Grimm Tales: Little Miss Muffet free porn video

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‘Tell me a story, Jacob. Oh, please, you promised me!’ Jenny pleaded whilst straddling her husband’s thighs, black lace panties pushed to one side to accommodate his throbbing cock. Running her hands through his shoulder length blonde mane, she giggled as she slowly rose and fell, her tight pussy squeezing his erection delightfully, her deep blue eyes full of impish delight as she gazed into orbs that nearly matched her own. Jacob was the eldest of the childhood friends by a scant handful of days, a fact that had molded their relationship as soon far back as they could both remember. He was the dominant of the pair and Jenny, although quite spirited, had always been subservient in their relationship, even before they’d been aware of the true meaning of the words.

‘I don’t know, Jenny.’ Jacob feigned a stern frown, secretly delighting in the lovely pout it brought forth on his wife’s lips. In his eyes, and indeed, all others, Jenny was the rarest of the rare, a true and natural beauty. Eyes the color of sapphires, and hair made of spun gold that cascaded down her back. Although her breasts were small and her hips slim, her narrow waist gave her girlish figure a shape that drew the eyes of both men and women, young and old.

‘Pretty please?’ she breathed, her breath warm against his lips as she kissed him, her tongue parting his lips as she lifted her hips once more, her sweet juices flowing like honey down the length of his cock.

‘I suppose…’ he groaned, his hands firm upon her tiny waist, holding her in place, only the tip of his cock parting her folds. He let out a breath, the knowledge that his was the only cock she’d ever known almost making him lose control. Jenny pulled back from their shared kiss, her eyes full of mischief, her uncanny ability to ‘read his thoughts’ obviously in play.

‘Dear husband, if you wish to keep me as your submissive little slut, you’d best keep me well pleased, lest I find another more willing to give into my one desire. Your brother perhaps. Or your sister…?’

He pulled her down suddenly, impaling her with his thick cock, a bark of laughter turning into a lusty grunt. ‘Behave, Jennifer, or not only will you not get a story, but I’ll turn you over my knee and spank you until you scream for mercy and then, send you to bed with a terrible need to climax while I slake my lust upon one of the maids.’

Jenny met his hard gaze, surrendering quickly and casting her own eyes down in submission, causing him to soften his next words as he guided her upwards upon his swollen cock once more and leaned forward to kiss her tenderly on the nose.

‘A deal, my love. As long as you continue to ride me thus, I will spin you a yarn, but if you should climax, or cause me to do so, that will be the end of it, finished or not, understand?’

Jenny nodded, daring to meet his eyes once more, her own bright with challenge. ‘Perhaps, if this game pleases you this night, Jacob dearest, we can resume it upon the following night, and the one following that, such as Scheherazade did deal with the Sultan?’

‘Perhaps, Jenny. For now, it will be but a single challenge. And, if we make it to the end of my tale and you wait until your betrothed has slaked his desire within your delightful honey pot then, and only then, do you have permission to partake of your own ultimate pleasure. Are we agreed?’

Jenny nodded, once more letting her husband guide her gently down, his slick cock sliding deep within her welcoming cunt until her bottom rested against his familiar thighs.

‘Not so long ago, in a land far, far away,’ he began, his face set in concentration, while his wife slowly began unbuttoning his shirt with trembling fingers. ‘There lived a young lady by the name of Molly Muffet. A Buxom young wench, with raven curls that put the night sky to shame. She’d grown up in a small village and all the men, young and old, lusted after her. Many of the women as well, Jenny, for she was a rare beauty.’

Jenny smiled, closing her eyes as her husband spun his tale, easily imagining herself in Molly Muffet’s place, even as she undid another button, revealing a chest covered with a light carpet of golden fur, rising and falling with each breath. ‘No doubt she had many lovers, darling.’

‘Shush, Jenny. No interruptions, or I’ll end my tale now.’ He admonished with a raised eyebrow, and a sharp smack on her bottom. Satisfied at her sharp intake of breath and her blushing nod, he continued his tale, enjoying her feel of her fingers caressing his bare chest.

‘As I said, she was beautiful beyond compare and the object many a late night fantasy, some as simple as spending an idyllic afternoon picnicking between her legs beneath the warm summer sun. Some, however, were much darker. Much like the ones that fill your pretty little head, those secret desires that you are won’t admit to, Jenny. Don’t look at me like that, we both know the truth.’ He said, lifting her chin, he gaze boring into her.

