Angela_(2) free porn video

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“Surely you’re not staying in on a day like this, why don’t you sit out on the lawn and read your book; Michael has put the sun beds up. Most people would give their eyetooth for your lifestyle young lady? Michael will be here soon!” Her mother looked up toward the kitchen clock as she spoke.

Angela and her parents lived in the Cotswold’s about 20 miles from Oxford, it was a lovely part of England, the house was in it’s own grounds some 100 acres, flowing lawns, surrounded by woodlands, barely visible from the outside world. With father working in London for best part of the week, the house was always quite; mother busied herself with local WI and other causes. It was a large house some 10 bedrooms and tended by an array of helpers.

Angela was born late in her parents life, they’d lived and worked in India, not settling down to start a family until well into there 40’s she was an only child, her mother didn’t want the hassle of childbirth any more one was more than adequate.

She’d resided at “The Gables” all her life, with some trips abroad mainly Paris, but she never liked the town. Often friends from college came to stay thought out the summer months.

Picking up her book she ambled outside into the sun, it was beaming down, and hot. Deciding to do a bit of sunbathing she returned collecting the suntan oil from the bathroom.

Michael had placed the sun beds on the slope, facing the lake; he was placing a sunshade to one side with a small table as she arrived.

“Morning Miss Angela looks as if it’s going to be another scorcher!” Michael tipped his cap and went about his business.

Angela sat on the sun bed easing her dress back up over her knee massaging the oil into her legs, then lying back taking up her book. She loved to read, her Mills and Boon books kept her more than occupied, she was to absorbed in the story to hear Michael walk up the slope sitting down in front of her at the small table, he’d full view under her dress, wondering as to how long he could remain without her realizing his presence.

Angela was certainly a beautiful specimen of a young woman of class in any mans eyes. Michael was married, having three grown up children of his own, even grandchildren now; he’d worked for the Johnson’s since they’d moved to The Gables nearly twenty years ago, watched Angela as she’d grown up. She’s always taken kindly towards him, often calling him old rouge because of his openness to his thoughts.

“They’re pretty!”

Angela sat up with a start; as soon as she saw Michael, she turned looking back toward the house, fully aware that if anyone could see them, they’d know of Michael’s viewpoint. She opened her legs forcing the dress in between them.

“Michael what do you think your doing?”

“Talking to you Miss!”

“How long have you been sitting there?”

“Long enough…long enough to enjoy the view!” he smiled. “God, if I was but forty years younger, you’re a site for sore eye’s Miss!”

“You’re to much Michael, always creeping up on me unawares!”

Michael looked back down the slope with a smile. “The grass is extra soft today, I’ll give you that!” he smiled.

“You know what I mean, you old Goat! What are you doing here anyway? Mothers waiting for you in the kitchen”

“Couldn’t miss a chance like that, saw you lying there, knew the view I’d get coming up by way of the bank. My pleasure was fulfilled, as I say this, they did look appealing!”

“One of these day’s Michael Robert’s!”

“God, I wish you meant it Miss, I can assure you, you’d not regret it!”

Angela watched as he ambled toward the house, he was forever catching her in compromising situations, coming upon her from out of the blue in most circumstances. But he was such a loveable old guy, how could anyone reproach him, sometimes she didn’t really know how to take some of his gist. For his age he was very daring in his words, she’d often wondered if he jested, or meant his remarks; he’d a granddaughter her own age she thought. Thinking no more about the matter she continued back to her book; the sun was getting even hotter as the morning drew toward midday, Angela decided a shower would be in order; at least it would cool her down; she wanted to freshen up anyway, her friend Jane would be coming home with her father at 4 o’clock. He’d be picking her up from Reading on the way home.

The shower felt stimulating as the spines of cool water forcibly raced over her breasts tingling the tips of her nipples. She’d not drawn the curtain, being as she and her mother alone in the house.

Michael gazed pensively as he sat in the corner of the bathroom, Angela hummed to herself, eyes closed and head up, her hands moving leisurely over her body in caressing movements, water cascading over her from head to foot. Her fingers dwindled momentary between her legs, then drawing the soapy bubbles up into her soft down, only to dip her long slender fingers back down, lifting her leg, placing it onto the low wall surrounding the shower tray, her fingers became excited, probing deeply into her pussy.

This was too much, Michael stood from his stool, quietly wandered over kneeling in front of her, he could hear her slight moans, Angela removed her hand, gliding it up to her small but firm breasts, her foot still placed on the wall beside Michael; his eyes were glued to the diminutive puffed lips of her pussy from which her fingers had just left, mere inches from his mouth.

Angela never realized it was his finger, her mind awash with awareness of other things, continuing to manipulate her breasts in relaxing actions, one hand slowly lowered, placing it onto her tummy, sensing the engorgement of his two thick fingers as they gyrated leisurely deep inside. Throwing her head back she moaned loudly, cool water spraying into her mouth, he leaned forward hooking his tongue under her clit, jiggling it with the tip, fingering her deeply, winding his finger around her inner walls. As she came, she pressed her hand down hard on her tummy, feeling convulsions as the shockwave traveled towards the very nerve ends, the vigor of her orgasm, knocked her sideways. Michael caught her young body in both arms before she could fall laying her out gently before him on the lamb’s wool bathmat. Reaching across her body placing his mouth over her petite breast sucking gently, whilst his finger probed once more, gleaning her juices along its length.

Angela felt somewhat weak when she finally came to, knowing full well that she’d not managed to reach the mat on her own, her pussy still quivered from Michael’s finger and tongue.

