Healing Ch. 02 free porn video

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Sorry for the long delay in the update. I have been very busy but I’m writing again


‘Is she okay?’ I hear him ask as I feel Jacob shake his head as he keeps stroking my back. ‘I need to back out there but I’ll be back shortly,’ he tells Jacob before heading back out the door.


‘Why don’t we get you somewhere more comfortable huh?’ Jacob asks me, and all I can do is nod in agreement. It feels like I’ve lost my voice and don’t know how to talk. ‘Okay, I tell what, I’m going to put you down and then collect my things and we’ll head to the car. How does that sound?’ He asks me and I just shake my head. I don’t want to let my anchor go, I feel like if I do I’ll be lost in a pit of emotions that I don’t want to deal with right now. I wrap my arms around his neck tighter hoping that he will understand. ‘Okay, I won’t let you go Eva, I promise,’ he tells me as he pulls me closer before standing up and collecting his keys of his desk.

He carries me out the back door of his office and to the lift which then takes us to the garage, which is filled with about ten cars in total, ‘Staff park here,’ he tells me, as if he knew what I was thinking. Jacob comes to a stop when he reaches what I take to be his car and unlocks it. He manages to open the passenger door with me still in his arms then pops me in, ‘I’ll be right beside you,’ he whispers and then closes my door and runs round to the driver’s side. Once he’s in he holds my hand as he texts someone, and then we’re off. Between the heated seat adding warmth to my body and the soft music playing in the background I feel myself starting to relax and I ease my grip on Jacob’s hand, but still refuse to let go.


After my mini breakdown Jacob and Derek have been my near shadows, calling me, texting me and now even hanging out with Brad, which is new. They used to all go out somewhere but now they will invite us over, or invite themselves to whatever we are doing. During the week they have been lovely and friendly to me, even joking on occasion and I’m starting to like them which isn’t helpful not when Sarah is around. She’s noticed too and because she knows them better than I do, and she has been teasing me non stop about the two hunks that are almost like my guard dogs. According to her they have never acted this way before about anyone and makes me slightly nervous, but she trusts them and so if she does I guess I should too.

‘Hey Eva, come be on my team, and help me beat brothers Grimm over there!’ Yells Derek from the living room. And I head out from the kitchen with Sarah hot on my heels with beers for everyone.

‘Okay, okay what are we playing?’ I ask as I’m handed a controller.

‘Halo,’ Derek tells me and soon we’re kicking Brad and Jacob’s butt at a slayer round.

‘You didn’t tell me she was that good!’ I hear Jacob complain at Brad, after I threw a plasma grenade at his character. Making us all laugh, by the end of the round both Derek and I won.

‘To teamwork,’ Derek laughs before giving me a quick kiss on the lips and then turning to Jacob and sticking his tongue out. Sarah just smiles at me as I sit there a little stunned. Not because of the kiss, well maybe about the kiss but both Derek and Jacob have been touching me randomly through the week. Well actually anytime they could really and I haven’t freaked out. Which makes me wonder why. They are two huge men, even if they are gentle.

Chapter 2.

I must have nodded off at some point during the evening, because when I come to, I’m under a duvet and in a bed. Where am I? I ask myself. I quickly look under the covers only to find myself in my underwear ‘Oh Shit,’ I whisper as my subconscious is now fully awake and smiling. Well it isn’t every day someone gets to see my bugs bunny panties with the slogan ‘What’s up doc?’ and black lace bra! she laughs at me.

I quickly get out of bed and find a shirt which can double as a dress on me, as it comes to my knees, before heading off to find someone. Opening the door I heard both Derek and Jacob and follow the sound of their voices. I stumble upon them working out, both shirtless and sweating with pads on their hands and knees. Damn, even my subconscious blushes at them. I can’t help but stare at them in all their glory. They both have fine bodies and obviously work out with the muscles to prove it.

I don’t know if I should interrupt them or let them finish, so I just stand and watch them. They seem to be playing a game of tag where they have to try and tag each others elbows and knees, as well as guard their own. Derek manages to tag Jacob’s knee, then his elbow and shouts out, ‘I win,’ with a laugh and a look of pure satisfaction, which makes me giggle. They both stand and stare at me as I have my hand covering my mouth, giggling.

‘I think we have an audience here, Jacob,’ Derek laughs as he nudges Jacob’s shoulder, making his way toward me.

