Return From The Dark SideChapter 29: Cousin George free porn video

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Five years are a long time, Henry thought. Five years ago, he had last visited Washington D.C. and so much had happened since then. He was waiting in line at immigration wearing the full uniform of a lieutenant colonel, complete with the Military Cross and a chest full of assorted medals. The middle-aged African American woman at the INS counter was not impressed.

"May I see your passport, Sir?"

Henry dutifully produced his brand new diplomatic passport.

"And would you please put your hands here, Sir?" she pointed at the finger print scanner.

"Decidedly not, Officer," Henry answered. "Diplomatic personnel are exempt."

She pressed a buzzer and a supervisor appeared.

"The gent thinks he's exempt from fingerprinting," she said pointing at Henry.

The supervisor scratched her head whilst looking at the passport.

"Well, he's a military attaché with the British embassy. Lieutenant Colonel Ruiz-Costa. That's not an English name, is it?"

Henry looked at the name tag of the supervisor.

"Admittedly, but LaTonia isn't strictly American, is it?" he grinned.

"Touché!" the woman laughed. "Welcome to Washington, Colonel!"

"Thank you and good day, Madam."

Outside of the customs area he was met by a driver from the embassy.

"Welcome to Washington, Sir," Henry heard once more.

They had a clear run on the Dulles access road but the Washington Belt Way was an altogether different story. It was over an hour before the limousine arrived at Massachusetts Avenue.

Here in the embassy, Henry hand delivered the attaché case he had been carrying. He also met with a liaison officer who quickly went through the meetings Henry would have with two manufacturers of small arms. It was one thing at which he was an expert. Evelyn Burns had pulled some strings so Henry could have these meetings as a cover for the real purpose of his visit.

The liaison officer also found out the office extension and the home phone number of one George Lowell, currently with CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Lastly, Henry had an appointment at the State Department to get his diplomatic status confirmed.

For the next two days, Henry dutifully visited two manufacturing plants, one in Virginia and one in New Jersey and evaluated various assault rifles.

The second visit did not go well. They wanted to show off a new model on a shooting range and Henry asked for a hands-on experience. After emptying the first clip with three quick bursts, he slapped in a second clip and continued firing bursts. When he slapped in the third clip, the rifle jammed. Henry's biting remarks did not leave the sales people with much hope regarding a possible deal with the British MOD.

On that afternoon, he called George Lowell at his desk in Langley.

"Hi, George, this is Henry. I know I'm not supposed to call you at work, but I'm in town and I thought we could have chance to meet."

There was a pause before Lowell answered.

"Henry, that's a nice surprise. You're here on business?"

"Yes, they reactivated me. I had to visit two possible small arms suppliers. I thought we could play some cards. You still owe me."

There was a pause. Lowell understood.

"Let me check with Annie. We are having neighbours over for dinner tomorrow. Perhaps you could join us? You haven't met Annie yet, have you?"

Henry laughed. "No, not to my knowledge. Where do you live?"

"2714 Chestnut Drive, Alexandria. Do you have wheels?"

"I can get an embassy car. When?"

"Make it around six. That leaves us some time to talk after dinner."

"Sounds great! I'll be there tomorrow."

He found the Lowell residence easily thanks to the embassy car's navigation system. He had brought a bottle of 12 year-old Balvenie Single Malt for his host and a flower bouquet for his wife. He balanced both in one arm while he rang the door bell.

The door was opened by the epitome of a high school princess. She was perhaps seventeen, her brunette hair was in a neat pony tail and she was wearing a short skirt with a tight sweater. Henry thought that she was probably very popular. She stared at him with an open mouth.

"Good evening, Miss. Is this the Lowell residence? I was invited for dinner."

"Uh, you're, like..." she stammered.

"Henry Ruiz-Costa, Miss."

"Are you, like, a soldier?"

"Yes," he smiled, "but I came unarmed."

Blushing, she opened the door wide and stepped aside to let him in. He took off his hat while she rushed into the back of the house. A second later, George Lowell emerged.

"Henry, old man! Why, look at you! Lieutenant-Colonel!"

"George! So nice to see you again! Here, let me get rid of this."

He handed his host the whisky which met with appreciation.

Then an older version of the high school princess appeared. She was introduced as Annabeth Lowell. This gave Henry the chance to unload the bouquet on her.

To his surprise, Annabeth Lowell gave him a firm hug.

