Dark Star
- 2 years ago
- 35
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As I realised that Anna was naked blood rushed into my face making my skin feel hot, quickly I looked down and blurted ‘Uhh I am uh sorry I was looking for Adam I didn’t uh realise you were uhh…’
I tried to blink the image out of mind but it was etched on my mind as surly as the shadow of the son that lingers in the eyes. Soft pale skin with smooth muscle spread beneath. …Slightly puffy lips, dirty blond hair that fell just past her shoulders and a triangle of fine pubic hair over a shapely mound amply supported by strong hips and long shapely legs. …Light green penetrating eyes …Full firm breasts. Anna was my friend Adam’s sister and if one would describe her fraises like ‘almost perfect’ ‘odd,’ ‘beautiful,’ ‘healthy’ and ‘handsome’ were practically obligatory and would necessarily pop up with annoying regularity. She was tall, about 6′ her face had angular but feminine features and her eyes were bright. If I had tried to search for something I didn’t like I would still be leering at her naked body.
Adam lived in the summer on the shore of a small lake about a half an hour from a small town and a great distance from anywhere that most people would think of as anywhere. It was a beautiful late spring day in western Canada and I had dropped by unannounced to shoot the shit and catch a few rays maybe take a swim and plan a going away party as Adam was eastern bound for employment in the oil rich areas of northern Alberta which obviously meant tedium and discomfort for him and he wasn’t looking forward to it.
‘He’s gone for the day Karl… went to town this morning.’
Anna returned with serenity that made me feel juvenile for my reaction to her nakedness.
I am Karl: about 6’2 200 pounds with hair and eyes just a bit lighter than Anna’s. I have hair down to the bottom of my shoulder blades and a beard that comes to a point under my chin.
Anne calmly wrapped the large towel that defended her from the hot pebbles of the beach around her just above her breasts and tied it firmly, the way she did this made it seem obvious that she was doing this more for my comfort than for hers. She sat on a sun bleached wide white log that had gnarled roots stretching chaotically out one end. She sat in a hollow just on the log side of the roots and made herself comfortable broadcasting the intention of going back to her reading.
I was still looking forward to a day of relaxation and Anne seemed to expect me to stay but I thought that it would still be considerate to ask her.
‘You don’t mind if I stay, do you?’
‘Not really, help yourself…’ She said gesturing to the open vacant beach made up of pebbles less than an inch in diameter a slightly crooked smile above her pointy chin.
I walked back up to my small pickup truck, ashamed with myself both for walking in on her and also for being so awkward. I picked a case of beer out of the back and got my book and lunch box off of the passenger seat.
I tossed the six pack as far as I could into the lake sending up a splash and getting a surprised look from Anna. I didn’t bother to explain to her that the sun only warmed the surface of the lake and under seven to ten feet of water it was a refrigerator. I found a seat against a nearby log and opened my book (100 years of solitude). As I began to read I got a funny proximity related feeling as the concept of a gorgeous almost naked woman less than fifty feet from me began to tickle my abdomen. I was twenty four Adam was a year younger and Anne was twenty two. Having grown up together the age difference seemed more than it had become. She had, had a crush on me when Adam and I first started hanging out elementary school she would grab my leg and plead for me to stay with her and not do whatever it was I was planning for the day. Anne was cute but she was also a twit. At sixteen, I had felt obligated to be condescending to her and in her own turn she had slapped me in the face with complex dishonesties and scorn that only teenage girls seem to have the ability to wield like venomous acupuncture.
I had actually not spent more than a week without thinking of her and I had probably had a crush on her the entire time between when I was fourteen and eighteen.
I couldn’t concentrate on what I was reading anymore but I pretended to be absorbed as I looked passed the book at her. She was sitting as she had been her back propped against a large root her legs side saddle over in the direction of the water, she was reading ‘The Valley of the Horses’. It was the way her nose pointed at the book and how her pale bare shoulders shone in the sun. The tingling feeling in my gut doubled and redoubled as I though about going over there and striking up some meaningless conversation. I almost did but my legs were feeling weak so I decided to hope she would initiate. I took my shirt off and my pants so that I only had my swimming shorts on and I stretched out on the pebbles enduring a few moments of discomfort as the pebbles burned my back. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the sound of the waves and the feeling of the breeze moving my long blond hair back and fourth.