‘Well you know what we do with an audience,’ laughs Jacob as he joins Derek on the way toward me. I stumble back as they both grab me and start tickling me, making me giggle even more.

‘Stop, stop. Stop, please. I surrender. ‘Stop” I scream through my giggles and finally they both stop.

‘Surrender, huh?’ Jacob says as he scratches his head, ‘Well I’ll take a kiss,’ he smiles at me.

‘Me too!’ shouts Derek.

‘Umm okay.’ I smile as Jacob slowly comes toward me. I close my eyes and lean into Jacob. His lips are soft and gentle on mine as his hands grab my hips and pull me closer to him, making me gasp and giving him the chance to slip his tongue in my mouth, deepening the kiss. I find myself lost in the kiss which ends too soon, as we both need to come up for air.

‘My turn,’ whispers Derek as he stands behind me turning me to face him. He is just as gentle as Jacob, until he nibbles on my lower lip, sucking on it. As he pulls me into him, Jacob gently rubs his fingertips up my spine.

Again when I come up for air, all I can say is, ‘WOW!’ They both just smile at me before kissing each other. I’ve never seen two men kiss, but wow is it sexy! Jacob’s hand is on Derek’s cheek, pulling him closer as Derek’s hands are on Jacob’s bum. I moan in pleasure at the sight as they stop.

‘Shocked, baby?’ Jacob smiles at me.

‘Yeah, a little. Never did or seen that before,’ I mumble as Jacob kisses my shoulder from behind.

‘What do you want from me?’ I ask them.

‘It’s not what we want from you, it’s what we want to do to you,’ Jacob replied sensually. Both of his hands reached out to lift each of my breasts. His thumbs ran over my nipples, forcing them to stand up and harden beneath my bra and shirt I’m wearing. A gentle gasp escaped me as he pulled me onto his chest. I was soaring. Jacob had barely began touching me when my body responded urgently. I had never felt such a strong sexual pull toward any man. My body was acting on its own, without my mind, which was making me afraid.

‘Mmmm… what a show!’ smiled Derek at Jacob and I. Suddenly I panicked, ‘I can’t do this let me go.’ Jacob stopped paying attention to my nipples, and wrapped his arms around me, under my boobs, holding me still.

‘Sshhhh, it’s ok Eva. What’s wrong? Talk to us baby, it’s okay, I promise,’ Jacob whispered in my ear. I was still afraid, but slowly calmed down from the gentle voices of Jacob and Derek. Before I know it, I start telling them my reason for freaking out.

‘I’m sorry… I just…it’s well, it’s me. I can’t,’ I start stammering, but before I can continue, Derek interrupts me.

‘Is this because of the scars?’ he asks.

I start to shake. They saw the scars, my scars. The scars I hate so much. Oh my god, I can’t breathe.

‘Hey, hey Eva, calm down. Breathe in then out. Nice deep breaths,’ Jacob coaches me, ‘in…out…in…out,’ and soon my breathing comes back to normal, but I can’t seem to stop the tears from falling.

id someone do that to you?’ Derek asks. All I can do is nod. Jacob is still holding me under my boobs, which I’m starting to feel comfortable with. Derek is closer now, holding my hands. ‘Tell us what has scared you, please?’ he begs.

‘I…oh god.. it was my stepfather.’, I felt like I was about to break, like he was going to jump out. With these two holding me I felt safe to continue, ‘He did the scars on my arms and chest. He was an abuser and I was his target for three years, but no one believed me apart from Sarah. My stepfather was a pillar of the community, and when I tried to get free from him, he tried to…’ I can’t continue. I don’t want them to look at me like I’m broken, I already know I am. The tears haven’t stopped yet either. Derek wipes my face with his thumbs gently before asking me to continue. I can’t and shake my head telling them no, but they don’t want to let it go.

‘Please Eva, tell us,’ Jacob begs in my ear. ‘It’s okay baby, we’re here and won’t let you go.’ Hearing that makes me not only cry harder, the sobs start to shake my body making me miss the look Derek sends Jacob, but I also feel Jacob nod before Derek asks me his question.

‘Did your stepfather try to rape you?’ I can’t stop crying as I nod my head.

‘Oh baby,’ Jacob whispers as he holds me. Derek moves closer and hugs me so that I am squeezed in between them both. They each rest their heads on different shoulders and hug me. I feel safe in their arms and soon the tears stop but they still keep holding me.

