The Grimm Twins III - The Tale Of Snow White free porn video

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"It’s late, Jacob, and you promised me a bed time story. Did you forget?"

Jenny lips formed a petulant pout, somehow managing to look alluring. Perhaps it the way the light illuminated the outline of her nubile body through the sheer nightgown she’d attired herself in. Or perhaps it was the manner in which she stood, hands behind her, most likely clasped in a submissive pose.

Seated in the leather armchair in the study, a thick manuscript upon his lap, Jacob regarded his sister with a warm smile, unable to be cross with her interruption. It was, after all, growing late and in fairness, she’d been very well behaved for a large portion of the evening, something that must have taxed her to no end.

"Of course not, darling."

Combing slender fingers through his blonde locks, he gazed thoughtfully at her, enjoying the twilight’s silence. The house felt empty with their father and mother gone for the weekend, something that suited his desires perfectly. Hers too, obviously, judging by the look in her bright blue eyes.

"A story it is, then, but only if you promise to behave. As best you can, of course." He added as she let forth an overly dramatic sigh.

"If I must, Jacob. I want to hear the rest of the tale of the Devil and his Ballerina…"

"Perhaps, another time."

"But…!" She began, biting off her words at his sharp look.

"What did I tell you about your behavior, young lady?" He asked, his matching blue eyes boring into hers.

"I’m sorry." The line was delivered meekly, with not a trace of sarcasm, luckily for her. Had she not been sincere he’d have seen to it that she regretted her outburst.

"That’s better, Jenny. Now, come sit before me if you’d like, and I’ll spin you a new tale, one that you’ve not heard before, at least not in this incarnation. He motioned to a plain wooden chair that sat lonely and unwanted in a corner, waiting until she’d dragged it carefully before him and taken a seat, her thighs pressed together modestly and her hands folded demurely in her lap. Only then, did she meet his gaze with an expectant look, her lips twisting into an enigmatic smile.

"Better, brother dear?" she asked, her girlish voice sultry.

"Much better, Jenny." He took a moment to refill his brandy upon the side table upon his left, taking a healthy sip from it before clearing his throat, and beginning his tale.

"Not so long ago, in a land far, far away, there lived a beautiful princess named Ermillina, whose skin was as pure as the first snowfall of winter. Her hair was the color of the night sky, and her lips were apple red and everybody in the kingdom loved her. Or rather, almost everyone. Her step-mother…"

Jenny made a face before quickly interrupting her brother’s tale. "Why is it that the step-mother is always so wicked? Perhaps, just once, you could tell a tale about a sweet and loving stepmother, Jacob. Make her really sexy too? Maybe she and her step-daughter could be having a torrid affair behind closed doors! That would be wonderfully scandalous! And…."

Jenny ended her tirade abruptly, noting the frown upon her brother’s face, her lips curving sheepishly downward in answer.

"Would you prefer to go to bed without a tale tonight, Jennifer Grimm?" Jacob threatened, one eyebrow sternly raised.

She shook her head, staring at the small hands carefully folded in her lap, and made not a peep in reply.

"Now, as I was saying before I was so rudely interupted… Her step-mother, who was a particularly wicked woman, as well as being Queen of the kingdom, was a very vain woman. So much so, that it stuck in her craw that little Lina, or Snow White as she was sometimes affectionately called, was quickly growing into a creature of great beauty. Much like yourself, dear sister."

A blush colored Jenny’s cheeks, and she graced her brother with a shy smile, her eyes shining with pure delight at the compliment.

"As you might have heard, or perhaps you haven’t, the Queen had in her possession a magic mirror, an object of great power that she kept hidden away in the uppermost room of the tower in which she kept her apartments. No one else was egress, nor did anyone else hold a key to the iron bound door that guarded her prized artifact. And, do you know how she employed this rare and costly item, Jenny?"

"No, I don’t, Jacob. I am sure that you will reveal all to me in good time." He had to strain to hear her words, so soft was her reply, unsure if her answer was sincere or otherwise.

"Careful, Jenny. If I even think you’re mocking me, I’ll send you off to bed immediately.

"I was not!" She protested, her eyes full of worry under her wrinkled brow. "I was making reference to your impeccable story telling skills!"

"Good girl. Now, where was I? Oh, yes…"

Taking a deep breath, Jacob resumed his tale, examining his sister carefully. His gaze roamed unabashedly over her partly hidden thighs and her slender figure, noting how, in the soft light of the study, the sheer fabric left just enough to the imagination as to be intriguing, rather then lurid.

