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For perhaps the tenth time in as many minutes, Kathryn Gray glanced up at the large clock on the office wall. It had been one of those days that seemed like it would never end. She had a theory that the three-day weekend that waited beyond five o'clock caused time to move much more slowly. A silly theory, she admitted to herself, but as good an explanation as any as to why the day was dragging on forever.

Kathryn had been working at Moore and Ryan for nine months now. It had been the twenty-three year old redhead's third job since graduating from college some two years before. All things considered, she was glad to have it. Even if it meant that she had to travel almost an extra half-hour from her parents' house out in Queens. At least on this job she had a chance of being promoted into a position where she could use the business degree she had worked so hard for.

"Another twenty minutes to go," she said silently to herself as she looked down from the clock to her near empty desk.

Normally Kathryn wasn't a clock-watcher, but today she had finished all of her assignments early and was feeling a little bored. In fact, she had already set up a few things for Tuesday morning to get a head start on them. It was just her nature to be constantly active.

"Looks like Miss Perfect's all done for the day already." Said a quiet laughing voice from behind Kathryn.

"Hi Angela," Kathryn smiled as she spun around in her chair in response to the comment.

Angela D'Martino was both a year older and three inches taller than Kathryn. The 'Miss Perfect' nickname dated back to their days at the local high school in Queens. It was a term that annoyed her, but Angela usually got away with using it. After all, if it weren't for Angela, she wouldn't have this job.

Kathryn was working in a neighborhood store as a management trainee when Angela came walking in to buy something. They hadn't seen each other much since high school graduation. Not that unusual since Kathryn went away to college and Angela stayed home and went to City University. Still they still considered themselves friends and Angela mentioned that the company she was working for in Manhattan was looking for some new staff people. If Kathryn were interested, she'd be happy to put in a good word for her.

Although skeptical at how much Angela's good word would be worth, seeing as she had only been working for the company a year herself, Kathryn got her resume together and went down for an interview. To her surprise, she got the job, despite there being more than a dozen other people applying for it. What surprised her even more was that the department head had casually mentioned that she had a sterling recommendation from one of the firm's vice-presidents. He had even stopped in after the interview to welcome her aboard.

Thanking the man whom she would now be working for, Kathryn was more than a little confused about the recommendation. That was until she learned later that Angela worked as some sort of assistant for that vice-president. Somehow she had convinced him to write that recommendation.

Exactly how Angela had accomplished that was something they hadn't exactly covered in any of the business courses back in school. One night a few months ago, there had been an office party to celebrate the end of a major project. About half past nine, Kathryn had gone looking for Angela to let her know she was leaving and see if she wanted to share a cab ride home. She couldn't find her at the party, but knowing her friend's habit of taking a nap after she'd had a little too much to drink starting to check the now deserted offices that had couches.

It took a while to find Angela, but once she did, everything fell into place. Partially opening the door to a small conference room, the first thing she saw was her old friend. The second was that she wasn't alone.

Having doubled dated with Angela a few times back in high school, the image in front of her wasn't exactly new. It was just the setting that took her back for a moment.

Angela was kneeling on the carpet, the low cut blue dress she had worn to the party now down around her waist. Back in school, the brunette had stirred the envy of many of the other girls when she became the first girl to develop - and then continued to do so after many of the other girls had stopped. From shared shopping trips, Kathryn knew the black bra on the floor beside her was a 38D cup.

Standing in front of the large breasted twenty-four year old was that same officer who had lent his name to Kathryn's job application. Like Angela, he was only partially dressed, although in the case of the fifty-nine year old, it was his pants and briefs that rested around his ankles. From where she stood, Kathryn would've been able to get a really good look at the silver haired man's cock - that is if it hadn't been buried deep in Angela's mouth.

Back in their school days, Angela had a reputation among the guys as a first class cocksucker. It was very obvious that she had, if anything, improved in the years since.

Her tongue seemed to be almost everywhere at once. Licking under the crown, tickling the sensitive area beneath his balls, massaging the sides of his cock as she again took him all the way into her throat.

"Oh Angela..." the vice-president moaned.

Angela gripped the base of his cock tightly, preventing from reaching a climax. She could feel the pressure against her slender fingers, she knew how badly her boss wanted to cum.

"I have to cum..." he pleaded, giving voice to that which her touch had already told her. "Please Angela, I want to cum."

The brunette continued to suck and stroke him for another few seconds. The she released the pressure against the base of his cock, sending a stream of hot whiteness into her mouth.

Angela slurped the creamy liquid, letting it splash across her face. It dripped from her lips and down her chin. Letting the now softening cock slip from her mouth, she reached out with her tongue and licked it from her lips. It was a satisfying treat.

Kathryn only stood there a few brief moments more before stepping back into the outer corridor, least she be noticed now that they were done. She never mentioned what she'd seen to Angela or anyone else.

For a while, it had bothered her that she'd gotten her job because Angela was blowing and perhaps even screwing her boss. Then after a while she decided that however she got her foot in the door, she was proving every day that she was the right person for the job. The proof of that had come with her very first raise and increased responsibilities two months before.

"What's up Angie?" Kathryn asked, using the nickname that Angela hated as much as she hated hers.

"A couple of the girls are going out for drinks after work," Angela said, her tone acknowledging that she had crossed over the line with the 'Miss Perfect' crack. "And I was wondering if you wanted to come along. We going over to the Baron Dekalb and there are usually a lot of great guys there on Friday nights."

"That sounds like fun," Kathryn said. "But I already promised Yolanda that I'd meet her after work. Would you mind if she came along?"

Instead of the quick agreement Kathryn expected, Angela paused a few moments, a look of hesitation on her face.

