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Frank's Box By Pilgrim Frank was off again for class. He was an excellent student and had a keen interest in his college classes. Today was a full day of classes, and the only problem he had with that is he couldn't ever concentrate on one class at a time. A fairly good-looking male, Frank stood six feet two inches tall with brown hair and brown eyes. He was slim but not a stick, and he carried himself in a presentable manner. During high school, Frank was an average athlete but he excelled in academics. Now in college, he felt as if he was just another face in the crowd heading to class on this beautiful spring day. As Frank walked to his Chem. class, he always passed the liberal arts building with large green bushes lining the walk. On this particular day, something caught Frank's eye in one of the bushes about three yards ahead. It was some sort of wooden box. Frank immediately picked it up, put it in his bag and left it alone the rest of the day until he arrived in his dorm room. After arriving in his room and grabbing a bottled water out of his mini fridge, he sat upon his bed and opened his bag. Pulling out and examining the box he found it to be a rather unexciting wooden box. There was no writing or symbols of any kind. The box opened with a small click with the lid the upper quarter of the box. Inside, he found several pieces of candy. Mints by the way they looked. You mean no gold or some sort of rare jewelry? He thought to himself. Uninterested in candy at the time, Frank decided to head to his friend Angie's room. Sure she'd been his friend since preschool, but he had a great interest in her. She was beautiful with lighter brown hair and big brown eyes. She was five feet eight inches. Her face was absolutely beautiful with her full lips and perfect nose. Frank estimated her breasts were D cups. He thought she was perfect, but he could never foresee that they would enter a boyfriend- girlfriend relationship since they had been friends for so long. Frank wished they would though. He didn't see anything against it. Frank remembered how often they played together as young kids. They would play dolls some and then play with cars and such too. Whenever Angie began developing into a woman though, Frank got jealous. She grew taller than he as she began puberty earlier, and he noticed as her breasts began to grow. Though he caught up and surpassed her height, he watched as she developed and changed into a gorgeous woman. He wished many times that he could develop the same as her. In spite of this, he remained a heterosexual male. He was involved in several relationships in high school, but was now single. Upon entering her room, he found her sitting in front of her computer as she often did after class. She was talking on Instant Messenger to a couple of their high school friends that had gone elsewhere. "Hey Angie, what's goin' on babe?" Frank said as he always did when he met up with her. "Not much, my Instant Messenger isn't working totally right. The stupid thing is slow today. Oh! Did you hear Julie and Bryan are getting married?" "Yep, that's what I hear," but Frank was thinking: 'I'd love to marry you...' "I don't know about you, but I think they should get through college first." Angie said while typing. The Instant Messenger chimes rang periodically. "Well anyway, what are you doing tonight?" he said in an almost nervous tone. "I don't know. What do you have in mind?" she said actually looking at him. "I don't know... we could go see a movie, or we could go bowling I guess. Or..." "Or what?" she questioned looking over at him again. "Or we could just sit around and rot our brains on the computer," he said with a sarcastic smile. She gave a giggle. "Well, I say movie. You know I love movies. In fact, I'd like to see the one with that cutie Lloyd Thomas in it. What's it called?" she said smiling and now even more chipper. "'Vent?'" Frank said while exploring her schoolbooks. "Yeah! Lloyd is sooo cute. I'd give anything to meet him," she stated dreamily. "Right... Well we should probably get there around seven or so. It'd probably be a good idea to leave now if we want to eat. First, though I need to go grab my wallet from my room." "Okay, let me shut off the computer. I'll just go in what I'm wearing," with that, a few last chimes went off and she shut it down grabbed her purse and they were off to his dorm room. Frank was pretty happy with what Angie was wearing. She had a tight, but fluffy black top on which showed off her flat tummy and belly button. Her jeans were tight high waters, which showed off her perfect butt and shapely legs. It took Frank quite a bit of discipline not to stare at her large assets. For some reason Frank thought Angie had an idea that he felt something for her, but all she did was go to movies and trade rides back to their hometown with him. There was never any substantial physical contact between them after their "experimenting" sessions during eighth grade. Upon arriving back at Frank's room, they noticed his door was cracked open a little. They heard the vending machine down the hall go "thunk" as a cold coke dropped out. "I guess Slick is here." Frank said entering the room. Jimmy Glen also known as 'Slick' was Frank's roommate. He got the name Slick from high school since he always acted silly or stupid