TangentChapter 6: Rude Awakenings free porn video

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Judy Bondi, when she woke up the next morning, felt awful. Her head ached, she wanted to throw up -- and on top of all that, she felt she'd let Tuck and her friends down.

She was lying on top of a sleeping bag, not hers and was outside. Judy struggled to sit up, her head throbbing; it was all she could do not to be sick to her stomach.

Elspeth arrived and saw that she was awake. "Here," the older girl said, handing Judy a canteen, "wash out your mouth. Like you said yesterday, it tastes like shit, after."

Judy managed to stand up, went a few steps and swished some water in her mouth, then spat onto a bush.

Elspeth handed her two aspirin. "Tuck said you'd have a headache this morning, that you should take these."

"I'll live," Judy said, shaking her head no.

"Fine, wonderful. That stupid woman and her daughter are gone; they dosed you, then everyone else and left. Tuck went after her. These guys are about to move out. Without him. Without them."

Judy wanted to sit down and weep. What had she done?

"Don't be an ass," Elspeth said roughly, reading her mood. "You might have been stupid enough to drink what that woman gave you; I wouldn't trust her with the time of day. None of the others would either. I have no idea what she did, but everyone else has a splitting headache this morning, not just you. Take the damn pills; it might not be much, but girl, you're what we've got right now."

"There's you," Judy stated, looking right at Elspeth.

"Ha!" Elspeth exclaimed. "You're nuts! Your friends barely move when it's you telling them to move. They ignore me. You can talk to this Gamelin guy. Ain't none of them going to want to be bossed by a pregnant rape victim."

"Elspeth," Judy said patiently, "you might be pregnant, you might have been raped. Neither of those has the least thing to do with what sort of a person you are."

"Judy, I don't believe in relaxing and enjoying it. I put up a fight until it was over. I left my mark on the guy. Girl, this is the real thing. Don't relax, don't enjoy. You're in charge. Leave your mark on it."

In a few minutes Gamelin appeared and signed, asking Judy if she was well enough to travel. Judy nodded. Already the camp had been struck -- it would have been pointless to say no.

The morning was hell. First, leaving the camp and Tuck behind. Then as the heat of the day rose, Judy found herself sweating buckets. Then, there was a hasty conference between Gamelin and some of the others, and some of the soldiers took up positions, watching their back trail. A few minutes later Judy could see Tuck and one of Gamelin's men coming towards them.

She breathed a silent sigh of relief when Tuck caught up with them. She shook his hand, right after Gamelin got to do it. She listened to Tuck describe what had happened to Mrs. Flowers and Sarah. Judy had pretty well gotten past her nausea, but it came back. The men who'd been there when they'd come to this place hadn't been nice; Tuck had said he was sure they were shooting at them. No, Judy didn't harbor any false hopes for Mrs. Flowers and her daughter.

At the noon break, Tuck warned Judy she had to drink more. Judy grimaced, but knew it was true. She was drenched with sweat, her blouse clung to her, and her jeans were damp as well.

They didn't stop until mid-afternoon. The other three girls were exhausted, sitting rigidly in their saddles, their eyes glazed with fatigue and pain. When Judy got off, she realized she could barely walk herself; for one thing, she felt like there was still a horse between her legs. That made for an awkward, bowlegged gait.

Elspeth came up to her. "I have to go pee so bad..."

Judy hadn't had to go until then; it was like magic. Elspeth spoke and Judy had to clamp down tight on the spigot. She walked over to Tuck who was, as usual, talking with Gamelin. "Elspeth and I need to use the bushes."

He looked around, and then pointed to a pile of rocks. "Go behind there."

Judy looked around. Gamelin's men were searching a small patch of trees that promised some shade, once they were resting. They were well away from the rocks. Judy nodded, and checked with Becky and Lydia, who both shook their heads.

"Drink plenty of water!" Judy commanded them. "You have to or you're going to get really, really sick!"

She watched as the others took drinks from their canteens, then she gathered up Elspeth and headed for the rocks.