In the town where Miss Muffet lived, there dwelt such a man. Charles Ashford Spideton was his name, and his thoughts concerning Young Molly were anything but pure. Master Spiderton was a moneylender, a dark hearted man, and yet, he was handsome and full of charm as well, and quite rich.’

Jacob paused in his story, his eyes closed in pleasure as he felt Jenny’s skilled cunt squeezing his cock, managing only a low moan that mingled with her breathless giggle.

‘Careful, my heart, if you want this tale to last until the very end. Now, where was I? Oh, yes. Master Spiderton or, as they called him behind his back, The Spider, could have had any girl he wanted. Indeed, he was the town’s most eligible bachelor. It was Molly, however, upon whom he’d set his sights. Not a week would go by when a bouquet of flowers wouldn’t show up at her door or a note wouldn’t be delivered to her modest little cottage, all gifts from a ‘secret admirer’.’

‘Molly, naïve in affairs of the heart, puzzled over them, never once suspecting their true origin. She had, in turn, drawn up a list of suspects, none of whom included Charles Spiderton. Michael the butcher’s son, a handsome man if a bit lacking in cleverness. Professor Rasputin, charming and newly arrived from faraway lands. Nicolas Nightengale, once a soldier in the King’s army who looked quite dashing in his uniform, or so she thought. But never, ever, ever did she suspect the true origin of the offerings, a fact that The Spider was gleefully aware of. You see, he had hatched a nefarious plan, one with which he intended to ensnare Molly Muffet.’

He felt Jenny shiver against him, and smiled, wondering what delightful thoughts were going through her head as he unbuttoned her blouse, freeing her firm breasts. Her nipples were a lovely shade of rose, hard points that, judging from her reaction as he twisted them, must have ached something terrible. Her gasp of mingled pain and pleasure gave him pause to chuckle before continuing.

‘One morning, Molly awoke to find an envelope upon her front stoop, addressed to her in the spidery handwriting that she recognized as belonging to her secret admirer. With a girlish giggle, she hurried to her room and threw herself upon her bed, opening the missive, and reading it over, not once, but twice, her breath quickening with each word.’

My Dearest Molly,

Too long have I watched you from afar, my desire for you held closely guarded. Today, it is my wish to reveal my true identity. No longer content to admire you in secret, I would like to make my face known. If you hold any affection for me, then your role is simple. Upon the shore of the old Mill pond stands a pair of oaks. Meet me there, an hour before dusk, and I shall reveal myself to you.

Your Secret Admirer.

‘Molly, of course, could hardly contain her delight. She spend the remainder of the day with her head filled with images of Michael, Professor Rasputin, and Nicholas who, she confessed to herself, she truly hoped with the author of the letter. In some, she shared kisses, and yet, in others, she shared erotic delights that made her blush. I’m sure you can well imagine what those might be, darling, hmmm?’

Jenny moaned softly, rising one more until the tip of her husband’s cock barely brushed the edges of her dripping folds, and then slowly lowered herself once more. Her nipples felt like they were on fire as he roughly abused them, twisting and tugging at them.

‘Yes…’ she managed, her head falling back, the sound turning to a hiss as he suddenly took one in his mouth and sank his teeth into it. The sensation was almost too much for her, and she fought for control as intense sensations traveled up and down her spine. With a shiver, she held on, panting as she gripped his cock once more with her drenched pussy.

‘Good God, Jenny…’ Jacob murmured, letting go of her nipple, his teeth leaving their mark in it. ‘Let me press on while I still can, or I will have to complete my story another day. So, while Miss Muffet was dreaming of her upcoming tryst upon the bank of the old mill pond and pondering whether she should wear this blouse with that skirt, or perhaps this dress with these stockings, Charles Spiderton was making his own preparations.’

‘You see, weeks before, he had purchased several coils of rope with almost magical properties. For one, it was very nearly invisible, so fine was it. For another, it was sticky, much like a spider’s web, which suited him fine. The irony of his surname, after all, didn’t escape him. It could only be handled with a pair of treated gloves which he had also purchased. Anything else it touched, it would ensnare. You must understand, Jenny darling, that The Spider’s intentions were anything but honorable towards Molly, something I am sure you appreciate.’

Jenny answered with a soft whimper, her command of language slowly being lost as desire filled her, robbing her of thoughts that didn’t involve the pleasure that Jacob had promised her and his slowly unfolding tale.

