Tales Of An Amateur Gynecologist 5: Confession Is Good For The Soul free porn video

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Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual male might use such heels to his advantage. TAG 1 - Practice Makes Perfect TAG 2 - Best of Both Worlds TAG 3 - Inside Trader TAG 4 - Balancing Act TAG 5 - Confession is Good for the Soul Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 5: Confession Is Good For The Soul By Deane Christopher Copyright 2000 For many men, the words 'I love you' are an anathema that can only be uttered under the pain of both death and disgrace. For others, those very same three used and abused words are but a frivolous ploy of a predatory prevaricator who fancies himself a true lover of women and spends his nights pursuing the goal of carving notches in his thigh bone. However, for one Joseph Grant, the tender words 'I love you' were the testament of his heart and the covenant of his soul. He did not bestow them lightly. But, he did bestow them easily and earnestly and only when he knew, without the shadow of a doubt, that they were truly spoken. On the fifth week anniversary of their first meeting, while in the midst of the warm-fuzzes of a most serene and ever so pleasurable orgasmic afterglow, Joe nuzzled Beth's ear and then spoke those tender words of heartfelt commitment. "Beth." Joe softly intoned. "I love you." With a delighted twinkle in her eye and a smile that bordered on being impishly wicked, Beth uncharacteristically assumed an aggressive demure as she pushed Joe to his back and moved into a kneeling position that had her straddling his supine body. Then, having repositioned herself, Beth bent her upper body forward and planted a quick, quirky and coquettishly couched kiss on Joe's lips. "Well," she delightfully teased, "I sure glad to hear you finally say that because, my dearest darling, I do believe I've been in love with you since the day me first met!" "So, what are we going to do about it?" Joe teased back. "Oh, I don't know... How 'bout we get married?" "Now, that's a novel idea that might prove interesting..." *** "So," Jo said as she set the tray holding her dinner selections on a table at the mall's food court the following Tuesday, "Joe told you that he loves you. And, I presume that you returned the favor by telling him that you love him as much as he loves you?" Beth, providing a few more details as she did so, confirmed the fact that Jo's assertions were indeed correct. "Alright! So, after the two of you made these declarations of undying love for one another, what'ya talk about?" "Well," Beth replied shyly, "I jokingly said something or other about how the two of us had no recourse but to get married. You know, in light of the fact that we were both madly in love with one another." "And, what did he say?" "He more or less said that it was a novel idea and that I was probably right and that we really ought to start thinking about doing just that." "Was he being serious? You know, about the two of you getting married?" "Well, as much as I kind of like to think he was, I'm not really sure! You know, if he was being serious or just being cute!" "So, I take it that what you're saying is: it was one of those lighthearted, what-if kinds of conversations? You know, in which the two of you sort of played a speculative game of how it would be were the two of you married to one another" "Yeah... I'm sad to say that that's pretty much it in a nutshell, Jo!" "So, I guess my next question is: were Joe to ask you to marry him, would you say yes?" "In a heartbeat, Jo! Make no never mind about it! I'd marry that brother of yours today if he asked me to!" *** Joe, even though he was operating as Jo at the time, was delighted to hear Beth confirm the fact that she wanted to marry him as much as he wanted to marry her. However, as anxious as he was to ask Beth if she would do him the singular honor of consenting to become his wife, since he was only planning on doing the proposal thing once in his lifetime, Joe really wanted to do it right. He wanted to dot all the 'I's and cross all the 'T's. That being the case, the next problem Joe faced was obtaining Beth's ring size so that he could purchase an engagement ring for her on the QT. While it was true that Joe could always employ his feminine alter ego to try and ferret out the desired information, the use of such an obvious ploy might, and probably would, tip Beth off as to what was coming down the pike. If Joe was going to take the plunge and ask Beth to become his bride, he wanted his proposal to be a complete surprise for Beth; coming out of left field as it were. For several days he pondered the problem of how to go about finding out Beth's ring size in a way that would not alert her to the possibility of his asking her to marry him. Then, all of a sudden, Joe realized that the answer was ridiculously simple. He could simply use those magical high heels of his to turn himself into Beth's body double. Then, appearing for all the world to be Beth's nonexistent twin sister, Joe could simply go to a jewelry store and pick out whatever ring he wanted and there by, ensure that it was sized properly. Aware that he would be attending an aerobics class that evening as the blonde bombshell Jo, Joe arranged to take Tuesday off in order to facilitate his going shopping for an engagement ring. Jo was lucky. While the jewelry store she went to did not have the proper band size of the ring she had selected in stock, the salesman who waited on her got on the phone and did some checking. Within a few moments, the salesman returned to the counter and apprised Jo of the fact they did have the band she had selected in one of their other local retail outlets. And, that it would be no problem for them to pick it up; mount the diamond she had chosen and have it ready for her to pick up by noon that Friday. *** "Close your eyes." Joe instructed as he and Beth neared the end of his A-frame's central hallway that Friday evening. Taking her hand in his, he continued on to say, "I've got a little surprise for you." Entering the large living room area, Joe drew Beth towards the hearth. Halting their advance after just a few steps, Joe urged, "Alright! You can open your eyes now." Beth did as Joe directed, only to excitedly gasp, "You didn't!" "I most certainly did!" "Is it real?" "No! It's made out of some sort of synthetic fiber." "Well, it sure looks real!" "Yes! I agree! It most certainly does. Fact is: to my way of thinking, it feels as real as it looks!" Beth bent down and ran her hand through the polymerized hair of the fake bearskin rug that lay strewn before the fireplace and then replied, "You're right! It does feel real! "When can we try it out?" "How 'bout now? Or, I should say, how 'bout in a few minutes? You know, after I've had some time to attend to a few things first? You know, to - Shall we say. - set the mood. You know, as in I really ought to get the fire going! And, it wouldn't hurt for me to pop the cork of the bottle of champagne I've got chilling in the refrigerator and hunt us up a couple of glasses." "So," Beth asked, "what do you want me to do while