Healing Hands Pt 1 free porn video

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I began dating my girlfriend Jilly around 2 years ago and 1 year ago she moved into my apartment full time. As we were both in our mid-twenties this gave us plenty of time to enjoy each other's bodies and Jilly was an enthusiastic and uninhibited lover that in itself was a huge turn on. Despite being so young Jilly's only living family was her slightly older cousin, Cara. Cara was petite redhead with a short, almost mannish haircut but who was warm and full of humor and who's eyes perpetually had a little twinkle of mischief in them. Cara and her husband Ben had a 4 year old daughter named Beth who was simply a bundle of giggles and energy, just one of those k**s that brought a smile to everyone's face whenever she was playing, singing or pretending to be someone on the tv. Seeing them was great and with mixed emotions we said goodbye as they had to drive south to Florida .

Later that evening, long after we had gone to bed, the phone rang. We went through the normal "you get it, no you get it" prods and nudges until Jilly sighed theatrically and reached over me to get to the phone by my side of the bed. As we both slept nude this presented me with one of her shapely breasts right in front of my face and I couldn't resist quickly licking the nipple presented right in front of me. After all, it would have been rude not to, right?? Her nipple immediately became hard and I then fully took it into my mouth, gently sucking and continuing to run my tongue over the end of her nipple. A cheeky grin came over her face as she reached down between my legs and grabbed hold of my cock at the same time as she picked up the phone. She started gently squeezing and stroking me as she gave a bleary "Hello?" over the phone. A few seconds later, much to my disappointment, Jilly stopped stroking me and said. "WHAT?! Wait, sorry, could you start again please?" The tone of her voice made me stop immediately and I looked up at her face to ask what was wrong. Her eyes were huge as she continued to listen to the voice on the end of the phone. She looked down at me and whispered "Cara's had a crash, it's bad." "You're k**ding me", I replied not that helpfully in hindsight. "No, this is the cops, they want us to come to the hospital as soon as possible." Jilly grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down the hospital details as I jumped out of bed to get dressed.

The hospital was a couple of hours away as Ben and Cara had been making good time on their trip south and as we got closer Jilly started to become more unraveled. She looked at me with tears running down her face and said "She's the only family I've got, I can't lose her too." Of course I could have replied that she had me, but this wasn't about me it was about her and her fear. "I'm sure it'll be OK when we get there, try not to get too worried too quickly. Whatever we need to do we'll do." She nodded, wiped away her tears giving me a quick smile, and reached over to hold my hand. I wished I felt as confident that things would be okay as I had sounded but I didn't. I hoped I was wrong.

When we arrived at the hospital we went straight to the ER but were told that everyone was already on the third floor in the ICU. Jilly and I glanced at each other, this wasn't the good start we'd been hoping for. When we arrived at the ICU we went straight to the nurses' station to ask what was going on. The nurse looked at us with a nurse's standard practiced smile that seemed to get more strained as it became clear who we were. She told us that she'd need to fetch a doctor to explain the latest situation. I glanced over at Jilly and she seemed stressed but in control. I'm an analyst by trade and I don't believe that Jilly picked up on the same cues as I did that things were not good, like the strained smile and quicker-than-casual walking speed to find the doctor. This was reinforced by a stony-faced doctor walking towards us. "Oh fuck", I said to myself under my breath.

The next several hours went by in a rush as we heard the story. An overtired semi driver had fallen asleep and crossed the median, sidewiping Cara's car. Ben had swerved hard to make it only that bad as otherwise it would have been head-on and they wouldn't have stood any chance as the semi would have crushed their small SUV like a empty beer can at a frat party. As it was, Ben and Beth had been killed almost instantly, with Cara miraculously only bruised and battered but in a case of complete mental shutdown from the shock. Heartbreakingly, it seemed almost impossible to believe that only a few hours previously we had all been laughing and enjoying a meal together and now everything had changed. It was now early morning and I looked out of the window of the hospital at the lights of the cars, their drivers starting their early commute to work. It was impossible after the gut-wrenching crash that the world was carrying on as normal but it was, the world was still turning and people were getting on with their lives. Jilly turned to me, tears streaming down her face, and said to me in a voice that would take no arguing, "She's coming to live with us." I did the only thing I could do, I said "Yes, of course she is."

