Justice ResurrectedChapter 19: Awakenings free porn video

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I know not how long it was that I was aware of something. It came as a great shock to me when I realized it had penetrated the thick fog of my coma-like existence. Many beings had I dreamed of during my slumber, but none had so bright a soul nor so resolute a personality as to make my soul sing with the need to be nearer to it. I was surprised at how far away this person was, once my newly awakened senses began functioning. There were many leagues between my new master and me, for I was sure that was who this was.

And for that reason I worried. As I took stock of my surroundings, I sensed scores of malignant creatures ringing the peak in whose flank I was buried. The wind moaned, as it ever does in the Netherlands, but there seemed to be a voice behind that wind. A spirit seemed to guide its icy fury, pushing snow and sleet before it to clog the passes through the Nethar Mountains.

But far, far to the south, my master was. A new companion to take me up and deal Justice to the vile and corrupt world that had come after my brethren and I fell out of mind and into myth and legend. That was all that mattered. Father would not let simple weather and even simpler villains stop my newest companion, if, indeed, he could not win through on his own. For the wielders of Vindicor-Kimber were ever stalwart and hardy warriors with minds equaled by few. So...

... So I awaited his coming with patience and calm, though the enthusiasm was kept in check with effort. Long have I slept in the icy sepulcher of my entombment. I was not forged to remain dormant, leaving Justice no vindicator capable of slashing through the corruption of wicked men and the injustice of ignorant adjudicators. Yes, I will enjoy awakening the world to the Justice of Sol once again in the hands of my new master.

Maseryk sheltered them in his strange home through three howling days of whiteout conditions before he finally grew impatient. On the morning of the fourth day, as they were sitting down to a breakfast of raven's eggs and gabressi steaks, his gruesome face was screwed up into a fierce scowl. He glared at the massive windows in the gigantic dining room, informing them that the blizzard was the worst he had seen since he arrived in the Netherlands nearly three decades ago. Despite the fierce winds, there were six feet of snow on the ground already and the storm did not seem likely to stop any time in the near future. As soon as they were finished eating and he had conducted them back to the library, their normal gathering place during their days of respite, the sorcerer left them to their own devices. He promised to return before dusk, hopefully with good news on the weather.

Maseryk Dame'marin left the children and the Gnome, wishing for not the first time in four days that the Lady had chosen another path for the poor deluded kid and his friends. His was a simple, solitary, quiet life spent studying ancient texts and killing the occasional band of Dei-Xhan. He was not used to company and he was not overly happy to finally have it now that it was here. He, however, was choiceless. Rangers are not given choices, only tasks to complete.

"Come now, Maseryk," a high pitched voice suddenly said from out of the gloomy passage the sorcerer was taking to his sanctum. He chanted a ball of flame into being to see his familiar hovering just at the edge of the light, its wings beating frantically. "The Lady does not assign you so many tasks that you cannot do this one with ease and be back to your studies within a month or two."

"More like a half year in this weather," he grumbled, continuing on down the dank, dusty passage.

The fairie imp trailed after its master, giggling inanely. "So you go to fix the weather so you may guide this youngling and be done with him?" it guessed, its suddenly looking far more impish than fairie-like.

Maseryk darted out a powerful hand, his claws extending to ensure the clever creature did not escape him, and wrapped it around a thin leg with a steel grip. The Jotnari Dei-Xhan brought his familiar so close he could hear its frantic heart pounding in fright. "Let me make one thing clear, demon-spawn," he said in a tone the netherworlder could barely hear, so deep was it, "nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, is to happen to that kid while he is in my care. If one devil, one ifrit, one ukaysa shows its fiery hide anywhere near that kid you will spend the next millennium in agonies so great that you could not possibly comprehend the pain you will experience. Am I understood, Qyzariya?"

"Y-yes, m-m-master!"

Maseryk let the creature go and continued on his way. "I am going to the sanctum. Make sure nothing disturbs me," he said in a tone that sounded as if it came from the depths of a tomb. What disturbed the faerie-imp even more was the emphasis on the word nothing. Not nobody. Nothing.