"I'm so glad to finally meet you! We owe you so much. I was so scared back then."

She was, of course, alluding to George Lowell's abduction by the Sendero Luminosa, the Shining Path. Henry and his team had tracked down the guerilleros to their hide-out and freed Lowell, with Henry receiving a knife wound for his troubles.

The girl showed again.

"Jill, this is the man your father told us about. You went by the name of Capitan Costa back then?"

Henry nodded. "I'd held captain's rank in the Royal Marines, so everybody called me Capitan."

"He freed your father from those terrorists in Peru."

If possible, the girl's eyes bugged even more and her blush intensified.

"Not much of a conversationalist you are this evening, are you, Jill?" George mocked his daughter. "Why don't we go to the living room?"

They went and Henry met another couple by the name of Shoemaker. They were neighbours of the Lowells. With the Shoemakers on one side and George and Annabeth Lowell taking the head positions at the table, Henry was seated with young Jill Lowell. Even Henry with his complete lack of understanding of women could sense that the girl was suffering from a bad case of hero worship.

It also became obvious that Annabeth Lowell took great pride in her cooking, and Henry made sure to compliment her for each of the four courses. He also tried to put young Jill at ease, asking her about school and her future plans. At one point, of course, Henry had to produce photographs of his family.

"Your wife is so adorable!" Annabeth enthused. "And those twins! Your third daughter, did you adopt her?"

Henry smiled. "Tamara is my own daughter. The twins, Pat and Megan, are from my wife's first marriage."

"Isn't your wife American?" George Lowell asked.

"Yes, she is from Atlanta. You probably know the Maxwell's Maxistores. She used to own them."

"That's why her face looked familiar!" Annabeth gushed. "Her picture was in all the stores. Why did she sell out?"

"Oh, she didn't. They merged with Rotor Systems. She is on the board of directors. The new headquarters are in England. Not that I am complaining."

Talk then shifted to include the Shoemakers who had felt sidelined. Henry noticed Annabeth Lowell's finely tuned perception of other people's feelings.

At this point, Jill Lowell excused herself reluctantly. She had a dance date and she had to change. She came down half an hour later all dolled up and Henry could not help but wonder why a pretty young girl would hide her face under so many layers of make up. He idly watched when her date, a muscle-bound young man named Roy or Ray, made a short appearance in the living room. Through the open door, he again idly took in the young man's car, a customised black Suburban with a Confederate flag painted on the hood.

The adults sat at the table again and Annabeth Lowell served coffee and cake. The coffee was the only let down of the evening, tasting shallow and burnt. After coffee they stood on the deck enjoying the mild temperatures. When Mr. Shoemaker excused himself for a moment, George Lowell nodded at Henry.

"What can I do for you?"

"George, this is not a small favour I'm asking. You can say no and there'll be no hard feelings. But if you decide you can help me, I'd consider the slate even between us. Hell, I'll probably owe you."

"What is it then?"

"I need information about an outfit called StarIntel. They're a private contractor in Iraq. They are supposed to have a high-ranking Ba'ath Party defector who can finger the people behind the bombings in the South. We need what they have, but the price they ask is too high. They want one of our own defectors in exchange."

George Lowell's face had undergone several changes. In the end, it showed an amused grin.

"StarIntel? Those clowns? They're just a bunch of con men. Intel my arse! Henry, don't do business with them, they'll just screw you over. Firstly, they offered this 'high-ranking Ba'ath member' to us first. He's just some lowly village mayor with no ties to the Saddam clan. The StarIntel guys are not really in the intelligence field either. They're a bunch of ex-mercs and they work as bodyguards most of the time. For shady people I might add, like this new deputy oil minister..."

"Hamid Ouarid?" Henry interrupted his excitement gaining the upper hand.

George nodded. "Yes, him. He's one bad hombre, a regular sleaze ball. Our guys would love to pin something on him but he's been too slick so far."

Henry took a deep breath. Evelyn Burns had told him that they could do nothing against Ouarid. He was firmly embedded in what passed for an Iraqi government and he resided in Baghdad where the British held no power. He thought of his two dead team members and a grim smile formed on his lips.

"George, this has to stay between us until I get some backing from my people. But how would you like to interview a defector who can finger Ouarid as the leader of an insurgent group. The defector is credible; we have verified parts of the testimony independently."

"Wait! StarIntel wanted that defector, right? So you would have turned that person over to Ouarid's own bodyguards."


