Alpha & Omega free porn video

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I wasn't just a little nervous; I was in absolute panic over the unknown that I was about to face.

My name is John and I'm a freshman at Grayson College. Most people haven't heard of Grayson, but it's existed for over fifty years. The college is located in the Northeast and has demanding entrance requirements—top grades in high school, very high SAT scores, extra curricular activity a definite plus. The only exception to their purely quantitative admission criteria is that past family alumni count in the admission criteria. My older sister had graduated from Grayson four years earlier, and she strongly encouraged me to go to her old school. I'm sure her letter to the admission committee helped, since I was accepted.

Grayson is intellectually challenging with a slightly liberal tilt politically and a very liberal tilt sexually. Its policy on sexual activity is well past the point of condoning and strongly approaches encouragement. There are twenty-four hour visitation rights from the first day. Freshmen have to room with a person of the same sex, but after the first year you have the option of a roommate of your choice regardless of gender. The college swimming pool is clothing optional, as is the sun deck above the gym.

The first semester at college was a heavy scholastic load for all the freshmen. In addition to the normal basic introductory courses that would weed out the lazy and the misfits, each freshman was required to take an intensive sex education course. Heavy reading, a term paper, and videos were all part of the class. Women were strongly encouraged to begin birth control and all students were required to have STD tests periodically.

I was buried that first semester—homesick, barely passing some of my classes because of poor study habits, and no real friends since shyness seems to be one of my more dominant character traits.

My shyness came in two categories. With men I rarely initiated a conversation, but once I became comfortable with them, most of my inhibitions would disappear. With women my shyness was a total disaster; when I met the same woman the second time, I was as big a klutz as if we had just met. I was an anomaly since my whole family was outgoing except for the youngest child, which happened to be me.

Halfway through the first semester things began to improve as my study habits got better and college life slowly became comfortable, or at least predictable. However, nothing cured my shyness.

Finals came and I scored higher than I expected, and when the semester ended I headed home for the holidays. On Christmas Eve we had the traditional family party.

My older sister Carol, the Grayson graduate, was at the party. She was a great older sister, always laughing and kidding, and a bit of an exhibitionist. She had a terrific figure with big breasts that she always flaunted to tease me. When she pushed me to go to Grayson she kept telling me that if any college could get me out of my personal little shell, it would be her college. She pointed out that she met her husband Gene at Grayson.

When she saw me she asked, "Well doesn't your big sister get a hug?"

I started to hug her and she pulled me tight and ground my chest against her breasts and giggled when I blushed. She teased, "Got you again; you're so cute when you blush."

Later in the evening Carol asked me, "Are you going to rush the clubs next semester?"

There are no fraternities or sororities at Grayson. The equivalent was the clubs. The college rule was that there couldn't be more than forty members per club. Although the club could have a house for meetings and parties, dormitory living was still required of all students. What had evolved over the decades was that a club was either all male or all female, but each male club had a female club partnership. My sister had been an Omega; the partner male club for Omega was Alpha.

Grayson did not allow club membership during the first semester on the theory that too many new and demanding requirements were being put on the incoming freshman already, and so rush was delayed until the beginning of the second semester.

I blushed a little and said to Carol, "I don't think any club would take me; I barely know the people in my dorm."

Carol teased, "The old shyness thing again I bet."

I nodded yes.

She said, "Before you say no to the clubs without even trying, promise me that you at least go to rush just for the experience. And if you do, you have to choose Alpha as one of the ones you try."

I muttered something that might have been a yes, but Carol kept bugging me until she finally got me to promise I would go to rush.

I did rush. It was a three-night affair. The first night I went to four different clubs spending about forty-five minutes at each club. I was nervous and quiet at the first two clubs, but opened up at the third club, and actually enjoyed myself a little at the fourth club, which was Alpha.

Not surprisingly, I was not invited back to either of the first two clubs, but I did receive an invitation from the third club and from Alpha.

The second night went a little better; I spent two hours at each club. At Alpha I got into the middle of a somewhat spirited political discussion and held my own against some of the club members. Towards the end of the night I met a senior named Dave who was extremely friendly and had me talking about my career goals, courses I was taking, and my impression of Grayson so far. We got along fine—not as a senior talking to a freshman, but rather as two friends having a discussion.

I waited nervously during the third day. The third club didn't invite me back for the final night, but Alpha sent me an invitation for the last night of rush. I spent four hours at Alpha that night and was comfortable talking to the club members, most of whom I now knew by sight and some by name.

During the night a trivia contest had started and I was invited to join in. Trivia is one of my things, so it turned out well for me as I scored more points for my side than any other person. Dave came over to watch the game and eventually said, "Okay guys. This is the last night of rush so kill the game and make sure you talk to everyone that we invited."

He looked at me and grinned as he said, "And John, make sure you speak to each of the club brothers before you go. This is the last night."

I went back to the dorm that evening and thought, "I really hope they invite me to join Alpha. They're nice guys."

I checked my mailbox three times the next day. Finally, the mail came and there was a small envelope included in my mail—it was an invitation to join Alpha!

The Alpha pledge class met the next Saturday morning. We were told the rules of the club, what was expected of us as pledges, and that we would become full-fledged club brothers after about eight weeks of pledging. We were all assigned a big brother—mine was Dave who also happened to be the Vice-President of Alpha.

Big brothers were responsible for us in many ways. Scholastically they made sure that pledging did not interfere with our studies. If grades started to slip, they found tutors. They also assigned pledge projects. Most pledge projects were functional. For example, one weekend we would pick up trash along the highway that bordered the school. Usually the pledge class of Omega would join us in whatever project we had, so gradually the pledges of Alpha and Omega got to know each other.