you're doing all of that?" "Oh, I don't know... Say, I've got an idea! How 'bout you use the time to slip into something comfortable!" "Like how about giving me a for-instances? "I mean, is there anything in particular that you'd like to see me in tonight?" "Well, since this bearskin rug business is your fantasy - You know, rather than mine. - may I suggest something along the lines of your birthday suit!" "Okay, smartass! You're on! But, you better get crakin'! Otherwise, I might just get started without you..." *** The following morning, working in conjunction with one another, the two of them cleared away the breakfast dishes. Then, as Beth went through the motions of pouring them both a second cup of coffee, in what Joe took to be a very ominous sounding voice, she reluctantly informed him that they really needed to talk. "First off," she said as she reached across the kitchen table and enfolded Joe's right hand in both of hers, "before I say anything else, I want you to know that I really do love you! You know, to the point where I can't envision living my life without you in it! With his heart in his throat, a near panicked Joe chimed in, "Correct me if I'm wrong, Beth, but I'm sensing that there's a big 'but' here!" "Yes! In a sense, I'd have to say: you're right!" Beth, on the verge of tears, grudgingly admitted. "You see, Joe, I have a little confession to make. While I love you, more than you will ever know, I find that I also really like your sister!" "Well," Joe returned with a forced chuckle spilling out around his words, "that's good to hear! You know, because it more or less goes without saying that she likes you!" "You don't understand, Joe!" Beth, her tortured voice cracking with all the harshness of a whip, countered sternly. "When I said I like her, what I should have said was that I'm attracted to her! You know, sexually!" "Oh!" "I mean, you are aware that Jo is a lesbian, aren't you?" "Yes!" Joe replied with a chuckle. "I've been aware of that fact for quite sometime now!" "Well, though I wish to God I wasn't, I have come to accept the fact that I'm what you might call a latent bisexual, in that while I prefer being with a man, especially so when that man is you, there are times when I find myself fantasizing about getting it on with another woman! And, here lately, the woman I find myself fantasizing about getting on with is none other than that sister yours!" "Okay!" Joe said in flat tone that prompted Beth to continue. "Would you believe that I actually dreamt about her last night?" "You did, did you?" "Yes, I'm sorry to say: I did." "Do you want to tell me about it?" "Sure... Why not! The dream actually started off with you and I making love! You know, as in it was more or less a replay of what we did last night in front of the fire on that fake bearskin rug of yours! "So anyhow, one thing leads to another and you re-position yourself! You know, down there in between my legs! You know, so you can bring that ever so talented tongue of yours into play! "Okay! So, you get me to a point where I'm squealing and squirming away to the beat the band -You know, as in I'm right on the verge of having an orgasm! - when I, for some reason or another, open my eyes only to see that it's Jo - Not you! - who's down there eating me out!" "Beth!" Joe, aware that Beth's revelation had brought things to a head and in so doing, had made it shit or get off the pot time for him to tell her about the double life he lived, endeavored to get a word in edgewise. "Please, Joe!" she irately snapped. "I really need to say this! And, I need to say this now! So, please! I implore you! Do me a favor! Just shut up and let me finish! Please! "Again! Just so you know! Let me reiterate something that I said before! I love you, Joe! I love you so much it hurts! "But, though I do, you need to know that I have strong feelings for your sister as well; not that I ever plan to act on those feelings! You know, because I love you far too much to do anything that would ever jeopardize this relationship of ours! "I just needed you to know - To be aware! - that I have these feelings in so far as your sister is concerned! And, I hope to God that I haven't wrecked whatever it is we have been building together by telling you this! "But, I thought you ought to know! You know, before we go any further!" "Are you finished?" Joe asked flatly. "Yes! No! I don't know!" an emotional distraught Beth blurted. "All I know is that I don't want to lose you over this! But, I will understand if I do..." "Beth!" Joe countered with just the hint of a stern inflexion conveyed in his retort. "To begin with, I promise that you're not going to lose me over this!" "I'm not!" "No! You're not! "Truth is, Beth: I so happy to hear what you just told me it isn't funny! "Look! While I had full intentions of getting into this later today - You know, because it's high time I told you the truth about what's been going on! - since it directly relates to what you were just talking about, I figure that I might as well just go ahead and do it now! "You see, Beth, I have a confession to make of my own! And, I'm afraid that once you hear what I have to say, it'll be you - Rather than me! - who'll be the one who will want to call it quits!" Indignantly, a frantically confused Beth countered. "So, what just what in hell are you trying to tell me, Joe? That you and your sister - If, that is: Jo really is your sister! - are trying to entice me into participating in some sort of threesome? You know, one of those - Oh! What in the hell do they call 'em?" "Menage a trios." Joe tentatively offered. "Yes! That's it! A menage a trios! "Well, guess what! As much as I don't want to share you with anybody, if that's what it's going to take to convince you that I love you and that I'm not going anywhere, then I'll tell you what I'll do! I'll give it try! I may not like it! I might even think it's a little sick! But, if that's the only option I have, then I guess I'm going to have to take it!" "You're serious about that, aren't you?" "Yes! Damn it! I dead serious!" "Well, let me set your mind at ease, Beth, because a menage a trios is the furthest thing from my mind! You know, because I love you to much ever want to share you with anybody else either!" "Well, I must say: that's a relief to hear!" "Look, Beth! There's something that I really need to get off my chest! You know, that will clarify a few things! But, it's going to be a hell of a lot easier for me to show what it is that I'm talking about! You know, rather than try and explain it to you! So, can I please ask you to either stay here while I run upstairs and get a few things or, you can come upstairs with me!" Given the option, Beth elected to accompany Joe to the loft bedroom. "Please! Why don't you take a seat on the bed and I'll be back in just a sec!" Joe said and then, disappeared into the confines of the bedroom's large walk-in closet. Beth, who becoming as apprehensive as all get-out, to the point where she half suspected Joe of being some sort of sicko serial killer, gave him the benefit of the doubt and did as he suggested. Inside the closet, Joe pressed the knothole that wasn't a knothole and