- 4 years ago
- 28
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Hi, my name is Anna, or Annie. I’m going to tell you a story about when I was younger up until the present. Let me first start by telling you a bit about myself. I am 5’5, 113 pounds and have dark hair that meets just above my perfect butt. I have long legs that I like to keep shaved and I’m a C cup in bras. My eyes are dark brown and my hair is very curly, almost like tight curls. I was never into dating are chasing after boys. It wasn’t ever my style. If I wanted something I get it, end of story, but I had no interest in having a relationship.
When I was in 6th grade, my mother sent me off to a Christian school. I hated the uniforms, but most of all the students. There was 30 kids total in my class, I had 1 friend. Her name was Ellie. She was brilliantly smart and sweet, but she wasn’t very cute. At that time, I never really cared how my hair looked or what anyone thought of me. I did have a crush, but I knew it wouldn’t go anywhere so I never tried. His name was George, he had beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes. He was very lean, no muscles and no fat. He loved soccer and basketball. He was kind of a wimp amongst his friends and I don’t know what I saw in him.
7th grade came along and I was 14-15 at the time. He still looked the same, but rather than being nice to me the way he had when I was in 6th and he was in 7th, he was a jerk, like most of his friends. One of his friends was nice, his name was Mark. He was one of the few black kids in my school. He enjoyed talking to me, but we didn’t really have any type of connection. I was nice to him and he was nice to me and basically everyone. George constantly joined his friend’s rants when it came to the girls in my class. I honestly didn’t care.
My mother pulled me out of that school and I was home schooled. I hated it even more. That was when my parents decided to split and I chose to go with my mom, but had to spend weekends with my dad. Once, at the mall, George was thrown out of a store and nearly fell right in front of me and my father. He looked right up at me and my cheeks became flushed and intensely red. He didn’t really recognize me, I turned back to look over my shoulder as he stood and walked passed us and he looked right back at me. I knew he was staring at me as I walked out, but I couldn’t bring myself to talk to him. He had filled out so nicely and he had muscles in all the right places. He was beautiful, while I was well, me.
Now that I’m 19, I still live with my mom. I plan on moving out of state and I had pushed all thoughts of George and any feelings I ever had for him right out of my mind.
My mother had to visit my sister who was an hour away. She was running late and I went to work with her. She didn’t trust me with her car so I was stuck. I sighed heavily as I walked through the store silently gathering some things for my hand that was jammed in the car door almost a week before. That’s when I saw the love of my young teen boyfriend less years.
He looked the same, but taller, broader, more of a man then a boy or teen. My cheeks flushed once again, my body was instantly hot and I felt like fire was licking at my skin. I pushed my dark curly bangs back and slowly began to get out of his eye range. I doubted he would notice me, but I didn’t want to see him. I called up one of my relatives. She never met or saw George, but I had to talk to someone to keep my heart from bursting out of my chest. I told her all about him in the small gap of time.
As I hung up the phone I thought about just trying to talk to him. This would probably be the last time I’d ever see him. I exhaled a deep breath and glanced around to see him. He was no longer there. I let out a sigh as I thought of how I’d probably embarrass myself. I got in the line of Wal-Mart at cashier 15. One person was checking out and another in front of me. I then saw George’s parents, and he was right their next to them. I nearly jumped out of my skin. My heart was beating so hard, I couldn’t take it. I stood there and tried to compose myself. He noticed me, I tilted my head down and slowly rubbed my forehead. He and his family walked away and then as he left, he turned back to look at me again. I couldn’t breathe and as the cashier asked what I did to my hand as she was my mother friend, I told her, and he was gone.
I got out of line, sad that I’d never see him again and that I never faced my fears, but also happy because maybe it was just better that way. I was headed to the garden section when I stopped and thought to myself, ‘Why do I still care for him at all? It’s been years and I only love the idea I had of him in my mind’s eye, he isn’t that person Annie. You know that.”
I continued to walk to the back of the store in a slight daze, when I heard someone call my name. ‘Anna!’ I froze, was that really him? I turned slowly to look over my shoulder, George was coming towards me. Again, my body reacted, I tried to keep myself calm, but my heart was about to burst into a million pieces.
‘Hi George, How are you? It’s been so long…’
‘Hi Anna, I’m fine. What happen to your hand?’ He reached down and grabbed my right hand as if he had some sudden right to touch me.
‘Um…I uh… well I um…’ He looked up into my eyes, holding my hand within his, and waiting for me to respond. ‘I was closing the door to my mom’s van and my thumb and index got caught. It isn’t that big of a deal.’
‘Really, looks painful Annie.” He never really called me that, and when he did it sent shivers up my spine. I let out a shallow breathe as he pulled me into a hug. I didn’t know how to react, so I kept telling myself it was like hugging a brother and I ended up with my arms around him.
I pushed him away as I began. ‘Isn’t your family waiting on you? I just saw you guys together.” That really wasn’t smart of me to say because that meant I was watching him.
‘No, I met them here, I have my own car.’ Duh! Why wouldn’t he? His family was really rich.
‘Right, well I uh, I’ll see you around.’ I desperately wanted to get away, but I couldn’t find a way to and the words kept stumbling out wrong!
‘When and where? I haven’t seen you in almost a year! C’mon Annie, let’s go do something.’
‘I uh… I can’t, I’m waiting on my mom.’
‘Is she shopping?’
‘No, she’s working…’
‘Then let’s go! We can swing by the mall. I’m meeting up with Ren, Brad, Julie, Kelly, Claire, and um… right, Jason and Max.’ Wow, everyone that I once hated, except Brad was okay, would be there.
‘No, no, I really shouldn’t.’ He grabbed my arm and dragged me over to register 29 where my mom was. ‘Hi Mrs. B, I’m taking Annie to the mall to catch up with some friends, is that okay?’ My mom wanted me to date, she wanted me to be normal as she put it. I shook my head no as much as I could, George was holding me by my left wrist and I was begging her with my expression to tell him no.
‘Sure! Go have fun sweetie!’ And with that George dragged me out of the store.
The mall, a place I rarely went as I was more of a stay at home person. I wasn’t social and I liked being by myself with my little dog or at the farm training with my horse.
The first to see me was Brad. He was a short black kid at 4’11 when I went to school with him. Now he was nearly 6 foot and all muscle with the perfect build! ‘Ann! Wow, it’s been forever!!’ He hugged me tight and I thought he would crush me. Kelly, Claire, and Julie all greeted me with giggles and laughs as if we had been the best of friends when I was at that damn school. The other guys just kind of waved and gave George this look like ‘Why did you bring her?’