The sanctum was, at one time, the bell tower of the great library of Lunivo-Vaslaria. The Freosans were a people of great stature and their buildings reflected this. The tower soared to over two hundred and fifty feet into the air and, as was the case with most Freosan structures, served a second, more martial purpose. Being the tallest thing around except the mountains of the region, the bell tower was also the principal watch tower of the city. When a very young and inexperienced Maseryk Dame'marin stumbled upon Lunivo-Vaslaria, the first thing he saw was the bell tower. It was the place he chose to hide from a ravening of imps loosed by their master to hunt. Not having anywhere else to live, the young sorcerer and callow ranger claimed the lost city as his own. It was not until he began deciphering the great library that he figured out who and what had built the massively constructed city.

As all sorcerers must, he had to choose a site for his sanctum and the bell tower, minus the bells (they having fallen through the wooden floor and crashed through the seven other levels of the tower to the basement, which he later found and converted into a bath tub and a cistern), made an excellent retreat for his meditations and incantations. He replaced the wooden floor with stone and filled the wide, empty windows with thick glass. Covering half of the new room, from the center out, were permanent binding and summoning symbols as well as the standard protection circles engraved into the new stone. Balls of crystal hovered at the cardinal points and lit whenever he entered. There was also a desk covered with his grimoires and other spell-books and a large table upon which were the implements of the magi Maseryk had collected over the years from those he vanquished.

Breathing heavily from the laborious climb, Maseryk entered the sanctum to the soft glow from the crystal balls. Their kind white light illuminated the silvered lines of the arcane symbols covering the floor, almost seeming to blaze with a secret light of their own. The sorcerer closed the door behind him, clearing his mind as he waved the candles on the desk to flame. Beyond the windows, the blizzard still raged, dumping more and more snow atop that already fallen, surely clogging the passes close to the point of being impassable. Maseryk shivered as he heard the voice behind that storm. It was a voice older than any magi he had yet encountered, including the almost-senile, completely blind, hoary Dei-Xhan he had cajoled into teaching him when he was a teenager.

Inhaling deeply and letting his fear and pain, hatred and sorrow drain out of him with the exhaled air, Maseryk stepped over the circle of protection to sit in a meditative posture for the coming battle. When he felt as peaceful as he was going to get, he muttered the incantation which activated the protection circles and awoke the spirits bound to his sanctum. As their power infused his being, his mind detached itself from his body and swelled upward. Looking down on his domain, the Freosan city looked puny and insignificant. He looked northward with his new senses, searching for the tendril of thought being blown southward with the blizzard by the magi controlling the insane fury of ice and snow.

I was wondering how long the wizard of Lunivo-Vaslaria would sit in his castle before answering my challenge! came the malignant mental shout, the wind shrieking its defiance at Maseryk. After all, by all accounts, you are reputed to be a hundred feet tall with two heads, a score of arms, and four eyes that see all and lance fire at all Dei-Xhan who dare come near your domain!

You know me, but what am I to call you in the short time we will know each other ere you follow your comrades to Zondro's Underworld? Maseryk inquired diffidently, knowing the sorcerer would never give him his real name.

You may simply call me Lord Dzar, not that you will have much leisure to use it! with that quip came a psionic blast of pure magic. Had Maseryk been either less prepared or less powerful than he was, his mind, despite the powerful protections of his sanctum, would have been destroyed.

Now that was not nice, Maseryk replied, sending a blast of his own back while also releasing a secondary spell, hoping to mask its release with the assault. The two magi exchanged several more blasts of pure, unmanipulated magic before the real sorcery began. The blizzard's winds howled, changing direction and slamming massive amounts of snow and ice first northward, then southward as Nature itself was caught up in the struggle.

