PandoraChapter 5 free porn video

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The Park Regency Towers was one of the newer skyscrapers in downtown New York. By that I mean it was constructed in the mid 70’s. It was one of those steel and glass things that went up fast and are a nightmare for their architects because the plans keep changing as the building was being built. If you bother to really count from the outside of the building you will notice there are 66 floors not 63 as listed on the filed blue prints, the index hung in the lobby, or on the elevator buttons themselves. That is 3 entire floors unaccounted for plus the penthouse itself which was the exclusive property of one Vinchinso Vascone.

Mister Vascone was sixth generation New York Italian American directly from the old country he liked to tell everybody. He represented the face of the new Mafia. No criminal record, the best colleges, with connections to all the best people. There will always be the rackets, the numbers runners, the loan sharks, the street hustlers, and even the pimps. These are necessary even honorable trades some might argue. The trick is that even the small stuff amounts up and eventually becomes big stuff. Vinchinso handled the big stuff for the 9 Familles in New York. There are always 9 Familles it is a magic number for Italians. He invested their money and saw to it that their ventures were protected, prospered, and smoothed over the rough spots in life for his Familles.

When it came election time the powers in office let you know how good you had it under them. The want-to-bes stirred things up. A favorite target of opportunity is corruption and crime. Vinchinso’s job was to make sure that whoever won the election was owned by his people. There’s nothing wrong with investigating those things. After all giving the public a good show was entertaining to the public. In fact selective prosecutions were good as long as Vinchinso got to choose who was prosecuted and who wasn’t. That was why Vinchinso was good at his job, he always found an edge.

The 64th floor was where it all started in the real New York City. You knew you had arrived when you got invited to the 64th floor by somebody that was already a member. There was even a little blood letting ceremony that went with the invitation to join. One of the rules, really the only rule, was you could never tell anyone outside of the 64th floor you was a member, and what happened on the 64th floor stayed on the 64th floor. What is freely given can just as easily be taken away they were all told.

There were many stories of people who claimed to have been members of the 64th Floor Gang. People that violated the rules and were ruined overnight, but they were just tales told by losers weren’t they? Who listens to the tales of deluded losers. There were even tales of people who took the police back to the 64th floor and found it to be deserted with dust and cobwebs everywhere. How were they to know that really the 64th floor was really the 65th. The 64th floor that was kept vacant for just the purpose of discrediting traitors like them. You say to yourself you will never be one of those losers.

Over the years the membership had changed, evolved, diversified even. Vince, Mister Vascone, bragged that nobody was barred from becoming a member, and the members were the movers and the shaker of the City and the world. Discrimination was not allowed among the membership itself.

And now this ... this company...”the Company“, had shown up and like in the God Father movie had made him a offer he couldn’t refuse. They had presented him with two special sex slaves in his own house. No!, not house he reminded himself, his home. According to this ... this fancy boy, this spic pansy Mister Jones who had been sent here from “the Company“ along with the two slaves Claire and Regina ... the West Coast Company was wanting to expand it’s operation and form an alliance with New York.

They had a new process that turned women ... any women ... into slaves according to this fagot Jones. Made them slaves that would do anything for their master. According to Jones they had used a picture of him and a high fidelity audio recording of his voice to imprint them for him. It was just that easy he was informed. Now they were bonded to him for life, and they could do this to any woman? For any man? For the right price.

At 56 Vince had a very satisfied wife and a full time mistress that the wife knew of and was friends with. There was no disharmony at home. The wife was 50 with 3 lovely daughters, her charity work, plus her civic engagements. The mistress was 53 and still adored him. He in turn was very devoted to both of them in his own way. Even his personal Catholic priest, his personal father confessor, knew of his love and devotion to his family and his long running sins at confession each week. This slave thing was not something that was good for the Families he personally reasoned. This was something that was very dangerous even to talk about.

The Vascone’s for generations had fought the Nazis and Hitler, the Fascists and Mussolini back in the old country, then the damn Communist latter, and even the blessed Church itself sometimes when it was necessary. The Mafia, “our thing”, had always been against what they perceived as “enforced order”. Even the Church, if it could, would take freewill away from the common man and make us all cogs in their machines Vince reasoned, as his forefathers had reasoned. If they had their way we would all march forward in lockstep to what they perceived as glorious progress and world order if they could make us.