in front of the girls he had a crush on. However, Slick did have a girlfriend at another college. Frank grabbed his wallet and was concentrating on checking the answering machine while Angie looked out the window at the excellent view they had on the top floor. Slick entered the room and shut the door behind him. "Hope you don't mind that I had a piece of your candy," he said before taking a swig of his soda. "That's cool," Frank responded preoccupied with the five hang-ups and his mother's reminder to Frank that they'd be out of town. "Wait, did you get it out of that wooden box?" "Yeah, man. Is that cool?" Slick replied rather surprised at Frank's sudden question. "I don't know where that stuff is from. I found the box under a bush by Silvia hall. Hope you don't croak, man," Frank said still concentrating again on the answering machine. Angie spoke out, "Uhh, Frank, turn around and take a look at Jimmy," she said in a slightly shaky voice. "Holy hell Jim! What's going on with you!?" Frank exclaimed looking Jimmy over. Jimmy's stood there silently staring at them not really having an idea what was going on with his soda bottle held down at his side. Jimmy was about five inches shorter than he normally was. His skin was nearly perfect. He had no blemishes and was a bit tanner. His dark brown hair had become much more shaggy. Frank estimated it was about three inches longer. His body was much more slender, almost fragile looking. He'd definitely lost muscle mass. "Jim, something's up with you. You've shrunk and lost weight, man!" Jim turned and ran from the room down to the bathroom. Frank and Angie just looked at each other in shock. Then, Frank walked quickly to the bathroom just down the hall. Arriving, Frank found Jim probing and pulling his hair while staring into the mirror in shock. He began touching his body. "Look at my arms!! Look how thin they are! They're smooth too. What the hell!?" he said in horror. "Let's go back to our room so nobody sees this yet. Just me, you, and Angie will know until we figure things out," Frank said trying to calm Slick. They walked back into the room. Jim sat on his bed while Frank and Angie sat facing him on the other bed. Jim took off his shirt, and that's when they noticed more. First of all they noticed his waist was much thinner, but the major development was his chest. His areolas had expanded and his nipples were now erect and much larger than a normal male's. Jim could feel the flesh behind them expanding and growing. "Geez... I can feel my chest expanding! Holy crap what's going on!" he exclaimed. That's when his voice changed. He now had the high-pitched voice of a hot female. "Oh my Gawad!" Jim exclaimed in a surprised now female voice. Jim's breasts continued to expand into real looking female mammaries. By now they were already at a B-cup, and then Jim cupped them. "Oh my Gawad that feels good!" he exclaimed holding his new, growing assets with his head tilted back. Once his head was back down to a normal level, they noticed his face. He now had fuller, darker lips. His nose was much smaller and petite with a slight upturn. His eyes had become large and almond shaped. His eyebrows were a perfect arch. They then turned their attention to his legs. They were so smooth and feminine they couldn't believe it. He had perfect calves and perfect skin. Jim was now unrecognizable as himself. If Frank had passed Jim on the street he'd probably give her a double take for her beauty, but there was no way he'd recognize her as Jim. All the while, her breast growth had slowed down at a D-cup. They were huge. Now two of my best friends have developed into beautiful, mature young women, Frank thought. However, the change wasn't over. Jim's mannerism began to change next as she would talk and exclaim more about the changes, Frank noticed how she used her hands much more and in a more limp-wristed fashion. Then it hit Frank. What about his... her penis? "Jim, what about your, you know... dick?" Frank said uncomfortably. Jim looked down with her beautiful head and put her hand down her shorts. "Gone," she said matter of factually. It was almost as if it wasn't a big deal to her anymore. Jim finally put a shirt over her huge breasts. Frank couldn't stop staring at Jim's nipples pointing through the oversized shirt. They were just like he'd see on any other hot female. He couldn't believe this was his roommate and good friend. "Frank, Angie... I'm really tired," Jim said yawning and laying down on her bed. "I'm gonna go to sleepy-bye." With that, she was asleep. Frank and Angie stepped outside of the room. "What the hell?" Frank exclaimed in a whisper. "How'd that happen to him or her or whatever?" "I don't know, but I'm gonna have to go buy her some new clothes and underwear... She shouldn't wear his old clothes since they probably don't fit anyway. I'll go tomorrow. Maybe I can find something of mine for her to wear and bring her along too," she explained. "For now, I'm going to go to my room and look. I'll see you tomorrow morning." Frank went back into his room, standing over Jim's bed looking at the beautiful girl that now occupied Jim's bed. Jim began stirring, "Franky, I feel horny." Frank stood motionless, not knowing what to do or say. Here he was with his friend who is now one of the hottest girls he's ever seen and who is horny and basically inviting him into