PandoraChapter 6 free porn video

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The center of the Sargasso Sea lies at 28°N 66°W. It is a region in the North Atlantic Ocean bounded by four currents forming a large pool of calm deep blue ultra clear ocean water and the characteristic brown Sargassum seaweed that floats on top of it. Unlike all other regions on Earth called seas, it has no land boundaries. Instead the Sargasso Sea is bounded on the north by the North Atlantic Current, on the south by the North Atlantic Equatorial Current, on the east by the Canary Island Current, and on the west by the Gulf Stream. These currents induce a clockwise circulating stream of ocean currents termed the North Atlantic Gyre. The whole thing lies between 70° and 40° W, and 20° to 35° N, and is approximately 700 miles wide by 2,000 miles long. The once pirate island of Bermuda is near the western fringes of that sea.

With the discovery of the New World by the Old World the European people had begun believing that the Mayan and Aztec ruins they discovered in South America could possibly be the remnants of legendary Atlantis. The 16th century Europeans believed the indigenous people there now were an inferior race and incapable of building that which was now in ruins around them. By sharing a common history Europeans insinuated that another superior race like themselves must have been responsible for the ruins.

By the 19th century Europeans believed the Maya peoples had descended from the Toltecs who were descendants of the Egyptians and even Greeks who came over on the land bridge that was thought to have existed millions of years ago. They even invented the mythical kingdom of Mu saga, which romantically drew connections to the Egyptian deities Osiris and Isis.

Then Blavatsky came along, and inspired by the work of the 18th century astronomer Bailly, “Orientalized” the Atlantis myth in her mythical continent of Hyperborea, a reference to Greek myths featuring a Northern European region of the same name. The place said to be home to a giant, godlike race ruled over by Crum. Atlantean’s were believed to be olive-skinned peoples with Mongoloid traits who were the ancestors of modern Native Americans, Mongolians, or Malayans, take your pick. They were the fourth “Root Race” of man, succeeded by the Fifth Race and most superior “Aryan Race”, modern superior man as we know him today she reasoned.

The Theosophists believed that the civilization of Atlantis reached its peak between 1,000,000 and 900,000 years ago. It destroyed itself through constant internal warfare of good vs. evil and the dangerous use of their god like psychic and supernatural powers by the inhabitants of Atlantis.

Now think small slim boyish German girls, dirty blond hair always braided up into these two long golden pig tails now, 4 foot 7 maybe 8, cute face with lots of freckles, blue eyes, and a cute little stub nose. They have no breasts to speak of, but wonderfully perky large pink nipples with larger darker puffy areola surrounding them and narrow boyish hips. Now you have the triplets which contain the Twins and Billy. Our the Twins.

Now imagine my, our, the Harem’s shock anyway, when the Twins came to me, well us, and informed us that they had discovered they had a genetic racial memory. Something put there thousands of years ago by their Hyperborean, Atlantean, ancient ancestors. Something that could only be awakened by a combination of very unlikely events to produce them.

Those most unlikely events had culminated in the births of our the Twins and Billy at this time. Think of the two of them as the power supply, Billy the focus point, and me the key to the lock of a powerful psychic weapon the Hyperboreans had once created ages ago. A weapon that had not existed since the total destruction of the polar continent of Hyperborea all those thousands and thousands of years ago the Twins told us.

Hyperboreans were supposedly these giant Nordic uber supermen who originated on the continent that was the North Pole thousands of years ago. A “Nordic-Atlantean” or “Aryan-Nordic” master race of humans that supposedly inhabited it back then. Think Conan the Barbarian, Arnold Schwarzenegger big for men, or Kate Upton beautiful for women. I mean maybe it’s a Stereotypical Jung Archetypes thing? Of course Jung called them Primordial Images in the racial subconscious mind gestalt. Something he said that was written on our very genes and passed down through our very DNA to the present.