‘Lets go lay down, huh?’ Derek suggests as he disentangles himself from me. Jacob doesn’t stop holding me and starts pushing me forward as he walks behind me slowly. Once we reach what I guess to be their room, I’m surprised by the size of the bed. It must be seven foot by seven foot. It’s a huge, big square, which Derek is pulling the duvet down from and climbing in. ‘Come on baby,’ he says as he reaches out to me.

Jacob slowly slides his arms from under my boobs and pushes me toward the bed. ‘It’s okay baby,’ he tells me as I slowly climb in and slide to the middle as Jacob comes in behind me.

‘What are we doing?’ I ask feeling slightly nervous between these two huge men, who are currently making a fuss over me.

‘Well, right now we are in bed relaxing before each of us head for a shower, and then we are going to have some fun which will be enjoyable!’ smiled Derek before kissing my cheek and getting out of bed, ‘Starting with me.’

I lay on the bed cuddled up with Jacob and I soon start feeling sleepy again before Jacob gets up and gives me his pillow to cuddle into, ‘I’ll put some music on and let you rest. I don’t want to disturb you when I go for a shower baby,’ he tells me, before I hear Ellie Goulding playing in the background.

I lay in bed with my eyes closed listening the songs play and try to let my mind get off the fact I just opened up to two strangers about my past. Well not strangers I’ve known them for a week but still, I can’t believe I just told them, but it feels good to get it off my chest. Then I hear Derek’s voice through what I guess is the bathroom door, and decide to move closer to the door, ‘Hey baby?’

‘Eva’s sleeping, so thought I’d join you,’

‘I won’t complain,’ I hear Derek reply, and not long after I hear grunts and groans that all sound pleasurable.

‘Just think baby, soon you can kiss, suck and make love to that goddess out there. Didn’t she look smoking hot in your shirt! Didn’t you just want to rip it off her and pin her to the bed,’ states Jacob, before I hear a loud almost animalistic growl from Derek.

I feel naughty for eavesdropping on their passionate encounter but I can’t help but notice how wet I am from listening to them, or the fact I’m now very horny. ‘I guess we should get out of here and wake the lovely Miss Eva, before we start round two!’ I hear Derek say, and I rush back to the bed, Shit! Should I pretend I didn’t hear? I ask myself as I feel my cheeks are burning hot to the touch. Pretend it is.

‘Eva, baby you’re awake, showers all yours baby,’ Jacob smiles at me with a towel around his hips, and I melt looking at him. I never noticed the dusting of chest hair across his chest that only draw more attention to his body. Why is he interested in me? I question myself looking at his body again. ‘Go on scoot!’ Jacob laughs at me.

I climb out of the bed only to get a look at Derek’s body and the same thought comes to me, Why me? These two men could have anyone they wished and I can only drool at their bodies. ‘Mmm..baby,’ Derek winks at me and before I can say anything, he kisses me gently and then pushes me to the bathroom, ‘Shower time baby!’

Shedding my robe aka Derek’s shirt, I open the shower door, which is huge, and walk into the shower. Looking at the knobs I quickly figure out what I need to do and soon enough I am under the hot water rushing down my body. The question still plagues my mind. Why me?

I look down at my body and all I know is, I’m not pretty, the scars make me sure of that, most are around my shoulders above my breasts but some reach down to my breasts. I hate them, I wish I didn’t have them. I am not pretty, Pretty like the waitress at the club. I quickly wash and rinse my body and hair but the thoughts don’t leave. Should I ask? Will they tell me? Are they just being nice? All run through my head, ‘I’ll ask!’ I say to no one but myself. I quickly turn off the shower and grab a towel to dry off and head back out to the two men, that are fully and utterly out of my league.


Chapter 3

We are relaxing on the sofa, all wrapped in robes after our showers and laughing. Jacob is currently telling me a story about Derek not only breaking a box of plates when they moved but also tried to blame Jacob for it by putting it in his hands and letting it slip at the last minute.

Derek is holding my hand as Jacob touches me ever so often and it’s relaxing. I feel safe here with them, even the gentle touches don’t hurt or scare me. I can’t believe it.

‘Kiss me,’ I whisper to them. They both smile before Derek moves closer to me and gently kisses my lips. Licking the seam of my mouth, I grant him access. He gently flicks his tongue against mine before licking the roof of my mouth and slowly exiting. I open my eyes and smile. It was lovely and pleasurable. Next, Jacob moves in to me and kisses me. His kiss is different to Derek’s. Jacob sucks my bottom lip, making me moan and then pushes his tongue in, coaxing mine to play with his.