"Her magic mirror, the source of all her power. With is, she could spy upon anyone within her kingdom, be they lord or vassal. That, however, wasn’t the most fantastical of its abilities for within its perfect reflecting surface, a Djinn had been trapped…."

"I thought Djinns could only be trapped in bottles, Jacob." Jenny interjected, her smile disarming enough to deflect his ire at another interruption.

"Usually, but not always, my dear. How it had been trapped, I know not, but trapped it was, and it had been geased to, once per day, answer any question put into rhyme. At first, she had used it to out fox those who opposed her or for advice on the best strategy for winning the loyalty of those who sat upon the fence, but once she’d grown secure in her power, her questions took on different nature."

Jacob paused, lifting his glass to his lips and sipping at the rich tasty brandy, his eyes closing just for a moment of enjoyment, his sigh almost silent. When he’d opened them again, he was forced to raise an eyebrow, noting that Jenny’s nightgown had risen teasingly, perhaps several inches, piquing his curiosity as to whether she’d chosen to wear the delicate lace panties she usually favored or, perhaps, had chosen to go without. She lifted her face to him, just long enough to give him an impish smile, possibly guessing his thoughts, before dropping them again, focusing once more upon her own hands, then upon his face, listening eagerly to his each and every utterance.

"It was on Ermalina’s 18th birthday that her luck took a turn for the worst. Before that fateful day, whenever the Queen would inquire ‘Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?’ the Djinn would awake and, in a deep voice, give answer. ‘There is none fairer then you, Mistress. Not in all the land.’" However, this time, for the first time since she’d asked the question, the answer was one that pleased her not, Jenny. This time, the mirror, tasked to answer honestly, replied thusly. ‘One blooms fairer then you, Mistress, only one, yet as is the nature of those whom are touched by time, she shall grow fairer with each passing day, while you will only diminish’.

He paused once more, this time settling his elbows on his knees as to rest his chin with his cupped palms, his eyes boring into his sister’s blue orbs. He sat that way, letting the silence of the room hold sway, noting how she hard she fought not to fidget under his scrutiny. Finally, she broke, blinking, her eyes half hidden by fair lashes, a puzzled frown upon her face.

"I want to hear the rest of the tale, Jacob. Why are you stopping?"

"I found my thoughts, wandering is all. Perhaps…"

He pretended to lose himself in thought, his eyes closing to mere slits, a crease forming between his brows. He wondered if she thought him visionless, or is she suspected he might be watching as she hurriedly rearranged herself so that she was no longer sitting upon her nightgown, nor was it covering quite so much of her legs as before. Still, he was unable to guess as to her choice, or lack, of undergarments. That said, the view was tantalizing and her efforts certainly encouraging.

He caught her eye, his smile appreciative as he watched his sister’s fair cheeks turn pink, her eyes once more focused upon her lap. "As you can imagine, the queen flew into a rage. How dare her step-daughter outshine her! Stamping back and forth before the mirror, she rained cursed down upon Ermalina, upon the Djinn, even upon the gods themselves, which as we both know, is both risky and unwise. And yet, such was her anger, she cared not. All that mattered was that her step-daughter now was the prize of the kingdom. What to do, she thought. And then, a wicked plan began to form. She’d banish her from the kingdom or, even better yet, have her killed!"

Jenny’s gasp of shock made him chuckle. She could be a tender-hearted girl at times, a trait that he absolutely adored, sometimes even taking advantage of it. Before she could express her outrage, he plowed on, not wishing her to become overwrought.

"Have no fear, my heart, for wickedness is not always rewarded. The Queen called upon her Huntsman, a man who’d always been loyal to her. A hard man, and heartless, or so it was said. To him, she gave the task of taking Ermalina into the forest and spilling her blood. And true to his nature, he did just that, or at least that was his intent. That night, he pulled the girl from her bed and gagged her with a strip torn from her bedclothes, ensuring her silence. Then he blindfolded her and bound her hands behind her back with the remains, leaving her frightened and naked as he spirited her away from the castle."