Another weekend we visited elderly people in the local nursing home bringing them flowers, crossword books and other useful things. For that activity the pledges of Omega again joined us so that each room visited had an Alpha male and an Omega female. I was paired up with a pledge named Linda who was pretty and outgoing. She had me laughing a few times, but my normal shyness kept rearing its ugly head and I knew she thought I was pretty much of a nothing.

One night the pledge class had to entertain the Alpha members with songs and skits. We were all terrible singers, but the skits gave us the opportunity to poke fun at the club members without getting into trouble.

I had an idea of a skit that would pick on Dave; it was a huge success and everybody laughed at Dave causing him to point at me and say, "What goes around, comes around pledge John; don't forget that."

Every two weeks I met with Dave to review my progress. At one meeting he assigned me as a tutor to help another pledge who was having a difficult time in Calculus. He gave me high marks for enthusiasm on pledge projects. His one negative comment came at the end of the meeting when he said, "We all have noticed one problem that you have. Do you know what is?"

"I guess I'm a little too shy," I muttered.

"A little," grinned Dave to take out the sting. "That's like saying the Titanic hit an ice cube. At the last social with Omega, how many girls did you talk to and how many did you dance with?"

I blushed and answered, "Maybe four girls and I danced twice."

"Was one of those girls my girlfriend Judy," John asked.

"Yea," I mumbled caught in a little lie.

One dance was a disaster. I asked a pretty blond girl named Mary, who was an Omega pledge to dance. Most of the songs were fast music that night, but this song was slow so she came into my arms. Even a dork like me could find a girl to have sex with at Grayson, and during the first semester I had three "mercy fucks" as I thought of them. The girls probably felt sorry for me, and nothing ever happened after the one time—my fault of course. But I hadn't had sex at all during the second semester and as soon as I felt Mary's hair and smelled her perfume, I got hard and pushed into her groin. She felt me and flinched, which caused me to blush and that caused her to blush. I felt like an idiot and finished the dance well apart from Mary. I muttered some words of thank you and escaped.

Dave sighed and said, "My personal project is to get you over this shyness bullshit. You do fine with the guys, but you're a disaster with the girls.

"Don't be discouraged; we just have to find the right solution."

The eight weeks passed quickly. The pledges were at another Alpha meeting and we were told that hell day initiation would now start. No one had time for a week of initiation; instead each week one pledge would go through a single hell day. Once he passed it, he became an Alpha brother.

They picked one of the other pledges for the first week. He passed and that Monday we asked the new Alpha brother what happened. He grinned and ominously said, "I gave an oath not to say a word."

The second week another pledge became a brother. Dave came up to me the following Monday and said, "Next Saturday is your hell day. I will tell you more about it later."

I called my sister Carol and said, "I'm an Alpha pledge and my hell day is coming up this Saturday. You must know what happens since you were Omega. Can you tell me anything?"

Carol replied, "Congratulations little brother on joining Alpha; I'm really happy for you. And yes, I do know everything that goes on during hell day because Omega does the same thing with their pledges."

"Well, like what?" I interrupted eagerly.

Carol giggled and said, "But unfortunately little brother, I gave a solemn oath never to reveal any Alpha or Omega secrets, so I can't say anything other than to wish you good luck on your hell day... I guarantee that you'll never forget it."

She continued ominously, "By the way, I sure hope you're good friends with your big brother."

After another couple of attempts to get information from her, I gave up and ended the phone call. I was on my own.

On Friday, Dave talked to me again. "Wear your Alpha sport shorts and Alpha T-shirt; shoes and socks—nothing else. Meet me at eight in the morning at the Alpha house."

As I walked up the stairs of Alpha I was in absolute panic fearing the unknown that I was about to face. I opened the door and went in; Dave was waiting for me. His face was serious as he said, "I'm going to blindfold you and then we're going for a drive."

We went to his car and he blindfolded me. We drove for thirty minutes. For the first two minutes I knew where we were, but shortly afterward I lost all sense of direction. Finally he stopped and led me into a building. We entered a room and Dave told me to sit down in a chair and say nothing, no matter what happened. I heard other noises and people walking but no words were spoken.

Finally, I heard Dave say, "Take off the blindfolds."

My blindfold was removed and the first thing I saw was a girl sitting directly in front of me; her knees were almost touching mine. There was one overhead light, which was directly above our two chairs, but the rest of the room remained in darkness.

It was Mary, the Omega pledge that I had the disastrous dance with, and she looked scared. She was about five-foot eight-inches or so, on the thin side but with full breasts, blond hair, blue eyes and a fair complexion. She was wearing an Omega T-shirt and shorts similar to mine. It didn't look like she was wearing a bra; and, if she was like me, no panties either. She bit her lip in a nervous gesture, and then gave me a quick, shy grin.

Dave was standing behind me and I heard him say, "John, I would like you to meet Omega pledge Mary. Standing behind Mary is her big sister Judy."

"Shit," I thought, "my sister could have at least told me I was going through hell day with an Omega pledge."

Of course I knew Judy; she was Dave's girlfriend and we had talked several times when she had come over to the Alpha house. Dave and she had been rooming together for the last two years, and although the date wasn't set, they would be married some time after graduation.

Dave continued, "During your hell day neither you nor Mary are allowed to speak to either Judy or myself. We will tell you what to do, but you must not answer us. If you understand, both nod your heads."

Mary and I nodded our heads that we understood.

Judy spoke for the first time in a teasing voice, "Dave and I have spent a lot of time and effort so this day would be perfect for you two. I even remember one night we were both really horny and were going to bed when Dave just insisted that since John put so much effort in the skit making fun of him, that we had to put even more effort to make sure that you two get everything you deserve. And by the time we were through talking it was too late for sex, and we went to sleep incredibly horny that night."