"Jesus, Harry! I know a man who would almost die for a talk with your guy."

"I'll call my boss on the secure line. You guys will have to offer something in return though."

"Like what?"

"If it were just me, Ouarid's head on a platter with an apple stuffed in his mug would do just fine. I lost two men in an ambush he masterminded."

George chuckled.

"You'll get along famously with Walter Paxton. Except, you'll have to share the trophies. Call me as soon as you get the green light, Henry. Shit, I'll still be in your debt."

Nothing more was said about the matter as they rejoined the Shoemakers and Annabeth. Around eleven the Shoemakers excused themselves, but Henry sat with the Lowells for another hour. Annabeth became a bit antsy at that point because her daughter Jill was past her curfew and Henry decided to bid his farewell after exchanging private phone numbers with the Lowells.

Henry drove back towards the District. He was waiting at a traffic light when he noticed the black Suburban of Jill Lowell's boyfriend. It was driving slowly along the curb on the opposite side. Then he saw the figure of a girl who was waking the sidewalk and he heard the young man driving the suburban shout at her. He turned the wheel and made a U-turn. After passing the SUV, he stopped his car at the curb. The young man in the Suburban slammed on the brakes and the girl looked up. He lowered the passenger side window.

"Can I help you, Miss Lowell?" he offered.

Even in the dim light of the street lighting, he saw her relief when she recognised him.

"Could you drive me home, please, Mr. Ruiz-Costa?"

He opened the door from the inside and she quickly got in. In the rear-view mirror, he saw that the door of the suburban had opened. He released his safety belt and exited the car to confront the young man as he approached.

"Let her go!" Ray or Roy demanded hotly.

Henry stood seemingly relaxed but ready nonetheless. This could very well end in a physical confrontation. Not that he was overly concerned. The young man had an impressive physique, but he was hardly a match for anybody with Henry's background. Henry had to be careful though. He did not want to damage his left knee in some ill-prepared movement and so he carefully planted his right leg forward.

"She asked for a lift home. I suggest you hold your peace and try to make up with her tomorrow."

"Listen, old fart! I don't give a shit about your fancy uniform. Let her go, or..."

"Or what?" Henry asked sharply. "Lad, you're picking a fight you can't win. I've been in the business of hurting people for eighteen years. All you know is how to tackle kids on a football field. Even if you win you'll be charged with assault on a diplomat. That's a federal offence, my lad! The FBI and the Secret Service will investigate and it will be dealt with before a federal judge. You will go to a federal prison as fresh meat. Do you want that?"

Henry was bluffing. He was still hoping to settle this without a fight. But Ray or Roy was not deterred. He started the hostilities with a roundhouse swing that had all his 220 pounds behind it. Of course when Henry stepped back, that swing left the young man overbalanced, with most of his weight on his left foot. Henry brought him down with a well-timed kick against the inside of the left knee, straining the ligaments badly but not tearing them. Ray or Roy went down clutching his knee.

Henry stared down at him. "You picked a fight with a trained soldier, you genius."

"You asshole!" the young man hissed. "My dad will sue you blind!"

Henry grinned smugly. "Did you ever hear of diplomatic immunity, Einstein? Your father can sue me all he wants."

His grin stopped, and he bent down and spoke in a low voice.

"I have ways of knowing things, Einstein. If I find out that you've taken this out on Jill, you'll find me standing behind you when you'll least expect me. And then, my lad, you may just find out if there's really a white light at the end of the bloody tunnel. Savvy that?"

The young man's eyes narrowed as the meaning of the words dawned on him.

"Now get up and into your car. Drive home and put an ice bag on that knee. I suggest you tell your folks that you missed the curb in the dark and sprained your knee. Nobody needs to know that some old fart busted your knee and didn't break a sweat doing it."

Henry stepped back and waited for the young man to stagger to his feet. He could indeed stand limp slowly towards his SUV. Henry quickly got into his car and drove off, returning to the Lowell's house.

"What happened?" he asked Jill.

She looked back at him with some apprehension.

"Look, I only defended myself and I did not hurt him too much. What happened?"

"He wouldn't take 'no' for an answer," she said in a low voice. "I slapped him and then he threw me out of the car. So I walked. He kept driving along and shouted at me, really bad things."

"He's in your school?"

She nodded morosely.

"Listen, Jill. If he gives you a hard time, let your father know! I mean it. He can make Ray stop."