Fast forward 6 months and life has changed quite a bit for us. Cara is living with us and remains a shadow of her former self, barely functional. She can use the bathroom on her own and can feed herself, but other than that she's pretty much out of it. Jilly even needs to bathe her like a c***d each day. But what do you do? She's family, or at least she's Jilly's family, and you don't turn your back on your own however inconvenient it might be. Blood really is thicker than water. That's what made the next chapter all the more interesting.

In bed Jilly turned to me looking uncertain. I asked her what was the matter was and she shook her head as if it wasn't important. I asked her again and she sighed. "Look, my work wants me to go on a training course for a week. It's a professional course that costs thousands of dollars and will really help me in my career but I can't just leave you alone to take care of Cara for 5 days". I could tell that she really wanted to go but was torn by the situation. What the hell, I thought, she probably needs a break as much as anything. "Look," I said, "you should go. It's a great opportunity and you don't want your work thinking that you're not interested in learning, particularly if they're prepared to pay a lot of money for it." "You really think so?" she said. "I do, we'll be fine here." I answered. "You're OK taking care of Cara and ... everything?", she asked a bit pointedly. "Look, I've washed 6 nephews and neices, I think I can suck it up and wash your cousin if I need to. We'll be fine," I assured her. The concern dropped away from her and her face lit up. "Thanks, I ... I really appreciate this. Do you think I could show you just how much I appreciate it?", she said raising an eyebrow.

As she'd been talking she had been slowly running her hand up the inside of my leg, her fingertips tracing lightly along all the way from my calf to my hardening cock. She put her hand around me and slowly started to move her hand up and down. "Hmmmm, what do we have here?" she said looking up into my eyes. "I think I need to take a closer look." Without letting go of my cock she pulled back the bed covers exposing my hard-on in all its glory. I could tell you that it is 9 inches of full on male meat, enough to fulfil any woman, but the reality is that I'm very normal in size and have long known that like with most things, it's not the size of something, it's the way you use it that's important. "Yummy", said Jilly shuffling closer to my cock and spreading my legs with her other hand. "What in the world am I going to do with you?" she said, looking down at my erection. She reached between my legs and took my balls in her left hand while continuing to rhythmically pump my cock with the other hand. "Mmmmmmm" she said as she bent forward and starting running her tongue across my scrotum. I groaned at the touch of her tongue and she smiled as she continued to lick around one ball and then the other, all the time continuing to work my cock with her other hand. Slowly she moved from licking to gently sucking on my balls, encouraged by my cock getting harder and harder in her hand and seeing and feeling me react to her every move. She then did something she'd never done before, she opened her mouth wide and sucked both of my balls into her mouth and gently closed it around them. The feeling of her warm, wet mouth around my balls was indescribable, especially as she continued to move her tongue around so that they were being treated by her tongue and her palate at the same time. "That's incredible!" I groaned. "Uh huh", she mumbled, somewhat impeded by my balls in her mouth. She began giggling at this which slowly degenerated into a full-on belly laugh as she let me slip gently out of her mouth. "This is great", she said catching her breath, "we'll be doing this again!" She took my balls back into her hand and, gently caressing them, began going down on me. She loved running her tongue up and down the full length of my shaft and sucking on the end of the glans, and I have to say I was pretty OK with it too. She began palpating my balls and moving her hand and mouth up and down my cock with increasing speed and pressure. Before long I felt a familiar warning sensation in my balls and spoke quickly, "Honey, I'm going to cum!" She paused for a second and looked up at me. "Give it to me!" she commanded before coninuing on my cock with gusto. I tensed up, fighting to control the growing orgasm inside me and then, just at that moment, her tongue ran over the most sensitive part of my glans and I couldn't hold on any longer. "OHHHH FFFFFUUUUUUUCCCKKKKK!!!!!!" I shouted out as I came, pumping 3, then 4, then 5 spurts of cum into Jilly's waiting mouth as she continued to pump and suck me. I groaned loud as she began slowing down on my cock and I could feel her moving the tip of my cock closer to her throat as she gently swallowed down my cum. There was no denying it, it was a fucking incredible blowjob and I'd been blown by a few girls over the years who had really known what they were doing. While I was cumming I had moved into a sit up type position and I now fell backwards, exhausted. I looked down at Jilly and saw her eyes shining. "Wow, buddy, you enjoyed that!" she said. "The good news is so did I ... I think I'm going to be swallowing your cum at lot more in the future!" I laughed. "Well I'll do my best to help you with that, honey!" I said with a smile.