Jacob suppressed a grin, letting the scenario play within his sister’s head. Predictably, at least to his way of thinking, her legs were no longer pressed together, but spread wide enough so that he knew with certainty that she was naked beneath her shift. He watched as her breasts rose and fell enticingly with each breath, noting that her nipples dented the sheer material. He was sure she would try to deny it, but the thought of Snow White being bound and kidnapped at the hands of such a scoundrel was exciting her. Noting that her eyes were closed, he decided to have some fun. Taking up his tale once more, he used the sound of his voice to mask the sound of movement as he vacated the heavy chair.

"She was frightened, of course, but she’d always been a brave girl, the Princess, and held back her tears as he carried her from all she’d ever known, wondering if he meant to hold her for ransom or, even worse, defile her! The thought of murder, thankfully, had no place in her imaginings. And truly, I am sorry to say that her struggles awoke the monster of lust within him, Jenny. What harm, he thought to himself, if he used this fair maiden for his own pleasure before cutting her throat? No one would ever know."

Swiftly, Jacob circled his sister, his hands upon her golden head startling her.

"Jacob!" She gasped, twisting in the chair, her hands reaching for his. Instead, she found her slender wrists in his firm grasp.

"Did you think you’re teasing would go unnoticed, sister dearest? Did you think I would somehow overlook your clumsy attempts at seduction? Now, stay perfectly still. I mean it!" He barked as she continued to fight him, "if you want me to finish your bed time story, you’d best co-operate!"

Finally, her heart beating rapidly against her ribs, her eyes bright with just a hint of defiance, she quieted. Releasing her wrists, he grabbed hold of her upper arms and pulled her to her feet, then proceeded to tear her nightgown from her amidst heated protests.

"Stop it! This cost me a pretty penny, Jacob! All the way from Paris!"

"Too bad. Anyway, it makes you look like a prostitute. Really, you expect me to just sit there and watch while you flaunt your half nakedness at me? Really, Jenny, I think you need to be taught a lesson about being a tease."

She sputtered wordlessly as he tore the gown into strips, using them to bind her wrists and eyes, just like the heroine of his story. Once he’d accomplished that, he pushed her back down onto the chair, enjoying the display of her naked body, even white teeth showing at the sight of the small trickle of lust forming between her wide spread thighs as she whimpered softly.

"Hush, Jenny. No one’s going to hurt you. On my oath and honor." Moving behind her once more, he began to stroke her hair, calming her as he continued on with his tale.

"Perhaps it was her near perfect beauty, or mayhap it was her undaunted spirit. It might even have been the memory of her kindness, for it was well known that she was a maiden of great compassion. Whatever the reason, he had a change of heart that night. He’d taken her to a quiet meadow in the heart of the woods, planning on using her before ending her life. Instead, he found himself upon his knees, holding her against his barrel chest, the first tears he’d shed in his years of service to the queen wet upon his cheek, asking her forgiveness."

Jacob noted with satisfaction that his sister remained perfectly still, breathing steadily, her attention seemingly upon his voice as he unfolded his tale. Stooping, he reached out and cupped her chin, tilting her head back.

"Snow White, as I can imagine, was grateful. How could she not be? He confessed the Queen’s plot, much to her horror, convincing her that her only choice was to disappear forever, vanish into self-exile, never to be seen again. As long as her step-mother reigned, she was not safe."

Jenny sighed unhappily, obviously feeling camaraderie for the Princess’s situation. "How terrible, Jacob. Was there no other way? Perhaps she could return and start an uprising? After all, she was well liked."

"And yet, the royal guards were loyal to the Queen, and don’t forget, she had the Magic Mirror at her disposal. She could spy Snow White out and have her arrested and then, executed for treason. It would be in her rights."

"That’s not what happens though, is it? I like story’s with happy endings, Jacob. You know that."

Had she not been blindfolded, she might have seen the look of affection upon his face or, perhaps, his fond smile, full of so much more then purely brotherly love.

"Be patient, Jenny. There is still so much more story to be told here and I promise that the ending will not displease you."

"Thank you, Jacob. You know how much I love you?"

Her words were less then a whisper, more like a ghostly shadow that he almost missed. Leaning forward, he kissed her upon the brow tenderly.

"I wonder, Jenny, how should the Princess have shown her gratitude?"

He watched as she tested her bindings, his gaze dipping between her wide spread legs, her folds open like a flower and glistening with the nectar of her desire.

"With her mouth, brother dear?" She finally answered, her lips parting as she ran the tip of her pink tongue over them seductively.

"I thought as much. Perhaps you can show your gratitude? Otherwise I might be tempted to put you to bed right now…."