there by, gained access to the craftily concealed wall safe his father had seen fit to install when building his and his wife's rustic retirement dream home. Dialing in the 0-6-9 combination, Joe opened the safe and withdrew those magical high heels of his and the blue velvet jewelry box that contained the elegantly styled engagement ring he had full intentions of offering Beth as a tangible symbol of his love when he plighted his troth. Returning to the bedroom proper, Joe, making no effort at all to conceal the fact, placed the ring box on the bureau and the heels on the floor directly in front of where Beth had seated herself. "Beth!" he said as he began to unbuckle his belt. "Do you believe in magic?" "No. Not really..." a noticeable confused Beth returned honestly. "Well, neither did I." Joe freely admitted, as he unzipped his zipper and began the mundane task of removing both the jeans and the boxer shorts he had donned earlier that morning. "But, I now know differently! As much as you might not think so, magic really does exist! And, I am about to prove to you that it does!" Joe said as he tossed the jeans and shorts aside. Removing first his right sock and then his left, Joe continued on to say as he stepped forward and straddled the heels, "Tell me Beth! Could these feet of mine ever fit into those heels?" "No! Your feet are way to big to ever fit into them!" "What about your feet? Do you think you could get your feet into them?" "No! I can see from here that they're way to small to ever fit my feet!" "Okay! Great! Then, it stands to reason if you don't think that you could cram your feet into them, then it's pretty much a cinch that I won't be able to cram my feet into them, right?" "Yeah! So? What's your point?" "Watch!" Joe instructed, as he raised his right foot and, moving it slightly to the left, directed its' toes into the corresponding pump's U-throat. "How the hell did you do that?" an astonished Beth gasped in disbelief. Joe, instead of providing an answer, asked a question of his own. "Tell me, do you notice any difference between the left shoe and the right one?" "Yes! I don't understand what's going on here! You know, because they both looked like they were the same size a moment ago! But, there's no getting around the fact that the right one is now a whole lot larger than the left one!" "What about my feet? Do you see anything out of the ordinary there?" "Oh, my God! They're different too!" "How so?" Joe prompted. "Your right foot is a whole lot smaller than your left one!" "Good! But, do you see anything else that's different about them?" "Yes! Though I can't believe it, your right foot looks more like a woman's foot than a man's!" "That's because it has become a woman's foot!" "That's crazy!" "No, Beth! It's not crazy! It's like I said before! It's magic! Look!" Joe directed as he withdrew his ultra-feminized right foot in order to expose five well-manicured and newly nail-glossed toes. "See! Nail polish!" Then, have momentarily exposed his toes, Joe reinserted his foot into the U-throat of the awaiting pump. "But, how?" a thoroughly befuddled and flabbergasted Beth heard herself ask. "I told you, Beth! It's Magic!" Joe proclaimed as he lifted his left foot off the floor and slid it easily and effortless into the sensual, satin lined confines of the corresponding stiletto heeled pump. "These heels are magical!" "They can't be!" "Oh, but they are... "Take a good look at my lower legs, Beth!" A very distraught and alarmed Beth did as Joe directed. "Are they as manly looking as they were before I put the heels on?" "No! No, they're not!" she whimpered. "The lower portion! Tell me! Do they look more like a man's leg or a woman's leg?" Grudgingly, Beth painfully replied, "They look more like a woman's than a man's..." "They're smooth and hairless aren't they? And, they are becoming more smooth and hairless even as we speak, aren't they?" "Yes... Yes, they are!" "Beth! I know this isn't easy for you to accept, but these heels are turning me into a woman!' "That's ridiculous!" Beth, knowing fully well that Joe was telling her the truth, vehemently countered. "Ridiculous or not, that is exactly what is happening! I am becoming the woman I have allowed you to falsely assumed to be my sister!" "You mean." Beth was indignant, "you've been lying to me all this time?" "No! Not really!" "But, you told me that you had a sister!" "No! I never once said that I had a sister! Nor, I might add, did I ever say that I had a brother when I was operating as a female! "If you recall, Beth, every time the brother or sister business came up - You know, in a casual conversation. - all I said was that Jo and I shared the same parents! So, technically, I wasn't lying! "However, I am guilty of allowing you to assume something that wasn't true! And, I am really, really sorry that I did! And, I want to apologize for having misled you like I did!" "Oh, my God, Joe! Your thing! It's... it's... it's..." "Unnerving isn't it? Unnerving and the same time fascinating! You know, to watch it and its' testicle sack shrink and shrivel up like that!" "It's gone! It's turned into a... a... a... girl's you-know-what!" "Yes, Beth! I now have my very own vagina! And, that means, though the upper portions of body might still belie the fact, for all practical purposes, I'm a girl now!" "This is crazy!" Striping off the sweatshirt he was wearing and casting it aside, Joe wholeheartedly agreed with Beth's assertion. "You'll get no argument from me on that one! But, as crazy as it is, there is no way you can either refute or deny what's happening to me!" "So," a still very skeptical Beth gingerly stammered as she grappled with the various implications that assaulted her, "what you're telling me is: that you're not only my boyfriend Joe, but that you're my girlfriend Josephine as well?" "Yes! That's pretty much it in a nutshell, Beth! But please! I implore you! Before you fly off the handle; get mad and give me a good piece of your mind - And, believe me! You have ever right to do all of that and more! You know, because I freely admit that I deserve it! - please, let me explain just why I went and did what I did!" "Alright! You can explain! But, before you do, I need you to answer a question for me!" "Okay..." "Does it hurt?" "Does what hurt?" "The change! Does it hurt you? You know, going from a guy to a girl?" "No! Actually, it's quite pleasurable!" "It is?" "Oh, yeah! Fact is, Beth: I'm so horny right now it isn't funny! "Maybe, now that you've got the picture, I ought to just go ahead and take these heels off so that I change back and we can hash all of this out." "No! Don't do that! Don't take those heels off yet!" "Why not!" "Because..." "Because, why?" "Because, I want to see you go through the whole change! "Oh, by the way," Beth said with a nervous giggle, "did I ever tell you that you got the nicest tits I ever seen on another woman?" "You mean to tell me that you're not mad at me?" "Mad - no! Peeved - yes!" "You mean to tell me that you're still in love me? You know, even though I've been deceiving you like I have?" "Yes! Even with all your deceptions, I have to say that I am still very much in love you! You