- 3 years ago
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The Key
The opportunity to finally get the payback I have craved for so long has at last presented itself. The target is in sight and best of all is drinking alone at the bar. I have run through all the possible scenarios so many times before. Now after long wait it is time to set the trap.
I see the target get up and with a slight stagger head towards the bathroom. In their inebriated state I see that the target left their drink at the bar unattended. I think to myself this is all too easy. I make the way to the bar and order myself a drink and while the bartenders back is turned I quickly drop the drug into glass. I am able to get my drink and return to my table before the target returns. Now I just have to wait a bit while the trap is sprung.
The drug is pretty fast acting and in the targets current drunken state it does not take long for the effect to start sinking in. As the bartender notices that my target has had enough tells them it is time to go. My target can hardly walk at this point a trips a few times while walking to the car.
The last fall was fortunately very close to their car as the target was now unconscious. I find they keys laying next to the targets hand and drag them the last few feet to the car. After some work I am able to lift the target into the back seat of the car.
The time for my long awaited vengeance has finally come. As I drive back to the old warehouse the thoughts of all I have planned has my mind spinning. I try to calm my nerves and I keep telling myself to stay calm and follow the plan. If I am smart then I will have all the time in the world to enact my revenge.
As I reach the warehouse I raised the door and drive the car inside. I need to get the target out of the car and in position so that I can ditch the car and make it back before they wake up. It had already been an hour that the drug was taken and I should have another 3 or 4 more before the effects ware off.
My preparations would make what was to come so much easier. I had found all the supplies I would need online. I was able to pick up a variety of police grade cuffs, straps and even an old autopsy table. Everything I would need was all set up in the middle of the warehouse and I was able to drive the car right up to it.
It took a little time to get my target out of the car and into position on the table but fortunately I was able to get it done without any problems. Once on the table I used a scalpel to cut off all of the targets clothing carefully collecting everything for disposal later.
I pulled the targets hands over head and fastened a set of cuffs locking the hands securely to the end of the table. Ankle cuffs were used next to secure the legs to the foot of the table. Now that the basic restraints are taken care of I add in a series of straps running across the table. Two straps run over the legs with one just below and one just above the knees. To secure the torso a strap is run over the top of the pelvis, another is just below the rib cage and the final is run across the upper chest and just under the armpits.
The final step is to restrain the head. During my online shopping I found a head trainer restraint. The way this one was designed it had a large ring that would sit on the top of the head as well as side rings on the side of the face. It had a heavy padded blindfold and a large ring gag built into it as well. I slip it into place and tightly adjust the straps into place. The ring was the hardest part to get into place as it had an inner diameter of 2 inches. I slipped in a pair of wireless noise canceling ear buds but did not start the recording I had prepared. This would be effective in restricting most hearing for now and would be quite useful when the time came for the reprogramming. Once everything was in place I tied of the top and side rings to the table.
It can't hear.
It can't see.
It can't move.
It can't speak normally for now and not at all soon.
Stepping back to review my work I am satisfied that the target is into position and will not be going anywhere. Well at least not until I grew tired of it. The drug had worked as intended and the restraint devices seem to work as well. The true test would come soon when it woke up.
Checking the time I see that I only have a few hours remaining to get the car and clothes disposed of. The clothing would be easy enough to burn but the car is another matter all together. I knew I could not just park it somewhere as eventually it would be found. I could stage some sort of accident and have it burn up but the cops would figure out that there is no body in the wreckage. I could keep the car stashed somewhere but then again I would run the risk of it eventually being found. Luckily for me fate had offered up the best possible solution for my dilemma.
A recent crime spree had broken out in our town with cars disappearing left and right never to be found again. The police have suspected it was some sort of chop shop setting up operations. What they did not know was that these disappearances were the result of a new gang in town who were taking the cars, stripping down the VIN numbers and selling them across the border. I came to this information when I caught one of the thieves trying to steal my own car while I was scoping out warehouse space. These thieves were all small timers and after a little time on my torture table I was able to work out a deal with him. He would dispose of the car for me and in turn I agreed to release him. I parked the car at the agreed location and after wiping away all traces of my presence I left it for him. After getting back to my own car I circled back and verified that the car was indeed gone.
