Healing Cousin George 21 free porn video

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Healing Cousin George Part 21 - Final Chapter - True Colours by Karin Roberts The Taxi dropped us of right outside of the main doors of the hall. Gavin offered each one of us his arm as we both took one before stepping into the foyer. "There's Archie over there," Debbie gestured over towards an older man by the cloakroom. She waved him over towards us. "Hi Gavin, Debbie... this must be Alex!" he smiled, offerring me his hand. I hesitated for a moment and then took it. Without warning, he turned turned my hand over and brought it up to his mouth where his lips gently brushed the back of my hand. Goosebumps popped up all along my arm as a small shiver went down my neck. "Eh, p-pleased to meet you," I managed to stammer out. I couldn't believe I was blushing as he released his grip on my hand. "Thanks very much for the ticket!" I politely commented. He smiled a toothy grin. "Not a problem my dear... it would just have just gone to waste otherwise. As it is now, It has gone to something... er someone, more beautiful." "How is your wife, Archie?" Debbie asked. "Coming along very well dear. She should be out in a couple of weeks. We'll need to take it easy once she is out, but otherwise she will be fine." "That's good!" Debbie said. "So, should we go and get seated?" Gavin asked Debbie. "Yeah let's. Me and Alex will check in our coats and join you there." "Here take this dear." Archie said as he handed me a ticket. "Thank you," I replied. "Ok Archie, let's get you a drink," Gavin started as the two of them headed into the ballroom. Me and Debbie checked in our coats and then went into the ladies room. "What time is George and the witch getting here?" Debbie hushedly asked. "Eh, around eight I imagine." "Well, just ignore her for the night and enjoy yourself. Maybe you'll get lucky?" A grin spread spread across her face. "Yeah right! ~ as If I would want to!" I rolled my eyes briefly to get her laughing. "Now let's go get a drink." We joined Gavin and Archie at our table, glasses of wine already on hand at each setting. I quickly scanned the hall. Looking about, I recognised a few faces from the village, but by and large most were strangers to me. The band played light background music, entertaining the guests. "What are we waiting on?" I asked Debbie. "Oh, the organiser. He has to make a speech first," she replied. "George is going to make a speech?" "Yeah, it's tradition," Debbie said. "Oh look there he is." Debbie pointed as a ripple of applause began to sound from around the room as he climbed towards the small podium. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the twentieth Irvine & District Farmers Ball...." He went on thanking several people for their help and assistance: the caterers for their work, the band and local business's who had sponsored a prize raffle after dinner, etc. "......So ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your attention and I do hope that you all have a fabulous evening." He stepped away from the mic and headed towards his table amid the applause. I could see Amanda. She had arisen, dressed in a leopard skin print dress which looked a bit too tight on her, and leaned in to kiss George as came over. They kissed briefly and then sat down. "Mutton dressed as lamb!" Debbie swore under her breath as waiters and waitress's appeared, taking orders for everyone's meals. ?~*~ The meal was a sumptuous affair: fresh Scottish Salmon or Beef, wonderfully cooked, with appetising starters and sweets should you want one. Debbie had been right about not eating that day. It had been a bonus and, with full stomachs, we sat back having our coffee as tables were being cleared. The raffle then commenced. George, with Amanda by his side, drew tickets for the prizes. As Debbie had said, she did look a touch tarty in the short dress and high heels, but then, "so what?" I thought. I watched the draw come to a close. With all the formalities over, the serious side of the night got under way as the band kicked up the tempo and the dancing began. I wasn't short of partners either as Archie and Gavin saw to it that I was up to dance on several occasions, combined with a couple of other dances from men from our adjacent table. My feet were beginning to ache with the strain of the prolonged dancing. I mean, I had become adept at walking in heels, but dancing all night? That was a different thing altogether. I looked up just as George approached our table. "You enjoying yourselves?" he asked as he stopped beside Archie. "That we are, son," Archie replied, a little worse for wear. "You've done us proud!" he boasted as he lifted his glass to take another drink. George looked at me and smiled. "You ok Alex?" "Yeah fine. My feet hurt a bit from all the dancing, but I've enjoyed the night so far." "George, isn't about time you took your cousin up for a spin?" Debbie added. "Eh I don't know. Amanda's over there," he nervously replied. "Oh for god's sake George! It's just a dance! I mean she's only been looking after your child for months now!" He flushed a bit with embarrassment. "Well... I suppose... if she wants to." I glanced over at Debbie and she gestured towards the floor with her eyes. "Well ,I suppose one more won't hurt," I quietly acceeded, getting up and extending my hand to George. He took it and led me out onto the floor as the band started playing "I've Had the Time of My Life" from Dirty Dancing. We moved into the centre of the floor as other dancers joined us. We began to move to the rhythm of the music, George's arm around my waist. I was close to him and could smell the aftershave he had on and feel the heat from his arms and body as we swayed around to the music. "That was a good speech you gave," I complimented him as we danced. "Thanks. That took me ages to write it. You know how good I am with words," he grinned at me. "Yeah I must say, it surprised me that you were doing it." I giggled. We continued to weave our way around the floor. An instance occurred where his legs had parted and mine accidentally slid between his on a turn. "What's that?" I thought, as I met his thigh, "was it?... was it..." A slight blush appeared on my face and then his. George had had an erection. My blush deepened as the music began to die. We looked into each other's eyes and became lost for what seemed like hours. Only then, we noticed the music had stopped and we both broke our embrace. I looked up. "George... um... thanks for the chance to do all of this." "No Alex. It's I who should be thanking YOU for all the help that you have been with Melissa. I mean that." I leaned forward and kissed his left cheek. A slight smudge of lipstick appeared on his cheek where I had just kissed him as I moved back. "Thanks for that dance George. I loved it." I lowered my eyes as I turned and made my way back towards our table. "Debbie I need a cigarette. Now. Come with me? Please?" I begged as I picked up my handbag and she got up to head with me towards the door. Outside I opened up my bag and took out my cigarettes. I opened the packet and took two out, handing one to Debbie. I pulled out my lighter and we both lit up. We inhaled the menthol fumes before letting the blue white smoke sail into the night as we exhaled. We had been out there in the smoking shelter for less than a minute when