Judy continued, "We have different themes for hell day depending on the pledges, but for many years one thing is consistent—an Alpha pledge must go through hell day with an Omega pledge. It is a partnership day where each pledge must support the other pledge no matter what happens. Mary is your partner; you must help her today, and she must help you. We know that partner support won't make this day always fun, but we know it will make it bearable.

"We have carefully considered the theme for today. Your brothers have observed you for eight weeks, and Mary's sisters have watched her. Our collective decision is that you and Mary are the two shyest pledges in Alpha and Omega.

"The objective today is to make you overcome your personal shyness and," she continued ominously, "we will do anything to make that come true. Do you both understand?"

I nodded my head as did Mary, but Mary was obviously flustered. She was blushing furiously and staring at the floor.

Judy said, "Shoes and socks aren't needed today. Mary, remove John's shoes and socks, and then John, take off Mary's."

When I took off Mary's shoes and socks I could see her slim calves and firm thighs disappearing into her shorts. She caught me looking and blushed.

Dave said, "John, move your chair closer to Mary so that your knees are touching hers."

I moved the chair as directed. Judy said, "John, take Mary's hands and hold them. Mary, lift up your head and look into John's eyes. Don't look anywhere else except at John's eyes."

Mary reluctantly looked at me; her face remained flustered as she stared at me.

Judy waited for at least three minutes as we held hands and stared at each other and then continued, "It is a tradition that when the pledge partners are introduced at the beginning of hell day, they kiss as a symbol of their support for each other. Stand up and kiss—no little peck either guys, we want a real kiss to keep up the tradition."

We stood and I stepped forward and lowered my mouth to Mary. I could smell a hint of her perfume. Her lips were warm and soft, and I could feel her breasts pushing against my thin T-shirt as she but her arms around my neck. I increased the pressure on her lips and she responded. My tongue pressed against her lips and they briefly opened and our tongues touched before Mary pulled back. Her face was red from embarrassment.

Dave said, "John, reach out with your right hand and hold Mary's left hand."

I reached out my right hand to Mary who gave me her left hand. I squeezed her hand lightly in encouragement. Dave walked around my chair and tied a plastic restraint around my wrist and the other end around Mary's wrist.

Judy said, "For the rest of hell day, no matter what we ask you to do, you must always be touching your partner in some way. The wrist cuffs are to remind you of the primary rule—you must always be in physical contact with your partner. Do you understand?"

We both nodded. Dave said, "We are going to blindfold you and then we'll lead you to your first challenge. Remember, you must always be touching your partner."

The room went dark as the blindfold went on. Dave grabbed my arm and said, "Follow my lead and walk slowly so Mary can follow. I'll make sure that you don't trip."

We were guided out of the room and down a hallway. Mary and I continued to hold hands. Eventually we came to another room. Dave had me stop and waited until Mary was put in position and then he said, "Both of you lean forward."

I leaned forward until I felt a padded table that supported my chest at an angle.

Dave ordered, "Now reach out with your free hand and find your partner's hand, and spread your legs."

I reached out and felt Mary's hand. A wrist restraint was put on my other wrist and I assumed on Mary's, so now both our wrists were tied to each other, and we were holding hands. Then I felt restraints put on each of my ankles. My blindfold was taken off and I found myself looking at Mary's face about eighteen inches away. She was in the identical position—my feet were spread, and I was supporting my upper body with the inclined padded table that actually was quite comfortable. My ass was sticking out and both my hands were holding Mary's hands. An overhead light was above us, but the surrounding area was in darkness.

Judy said, "Mary, remember you must always look at John's eyes; you can't look away and you can't close them. And the same rule applies to you John.

"You two are now going to have a getting acquainted talk with each other. You are partners and partners shouldn't have any secrets. So we will ask each of you questions, and you should answer these questions by talking to your partner. Since you both are overly shy, it's necessary to have some means of motivation to overcome this shyness. If we ask a question and you don't start talking within three seconds or if you fail to answer the question completely, we will have to punish you. However, since you're partners, if Mary fails, John will be punished; and if John fails, Mary will be punished.

"Mary, we'll start with you. Describe your body to John starting with your head and going down without skipping any important part of your body."

Mary blushed and said, "I am five-foot eight-inches tall and weigh one hundred and twenty pounds. I have blond hair and blue eyes. I have a tiny scar under my chin where I was cut once. I would describe my shoulders as broad and my stomach as fairly flat. My waist is..."

WHACK! My ass was on fire as a paddle had hit it with considerable force. I yelled, "Shit... ouch!"

Dave said, "Mary, you caused your partner to be punished. There are other parts of your body between your shoulders and your stomach. You failed to describe them, and therefore, John has been punished. Start back with your shoulders."

Mary had tears in her eyes as she stammered, "I have broad shoulders. My breasts are 34C and I have small areolae but large nipples. My stomach is fairly flat and my waist is about twenty-four inches. My hips are a little big for my body I think, but my thighs and calves are slim, and..."

WHACK! My ass was on fire again as the paddle really laid into me this time. "Damn," I shouted.

Dave chuckled and said, "Mary, once again you caused your partner to be punished. There are parts of your body between your hips and your thighs that you forgot to mention. Start over from your hips."

Mary looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, "I'm sorry John. My hips are a little big for my body. My pubic hairs are blond but thin, and I have trimmed them in the shape of a heart. My behind is about the right size for my body I think, but I wish it were smaller. My thighs and calves are slim and I think they are one of my better features. My feet are too big and I get embarrassed when I have to buy a larger size than most women."

Judy spoke, "Thank you Mary; I agree with your description although you might be a little overly critical about your hips.

"Now John, it is your turn. When is the last time you masturbated and how many times have you masturbated this week?"

I was astonished because I assumed I was going to be asked to describe my body similar to Mary. I blushed when I thought of the last time I masturbated and tried to...