"It's Roy, and what can Dad do? He's a pencil pusher at the State Department, for crying out loud! Roy is a starting linebacker."

"Jill, you must know by now that I'm not really one of those gentlemen officers who write reports and have their men parade in front of them. How do you think I met your father if he's a pencil pusher? Trust me! If you need somebody to back you, your Dad fits the bill."

The girl looked at him with big eyes. "You mean, he's with..."

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Gay Incest Experience Between Cousin Brothers

Hello everyone, I am Jay from Chennai. I thoroughly enjoy reading true gay experiences of people on this site. Today, I submit to readers one such personal experience which happened a few years back. Summer of 2009 I was in my final semester of my engineering. I was a very good at academics and was one of the top rankers in my college. I had already landed a job through campus placement and I was enjoying a carefree life. I had also completed my final year project, so I used to attend college...

Gay Male
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Heathers cousin

I saw him sitting there, he looked calm as usual as he chatted politely with our aunts and uncles.My cousin who I thought was absolutely gorgeous was only sitting a few feet away, and yet I knew I could never have him. I do not know when this attraction began but I could not keep my eyes off of him. He stood at about six feet and two inches with broad shoulders and muscular arms. All the nights I dreamed of the arms around me were the nights I masturbated visioning him in my bed. I know it is...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Cousin Brother

Hi I m Rajeev now I m 32 yrs this incident happened when i was 22 yrs around 10 yrs back. my cousin his name is Abhishekh he was 32 yrs straight married n with a kid but I was crazy after him n i just loved him he is gym toned fair smooth n very good looking n he does not know that I m gay. One day my parents had gone out for a weekend n did not go out with them as i was having my exams n he had come to my place for a stay over as his wife had gone out to her mother’s place for delivery. As we...

Gay Male
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My cousins cousin0

I just turned 17 and I was visiting my uncle P and my 2 cousins Cb(male 13) Ilane(11) in Johannesburg this was another party holiday with a twist. 17 feels the same as 16,15,14 nothing changes my manhood got bigger more hair but that is that....i went to visited and I just wanted to get away from all the Rugby and the town... walking in there home I greeted every one and (yes saw my cousin was wearing a bra at 11)(a story for later) there I saw a girl 17 years old with the name...

3 years ago
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Cousin Helps Brother To Fuck Her SisterInLaw

Hi, Ram again with another incident! This happened a few months ago. I was in Bangalore attending a meeting and my phone rang. It was Buddi; my aunt’s married step-daughter whom I had fucked (). I ignored it. Later, when my meeting got over, I checked my phone. My cousin sister had left a message saying, “Can we talk?” I rang her phone and she disconnected the call. So I left a message saying, “Sorry! Was in a meeting. What is this about?” It was 2 pm and I received a call from my cousin...

4 years ago
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Amys Junior Year AbroadChapter 12 GEORGE

George Long arrived in Paris worried. He hadn’t heard from Margaret in months and his daughter, Amy, had recently disappeared leaving only a note behind. Margaret had been sent to Europe on what was to have been a training mission. Nothing serious — just a little reconnaissance here and there. She was good, very good. So, the agency had decided to send her on a more difficult mission. She was to discover what had happened to an embedded source that had suddenly gone silent. No one, least...

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Carols Cousin Matthew

It all began several years ago at Carol's cousin Matt's house. My girlfriend Carol and I began playing beer pong with her cousin and three of his friends.Carol and I live together and are very sexually active with each other but we are both bisexual.Eventually we were talked into playing strip poker and after an hour or so we were all pretty much naked or close to it. That first night Carol and I along with the four guys all masturbated in front of each other.We began partying a couple of times...

2 years ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

2 years ago
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Sexual Liaisons With Cousin Brother Part 1

Hello ISS readers, here I am with another story, this time the sexstory is about a girl Riya & her cousin brother Pankaj, this story is a true story as narrated by Riya to me, so I am writing this story on behalf of her, the whole story is her narration of her words, you can get in touch with her on, but don’t forget to cc it to me on , the story follows in riya’s words. Hello, I am riya, thanks to my friend to write this story for me in my words, this story is about me 26 now & my cousin...

4 years ago
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My sexy cousine sister Renu

This is kunal from delhi 26 but now in mumbai working in it industry. I came to know about this site just recently and that too accidently whiler surfing on net. But let me tell you all i had a great relief after reading all these stories as i was doing incest since 18 and was believing that i am the only one who has done incest. Actually over these years i did enjoy sex with so many girls and woman but i would talk here about my all incest experience since i love these relations.. In fact my...