Amanda stormed over towards us with a stern look on her face. "What the HELL was that all about?" she demanded as she got up right in my face. "Sorry? You've lost me?" I innocently replied. "That KISS! You little SLUT!" "Amanda, that kiss was nothing. Just a friendly peck on the cheek." "Yeah right! You've been angling to get into George's bed ever since you got here." "Look Amanda, I don't want to fight with you! I know we don't see eye to eye over Melissa, but I'm not out to break you two up!" "Keep Melissa out of it!" she yelled. "Amanda, how can we? She's George's daughter for Crissakes! She's the most important thing in his life!" "That's where you're wrong dear... I am," she sneered. "Well you might think that, but I know different." That last comment seemed to rile her even more than the kiss had. I took a long drag form the cigarette and exhaled. I could see the hatred blazing in her eyes. "Once me and George are married and Melissa is at the Boarding School, thing's will be different. You'll be gone and it will be just me and him." "I think you might be making a mistake there with that assumption Amanda," I said. "Mistake, mistake. What the hell are you talking about you slut? He's mine! End of subject. The boarding school will be the making a fine lady of Melissa. She'll come back all proper and prim. Something that you couldn't ever much less be." "Oh is that right? And shouting and bawling in the street obviously makes you a lady? Hardy har har!" I could see Debbie sniggering a bit out of the corner of my eye as she took a drag from her cigarette and crushed it out in the ashtray. "Oh and another thing?" I continued. "What makes you so sure that George will send Melissa to the boarding school?" "He will! We've talked about it. He would do anything for me!" she angrily leered. "Oh is that right Amanda?" George's voice emerged from behind her and the shelter. I could see Debbie starting to laugh as her hands went to her face to cover it. "I don't recall 'talking about it' or 'agreeing to anything,' he went on. "Nuts. George honey, it will be good for her. It was the making of me and it will give us some time together to be on our own." "In case you haven't noticed, I'm a father. We come as a package: me and my daughter together. You're not Melissa's mother. I make the calls." "Yeah, but what about us? We need time together, just the two of us. Not with a little brat around all the time." She stopped, her hands going to her mouth, realising what she had just said. George looked at her angrily. If looks could kill, she would have died right there that very minute. He struggled with his hand clenching and unclenching it and then I saw him remove the ring Amanda had bought him and threw it out in the parking lot with a familiar ting sound of metal striking concrete as it bounced several times. Silence. The air was so thick with tension you could slice it. "Oh George! I didn't mean it!" she began crying as he turned and walked away from her. "George come back! We need to talk!" "It's over Amanda! Finished!" He rounded the corner towards the taxi stance. I never saw it coming, but I felt it. Amanda must have turned and, before I knew what was happening, my cheek and that side of my head exploded in pain! A ringing started in my ears as a loud crack resounded. Amanda's open palm connected with my cheek. "You fucking whore! You set this up, didn't you? Didn't YOU!" she screamed. As my hand went to the side of my face "I- I didn't," was all I could say before her other hand connected with the other side of my face. She turned and stormed off after George. As I stood there, all I could hear was Debbie saying "Bye Amanda" through the ringing in my ear. Both Debbie and me looked at each other. ~*~ "You ok?" Debbie asked as she gripped my arm. "Eh yeah. I'll be fine," I answered. A slight tear rolled down my cheek. "I need a cigarette though." Debbie opened her bag and handed one to me. She offered me a light and I took it. I could feel the heat in my jaws where Amanda had struck me. I pulled on the cigarette. "That's gonna bruise," Debbie winced as she pulled my hair back a bit to examine the red blotch that was there. "I really never knew he was there!" I protested, a slight sob in my voice. "I know dear. I know." Debbie pulled me to her and hugged me. We sat on the small ledge in the shelter for a minute or so while I smoked my cigarette. As I crushed it out, Debbie spoke up. "Let's get you back inside and touch up your makeup and get a drink to calm our nerves." She took my hand and led me back inside the hall. In the Ladies Room, we both touched up our makeup. My ears were still ringing and the skin on my cheek felt hot and stung. Debbie gently moved my chin from side to side. "There's quite a red mark there," Debbie noted as she showed me in the mirror where you could clearly see where the second impact had been. "Maybe I should just go home. I mean, I don't want to cause you any embarrassment," I moaned. "It's up to you babes. It's your night. If you go home, Amanda might be there and it will start all over again," she shrugged her shoulders. "I need to face her some time. That, and well, and George." "I suppose. As I said, it's up to you." Five minutes later, after saying my goodbyes to both Archie and Gavin, I was in a taxi and heading for home. What Debbie had said was right. Amanda might be there, but I needed to face her sometime. Maybe I could put things right between her and George? I didn't want to, but I couldn't help but feel that a lot of this was my fault. My stomach tightened as the taxi pulled into the driveway and rolled on up the gravel road towards the Farmhouse. I could see a light in the conservatory and the kitchen as we approached. Somebody was home. But who? The cab pulled away and the evening chill settled on me. I shivered and pulled the jacket tighter around me as I walked towards the porch. I tried the door and to my surprise, it was open. Pushing it away from me I stepped inside. George was sitting at the kitchen table, a bottle of whiskey in front of him and one empty glass. "Amanda here?" I timidly asked as I shut the door quietly. "She was!" he exasperatingly replied, looking down at the table. "I'm sorry George," I said. It was the only response I could think of. "What have you got to be sorry about? You got what you wanted!" Anger appeared in his tone of voice. "I never meant for anything like what happened tonight to happen. You've got believe me!" "Well it did didn't it?" He picked up the whisky glass and hurled it across the room. It smashed into varying sized pieces onto the floor against the wall opposite me. "George..." I nervously tried to say something. Fear was gripping me as I realized he might turn his violence onto me. "What?! Those are my drinking glasses!" "I know you are upset, I...." "Upset? Upset is it? I feel like a bloomin' idiot!" Determined to calm my nerves, I went towards the drink cabinet and took out a bottle of vodka and poured myself one, tipping with some coke. I took a swig. Opening my bag I took out my cigarettes and lit one up. Placing the lit cigarette safely in the ashtray, I walked to the sink, crouching I opened the door underneath and took out a small brush and dustpan. I crossed the room to where the glass had struck the wall and began to sweep up the shattered container. I must have looked a bit ridiculous in