Anyway the Twins said that the Hyperborean High Priests using their own priestesses as wombs had through psychic surgery magic manipulated the DNA of their unborn children to produce the original psychic weapon. The triplet weapon had been bonded to a rather young junior priest. In the final battle against the ENEMY, that’s all it was ever called in their dream, after it was utterly defeated, the evil High Priest ordered them to destroy the whole continent and all the innocent people on it. The young priest rebelled at the unnecessary wanton destruction and was killed by the evil High Priest. The weapon, the triplets, then refused to be controlled by the evil High Priest and in their great grief rebelled and destroyed the High Priest. Their resultant battle sank Hyperborea, or Atlantis as it was latter known.

The Twins and Billy now claimed that they were the reincarnation of that original weapon and I was a reincarnation the young priest. If that wasn’t shocking enough they then told us that the evil High Priest had been reborn again too. It was him who had reanimated the Hyperborean Temple of the Air with the enslaved minds of the hundreds of females he had managed to ensnare and lure to the different fronts he had set up in South America.

The Hyperborean Temple of the Air, as the Twins described it, was a large flying disk, well flying saucer anyway, with it’s main base in the center of the Sargasso Sea. Young women of child bearing age were addicted to certain drugs in South America. Then they were paralyzed with another drug and placed naked in long clear glass tubes and then transported to the Temple of the Air by submarine. The tubes themselves were partially sentient creatures breed by the Temple’s psychic surgeons with their psychic magical skills.

Once the woman was in the tube it stretched out it’s long flexible tentacles and attached a breathing mask that sealed itself to her face. Then the tube sealed itself and was filled with an ambient fluid. Then other flexible tentacles began to attached themselves to the fully awake but paralyzed woman. Some went to the head, some to the forehead, others to the temples, nape of the neck and other places. Places where they sank their probes in deeply and integrated themselves directly into the major parts of the host’s brain. Others did the same for her major organs, monitoring and feeding the paralyzed body nutrients and other things to keep it fit and passive in the container.

Still other tentacles attached themselves to the major muscle groups and spinal cord and electrically stimulated the muscles in a regular manner. After all it was reasoned by the Hyperborean High Priests that a totally compliant body was not something that should be allowed to just waste away. One day a mobile body might be required for a onerous task, why waist it. Finally tentacles attached themselves to the breasts, then they invaded the cunt and anal opening.

In their experiments the Hyperborean High Priests had determined long ago that sexually stimulated females gave off the most stable usable psychic energy when they orgasm. There had been priests that had even experimented and developed a certain level of skill at edging the women. It was even an art others said, at keeping the batteries, that’s what the women in the tubes had become, just on the edge of orgasm. Keeping up a steady output of psychic energy, but never allowing them to actually cum until an extra surge of energy was needed by the ship for more speed or weapons.

That extra spurt of energy usually drained several of the ships weaker main battery’s cells. Cells, or tubes, which were quickly replaced with fresh new energy cells from the ships reserve stock of battery cells. The main battery consisted of 100 cell, or 100 women. Of course cells, or tubes, were a finite resource that had to be conserved the junior priest were told during training, but there was never a shortage of women to fill those tubes to worry about. So be careful when discarding the dead woman in a dead cell you don’t want to damage the tube. Yes a drained cell usually meant a dead or nearly dead woman to be discarded. There was no time to nurse a weak human woman back to health the young priests were told. There was never a shortage of drug addicted young women for the cells.

It appeared that the Hyperborean High Priest’s shell encrusted tube had been found by certain elements of Hitler’s SS toward the end of W.W.II. At the time of the discovery Germany was losing the war and preparations were being made to flee Germany and go to Argentina in South America. This was all in the middle 40’s. The lime encrusted tube the evil High Priest was warehoused along with other treasures and things looted from Europe and other places and forgotten about once it was put there. The tube itself was improperly cataloged and we’ll never actually know where it came from.