bed. "Come here Franky." Frank walked to her side and clutched her hand. She pulled him down until he sat on the bed. "Franky, I know I'm a close friend, but you're so much cuter now. Kiss me." She sat up and sensuously planted one right on Frank's lips. He resisted it at first but finally went along with it. He ended up on top of her rubbing her new and very large breasts. What the hell am I doing? He thought. He continued on though. He was fascinated by her tits, and how large and soft they were. He couldn't believe it. He rubbed her thigh. She moaned as she sent her hand down his pants and started massaging his penis. He noticed how good she smelled. Finally his mind forced him to break it off. "That's enough," he stated, getting up from the bed. He walked over to his bed, grabbed a candy out of the wooden box not thinking and climbing into bed. He stayed awake for a while sucking on the candy and thinking about Jim. He thought about the future Jim would have. She would probably meet up with some guy in a few years, get married, get pregnant, and be a mother. Frank thought that was amazing. He just couldn't get over how beautiful she was. He was jealous of Jim just as he was jealous of Angie when she went through puberty. Frank finally fell asleep thinking this candy tasted good in an odd way. I wonder where I got it. Then he heard, "Franky, Franky wake up!" It was Jim's soft female voice. Frank opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. Light was filtering in from outside. He began to sit up, and that's when he felt the shift on his chest. He looked down to see the two mounds under his shirt. They had a point at the top of each one. He then felt the fabric rubbing up against them for the first time. It felt good, but Frank was too shocked to care. "What tha!!" he yelled in his very feminine voice. "Looks like were in the same boat, doll," Jim said with a smile. "I've decided it has got to be the candy." "This is crazy," he said, exploring his body with his hands. As he looked down to his crotch, his long brown hair hung around his head. "Geez this is kind of cool." Frank then explored his breasts. They were huge. This made Frank rather happy. He kind of wished he was awake to experience the changes, but one way or another, he was a beautiful female and he didn't mind. A knock came on the door; Frank immediately covered his exposed chest. The door cracked open and Angie walked in. "Frank?" she said in a confused, questioning face. "Yep, it's me," Frank said with a smile on her face. After a while, they sat and talked about what they were going to do with this situation. It was then decided that they would go shopping. During this time Frank was up cleaning and organizing the room. She would occasionally check herself in the mirror. Just like Jim, Frank was developing female mannerisms. During this discussion time, Jim started talking about different guys and how cute she thought they were now that she was female. As she did, Frank too was thinking about them. Her nipples became erect, and she felt her vagina become moist. None of this seemed strange to her anymore. It was all natural now. Strangely, whenever they decided to go shopping, Frank discovered that Angie had brought two sets of underwear and clothes instead of one. How could she have known I was going to need a set too? She thought to herself. Frank immediately brought that fact up. Angie responded, "Okay, listen. I'm going to be straight with both of you. Frank, when I started developing way back when, I noticed you seemed to look at me with some jealousy. I could see you wished you could develop like me. Well, I so wanted to help you. I couldn't find a way though. Finally, recently in a dream I was given directions. I really didn't believe them, but I decided to try them. Well, to make it all short, I found this box with instructions. I didn't know how to approach you with it, but I used the instructions. It even told me where to put it and when. So now here you are. Well, I guess here you both are. I really didn't intend it to happen to you, Jim. I'm sorry." Jim didn't seem to mind. They sat there for a minute and then Frank smiled and hugged Angie. "Thank you soo much Angie," he said in his soft feminine voice. Jim hugged her too, and they joined in a group hug. Their breasts rubbed against each other's. "Well I guess you two need new names now, huh?" Angie said smiling after their hug ended. "Yeah, I like Jessica." Jim said quickly. "I've always liked Ashley," said Frank. "Okay then, Ashley and Jessica, I say we go shopping," Angie said rather chipper and excited. They went shopping, just like any three excited college girls. They stayed really close friends throughout college. Things seemed to just work themselves out. It was always just like they'd always been female to everyone else except those three. Jessica got married a year out of college and had a baby boy. Ashley married three years out of college and ended up having twins. Being financially well off, she became a stay at home mom and took care of her kids and her husband. Angie never married, but had several relationships. Ashley, Jessica, and Angie experimented on one another periodically, but none found the homosexual lifestyle for them. They all kept in close contact for the duration and remember that eventful day and night together in college. The End