a stunning evening gown, with long evening gloves and high heels as I swept up the broken glass. Confident I had gotten it all, I deposited the fragments into the waste bin. Back at my drink, I took a swig, swallowing it all before taking a drag from my cigarette. I was considering whether I should say anything or not. The silence that was between us for some minutes was broken by George's voice. "So are you not going to say I told you so?" George looked at me, seeking an answer. "No. I'm not taking any pleasure out of this George. But I won't lie and say that I think it's in Melissa's best interest." I expected him to launch a volley back and steeled myself for the worst. "Yeah. Well you might be right there. Can I have another glass please?" Even in his slightly drunk state, his manners stayed with him this time. "Only if you promise not to throw it?" "Deal." I picked up another glass, my ashtray, and my own drink before carrying them all over to the table beside George. I placed his glass on the table in front of him and then sat down. "You know... the pain will pass," I softly spoke. I had to make an opening and allow him to vent some of the pain out of him if it was possible to do so. He grunted a bit as he poured some of the amber liquid into the glass before taking a swig. "I'm still going to be here George. For you. For Melissa." I stretched out my black nylon gloved hand and covered his free hand, squeezing gently. He looked down at the glass then my hand, "Yeah, well I suppose Melissa will still have you around and she'll love that. But Alex... at some point... you need to go back to your own life! Where does that leave us then? I'll be back on my own with Melissa." I picked up my cigarette took a drag on it and exhaled the smoke high above me. "It doesn't have to be like that," I offered. "Oh is that right? How come?" "Well... I could stay." "Don't be ridiculous Alex!" He slid his chair back and stood up. He walked over to the window and began to stare up into the night sky. "No really! I could" I repeated. I got up and walked towards him. I leaned into him along his back resting my head on his shoulder. He turned his head looking at me. "What like this?" he said pointed at my arm which draped on top of his. "Yeah," I breathed. "Why not?" "Because what would your Mum say? Your Dad even? What about your job?" George listed as his voice was calming. I knew that I was having an effect on him as I could feel his muscles relaxing some. I slid over to the worktop counter beside him and leaned half sitting on it facing George. "I already have a job," I stated. George studied my face for a moment. "You do? What job?" "Looking after you and Melissa." I paused to let my words sink into him. "You know George...Melissa means the world to me. I love her like she was my own. T-t-to me, an-and I..." I stopped. My voice was cracking squeakily and I felt water dribbling down my cheeks. "You what?" George curiously prodded. I felt my mouth quivering and knew this was the moment of truth. I braced myself and started to move my mouth. "I- I love you. I-I-I l-love you to!" Time froze. A strange look of puzzlement took over his face. "You what?" he softly asked again. I lowered my head and cried. "I love you." He stepped up in front of my and using his right hand, gently lifted my head up under my chin to look at me. I unclenched my eyes and straightened myself trying to regain some of my composure. I looked right into his eyes and was determined to say it. "George what do you see when you look at me?" I asked. "What do you mean?" George was really lost on this. I could see the confusion in his eyes. "Well? Do you see the Alex who came here or do you see the Alex that's here now? A woman, if not totally yet in body, she is one in mind and spirit! The one who loves your daughter? The one would do anything for her? The one..." I stepped forward just an inch or two and was right in front of him looking into his eyes as my lips were near level to his chin, "...that loves her father and... the one that wants us to be a family." "This is crazy you know? It would never work." He slowly tried to formulate the situation, seriously considering it. "It's worked so far hasn't it? You do find me attractive as Alex don't you?" I slowly took his hands and placed them on both of my sides. "What I mean is...I've felt your reaction that night at Aunt Karen's...and tonight when we danced." I moved a bit closer I could feel his breath on my face, my heart was beating faster than I had ever known it to. "I -I don't know." "You don't know what?" I breathed again. "Whether it would work... or whether you are attracted to me... or not?" My hands moved around behind him and I slowly pulled up close to him, our bodies touching. "Don't you feel it George? We are a family. We are good together. Together we can give Melissa everything she wants, all the love she needs." My head was slightly dizzy from my feelings for George and I felt the soft warmth of his lips on mine. I closed my eyes to savor it. George did not pull back. I opened my eyes and looked up again at him. "But, but what would everyone say?" he stammered. "I don't really care. I know what I want. I want you and Melissa and I want us to all be together as a family." Our lips connected again. This time, I felt George lean into it some. Yielding to an animalistic need, my body had pushed flush beside his as I could feel the start of an erection in his groin. I glanced down, just a bit, but enough to let him know that I had noticed. He pulled back softly again. "But it's not right. It's..." I pulled him to me again. My lips lingered with this kiss a bit, seeking a reaction from George. At first he resisted, letting our lips dance a bit with touching and pushing. Finally, he let his lips part slightly, and my tongue darted in. An intense familial emotion of love had gripped me! I felt his passion stir and yielded to it. His hardness grew more as my hands began to massage his buttocks. George reciprocated as his hands found mine. He gently squeezed and fondled them as I pressed myself into him. The passion felt like it had lasted forever, till it finally broke with George stepping back a bit. Taking his strong hand, he enclosed both of my dainty gloved hands. "Let's go upstairs dear... before I change my mind," George huskily offered. Smiling and flush with desire I readily nodded. He led me across the kitchen. A smile crept over my face as I flicked the light switch at the bottom of the stairs plunging the kitchen into darkness. I squealed as I found myself being lifted up into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I felt the motion of him carrying me upstairs. ~*~ Alex's Diary: I'm sure there are a lot of you who have been reading this tale who are eagerly waiting to know what happened that night? Well the answer is - not very much. Sure we exchanged a few kisses and fell asleep in each other's arms... but there was no real intimacy. That was eight years ago. Yes, we are still together. It took awhile for the intimacy of our relationship to develop. It took around six months indeed, then one night we both got drunk. It was Debbie's suggestion really. Get him a bit tipsy wear something ultra sexy and how could he resist? Well it worked! How can I describe it? That first time that I felt his hardness in my mouth, the heat of his member as my lips