I sighed heavily as the girls in front of me were all in booty shorts and t shirts that covered nothing and showed all cleavage. As for me, I was in a pair of black jeans and a purple short sleeve top. I had on a heart pendent that was about the size of 5 quarters and my hair was down and curly. I had my favorite chucks on. I felt like a nun compared to them.
We walked around the mall, the girl’s spending money left and right, every time I tried to slip away, George grabbed my arm and yanked me to his side. Finally, the group was off to grab a bite and I stayed behind at JCPenny. George stayed with me.
‘Aren’t you enjoying yourself? Isn’t it nice to see old friends again?’ he asked, and the way he had irritated me. Here was someone I was in love with as a girl and now that I was a woman he wanted me. What the hell?
‘Not really. I was never friends with you or anyone else that is here George. I mean, I tried to get you to like me and you know that is true, but did you? No, I even confessed my feelings for you and you humiliated me in front of everyone!’ I hadn’t meant to say all that, but it bubbled up after so long that I guess I just needed to get it off my mind.
‘Annie, that isn’t really true. Okay, maybe it is, but in all reality I really liked you, but I knew if I tried to be with you, life at school would be harder.”
‘Somehow I don’t believe you. Can you please take me back to Wal-Mart?’
‘What will you tell everyone?’
‘I don’t know, just let me do the talking.’ With that I walked passed him and out of the store to the food court.
‘Aw! You’re leaving!?’ Julie asked, she was actually George’s ex and was one of the girls I never wanted to be around when I was in school.
‘Yes, sadly I’m needed elsewhere.’ I gave my best fake smile and wished everyone well.
George and I climbed into his red mustang GT. I loved his car, it was my dream car, but I refused to tell him that. I could feel tears stinging my eyes as I sat there in the passenger seat. He kept glancing over at me, I refused to look at him.
‘Annie, I don’t want this to be goodbye.”
‘George,” I sighed and lightly rubbed my burning eyes. ‘I’m moving out of state in a month or two. Just forget we bumped into each other today.’
He remained silent, pulling up into the Wal-Mart parking lot. Before I could step out of the car, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back in. He reached into my front left pocket and took my phone. He punched his number in and handed it to me.
‘Text me, I want to say goodbye before you leave.’ He looked at me through desperate eyes, begging me to keep in touch. I nodded and climbed out of his car. I walked into Wal-Mart as fast as I could and didn’t look back. A few tears slid down my face as I slipped into the ladies room, pulling myself together before I met up with my mom.
I hadn’t spoken much to anyone after the encounter with George. My mom asked if something had happen, I insisted no. I didn’t go to church or to see my horses. I stayed in my room in a somewhat depressed state. I continued to reply the entire scene within my mind, over and over wondering what would have happen if I’d done something different. Finally, Tuesday came and I heard my phone ringing. I didn’t know the number, but answered any way. The reason I answered was because I run a small hobby breeding business. I breed toy sized dogs and was always getting phone calls.
“Hi Annie, what are you up to?” I bolted straight up, it was George! I hadn’t given him my number or texted him.
“How did you get my number?!” I must have sounded shocked because he laughed and continued with,
“Your mom. I told her I wanted to talk to you and that I’d forgotten to ask for your number. She gave it to me on the spot.”
I couldn’t believe that shit. I mean really?! I sighed heavily and tiredly, falling back onto my bed.
“Annie? Can we get together some time?” He was asking in a nervous tone, I knew I could take total advantage here, but it wasn’t in my nature.
“No George, I really don’t want to see you. I just, I don’t.”
With that I hung up the phone and put the thing on silent. I got up and showered, brushed my teeth, did my hair and put on a pair of Capri jeans and flip flops with a pretty lime green top that said “Love Me” on it in black letters. I thought I looked pretty as I slid my hair up into a pony tail and putting on my pretty gold hoop earrings, grabbing my purse and phone as I walked out the door.
After I turned 17 my mom had bought me a used white Volvo s70. It was in great condition and I loved the little thing. I ran to the store to get dog food and then drop off a letter at the post office. I had to drive down town to visit my grandmother to check on her new puppy. She maybe old, but she loves animals and the challenge of them.
“How are you Princess?” She asked as I scooped up her little 4lb pup and sat at the table. She was already cooking some steak and potatoes for me, my favorite dinner since I was a child.
“Nothing La Mommy, How has Papito been?”
She smiled and came over with a tall glass of water. “He has been good. You look sad though, you sure you’re okay?”
I nodded and gave her a big smile. “Yes, I’m fine, just having some boy problems.” She instantly looked pleased and sat down.
“What are they?” I kind of laughed thinking she was kidding, but her expression said different.
“Just this kid I went to school with. He won’t leave me alone and you know I’m moving soon… I don’t want to get involved with anyone.”
“Just have a fling then. You don’t have to go at it with him (she means sex just so you know), but enjoy his company and make him work for every word you say!”
I left my grandmothers and left to head home. As I drove I realized right then I needed to get some things from Wal-Mart for the house. I exhaled a deep sigh and drove into the lot. As I stepped out of my little white car and was reaching to grab my purse, I felt someone grab my arms and yank me back against them. I yelped out of surprise and was already struggling for them to let me go. I then looked back and it was George. I jabbed my elbow into his ribs to make him let go and as soon as he did, I shoved him against the red car. It was his car, why hadn’t I noticed?
“Fuck! That hurt Anna.” He was rubbing the spot I had hit, letting me hold him against his car, keeping a gap between us.
“Damn it George! I’m glad it hurt! I want you to leave me alone. Don’t you dare ever touch me again and I fuckin’ mean it! I swear to God if you come near me or even lay a finger on me, I’ll call the cops!”
I was had hoped that he’d leave me alone, but rather then believing me, his large hands grabbed my arms and turned to shove me against his car where he was. He leaned down over me to kiss me!
His eyes were closed and he was kissing me softly, his hands moved around my back and held me to him. I had never kissed a boy and this was all new to me. It felt amazing and I slowly returned the kiss, our bodies were pressed up against each other and slowly his palms were sliding up and down my sides. Finally, I pushed him away so I could breathe. He looked down at me and his eyes were slightly glazed over, with that expression I couldn’t say no to him and I didn’t understand why.
“Come home with me Annie.” he said it in a whisper. I was about to say no when that expression got to me.
“I-I…. um…” I looked down at his baby blue shirt and noticed his white and black plain shorts. My eyes fell closed and I could feel the heat radiating between us. I wanted to walk away and act like the kiss meant nothing but it meant everything!