Out of sight of the others, Judy spied a clump of heavy brush and made for it, Elspeth following close behind.

It seemed like he grew out of the desert; one second they were alone, then a man appeared with a long gun pointed right at Judy's gut. She stopped, stunned. The man was wearing nothing but a wrap around his middle. As she watched, he tugged at the wrap, miming silence. Another man appeared, a knife in his hand, threatening Elspeth. He'd already taken off his loincloth.

Judy's mind raced. She could scream, she could...

The man who'd stepped towards Elspeth suddenly screamed, far louder than Judy could have. Elspeth was holding her switchblade low, watching blood spurting from the man's genitals.

The man facing Judy turned slightly, his gun going off line from her. Judy's hand slapped the knife on her own belt, she brushed the gun further away with her other hand as she thrust hard with the knife at him.

She would remember that instant for the rest of her life. It was like spearing a piece of steak. Resistance at first, then the knife went in to the hilt. The man looked down at the blade sticking out of his solar plexus, then back up at Judy. Then his eyes rolled up and he was dead. Dead before he could fall, even.

There was a clatter of rocks and Tuck was there, his carbine ready. He glanced at the two men, and then hissed at Judy, "Down! Both of you! Get down!"

Judy crouched, but Elspeth simply snorted.

"If they have any friends in the bushes," Tuck growled at Elspeth, "they're going to shoot you first, girl! Now get down!"

Elspeth looked at Tuck with a look of distaste on her face. She stayed standing.

More men arrived, including Gamelin and Vosper. Men fanned out to search the bushes, while Vosper knelt down at the man Elspeth had cut.

The man was still sobbing, holding himself there, between his legs. Judy had a couple of good looks; it was pretty bad. The problem with men, Judy thought, is that they had all that stuff hanging out there, a natural target. And Elspeth had gone for the target she hated the most.

Vosper started asking questions, and the man, pale as a sheet, tried to answer; it was obvious he was in considerable pain.

Gamelin, in the meantime, knelt next to the man Judy had killed, pulling her knife from the man's chest. Gamelin wiped the blade off on her victim's loin wrap, and then handed it back to Judy, hilt first.

"Erst mal?" Gamelin asked her.

He was asking if it was the first time she'd killed someone, Judy was sure. She simply nodded, and then took the blade and put it back in its sheath, planning on giving it a really thorough cleaning later.

It was then Judy realized that there was another drama playing out, a few feet away. The sergeant had stood and with a series of quick words, reported to Gamelin. It obviously wasn't good news.

At the end, Vosper glanced at the man, then at Gamelin. Judy wasn't positive, but they seemed to be concerned about something regarding Elspeth.

Tuck picked up on it, too. Elspeth was just standing still, staring at the man she'd hurt. "Gamelin, how is this done? Wie machts so was?" Tuck asked.

"Ehe, pflict. Versteh? Hochehe pflict," Gamelin replied.

Some of those words were easy to understand. Tuck had said they had nobles, called the ehe or hochehe. The one word she wasn't sure about was pflict. Duty or honor? Or both wrapped up as one?

Tuck reached out and touched Elspeth's arm. Elspeth shook his hand off.

"Elspeth, the man you cut is going to die."

"Good!" Elspeth spat, the spittle hitting between the man's spread legs, close to where he was bleeding.

"Elspeth, I've seen wounds like this. It could take a couple of days for him to die; they don't have antibiotics here. The man is going to die a long, slow painful death."

Elspeth turned to face Tuck. "Too bad I can't stay here and cheer when it comes."

"Gamelin is willing to do what has to be done," Tuck went on, ignoring her. "Hell, I'd do it for a dog. It has to be done."

He never once, Judy thought with admiration, suggested anything to Elspeth. Nothing. Not that it wasn't clear enough.

Elspeth's switchblade snicked open, she leaned down and drew the blade across the man's throat. There was a gush of blood, his heels drummed on the dirt for a second and then he was dead.