Satisfied that everything was now set I returned to the warehouse. My victim was just as I left it. Bound, blind, deaf, naked and oh so vulnerable. Oh this will be fun indeed.
The Lock
Silence. Well almost anyway.
I awaken to find myself lying on my back with my arms raised above my head.
I am surrounded by darkness and I assume that it is still night time. As I blink I can feel something pressing against my eyelids.
As I try to reach down to pull off whatever is covering my eyes my hands don't get very far. They only move an inch before I feel the metal of the cuffs dig into the tender flesh of my wrist.
Panic starts to set in as I try to raise my head off the table and realize whatever is covering my eyes is also holding my head firmly in place. As I begin to struggle against my bindings I also become aware that my legs are also pinned down as so I can not even bend my knees.
I cry out for help or at least try to as the only sounds I hear are muffled and garbled. About this time I notice the pain in my jaw as I can feel a rigid metal ring in my mouth. I try to push it out but it is tightly secured behind my teeth and I can also feel the straps cutting into the sides of my mouth.
I lay there struggling for some time until I tire from my efforts. Realizing that I would not be going anywhere soon I lay there and think. I try to figure out how I have gotten myself in such a predicament.
I remember going out last night to have a few drinks with some friends from work. I remember arriving at the bar. I remember us all having a few laughs and quite a few drinks. I remember Stacy and Billy both having to head home early because they didn't have a babysitter. I remember Bobby getting quite flirty with the new receptionist. I remember getting very bored as everyone else seemed to paired up and me ending up sitting at the bar all by myself because my date had to cancel at the last minute.
I try to remember what happened next but everything after sitting at the bar was a blur. I don't remember leaving the bar. I don't remember driving anywhere. I don't remember much of anything else at all.
I am not sure how long I laid there but the next thing I remember is being awaken by someone throwing ice water all over me. I immediately begin to struggle against my bindings and yell to whomever threw the water to let me go. My efforts to get free are met with no response from my captor. Well no vocal response anyway.
I begin to feel someone slowly start touching my skin. I feel their fingers make their way up, starting at my feet, and tracing their fingers up my legs to my outer thigh. It is at this point that I realize that while I was out my clothing had been removed. I begin struggling again and I feel their hand pull away. I try to yell for them to let me go but once again I hear no reply.
Once I settle down I feel the hand return to touching my skin again. It starts just above my pelvis and traces bare skin until it reaches my abdomen. It seems that one of the bindings was covering from my navel up to my lower rib cage. I begin feeling my skin being touched again as it reached my chest area.
The fingers slowly begin to trace the skin around my nipples but do not touch them directly. The fingers continue to circle around for several minutes before resuming their climb up my chest.
I feel my captor slide some sort of strap under my neck and around until what I assume is some sort of collar is securely fastened.
After a few minutes I feel something being forced into my mouth through the metal ring. I notice that it taste like some sort of rubber and feels soft against my tongue initially. I feel the rubber object being moved around the inside my mouth slightly as it begins to grow in size. It gets larger and larger as my tongue is forced to the bottom of my mouth and my jaw starts to ache as it reaches its maximum size.
After another few minute pause I feel some sort of clamp placed over my nose forcing me to breath through my mouth. I am relieved a bit when I notice that I am still able to breath through the gag in my mouth.
That relief was short lived as I feel my mouth starting to be filled with some sort of liquid. I can not identify what the liquid was but it did have a strong medicine like taste. I am forced to swallow the liquid so that I can resume breathing.
As soon as I swallow the liquid I notice that I can no longer sense my captors presence. No more forcing things into my mouth. No more adjusting the collar. No more touching my skin. As I lay there I contemplate what is to happen to me. Who has captured me? Why did they capture me? What is to become of me? These are the things running through my mind as I slip from consciousness.
End of first section.
These first 2 installments lay the foundations for the remainder of the series. This is my first writing and feedback is appreciated.