“Okay George.” I grabbed my purse and locked the Volvo. I climbed into his mustang and left with him to the home of his I thought I’d never see.
George was holding my left hand within his as he drove to his home. I couldn’t look at him and that was when I could hear all those rape stories my mother had once told me ringing through my mind. I finally looked at him and somehow knew he wouldn’t force me into anything.
He pulled up into his drive way, his house was huge. It was three stories high with a three and a half car garage. It was made entirely out of bricks and had some really cute lawn gnomes.
I was kind of surprised to see that the home didn’t look more Roman since George and his family is from Greece. I walked in with him and glanced around and heard nothing. No one was home, I pushed the thought of being alone with him out of my mind. As I walked slowly through the main floor of his home, it was very Greek looking. Roman god and goddess statues everywhere, pillars, and everything on the walls was white. The living room had a flat screen TV and a glass table in the middle of the room. The couch was black leather and by the quality I could see it came from Italy.
“So, uh…what do you think?” He sounded nervous, like if I didn’t approve he’d break his neck trying to make it to my likening.
“It’s… beautiful.” I was amazed, I wished that I lived here! I’d been born and raised as an American, but truly wished to live in Italy! It was a beautiful place and George went there almost every summer.
“I’m glad you like it, do you want to see more?” He motioned towards the stairs, the stair case twisted as it went up in a spiral type of design.
George showed me every room, his parents, baby brothers, spare room, game room for the family, and his sports room. It had all the trophies and awards he’d ever won in it. There were at least 300. Finally, and very nervously, George took me to his room.
His room was huge, about three times the size of an average bed room. He had a California King bed in the corner, a huge dresser and vanity. He had his own flat screen and a few sports awards as decoration. He also had a few bean bag chairs and a game consul set up. He even had a futon against the wall near a window. I walked in a circular motion around his room as I was surprised at how clean it was. I stopped right in front of his bed and couldn’t help but think of all the girls he must have fucked by now. Probably a dozen or two right in this bed, probably unprotected and who knows what he has. That was when I thought of our kiss, you don’t need to have sex to get an STD.
I turned and looked at him, he had a small pleased smile on his lips as he looked me up and down.
“How many girls have you slept with?” He suddenly became startled, and just blinked several times at the thought of my question.
“Wh-what?” was the only thing he managed to stutter out.
“How many girls have you fucked?”
He closed the gap between us and stood about a foot away from me. “Annie… I’ve…’ He sighed heavily as if he never wanted to mention it to anyone, but finally answered me.
“One, It was Julie and it happen at her house while her parents were on a date. I wore a condom before you ask. I was safe and so was she.”
I knew it! He slept with that whore! Why am I jealous?
“What about you?”
“Um… none.” I figured I’d get married before I lost my exclusive membership to the Virgin Club of America.
“Annie, why did you ask?” He looked a little hurt.
“Because as I looked at your bed I wondered what kind of STDs you might have from fucking all sorts of sluts from whatever school you went to or are going to.”
His expression looked like he couldn’t believe I’d say such a thing, he took two steps forward and hugged me tight to his chest, almost hurting my right hand as it was still a bit sore.
“Annie, if I had something I wouldn’t have kissed you. I wouldn’t have thought of us as being a possibility.”
“Whoa wait!” I wiggled a bit and made him put some space between us, my eyes meeting his.
“What do you mean by that? You humiliated me! You said things that hurt when you knew long before I told you how I felt!” I punched him lightly on the chest and felt my body tremble a bit, a few small tears gliding down my face.
“You think I don’t regret that? I’m sorry Annie, I am! I never wanted to hurt you but I did and I can’t take it back but I can fix it now, if you’ll let me.”
“This was a mistake.” I mumbled softly as I began to pull out of his embrace. He held me tight though, refusing to let go. “Why did you bring me here George?” My gaze was on his traditional tan carpet, keeping my arms to his chest so my breasts wouldn’t press against him.
“Because when I kissed you I thought of doing a lot more to you… and you aren’t leaving my home until I’m able to. Even if you kick, scream, beg and plead, tonight, your mine.”
My eyes went wide as I shoved him away from me, he staggered as he wasn’t expecting it. “Where are your parents?” I calmly asked as I thought of how I would get myself out of this mess.
“On a three day vacation with my little brother, I stayed behind so I could be with you.”
“George, I have to go. It’s passed 5 and my mom is expecting me.”
“No, she’s not. I was at Wal-Mart to tell her you’d be home late because we were on a date and I’d have you home by 11.”
“Shit.” I cursed under my breathe, knowing I really was stuck. Panic was filling into my lungs and spreading into my body. I thought of my options.
1. Jump out the window.
2. Get into a form of “wrestling” with him trying to get out the door.
3. Give in and let him do whatever and hope it wouldn’t end too badly.
Suddenly, I remembered my period had just passed. If he got to me unprotected, I could end up pregnant. What would I tell mom then? She’d kick my ass out. He doesn’t even have a real job, he works with his uncle.
I groaned quietly as I took several steps back from him to flop down onto his bed, I sat there with my legs crossed. He had already moved back to lock the door of his room, he started to inch his way across the floor towards me. He got on his knees in front of me and slipped my flip flops off. I thought of kicking him, but as I saw his hard breathing through that shirt, I knew he was at least twice my weight and strength. I didn’t stand not one fuckin chance. I’ve never pleaded for anything, but as I stared at him and became fearful of being a mother when that was literally the last thing I’d ever want to do, I thought it was my only option.
George closed his eyes and leaned forward, he kissed my knee through my pant leg and kissed his way up to my wrist and arm. He moved up to my shoulder and sat beside me. He wasn’t holding onto me and I knew I would be able to get away now and only now if I wanted to even try. I slowly rest my hands on his chest and before he could place his hand on my arm I pushed him down on his bed. I jumped up without my flip flops and ran towards the door. I managed to unlock it and run down 10 of about 30 steps before he grabbed me by my arm.
“George, let go!” I yelled as I tried to make him release my arm.
“Annie, if I let go now, you’re going to fall and break your neck.”
I moved up a few steps to again push him, he let me go and ran back up the few steps. I was confused as to why, but ran down the flight of steps any way. I grabbed my purse from the table by the door and straight to the front door. I swung the door open and there was George! I froze as I couldn’t believe that just happen. How the hell had he done that so fast? He moved forward, making me move back until he was in the lobby of his home. He closed the door and locked it, a somewhat evil grin across his mouth as he knew I was unable to comprehend how he had got outside!
