Healing HandsChapter 5
- 4 years ago
- 33
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The three by five card read: Articles of Incorporation For The Fuller Group.
“Explain this please,” I said.
Mitzi took the folder and summarized as she pointed out different potions of it.
“Because you own controlling interest in J&L, you can make unilateral decisions about how we are structured and organized. So what I’m proposing is within your authority. Basically, I propose we reincorporate in a manner that all of our assets are property of the corporation instead of property of the partnership that owns it now. In exchange for that direct ownership you would own fifty-one percent of the stock in the new corporation and Lindsey would own forty-nine.
“I further propose that you be chairman of the board of directors and that you appoint Frank and me to that board. The board of directors would be charged with declaring a dividend for each share of stock once a year. Doing things that way would insure that the needs of the company came before the distribution of profits. In essence, Lindsey would get exactly what we wanted her to get and not a penny more.”
It was a clever solution to the problem and it passed my test as being ethical. I looked at Mitzi with even more respect than usual.
“You came up with this yourself?” I asked.
She blushed and nodded.
“I researched small business organization on the Internet. I took a portion of three plans I found and rolled them into one that I thought would work for us.”
I chuckled and shook my head in wonder.
“No matter how many times I fall in, you keep pulling my butt out of the fire. Hang on to this, and we’ll have it implemented if the divorce goes through and the agreement we signed about ownership is binding.”
Listen, I know that my strangely obsessive love for Lindsey frustrates the hell out of some of you. I can almost hear you say, “Geeze, get over the bitch, already.”
Well let me tell you a little something, my brain tells me the same thing fifty times a day. I mean, think about it! I’m an engineer. I’m a man who works in a world where actions produce equal and opposite reactions, a world in which the laws of the universe work the same every time they are applied. So how do you think it makes me feel to be totally and irrationally in love with a woman who couldn’t give a shit less for me?
No matter what she did, I couldn’t stay mad at Lindsey, I’d forgive her anything to have her back. But her pretty-boy boyfriend was another matter entirely. For him, my anger was a hard lump of blackness on my soul. It was like I told Judge Hawkins. Lindsey never had to worry about me doing anything bad to her. Blakemore on the other hand, had an enemy for life.
At eleven in the morning, exactly six weeks after he’d last met with us, Judge Hawkins once again strode into his conference room and took his seat at the head of the table. I was on my side of the table and the usual suspects were arrayed across from me. All three were beautiful, but for some reason, on this day, I thought Amber looked exceptionally good. I must have been staring, because she sat up a little straighter and gave me a secret wink.
Hawkins didn’t mess around rendering his ruling.
“I have the report from the psychologist here. He concludes that the marriage is irretrievably broken...”
Before he could go on, Sonia snorted and broke in.
“I told you that two months ago, Your Honor,” she said snarkily.
Hawkins’s eyes bored into Sonia like lasers. She blanched slightly and held up her hand defensively.
“Sorry, Your Honor,” she back-pedaled.
Hawkins gaze never wavered, even though Sonia was studiously looking down at the table.
“So you did, Miss Peoples, so you did,” he said with a mirthless, predatory smile. “And had I listened to you I’d have never had a chance to review the division of assets you concocted. A division so egregiously one-sided and full of errors, someone less trusting than me might suspect larcenous intent.”
I leaned forward in my chair and looked from Hawkins to Sonia and Lindsey. Lindsey was simply looking at the judge with no expression whatsoever on her face, but Sonia was red and sputtering angrily. Amber’s mouth was shaped into a small surprised ‘O’ as she quickly glanced at her boss then me. Once again, Hawkins cut Sonia off and continued.
“I know it was a simple error though, because I know Ben Chapman wouldn’t stand for any chicanery, so I fixed it for you.”
As he said the last, he slid a folder to each side of the table. Sonia flipped hers open and placed it between her and Lindsey. I didn’t touch mine. Why bother, if it was better than what I agreed to? Hawkins must have felt the same way, because his focus never waivered from Sonia.
“The marital residence on Lemon Bluff Road is joint property, regardless of whose name is on the title. According to the property appraiser, it is worth twice what you valued it at, so I am ordering that ownership be held jointly until it is appraised at fair market value. Then you can either sell it and split the proceeds, or one of you can buy the other out. The person occupying the residence is responsible for the mortgage and upkeep.