Thanks for reading
Chapter 8SarahIt had been several weeks since the evening Josh left the house. Yesterday he picked up the last of his belongings and now all traces of him were finally gone. She felt sad about the situation but was now looking forward to being with Daniel without the random pangs of guilt that she used to feel.It was a Saturday morning and Isabella woke early. She was enjoying her own space, and the house was starting to feel more like her own. She had put up more photos of her family and she...
Chapter 7Time to GoJosh arrived back late, slightly unsteady on his feet. He had had a few drinks to overcome his anger. It hadn’t really worked, but he had enjoyed fucking that girl in the car park – that had dissipated a lot of pent up emotion. He was surprised to see the lights still on in the house. The anger rose in him again as he remembered how much it hurt his pride to find out about Daniel. That bastard! And she was such a bitch to do that to him. He thrust his key into the door and...
Chapter 6ConfrontationThe weeks passed by quickly after their erotic encounter at the Hilton. Work got busier and Isabella found herself staying late most nights just to get through the files that were building on her desk. Daniel had got much busier, attending networking events, functions, dinners and had brought in some new clients which meant a lot more work for Isabella to get stuck into. It also meant more time with Daniel. She admired his work ethic and professionalism, his dedication and...
Chapter 5SurpriseHe opened his eyes as the sunlight started to fall across his face. The net curtains danced gently as the cool breeze wafted through the window. He was aware of the weight of her head on his chest, her hair tumbling across his skin. Her arm was across him, her hand resting on his shoulder. He listened to her breathing and found his own falling into the same rhythm. He stroked her back, loving the silky feel of her skin. He cast his mind back to the previous evening, finding...
CHAPTER 3The PartyThe weeks dragged on so slowly. He found himself daydreaming about the charity event and a chance to spend the whole night with Isabella. He was consumed by thoughts of her and all that had passed between them. He was intoxicated by her beauty, her taste and smell, and found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on his work. But he had sensed her uncertainty the last time they had been together. That explosive evening had been incredible, but he did not want to spoil...
CHAPTER 2The InvitationThey walked out of the office onto the moonlit pavement, the cool night air forcing them both to catch their breaths. She could not believe what had just happened between them. She had just fucked her boss! There was no denying it, since her interview she had felt a deep connection with him and over the last couple of weeks working for him they had become increasingly close, their conversations easy and natural. She had hoped, of course, but never thought it would turn...
CHAPTER 1The InterviewHe was busy, but then he liked having a full day’s work ahead of him. Made the time pass and he loved the sense of achievement when he had finished his day’s work without having time to think too much. Caroline edged up to his desk and he realised it must already be 10 o’clock. Time for them to run through what he needed from her during the day. Caroline had been his PA for five years and become pretty efficient at looking after him. But she would be leaving soon to have...
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Adam slowly opens his eyes to the dim light of a gray rainy morning casting a glow into the room. He senses the heat of the naked body lying next to him and turns to absorb it. Eve is lying face down on the bed, curly black hair covering her face and neck. Her arms curled above her head exposing the soft curve of her breast. The covers are pulled down to just above her waist, the shadows hiding the delight he knows is there. He is immediately aroused. In his eyes she is perfection. Her toned...
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Since I had first started my maturing I had never really seen myself as being my male body. Whenever I would have sex dreams it would always be from a women’s point of view. Eventually, it became my second self. I didn’t especially hate my male body, I just was never especially fussed about it or at home in it. I had no frame of reference on whether my cock was anything to write home about because my only reference point was through porn. During my later years, I started to experiment with my...
CrossdressingThanks to Lubrican and Three Sheets for editing and guiding me.Special thanks to Old Fart for the kick in the pants that got me writing again. "Hold still, Maggie" said my best friend Sara, laughing as she captured a stray mahogany lock and pinned it with the rest of my hair piled on top of my head. "Or we won't ever get to the party." The Halloween costume gala Mama and Daddy have held for the past ten years in the ballroom of the Grand Moon Hotel was underway. You have to be sixteen to...