‘Wake up!’
I couldn’t remember going to sleep but I was lying face down on the hot pebbles. There was a hand touching my shoulder as though testing to see how hot my skin was.
‘You are so stupid sometimes, let me get some sun screen on you.’
While I had been sleeping I had produced a throbbing erection on the warm pebbles I was grateful that I was lying face down.
‘Mmm-hm’ I replied actually quite eager not to get sunburned and surprisingly suddenly I flinched as I felt cold cream drop right between my shoulders. Fingers and hands slipped easily over my shoulders and down over my rib cage, my mind followed them. I was so excited that I started shaking a little my breathing became a little uneven. Her hands and fingers were strong and sure she was proud of her backrub and I had often seen her practice it on other people I had never experienced it though.
‘Mmmm’ I moaned half involuntary. The fingers traced the striated muscles in my shoulder blades and massaged my neck.
‘Other side’ Anne murmured, suggesting I roll over.
‘Hmm’ I refused, feigning relaxed laziness where in fact my muscles were tight and I was even more aroused.
‘Have it your way you lazy ass!’ Anne laughed.
She giggled through her nose as she finished protecting my last calf. Playfully she tucked her hands under my chest and pulled them out to apply some more cream, she spread her fingers between my abdominal muscles and I lifted myself slightly up on my elbows to allow her better access. She reached under my armpits and smeared my chest her hands sandwiched between the pebbles and me. Then she messily plastered my face and ears from behind laughing softly.
At this point I was sure she could feel me shaking with excitement.
‘Thanks I said’ sincerely the weaker part of me wanted to roll over and hug her to me.
‘No problem, my back now?’ she said.
‘Umm… sorry.’
‘To uhh, comfortable…’ I lamely excused myself.
‘Lazy bastard!’
‘Sorry.’ I really was.
‘No really!’ she laughed, I could hear the pebbles crunch as she rolled over.
‘I can’t reach and I like the sun on my back… Please!’
‘Fine.’ I said trying to add a touch of exasperation to my voice I rolled away from her to hide my crotch from her line of sight walked around and kneeled beside her.
I picked the sunscreen out of her hand and kneeled beside her. She had closed her eyes, thank god. I spread an even amount of sunscreen on my hands put them on her shoulders her skin was soft and firm it reacted to my touch. I rubbed the stuff in evenly and returned to between her shoulders and pressed in firmly with my finger tips. I had never actually done this before but I thought I should return the favour and it felt like what she wanted. Flattening my l
ong fingers against her back I pushed up and increased the force, I heard relaxed air come from her nostrils and blow against the beach.
‘Yeah that’s good keep going, she encouraged.’ I began massaging her with my thumbs. Then up and over her shoulders then to her lower back then I repeated this.
‘I don’t know about you but I am ready for a swim.’ Anna said after we had returned to our logs and snoozed for a bit.
I got up with my back to her and ran toward the water as fast as I could, when I reached the water I lifted my knees up to stride in the water and then I dived into the cold shallow water. I swam parallel to the bottom for a while as it dropped off deeper. Then I surfaced violently. As I treaded water I watched as she entered the water casually. You might think that immersed in cold water where an erection was impossible nothing would seem erotic, you might be wrong. As Anne walked slowly into the water the small waves lapped at her skin leaving it shimmering. Her belly, her chest, her neck…. She began to swim as her hair was still dry in places.
We swam down the crescent beach which was about one hundred meters. She was obviously a much better swimmer and more comfortable in the water, I had always been pretty bad at swimming being more negatively buoyant than people are usually supposed to be. I gasped a little for breath working to keep my momentum up. On the way back I finally gave up and rolled over on my back using my arms in a sweeping motion without breaking the surface. I tried to relax a bit as I felt my hair rush over my back (a wonderful feeling) and looked up at the clear blue sky marked by a few puffy white clouds. Suddenly I felt my hand brush along her breast, it felt soft, slippery and warm even with cold water rushing under it. The palm of my hand felt the tip of a hard nipple through her bathing suit.