Feel refreshed now sweetheart thought you’d gone down the plughole. “Did Michael manage to finish fitting the shower head?”

“Michael! I didn’t see him Mother, the shower was fine!”

“Then he must have fixed it, Jane and your father will be home soon, will you help me get this table together, I want it all laid out by the time he gets home, you know what you’re father is like!”
Angela moved around the table helping her mother laying all the bits and pieces out, it their appropriate places. It seemed funny if her mother hadn’t seen Michael leave the bathroom before she taken her shower, he must have been there when she was showering. “No it’s not possible?” she thought. “She’d been daydreaming”

Jane and her father arrived about 4.20, Father wanting a drink as soon as he stepped into the house.

“That traffic, it’s unbelievable, something should be done always in the summer, road works and counter flows they have to do it when it’s most likely to cause havoc, it’s no wonder people get so frustrated.

“Never mine dear, your home now! And how’s Jane, ready for a couple of days holiday, away from the busy outside world!” Grace smiled toward her, pulling a face toward her husband.

“Nice to be here Mrs. Johnson, it makes a nice break to get away from all the humdrum of the town!”

“Will you have any more need of me Mrs. Johnson?” Michael quizzed poking his head into the door.

“No, I’m sure everything is fine Michael, Angela has tried the shower, she’s made no mention of it!” Grace looked toward her daughter as she spoke.

“No, it’s fine Michael, just fine!”

“A little more in stimulating perhaps?” smiled Michael

Angela felt herself redden; her mind went back, with her ending up on the bathroom floor, surely it couldn’t have been Michael! She thought.

“No, honest it’s excellent now! Thank you Michael” Angela turned back to Jane, as to cut him out of the conversation.

“Little of my titillation works wonders!” He grinned with a wink, walking away.

Angela couldn’t help wondering as to the significance of his word titillation, if only she’d not have passed out. She dreaded the thought that Michael had anything to do with it. “What could he have done anyway, he’d be past it at his age surely?” she thought.

“Well what are you two going to do with yourselves over the weekend then?” Grace quizzed looking at the two girls.

“For my own point of view, just to relax, nice swim, and get engorged by the sun on the lawns. God, it’s so peaceful here!” Jane chuckled. “What of you Angela?”


“Sorry, I was in a world of my own there! Sounds good to me, no shopping then?”

“I’ve had enough of that this week, what with one thing and another!” Jane smiled

It wasn’t until the Sunday morning that Michael was witnessed again; the girls were by the swimming pool, sunning themselves, as normal Michael had arrived from nowhere, Angela had just picked up her book. Until she’d caught a movement in the corner of her eye, she hadn’t noticed him walking toward her; always straight to the front, just in case her pose was untoward, but this time her legs were tightly together.

“It’s Sunday Michael; what are you doing! Not working I’m sure?”

“Saw you here Miss, imagined you might like a drink, how about you Miss?” Michael turned to Jane, who was now sitting up one elbow.

“Sounds good to me, nice Martini with ice! I think that would go down a treat”

Michael’s eyes followed her stretching out before him, her costume basically covering her private parts, with a slight pleat just where it should be, by the thinness of the panties he could tell she was shaved. He could have gone down on her there and then, and by the way she was flaunting herself, she well knew his thoughts.

“I’ll have the same Michael…thank you!”

It was as much as he could do to peel his eyes from Jane, he turned and nodded toward Angela.

“Right away Miss!”

“He’s a randy old sod!” Jane giggled as Michael moved away.

“You shouldn’t tease him like that, you’ll give him a heart attack!”

“Don’t knock him Angie, they say the old ones are the best. I’d bet he wouldn’t turn it down if he was offered it!”

“What would you know about it?” Angela chuckled.

“I’m only going by what I’ve heard, they say until you’ve endeavored an oldie you haven’t lived. I’m often tempted to try!” Jane mused. “I wonder you haven’t, plenty of chance stuck out of the way down here in the country!”

“Jane you’re to much, I’ve known him all my life!”

“So, all the more reason for trusting him then!”

“He’s got two granddaughters my age!”

“Well, put it this way, it doesn’t stop him looking does it, as I say he’d jump at the chance, if presented to him, I wouldn’t say no?” Jane laughed.

“There we go, two martini’s shaken not stirred” Michael chuckled, kneeling down in front of the girls placing the tray on the ground.

“Fancy a swim then Michael?” Jane suggested, with a grin.

Michael looked toward the pool with a smile, then back to her.

“Think I could find more pleasurable things to soak up my energy Miss” he grinned.

“And what may I ask do you have in mind?” Jane smiled.

“If only you knew Miss!” he chuckled, standing and looking down at them both before moving off.

“He’s gagging for it!”

“Jane, he’s our handyman you’re talking about! More than likely considering something complete dissimilar, to what you have on you’re mind”

“Wouldn’t like to take a wager on it would you?” Jane replied with a broad grin on her face. “You have it made here, you know just as to where everyone is, so many secretive little hidey holes around the grounds!” Jane watched as Michael drifted out of sight. “Well…would you?”

“Would I what?”

“Angie, when was the last time you had sex?”


“Exactly…you can’t remember can you?”
“I didn’t mean that, I mean with Michael, his hands will be like sandpaper!”

“I wasn’t thinking of his hands, think of the mileage that his cock has done, I’ll bet that’s ploughed a few fields!”

“You really do fancy him don’t you?” Angela smiled picking up her drink. “I’ll not impede you!” she smiled over her glass.

“I didn’t think I needed consent!” Jane grinned. “But thanks, I’ll let you know if he satisfies my needs, I’m sure he will!”

