one was gay?” queried Isabella. “Er, the one in your bottom?” stammered Vicky. “Nope! They all were!” laughed Izzy. “It was one of our staff training programmes to ensure that staff had empathy for all our clients. Such a shame that some of the biggest cocks belong to the gayest of men!” Vicky was transfixed by the picture until Ashley asked her to hurry up. They entered a room lit by hundreds of candles, furniture s**ttered around in small groups but dominating the centre of the room was a massive four poster bed. “Come here my dear,” breathed Ashley, “I like people to admire the carving!” Vicky slowly walked across the thick carpet, her feet making virtually no noise.

“This was created by a master carver in renaissance Italy,” murmured Ashley, “The detail is exquisite.” Victoria’s eyes adapted to the low light and she could make out figures intertwined, huge erect phalluses, spread vaginas and breasts topped with erect nipples. Every form of the sexual act was represented; every form of coupling between the sexes was shown in minute detail. Vicky reached out her hand to stroke a life-size carving of a very large penis, before realising the other three were watching her with smiles on their faces. She reddened as she dropped her hand to her side. “Don’t be concerned my dear,” said Ashley, “That’s James’ favourite part of the bed as well!” Vicky noted that James blushed and looked quite embarrassed at Ashley’s comment. “Take a seat while we discuss the final part of the interview.”

“Now comes the point of no return,” murmured Ashley, “This is the sticking point for so many of our candidates; this is where we really learn if you have the aptitude, skills and most importantly, the right mental attitude for our specialist team.” Ashley smiled at Vicky, which relaxed the young woman to a degree, until she noted the questioning look on James’ face and the lascivious, almost lustful looks from Isabella. “We are going to indulge in a little role play scenario,” said Ashley. “All of our staff need to be able to react to our clients, to give the sort of personal service that ensures a positive result.” “What do you mean by a positive result?” asked Victoria. “Well, as an example; we had a young man visit us who had a delightful girlfriend, successful career, but kept on imagining having sex with other men as well as his partner.” Ashley paused, looking for the reaction in Vicky’s face.

“James dealt with that one – very successfully!” James nodded and started to speak. “In all of us there is a slight sexual tendency towards members of the same sex. In some this tendency only comes out in in dreams, others may have drunken flings at parties,” he smiled as Vicky reddened at this referral to her earlier admission. “Finally there are those that realise that they are either bisexual or even that they are fully homosexual but,” he paused for dramatic effect, “Peer pressure or even the need to conform to the ‘normal’ can make this realisation a crisis point”. Vicky queried, “How so? I know I slept with another woman, but that was while I was drunk!” Isabella laughed and answered, “I wonder how many of us have used the excuse ‘I was drunk’ to cover up our subconscious desires?” James quickly continued as he saw Vicky’s bottom lip start to tremble. “So this guy came in to see us with his girlfriend, who we made comfortable in the waiting area. He told us how his girlfriend had arranged through a friend to go to a fetish club in London. The ‘friend’ had supplied the client’s girlfriend with a selection of rubber and leather garments in varying sizes, but of course all designed for a woman!” He smiled at the memory of the guy urgently offloading his feelings. “His girlfriend insisted he dressed up as her twin and apparently after arguing with her (not too hard it seemed), he went along with her demands. He was quite graphic, describing how he had shaved everywhere until he was as smooth as she. He then went on to say how hard he had got as he pulled up some sheer nylons and fastened them to his suspender clasps!”

“I asked what he had been wearing and apparently it was a leather corset, with a completely sheer skirt, black seamed stockings and high heels. His girlfriend had spent ages on his make-up and fitting him with a wig, and he was quite comical describing how he tottered out to the cab wearing a big coat over his outfit! His main concern was that his erect cock kept springing out of the tiny G-string she had made him wear.” Vicky was breathing more quickly now, imagining Steve in that sort of attire. “Anyway, they got to the club and the guy was the belle of the ball, getting chatted up by men and women alike. Then came the bit that shocked him and why his girlfriend insisted he came to us for help.” “Go on; stop dragging it out!” said Ashley. “It’s my story and I’ll tell it my way!” snapped James.

“It appears that he had had rather more to drink than usual and one attentive guy had been supplying him with glasses of absinthe. He described how he felt quite strange and remembered dancing closely with someone, his head resting on their shoulder. Then, he had realised that his very hard cock was being squeezed and manipulated by his dance partner. He said he’d opened his eyes and saw his girlfriend watching him hungrily, seated on a heavy armchair, her eyes shining in the dim light from the club lighting.” Vicky squirmed on her seat, hoping desperately that her flooding pussy wasn’t leaking on to her skirt. She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip as James continued.

“The guy had told me how aroused he was, how he felt a thumb rub across the tip of his cock smearing the copious amounts of pre-come around the head. Then came the shock as he realised that his dance partner had started to rub his own penis against the clients cock. He’d been dancing with another guy and it was clear that they were both in a high state of arousal. He said he felt so confused, especially as he saw his girlfriend open her legs and start frantically rubbing at her glistening wet pussy, her eyes transfixed on the scene in front of her” James looked down at Vicky, taking in her increased breathing and noted how she was wriggling on her seat.

“Anyway, to cut a long story short…..” “Too late!” chuckled Isabella. James continued after glaring at his workmate. “He said he can clearly recall his dance partner taking him and his girlfriend by the hand to one of the private rooms and then….” “And then what!” Vicky interjected. “Well, I’ll leave it to your imagination, but suffice it to say he entered the club all man and left all bi! In the clear light of the morning, however, he had awoken to the fact that he’d done things that a ‘normal’ man shouldn’t do. When he came to us, he was actually considering suicide!” Ashley butted in, “And this is where our reactions, our approach, our empathy can literally make the difference between life and death for some of our clients.”