"I'm not sure that would be a good idea." Angela finally replied. "A lot of the girls are a little uncomfortable around Yolanda."

"Why in the world would any of them be uncomfortable around Yolanda?" Kathryn said, a touch of confusion in her voice. Yolanda Ortega was a computer consultant who'd been working on an upgrade of the firm's mainframe the last four months. Four years older than Kathryn, the black haired Latina had quickly become a good friend. They'd sat next to each other one dark rainy day in the cafeteria and Yolanda had noticed that Kathryn was reading Lord of the Rings. She commented that it was one of her favorite books and by the end of lunch they discovered they shared more than a few interests.

Since then, they'd made it a point to have lunch together whenever they could and usually went out after work at least once a week.

"So what's wrong with Yolanda?" Kathryn asked again.

"Well I'm not really one to spread office gossip," Angela said in a much lower voice as she paused and looked around her to see if anyone else could hear her.

"Yeah right..." Kathryn thought.

"But it seems that your friend isn't exactly a straight arrow." Angela continued.

"What are you talking about?" Kathryn said.

"Well simply put," the brunette went on. "She's gay..."

"Gay?" Kathryn repeated.

"A lesbian, a dyke, whatever you want to call it," Angela said. "She's into other women and that makes some people uncomfortable."

Kathryn had to laugh. "Where did you ever get a asinine idea like that?" she asked.

"Straight from the horses mouth," The taller girl stated. "Or at least from the person she told it to."

"You mean she tried to pick up someone here at the office?" Kathryn asked.

"More like someone tried to pick her up." Angela explained. "To be more specific, John Rosselli asked her out to dinner."

"John Rosselli has hit on every unmarried woman in this office, both you and I included." Kathryn interjected.

"That's true," Angela agreed. "But both you and I know that John doesn't have a fragile ego that would make him come up with a bullshit reason as to why he didn't score with the lady computer genius. He gets turned down a lot, but just goes on to the next possibility."

Kathryn had to agree with her friend. Like too many men they knew, John thought he was god's gift to women. If it wasn't for the fact that he seemed to be obsessed with trying to bed every girl he met, Kathryn might've been tempted to agree with him. John was 6'2" with movie star looks. From the ladies room gossip she'd heard about the women who'd taken him up on his offer, he was phenomenal in bed as well.

"That doesn't prove anything," Kathryn said. "She was probably just trying to put him off. The one reason we all still get along with John is that he definitely takes no as an answer. Since she's only here temporary, she wouldn't know that. She might've figured if she just said that she wasn't interested he'd just be back again the next day. A lot of guys are like that, and you know it."

"But to say she was gay?" Angela asked. "Come on, who's going to say that if it wasn't true. She could've said she has a boyfriend or that she was engaged, or even that she didn't date white guys. No, it has to be true." Kathryn paused for a few moments. She had to admit she'd come up with a lot better excuses when approached by guys she didn't like.

"So what if it is true," she finally said. "What difference does it make? Unless you're the one sleeping with her she's just another girl in the office."

"As long as we're talking, that's the other thing I wanted to speak to you about." Angela said. "Some people are beginning to wonder about you too. What with all the time the two of you spend together these days."

"Yolanda is my friend," Kathryn said strongly. "And we share a lot of interests, like books and films, the kind of things that no one else in this office seems to care about."

"Okay, I know you're straight," Angela said, taking a step back in her argument. "After all we used to double date. I told them you're not a carpet muncher." Kathryn hadn't heard that derogatory term since back in high school when they used it to refer it to Sissy Wilson, the girl the in crowd most suspected of being a closet lesbian. She didn't think it was nice when it was applied to Sissy, and thought it less so now that it was being used to label her friend.

"Well I'm not going to cancel my da... , going out with Yolanda." Kathryn said, a sense of anger in her breast. "So you'll just have to get along with out me."

"Suit yourself," Angela said as she got up to leave. "But let me give you one last thing to think about. Yolanda will be gone in a few weeks when she finishes the upgrade. The people you're going out of the way to alienate are going to be here with you for a long time.

As Angela walked away, Yolanda noted that five o'clock had finally arrived. She found that she wasn't as excited as she thought she'd be.

Packing up her bag and leaving her desk, Kathryn had a sense of being watched. As she walked by three of her female coworkers, she was sure that two of them turned and looked at her.

"Angie's getting you paranoid," she told herself as she reached the office door. "You know they already consider you something of an oddball."

It hadn't taken much for a few of the women her age at the firm to come up with that assessment. First of all, in their opinion, she definitely spent too much time reading. Then there was the fact that she actually had a college degree, where the most many of them had been to was secretarial or one of those office trainee schools. Kathryn was shooting for the stars, while they were shooting for whatever party was planned for that weekend.

Additionally, Kathryn's reluctance to join in on their weekly cock hunts was taken by some as a disapproval of the game. And in a way, she guessed it was. Kathryn did have a boyfriend — well at least someone she saw on a fairly regular basis. They'd go out, have dinner and maybe a movie, and inevitable wind up in bed together. It was a mutually satisfying relationship - but at the same time missing something.

A quick elevation ride to the lobby and Kathryn headed for the small atrium on the side of the building. Normally, during lunchtime, the small garden spot would be packed. After five however, it was normally deserted, the multitudes exiting the large office buildings heading instead for either the local bars or the fastest way home.

Sitting down in her usually lunch spot, she patiently waited for her friend. It wasn't a long wait, a few minutes later she spotted Yolanda coming out of the same side door she had used.