Bolts of lightning as thick as rivers streamed down to flick disaster at the ancient dead city even as protections woven into the very stones by the founders sought to protect their new master. Far to the north, in the shadow of Mount Gyru, a fortified camp of Dei-Xhan sorcerers and warriors suddenly found itself being rained upon by flakes of acid snow. The pained screams of burned men were torn away to be carried southward as they all sought some shelter impervious to the burning crystals.

Maseryk, sweat pouring down his face, fended off pure magical blasts while several ifrits he summoned battled two hugely hideous ukaysai in the dead streets of the deserted city. The spirits bound to his sanctum aided him in mixing components to a spell he was trying to complete before the Lord Dzar and however many junior sorcerers he had aiding him managed to slip a spell by his considerable defenses.

Suddenly he felt a let up on both his opponent's offense and the blizzard and a wicked smile spread across his repulsive face. The spell he released at the beginning of the battle had indeed gone unnoticed. He felt the ukaysai's glee at finding unprepared sorcerers within their grasp. The brutish beings did not care whether or not these were the sorcerers who had enslaved them with spell and geas, they were sorcerers and they rushed northward to rend the now unprotected magi. Maseryk finished combining the elements to his final spell and chanted the imperative stanzas, releasing the final blow. The resulting surge of energy back to himself was immediate as he killed three of Lord Dzar's junior sorcerers and banished the ukaysai.

Inhaling deeply and cursing as he exhaled, Maseryk slammed his large fist into the stone floor in anger; Lord Dzar had escaped.

Suddenly three amorphous creatures congealed before him, prostrating themselves before him, their piping voices begging for mercy. Maseryk, an enemy of Zondro-Xhan and a follower of the Lady of Light, hated this part of Zondro-Xhan's folly in giving him the gift of sorcery at birth. These amorphous beings were the slain sorcerers come to serve him. Dozens of others rose from the floors, emerged from the walls, or congealed from their own resting places now that the battle was over. They hovered, awaiting Maseryk's decision as to what each spirit would do, and hoping the stern but morally plagued sorcerer would grant one of them release from this plane of existence to complete its journey to the Underworld and maybe find a path to Kreu-Garra's Hall of Valor.

Maseryk looked at the first spirit sternly, frowning in anger. "What was your name and station in life?" he asked even as one of the other spirits, the one longest in his service, brought him an ancient wand of awesome power which the Dei-Xhan half-breed had found in the dead city.

A shudder rippled through the mist that was the spirit as it seemed to bow. "I was Ivannascharr nok'Dzar, daughter of Jqar. I was a senior cleric of Ytzaryh, great lord."

Maseryk snorted at the formality adopted by the dead sorcerer only a few minutes ago aiding in the attempt to kill him. "You, as the rest of these do, may address me as Maseryk," the sorcerer informed the spirit. He pointed to the table holding his spell-books. "Upon the table you will find a grimoire written in Freosan. You will infuse the tome and use your essence to animate it. You and the grimoire will respond to my every spoken order and, during conflicts such as I was just engaged in with your former master, you will add both your power and the power of the book to my own. Is that understood?" What was probably a nod rippled through the upper quarter of the misty blob before it drifted over to the table and disappeared into a huge leather bound volume of dark gray.

"You?" the sorcerer asked the next spirit. When the shade did not answer, Maseryk mutter a short spell and pointed the wand at the misty revenant, eliciting an agonizing screech. "You?"

"Khybasch Dzar of Ytzaryh, Lord of the Western March and Grand Sorcere to the Prince Keilun's Royal Guard!" the defiant shade exclaimed proudly, its misty substance roiling with impotent anger.

"Ah! A Royal cousin!" Maseryk said with grim amusement. His mind went over the various projects he had on hold for lack of sufficient power and time and smiled when he remembered that the Freosans were quite inventive in the arena of sanitation. "Beneath the city you will find a system of tunnels and pipes, each connected in one way or another to either the water system or the sewer system. I want you to use your power to both fix them so they work in their intended manner, without harm or potential harm to myself or any of my current or future guests, and protect this system from any damage or invasion. Am I understood?"

