Alpha Omega
- 4 years ago
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Have you ever seen that painting technique where the picture is made up of thousands of tiny dots of various sizes, and it only looks like a complete picture from a distance? Pointillism, I think it is. Well imagine the technique come to life. Twice. I've met them.
Not only were they freckled to the point of unreality, as though the small bronze spots were the basic building blocks of their faces, but the two of them were identical. Not just genetically, but intellectually, aesthetically, motivationally. And then they had something really interesting. It was as though they shared a thoughtstream, a consciousness. Not physically, but philosophically Siamese, a living mindmap.
I'd known Alice and Olive since we were all innocent. Hell, we probably were still wearing nappies. I remember when we started calling them Alpha and Omega in school. The three of us used to hang out through the years. My dark hair providing some separation between their brilliant red mops, my common sense blunting some of their more insane plans. But only some of them. Alice voluntarily showed me her cute behind (yes, freckled) when we were nine, and Ollie felt obliged to match the offer. I was required to bare some of my own skin in return, but the girls weren't much interested in a rear view. Somehow I talked them into showing me the rest of their equipment before I dangled my then tiny apparatus before their investigative eyes. At least that's what I thought then. I realised afterward that we had done exactly what they wanted. We always did.
And then, just when we were all getting old enough to appreciate what the three of us had, they left town. The twins' parents had gone through the time-honoured divorce process, and their mother felt obliged to drag them off to some strange town too far away to visit, and give them a fresh start. They tried to talk her out of it. I tried too. Hell, I even got my mother to try, but she was insistent, and soon they were gone.
My twins (yes, that was how I saw it, don't interrupt) disappeared from my real life, and assumed the centre-stage role in my late night solitary thoughts right through high school. Oh, I met some other girls, even went out with a few, and there was one who takes pride of place as my first real live sex partner, but even though my penis was fully involved in that escapade (and I have no complaints) my heart wasn't in it.
The fact is, I'd loved these two girls forever. It never crossed my mind that there was anything wrong with loving both of them. It seemed natural. And in any case, even after all those years, I could never tell which was which, so how could I love one more than the other? I know they loved me too, though nothing of the sort was ever said.
Anyway, all of that is ancient history. Since then, I've managed to destroy my sports career, with a disastrous and preposterous accident playing tennis against my cousin. Reduced to a slowly improving slow limp, I took the least likely path, and became a librarian. Yes, a librarian. And I really like it. No, it's not exciting, or dangerous, or loaded to the brim with money, but I enjoy it. I get a buzz out of finding things that people want, and somehow I've developed a near-photographic memory for books, authors and locations. I can't help but think my memory was trained in two ways by the twins, albeit accidentally.
Firstly, I have a knack for details. I can see the smallest difference between supposedly identical things, especially red-headed twins. And secondly, I can recall with incredible clarity things which I have not seen for a very long time. Again, especially red-headed twins.
So now we're up to date. Life is good, work is good. Relationships haven't been great, and I find I'm most comfortable giving them a miss. My right hand seems to remain my best companion, even though he doesn't get such a frequent workout these days. Okay, he gets his fair share. Enough said.
Nice stable, relaxed, contented life, right? Wrong. It would be, except that yesterday, as I was arranging some shelves in the library, two tall, slim, attractive women turned up at the enquiries counter looking for me. Two red-headed women. With freckles. Yes, Alice and Ollie had returned to town.
We only had time for a few words but they agreed to meet me tonight, so that I can show them the hotspots (such as they are) and we can catch up on what everyone has been doing. Somehow their appearance concertinaed the last ten years into an apparent ten minutes, and I couldn't believe they had ever left, except that they looked even more attractive now than then.
As the day rolled by, I went through the motions at work without really noticing. I thought about the twins all day, and by the time I left the library I was a mess.
Straight home for a shower, and then I jumped in the car, and drove far too fast to the home of a mutual friend, where they had arranged to stay for a few days, until they worked out where they wanted to live.
The girls weren't ready to leave when I got there, and they left me quietly drinking a beer while they went and prettied themselves. I can assure you they were in no need of improvement. As the girls disappeared upstairs to change, they called to me from the landing. I turned around, and they both pulled their jeans down off their hips, and wiggled their butts at me, laughing loudly, and proclaiming that this was for old times sake. It was all I could do to keep my trousers arranged tidily around my instant erection, and I hoped they hadn't noticed.