“Jane, I really believe you mean it!”

“Believe me I do, it would round my weekend off admirably!” Jane smiled her eyes focused on Michael’s last whereabouts. “I’ll pathe the way for you!” Jane chuckled.

It was mid-afternoon by the time that Jane got her chance; they were both sitting on the lawn in front of the lounge chatting when Michael came into view once more.

“Here comes wonder boy!” Jane laughed as she sat up, holding her hand up to her forehead, shielding her eyes from the strong sunlight. “Sure you don’t want to take a wager?”

“No, I’ll leave you to it!” Angela laughed.

“Are you busy Michael?” Jane quizzed as Michael neared them.

“Trouble Miss?”

“Well, I don’t know if you can spare a few minutes of your time. It’s just that the window in my bedroom appears to be sticking”

“I’ll have a look for you should you wish Miss!”

“Why thank you Michael! I’ll be up there in a few minutes; I would be grateful of your assistance! Say ten minutes!”

“Fine Miss, I just have to see cook and I’ll be up there” Michael walked off toward the house, but the smile on his face hadn’t gone unnoticed.

“See you in a while!” Jane grinned as she stood.

“You’re serious aren’t you?” Angela implied.

“Never been more, see you in a while, no gate crashing now!”

“I wouldn’t dream of it!” replied Angela, watching as her friend entered the house.

She sat on the lawn looking up to the bedroom window that she knew that her mother had been prearranged for Jane; there was no sign of Michael or Jane, squeals were apparent, even low moans. It wasn’t until an hour later that her friend came and sat back down beside her, for moments she said nothing.

“Well!” Angela asked, with a look of concern on her face, for her friend.

Michael walked out from the door down toward the two girls placing his hand onto Jane’s shoulder.

“Thank you Miss, if I don’t see you before you leave tomorrow, do have a safe journey back!” he smiled, and then walked back down the slope heading for home.

“Jane, are you alright: did he satisfy the need your had then?” Angela chuckled watching as Michel dropped out of sight.

“Satisfy! They’re might be snow on the roof Angie, but Christ, there’s one hell of a fire in the crate. Angie…never ever, have I been fucked like that, I was in another world out in space.

Jane pulled her knees back, looking up under her dress, then turned to Angela.

“Have you ever seen such wetness!” she gasped. “I’ve already showered, and still it persists to leek from me”

Angela looked under her dress as Jane opened her legs; her panties were truly drenched, the damp patch well up over the top at the front. Thick…white…syrupy cum was oozing through the gossamer material, even more so between her legs.

“God, he did me proud, didn’t he!” Jane placed her arms behind her on to the grass, throwing her head back. “Jesus that felt real good!”

“I take it that you’re need was fulfilled then!”

“Angie, you just have to try him, what a cock…super-cock that’s what I call it, the end is just like a fireman’s helmet, and it felt that big, Christ, did he give me a reaming!”

“I think you’d better get cleaned up, tea will be ready soon…I don’t want mother to see you like this” Angela stood, lifting Jane by the arm. “Come, come on!”

“God!” Jane giggled. “I can hardly stand; my legs feel so wobbly”

“My, you look flushed!” Grace chuckled as the girls came into the dinning room holding each other’s arms.

“Little bit to much sun Mother!” Angela informed her mother.

“Cum, not sun!” Jane whispered as she managed to sit at the table.

Monday, Jane and Angela’s father left early, they’d both gone by the time she’d got up, Grace had already started her breakfast as she’d walked in to the dinning room.

“All on your own again then!” Grace smiled. “So what are you up to today?”

Angela collected her coffee from the percolator on the side then sat down at the table.

“A lazy day I think, spend a bit of time down by the lake! I could do with a walk”

“No books then, that’s unlike you?”

Angela knew that Michael spent a vast amount of time down at the lake in the boathouse; it would be her chance. After Jane’s depiction of Michael’s talents, she’d had a wakeful night, getting over excited sexually. The only thing that bothered her was to how Jane managed to get him into bed so promptly.

“No, a rest from those, or I’ll have no books left!” Angela smiled.

There was no sign of Michael when she arrived, she’d played in the boathouse numerous times as a child, it brought memories flooding back to her, most of her time was spent in the loft, it was her own little playhouse up there. It was more of a sail store now, not that the boat went out that often. Angela looked up the ladder; it had been years she thought as she started to climb.

“Now, that really is a sight for sore eye’s!” Came a chuckle from below her. “Never as yet, have I seen the same pair twice!”

“Michael, what are you doing here?”

“More to the point young lady; what are you doing here, if I remember rightly, you’re father stated that you didn’t come here unsupervised!” he replied, with his eyes cemented between her legs, under her flowing skirt

“Michael that was years ago!” Angela laughed; she continued climbing as she spoke realizing that Michael wouldn’t move from his position beneath her, until she was over the top.

“I have my instructions, so I’d better stick to them, you could get into no end of trouble up there young lady” His gaze never wavered as he started slowly scaling the ladder behind her.

Angela recognized that there was no way out now, she was vulnerable to his needs, that’s if he had any oomph left after Jane yesterday.

“What are you doing here anyway?” Michael inquired as he stepped off the ladder. Angela had walked over to the window, viewing the lake.

Michael walked slowly across the loft behind her placing his hands onto her shoulders. “It’s dangerous up here you know!”

Angela never turned, the warmth of his hands on her shoulders felt comforting. “I don’t think I’m in any danger now that you’re here Michael, you always did submit to my needs!”

Michael’s hands moved from her arms to the side of her waist, rubbing leisurely up and down her ribs. “What would your needs be now then?” he chuckled, the pressure of his hands getting stronger.