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Dealing With George

Jo Gilbert and Madeline 'Maddy' Prescott had been school friends, but when Maddy went off to university they didn't see much of each other, but they'd stayed in touch. Maddy had wanted a career before she thought about having a family, but fate decreed otherwise. Her father had died when she was quite young, and the year that she graduated her mother confessed that she was dying, but that she wanted her daughter to finish her education before she told her. For two years after she was told,...

2 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Husband George

My story starts in college when I met Amy and fell head over heels in love. Amy was five foot seven, weighed one hundred-twenty pounds and was built like a brick shit house. Amy seemed to like me, but her feelings for me, at the time, were nowhere near as strong as my feelings for her. I chased Amy for over a year before I began to get anywhere with her. Gradually I gained ground and we began going steady. One month into our senior year I asked her to marry me and she said yes. Like any red...

4 years ago
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Dazzling Girlfriend And Her Cousin Brother

Hello my dear sex story lovers and I believe reading a sex story is more arousing than watching xxx movie. This is very exciting to write my own story again. Let me not bore you with my philosophies of life. Hi, I am Kalyan Karthik from Hyderabad but born and brought up in Vizag. I am 24 years old whitish white in color and 6 feet tall and go to Talwalkers 3 times a week. I am software professional and working in Infosys, Mysore campus. This story is about my Girlfriend who is a Biotechnology...

3 years ago
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Seduced By Cousin Brother

Hi, this is Nikki. I am 25years old girl with stats 32-26-36 and I am going to share my real sex experience and how I was seduced by my sweet Cousin Brother and had touched the heaven and treasure of sexual happiness. This is my real sex story. I am actually from Telangana state. I am married a year back and presently staying in the USA with my husband. It started with my cousin brother who is 33 years old and around 2 months back when one day my sweet brother started sending messages to me by...

2 years ago
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Love Making With My Cousin Brother 8211 Part 1

I started searching the Internet for stories and hazards of incest and while doing so I came across this indian sex stories site having multiple stories about sexual encounters. At first it was sickening to see people plainly write their sexual conquests and victories for others to read and jerk off to. But over time I started seeing the liberation it can provide for me who wants to share my story of taboo relationship between me and my elder cousin brother as it is hard for me not to talk to...

2 years ago
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One Day I Bathed with My Cousin Bro

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization.My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

Gay Male
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My Brother8217s Bride8217s Cousin Sister 8211 Part II

Hi All, I am Akshay Ganna 36 years old with an athletic body structure standing 6 feet tall. Lot of girls ogle me and show hidden desires, so I use it to the maximum of my advantage. I hope you have read the first 4 parts of “My Brother’s Bride” where I had some great sexual encounters with Bhavana, 22 year old who was going to be my cousin brother Vinay’s wife now and living in Pune. The previous story of this part “My Brother’s Bride’s Cousin Sister – Part 01” in which Bhavana’s cousin sister...

3 years ago
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Me And My Cousin In The Theater

Hi readers this is a true life incident I am Sakthi. I am 21 years old and I am doing my MD course in Georgia; let me tell u a little about me first I was born on India but I am studying in Georgia. This incident happened some four months back. My sister (cousin) and I went to the theater to watch the movie Conjuring. We both live in the same house here she is my father’s brother’s daughter. She is 1 year younger and perfect in shape her boobs are 32d and she has a very good structure. Normally...

4 years ago
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My cousins cousin

Introduction: This kind of happened to me… in a way… Opening the door I realized that this weekend could be terrible. My aunt and uncle, along with their two sons, had asked me to stay with them in Vermont for a weekend of skiing. By family contracts, I had to say yes. Its not that I didnt like skiing or the house we were staying in, it was just that my cousins were protected by their parents a lot and as a result could barely stand by themselves. The oldest was 6 days younger than me, which...

4 years ago
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Return From The Dark SideChapter 19 Fatherhood

"Can you drive us to the boat club at five?" Pat asked over the noise of the wind. She sat on the left hand front seat while Megan had claimed the rear bench. With a well-timed push on the accelerator, Henry was able to shift to a lower gear. The gear box of the ancient Bentley was not synchronised and shifting involved the practised use of engine speeds. Since he had received the Bentley back from the body shop, the twins preferred Henry over Chris to pick them up from school. Climbing...