Elspeth took a few steps and wiped her knife on a yucca cactus, the kind with wide, thick, succulent leaves. When she finished, she turned back to Tuck. "We still gotta pee; how about letting us use the bushes, now that you all looked?"

Tuck stared at her for a second, mildly surprised. Then he said something to Gamelin. Gamelin looked at Judy. Judy realized he was looking to see if she'd peed her pants. She walked to Elspeth, hooked elbows and went into the cluster of brush.

Later, it was strange. Judy could see that Gamelin's men would stare at her or at Elspeth. They would talk between themselves, usually not very many words. Then it sure looked like they'd have a short laugh before they would go on about their business.

As Judy watched, she came to a slow burn. It had been a dumb mistake, no doubt about it. But it wasn't laughable; it wasn't funny at all. She had to kill a man! Elspeth had killed a helpless man! There was no doubt in Judy's mind that if she hadn't killed the man she would have been raped. The man hadn't been undoing his loincloth because he wanted to take a piss!

The laughter though, that really hurt.

Finally, she walked to Tuck, who was leaning against a rock, his hat over his eyes. "Why are they laughing at us?"

He pushed the hat up. "No one is laughing at you."

"Sure they are," Judy told him, waving at the camp. "A couple of them get together, look at one or the other of us, say a few words, snicker and move on."

He smiled.

"There!" Judy said, outraged. "Now you're doing it!"

"I am not laughing. Amused, yes. Amazed, yes. Judy, do you know what's going on with us?"


"Well, I'm not sure either. But these men, Gamelin's men, are reserves or National Guard types. Called up to serve occasionally, to keep their hand in; they were supposed to be at peace. Except, the war just got hot. They are scared. These men aren't blooded soldiers, Judy. They haven't been in combat, most of them, not before this.

"You and Elspeth. You met two of their enemies, face-to-face. Enemies they use to scare their children with. Aztecs, I think. You know, the cut-out-the-living-heart-of-the-victim, sacrifice guys."

Judy paled.

"Yeah, those guys. You met them one to one. You, two girls. Gamelin's troops already liked you. There is nothing a cavalry trooper understands better than how hard it is to do what they do. You and the others, you are game, you keep trying and even though you're hurting. Every last one of these men has been there and done that themselves. They know exactly how you feel, Judy.

"And in spite of your gender, you guys keep going." He laughed then and changed his wording. "You girls keep going. It impresses them. And now, the score is girls two, bad guys zero. Every last man in this camp would like to think of himself as better than any teenage girl who ever lived. But they are scared. You did it, Judy. You and Elspeth did it. By yourselves, without their help, you killed their enemies. And on top of that, well, Elspeth could spit and you both had to pee. Trust me, Judy. The first time most people have to kill in combat, the urge to pee doesn't exist right afterwards. Or the ability to spit."

"It was too fast," Judy said, trying to understand it all. "I didn't have time to think. They came out of nowhere and threatened us..."

"And then you killed them. Bottom line, Judy. You killed them. Elspeth's stock went through the roof when she killed the guy. I know it's not something pleasant to think about, but in combat, shit happens. The culture we've landed in is military and has definite notions of honor and dishonor. Elspeth particularly, and you too, did well today."

"Why do they laugh at us, then?" Judy insisted.

He chuckled. "They are laughing at the gods, Judy! They are scared. They've never been there and you have. You've done it; they're telling themselves if you can, so can they. They look at you, and then laugh at themselves for being afraid. When you and Elspeth weren't."

Judy's mouth formed a small 'O' of surprise.

She was further surprised when he put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed lightly. "We've gone down the rabbit hole; even if Alice's Wonderland was never like this. We have to take each day one step at a time, doing the best we can. You're doing really well, Judy. So are the others. It just takes a bit of getting used to."

Judy went and sat down in the shade of a rock. Elspeth glanced up as she sat down. "Anything interesting?"

"Depends on your definition of interesting, I guess," Judy replied.

"Is there going to be trouble because we killed those guys?"