‘Fuck! Sorry, I blurted, I wasn’t paying attention.’
‘Ill live’ she laughed and started to speed up for the finish as we neared our place on the beach.
Feeling embarrassed by my ineptitude I decided to put in a real effort to beat her back and started an awkward but passable crawl.
The distance was longer than I had thought, I breathed hard and concentrated on my powerful legs. I inched ahead my arms began to ache and feel weak my breath began to come in gasps, close now. She had pulled ahead so that I was at her elbow by the time we got to shore and we both relaxed breathing hard standing on the bottom.
She stepped closer to me, she wrapped her arms around my chest and hugged me closely and I could feel her breathing through my chest, amazing. I could feel our buoyancy change as we inhaled. She rested her head on my shoulder the spot between her forehead and her nose pressed into my neck.
‘Ahh thank you I needed that!’ she said has she exhaled.
‘You’re crazy!’ I said in a gasp.
‘There is no way you needed that as much as I did.’ I think she was referring to the competition in the swim but I was talking about the embrace.
Anne nodded released me and walked up onto the beach. After recovering my breath I slid under the water and swam easily parallel to the bottom, I could swim like this better. I found the beer I had left here and pulled it to the surface and back to shore.
‘Would you like a beer?’ I offered holding up a bottle.
‘Now who’s crazy’ she laughed ‘of course I would.’
I handed her a green labelled bottle that said Nelson on it after a local brewery.
We sat on the log with the funny roots for a long time drinking quietly breathing in the fresh air and feeling relaxed from our swim. Sunlight warmed my skin and cool breezes kept us cool. Finally when all the beer had been consumed she spread her large towel out on the sand and offered me a side. Lying in the sun there next to Anna I couldn’t imagine anything feeling better in its own way. It filled me with a giddy euphoric feeling as the exercise spawned endorphins rushed in to temper it and I laughed softly out loud. She laughed too.
‘What’s so funny?’ she laughed smiling across her face.
‘You probably think I remembered something funny, but I didn’t I am just feeling so happy I couldn’t help it, I can’t ever remember feeling like this I’m just so happy I can barely stand it that’s all. Thank you.’ My eyes were damp.
‘It is a beautiful day,’ she said looking across the clear blue water at the rugged dark green mountains some of them still under white snow loaded peaks.
‘Well what?’
‘You aren’t happy?’
‘I am right now’ her eyes flashed at me.
‘What’s wrong?’ I asked concerned.
‘What do you care?’
I wanted more than anything to tell her at this point that I had really liked her all along.
‘You are an adult too.’ the frustration in my voice sounding a little too much like irritation.
‘What the hell is that supposed to mean?’ She looked at me confused and irritated.
‘I never really disliked you….’
‘It was all a bunch of teenage, friends kid sister… bullshit on my part.’ I elaborated, going as far as I dared.
She looked at me curiously like she was starting to guess at my real feelings I tried to fight blushing in vain.
‘I am happy right now.’ She repeated.
‘Not usually though?’ She had alluded to something important and I was concerned and curious.
‘Work, is tedious,’ she answered simply.
I knew she was lying to me by the way she looked away besides her job was good for her and every time I saw her there she seemed happy enough.
‘…but that isn’t really what’s wrong? Is it?’
I saw fear in her face.
She reached out and grabbed my hand.
‘Remember when I used to spread rumours about you. I said I saw you masturbate in your back yard in front of all my friends. You never defended yourself, why?’
‘I couldn’t talk to you’
‘Why? I wanted you to talk to me.’
I knew she was at some level still being evasive but I went with it, the possibility that she had felt the same way as I had made my gut clench.
‘Ok this is a little bit too adult for me right now’ I went on the defensive and trying to be funny.
We started to relax again and talked for a while longer in low voices about life, work, clouds and pain, safe subjects. Everything looked so beautiful and clear my lungs felt the cool air as though it had effervescence. I could feel her warm body beside me and she inched a little bit closer, we almost touched.
Hours could have passed the water lapped at the shore and I closed my eyes. When I regained consciousness Anna was gone and I half believed the whole day was a dream. The sun was still high in the sky and I realised the entire day that felt like a year worth of memory was only a few hours.