And so it came time for Jilly to go off on her course. She had sat down with Cara and explained the situation, and that she'd be back soon, but as normal it's hard to know how much Cara actually processed. I admit I was a little nervous at handling everything myself but I didn't want Jilly to worry so I put on a brave face for her and, after a long kiss goodbye and a spontaneous squeeze of my junk, off she went. The rest of the day went pretty normally, I was able to work from home and prepared lunch and dinner for Cara and she seemed to enjoy it, or at least she finished it. Finally it started getting late and it was time to give Cara a wash. It was the thing I'd been most nervous about but there was no getting around the fact that it had to be done. I went into the bathroom and ran the shower to get the warm water through. Once it was warm I turned the water off and put a couple of towels nearby to dry Cara off. I then went looking for her and found Cara in her bedroom waiting for Jilly to undress and wash her. I reminded her that Jilly wasn't going to be able to help and gently helped her to her feet. She looked a little confused but didn't seem worried or upset. I led her into the bathroom and closed the bathroom door to keep the warm air inside. I took a deep breath and started slowly helping Cara out of the pyjamas that she wore pretty much as standard. First I took off her top, leaving her with her bra on. I'll admit that I'm a titty man and it took some will power to not stare at her breasts which were large and firm, probably slightly larger than Jilly's own excellent breasts. I then went down on one knee and gently took down her pyjama bottoms, leaving her in her bra and panties. I stood up slowly, trying to make sure that I didn't scare Cara in any way and stood behind her. "Well here we go" I told myself as I unclipped her bra and gently pulled it over her shoulders and away from her breasts. Again I worked hard to not notice the fact that her breasts had dropped only slightly from where they were held by her bra and had then gently sprung back up, and that her nipples were generously sized and sat pert and high on her breasts. I sighed and positioned myself facing her side as I gently lowered her panties, aware that standing in front or behind her there would be nowhere to avoid looking at her untrimmed pussy. Despite my efforts it was impossible not to notice that her pubic hair was longer in some places than others, clearly before the accident she had liked to keep herself largely hairless with just a tuft of hair or maybe a small landing strip above her pussy. I folded up her clothes out of the way and then helped her into the bath where she sat down.

I turned on the showerhead and gently wet her hair ready for the shampoo. We had kept her hair short as it was easy to wash and maintain. I then took the shower gel and proceeded to wash her, starting with her arms, kneck, shoulders and back before braving washing her breasts. There was no way to avoid teasing them as I rubbed in the gel and then washed away the bubbles with the shower head but I tried to keep everything as "normal" as possible and not think about what I was doing particuarly. And that's when things started to unravel a bit. Knowing I needed to wash Cara's pussy and ass I helped her to her feet and let my mind wander rather than focus on the embarrassment of the situation, although probably I was the only one embarrassed I told myself sadly. I started thinking about Jilly and how she was doing on the course, meeting people and learning new things. A slight noise from Cara woke me up to the fact that when I'd been thinking of Jilly my hands hadn't stopped washing Cara's pussy and ass and with the soapy water on my hands I'd been rubbing her pussy lips and clit and was effectively masturbating her. Embarrassed I quickly pulled my hands down, finished washing her legs and feet and washed her down. I then used the towels to dry her off, dressed her and took her to her bed where she seemed to go to sleep almost immediately. One day down, I told myself.