It had never occurred to Judy that there would be. From what Tuck had said, the opposite was true. "No," Judy replied.

"Asshole mother-fucker! The first time I didn't have a knife! I fixed that! It's never, ever going to happen again! Not ever!"

"I think," Judy said quietly, "it would be best if we rested while we had the chance."

Elspeth laughed. "Truth is, you have no idea what it's like. I have to eat for two. And I think I need to sleep for two." Her eyes closed, almost at once.

Judy sagged back against the rock, nearly exhausted.

Later, Judy didn't see the scouts returning, but she heard the discussion. Within a few minutes, everyone was up again and moving. For most of the afternoon they contoured along ridgelines, going neither up nor down. Later they went up a long ridge, gaining another thousand feet or so, but arriving at a small saddle in the ridge at the top, Judy and her friends were totally exhausted.

"There was a bunch of them following not far behind us earlier," Tuck told her when they stopped, just short of dark. "When I caught up. The bad guys stopped then and didn't press.

"Gamelin wants to cross the main ridge of the Mazatzals; that's this range of mountains. When we get on the other side, he'll be able to signal their base about what's going on. That's very high on Gamelin's list of priorities.

"We climbed a thousand feet this afternoon, we'll climb another thousand feet first thing tomorrow. It won't be easy, but Gamelin will feel a whole lot better, once they pass the word."

"But we're not safe, even so?" Judy asked.

"No, like you found earlier, they have scouts out. Gamelin and I talked this afternoon; he's still trying to decide if the man they questioned earlier was telling the truth or not. He said there are a million men headed this way. Gamelin says his boss can, maybe, muster five thousand. Of course there is no guarantee the man was telling the truth."

Judy grimaced, that wasn't good! That wasn't good at all!

"How long are we stopping?"

"Dinner and rest," Tuck replied. "Sleeping bags, no tents, no cook fires. Lucky us, we have trail mix and candy bars. They have that awful porridge, cold."

"If we eat them now, we won't have them later," Judy said, trying to think ahead.

Tuck nodded. "On the other hand, if tomorrow all of you have cramps instead of just you and Elspeth, it won't speed things up. I have a cast iron stomach... and it cleaned out my digestive tract from just one portion yesterday morning."

"I'm fine," Judy told him, pained.

Gamelin came ghosting through the twilight. "Tuck, scouts say, there is movement on the ridge ahead of us."

Tanda looked over the bedraggled group of refugees from the village. Tazi wasn't the youngest, not by half. The oldest was probably three times as old as Tanda. For all of that, they seemed to be the village dunces. None of them knew where the redoubt was, except Smiling Fox. And Smiling Fox was pointing to the southeast. That direction just wasn't possible for them; there was too much open ground there, and more importantly, too many Mexicotal and Zarthani.

She finally decided where to camp for the night. There was a ridgeline ahead. It looked no different than the other ridgelines, but that was only from this side. The other, the northern slope, was far steeper; a man could probably get up it on foot, but a lot of men would make a lot of noise.

They would camp on a little hump, with a clear view along the ridge in both directions and the desert wash and the ridge to their south.

As she expected, they reached the spot just as the last of the light failed. Everyone sank down to rest; the only ones showing any spark of energy were Smiling Fox, who was tending to his woman and Tazi, who was helping him.

Tanda gently pushed Smiling Fox out of the way and looked for herself. One of the old women joined her. They checked Smiling Fox's woman carefully. Tanda knew almost nothing about childbirth; a few sessions in first aid classes, but almost always the warning that in simple cases it was simple and if it didn't look simple, call for a doctor!

Still, she was an herbalist. She took Smiling Fox by the arm. "See this plant?" she asked him, pointing to a small plant with silvery leaves.

"Yes," he replied, exhausted and worried.

"How full is your water skin?" Tanda continued.

He felt it, and then grimaced. "Half. She was so thirsty this afternoon..."

"It is good, you did the right thing," Tanda told him. "This is a young plant, too small. There are some larger ones back there," she pointed back along the way they'd come. "Waist high."