They returned back downstairs fairly quickly, showered and changed, a nice delicate perfume pervading the air, and their beautiful bodies tastefully arranged within simple peasant dresses in two different shades of green. I hesitate to say it, but they looked even better than when they were in jeans. And I didn't think that was possible.
The next few hours went by in something of a blur, at least for me. We stopped for a quick drink in most of the bars that dotted the town, and then moved to a restaurant for a nice meal. It was a strange feeling, being with the twins, in places that were familiar to me, but either an old memory or completely unknown to them. They asked endless questions about all our old school friends, and we met one or two of them in our meanderings, but Alice and Olive didn't seem interested in spending too much time with any of them. That suited me. The more time I had them to myself the better.
The meal complete, and on our second coffee, we reached the end of the first set of questions, and our discussion turned to plans for the rest of the evening.
"Shall we tell him, Al?"
"I think so. He's waited all these years, you know."
"You think?"
"I know."
"Alright then. Listen Felix, we have a specific plan in mind for tonight." I think that was Olive. Let's call her that for now.
"You do? What's that then?" I was intrigued, but had no real idea what they were talking about.
"Oh, don't drag it out Olive. We want to..."
"... go home with you."
"If that's alright with you."
"If you want to."
"You can just tell us..."
"... if you don't."
"Just tell us..."
"... Straight."
Having absolutely no way to adequately reply to that lot, I just sat there and stared. My tongue was flapping like a dog's tail, and my other tail was stiff as a lamppost. And I still stared.
"Oh, Ol, perhaps we've shocked him?"
"He's just a..."
"... smalltown boy..."
"... after all."
"No, I'm alright," I stammered out with some difficulty. "I'm not shocked. Well, not in a bad way."
"See Alice, told you he could take it."
"You win that one Ollie. You better tell him the rest then."
"You think?"
"I know."
And they proceeded to explain to me that despite the good times they had in the big city, and the many experiments with other boys, and then men, they both wanted to come back to me, to see how I felt, and hopefully to make love with me. With them. Both of them.
"After all," Alice (I think) finished up: "Don't you want to see all the rest of our freckles?"
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Mr. Labatt’s BMW on HWY 401, Ontario 6:42pm, Saturday, November 24, 1979 ‘What a fuckin’ awesome weekend!‘ I thought as four of the six key girls in my life were engaged in a flurry of various conversations as I drove Mr. Labatt’s B-mer back from Guelph on the 401 (Ontario’s equivalent to the Interstate System in the States). ‘I might as well not be in the car,’ I chuckled to myself as Shannon, Lynette, Zupena and Sammy regaled each other with their Friday night, Saturday morning escapades,...
Alpha Core 13D, Little Things Beth's car sounded pretty good in the shop, but as we started going through it we began finding little things here and there. Her recent troubles during the test run had triggered her badly. Now the engine lay on her work bench in complete disassembly as a result. She went through everything, over everything, checked everything. Still she couldn't find the problem. Finally unable to stand her obsession any longer Sassy approached her bench....
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Alpha Core 13 D, Regrouping By: Stephanie Lynn aka Malissa Madison I'd been driving for about twenty miles when I found myself surrounded by fast moving Muscle Cars. A Charger, and two Mustang Shelby's. the Charger cut in front of me and I automatically braked hard to get out of the box they had me in. but they seemed to anticipate my moves. "Calm down girl, we're here to help you disappear," came the thoughts in my head. I didn't recognize the voices, but something said trust...
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Queen X and the Xblades belong to talented audio performer Xyta Midnyte she can be found on Patreon, also at r/PalaceofMidnyte. This depiction of Queen X and any other involved characters who may be namesaked from other people are presented here based on my own imagination. I do not have any additional knowledge of what Xyta looks like aside from the information publicly available via the above channels. Alpha Bitch By Peg Thebois Travis was shivering as he knelt on the cold...
PREFACE Alpha Club is quite possibly the single hottest story I've ever read. Tables turning and those who once thought they were in control ending up at the very bottom of the totem pole is just one of the best things. Add in the elements of mind control and transformation and it just hits all the right buttons for me. When I thought about writing something in the universe, an idea struck me. In the story, it's Tatiana who ends up being truly the most powerful dominant, the one...