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The Box

THE BOX By Hungry Guy     Gail drove down the quiet suburban street on a Thursday evening and pulled into a driveway of a house that looked like a cookie-cutter image of all the others in the neighborhood.  She picked up her clipboard and glanced at the couple in the back seat of her car.  "This home is right in your price range, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.  It has a finished basement, and two large bedrooms."    The woman in the back glanced at her husband and said "Looks okay from the outside. ...

3 years ago
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The Box

It started out as a room. Cindy stood in the center of the room. A tight, leather cuff encircled each wrist. A tight, leather shackle encircled each ankle. The chains dangled from the ceiling and the floor. Holding her arms up, widespread, over her head. Holding her legs far apart. Cindy wasn't sure what else was in the room. Constantly, she heard Linda's voice. Commanding her to sleep. Commanding her to obey. Commanding her to watch the lights. The pretty, flashing lights. They sparkled....

1 year ago
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The Box

It started out as a room. Cindy stood in the center of the room. A tight, leather cuff encircled each wrist. A tight, leather shackle encircled each ankle. The chains dangled from the ceiling and the floor. Holding her arms up, widespread, over her head. Holding her legs far apart. Cindy wasn't sure what else was in the room. Constantly, she heard Linda's voice. Commanding her to sleep. Commanding her to obey. Commanding her to watch the lights. The pretty, flashing lights. They sparkled....

2 years ago
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The Box

The BoxMistress and I had been talking about making our relationship permanent for about a year.  We had a contract but it had expired and she had been on the fence about wanting to take me on full time. And then for about six months she had a girlfriend who didn’t want me in Mistress’ life. Once they broke up, she asked me if I wanted to start up our relationship again. And then I hesitated.The reality of being a slave to a powerful woman is actually much harder and less sexy than the...

3 years ago
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Cheryls Box

At last it was finished, and ready to use, if only Cheryl could ever pluck up the courage to do so. she had spent three years designing it, and a further two years building it, in her basement, after work and at weekends.But now. it was ready, and all the pipes and tubes glistened under the bright cellar lights. Cheryl had read about something on a story site some five years ago, and had wondered if it were possible to design a machine that could, and would, make it a solo effort, no-one...

3 years ago
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Desert DroppingChapter 28 Mom in a box

I stared at the five items spread out over the coffee table, which Luke had removed from the box for me. I felt too afraid to touch them, which I understood was ridiculous, but true nonetheless. I hadn't had any idea what to expect when I opened my birthday present, but I could honestly say that I hadn't imagined what I did get. I guess in part, I'd thought it would be another letter, and maybe an item that had meant a lot to my mother. But, there was no letter. In that wrapped shoebox,...

2 years ago
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Her Box

Her Box This story may sound like it is about multiple personalities and as crossdressers, at times it feels like it is or that it might be easier, if it were. I doubt we would really want that. This is about the life of a real crossdresser. While the story is a work of fiction it does have roots that tie it to true events. It's been another long drive as I pull into the hotel. I'm beat. I step out of the car stretching my legs. The usual routine of wheeling my suitcase...

3 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias Girl in a Box

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and have themes of bondage, feminization and other deviant sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Synopsis: Mistress Dyvia has her way with a girl's mind,...

1 year ago
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Out Of The Box

Lightning raced horizontally across the night sky illuminating briefly a cloaked figure carrying boxes from an older Camry into a deserted barn.  Looking skyward at the approaching storm, the figure knew intuitively that rain would shortly be pouring from the heavens.There's an old saying that a barn will stand forever as long as it has a good roof; this particular barn did indeed have a good roof.  However, after years of abandonment and neglect, the rest of the structure was in great need of...