Anyway in 1982 during the “10 Week War”, in the Falkland Islands, the short war between Argentina and the UK, some now grown children of the German Third Riche living in Argentina went looking for Nazi secret weapons to help their Argentine allies. They found the tube under an old tarp in an abandoned warehouse owned by one of their grandfathers. One of the young women had archaeology training and was intrigued by the shell encrusted tube. Using ultra sound she determined it was hollow and liquid filled. Using vibrating ship hull scrappers she was able to finally discover the panel to activate it. Even after thousands of years there was just enough energy left to reactivate the partially living tube and revive the evil High Priest from his long stasis in the tube.

Becoming aware again the High Priest reached out with his powerful mind and seized control of her along with her entire amateur satanic witches coven that was with her in the warehouse. He then directed her in how to open the panel fully and recharge the tube’s battery. She never realized how lucky she was that there were six other young women with her. After assorting each woman’s orgasmic energy he fully recharged the tube’s battery with their psychic energy. Finally the tube was energized and he emerged to take full control of the coven. In many ways the High Priest was a psychic vampire, sucking the raw psychic energy he needed to live on directly from the females around him to stay alive and young.

From then until now the evil High Priest had been busy establishing another Hyperborean Empire in the 21st Century. Only recently had they acquired the tools and equipment necessary to salvage the original Temple of the Air buried under hundreds of feet of solid rock beneath the ocean floor in the center of the Sargasso Sea.

Of course his new crop of priests and priestesses he had recruited had not been idle these last 38 years. They had taken to the magical psychic surgery like ducks to water, ha, ha. In fact their first major project was the creation of the contagious virus that would forcibly imprint women like geese to the first male that talked to her. Already his loyal male priests had demonstrated it’s effectiveness by allowing him to imprint all the female priestesses. The priestesses were now all his personal slaves loyal to him now.

They were also working on a virus to make target groups of males sterile. Once the virus was released into the stratosphere it would be years before the targeted groups noticed the decline in their numbers. They were also trying to develop a female prototype, using the priestesses wombs, for their new slave population. Females that would only produce female offspring in bunches of two or three babies at a time. This seemed like the ideal solution to their psychic energy battery production problem and personal sex slave production. An easily replenished supply of easily imprinted personally pleasing pleasure female slaves with no males to compete with for their affections. A truly Utopian world society as Plato had talked about he thought to himself.

Everything had been running so smoothly until a group of newly recruited priests had gone rogue on him. Forcing him to come out of the shadows before he was ready and destroy them with the newly recovered Temple of the Air. He used the new weapon one of his priest had developed when he fully understood what the Temple of the Air was. The “Lawn Darts From Hell”, LDFH’s, had worked perfectly, he would have to congratulate Donald with a promotion.

It had also been discovered now that the Temple of the Air absorbed radar waves, even sound waves it appeared. Yes, it could be seen with the naked eye, but he doubted that anybody had seen it before it reached the altitude of 97,000 feet he needed. There was no reflected radar beam or sonar pulse return to detect they had learned. Meaning the Temple of the Air was for all intents and purposes was radar and sonar invisible to the world’s military armies and navies.

Of course the evil High Priest hadn’t known that when he had to launch the strike on the Company. The fools had actually been trying to sell personal programed sex slaves to rich people. If they had just waited they could have become virtual gods on Earth he laughed to himself. It appeared that even the Gods favored him in this new life. In many ways this new thing called technology exceeded magic in ways he had never imagined until now.

At one time there had been a Temple base on the moon the evil High Priest remembered. Maybe it was time to check if it was still there. There might come a time he needed it he reasoned.

Pandora; What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger

NOTE TO; Doctor Alister McClaire

Below are excerpts from partial notes and pages recovered from a suspicious building fire in Bolder, Colorado, February 23, 2019. The entire building was a total loss warranting investigation as a possible arson by my department. Ownership of building was traced through several blind trusts and finally discovered to be owned by a foreign Luxinburg Company who refused to cooperate with the arson investigation in any way. Several of the doctors and staff that supposedly worked there are missing, but no bodies have been recovered from the fire or missing persons reports filed on them tying our hands in the matter.