Yolanda Ortega was twenty-seven years old and stood five foot seven. She had long black hair, which she wore up in a carefully crafted style, small ringlets of which framed a pretty face. She was within a few pounds of her ideal weight and had a figure that caused admiration in men and envy in women. Pert, rounded breasts pressed against the material of the dark blue dress she was wearing - an erotic image that was overshadowed only by the long, smooth and tan hued legs that stretched out from beneath that dress.

Kathryn sometimes thought she'd kill for legs like that. She knew she was as pretty as Yolanda, but it was those legs that even she envied. Of course being only five three probably had a lot to do with it, she usually laughed to herself.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long." Yolanda said as she caught up to Kathryn, her voice carrying just a trace of the South American accent of her native Sao Paulo. "I wanted to run one last system check before I left for the weekend. I think I got the last of the bugs worked out. If I'm lucky, I'm be able to present the program to the board by the end of next week and get that early completion bonus."

"Oh, you'll be leaving soon then?" Kathryn asked in response to the unexpected news.

""I'm afraid so." Yolanda replied, noting the sadness in her friend's question. "I'm afraid that's the lot of being a consultant. You don't spend a lot of time in any one place."

"I guess so." Kathryn said.

"Now don't look so down my friend," Yolanda beamed. "You don't think I'm going to just walk away and forget about the best friend I've made lately - do you?"

"I hope not." Kathryn said, her sad expression wavering for the moment.

"Now put away that sad face," Yolanda insisted. "It's only going to ruin the surprise I have for you."

"What surprise?" Kathryn asked curiously.

"These." Yolanda said as she reached into her purse and handed the shorter woman a small envelope.

The sad look on Kathryn's face vanished in an instant as she took two tickets out of the envelope. A look of both excitement and disbelief replaced it.

"Omigod!" She gasped. 'These are for Adrianne and Edmond - A Romantic Comedy!" Where did you ever get them? I called the box office once and they told me the best I could hope for was six months from now. This is the hottest off- Broadway show of the year."

"Well I have a friend that owed me a favor." Yolanda smiled. "And I remembered you're saying how much you wanted to see that play. The only thing is that they're for tomorrow night. That's not a problem, is it?"

"Oh no, not at all!" Kathryn said, still gushing with excitement. "I still can't believe you got these for me. Yolanda, I love you, you are the best."

With that she threw her arms around Yolanda and gave her the biggest hug she could. She enjoyed the warmth of her friend's closeness for a few moments, then the conversation with Angela flashed back through her thoughts and she remembered she was standing out in what was still a pubic place.

"Is something wrong?" Yolanda asked as she felt Kathryn suddenly tense up and then step back.

"No, nothings wrong." Kathryn lied as she looked again at the tickets. "I was just thinking that these tickets are too much for me to accept. There's no way I could ever repay you for them."

"Now did I ask you to repay me?" Yolanda asked. "Your friendship is enough. I have few enough real friends that I can take them for granted. No, I want you to take these tickets and for you and Eric to have a good time."

"Eric?" Kathryn said, repeating the name of her boyfriend.

"Well that's who I figured you'd want to go with." Yolanda explained. "Was I wrong?"

"Oh, I thought that you got those tickets for me and you to go." Kathryn said.

"I'd love to go with you," Yolanda said, the smile on her face lighting up. "I just thought you'd rather go with Eric."

"If these were tickets for the Mets or Yankees, I'd say yes." Kathryn laughed. "But spending a few hours watching a play really isn't Eric's idea of a fun evening."

"Okay then, it's a date." Yolanda said. "We'll go to dinner first, if that's okay? I know this really fabulous Chinese restaurant that's not too far from the theater."

"That would be wonderful," Kathryn concluded, proud of herself that she didn't even flinch this time when Yolanda innocently referred to their going to the show as a date. "But speaking of Eric, I also told him I'd meet him later tonight so I'd better get home and change."

"Enjoy yourself," Yolanda said as she wrote down an address on one of her business cards. "Here's the address of the restaurant, I'll meet you there about six, okay?"

"Six would be fine," Kathryn said as she looked at the address and mentally figured how long it would take her to get there from Queens on a Saturday. "I'm looking forward to it." She smiled.

"You really are a dear, precious friend." Yolanda said as she unexpectedly leaned forward and kissed Kathryn on the cheek.

With that she turned and walked out onto the street, leaving behind a slightly perplexed Kathryn.

Dinner with Eric turned out to be one more uninspiring night at Clancey's Bar and Grill. Kathryn had suggested many times that they go into Manhattan for a night and try some of the nightlife there, but Eric always hedged on the idea. He kept saying he didn't like those kinds of people.

Kathryn and Eric Foster had been dating for the last year and a half. Among their friends, it was taken almost as a given that they'd get engaged one day soon. It was not an opinion Kathryn shared. Eric was usually fun to be with, but deep down she couldn't picture the two of them together ten years down the line.

Also in the opinion of most of her girlfriends Eric was a great catch. With that much she couldn't argue. He stood 6'2" and had a built that had made him an all-star football player in high school. Curly dark brown hair, including a beard and mustache, framed a handsome face. The oldest of three sons, he was already a partner in his father's plumbing supply warehouse.

They had met at a party just before her college graduation and it had been love, or at least lust, at first sight. Unfortunately, the fires that had burned so brightly at 21 had already begun to cool at 23. The reason was both simple and common for many couples their age. Eric, like many of his friends, had reached his peak intellectually and emotionally when he graduated high school. Kathryn in contrast had continued to grow. She was always looking to expand her view of the world. Eric's view rarely extended beyond the limited confines of the old neighborhood, and he liked it that way.

