Birthday Presents free porn video

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Birthday Presents

[It's Cat's birthday! And Jade, being the sullen girlfriend she is, has thrown her a birthday party, albeit with a monotone cry of 'surprise'. But Cat has her own gift to give.]

"Happy birthday, Cat!"

The petite girl jumped in surprise, hands muffling the squeal she let out. She bounced excitedly, wide eyes roaming over the streamer-strewn, brightly decorated room. "You guys!"

She rushed forward, arms outstretched, hugging her group of friends tightly as they responded with just as much enthusiasm. All except Robbie, who was sort of stiff and uncomfortable, as he was in most situations. But Rex's tight, wooden embrace more than made up for it.

Cat turned to the waiting Jade, where she stood at the entrance, edges of a smile on her lips. "You did this?"

"Well..." Jade shrugged, picking an imaginary speck off her dark top.

"You did this?" Cat bounced on her toes, voice growing in volume. She practically threw herself at the taller girl, planting a series of soft kisses wherever her lips could reach. The others stared for a moment before awkwardly clearing their throats and turning away, threads of conversation starting.

Ever since Cat and Jade had started dating, the group had seen more than their fair share of Cat's natural affinity for affection. In fact, they'd seen how very lavish it was. And how very public.

"Cat, I didn't-"

"You did this?"

"Sure. I did this." Jade placated the red-headed girl, hands planted on her thin shoulders.

"Hey! We're the ones who did all the work!" Tori called out indignantly, a dip laden chip wavering near her mouth, eyebrows arrowed.

"It's called delegating, Vega. You were just the muscle."

Cat grinned at the bitter girl, arms still wrapped around her waist. Dating Jade was like dating a snake. Sure, she was cold, and scary, and had the potential to kill you. And often, the will to. But she was beautiful, and if you put her in the sun, she warmed right up. It just so happened that Cat was her sun, and she could make Jade's blood beat hot. And, just like a snake Jade was often misunderstood. Partly because she liked it that way. But Cat had learned to duck the barbs, the sharp insults, and calm the hissing, sinuous creature behind them. If Cat had been born somewhere else, she might've become a snake handler.

"You're so nice to me!" She snuggled her head into Jade's chest, the brunette girl smirking, hands smoothing over Cat's t-shirt clad shoulder blades.

"You haven't even seen your presents yet."

The shorter girl drew back, chocolate coloured eyes wide, lower lip trembling. "Presents?"

Jade hid a smile. Cat had given her the exact same look when she'd told the red-headed girl there was a kitten, puppy, and ice cream parade happening in the next street over. Hopefully the tear-filled pout wasn't to follow this time though, considering there actually were presents for her. She'd even hired Poocho the wonder pup to come to this stupid party. She wasn't sure what the hell the dog could do that was so special, but Cat hadn't stopped singing its theme song for weeks. Jade was pretty sure it was inscribed on the inside of her skull by now. It was the soundtrack to her nightmares.

She was glad to see that Cat was happy, even if by all appearances the West girl was bored and more than a little annoyed at all the fawning and general foppery going on. It made all the effort, and all the pain of talking to Tori, almost worth it. Those hours spent planning with Tori were time she'd never get back though. But at least she'd spiked every drink she'd ever offered Tori.

Parties weren't her thing. Largely because they involved people, and people were most definitely not her thing. They also tended to involve bright colours. It was like a grater grinding over her eyes. Every gaudy streamer, every garish balloon just prickled over her corneas. They were all so... obnoxious. But it made Cat happy, so that was enough to put up with it for one day. And Jade was generally happy that Cat had been born. So she supposed there was a point in celebrating it, even if she did hate it. It was a day about Cat, after all.

She sighed as a sharp rap sounded from her front door, followed by a high-pitched bark. She'd better go let Poocho in before he soiled the lawn.

* * *

"Oh, great." Jade surveyed the damage done to her living room, hands on her hips. A torn streamer fluttered gently in the air conditioning, a few balloons bobbing like tumbleweeds across the desolate floor. She wouldn't have put it past the others to leave without cleaning a damn thing up... but Tori? That was a bit of a surprise. That girl loved to do anything that made her look good. But she supposed Tori was probably still upset after Poocho had lost control of his wonder pup bladder while seated on her lap. Jade grinned at the memory. The party had gone better than she'd hoped. Cat had gasped over every present, tears shining in her eyes, hands sweeping her ruby hair forward in excitement, over and over. The normally cheerful girl was ecstatic, hands constantly touching everything in wonder. And especially touching Jade, as if to remind herself it was all the taller girl's doing.