The cloud ceased its vibration for a long second before shivering with rage. "You want me to become your sewer cleaner! I won't do iiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee-" the spirit screeched as Maseryk brought his and the wand's power to bear once more. "I understand ... Lord Maseryk." With that the misty blob sunk into the stones of the tower room.

The last spirit was somewhat smaller than the other two were and its mental aura was quite frightened. "What was your name and station?"

"Me Jovani, mister," a childish voice replied tentatively as it drifted back a pace. "Please no hurt me."

The language was Zondron, the language all Dei-Xhan speak. But its grammar and inflection was distinctly juvenile, even babyish. Dei-Xhan are sticklers for perfection in all things and young Dei-Xhan are able to speak as the adults do by age six. This gave Maseryk a bad feeling as he looked over at the elder spirit serving him.

"Is this what I think it is?"

"It is," the mist replied, a semblance of a sad face emerging out of the fog for a brief second before turning back into a formless cloud. "It was a three year old child of such amazing potential that the Lord Sorcere of Ytzaryh had advanced him to the rank of Apprentice Sorcere before his education was complete. It does not comprehend that it is dead."

Maseryk closed his eyes, his ugly face becoming haggard with his own sorrow and guilt. "Take him to the Underworld, X'el. When he has been received, you may remain to be judged yourself. Long have you awaited your rest," the Jotnari half-breed said, rising to his feet. He tossed the wand towards the desk and one of the spirits caught it up and returned it to its place. The room was soon cleared of the nebulous forms except the two, one old and one young. The sorcerer turned towards his latest victim and waved towards to the other. "Follow this one, young one. He is going to lead you to a nice place for you to rest." With that, the sorcerer turned away from them and started to open the door.

The young spirit seemed to turn toward the cloudy ancient whose mass seemed to be stretching forth a tentacle of mist and shot around it to disappear into the man's robe. "Please don't let the bad man get me!" a muffled cry sound from somewhere in the vicinity of Maseryk's arm pit. "The bad man will hurt me like the other ones!"

Maseryk looked down before sighing, his own spirit leaden with guilt at having slain a child. "Go, X'el," he said shortly as he opened the sanctum door. "Perhaps your service to me will in some manner expiate your sins while you were among the living and Kreu-Garra will allow you to occupy some dim corner of the Hall of Valor."

Maseryk wearily dragged himself through the darkened corridors of his demesne, guiltily aware of the child-spirit hovering next to him, clutching at his left hand with nebulous tendrils of mist. When he came upon his sentry, the mischievous faerie-imp, noticing its master's somber expression, wisely kept its usually irrepressible mouth shut. It gave the spirit a distasteful look as they passed him and took up its usual position at the right shoulder of the sorcerer.

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Justice Served

The digital readout of the alarm clock showed 2:38 AM on a Friday morning as I groggily reached for the phone. "Please help me, Jimmy," the soft voice sobbed. "They hurt me. They hurt me real bad." A cold fist clinched over my heart as I recognized the voice of my baby sister. "Where are you, Angie," I asked as I instantly became fully awake. "I don't know," she wept. "I think there are still two of them here. They're going to rape me some more." "Leave your phone on but...

3 years ago
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Justice League of America World War Three

THE WATCHTOWER The Watchtower, headquarters of the JLA (Justice League of America). It was a large space station that was parked on the moon. The station was made of promethium and its technology based on a mixture of Martian, Kryptonian, Thanagarian, Earth as well as New Genesis and Apokolips. Inside the Watchtower was the Monitor Womb, the heart of the Watchtower. This was where the JLA monitored everything that happened on Earth, with its vast computer/communications/sensors network. As...

2 years ago
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Justice ResurrectedIntroduction

Out of darkness we were brought forth into the Light of the Divine, forged by the hands of the fifteen Lords and Ladies of Heaven to bring wisdom and justice to those who came before us. For we were the Second Divine Miracle, the second time those who watch over creation came together to combine their might. My consciousness awoke to the feel of Sol, Dispenser of Justice, raising me in front of him with a slight smile of pride and satisfaction. As were they, we numbered fifteen, each to go to...