"Please don’t." She pleaded softly, shaking her head vigorously enough to make the ends of her hair whip across her bare shoulders. "Let me convince you. Please?"

"I will let you try, Jenny." As he spoke, he unbuttoned his trousers, freeing his erection so that it pointed stiffly towards her upturned face, bobbing slightly up and down.

"Get on your knees, sister, and I will make a deal. Please me with your mouth and I will do my best to finish your story. If you stop, for any reason, it’s over. Agreed?"

He watched her small, but perfectly formed, breasts rise and fall, her breaths deep as she struggled to slide from the chair and onto her knees, her hands still tied at the small of her back. Blindfolded, and bound as she was, it took some effort to settle on her knees before him, the head of his cock brushing against her cheek, leaving a smear of precum shining upon her fair flesh. Carefully, she opened her mouth, using her tongue to guide his cock between her lips. Satisfied that she wasn’t going to lose it, she began to slowly rock back and forth, filling her mouth with his swollen cock, covering it with her saliva until it slide smoothly in and out of her mouth. Then, and only then, did Jacob continue.

"She did offer to please him, Jenny, just as you are now, but he’d have none of it, his guilt making his cock soft in his trousers. Obviously, that’s not an issue for me, hmmm? Instead, he offered to lead her to a place of sanctuary, a cottage owned by seven brothers, all of whom worked in the diamond mines. They were dwarfs, he told her, but good folk, and he was sure that they’d take her in, if she could offer them some kind of service in return. Snow White’s thoughts turned, of course, to the cooking of meals, the mending of clothes, or the scrubbing of floors. Little did she know about the appetite of dwarfs!"

Jenny was doing delightful things with her mouth, giving him pause as the tip of her tongue trailed along the vein that ran the length of his cock, sometimes teasing between his testicles like a curious serpent. He let one hand rest atop the golden crown of her head, his fingers caressing her soft hair as she devoured his manhood. He let out breathless moan as she took him all the way into her mouth, his cock pulsing in her throat, feeling her swallow around the length of him. Squeezing his eyes shut, he did his best to concentrate on his tale, knowing that he had a long way to go still.

"And so it was that Snow White found herself in the company of seven lusty dwarfs, while the Huntsman returned to his Queen with claims of her death. I should remind you that her nightgown had been torn from her, Jenny. Just like you, she was naked. Of course, her hands were no longer bound, nor was she blindfolded, but she was just as helpless."

Jenny nodded, leaning back so that the tip of his cock brushed against her lips as he pressed the tip of her tongue into his pee hole, and then moved it in a clock wise pattern over the mushroom shaped head as it twitched with pleasure.

"Good girl. God, you’re getting better. Have you been practicing, sister dear? Perhaps on Father? Or upon that poor priest you so like to torment? Father Lucas, I believe?"

He shook his head, noting how her cheeks turned bright red at the mention of their Father. Or perhaps it was the naming of the priest who filled her with shame? Either way, his sister was a wicked little creature, one he was quite proud of. Filing away his suspicions, he continued on, unsure how long he could keep this up.

"Before he left, dwarfs assured the Huntsman that they would take good care of her, and in that they weren’t being deceitful, Jenny. Of course, they weren’t being entirely forthcoming either, assuring him and the Princess both, that her tasks would be of ‘a domestic quality’. So you can imagine Snow’s surprise when the eldest of the brothers shyly stood on tiptoe and kissed her tenderly, his lips soft against hers until she was quite breathless and broke the kiss, stepping backwards until her back was against the wall, her eyes wide with dismay."

"’Have no fear, Miss.’ The eldest spoke, his voices gentle, twisting his cap in his meaty hands almost nervously. ‘We would never force you, only… it’s been so long since we’ve seen a young lass, or even an old one, and certainly none as pretty as you’.

Jacob lowered his pitch, doing his best to imitate the deep voice of the dwarf, as well as his best to continue his tale as his sister sucked his cock, distracted by the sight of it slowly disappearing between her pink lips, her cheeks bulging out as she devoured him. Cupping the back of her head with his palm, he guided her forward as he backed up, taking a careful seat upon the edge of his leather bound chair, thighs spread wide, amazed that she never once let him slip out of her warm and willing mouth.