ninny you!" "And, you forgive me?" "No! Not yet, I don't! That, I'm afraid, is going to take awhile!" "So, what'll we do now?" Standing, Beth directed, "Well, you can start by sashaying that pert little tush of yours over here and giving me a great big kiss! You know, while you still have a man's face! Then, you can appease my curiosity by letting me see what's in that little jewelry box over there on bureau! Because, if it's what I dearly hope and pray it is: I do believe that it'll go a long way in appeasing these rather ruffled feathers of mine!" Jo did as directed. Enfolding Beth in those still muscular, manly arms of hers, Jo proceeded on to plant a great big impassioned wet one on those luscious lips of Beth's. A second or so after Beth willing accepted the intrusion of her lover's tongue into the sanctuary of her oral cavity; she felt the lips that so lovingly touched hers undergo an eerily fluid reapportionment. Knowing intuitively that the lips that pressed so eagerly and erotically upon her own were none other than the lips of a beautiful young woman's, Beth opened a second front by thrusting her right hand between Jo's inner thighs. Then, using her middle finger as the instrument of Jo's undoing, Beth began to draw it ever so slowly, ever so teasingly, along the swath of her lover's newly installed crevasse crease. "Holy shit, Beth!" a thoroughly turned-on Jo gasped in frantic disbelief as she felt herself being pulled towards the bed. "Do you have any idea at all what you're doing to me?" "Oh, yeah!" Beth impishly replied, "I think I have a very good idea what I'm doing to you!" "But, I thought you wanted to talk!" "Oh, we're going to talk aright!" Beth said as she began to plant one kiss after another along the elegant run of Jo's ever so regal neck. "You know, because *Kiss* you have *Kiss* a lot of *Kiss* explaining *Kiss* to do! *Kiss* And you, *Kiss* my pretty *Kiss* are going to tell me *Kiss* everything *Kiss* I want to know! *Kiss* But, we'll talk later! *Kiss* Right after *Kiss* I see *Kiss* just how much *Kiss* of a nymphed-out pillow-eater *Kiss* I can turn you *Kiss* into *Kiss*..." Then, as a teasing precursor to what she had in mind, Beth inserted the middle finger of her right hand within the multiple lip fold of her lover's swath and swiftly swiped it over the clitoral epicenter of Jo's sexual being. Beth, as Jo was quick to realize and later acknowledge, had taken those lovemaking lessons of hers to heart. And, what Beth lacked in technique, she more than made up for with her zealous approach to making Jo squeal and squirm. With a matter of mere moments, Jo was riving under Beth's deft handed ministrations; so much so that she was soon entreating the Almighty to grant her succor. And, when she thought the time was ripe to move Jo up to the next plateau, Beth was more than happy to act as the Almighty's agent. Sliding into the breech of her lover's splayed legs; Beth was more than happy to grant Jo all the suck-her she sought. On several occasions, Jo endeavored to take an active role in the proceedings. However, Beth would have none of it. Each and every time Jo tried to get a hand in edgewise, Beth would simply reach down and gently take it out of play. Finally, when Jo's persistence forced the issue, Beth tenderly remonstrated her to cease and desist; suggesting that if Jo didn't heed Beth's wishes, there'd be hell to pay *** Though Jo felt thoroughly vanquished, once she could muster the wherewithal to do so, she breathlessly gasped, "That was wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!" "So," Beth giddily teased, "I take it that you're saying that I done good?" "Good! You did great!" "I did, didn't I?" a delighted Beth replied. "Oh, yeah! You most certainly did! "I mean, the way you had me bucking my ass off, I wasn't sure if I was coming or going!" "Oh, let me assure you, kiddo! You were most definitely coming!" "Yeah! I guess I was at that..." *** "So, my pretty little miss!" Beth playfully teased as she lazily ran her fingers through the neatly veed mate of her lover's pubic hair. "Am I a keeper, or what?" Jo, after a feigned moment of thoughtful contemplation, mused, "Yeah... I kind of think you are at that..." *** A minute or so after that, Beth excitedly chimed in with, "Jo! Your heels! They're not black anymore!" Unfazed by Beth's assertion, Jo wearily commented, "Yeah... they have a tendency to do that every now and again.... "Oh! By the way! Just what color are they?" "Silver! A gleaming, metallic silver!" "Figures..." "You mean they can change color all on their own?" "They sure can! "Hey! You want to see something else they can do?" "Sure! Show me!" Jo closed hers eyes and pictured herself decked out in a pair of thigh high, gleaming metallic silver, stiletto heeled, pointy toed boots. Opening her eyes, she queried, "What'ya think?" "What do I think about what?" "My boots!" "What boots?" "Oh... I wonder why it didn't work... Oh! I think I know what went wrong! You were looking at my heels when I closed my eyes and formed the mental image of myself in thigh high boots, weren't you?" "Yeah... so?" "So, I don't think they'll change when somebody's looking! Tell you what! I'm going to try again! But, this time! When I do! I want you to close yours eyes too! "Ready! Close 'em! "One... Two... Three! "Okay! Open 'em!" "Wow! Would you look at that!" Beth beamed as she took note of the fact that Jo's legs were encased within a pair of metallic silver, thigh high boots. "Now, that's really something! "So, what else can those heels of yours do? You know, besides change you into the sexy woman I've been fantasying about getting it on with ever since you and I first met her! " "Well, besides changing any of the clothing I might be wearing into something that is distinctly female in its' orientation, I guess you could say that they allow me the ability to be wearing anything I wish to be wearing! You know, like whenever I'm female!" "Now, that's pretty neat! You know, if I do say so myself!" "You want me to show you?" Jo said as she made a halfhearted attempt to get up. "No! How 'bout you do that later! Right now, all I want is for the two of us to snuggle some more! "So, I suggest that if you want a repeat performance of what I just did to you - You know, anytime in the near to immediate future! - you lay that pert and pretty little ass of yours back down here this minute! You know, so we can get back to snuggling the shit out of one another and you can start telling me all about these fantastic magical high heels of yours! You know, like how you came by them in the first place and other stuff along those lines..." With a silent, though no less heartfelt 'Thank you, Lord!' Jo promptly did as Beth suggested. *** The two of them spent the remainder of the morning and pretty much the whole afternoon in bed together. Prioritizing things in what she took to be their level of significance, Jo, starting with the residual girl-time business, began to explain to Beth how those magical heels of hers worked. However, due to the fact that Beth found it all but impossible to restrain herself from reaching out and touching someone, with the particular