The next day was a Saturday and I returned to Adams cabin early in the evening, he was leaving the next day. A few people had come by to see him off, his sister and a couple common friends. Immediately we began working industriously building a fire. We would haul any driftwood or dry timber in a 300 meter radius that three people could carry and pile them into a high bonfire. For the sake of tradition we lit it with tufts of dry grass and twigs using only a match to make it more challenging. As the dusk settled around us the flames would leap forty feet into the air and we would take spots around the fire watching it and talking with interchangeable people on night subjects, fire, women, computer games, books usually involving space travel and fratricide… etc. I gravitated toward Anne and we began to talk about music we both listened to the same sort of hard rock, the sort that doesn’t involve singers that impersonate deranged castrati or endless tables of boring power chords.
After exploring music for a few minutes and even gathering a few people around us that interjected occasionally the conversation went literate and I started
explaining my fascination with Alistair McLain and how he brought back historical situations with vivacity that the original battles may even have lacked.
Anne said ‘I feel the same way about the earth’s children books.’
‘I disagree, in fact I think it is vastly overstepping the bounds of historical fiction to even consider such books history. The idea that two people made most of the important discoveries of prehistory in less than five years is silly. A utopian existence in ancient Europe where isolated tribes that compete for resources: don’t fight each other for resources that were precious thin during the last throws of an ice age is equally daft. If even medicine had continued at that rate of discovery there would have been antibiotics by 10,000 B.C.’ I ranted.
Anne contemplated what I had said for a few minutes, after my rant people left our circle in search of other conversations most of them hadn’t read any Jane M Aule or Alistair McLain. Most of our rock music discussion people joined Adam who was almost furiously preaching how Satan was the hand of god and how a good/evil duality had no place in monotheism.
‘How some people can convince themselves that the creator of the universe who is omnipotent omniscient and omnipresent, the alpha and the omega, that god would lose domain of the earth to Satan as it says in revelations….’ Eric’s voice warbled over the crackle of the fire and the steady hum of voices.
‘I concede to some of what you said’ Anna returned ‘I don’t think the books paint quite as utopian a picture of prehistoric Europe as you seem to think though.’
I had annoyed her a bit and it lit a fire behind her eyes that was fun to watch, she was more animated than anyone I could remember talking to.
‘Also from a romantic aspect and just entertainment value… are you arguing with success?’ She exaggerated her disbelief.
‘I did find the first few books occasionally boner inducing’ I returned naturally.
Realising what I had just said I chuckled nervously.
For a moment Anna gave me a look that said the opposite of ‘where have you been all my life Romeo’.
Then, apparently no longer interested in conversation she reached out and grabbed my hand. We sat side by side cross legged on the pebbles facing the fire and looking into it. I looked at her face as she stared into the flames, blobs of colour and contrasting darkness danced on her and her eyes reflected the fire. Anna turned her head and saw that I was staring at her, I didn’t look away. The dark contrast on her face ran exactly down the middle, my heart started to beat faster and faster.
‘I thought I loved you. I never talked to you because I thought I loved you.’ I felt year’s worth of weight come from my shoulders.
‘Not anymore though?’
‘I don’t know. I try not to think about it.’ I swallowed still looking at her.
Finally overwhelmed I was about to look away when I realised she was going to kiss me. I almost laughed as she scooted a little closer to me, I felt giddy. She pressed her lips to me I felt them squish into mine and then it was over. Looking at her beside me with her arm around my back I wondered if I had just imagined this, was just imagining…. I licked my lips and kissed her cheek quickly leaving a little saliva. I could feel a dimple on her cheek, her smile with my face with my lips. I kissed her again on the lips this time and was about to withdraw when her hand at the back of my head prevented me, her mouth opened slightly and her tongue slid out and ran along my teeth. I opened my mouth and felt her tongue instantly invade it, I pushed into her with my tongue and grabbed her in my arms uncrossing my legs.