1 year ago
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Justice League Knocked Out

The justice league are the defenders of Earth, the greatest heroes humanity has to offer. But even they are not infallible. Even the mightiest of superheroes can be taken down a peg with just one lucky blow, one unfortunate circumstance, one unlucky matchup... or just the right amount of pressure to the right areas. And from there, anything can happen. Luckily the sort of people who would knock out a Justice Leaguer is never the sort who would abuse such a position of power after the fact......

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Weekend of Awakenings

A Weekend Awakening This story blossomed from another story I read, unfortunately, I do not remember the story title to give credit for the inspiration. This is just a fun story about a wonderful weekend. As with all my stories, I did smatter in some real-life experience, but I will leave you to wonder what is real and what is my imagination. I hope you enjoy it and if you do, please leave a comment (I do read them.) Thanks for reading, Lexi!!! I was over at my friend Jake's...

2 years ago
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The Crystal RainbowChapter 9 Awakenings

Christine hurriedly sat up from the unladylike slouch in which she found herself when she awoke. Her hands immediately moved to smooth her skirts and then patted at her hair in a vain attempt to bring order to her unruly locks. Erik, too, sat up quickly. His hands flew up to his face, his shoulders rigid. His entire body relaxed as soon as his fingers touched the stiff surface of his mask. He adjusted its position and sighed. Suddenly, his head tilted down and he hissed. Helen and Christine...

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Spring Awakenings

I get up to the front door and find myself stuck in my head. Do I ring the doorbell? Should I knock? How many times? Do I say Hi first? STOP! I shut out my nervous thoughts and just knock on the heavy mahogany door. No response. Did I not knock loudly enough? I knock again. Again, no noise from inside the house. I raise my nervously shaking fist to knock a third time and- “Sorry about that!” I hear the cheeriest voice say from my right side. I lean back from the door and see you coming...

3 years ago
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A Family Man Part 1 Awakenings

I was born in 1974, somewhere in Illinois, and given up for adoption shortly after birth. I had no idea who my birth parents were and the only name I had was David. I spent my first twelve years in and out of foster homes, which eventually led me across the country. I know there are many great foster parents out there, but unfortunately, I would never come to live with any of them. Instead, I ended up in homes where I was viewed as nothing more than a government check, at best, and a punching...

4 years ago
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Piercings Part VI Infidelity and Awakenings

We were woken by Liz when she returned just after ten. Amy started to get out of the bed as she came into the room but Liz stopped her. “It’s okay Amy,” she told her. “I don’t mind and there’s no point in getting out of a nice warm bed to get into a cold one, is there?”Amy smiled as she got back into bed. Liz sat on the edge of the bed close to her. “Had a good time?” she asked her as she brushed hair off Amy’s forehead. “You look shattered.”Amy smiled.“I hope dad isn’t wearing you out!”This...

2 years ago
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Young Awakenings

Chapter 1 I was only 12 when it first happened. It was pouring down hard and the field was muddy and wet. I had watched the other boys leave one by one. Most of them had parents who stayed and watched the game. The only thing keeping me from mother nature was a thin soccer jersey with my favorite number on the back. I made my way to a wooden picnic table I used to sit under to wait for my mom when I was younger. I crawled under and wondered how I ever used to fit under there before. Thunder...

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Chapter 9RelationshipsAfter Sarah’s revelation there had been silence as they all pondered what had just passed between them.It was Daniel who spoke first.“Well I don’t know about you two, but I need a drink”. He marched to the huge graphite fridge and yanked open the door. Glass clanked inside at the force with which he had opened it. Sarah glanced at Isabella and her expression had changed – she was no longer strong and angry, more…what was that expression, thought Isabella. Mixture of...

1 year ago
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Chapter 8SarahIt had been several weeks since the evening Josh left the house. Yesterday he picked up the last of his belongings and now all traces of him were finally gone. She felt sad about the situation but was now looking forward to being with Daniel without the random pangs of guilt that she used to feel.It was a Saturday morning and Isabella woke early. She was enjoying her own space, and the house was starting to feel more like her own. She had put up more photos of her family and she...