someone in question being none other than that new lesbian lover-girl of hers, as much as Jo tried to stay focused, her explanation efforts were repeated interrupted. "Beth!" Jo, upon becoming aware that the middle finger of her lover's right hand had once again begun to leisurely caress the run of her inner right thigh, in an effort to register a protest, weakly whimpered. "Oh, please! Not again!" Postponing her reply for a moment or two, Beth bent her head over so as to position her mouth directly above Jo's right tit. Beginning with a tenderly delivered kiss that quickly developed into an impassioned suckle, Beth completely her erotically targeted tease with an artfully drawn out tongue swirl that circumnavigated the areola surrounding Jo's blood engorged nipple. "But, I thought you loved me making love to you..." "I do, Beth! I love it more than you could ever imagine! It's just that this will be the third time and you have yet to let me reciprocate! You know, and do you! Besides, I really need to get up and take these heels off! You know, so I can turn back into a man sometime this evening! "I mean, if I don't do so soon, given the amount of residual girl- time I've been racking up, I'll be going to bed tonight as female!" "So, what's the big deal about that?" "Well, truth be told, I kind of really wanted to make love to you tonight as a guy!" "You did, did you?" "Yes! Yes, I did!" "Well, since I kind of enjoying making love to you like you are now - You know, given the novelty of it all! - I'm afraid that you're just going to have to wait until tomorrow morning to play another game of hide the salami with me!" *** "Okay!" Beth declared sometime later that afternoon. "As much as I hate to say this, oh little lover-girl of mine, it's high time for the two of us to get out of bed! "You see, I have to take a pee! You know, in the worst way! Besides, since we sort of missed lunch, I have to say that I'm starting to get really, really hungry! How 'bout you? I mean, you have to be getting hungry too!" Then, upon Jo's acknowledgement that she was starting to get hungry as well, Beth made a suggestion. "Tell you what, Jo! When I get back from the bathroom, why don't you give me a demonstration of how the clothing thing works and then we'll decide what we're going to do about dinner!" A few minutes later, Jo did just that. Using the very same garments she had discarded earlier, Jo got dressed. Though Jo had told her what to expect, Beth was nevertheless flabbergasted to see Jo's clothing fluidly transmogrify itself into apparel that attractively packaged that ever so scrumptious hourglass figure of Jo's. "Damn, girl! Those heels of yours really are something! I mean, not only do they dress you! But, I see that they go whole hog and pretty much take care of damn near everything, don't they?" "I mean, you're hair looks great! You're all made-up! And, - Correct me if I'm wrong! - but I believe I can smell just a hint of perfume! "Hell, girl! Those heels of yours have gone so far as to have even fitted you out with all the appropriate jewelry! You know, what with those rings and that matching dolphin bracelet and necklace comb they've seen fit to provide you with! "I can't believe it! "Do you know that they've gone so far as to fit you out with a pair of little dolphin earrings! And, pierced ones at that! "And, you don't even have pierced ears! You know, when you're a guy!" *** Though Jo had planned on grilling up a couple of steaks that evening out on the deck, Beth, given the fact that they were both famished, suggested that instead of going though all the hassle of doing that, that they simply call in and place an order for a pizza. While Beth busied herself with the chore of getting dressed, Jo called in their order. "Hey!" Beth said eagerly as she carefully placed the box containing their pizza in the backseat of Jo's Jeep Cherokee. "What do you think would happen if I tried on those heels of yours? "I mean, do you think they might fit me out with a body that's as good looking as yours is?" "Beth!" Jo teasingly quipped. "For starters, even if I'm not anatomically equipped at the moment to do so - You know, owing to the fact that I'm operating without a penis at present! - let's get something straight between us! "As far as I'm concerned, your body is terrific! It doesn't need any help from these heels of mine!" "Well, as nice as it is to hear you say that, Jo, I've go to be honest and tell you I'm more than a little envious of those marvelous tits of yours! "I mean, mine are okay! You know, as far as tits go! But, yours, my love, are absolutely spectacular!" "Alright, already! Tell you what! As soon as we get home, you can try them on!" "Thank you! I think I might just do that! You know, since it's pretty much a given that I was going to get around to doing so sooner or later! You know, with or without your permission!" *** "Damn!" an exasperate Beth exclaimed. "They don't fit!" "Did you try both of them?" Jo, who was busy getting plates for the two of them, said over her shoulder. "Yes! I tried them both and neither one of them worked like they did with you!" "That's weird! They've always worked for me!" "Maybe," Beth speculated, "they only work on men." "Could be... Or maybe, they only work for me..." Jo said thoughtfully as she walked over and placed the dinner plates and her handy dandy pizza cutter on the table. "Have you ever let anyone else try them on?" "No. You're the first." "Oh, shit! I sure hope I haven't done something wrong! You know, by trying to see if they'd fit me! "I mean, if I did, if I've somehow fouled up their magical wherewithal - You know, that would preclude you from ever becoming a girl again! - I'd never be able to forgive myself!" "Well, there's only one way to find out." Jo said as she deftly employed the toes of her nylon clad right foot to upright the heel that had inadvertently fallen over on its' side. Then, having done so, she stepped easily into first one and then the other of those magical stiletto heel pumps of hers. "They seem to be working order! You know, as in they re-sized themselves to accept my feet like they always have! "So, I think it safe to assume that they're fine!" Beth, who was nowhere near as confidant as Jo was, urged, "Is there something else you could do to - I guess you could say! - test them out?" "Sure there is! I can simply have them change these clothes I'm wearing into something else!" "Okay! Then, why don't you do just that!" "Alright! If it'll make you happy, I'll do that! "So, what's your preference? French Maid? Playboy Bunny? Cheerleader? Hooker? Harem girl?" "Oh, I don't care!" a somewhat frantic Beth heatedly charged. "Please, Jo! For my sake! Just pick something and do it!" "Okay!" Jo said as she slipped her hands into a pair of soil stained oven mitts. "Close your eyes!" Two seconds later, Jo, knowing her friend was in for a shock, impishly chirped, "Okay, Beth! You can open them now!" Beholding Jo resplendent in an ever so elegant, strapless, liquid silver satin evening gown and matching over the elbow opera gloves, Beth gasped, "Good Lord, Jo! You look sensational!" Pirouetting about so as to give Beth the full effect