He nodded. "I remember them."

"Take only the biggest, fattest leaves, fold them carefully and put them in your water skin. When you have four hands of leaves inside, close the skin tightly. Then knead it, breaking the leaves inside. Then shake it hard for a finger-width. Return when you are done; the tea will ease your woman's discomfort."

He bobbed his head and trotted off to do what he'd been asked.

The old woman sniffed. "She will start to bleed soon. Then she will die. We can cut the baby from her belly and save it... or let them both die."

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Chapter 9RelationshipsAfter Sarah’s revelation there had been silence as they all pondered what had just passed between them.It was Daniel who spoke first.“Well I don’t know about you two, but I need a drink”. He marched to the huge graphite fridge and yanked open the door. Glass clanked inside at the force with which he had opened it. Sarah glanced at Isabella and her expression had changed – she was no longer strong and angry, more…what was that expression, thought Isabella. Mixture of...

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Chapter 8SarahIt had been several weeks since the evening Josh left the house. Yesterday he picked up the last of his belongings and now all traces of him were finally gone. She felt sad about the situation but was now looking forward to being with Daniel without the random pangs of guilt that she used to feel.It was a Saturday morning and Isabella woke early. She was enjoying her own space, and the house was starting to feel more like her own. She had put up more photos of her family and she...

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Chapter 7Time to GoJosh arrived back late, slightly unsteady on his feet. He had had a few drinks to overcome his anger. It hadn’t really worked, but he had enjoyed fucking that girl in the car park – that had dissipated a lot of pent up emotion. He was surprised to see the lights still on in the house. The anger rose in him again as he remembered how much it hurt his pride to find out about Daniel. That bastard! And she was such a bitch to do that to him. He thrust his key into the door and...

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Chapter 6ConfrontationThe weeks passed by quickly after their erotic encounter at the Hilton. Work got busier and Isabella found herself staying late most nights just to get through the files that were building on her desk. Daniel had got much busier, attending networking events, functions, dinners and had brought in some new clients which meant a lot more work for Isabella to get stuck into. It also meant more time with Daniel. She admired his work ethic and professionalism, his dedication and...

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Chapter 5SurpriseHe opened his eyes as the sunlight started to fall across his face. The net curtains danced gently as the cool breeze wafted through the window. He was aware of the weight of her head on his chest, her hair tumbling across his skin. Her arm was across him, her hand resting on his shoulder. He listened to her breathing and found his own falling into the same rhythm. He stroked her back, loving the silky feel of her skin. He cast his mind back to the previous evening, finding...

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CHAPTER 3The PartyThe weeks dragged on so slowly. He found himself daydreaming about the charity event and a chance to spend the whole night with Isabella. He was consumed by thoughts of her and all that had passed between them. He was intoxicated by her beauty, her taste and smell, and found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on his work. But he had sensed her uncertainty the last time they had been together. That explosive evening had been incredible, but he did not want to spoil...

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CHAPTER 2The InvitationThey walked out of the office onto the moonlit pavement, the cool night air forcing them both to catch their breaths. She could not believe what had just happened between them. She had just fucked her boss! There was no denying it, since her interview she had felt a deep connection with him and over the last couple of weeks working for him they had become increasingly close, their conversations easy and natural. She had hoped, of course, but never thought it would turn...

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CHAPTER 1The InterviewHe was busy, but then he liked having a full day’s work ahead of him. Made the time pass and he loved the sense of achievement when he had finished his day’s work without having time to think too much. Caroline edged up to his desk and he realised it must already be 10 o’clock. Time for them to run through what he needed from her during the day. Caroline had been his PA for five years and become pretty efficient at looking after him. But she would be leaving soon to have...

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The first in a series of real events in my early sex lifeI was probably eleven when I first started to be aware of sexual feelings, getting erections and becoming aware of the pleasures my body afforded me. In other words this is when I started having wet dreams and masturbating.Like most boys of this age I was involved in lots of discussions regarding the girls we fancied and although I tried to fit in with most of the others I actually found myself fancying far different people to the norm....