‘I’ve never done this before,’ I tell them as I think about what I’ve just done.

‘That’s okay baby. We’ll take this slow. If you want to stop, just say so. It won’t annoy us. We’ll stop and relax. You’ll be fine, we both promise,’ Derek tells me before kissing me again. Soon I’m playing with Jacob’s hair as we kiss, scratching his scalp, as Derek is kissing my shoulders and slowly moving down. Slowly Jacob opens my robe and I feel nervous and try to cover up, only to have Derek pull my hands away. ‘You’re beautiful Eva, let us look please,’ he asks.

I blush as Jacob stares at my naked body and I grip Derek’s hands tighter in my own. I know my nipples are hard points and I know I am fully turned on however nervous I am. I know my body isn’t that of a supermodel’s, I have a softness to my tummy as I am a size 16/18 after all, but that doesn’t stop Jacob as he tells me I’m beautiful as his hands cup my breasts which just fit in his huge hands, ‘and a perfect handful’ he smiles before kissing me again. Derek is still holding my hands and I half wonder if he’s scared I’ll cover up which I don’t know if I could or not I feel like I’m sinking in a pool of sexual bliss as Jacob rolls my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers making me fully aware of how sensitive they are. I don’t think my breasts have ever been this sensitive.

Derek lets go of my hands as his slides up my arms slowly and then he gently runs his nails acro
ss the top of my breasts making me arch into him as Jacob opens my rope more and trails his hands down my tummy and to my hot core all I can do is moan and sigh in pleasure, as Derek keeps playing with my breasts. Suddenly I jump as I feel a wetness on the inside of my thigh, ‘Shh baby this will feel good I promise,’ Jacob whispers as he continues licking the inside of my thigh before moving higher and higher till he reaches my clit which he starts circling with his tongue and it takes all I can do to not buck my hips at the pleasure. Slowly he licks his way from my clit to my entrance and back again before sucking my clit in his mouth and flicking it with his tongue, between Derek’s hands on my breasts and Jacob’s mouth on my clit soon I scream, and I swear I see stars as I experience my orgasm at the hands of a man or men in my case.

‘Wow,’ I whisper as I come down from my recent high, ‘that was amazing,’ I smile to Jacob as he stands up. Derek’s hands move from my breasts and back to my arms.

‘How does she taste Jake?’ Before he kisses him again, as I am squeezed between them. ‘Mmmm good though next time I get the full flavour!’ He grins as they finish their kiss.

‘Did you enjoy?’ They both ask me, and all I can do I smile and nod.

‘Good,’ smiles Jacob before he kisses me again, as I feel Derek’s fingers slide my robe down my arms. I’m naked and I feel amazing, a warm sensation has travelled through my body and all I can do is smile as they both lead me back to the bedroom. Even my subconscious has shut up for once, as Derek has stopped me in front of the bed, kissing my neck as Jacob got on the bed in front of me naked.

‘Are you ready?’ he asks me, and somewhere in my sexual haze I should say that I’ve never done this before, but I feel like if I don’t do this I never will, and if it makes me feel as amazing as his tongue did earlier I’m ready! But my mouth is dry and all I can do is nod my head. ‘Climb on the bed baby,’ he tells me. Derek helps me up on the bed a little and climbs on behind me, as I reach the middle of Jacob’s thighs I look down, and I start to feel a little panicked at his sheer size, Will it fit? I question myself as I feel Derek play with my breasts again which make me moan.

Jacob leans forward and lifts me to where he wants me to be, right over his cock with my thighs on the outside of his as Derek slides one of his hands down over my breasts and to my clit, which he starts rubbing on gently in circular motions. Between the friction on my clit and my nipple being rolled between Derek’s fingers I’m moaning and panting all over again. ‘She’s ready Jake,’ Derek states before he goes back to nibbling on the side of my neck.

I feel Jacob slowly run his cock up to my clit and back down to my entrance a few times and it feels amazing the combination of the heat and the softness at the same time makes me melt, it feels different to Derek’s fingers on my clit but not in a bad way just different. Jacob slowly starts pushing into my wetness until just the tip of his cock is inside me and I feel the stretch, but soon it becomes all too much as he hits my barrier which makes me whimper and try to dislodge him.

‘What’s wrong?’ Derek questions, stopping from kissing my neck, even his hands still on my breasts and clit.