Further investigation on our own has led to the discovery that no such persons actually exist in any school, college, or medical school records under those names in this country or any other country we are aware of. Since there were no actual deaths, no bodies recovered, no insurance fraud involved, or any other fraud involved for that matter, and due to actual pressure from the State Attorney General himself both BPD and BFD have been ordered to close the investigation.

We have under protest done so reluctantly. Since you made several inquiries when this was an active ongoing investigation and our policy was to stonewall the general public while the investigation was active I couldn’t give you any information at that time. Now that the investigation is officially closed I have made you a duplicate copy of all the records and other materials we found. Also the crime scene photos, and summary of how the fire was started we figure.

The reason I have done this is I have discovered that my files are the last not to be accidentally erased. I was just going to e-mail them to you, but I have discovered that my e-mail account has been hacked and material deleted from it. I am almost positive that my computer in being monitored. The information you are receiving is on a 16gb USB flash drive. It is a copy from my backup drive which wasn’t online at the time our system was hacked. The officer that delivers this to you doesn’t know what this is and I advise you not to discuss it with the officer or to advertise you have it for that matter.

I admit Doctor, I did research your credentials which are real but sketchy in places. Why a noted neurologist like yourself would be interested in this fire I don’t know, but here is all the information I have. Good hunting Doctor.

J.P. Benton, Chief Forensics Arson Investigator, City of Bolder, Colo...

///Files of Doctor Alister McClaire; date 06/20/2019, Ocean City, California///

All together there were maybe one thousand scanned pages, as well as photos of pages and scraps of pages anyway. I doubt that anybody but me ever went through them all. Below is what I discovered within them. I think you will find it self explanatory. Page 1 through 12 should give you an ideal of what the Company was up to here.

By the way the Company doesn’t exist either, but the people that work for it and the people that do business with them all refer to it as the Company.

Page 1

///PROJECT LASURAS: 2014/// file 28999

///Excerpt From Senior Director J.J. Smite, III, memo 1 to Board, unknown date///

The Lasuras Virus was first discovered by a contemporary of Leonardo de Vince and recorded in the Vatican’s archives. The entire project was proscripted and all evidence of it ordered destroyed and/or sealed on penalty of being excommunicated from the Church and/or being burned at the stake for the practice of dark arts. Burning seemed to be the preferred disposal method of choice at the time. The Church itself was always pragmatic about the results of their proclamations.

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4 Curious College Girls Ch1 Wild Tongues

By John Morrison Creator of “The Adventures of John and Holly” Chapter 1: Wild Tongues October, Freshman Year “Did you see Cynthia today?” Alex asked Taylor, as they sat watching TV in the middle of the night. “Yeah why,” Taylor said, laughing at the TV. She sat on an arm chair, wearing a white T-shirt, and blue jeans. “She acted strange when I saw her earlier,” Alex said, sitting in her nightgown. “I just wondered if there was something going on,” Alex said. “I’m sure she...

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Neighbor Become His Whore Part 2

That weekend he knew her husband was out of town again and so he called her and told her he was coming over Saturday. Actually he was going to surprise her and get her Friday night. He showed up with two bags of clothes and other items Friday night at 7 and she was surprised to see him. “Well you look good woman, I may not take you out tonight but just keep you to myself, but I have other plans already made so here put these on and oh there is the latest DVD in there too of the last...

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Patricia decided she needed to go see her gynecologist it seems she developed this problem where her clitoris would stay erect and sensitive all the time it rubbed on her panties when she walked and she would even have orgasms walking down the street wow that is great you say not so great when you begin moaning in public your hips gyrating to the pulses sent from her clitoris no this had to stop she could not live this way afraid to move the wrong way in a business meeting or with a friend out...

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There Goes the NeighborhoodChapter 13 Great and Small Expectations

Monday came and when I came home from work Marissa wasn’t home although her car was in the garage. We’d had a very frigid weekend. She hardly talked to me, so I took the attitude of ‘fuck you too’. She’s the one that needs to apologize, not me. I went upstairs to change out of my work clothes and noticed a shopping bag from Victoria’s Secret. I peeked inside and saw a black lace garter belt and a package of black, fishnet stockings. Marissa showed up four beers later; giving me enough time...