Jade sighed, bending to pick up a tattered streamer. She might as well get started on the clean-up.

Her front door shut with a loud click, Cat calling out a farewell before skipping into the living room, plastic cup rolling across the carpet as her foot came into contact with it. She froze as she saw Jade, the West girl's fists full of paper. "Whatcha doing?"

Jade raised a studded eyebrow. "What's it look like? I'm cleaning up."

Cat giggled, hands linked behind her back, blue t-shirt stretched tight over her chest. "But the party's not over yet!"

Jade looked around. "Everyone's gone."

Cat shook her head, yellow party hat trembling where it perched on her ruby hair. "Nuh uh. I'm still here, and you're still here."

"You can't have a party with two people, Cat."

"But if you're the only one I want at my party, and you're here, doesn't that still make it a party?"

Jade shrugged. Cat's logic was hard to follow at the best of times. Usually because it was only logical to her. Logic itself would've burst out laughing at some of her ideas, but luckily, it tended to keep far away from Cat. "Sure. Why not?"

Cat clapped softly, letting out a soft yay. "Jade... did you have a present for me?"

Jade straightened, muscle underneath her eye twitching. "The party was the present." The torn streamers fluttered from her hand as her fist unclenched. "The wonder pup was the present too. Everything was my present to you."

Cat's eyebrows turned up. "But I want another one."

Jade ran her fingers through her hair, letting out a long breath. It was still Cat's day. She didn't need to ruin it now with an act of extreme vi*lence. Plus Tori wasn't here, and vi*lence just wasn't the same if it wasn't happening to her. "Fine. Close your eyes."

Cat grinned, acquiescing, dark lashes matting as her eyes closed. Her hands tugged at the bottom of her blue shirt as she waited impatiently. Jade moved to the smaller girl and stilled her excited hands with her own. A curled finger tilted Cat's chin up. Jade studied the smiling girl for a moment before leaning in and planting a soft kiss on her pink lips. "Happy birthday." Jade said quietly, before pulling back, voice flat. "That's all you're getting."

Cat's eyes flickered open, a soft smile spreading across her lips. "Do you want your present now?"

"What are you talking about?"

Cat looked around at the messy room. "You did all this for me. You even got Poocho, and he is a big name star."

"So? It's your birthday."

Cat smiled. "You hated it."

Jade raised an eyebrow, arms crossing. "No, it was... it was nice."

"You hated it." Cat stated. "The whole time, you were like this-" Cat pulled an angry face, puckering her lips and raking her fingers into claws.

Jade shrugged. "Look, I'm sorry if I couldn't pretend to like all this stuff. It's just... it's not me. And Poocho crapped on the rug."

Cat shook her head. "You don't have to pretend to like it. You like me, and that's all that matters, right?" She smiled beatifically, eyes lowered. "You did all this for me, because you like me." She raised her gaze back to Jade. "So I should do something for you too."

"Fine. Did you wanna go out for coffee, or-" Jade froze as Cat's hand slid over the front of her black jeans, hips twitching as Cat's nails skated between her legs. "Oh. That kind of gift."

Cat leaned in, planting a soft kiss on Jade's neck. "Mhm." She murmured. She rubbed her fingers over the seam of Jade's jeans, smiling at the slight shiver that ran through the girl. "You like it?"

"Beats mine." Jade's lips found Cat's, clashing together hotly, the West girl's hand threading through Cat's blood-red hair. She was f*rced to break the kiss as Cat's fingers rubbed harder, teasing even through the denim. She f*rced herself to take a step back, body cooling as it lost the warmth of Cat's slight frame. "My room. I want to unwrap my present."

Cat giggled, Jade taking her hand and leading her down the hall, trashed room forgotten. Not that Jade's room looked terribly different, littered with dirty clothes as it was. Cat's shirt was quick to join them, Jade's hands tracing over the long collarbones that curved above her chest. Cat's denim shorts were easy to undo, falling to the carpet, Cat stepping daintily out of them.

Cat's fingers were almost ticklish as they tugged at Jade's clothes, fingertips brushing Jade's ribs gently, dark against the porcelain skin. That was one thing Cat liked about Jade. Her skin was flawless. Once, when Jade had been sle*ping, Cat had rummaged in her overnight bag and gotten out a small plastic polar bear, perching him on the undulating planes of Jade's naked body. He'd been a bear alone in the tundra. Until Cat brought out her plastic seal. Jade was less than amused when she awoke to find her body littered with small toys, Cat making soft noises as they battled each other.