This was a bad thing, a dangerous thing, an immoral thing, but all the Family would not see it that way Vince knew from personal experience. If this was not handled right there would be division in the ranks and eventually war among their own. Better to appear to accept the gift for now and study the enemy. His trusted counselors agreed with him when he broached the subject to them latter. So Vince accepted the gift and agreed to meet with them. He also detailed some of the smarter young bloods to investigate this, “the Company“, from the West Coast.

“And so Mister Edward J. Simms.” He read the name off the drivers license from my wallet he was holding.

“What is your interest in Claire and Regina, or my building for that matter. The two girls are staying with me in the penthouse Edward. May I call you Edward?” Mister Vascone asked me.

Yes, I had a new idenity, I was Simms not Simmons now. I had wandered in and asked some innocent questions of the buildings employee about the girls, and some more questions about the building itself. As a result I got mouse trapped by three men in well cut dress suits who politely identified themselves as building security and informed me Mister Vascone wished to see me. I started to decline the invitation when I noticed they had two of New York’s finest uniformed foot patrol backing them up. These people didn’t leave anything to chance I reasoned so I might as well go along with the program and play nice. Hell I might even learn something I reasoned.

So in no time I was in the special elevator going directly up to the penthouse in minutes. Then I was in a ... a ... very large red room. Deep red pile carpet on the floor, red lighting, red walls, red celling ... just red everywhere. Deep crimson blood red. Oh, yes!, a very red sound proof room I judged by the hushed acoustics as we walked across the floor. In the middle of the red room sat a massive deep red ornately carved mahogany executives desk. Hell the monstrosity could also pass as an alter for a satanic sacrifice ritual too I reasoned to myself.

Hell you could bleed to death on the carpet in this room and nobody would even notice the stain on the floor, for that matter they could beat you to death and nobody would hear your screams either I reasoned too. This was not a room I would voluntarily want to visit, but I was here now.

“Are you Mister Vascone?” I asked the mature man, actually the only man in the room, sitting behind the massive deep red mahogany desk in a equally massive rolling thrown like chair while I was left standing before him flanked by his security guards.

“Yes I am young man, but you may call me Vince. Harry be polite, get Mister Simms a chair.” Vince directed one of the three men slightly behind me now. That produced a slightly smaller than average size plain ladder back wooden chair for me. Oh, I got it right off, I was going to be reduced to sitting in a child’s seat while being interrogated by an adult. Well I could understand it, you seek every psychological advantage you can get wherever you can find it.

“Please have a seat Edward. Now Edward once again what is your interest in the two girls Claire and Regina? I see your from California by the information in your wallet. Do you know a Mister Jones? ... How about “the Company“ Edward? ... Ah!, I see that got a response. You do know something about “the Company“. Now we are getting somewhere. What do you know Mister Simms? You can leave boys I don’t think Edward here poses a threat. Edward you can find a better chair over there.” He gestured toward the far wall where several other rolling throwns like his own were parked.

“Can I offer you a fine sherry, or maybe something a little stronger, a whiskey, or a excellent brandy perhaps Edward. I even have some fine genuine Cuban cigars there in the humidor.” He gestured to a humidor and decanters on the desk in front and slightly to his left while continuing to roll a large dark brown cigar between the palms of his hands and sniffing it.

“Have them flown up directly from Havana every week, been doing it for years. My father was doing it long before there was a Castro and the Bay of Pigs Mister Simms. They used to come in the same diplomatic pouch as Kennedy and Johnson’s did years ago. Haven’t smoked one in years myself Edward, give them away to my friends now. Doctor’s orders you know, but I still enjoy the smell, the taste, the feel of a good hand rolled Cuban cigar in my hands. You know they soak the tobacco leaves in cognac to make the cigar. When you warm them this way it releases the aroma Edward. Maybe you could smoke one and allow me to smell it again. Connie my Mistress wants to get rid of all my other vices, even the bottles there.”

“By the way she absolutely hates the two young girls. Hates sharing the penthouse with them Edward. I tell her she’s going to be the vice that kills me one day, ha, ha. I’m a creature of habit Edward.” He laughed and paused studying me for a long time before going on.

“I’m going to be honest with you Mister Simms, I have always had a instinct about these things. That’s why I’m still alive and most of my enemies are dead. A ... a fancy boy, a Mister Jones, representing something calling itself “the Company“ gifted me with the two girls. They, “the Company“, wish to discuss an alliance between me and them. New York and the West Coast, Mister Jones says. What do you think about an alliance with “the Company“ Edward.” He paused and waited again. When I didn’t say anything he went on.