Just then I remembered there was a back patio door. I turned and sprinted for it, but George was two steps behind me and as I put my hand on the handle, he snaked his arms around my waist. He pulled me back against him and once I was forced to let go of the handle, he threw me over his shoulder and was headed for his room.
“Damn it George! Let me go! I don’t want you like that!!” He playfully slapped my ass and held my legs tight to his body. I screamed and screamed until I couldn’t breathe. It was difficult to scream and be in such a position. Breathless, he entered his room, locked his door and threw me on his bed.
George dropped his pants and yanked off his shirt. I stared at his perfectly chiseled chest and shoulders. He was only in soft green boxers and looked so hot. In that split moment I wanted him, but as soon as he moved forward to me, my desire for him faded. He crawled onto the bed next to me, sitting beside me as his hand pushed my hair back from my face.
For someone who was being rather forceful, he gently laced his arms around me, pulling my body to his chest. He started out by kissing the side of my eyes, my arms struggling to keep him away from me. He continued to kiss me in that spot, moving to actually kiss my eyes, tears building under my eye lids as I honestly didn’t want to lose my virginity this way. His mouth moved to kiss and bite my neck. No one had ever done this to me and it was so sensitive, I cried out a soft moan as my arms melted and were light against his chest.
He smirked as he slid his palms under my shirt and slowly lifted it off my body, I wouldn’t have even noticed if it weren’t for the cool air brushing at my chest and shoulders. He had put me under his spell and I was trying and fighting to break it. “Annie…” He whispered my name into my ear, biting lightly against the flesh. I gasped and again tried to push him away, but not with much conviction.
“What?” It was a mild whimper.
“You’re beautiful, even back then when you didn’t try what so ever.” His fingers were unclasping my bra and began to pull it off. “NO!” I screamed it and shoved him away with my left hand with all my strength. He allowed me to push him and I say allow because I could see him moving away from me slightly. He held my hand over his heart, it was beating as fast as I knew mine was. I stayed sitting on my knees, holding my open bra to my chest to keep myself covered as he held my hand to his chest. It lasted about 3 minutes before he moved towards me, biting my tender neck and pulling my bra right off me. He started to grope and fondle my breasts, making me moan and my cheeks heat up to a bright red.
“George, I really don’t want this.” He wasn’t listening to anything I had to say about a protest against this. He moved his hand in between my legs and rubbed my crotch with my Capri’s still on. , His other arm around my back to keep me close to him. I happen to glance down just then, a ragged cry pulling out of me. He had a major hard on and looked huge. That was probably the thing that scared me the most about the moment I was trapped in.
George pushed me down onto his bed, laying me on my back as she straddled me. His fingers moved carefully to unbutton my pants and pulling the zipper down. My Capri’s joined the clothes that were on the floor, leaving me in my panties and pony tail. He tilted my head to the side and was able to slide my pony tail holder off without hurting me, his fingers moving through my dark hair to relax it. He pressed his mouth over mine, I kissed back without meaning to, enjoying the feel of his lips to mine.
He parted my legs, my body betrayed me and obeyed his touches, and he leaned over to the right of me as he kissed me. His palm slipped into the band of my panties and began to rub my slightly wet clit. The feel of his fingers against my clean shaved skin startled me, I started to panic again and tried to push him off me, screaming, “Stop! Stop it George!!” Tears rolled down my face as I couldn’t stop what was happening. I cursed the fact that I was a virgin and thought that it was unwise to stay a virgin for so long. But I knew that didn’t make sense, because the chance to lose my V-Card had never come up.
I whined softly and quietly as I withered under him, his fingers rubbing slowly against my slit and circling my clit. I was becoming moist against his hand, mean while his mouth was sucking gently on my left nipple, his free hand supporting his body weight so he wouldn’t lean full onto me. One of my hands rest on his shoulder, my face looking away from him as I cried silent tears, knowing that I couldn’t prevent the inevitable. It felt amazing for him to touch me, it did, but it wasn’t how I wanted things to happen and I felt like I was being forced.
George finally removed my panties, again my body reacting naturally as I lifted my hips and let them slid right off. He leaned over me, making my eyes meet his. He tenderly wiped my tears away, kissing my forehead and then lips. “George, please don’t…” Why was I still begging? It was somehow clear to both George and me that I did want this. He pulled off me and slipped his boxers off. His dick was about 9 and a half inches and glistening with precum. His balls were about the size of a golf ball each. I was scared as I suddenly thought of his huge dick being inside of my body.
He climbed on top of me, reaching behind him to grab a pillow. He gently lifted my head and propped me up onto it, he caressed his hand against my cheek, her hands wondering slowly down my body. He slipped his hands under my knees and bent them up. My legs were wide open and I knew the moment was about to happen. He looked deep into my eyes before he leaned over the edge of his bed and grabbed a bottle of oil. It looked like massage oil and he quickly popped the cap right off. He poured some on my stomach and chest, and then a large amount on my pussy. I bit my lower lip as I watched him squirt some into his hand and lather it onto his chest. He hands massaged the oil into my stomach, hips and sides, moving up to my breasts as he fondled me more than massaged the oil around them. He continued and did this to each arm and leg. It felt so sweet the way his oily hands moved around my neck and face.
Finally, he slipped his hand between my legs and rubbed the oil up and down my entrance, it made me jump and I forced myself to hold in a moan. The oil that was left he rubbed over his hard dick and stomach. He repeated the same steps he had done on me to himself. He leaned over me and kissed me several times before he moved down to bite at my neck. As I moaned and was distracted by the sensuous bites, I could feel the head of his dick pushing forward into my slit.
“George, no, it’s going to hurt, please.” My hands slipped so I couldn’t push him off me, that slippery bastard.
“Hush Annie, it won’t hurt so much if you just relax yourself.” And with that he proceeded to push his dick into my pussy. I groaned rather loudly, my fingers digging into his bed sheets, fighting the urge to slap him as I felt my insides adjusting to his size, my whole body trembling in a manor I didn’t recognize. He was panting hard as he leaned over me, letting out soft groans and biting at my neck from time to time. His dick was right at my hymen, I closed my eyes and waited for the pain to over flow. He suddenly pushed his lips to mine and shoved the rest of his dick into me. I screamed into his mouth, but he didn’t stop kissing me. He only waited a moment or so before he began to thrust his manhood in and out of my no longer virgin pussy.
“Oh Annie, you’re so tight, it feels amazing baby.” I hated in that moment that he even called me that, but in a way loved it because all I had ever desired was to be with him. Even if it wasn’t exactly the way I had pictured.