"Oh yeah, baby," Eric panted as he took a breath and pushed his cock between Kathryn's legs once more time. Kathryn hadn't really been in the mood to have Eric sleep over, but he'd been on his best behavior after they left the restaurant that she couldn't bear to say no.

She realized now that it had been a really big mistake. Her mind was definitely elsewhere. All Eric was doing was masturbating with her body taking the place of his hand. She was relieved when she felt him shudder and climax.

"If he runs true to form, he'll be asleep in five minutes." Kathryn thought as he rolled off of her.

To her surprise, Eric climbed off the bed and reached for his pants. He was getting dressed.

"Sorry babe," he said as he put his shirt on. "I promised the guys I'd play softball in the morning and Billy would rather pick me up at my house than here. It's a lot closer to the field."

On another night, Kathryn might've felt insulted. This time she felt relieved.

"It's okay," she replied. "I have to get up real early tomorrow anyway." she lied.

He leaned over and kissed her goodbye, making a playful grab at her rounded breast while he was at it.

"Get!" Kathryn laughed. "And good luck in the game."

Laying in the darkness of the small apartment over her parent's garage, Kathryn found that sleep wasn't about to come easily. Whatever the drawbacks in her and Eric's relationship, the sex had usually been great. Unfortunately, that hadn't been the case tonight.

Try as she could, she couldn't help thinking about Yolanda. Was what Angela said about her true? If so, how did she really feel about it? She wished there was someone she could talk to about it, but she was sure there was no one she knew who would ever understand.

Even her mother and father, who were ever so understanding about the nights Eric slept over, would fall back on old preconceived notions concerning a lesbian friend. Finally, about quarter to four in the morning, sleep finally came.

It was closer to lunchtime than breakfast when Kathryn finally opened her eyes. She had been asleep for almost eight hours. She was, she immediately realized, soaked to the skin with perspiration, especially her pussy. She had a vague recollection of having erotic dreams, but couldn't for the life of her remember what they had been about - or more importantly, whom they had been about.

"Good morning," Virginia Gray said as she walked into her daughter's apartment carrying a small pile of laundry. "I thought you were going to sleep the day away."

"Morning, Mom." Kathryn said as she reached for the pair of panties she had left on the floor. "It's been a busy week, I guess it all caught up with me."

Virginia Gray was only 19 years older than her daughter and had a much closer relationship with her own children than she'd had with her own mother. The entire sex talk with her mother, which had occurred on her sixteenth birthday in 1972, had consisted of the simple phrase "Nice girls don't." By the time it came for her to have a little chat with her own child, Virginia had learned that nice girls did - and with an abandon and variety that Grandmother Willis would've found most shocking.

Somewhat reluctantly, her husband had agreed that if Eric and Kathryn were going to do it, and of course they were. It might as well be in the garage apartment that they'd originally built for Grandmother Willis rather than off in some fleabag motel. Or in the back seat of a car, which was where the future Mr. and Mrs. Gray had consummated their relationship. Besides, both of them had noted, Eric was definitely son-in-law material.

"I happened to glance out the window when I got up during the night and noticed that Eric's car was gone." Virginia said, ignoring her daughter's nudity. "The two of you didn't have another fight - did you?"

"No Mother," she answered as she grabbed a towel from the pile that had just been put on her bed. "He's playing ball this morning and didn't want to spend the night."

"Oh that's good. I do hate it when the two of you fight." Virginia said as she picked up the remains of her daughter's discarded clothes. "Are the two of you going out again tonight?"

It had become obvious some time ago that Eric's best ally in trying to convince Kathryn that they should make their relationship something more was her mother. There wasn't anything that could make Virginia Gray happier that to see an engagement and later wedding ring on her daughter's hand.

"Actually I'm going to a play in the city tonight with one of the girls at work," Kathryn said as she reached in and turned on the water in the small closet sized shower that her father had built. "Yolanda Ortega, you've heard me mention her before."

"Oh yes, that girl you like to talk about books with." Virginia said, her opinion of what she viewed as a wasted Saturday night evident in her voice. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather go out with Eric instead."

"Mother, it's not like we're engaged or anything." Kathryn said as she waited for the water to heat up. "He still goes out with his friends and I go out with mine."

An unusual look flashed across Virginia's face, one that Kathryn rarely saw. It was a look of indecision, something her mother rarely suffered from.

"I know that look, Mom," Kathryn said. "What is it?"

"Well it's probably nothing." she said.

"But..." Kathryn added.

"Well, I just think that perhaps you should spend a little more time with Eric, that's all. "She said. "Make sure he knows that you care about him"

"I would think he knows that." Kathryn said as she motioned in the direction of the unmade bed.

"Be that as it may," Virginia continued. "I think you should spend more time with him. In fact, I don't think it would be a bad idea if you went over to the ball field and surprised him. The two of you could go to lunch."

"There's something you're still not telling me, Mother." Kathryn said impatiently.

"All right," Virginia broke down. "Mary Wilson over in the diner told me that Eric was over there yesterday having lunch with Tracy McDonald and they seemed pretty cozy. You remember Tracy McDonald, don't you?"

Of course Kathryn remembered Tracy McDonald. Back in high school it was a toss up as to whether Tracy or Angela was going to earn the title of class slut.

"Tracy works for her father's construction company now and they do a lot of business with Eric's company." Kathryn said. "It might've been a business lunch."

"According to Mary," Virginia said. "The only business going on in that booth was monkey business. She practically had her big breasts in his face the whole time."

"Well if that's what Eric's looking for, there's not much I can do about it, is there?" Kathryn said as she looked down at her own 34-inch bust. "It's not like I'm going to run out and get implants."

"I wish you'd take this more seriously." Virginia said insistently.