“I will even be honest with you about that Edward. I can’t afford to just flatly turn them down like I want to, like every instinct screams at me to do. I can’t because there are too many within the Family, my Family itself, that will accept the deal they offer. Can you understand I wish to avoid a war within my own ranks Mister Simms. Now what do you know? What is your interest in this? Is there an alternative?” He waited for me to answer. I finally had to answer him.

“Ok, there are two companies that we know about Gentech, and Madison Paramedicals. They’ve come up with a process that allows them to ... to ... well the woman they take ... the female produced imprints on the first male voice that speaks to her. She is his willing slave from then on, and yes your right, we do have a way of breaking the imprint Mister Vascone. In fact we consider Claire and Regina to be ours ... well they were taken from us wrongfully ... look it’s a long story ... we just want to free them and stop “the Company“.” I told him.

“I know most of that from Mister Jones Edward. So there is a cure?” He asked.

“Well yes and no. The reason it doesn’t effect the male is we have an over abundance of testosterone and women don’t. That’s how you avoid getting it, and yes you can increase testosterone in the women and avoid them getting it too. Now to break the imprint you just have to kill the master, ha, ha.” I looked Vince in the eyes and laughed.

“I hope that’s only figuratively speaking Edward.” Vince laughed too, but without much humor in his slate gray eyes.

“Oh it is Vince. It is. We just have to convince the girl your dead while under hypnosis which is rather easy once you know the trick, but she never fully recovers. It does things to them mentally.” I explained to Vince.

“I take it then there is more to this than just you in this Edward?” Vascone asked.

“Yes, Mister Vascone there is more than me, but I apologize that I don’t feel at liberty to tell you who or how many just yet.” I answered.

“Don’t think anything of it young man. I would do the same thing if I was you. My security.” He tapped his ear. “Blue Tooth you know. Informs me that several young women in and around the building are ... are ... how to say this ... becoming very perturbed and visibly agitated and upset by your long absence Edward. Do you know any of these women?” He must have pushed a button, or said a que word, because part of a wall rolled up reveling a number of wide screen monitors. On the different monitors were my different girls at different points in the lobby and building.

“I think it would be advisable for you to go down and disarm the situation and come back when your done. You may even want to bring some back with you. I give you my word that you and your people are under my protection while your on my grounds Edward. My head of security is especially intrigued with 4 of them. He almost missed them thinking they were children ... well schoolgirls on a sight seeing tour lost in the building. It has happened before to a group of Japanese children, ha, ha.” He paused waiting for my reply.

“I’ll be right back Vince.” I got up to leave just as a guard stuck his head in the door.

“Harry take Edward here down to the ground floor and wait for him at the elevator while he confers with his people. When he’s finished with them bring him and anybody else he wants back up here.” Vince directed the guard. Nothing was said in the elevator going down.

Leaving the elevator I walked across the lobby and out through the double set of automatic doors to the sidewalk outside. All of them except Billy who was in our newly bought unmarked utility van cruising the block was inside watching the elevators. They all began to converge on me as I stood there on the sidewalk and waited outside.

“We were all so worried Eddie.” Liz almost sobbed as she approached me and hugged me, assuring herself I was really there I guess.

“We told them there was no need to worry Eddie.” The Twins, Cathy and Patty laughed but hugging me too.

By this time my herd or harem was gathered around me hugging and squeezing me. There was Liz, the first, Cathy and Patty, the Twins, their sister Billy, then the twins Alice and Brandy, next came Renee, then more twins Heidi and Heather. Oh, I almost forgot Uremia and Suzy who had managed to become the latest twins and were still back at the Bat Cave in California monitoring all this through the different cell phones. Quite a public gathering in the end.

“I think we can work with this organization.” I told everyone gathered with me.

“We agree.” Floated back from the Twins.

“He has invited us all up to the penthouse to discuss what we know and want to do about it. Before somebody brings it up he knows who we are and let me point out he hasn’t moved against us and he could have. His security knows all of you except Billy. You weren’t very subtle while I was gone, ha, ha.” I told them what I knew and waited for the Twins response.

The Twins and the other girls didn’t disappoint me.

“We need to get Claire and Regina back and he has them. We do what is necessary to get them back and destroy this thing Eddie.” Liz said what was on everybody’s mind now that I had been released.

“Is it safe to work with them ... well him Twins?” I asked the Wonder Twins.