James acknowledged Ashley and resumed his story. “I asked the client if he minded his girlfriend joining the discussion and found out where one of his main problems lay. During their time in the private room, she had actively encouraged his ‘performance’ and had been incredibly turned on by watching him bring another guy to a shuddering orgasm. Additionally, she had then asked him to undergo waxing to retain his smooth appearance and had bought him a selection of underwear and stockings. He was struggling to understand how she could still feel attracted to a ‘gay’ guy! At this point I had stopped the conversation and gave the client a chance to collect his thoughts while I collected his girlfriend.”

He continued, “She was clearly concerned and when she came into the room with the client, it was equally clear from her caring looks and gentle words that she was deeply in love with him. I quickly outlined our discussion and she confirmed most of the client’s statements, however, she proceeded to tell both of us in no unclear terms that she had never loved her boyfriend more since he had been prepared to live out her fantasy. At this point the client seemed completely surprised. We continued the discussion and she had previously told him that she had always been fascinated by the idea of watching two men together and hopefully joining in. She had enjoyed sex with other women before their relationship (another point that seemed to surprise the client) but she’d become addicted to watching pornography that featured two men together, preferably dressed as gorgeous women.”

Ashley spoke to Vicky, “So what do you think you would do in this situation?” “Erm – I guess I’d tell the guy to get over it and be thankful he had such an understanding girlfriend?” she replied. “Oh my dear; no! You’d be sending a deeply affected client into the wilderness! This is where we come in. Unlike other ‘agencies’ we believe in a holistic, ‘hands-on’ approach to healing the wounded souls of these poor people.” Ashley paused and then carried on, “Speaking from personal experience, there is a lot of hate for anyone not conforming to what is ‘correct’ out there. When I first told my parents about my love for women’s clothes and my desire to get implants, they disowned me.” A small tear trickled down the beautifully made up cheek. “It was only later in life that they reconciled to my ‘situation’ and I think the birth of my son helped.”

“You have a son?” stammered Vicky. “I have three lovely c***dren,” answered Ashley, “And a very loving and understanding wife. Well, quite understanding – she still complains that my breasts are better than hers!” Ashley continued, “I set up the foundation to help those out there who were struggling with their inner demons, or more often suffering from abuse and vilification. Anyway, James please finish your story so we can get down to the role play.” James cleared his throat and spoke on, “I decided that a hands-on approach was required; we have quite a selection of different clothes, so I asked the client to retire to one of our dressing areas and requested that his girlfriend dress him in an outfit that she found arousing. Not surprisingly, when they returned, he was dressed in women’s wear from top to toe.” He looked across at Ashley and Isabella and nodded almost imperceptibly; he’d noted the effect this was having on Victoria.

“The client had looked a bit embarrassed, but it was clear from the erection barely contained in the sheer panties and tights that he was sexually aroused. His girlfriend had layered stockings over the tights, eight suspenders hanging from a tight waspie corset stretching the nylon tight. She found a matching bra and some of our breast forms for his top half and a nude rubber mini dress to cover all. With a pair of platform stilettoes, make up and a wig, he made a very attractive woman - if you like that kind of thing!” “Which you don’t!” sniffed Isabella. “Izzy – hush!” growled Ashley. Isabella pouted, but remained silent. “I gave them both a drink; she had accepted a vodka, but the client had asked for a large glass of absinthe. After a few drinks, I put some slow music on through the concealed speakers and held my hand out to his girlfriend. She came over to me and we danced slowly, looking across at him. His girlfriend held out her hand to him and he joined us; the three of us moving slowly to the music.”

James smiled, “I felt his hand reach down and explore the front of my trousers, struggling with the zip. I reached down and helped him; my very erect cock popped out. I always go commando!” Vicky gulped, her imagination running riot, putting herself and Steve in the same scene. “The client was unsure as to whether or not to proceed when his girlfriend whispered, ‘I love you darling – do this for me’ in his ear and pushed the two of us onto the bed we have ready for just this sort of situation. The two of us collapsed on the bed, and I slipped my hand up his dress to rub his nylon covered cock. With a groan, his cum exploded through the nylon and his girlfriend jumped on to the bed, pushed me aside and nuzzled at his cum soaked tights, licking and nipping at his cock. ‘I’m so sorry’ he’d apologised, but I made it clear that his urges were normal and he was so lucky to have a girlfriend who accepted his needs and would support him.”

Vicky shuddered; she’d been so close to orgasm, rubbing her thighs together, her slick lips puffy with arousal her juices flooding out uncontrollably. “So, what happened then?” she demanded. “Shall we say we all reached mutually enjoyable conclusions,” he replied, “And her skills with lips, teeth and tongue…. well I’m sure that inside her was a gay man trying to get out!” Ashley quickly rose from her chair and stood, looking down at Vicky. “Unfortunately, that lasted longer than I’d hoped,” she said quietly, “We must get on otherwise we’ll all be here till the wee hours!” “Fine by me!” chipped in Isabella cheekily. Ashley quieted her with a glance. “What I would like you to do, Victoria, is to assume that you are on our staff. Isabella will play my young wife and, after listening to James’ description of how he dealt with that scenario, I want you to deal with the situation we set you. Please remember; there is no right or wrong solution to our ‘problem’ – you must discard all your preconceptions of what is right or wrong and follow your heart to the truth. It will always reveal itself!”