"Mother, you take this whole Eric thing much more seriously then I ever did." Kathryn said, knowing that was exactly the last thing her mother wanted to hear. "If he decides to find more bountiful pastures, I'm not about to chase after him. Now if you'll excuse me, I really need to start getting cleaned up."

Surprisingly, Virginia didn't labor the point but simply gathered up the last of the dirty clothes and walked out of the apartment. Kathryn shrugged her shoulders and stepped into the now hot shower.

Kathryn closed her eyes as the warm water splashed over her body. She though a little about what her mother has said, about the idea that Eric might be looking for a new girlfriend. Surprisingly, the idea didn't bother her as much as she thought it should have. The relationship with him had gone as far as it was ever going to go. Regardless of her parent's disappointment, maybe it was time to move on with her life. True she would miss the great sex, which was the best part of being with Eric. But there would be other lovers, of that she was sure.

"Let him have Tracy and her balloon boobs," she said out loud as she rubbed her own breasts. "Maybe I'll get lucky and my next lover will have more than just one head that I'm interested in."

As she laughed aloud, the red tressed girl suddenly realized two things. First, in her mind, she had just ended her relationship with Eric. Already she was thinking of it as something that was over. All that was left was to tell him. She hoped he had indeed fucked that airhead, it would make it all the more easier to break up. But either way, last night was the last time he was ever going to share her bed.

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I had to be dreaming. It was the only answer that made any sense at all. The lovely young woman whose naked body pressed against mine, was nothing more than a figment of my subconscious. I had driven out one last time before I sold my parents' vacation cabin. Arriving after 14 hours of travel, exhausted, I collapsed into the bed fully dressed. As the rain spattered on the window, I laid there remembering waking to find the curtains drawn and the french doors standing open to the morning...

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Prologue Any lingering hopes were swept away as I stared at the result from the test kit. I was pregnant! I had been well and truly "banged up". I knew now, without doubt, that there was a price to pay for my indulgences. I feared for my impending marriage as I tried to think how to explain my belly full of arms and legs to a would be husband who had yet to penetrate me. The wedding was still two months away and I'd cleverly (as I thought at the time) held him at bay and reeled him in...

1 year ago
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Valerie carefully slid her fingers across the bumps that protruded from the pages on her book, ocassionally stopping to pick up the micro cassette recorder to make some notes for tomorrow's world history class!!! Every so often she would also reach down and scruff Sparky's ears just to reassure herself that he was still there by her side, because having been blind from birth, Valerie's life line to the outside world had at first been her parents and siblings, but as she became older and more...

2 years ago
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Awakened He heard the door opening and realized he was trapped. He wasn't supposed to be where he was. The Executive Washroom was for, executives. And William Herrara was many things but an executive with Wilkins, Cortez, Simpson and Dawes wasn't one of them. It wasn't a job ending offense but it wasn't something the regular employees of the firm were supposed to do. William did take liberties in sneaking into the washroom because he was the personal assistant to Mrs. Bianca...

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I’m awake. It feels good to stretch and roll over. Ahhh… it's Sunday. No need to get up until I feel like it. She’s breathing softly and steadily, still asleep. Snuggle closer; she’s lying on her back. I like cuddling with her, even when she’s asleep. Even after years of marriage, I still find her sexy as hell. Look at her face from inches away. I love those lips; best kisses and best blowjobs of my life. And those eyes; she has eyelashes to die for. My hand is on her thigh. The skin is soft...

Straight Sex
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I can’t tell you how old I was when I first noticed the difference between the male and female species. Yes there was my mother and I knew her as Mom and I knew Mom dressed differently, but to honestly say I knew there was something different between us other than age really didn’t sink in to my brain until that morning. There was NOTHING sexual about it, no it was an awakening to the realization that there was more than an age difference between me and the females that lived in and around our...

4 years ago
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Adam slowly opens his eyes to the dim light of a gray rainy morning casting a glow into the room. He senses the heat of the naked body lying next to him and turns to absorb it. Eve is lying face down on the bed, curly black hair covering her face and neck. Her arms curled above her head exposing the soft curve of her breast. The covers are pulled down to just above her waist, the shadows hiding the delight he knows is there. He is immediately aroused. In his eyes she is perfection. Her toned...

4 years ago
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Awakening By April Drifting awake sore and groggy, there's no pain. There should be but there isn't yet. All I feel is time thick as molasses, and squeezing. Weird pneumatic sounds as my legs are squeezed and held. Hugs from a machine. I am nervous. Do I dare? I squeeze. There's a soreness yet something else. A fullness. I can feel the packing, inside. I have an inside. Tubes in my arms pulling as a hug myself. Is this real? I can feel inside me. I'm sore but I can feel, inside. Sleep...

3 years ago
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It has been a few years but the constant curiosity of who it was and why they did it remains a mystery. Let me explain....As a young married couple my wife and I moved to a new neighborhood where we could raise our 2 c***dren. Nice location, nice neighbors at the end of a cul-de-sac. Everything a couple could hope for. My schedule was inconsistant at work and occasionaly my wife and I were working different hours and had little time to see each other except weekends. We made the most of them,...

2 years ago
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Awakening by ariel emms (if you enjoy this story, please feel free to let me know or to distribute it to others)...and she collapsed to the floor, nearly unconscious, unable to speak in more than moans and nearly unable to control her limbs  - and never to be the same again.________________________?Do we have to go now?? asked Ariel, in a mock-whine.  She giggled. ?I only just got my pillow fluffed the way I like!?  She was sitting next to Ayla, the taller woman’s arm around her shoulders,...