‘Shit. Baby, why didn’t you tell us?’ Asks Jacob, as his hands grip my hips preventing me from moving anywhere.

Before I can speak Derek beats me to it by asking what Jacob is talking about, and at the mention of my virginity, and not only do the kisses and caresses stop from Derek, he removes his hands from me completely, and flees not only the bed, but the room too. I can’t fight the tears from falling as I felt Derek leave me altogether. One of my arms covers my breasts as I put the other on Jacob’s stomach so I can get off of him.

‘I’ll go,’ I whisper and try to move off of Jacob, but his hands only tighten on my hips and stop me moving.

‘Like hell you’re going anywhere!’ He almost shouts at me, as he reaches up to push my arm away from covering my breasts.

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Hi I am Rico 24 from Kerala currently working in Chennai. After completing my post graduation studies I had much expectation about career. But lastly I ended in working in a publication mainly in editing and designing. Here i would like to narrate an incident happened in my office. I am expecting your feedback and if you are interested contact Jeevitha, 34 from Karnataka has changed my life by giving what I was waiting for many years. Jeevitha madam was working as content editor in office. She...

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Chapter 1 My name is Ed Aronhalt. I'm fifty-eight years old and lost my wife three years ago to cancer. Mary was a very overweight woman and always called herself fat; I always preferred the term chubby even though she weighed well over two hundred pounds. We had a great life together with two wonderful caring daughters who are now married with families of their own. I'll start back when Mary and I first met. It was in the fall shortly after graduation from high school. I need to tell you...

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real mothers day interracial double cuckold story

as promised! heres the rest of the story! (true story that is!)...Darien bent me over, spread my ass, and licked around and inside of me while biting on my soft cheeks. i was dripping wet when Darien told me to lay on my back.he took off my heels and began sucking on my toes one by one taking his time to taste each and every toe. he started licking my soles from the bottom to the top, pausing each time in the middle and licking them how i like it. his tongue worked its way up to my pussy and he...

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Mormon part 2

In part 1 i told how i was seduced and abused by 3 mens at whose house i worked at. I wanted revenge, although i had grown to enjoy my gay side, but i still believed i was forced into that. I planned my revenge, they made me their slave so i wanted to do something familiar. Now i was used by all three men, Eric, Jack and Martin for 2 years. Jack had died, Martin was getting married and Eric was usually busy so they had stopped using me. Infact i had not been used for about a month. It was...

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PenthouseGold Alyssa Bounty Works Foot Fetish Magic

Foot fetish lovers will be excited to see the super sensual Alyssa Bounty working magic with her delectable feet as she turns Totti on while rubbing her perfectly pedicured toes. He massages oil into the brunette beauty’s soles prepping them for the amazing footjob he’s going to receive on both his shaft and balls. After toe-sucking and pussy licking, he finally plunges his big dick deep into her soaking wet snatch for a good fuck and then the flexy Penthouse babe coaxes the cum out...

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Interstate Innocence

(1975) I loved the smell of the old Greyhound bus station, something about the exhaust from all those busses. But my Ma didn’t seem to like it there much; she seemed kinda nervous. Maybe I am confusing her disdain of the filthy bus station with the trepidation she must have felt with sending me, her thirteen-year old boy, off to Texas for a month. I dunno, but I did what I could to calm her, which meant doing what she said, promising to write and telling her how much I would miss her. ...

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Asian Hospitality

I live in a condo in San Francisco. One of my neighbors lives full time in the Philipines but keeps a condo in San Francisco for business trips. After my divorce, he invited me to visit him and his wife in Manila. I knew he was wealthy, but when I arrived, I was amazed by the mansion he lived in and the beautiful grounds and all of the servants. My bedroom was a guest room in a separate wing of the house, away from the main living areas and away from the master bedroom.On my first night my host...

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Always on GuardChapter 41

The ride across the countryside was as slow as it had been four years earlier when Pernice and Jorgarn rode in the opposite direction. But each time, they carried the understanding they were riding toward conflict. They rode on fine horses – a gift to them from Merg and his friends, who had bartered a longbow and a quarrel of arrows for them. Jorgarn couldn't help but smile when he thought of the youth. Merg had grown as much as anyone in his time away from Emertland. He and his industrious...