“He is sincere, but he is far removed from the rank and file solders in the field. He has fought hard to bring, lets call it his branch of the Family, out of the gutter. Most of it now is legitimate believe it or not due to his efforts, but he is unpopular with some of the younger members that liked the old rackets. The life of crime has it’s own mystique Eddie. It’s a lifestyle really.” The Twins told us.

“But you think we can trust him.” I pushed.

“You can trust him and his word Eddie.” They agreed with my assessment.

“Do you want to introduce us Edward.” Mister Vascone, Vince, asked me. We were all back on the penthouse floor but in a different room this time. This one was as bright and pleasant as the red one was ominous, sinister, and just plain damn depressing.

“Girls this is Mister Vascone, Vince. Vince this is Doctor Liz Ward, Elizabeth Regina Warden now. She used to work for the evil Company. We know most of what we know because of her. By the way I used to be Edward Simmons now my last name is Simms. Next are the triplets, Billy, Cathy, and Patty. Next we acquired the twins Alice and Brandy Montavan, and they borough Uremia Masters with them who couldn’t be here. These three are former slaves we have recently freed. This is Renee who was first, and Heidi and Heather here who are twins too.” I wound up my introductions.

“This is Connie McClaire my mistress and my, well one of my true loves. These two charming young ladies are what you have been looking for I presume. I would just give them to you, but as I assume you already know they are hard to get rid of with their programing. Even Connie has not had the heart to just throw them out on the street. Of course she blames it all on me.” Vince laughed out loud to Connie’s obvious discomfort.

“Well you don’t have to allow them to rub on you that way and their massages are not that wonderful. Men!” Connie said in disgust. She, herself, was a tall well preserved blond bombshell still.

“Is this what they will be like when they are ... are ... are well deprogrammed I guess.” Vince asked.

“Can I talk to them Vince?” Connie asked.

“That’s why your here my dear. Could I keep you from it if I wanted to dear?” Vince laughed.

“I want you three to tell me your story. I want to know what was done to you and especially what Edward has done to you. I want to know everything. Vince I need to talk to them in private. Somewhere this ... this ... this possible master of the universe can’t interfere with me getting the truth out of these poor girls.” Connie was telling Vince as she crossed the room toward them. On reaching them she herded them into a corner.

“If you don’t mind dear me and Edward will take Claire and Regina and retire to the massage room. We will allow them to apply their magic fingers to our backs and other muscles. Feel free to take your time dear.” Vince laughed.

“That better be all you use the poor girls for you old bastard.” Connie shot back over her shoulder.

“Now, now dear you know perfectly well that I have acted like a perfect gentleman toward these poor girls, and shall expect no less from Edward here no matter what the poor girls try to force on us dear.” Vince chuckled.

“I be knowing that you lecherous old bastard and you better be resisting those forced attentions if you know what’s good for you.” She shouted over her shoulder again.

As soon as we were out of hearing range he began to explain his home life to me.

“I grew up with Connie she was our live-in maid’s daughter. Mary, her mother, was single and lived in what was called back then the servant’s quarters of the house. Connie didn’t have a father that I ever knew of back then. My father Victor had an ongoing affair with Mary back as far as I can remember. I guess you would say she is his mistress and both me and Connie knew it.”

“Me and Connie grew up playing master of the house and willing maid for years in secret. When she was 15, and I was 17, I accidentally knocked her up. I guess it was a defective condom, we were using protection you know. I actually stole them from my father’s supply, ha, ha.”

“We were in love Edward. We ran away from home, lied about our ages to a kindly old understanding priest, and got married in the eyes of God Edward. We weren’t very good at hiding and we were caught by our parents a few weeks later and brought back home. They had everything annulled and separated us.”

“A month later I was still arguing with my family that I loved her and wouldn’t give her up. Connie was still bound and determined to have our love child and nobody was able to argue her out of it. Then for no reason we knew of she had a miscarriage and aborted my son. Yes Edward, the fetus was developed enough to determine it was male.”

“It was a natural spontaneous abortion the doctors all said, nobody was at fault, these things just naturally happen sometimes we were told. In this case though there were complications it was explained to me and Connie afterwards. Yes, our families were kind enough to allow me to comfort her about our loss in her time of need. Yes Edward, our families weren’t totally without mercy.”

“Because of the excessive bleeding a hysterectomy, a DNC, had to be performed and Connie was sterile now. She would never have anymore children me and her were told. Connie was destroyed by it. I told her it didn’t matter to me I still loved her, but she said that every man deserved children and she was less than a woman and certainly not capable of being a good wife. She refused to be consoled Edward.” Vince paused, wiped an eye and cleared his nose.