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I had a routine where I would get home from school and head to my room to "do my homework"; which of course required a relaxation session first. Ostensibly to help my concentration, or so I reasoned to myself. I remember the day exactly; it was a Tuesday. Mom always did laundry on Tuesday, but always in the morning while I was at school. The hormonal teenage brain rarely...

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You just logged off after spending 2 hours on the computer talking with me, feeling very happy and tired. You walk into the bedroom, changing into what you are wearing to bed, and crawl into the covers. You start to dream of what we talked about... Walking along a nice wooded path, listening to the sounds of nature as we walk. Coming to a pond with a small waterfall we stop and sit. Hold one another close, letting my lips softly touch yours. The kiss going from one of love and compassion to...

2 years ago
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Copyright© 2003 I am lying face down on the ground. A dog is nuzzling my neck. It feels good, but seems rather strange. Why would a dog be licking my neck? I don't own a dog. I then awaken to feel you kissing me on the back of my neck. The kissing stops and your fingers start massaging my neck under my hair. Gently your fingers glide up and down. Then lifting my hair you let it slowly fall back on to my neck. Through half open eyes I can see the clock. Good! Over an hour before we have...

1 year ago
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Awakening By Hidden Friend Ó Josh’s mind was filled with erotic images as he slept, a strange woman knelt naked before him her mouth closed around his cock as her tongue explored the engorged and swollen purple head. He moaned in his dream and stirred in his sleep, it felt so real, he could feel the teeth brushing his cock shaft as the mouth slid up and down it. Mind fuddled with sleep he came awake, the sensations from his dream seeming to follow him. His body was caressed by cool air as he ...

3 years ago
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I woke with a yell, sweating and shaking.This time the dream had been so vivid and horrifying, and yet, even as my heartbeat returned to a normal rhythm, the scenes were blurring in my mind...I clenched my hands in my hair and closed my eyes, trying to remember. If these dreams, as I had begun to suspect, were dark premonitions of the days to come, then any remembered detail could be crucial!I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t notice Lissa until she spoke.“Are you okay, Robin? I heard...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Thoughts rushed through my mind as if they were in a race where the winner takes all. Every thought wanted to hook their long talons into my brain. I also struggled with my moaning and groaning body.My bottom cheeks were unhappy sitting on a hard rock and my back strained itself to keep my naked boobs pointed into the wind. Even my folded legs that were knotted in the Lotus position, were complaining about their situation. Only my arms were happy where they rested on my spread legs.However,...

4 years ago
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I nodded, and he removed his hand. I took a deep breath and tried to move my head to see. “No, don’t,” he commanded. “I have a surprise for you.” I stilled myself again. “Do you trust me?” He asked. “Not in the lest.” I said with a grin. I heard a snicker from by my legs. “Who’s with you?” I asked with apprehension. I had been sleeping naked and now the blanket was slowly falling off my nude body. “You’ll see, later.” He said. I cold tell by his voice that he was grinning, and from...

2 years ago
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Adam slowly opens his eyes to the dim light of a gray rainy morning casting a glow into the room. He senses the heat of the naked body lying next to him and turns to absorb it. Eve is lying face down on the bed, curly black hair covering her face and neck. Her arms curled above her head exposing the soft curve of her breast. The covers are pulled down to just above her waist, the shadows hiding the delight he knows is there. He is immediately aroused. In his eyes she is perfection. Her toned...

2 years ago
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Introduction: short story, will continue if u like it Having my little sister share the cramped room in our mums apartment with me was never a good thing, and when she invited her friend, Holly, to sleep, things got even worse, and, as I had just hit puberty and I couldnt control my cocks urges to make itself stand like a steel rod, I was in despair. Holly turned up at around three in the afternoon, her mum dropped her off with her stuff and, as she unloaded her stuff onto my sisters bed, my...

3 years ago
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Jessica and Luke are a 22-year-old couple who are perfect for each other, they complement each other's strengths and cancel out each other's weaknesses. And always push each other to do the best they know they can be. Jessica is thicc, has very long dark blue hair (great for pulling while they fuck), a half sleeve tattoo along with her right thigh tattooed as well and a massive heart. She is currently at uni studying health and social so she can be a carer, also does bank work for the NHS so...

4 years ago
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You wake up from an awful dream, but you remembered something from it you can't stop thinking about. You. Are. God. You dismiss the idea as you get up and grab a drink of water from the tap. You think it couldn't hurt to try, right? Suddenly you're no longer in your apartment, you're in space, looking down at earth. You feel terrified and exhilarated at the same time as you wonder the possibilities, you start to not be able to breath. You panic for a second, but dismiss the panic and breath...

Mind Control
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I've lived in the same house for 30 years. I've always seen and talked to the same people so I didn't really know any strangers. Everything in my life was well-ordered and routine. I was a staid, well respected member of the community. Well, that changed earlier this year when I met Sasha. The day Sasha moved in, I was planting two new rosebushes to replace the ones that didn't make it through the winter. I couldn't help but watch as some of the most beautiful furniture I had ever seen was...

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I awoke with a start. Breathing heavily, I wipe the sleep from my eyes. As I try to steady my breathing and calm my racing heart I ponder what just happened. Is it possible for a female orgasm during a dream? That's what you are, right? My mind stills for a moment and I realize my bare thighs are warm and wet and there's an aching in my center that I am all to familiar with. I reach down and discover that my plump pussy is ripe do very ripe for the taking. I run two fingers through my...

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From just this side of slumberI hear her soft voice tell me that she can't sleep,and yet to me she seems so deepinside a dream of my own making.She slowly turns away and I feelthe soft, round flesh of her bottom brushagainst my slightly bent leg -- a rushof electricity every time.She pushes back further untilI feel the delicate dampness between her cheeks,and with no sound this movement speaks,and I am always ready to listen.Pulling away the sheet to expose our naked flesh,I glide my open lips...