Victoria seated herself in one of the armchairs and James sat quietly in a corner, his notebook propped on one knee. Ashley and Isabella left the room and shortly re-entered arm in arm. “Good afternoon, I’m Vicky”, said Victoria. “Hello, I’m Bella and this is my, well I suppose you could call ‘it’ my husband Ashton,” announced Isabella. “Ah; so, how can I help you Bella, Ashton?” asked Vicky. “It’s him!” pouted Isabella, “I went off for two weeks with the girls and when I came home he had tits!” “I didn’t think you’d mind, considering how much you love slobbering over your best friend Anna’s boobs!” snapped back Ashley, “Every time I came home early from work, there you were sucking her nipples your hand up her skirt!” Isabella’s bottom lip trembled. “Is it any wonder I have to have a friend help me out when you spend so much time at work you’re too tired to give me a good seeing to? And now you have those things on your chest! I wouldn’t mind so much, but they’re identical to Anna’s and I freak out every time you get undressed!” “Of course they look like Anna’s; they’re supposed to! I thought it was the only way I could get your attention, though once I had them, I could understand why you like playing with them so much!” growled back Ashley.

“Okay; if you can both take a breath for a moment, I’ll see if I can make sense of the situation,” said Victoria. “It looks like a problem of communication, one I see so often,” she continued. “Ashton, clearly you were acting a ‘hunter gatherer’ role and, unfortunately, as is often the case, your attempts to provide for your wife resulted in a distancing of the relationship. Bella, your needs as a young sexually active woman, both physical and emotional were not being fulfilled; hence you turned to your closest friend to meet your needs.” A tear rolled down Bella’s cheek and Vicky leaned forward to kiss it away. “I think your husband was very lucky,” said Vicky, “You could have had a more damaging relationship with a man, but I believe,” she paused, looking at them both, “Yes, I believe that this was a cry for help, almost like that of some suicide attempts. If you had stopped loving your husband this could have been so much more damaging. As it is, I think we can save the situation!”

Isabella lifted her tearstained face to Vicky and asked, “How can we save it? Ashton’s gone too far!” “Not so!” replied Victoria, “You are not looking at the whole picture.” “What do you mean, the whole picture?” pitched in Ashley. “Do you love each other?” asked Vicky. “Yes!” chimed in Ashley and Isabella simultaneously. “Come over to the bed,” murmured Vicky, “And sit next to me.” Ashley and Isabella sat either side of Vicky and she took a hand from each of them and placed one on each of her thighs. She could feel the heat of their hands through the nylon and the pulse in her wet pussy started its insistent throb again.

“Now, while you have your hands full, I’m just going to give you a bit of breathing room!” Using a trick of manipulation that had always amused Steve, she unbuttoned the blouses of Ashley and Isabella, using one hand for each. Tugging the unbuttoned blouses free, Vicky was pleased to see the reaction of the couple, both starting to breathe a little faster, their breasts however, still fettered behind lacy bras. She removed their hands from her hot thighs and stood facing them. “Right,” she said, “Now for a little game of Vicky says! It’s like Simon says, but a lot more fun; you just have to copy everything I do.” She gulped thinking ‘It’s too late to stop now!’ and swiftly removing her suit jacket, she unbuttoned her blouse too. Staring at the couple lounging on the bed, she reached behind her and unsnapped her bra. Leaning forward, she let the weight of her breasts pull the bra straps clear of her shoulders until she could drop the bra to the floor. “Your turn!” she said to Ashley and Isabella, and watched as they removed their bras as well.

Victoria was trying to maintain a professional approach, but Ashley’s breasts were a perfection of the plastic surgeons art. She would never have believed that they weren’t real. As for Isabella; of course, Vicky knew that people pierced their nipples, but this was the first time she had seen some in real life. She couldn’t resist coming in closer for a look and noted how the steel cruelly (it seemed) pierced the flesh. “Er, didn’t that hurt?” she asked Isabella. “Not really,” she replied, “But the others were a bit more painful!” was her cryptic rejoinder. Not wishing to pry too much Vicky stepped back and, reaching behind her, unfastened her skirt, letting in fall in folds around her ankles. Too late she recalled that she was missing her panties, but the admiring intakes of breath from the couple in front of her suddenly reminded her of that fact! Since her episodes with Becky, she’d taken to waxing her pussy smooth and now it took very little effort to keep it that way. Ashley and Isabella were admiring her pronounced mound, the crinkled pinky/browny lips glistening with Vicky’s arousal, showing between her thighs, beautifully framed in the delicate lace suspender belt and the glass sheer black fully fashioned stockings.

Ashley stood, unfastening the catch on her skirt and let it drop. Vicky’s eyes grew round at the size of the cock springing out of the delicate lace knickers in front of her eyes. A bead of pre-cum glistened at the tip and Vicky was desperate to use her tongue to capture the droplet. Looking sideways, she watched as Isabella dropped her little pleated skirt. Similar to Vicky, Isabella wasn’t wearing panties and Vicky could see the shine of stainless steel and sparkle of jewels. It was Ashley’s turn to pout. “Huh; I never wanted her to get all those holes made in her body,” she grumped, “Earrings, yes I can understand that but pussy lips, clit hood? What were you thinking?” Isabella retorted sharply. “You know why; it was rebellion against your implants and besides they feel nice – really nice!”

Vicky sat down on the bed and tugged the couple down either side of her. “Again,” she said, “Follow my lead and no arguments!” Vicky lay back and pulled Ashley’s face to hers. Placing gentle kisses on Ashley’s face Vicky reached out and felt the smoothness of a breast, the hardness of a nipple. A groan from Ashley was matched by a soft sigh from Victoria as she slid her hand further down Ashley’s body. Turning her head, she smiled at Isabella and winked. Isabella leaned forward and kissed Vicky passionately, her tongue exploring Vicky’s mouth. Vicky had to fight hard to control her breathing; the lust she felt was pulsing through her pussy, she desperately needed to assuage the desires for release that she had so far kept restrained.