2 years ago
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Sexy Soothai Paarthu Mayanginen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil sexyaaga soothu vaithu irukum pennai paarthu mayangi avalai usar seithu sex seithen. En peyar Arul, vayathu 28 aagugirathu, intha vayathil enaku innum thirumanam seithu vaikamal thaan irukiraargal. Athanaal naan thinamum kama kathai matume padithukondu irupen. Enaku kai adikavilai endraal oru naal kuda enaku thukame varathu, jollyaga sight adipen. Pengalin soothai paarpathu enaku pidikum, pengal soothai paarthu rasipathe oru thani vithamaana sugam endru...

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MY FIRST SEX WITH MYCOLLEAGUE By: RAVI This is Ravi here to share my successful fucking experience with Sirisha two year back. This incident happened when I was working in small town near Vijayawada, where we were four people working in a department, sirisha was one among them, as she is married one year back. She was with enough structure of 26 30 28, she was 25 yrs old with good looking aggressive, we used to share work during office hours, once we all saw our horoscopes in internet, I saw...

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My Slutty Wife Used as a Dog Slave Bitch part 1

My wife Sissy and I were married, when she had just turned 18. At the time we lived in some apartments just outside North Island a Navy base in San Diego that I was stationed at, being in the Armed Forces, this was a convenient place to live, almost everyone that lived there were mostly single men along with, a few young newly married military couples like us. Sissy was an oversexed slutty little thing even in High school, and sex always seemed to be on her mind, many of her...

4 years ago
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Shooting the MoonChapter 7

“Thank you for your patience, Mr. Balk. You as well, Mrs. Strachan. As you can see, I am waiving all late fees caused by the closed office. I’m also holding a special event next month, including a drawing for a month of half-rent. It will be held at the pool and it will include free pizza, soda, chips, and games. There will also be an after-party for any adults able to attend it, which will be held at this address here. It will be adults-only and I would recommend that you budget for an Uber,...

2 years ago
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Insider Trading

John and I worked for the same health care company. I was the president of the company and I hired John on a recommendation from a business associate at a previous job I had held. John and I had passed paths only briefly in the past, but I was happy to bring him on to the team in an operational role. Although I was technically John’s boss, I looked at him as an equal and tried to treat him that way. Our business relationship soon blossomed into a personal relationship. Lucky for me, John had an...

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Hide and Seek

Crouching behind a bush, my hand covering my mouth, I listened to their voices. Two of them obviously hunting me. Why else would they be there? Besides, I could overhear a little of their conversation. What they would do to me if they caught me. That was enough to be sure that I needed to keep perfectly still until they’d passed. Hopefully they couldn’t hear my heart pounding in my chest. I’d always thought it silly when you read it in books. That the sound of your heartbeat could give you...

4 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 22

Flashback – Major M – Undisclosed location I looked at my men and ordered, "Put down your weapons. We are going to surrender." As I put down my weapons the L.Cpl. complained, "Surrender! Have you lost your mind?" The Sgt. decked him and put down his weapons as he added, "Sir, I hope this is part of your plan." I replied, "Right now I'd rather take my chances with Baskerville than the Sedankina twins." Plus, I hoped to finally get a good look at the vehicle and the drivers....

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Sexual Crossroads

Back when my youthful horniness was at its peak, I found myself at a crossroads with my sexuality. I had only hooked up with girls, however, I often caught myself fighting off feelings of sexual excitement at the thought of my best friend, Ryan. While I considered myself to be straight, I felt moments of weakness in the locker room after soccer practice. Although we would never get fully naked in front of each other, Ryan and I would strip down to our boxers to change from our gym shorts into...

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true story I let a white stranger have a turn wit

So last night me and my wife went out for drinks and dancing and she was the center of attention I danced with her several times and once we had quite a few drinks I started dancing really freaky with her and then I started maneuvering her closer to other guys where at a times I had got her so close to some men that while I was in front of her, her ass was getting grind on and one guy even reached around one hand and squeezed her left tit while firmly pulling her ass on his dick. I sat down...

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Fucking Cousin Usha In Mangalore

Hello everyone. This is Diganth and I am 24 years old. And about me, I am 5 ft 10 inches finished my engineering and currently working on one of the reputed companies. And about my structure currently, a medium built guy with a 6″ size dick. I am here to tell you about how I explored with my cousin. My cousin’s name is Usha. She is 2 months younger so, 22 years old. And About her stats (34c-28-30). We both stay around 5 km away from each other’s house. And she is 5 ft 9 inches in height. Her...