Monster Sex
2 years ago
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The Magic Phone Box

The Magic Phone Box By Donna Dee It was, by any standards, a luxury apartment. That it was located in the centre of London and had secure underground parking for two cars would have been enough to guarantee a huge selling price, but that was only the start. Scarcely a sound penetrated the triple glazed windows and soundproofed walls; the lounge was large enough to hold a mini convention and both bedrooms had king sized four-poster beds that swallowed you up at night. The kitchen was...

4 years ago
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Candi Box

Candi Box By Zedd I volunteered to watch over my girlfriends place until she came back from her trip to Las Vegas. She was already filthy rich! The house she had was furnished exquisitely, with real paintings hanging on the walls, and real sculptures sitting on oak or marble pedestals. I made myself comfortable easily enough, and mostly watched television or read until her return. After a few days of this however, I found myself exploring every nook and crack she had in the...

2 years ago
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The Box

Gail drove down the quiet suburban street on a Thursday evening and pulled into a driveway of a house that looked like a cookie-cutter image of all the others in the neighborhood. She picked up her clipboard and glanced at the couple in the back seat of her car. "This home is right in your price range, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. It has a finished basement, and two large bedrooms." The woman in the back glanced at her husband and said "Looks okay from the outside. What do you think, honey?" The...

3 years ago
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By Oediplex Onward and upward; on you know who (mom), up you know where, wish I were there! I walked into my apartment and found my mother crying in my living room. Now, mom has a key to my place and sometimes she lets herself in to surprise her divorced son with a dinner, which I always was grateful for; though I would have eaten another sort of ‘dish’ of my mother’s if my fantasies ever came true. So I wasn’t too surprised by her being there, but I was most concerned by her...

3 years ago
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The Box

This story contains adult content and unusual transgendered sex. If you are not of legal age in your place of residence, then don't read it. The Box By Maria Chapter 1 Jack looked out over the cliff and saw a pleasant view ? the patches of trees, square farm plots with orderly rows of crops, and the wooded hills were beautiful. Mile after mile, the views went. In the distance to the west, a farmhouse with a silo. A bit to the east, on a smallish ridge, Jack could make out a...

2 years ago
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Black Box

The guard grinned, as he looked at the sexy redhead. "I'm sorry Miss, I can't let you through without a pass. Besides, the lab is closed for the evening." "Who said I wanted to go in there?" she said in a sexy whisper. "I was just thinking how lonely you must be, sitting in that booth all night." The woman leaned closer to the bulletproof glass, and unzipped her tight leather jacket, just a little. The guard's eyes grew large, when he saw that she wore nothing beneath it. She winked...

1 year ago
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My Pleasure Box

My Pleasure Box by Riss Kay 19 September 2004 This is my life. I am the happy of one man named Lionel; most people call him Lie. He dresses me, feeds me and nonstop pleasures me. I wear always head-to-toe black leather, usually with a gagball in my mouth, unless he wants me to suck his dick, which is uncommon. The leather covers my fingers, feet and penis. There are only a few holes in the entire suit -- two for my eyes, two smaller ones for my nostrils, one for my mouth that is usually useless...

3 years ago
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Working the Big Box

This story is dedicated to a new friend of min on www.xhamster. Without her I would not have come up with the plot for this story so I want to thank her for making this suggestion. I took a few liberties as the story progresses so hope she approves. Like all my stories on this site, this is 100% fabrication, it is make believe, none of the things described actually happened. None of the names represent real people or places. If you like the story I’d be pleased to hear so. If you hate the...

4 years ago
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Working the Big Box

This story is dedicated to a new friend of min on www.xhamster. Without her I would not have come up with the plot for this story so I want to thank her for making this suggestion. I took a few liberties as the story progresses so hope she approves.Like all my stories on this site, this is 100% fabrication, it is make believe, none of the things described actually happened. None of the names represent real people or places. If you like the story I’d be pleased to hear so. If you hate the...