Pushing Isabella back onto the bed, Vicky moved her lips from the other woman’s willing mouth down to her neck, her teeth gently nipping at the soft skin, before move down to the creamy swell of a gorgeous breast. She refocused on the erect nipple and, using her teeth again, tugged at the ring piercing the brown teat. Isabella groaned and whispered, “Harder you bitch! Pull it harder!” Vicky released the ring and said firmly, “I believe that I said I was in charge? Now you lay there and keep yourself amused – I have your husband to deal with as well….” Victoria left the lovely young woman squeezing and pinching her own breasts as she rolled over mashing her mouth firmly on to Ashley’s, her tongue forcing its hot insistent way between Ashley’s lips. Ashley sucked on Vicky’s tongue and felt the other woman’s hands moving their way down on to the smooth rise of a breast.

Vicky stopped, taking a chance to look at the delicate flush on Isabella’s cheek and chest, admiring again the hard nipples on Ashley’s breasts. She wondered how Steve would react to this scene. Would he be turned on? Would he be angry? All she knew was that the next step would take her into unexplored territory, a step that could never be erased. So why was she so excited, so determined to take that step? “Ah, to hell with it!” she muttered. Moving Isabella further up the bed, Vicky started kissing the other woman’s stomach, delicate butterfly like kisses, moving gradually down until she could smell the delicate musky scent of an aroused woman. Her lips questing around Izzy’s pussy, Victoria teased the other woman, avoiding the obvious areas of enjoyment. “Please!” begged Isabella. Vicky lifted her head, “Please what?” she asked. “For the love of all that’s holy, please lick me!” screamed Isabella. With that yell, Vicky pushed her face into Isabella’s cunt, burying her tongue deep inside the hot, sweet wetness, her nose grinding against the pierced clitoris.

Isabella arched her back in ecstasy; the orgasm shaking her very soul in its intensity, with Vicky determined to give the other woman an experience she would never forget. Suddenly, she felt Ashley’s hands on her hips and the searching head of a very hard, large cock spreading her engorged pussy lips. She moaned into Isabella’s pussy as Ashley drove his cock deep into the innermost recesses of Vicky’s body, the hot shaft filling her pussy, the bulbous helmet rasping at the slippery walls of her vagina. Vicky couldn’t believe that this was happening. What had happened to the happily married wife who’d left her husband with a quick peck on the cheek that morning? Licking and sucking at Isabella’s pussy, Vicky pushed back onto Ashley’s hard cock, her pussy lips being dragged back and forth on every stroke. Isabella shuddered in another orgasm and cried out, “No more! Please, no more!” pushing Victoria’s face away from her squirting pussy.

Ashley pulled out of Vicky, and, grabbing her hips, rolled her onto her back. Vicky, frantic now reached down for Ashley’s cock and pulled it back to the entry to her cunt. “What is it you desire?” asked Ashley, eyes narrowed in concentration. “You, your cock, everything” groaned Vicky, “I need to cum, I need to feel you spurting your seed deep inside me!” With a grunt, Ashley pushed the throbbing shaft deep into Vicky, who was then astonished to feel a set of breasts rubbing against hers, the hard nipples caressing her nipples. Her mind could not get around the confusing sensations; her top half was experiencing a lesbian delight, breast against breast, lipsticked mouth against lipsticked mouth, but her bottom half was being ravaged by a cock, the size of which she had never experienced! Couple this with the beautiful smooth nyloned legs, rasping against her stockings, she was totally bemused. As well as a body fuck, this was also a major mindfuck!

She wrapped her legs around Ashley’s back, her hands on the most beautiful bottom she had ever seen on a man, urging the cock deeper inside her, using her pelvic floor muscles to milk the thick cock. She looked deep into Ashley’s eyes, finally beginning to understand what was meant by ‘deprogramming’ learned responses, learned attitudes. Looking across at Isabella, she noted the hooded eyes full of desire and just mouthed ‘kiss me’. Isabella leaned in, mashing her lips forcefully against Vicky’s, one hand massaging Vicky’s breasts, the other insinuating itself in between the couple, grasping the base of Ashley’s cock. “Come on darling,” breathed Izzy, “Fill her with your seed, make her cum!” Vicky could feel the helmet of the cock inside her swell further, almost unbearably so, stretching her pussy even more.

She could feel the tight buttocks tense and then, deep inside, she felt the spurt of hot semen spray into her juicy cunt. She shrieked as her clitoris became the centre of her existence, beating in time with her racing heartbeat, threatening to reduce her to a mewling sex crazed slut of a woman. Ashley pulled out and immediately Isabella went down on his cock, slurping and licking noisily as she cleaned the creamy mixture of Ashley’s cum and Vicky’s juice from the still pulsing tool. “I need more!” shouted Isabella and pushing Ashley out of the way, plunged her face into Vicky’s pussy. Vicky grabbed Izzy’s head, pulling her closer, feeling the other woman’s tongue rasping across her clit, feeling another orgasm building, knowing that this one would rock her to her very core. As it hit, she bucked her hips upward, cruelly mashing Isabella’s lips against her teeth, sobbing and wailing as her body shook in delight at the sensations running through it.

As her eyes focussed again, she realised that Ashley was busily pummelling Isabella’s pussy with his angry looking cock, Isabella pushing back hard to get the cock as deep inside her as she could. Vicky lay on her side, her head propped up on one arm, holding Isabella’s hand with the other hand, watching as the woman closed her eyes in bliss as she came hard on Ashley’s cock, admiring how Ashley’s and Isabella’s breasts coalesced together. With a shout, Ashley came again, joined shortly afterwards by Isabella, sobbing in her release.