‘So it was that Molly set out upon the path to the old mill pond, with visions of romance in her head. She’d finally settled on a pretty summer dress that buttoned up the front and left her shoulders bare. It was sky blue, as where her slippers, while her stocking were white as were the ribbons that gathered her dark tresses. She had no trouble locating the twin oaks beside the pond, nor the spread laid out before them, a pair of tuffets, separated by a picnic basket. Of course, she missed the web of ropes that Charles Spiderton had secured between the tress, as was his plan.’

‘She paused, Jenny dear, gazing about the clearing, wondering where her secret admirer might be hidden, her curiosity and excitement at a peak. After all, it had been nearly six months since the first of the gifts and letters had arrived upon her doorstep, and her desire to put finally put a name to the mystery suitor filled her thoughts to over flowing. Much like your need, if I’m not mistaken.’

‘My God, dear Jacob.’ Jenny managed, her words spilling from trembling lips as he ran his hands down her spine, his fingers slipping beneath her lace panties, fondling and squeezing her tender bottom. ‘Hurry, if you love me at all.’

‘Never doubt my love, Jenny.’ He said, his hands sliding back to her waist, and pulling her down suddenly, his cock sinking deep inside of her. ‘Now, be still until I finish my story. And then, I will show you just how much I truly do love my beautiful young wife by filling her full of my seed.’

Jenny responded with a frustrated whimper, her thighs squeezing his, even as her cunt tightened around his cock, obviously doing her best to be both still and quiet, and failing somewhat, much to his amusement.

‘Next time you interrupt me, I’ll dump you on the ground and finish myself off in the privacy of my study, understand?’

Jenny was wise enough to simply nod, her hands framing his head as she ran her fingers through his mane, her face so close to his that he could smell the faintest hint of peach on her breath. He met her gaze, bright blue eyes boring into her matching set, his brow set in a stern line until she nodded once more. Then, and only then, did he continue his tale.

‘Deciding to investigate, Molly took a seat upon one of the padded tuffets and peered into the basket. There she found a potpourri of delights. Cheeses and fruits. Various cold cuts and greens and a variety of desserts. Unbeknownst to her, while she was exploring the contents of the basket, Charles stealthily approached her from behind. Soon, he was hovering over her, a wicked smile upon his face, much like mine, Jenny, and his thoughts were just as impure.’

‘’Boo!’, he exclaimed, causing her a fright. She let out a scream and leapt to her feet, turning to confront her surprise guest. With a chuckle, The Spider reached out and gave her a push, sending her off balance and into his invisible web where she stuck fast, her arms out to either side of her, her legs spread slightly apart.’

‘’Well, well, well. Looks like I’ve got myself a greedy little fly, hovering around my dinner.’ Charles exclaimed, his eyes glittering with mischief ‘And now she’s trapped in my web. Whatever shall I do with her?’’

Jacob leaned forward and kissed his wife heatedly upon her lips before whispering. ‘If you’re good, perhaps I can spin a web of my own. Can you imagine what it would feel like to be hopelessly trapped between two pillars, my hands wondering where ever I willed them, unable to stop me from doing anything I wanted?’

Jenny shivered, imaging just that. She bit down hard on her own lip, willing herself not to go over the edge of desire that she now balanced precariously upon, her twin brother’s thick cock deep inside her dripping wet cunt as he continued speaking, seemingly oblivious to her plight.

‘Now, as you may have worked out by now, sweet Jenny, Charles was a cad. Had he been man of good moral character he might not have been named The Spider, no matter what his ancestry. Thus, it was that, instead of apologizing and helping to free young Miss Muffet, he gave her a wicked smile, and spoke.’

‘’My Dearest Molly’. He said. It was, by the way, not lost on Molly, how handsome his face and broad his shoulders were. ‘I have always been of the thought that actions speak louder then words, and so, I won’t bore you with some carefully prepared speech. Instead, I intend to show you the delights you might enjoy should you decide to become my intended. Hopefully, before the day turns to dusk, and dusk to twilight, I will own your heart and soul, rather then just your body.’’

‘With those words, Charles Ashford Spiderton slipped his carefully treated glove on and did indeed, lay aside words for deeds. First, he cupped her face between his hands and kissed her. She struggled at first, pressing her lips together definitely. Then, something strange happened. Her heart, which had been beating with fright moments before, began to beat with desire. His kisses, tender at first, grew passionate, and she returned them in kind, her body recognizing a truth she’d never known. She was a slave to a dark and secret desire and, being trapped as she was, slowly awakened to the truth.’