We fell backwards as if in slow motion as she fell against the beach I rolled on top of her we never broke the embrace, never stopped kissing. We made soft wet sounds with our mouths. Warmth from her body flowed up to me like a liquid and the shape of her under my weight hypnotised me. She giggled, I laughed, I wasn’t the least bit uncomfortable I realised, surprised and that was probably partly because of that perfect disarming giggle. She kissed my cheek wetly, I kissed her deeply again and again we held together. I closed my eyes, concentrating on the sensations. Her mouth tasted warm and soft and thick my mind my whole self was in her mouth, my whole being tingled. I lifted myself onto my elbows to look at her face.
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Lesbian"George," she said, blonde hair tied in a bun and her curvy body bound by a constricting, dark, but smart-looking business suit. They were at the lawyer's office for the final mediation session of their divorce. "You're smart, and you're as loyal as a dog to his master, and your cock is as long and as thick as a baseball bat. But you're an unrelenting motherfucker in bed. My pussy, my mouth, and my sorry torn-up asshole are allergic to your monster cock." Right after she said...
The Shooting Star By Lina S. The Shooting Star The Hotel lobby got crowded, a couch just arrived from the airport. People came through the door like a liquid and occupied the reception desk. Jonah loved these situations at work. They got him occupied and left him no time to think about his life. Back in school Jonah was just average and teachers and his parents considered him lazy. But he was smart. Very smart. And he knew something wasn't right with him. It started in early...
Marine Cadet Daniel Baker was in his second year at the US Naval Academy. He was attending the International Ball and was introduced to Tina Marie Johnson; it was love at first for both of them. They were exclusive for the next two years and right after graduation they were married in a beautiful ceremony in the Academy chapel. Dan was 6’2” with very broad sholders, very handsome, a tight ass and was nicely hung. He was top in his class in tactics and with the problems in the middle East there...
All the porn stars listed below are REAL porn stars EXCEPT for the main character, Kianii. I encourage you to look them up if you don’t know of them already. Doing this is not essential to enjoy the story, but I figured it would help a great deal. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Please leave PLENTY of honest feedback and ratings. I love to see what you have to say. Thanks again... -Kitty_Labella Yes, I know – I’m not the next Jenna Jameson, nor do I aspire to be. My...
I am a security guard at a small business, nothing fancy but it puts the food on the table and a roof over our head. But as a side career I photograph and videotape women doing adult things and sell the pictures and film to adult websites. Many of of the women I have photographed and shot video of has moved on to have lucrative careers in the adult industry. I make money not only on the pictures and film but for commission and finders fee for the women that I refer to various porn...
Anita and the black male porn star That Friday evening was Anita’s birthday and after dinner at home, she told me she had been chatting with her slut friend Helena, who had arranged for her a sex date with a black male porn star… “Helena says that guy has a black anaconda, not a dick…” Ana said smiling… The date would be that same night at a near motel down the main highway. My sweet wife barely asked me if I agreed to watch her being fucked by a black male porn star,, but before I could...
“Does she know?” Stargazer asked as they walked along the dirt trail. Scribe adjusted the pack on her shoulders. “Does who know what?” She bent down to pick up a couple of milkweed pods, carefully inspecting them before tossing them in the backpack. “Does Red know that you still dream about her mate? How you wish he’d chosen you? How you’re still in lo-” Scribe’s hand made contact with his cheek. “Shut up!” she snapped before turning away. “We don't talk about the past, you know that.” ...
Straight SexAnita and the black male porn starThat Friday evening was Anita’s birthday and after dinner at home, she told me she had been chatting with her slut friend Helena, who had arranged for her a sex date with a black male porn star…“Helena says that guy has a black anaconda, not a dick…” Ana said smiling…The date would be that same night at a near motel down the main highway.My sweet wife barely asked me if I agreed to watch her being fucked by a black male porn star,; but before I could answer,...
The Tale of the Movie Star, the Afreet, the Librarian & the Djinn. by Eric The Afreet Salabah was fuming -literally. . The Djinn Kassan had brutally kicked her out of his bed saying. 'Your breath is like camel dung! Your face would stop an hour glass. Your voice is like the croak of a hoarse vulture, & your personality would make a serpent shudder with remorse. You are no fit bed companion for such as me the most valiant & handsome of the Pasha's elite guard.' ...