WHACK! Mary screamed with pain as the paddle now hit her ass. Her hands squeezed me tightly as if that would reduce her agony.

Judy chuckled and said, "John, you have three seconds to start talking. You failed and the result was that you caused your partner great pain. You are supposed to be supporting her and not hurting her."

I didn't want Mary to be hit again and I quickly said, "I masturbated last night and I did it five or six times in the last week."

Judy said, "Very good John. How big is your cock?"

I hesitated but then quickly said, "I think it is about six or seven inches."

Judy laughed as she said, "Your hesitation almost caused Mary more pain, but you're learning.

"Now you can describe your body to Mary."

I described my body and then Dave said, "Mary it's your turn. Describe the first time you had sex and whether you enjoyed it."

Mary blushed violently and looked where Dave's voice came from and asked, "Is sex intercourse or something..."

WHACK! WHACK! My ass was on fire with the double hit and I just moaned.

Dave chuckled and said, "Mary, you failed again. You are not allowed to look at anyone but John. You can't talk to us. And you almost took more than three seconds to start talking. So John almost got three hits instead of the two.

Mary quickly said, "I was seventeen and went to an outdoor movie with my boyfriend. We got in the back seat and he took off my bra and panties and ate me, and then I gave him a blowjob. I was embarrassed and didn't enjoy it."

The questions continued, but we had learned our lesson by then. Whatever they asked we answered with little hesitation. Some questions were innocent like what courses we were taking. But many sexually embarrassing questions were asked. We looked at each other the entire time.

One question caused me to hesitate and Mary was paddled again. I looked at her and said, "I'm sorry Mary, I'm really sorry."

From that point on Mary and I answered every question without hesitation, but it became more than just answering. I quickly tuned out the other people in the room and focused on Mary. My eyes never left her face and when some question was asked from the darkness, I responded by telling Mary everything. It was obvious that the same thing was happening to her—she was talking to me and me alone. When a sexually embarrassing question was asked to one of us, the other squeezed the other's hands in encouragement. There was no hesitation now from either of us.

At some point late in the session I heard a Judy ask, "John, describe Mary."

Without thinking I blurted out my first thought, "She's beautiful."

If that had been an early question I'm sure Mary would have blushed with embarrassment, but when she heard my answer she beamed at my compliment and squeezed both my hands.

By the end of an hour I knew more about Mary and she about me then I ever thought possible.

Judy finally said, "Both of you did fairly well on the first challenge. You are to be complimented. Now that you know each other I think it's time to move on to challenge two... don't you think so Dave?"

"Definitely," Dave responded, "I've really been looking forward to challenge two."

Our ankle restraints were released and we stretched. One of our wrist restraints was released as we were blindfolded and led into another room.

Dave said, "I always screw this one up John, but I'll try to do it right. There is a block in front of you, stand on it."

I stepped up and felt my feet being locked into a shoe-like device that was secured to the block.

Judy said, "Mary, step up."

Mary's pelvis was forced against me as her legs were spread and her feet were secured to a different block that was slightly behind me so that our groins were pinned against each other. I grew hard and my cock pushed against my shorts and into her groin.

I was told to hold a bar above Mary's head and a restraint was tied from the bar to each of my wrists. The bar was raised so that I was stretched. Mary was told to grab a bar above my head and her wrists were also connected to that bar. Then her bar was raised to stretch her. The result was that our groins were pinned against each other and our upper bodies were also touching so that Mary's breasts pushed into my chest.

Dave laughed and said, "This is where I always screw up. Judy, hit the switch for a test run."

The block that I was standing on and the bar I was holding slowly moved up. Mary's block and bar did not move. The result was that my cock was moved from below Mary's vagina to her belly button and then down again. I could feel my cock stretching the material of my shorts.

Dave said, "Judy, I still think we're missing something, but it seems to be working right. I think forty-five minutes should be about right."

Judy said, "Forty-five minutes sounds good. The timer is set; let's get a soda."

They removed our blindfolds and started the blocks. Our bodies moved against each other and I was hard. I could feel Mary's nipples through my T-shirt and I could tell they were also hard.

I said, "I don't know if I can take this for forty-five minutes Mary."

Mary gasped, "I'm so embarrassed. You keep rubbing against my breasts and your... your cock keeps rubbing me down there."

We suffered for five minutes. The constant friction of our bodies against each other was getting harder and harder to take and I knew that I couldn't last forty-five minutes without coming.

The door to the room suddenly opened and Dave said, "Damn, I just knew we forgot something. I kept telling Judy that we weren't doing this right, but then like an inspiration, we remembered."

I was confused, "Remembered what?"

I felt something cold touch my waist as the elastic of my shorts were pulled out and I heard a snip. I was astonished; he was cutting off my shorts! My T-shirt quickly followed. Obviously, the same thing happened to Mary. She screamed in embarrassment as her breasts felt my bare chest and my cock touched her pussy hairs.

Mary begged, "Please don't do this to me."

Dave laughed and said, "Better reset the clock for forty-five minutes Judy."

Judy chuckled and replied, "Already done. Let's go back to our break."

The block started moving again, but now it was much worse. Each cycle my cock moved through her pussy hair teasing her slit as my chest teased her breasts.

Mary was crying and sobbed, "Why did I let my brother talk me into going to Grayson. I can't believe they are doing this to me."

I said, "Mary, each time I move through you I get more and more excited. I don't think I can hold myself much longer."

Mary answered, "Your cock keeps touching my clit as you go through me.

In fact I... oh no, not now," and I could feel her come as she violently convulsed into me repeatedly.

That was all it took. I started coming and my cum spurted on her pussy hairs up to her belly button before I stopped.