“I think,” said Victoria, “That we have made a good start!” She continued, “I believe that we may need a few more sessions but you Bella and you Ashton have made a good start in reconciling your sexual relationship. You clearly both attained completion during that last session and, from my experience during the encounter,” she blushed slightly, “I believe that you Bella now have access to the best of both worlds!” She paused, looking at them both hungrily, “I think we need to book another session quite quickly to maintain momentum.” Ashley smiled, still role playing, and asked, “When do you think we should book in the next session? I’m sure that Bella is as anxious as I am to save our marriage.” Vicky smiled; a naughty mischievous grin and looked at her watch. “How about in half an hour?” she laughed.

James stood, mopping his brow with a handkerchief. “Well, I think we’ve seen enough,” he muttered. Ashley smiled, “Yes, I believe so! Vicky, Isabella will take you through to the staff rest rooms where you can….freshen up. Don’t forget your clothes. Oh, and Isabella,” the women turned to face Ashley, “No soaping Vicky up in the shower!” “Would I?” asked Izzy with a chuckle. “I do hope so!” said Vicky, hungrily. “Mrs Masterson!” exclaimed Ashley, and then smirked, “Well, just don’t be too long! Remember, this is an interview and I’m sure some of us have homes and partners to get to!”

Despite Ashley’s warning, the two women took a bit longer than expected before they returned to the original interview room. “Clean inside and out,” said Isabella, licking her fingers suggestively. “Izzy!” grumbled Ash, “Can’t you control yourself?!” “It’s not my fault she has such a delightful pussy… and so tasty!” squeaked Isabella. “Please come and sit down,” Ashley asked Victoria. Vicky took her seat, sitting primly, her knees together, trying hard not to look like the cat that had had the cream. “When can you start?” asked Ashley. “You mean I’ve got the job?” said Vicky, unbelieving. “When you can so quickly overcome your notions on what is right and wrong, on your ingrained beliefs in such a way as you did this afternoon, you have demonstrated that you can fit in with our little team!” Vicky’s eyes welled up and Ashley came around the desk to hug her. “If you smear my top with mascara I shall be quite cross!” said Ashley, tongue in cheek. Vicky smiled; a wan little smile. “I’m sorry!” she said, her voice trembling with emotion, “I was just surprised at how much I wanted this job and to find such nice people, well it’s a bit overwhelming!” “Well, we shall see you bright and early on Monday morning,” said Ashley, holding out a hand, “Welcome to the foundation!”

Steve was waiting in the car as Victoria left the building. “How’d it go hun?” he asked. She grabbed the front of his trousers grasping his cock, and growled, “Take me home, I need to feel you inside me! I’ll tell you all about the interview – later!”

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Calvin was a junior reporter at one of the local newspapers in the city. He had only worked there for four months, and it was his first job after completing his college degree. Naturally, most of his assignments had been boring up to this point, but he knew that he had to cut his teeth and therefore, that was to be expected.After an arduous Wednesday, as he was finishing up his work at six p.m., his boss walked over to his desk and informed him that he would have to interview at seven o’clock...

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2 years ago
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My Zoom Interview

So due to Covid-19, I’m unable to attend interviews in person. Therefore, I had a scheduled Zoom Interview. Usually I dress fairly revealing for interviews as that’s both fun and also helps me get the job and sometimes a little extra. This year I had all my interviews online via Zoom, 16 in total. I did dress fairly revealing for all of them so far. However, I was always distracted during them. For my last interview, I dressed up as usual. I wore a deep V-neck Lingerie slightly see through top...

2 years ago
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The Interview

The Interview: I've never had one, but I think I'm about to have a panic attack. I'm sitting at my computer in my disheveled bedroom, dresses and lingerie strewn across my bed, every pair of shoes that I own scattered on the floor, there is even one of my bras hanging from my dresser mirror. If I think hard, I may remember how my favorite piece of red lacy lingerie got there, but for now, that was the least of my concerns. In ten minutes, I am going to join a Zoom meeting and...

3 years ago
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The Interview

The Interview“Steve, are you going to be long?” Victoria shouted up the stairs. “You know it’s my first interview since I stopped working – and damn, am I nervous!” Her husband trotted down the stairs, an overbearingly silly grin on his face. “Hey babe – don’t get your knickers in a twist! You’ll be fine!” “Who says I’m wearing knickers!” pouted Vicky, as he headed toward her, his hands making groping motions. Steve stopped, looking his wife up and down, taking in the fitted suit, the black...

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The Interview

My wife, Lisa, and I met at the same workplace and, whilst it was years after, she told me about how she was hired. Lisa was 27 when she applied for the job and didn't think for one second she stood any chance of getting it. She was under qualified, at the time out of work and had no references but really wanted the job and saw it as a great opportunity to get other jobs of the same ilk once she got her foot in the door. The job in question was a call center operator for a large company based...

4 years ago
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Dione looked over enviously at the table of five girls at the top of the dining hall. It was her first week at this college - her parents had moved across the country and she had to go with them - and she was already missing the popularity she was used to. "That's the cheerleaders," said Mandy, her first, and currently only, friend. "The black girl, that's Lucille Marshall," she continued. "She's in charge." "Oh," replied Dione. "Are they popular then?" "Popular," exclaimed...

3 years ago
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Cyreelrsquos JOB Interview

I just want to make some clarifying statements, first this is a work of fiction and fantasy. All individuals are over the age of eighteen and all aspects is of consensual sex. As this is my first story I have written all constructive criticism is welcome please direct all comments to [email protected]’s JOB InterviewI am married to Cyreel my name is Jim Edwards my wife and I are 28, we met when I was working in the Philippines for a construction company. She was in college working on a...