“Connie refused to see me again after that. Mary finally sent Connie to live with relatives in Ireland. I would have followed her, but Connie told me not to if I ever wanted to see her again. I was sent off to college finally after much Family discussion. We were both heart broken by our losses Edward.”

Same as Pandora
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3 years ago
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Wendy and Susie

I hadn't planned this at all. I hadn't planned to fall in love with a twelve-year old girl, let alone my daughter's best friend. I hadn't planned to be the first one to give her an orgasm, the first to penetrate her, the first to introduce her to all the mysteries of love. But it happened. The day after I deflowered Wendy, I bought three dozen condoms, and we'd used them all by the time she announced that her mom had put her on birth control and we no longer needed them. Dispensing with...

1 year ago
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Kevins Sister

I've never really looked at either of Kevin's younger sisters until we both came home one summer break and suddenly they had both blossomed. Kate was the eldest at sixteen, she was slim, cool and very elegant, but it was Ellie that caught my eye. Although only fourteen, she was very well built. About five foot one or two with big tits and hips, but with a slender waist. As well as all this she would flirt with just about any guy she saw and especially with me. From a great Aunt I had...

2 years ago
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Droit Moral

For Violet Blue There's a reason that the sound on porno films goes to some almost familiar jazz theme, some variety of guitar or piano with a moody, muted trumpet or attenuated saxophone. It's so that the live sound can be lost. Sure, live squicks and slurps and sighs and moans would promote authenticity, but the reality is more: "Now over to your left side. More. More. Fine. Now move your arm. Move your fuckin' arm. Move your fuckin' arm so we can see her fuckin' tit. I wanna see her...

4 years ago
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Sara lusts for a college boy

I was a mid-forties divorced woman living alone and quite sexually frustrated when I got a call from my old college girlfriend, Vicky. I was more than happy to help out my old college girlfriend, Vicky, when she asked me if could put her son up at my place for college. Her son, James, was starting his sophomore year and his mom was trying to cut costs with dormitory costs. Vicky also told me that James would be more than happy to help out around the house to help with his keep. Another reason...

Straight Sex
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Fantasy Box 3

My wife and I have a fantasy box, we both write out sex fantasies on a piece of paper, put them in our boxes and the other takes one out and makes the fantasy come true.This is my wife’s second fantasy, after she made mine come true, I picked one out for her, she had written “I would like to experience a sensual massage“ as before, she had added that she wanted me to be present.I searched the web and found 3 ads for sensual massage services for women in our area, I contacted all 3 and awaited...

Wife Lovers
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Forced To Be A StripperA Mind Control Story

Please note : This story is completely fictional! The John Mellencamp song was blaring loudly as Vanessa danced around under the lights. "I want you to dance naked, so I can see you, I’d like to get to know you, you don’t have to act naughty." Her hips moving back and forth, synchronized with the strings of his guitar, a wanton display of simulated sex. "Spin it round and round, spin it round and round and round, I want you to dance naked." Vanessa twirled around, her unbuttoned blouse blowing...

4 years ago
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Alien InvasionChapter 6

I explained my idea to the others, and I received an enthusiastic response, except for Bill, who obviously regretted to see all of that fine quality alcohol lost to the person who could really appreciate it. Nevertheless, Bill did help to open valves and find enough paper to get the conflagration started. We wound up waiting nearly an hour for there to be enough alcohol spilled in various places to do what we wanted. I couldn't help wondering why the aliens failed to discover what we were up...

2 years ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 24 Alex

Someday, even a total dick can do something right. I realized that later, after the graduation ceremony. Gracie and Peter were both graduating. Gracie, my sister, was salutatorian, meaning that she was merely the second smartest in her class and I had spent most of the month giving her shit over it. Not that I wasn't proud of her or whatever just that, you know, I can't actually tell her that, right? Anyway, she had to give a speech awarding the Senior Class Teacher of the Year award and...

1 year ago
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Massage With My Client

Hello guys and girls I am Sameer and i am a body massager from Hyderabad. Today i like to share my experience with one of my clients. So without wasting any time lets start the story…This started in September 2012. I had quit my job with vlcc and was searching for a decent job apart from my masseur job. One day i placed an ad on a site n got a message from sudha. She said she is married lady of 28 years and recently fell in the bathroom n hurt her back and asked me my specialties. She liked me,...