of the ensemble she had chosen to adorn herself in, Jo, with a chuckle, confirmed Beth's assertion, "I do, don't I?" "Oh, yeah! You look good enough to eat! And, guess what! As soon as we finish with this pizza of ours, I have full intentions of doing just that! "However, as much as I like the way you look in that fabulous gown, don't you think that you're just a wee bit over dressed to be eating pizza in it? Especially so - You know! - given those evening gloves you wearing..." *** "Jo!" Beth said having just swallowed another bite of pizza. "Yes!" "I learned something today! You know, besides all the business revolving around those magical high heels of yours and how they allow you to become a woman on a purely elective, part-time bases." "Okay!" Jo replied quizzically. "I'll bite! So, what else did you learn today?" "That you've got a thing for silver and satin!" "What can I say, Beth? When you're right! You're right! I have to admit that I do have a thing for silver and satin!" "Well, that settles it then!" Having no idea what Beth was talking about, Jo felt compelled to inquire, "Settles what?" "Tomorrow, right after breakfast, I've got to borrow your computer for a little bit and go online." "Sure! But, may I ask why?" "Well, since you like silver and satin so much, I'm just going to have to purchase a few items that - Shall we say! - tickle that fancy of yours..." *** "Jo!" Beth casually muttered as she shifted position in order to drape her left leg over Jo's. "Yes." "I'm curious." "About what?" "Well, while it pretty much goes without saying that you've had sex with a lot of women over the years - You know, given how good a lover you are! - I was wondering if you've ever had sex with a man? You know, when operating as a girl?" "No!" Jo's reply was emphatically harsh. "I couldn't bring myself to do something like that!" "While I have often wondered what it would be like - You know, to have some swinging dick stick that gross and ugly thingie of his up inside of my you-know-what! You know, and hump my ass off! - I find just the mere contemplation of my ever engaging in that sort of thing sickening! "You know, as in it turns my stomach! "It's like I told you this afternoon, Beth! Regardless of my body's sexual affiliation, my mind's retains its' manly mindset! "In other words, were I to have sex with a guy - You know, as a girl! - as far as I'm concerned, that would be a homosexual act for me! "I mean, I probably wouldn't mind it if a guy went down on me! You know, and ate me out! "You know, as in I could always close my eyes and pretend that he was a she! "But, I know one thing! I could never bring myself to the point where I could return the favor! You know, and go down on him! You know, because I just don't swing that way!" "So," Beth chimed in, "what you're saying is: you employ a healthy double standard when it comes to just who you will and won't have sex with?" "Yes! I most certainly do!" *** An hour or so later, as the two of them lay bare ass naked on the fake bearskin rug before a cozy fire, Beth heard herself tentatively ask, "Jo. *Kiss* This morning. *Kiss* When you went into the closet. *Kiss* And, got those magical high heels of yours. *Kiss* When you came back into the room. *Kiss* You also had *Kiss* a little blue velvet jewelry box *Kiss* with you. *Kiss* You know, *Kiss* that you *Kiss* placed on the bureau. *Kiss*" "Oh, shit. Damn if I didn't forgot all about that. You know, in - I guess you could say! - the heat of the moment. You know, what with you and your putting the make on me like you did." "Well, *Kiss* I was wondering. *Kiss* If you had intentions. *Kiss* Of giving me. *Kiss* Whatever it was that you had in that box." *Kiss* "Do you want an honesty answer?" "Well, of course I want an honesty answer, silly!" "Well, the answer to your question is: yes! What's in the box is definitely for you! And, yes! I had full intentions of giving it to you some time tonight! "However," Jo continued with an exasperated sigh, "I wanted to be a guy - You know, rather than a girl! - when I gave it to you! "I mean, that's why I was so worried about all the residual girl- time I was amassing this afternoon! You know, because I wanted everything to be perfect!" "Oh!" Beth gleefully exclaimed. "Everything is perfect! As perfect as perfect can be! I love you! You love me! I'm a bisexual! You're a heterosexual guy who can turn himself into a homosexual woman pretty much anytime you want to! "In other words, we have all the bases covered! You know, in so far as the rather convoluted sexual aspects of our relationship are concerned! "Then, when it comes to that friendship criteria of yours, you've got to admit that we have that covered six ways from Sunday! I mean, you're not only the best male friend I've ever had! But, you're also the best female friend I've ever had as well!" "That leaves only the financial aspect of our relationship to consider! And, as you know, while I freely admit that I enjoy creature comforts as well as the next person, I can be as frugal as get-out all when the need calls for it! Plus, given my savings and this fantastic house of yours, plus the fact that all three of our cars are paid for, we've got a pretty good nest egg to build on! "So, admit it, Jo! You and I are made for each other! "So, here's the deal! "Since you already know fully well what my answer's going to be, you either ask me to marry you in the next five minutes, or I'm going take the bull by the horns and ask you! "And, guess what, sweat cheeks! If I do - You know, ask you! - I'm not about to take 'no' for an answer!" Jo, aware that she had no recourse, excused herself and scampered upstairs and retrieved the small jewelry box. Returning a moment or so later, she knelt down on the edge of the bearskin rug and, looking Beth squarely in the eyes, opened the blue velvet box to reveal the engagement ring inside as she meekly intone, "Beth, would you do me the honor of marrying me?" "Oh, yes! I would love to be your wife! But, I will do so only if you return the favor by consenting to become both my husband and lesbian lover-girl! You know, until death do us part business comes into play..." Epilogue Later that evening, while the two of them lay lovingly entwined within the warm-fuzzes of yet another post-orgasmic embrace, the two of them decided that Sunday night would be the last night that the two of them slept apart. Starting Monday evening, Beth, though it would take almost a month and a half to complete the gradual process of relocating all of the personal stuff she planned on keeping, moved in with Joe. Six months later, though they considering themselves to be husband and wife already, the two of them were legally married in an intimate ceremony preside over by a minister who was a boyhood friend of Joe's. Then, still feeling as if he muffed-up the proposal business by being Jo at the time, Joe surprised the unsuspecting Mrs. Grant with a weeklong honeymoon in Niagara Falls. Beth, it should be noted, made doubly sure that those magical high heels of her husband's not only went along with them, but also saw quite of bit of use during their stay across the border in Canada. The End