Without pausing his tale, Jacob began lifting Jenny by the waist once more, helping her to rise and fall slowly on his cock, fucking her slowly, her juices dripping over his thighs as her sultry moans took on a new intensity, her flesh growing heated as her breasts heaved with each indrawn breath.

‘He began by undoing the buttons of her dress and freeing her tits, Jenny, just like I did with yours earlier, fondling them until her nipples were hard as rocks, just like yours are now, enjoying the music of her soft moans. He ran his hands over her bare shoulders, along her arms, over her face, exciting her in ways she’d never dreamed of, all the while aware of how helpless she was to stop him. Soon, she felt a growing heat at her core, and her lacey white undergarments became soaked with the sweetest honey known to man. Just like yours are now. No use denying it, darling. After all, my cock is stretching out the walls of your needy little cunt.’

‘I would never deny that, Jacob. My cunt belongs to you, and only to you.’

‘Never forget that, Jenny.’ He reached behind and pushed her panties aside, pressing his fingertip against the tight ring of her anus, causing her to suck in a deep breath, only letting it out as a gasp as he began pushing it slowly into her puckered ass.

‘Next, he lifted her skirts, revealing her soaked underpants. Grinning, he spoke softly into her ear. ‘It is your choice, my beautiful fly. Simply ask, and I will free you from my web and send you home. No more letters, no more flowers, never again a chance to be trapped on my web and used like the dirty little creature you secretly wish you were. What do you say?’’

‘What do you think she said, Jenny, my love? What would you have done?’

‘I’d have let him have his way with me,’ She gasped, feeling his knuckles invade her one after another until his finger was sunk deep inside her ass, his cock still sliding in and out of her quivering cunt.

‘That’s what I thought. And that is precisely what Little Miss Muffet did as well. She kept her silence as he tore her dress from her, leaving her in her slippers and stockings and her soaked panties, spread like an eagle upon his spider’s web. He ran his hands over her tits, fondling them roughly, and then between her legs, caressing her woman-hood until she began to beg, not for release from her bonds, but for a different kind of release. The one you are craving now.’

‘Did he give it to her?’ Jenny managed, her words a frantic whisper as she began to shake from head to toe.

‘Remember our deal, Jenny. You must wait your turn.’

‘Hurry.’ She managed, biting off a desperate cry, her eyes threatening to roll back in their sockets as Jacob suddenly increased his pace, letting her settle on his thighs as he began thrusting mightily up into her spread cunt, pumping her tight ass with his finger as well.

‘Yes, he did. First he teased her with his fingers, then with his tongue, and finally, only after she had begged and pleaded until she was hoarse, with his cock, fucking her while she was trapped upon his web, making her climax again and again, her screams echoing through the woods surrounding the pond….’

Overcome, Jacob exploded suddenly inside of his wife, his seed filling her womb just moments before she let out a wordless cry, not unlike Molly Muffet’s screams, and began to shake violently, her climax robbing her of all thought and sense. In the aftermath, the couple clung to each other, sharing fierce and desperate kisses, neither of them speaking for some time, Jenny’s naked heaving breasts pressed against her husband’s bared chest until finally, he pushed her gently away. Gazing once more into her eyes, he kissed her tenderly on the nose.

‘Did I do good, Jacob?’ Jenny asked. ‘In the end, it was too much….’ She smiled shyly, her forehead wrinkling.

‘You did wonderfully, Jenny.’ He spoke gently, running his hand lovingly through her golden tresses like a favorite pet. ‘You are a treasure.’

‘You didn’t get to finish….’ Unable to meet his eyes, she instead stared across the room at the shelved wall bearing hundreds of books, some bearing the family name on their spine, mostly tales from the old country.

‘Shush. I said that you did good. It was close enough to merit you another tale tomorrow night, sweet Jenny. As for this one, it ended well. Molly fell in love with The Spider and they soon married. Afterwards, he had a pair of pillars built in the cellar and over the years built many a web for his and Molly’s enjoyment so that they lived happily ever after. Satisfied?’

‘Oh, very much so,’ Jenny giggled softly, his cock slowly growing soft inside of her. ‘Tomorrow night, I will do better, I promise.’

Jacob could only smile knowingly.