“That leaves Mister Fuller’s business, J&L Engineering and Construction. Relinquishing forty-nine percent of the company is a form of alimony to which Missus Fuller is not entitled. Instead, she is entitled to fifty to percent of the present value of the company. The rest of the proposal I am letting stand as written.”
Hawkins finally turned to me.
“Mister Fuller, you will provide your wife’s attorney a certified valuation for your business within thirty days of the final decree, along with a plan of how you propose to pay her for her fair share. Any disputes over the valuation or repayment scheme will be resolved by binding arbitration.
“If this settlement is objectionable to either of you, tell me now.”
“I’m okay with it,” I said immediately.
Lindsey just waved her hand and nodded as Sonia fumed. Hawkins signed a paper in front of him with a flourish.
“So ordered.”
He closed the file and handed it to his assistant, then looked up at us.
“Geoff will show you where to sign. Then, Ms Peoples, if you want to wait, he will have everything ready for you to file with the clerk of the court in about ten minutes. It is the clerk’s responsibility to process the paperwork and issue the degree of dissolution. That normally takes about thirty days.”
Hawkins stood up and wished us well before walking through the door to his chambers. Lindsey and her entourage hustled out the entry door without a backwards glance.
I shambled out of the court house, feeling like a whipped dog. My only solace was the amended settlement. I was pleased with Hawkins’ ruling, because it would make the reorganization of my company easier. Although I didn’t technically need to reorganize my company, Mitzi plan was so good that I’d be a fool not to execute it. What had changed was that now, with full ownership in my hands, I could reward Mitzi and Frank for their loyalty and commitment by giving them an ownership stake.
It might not have been very Christian of me, but I was also vindictively pleased about the house. I was not emotionally invested in the house. I built it for Lindsey and if I wanted, I could build another even nicer one. However, I was now certain that Blakemore was bankrolling Lindsey on the house deal, and the thought of squeezing more money out of that maggot was a happy one.
When I reached the front door of the court house, I was surprised to see Dakota Morrison standing in the shade of the portico. She was wearing a cute and colorful sleeveless sundress, her tanned slender legs were bare and strapped woven straw sandals with two-inch heels adorned her feet. Her thick brown hair was swept back over her shoulders and a pair of Ray Bans was perched on top of her head. She looked so wholesomely all-American-girl-next-door, I had to smile in spite of myself. It was the first time I’d seen her in anything other than jeans or shorts.
She saw me at the same time I spotted her. She returned my smile, walked up to me and gave me a firm and lingering hug.
“You okay?” she asked.
I shrugged. It was a tough question.
“What brings you down here? Don’t tell me you got another ticket!”
Dakota’s traffic violation fines probably paid the salary of one of our city’s police officers.
“No, Josh. I came down to make sure you had someone here that was on your side. I didn’t know you met with the judge in secret, so I waited out here for you.”
That earned her a hug from me and a kiss on the cheek.
“You are a great friend, Dakota,” I said sincerely.
She blushed at the compliment, then blushed even redder when her stomach rumbled. I laughed and looked at my watch.
“Since we are both dressed up ... you look gorgeous by the way ... and obviously haven’t eaten, can I buy you lunch?”
“You bet, I missed breakfast and I could eat a horse. Will you take me to Mario’s?”
Mario’s was an upscale Italian place within a block of the court house. Mario’s was upscale, but it wasn’t pretentious like Chez Henri. People went to Mario’s for the food, not for the chance to be seen.
I held out my arm and she looped hers through it.
“Mario’s it is,” I said gallantly.
It was impossible to be glum while Dakota was around. She was just too full of life. Her hot topic that day was college, which started for her in a couple of weeks. She and her sister Dallas had both talked to Shelby Jane about the university’s information technology program. Dallas was leaning towards declaring IT as her major, but Dakota was taking a hard look at electrical engineering. Dakota was the only person I’d ever met who thought math was exciting. When I pointed that out, she cracked up.
“What can I say? I’m a nerdette,” she said, crossing her eyes.
I laughed and pointed out the obvious.
“A very pretty nerdette.”