She checked Cat's overnight bag every time now, just in case.

Cat's nails circled the ice hole of Jade's stomach, where Larry the seal had once surfaced from, before dipping down further, popping open the button to Jade's tight jeans. With a bit of shimmying on Jade's part, they peeled off, leaving the two in their contrasting underwear. Jade made up of black and white, Cat, a vibrant rainbow.

Jade had been initially sceptical of dating Cat. Sure, she loved Cat as a friend, but the girl was a pushover. Still, Cat's first kiss had sent her spinning, so she'd taken a wait and see attitude. It wasn't until Jade actually tried to push that she found the steel in Cat, buried deep under the candy cotton and kitten whiskers. Cat was surprisingly stubborn at times, and nowhere more so than the bedroom. Jade had been prepared for a long, slow courtship, but the first time she'd made it into Cat's bedroom was also the first time she'd been naked in Cat's bedroom. The girl had a way with words. Soft, seductive words that were just as effective as hands in removing clothes.

Those same words now caressed Jade's ears, spoken in a soft, sweet voice, followed by a giggle. It didn't take much manoeuvring from Cat to get the West girl on her bed, with Cat's knee sliding teasingly over her black underwear. Cat's small hands massaged the brunette's bra-clad breasts, lips tracing Jade's jawline, hovering over her pulse point. She sucked softly at the thin, throbbing skin, Jade gasping at the assault on her body.

Cat giggled, knee still brushing agonisingly between Jade's legs. "More?"

If there was one thing Jade hated (and there were many), it was admitting she needed something. It was just so... weak. Tori was always asking people for help. She couldn't do a damn thing on her own. Jade suspected Tori couldn't even make it to the bathroom by herself. But Cat's touches had ignited a fire, which, if not sated, would never be quenched, even if Jade took matters into her own hands. It just wasn't as satisfying, panting over your own hand. She gave a short nod, tongue running out over her lips.

Cat planted another soft kiss on Jade's throat, hand sliding over the brunette's shivering stomach. Cat's fingers knew their way almost instinctively now, dipping underneath the black underwear to touch Jade directly. Her fingertips were quick to find the hardened nub, Jade letting out a soft moan as Cat's fingers rubbed insistently. They traced intricate patterns, flicking back and forth like Jade was a light switch. On. Off. On. Off. And it wouldn't take much more for her to blow, to burn out her tightly wound coil.

"More?" Cat panted softly in Jade's ear, the brunette's eyes opening, teeth sliding away from where they pinned her lower lip.

"More." The word was unsteady, punctuated with a soft gasp as Cat's hand moved down further, two fingers sliding into the brunette easily. They twisted expertly inside the older girl, her hips bucking off the bed, eyes shut tight.

A smile dripped from Cat's lips. It was nice being able to unwind all Jade's tight strings. She was always so rigid, so sharp. It made Cat pleased to soften her, to pull the rod from her spine and let her collapse. Her fingers thrust harder inside the brunette girl, forcing a loud moan from her, cut with Cat's name. The red-haired girl's teeth scrap*d Jade's collarbone, nipping lightly before moving to her throat, feeling the moans vibrate against her lips. As quickly as she'd unwound all of Jade's wires, she was steadily tightening them again, Jade's muscles starting to tense as she twisted them to snapping. A few more hard strokes, and Jade's back was arching off the mattress, a choked breath paralysing her, muscles trembling.

She lay panting as Cat pulled her fingers away, grinning at the satisfied girl. "Good gift, huh?"

Jade let her head drop back to her pillow, breath calming in her lungs. "Yeah. Shame I can't return it."

Cat's eyebrows quivered, lower lip pouting. "Why not?"

Jade chuckled. "Someone's gotta clean up. And I know it's not going to be you. Remember the last time?"

Cat did remember…

There'd been so much broken glass.

"But I'm going to need a shower afterwards. And then..." She raised a studded eyebrow at the petite girl.

Cat bounced excitedly on the bed. "Bonus birthday present?"

Jade nodded, hands propped behind her head. "One for every year."

Cat tilted her head. "One what?" Jade smiled at her, a look of understanding spreading across Cat's face, followed by widened eyes and a slow blush. "Oh. That's a lot." She blinked, gaze distant. She gave her head a shake, nudging Jade's thigh. "Go clean up! Quick!"

As far as birthdays go, it might not have been the best one ever. But it'd been the most fun Jade had had in a while. Cat had a habit of making Jade forget how much she hated everything. Maybe because it was impossible to hate something when Cat was there batting her eyelashes and clapping her hands. Either, her reward was well-worth the effort.