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Jock Tales---Senior Year---Final Game—and The Price of SuccessOK—so the last two chapters of the Jock Tales series won't have much porn to them—just a couple of mentions of stuff. If you have been following the series story line, as much as the porn parts, then these last two chapters simply tie up the series, and bring it to it's conclusion. Thank you to all the fans, and comments, and if you wish to continue, then join me for the next series—The Skatepark Adventures. The next four games after...

4 years ago
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Tenderloin Tales Mo Fun

© 2002 all rights reserved. Intro The '80's, a decade to remember: Post pill, pre AIDS. Gloria Steinham making waves eagerly surfed by the assertive, independent women of San Francisco. "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle," was a popular paraphrase, often attributed to Steinham, but the source is Australian Irina Dunn. The best rebuttal I'd heard, in a crowded Union Street meat market bar, was: "Yeah, but fish don't have cunts that enjoy a ride on a sturdy...

3 years ago
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TG Tales from the Panty Drawer

Feeling guilty that it's been so long since I've posted a new story ("G.E.N.E.S.I.S." a few months ago), I found some time over the past couple of nights and came up with this little trio of stories. Inspired by a familier TV show with a similar name (Tales from the Crypt), these stories are a spoof on male chauvinists and what I'd love to do to them if I had a little magic wand to "ZAP'em" with! Although I do have a couple of other idea's in the hopper, this will have to do until...

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Fractured Fairy Tales

First Name = Hero (Male) Last Name = Sidekick (Female) It's another boring day at your new job, working as assistant librarian at the local library. You'd only been there for a week and a half, but you've already learned that you have very few visitors. Books just don't have the appeal they used to. So basically you just wander around all day or, when the boss is away, take naps in the fiction section. You are currently asleep in the corner of the library, a copy of Don Quixote draping over...

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Tales From A Far Country

INTRODUCTIONIn the world around us there are those that will prey on the weaker, the unprepared, the vulnerable. In pursuit of their own desires or seeking to profit from the desires of others there are always those whose acts are hard for us to understand. Once more, it is October 2009. Angela is trying to balance her teaching responsibilities and research projects, spurred on by the Dean’s ambitions for the academic standing of the University; Joe McEwan is planning his trip to Cambodia in a...

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Fractured Fairy Tales

Sure, we all remember the fairy tales from when we were growing up, but now you are grown up and the tales seem a little childish. This is a story based around several of those tales that have a more adult twist. Please choose the fairy tale you would like to begin with...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 1 Practice Makes Perfect

Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time basis. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 4 Balancing Act

Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Tales Of An Ancient Vampire

We stand outside the house, altogether there’s six of us, me and five of my nest. I look around at my people, “you all remember the plan?” I ask not bothering to keep my voice too quiet as I can hear the rapid thump of drum n bass from within the house. All of my followers either nod their head or make a noise in confirmation. I try the handle on the door and finding it unlocked I slowly pull the door open. The house must have some form of sound proofing because as I step inside the house I’m...

4 years ago
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Chesterbury Tales Pt 14

THE CHESTERBURY TALES. It is Winter 1966. When five couples find themselves stranded at a remote high class inn by extreme weather conditions, they amuse each other by relating stories of an erotic nature, as well as taking part in all kinds of private and group sexual activities. The Host began with a tale about a birthday orgy involving a current top film star. The Theatre Company Manager’s tale was of her oral exploits with a famous actor and the Marketing Director’s tale of how the ‘Wife...

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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

As she walked down the hallway once again and into her bedroom, she could hear her boyfriend Jake walking up the stairs, talking with someone. The door opened, “He’s just a moron. I wouldn’t let it get to you.” “Yeah, I know you’re right. It’s just that he’s been on my ass all week, and now he wants me to come in tomorrow to clean this whole mess up,” the stranger said. “I have it right over here.” Jake walked over to his entertainment console and picked up a DVD case. “Here ya go....

2 years ago
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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

Introduction: It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She...

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Grim Tales

Fairy tales were originally not made for children, or if they were they certainly weren't what we would call child-friendly. They were gruesome tales meant to serve as warnings of danger, or sometimes just to scare the audience with no apparent moral or any other good reason to exist. In this world all the people and creatures of the classical fairy tales have lived on after their stories were told, to meet and mingle with each other and with readers who can't forget them. However, there is a...

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Jock TalesSenior YearWeek OnePt 3

Jock Tales—Senior Year—Week One—Pt 3“May I have your attention please—all members of the football teams please report to the filed house immediately after the last bell. This includes varsity and freshman. Also, any football player that wishes to get a mohawk before Friday's game, report to cosmetology during any period today or tomorrow”.The mohawk had become quite popular among football players since my run in with the school board back in my freshman year. They had decided to not change the...