Justin and I have been married for seven years now and we're very happy together. Our sex is great, even if it does get a bit routine every so often. We enjoy racing and have friends, Todd and Cindy, who also like to go to car races. The race I remember best was the one in Charlotte where we booked a large suite for the four of us for the weekend. We went down on Friday night and would come back home on Sunday evening after all the events were over. We checked in around six and dropped our...
I was fourteen years old, and have been raised only by my father in an extremely protected environment. One day, having come home before I was expected, I saw our pretty Hispanic housekeeper sitting on the kitchen table, our gardener standing between her spread legs, the top of her uniform open, his lips suckling at her breast. It was all more than I could have imagined. I had barely seen a man and woman kissing, not being allowed to see movies unless my father approved them, not being allowed...
18-year-old Josh's mind was filled with erotic images as he slept, a strange woman knelt naked before him her mouth closed around his cock as her tongue explored the engorged and swollen purple head. He moaned in his dream and stirred in his sleep, it felt so real, he could feel the teeth brushing his cock shaft as the mouth slid up and down it. Mind fuddled with sleep he came awake, the sensations from his dream seeming to follow him. His body was caressed by cool air as he realized his...
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Hello there. This is Alex (Obviously a pen name). I’ve already written one story before which about a Tinder date. I’m a very sexually active person like I just love sex. I have zero hesitance to talk about it. I’ve had multiple encounters on Tinder and will be sharing them depending on the feedback of the stories. I am an average bodied guy with an average-sized dick. I am going to be totally honest about it. Without further ado, let’s start. Now, this is a story I didn’t think would happen to...
Marcie was a sweetheart which is why I married her. Coming from a much more conservative background than I had did present a few problems at first, like her wearing a cotton nightie to our wedding night hotel bed. She was stoic about my penetration and it wasn’t too satisfactory for me. I’d had three other women in bed before I met her and knew what an eager woman felt like. I’d respected her holding out for marriage but this was somewhat of a surprise. It got better the next few days we were...
Hello my friends.Mom & s*s taking charge of sex in our home.As most of you know that I , s*s and mom fucked with s*s’s friend’s helpOne day after we had supper. We were just relaxing and chatting.Mom said you should go to church with me.s*s and I said we are not into religion as you know by now.Mom said the preacher is very good he explain thing in details. No other preacher explain the way he explain. Just one time you should go, please.I looked at s*s. We both kind of agree that we should...
The rain had stopped overnight and at breakfast I agreed to take Patrick riding. Weena expressed maternal concern and I reassured. I had one of the work horses and an elderly gelding was saddled for Patrick. I sat him down and one of the men fussed about shortening the stirrups. We rode around the yard once and Patrick asked whether we could ride "out." We rode south for about ten minutes, then east and then back. The sun had brought out a very large number of colourful mushrooms, with...
The entire group headed into Vegas – with Shelly joining Rebecca in her Navigator – for dinner and a brief tour of the sights. Everyone was impressed with the city. Adam knew Las Vegas was a large city but the sheer size of the area – as well as the glitz and neon – threw him. He had expected a city about the size of St. Louis – which he had visited a couple of times. Instead he found a sprawling city about four times the size. It wasn't as large as the Los Angeles metropolitan area but it...
Hugh was determined to do everything he could to make up for his hateful remarks earlier. And the best way to a man's heart is through... And so, accordingly, he had purchased all of the ingredients for traditional Irish lamb stew and it was bubbling on the stove as he got dressed. Dressing for this evening was difficult. He wanted to be casual, but stylish. Sexy, but not overt. He almost called Fenway to get her opinion. 'But no, ' Hugh thought, 'I can do this on my own.' In the end,...
This Friday Ada has organized an assignment for me with a ‘high profile lady visiting from London’. “Aren’t you the lady …?,” I ask as Dorri ushers me into her suite on a high level of a top hotel at two on a Friday afternoon. “Yes I am,” she replies pointing to her picture on the financial pages of today’s newspaper. “I leave for home tomorrow, my stay here in Sydney has been very successful business wise, before I leave I need some sexual healing. “I could have purchased a new designer...