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Chapter 7Time to GoJosh arrived back late, slightly unsteady on his feet. He had had a few drinks to overcome his anger. It hadn’t really worked, but he had enjoyed fucking that girl in the car park – that had dissipated a lot of pent up emotion. He was surprised to see the lights still on in the house. The anger rose in him again as he remembered how much it hurt his pride to find out about Daniel. That bastard! And she was such a bitch to do that to him. He thrust his key into the door and...

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Chapter 6ConfrontationThe weeks passed by quickly after their erotic encounter at the Hilton. Work got busier and Isabella found herself staying late most nights just to get through the files that were building on her desk. Daniel had got much busier, attending networking events, functions, dinners and had brought in some new clients which meant a lot more work for Isabella to get stuck into. It also meant more time with Daniel. She admired his work ethic and professionalism, his dedication and...

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Chapter 5SurpriseHe opened his eyes as the sunlight started to fall across his face. The net curtains danced gently as the cool breeze wafted through the window. He was aware of the weight of her head on his chest, her hair tumbling across his skin. Her arm was across him, her hand resting on his shoulder. He listened to her breathing and found his own falling into the same rhythm. He stroked her back, loving the silky feel of her skin. He cast his mind back to the previous evening, finding...

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CHAPTER 3The PartyThe weeks dragged on so slowly. He found himself daydreaming about the charity event and a chance to spend the whole night with Isabella. He was consumed by thoughts of her and all that had passed between them. He was intoxicated by her beauty, her taste and smell, and found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on his work. But he had sensed her uncertainty the last time they had been together. That explosive evening had been incredible, but he did not want to spoil...

4 years ago
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CHAPTER 2The InvitationThey walked out of the office onto the moonlit pavement, the cool night air forcing them both to catch their breaths. She could not believe what had just happened between them. She had just fucked her boss! There was no denying it, since her interview she had felt a deep connection with him and over the last couple of weeks working for him they had become increasingly close, their conversations easy and natural. She had hoped, of course, but never thought it would turn...

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CHAPTER 1The InterviewHe was busy, but then he liked having a full day’s work ahead of him. Made the time pass and he loved the sense of achievement when he had finished his day’s work without having time to think too much. Caroline edged up to his desk and he realised it must already be 10 o’clock. Time for them to run through what he needed from her during the day. Caroline had been his PA for five years and become pretty efficient at looking after him. But she would be leaving soon to have...

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The first in a series of real events in my early sex lifeI was probably eleven when I first started to be aware of sexual feelings, getting erections and becoming aware of the pleasures my body afforded me. In other words this is when I started having wet dreams and masturbating.Like most boys of this age I was involved in lots of discussions regarding the girls we fancied and although I tried to fit in with most of the others I actually found myself fancying far different people to the norm....

2 years ago
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Masquerades 101 Chapter 2 Strange Awakenings

Nicole I didn't sleep well, I tossed and turned because I was anxious about the first day of classes. This particular anxiety was a tradition for me each semester. At our school, if you're not present for the first day of class, you get unenrolled from that class. Therefore I was worried I was going to oversleep. It didn't help of course, that I still had my fight with Tyler still on my mind. My first class was at 9 AM, and I set my alarm for 7:30 AM. That should give me ample...

4 years ago
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Family Awakenings

It was a typical Saturday morning. I was sitting at the kitchen table having a cup of coffee, enjoying the quiet before my three high schoolers woke up. My wife Stacey was in the study enjoying her coffee as well. We have been married for 18 years. We met in high school and got married right after we graduated. Stacey and I have a pretty active sex life, she’s always had a high sex drive and since we’re pretty much the only people we’ve ever been with we believe in keeping things spicy in the...