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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She walked over to the porch door and opened it all the way to let the warm spring breeze in. Her hair waved back with each gust of wind as she...

Group Sex
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Ragnarok Shorts Tales From the Spellbinder Universe

Ragnarok Shorts: Tales from the Spellbinder Universe By D.A.W. * * * Author's Note: Each piece can be read as a standalone, but you may get more enjoyment from them if you read my Ragnarok Rising Trilogy as they are set in the same universe and feature some of the same characters. Each of these tales takes place at different points in the Spellbinder Universe chronology and contain minor spoilers. As such they may seem to contradict each other if you're not familiar with the...

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Master Tales of Bondage DIscipline

?MICHELE, IS IS MASTER TALESOF BONDAGE AND DISCIPLINE                       VISIT TO THE HEADMASTER?S OFFICE   ?Marpessa, is it???Yes, sir.??Do you know who I am???Yes, Headmaster.??Right. My assistant tells me you were warned before about hanging around with certain of the girls here at the academy. Were you not???Yes, Sir. But?.??Silence! There is not a single explanation you can come up with that will allow for you disregarding the council of my assistant. You were advised to avoid...

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The Tales of TanitsarChapter 6 Alana

"No! Don't touch those scrolls, imbecile!" The old servant stopped in mid-movement at the sharp command. How often did she have to remind this annoying person to keep her hands off that desk? "Dekra, haven't I told you time and again to leave my desk be? Those are brittle parchments, hundreds of years old. If I ever catch you again messing with my desk, it'll be the laundry room for you!" The stupid person was not even contrite! "I served your grandfather, may he rest in peace,...

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Tales of Corruption

In every story, in every setting, in every realm there is good. Heroes, mighty warriors of justice, arbiters of justice, or just those that make sure the papers are filed on time. And standing against them are the forces of evil, darkness, shadow, or just a difference in opinion. Rarely do these two forces cross the line from one to the other. And yet, there are always forces beyond just them, forces of a more... alluring nature. Some of these turn heroes into ditzy bimbos, others warp...

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Taffy Tales

TaffyTales! Don’t you nerds wish you could just turn off your anxiety, shyness, and all of that embarrassing shit at will and become an ultra-Chad who plows pussy like it's nothing? Yeah, I bet you do. Sadly, I’m not some genie who can grant you three wishes and give you all of that and a big cock to go along with it. You’ll have to work on being less of a pathetic incel on your own time. What I do have for you horny fappers is a welcome escape where you play as a hung nerd who unearths a...

Free Sex Games
4 years ago
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Chesterbury Tales Pt 12

It is Winter 1966. When five couples find themselves stranded at a remote high class inn by extreme weather conditions, they amuse each other by relating stories of an erotic nature, as well as taking part in all kinds of private and group sexual activities. The Host had told of a birthday orgy involving a current top film star, the Theatre Company Manager of her oral exploits with a famous actor and the Marketing Director of how the ‘Wife of Bath’, with her daughter, had seduced a whole...

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Totally Chesty Tales ndash Tale 03

Totally Chesty Tales – Tale 03 – Strolling Around(Featuring Linda, Robert Cortese and Ruth)TAGS: M/F/F, oral, 69, anal, facialDISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story; save if they are original characters (OC). These characters belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor do I intend to cash on it. This...

3 years ago
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Tabloid Tales Blessed be the Meek

Tabloid Tales: Blessed Be The Meek by Paul1954 The Wheatsheaf Pub, Wapping London - July '99 Phil Rippin was returning from the bar of the Wheatsheaf pub, the local for the journalists of the British press industry, with another round of drinks for his peers. Tom Walters and Mike Langston picked up their respective pints and took a large mouthful, as Phil leaned forward to make himself heard above the ever increasing din. "Here - you see that barmaid over there" he said,...

2 years ago
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TG Tales from the Panty Drawer 2

TG Tales from the Panty Drawer 2 - It'll scare your pants off! (Two more twisted tales of poetic justice) by Jennifer TALE ONE - "They Always Go In Pairs" "Hey guys!" Stephanie shouted over the sounds of the boisterous crowd. "Linda and I will be right back . . . we've got to use the Ladies Room." "Oh come on Stephanie . . . not now!" Mark pleaded with a slight tone of frustration in his voice. "It'll take forever! The concert's about to start any minute now." "Well...