My BFF Vanessa & I were thinking about going to a nudist camp. We had a few brochures & settled on one.My stepmother came into my room & saw the brochure. Kim what are you girls doing? A nudist camp? We just want to see what goes on.Would you mind if I went with? I've always wondered too.I looked at Vanessa, she shrugged her shoulders so I said OK. My stepmother Kate is in her early 40'sWhen we arrived at the camp we went to check in. We saw several people wearing nothing to just...
Labatt Guest House, London, Ontario 6:38am, Saturday, December 1, 1979 “Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, Dievs,” Zupena softly whispered as she rocked her butt and tightly squeezed thighs against my slumbering body, but with my morning wood unknowingly planted firmly in her warm, wet pussy. “What are you, ‘Oh Dievs-ing’, about 3-Z?” Lynette barely whispered over her shoulder at the blonde giantess to her rear. “Ohh, Mikhail, he ... Oh, Dievs,” Zupena whispered in Lynette’s ear. “No, he’s ... you’re not,”...
Alpha Core 13D, Followers of the Way By: Malissa Madison Stephanie looked out over her students as they began choosing the rough stock that would eventually become their personal blades. Ms Musashi stood quietly by listening as she instructed them in choosing just the right stock. "How will we know which is right for us?" asked Rhonda. With a sly grin she said, "Come, I will show you." When they each stood before her she produced three lengths of black satin which was...
(Author’s Note: This chapter is heavy-duty sports oriented. There are a few important ‘non-sports’ details but be warned, this contains much basketball, volleyball and a little gymnastics action. I hope it is realistic and an enjoyable read. As the book title suggests, this chapter is mostly about Championships.) “Look in these eyes! These eyes don’t lie. And they say that if you don’t blink, Then you don’t die.” (The opening lyrics to Def Leppard’s, Undefeated.) Alumni Hall, Western...
Our second day at the nudist campVanessa was the first to waken. She woke me up then Kate got up. Vanessa wanted to get something to eat. What's the dress code? I was like what do you mean? The dress code Vanessa said. Do we have to wear clothes? Kate was a little puzzled. Is this the same girl I had to take her bikini bottoms off yesterday? I hardly sleep last night. All I kept thinking about was you. You were such an exhibitionist walking back to the room without any clothes, cum & all on...
ALPHA MEN and beta boisAlpha males = Dominate, reign supreme, control, dictate, overshadow, overrule, subjugate, enslave, conquer, crush, force, enthrall, reduce, rule, subdue, tame, vanquish, enchant, defeat, badger, bludgeon, bully, coerce, cow, harass, frighten, intimidate, oppress, daunt, scare, terrify, terrorize, badger, enforce, horrify, and just plain shock or petrify us inferior loser beta bois. Being Alpha Males they are the upper class big cock superiors in every way. They being...
We only have a few hours left before we had to leave to catch our flight home. We had to get breakfast.We slept through the rest of the afternoon & night. Who could blame us?I was done showering. Vanessa said it was OK for Kim to go next. There's always plenty of hot water in a hotel.Kim & I had a towel wrapped around us. That's the most we've been covered in 2 days. It almost felt funny. We were sharing the mirror fixing our hair & putting our makeup on. We talked a little about...
Alpha Dog By: Naughty Nicole [email protected] *** Life was good. I was a few months of hard work away from making junior partner at the firm. My wife was beautiful, and we had decided to start trying to make a baby. Outside of work and marriage I spent my free time on my favorite activity: BJJ, or Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. I had been a pretty good wrestler in high school, and even though I'd gained a lot of weight since then, at five-nine and one-eighty, I was still quick,...
Mia’s fist slammed down on the alarm clock, cutting off the shrill warbling sound that would wake her no matter what condition she was in every morning. She sat on the edge of her bed, running her hands through her dark hair before forcing herself up. A yawn caught her by surprise and she shook her head. She pulled on skin-tight lycra pants and pulled a jogging bra over her head. Then she gathered her thick locks up into a ponytail and headed out of her room. Her running shoes were in the...