Angela’s heart missed a beat; she leaned back onto his chest, forcing his hands though to the front of her, placing them into them, then lifting them to her breasts. Michael embraced them gently, manipulating in tender revolving movements, leaning down toward her neck kissing her soothingly, allowing his tongue to brush against her earlobe licking in lustrous strokes. Unhurriedly, she turned to face him, raising her arms up around his neck lifting herself up onto her toes, kissing him hard on the lips.

Michael’s tongue went deep into her mouth, tickling the end of her own. He moved gradually to the side, then lifting her bodily, laying her down gently on the folded sailcloth behind them, Angela’s arms still held his neck tightly, their embrace unchanged. His scrawny but nimble fingers nibbling at the buttons of her blouse slowly moving his hand inside, her breasts were firm with prominent nipples, tantalizing each in turn with his fingers tips.

Angela pulled away slightly, placing her finger onto his nose.

“You’re naughty!” she smiled

Michael slowly lifted, leisurely undoing the rest of her blouse, stopping for a brief moment his eyes absorbing her breasts. “I’ve always been that way!” he smiled. “Would you have me any other?”

Angela pulled him back down toward her, kissing him passionately, but Michael wanted to suckle her breasts he moved leisurely down over her, his hand seeking to go further a field.

It had been weeks since her last encounter; she couldn’t recollect that being that much of a triumph. His hand could be felt sliding up between her legs soothingly, she heeded his need opening them in a leisurely manner, once at the top locking them tightly together, gripping the probing fingers.

Michael’s cock was throbbing hard he’d lusted for so long, watching as her body grew into that of a beautiful young woman. She could play now, but soon…very soon, she have need of him as he did of her, she relinquished her grip on his hand, slowly he peeled the edging of her panties to one side allowing his inquisitive fingers to find the dampness of her thoughts.

Angela tugged at the material beneath her, sensing his fat finger sliding up inside her pussy, giving out a soft moan of sheer gratification whilst he continued to suckle her breasts. Slowly his finger began to rotate against her inner walls, the sensations broadening with the swiftness of his movement, his thumb found the crucial spot, she lifted parting her legs, bucking up to meet his measured thrusts.

Michael moved down, lining his head to her pussy, his tongue occupying the stance that his thumb once beheld, her taste and aroma sending poundings to his brain, his cock thickening intensively to mother natures call, the call of breeding. Little by little he entered a second and then a third finger, Angela winched slightly, gripping the sailcloth tighter, her body going through sensuous spasms, orgasms flooded her body, racking the very nerve ending within her pussy, her heart began to pound, she squealed loudly with sheer delight.

He sensed her inner muscles quicken as his fingers found the essential space; knowing now…now was a good time. Lifting above her, his cock swung wildly, nevertheless, Angela’s mind was far, far away, to concerned with other feelings to notice the size of his manhood, but her eyes widened when she sensed the intense pressure of his mighty helmet spreading the lips of her pussy.

Michael rested slightly on his cock; although somewhat constrained it still gathered momentum, gradually prizing open her inner walls. She stayed perfectly still, sensing the warmness as it unhurriedly enveloped itself within, her body now aglow with mysterious feelings, closing her eyes as Michael rocked slowly backwards and forwards burying the huge shaft into her. She lie back, her legs had now numbed, all feelings removed, she was now part of him, together they moved harmoniously, reaching up, pulling him down to her once more kissing him enthusiastically.

“God, Michael…that feels wonderful!” she gently bit, but kissed his ear at the same time, wriggling her tongue inside.

Michael enhanced his strokes, now long but deliberate, his hands under her shoulders, easing her down on to him with each inward plunge, the deliverance of such momentum sent Angela wild, she gripped his neck thrusting her hips up to meet him, Michael speeded his pace, fucking her hard. Suddenly she arched underneath him with her hips thrust forward, Michael took advantage immediately, pushing deeper inside, Angela cried out, stimulated by sheer pleasure, her body ached with the indulgence, and her head spinning. She felt she was on a merry go round, bright lights flashing colours, orgasm followed orgasm, her arms trashed from side to side, intermittently gripping Michael’s shoulder’s, he experienced pain as her nails dug into him, but continued his drive, lifting himself on to his toes.

Unsurprisingly Michael sensed his seed on the move, he slowed his pace with no avail. Angela felt an unexpected swelling in his cock, as it readied itself for the upsurge; she was not surprised by the engorgement, however not to this degree, before it had only just been obvious. Michael eased himself forward, assuring his cock full penetration then held, throwing his head back, giving out loud groans. His shaft rapidly thickened and pulsated as the thick seed passed along it, Angela, gripped the material beneath her once more, feeling the massif inflammation of his seed as it gushed deep inside; sensing a boiling sensation as her pussy extended within as it tried to absorb the syrupy fluid. Michael could feel the backflow, as she fulfilled absorption point.

Lifting herself up Angela cupped his face into her hands then kissing him gently on the lips.

“Michael that was magnificent, you’re an excellent lover!” she smiled.

Michael tried to lift himself away from her, but his strength had left him.

“Are you all right?” Angela sensed he was having difficulties as she tried moving herself from beneath him, but his weight was too much.

“I’m not to sure!” Michael stammered.

Suddenly gripping chest as a surge of pain moved across his body, then down his left arm. His face told all, he fell heavily to one side of her with his hand still gripping his chest. Angela rolled over beside him.

“Michael…Michael please, please…don’t do this…Michael!” Angela rested his head into her lap; nevertheless it was to late Michael had gone.