She'd have to do this again next year.

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer: All sex is between characters over 18. Enjoy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are times when I love the travel that comes with my job, and there are times I don’t. I travel every week, more or less, getting to be home every weekend. On the plus side: Seeing new cities, visiting different companies and helping them with their tech problems, getting them solved and then moving on. Meeting new people. Frequent flier miles that let you take great vacations inexpensively,...

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Birthday Surprise

On the day prior to my birthday in early December I flew to Chicago for a meeting with a major prospective customer. I would have to spend the night, and do the meeting on my Birthday, flying home that evening if all went well. Not the best way to spend a birthday evening but it was a big deal and celebrations were planned for the weekend anyway. With much thanks from the sales VP and the rep on that account, off I went. I woke the next morning to snow. Not a huge storm, early winter, Chicago,...

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Birthday Present

BIRTHDAY PRESENT I wanted to make his birthday one he would always remember because I felt I owed him so much. He always catered to me and treated me well on my birthdays so this was my turn. We had dinner reservations and I offered to drive. I didn’t wear anything special, just a nicely tailored navy mini skirt and a pale blue silk blouse that was sexy but not overtly sexual. He wore a dark suit and turtleneck. Since this was his birthday but my plans… both of us were commando. I told him it...

2 years ago
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Birthday Present

it was my girlfriend’s birthday and I wanted to give her a present which she would never forget. I thought I should make this experience about her. I called her up on her birthday, wished her and asked her to meet me and spend some alone time with me. She wanted to spend the day enjoying with all her friends. It took some time to persuade her to spend some alone time and in the end she agreed for it. I went to pick her up and saw her and she had her hair open, slightly curved and dropping just...

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Birthday Present

Hi, all ISS readers. Hope you enjoy this hot story and it was my girlfriend’s birthday and I wanted to give her a present which she would never forget. I thought I should make this experience about her. I called her up on her birthday, wished her and asked her to meet me and spend some alone time with me. She wanted to spend the day enjoying with all her friends. It took some time to persuade her to spend some alone time and in the end she agreed for it. I went to pick her up and saw her and...

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Birthday surprise1

As he walks into the house he hears the laughter and talking of not one woman but two. Kevia steps out of the kitchen saying "Hey birthday boy. We're in here. Dinner is just about done." We? thought Adam. Thought it'd be just us but us but what the hell. The more the merrier right? Adam strolled into the kitchen to find Kevia's good friend Carrie sitting at the table. Carrie was a beautiful woman in her own right. Fiery red hair and bright green eyes. She had a slighter build than Kevia....

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“Happy Birthday, baby,” Dad whispered, planting a soft kiss on the top of my head. My cake, a pink monstrosity of gargantuan proportions, had eighteen candles. I’d counted them ten times already in my head, still not quite believing that the big day had finally arrived. As with all special days, I was having to share this wonderful experience with my sister, Megan. She sat moodily at the far end of the small, wooden kitchen table with her head in her hands. I was fairly certain from her...

3 years ago
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Birthday Invitation And Unplanned Gangbang

Dear friends, This is my third story in ISS. Our threesome with Pramod and Rajesh had spiced up our sex life tremendously. Our experiences with both of them were fulfilling and it gave us a lot of confidence. Although we ventured twice in 2 months at an average but whenever we did, the aftermath of the same remained with us for weeks to come. The experiences turned out to be better than our expectation and since the safety and security was top priority, it ensured we have the best experience....

4 years ago
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The first time Jamie saw his mother naked had been a life altering moment for him. And it left a permanent scar in his barely pubescent brain. He remembered it like it was yesterday. He had been ten years old and just entering into puberty. He was discovering that there was a big difference between boys and girls . . . and women, too, for that matter. And on that fateful day, he had discovered that his mother was definitely very much a woman and a very pretty one, too. He had been lollygagging...

3 years ago
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Birthday suit

my smartphone phone rang on my 43rd birthday. I don't have many friends so i was wondering who could it be calling me."hello?" I answered."are you williacj?" a sweet voice asked."yes this is him" i replied " this is Kellie Pickler from pickler and ben.""hey Kellie wow um kind of surprised to hear from you."i saidwell i heard that you're a big fan of the show and i decided to call you up and wish you a very happy birthday, what'cha got planned on your big day?" she asked“well i planned to hang...