Wish upon a Star by The Princess Kylie was depressed. Here she was just eighteen years old and the mother of two children under two years old to two different fathers. She was living in a filthy housing commission flat with a man who treated her like shit and with whom she stayed with because she had nowhere else to go. When she had become pregnant with her first child, Cody, her parents had begged her terminate her pregnancy stay at school and make...
Hey Folks, this one is kind of twisty. It's more of a character study than a fable. There are no sterling examples of humanity here, only several very flawed people who make the best of a bad situation. The only thing about this story that is a Sterling example of anything would be the job that Barney-R did in editing it. But I think it's a good story for a cold winter afternoon. SS06 Life really is funny. Right now, everything is just perfect. I never imagined it would be this way. I mean...
I guess it was inevitable that on the one weekend I really needed my friends around, I wound up alone. It’s my own fault, I should have said something, should have told them what was significant about the day, but I couldn’t. Even with the newly found openness and burgeoning trust I was building with Vanessa, I still couldn’t tell her. I’ve no idea why. If I had told her, I’m sure that she and Imogen would have delayed the trip back to see Imogen’s parents until the following weekend. Mark...
My visit to the state capital of Michigan in Lansing was without a doubt, a lesson in the good that can come out of kindness. By good I mean getting to bust a nut in a sexy girls face just for being kind as I'll explain.So I was at a conference full of college juniors and seniors who were there to network and listen to speakers and such. It was a suit/dress type of gathering which gets annoying but regardless it has its advantages. We had all just sat down for dinner (500+ people) as the...
My visit to the capital of the State of Washington, Olympia, was not disappointing as your very own LESLIE LANCASTER made me feel extremely welcumed!Leslie is a bartender in downtown Olympia and after a few hours of serving me (and herself) some drinks, her shift ended and she came over to sit with me. We talked and drank for a few hours as she told me about her boyfriend and how big of an asshole he was being lately. This is the obvious sign to pick up on that a girl is open to play ball so...
Part 1 :My new wife is no bigger than a minute. She is just over 5 feet tall and only weighs 105 sopping wet. Her tits are not all that big, but personally I like that because I don't have to worry about them bouncing off her knees when she gets much much older. As for now, they are perfect. As the saying goes, anything more than a handful is a waste anyway.Anyway Debbie, my wife, has always stayed trim and very fit. Her ass is fabulous and firm. No matter where we go, or who we see, she always...
Nervously she fidgeted with her fingers. It was happening, it was finally happening. She studied the guy who sat across from her. He was rocking a perfectly groomed snowboarders goatee and wore a pinstriped suit. Behind his desks he displayed pictures of some famous singers and pop stars. She had been with this agency for a few months now, but this was the first time she was invited in to have a little chat with the big boss. ‘You’re talented.’ He said. Elisa felt her cheeks flush,...
... The three black thugs used my white bubble butt in turn. Each ramming their huge black meat deep inside. I had to use all my experience to make sure they got their money's worth. They took me hard, and my ass muscles worked overtime. Milking them dry. One after the other could not withstand my ass for long though. Filling their XXL condoms with loads of spunk ...A continuation of: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-hard-days-work-1019092Let me tell you how it came about that I was on a call-out...
The chances of me ever meeting a porn star at my age are very small. When I was younger and working security inthe London area I met all kinds of “celebrities” including a few porn stars of the era both female and male and had a few experiences with one in particular, but not in many years till the other day(this story is pure fantasy though I wish it Did happen,)! I was half asleep as I crossed the road here in Sale, Manchester so Didn,t notice the light on the pedestrian crosswalk had changed...
es, I was more than just upset. Fuming would be a good word. Why? Well because we were in Las Vegas, on our second day of a two week trip, and my husband had already lost close to five hundred dollars. And the asshole went back this afternoon to try to win it back! I did check on him, after about an hour or so, and he had already added another hundred to the total. In the negative! So yes, I was beside myself with anger, wanting some sort of release. I was sitting by the pool in the late...
Three weeks passed before I heard from my abnormally well hung client, John. He booked me for an entire week and wanted to fly me to Mexico to spend the time with him at a private resort. His visit was once again to be about his medical business and education, but it was just a ruse to allow him to have time away from his wife to spend with his favorite escort, Velvet Crush. It made me wet all day thinking about John and that helped as I held my ass in the air and allowed Ralph, my boyfriend’s...