2 years ago
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Masquerades 101 Chapter 2 Strange Awakenings

Nicole I didn't sleep well, I tossed and turned because I was anxious about the first day of classes. This particular anxiety was a tradition for me each semester. At our school, if you're not present for the first day of class, you get unenrolled from that class. Therefore I was worried I was going to oversleep. It didn't help of course, that I still had my fight with Tyler still on my mind. My first class was at 9 AM, and I set my alarm for 7:30 AM. That should give me ample...

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Family Awakenings

It was a typical Saturday morning. I was sitting at the kitchen table having a cup of coffee, enjoying the quiet before my three high schoolers woke up. My wife Stacey was in the study enjoying her coffee as well. We have been married for 18 years. We met in high school and got married right after we graduated. Stacey and I have a pretty active sex life, she’s always had a high sex drive and since we’re pretty much the only people we’ve ever been with we believe in keeping things spicy in the...

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For perhaps the tenth time in as many minutes, Kathryn Gray glanced up at the large clock on the office wall. It had been one of those days that seemed like it would never end. She had a theory that the three-day weekend that waited beyond five o'clock caused time to move much more slowly. A silly theory, she admitted to herself, but as good an explanation as any as to why the day was dragging on forever. Kathryn had been working at Moore and Ryan for nine months now. It had been the...

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I had to be dreaming. It was the only answer that made any sense at all. The lovely young woman whose naked body pressed against mine, was nothing more than a figment of my subconscious. I had driven out one last time before I sold my parents' vacation cabin. Arriving after 14 hours of travel, exhausted, I collapsed into the bed fully dressed. As the rain spattered on the window, I laid there remembering waking to find the curtains drawn and the french doors standing open to the morning...

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Prologue Any lingering hopes were swept away as I stared at the result from the test kit. I was pregnant! I had been well and truly "banged up". I knew now, without doubt, that there was a price to pay for my indulgences. I feared for my impending marriage as I tried to think how to explain my belly full of arms and legs to a would be husband who had yet to penetrate me. The wedding was still two months away and I'd cleverly (as I thought at the time) held him at bay and reeled him in...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XI 2 Awakenings

A few weeks before Spring break, Penny called Suzi to see if she wanted to get together. They went shopping the following weekend, and late that Saturday afternoon I received a phone call from Suzi. "Tim, Penny spotted her brother sneaking around her place, and we followed him to where we think he lives. Penny wants to... Penny? Hmm, anyway, she'd like you to come down so she can talk to him without worrying about being attacked or drugged again." I reached out to Suzi, and wrote down...

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Bubblegum Pigtails and Total DominationChapter 6 Awakenings

I sat there in the guest cabin for a few minutes, or maybe longer, I don’t know. I wanted to smell Angie’s sex just once more before Becky Finklestein took her away from me forever. But even when I had her panties pressed against my face her scent was completely overpowered by a sweet, musky, impossible to describe odor that had to be Becky. I felt like the smell should be driving me crazy, but I couldn’t find the energy to get excited. For the past few days, it had been a struggle to keep...

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Runaway DreamChapter 3 Awakenings

The sunlight hurt my eyes, even the very little escaping from the drawn curtains. Just a slender fissure and I turned weakly away from it. I felt tired and empty inside, not so much hungry as just ... empty. My skin was cold and clammy and the light seemed to crawl across my flesh. I trembled and wondered if this wasn't DT, the withdrawl eating away at my brain. I hadn't fixed since I'd seen Vin and I had no idea how long ago that had been. I didn't think I was really addicted to the...

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Loves ShepherdChapter 3 Awakenings

“Mr. Brandton! Pay attention!” Mrs. Patterson bellowed. As my overweight English teacher finally lifted her accusing gaze from my face, I let the air out that I had been holding. I had been daydreaming about Suzi again. I had tried to appear as if I was listening to what the old battle boat was saying, but my mind had switched off while my dick had turned on. Now I was sporting a hardon, and the bell was about to ring. “Shit,” I breathed. I tried to imagine old blubber butt naked, and that...