slipped up and down the shaft... words seem to fail me here. The exhilarating feeling I felt as his lust overtook him and his cock exploded in my mouth. The feeling of being his as he entered me later, gently, and then more swiftly increasing the intensity of the thrusts as I asked for more and more until he reached yet another boiling point - before that warm feeling of his discharge inside me. I can only describe it as the moment that all seemed worthwhile, that life finally seemed worth living and I was for the first time alive! The moment when the decisions I had made and the path I had took was confirmed as where I wanted to be and where I wanted to stay. I was George's and he was mine, and hopefully it would be that way forever. I never asked George if that night had had the same effect on him as it did me. That was the night that I was finally accepted. To be honest, I did not care. I know he wanted me and was happy with me and that as a family we functioned, albeit as a rather unusual one. We fit together! Soon after that night, I resolved to go at least some way towards changing my gender. Appointments were made and advice taken and soon I was on hormones to change the shape of my body and grow my own breasts. My body accepted the changes well and I know have an impressive cleavage of my own. The final decision to remove me of my last bastion of masculinity has still to be made, but is clear enough in my mind, even if our relationship fell apart tomorrow, which it won't, I would still not go back to being the rather geeky male Alex who came to act as a babysitter here all those years ago. The waves that our relationship caused were felt the length and breadth of my family. As I suspected, Dad took news of my new identity the worst. I am still not sure if it was the deception at the party or just his homophobic nature that led him to cut me off, but that he did. From that first day when we came clean about our plans, we have not spoken. George wanted to go around and clear the air or have it out with him, but I begged him not to. We hoped that if he could see the stableness of our relationship and the loving upbringing that Melissa was receiving, he would change his mind. But as of yet, there is no sign of that happening. We resolved that should he alter his position, then there would always be a place for him at our table. Mum and Ashley were somewhat different. Although they found it difficult to accept at first, they are now firmly on board. Indeed, soon after our relationship became common knowledge, Mum admitted to me that she had had an instinct that she would never see her son back as he was when he left home. I think they can see the value of the family unit we have built and the love and happiness that surrounds us. What was a pretty sad and unhappy farm that I had first come to had grown to be a happy family. Mum and sis's support has kept me strong and they have acted as a buffer between me and Dad. I'm making sure that Dad still sees Melissa from time to time and that he is not deprived of seeing her grow up into the wonderful young lady she is today. Melissa was never a problem, despite those first couple of days when I was Alex (male), as I refer to him, she has never seen me as anything else other than Alex, the woman. The woman who was there for her, the woman who took her to school on her first day, the woman who wiped away her tears when she had a fall, the woman who she can come to when she is troubled and wants help. She has developed into a confident fun loving girl whom any parent would be proud of to have as their own daughter. I know we are. I am not the emotional type, but she has reduced me to tears at least twice, once when she was playing with friends when she was about six and in typical childlike fashion her friend took one of her toys and would not give it back. I was busy clearing away lunch dishes as they played on the porch watching over them. As any child would do she called out "Mum, Ashley won't give me my doll back." The word stopped me in my tracks, yes she said Mum I though as two plates dropped from my hand and smashed to several pieces on the floor, tears flowed from my eye's as I picked up a towel and wiped my eye's before going out to see what all the fuss was about. The other was when she fell ill due to a bout of appendicitis. The emotion surrounding a child you love dearly being ill reduced me to a blubbering wreck. Sure, she was going to be fine and make a full recovery, but those first few days when she was at her worst were enough to have me in a state of permanent upset. I never did take up my teaching post, but will be starting work as a Classroom Assistant when the New Term starts in the autumn. I was surprised at how easy it was to get back into employment. I had imagined that my transgender status would hinder me, but in these days of equality and diversity, I guess I ticked many of the boxes that the Local Authority had to satisfy to prove its commitment to diversity. The post is perfect as it is at the school that Melissa will move to in just over a year's time. So with me being able to drive her to school on a daily basis and the fact that our holiday's will almost match then our bond will be as strong as ever and I will be able to watch over her as I have done for all these years. George has changed entirely. Gone are the drinking spells that so blighted his and Melissa's life when I had first arrived. The change in his mood is also noticeable and that anger and depression that he had shown from time to time has now gone. It is replaced by an attentive father and partner who likes nothing better than to have days out with his family and quiet nights in front of the TV with the odd visit from friends thrown in. Speaking of friends, I almost forgot to mention - Debbie is pregnant at long last!!! I think it has been a shock to her system to know that she will be a mother in less than six months. It has however, rekindled her interest in shopping, as she attempts to buy up as much clothes and toys as possible for her imminent reminder. I like to think that it was partly down to the stability that she saw in me and George that finally made her take the plunge, but then who knows? At least it has put an end to her swinging days. Oh, and lastly, whatever did happen to Amanda? Well she moved away from the village shortly after that night. She still has no idea what my true sex was and I would imagine she would have flipped even more than she did if she had really known about me. She did however, finally get herself a man as Debbie saw her in Ayr one day complete with wedding ring on her finger. Good luck to her. I never liked her, but I never wished her no ill will. She is a career woman with no time for a family and was not right for George or Melissa. Those two needed a stable family unit and in me they found that! I really don't think there is much need for me to continue writing this diary, as my tale is over. Maybe I'll add to it if something momentous happens, or if the tale ever happens to turn sour. What started as a job helping out the family turned into something so much more precious. I wouldn't change it for anything! It's been a long hard road, but every minute has been worth it. My family... that's a great feeling to hear that! My family, I wouldn't change a thing in the world. I love it just the way it is!