The next day went much like the first, no great surprises from work, cooking was fine and Cara seemed good throughout the day. When it came to wash time I repeated the process of pre-warming the water, getting the towels out, getting her clean clothes ready for bed and then took her by the hand into the bathroom where I undressed her as before. I didn't notice it but the room must have been colder than yesterday as when I took Cara's bra off her nipples looked harder and more pronounced than the previous day. I eased off her panties and again helped her into the bath and washed her hair. As before I took the shower gel, rubbed it on my hands and washed her arms, kneck, shoulders and back and then moved on to her front. As I washed her breasts I wondered if I imagined it when she seemed to close her eyes for a second as my palms and finger tips passed over her hard nipples. Finally it became time to wash "beneath the belt" again and I decided not to make the same mistake as yesterday and keep my head on track. But as my hands soaped in between her legs and buttocks Cara seemed to suddenly widen her stance and one of my fingers accidentally slipped inside her pussy which seemed to be soaking wet and not just from the shower. I froze for a second a little in shock and then moved to pull my finger out. I suddenly felt Cara's hand on my shoulder, squeezing. Again I went to pull out my finger but she squeezed my shoulder again and whispered "P... please." I couldn't believe it. Any of it. My finger was in Cara's wet pussy, she was squeezing my shoulder, and she'd just said the first word I'd heard her say since the accident. I still didn't know what to do but Cara seemed to know exactly what she wanted. I could feel her slowly tightening and relaxing her pussy around my finger and was raising and lowering herself on her toes, causing my finger to slide in and out of her. I had no idea what would happen if I stopped so I thought what the hell to myself and started more actively probing and caressing her. I pulled my finger out of her and immediately replaced it with the thumb of the other hand, while reaching round to actively rub against her clit and labia. I could feel they were engorged and her juices were flowing freely, lubricating her as I continued to stimulate her inside her pussy and out. Before long her eyes began slowly rolling back into her head and she began moving her hips forward and backward increasing the stimulation until finally she suddenly stood pefectly still, looking straight up at the ceiling and gave a huge a****l-like groan as her orgasm flowed through her overtaking her. After what seemed like five minutes but was probably much shorter she slowly sank to her knees in the bath and I moved my hands away from her, my slightest touch seeming to cause her to tremble. It hit me what had just happened and I had no idea if what I'd done was a good or a bad thing, made worse by the fact that Cara started slowly sobbing. All I could do was sit there with her as she cried and wait for her to stop, hoping that she would actually stop and that this wouldn't be the new normal. To my relief she stopped after fifteen minutes and I helped her climb out of the bath, dried and dressed her, and took her to bed. She seemed to almost melt into her bed and was asleep before her head hit the pillow. Tired myself, and also a little in shock I headed off to bed too, although it took me a long time to get off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to one of my favorite sensations, Jilly's mouth around my cock. It wasn't until I looked down and saw a head of short red hair bobbing up and down over my cock that I processed that Jilly was still on her course and cousin Cara, damaged and broken and tragic Cara, was enthusuasticly sucking me off. As with the previous night I wasn't immediately sure what to do, but it dawned on me that there wasn't really an awful lot I could do, after all I couldn't wind back time and delete the fact that Cara's mouth was wrapped around my cock and her deep throat technique was sending shivers of pleasure through my body, so I again I decided what the hell and let her carry on, gentleman that I am. Cara seemed to recognize that I'd surrendered to the situation as she glanced up at me to see the look of enjoyment on my face. She reached for my hand and placed it on top of her head, putting her hand back on top of mine and pushing down, showing me that she wanted me controlling her mouth on my cock. This was a new experience for me and I experimented for a while, holding her so that just the glans of my cock was in her mouth and then going deep into her mouth to see what she could tolerate. To my pleasant surprise she seemed to have absolutely no problem taking my whole length into her mouth and could hold my cock against the back of her throat for what seemed ages before she withdrew to quickly catch a breath and repeat. This carried out for some time with Cara not seeming to get tired or bored with the same act and I slowly started feeling my own orgasm build up. It seemed that she could feel my cock getting harder or my breath getting more ragged as Cara took it as a sign to pick up speed and increase the pressure in her mouth on my cock. I knew I was going to lose it any second so I blurted out that I was going to cum and her head increased speed yet again on me and I simply couldn't hold on any longer. I thought I had cum hard when Jilly had blown me after sucking my balls a few days ago, but this was in a different league again. I don't know if it was because Cara was just a great little cocksucker, or it was the strangeness of the situation or what, but when I came it felt like my cock had ex-puh-loaded down her throat and she hungrily swallowed my cum down. I lay there in shock as much as anything, Cara keeping me in her mouth and continuing to lick and suck me as I slowly deflated. I had no idea what the rest of the day was going to be like.