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Friends Sexy Wife Neha

Hi to all readers….. ….this is Vedant frm mumbai MALE 34 i would like to tell u one damn experience about my sex with my friends wife which i was not expecting at all to happen…… …..but it happened due to sheer luck or my good fortunes…. ….. It all began in my society where i live in bombay i had a close friend named Sanjeev who stays just opposite my building in my society Sanjeev is marketing guy who is on tour most of times his wife Neha is a good friend of my wife…….. i have noticed many...

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Archive Room

You are the new girl in the office. Sitting opposite I often find myself watch you, transfixed by your inner beauty. Every morning my attention focused on you as you apply your lipstick, a strangely erotic moment. Although I struggle to keep my attention on my work, I find myself attracted to you. Odd moments such as watching as you cross and uncross your legs, gazing at your thighs. Or when helping you out with a piece of work. Standing behind you , leaning over you my eyes drawn to your...

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Complete humiliation and milking

Megan was now the womean who controlled my life and i was to do anything she said. at the time it seemed ok then i realized she just didnt want to be in control of me, she wanted me to be her complete and total bitch. The next morning when she woke me up she told me it was going to be my training day, and after it would be my total submission. She told me to go into the bathroom and shave all the hair off of my body which i did. Then she had a bra and panties laid out on the bed and ordered me...

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The Rolls and the Pipe Ch 05

Welcome to Chapter Five! Before I go on, please remember that Lit.com is an adult orientated site, so if you’re not 18 or older, vamoose. I got inspiration to write this chapter while reading a story by ‘impressive’. While Impressive’s writing style isn’t my favorite, this individual writes fairly well. I suggest that you go read! I have been realizing that my writing style is a bit heavy, and I apologize for that – I’m trying to do better! * * * * * Kaiser’s Perspective As Paige stepped...

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Neighbors Teasing WifeChapter 3

On Saturday Vicky's neighbor and best friend Joan Shelton was working on the flower beds in her back yard. A slim blonde young woman, she was dressed in a skimpy halter and shorts, hoping to get her husband's attention. But Frank had hardly looked at her all morning, and now he popped his head out the patio door and announced, "I think I'll go play a little golf, honey." Joan tried to sound cheerful as she replied, "Okay, dear, have a nice time." Golf, hell, she thought. She could...

3 years ago
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Moonlight Romance Part 2 of 3

The tears came quickly and steadily for Lucy. Holding her face in her hands, Lucy was starting to believe that her fiancée, Sarah, had been unfaithful. Even though their lovemaking the previous night was amazing, Lucy felt that she might have to break off their plans to marry.Lucy stood up from her chair and wiped her eyes. Still wearing shorts and a tank top, she gulped down the rest of her morning coffee, pinned her hair up and started to tidy the cabin. Sarah had gone sometime in the night,...

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The CureChapter 58

The ‘revenge’ fleet approached the world of Asha, a border world of the Diadem Republic. The on board ‘grapevine’ told us that we’d been scanned, though we clearly were not hiding ... well, most of the fleet, several scouts probably were hiding. On transition from XD space we were faced with what had to be the full Republic Defence Force who were rapidly manoeuvring to prevent us from closing with the inhabited world of the system. Cass, Hiqua and I, as representatives of the Security...

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Awakening of Alexis part 5

The Awakening of Alexis - Part 5My wife serviced a few more black men in the next couple of weeks, before Jackie arranged for us to get together again. She wanted us to view some video material, talk to us, and so on, along with some other people present.One of the servicings involved Alexis having to meet a black guy on the other side of town but it was a decent area. As usual, I drove her there and we went up to the house together. The wife opened the door. She was black, tall and very...

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NubileFilms Abella Danger Avi Love Her First Threesome

Abella Danger has found someone to bring home to her boyfriend Alex Legend. Avi Love can’t wait to take part in a threesome between herself, Abella, and Alex, but first she needs a glass of wine to unwind. The alcohol has barely passed Avi’s lips before she drops her inhibitions enough to give in to the temptation of making out with Abella. Alex waits patiently in the living room for a while, but eventually he gets up to see what’s taking the girls so long in the kitchen. The sight that greets...

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Kelli Mike and FriendsChapter 11 Third Friday

When Kelli arrived the next week, the father said, 'I'm sorry I have to ask for the second week running but can you stay late again. We have to attend a company dinner dance and my boss has asked if we can remain after to meet some of the out of town reps.' 'It means it will be gone 2:00am again before we return.' Kelli had to restrain herself from jumping up and down, and said in an artificially calm voice, 'sure, it's no trouble, I'll just watch something or maybe do some of my...