Tracey could not believe what she had found in Davie, her husband’s drawer. She was not looking for anything, just trying to sort and clean up some of the hundreds of socks that he kept stuff inside the small drawer. When she first found the papers, she thought they were just receipt or old napkins. However, it was obvious from the words on the napkins that Davie was or had an affair with someone named ‘Vicky.’ The scrawl on each of the three napkins was in a woman’s hand and...
(Author’s Note: This is a ‘what if’ side story for The Perfect Pussy series. I never felt that I really had a chance to let Waylon talk about his feelings for Keni and think over what drove him over the edge. A lot of you have suggested that for his crimes he be locked up or sent to a mental hospital, maybe he will agree with you, but let him speak for himself and then decide from there okay, after all this is still America and the process of being innocent until proven guilty is still a part...
Matt Allison was built like an oak tree. Six-four. Two hundred fifty pounds. He drove about five miles over the speed limit as he reached the halfway of this nearly five hour journey from Pullman to Tacoma. His top of the line metallic blue 2012 Chevy Avalanche LTZ still ran relatively well. It drank gas like crazy though. But, he had no desire to put nearly 600 miles on his considerably newer GMC Yukon Denali.The current head strength and conditioning coach for the Washington State Cougars...
Bill’s turn: Did anyone ever explain to you that a power plant is noisy and hot? The thing is, there’s a lot of big machinery running, lots of electrical power being generated, which all has to go through conductors, transformers, and control devices. Any time you push current through conductors, you get heat, and big power means big heat, both the waste from the energy going in and losses from the energy going out. And nobody in his right mind would try to cool that mess down to acceptable...
I lent Loren my jacket to give her some respectablility as we entered the street. My girlfriend, Liz, hailed a taxi. We got in the back and Loren sat in the front seat.It wasn't a long journey home, and very soon we we're pulling up outside my house. As we were approaching I reached for my wallet, but Liz stopped me and said 'no, Loren's paying for this one'.We arrived and the driver said how much we owed. 'How about payment in kind?', said Liz. 'What do you mean?' said the driver.'well, that...
Friends recently I had interaction with a fan of mine from Delhi and he wanted me to write about his family i****t. His name is Shekhar and I will write about his family. His mom, Kamala is about 39 with plump body of 38– 30-40 and of 5' 3" height. His sister Lata is about 18 and is growing into a woman having nice body figure of 35-26-36 and is a bit taller than his mom, 5' 4" she is in 12 th standard now and studying in convent school. He has younger brother, Suresh who is 20 and in college....
Hello readers main Sameer Sharma hoon aur 22 saal ka hoon aur navi Mumbai mey rehta hoon. Peshey se mey engineer hoon aur ek vikhyat MNC mey kaam karta hoon. Mey ek achchi family se belong karta hoon. Mera kad 5 ft 9 inch hai aur rang gora hai. Mai gujrat ka rehne vala hoon. Vaise mey dikhne mey achacha hoon par meri dikkat yeh hai ki mere aage se baal thode kam hai. Iske karan mujhe ladkiyon ko approach karne mey dikkat hoti hai is liye hi shayad mey porn stories padne ka aadi hoon. Yeh kahani...
I was not normal, that is what everyone kept telling me since the day I was born. I was white with a red star on my chest. It would have been better if I had been any other color. Since I was old enough to walk I have been told I would never be a hunter or a warrior. My clan was a mountain clan and from the time I could walk I began training to prove them wrong. I did not only learn the Art but several of the human martial fighting arts. I was running and climbing all the time and learned how...
Diary entry 8. I guess my feelings for what Penny had done to me, gave rise to that chapter! But back to the reality and what actually happened between us. "So no sooner am I out of the room and you grab some boy and fuck like rabbits! I might have expected it! He wasn't just here to put on salve like you tried to have me believe yesterday." Ben and I awoke with a start as the door crashed open and Penny strode into the room. It was true, we had fucked but not exactly like rabbits. After...