2 years ago
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Mothers Milk

Mothers' Milk by Elizabeth Mann Women, Their always good to have around. I play with when I'm bored or when I need a blow job. Yes they cook and clean too, but that's expected. That's what my mother did for my father, that's what I have women do for me. But I was stupid like my father, I married one, a stupid idea, marriage. Why say "I do" in front of some priest? So I can fuck her? I can fuck her without the priest. Women, they want the priest. They want the marriage, why? So...

4 years ago
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DrippingJockstraphotmalecomChapter 3

The walk of several miles through the darkened streets away from the better part of town and towards the Red Lion public house was uneventful and, in the dim yellow light cast by the street lights, my appearance apparently went unnoticed by the few people we passed. As the trip continued, I grew in confidence and my ability to walk with a female-like gait in the high heels increased. The Red Lion was not exactly known for its sophisticated clientele and wide selection of fine wines; it was,...

1 year ago
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A Mothers Love III Home Sweet Home

*HEADNOTE* 100% fiction. Again, another mistake, sorry :( Where I wrote --End--, I meant to write --To Be Continued--. --End-- won't come until the end of the series. Enjoy part three. *END HEADNOTE* ********************************************************************* Main Characters: Katherine Worthington: 25, A.K.A. "Kat". Pre-op Male-to-Female transsexual, formerly known as "Kyle". daughter to Maureen. Maureen Worthington: 50, mother of Katherine....

1 year ago
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How I learned I was Bi Part 1

How I learned I was bisexual. I was a member of a gaming group (we played D&D, Werewolf and other games like that) that included 2 couples (a third couple for a short time) ,3 single males (me included) and single female. I had a tendency to be sexual in the games if at all possible and was vocal about the fun my ex and I had had with another couple before she left. Nobody in the group was a prude so we had some great discussions about sex and passed a lot of sexual innuendo between us all. One...

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BangBros18 Lana Sharpova Lana Fucks Her Roommate

Upon receiving her new sex toy in the mail, Lana Sharpova was too excited to wait. So she went straight to her room to take it for a spin. However, her roommate, Pressure, had something else in mind. He texted her while she was in the middle of riding her new toy and made her go open the door for him. As she was doing this, he replaced the toy with himself. When she returned to her room, she went right back to it and got back on her toy. But little did she know, this toy was now her very own...

2 years ago
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Man of the house chapter one

Man of the House Chapter 1 Late August 1986 Jacksonville NC Growing up in the military was hard on all of us. The constant moving, and missed holidays due to my father either being in the field, or deployed to God knows where, were harder on my brother and I. My mom, Lisa had grown accustomed to the hectic lifestyle. She met my father while living in California, and they hit it off right from the start. She was 17 at the time and just starting college when she found out she was pregnant...

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HandsOnHardcore Frida Sante Air Bnpornstar

Frida Sante is our dearly beloved pornstar here at DDF Network. She’d an amazing hottie with gorgeous eyes and wonderful brunette hair. Today, our pretty Latina stars in a brand new hardcore movie by the DDF Network. She travels from city to city for her job as a pro in the industry and ends up renting a couch since all hotels were fully booked. Once hosts Yanick Shaft and Erik Everhard find out about that sizzling hot sex idol on their smartphone, it’s only a matter of minutes...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriends Dad Part V

When I got home it was still only four in the afternoon. Had all that happened in just two hours, my fucking Dan and then getting fucked by him as I fucked his wife? Had it happened at all?I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. Was it really possible that I, a pretty ordinary 18-year-old kid about to head off to college, having what I thought was a pretty ordinary sex life, had become sexually involved with my girlfriend’s father and then, through him, her mother as well?How does such a...