She blushed and said, “Nah, I’m nothing special.”
Then she inclined her head towards the door.
“That woman, on the other hand, is.”
I looked in the direction she indicated and blanched. The woman was beautiful ... she was also my soon to be ex-wife. And the well-dressed handsome man walking between her and the hostess was William R. Blakemore, Esquire.
Dakota saw my pained look and covered my hand with hers.
“What’s the matter Josh, you look like you’ve seen a ghost,” she said, her voice thick with concern.
“That’s Lindsey,” I croaked.
Dakota kept her hand on mine and took another look. Thankfully, our little table was in an out of the way corner, and they didn’t see us.
“Who is the hunk with her?”
I had to take a sip of water before I could speak.
“That’s her boss, William Blakemore. He’s the reason she’s divorcing me.”
Dakota took one last look as Lindsey and Blakemore were being seated across the room near the entrance, before she looked back at me.
“Do you want to go some where else?” she asked with a squeeze of my hand.
Yes, I did. I wanted to go to Maybelline’s and pour a gallon of JD down my gullet. But I wasn’t about to act like a coward in front of Dakota.
“Fuck them! We were here first, and we’ve already ordered,” I said.
I tried to give Dakota all my attention, but it was hard to get back into the easy conversation we had been sharing. I avoided looking at Lindsey until we had paid the check and were on the way out. As we neared their table, Blakemore and I made eye contact. He gave me an amused little smile and said something to Lindsey. My wife glanced up and gave me a guilty looking nod.
I started to slow down, plotting where I’d hit Blakemore first, but Dakota dug her fingers painfully into my arm.
“Not here,” she warned as she propelled us towards the door.
I sighed and nodded. I had absolutely no doubts about my ability to kick Blakemore’s ass, even if he was four inches taller and forty pounds heavier, but Dakota was right, this wasn’t the time or place.
Once we were out on the street, I finally exhaled and drew a deep breath. When Dakota took my hand as we walked, I let her. My respect for this young woman went up another notch by what she’d said to get me to leave. Dakota didn’t give me some lecture about ‘violence never solving anything’ or telling me to forget them. She had no problem with me tangling with Blakemore, but like a good Ranger Buddy, she was watching my back when she warned me to pick a better time and place.
The next morning, we were around the breakfast table again. Trish had stayed the night, and was sitting with us, cup of tea in hand and a look of peace on her face. “How are you feeling today?” I asked. “You have no idea! I can’t remember a time in my life when I ever felt this amazing!” Trish replied, her voice tinged with awe and wonder. “You know, you really caused a stir the other day at the clinic.” “Really? How so?” I replied. “People heard the commotion, and then suddenly you burst...
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Healing Cousin George "He's not coping very well, I'm sure he is still on the drink. I spotted several empty bottles in the bin and the house is not being cleaned very well" silence as she listened "Yes I know it's early dear but we have to think of Melissa in all this" she listened again "Yes I know that being a farmer takes up a lot of time but so even the more reason why he needs some help" silence again "I know it's a risk if we get the Social Work involved and losing the kid would...
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Note : This story is completely fictional! I was bisexual and everyone knew that. I had friends who knew I was mostly gay, but chose “girlfriends” based on looks and jealousy although I never really intended to fuck them much. I was mostly just one of the girls with a few different, if at times somewhat more entertaining, parts. To me we were all just sisters and, though a few of them like to sleep together every now and them to relieve personal or sexual stress or to experiment. Few of us...
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Well here’s the next chapter – finally! Sorry it’s taken me so long guys, seems I’ve just lacked the motivation to continue the story but you’ll be happy to know I’ve got my mojo back now! Hope you enjoy this part – I know it is very short but don’t worry any questions will the answered in the next chapter. Not sure whether there’ll be one or two but we’ll see! Any comments you have I would love to hear them as always. Thanks for reading though! Thank you also to John for his constant support...
We walked about two miles. He insisted we go to my favourite restaurant in the city, despite the fact that I didn’t mind where we went. We held hands all the way and sometimes he would lean down and kiss my hair. I felt him breathing in and out, sighing occasionally. I wondered why on earth he was so curious about me and why I had followed a man I don’t even know out of a bar and through the city at night time. It was definitely not like me, but maybe that’s why my hands and feet tingled, and...