4 years ago
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Sarahs Submission Ch 11 The Interview

--- Sarah put the Lush vibrator in her purse in a baggie in the morning on her way to school, despite misgivings over having to use the vibrator and worried about it going off in front of other people. Finding Jenny at school before class, she verified Jenny had hers as well. Sarah stressed to Jenny again the importance of following instructions to avoid even tougher punishments. Not having to wait long, she got her first instructional text from Mr. Michaels, ‘Lush in’, between the second...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Interview

The InterviewThe night had been quite a success. My wife, Wan, and I had come to a major hotel in the centre of Bangkok for a job interview. Why did my wife come when it is me when it is I who is the candidate for the job? Well the company has the policy of interviewing both the candidate and their spouse to make sure they fit the company culture.We met the HR Manager in the lobby and we went through to the bar come coffee shop. We ordered a meal and chatted as we waited for it to be delivered...

3 years ago
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The Interview

The night had been quite a success. My wife, Wan, and I had come to a major hotel in the centre of Bangkok for a job interview. Why did my wife come when it is me when it is I who is the candidate for the job? Well the company has the policy of interviewing both the candidate and their spouse to make sure they fit the company culture.We met the HR Manager in the lobby and we went through to the bar come coffee shop. We ordered a meal and chatted as we waited for it to be delivered to us. This...

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What Happened at the Interview

Sasha walked inside the office, dressed in only a few pieces of lace. Bright red was the color they had dressed her in, a push up bra and thong panties. A sheer red blouse covering her, down to her upper thighs ... hiding her secret for now ... from those who watched. That's what he wanted her to wear for him during her interview for the position. She had felt the dampness in her panties begin as soon as she'd slipped them on and waited to be taken to the bedroom. He wouldn't ever guess by...

3 years ago
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Sindhi Girl In Mechanical Engineering Interview

Tensions were sky-high as it was the placement season! Every person on the campus was in the library, talking to themselves answering made up interview questions, in the computer lab researching the companies, putting up a bold face when inside they were scared. Quite the opposite for me, I wasn’t scared of things like these, ever. I just thought, what is going to happen will happen and therefore no point in worrying about it. I anyway, was not a very bright student, nor was I particularly good...

2 years ago
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Part 1 The Interview

One word to describe Elodie Boutella: caramel! A soft candy made with sugar and cream heated until brown in color.Elodie is five-foot-five and has never weighed more than 121 pounds since she was eighteen. She has an incredibly athletic, slender build that curves in all the right places. Her natural 34DDD tits, wide hips, and thick thighs give her an astonishing 36-26-37 figure.Her eyes are bright green, like two perfectly polished emeralds. With a single glance, her dazzling eyes can hypnotize...

2 years ago
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Sarahs Job Interview

Sarah was returning home from another failed job interview. It was a hard time for her, as it was for many people her age. As a twenty year old girl, she was looking for an entry job in her field, but wasn't being successful in the interviews she attended to. Arriving home, she dropped off the purse on her bed and just laid down. She needed time to think about what was it that she was doing wrong during the interviews. She knew she was capable, but her being nervous to answer the questions was...

4 years ago
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Paying For College Prologue Ch 01 The Interview

PrologueMr. James was a private person. Few people knew his name or his wealth. He was also lonely, he had few friends and no sexual partners. He felt ashamed of his sexual proclivities, which were somewhat unusual. When he did allow himself to be intimate with a woman, he always regretted it. His desires were rarely fulfilled leaving his feeling empty and out of sorts.One day he was meeting with the CEO of a software company he recently acquired, and he met Maria. Maria was a college senior...

3 years ago
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Sky High Interview

It was early morning in New York City, everyone was running here and there on their way to work except Matt. Matt was 34 years old and on his way to a job interview after quitting his previous job die to some human resource issues. Hopefully he wouldn’t have any problems in this job.Reaching the building he looked up in awe. The building just kept on going as if it was climbing inti the sky, he had never been in such a tall building but after all this was new York! Approaching the receptionist...

4 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias The Interview

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of the following dot coms: lockedinlace, fictionmania, bdsmlibrary, literotica and mistressdyvia. An alternate version will most likely be available at mcstories in the near future. Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me. Contact me if you...

4 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias The Interview

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of,,, and  An alternate version will most likely be available at in the near future.  Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me.  Contact me if you wish...

3 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa Futas Public DelightsChapter 3 Futarsquos First Naughty Live Interview

April 17th, 2047 “So I have a question for you, Becky,” Adelia said, her hand stroking my thigh with such a familiar fashion, “and I am sure all our viewers and in-studio audience are wondering the same thing.” “Shoot,” I said, my clit-dick aching beneath my skirt. I felt the eyes of the world on me at this exact moment even though Adelia leaned her caramel-hued face closer to me, invoking an intimacy reinforced by our recent fucking during the commercial break. “Given your effect on women...

3 years ago
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Ritual Offerings The Interview

September 22nd, 1:30 p.m. I arrived at the Rosemary Psychiatric Institution, where I’ve been promised an interview with a patient who was admitted over two years ago, and whose mental condition remains unchanged. It’s my hope to learn more about the conditions of her admittance, as the media would only say it was of an ‘occult nature’. Those words were what first got my attention. I was a man with a dream of one day becoming a recognised paranormal investigator, but thus far, had only ever...