There would be a period of time when we tried to recover and then one of us would come again; when one of us came it usually triggered the other, but it was obvious that Mary was having more orgasms because of the constant teasing of her clit. We quit being embarrassed—when you keep coming against your partner, it starts to become expected.

When the forty-five minutes were over, Mary was exhausted and was mostly supported by her hands holding onto the bar as her legs had become fatigued with her constant orgasms. Her head rested on my shoulder. The door opened and Dave said, "I think we may have overdone this a little bit Judy. Look at all that cum on Mary. Maybe we should use one of rooms and let them relax?"

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"Tribe, the other teams are returning. They've completed their missions, and have the data we needed," said the communications technician. "Are we really going do this?" "By ourselves no, but we aren't alone. And within the next seventy two hours it won't matter," said the leader of the Alpha Alliance. "The teams up top want to know when the support rigs are going to be back out on the road. And those down here want to know why no one is being permitted to leave the Garage's," said...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 19 We Are the Champions

Mr. Labatt’s BMW on HWY 401, Ontario 6:42pm, Saturday, November 24, 1979 ‘What a fuckin’ awesome weekend!‘ I thought as four of the six key girls in my life were engaged in a flurry of various conversations as I drove Mr. Labatt’s B-mer back from Guelph on the 401 (Ontario’s equivalent to the Interstate System in the States). ‘I might as well not be in the car,’ I chuckled to myself as Shannon, Lynette, Zupena and Sammy regaled each other with their Friday night, Saturday morning escapades,...

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Alpha Core 13 D Little Things

Alpha Core 13D, Little Things Beth's car sounded pretty good in the shop, but as we started going through it we began finding little things here and there. Her recent troubles during the test run had triggered her badly. Now the engine lay on her work bench in complete disassembly as a result. She went through everything, over everything, checked everything. Still she couldn't find the problem. Finally unable to stand her obsession any longer Sassy approached her bench....

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Space Station Omega

Pain. You feel a shock. Your heart beats. You cough, your lungs trying to evacuate the fluid within. You cough again and take a shallow breath. You try to open your eyes but the dim light is blinding. You feel damp and slimy. The bottom of the tube you are in opens and you fall about three feet into a chair. You attempt to open your eyes again. The world is blurry. There are six other people in the room. A hologram appears in the center of the room. This is your official debriefing. The seven...

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Alpha cum slut and sissy bitch part 1

Sometimes its good to go out!,,My weekends are usually spent in front of my computer, wallowing in all the glory of porn, degrading myself with determination, searching the nooks and crannies of porn for my latest kink or fetish. This month I have explored latex and the fringes of domination ( should be right up this betas street, no?)Anyway last Sunday I ran out of excuses and arranged to meet a friend for breakfast. I arrived on time and was just about to sit down when I got a message from my...

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Alpha Core 13 D Regrouping

Alpha Core 13 D, Regrouping By: Stephanie Lynn aka Malissa Madison I'd been driving for about twenty miles when I found myself surrounded by fast moving Muscle Cars. A Charger, and two Mustang Shelby's. the Charger cut in front of me and I automatically braked hard to get out of the box they had me in. but they seemed to anticipate my moves. "Calm down girl, we're here to help you disappear," came the thoughts in my head. I didn't recognize the voices, but something said trust...

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Alpha and Beta Male Dynamics

Alpha/Beta DynamicsI often get asked about my approach to alpha males and how to make the dynamics work between alpha and beta males when cruising or in a social scene. Hooking up or initiating a contact that will lead to something more is harder than it seems. I hope that I can give some perspective on this and share some of my experience. All too often I hear from guys who bump in to the Ying to their Yang and yet are unable to make a physical or social connection happen. Guys who are...

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Alpha Bitch

Queen X and the Xblades belong to talented audio performer Xyta Midnyte she can be found on Patreon, also at r/PalaceofMidnyte. This depiction of Queen X and any other involved characters who may be namesaked from other people are presented here based on my own imagination. I do not have any additional knowledge of what Xyta looks like aside from the information publicly available via the above channels. Alpha Bitch By Peg Thebois Travis was shivering as he knelt on the cold...

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Alpha Club What If

PREFACE Alpha Club is quite possibly the single hottest story I've ever read. Tables turning and those who once thought they were in control ending up at the very bottom of the totem pole is just one of the best things. Add in the elements of mind control and transformation and it just hits all the right buttons for me. When I thought about writing something in the universe, an idea struck me. In the story, it's Tatiana who ends up being truly the most powerful dominant, the one...

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My BFF I went to a nudist camp

My BFF Vanessa & I were thinking about going to a nudist camp. We had a few brochures & settled on one.My stepmother came into my room & saw the brochure. Kim what are you girls doing? A nudist camp? We just want to see what goes on.Would you mind if I went with? I've always wondered too.I looked at Vanessa, she shrugged her shoulders so I said OK. My stepmother Kate is in her early 40'sWhen we arrived at the camp we went to check in. We saw several people wearing nothing to just...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 24 The Phantom of the Opera

Labatt Guest House, London, Ontario 6:38am, Saturday, December 1, 1979 “Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, Dievs,” Zupena softly whispered as she rocked her butt and tightly squeezed thighs against my slumbering body, but with my morning wood unknowingly planted firmly in her warm, wet pussy. “What are you, ‘Oh Dievs-ing’, about 3-Z?” Lynette barely whispered over her shoulder at the blonde giantess to her rear. “Ohh, Mikhail, he ... Oh, Dievs,” Zupena whispered in Lynette’s ear. “No, he’s ... you’re not,”...