To be continued ...

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Healing Matt Ch 04

Well here it is people! Thanks for all your votes on the last chapter, sorry its been so long but i was waiting to see what you all thought! Enjoy And please please comment if you read this!!! MissBoePeep ,) ******************* ‘Could I have two cappuccino’s, a Danish and a blueberry muffin please Sharon’ Sharon smiled knowingly. Ok, so maybe I would have to explain before she gave me what I’d ordered. It was normally pretty handy having one of your best mates working at Starbucks,...

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Healing Matt Ch 03

(Thanks everybody so so much for your comments i really appreciate them I was really struggling to write this third chapter cause i didnt want to ruin it! Theres still no sex in this chapter which isnt good i know but hopefully in the next chapter.You’ll understand when i finish the series hehe! Thanks again, hope you enjoy this. Any feedback and comments are really really apprecated. Its what keeps my writing. MissBoePeep xx) *********** Mmm, what was that smell? Coffee was it? And bacon?...

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Healing What Ails Me

You welcome me at the door with that luminescent smile and give me a look of mock pity. It’s a look others might use for a child who has gotten herself into an adorable predicament, but it’s not condescending. ‘I figured it was bad when you asked to meet in the morning.’ You welcome me with a kiss, take my coat as you chatter. ‘But I didn’t know it was that bad.’ ‘Do I look that bad?’ ‘Did someone run over your puppy?’ You start into the kitchen and I follow you. Waiting until I get my seat...

3 years ago
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Healing Ch 02

Sorry for the long delay in the update. I have been very busy but I’m writing again ***** ‘Is she okay?’ I hear him ask as I feel Jacob shake his head as he keeps stroking my back. ‘I need to back out there but I’ll be back shortly,’ he tells Jacob before heading back out the door. ***** ‘Why don’t we get you somewhere more comfortable huh?’ Jacob asks me, and all I can do is nod in agreement. It feels like I’ve lost my voice and don’t know how to talk. ‘Okay, I tell what, I’m going to...

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Healing Hands Part One

I began dating my girlfriend Jilly around 2 years ago and 1 year ago she moved into my apartment full time. As we were both in our mid-twenties this gave us plenty of time to enjoy each other's bodies and Jilly was an enthusiastic and uninhibited lover that in itself was a huge turn on. Despite being so young Jilly's only living family was her slightly older cousin, Cara. Cara was petite redhead with a short, almost mannish haircut but who was warm and full of humor and who's eyes perpetually...

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Healing Cousin George 3

New Tactics I'm not sure why I choose the path that I choose that morning, maybe it was born out of some frustration of the situation that I found myself in or the deep desire to keep a loving family together. However I do now that I have never regretted it since. The morning began just as any other day had, George was gone by the time I woke. I checked on Melissa, got her dressed and then made some breakfast. Our usual morning routine of frolicking around in the house before a...

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Healing Cousin George 4

New Me I sat quietly in the kitchen contemplating my situation, how the hell had I got into this my half baked idea of bringing a woman at home back into George's life and certainly backfired slightly. He had a woman I thought Amanda, but then again she was only interested in one thing and it certainly wasn't Melissa. How would he react, most likely I would be on the first train home in the morning and then how do I explain my return home to my parents. The shadows were lengthening as...

4 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 5

Girly Fun Just before ten I heard the sound of Debbie's four wheel drive, screech to a halt outside the farmhouse. I walked to the door and opened it Debbie climbing the couple of steps up to the door she said, "Hi what's the emergency." "You better come in," I said stepping back to allow her to pass. "You want a drink?" I asked. "Bit early, is it not?" she replied. "You might need one," I said with an edge to my voice. "Eh just a coffee then, no sugar just a spot of milk," she...