Tempe’s Bedroom, North London, Ontario 10:24pm, Friday, November 16, 1979 “I gotta go pee, Mike,” Brick said after she recovered from her a body shaking orgasm I gave her with my tongue and long digits. As my young brunette girlfriend made her way to Tempe and Tina’s Jill & Jill co-joining bathroom, I scanned her now seriously slender body. Lisa said she’d lost seven pounds while in the hospital and she now tipped the scales at a whopping ninety-five pounds. My busty beauty joked that...
Mike’s Barracuda, London, Ontario 10:36am, Saturday, December 22, 1979 “You’re one of the best songwriters I’ve ever seen, Mike,” Eda started to say as I slowed to a stop at Highbury Avenue, “so why don’t you write Canella, and your baby a song that captures your heart and provides her and little JM with the joy of Christmas?” “Oh! That’s an awesome idea, E! Maybe we could play whatever song you write for them in our televised concert, Mike?” Lisa said as she leaned forward from the...
With the NIS program finally over, here are the playlists from the Welcome to the... concert that Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the Shania Twain Band played at the John Labatt Center in London. I regularly used ‘unique’ web-links to songs to get a feel for how other bands have played these songs. For example, I used Nickelback’s cover of ZZTop’s Sharp Dressed Man as a guide for what Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the lighting crew did during this song. In the Chapter Songs’ list, I did...
*The final part of the story started with the Howling* With widened eyes Shintaro and Brit shook their heads in disapproval. ‘That’s suicide Ken,’ the mercenary protested, ‘You can’t just take them on by your own.’ ‘Baby you can’t do this alone,’ added the female scientist. ‘That’s a direct order Shintaro,’ Ken sternly told his subordinate. ‘Alright, I will take her back and I will return to either fight by your side or die with you.’ The mercenary helped Brittany to her feet and guided...
‘Yes, sir,’ Mia snapped. ‘Sorry for the delay, sir!’ ‘Gear up, Kodiak.’ Mia dropped her bag onto the floor of the van and then met the eyes of each of the men sitting there. All but Romeo dropped his eyes. Mia shook her head before bending and opening her bag. She pulled her off duty weapon from its place in the small of her back and sat it in the case before pulling her camo pants out. Standing, she unbuttoned her jeans and let the zipper down. ‘Is this a floor show?’ she snarled at Romeo. ...
The drive home was peaceful enough. Not too much peak hour traffic which meant that I could cruise home quite happily with the music on, the windows open to let the breeze in and a chance to contemplate the events of today. I certainly would need some time this evening to share with Joan everything that had happened. I hoped the school meetings wouldn’t last too long. I was looking forward to a nice shower and love fuck with Joan later. I got home to find Joan had put some clothes on – a...
Medway High School, Arva, Ontario 8:47am, Monday, November 26, 1979 “As most of you know by now, our girls’ basketball team won ... no, they dominated ... the double-A Ontario basketball championship in Guelph on Friday and Saturday,” Mr. Williamson said from our gym’s stage. After a brief announcement in our homeroom, the whole school was brought down to the gym for this set of morning announcements and championship celebratory event. “In case you didn’t know this, these girls, along with...
Chapter 9: Vampiric Hungers by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The demon Jezebel lurked in the depths of Father Augustine's soul. Her corrupted priest drove the gray church van into the slumbering city of Chicago. In the back, amid the weapons designed to fight vampires, lay the three enslaved women dominated by the priest. They were both his whores and his unholy champions. Demonic powers lurked in the souls of the women. They would kill the vampiric threats to Jezebel's client Faust....
Hello, I am a thirteen year old boy. This is a FICTITIOUS STORYabout a boy named Nathaniel and he is an only c***d & he is going on a camping trip with his mom.To describe her a bit I would say that she is healthy looking and in good shape. She is 35 years old, 5ft7in, 110lbs, brunette and has blue-green eyes.Mom and I have always been very close. And she wakes me up every morning. She is attractive but I have never focused on her in a sexual way. She had a very nice figure with firm,...
Labatt’s Guest House 5:22pm, Wednesday, November 14, 1979 “My mom said Lisa is gonna have to stay until Thursday morning. Dr. Candice wants to make doubly sure her depressed white blood cell counts aren’t from something else besides that flu bug,” I said as the four of us stood around the kitchen island getting a snack before we started our last practice session before our Friday competition. “I can’t believe that Dr. Wellend has taken such an interest in Brick,” Cano replied as she put...