(This is only the first chapter of a series I want to write. I haven’t written the next part yet so give me some ideas and comments and I might write another part! But if nobody comments i wont bother Thanks people! MissBoePeep x) * With an apologetic smile and a peck on the cheek I turned and walked away. ‘Damn it!’ I cursed under my breath. After 7 years of dating I was still a novice at chatting up guys in bars. After a mere few minutes of conversation I felt like a total idiot so I...
Well here it is people! Thanks for all your votes on the last chapter, sorry its been so long but i was waiting to see what you all thought! Enjoy And please please comment if you read this!!! MissBoePeep ,) ******************* ‘Could I have two cappuccino’s, a Danish and a blueberry muffin please Sharon’ Sharon smiled knowingly. Ok, so maybe I would have to explain before she gave me what I’d ordered. It was normally pretty handy having one of your best mates working at Starbucks,...
(Thanks everybody so so much for your comments i really appreciate them I was really struggling to write this third chapter cause i didnt want to ruin it! Theres still no sex in this chapter which isnt good i know but hopefully in the next chapter.You’ll understand when i finish the series hehe! Thanks again, hope you enjoy this. Any feedback and comments are really really apprecated. Its what keeps my writing. MissBoePeep xx) *********** Mmm, what was that smell? Coffee was it? And bacon?...
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Girly Fun Just before ten I heard the sound of Debbie's four wheel drive, screech to a halt outside the farmhouse. I walked to the door and opened it Debbie climbing the couple of steps up to the door she said, "Hi what's the emergency." "You better come in," I said stepping back to allow her to pass. "You want a drink?" I asked. "Bit early, is it not?" she replied. "You might need one," I said with an edge to my voice. "Eh just a coffee then, no sugar just a spot of milk," she...
Transformation Debbie spent the next hour or so working on my face, hair and nails. I protested a bit when she suggested cutting my hair into a more female style. "I only met Amanda yesterday, she will notice the difference," I said. "Don't be silly Alex, women change their hair styles all the time, so you had a trip to the hairdressers so what," she said giggling as she spoke. "Eh I suppose so," I mumbled, so my hair was restyled. "There, done," she said as she shaped finished...
Debbie and Alex The shopping trip had certainly created a firm friendship between me and Debbie. Each day after our trip to Glasgow I would either visit Debbie or she would come over to me. I suppose it was hardly a surprise as I was the only young woman (there I go again thinking of myself as a woman) in the area. George and Gavin were the youngest two farmers around for miles, most of the others were late forties or in their fifties with wives to match. Their wives spent most of...
Alex Unmasked We pulled into a seafront car park and unpacked Melissa's buggy. We set of along the shoreline in bright sunshine a sea breeze just fresh enough to keep you cool blew in our face. "Fancy a bite to eat?" Debbie asked. "Yeah why not." "There's a little caf? up there, with tables outside," she said pointing along the road. We walked along and found a table outside sitting down I parked the buggy securing the brake as I did so. We sat down and lit a cigarette making s...
Explaining to Do "Alex, Alex is that you?" The words rang in my ears like church bells as my hand moved towards my face covering my eyes, I spoke, "Eh Mum I didn't expect you." A pause. "Obviously not, I think we've got some talking to do," she said as she stared right into my soul. "I'll just bring Melissa through from the lounge, she's due for a feed, make yourself a coffee," I said as I walked towards the door. I wheeled Melissa back into the room as Mum walked towards the...
The Date Later that night with Melissa safely tucked up in bed me and George sat with Coke each in the conservatory. My plan to curb his midweek drinking had been a great success there were no more night's out during the week only a civilised glass of wine after dinner. I picked up my cigarettes and slipped one out of the packet, the slim gold lighter was inside the packet as well I pressed the button and a slim narrow flame appeared, I lit up blowing a cloud of smoke towards the...
Debbie & Alex Part 2 I was in a foul mood the next morning when I woke up. George's reaction when I had come home last night had soured the experience of my first night out as Alex. I rose and took a quick shower, before drying my hair and dressing in a pair of black jeans and a lemon blouse. The blouse was short and I tied it across my midriff, our exercise sessions had really been working as I now had a perfectly toned stomach. As I looked down I made a mental note to maybe get...