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The cousin part 2 Her friends

- Tonight, May I bring a friend of mine? She is great! You'll love her! - Okay! If you say so! - She danced like me! She is very open to sex! She is easy. You can nail her if you want to! - Okay! I mean, it is ok for her to come, not to fuck her. Maybe I will, but you know what I mean! She laughed. I told her to stop. But she said she was laughing with me. I was pretty sure she was laughing at me. I liked her laugh. Then she talked about the event last night. She shared with me that...

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Cousin Rocks My World on Nude Day

My cousin, Diane, called to ask if she could stay with my wife and I. She had to attend a convention and thought she'd kill two birds with one stone, visit us, while saving money on a hotel bill. Just as she didn't tell me she was attending a Nude Day Swingers' Convention, until later, I didn't tell her that I was no longer with my wife, until she arrived. Now between you, me, and the lamppost, when I found out that my sexy cousin was attending a Nude Day Swingers' Convention, that bit of...

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My Nerdy cousin

I was in my twenties living in my own flat, when my cousin Alice asked if she could come and stay with me, because she had just graduated university, and was about to start working nearby and needed a place to stay.I happily said yes of course, because it was my cousin, and I liked her, and my aunt apparently was pretty relieved because she was worried Alice might meet the wrong type of people being away from home, and thought I could keep an eye on her.Anyway, Alice was a petite young lady,...

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My First Sex With My Cousin Brother

Hey readers, this is Atul again from Mumbai. This is my second story in ISS. However, I am now ardent fan of this site and a daily visitor. Here I am narrating my first experience with my cousin brother, with whom I have lost my virginity. We have a very big family and have a big house at our native place. This story is about 15 years back. At the moment I am 33 years old. That was the time when along with my grandmother and one of my younger cousin brother, I went to my native place to assist...

Gay Male
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apni cousin ke sath lesbian sex

Main pinky hu delhi ki rahne wali hu aur call center me job karti hu ap sabne mujhe mail kiya uske liyea thanks main ap logo se whatsapp par sex chat ki aur apni hot pics bhi bheji aur ap mujhe aur mail kariyea main apse aur whatsapp par sex chat karungi aur apni hot pics bhi bhejungi ap sabko bata du ki main apni colony ki bahut hi mast maal hu mujhe dekhte hi ladke mujhe chodne k liyea mere piche ghumte h lekin main jayada kisiko bhi bhaw nahi deti hu ab main apni kahani par aati hu ye kahani...

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Horny Cousin

Every summer growing up, my sister and I would go stay with our Aunt Betty and our cousins Lacey and Michelle. Lacey and I were roughly the same age, with Lacey being about a month younger. We always looked forward to seeing one another, especially once puberty hit and we began getting curious. Over the years following our thirteenth summer, Lacey and I shared a few firsts: our first serious kiss, our first groping. By the time our sixteenth summer came around, Lacey began half-jokingly telling...

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My cousin and boyfriend doublepenetrate me

Introduction: This story is a follow on from Morning sex. It follows a series of related stories stories, which you should read before this one. The series of stories are in the order: 1. Boyfriend forced to watch me being used. 2. My mom, boyfriend, and me. 3. Morning sex. 4. This one. Note: this is probably the longest of all the stories I wrote so far. Ensure that you stroke those cocks-, and finger those pussies slowly. Hope you read to the end and enjoy the story as much as I did writing...

5 years ago
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Usha and cousin sis together

Hello! Pabby here again with my new experiences. If ladies, girls, couples or groups wanna contact me they can mail me at We together can have the pleasure which you wouldn’t have imagined for. Satisfaction is granted. Secrecy in demanded and assured. Our lives has been full of fun since I started fucking massi. But the problem arrived in the form of my cousin who arrived to spend her summer vacation with us. Both of us became very restless and cursed our luck to fuck. As usual this summer...

2 years ago
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My cousin and boyfriend doublepenetrate me

1. Boyfriend forced to watch me being used. 2. My mom, boyfriend, and me. 3. Morning sex. 4. This one. Note: this is probably the longest of all the stories I wrote so far. Ensure that you stroke those cocks-, and finger those pussies slowly. Hope you read to the end and enjoy the story as much as I did writing it. I fingered my pussy and came several times while writing this. ______________________ Things were certainly not going to be the same, I thought to myself as I showered. If...

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