3 years ago
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BFF SecretsChapter 10

Christen slid out of the convertible’s passenger seat limp and sweaty. “Thanks for the ride, Miss,...” was about all she could manage to say. “Just Scarlet dear, and the pleasure was all mine.” The redheaded adult winked. “M-m-m mine too.” the teenager returned the woman’s wave, and stood gathering her strength as the car pulled away from the curb. Presently the buxom blonde recovered enough from her recent orgasm to walk up the walkway to her house. She hoped her BFF Helen would be home...

2 years ago
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husband and wife used in St Martin 2

Husband and wife used in St Martin part 2This is the completion of the story that began on a nude beach in St Martin, when my wife and I were vacationing at a clothing optional resort there. We met two couples who were visiting the beach while on a cruise, Sam a tall well built light skinned black man with a fat 8 inch cock, his wife Nancy a sexy blond with amazing natural tits, frank a handsome white man with a nice 7 inch dick and his wife Lucy a buxom Latin girl. We invited them to our...

3 years ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 49

I got woken up by a bag of damn frozen peas being placed onto my face. “Get up, it’s time for breakfast. You have to take us to the airport later.” “Yes, Grandmother. Are you guys all packed and ready to go?” “Almost. We’ll be ready.” I got out of bed as she left, holding the bag of peas to my face but had to set it down as I got dressed and ready. Getting to the kitchen, it was a good breakfast of eggs and bacon. I had taken the day off work, so I just relaxed on the recliner afterwards...

4 years ago
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11th GradeChapter 23A

We went to see the Cubs beat the Mets Friday afternoon. Dennis Eckersley was the starting and winning pitcher for the Cubs. It was their third win in a row, but they were still seven and a half games out of first place in their division. The game ended 2-1, and it wasn't as exciting as some other ones I'd seen on television, except that I was there in Wrigley Field watching this one. We had gotten over to the Tanner plant before eight o'clock. It was a lot smaller than I had thought it...

1 year ago
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How Zaheer Fucked His Elder Cousin

Hi readers. I’m Sarfaraz Khan a 23 year old male from South India, single. Those girls and guys who haven’t read my previous stories are requested to read them and enjoy. I’m sure you’ll enjoy shagging. This story was submitted to me by one of my readers, Zaheer from Bangalore. I’m specifically saying in beginning itself that this story is no way related to me and no details of my reader or his family. I’m narrating it in his personal perspective so that it’s easy. I am Zaheer (name changed),...

2 years ago
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Lonely Weekend

I had just finished a very long and tiring week of sales calls, traveling through three of the five western states my company had assigned to me. I was spending practically all my time traveling from one client to another, making a frantic effort to head off the catastrophe that was looming if I couldn't improve on my sales numbers. It felt good to get back home to my little one bedroom apartment, but I still had a suitcase full of dirty laundry, a week's worth of unread mail and a whole...

4 years ago
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NBWO Blackedmerica A Love Story Ch 01

It was the afternoon at the Hollyweather high school.Joana Simmons, a senior, stood in front of her history class. The blonde and somewhat chubby girl held up her notes in front of her huge chest. Her summer dress that her mother had helped her pick out, showed off a healthy amount of her cleavage. "And that is why Charles Jackson was such an important founding father." Joana finished her assignment on one of the few black founding fathers. She then looked out at her classmates and over at...

3 years ago
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Maine Mere Vidhwa Mami Ko Sote Hue Choda

Hi friends my name is Kalpu & im 21yrs . This is my first story in iss. Pahle me mere bareme batata hun …Mera name to aapko pata chal he gya h.. Mere lund ka size to mujhe exact pta nhi he par itna bda he ke kisiko bhi satisfy kar skta hun.Ab me story par aata hun ye story mere aur meri mami ke beech ki real kahani he jo me aaj aapko batane ja rha hun. Me nashik ka rehne wala hun..Aur mere nana aur nani peth gaon me rehte he. Meri chutiya chal rhi thi to mene socha kyun na nanaji ke yaha ja...

4 years ago
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Maid love

Hi folks, this is not a story but an account I want to give , this was the time when I had just finished my college and taken a up a job. I live in Pune with my parents and in our house we used to have a maid .she would have been around 40years old married and having three small kids. Her husband was a drunkard and used to be seen lying around all over the place. There was a rumor that she was promiscuous in our colony. It so happened that me and my parents had to go out of station .during this...