As she endeavored to stand her pussy bubbled as the thick sperm gushed back down her passageway, the back of her skirt was smothered. Never did she ever deem herself in such a quandary, why her, and why now. She recognized she had to get back to the house, but what of poor Michael, she stooped down as to reorganize his attire, he was heavy, dead weight you might say. How could she explain his death?

She looked down at his face; it illustrated nothing but a gratifying smile. As if to say………..God! What a way to go!

Jane rang later that evening, with all the news from her end, and then.

“Did you manage to try Michael?” she asked, with a note of enthusiasm in her tone.

Gail Holmes


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Sarah and I talked after we got the kids down, over two glasses of wine. She told me the whole story, including the fact that Carrie was transgender. I was completely surprised. She didn’t look like what I thought a transgender would look like, she just looked like a regular young woman. No, she looked like a hot young woman. I looked in on myself, and knew I couldn’t judge. My first sexual relationship was with an older woman. It didn’t last, and I convinced myself to stay off the girls’...

1 year ago
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A Special Last Request Pt4

This is the final installment of this series, sorry it is so long…… enjoy…… And don’t forget to let me know what you think. ******************************************************************************************** A Special Last Request Pt. 4 By: Ropetease c.2010 Keira had been a little bit of a brat that day, knowing that Master would punish her for it. She purposely teased Master when he was talking on the phone to clients by licking the tip of his cock, looking up into his eyes while...

1 year ago
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A Creative Way of Love

Loren watched his teacher, sitting in the first row of his seventh and final period, Art. He's always been creative and witty when it came to writing, but also into painting and drawing. He sat there, watching as his teacher, Ms. Spicer, was telling them their next project: people. Loren was curious now, and interested as his brown eyes lit up with glee. "So, the rules are it can be anyone you like it to be. Except, it can't be a cartoon, celebrity, or yourself. It may be a family member,...

First Time
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Butch and Stacy 13

Butch and Stacy 13 "Hey, hi! Can I have your autograph?" "Would you sign this for me?" "Can you stand here beside me while my friend takes our picture?" For maybe three weeks, I had become the center of the school universe. Everybody had seen the video, and everybody had hated or feared or despised Lila (except her two minions, who had vanished into the woodwork) so it was Stacy celebrity time. Or Butch time; they called me that too, because of the video, see. We could not eat...

3 years ago
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Dusty 1 Cops LifeChapter 24

I hugged Justin and asked him what Lora had said. He chuckled and said, “That she can make a guy’s cock go up without even using magic.” I had to chuckle, “I find it’s far more fun to touch and feel the effect.” I then demonstrated. Justin groaned, and I found myself being stripped, and my bare arse being sat on the table were Justin proceeded to show me how he liked to reverse the effect. I must say that I do like his procedure. My fascination for Justin hadn’t waned one iota. It didn’t...

2 years ago
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The Beginning of Our Affair

The beginning, and perhaps an explanation... My lover has short brown hair and bright blue eyes, red framed glasses and heaps of freckles, he's a little bit taller than me, probably 5'7", maybe 5'8", but just the perfect height for our bodies to touch in the right places when we stand close, mouth to mouth, chest to chest, hip to hip. He thinks he's too skinny, I think he's perfect, although if you saw him in the street you probably would walk straight past him, he looks young for his...

3 years ago
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What a nice Family

Introduction: Its old even dated but i added some new stuff 4 u guys. this is the wildest story i will ever type so far Out of all the mothers in the neighborhood I was the youngest getting knocked up with my Lily when I was sixteen and the father of the child and I did it right we still went to school and moved in to the right area to raise our child. Over the years, Lily has friended a boy from across the street I have watched him grow and mature before my very eyes and I like what I was...

2 years ago
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MEXICAN SHORTCUT Our Mexican vacation had been my idea. Or at least that's what Ithought. I realize now that my wife Angeles had planted the idea in mymind. I like women who look like her, short, with olive-colored skin,dark hair, and figures with exaggerated busts and bottoms. Not only do Ifind that look exciting but, being short myself, I appreciate havingsomeone I don't have to literally look up to. She kept k**ding me abouthow a trip south of the border would let me ogle as much of...

2 years ago
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Wandering MindsChapter 10

When Betty got back to her room that night, Sarah was sitting at her desk with bags and boxes scattered all around. "Great, you're back!" Sarah cried out. "Help me out." "Help you with what?" Betty asked, putting down her bag. "Seeing Seth's room this morning made me want to redecorate. You can help!" Sarah said. "OK," Betty said, confused but willing to do whatever Sarah desired. They started moving the beds around, and Sarah instructed that they push them together. Betty...

3 years ago
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A Hook Up In A Small Town Pt 2

I could feel that wave building. Every muscle in my body felt like it was constricting. Just as I reached down for Danny’s belt buckle, a loud siren rang throughout the building.“Are you fucking kidding me?” he groaned. Immediately, he pulled away from me - hands and all. Voices began to grow louder and there was a lot of commotion outside the door. I noticed the bulge in his pants, surprised I had that much of an effect on him and bad that he'd now have to leave before doing something about...

Oral Sex
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Losing My Virginity To My Mom

A little bit of background is necessary for you guys to understand how an Indian guy got a chance to fuck his mother..So I start from describing our family.My parents have a huge age difference of 15 years. My father is 59 and mother are 44 years old. I have an elder sister and younger brother. My sister got married recently so we four stay in Mumbai. I am sure that my father hasn’t fucked my mom for 2 to 3 years as he always has some health issues. I am 23 years old and always sleep next to my...