Gay Male
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Back To The Future Back In Lorraine

"Fuck me ahhhhhhhhhhh" Lorraine moaned as Marty pressed his tongue down on her moist pussy. Marty pressed his tongue deeper into Lorraine as she moaned. "OH FUCK I'M CUMMINGGGGGGGGG AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! AHHHH FUCK!" She moaned as she came into Marty's mouth. Marty slams his tongue deeper into her pussy making sure to swallow all her juices. "OH MARTY THAT WAS AMAZING!" Lorraine moaned with a smile. Not wasting anytime Lorraine starts to rubbing her hands against Marty's underwear. "The purple...

2 years ago
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Hubby watches wifes ecstasy

Hubby couldn't stand it, hearing her gasp and moan gently had aroused and relaxed him, he snuck out like a naughty school boy and crept back to his chair. Troy was rocking slowly back and forth and his black hands were gripping his wife's Snow White hips. He looked and winked nodding his approval toward the wife, as hubby saw her pink shiny flesh wrapped around his thick brown shaft, she looked like she was impailled on the thing, but sounding like it was no torture for her. The sight and sound...

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Mom And The Football Coach Chapter 1

It was the start of the high school football season at Central High School and Coach Johnson was looking over his initial roster of players. He recognized a few of the names from the previous years–some of his best players were on it. Of course, he had lost some good ones as they graduated this spring and were now playing college ball or had moved on. But he was still pretty pleased with what he had to work with this year. There were positions to fill, just like every year, but he had a good...

4 years ago
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She Slipped Fell and Cock Landed in her Ass

Not many would want a good girl like her to ruin her streak of straight A's. She was as smart as they come, but even cuter to boot.That is why among my pep talks and congratulations, I longed for that academic blunder. We both knew what it would meant. Her first B meant she had to be punished. With anal.It was the last physical conquest; the one she had the most trepidation and therefore, resistance.I remember her many firsts.The first time she touched a penis was like moving a mountain. All...

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The Breeding Room Part III

Judy woke early next morning. She rose and cooked Sandy breakfast and waved him off to work. She had slept restlessly that night. On the one hand she felt guilty for betraying Sandy by letting Al see her naked and on the other she couldn’t shake off the excitement. When she had bowed her head as the gown slipped off her shoulders she saw Al’s excited reaction, she saw his bulge grow. Right before her very eyes she watched his erection expand inside his loose fitting trousers. She wondered why...

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My Binight

So heres a story for all you that goes a bit both ways.After meeting a couple here online on the fabulous hamster and chatting for a few weeks about our fantasies, they are keen to meet and see how we go at fulfilling them.I'm a bit bi but am new to it and want to learn to suck some cock, ive been fucked by my wife before but wanted to try the real thing. I love the cock up my arse its such a great feeling never thought i would but hey its great.So we arrange a meet at their house for some fun....

1 year ago
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PornWorld Zlata Shine Wealthy Blonde MILF Gives Her Ass To New Employee

It’s the middle of the day in the middle of the week and Zlata Shine – a blonde MILF who recently divorced her wealthy husband – is bored and horny at her newly obtained multimillion-euro estate. To pass the time, she decides to jump in the shower and ram herself with her favorite dildo. Her little masturbatory session is interrupted when she hears a knock downstairs. Quickly dressing in a revealing blouse and underwear, she rushes down to open the door. On the other side of it is a young stud...

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My Wife and her Best Friend Lay a TrapPart 2

Jenny smiled at J, enthusiastically nodding her head in agreement. She pushed on my chest, indicating that I should roll off her body and lay down beside her. I complied and plopped over on my back, my dick slapping at my stomach. I took Jenn’s hand and rubbed it against my once-again swollen cock, showing her that I was ready to fuck her some more; then I raised her hand to my lips to gently kiss each of her fingers. I felt wonderful and was enjoying the moment and anticipating the renewed...