“George, oh God… don’t stop!” I was lost in a pleasure I had never felt, my own hips slowly beginning to rise and meet his thrusts. My arms slipped around his back, holding onto him the best I could with the oil still being all over our bodies.
“I won’t baby!” He almost yelled it to me as I clamped down on his dick and a sudden orgasm that I hadn’t felt building over whelmed me. “Ah! George.” I had softly moaned his name, my legs bending to press against his hips. He continued to bump while my hips remained still for that moment, finally coming down from the orgasm, I could feel my second already building. George started to slow his pace from time to time, bringing me to the brink of my orgasm, he was enjoying the torture I endured from him.
I then slapped my hand on his back, angry and sexually frustrated. “George, fuck, make me cum.” I said it almost calmly as his slow strokes was killing me. He chuckled as he leaned over and kissed me, starting to really pump me. I had several orgasms after that until he pulled me up on top of him. He was sitting up and holding me to his chest, I was straddling him as he then whispered roughly into my ear, “Annie, show me you love me.” It sounded like a challenge, because he knew I had never chased after him despite my feelings. I rocked my hips over and over at the same steadily pace, my arms coiled around his shoulders. He was panting my name over and over, I was barely listening to him when he finally got my attention with, “Annie, I’m going to cum!” Before I could pull myself off his dick, he held me down by my waist, his arms tight around me back and cummed deep into my depths, making a sudden minor orgasm slam against me, making me softly scream.
George laid me once again on my back, heat and sweat pouring from both of us as he pulled out of my pussy, a stream of our cum laced on his dick from my pussy. He collapsed next to me, his arm over my stomach as he lay on his side. I was breathing hard and so was he as I looked at his sweat soaked golden hair. I gently slid my fingers through it, rolling onto my side as I moved close to him and pressed my lips to his.
“I love you Annie.” I had always thought of how he might say that to me when I was younger. I never thought he’d say it to me lying in bed naked after love making.
“I love you too George.” I smiled slightly as he held me to him, falling asleep in his bed within his embrace.
(Do you think I should make a part two with a baby on board?)
Tommy and Georgette are holidaying in Mexico. Georgette goes into the bathroom early on their 2nd day, shuts the door and looks out the window without turning on the lights. She sees a light go on in a bathroom window across the way. She sees a man standing in front of the toilet. He drops his boxers and grabs his penis. He stretches the skin on the end of his penis outwards and then pulls it back behind his glans and proceeds to piss into the toilet. Georgette is amazed. She has never seen a...
“No matter how corrupt, greedy, and heartless our government, our corporations, our media, and our religious & charitable institutions may become, the music will still be wonderful.” —Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without a Country OUR WEDDING NIGHT WAS SPENT naked and loving, like wedding nights should be. We ordered room service to the two-bedroom suite in the hotel and an entire staff served our dinner. As soon as we shooed them out of the suite, the robes were dropped once again and we...
My sister was always attractive no matter what the stiuation called for. Whether it was a nice evening or a casual moment. She was shorter around 5' 2" and had a very nice figure. She had 36C breasts and an ass that makes Halle Berry's go to shame. I always had a special connection to her but never knew it could go very far. On to the story So my sister Anne was just waking up to take a shower and she woke me up some how it always happens yet it never bothers me. I went into her room as...
My name is Jeremy. I am currently a senior at an out of town College,set to graduate in a few weeks. A couple of friends from home came out last week to celebrate. We had a great night at bars and then we went to what my friends thought was a strip club. It turned out to be a sex club and the night was unforgettable. Back when I was a freshman, I had an English teacher named Ms. K. She was smart and gorgeous and I fantasized about her all the time. She was about 5 foot 6 with black hair, 34 C’s...
ExhibitionismBen had been visiting for a week or so, and for some reason I'd decided to show him the public library that was in my city, the one on the hill I have to walk up to get to work every other day. It's old stone structure is one that is reminescent of the Victoria Era, or so I've heard, but the inside is a flashback to the seventies. The racks are a groovy orange color that would have matched the rug had the rug not been faded with use. There is an intricate painting on the moldings, just below...
Straight SexEmma, flew out the backdoor letting the screen door slam. By the time she heard her mother hollering at her to not slam the door she was far enough away she could pretend that she didn't hear.Emma, short for Emiline, was thirteen. She hated her full name with a passion and teasing her about it could make her cry, something her brothers did on a fairly regular basis. Boys being boys.But today she wasn't crying. She was happy. She skipped over the knoll until she was out of sight of the house....
I had a girl who worked for me, mostly running errands and doing odd jobs. Actually, I'd known her for years before she stopped by one day seeking work. After she'd been with me a little time, she started borrowing company cars. Just once in a while at first, then more and more frequently.One morning, I realized that one of my cars was not in the lot. I asked where it was and my mechanic said that Jackie had driven it home the previous night. I was not too happy about that. When she arrived at...
OccupationsI had just graduated college, not a week or so ago, and was alone in my apartment, getting ready to move on with my life - move to a big city, get a job, etc. But something wasn't just quite right. Here I am alone. In my apartment. Now's my chance. You see, I had been having no luck with girls my college career, so my only option was porn. And lots of it. I constantly masturbated to relieve that stress. The interesting thing was the fact that what really set me off was watching gay porn....
Gay MaleIf you have read any of my stories, you know that my loving wife, Nancy, spanks me. I feel that I deserve them and I am spanked for not paying attention to my wife and her needs, or when I have badly treated her friends. Lots of times I do something stupid, and then I am also spanked.Now Nancy has made Wednesdays my maintenance spanking day. She said I now need a maintenance spanking to make sure I keep showing her and her friends proper respect. This is how my maintenance spanking works. Every...
While the sky is still dark, and the air is still cold, I like to wake suddenly from a dream, not quite knowing what the dream was about, but knowing I liked it; knowing it was sexy; knowing that it is the reason my cock is so hard. I like the way the night is so dark, and silent. I like that I can hear her breathing slowly beside me, her own dreams exciting, evidence sometimes apparent despite her heavy sleep. I like the feeling of warmth next to me, and the assurance that she won't wake...
My name is Latha. I was wife of a millionaire. He married me at an age of 49. But I was 23. He was a widower. I trapped him and married. I was his steno. I married him for his wealth. After our marriage, I came to know that he can’t fuck me. I was very much disappointed. As every woman want sex life. I lost my sex life for wealth. My husband had a son, Rajesh who was very mischievous. I caught him so many times peeping into our room. He was now 18. I lost my sex life from 4 years. Now I was 27...