Medway High School, Arva, Ontario 9:16am, Friday, November 30, 1979 “Are you gonna kill me, if I kinda pass on doing anything ... later on today?” I whispered to Tracy Norton and Elaine Roonee after waiting on them after Mr. Ballows ended our first period music class a little earlier than normal. The Little-man made use of both Roo-Roo and Tracy’s naked bodies, along with naked trumpeter, Darren Partridge in his lecture on changes in sexual connotations and views in music. I was very...
The Punishment of Amy & Larisa .........It was a saturday night, & it was pissing down with rain, i had my mate Jim around for a porn & wanking/ sucking session Jim had an awesome 11" cock that was so fat i could not quit touch my finger & thumb around it when i wanked it.......dispite Jim being a very fit guy he loved to be a sub, & i had him tied up in my attic sex room, Jim was in a recliner black leather chair with his arms tied at the elbows behind the chair back,with a...
My name is not important, my intentions are. Over several years i have gone to shoe & lingerie stores seeking out young shop assistants to flash my pussy at & to see there reactions & to find out if my understanding is correct, more young girls are bisexual & they are comfortable with another woman seducing them.This occassion the store i picked had a manager & young assistant, who appeared to me learning the ropes so she was not going to be alone. I watched from outside...
Then we grabbed our things & went back out to the car. The girls got in asCarl & me put the bags in the trunk this time Carl also put Beckys blouse intheir bag while I put Angels skirt & blouse in ours. All the girls had in thecar to wear was their coats.As we were getting close to the freeway I handed each girl a vibrator & toldthem to put them in their cunts. I then instructed them that they had to leavethese in their cunts for the whole ride to Reno & whenever a trucker...
Thursday morning we got up about 6:45 & headed out of the tent to get up theboys & have the girls fix us breakfast. However, 1 of the boys was already UP.He said he had been dreaming about Angel & as soon as she walked out of thetent he bent her over & started fucking her. He was still fucking her as wewoke up the rest of the boys. When the boys saw Angel being fucked they allstarted getting horny too. 1 of them dropped his pants & had Angel suck on himwhile 2 more boys bent...
As I previously detailed on my trip to the Keys experience I briefly met a very attractive black man. He gave me his number & promptly planted a very wet & passionate kiss, not to mention placed my hand on what felt like a massive appendage!.After the trip as I was cleaning out my purse I found the napkin with his name & number. His name was Derek. I vaguely remembered him other than he was very tall, had a nice smile & probably a very large cock. I wasn't accustomed to calling...
Going to the Adult Sex Boutique so Angel & Becky could have some fun..Angel had told Becky about the adult boutique we liked going to for shopping &other fun & had also told her about the Pleasure Swing they had there. Nowwe planned to let Becky try it out for awhile. After we got parked on thestreet beside the store I told the girls that they had to leave their skirtsunzipped as is to walk to the store so that anyone may see their pussies asthey drove by. I also told them that when...
The final events that led up to our NEXT Reno trip a few weeks later...After everyone left early that afternoon we finally went to bed to SLEEP forawhile before heading home that night. We had rented the room for the wholenight but we had already decided to go home Sunday night so that Becky couldgo to work on Monday.We all woke up about 7:30 pm. The girls then laid out their clothes to wearfor the ride home, or at least to wear until they were IN our car. They bothlaid out what they had worn...
Angel & our friends wife Becky having their 1st joint gangbang----------------------------------------------------------------------About 3 weeks after our 'Fun at the Avengers' I needed to go see Carl aboutanother mining venture we had. We had some placer claims on the American Riverwe wanted to get going now that the spring runoff had ended & he & I had totalk about equipment & supplies that we need to get. Angel asked me if shecould go with me so that she & I could do...
We got up about 7:00am on the 2nd day. We went out & had the girls startbreakfast for us as us guys woke up the boys. Angel & Becky cooked pancakes &eggs for us today. It did look kind of cute seeing them naked with pancakebatter on their tits. After breakfast we headed down to the river & our dredge to get startedfor today. The 1st thing the girls did was to rinse the batter off themselves.Then they each took their place beside the sluice box & started clearing...