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For perhaps the tenth time in as many minutes, Kathryn Gray glanced up at the large clock on the office wall. It had been one of those days that seemed like it would never end. She had a theory that the three-day weekend that waited beyond five o'clock caused time to move much more slowly. A silly theory, she admitted to herself, but as good an explanation as any as to why the day was dragging on forever. Kathryn had been working at Moore and Ryan for nine months now. It had been the...

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I had to be dreaming. It was the only answer that made any sense at all. The lovely young woman whose naked body pressed against mine, was nothing more than a figment of my subconscious. I had driven out one last time before I sold my parents' vacation cabin. Arriving after 14 hours of travel, exhausted, I collapsed into the bed fully dressed. As the rain spattered on the window, I laid there remembering waking to find the curtains drawn and the french doors standing open to the morning...

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Prologue Any lingering hopes were swept away as I stared at the result from the test kit. I was pregnant! I had been well and truly "banged up". I knew now, without doubt, that there was a price to pay for my indulgences. I feared for my impending marriage as I tried to think how to explain my belly full of arms and legs to a would be husband who had yet to penetrate me. The wedding was still two months away and I'd cleverly (as I thought at the time) held him at bay and reeled him in...

2 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XI 2 Awakenings

A few weeks before Spring break, Penny called Suzi to see if she wanted to get together. They went shopping the following weekend, and late that Saturday afternoon I received a phone call from Suzi. "Tim, Penny spotted her brother sneaking around her place, and we followed him to where we think he lives. Penny wants to... Penny? Hmm, anyway, she'd like you to come down so she can talk to him without worrying about being attacked or drugged again." I reached out to Suzi, and wrote down...

4 years ago
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Bubblegum Pigtails and Total DominationChapter 6 Awakenings

I sat there in the guest cabin for a few minutes, or maybe longer, I don’t know. I wanted to smell Angie’s sex just once more before Becky Finklestein took her away from me forever. But even when I had her panties pressed against my face her scent was completely overpowered by a sweet, musky, impossible to describe odor that had to be Becky. I felt like the smell should be driving me crazy, but I couldn’t find the energy to get excited. For the past few days, it had been a struggle to keep...

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Runaway DreamChapter 3 Awakenings

The sunlight hurt my eyes, even the very little escaping from the drawn curtains. Just a slender fissure and I turned weakly away from it. I felt tired and empty inside, not so much hungry as just ... empty. My skin was cold and clammy and the light seemed to crawl across my flesh. I trembled and wondered if this wasn't DT, the withdrawl eating away at my brain. I hadn't fixed since I'd seen Vin and I had no idea how long ago that had been. I didn't think I was really addicted to the...

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Loves ShepherdChapter 3 Awakenings

“Mr. Brandton! Pay attention!” Mrs. Patterson bellowed. As my overweight English teacher finally lifted her accusing gaze from my face, I let the air out that I had been holding. I had been daydreaming about Suzi again. I had tried to appear as if I was listening to what the old battle boat was saying, but my mind had switched off while my dick had turned on. Now I was sporting a hardon, and the bell was about to ring. “Shit,” I breathed. I tried to imagine old blubber butt naked, and that...

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Three Square MealsChapter 92 Awakenings

Jade grinned in delight at John and the girls, appearing as an exact replica of their beautiful Chief Engineer, right down to the golden coronas around her pupils. Dana leaned closer, open-mouthed with shock as she was faced with her own double staring right back at her. “Oh wow! Do I really look like that?!” Dana marvelled, darting around on the bed to look at Jade from different angles. “I look fucking gorgeous!” Rachel laughed and rolled her eyes affectionately at her girlfriend. “Come...

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TangentChapter 6 Rude Awakenings

Judy Bondi, when she woke up the next morning, felt awful. Her head ached, she wanted to throw up -- and on top of all that, she felt she'd let Tuck and her friends down. She was lying on top of a sleeping bag, not hers and was outside. Judy struggled to sit up, her head throbbing; it was all she could do not to be sick to her stomach. Elspeth arrived and saw that she was awake. "Here," the older girl said, handing Judy a canteen, "wash out your mouth. Like you said yesterday, it tastes...

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