4 years ago
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Tales From A Hard Drive

Tales From A Hard Drive By Angela "So 'ow did yer get 'ere then?" "It might help if I knew where 'here' was!" "Alrigh' keep yer 'air on! "Look sorry... what did you say your name was? - I know you're trying to be helpful but I'm damned if I can work it out." "Look mate, what if yer tells me where yer was doin' ... y'know, kinda before, like. Most of thems that comes 'ere, y'know sudden like, finds its best" "What do you mean 'those that come here suddenly'? Does it...

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Tales From the Faux Fillies Dressing Room 1 Caught By Mum

Tales From the 'Faux Fillies' Dressing Room. Cross-Dressing and Transgendered Tales by Maria Ski The dressing room was a hive of activity as the girls of 'Faux Fillies' got ready to go home after a busy night. Alexia smiled sweetly as she opened a bottle of 'Chateau Picard' white wine and poured a glass for each of the assembled girls. "So," Alexia said, "who has a tale to tell?" "I do," answered Jessica an auburn haired beauty said, "I call my little tale..." Caught by...

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The Chauffeur 35 Oh the Tales We Weave

BY PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 When I woke up Monday morning following the Thanksgiving weekend, it dawned on me that we needed to get Maddie back home to Toronto. Dakota called to get the plane ready and to have a car sent to take me, Maddie, Dakota, and Mom to Toronto. I think to myself that I really haven’t seen but three of the fab five office towers that we purchased. I let Dakota know that we would stop in at the Eagle (Washington D.C.) and maybe a stopover at the Flamingo...

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Bawdy Tales Pt 01 The Monk Story

Introduction In the late Middle Ages the Black Death, the greatest and most deadly outbreak of infectious disease in history, ravaged Europe, eventually killing between one third and a half of the population. The disease, which is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, was carried by fleas living on the rats that were found in ports and on board ships, and humans were infected by the bite of a flea. Transmission may also occur via the respiratory route in droplets containing bacteria...

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Jock TalesSenior YearOpening DayPT 1

Jock Tales—Senior Year—Opening DayWell, the fanfare was like it had never been. Each year since my Freshman year, it had gotten bigger and bigger. But today, it was like twice as big as last year. The excitement was simple—it was my Senior year, and therefore the beginning of my last year here at East Tyler High. And the top question on everyone's mind--'can he do it a forth year straight'? It had never been done !I had already been interviewed three times this week by every news station in...

4 years ago
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Tabloid Tales Hey Presto

Tabloid Tales: Hey Presto! by Paul1954 The Wheatsheaf Pub, Wapping London - November '99 It was a cold and wet winter's night in London's Docklands, and Mike Langston and Tom Walters were grateful for the warmth that the 'real flame effect' gas fire gave them, as the flames leapt around the fake logs. "Christ Tom - are you going to get me another pint or what!" Mike said, as he rattled his empty glass on the beer stained table that they were sharing. Picking up on the...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 2 Best of Both Worlds

Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 3 Inside Trader

Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 5 Confession Is Good For The Soul

Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

2 years ago
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Mares Tales 24

Mare's Tales - Chapter 24 ? by: Beverly Taff Margaret and I arrived in the farmyard as they were clambering out of the chopper that had landed in the paddock. Dot had heard the clatter and warned the centaurs to hide. She appeared in the yard and joined our welcoming committee to greet my parents and the children. The older children carried the younger ones piggyback style as they scampered towards us. We braced ourselves to receive the onslaught and they crashed joyfully into us...

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Thousand Tales

A Thousand Tales   A Thousand Tales By [email protected] Valerie Ceru closed her checkbook and put her favorite pen back in the pocket of her washed-out, hopelessly blood stained white apron.? She shook hands with each of the sisters in turn, Trung Nhi and Trung Truc.? They thanked her effusively, but she should really have been the one to thank them.? She could always count on the Vietnamese sisters to bring home the bacon, so to speak.? She knew that they hunted from a blind...

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Myths Tales and Rumors

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities of desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. Friday morning, Jane was pouring another cup of coffee as she just finished giving her husband a loving kiss and sent him off to work. She sat and began to organize her mind of the chores she needed to accomplish. Change the bedding, laundry, shopping...well, she thought, ‘we do need food, but I’m also going to splurge and get a new sexy nighty.’ She was hoping...

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