1 year ago
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PetiteHDPorn Marilyn Sugar Sexy Snaps

Marilyn Sugar is feeling a little bit horny and a little bit naughty. This blonde babe knows just what to do. Pulling out her phone, she starts snapping increasingly sexy photos for her boyfriend. By the time her tits are out and her hand is down her shorts, Marilyn is certain that her beau will get the hint of what she wants. Sure enough, Stanley Johnson shows up shortly afterwards, rock hard and ready to give Marilyn just the hardcore treatment she needs. Stanley starts by continuing to snap...

3 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 66 Moving Forward

Bob POV: Sometimes the girls are just too devious for their own good! I don’t mean that in a bad way, in this case, it was to assuage their guilt of wanting things to happen too fast. Everyone knew that Sarah had met, what she felt was, her true soulmate in Darren. And nobody had a problem with it. Charlie has known since day one that eventually Sarah was going to meet that ‘one special guy’ and fall love with him. Sarah, feeling guilty about the whole thing, conspired with Mary to make...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Elle Voneva Bad Credit

The bright eyed and perky Elle Voneva has known all her young life that she is dedicated to healing the planet through her crystals. Today is the day to start that business and she makes her way to see the load officer. She has been envisioning this day and she knows it will all go as planned. However Tommy Pistol has some concerns, Elle has no credit. Living off the grid has been an amazing life adventure but it is not what she needs for this load. She knows exactly what to do, cleanse the...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Mom

  Laura is my best friends Mom. Some might describe her as being on the large size, but I think she looks great. She's tall, about 5' 9” with a full figure and long brown hair. Lots of curves with a round shapely ass and huge breasts. She has a belly but it's actually flatter then you would think. She's in her early 40's and always smells great and smiles at me when she sees me. There is one feature of her's that's on the small side but I will get to that later. My name is Tommy and Alex...

4 years ago
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Moms Journal Ch 2

Sitting on the deck of our beach house overlooking the Atlantic Ocean has always brought me a peace that helps center me. I have been on a whirlwind for the 2 months that has awoken me in so many aspects of my life. My capacity to love and feel alive, my sexual energy and my desire to explore all of life’s possibilities have helped me reach heights I’ve honestly never experienced before. I’ve always been the focus of men and many times woman over the years. My long auburn hair and 5’9...

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Campus Life Spring BreakChapter 12

Terry's tale: We were what you would call typical 13-and-14-year-olds at the time. Thad was in his last year of middle school and I was in my first year of high school. We had already gone through puberty enough at that point so that girls no longer repulsed us and our voices had already changed from the Vienna boys' choir sound to the sound that young men make when they speak. And we were naturally curious and anxious to learn about--and experience--sex for the first time. I mean, it was...

2 years ago
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My life in ruins Ch 1

You never expect your relationship to dwindle into a sexless mess or, as my boyfriend calls it an "open relationship". Which mostly means he gets to screw whatever new bimbo he thinks is hot. But I agreed to it, for God only knows what reason and now if I put my foot down I come off as the bitch. So I guess, this is how my relationship is. I sighed and shut my laptop. A cute girl caught my eye, and for just a second I thought I might actually have the confidence to talk to her. But just as I...

1 year ago
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The Ten of Them Chapter 19

My first day at school probably was more nerve-racking for me than any other day I had in school. Today my students’ success depends on me; beforehand all I had to worry about was me. The self-defense classes were the one exception to that. I didn’t grade the students before. Now everything depended on me, they say assistant teacher, but when I looked around I was the only teacher for each class I had. We started each class for the physical education course with a BMI or body mass index....

2 years ago
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Fucked Event Partner At Hotel Restroom

Hello, I’m 19 years old, studying here in Bangalore but basically from the Malabar side of Kerala. This is a real cum fictional story. I wouldn’t want to describe myself in detail here but love to get in touch with new people ;). Mail me at ! This story is about how I got a chance to fuck my partner at an event who works for the event hosting company. The event was organized at one of the leading hotel in Bangalore (don’t want to mention the name here) and the event organizers needed a few...

1 year ago
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My 3rd Bi experience 1st blowjob given

My 3rd experience happened about 2 months after my 1st. I was in my driveway checking the oil in my car when Charles came over to see what I was doing. As I started to put oil in I was making a mess since I didn't have a funnel and Charles suggested I come over to his garage to get one. He opened the side door and we walked in,he then closed the door behind us. As he fumbled around looking for a funnel he asked me if I had thought about what happened a couple months ago between us. I said yes....

2 years ago
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You BetchaChapter 15

“Latkes for lunch ... and some corned beef to go with them ... with sauerkraut ... amazing! You went out of your way, babe!” I told Heather with a sizzling hot kiss, “and I can see that you didn’t work alone.” I made a point to kiss each of Heather’s helpers, too, especially Melanie, as she was my intended, after all. Paige blushed more than a little, while Janine let her dimples go on full display. Becca just beamed as we began chowing down and making out with each other. The six of us had...

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Khaandani Randiyaan 8211 Part 15

Shaam ho chali thi aur maa ab jaake wapas aati thi subah ki gayi hui. Maine maa ko dekha aur poochi, “Kahaan gayi thi maa? Kaafi der laga di.” Maa: “Tere dadaji se baat karne gayi thi.” Main: “Oh, kuch bola kya unhone?” Maa: “Nahin beti, teri shaadi tai kar rahe the hum log saath mein. Agle waale Sunday ko court mein kar rahe hain teri shaadi.” Main ye sun kar chaunk gayi kyunki Sunday bas 1.5 hafta door tha. “Par maa woh toh bahut pass hai, itni jaldi kyun?” Maa: “Beti, unki pasand ki date...