"Britney? Could you please come in here? We need to talk." Britney felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. She could tell by her mother's tone of voice that she was in some kind of trouble. She looked down at the brand new clothes she was wearing. How was she going to explain them? But there was no way that her mother could know how Britney had gotten the money. She had been very careful. Preparing to bluff, she walked into the living room. Her heart sank. There sat her mother and their...
BDSMThere I was in a strip club. Big fake tits and ass everywhere. The smell of alcohol and tobacco filled the room. It must've been only 30 minutes, but I had gone through quite a few drinks. Girls repeatedly tried to make me a cutomer but I just wasn't having it. Eventually I decided it was time to leave. I got out the door and took a few steps down the street before seeing another club across from where I stood. I was too buzzed to realize just what it was, but I did feel like having another...
Same old, same old at work. I know they say you have to pay your dues when you're first starting out, but this is getting ridiculous. When I woke up this morning, I had to spend 20 minutes psyching myself up to get out of bed and get in on time. I think I need to start looking for another job. But there was one interesting thing today. The manager over on the clinical side brought over their new hire and introduced her around. We make a lot of calls over to them, so he thought it would be a...
"Shall we leave then, head back to my place," Bridgit said with more than a glint in her eye. I glanced at Angela, my wife. We never did anything unless both of us agreed. Angela could see that I wanted to though. I had wanted to fuck Bridgit all evening as we sat at the pub; but we chatted and made, almost, polite conversation. Bridgit was about five foot three, and was a very shapely and mature woman. She was funny, attentive and sexy all at the same time. She wore a Kaftan type of dress...
Group SexIN order to shorten the journey, the guide passed to the left of the line where the railway was still in process of being built. This line, owing to the capricious turnings of the Vindhia Mountains, did not pursue a straight course. The Parsee, who was quite familiar with the roads and paths in the district, declared that they would gain twenty miles by striking directly through the forest. Phileas Fogg and Sir Francis Cromarty, plunged to the neck in the peculiar howdahs provided for them,...
The following substances, all widely i*****l unless stated otherwise, are here listed by order of world-wide popularity:[14] The Drinkers by Jean Béraud, c. 1908 alcohol – Most drinking alcohol is ethanol, CH 3CH 2OH, produced by the fermentation of sugars by yeasts to create wine, beer, and distilled liquor. In most areas of the world it is legal for those over a certain age (typically 18–21). It is an IARC 'Group 1' carcinogen and a teratogen.[15] tobacco – Nicotiana tabacum. A legal d**g...
I was only meant to clean the kitchen CHAPTER ONE - The Helping Hand "Hi Elizabeth, how are you?" I could hear my wife's voice from the kitchen, on the phone to her sister. Fine by me, kept her busy whilst I enjoyed a lazy Saturday reading the paper. She continued "Right...well, I've got to pop into town but I'm sure Michael won't mind helping. He does a cracking job on ours, very fastidious....ok, sure....I'll drop him round in about 10 minutes. OK. Bye." I didn't like...
June and Ray had been married for a year. Ray couldn't believe his good fortune to have found a woman as gorgeous as June. He didn't consider himself very appealing to women and as a result lacked confidence when he was around them. He wasn't a particularly good looking man, and by the time he reached 25 he still hadn't dated much. He stood 5' 8" tall, was slim, and not too well endowed. As a result, he all but worshipped June and tried his best to give her everything she asked for. Often, he...
Kylie Rocket tries to talk to her stepmom, Serene Siren, but is too embarrassed. After Serene leaves, it’s revealed that Kylie has feelings for Serene… Not just that, but she wishes that Serene would spank her, though she thinks there’s NO WAY Serene would agree to something like THAT. That’s when Kylie decides to get in trouble, so that Serene will hopefully spank her as punishment. She eyes Serene’s work laptop nearby and purposefully deletes a document. But when...
xmoviesforyouJohn spoke with Tempo after telling the warriors to pick out huts to rest in, and get some sleep before morning. He explained to Tempo how he wanted four hands of trees, of a thickness of a hand and a half, chopped down and cut to around five or six feet in length. They could do it between them. The branches were to be cut off at the trunk, and the logs brought to the beach near the boat. As Tempo expressed surprise, John explained the concept of the rolling road that could transport heavy...
Introduction: So Rachel finally tells Will about Mark, Maggie comes to visit, Blanes conditon is revealed, and the good reverend and his assistant do more evil things….its getting good!! Will we dont have time to do this! Brook yelled, as Will insisted on having sex. We have thirty minutes, Brook. Weve done it in less time than that! Look. Maria had to go out for groceries, Maggie will be here in thirty minutes, I mean, really want to, since our last time was so ruddily interrupted, but we...
"Is my bath ready" She calls from the hall, just as i finish turning off the taps."Yes" i reply as i swirl the foaming bubbles around with my hand.Her footsteps echo as She comes up the polished wooden stairs.i stand aside as She enters the bathroom.She gives me a stern look then turns to the bath, "Ah, good, fetch me a glass of wine, there's some chilling in the kitchen".On the way downstairs i hear Her kicking off Her shoes.There's an open bottle two-thirds full in a cooler on the counter,...
It was an absolutely hilarious sight. sat on the ground wearing only a tiny tiger-print thong panty. Water poured from his fluttering eyes. His face blushed bright red with embarrassment. His lips were stretched around a large 10-inch Indian cock that hammered his tonsils with power. Loud slurping sounds came from his slutty mouth as James was given a brutal face-fucking. Garima and her friends sat ten feet away and giggled at a helpless and humiliated James. His mouth had guzzled down,...
Gay MaleIt took me some time before I could make it happen, but I had promised myself that one day I would get back at the bitch and that night the stars aligned themselves just right. Laurie looked good, but then she always did. Five foot four, blond hair and 145 pounds distributed to make her 36C/25/37 body truly mouth watering. At thirty-seven she looked more like she was in her late twenties and I could see all of the male eyes in the place linger on her. I hadn't known that this would be the...
By : Pawankmr Hello I’m Pawan (changed) from Solapur. I like to read the stories on ISS, so now I also want to share a story of my real incidence with my girlfriend Seema (changed) who is my classmate. What I should say about her, her curves, her boobs is 34 B n her hip moves as she walks. She had curly hairs. Now my stories begin: When we were in class 10th she came in my tuition because that teacher was nice and teaches very well math’s subject. So at that we were classmates but don’t talk...