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Stories From My Youth Chapter 1 Harry and George

Harry was a force to be reckoned with. Harry wasn’t big by any stretch of the imagination but everyone who knew him saw Harry as 'ruff and gruff'. His appearance was that of a man who had spent many hours working hard in the Queensland sunshine. He was brown all over. Even his hair and eyes were brown.Harry’s loud voice dominated every conversation that he was involved in, while his more than confident manner caused most people to shrink away from him if there was ever a disagreement. Although...

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Moms Friend George

Mom was busy at work on Friday afternoon, when George came up to her and asked if she'd like to go for drinks. She said that she needs to finsh this project and she would love to. George came back to her cubicle at 4:30 6to see if she was finished yet. Mom was on the phone with daddy and told him she will be late coming home, that she was going for drinks with George. Daddy told her to have fun and hopefully she will be getting fucked afterwards.Mom left with George. They went to some...

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Mom Daddy and George

It's Saturday afternoon, mom and I are doing the laundry and talking about how much fun she had with George last night. Mom told me about the bar they went to, with the rooms in the back. She told me about room 4, and how there were mirrors everywhere. She told me how she had begged George for him to fuck her while standing up. Mom was shocked that he tied her hands and had his way with her. I laughed and said that she needed it. It's fun to have a man tie you up and tease and cherish...

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Healing Cousin George 4

New Me I sat quietly in the kitchen contemplating my situation, how the hell had I got into this my half baked idea of bringing a woman at home back into George's life and certainly backfired slightly. He had a woman I thought Amanda, but then again she was only interested in one thing and it certainly wasn't Melissa. How would he react, most likely I would be on the first train home in the morning and then how do I explain my return home to my parents. The shadows were lengthening as...

3 years ago
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Margos Own Story 4 George

But George's family moved away before I got home for Thanksgiving and I hadn't seen him since. Not like I cried a lot. There were other boys, and men. After I transferred to another university, one of those men was my future husband, from whom I kept many secrets - though I clearly was no virgin. We had now been married eight years and I had never strayed. "Margo? Oh wow. Margo!" he exclaimed as we charged together, hugged and exchanged mostly-innocent kisses. "Tell me everything. It's...

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The Importance of Being George

- an immoral romantic comedy by WTSman – with apologies to Oscar Wilde. If you need to be trusted, you should be called George. The surname doesn't matter. Luckily. I'm fairly anonymous. I look like all those other co-workers at your large corporation that you don't quite know either. When I smile and nod at you in the cafeteria, in the elevator or at the photo-copier, you will nod back and force a smile while you rack your brain trying to remember who I am. You're sure you've seen me...

2 years ago
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Dorothy and George

My Uncle George who was my mother’s step brother eventually married when he was in his 30s. His wife was called Dorothy and she was a plain jane type but pleasant enough. They bought a house in a village about 6 miles away which happened to be where the football team I had started playing for was based. When we had home matches, Uncle George would sometimes come to watch me play and always invited me back to their home for a meal afterwards.I had previously enjoyed some sexual activities with...

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Sunday at the Pool With George

I always saw him in the dressing room at the pool in our apartment building. I’m 53 years old and retired. I swim every day to help me stay in shape so I’ve seen him many times both at the pool and in the changing rooms. He’s probably about nine or ten years old, a little over four feet tall with sandy, reddish blonde, sun bleached hair. Before that Sunday afternoon I had never spoken a word to him but I had noticed him since he liked to strut around the changing area in the nude and...

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Big George

It was "Today with Teresa Callas," one of the highest rated cable talk shows. Teresa had a huge faithful fan base, mostly women, mostly in their thirties and older. That demographic loved Teresa; she dealt with real-world issues with almost none of the phony staged confrontation gimmicks of some of her competitors. Teresa was a quick- witted intelligent woman who knew how to monitor a discussion and react to changes of mood. A viewer might get an hour of fun silliness followed by an hour of...

1 year ago
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Me George

Fiction! Jesus, I was horny! mom and dad had gone at it hot and heavy the night before and I couldn’t sleep for listening to them. I was wondering what I could use for a dildo when I heard the lawnmower stop. I knew George, my younger brother, couldn’t be done already, so I peeked out my window to see what he was up to. Probably peeking through the fence at the woman next door who sunbathed in a skimpy bikini. But he was in some bushes peeing, and the sight of his prick made me even hornier....

3 years ago
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My cousins cousin1

It’s not that I didn’t like skiing or the house we were staying in, it was just that my cousins were protected by their parents a lot and as a result could barely stand by themselves. The oldest was 6 days younger than me, which most people find surprising because of the enormous gap in maturity. We were both 14 and he had a younger brother who was going to be 12 soon. Vacationing with my cousins halted my plans for the rest of February break. Those plans mainly consisted of lying on...

2 years ago
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Last week in the porntheater with Hannah George

As you all might know by now, I'm a fan of porntheaters and gloryholes. Last week, I went to my regular porntheater where I had this great, spontaneous, sexual adventure.It was early and still quiet when I entered. The tranny behind the counter smiled when I came in. "Welcome again" she said and her beautiful, white teeth were flashing in the dark lit entrance of the sexshop. I paid the entrance fee and made my way to the cinema. Coming in from the shop, the first room is a hetero cinema with...