2 years ago
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Birthday Present for Wife

"So?" I asked cryptically when I opened the door. "So?" he mimicked my tone and a sly smirk formed on his lips. "Oh come on. You have to tell me what it is?" I pouted. "It's my birthday. I deserve to know." He stepped through the doorway, closed the door behind him, and then pressed me up against the wall with his lips on mine. I inhaled the woody scent of his cologne as we tasted each other. My pussy quivered in excitement; the heat of arousal brewed between my legs. He...

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Birthday Buddies

Friday, 17 January 2020 - the afternoon“Mmmm,” purred the elfin bottom boi.“Ahhhhh,” grunted the much larger man.The effeminate sissy was riding the biracial’s man’s eight-by-six rod. The guy clawed at the punk’s tender butt cheeks with both of his large, cracked hands. He squeezed and kneaded them. His short fingernails dug into the soft yet firm flesh. He slammed his powerful thighs into the younger slut’s backside.The sounds of intense lip smacking was likely audible two doors down. “Mmhmm,”...

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Birthday Tease

The doorbell rang. "Can you get that, honey?" my wife asked as she busily prepared appetizers. Our good friend Kim was coming over for her birthday dinner. Recently divorced and gorgeous, she'd been our close friend for years. My wife was well aware of the sexual attraction between Kim and me, but since it was just a harmless flirtation she did nothing to discourage it. In fact, she seemed to enjoy it. I opened the door and invited Kim inside. "Happy birthday!" I said as we met in a warm hug....

2 years ago
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Birthday Sex With The Hot Office Girl

Hello, everyone! I am Kritesh Roy. I am 26 years old, IT professional, working in Sapient, and based out of Gurgaon. I am smart. I go to the gym. I am good at football. All in all, I am the hot hunk girls want to hang out with. But surprisingly enough, I am single. Not because I couldn’t find a girl. But I hate commitments. But there is this girl, Reetuparna Mukherjee, who is a colleague. She is so fucking amazing, I had been trying to flirt with her since she joined this company as a...

4 years ago
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Birthday Gift 8211 To Her Or To Me 8211 Part 2

Quick recap (I still strongly recommend to read the Part1): I (Imran) and my closest friend Shabuddin (Shabu) planned to fuck the brains out of my long term chat friend Meghna (Megi / Megs), on her 22nd birthday. She has the curves that even a man of 60’s could die for. I’m a recent pass out of a prestigious Engineering college and got a campus job in an MNC, with a great salary. Shabu is my classmate and childhood friend, who is also working in an MNC. We stay in Mysore and my would be bitch,...

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The Curious Adventures of Teaganella Presents

A Requiem of My DreamsFor the readers who have followed the Curious Adventures of Teaganella Presents, from the beginning, then you know what happened in the last episode. And for the ones who read the Babysitter, part I and II, those two stories are more fiction about myself, yet with the non-fiction influence of my older sister and the lifestyle I witnessed in our house. I must make it clear that whatever happened in the Babysitter series, did not happen to me. What happened in the last...

2 years ago
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Birthday Present

It was early in the morning one day after my birthday. I was at my ex boyfriend front door and his phone was ringing and I could hear it through the door. Hi what is it? He replied sleepily will you open the door? Suddenly the call ended and I heard footsteps and the sound of keys. The lock clicked and the big wooden door opened. What are you doing here? He asked with a big smile on his face. It was my birthday yesterday. Don’t you remember? You promised me a present if I came. I said it just...

2 years ago
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Birthday Surprise

I remember that hot August day. It was my sixteenth birthday and I was so ready to have fun. I had all my day planned out. I was going to spend some time with the family first and then go out at night with my best friend Jill who was sixteen and already had her drivers license. I woke up about 8am that day. It was a Wednesday, and I was ready for my family to give me a birthday hug. I went to go take a cold shower first and got dressed. I deciced to wear my red halter top and white shorts with...

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Birthday Surprise

On the day of her eighteenth birthday, Tori Vega awoke to darkness.She frowned, slowly bubbling to consciousness, raising a hand to swat at the material covering her eyes, only to realise her other hand was jerked up with it. Tori lay still for a moment, mind working. She flexed her wrists, silky material twisting over them. So she was blindfolded. And bound. She knew that much. Maybe this was some kind of birthday prank or something. Or a surprise. She didn't put it past her friends to do...