"Perfection, Jenny. You deserve a medal." He maneuvered his foot so that the tip of his shoe was pressed against her sweet little cunt, enjoying the soft grunt of surprise as she began to grind herself against it, the polished leatherTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Andrew James Wellington III Esq Dead Beat Dad

Andrew James Wellington III, Esq. - Dead Beat Dad By Sirbosk1 ? sirbosk1 2009This story is a fantasy that contains scenes of Femdom, oral sex, rimming, cream pie eating, humiliation, blackmail, CBT, bondage, spanking, body modifications, and other erotic activities involving adults. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor, (i.e., child) please leave now. This story was written at the request of a sub fem friend of mine who’s husband recently walked out, leaving her...

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Night Skies Hotel XIII Humanitys Birthright III Twilights Sword

Synopsis of the Night Skies Hotel Universe: Centuries ago, two world- spanning civilizations made first contact via technology that enabled access to multiple realities. Each civilization was unique in the sense that a single sex dominated it - Terra's Patriarchy by males, and Gaia's Sisterhood by females. Gaia was the more artistic of the two, had closer links to nature and was more advanced than Terra in some of the sciences, such as biology and physics. Terra, on the other hand, had...

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Antheas Baby Part III

Jack was already home following his visit to his parents when Anthea got in. He was holding a half-empty glass of Merlot in his hand. “That bad was it?” she asked.He nodded. They hugged and kissed. “I’m so sorry,” she commiserated. “I should have come with you or even gone on my own to tell them.”He shook his head. “No, she would only have upset you and we couldn’t have that in your condition,” he responded. “Dave and Helen took it well then.”She nodded. “They were quite shocked at first but...

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Mathews Resurrection III

Scene FiveI was out of town on business the entire next week and my return flight wasn’t scheduled to arrive until 8:30 Friday night. I hadn’t gone three nights in a row without fucking since Kerri and I met and I wasn’t looking forward to it. However, I decided to use it to my advantage.Before I left, I told Kerri to check her email every day at noon and at midnight for any instructions I may have for her. I sent her stories from various websites that covered a wide variety of sexual wonders....

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Captian FeatherSword III

Captian FeatherSword III This is a new chapter of Capt. FeatherSword. Ed is tested one more time. Does he win and surrive the test? Nancy Boyd was slinking through the alley behind an old warehouse. She saw what looked like an old Mom and Pop type store. It was not. It belonged to a witch. She left the look to keep all but the serious seekers away.Witch Lillian or as she was sometimes called Witchie Poo, only would work White Magic. She only cast spells that helped or healed instead...

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My So Called Sex Life Part III

Forward by 'Lexi'Hi guys and girls, it me again, Lexi!! First, I have loved all the comments you've been leaving on Parts I and II of my story... thank you all!! Now my love DizzyD had intended on making Part III the finale, but it would have just been too long because Diz has a way of making my sex life read like a beautiful, erotic epic, so their will be a Part IV. For now, here is Part III, and I don't mind telling you all that I masturbated twice while I was proofreading it, and it's my...

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter III

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...

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Day and Knight Volume III

DAY AND KNIGHT VOLUME III Chapter # 1 by Lewis Chappelle Note: this is a very long, multi-volume, story beginning with ?Day and Knight Volume I? published in early March 2007. A LOOK BACK and A LOOK FORWARD? In volume I of this story, two dancers were introduced; Patti Day who was white and Susan Knight who was black. The girls were professional dance partners in point of fact, but were as different as their last names. They were now the featured act at Clairet?s Musical Review...

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A Tale of Two Twins

My fraternal twin sister and I are close, very close. We are our parents only 2 c***dren so we were a little spoiled. Mom and Dad liked to travel which kind of forced us together, and as brother and sister we learned how to look after each other. By the time we were in high school, they trusted us to leave us at home by ourselves. One summer weekend they took a retreat and we begged not to go because we had social plans. They were disappointed that we didn’t want to spend family time, but they...

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Hite Report Type III Female Masturbation

Type III means masturbating by thrusting into a pil low or other soft object. Four percent of the women masturbated in this way, plus an additional 1.2 percent who could also Masturbate in other ways. Type III is similar to Type II because it is done on the stomach, in the face down position, but different because no hands are used. It involves thrusting or grinding the pelvis, especially the pubic area, against the bed, some pillows, or a clump of clothing, or perhaps moving one’s body in...