2 years ago
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He stepped into the room and she lay there asleep, the blanket barely covering her naked body. Her alabaster skin glowed in the early morning haze as she shifted her body, revealing her breasts. Her nipples stiffened in the morning air. Leaning over the bed, he softly blew onto her breasts, seeing her nipples react. With the sweetest touch, he took her left nipple in his mouth, rolling his tongue over the sensitive mound, and gliding the skin over the tips of his teeth. She stirred at this...

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For all these years she had been fulfilling her duty as a wife and working mother, working in the office throughout the week and managing the home and her family on either side of the day. She was always busy, but somehow found the energy to keep going. Perhaps it was the gym sessions: the only time in the day she had time to herself, when she could even feel herself. Weights, Zumba, stretching - this was the time when she could feel alive in her body, feel it all stretch and push, feel the...

3 years ago
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Since I had first started my maturing I had never really seen myself as being my male body. Whenever I would have sex dreams it would always be from a women’s point of view. Eventually, it became my second self. I didn’t especially hate my male body, I just was never especially fussed about it or at home in it. I had no frame of reference on whether my cock was anything to write home about because my only reference point was through porn. During my later years, I started to experiment with my...

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Thanks to Lubrican and Three Sheets for editing and guiding me.Special thanks to Old Fart for the kick in the pants that got me writing again. "Hold still, Maggie" said my best friend Sara, laughing as she captured a stray mahogany lock and pinned it with the rest of my hair piled on top of my head. "Or we won't ever get to the party." The Halloween costume gala Mama and Daddy have held for the past ten years in the ballroom of the Grand Moon Hotel was underway. You have to be sixteen to...

2 years ago
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Justin and I have been married for seven years now and we're very happy together. Our sex is great, even if it does get a bit routine every so often. We enjoy racing and have friends, Todd and Cindy, who also like to go to car races. The race I remember best was the one in Charlotte where we booked a large suite for the four of us for the weekend. We went down on Friday night and would come back home on Sunday evening after all the events were over. We checked in around six and dropped our...

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I was fourteen years old, and have been raised only by my father in an extremely protected environment. One day, having come home before I was expected, I saw our pretty Hispanic housekeeper sitting on the kitchen table, our gardener standing between her spread legs, the top of her uniform open, his lips suckling at her breast. It was all more than I could have imagined. I had barely seen a man and woman kissing, not being allowed to see movies unless my father approved them, not being allowed...

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18-year-old Josh's mind was filled with erotic images as he slept, a strange woman knelt naked before him her mouth closed around his cock as her tongue explored the engorged and swollen purple head. He moaned in his dream and stirred in his sleep, it felt so real, he could feel the teeth brushing his cock shaft as the mouth slid up and down it. Mind fuddled with sleep he came awake, the sensations from his dream seeming to follow him. His body was caressed by cool air as he realized his...

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Dominating my slutty boss1

He always had sick depraved sexual thoughts. He always wanted to dominate some high class stuck up bitch and treat her like the whore she was. It all started with his boss.She was very beautiful. She was tall about 5'7 and had the perfect body. She was about 140lbs and had milky white skin.Her hair was a beautiful shade of red hair and blue eyes,it was the perfect combination,but she always thought she was better than him just because she was rich. He wanted to teach her a...

2 years ago
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Art Lovers

 ‘It’s like possession, isn’t it?’The fact that she’d even spoken shocked her. The words escaped her lips like his looming presence at her shoulder had summoned them.‘How so?’ His two velvet syllables warmed the pit of her stomach like cognac. She fixed hard on the naked embrace within the frame–lovers locked in ecstasy, his arms wrapping from behind, hers palming her own breasts. A photo-image coupling rendered into black-and-white abstraction, like an x-ray of two souls at the point of...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Saving Atlanta A Natural Chapter 8

Any reader at this point might be curious about the story of our friend Trent and how he got his start. The story takes place around the same time where Kash had bettered Marie and funnily enough, in the same area. Before meeting Kash, Trent was a party animal that found community through his alma mater groups, meeting people at bars, and friends of friends. Trent only lived with his roommate who was rarely there and his pre-games were louder than needed to be.One of Trent’s neighbors was a...

3 years ago
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Relationships 102 Sex As A Weapon

Copyright© 2006 by DB. "Hi guys, come on in. Glad you could make it," Christy greeted, handing glasses of wine to Allison and Frank. "Good to see you too," Allison replied, taking a sip of the Cabernet as she followed her hostess into the house. A smell of incense was in the air. Some soft Celtic harp music played in the background. As they walked into the cozy living room of the small house the newcomers noticed that four appropriately colored candles were set at the four...

2 years ago
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The Reunion

Katie versus Laura I drove slowly through the traffic leaving the airport, it was nearly five pm on a Friday afternoon in early June, and I had a suspicion it would take at least an hour to get home so I did my best to distract myself from the annoyances of stop-and-go driving. After spending the week in Chicago I was exhausted: mentally and physically; unfortunately, not sexually. On Monday, I had flown to Chicago, ending my long Memorial Day weekend by starting three and half days of...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Fitting In At My New Job

I don’t know how I got myself into this but yet I don’t know if I want to get out of it. My name is Camryn. I’m 28 years old originally from the Northwest but I recently moved to Atlanta to take a job with a company that specializes in green solutions. You know, like solar panels, battery charging stations, and a bunch of other shit I know nothing about. The market was so bad I had to move to the South to land a job and support myself. I am not an engineer or technician or anything, I just have...