Confessions It was a restless night that night, my mind churning over the events, the engagement, the kiss Gavin watching as Debbie tried to seduce me , in truth I could not make much sense of any of it. I woke up reasonable early the next morning well in truth Melissa woke me tugging at my arm to get me up. "Morning Darling," I said slipping out of bed. I grabbed my overnight bag that I had brought over with me. I pulled out a pair of jeans and pushed my legs into them, I took a...
Debbie Has a Plan I left Debbie's early afternoon and went home, thankfully Amanda had cleared off as well by the rime I got back. Melissa had exhausted herself tearing around Debbie's yard all morning so I had the opportunity for some thinking space in the bright afternoon sunlight. I poured my self a cool beer from the fridge and sat outside lighting a cigarette I pondered the events of the last 24 hours. The engagement had taken us all by surprise no one had seen that coming and I...
The Plan Debbie stuck around for most of the day and indeed blagged an invite to dinner that night, I knew what she was thinking and as much as I thought it was a daft idea I was willing to give it a go. George arrived just before six and after explaining Debbie was staying for dinner he went and took a shower to wash away the days toils. We all sat down to mixed salad and cold meat as the sun began to drop in the sky. Debbie prodding me under the table and gesturing with her eyes I...
The Birthday Party Debbie got her wish and come Wednesday we were off for our regular shopping trip. This one however turned out to be that little bit different. I know now why she did it but at the time I was a bit surprised. We arrived in Glasgow unloading Melissa as usual into her buggy but as we approached the shopping galleries Debbie sprung her surprise. "Ok Alex, off you go," she said gently removing my hands from the handles of Melissa's buggy she eased herself between me...
Dinner at Debbie's My eye's fluttered open as the early morning sun crept its way across the room. It took me a few seconds to get my bearings, you all know that feeling waking up in a strange room. Memories of last night flooded back, the party, George drinking and us ending up here at Aunt Karen's. George's arm was still flopped across my waist; it didn't seem that he had moved an inch all night. What time is it I thought, I stretched out my arm and reached George's mobile, I lifted...
Family Bonding - Part 1 The thing about George is when you put an idea in his head then he just goes off and does it. By the following weekend two new farmhands were in place. One older guy just retired who was keen to keep active and although maybe a bit too old for the heavier work he was keen and took on the role of covering most of the driving, collecting supplies etc. The second guy was a late thirty's someone Pete new who was an experienced farm hand who had just moved...
Family Bonding Pt 2 We wandered along looking for somewhere to grab a snack. George was first to spot the "Bizarre Bar." "What about in there?" he said as he pointed across the square. "Looks fine to me," I replied taking a firmer grip of Melissa's hand we walked towards it. "Want to get something to eat babes?" I said bending slightly towards her. "No play," she said pulling at my hand. "Later babes me and Dad need a snack." "Play," she insisted. George looked at...
The Summer Ball Gavin was true to his word and by the following weekend my ticket for the Summer Ball had been secured. "You will need to sit with us and Archie at the meal, the tables are numbered and named, is that ok?" Debbie asked. "Yeah, not a problem, can't say I would have been all that keen on sitting with George and Amanda," I replied. "How are thing's on that front, any change since our day out last week?" she asked. "Well he's been really nice to me this week,...
Preparations The week passed slowly, me and Debbie's daily routine seeming somewhat mundane as my excitement built towards the Ball at the weekend. Debbie chatter was all around the dress, you know that one the one I had not even seen yet, how good a time we were going to have etc etc. At last Thursday arrived and I felt like we were finally getting somewhere. Early afternoon I packed a bag for Melissa. I had prepared her already promising a great adventure at her Gran's so like me...
Naveen stood up from the couch, still trying to recover from the shock. He was at a loss for words. Naveen knew about Ridhima’s past. He knew it wasn’t good. But he never knew that it was this bad, especially her first wedding night. Naveen: Ha… How? Who did…? That’s all he could say. He felt so sad and dejected that he couldn’t even speak. All this while, Ridhima stood like a rock in front of her husband. She finally turned to look at Naveen. He seemed broken. Looking at his condition, she...