1 year ago
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Healing Cousin George 6

Transformation Debbie spent the next hour or so working on my face, hair and nails. I protested a bit when she suggested cutting my hair into a more female style. "I only met Amanda yesterday, she will notice the difference," I said. "Don't be silly Alex, women change their hair styles all the time, so you had a trip to the hairdressers so what," she said giggling as she spoke. "Eh I suppose so," I mumbled, so my hair was restyled. "There, done," she said as she shaped finished...

3 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 7

Debbie and Alex The shopping trip had certainly created a firm friendship between me and Debbie. Each day after our trip to Glasgow I would either visit Debbie or she would come over to me. I suppose it was hardly a surprise as I was the only young woman (there I go again thinking of myself as a woman) in the area. George and Gavin were the youngest two farmers around for miles, most of the others were late forties or in their fifties with wives to match. Their wives spent most of...

2 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 8

Alex Unmasked We pulled into a seafront car park and unpacked Melissa's buggy. We set of along the shoreline in bright sunshine a sea breeze just fresh enough to keep you cool blew in our face. "Fancy a bite to eat?" Debbie asked. "Yeah why not." "There's a little caf? up there, with tables outside," she said pointing along the road. We walked along and found a table outside sitting down I parked the buggy securing the brake as I did so. We sat down and lit a cigarette making s...

4 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 9

Explaining to Do "Alex, Alex is that you?" The words rang in my ears like church bells as my hand moved towards my face covering my eyes, I spoke, "Eh Mum I didn't expect you." A pause. "Obviously not, I think we've got some talking to do," she said as she stared right into my soul. "I'll just bring Melissa through from the lounge, she's due for a feed, make yourself a coffee," I said as I walked towards the door. I wheeled Melissa back into the room as Mum walked towards the...

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Healing Cousin George 10

The Date Later that night with Melissa safely tucked up in bed me and George sat with Coke each in the conservatory. My plan to curb his midweek drinking had been a great success there were no more night's out during the week only a civilised glass of wine after dinner. I picked up my cigarettes and slipped one out of the packet, the slim gold lighter was inside the packet as well I pressed the button and a slim narrow flame appeared, I lit up blowing a cloud of smoke towards the...

1 year ago
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Healing Cousin George 11

Debbie & Alex Part 2 I was in a foul mood the next morning when I woke up. George's reaction when I had come home last night had soured the experience of my first night out as Alex. I rose and took a quick shower, before drying my hair and dressing in a pair of black jeans and a lemon blouse. The blouse was short and I tied it across my midriff, our exercise sessions had really been working as I now had a perfectly toned stomach. As I looked down I made a mental note to maybe get...

3 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 12

Confessions It was a restless night that night, my mind churning over the events, the engagement, the kiss Gavin watching as Debbie tried to seduce me , in truth I could not make much sense of any of it. I woke up reasonable early the next morning well in truth Melissa woke me tugging at my arm to get me up. "Morning Darling," I said slipping out of bed. I grabbed my overnight bag that I had brought over with me. I pulled out a pair of jeans and pushed my legs into them, I took a...

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Healing Cousin George 13

Debbie Has a Plan I left Debbie's early afternoon and went home, thankfully Amanda had cleared off as well by the rime I got back. Melissa had exhausted herself tearing around Debbie's yard all morning so I had the opportunity for some thinking space in the bright afternoon sunlight. I poured my self a cool beer from the fridge and sat outside lighting a cigarette I pondered the events of the last 24 hours. The engagement had taken us all by surprise no one had seen that coming and I...

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Healing Cousin George 14

The Plan Debbie stuck around for most of the day and indeed blagged an invite to dinner that night, I knew what she was thinking and as much as I thought it was a daft idea I was willing to give it a go. George arrived just before six and after explaining Debbie was staying for dinner he went and took a shower to wash away the days toils. We all sat down to mixed salad and cold meat as the sun began to drop in the sky. Debbie prodding me under the table and gesturing with her eyes I...