2 years ago
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Wifes job interview

I'm not sure how or why but somehow I met and married the woman of my dreams. Not only is my wife Joyce hot but she also loves to try new things. Even though I married one of the sexiest women that I have ever known, lately I've been having these fantasies about my wife with other men.Now Joyce works in professional offices and has to wear skirts with hosiery. Every time that I watch her dress I think about how kinky it would be if she got some at work. On this day, Joyce was getting ready for...

1 year ago
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My nursing interview

I had to attend the interview straight after my shift, upstairs in the hospital boardroom with 4 senior consultants. I had brought a spare uniform to change into, freshly ironed with a little starch to keep it looking crisp and neat. I walked into the room, at the end was a large table and behind it sat the 4 consultants - 1 woman, 3 men - 1 of the men was a very senior Pakistani and the other 2 were probably 60+ and had been eminent surgeons, the lady was around 45, well dressed and obviously...

Cheating Wifes
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The Interview

The one thing I have found about being married these past two years is, staying at home all day is just down right boring. I never in a million years would have thought this in my wildest dreams I would get bored doing nothing, day after day after day, yet here I am doing just that. In the mornings when I read the paper from front to back, I never, ever looked in the want ads section of the paper. But like I said I am just bored. I am curious to see what kind of jobs are available, maybe if...

4 years ago
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The Interview

The following story was written with help from a friendwho wishes to remain anonymous. If there is enough interest shown, part 2 willgiven every consideration. All comments and feedback will be much appreciated.We hope you enjoy! The Interview This glossy, monthly magazine's ratings must be falling,I thought to myself. The editor had asked me to be interviewed for an articlethey were considering, entitled, 'Doms and subs, the Whys and Wherefores!" Ihad nothing planned for that day and it...

3 years ago
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Craigslist Chronicles Ch 08 Job Interview

dominate masc executive looking for 'fun' interview - 38 Looking for a come hungry slut to suck me off and then take my hard cock in the office. I am conducting interviews all day Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for a position within my company. Looking for a break, and to live out a fantasy of mine... Come in professionally dressed with a resume in hand. The interview will be at the end of the day, so few people in the office. I have one open interview spot for Tuesday at 4 PM....

3 years ago
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Sky High Interview

It was early morning in New York City, everyone was running here and there on their way to work except Matt. Matt was 34 years old and on his way to a job interview after quitting his previous job die to some human resource issues. Hopefully he wouldn’t have any problems in this job. Reaching the building he looked up in awe. The building just kept on going as if it was climbing inti the sky, he had never been in such a tall building but after all this was new York! Approaching the receptionist...

4 years ago
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Job interview

When these events took place, my wife was 28 and I just passed thirtie. Like many others, I've fantasized about my wife being used by other men but I was too much of a pussy to actually tell her about it. I finally decided to try to make something happen after reading a fantasy cuckold story online. In the story, a guy put an ad online directing men to his girlfriend's resume and some erotic photos of her. He then asked the men to invite his girlfriend to an interview where they could ask her...

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A Job Interview

Hi, I am here to tell a story about a village girl named Ranjitha. She was 23 and was very attractive. She had a good sexy body. By seeing her itself the guys will lick their tongue thinking of fucking her. But she was very calm and shy person. She didn’t want to expose her body to any other, that was clearly understood by the way she wears. In her home her brother and her grandma was there, parents died in an accident. She finished degree course, but unfortunately she failed in two...

2 years ago
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The Job Interview

The Job InterviewHelene finished breakfast, then went back to the bedroom. Discarding her robe, she sat at the vanity and put on her make-up. As she did, she recalled the phone conversation the day before. Mr. Hargreaves of Construction Connection had sounded perfectly professional, but one or two things gave Helene reason to think carefully about how to prepare for her job interview. Hargreaves had asked about her experience, computer skills, wpm, and all that, but he’d also been very careful...

Straight Sex
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Baseball Player To Baseball Wife Chapter 5 The Interview

Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter 5 The Interview The week between her transformation and her job interview was like a vacation for Gina. She enjoyed trying on all of her new clothes, changing clothes several times a day. An unexpected thrill for Gina was shopping in the stores at UTC and Del MarHighlands and going to the women's departments and trying on clothes.She loved picking out several articles of clothing and going into the dressing room and trying on outfit after outfit....

2 years ago
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Support Interview

I was using an online dating site to appease my hidden desire to be another man's sex slave. I won't mention which site. It matters little. At any rate I began conversing with a man who had sent me an email on the site with a photo of his cock and balls. The subject line was 'Hi Slut!" and the body of the message was equally blunt."I am in need of a slave to serve my needs. You may apply for the position."It got my heart racing and my cock swelling. I am sure the bluntness of the message was...

3 years ago
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Sex Adventures Of HR Trainer 8211 Interview

Hi everyone myself Maddy currently working in Chennai as hr . I’m a person who love sex always I never forced a girl for sex also never missed a chance to enjoy. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories enjoying stories posted here. This is my third story and more to come. Thanks for your comments on my previous stories boys please don’t think they are sluts and asking contacts , girls if you interested lets chat ping me in hangouts kindly pardon my mistakes send your feedback Let’s come to...

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Lisas Interview

Lisa's InterviewThe evening was pleasant. A warm breeze cooled the deck, and dinner was served to the 6 couples aboard the yacht. Light chatter and laughter could be heard by the four men in the smaller boat anchored 100 yards off the starboard bow, unseen in the dark. After observing the yacht for an hour, the leader, Albert, noted that there were only three crew aboard, one a woman. Albert and his men thought of themselves as pirates, but they were slavers. As the dinner drew to a close with...

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Debbies Job Interview

Debbie's job interview.  Part (1/?) (F, bond, light)By Molly SCopyright (c) Molly S.  This story may be distributedso long as no charge is made and the text remainsunaltered.  For any other use [email protected] welcome, let me know if you want more!=======================================================    F, bond, light    It contains material that some people may find    offensive.    This work is a piece of fiction.  The author    does not condone any of the actions...