4 years ago
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Jessica and Owen Chapter 3

  It was early monday morning and I had just stepped out of the shower. I dried myself with a towel, then walked over to my full length mirror to look at myself. I had never been happy with my looks but have recently become more confident. Owen loved my body and made me feel attractive. I was slim every where except my hips, but I wasn’t overweight, I just had some fat there. I had long legs and was 5’9”. I tied up my long brown hair and dropped the towel. My hand moved to my pussy and rubbed...

2 years ago
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Getting To Know StepMother

Getting to Know Step-MotherPrologueBarbara had no idea how her life was to change as she entered, after being called into the living room by her father.  There sat a woman she had never seen before.  Her father introduced her as Helen, the woman he was about to marry the next day.Barbara was astounded.  Her father and she had had a rather strained relationship ever since her mother had died of cancer two years before.  As a 16 year old, she had been pretty much left to herself by him, both...

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Diya Bhabhi Ke Sath Enjoy

Hi friends ye baat ek saal pahele ki hai. Jese ke meri college start hua tha mera roj ka time subha 6 se dopahar ke 1 baje tak ka tha. Un dino me aksar college ke bad wapus jaldi ghar aa jaya karta tha kyu ke mere ghar ke samne ek mast bhabhi raheti thi. Uska name diya tha. Dekhne me moti thi but kafi gory chitti thi.Age hogi kuch uski 26 ke aas pas. Saab se jyada uski achhi bat thi uske boobs yaar kya batau itne bade the mano ke jese koi bada santra ho. Use dekhte hi meree dimag me bus usko...

2 years ago
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Making of super slut dolls 2

This is a sequel to super slut doll comments, and reviews welcome. Three people stood at the street opposite the warehouse district, it was late almost no one was around. One woman towered over the other two figures 6 "5" with the muscles of a body builder she scanned the area while a thin dark-skinned man looked at the ground and the buildings, a third figure short barley 5"2" stared ahead using her powers to scan the area for minds of others. "Im not sensing any signs of hostility...

4 years ago
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Curvaceous Sauce me Rock

He was mighty rock Brett high these days he didn't care if it was there crystal Amethyst lips the first time or between a fuck and a stone. That group sex on the camera heated up like the apex. She the Carmelo how she could master his rock climbing wouldn't want to face her husband in a rock battle.She saw him immediately as he toured down the rock hill hearing sounds that weren't bird and silence. The raunchy twist side of the rocks.These places were handy for a man when he wanted to slip...

3 years ago
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Making Decisions Pt 02

Chapter 3: Waiting for the right girl to come along. I was sitting on the porch at my dad’s one morning and I saw that cute gal Kim ride by, she waved and honk the horn. Dad hadn’t come out yet so I waved back at her as she drove by. A few seconds later I heard a big bang, almost like a gunshot. I hurried to the road and saw Kim’s car pulled over to the side. I headed towards it, it was only about a hundred yards down the road. As I approached the car I saw her for the first time. She was...

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Fire the Goblets on FireChapter 4

The following week was rough on everyone as the Dr.'s Granger had to get used to their little girl now being married at the age of fifteen, but also for Harry and Hermione for pretty much the same reason. Dan spent several hours the first couple of days with Emma in the study talking to the portrait of Danielle Granger, who had been the last Lady Granger, painted 300 years earlier, and filling her in on as much family and world history as they could. Dan assured her he would dig through the...

4 years ago
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It was a warm spring day when MASTER decided she wanted to take me for a walk. I love walking with MASTER when she will take me. Usually she goes by herself and sometimes when she gets back she makes me go down on her. Several times I've had the privilege of licking another mans cum out of her pussy which is something I love doing. I often dream of what it would be like to actually be allowed to lick and suck his cock clean after he's had his way with my MASTER. But it's never happened and...

4 years ago
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Divya Likes Her Guest Faculty 8211 Part 2

Hi all this is part 2 of  ” Divya Liked her Guest Faculty “. If you have not read the first part please read the first part (link at the top) so that you can understand the story better. I am assuming that you have read the first story and going ahead narrating this story. Please read the first story and email me at Divya came to Bangalore for doing her project. I was very exited to meet her. She was staying in a friend room and she called me to pick her up. This time is what I waiting for a...

4 years ago
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The Life and Times of Natasha Knight Part II

I stumbled up the stairs and pushed myself into my room. My parents had gone to bed long ago, or so it seemed. It was dark in the house and they were good at going to bed at way to early of hours. I was glad they were asleep though, they would not have to see me as I was now. Taking off all of my clothes, I shoved them into the back of my closet and ran to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stood in front of the mirror as I waited for the water to heat up. I looked over my body and could...

3 years ago
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Five White GirlsChapter 5

Hi, good to see you again. I’m glad you continued reading. Mom sent me to my room. I think she needed to masturbate again, dad in going to get his ears fucked off tonight. I don’t think we will have any dinner tonight unless we have it delivered or I cook. Do you remember the business card that was under my mask? Well it turns out it was the woman’s card. I was kind of hoping that it was the older man’s card. You know the guy with the fat cock. Well two weeks ago which was four days after...

2 years ago
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My Uncle Fifi

This is a funny little spinoff of my other story, "Mockumentary." But it's totally okay if you haven't read that one, since the tie-in is pretty simple: this is the pilot episode for the sitcom that Tristan ends up starring in. Just to be clear, I wrote this story to be complete and have a nice, satisfying ending...but, since it's meant to suggest the pilot of a TV show, it does end on kind of a "and so, the adventure begins" kind of note. However, I've gone to lengths to ensure that...

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