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Free Use of Wife by Gynecologist

A woman was once told that sex during pregnancy was dangerous unless done in a very specific, careful way. This was something the average man was not qualified to do. This woman was an immigrant, did not speak much English, and tended to be trusting of Americans. The husband was a hard worker, but struggled to speak and understand English. The wife was told she was pregnant by her first American Gynecologist, Dr. Smith. The wife had regular visits with the doctor since that time. She was very...

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HotMovies Amateur

How porn is watched has changed a lot over the years. We now live in a golden, nay, a platinum era of porn where it is both free and plentiful. It would be harder to go a year without seeing any porn than going a year watching porn every day.The Hero We DeserveThat I ended up in this universe, on this planet, in this period of time makes me wonder if I'm the hero this world needs right now. A hero who provides order to the endless barrage of fantastic porn pouring out onto the digital streets...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Making an Amateur StrapOn Video

This trip wasn’t all that different from the typical business trip thus far. I was stuck at an airport hotel for several weeks while I served my client. I was terribly bored, although this time I had rented a car so that I wasn’t stuck. To ease my boredom, I had rented a couple videos from a local store, watched them, and was returning them. The variations that did exist from my typical trip, however, made it seem quite different. Instead of being stuck in a business hotel near the...

4 years ago
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Kelseys confessions Chapter 1 Christmas with my stepbrother

Kelsey’s confessions - Chapter 1 Chapter One - Christmas 2013 with my stepbrother – Introduction – How it started  It seems surreal to think a year has passed since that night, Christmas eve, 2013, when my world changed so quickly and dramatically. First let me introduce my stepbrother and myself. In virtually every aspect, Michael and I were normal, typical teenagers. Michael and I were close; we fought; we shared some things and we also kept other things quite private. There was nothing...

1 year ago
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PornHub Amateur

If you watch free porn on the internet (and, honestly, who the fuck doesn’t?), chances are you have jerked it to a video from Porn Hub before. It is my personal go-to tube of choice. You just can’t beat it [ha] in terms of variety and amount of content. Red Tube comes close, sure, but I think Red Tube is a little limited in its offerings. There is one aspect of Porn Hub that I think blows every other tube site out of the water: its enormous (and ever-growing) collection of user-uploaded,...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 12 Dinner with Catherine

As the flew back Catherine and Rebecka had their heads together whispering. Whatever Catherin was saying Rebecka kept shaking her head no. He watched as the maid finally gave in with a sigh. Jake wondered what it was about. He landed in the same place as before, and he and the marines assist the women out of the launch. As he was escorting the two up the front steps, Rebecka asked, “So Jake, do you plan on sleeping on the lady or are you going back to your ship?” Jake missed the next step....

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 26 Confession is Good For the Soul

January 23, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “So, about April?” Elyse asked at breakfast after my run with Jacquelyn. “You do not have the same privileges as Kara in that regard!” I chuckled. “But yes, of course I did! You know me.” “Good! That’s the kind of girl you need to find. Young, cute, fun, and willing. And without notions of a romantic relationship. Someone who doesn’t work for you, study karate with you, and is at least seventeen.” “I got it, Elyse. You and Kara made your points!” “Yes,...

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Timmys Confession

Timmy's Confession by Pamela ([email protected]) Harriet regarded her lingerie drawer. Her husband, John, was nearby in the bathroom brushing his teeth getting ready for bed. They had been out that evening at a dinner party with friends down the block. When they had gotten home their 10 year old son Timmy was sleeping peacefully in his bedroom. Ever since he had been eight they had felt OK to leave him without a sitter if they were just a few doors away in the...

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Tales of Ancient Rome 2 Salidia and Lydia

Synopsis: Using her lethal skills, a young, beautiful slave       rises to power in ancient Rome.  Tales 2 is a        character study of a complex and murderous femdom.        109 pgs.                Tales of Ancient Rome 2: Salidia and Lydia                                                by                                                TG                                          Chapter 1                                   Laying in Supplies        "Oh, this feels so good," Salidia...

1 year ago
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Tales Of Androgyny

If you have ever played a turn-based RPG and thought to yourself, “this, but with chicks with dicks,” first of all, splash some cold fucking water on your face. After that, consider yourself a porn prophet of debauchery, because that’s exactly the kind of game you are going to find in Tales of Androgyny. You won’t find any teenage male heroes here like in your favorite animes. This is all about exploring a world full of androgynies people that are as horny as they are hung.Before you jump into...

Free Sex Games
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Becoming an Owned Slut and an Amateur Pornstar

Elizabeth - Lizzy by her friends - forced herself to slow her breathing as she heard her phone buzz. The words of the online ad still filled her mind. I am looking for a submissive female. You must be obedient, and willing to please me. I will control some aspects of your life outside of our play sessions. But when you come over, I will control you completely. I will make you into my slut. And I will take sexual pictures and videos of you to post online. In return, I will mentor you in your...

2 years ago
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Famous amateur milf porn model Kimiko

Kimiko is a famous Japanese amateur porn model. you can see her in my Gallery "Japanese playboy Nory and Kimiko, famous amature milf." Yes, you may use our sex pictures as adult website banner/background or other images, upload to website etc. We never insist any reward. But I am happy if you let me know Link to websites you have created or uploaded with our sex pictures through Message of xhamster here. I met her on an internet personal website. Webmaster of the website had two...