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Alpha Core 13D Foillowers of the Way

Alpha Core 13D, Followers of the Way By: Malissa Madison Stephanie looked out over her students as they began choosing the rough stock that would eventually become their personal blades. Ms Musashi stood quietly by listening as she instructed them in choosing just the right stock. "How will we know which is right for us?" asked Rhonda. With a sly grin she said, "Come, I will show you." When they each stood before her she produced three lengths of black satin which was...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 41 Undefeated

(Author’s Note: This chapter is heavy-duty sports oriented. There are a few important ‘non-sports’ details but be warned, this contains much basketball, volleyball and a little gymnastics action. I hope it is realistic and an enjoyable read. As the book title suggests, this chapter is mostly about Championships.) “Look in these eyes! These eyes don’t lie. And they say that if you don’t blink, Then you don’t die.” (The opening lyrics to Def Leppard’s, Undefeated.) Alumni Hall, Western...

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BFF I went to a nudist camp 2

Our second day at the nudist campVanessa was the first to waken. She woke me up then Kate got up. Vanessa wanted to get something to eat. What's the dress code? I was like what do you mean? The dress code Vanessa said. Do we have to wear clothes? Kate was a little puzzled. Is this the same girl I had to take her bikini bottoms off yesterday? I hardly sleep last night. All I kept thinking about was you. You were such an exhibitionist walking back to the room without any clothes, cum & all on...

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ALPHA MEN and beta bois

ALPHA MEN and beta boisAlpha males = Dominate, reign supreme, control, dictate, overshadow, overrule, subjugate, enslave, conquer, crush, force, enthrall, reduce, rule, subdue, tame, vanquish, enchant, defeat, badger, bludgeon, bully, coerce, cow, harass, frighten, intimidate, oppress, daunt, scare, terrify, terrorize, badger, enforce, horrify, and just plain shock or petrify us inferior loser beta bois. Being Alpha Males they are the upper class big cock superiors in every way. They being...

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BFF I went to nudist camp 3

We only have a few hours left before we had to leave to catch our flight home. We had to get breakfast.We slept through the rest of the afternoon & night. Who could blame us?I was done showering. Vanessa said it was OK for Kim to go next. There's always plenty of hot water in a hotel.Kim & I had a towel wrapped around us. That's the most we've been covered in 2 days. It almost felt funny. We were sharing the mirror fixing our hair & putting our makeup on. We talked a little about...

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Alpha Dog

Alpha Dog By: Naughty Nicole [email protected] *** Life was good. I was a few months of hard work away from making junior partner at the firm. My wife was beautiful, and we had decided to start trying to make a baby. Outside of work and marriage I spent my free time on my favorite activity: BJJ, or Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. I had been a pretty good wrestler in high school, and even though I'd gained a lot of weight since then, at five-nine and one-eighty, I was still quick,...

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Alpha Bravo Team Ch 03

Mia’s fist slammed down on the alarm clock, cutting off the shrill warbling sound that would wake her no matter what condition she was in every morning. She sat on the edge of her bed, running her hands through her dark hair before forcing herself up. A yawn caught her by surprise and she shook her head. She pulled on skin-tight lycra pants and pulled a jogging bra over her head. Then she gathered her thick locks up into a ponytail and headed out of her room. Her running shoes were in the...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 10 Sexual Healing

Tempe’s Bedroom, North London, Ontario 10:24pm, Friday, November 16, 1979 “I gotta go pee, Mike,” Brick said after she recovered from her a body shaking orgasm I gave her with my tongue and long digits. As my young brunette girlfriend made her way to Tempe and Tina’s Jill & Jill co-joining bathroom, I scanned her now seriously slender body. Lisa said she’d lost seven pounds while in the hospital and she now tipped the scales at a whopping ninety-five pounds. My busty beauty joked that...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 37 Stronger Beer

Mike’s Barracuda, London, Ontario 10:36am, Saturday, December 22, 1979 “You’re one of the best songwriters I’ve ever seen, Mike,” Eda started to say as I slowed to a stop at Highbury Avenue, “so why don’t you write Canella, and your baby a song that captures your heart and provides her and little JM with the joy of Christmas?” “Oh! That’s an awesome idea, E! Maybe we could play whatever song you write for them in our televised concert, Mike?” Lisa said as she leaned forward from the...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionAfterward lsquoWelcome to the lsquo Concert Playlists and Book 6 Chapter Song

With the NIS program finally over, here are the playlists from the Welcome to the... concert that Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the Shania Twain Band played at the John Labatt Center in London. I regularly used ‘unique’ web-links to songs to get a feel for how other bands have played these songs. For example, I used Nickelback’s cover of ZZTop’s Sharp Dressed Man as a guide for what Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the lighting crew did during this song. In the Chapter Songs’ list, I did...

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Alpha Wolfs Demise

*The final part of the story started with the Howling* With widened eyes Shintaro and Brit shook their heads in disapproval. ‘That’s suicide Ken,’ the mercenary protested, ‘You can’t just take them on by your own.’ ‘Baby you can’t do this alone,’ added the female scientist. ‘That’s a direct order Shintaro,’ Ken sternly told his subordinate. ‘Alright, I will take her back and I will return to either fight by your side or die with you.’ The mercenary helped Brittany to her feet and guided...

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Alpha Bravo Team Ch 02

‘Yes, sir,’ Mia snapped. ‘Sorry for the delay, sir!’ ‘Gear up, Kodiak.’ Mia dropped her bag onto the floor of the van and then met the eyes of each of the men sitting there. All but Romeo dropped his eyes. Mia shook her head before bending and opening her bag. She pulled her off duty weapon from its place in the small of her back and sat it in the case before pulling her camo pants out. Standing, she unbuttoned her jeans and let the zipper down. ‘Is this a floor show?’ she snarled at Romeo. ...