As usual we got up Saturday morning about 7:00am & went out to see how thegirls were. We had told the boys before going to bed NOT to fuck them thismorning. As soon as we got to them we took the blankets off of them & got agood look at their naked backs & exposed asses. Man were they kind of cute tosee in a way too. Both Angel & Becky were covered with nice red welts & a fewdried cuts on their backs & butts. We untied them from the tables as they wokeup & allowed...
Friday morning we got up a bit after 7:00 & went out to wake the girls & theboys. However it turned out we did not have to wake them ALL up. Angel wasawake with 2 boys double fucking her cunt together. She said they had woke herup about 10 minutes earlier when 1 of the boys just uncovered her & startedfucking her. When the 2nd boy wanted to join in the 1st boy just rolled herover & the other boy shoved his cock in her as well. That was about 5 minutesago & they were hotly...
Tuesday morning we told Angel & Becky to cook us some bacon & eggs forbreakfast. We had 5 pounds of bacon & 3 dozen eggs for them to cook. Since thegirls were naked they were also going to get splattered with lots of HOT bacongrease as they cooked this breakfast. Both girls were squealing almostconstantly as hot grease splattered their cunts & tits while they cooked too.Actually this cooking platform was a bit low, so MOST of the hot splatters hittheir cunt area too. By the time...
Carl & me were preparing to go to our placer mining claims on the AmericanRiver in a couple of days & I was at his house going over what supplies weneeded to get & making other plans too. Angel & Becky had asked us if theycould go with us for this week of mining. These claims were named THE PLEASURES& we were going to add even more pleasure to this trip by taking the girlsalong, so Carl & me were making some ground rules regarding this trip.1) The girls had to ride to...
Wednesday morning we figured we would kind of give the girls a break somewhat &Carl & George cooked breakfast for all of us. Nothing fancy, just pancakes &eggs. While they were cooking breakfast I told the girls to get down on theirhands & knees & go around & give the guys a blowjob while we were waiting forbreakfast & while us guys were eating they could finish the job on whoever hadnot yet been sucked off. I also told them that if they were still hungry...
Well too start out this is a True story about me & my best friend that I fell In love with.. It started Couple months ago when we became friends. He was dating my exs s*s so we just kinda became friends, well we started working together then we all started staying together. Long story short he told me how shity & worthless my gf was so me & her split & she moved out well they all told me I'm more then welcome to continue staying there, well after doin little thinking I...
Well too start out this is a True story about me & my best friend that I fell In love with.. It started Couple months ago when we became friends. He was dating my exs s*s so we just kinda became friends, well we started working together then we all started staying together. Long story short he told me how shity & worthless my gf was so me & her split & she moved out well they all told me I'm more then welcome to continue staying there, well after doin little thinking I...
Well too start out this is a True story about me & my best friend that I fell In love with.. It started Couple months ago when we became friends. He was dating my exs s*s so we just kinda became friends, well we started working together then we all started staying together. Long story short he told me how shity & worthless my gf was so me & her split & she moved out well they all told me I'm more then welcome to continue staying there, well after doin little thinking I...
This is a story I wrote with my friend margiehank about our night with our cocktail server Amelia. We bring her back to our hotel to share her for the night. I hope you like it and comment, if you do please do us the honor visiting margiehank's site as well. Thank you and have fun, we did!MargiehankWe are sitting in the corner booth of a local bar waiting for our server to take our order for a nightcap after dinner and a movie. We are playing around a little...
I met my now wife almost 9 years ago nowI was working a long way from my homeMaybe about 7-8 months before the job finished, I had been seeing a stunning little Angel, In all honestly I was totally smitten in no time. And had never loved, felt loved, and had such An amazing partner & sex life If was a magical time, then the job finished,It was time to give up my rented apartment It was a very small village lots of contractors aroundAnd I called the landlord, who I had met several...
A night of Gangbanging the girls in our hotel roomAfter the girls got cleaned up from their afternoon of fun at the Adult boutiquethey then got dressed to go to dinner & then to go down to gamble & pickup someguys to bring back later to gangbang them.Becky this time wore her new sheer black blouse. It was sheerer than her otherblouse so her tits were a bit easier to see too. Also she again wore her zipdown skirt with it zipped to just below her cunt.Angel however wore her new VERY sheer...