3 years ago
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Stocks BlondesChapter 22 Exactly What Is lsquoSafersquo About a Safe Deposit Box

One good thing about the impending destruction of all privacy rights in our country: It will be hard to blackmail anyone. Our lives will be laid open and bare for all to see. As a person who makes her living uncovering secrets, the destruction of privacy rights spells disaster for my income. Banking I spent extra time Monday morning putting my makeup and clothes together. Taking a day off is always dangerous. I have to remember every detail of who I am and rehearse my role in front of the...

2 years ago
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The Box

Cherry pulled into the garage after a long week at work. Damn, she thought, I forgot to get the mail. She debated whether to be lazy and get it tomorrow or walk back and get it now. Getting it now won out. As she opened the mailbox she was surprised to find a package. I have not ordered anything, she thought. As she pulled out the square brown paper wrapped box that seemed heavy for its size she heard a jangling noise. She examined the box. No return address and no post mark. She frowned and...

3 years ago
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The Box

Moving a heavy box, Eliza wipes sweat off her forehead. She has been cleaning out her grandparents’ attic for almost three hours now. They have always been something like pack rats, keeping anything and everything they have found. Though, now that her grandfather has passed and her grandmother is moving into a retirement home, everything has to go. Grabbing another box, something that was propped against it fell onto the floor, sending a flurry of dust at the teen girl. This triggers a coughing...

4 years ago
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The Box

Cherry pulled into the garage after a long week at work. Damn, she thought, I forgot to get the mail. She debated whether to be lazy and get it tomorrow or walk back and get it now. Getting it now won out. As she opened the mailbox she was surprised to find a package. I have not ordered anything, she thought. As she pulled out the square brown paper wrapped box that seemed heavy for its size she heard a jangling noise. She examined the box. No return address and no post mark. She frowned and...

3 years ago
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The Music Box

“Abigail!” He ran out the door and gave me the tightest hug that I have received since I'd left. “I am so glad to see you!” It felt good, and I wrapped my arms tightly around him as I watched the rest of my immediate family file out of the home. My brother, Andrew, hugged me next while my aunts and uncles attempted to fire all of their questions out about my recent adventures. However, knowing that I was tired from my long journey, my father quickly stepped in. “Leave the poor girl alone,”...

1 year ago
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Honey Play Box

Based on the name, Honey Play Box sounds like it could result in a lot of sticky fingers and messes that are difficult to clean up. After spending the morning perusing the site, I can only confirm that’s true. Not because they’re a literal box full of liquid bee sugar, but because they offer the type of adult toys intended to help you generate your own syrupy emissions. If all goes well, the dudes will be blowing loads of cum and the girls will be squirting. You know, these gizmos might be a...

Online Sex Toys Shops
2 years ago
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Frans toy box

As I was helping Fran move into her new house, I discovered that one of the boxes I was loading into my truck was filled with sex toys. There were vibrators, dildos, and anal toys as well. I stashed the box away for later examination. I finished moving her Saturday evening. The rest of the week I thought about how to get to know Fran a little better. Early the next Saturday morning I drove over to Fran's house. The sun was just coming up and the neighborhood was quiet. I called Fran from my...

2 years ago
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Shagging in the Confession Box

I was in the confession box having a wank. I knew it was fucked up but it was the only goddamn place I could do it in the church after hours. I was at a church retreat with my catholic high school. This is what you get with Catholics. Instead of a night partying you have to get locked in a fucking cathedral on a Friday because of Jesus or some stupid shit. So I'm having a wank in the confession box, and I hear some shuffling. A woman's talking, and she's saying "father forgive me for the...

2 years ago
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Im The Man In the Box

***Reading prior stories is a good idea, but, not required.***My wife didn't particularly enjoy having her pussy licked. As it's my favorite activity, it's a bit of a disappointment, but, not the end of the world. Our sex life was anything but dull, especially with the recent development of her asking for an open marriage. (Remind me to tell you about that, later.) What she lacked in enthusiasm for cunnilingus, she made up for by being imaginative. The incident about which I am going to...

4 years ago
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Pandoras box

Pandora?s box  Pandora?s box????????????????? An error of judgementAs the rope started to bite into my wrists I struggled to turn my body and pull my arms out from behind my back. My efforts had no effect, and my captor?s hold on my arms remained vice-like as the rope was wound around and between my wrists. I glanced at the mirrored door of the wardrobe to one side and saw myself, standing in only my bra and panties, while my hands were tied by another partially naked woman standing...

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