1 year ago
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Tory and I

I never considered myself to be a lesbian and I don’t think I would now… I . Just as much as I love pussy, so I’ll settle for bi. Tory had a perfect body to me. She was taller than me at about 5’8” to my 5’1” frame with curves in all the right places. She didn’t have big breasts but it was the perkiness of her a-cup tits that always attracted me to them. Her ass was lovely; when she walked it gave a little jiggle to make its presence know. Her face was heavenly with slit eyes and the sexiest...

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Nate and Ariana Chapter 4

After their threesome at the frat house, Ariana saw a difference in Nate. His confidence increased. He began to become more aware of fashion and changed how he dressed. He even trimmed his hair and switched from glasses to contacts. Ariana missed the geeky young man that first walked into her store several months ago. Their romps in the store after hours became less frequent, stopping entirely when Nate found his first girl friend. Ariana continued fucking the young man from their threesome at...

1 year ago
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Now What

I could feel the lumpy stucco through the tape as I pressed it smooth against the wall. The last time we talked it didn't go well. I stumbled all over my feelings for her and nothing was fixed. Tearing another piece of tape, I stared at her picture. “You are going to be my motivation,” I said to it, as though I would actually see her again. I knew I wouldn't, but even then, after all that had happened, I couldn't let go. . . I dropped my right shoulder, and the backpack dangling from it slid...

Straight Sex
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Late Rent Payments

Hi, my name is Peter Pearl. I’m in my early sixties and still in decent shape. The family and I had been talking about moving from our current home to one we own on the far side of our property. Though it was only about a hundred fifty yards across a field, the move would solve several problems for us. That home has larger rooms and much easier access for our wheel chair using family members. It also has much easier access to our two and a half car garage with attached barn. The garage has...

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The Blue Dress

This is my first story. I know the grammar is poor and hope its not to distracting. I have reread and edited but I may have missed some things. The subject matter is of this story is of a intimate teenage encounter but no sex occurs. If you are under-aged or offended by Magic, Curses, or teenage hand jobs please move on. Thank you for your time and if you enjoy please leave feed back. Author Update #1: I received some good feedback regarding this starter. I decided to push forward and...

3 years ago
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Pregnant Louise VI

Louise: Heavily pregnant former neighbour.Larry: Me!Lisa: Louise's 'friend'!Italics: My thoughts/memories.Ginger hoisted her skirt and shuffled forward slightly. My cock stood upright; precum dribbled lazily down my shaft as Ginger, reaching down, parted her wet pussy lips and lowered herself onto my glistening helmet.Blondie gasped and said to Brunette doubtfully, "That'll never fuckin' fit! It's far too big"! Brunette nodded in agreement, "Yeah, our dildos are nowhere near that's...

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The Italian Job

Rico pulls me into the hotel room, this is the first time we have met, he pushes me up against the wall, his mouth closing over mine in a passionate kiss, his hands on my hips, then he cups my face and tells me im so beautiful in the sexiest Italian accent i have ever heard, he takes my bag from my hand and places it on the dresser, he leads me to a chair, unties my dress, all the time kissing my lips, my face and my neck, he pushes me down on to the chair telling em he loves my basque, loves...

1 year ago
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Midnight Shenanigans

Later that night after work, I decided to take a shower. I invited Kate to join me, but she declined politely. I sighed, and went into the bathroom. I don't know how long I was in there, but it felt amazing. As the piping hot water rushed over me I felt all the aches and pains of the day go away. Kate had taken care of handling any stress I would normally have. Some say I take my low-paying retail job too seriously, and I would generally have to agree. Finally I decided to turn the water off...

Group Sex
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BrattyMILF Aria Carson High Stakes Homework With My Stepmom

Aria Carson finds her stepson Charlie Dean in his bedroom studying for his biology exam. Charlie failed his last exam and his dad and stepmom are concerned. Aria offers to help Charlie. When he fails the practice test because he’s too into looking at Aria’s boobs, Aria gets an idea of how to help him. They’re going to play a game where for every question Charlie gets correct he’ll get to see a bit more of his hot stepmommy. Once Aria starts down this road, things...

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Candis Introduction

Candi?s intro Story Codes:??? F/m F+/m humiliation, Cross-dressing, B/D D/s Synopsis:????????? My first time where my fantasy of submitting to a women turned to reality.? I have changed the names of my mistress and her roommates.??????????????????????? I would love to hear any feedback or I would just love to hear what you would have done to me.? I can be reached at [email protected] Candi?s IntroductionBy cissykandi I'd like to introduce myself and let you know of my first...