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A Mothers Helping Hands Part III

A Mother's Helping Hands - Part IIIa reality-based fiction by DizzyDFORWARDI can't thank all my fans and friends enough for the wonderful support, and countless inquiries about Part III... and most of all your understanding and compassion as I dealt with my loss in 2014. Now onto the story. If you haven't read Parts I or II recently, or not at all, I might recommend you do so for continuity's sake. You can link them...

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter V

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...

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Scarlett and the Yankee CarpetbaggerAct III

As the curtain fell down on Act II, Scarlett was lying on her bed. Her sobs were heart-rending and pitiful. The creamy white cum from both Rufus and Horatio was still leaking from her roughly-used pussy and anus. Her nipples were still sore from their nasty treatment at the hand of the disgraced girl's schoolmaster, Horatio Sherman. She had asked for this special treatment to her titties to drive her into a mind-blowing orgasm. It was just what she needed as her posterior was stretched...

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Snow White

The blue sky shines with that late summer lazy heat, the sun hidden behind the big leafy trees. The still air echoes in the quiet forest, even the squirrels have had their energy sucked by the afternoon mood, and the seldom travelled tracks are randomly littered with sticks and leaves. Peace overshadows all, when footsteps are heard from down the path. A tall, almost thin twentysomething man walks into view, strolling happily along, whistling, his suit jacket slung over his shoulder, shirt and...

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Snow Storm III Conference Seduction

I'd been seeing Paul for 5 months for which I had no excuse as you know. Was I in love with two men? Mark crawled between my legs and began licking me furiously as he pushed two fingers into my vagina. "Oh, Mark, Mark, Mark!" I exclaimed. This had to be a quickie, but that didn't me no foreplay at all. "Okay, Okay," I begged, and Mark crawled up over me and pulled down the two straps of my nightie to expose my breasts under the covers. I helped guide his penis in as he arched his back...

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Totally Chesty Tales ndash Tale 03

Totally Chesty Tales – Tale 03 – Strolling Around(Featuring Linda, Robert Cortese and Ruth)TAGS: M/F/F, oral, 69, anal, facialDISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story; save if they are original characters (OC). These characters belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor do I intend to cash on it. This...

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Fairytale Adventures Ch3 Snow Whites Seven

Kristen awoke in the middle of the forest clearing, hearing giggling. Masculine giggling. Opening her eyes she found herself surrounded by 7 little men, about waist height (if she'd been standing.). They were ogling her body... and all of them were jerking at dicks that were the size of any normal man's.Gasping, she curled up so that her legs were covering her pussy, and used her hands to cover her exposed breasts. She suddenly remembered leaving her torn blouse with Jack... "What are you...

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The Platinum Chef A Tale of Delacroix Part III

Chapter 8 "WAKE UP, BRO WE'VE GOT SOME WORK TO DO," Kim's voice ripped through the velvety blanket of sleep. Bobbie thrashed, gasping. It was Kim, pouncing on her. "Kim, wha..." "Mom's at work today, so I thought maybe I could give you a crash course in a few things," Kim said. Bobbie smoothed her hair and yawned. "You've got the rest of the week, and there's things I'm sure you'd rather not ask Mom," Bobbie stared blankly. "Meet me downstairs," Kim bolted out of the room and...

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Jacks Tale Part III0

Finally, she screamed: “You really are a wonderful fucker”, as she exploded and collapsed underneath me. My cock slid out of her rather rapidly, and I moved next to her. After lying together and resting for awhile, K suggested that we go to her place. We sloppily put our clothes back on and got into our vehicles. I followed her. We drove for perhaps 45 minutes, until we pulled up in front of her small house. I had some time to think a little of how wonderful she was. KiKi’s...

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Tale of the other world Act III

I woke up to thunderous voices. "Wha..who.." "I will not allow a mortal here! Not in these halls!" I was in lydias arms. "Whats happening?" I whispered. "Her dad is THROTTLED." "Figured. I should have just said no. I should have stayed behind." "Don’t worry. Youll be here." Sophia held her hand up. "Ill let him speak for himself." I almost flew out of the room. I didn’t want to fuck with dragon. Hed soon eat me than invite me into his home. "Torl. Can you make a case of why you...

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Jennifers Tale Part III

You’ll appreciate the characters and what’s happening better if you read Parts I & II first  The Punishment Continues to Evolve. The impromptu punishment session I remember best happened under the giant oak tree on the hill behind the barn. There’d been a swing there for as long as I could remember. But a couple of years ago, I sprained both ankles when the old rope rotted through and sent me flying like a trapeze artist with no catcher. So Poppa replaced it with one-inch nylon rope to make...