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Healing Cousin George 15

The Birthday Party Debbie got her wish and come Wednesday we were off for our regular shopping trip. This one however turned out to be that little bit different. I know now why she did it but at the time I was a bit surprised. We arrived in Glasgow unloading Melissa as usual into her buggy but as we approached the shopping galleries Debbie sprung her surprise. "Ok Alex, off you go," she said gently removing my hands from the handles of Melissa's buggy she eased herself between me...

3 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 16

Dinner at Debbie's My eye's fluttered open as the early morning sun crept its way across the room. It took me a few seconds to get my bearings, you all know that feeling waking up in a strange room. Memories of last night flooded back, the party, George drinking and us ending up here at Aunt Karen's. George's arm was still flopped across my waist; it didn't seem that he had moved an inch all night. What time is it I thought, I stretched out my arm and reached George's mobile, I lifted...

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Healing Cousin George 17

Family Bonding - Part 1 The thing about George is when you put an idea in his head then he just goes off and does it. By the following weekend two new farmhands were in place. One older guy just retired who was keen to keep active and although maybe a bit too old for the heavier work he was keen and took on the role of covering most of the driving, collecting supplies etc. The second guy was a late thirty's someone Pete new who was an experienced farm hand who had just moved...

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Healing Cousin George 18

Family Bonding Pt 2 We wandered along looking for somewhere to grab a snack. George was first to spot the "Bizarre Bar." "What about in there?" he said as he pointed across the square. "Looks fine to me," I replied taking a firmer grip of Melissa's hand we walked towards it. "Want to get something to eat babes?" I said bending slightly towards her. "No play," she said pulling at my hand. "Later babes me and Dad need a snack." "Play," she insisted. George looked at...

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Healing Cousin George 19

The Summer Ball Gavin was true to his word and by the following weekend my ticket for the Summer Ball had been secured. "You will need to sit with us and Archie at the meal, the tables are numbered and named, is that ok?" Debbie asked. "Yeah, not a problem, can't say I would have been all that keen on sitting with George and Amanda," I replied. "How are thing's on that front, any change since our day out last week?" she asked. "Well he's been really nice to me this week,...

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Healing Cousin George 20

Preparations The week passed slowly, me and Debbie's daily routine seeming somewhat mundane as my excitement built towards the Ball at the weekend. Debbie chatter was all around the dress, you know that one the one I had not even seen yet, how good a time we were going to have etc etc. At last Thursday arrived and I felt like we were finally getting somewhere. Early afternoon I packed a bag for Melissa. I had prepared her already promising a great adventure at her Gran's so like me...

3 years ago
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Healing Scars With Love 8211 Part 2 Her First Wedding Night

Naveen stood up from the couch, still trying to recover from the shock. He was at a loss for words. Naveen knew about Ridhima’s past. He knew it wasn’t good. But he never knew that it was this bad, especially her first wedding night. Naveen: Ha… How? Who did…? That’s all he could say. He felt so sad and dejected that he couldn’t even speak. All this while, Ridhima stood like a rock in front of her husband. She finally turned to look at Naveen. He seemed broken. Looking at his condition, she...

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Healing Scars With Love 8211 Part 1

A thick dark blanket of clouds covered the city of Shimla. The moonlit sky with night stars matched well with the city’s bustling lights. It had started hiding behind the swift dark clouds. Naveen heard a slight thunder and looked up. The next moment, a drop of water fell on his shoulder. Before he could even blink, the downpour started. Naveen recalled the words of the staff boy at the hotel. He had advised him to carry an umbrella. “Shimla’s weather is as unpredictable as its beauty!” he had...

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Healing Scars With Love 8211 Part 3 Her First Newly Married Life

The next few days of Ridhima’s newly married life went by without any unusual incidents. Sandeep and Ridhima had shifted to Delhi after their marriage. They lived just like any other married couple. Sandeep came from a family of affluent businessmen. He was managing a small firm of his family’s large business estate somewhere in Delhi, NCR. They also owned a lavish penthouse in a high-class society nearby. Sandeep and Ridhima started living in this penthouse. In the eyes of society, it was an...