2 years ago
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Honeys After the HoneymoonChapter 3 A Wonderment of Women

After last night’s orgy, we were continuing to build the household. We had left it that we’d take Rachel and Molly Anne, at the very least, to the Dark Lotus BDSM party. Before that, we had to make some shopping trips. Vanessa and I were joined, in our den/informal dining room, but Jill, Molly Anne, and Rachel. I reflected that it was easier for women to dress for a casual scene that could turn sexual. If I wasn’t going to wear a robe, the closest I could get were some very soft lounge pants...

3 years ago
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True Story

This is a real story which happened a few years ago. I was then 25 years of age, married for about a year or so. No kids. Hubby flied off to US just after six months of marriage for his job there. I couldn’t go as his company did not allow the families. The tenure of work will be for one year, during which time no leave of any type will be allowed. Back home in Mysore I was with my in laws and a brother in law (devar). He was about my age and working in a bank. Look wise people say I always...

1 year ago
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Youth Training CenterChapter 8

Neilson stood between his step-daughter's legs and gazed down at the lovely, young blond. Sandy's face and neck were flushed a deep pink. The insides of her thighs were glistening wet with a combination of saliva and vaginal fluid. Her breathing was still heavy although while he watched, Sandy relaxed somewhat. Neilson reluctantly tore his gaze away from Sandy long enough to step once again behind the chair where he fidgeted with the controls. After a moment he was able to raise the seat...

1 year ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 188

When I woke the morning after the birthday party, Andrew was sitting at my breakfast bar. He had a single cup brewed coffee in his hand. "Is that any good?" I asked, paused a moment, then added "Andrew." "Best I ever had Miss Porter," he said with a smile. "You know Andrew I never noticed how plain you were. You walk around like you are a beautiful guy, but you are really quite homely," I said. "I act beautiful, but I never said I was beautiful. It's all about perception. I try...

2 years ago
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A Woman Waiting to Happen Part TwoChapter 10 Mike

I was stunned at how many were in the chapel. They parted as we entered, and we were ushered to the front row. The preacher was an old friend of the family, at one time our campers were side by side. It seemed like he preached the whole sermon straight to me. He talked about love, loss, and overcoming tragedy. He talked about God’s will, and how mortals would never understand it most of the time. Finally, he asked for a silent prayer for the souls of my family. I had been getting more and...

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Love my Real Estate Agent

I also own a nice 3 bedroom split level home, but does not have the yard I seek, which would be at least an acre, or more. It resides on a cul - de- sac and is quiet, yet not for me anymore. I prefer privacy and not nosey neighbors. I mean my neighbors are nice, and most of them are around my age. The women are always trying to set me up with one of their friends. I usually beg off of those situations, but I did go out with a couple of them. But those women had their sights set on marriage,...

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Surprised Birthday Costume

Surprised Birthday Costume By Bill Hart Dressed as John Zatara, the late great magician and man of mystery from the Golden Age of comics, Wesley Dodds entered the stately home owned by the parents of Theodore Knight. Once inside, he blended in perfectly with the rest of the crowd attending the masquerade party being thrown to celebrate Ted's birthday. For those lucky, or in some cases unlucky, enough to have been invited, the party was a come as your favorite comics' costumed hero...

2 years ago
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My first time sex with neighbour

This beautiful memory I am going to share with you all is about me and my beautiful naughty neighbour Meena. She was around 35 years old and me 22 years old when we first made love. Meena was a mother of 3 k**s and had beautiful glowing skin naughty smile long black hair till her waist round big ass with 34 bra size. We were like any other normal neighbors you have in your area. Meena and her k**s use to frequently pop in and out of my house so did we as in my family.I always had a crush on her...

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The Christmas PresentChapter 2

The next morning we were up before the sun was up. We sort of quickly showered ... making love along the way, dressed and were at O’Hare for the first flight of the day to New York. We went from JFK to City Hall and the Clerk’s office and had the marriage license in our hands within a half hour. We then went to Anne’s place. We ate dinner had a drink and went to bed and made love all night long. We were going to get married in a day or two. We would be man and wife, spouses, a couple, joined...

1 year ago
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Fucked Ramya My GF

Hi ISS readers.. I have been a regular reader of ISS for the past three years.. I would like to share my first experience with my Girl friend Ramya. I am working for a MNC in Chennai and Ramya is also working for the same company.Ours was love at first site.To say about ramya she is fair,5 feet and 5 inches has a 36-32-36 figure whcih makes every one look at her.The best of her feature is her eyes.Let me continue with my experience. We have been in love for more than a year and have fooling...

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