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visit my msg board it got pics and you can post there to Construction began today, so the pool is officially off limits. Katie locked the side door leading to the pool deck, just to make sure we remembered. Zoe and I walked down the street to the small beach we had resident rights to. It was considered private property, and was only supposed to be used by the residents of our small road. When we got there, there were only 2 or 3 other people there, and they left soon...

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My UnFairy Tale III

by Michael Richard on Thursday, December 11, 2008.Once upon a time, (I think it may have been last month), in a kingdom far away, (it might have been down the road, past the big red barn, and down the a****l trail to the right), there stands an old windmill, and in that old windmill lives a young tinker. Now this tinker was many centuries ahead of his time, having just discovered electricity last week, and created the electric light bulb the other day. He is just putting the finishing touches...

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Jennifers Tale Part III

You'll appreciate the characters and what's happening better if you read Parts I & II first  The Punishment Continues to Evolve. The impromptu punishment session I remember best happened under the giant oak tree on the hill behind the barn. There’d been a swing there for as long as I could remember. But a couple of years ago, I sprained both ankles when the old rope rotted through and sent me flying like a trapeze artist with no catcher. So Poppa replaced it with one-inch nylon rope to make...

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Jasons TaleChapter 12 Pirates III

What we were planning was a sucker trap for the pirates. Whether they attacked our men or not, we were planning to leave the gate open after they marched out. Why? Who knew? Maybe we wanted to give our men a safe place to run back to, if our attack failed. Maybe we were idiots and simply forgot that the pirates could rush in. While the Captain’s force was drilling one last time in the morning, we were going to assemble barricades inside the gate. I had cheerfully volunteered the shop’s two...

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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 6 A Tale of Three Cities Part III

July 1979 — Falkenberg, Sweden On Friday, when I got back from my run, Pam was in her bra and panties again. I whistled at her, she giggled, then finished dressing. I showered, and we went to breakfast and finished up our last day. Once class was done, we were pretty much free. On Saturday, we’d have several optional activities and then on Sunday we’d head back to our host families. After dinner on Friday, I took Pam’s hand and we walked towards the river. It was quiet and peaceful, and...

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Second Comings III The Mask of Anar

(Note: this is Part III of the Second Coming series. Part I was released last December, Part II a few days ago, confusingly titled Second Comings – Sex Type Thing. This current posting is Part III, and they should be read in order for the tale to make much sense. Thanks to ‘rightbank’ for pointing this out!) Second Comings III: The Mask of Anarchy May Justin Lake sat behind Sharon Hastings as she drove towards Boston on the Mass Pike, Jordan Secord sat beside Hastings, looking out the...

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Shannon III the wedding part A

Introduction: An older man dominates a young woman, Shannon III the wedding part A To understand the Shannon series it is best to start at the beginning with Shannon then Shannon II part A, Shannon II part B and then this story. Each story can stand alone but you will get a better understanding of the characters and the events that brought them to this point in the story. However this story would work to go from Shannon directly to Shannon III. I would love praise and criticism as long as it...

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter I

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age saga. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as complete, the reader...

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter II

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her long latent sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter IV

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter VI

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own...

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter VII

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine came to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own...

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SlutSport Part III

Part III - Day 1 of Tournament Fighting of the Sluttimay Tournament! (It is suggested you read part I and II for context, backstory and to get primed and ready for Part III you sluts...and as always, comments/suggestions are always welcome!] SlutSport - Part II After the "opening ceremony" of Sluttimay, I had to refocus at the task at hand. So much had happened in so little time on top of which I recognized the number two terrorist in the world in Kong Fi and I couldn't do...

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Meeting Karen Part III

Meeting Karen Part III by MadQuill This is a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This is a work may have an additional chapter. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part III Preamble : Carrie and Karen meet and ride...

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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 23 Windy Weather in Scotland

The hot water rolled off Dave's face as he struggled to wake up with a morning shower. He was tired after a restless sleep, wondering if he had crossed the line with his forthright responses regarding Tiger Woods. Would he appear to be just a smart-assed kid who should show more respect or was he considered a real threat to Tiger's dominance of golf? He thought he was being honest with his remarks but he also knew honesty can sometimes be politically incorrect. He finally felt awake enough...

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