1 year ago
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100% fiction! I ran into George at the grocery store. He said, "Would you give me a ride home?" "Sure. Where's your car?" "My wife has it. Come in for a drink." I went in with him and as soon as we got in the door he started to grab my dick. "Uh George. Are you sure that is what you want to do?" "I am so horny! I want to suck your dick and take it up my ass! Please!Please!Please!" He was starting to unbutton my pants and his mother, sister, and wife walked in. Mother said,"Oh wow! We want in on...

3 years ago
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Brother George

Jesus, I was horny! Mom and Dad had gone at it hot and heavy the night before and I couldn’t sleep for listening to them. I was wondering what I could use for a dildo when I heard the lawnmower stop. I knew George, my younger brother, couldn’t be done already, so I peeked out my window to see what he was up to. Probably peeking through the fence at the woman next door who sunbathed in a skimpy bikini. But he was in some bushes peeing, and the sight of his prick made me even hornier. Damn!! I...

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Cumming Cousins My Cousin My Lover

My cousin is 6'1 weights around 165lbs.....he has a very rugged and at the same time sweet and boyish face.....He has a nice muscular body because of all the sports he plays. I on the other hand, am 5'11 weights 160lbs, I have a trim and well-toned body and I'm on the swim team. I'm more boyish looking then my cousin but people do sometimes mistake us for twins. I knew I was gay since I was 13. But I didn't do anything with other boys till I was 15. Just light stuff. None of my...

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Hot experience with my cousins cousin

Hello dear readers, this is Surya from Chennai of age 21, now I m trying to write my experience with my cousin. She is not my real cousin. She lives in madurai, her name is Pooja. Pooja is dam beautiful with a very sexy figure 34-26-34.She is tall, very fair and looks like a model. My cousin brother lives in madurai and Pooja is her cousin sister. So from childhood I was going to their house to spend my holidays. I have a crush on her from our childhood. Indirectly I have proposed her many...

4 years ago
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Bi George

BI GEORGE!I woke up with the sun shining through the window and George lying naked next to me. The previous night had certainly been one to remember. A swingers’ party made up of four men and five women. I must have come about five times and the other guys about the same. George, the young eighteen year-old with the ten and a half inch dick, possibly more. He was a young boy destined for a great future in the porn industry, both straight and gay. Of the guys present there was an old...

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Bi George

I woke up with the sun shining through the window and George lying naked next to me. The previous night had certainly been one to remember. A swingers’ party made up of four men and five women. I must have come about five times and the other guys about the same. George, the young eighteen year-old with the ten and a half inch dick, possibly more. He was a young boy destined for a great future in the porn industry, both straight and gay. Of the guys present there was an old school-friend...

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Healing Cousin George 2

Living With George With the weekend almost upon us I expected another bout of drinking from George and I was not to be proved wrong. George left early that Friday morning for work. I had a slightly longer lie in than normal and woke just after nine when I heard Melissa cry, grabbing my dressing gown I padded next door to her room and lifted her up to sooth her. "There there little one," I said as her sobbing subsided leaving the room I took her downstairs sat her in her chair while I...

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Healing Cousin George 15

The Birthday Party Debbie got her wish and come Wednesday we were off for our regular shopping trip. This one however turned out to be that little bit different. I know now why she did it but at the time I was a bit surprised. We arrived in Glasgow unloading Melissa as usual into her buggy but as we approached the shopping galleries Debbie sprung her surprise. "Ok Alex, off you go," she said gently removing my hands from the handles of Melissa's buggy she eased herself between me...

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Healing Cousin George 17

Family Bonding - Part 1 The thing about George is when you put an idea in his head then he just goes off and does it. By the following weekend two new farmhands were in place. One older guy just retired who was keen to keep active and although maybe a bit too old for the heavier work he was keen and took on the role of covering most of the driving, collecting supplies etc. The second guy was a late thirty's someone Pete new who was an experienced farm hand who had just moved...

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My cousins cousin0

I just turned 17 and I was visiting my uncle P and my 2 cousins Cb(male 13) Ilane(11) in Johannesburg this was another party holiday with a twist. 17 feels the same as 16,15,14 nothing changes my manhood got bigger more hair but that is that....i went to visited and I just wanted to get away from all the Rugby and the town... walking in there home I greeted every one and (yes saw my cousin was wearing a bra at 11)(a story for later) there I saw a girl 17 years old with the name...

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Amys Junior Year AbroadChapter 12 GEORGE

George Long arrived in Paris worried. He hadn’t heard from Margaret in months and his daughter, Amy, had recently disappeared leaving only a note behind. Margaret had been sent to Europe on what was to have been a training mission. Nothing serious — just a little reconnaissance here and there. She was good, very good. So, the agency had decided to send her on a more difficult mission. She was to discover what had happened to an embedded source that had suddenly gone silent. No one, least...

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Healing Cousin George 3

New Tactics I'm not sure why I choose the path that I choose that morning, maybe it was born out of some frustration of the situation that I found myself in or the deep desire to keep a loving family together. However I do now that I have never regretted it since. The morning began just as any other day had, George was gone by the time I woke. I checked on Melissa, got her dressed and then made some breakfast. Our usual morning routine of frolicking around in the house before a...

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Healing Cousin George 5

Girly Fun Just before ten I heard the sound of Debbie's four wheel drive, screech to a halt outside the farmhouse. I walked to the door and opened it Debbie climbing the couple of steps up to the door she said, "Hi what's the emergency." "You better come in," I said stepping back to allow her to pass. "You want a drink?" I asked. "Bit early, is it not?" she replied. "You might need one," I said with an edge to my voice. "Eh just a coffee then, no sugar just a spot of milk," she...