4 years ago
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Amateur video obsession

I have always loved looking at porn, my dad had a huge collection of videos and magazines so it was always easy enough to borrow a film or magazine. These days it’s so easy to watch porn, too easy possibly, but over the years has led me to explore the world of available adult content. Now I find myself mainly drawn to the more amateur videos, it all seems a little more ‘real’ than the standard porno king/queen approach. This has also led me to becoming quite interested in amateur housewife...

1 year ago
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Amateur Night

It was one of those nights where my girlfriend and me went for happy hour in the afternoon. We got pretty buzzed by 8 pm. We were on the way back home and took a detour to avoid traffic. In the path of the detour was a strip joint. My girl egged me on about visiting the strip joint and thought it would adventurous for both of us. I always complained about me and her being kinky and doing wild things. She wanted to prove she isn’t prude with me. She was feeling tipsy and it helped in her opening...

Cheating Wifes
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As usual I am ordered to remove my clothing in the ante-room I enter the cathedral by one of the many discreet side doors that pepper the massive stone structure. I am admitted by one of the older acolytes. She refuses eye contact but peers briefly around the heavy door before ushering me in and then gently closing and bolting it. The air inside the old cathedral is noticeably colder. The acolyte leads me down several flights of stone stairs into the bowels of the building. Eventually we...

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Freddy in the Bathroom My Wifes Confession

Introduction: This story is all about the unexpected confession that my wife, Bea (not her real name), made to me one afternoon, when she described for me in detail how she had lost her virginity to an older teenage boy who had forced his intentions on her, back when she was a young lady. * * * * * Authors Note: Although I wrote this story in such a way that it can be read as a stand-alone story, it is really meant to act as a companion story (a sequel) to the Freddy in the Bathroom:...

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A Brothers Confession Part 1

"Damn, she is so sexy. She doesn't know it yet, but she's gonna be my girl," thought Caleb Green.He and his family were at the kitchen table eating breakfast, but little did the rest of his family know that he was fantasizing about his twin sister, Kiera. He had been attracted to her for quite some time now. He was way beyond just liking her. At this point, he was in love with her, absolutely 110% in love, and he knew it. That night was the homecoming dance and he was the front runner for...

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Shagging in the Confession Box

I was in the confession box having a wank. I knew it was fucked up but it was the only goddamn place I could do it in the church after hours. I was at a church retreat with my catholic high school. This is what you get with Catholics. Instead of a night partying you have to get locked in a fucking cathedral on a Friday because of Jesus or some stupid shit. So I'm having a wank in the confession box, and I hear some shuffling. A woman's talking, and she's saying "father forgive me for the...

2 years ago
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Tales of the RAC 2 The Yards

Tales of the Restored American Commonwealth4072:  The YardsByEmily DanielsTales of the RAC: 4072: The Yards Chapter 1:  The Verdict Chapter 2: The Yards The Yards is the second chapter in the 4072 saga of the Tales of the Restored American Commonwealth.  The story begins with 4072: The Verdict.  If you would like to know more about the setting of the Restored American Commonwealth you can learn about it, purchase previous chapters and interact with characters by going to...

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Freddy in the Bathroom My Wifes Confession

Author's Note: Although I wrote this story in such a way that it can be read as a stand-alone story, it is really meant to act as a companion story (a sequel) to the “Freddy in the Bathroom: Virginity Rubbed Away” story, which has already been posted to this same website by my better half. So I would highly recommend that you read that story first, before you read this one. * * * * * Freddy in the Bathroom: My Wife's Confession by rat_race * * * * * “How would you feel if you found...

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Playing with the ParkersChapter 12 Confession is Good for the Soul

Once again the working week dragged by as I waited, with barely contained anticipation, for another insane night of runaway sexuality with Louise and Don. Louise and I talked about virtually nothing else at lunch for the entire week. She was almost as excited as I was by the prospect. "It's a helluva turn-on," she agreed. "I thought Don was gonna kill me, that night in bed, after we'd taken all those pictures." "Well, I really meant it about taking a lot fewer shots this time," I...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Tales of Ancient Rome 3 Lions in the Valley

Synopsis: Salidia's Little Lion, Lydia, sparks a fight with neighbors, and she picks up a bow to become Hell on Horseback to protect those she loves.  Out of the fires of this conflict, they forge the place that became known as the Valley of the Amazons.  Action story with Femdom leads. `165 pgs.        Tales of Ancient Rome 3: Lions in the Valley                                          By                                          TG                                    Chapter 1                ...

4 years ago
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The Oscar For The Best New Amateur Porn Star Is DANA

After I gave Dana the new swimwear, I began taking pictures of her in the various suits. Dana told me that she was uncomfortable when I took pictures. She was afraid that someone would see the photos. I explained to her that the pictures were for my private collection and would be kept with her favorite toys. Dana seemed okay with the idea because I also agreed to keep the cameras in the same place.  I was starting to become a decent amateur photographer and Dana was warming up to the idea of a...

Love Stories
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My wifes confession

My wife makes a confessionBy Chris Christopher, All rights reservedOver the holidays my wife decided to read a few of the stories I have written and posted on xHamster. That got us talking about the good old days. She brought up something that I had forgotten about along with something that she said I had never known about. She said that there was something that she wanted to confess about our agreement to only play around if we were both playing in the same room. But before I tell you what she...

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A Vengeful Confession

She hated seeing them together ;she had met him first and thought she could take her time to woo him,but she should have known,her so called friend was quick off the mark and before long they were sharing a bed together. Now Sanne was very angry as she walked towards the Chapel ,she was determined to get her friend and him in trouble. It had only been six months since Sanne and her so called friend Lisa had been selected to travel from the Netherlands to spend a year at St.Angela's College.They...

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True Amateurs

Interested in some premium real amateur porn at TrueAmateurs? Those of you who have been following my reviews know by now that I am a huge fan of wild amateur and homemade porn. I love professional studio porn, obviously, as well, but it is a completely different kind of love. It’s almost like I find myself in two different types of horniness—one that professional porn will do the trick for; another that can only be cured by watching sexy amateur girls getting fucked. It all really just depends...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites

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