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FamilyHookups Elena Koshka Cute teen Elena Koshka fucks her hung stepbrother after he catches her masturbating

Elena Koshka is horny this afternoon so she’s enjoying a nice little masturbation session… when her nosy stepbrother walks right into her room! She quickly puts her vibrator away but when he pulls off her covers to get her out of bed he sees everything. She’s soooo embarrassed but he tries to calm her down by telling her that’s totally normal and she doesn’t need to be embarrassed. He even pulls out his cock and starts stroking it to show it’s normal....

1 year ago
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Backyard PrincessChapter 5 Throne Reclaimed

I was still lying on my bed staring at the wall when Mom came home. I heard the front door open, followed a few minutes later by footsteps on the stairs. Finally, she opened the door and peeked in. "Hi, Kenny," she smiled. "Where's Sarah?" "I hate her," is all I said. Mom sighed. "Uh oh. Did you two have a falling out?" At first I didn't want to talk about it, but I decided I needed to tell someone how I felt, and Mom had always been a good listener. So I began talking, and soon...

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The End of the World

"Go, John," your father had said. "A bunker like this is no place for life. Radiation sensors say the world outside is livable, go live in it. Your mother and I will join you when your sister is older." And so you went. You went into the world that you had left 3 years ago, just before the war started. You don't know who started it, or who ended it, all you know is your once-thriving farming town is now a desolate, brown hellscape. As you survey the world around you, you see nothing but...

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Beautiful StrangerChapter 23

'My father is failing, ' said the prince Iordan to himself. Try as he might, he could not silence the thoughts which came unbidden; his unconscious mind would no longer suffer to be quieted, and even the distraction of the bustle all around him was not enough to tear the part that listened away from the part that spoke. 'Even in his age, he grows old before his time. He was wounded when my sister and I were lost to him, and our return did not heal the hurt. No: if anything, it's...

2 years ago
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How I fucked my neighbors incredibly hot 16yearold gymnast daughter Pt 1

How I fucked my neighbors incredibly hot 16-year-old gymnastics daughter. (I wont post pictures of her, but I can tell you she looks a hell of a lot like Sasha Rose.) I posted this last night, but I didnt get to format it correctly and work out all the typos. A more complete version for your pleasure): It was the beginning of summer, and I had just moved out of my parents house at 23, having founded a successful web startup company earlier on with the help of a few friends. I bought a house...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Island Part 2

Pete and I had huge erections streaked with pre-cum from the girls’ handiwork. Sue and Pat were similarly aroused with damp thighs and engorged labia as well as hard nipples.“I don’t know about you three but I’ve got to get some relief before we go out,” said Pat.We murmured in agreement. The four of us had got naked together after breakfast as a result of us discussing our favourite sexual fantasies. It had progressed to Pete fondling the ample breasts of Pat, my wife. Then Pete’s wife Sue had...

Group Sex
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My True Submissive Story

My true submissive story. Unlike the other stories that I've written here, this one is actually true. I was 21 at the time, never really had any submissive thoughts as such, I knew myself that I was poorly endowed, but my girlfriend at the time didn't seem to mind, so why should I. Obviously as this is true I've decided to change everyone's name, I know the chances of being discovered are slim, nevertheless I think its best to change them anyway. Perhaps when others know what...

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i satisfied a goreous lady

My name is kumar I have a good muscular body with a 6feet height .with good health . unsatisfied ladys can mail me .you can get details at end of the sotry i am very much intrested in sex .so i used to post add in some adult web sites.lets get into the story One day i got a message from one lady .she intorduced her self in that .after we exchanged our number and we chat in whatsapp ( in between we had some chat ). she said she want sex badly .i said i will give you lots of satisfaction with...

3 years ago
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Seducing Sally Part 3

Faye and Sally have a day out and make new friends The days following that Saturday were something of a blur; I know that's a cliché but stick with me on this. I'm not going to describe each time we made love because it would bore you and, after the first two chapters, you should be well versed in what we look like. However, I will give you a brief rundown of events so far. My name's Faye, I am nineteen and I have long red hair down to my bum. I'm fairly skinny with small but pert...

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