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Healing Cousin George 6

Transformation Debbie spent the next hour or so working on my face, hair and nails. I protested a bit when she suggested cutting my hair into a more female style. "I only met Amanda yesterday, she will notice the difference," I said. "Don't be silly Alex, women change their hair styles all the time, so you had a trip to the hairdressers so what," she said giggling as she spoke. "Eh I suppose so," I mumbled, so my hair was restyled. "There, done," she said as she shaped finished...

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Healing Cousin George 7

Debbie and Alex The shopping trip had certainly created a firm friendship between me and Debbie. Each day after our trip to Glasgow I would either visit Debbie or she would come over to me. I suppose it was hardly a surprise as I was the only young woman (there I go again thinking of myself as a woman) in the area. George and Gavin were the youngest two farmers around for miles, most of the others were late forties or in their fifties with wives to match. Their wives spent most of...

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Healing Cousin George 8

Alex Unmasked We pulled into a seafront car park and unpacked Melissa's buggy. We set of along the shoreline in bright sunshine a sea breeze just fresh enough to keep you cool blew in our face. "Fancy a bite to eat?" Debbie asked. "Yeah why not." "There's a little caf? up there, with tables outside," she said pointing along the road. We walked along and found a table outside sitting down I parked the buggy securing the brake as I did so. We sat down and lit a cigarette making s...

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Healing Cousin George 9

Explaining to Do "Alex, Alex is that you?" The words rang in my ears like church bells as my hand moved towards my face covering my eyes, I spoke, "Eh Mum I didn't expect you." A pause. "Obviously not, I think we've got some talking to do," she said as she stared right into my soul. "I'll just bring Melissa through from the lounge, she's due for a feed, make yourself a coffee," I said as I walked towards the door. I wheeled Melissa back into the room as Mum walked towards the...

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Healing Cousin George 10

The Date Later that night with Melissa safely tucked up in bed me and George sat with Coke each in the conservatory. My plan to curb his midweek drinking had been a great success there were no more night's out during the week only a civilised glass of wine after dinner. I picked up my cigarettes and slipped one out of the packet, the slim gold lighter was inside the packet as well I pressed the button and a slim narrow flame appeared, I lit up blowing a cloud of smoke towards the...

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Healing Cousin George 11

Debbie & Alex Part 2 I was in a foul mood the next morning when I woke up. George's reaction when I had come home last night had soured the experience of my first night out as Alex. I rose and took a quick shower, before drying my hair and dressing in a pair of black jeans and a lemon blouse. The blouse was short and I tied it across my midriff, our exercise sessions had really been working as I now had a perfectly toned stomach. As I looked down I made a mental note to maybe get...

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Healing Cousin George 12

Confessions It was a restless night that night, my mind churning over the events, the engagement, the kiss Gavin watching as Debbie tried to seduce me , in truth I could not make much sense of any of it. I woke up reasonable early the next morning well in truth Melissa woke me tugging at my arm to get me up. "Morning Darling," I said slipping out of bed. I grabbed my overnight bag that I had brought over with me. I pulled out a pair of jeans and pushed my legs into them, I took a...

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Healing Cousin George 13

Debbie Has a Plan I left Debbie's early afternoon and went home, thankfully Amanda had cleared off as well by the rime I got back. Melissa had exhausted herself tearing around Debbie's yard all morning so I had the opportunity for some thinking space in the bright afternoon sunlight. I poured my self a cool beer from the fridge and sat outside lighting a cigarette I pondered the events of the last 24 hours. The engagement had taken us all by surprise no one had seen that coming and I...

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Healing Cousin George 14

The Plan Debbie stuck around for most of the day and indeed blagged an invite to dinner that night, I knew what she was thinking and as much as I thought it was a daft idea I was willing to give it a go. George arrived just before six and after explaining Debbie was staying for dinner he went and took a shower to wash away the days toils. We all sat down to mixed salad and cold meat as the sun began to drop in the sky. Debbie prodding me under the table and gesturing with her eyes I...

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Healing Cousin George 16

Dinner at Debbie's My eye's fluttered open as the early morning sun crept its way across the room. It took me a few seconds to get my bearings, you all know that feeling waking up in a strange room. Memories of last night flooded back, the party, George drinking and us ending up here at Aunt Karen's. George's arm was still flopped across my waist; it didn't seem that he had moved an inch all night. What time is it I thought, I stretched out my arm and reached George's mobile, I lifted...

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Healing Cousin George 18

Family Bonding Pt 2 We wandered along looking for somewhere to grab a snack. George was first to spot the "Bizarre Bar." "What about in there?" he said as he pointed across the square. "Looks fine to me," I replied taking a firmer grip of Melissa's hand we walked towards it. "Want to get something to eat babes?" I said bending slightly towards her. "No play," she said pulling at my hand. "Later babes me and Dad need a snack." "Play," she insisted. George looked at...

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Healing Cousin George 19

The Summer Ball Gavin was true to his word and by the following weekend my ticket for the Summer Ball had been secured. "You will need to sit with us and Archie at the meal, the tables are numbered and named, is that ok?" Debbie asked. "Yeah, not a problem, can't say I would have been all that keen on sitting with George and Amanda," I replied. "How are thing's on that front, any change since our day out last week?" she asked. "Well he's been really nice to me this week,...

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Healing Cousin George 20

Preparations The week passed slowly, me and Debbie's daily routine seeming somewhat mundane as my excitement built towards the Ball at the weekend. Debbie chatter was all around the dress, you know that one the one I had not even seen yet, how good a time we were going to have etc etc. At last Thursday arrived and I felt like we were finally getting somewhere. Early afternoon I packed a bag for Melissa. I had prepared her already promising a great adventure at her Gran's so like me...

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My sexy cousine sister Renu

This is kunal from delhi 26 but now in mumbai working in it industry. I came to know about this site just recently and that too accidently whiler surfing on net. But let me tell you all i had a great relief after reading all these stories as i was doing incest since 18 and was believing that i am the only one who has done incest. Actually over these years i did enjoy sex with so many girls and woman but i would talk here about my all incest experience since i love these relations.. In fact my...