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Alpha Male a Continuation StoryChapter 3 Tuesday Evening

The drive home was peaceful enough. Not too much peak hour traffic which meant that I could cruise home quite happily with the music on, the windows open to let the breeze in and a chance to contemplate the events of today. I certainly would need some time this evening to share with Joan everything that had happened. I hoped the school meetings wouldn’t last too long. I was looking forward to a nice shower and love fuck with Joan later. I got home to find Joan had put some clothes on – a...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 21 Rock Rock Till You Drop

Medway High School, Arva, Ontario 8:47am, Monday, November 26, 1979 “As most of you know by now, our girls’ basketball team won ... no, they dominated ... the double-A Ontario basketball championship in Guelph on Friday and Saturday,” Mr. Williamson said from our gym’s stage. After a brief announcement in our homeroom, the whole school was brought down to the gym for this set of morning announcements and championship celebratory event. “In case you didn’t know this, these girls, along with...

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The Vampire Kiss Chapter Nine Vampiric Hungers

Chapter 9: Vampiric Hungers by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The demon Jezebel lurked in the depths of Father Augustine's soul. Her corrupted priest drove the gray church van into the slumbering city of Chicago. In the back, amid the weapons designed to fight vampires, lay the three enslaved women dominated by the priest. They were both his whores and his unholy champions. Demonic powers lurked in the souls of the women. They would kill the vampiric threats to Jezebel's client Faust....

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Original ALTERED Camping with MOslashM BY

Hello, I am a thirteen year old boy. This is a FICTITIOUS STORYabout a boy named Nathaniel and he is an only c***d & he is going on a camping trip with his mom.To describe her a bit I would say that she is healthy looking and in good shape. She is 35 years old, 5ft7in, 110lbs, brunette and has blue-green eyes.Mom and I have always been very close. And she wakes me up every morning. She is attractive but I have never focused on her in a sexual way. She had a very nice figure with firm,...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 7 Painkiller

Labatt’s Guest House 5:22pm, Wednesday, November 14, 1979 “My mom said Lisa is gonna have to stay until Thursday morning. Dr. Candice wants to make doubly sure her depressed white blood cell counts aren’t from something else besides that flu bug,” I said as the four of us stood around the kitchen island getting a snack before we started our last practice session before our Friday competition. “I can’t believe that Dr. Wellend has taken such an interest in Brick,” Cano replied as she put...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 23 Fat Bottomed Girls

Medway High School, Arva, Ontario 9:16am, Friday, November 30, 1979 “Are you gonna kill me, if I kinda pass on doing anything ... later on today?” I whispered to Tracy Norton and Elaine Roonee after waiting on them after Mr. Ballows ended our first period music class a little earlier than normal. The Little-man made use of both Roo-Roo and Tracy’s naked bodies, along with naked trumpeter, Darren Partridge in his lecture on changes in sexual connotations and views in music. I was very...

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The Punishment of Amy Larisa

The Punishment of Amy & Larisa .........It was a saturday night, & it was pissing down with rain, i had my mate Jim around for a porn & wanking/ sucking session Jim had an awesome 11" cock that was so fat i could not quit touch my finger & thumb around it when i wanked it.......dispite Jim being a very fit guy he loved to be a sub, & i had him tied up in my attic sex room, Jim was in a recliner black leather chair with his arms tied at the elbows behind the chair back,with a...

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Store Manager the young assistant

My name is not important, my intentions are. Over several years i have gone to shoe & lingerie stores seeking out young shop assistants to flash my pussy at & to see there reactions & to find out if my understanding is correct, more young girls are bisexual & they are comfortable with another woman seducing them.This occassion the store i picked had a manager & young assistant, who appeared to me learning the ropes so she was not going to be alone. I watched from outside...

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Angel Becky Gangbanged in Reno part 15

Then we grabbed our things & went back out to the car. The girls got in asCarl & me put the bags in the trunk this time Carl also put Beckys blouse intheir bag while I put Angels skirt & blouse in ours. All the girls had in thecar to wear was their coats.As we were getting close to the freeway I handed each girl a vibrator & toldthem to put them in their cunts. I then instructed them that they had to leavethese in their cunts for the whole ride to Reno & whenever a trucker...

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Angel Beckys FUN Placer Mining Day 5 of 7

Thursday morning we got up about 6:45 & headed out of the tent to get up theboys & have the girls fix us breakfast. However, 1 of the boys was already UP.He said he had been dreaming about Angel & as soon as she walked out of thetent he bent her over & started fucking her. He was still fucking her as wewoke up the rest of the boys. When the boys saw Angel being fucked they allstarted getting horny too. 1 of them dropped his pants & had Angel suck on himwhile 2 more boys bent...

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Latin Linda the Monster BBC from Key West

As I previously detailed on my trip to the Keys experience I briefly met a very attractive black man. He gave me his number & promptly planted a very wet & passionate kiss, not to mention placed my hand on what felt like a massive appendage!.After the trip as I was cleaning out my purse I found the napkin with his name & number. His name was Derek. I vaguely remembered him other than he was very tall, had a nice smile & probably a very large cock. I wasn't accustomed to calling...

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Angel Becky Gangbanged in Reno part 25 G

Going to the Adult Sex Boutique so Angel & Becky could have some fun..Angel had told Becky about the adult boutique we liked going to for shopping &other fun & had also told her about the Pleasure Swing they had there. Nowwe planned to let Becky try it out for awhile. After we got parked on thestreet beside the store I told the girls that they had to leave their skirtsunzipped as is to walk to the store so that anyone may see their pussies asthey drove by. I also told them that when...

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Angel Becky Gangbanged in Reno part 4 ep

The final events that led up to our NEXT Reno trip a few weeks later...After everyone left early that afternoon we finally went to bed to SLEEP forawhile before heading home that night. We had rented the room for the wholenight but we had already decided to go home Sunday night so that Becky couldgo to work on Monday.We all woke up about 7:30 pm. The girls then laid out their clothes to wearfor the ride home, or at least to wear until they were IN our car. They bothlaid out what they had worn...