2 years ago
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Slut wife the interview

Please read the first 2 "slut wife" stories before this 1.As Sarah shut down the laptop she felt another glib of cum trickle down her face, she knew she must look a cum covered mess so she stood up to check herself out in the dining room mirror. What she saw amazed her. Her once clean and beautiful wedding dress was now crumpled and had obvious stains where cum had been sprayed over it, mainly over the chest area. Her makeup was smeared and as cum trickled through it made it stain her face even...

2 years ago
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Slut wife The interview

Please read the first 2 "slut wife" stories before this 1. As Sarah shut down the laptop she felt another glob of cum trickle down her face, she knew she must look a cum covered mess so she stood up to check herself out in the dining room mirror. What she saw amazed her. Her once clean and beautiful wedding dress was now crumpled and had obvious stains where cum had been sprayed over it, mainly over the chest area. Her makeup was smeared and as cum trickled through it made it stain her face...

3 years ago
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The Interview

He sat bored at his desk, damn being in early for interviews. He hated having to wear a tie, especially so early in the morning.He picked up the resume and scanned it. This candidate was meeting most of what he needed and the phone interview was great, in fact the memory of her voice made him twinge a little in his suit pants, it had taken all of his concentration to keep that interview on track and the HR officer not being able to see his massive hard on.Standing and putting on his jacket he...

4 years ago
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My First Job 8211 The Interview

By : Beast Of The Fall Hi all, This is my first story here and I’d really appreciate some feedback. First up, some introductions – I’m Rahul X and I’m from, well, India (let’s not stereotype ourselves, shall we?). The following story is a true account, but the names of the characters have been fictionalized to protect their identities. This was narrated to me by a very special friend and I’m going to tell it in her own words. Now, let’s get on with the story. My name is Rashmi. I am from a...

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The Chauffeur1the Interview

BY: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2018 CHAPTER 1 I never thought that at 40 I would be divorced. I have a great son, that I don’t get much time to see. I have the usual bills like mortgage, car payment, and now, child support. Somehow, it just doesn’t seem fair that the innocent party in a divorce gets raked over the coals by family court. I have no objection paying child support. However, in my state men almost always lose. To keep up my bills, I was forced to look for a part time job. I work...

2 years ago
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The Interview

The interview was going well.The questions had all been handled very well. The interview panel had nodded in all the right places, all her right answers.Apart from a few glances down to her extremely short skirt (Jo did feel like maybe her stocking tops were maybe just visible beneath the hemline of that skirt…) everything was just fine."So, all that leaves me to ask is… er, can we see those tits?” The interviewer calmly stated.She was slightly taken aback. Did she hear that correctly?“Yes. We...

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The Interview

Liza sat in a leather chair in the reception area. There was no one else in the room so she looked around at the small cozy spot. There were large comfortable chairs on two sides of the room with large greenery in the corners. She knew it would be a matter of minutes before she began her call-back interview.She was slightly more nervous than when she had her first interview. When she had arrived the first time for the personal assistant position there had been several other women also waiting...

Office Sex
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A New JobPart 1 The Interview

I had been working as a top executive for a start up Internet Company. When the market fell, we were unable to raise capital. We found ourselves having to dissolve our enterprise. We were deep in debt and without jobs. Though holding an MBA from the University of Chicago, I found myself in the lines of the unemployed, over qualified and not marketable. After a year of resume rejection and with my unemployment benefits running out, I became desperate. I needed work.It was when I was at my lowest...

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The Interview

Leah was desperate for a job and had been applying all over for everything from sales to PA. After countless rejections, she opened her email to find an invite to an interview for a PA to a Director vacancy, one she had applied for but a week earlier. She opened it and took the details then replied to confirm her attendance. On the day of the interview and keen to impress, Leah dressed powerfully in her best suit which accentuated her ample bosom from the silky smooth lines of her long slender...

4 years ago
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The Interview

Leah was desperate for a job and had been applying all over for everything from sales to PA. After countless rejections, she opened her email to find an invite to an interview for a PA to a Director vacancy; one she had applied for but a week earlier.She opened it and took the details then replied to confirm her attendance. On the day of the interview and keen to impress, Leah dressed powerfully in her best suit which accentuated her ample bosom from the silky smooth lines of her long slender...

2 years ago
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The Interview

The Interview I was a bit of a geek in High School. Sure, I was a cheerleader, but I loved my classes too. Especially math. When it was time to go to college, I decided I wanted to teach math. In spite of my roommate and her turning me into a slut in college, I still graduated with decent grades. Now it was time to put my college life as a slut behind me. The problem was, in Texas funding for schools had been cut the month before I graduated. Teachers were being laid off all across the state. I...

4 years ago
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The Interview

The Interview I was a bit of a geek in High School. Sure, I was a cheerleader, but I loved my classes too. Especially math. When it was time to go to college, I decided I wanted to teach math. In spite of my roommate and her turning me into a slut in college, I still graduated with decent grades. Now it was time to put my college life as a slut behind me. The problem was, in Texas funding for schools had been cut the month before I graduated. Teachers were being laid off all across the state. I...

2 years ago
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The Interview

There was a job for a personal assistant that sounded like an ideal opportunity to get back into work. Our kids were old enough to look after themselves for a couple hours after school until I got home and the job was less than a mile from home in Overland Park, Kansas City. Wanting to look my best for the interview, I changed three times before I was satisfied. My best skirt suit was very professional in my opinion. But after the way Greg stared every time I wore it I began to think it might...


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