4 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 148

"There are a couple of other benefits," Allie said. "You've referenced the 'Sweet Things' web site. This is completely owned by the performers and Petal Technologies. We pay Petal Technologies – which is really Mary, Trinity and Erin, if I'm honest – a fee for hosting the site and for conducting our credit card billing. In September, we plan to add new faces to the roster. Tyanna, Katey, Meredith and Erin are committed if we can work out the logistics. Erin is our photographer right...

3 years ago
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Worlds Oldest RookieChapter 15 Our Friendly Neighbors

Finally Paul found his voice. "You two -- want to get married?" "Yes!" Maria said. "Yes, sir," I said. "But -- you're just a..." "No, Daddy, I'm not just a kid!" Maria responded vehemently. In November of this year, less than two months from now, I will be twenty years old!" "I think that's wonderful!" Orlie said. "Do you have a ring?" "I was waiting to see if I left here alive, first," I said, "before getting one." "What about school?" Paul said. "I'll...

3 years ago
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Sports Day

“Hi Bob, are you leaving?” Josh asked me. I replied, “Yeah, I’m not playing that well tonight. So I’ll just go home.” I belong to a sports club and every week we get together to various different sporting games. There are quite a few members around thirty or so. Families come along as well as just singles, all friends here. Josh is the son of Alex. Alex is in her late forties and divorced. She has shoulder length blond hair and is a very pretty looking woman with a very nice figure. Not...

4 years ago
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Venusian Whore

Oh, he was a debonair dick, a charmer with eyes as black as coal and a smile any man or woman would die for. Rakesh, was a six foot tall Indian with a milky white complexion and jet black hair. His muscle tone was a sight for sore eyes .. He was exotically handsome.. Every inch of this man was a desirous temptation. He worked every nerve fiber in my body. The delight he gave me just looking at him was super dimensional. Every fiber, every particle of me wanted this man. He was my co-worker...

2 years ago
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If you're not allowed to read erotic fiction, DON'T READ THIS! Otherwise, read it, enjoy it, but don't change it or make any money off of it. If you DO enjoy it, please email me and tell me so. [email protected] ========================================== Days by Edward Miller Day 1: I woke up on a day, like any other. I had no idea what was about to happen to me. I reached down to my cock, erect as it always was first thing in the morning, and began to...

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WildOnCam Aila Donovan Maya Woulfe Ready for Fun LIVE

Double hotties on the bed today and these horny girls are ready to get naughty with each other. Aila Donovan is looking fantastic in her bright green bra and panty set but she really wants to get naked to see how well Maya Woulfe can eat her shaved pussy! Maya buries her face in making Aila moan out with every flick of Mayas tongue on her clit. That girl knows how to eat some pussy! The girls 69 and bring out some toys to heighten the fun; especially when they scissor while grinding their...

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Archaeology Research Yields Ch 01

Chapter 1: The Tome is found I was doing my internship for archaeology on a couple of islands on the Pacific rim. While it wasn’t the most glorious or lucrative of career choices, it was something that I did get simple pleasure of. Finding artifacts and piecing together the lives of people many generations past did interest me and give me satisfaction. It would also afford me the ability to travel the world and see many things most people would only dream of seeing in one lifetime, such as the...

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My Sissy Son Part 1

But to explain that, I have to go back to the beginning. Back to the painful memories of when this pandemic first hit. What's most important is that you understand that before this whole sorted affair started, we were a perfectly normal family. Jason was a normal high schooler, with decent grades and good friends. My wife was a regular Mom, with a good job and a great social life. I was a regular Dad, with plenty of hobbies and a nice, safe future. But that all changed when this stupid virus...

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All is fair in drugs and war

It wasn’t so much the thought of the crippling debt that scared me as much as the techniques they’d use to get it all back. It started of with a gram here and there, the odd party or rave but it was soon out of control and now I’m getting threats. YOU PAY OR SHE DOES! 12HRS. That’s the letter they posted through my door yesterday morning whilst I’d gone jogging. Plain and simple. They didn’t have to specify, I knew they meant my daughter. She’d already warned me that she’d seen them,...

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My Cousin Robyn

My name is John. I am I have blue eyes and brown hair and I'm about 5'5. Every year on Christmas Eve my mothers side of the family gets together to celebrate the holiday. Last year me and my cousin Kyle who is my age, about 5'7 with brown hair, told my younger cousin Robyn who is 16, about 5'2, with a nice rack and ass all about blow jobs and eating pussy, it scared her a little bit. "Hey Robyn, whats up," I asked her at my grandparents cottage during the following summer. "Hey Johnny, how are...

4 years ago
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Memoirs of the Kosmetics Killer Entry 3

It has been 2 months since the last killing. The first two victims had provided great joy to me before and especially after their deaths. I will never forget the sexy body of the young woman I strangled and the smell and taste of the second one whom I drowned in the bathtub.). Yesterday morning, I felt the lust upon me again so I went out in the evening to a nearby neighbourhood to try my luck. I happened to walk by a house where a crowd of young women were leaving. A young, pregnant and...

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No questions asked

"I'm getting late for school mom, the bus is outside waiting" yelled Cristy as she waited for her mother to bring her lunch. Michelle, her mother rushed to the door and opened it for her and before she knew it, Cristy bolted out and headed for the bus. Her husband Jake rushed from behind and surprised her with a light kiss from behind and said "See you at night beautiful, i'll be a bit late today but i'll make is as soon as i can hun." "Its alright darling try your best, I'll understand if you...