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Nice Time With A Neighbor Woman

This is my true experience which happened some 18 years back. I was about 20 then. Our family was living in a small ancestral house, and after partition of property between my father and his brothers we left that house and took residence as a co-tenant in what is known as a storehouse. It is popular in our place and usually found in older part of every city. Let me explain it. It will be one big house with many rooms, enclosed verandahs, walking passage and a court yard in the back. Several...

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SRU In The Bag

Spells R Us: In The Bag By and copyright 1998 Jay Seaver. With the exception of "The Old Man", "Spells R Us", and other creations of Bill Hart, these characters and situations are mine and I'm pretty possessive when it comes to these things. Ask before using them and be willing to take no for an answer. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The bell rang as Ron entered the store, startling him. It wasn't that the bell rang inasmuch as there was...

3 years ago
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Problems and SolutionsChapter 15

No further calls disrupted Patrick on Monday. Tuesday served as a major contrast. The Minister’s PA called to ask whether he could come to a meeting at 1400. He had barely gotten off the phone when Jason called. Apparently he had also been “invited.” Patrick read him the Tribunal passage, emphasizing “Normally, the land will be passed down to future generations in a way that recognises the community’s traditional connection to that country.” “Interesting,” Jason said, “I’ll do a bit of...

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My girlfriends friend

The story happened in the wonderful city of Shanghai. Had been living in China for 5 years, where I met my wonderful girlfriend and her friends. We were a close bunch, hanging out often. From the 7 girls, my gf was very close specially with one of them. Monica. A sexy girl who she shared everything with. Including our sex life, my size, my performance, everything. In fact, in many occasions, when being a bit drunk/excited, the sex topic used to come out (something these group of girls enjoyed...

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The girls get together for a little sexchat

“Where’s Joanna,” asked Peggy, “she’s always late?!?” Judith smirked a little and responded cattily, “Doesn’t Frank have Wednesdays off, if he does, I think we all know what she’s up to!” The three at the table all chuckled at that one, but it was Susan who came to Joanna’s defense when she opined, “Let’s not be too hasty with our criticism, I think we would all agree if one of our husbands had a day off we’d...

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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 9

JR released her hand to give hugs to both of his puzzled grandparents before taking it again and introducing her. “Grandma and Grandpa, I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Rochelle Preston. Rockie, these are my grandparents.” At his introduction of her as his girlfriend, words momentarily caught in her throat, but she smiled and shook their offered hands until she was able to speak again. “I am very honored and pleased to meet both of you,” she said. Mrs. Harper ushered them all into...

4 years ago
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The Curtsey part III

The Curtsey Part III By Sissy Smith As the three ladies sat and waited for Tammie to appear, they got to know each other better and Lisa was brought up to speed on Tammie's situation. Lisa found the whole thing really hard to believe and thought that this really was some kind of joke her mother was pulling on her. Ms. Brenda then changed the subject to inform Ms. Baldwin that she had a lot more in store for Tammie when they got home. She said she had been working on finding a...

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Steamy Surprises

I push open the front door and shake my useless, broken umbrella on the welcome mat outside. I take off my coat and try to shake as much water off of it as possible. Removing my pumps, I walk down the entrance foyer and upstairs to our bedroom. As I flick on the light, I’m disappointed not to see you there. Realizing that you had mentioned that you were going to be working late, I begin to strip off my soaking wet clothes. Glancing into the mirror I almost laugh, my hair was a fright and my...

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Exquisite Bondage

Linda was determined this time.  She needed to feel the exquisite torture of being teased.  She wanted to be able to prolong the pleasure of arousal as she had experienced in the past.Linda and her partner had been split up for a few months and her mind and body were returning to 'normal'.  She wasn't dating again yet, but her body's desires were attempting to get her back out there.  At night she would masturbate to relieve her tension, but afterwards, always felt disappointed.  The orgasm...

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A Great Fuck With My Booby Sunitha Aunty

Hi readers, this is Rahul again with my second incest story. Hope u all liked my first story titled “my sexy young little virgin sister” and I also hope that u will like this story too. This is a story about my crush on my aunt sunitha. Sunitha aunty is my chacha’s wife and she is a good looker without a doubt. Me and sunitha aunty are very close and we move in a very friendly manner. Sunitha anuty got married to my chacha at a very young age. She now has two daughters but she still looks...


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