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Angel Beckys 1st time together

Angel & our friends wife Becky having their 1st joint gangbang----------------------------------------------------------------------About 3 weeks after our 'Fun at the Avengers' I needed to go see Carl aboutanother mining venture we had. We had some placer claims on the American Riverwe wanted to get going now that the spring runoff had ended & he & I had totalk about equipment & supplies that we need to get. Angel asked me if shecould go with me so that she & I could do...

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Angel Beckys FUN Placer Mining Day 2 of 7

We got up about 7:00am on the 2nd day. We went out & had the girls startbreakfast for us as us guys woke up the boys. Angel & Becky cooked pancakes &eggs for us today. It did look kind of cute seeing them naked with pancakebatter on their tits. After breakfast we headed down to the river & our dredge to get startedfor today. The 1st thing the girls did was to rinse the batter off themselves.Then they each took their place beside the sluice box & started clearing...

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Angel Beckys FUN Placer MiningDay 7part 1

As usual we got up Saturday morning about 7:00am & went out to see how thegirls were. We had told the boys before going to bed NOT to fuck them thismorning. As soon as we got to them we took the blankets off of them & got agood look at their naked backs & exposed asses. Man were they kind of cute tosee in a way too. Both Angel & Becky were covered with nice red welts & a fewdried cuts on their backs & butts. We untied them from the tables as they wokeup & allowed...

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Angel Beckys FUN Placer Mining Day 6 of 7

Friday morning we got up a bit after 7:00 & went out to wake the girls & theboys. However it turned out we did not have to wake them ALL up. Angel wasawake with 2 boys double fucking her cunt together. She said they had woke herup about 10 minutes earlier when 1 of the boys just uncovered her & startedfucking her. When the 2nd boy wanted to join in the 1st boy just rolled herover & the other boy shoved his cock in her as well. That was about 5 minutesago & they were hotly...

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Angel Beckys fun placer mining day 3 of 7

Tuesday morning we told Angel & Becky to cook us some bacon & eggs forbreakfast. We had 5 pounds of bacon & 3 dozen eggs for them to cook. Since thegirls were naked they were also going to get splattered with lots of HOT bacongrease as they cooked this breakfast. Both girls were squealing almostconstantly as hot grease splattered their cunts & tits while they cooked too.Actually this cooking platform was a bit low, so MOST of the hot splatters hittheir cunt area too. By the time...

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Angels Beckys FUN Placer Mining Day 1 of 7

Carl & me were preparing to go to our placer mining claims on the AmericanRiver in a couple of days & I was at his house going over what supplies weneeded to get & making other plans too. Angel & Becky had asked us if theycould go with us for this week of mining. These claims were named THE PLEASURES& we were going to add even more pleasure to this trip by taking the girlsalong, so Carl & me were making some ground rules regarding this trip.1) The girls had to ride to...

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Angel Beckys FUN Placer Mining Day 4 of 7

Wednesday morning we figured we would kind of give the girls a break somewhat &Carl & George cooked breakfast for all of us. Nothing fancy, just pancakes &eggs. While they were cooking breakfast I told the girls to get down on theirhands & knees & go around & give the guys a blowjob while we were waiting forbreakfast & while us guys were eating they could finish the job on whoever hadnot yet been sucked off. I also told them that if they were still hungry...

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My best friend I

Well too start out this is a True story about me & my best friend that I fell In love with.. It started Couple months ago when we became friends. He was dating my exs s*s so we just kinda became friends, well we started working together then we all started staying together. Long story short he told me how shity & worthless my gf was so me & her split & she moved out well they all told me I'm more then welcome to continue staying there, well after doin little thinking I...

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My best friend I

Well too start out this is a True story about me & my best friend that I fell In love with.. It started Couple months ago when we became friends. He was dating my exs s*s so we just kinda became friends, well we started working together then we all started staying together. Long story short he told me how shity & worthless my gf was so me & her split & she moved out well they all told me I'm more then welcome to continue staying there, well after doin little thinking I...

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My best friend I

Well too start out this is a True story about me & my best friend that I fell In love with.. It started Couple months ago when we became friends. He was dating my exs s*s so we just kinda became friends, well we started working together then we all started staying together. Long story short he told me how shity & worthless my gf was so me & her split & she moved out well they all told me I'm more then welcome to continue staying there, well after doin little thinking I...

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Nina Toms Night with Amelia

This is a story I wrote with my friend margiehank about our night with our cocktail server Amelia. We bring her back to our hotel to share her for the night. I hope you like it and comment, if you do please do us the honor visiting margiehank's site as well. Thank you and have fun, we did!MargiehankWe are sitting in the corner booth of a local bar waiting for our server to take our order for a nightcap after dinner and a movie. We are playing around a little...

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How it all started very true story only names a

I met my now wife almost 9 years ago nowI was working a long way from my homeMaybe about 7-8 months before the job finished, I had been seeing a stunning little Angel, In all honestly I was totally smitten in no time. And had never loved, felt loved, and had such An amazing partner & sex life If was a magical time, then the job finished,It was time to give up my rented apartment It was a very small village lots of contractors aroundAnd I called the landlord, who I had met several...

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Angel Becky Gangbanged in Reno part 3 A n

A night of Gangbanging the girls in our hotel roomAfter the girls got cleaned up from their afternoon of fun at the Adult boutiquethey then got dressed to go to dinner & then to go down to gamble & pickup someguys to bring back later to gangbang them.Becky this time wore her new sheer black blouse. It was sheerer than her otherblouse so her tits were a bit easier to see too. Also she again wore her zipdown skirt with it zipped to just below her cunt.Angel however wore her new VERY sheer...

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