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Three Square MealsChapter 92 Awakenings

Jade grinned in delight at John and the girls, appearing as an exact replica of their beautiful Chief Engineer, right down to the golden coronas around her pupils. Dana leaned closer, open-mouthed with shock as she was faced with her own double staring right back at her. “Oh wow! Do I really look like that?!” Dana marvelled, darting around on the bed to look at Jade from different angles. “I look fucking gorgeous!” Rachel laughed and rolled her eyes affectionately at her girlfriend. “Come...

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Valerie carefully slid her fingers across the bumps that protruded from the pages on her book, ocassionally stopping to pick up the micro cassette recorder to make some notes for tomorrow's world history class!!! Every so often she would also reach down and scruff Sparky's ears just to reassure herself that he was still there by her side, because having been blind from birth, Valerie's life line to the outside world had at first been her parents and siblings, but as she became older and more...

4 years ago
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A Rude Awakening

Author's note: Hi! This is my first story so I hope you all enjoy it. Feel free to leave any feedback both good and bad. I really enjoyed writing this! Also this story draws heavy inspiration from "The Humiliation of Jane" No copyright infringement is intended. It's just my interpretation of a pretty cool story. Oh and one more thing: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE feel free to add new chapters to this story. Let's see what kind of humiliation we can put poor little Becky through! Enjoy! Rebecca was...

Mind Control
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The black rude intruder

We had spent a very nice evening with some good friends.Anita stepped out of the car as the garage door closed behind her. I followed her closely, as I fumbled with my keys inside the pocket.I really never saw him... A slim dark figure slipping from the corner, moving quickly behind my sweet wife, wrapping his muscular arms around her and holding a knife to her soft neck. "Do exactly what I tell you, man…!" the hooded figure commanded.I got frozen in my tracks, hypnotized by the dark stranger...

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Mum and the Rude Optician Part 2

A couple of years later, this incident happened.I used to go shopping with my stepmother who I called Mum, as she needed help to carry the bags, as the shopping centre was only a short walk away and Mum saw no need for the car. One day, before shopping, she came downstairs all dressed up, in a black leather miniskirt and flimsy blouse, her hair newly done and wearing the black leather thong sandals I'd just bought her for her Birthday. Her toes were newly painted all tarty red, and she wore an...

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Rude Games

My first awareness of sex came through playing rude games with my older brother Colin and often his best mate Dominic.I can remember it was during the summer holidays and we were hanging out at home, both mum and dad were at work. My friend phoned to say she wouldn't be over today so I went to see what Colin and Dominic were up too.They had been looking through some cupboards adnd had pulled out a first aid kit, which had allsorts in it, a stethoscope, bandages, a thermometer etc.Before I knew...

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Rude girl in Gentlemans club

Getting in the car Ian suggested they call for a some lunch and a drink at his club,Jill was a little concerned about going in with no panties on,a predicament arising from their exploits in the car park. She felt her skirt was damp at the back,but Ian reassured her it did not show. Going in to the club, which was very elegant, they checked in. Then proceeded to their respective toilets to freshen up.In the luxurious ladies toilet Jill wiped her tummy and legs with a damp flannel,before...

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Meine Feundin Bruder und ich

Ich saß im Zimmer meines Bruders und schaute heimlich seine Pornosammlung am PC an. Ich darf eigentlich nicht an seinen Rechner, aber da seiner schneller ist als meiner, schleich ich mich manchmal in sein Zimmer um zu spielen. Vor ein paar Monaten hatte ich dabei seine Pornosammlung entdeckt. Ich bin 16, meiner Bruder Joey ist 23. Joey ist ein Mädchenschwarm, athletisch, hübsches Gesicht und ein ziemlicher Draufgänger. Es war spät am Freitag Abend und ich saß wichsend vor dem PC und sah zu wie...