1 year ago
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Healing Scars With Love 8211 Part 4 Romantic Love Making

Ridhima sat on the bed, held her face with her hands, and started sobbing. Her mouth was dry because she had narrated her long story and kept crying while doing so. Naveen, too, was sitting on the couch, listening carefully to Ridhima. An hour ago, he was shivering with anger and grief after he discovered his wife’s scars. But now he seemed calm and composed. He decided she would experience romantic love making with him.He got up, walked towards Ridhima, and gave her a glass of water. Ridhima...

4 years ago
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Healing Touch

When Melanie and I broke up, I guess I took the whole thing pretty badly. It hadn't been my idea, and I tried to prevent it, from the first moment she brought the possibility up. We'd been together for almost four years. Everyone I knew, myself included, believed she and I would eventually get married. "I still love you, Marty, but not the same way you love me. You know yourself that we've always been more like friends than lovers. Until recently, that was always enough for me." It had...

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Healing Love

In her dream Jess stood holding her father's hand as she gazed across the street. Her mother smiled and waved at her in the sunshine as cars rushed between them. Jess was excited about celebrating her 12th birthday with her parents at the Art Institute. Her mother was arriving a few minutes late but she was smiling brightly at her little girl as the light turned red and she started across the street. She never saw the car that took her life. Jess screamed silently and her eyes flew open. It...

3 years ago
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The curtains fluttered in the soft breeze. The air smelt of rain and wet grass. Jonathan shifted in his sleep and turned over onto his stomach. One arms groped and found cool sheets, something that puzzled his sleeping mind and drew it back to consciousness. After his eyes drifted open, he lay still for a moment trying to figure out what had woken him. Kat. He sat up, his eyes adjusting to the darkness as he searched the room for her. The curtains ruffled in a particularly strong surge of wind...

2 years ago
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Healing HandsChapter 3

I slowly became aware of my surroundings again, as consciousness started to seep back in, bringing me once more into this strange reality that I found myself in. I was laying on my back, with my eyes closed. I felt two bodies next to me, one on each side. Both were snuggled under my arms, their heads on my shoulders, and breasts pressing in on both sides. One pair felt pert and firm; the other pair felt softer and spread out slighty further. As I slowly inhaled a deep breath, my hands flexed...

1 year ago
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Healing HandsChapter 4

The breakfast dishes were squared away, and I was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee, enjoying a moment of rest. Nikita was still in the other room with the kids, and in the background you could hear the TV on, and what sounded like a movie running. The other adults were still at the table; Maggie with her husband Frank, Judy & Donald, and Gill. Carol was running an errand somewhere and would be back later. The men had rejoined us after cleaning up breakfast. There was a sense of...

2 years ago
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Healing HandsChapter 6

When we got back to the house, the four of us went inside. Carol was not a happy camper, and Judy looked somewhat confused at what had just happened. The rest of the adults heard the commotion and joined us in the living room. “What the hell were you thinking?” Carol growled. “You can’t just abduct a woman just because you think she’s being abused by her husband!” “I couldn’t just leave her there.” I shot back “You know she’d just go back to the slimy bastard, and he’d just keep beating her...

4 years ago
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Healing Hands of TimeChapter 2

I was broken out of my self-pitying reverie when Mitzi pulled to a stop in front of her immaculate three bedroom Cape Cod style house. Mitzi received the house free and clear, in lieu of alimony, as part of her divorce settlement. She got the house, children and child support when her husband of nineteen years took up with a twenty-two-year-old bookkeeper at the accounting firm where he worked. To her credit, Mitzi did not mention my problems as I followed her, zombie-like into the kitchen,...

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Healing Hands of TimeChapter 3

I gnawed on the suspicion of Lindsey having an affair with Blakemore all day. The more I thought about it, the more likely it seemed, because Blakemore was, ‘the Golden Boy.’ His full name was William Royce Blakemore, but he earned the nickname ‘Wild Bill’ during his four years playing Free Safety for the University of Florida Gators and twice being selected an All-American. But Wild Bill wasn’t just some dumb jock. He managed to graduate in four years with a GPA of 3.8. He majored in US...

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