At a certain point, though, I started to react differently when for example I saw a topless woman on television. In the past I would have thought that was dirty, probably because of my Catholic upbringing. Now, on the other hand, I began to find such a sight very interesting. Also, I noticed that when I looked at a naked woman, my penis started to grow. Obviously, it didn’t take me long to discover masturbation and that immediately became my favourite hobby. Late at night, when my parents...
by Julius Copyright 2005 Eleven-thirty and Celia was feeling tired, her bed was beckoning. The gentle knock at her apartment door was an unwelcome interruption. She peeped through the little spyhole and saw Stephan looking back. A little reluctantly, she opened the door. "What d'you say to a midnight swim?" he whispered. "Pool doesn't open till next week." "I've got a key," he grinned and brandished a large bunch. "I've no suit," she was too tired for...
Welcome to your very own cuckold session! Your cuckoldress today is blonde beauty Riley Reyes, and she’s about to knock you down a couple pegs. If your self-esteem is fragile, better tap out now…unless, of course, having a beautiful blonde humiliatrix is your kink. If that’s the case, make sure your wife (or girlfriend) isn’t around, pull your pants down, and start beating that tiny worm that lives between your legs as you watch a real man have his way with a woman...
xmoviesforyou“Howie ... why was there semen on me when only the two of us were in the house? I want the truth, Howie. Did you fuck me while I was out of it?” I wanted to hide like I did when I was three years old, but there was no place to do it. “Yes,” I said, thinking the heavens would crash down on me for having had sex with both my sister and then my mother. There was a look of incredulity on her face. “Why---why would you do such a thing? It’s---it’s sacrilegious! It’s against all natural law. Why...
“I know Mum but I fantasise about being spanked. Who better than you?” “One of your friends perhaps?” “Well yes, but I really would prefer you. It’s much more realistic. My Mother spanking me for being naughty.” “Daniel you’re 23 years old and I haven’t spanked you for 6 years.” “But if I’m naughty and earn a spanking why not give me one?” Mum smiled and said “Don’t get me wrong, since you have got back from Uni there have been plenty of times I’ve wanted to put you across my...
SpankingI am constantly criticised for "not finishing" my stories and I do admit that in Dolly's case it is unfinished, but in most of my stories I try to end in an open and hopefully suspenseful way. I do this for a few different reasons, I like to leave some things to my readers imagination, I love to think I leave you wanting more and I like to leave an opening so that I can either return and continue or change the course of the narrative. Please also understand that I am not a full time...
Work takes me to the Caribbean occasionally and one time I had a small team with me in Jamaica implementing a new computer system. There were four guys and Sally – blonde, mid-thirties, always showing her ample cleavage, full luscious lips and blue eyes. I’d often fantasised about her whilst stroking my cock in my lonely bed. There was one other girl, Sherry (real name Sherezada) who was of Indo-South American extraction, younger than Sally – perhaps late 20s, with a gorgeous nubile,...
Bisex-Strapon en el trenSe hace de noche en un tren de largo recorrido, sentado en un compartimento de un vagón miro por la ventana, mientras en los asientos frente a mi dos adolescentes de unos 18 años hablan entre sí, vestidas con pantalones de montaña con muchos bolsillos, ajustados, con camisas a cuadros recogidas en forma de nudo a la altura de la cintura dejando ver sus ombligos. De repente una de ellas, esbelta y rubia, sube un pie y lo apoya en mi asiento entre mis dos piernas, giro la...
Paul led me into the standard interview room. Complete to the two-way mirror on the wall. He had me sit facing the mirror. It was so clichéd I almost started to laugh. Before I could ask Paul, what was going on, the door crashed open. In stepped the very image of j. Edgar’s idea of an FBI agent. Short brush cut hair, black suit, skinny black tie and a blindingly white shirt. I was sure that, if I looked, I would see my reflection in his shoes from 2 yards away. Following behind was an older...
Together, Angelina and Jason was a single mom family. Her marriage broke up five years ago and she managed to hold her own in the male dominated financial industry. This meant that she was smart and tough. She had hoped for a new husband but that had slipped her by, year after year. She was now 38. Even as her old sexual partners among her colleagues and friends drifted away from her, Angelina still managed to bed one of the young subordinates in her company. Her son Jason did well in...
It happened on the night of my tenth birthday. Not that anyone had acknowledged the occasion. My uncle, who had "taken care of me" since my mother's death the way a slaver "takes care" of his stock, certainly didn't give a damn about my feelings. I'll never know why, but I can see looking back on those days that he resented me in a way that went beyond simple callousness. Perhaps things were bad between him and my mother, and having me around was a constant reminder. It hardly matters now...
TranssexualI was amused to be seated at the head of the table. Greta was on my left and Cavil had the other end of the table. The Bellows may have been wondering what was going on, but I wasn’t in any hurry to tell them. Dick had been seated beside Greta and his sons interspaced with Cavil’s three main spouses at my request. I had invited only one of my grandfather’s people to be at the main table. I was interested as to why my sister Jose had been part of his entourage. She had been seated on my...
Hi, this is the pink man (name changed) from Hyderabad, age 21, single and a wild guy. I’m here to open up my experience about how I lost my virginity and how amazing it was. If any grammatical mistakes, I apologize. This happened when I was 20 and I just had a very bad break up which totally broke me, so I took a break and went to Bangalore for a small vacation and to meet my friend. As we were staying near the christ university he had many people coming to his place every day to drink or...
Chapter One RICK I was eating supper, when I heard the familiar sound of ball hitting pavement. Then I heard the same sound, but in rapid-fire bursts. That was my summons-well, not really, more like a request. But when I heard that sound, I generally followed it. Where it led me was to the driveway right next door to mine. I had grabbed a sweatshirt-it was only mid-March, in Massachusetts-and headed out. "Was wondering if you heard," came wafting over from the driveway. "Of...
Family over and been drinking all day i needed to pee. So off i went to the bathroom and walked straight in to find my Sister in law Karen sat on the toilet very drunk. Rather than scream and tell me to get out she opened her legs slightly and began to pee. She could see this turned me on so lifted her legs which gave me a view of her hairy pussy. Karen started to pee the amber liquid forcing her pussy lips apart, as the flow became a stream Karen opened her legs a little more and asked me to...
“I’m really sorry about this,” your boss says for the hundredth time since he had told you you were fired. You had given up on listening to him, or even responding at all, all you were thinking about was the looming rent bill that you would have to pay in a week's time. You really have none else to blame but yourself for this, you took on a job with a week to week contract, you had know the risks that that carried with it. Still you had expected a little more warning than this, at least a week...