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Dealing With George

Jo Gilbert and Madeline 'Maddy' Prescott had been school friends, but when Maddy went off to university they didn't see much of each other, but they'd stayed in touch. Maddy had wanted a career before she thought about having a family, but fate decreed otherwise. Her father had died when she was quite young, and the year that she graduated her mother confessed that she was dying, but that she wanted her daughter to finish her education before she told her. For two years after she was told,...

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Becoming A Slut Husband George

My story starts in college when I met Amy and fell head over heels in love. Amy was five foot seven, weighed one hundred-twenty pounds and was built like a brick shit house. Amy seemed to like me, but her feelings for me, at the time, were nowhere near as strong as my feelings for her. I chased Amy for over a year before I began to get anywhere with her. Gradually I gained ground and we began going steady. One month into our senior year I asked her to marry me and she said yes. Like any red...

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Healing HandsChapter 5

The next morning we were all sitting around the breakfast table. Maggie and Frank were sitting with me, while Donald and Gill were fussing in the kitchen with breakfast dishes. Frank brought up the issue of testing my abilities again. “You know, it’s time to think about what other abilities you have, apart from your powers to heal and that incredible orgy of pleasure that you triggered.” He said. “Have you tried to do anything that could be used as a defensive or offensive weapon? After all,...

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My cousins cousin

Introduction: This kind of happened to me… in a way… Opening the door I realized that this weekend could be terrible. My aunt and uncle, along with their two sons, had asked me to stay with them in Vermont for a weekend of skiing. By family contracts, I had to say yes. Its not that I didnt like skiing or the house we were staying in, it was just that my cousins were protected by their parents a lot and as a result could barely stand by themselves. The oldest was 6 days younger than me, which...

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Cousin Rocks My World on Nude Day

My cousin, Diane, called to ask if she could stay with my wife and I. She had to attend a convention and thought she'd kill two birds with one stone, visit us, while saving money on a hotel bill. Just as she didn't tell me she was attending a Nude Day Swingers' Convention, until later, I didn't tell her that I was no longer with my wife, until she arrived. Now between you, me, and the lamppost, when I found out that my sexy cousin was attending a Nude Day Swingers' Convention, that bit of...

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My Nerdy cousin

I was in my twenties living in my own flat, when my cousin Alice asked if she could come and stay with me, because she had just graduated university, and was about to start working nearby and needed a place to stay.I happily said yes of course, because it was my cousin, and I liked her, and my aunt apparently was pretty relieved because she was worried Alice might meet the wrong type of people being away from home, and thought I could keep an eye on her.Anyway, Alice was a petite young lady,...

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The cousin part 2 Her friends

- Tonight, May I bring a friend of mine? She is great! You'll love her! - Okay! If you say so! - She danced like me! She is very open to sex! She is easy. You can nail her if you want to! - Okay! I mean, it is ok for her to come, not to fuck her. Maybe I will, but you know what I mean! She laughed. I told her to stop. But she said she was laughing with me. I was pretty sure she was laughing at me. I liked her laugh. Then she talked about the event last night. She shared with me that...

2 years ago
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apni cousin ke sath lesbian sex

Main pinky hu delhi ki rahne wali hu aur call center me job karti hu ap sabne mujhe mail kiya uske liyea thanks main ap logo se whatsapp par sex chat ki aur apni hot pics bhi bheji aur ap mujhe aur mail kariyea main apse aur whatsapp par sex chat karungi aur apni hot pics bhi bhejungi ap sabko bata du ki main apni colony ki bahut hi mast maal hu mujhe dekhte hi ladke mujhe chodne k liyea mere piche ghumte h lekin main jayada kisiko bhi bhaw nahi deti hu ab main apni kahani par aati hu ye kahani...

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Horny Cousin

Every summer growing up, my sister and I would go stay with our Aunt Betty and our cousins Lacey and Michelle. Lacey and I were roughly the same age, with Lacey being about a month younger. We always looked forward to seeing one another, especially once puberty hit and we began getting curious. Over the years following our thirteenth summer, Lacey and I shared a few firsts: our first serious kiss, our first groping. By the time our sixteenth summer came around, Lacey began half-jokingly telling...

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My cousin and boyfriend doublepenetrate me

Introduction: This story is a follow on from Morning sex. It follows a series of related stories stories, which you should read before this one. The series of stories are in the order: 1. Boyfriend forced to watch me being used. 2. My mom, boyfriend, and me. 3. Morning sex. 4. This one. Note: this is probably the longest of all the stories I wrote so far. Ensure that you stroke those cocks-, and finger those pussies slowly. Hope you read to the end and enjoy the story as much as I did writing...

2 years ago
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My cousin and boyfriend doublepenetrate me

1. Boyfriend forced to watch me being used. 2. My mom, boyfriend, and me. 3. Morning sex. 4. This one. Note: this is probably the longest of all the stories I wrote so far. Ensure that you stroke those cocks-, and finger those pussies slowly. Hope you read to the end and enjoy the story as much as I did writing it. I fingered my pussy and came several times while writing this. ______________________ Things were certainly not going to be the same, I thought to myself as I showered. If...

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Mere Cousin Ne Mujhe Choda

Mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu main call center me job karti hu main ap sabko apni sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise mujhe cousin ne choda ye meri sacchi kahani h main ap sabko apne bare me bata du main bahut sexy ladki hu aur mera figure 36 30 38 h aur mujhe chudwane me bahut maja aata h. Main ap sabko bata du aaj kal sabhi log chudayi karte h aur main bhi khub chudwati hu aur main ek baar apne cousin se chudawayi wo mujhe choda. To chaliye ab main ap sabko apni chudayi...

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