2 years ago
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Just Another Day in DulceChapter 4

In the morning, I woke to Sis sucking my cock. After I came, I blasted her throat with piss. She swallowed everything. We rose and she went into my parent’s room. She mounted Mom’s face and pissed down her throat. Dad watched and then stood giving Mary his cock. He shot a load down her throat and then pissed her throat. The three of them went into bathrooms to clean up. I had breakfast. I was walking into town again heading for the square. I had decided to just hang out around the bandstand...

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Double TearsChapter 149

“Girls are the only ones who can really give each other close attention, the kind we equate with being loved. They noticed what we want noticed.” —Emma Cline, The Girls I DIDN’T IGNORE Desi and Brittany. Once we were sure we had shown our senior girlfriends how much we loved them, we left them cradled in each other’s arms and moved to the other bedroom. There, I tried to show the two of them that I loved them just as much as I loved Rachel and Livy. When I could no longer rise to...

2 years ago
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Best Sex Encounter With A Divorcee Naina

This story is all about me and my neighbor Naina, where we fell in love and fucked each other. I am a 23yr old tall, fair and a handsome guy, I had sex with 2 girls who were my previous girlfriends and with Naina is my 3rd girlfriend. Now talking about Naina, she is a hot, pretty, sexy and fair girl with a structure of 34-30-36. She is a damn sexy girl. It is very difficult to describe her assets, you have to see her directly to get blown away. Coming to the story, she is a divorcee and stays...

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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 37

"We both knew we couldn't take care of you alone. We talked about it while waiting for you and couldn't decide how to bring it up. Now that you have told us out loud that we'd have help, it released all the pent up worry and emotion. I have NEVER come like that before. It was so hot!" Suzie just shook her head in agreement and hugged me tighter. She looked down at my rigid cock and realized I hadn't come yet. She slid down and took me into her mouth. I watched as she licked off her own...

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Heart of a Slave

HEART OF A SLAVEA slave is an individual born with a slave spirit. No one can make an individual have this spirit; nothing can be done to create this state in an individual's being. No one trying hard or wishing for this sense of spirit can develop it within themselves and no Master can cause it to occur.A slave is an extraordinary human being who is born with this slave spirit - as much as they are born to breathe, or have gifted talents like design or music. A slave is extraordinary, rare and...

3 years ago
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The Devils PactChapter 12 Aftermath

"You fucking whore!" Allison yelled at Sister Louise and swung the wooden spoon in her hand hard, smacking it across Sister Louise's pale ass. "Please stop!" Sister Louise begged in pain. "Please, it hurts! Ahhh!" Another wooden spoon smacked her ass, swung by Desiree. "Please, God, save your servant!" Smack! Allison hit her ass and Sister Louise moaned in pain. Smack! Desiree hit her ass. Smack! The living room was a mess. Furniture lay strewn about, the carpet was sticky with...

4 years ago
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Trip Around the Med Chapter 01

Deanna woke with a start, shifting in the small yet luxurious seat/bed that was on the starboard side of the Gulfstream IV private jet. She rubbed her eyes gently, and looked up at the person who was gently shaking her shoulder. Smiling, she reached out and patted his hand then stretched, removing the kinks of the flight from her arms and shoulders as Peter went to sit back in his seat, across the aisle against the port side of her father's jet. He had obviously already changed for their...

Oral Sex
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Home Again

I opened the door and immediately I knew who had been here. I could smell him. It was not unusual to smell another man in my apartment; you might say my wife and I had an arrangement. This time it was Peter the young barista from the coffee shop on North Street.I walked inside, placed my briefcase next to the table and continued into the lounge room. There on the couch was my wife. My used wife.  At the age of 25, my wife Katy is in peak physical shape. She has long blond hair, is quite tall,...

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Letter from Naylor Gardens

LETTER FROM NAYLOR GARDENSDear Shoeblossom:I met Mariah when she came to rent a room from me some time last year. Mariah is an engaging auburn haired court reporter, with a lovely figure, though somewhat petite. Although I told her she could call me Emmeline, she insisted on calling me Mrs. Kipps. Mariah’s a quiet girl, and I was somewhat startled when I accidentally opened one of her plain brown wrapped magazines—she subscribed to a rather graphic whips-and-chains periodical entitled ?BITCHES...

2 years ago
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After the ChangeChapter 8 Val

They say first impressions determine how you feel about someone or something from then on. My first impression of The Town was not very good. In fact, The Town never had a chance to make a first impression on me because we ran across Garth the blacksmith before we even saw it. The guy pissed me off with his arrogance. Hell, we were the Seniors, the Patróns, and he hassled us for a good five minutes. He made some half-assed apology and Dad seemed OK with it, but I was so pissed I didn't even...

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Finally Had Sex With Her 8211 Part II

Hi all my name is Arun and I am from Mangalore I am regular reader of this site so this is the first time I am ever posting a story in it and hope u all give a good support me . The story what I am saying to you all is a real one so please support me an mail me on Well the story goes in this way I am a smart and handsome boy but yet I had not girl friend till I came to Mangalore I always had a strong desire to sex but never got an opportunity for it so I decided that I must lose my virginity...

1 year ago
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Peggy Darcy was the lone clerk in a Pack A Snack convince store when two 'Crack Heads' had robbed the place of two hundred fifty nine dollars. After the robbers had the money they discussed the subject of what to do with Peggy. One wanted to put a bullet through her head, the other did not want to be wanted for murder. They took her with them when they left. The Pack A Snack store was in the eastern part of Birmingham Alabama. The Punks headed east on I-20 and got off about thirty miles away...

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