It was a hot, sultry night in the deep South. Jasmine lived in a small apartment with just one room air conditioner. She was sweating all over as she sat in her apartment with the air cranked up as high as it would go. She decided she couldn’t stand it anymore, she needed to go to the pool. She headed to her room, stripping her clothes off along the way, leaving a trail behind her. She arrived at her dress completely naked, soaking wet from the sweat. She opened the drawer and pulls out her...
Stockholm SyndromeThe bell at Jamestown High rang, announcing the end of the schoolday and, as most students were thankful for, the end of the week as well. Blaire, on the other hand, found herself walking out into the bright afternoon sun with a sense of dread. It was that same sense of dread that filled her each time she had to make her way home. The little redheaded freshman was never exactly a fan of going home. It wasn’t that she lived in an abusive home (though perhaps some...
A few months after all this kerfuffle, shortly after Mary found she was pregnant, Damian received a phone call. A man name Nando Ferrule wanted to meet him on neutral ground. King's Park is a park just outside the city limits on top of a hill containing the best view of the city and the river. It is very large, well-kept and a marvellous place to meet unobserved at night. "Do you know who I am?" he said, and Damian nodded. "I've been away a long time. I went home to Argentina, and was...
Chapter 3 Ann sat nervously at her typewriter, her fingers poised and trembling above the keys as the electric machine’s constant whirring noise seemed to reverberate around in her confused and tortured mind. God, there was so much to be done and although she generally worked best under pressure, this particular day was a very difficult one for the voluptuous young blonde. Her mind was a jigsaw puzzle whose pieces were s**ttered all over the floor waiting to be put back together again. ...
Chapter 2 On Wednesday afternoon, Beth and Lexi met at a little shop in a small shopping center near their homes. The place was called ‘Tony’s Toys.’ It featured all kinds of adult sex toys that ranged in price from just a few dollars to many hundreds of dollars.Picking up a simple vibrator, Lexi said, “We probably should keep our first purchases pretty simple. We don’t want our husbands to know we’ve had toys for many years.”Beth whispered, “I was thinking maybe an eight-inch cock with a...
NovelsAs a bisexual woman who had been admiring a beautiful lady for so long, finally being able to be with her "sexually" was a dream come true. That night, after sharing our first of many hot sexual encounters together, we stood naked in my kitchen, sharing a drink. "Do you think your boyfriend heard anything? You think he knows what we were doing down here?" she asked. "I don't know. We can take this cucumber up there and show him and see if he can figure it out." I grinned. "We should." She...
The Self Bondage Punishment Website - Chapter 1. DiscoveryDave came across his dream website. He couldn't believe it was true, but sure enough, there it was. The url was: selfbondageenforcement dot com, and it had everything Dave had ever dreamed about. Once one signed up, they could download, for a fee, everything needed to put yourself into inescapable bondage. And what made this special, was that the site sold a local transmitter that was installed into your home, and connected to the...
Reconciliation By Cal Y. Pygia In the old days, the act of reciting one?s sins to the priest was known as ?confession.? Today, the same act is called ?reconciliation.? By informing the priest as to the wrongs that one has committed - or as to the good deeds that one has left undone - one seeks to reconcile him or herself with a righteous God who is both just and merciful. Today, in some churches, the penitent sinner has the option of seating him or herself across from the...
The master had finally told me I would never be strong enough to be a wizard. The best I could do was become a hedge mage. It was hard hearing that but I knew he was right. From the age of five I had been his apprentice and when I reached puberty I became his journeyman. Now I was sixteen and pretty much as strong magically as I would get. I packed the wide chest and pulled it out and loaded it into the hand cart. I returned for the long pack like bag that was my bedding. I set it on top of...
The Paper-round ? Revelations ? by: oopster It had been a day that John Harvey thought he would never see, his release from a Hong-Kong prison. Ten years he'd been sentenced, and ten years he had served. Now that he was free, it was time to find out why. Suzie Smith had had another cheque sent to her old family, and another cheque that went un-cashed. This was not the start to the day that she wanted, and decided to call a sick day at work. Not that she needed to, seeing that...
I woke up early the next morning took a shower and shaved all over when I got back to my room there were 10 miss calls and 20 text messages from Samantha. I was a little worried thinking that she never wanted to see me again but to my surprise, the text messages were that she was at my house last night because she wanted to continue what went on in the theater despite our plans for later in the day. I grab my phone to call her. “Why didn’t you pick up your phone last night I was standing...
Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals I groaned as I sank my cock into Donna’s wet, sultry pussy. My bimbo wife let out a moan around the senator’s cock ramming down her throat. Around us in the small exhibition room in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Nicole and Veronica, two of my other bimbo wives, writhed as they were fucked by the collection of congressmen and senators, some of the most powerful men from both parties. I grinned, my dick throbbing in Donna’s pussy as I...
by Duskshade “God damn it!!” I cursed as the wrench slipped off, shooting my hand yet again into the sharp cooling fins of the motorcycle engine. The customer was always right, I thought to myself. He's paying me to do what he wants done. I tossed the wrench down and stepped back. The 2006 Dyna Wide Glide was a machine to behold, smooth and sleek – a stripped down machine for a too-complex world. I wrapped a dirty shop rag against my knuckles as I kicked a random part in aggravation. ...
Marina wischt sich den Schweiß von der Stirne. Die drückende Sommerhitze macht den Hausputz unerträglich. Glücklicherweise muss sie nur noch die Treppe und die Diele wischen, dann ist sie endlich mit dem Putzen fertig. In diesem Moment hört sie, wie direkt hinter ihrem Rücken die Haustüre aufgeschlossen und geöffnet wird. Ist es tatsächlich schon so spät, denkt sie überrascht. Normalerweise versucht sie immer mit ihrer Hausarbeit fertig zu sein, bis ihr achtzehnjähriger Sohn Michael aus der...
For any that has read my first story about my office antics then this is the progression of this fun. When I first over heard the three guys talking about fucking me it had really turned me on. I went home and told hubby who encouraged me to dress sexy for the office. Sexy not slutty, so nice business skirts blouses etc but with stockings and heals. It was huge turn on when Phil one of the guys gave me a lift to work then after taking me for a drink before him taking some pics of me in the...
Miley sighed reading the text from her favorite dominatrix it had been two weeks since she had taken on a better career opportunity and while Miley was happy for her. It left the starlet with no way to explore her kinky fantasies. Roxxy had always be willing to do anything Miley could think of and in a way so it did not harm Miley's public image though Miley suspected most knew she was a bondage loving fetish freak who would pay her fortune to be lead around on a leash. Horny as hell Miley...