3 years ago
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Birthday gift for Jim

Birthday gift for JimOk for those who haven't read my previous stories some quick background info:I live with 2 roommates a guy "Sam" and a girl "Nicky"I have a girlfriend "Sue" who doesn't live with me but is always around. Recently me and my girlfriend started trying out new things in bed which led me to become a bottom for Sam and Nicky became my mistress, also Sam fucks my girlfriend frequently with me sometimes watching or joining.This story starts with me, my girlfriend, and Sam hanging...

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Birthday Gift From My Sexy Bhabhi

Hey everyone. I am Varun 18 yrs old from Kanpur. This a story of how my bhabhi seduced me to fuck her. Her name is Ragini (real name). She is a sex bomb. She is white in colour with body measurements 34-26-36 of 29 yrs. She married to my bhaiya 3 yrs ago. Toh app logo ko zyada bore na karte hue mai apni story pr aata hu. Ye baat september 2016 ki hai. Jab mujhe kanpur se delhi jaana tha 1 week ke liye. Toh mere dad ne bhaiya se baat kri ki mai 1 hafte ke liye unke ghr pr aauga. 1 september 2016...

4 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 31 Presents

I picked Cathy up from her house just after 8:30; as she slid into seat she gave me a big, passionate kiss. “Where to first?” she asked. “I was thinking about Warriewood,” I replied, as we headed up Mona Vale road. “There are lots of places there, provided we don’t trespass on one of the market gardens.” We headed up a side street from McPherson Street, towards the Catholic girl’s school, “Mater Maria”. Being school holidays, the place was deserted, of course. We parked under a tree,...

3 years ago
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BIRTHDAY WISH gone wrong

Both our families got stationed to the Northwoods within months of each other, and we lived on the same street. I met Tina almost as soon as we moved to the neighborhood, as we had to go by her house walking our children to elementary school. It wasn’t long that our children were playing, and Tian and I chatted almost daily over coffee, and reviewing our children’s homework. It wasn’t long before family BBQs, or evening card games and a few drinks seemed to be our routine. I was shocked...

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Birthday surprises

Ever since the night of my eighteen birthday when my brother popped my cherry, weve had a standing date every April 30th, and sure enough, the highlight of every birthday is when Lucas shows up. That statement might freak people out, but were not weird of anything, its just become sort of a traditional thing. Im not exactly what you would call a classic beauty. Ive got frizzy burnt orange hair and I was cursed with my mothers slim, boyish hips, and flat chest. Combine that with a body covered...

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Birthday Work Slave

Ann has been my very loyal and hard working secretary for quite a few years and she has become a very good friend as well. I hired her while she was still going to college and she’s been with me ever since. Over time, we’ve celebrated our successes and we’ve comforted each other when things aren’t going well. During her employment, my wife has also befriended her and I know her husband quite well too. She’s about ten years younger than I, so we’ve watched their two k**s grow up move out to...

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Birthday Wishes Like Brother Like Sister

Birthday Wishes: Like Brother Like Sister. By: Tiffany Taylor Copyright 2008 "You know I'm not who I appear to be. Things weren't always as easy for me as they are now with dealing with this but after two years things aren't as bad as they were at first. You probably won't believe my tale at all anyway, but I'm warning you now magic is real. I've learned the hard way and now believe all those stories about wizards and waterparks that I've read all about." "Before I go any...

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Birthday Gift Leads To Kiss

Hi guys. This is rohan(name changed) from delhi. I have been reading iss for quite some time and have finally decided to share experiences that i have had in my life. Firstly, about myself. I m 28 years old 5ft 11 inches tall. I wont boast of a very handsome and physically sound physique. I am normal in looks and have a normal body. Now coming to the story. I m a teacher by profession.I generally do not take private tuition but it once happened that i was persuaded by a lady of my neighborhood...

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Birthday Trip M0M

Chapter 01: The Journey is The Reward.My name is Tom. This summer my Mom (41) and Dad (46) took me to a trip to Europe for my 18th birthday. I wanted to visit Europe for a long time, so my parents knew how much it meant to me. Although I wasn't thrilled that they bought three tickets. I wanted to go alone. Spending the summer with my parents didn't sound all that exciting. But they bought the tickets... and it was still a trip to Europe, so I couldn't say no to that.Although, the timing of the...

1 year ago
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Birthday Boy

Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Ross, Happy birthday to you... birthday boy! 01 of 12: Just another Saturday night. Ross hung his head, his heart was pounding and an overwhelming sick feeling threatened to swamp his stomach. Naked, gagged and huddled on the floor in the corner of his own bedroom with his hands handcuffed behind his back, Ross couldn't believe this was happening! He couldn't believe that his wife, Debra was doing this diabolical thing to him!...


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