I posted this story before on a different webpage years ago. I thought I would try to fix it a little bit here and there and see if anyone likes it before I continue with the story. Enjoy. I, Rock Star By Rian James Hello there. My name is Mrs. Danika James. Some of you may know me from the Hollywood scene. I'm a pretty famous nowadays. I'm an actress and have starred in many movies. I also have a rock n roll band. We...
Chapter One.I checked the cameras one last time and opened a fresh pack of videotape. Glancing around the room, I satisfied myself that all the lights were in position, the powerful lamps casting a wave of heat over the set. The tapes of three completed sessions were safely packed away in an airtight box and I was well on my way to completing another red hot production of the popular porno series 'Pussy Heat'. However, I still felt dissatisfied with my life. I wanted to make my own films....
Falling Star Ten minutes to close, a car comes through the drive-through. It's a generic restaurant, small enough for me to be alone for, usually, the last hour of the day. It's the girl I call "Mega-Mams" when the window's not open. She always gets the same thing, sometimes she has a friend with her. Her name should have an obvious cause, her tits are huge. Not unbelievably huge, but I certainly never suspected they were entirely natural. They had to be bigger than a D cup. Usually...
Hi dad what’s up? Reet can u plz come home now? Sure i am there in 30 minute. Ok but mind it some 1 waiting for u. Who? Well its a little surprise but some 1 special u never met before her. Ok i will there in 30 minutes. Reet u r 10 minute late, sorry dad u know fucking traffic jam, ok come with me in guest room, I was in very well dressed, blue skirt with sleeve less shirt nude around under knees. Having nice light make up on face, perfectly matching with my dressed, specially nail color both...
LesbianMy visit to the capital of the State of Washington, Olympia, was not disappointing as your very own LESLIE LANCASTER made me feel extremely welcumed!Leslie is a bartender in downtown Olympia and after a few hours of serving me (and herself) some drinks, her shift ended and she came over to sit with me. We talked and drank for a few hours as she told me about her boyfriend and how big of an asshole he was being lately. This is the obvious sign to pick up on that a girl is open to play ball so...
My visit to the state capital of Michigan in Lansing was without a doubt, a lesson in the good that can come out of kindness. By good I mean getting to bust a nut in a sexy girls face just for being kind as I'll explain.So I was at a conference full of college juniors and seniors who were there to network and listen to speakers and such. It was a suit/dress type of gathering which gets annoying but regardless it has its advantages. We had all just sat down for dinner (500+ people) as the...
Copyright©2000-2003 There was a young chap in Arabia Who courted a widow named Fabia. "Yes, my tongue is as long As the average man's dong," He said, licking the lips of her labia. Her mother had repeatedly cried, "She always wanted to be a movie star", over and over. So it is what I'm naming this short story - the legacy and circumstances that surrounded the 'move star'. And from what I have already seen, she was certainly in many movies. Porn movies! Leslie Ann Duncan,...
Their latest offering was a necro video done at the request of their Web Site Members. Rita Lynn enjoyed being strangled by Jeff and then having him fuck her "dead" body. The scene where Jeff shot his load into Rita Lynn's "corpse" had to be reshot several times because she would always have a loud gasping orgasm herself at that point. The video had turned into their biggest seller in Jeff's store and over the net. On this Saturday morning, Jeff was at the video store. Rita Lynn had...
She walked from the terminal building with a purposeful stride that spoke of self-confidence. I was first cab on the rank and because of the system in place at the airport, she had no option but to choose mine, some guys have all the luck. She looked vaguely familiar but I couldn’t put my finger on it so, as I got out to load her black wheelie bag into the boot I took a closer look at her. She wore those huge sunglasses that Victoria Beckham made popular and that covered almost half of what...
Introduction:Sit down Roger, it's time you knew your mother better.“Dude! I'm telling ya, that's your mother! Look at her face not her tits, that's her!” My friend and I were watching porn on my laptop, killing time and getting horny. We had watched dozens of teen girls giving blow jobs and getting long fat dicks stuffed into their tight hairless pussies. I had a seriously big erection jammed in my pants but like addicts we couldn’t get enough so I suggested we watch something different. My...