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Throwing Prudence To The Wind

Amy was waiting for her at the appointed spot. Beneath the coat Prudence could see the younger woman was wearing black nylons and black shoes with heels far too tall for anyone’s comfort. The two females hugged. “So do we take a bus, or should we call a taxi?” Prudence asked.“No point,” Amy said. “It’s not far at all. This way.”She set off down the street, Prudence falling into step beside her. How could the girl walk so fast in those shoes?“So how are you feeling?” Amy asked.“Nervous,”...

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A Rude Awakening

I awoke out of a deep sleep screaming, My husband woke up grabbing my shoulders, I tried fighting him off until he got me to realize it was him that was trying to hold me and that I had been dreaming. I sat there in the middle of the bed my nightie clinging to my sweaty body, still shaking from the fear I had felt in my dream. I sat there thinking as I heard my husband return to his sleep. What had caused me to dream something like this anyway? Nothing even remotely like this had ever happened...

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Blood of BrothersChapter 2 Rude Awakening

I awoke with a start, uncertain when and where I was. Something had disturbed my slumber. I looked around and it was as if I hadn't yet opened my eyes, there was nothing in sight. I do not mean that it was pitch black, I can see perfectly in no light, but there was simply nothing to behold. Stretching out with my senses I found that I was not on earth any more, it was some shadow realm. Upon taking inventory I noticed a lack of physical form; I had not brought my body with me, inconvenient....

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A Genny Story Prudence

  Here is another adventure that Melly and I had while on vacation. It isthe only threesome that we have ever had (together). I don't know why wehaven't done it again, we just haven't. As always I would love to hearfrom anyone that would like to write. If you do write I promise that Ialways return e-mails,A Genny story.... PrudenceI am Genny.It was the second winter that Melly and I lived together. We were lookingto escape the Michigan cold, and Melly has a cousin Joe that works in DisneyWorld...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 4 Prudence HarrisChapter 2

Bobby told her that the paint would have to dry before they could assemble everything into the door opening and suggested that, if she had anything else to do, that would be a good time to do it. She decided on getting lunch started, and began peeling potatoes. While she did so, her mind whirled. She had never thought about things like Bobby had laid them out. Being honest with herself she admitted that, back then, she’d known, or at least hoped she was good looking. Harry had swept her...

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Prudence House

Brownie, Coop and I met in fourth grade and had been friends ever since. Ms. Zimmerman was unconventional and arranged the students alphabetically by first name instead of last name like all the other teachers, so we three boys named Matthew got put at the same table. For a while, we tried calling ourselves "Matt," "Matty" and "Matthew," but that didn't stick. For the most part we were "Matt B.," "Matt C." and "Matt R." I kind of liked that, because my name came out sounding like...

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Pouting Prudence

Pouting Prudence Carmenica Diaz 'This is nice,' Prudence purred, wriggling against me in the front seat ofthe car. It was very nice indeed. Prudence was delicious and not at all, I found, a prude in any sense. Prudencewas, in the words of the itinerant mail-boy who pushed the trolley betweencorporate floors, a horny little slut who looked like she could suckyour cock through your trousers! It was an accurate description. Dark hair, red lips that always pouted anda slow wriggling walk that...

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A rude black stud at the motel room

While we were resting on our marital bed there after two hours of good sex; I asked my sweet Ana why she was so horny. She smiled and admitted she was so wet and horny because one of her good girlfriends, Laura, had told her she was dating a black man on the west side of town.I thought this bitch Laura was happily married; but Ana told me she was going to split up with his husband…She and Ana were close friends and then my loving wife was shocked about the thought of Laura fucking a black...

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Ana in the hands of three rude black men

Ana in the hands of three rude black menWhen living in Savannah, sometimes the air was so warm during the summer nights. One Friday night Anita and I went to bed and we opened the windows to let some breeze blow through the house. We were in bed starting a nice sex session, when suddenly I had an incredibly strong hand reach around my head and clamp itself over my mouth. As my eyes flew open, I saw another hand covering Ana’s mouth.Before I could react, I was quickly pulled from on top of my...

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